#My friend gave me this shirt and I got the skirt at a flea market and wanted to try them both on for fit
pornoes · 4 months
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I ended up giving a-touch-more-than-subtle Guten Tag vibes with this one
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loki-in-hogwarts · 6 years
More than words... Music.
Tom Holland x reader Warnings : Just swearing, as always. Oh also mention of making out. Words : 3.3K A/N : This is a little something that I thought about and I’m not that proud about. Maybe will do a part 2 ? Not sure though... As always too thanks to @double-leo for helping me finding the musics and so many suggestions huuugh thaaaanks 
You had just finished school a week ago and you were already looking for a job. You wanted something not too boring and with a scheadule that would allow you to relax. When your friend Mary told you about a music store in center New York that was looking for help you jumped on the occasion. The day after you immediately went to the store. It was very old-fashioned and you adored that. There were CD's everywhere and some very old music instruments. You fell in love with the place. "Can I help you ?", a sarcastic voice coming from behind you asked. You turned and faced one of the most gorgeous girl you've ever met. She had long red hair that she kept into a braid, hazel eyes that shined like a diamond and a devastating smile. "Yes, actually ! Who is the owner of this shop ?", you replied with a smile. "Oh ! Harry isn't here for now. Let me guess, you heard that we needed help ?" "Yes, a friend of mine told me. Do you still need me ?" "Hell yes ! If had known a cute girl was going to run into me I would have dressed up better !" She winked. "Anyway, compile this and consider yourself an employee !" "That's amazing ! I love this place." "Here is your schedule and if I read well...", she said, a finger going through your time table, "see you tomorrow at nine !" "Have a nice day !", you answered, excited to start.
The next day, you were up early and decided to wear your vintage clothes. You took a mom Jean with a cropped T-shirt, curled your hair and weared a bandana, all this accompanied of your grey Doctor Martens. You arrived at the store and the ginger girl welcomed you with a smile. "Hey y/n ! I remembered that I didn't tell you my name. I'm Reyla, but you can call me Rey." You spoke for a little while, Reyla casually flirting with you and laughing at her jokes. But deep down you knew that there wasn't anything serious and it was just two girls having fun. Suddenly, you asked : "Is there some sort of gramophone around here ?" "Yes, very is. Just...here !" She took out the engine and you wanted to cry. "Oh my god, this is awesome !" You rushed in the store to find a vinyl. You found Sexy back from Justin Timberlake and put the disk on the device. The music started and you began to dance, Reyla filming you and laughing. The door opened but you were too absorbed by the dance to notice it. You stumbled on the carpet and fell on someone. "And cut !", Rey yelled, laughing. You faced the young guys that was holding you. He had brown curls and hazel doe eyes. "S-sorry", you stuttered at the same time. You giggled. "I just got carried away, haha !" He passed his hand in his hair and displayed the cutest smile. "Can I...help you ?" "Hey Pete, what are you looking for ?", Reyla asked with a smile. "I just wanted to see what you had new." "Not much, it's all here.", she indicated. The so-called Peter went away and Reyla elbowed you. "I knew you would like him ?" "Who is he ?", you asked, ignoring her mocking smile. "I don't know much, you should talk to him." "No thanks ! He probably thinks I'm a weirdo." But she wasn't receiving the bullshit "Hey Pete, wouldn't you like some advise ?", she yelled. "I would actually need some, you always have the best tastes !", he answered with a smile that made you shiver. "Great, my friend here y/n can give you some, I unfortunately have some things to do...", she said, leaving behind the cash. You both blushed. "So...you like 90's rock music ?", you noticed as he was going through that part of the store. You came close to him. "All 90's music actually, big fan !" "Me too !", you giggled. "I suppose you already have all the Ramones CD's ?" "Of course !", he laughed. "Then do you have all the Blink-182 ?" "I must admit I haven't." "Well, this one is all their best track and it's amazing." Peter accepted the CD. Suddenly, a music from the gramophone sounded. It was More than Words, from Extreme. You turned to see that Reyla was standing there, leaning on the cash, staring at both of you with loving eyes. You turned back to Peter, that was now blushing. "Or you could buy this single vinyl. There is only More Than Words on this one. Do you have a gramophone ?" "Yes, my aunt May has all this massive collection of vinyls." You talked, discovering each other, the time of this song, and of I Miss You from Blink-182, and of Iris of the Goo Goo Dolls, and of Friday, I'm in Love of The Cure. All of a sudden, Peter looked at his watch and flinched. "Oh dear god, Aunt May is waiting for me, I forgot ! Sorry, I have to go, she will be furious ! Thanks for everything." And without another word he ran away. "Go on Cinderella, you're gonna turn into a pumpkin.", you giggled and saw him leave. As you walked to the cash, you noticed Reyla's knowing smile and exclaimed : "Oh shush, would you ?" And you both laughed.
The days were going by, and Peter was always passing by the shop to greet you quickly, even though he didn't stay much. You managed to discover that he was in your high school. That wasn't surprising at all, since it was one of the biggest, it was normal that you had never met.
It was Friday, and you were in love. The boy had something so pure, that it was impossible not liking him. Much to your dismay, Reyla kept putting love songs from 90's every time Peter crossed the door. And today wasn't an exception. Since it was Friday, Reyla put the Cure vinyl on. But Peter seemed all anxious when he came in this day. "Hi Peter, how are you ?", you asked with a radiant smile. The curly boy stared at you and melted. How could you be so precious and beautiful ? "I am fine, thanks. What about you ?", he questioned even if you clearly saw that he wanted to speak about something. "Come on tell me what's going on. You clearly want to talk about a thing.", you specified as he looked puzzled. "I-I was asking myself if you would maybe want -and if not, that's okay, don't worry I totally get it- if you would appreciate, perhaps...to..." "To what, Peter ?" "To go on a date with me ?", he said more as a question than as an affirmation. "I never thought you would do it ! Bold move !", Reyla's voice came from behind the store. You rolled your eyes. Then focused back on Peter. "I would not only appreciate that, but totally love it !", you answered, giggling. "R-right, great, awesome. Oh my god, did you just say yes ? I'm a dumbass sorry.", he stutteterd. You giggled again. It was stronger than you, you couldn't help but giggles at everything he said, he was so cute and pure. "Come pick me up tomorrow at 6pm after my job ?", you asked. "I will !", he exclaimed. You kissed his cheek and as Friday, I'm in Love sounded, you sang : "It's Friday, I'm in love." He blushed and started to walk away, incapable of look away from you. "See you tomorrow then !", he greeted you and you waved.
The next day, you weared your most 90's clothes : a regular mini skirt with tights and your Doctor Martens, a molding T-shirt with a jacket that you weared with an arm half out. When Peter arrived, you rushed to him and hugged him. "I'm so excited !", you confessed. He smiled and and replied : "Me too, you can't imagine !" You left the store as Reyla was putting on First Date from The Cure. As you were outside, he took out his phone and gave you one earphone. You accepted it and as you put it in your ear, you heard he was listening to First Date. You giggled. "Oh I'm sorry, that's lame !", he exclaimed as he was looking for a different song to listen to. "No, no, no, leave it, I kinda like it !" You listened to 90's music all along the evening. When you were eating the hot dog in Central Park, there was a playlist of the Backstreet Boys and you danced on I Want It That Way. When you were walking in the streets, there was a Whitney Houston playlist, and you danced with Peter on I Wanna Dance With Somebody. The air was cool, and you were having so much fun. When time came to go home, Peter walked you to your house. You gave him a peck on the cheek and whispered in his ear : "One thing at a time Peter Parker, with have all the time in the world.", and you walked away. But he took your wrist and made you turn around. He kissed your forehead and murmured : "Much better." You flushed and entered your house. He sighed of happiness and began to dance in your quiet neighborhood, thinking no one would see him, but you were staring at him through the window, and giggled.
You texted a lot, and saw each other when you could. He had found a job in a bar and your schedules made it hard for you to meet. A week went by without seeing each other, except once when he came to quickly greet you. You were enchanted to see him, and likewise. When he offered you a walkman he had found in a flea market, you jumped in his arms and hugged him hard. "You're the best !" He blushed. "That's nothing, really. I don't even think it works..." You nodded no with your head as frowned your eyebrows, annoyed that he would always tear himself down. "Would you like to go out this weekend ? Tell me you don't have anything planned !", you asked hopeful. "Well... I'm not sure I can find a time for you...I'm so overbooked...", he said, fakely thinking about his free time. You slapped the back of his head. "Yes, I think I'm available tomorrow at 6.30 pm." "You've got a deal, Mr President.", you answered sarcastically. He laughed and told you to take a swim suit for tomorrow.
At 6.30 pm, he was waiting for you outside of the store. "Hey handsome !", you smiled. "Are you ready to go ?", he asked, taking off his sunglasses in the most sexy way. "You bet I am !", you exclaimed, pinching your lips. He took your hand and carried you to the bus station. You talked about your day and how the week was going. In the bus, you were constantly asking him where he was bringing you and he always answered that it was a surprise. When the bus finally stopped, you went out and discovered an amazing beach. It wasn't that much crowded for a month of July. "Yes ! It's since June that I wanted to have a bath and I never had the time.", you exclaimed. You took out your clothes and ran to the sand. Peter stood there, stunned by how beautiful you were. "Peter ?" you turned to ask. "W-when did you change into your swim suit ?" "Before leaving work. Are you coming or what ?" He followed you in the sand, while you were throwing some on him. "Hey ! My clothes are gonna be filled with it !" You laughed and ran away. "Come back here, I have to show you something !", he exclaimed, as you were starring to enter in the water and he was watching you from the shore. "I don't trust you...", you mumbled but still walked to him. "The water's colder then what I was expecting !" He took your hand and said : "Come with me, there are people waiting for us." "Really ?", you declared, happily surprised. He took out his phone and called someone. "Where are you, guys ?" He got an answer and hang up. "Who are they ?" "You'll see.", he stated before taking your waist to keep you closer. You were starring into his big brown eyes, lost into them, when he drew back and threw a massive amount of water on you. "Never trust me !", he laughed with a mischievous smile. "Son of..." He was already running, carrying both of your bags, but damn was he fast. "Come here !", you screamed. He suddenly stopped and you hugged him to get him wet the most. "Hey guys !", a familiar voice greeted. "What...?" There were five people around what seemed to be the preparation of a fire : Reyla, your friends Mary and Charlie, and two other people you didn't know but guessed were Needed and MJ. You looked at Peter, who was displaying a big smile. "This is so cool !", you uttered excited. You ran to Charlie, your long time best friend. "It's nearly a month we haven't seen each other ! How are you bro ?" "Very fine and happy to see you and meet the famous Peter !" You blushed and turned to Peter, you then greeted everyone and introduced yourself to MJ and Ned. MJ was a bit closed but seemed cool nevertheless and Ned was doing silly jokes and was very sweet. You smiled at Peter, happy of the surprise. "Thanks.", you whispered to his ear during the evening. You all went to swim a bit or casually lay on the sand. You discovered that Rey had a little apartment just near the beach and you were all invited to spend the night there. At some point, after having a barbecue and an ice cream, they all decided to go home, leaving you and Peter alone. You sat close to him and you curled up in his arms. You put More Than Words and grinned. "Thanks for tonight, it was so good to see all my friends again and meeting yours. Charlie told me that you organized everything..." "That was nothing, really, my pleasure." You smiled but a little bit sad. "What is it ?", he asked, noticing. "Why do you always depriciate yourself ? Fuck Peter, you're the best person I've ever met, I couldn't find a single flaw about you, and even if you are not perfect, your imperfections become perfect. You are so sweet, and caring, and just awesome. I wish you could see you the way I see you." Peter was stunned, staring at you, the mouth half-opened. He wanted to kiss you so badly. "I love you y/n.", he simply said. And crushed his lips on yours. First you were kissing so hard that you couldn't breath, then it calmed down, pressing little pecks on his mouth. He kissed your neck, your shoulder. You sat on his lap, facing him, your bodies melting. He looked in your eyes and kissed your nose. "I love you too, Peter, so fucking much." As he was starting to kiss you again, you backspaced and declared : "You never paid for what you did earlier..." He rolled his eyes. "Really y/n ? Right in this damn moment ?" "Hum hum", you nodded, giggling. He got up to take your wrist but you backed again. You ran to the water and laughed. "Come and get me, coward !" He plunged full of grace and catched you, tickling you. You were screaming to let you go but he locked you in his arms, holding you by the waist. "Now kiss me.", he laughed. You nodded no. He started to caress your skin, your arms, your hair. "And now ?", he asked again. "Much better.", you chuckled kissing him.
Summer went by and you tried to see each other as soon as you could, but with your different time schedule, it wasn't easy. You both stopped your jobs a week before starting school. You decided to spend the most of time together. The last week before school was always a hard time for you. You hated Autumn because you associated it with school. The start of a new year of hard work and medium results. Already being a melancholic person, these kind of situation -the end of something beautiful- were the worst for you. You could stay days in a semi-depression state, laying on your bed, without doing nothing. On Monday, Peter showed up in front of your door. When he saw you were still wearing your pajamas at 2 pm, he looked concerned. You explained to him your lastdaysofSummerphobia and he started to prepare some clothes and things you would need to leave. "What are you doing ?", you asked, puzzled as you collapsed on your bed. "You clearly need to come out of your room. I'm taking my girl somewhere and then you'll sleep at mine since Aunt May is staying away for the night." You smiled. He was staring as if you were the most precious thing on earth, his eyes shinning as he smiled. As you were looking at him for too long he asked : "What-what is it ?", a light flush on his cheeks. "I just-", you paused, overwhelmed by your emotions. You started again :"I'm so lucky to have you." He blushed even more but didn't took his sight away from you. You giggled and pulled his arm for him to join you on the bed. You curled in his arms as he protested : "y/n ! We are supposed to leave and go for a walk ! Get up and get dressed, you're leaving this room." "Says who ?", you asked, teasing him. He sighed. "Oh come on, Pete, can't we just cuddle in bed for today ? I promised we'll walk 500 miles tomorrow  but for now...stay with me." You stared at him with a profound look. He was stunned at how beautiful you were, even wearing a pajamas at 2 of the afternoon. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, tightening his grap. "I can't resist you...", he mumbled, his mouth buried in your neck. You chuckled. Your music was still on and More than Words was playing.
That night, you knew it was the night. You were all alone in Peter apartment and...you wanted it to be. When you left your house for Peter's, you clearly just exchanged a bed for a bed. You had been chilling in your bedroom all day long, and you did the same once at Peter's. He ordered some Thai food and when the delivery arrived, you sat on the couch to eat it, while watching a movie. "We should be watching Star Wars III", you said. "What ? No, y/n ! Don't tell me you prefer the prequel !" "Of course I prefer the prequel ! My favorite characters are Anakin and Padme so..." "Are you kidding me ? What about Han Solo and Leia ? They were the real power couple !" "Whatever Pete, you don't get a damn about Star Wars...", you grinned, knowing the impact of that phrase. "Excuse you ?!" You laughed at his reaction, shushing him with a gesture to focus on the movie while he was muttering something. After the movie was done, you cleaned everything and went in Peter's bedroom. As soon as you were in, you started to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, understanding where this was leading. He broke the kiss and asked with the cutest, most concerned voice : "Are you sure...you want it ?" You nodded, and kissed him again. He was starting to undress himself, taking off his T-shirt, revealing his abs. You pinched your lips. You took off your shirt too, only stopping to kiss him for a second. He stared at you, amazed. He took out his phone to put some music and at the sound of the song playing, you chuckled. When two become one, from the Spice Girls. Could it be more kitch ? Peter flushed. "Sorry, I just put my 90's playlist and...let me just...", he said in a hurry as you heard the song swap, replaced by a familiar one.
All you have to do Is close your eyes And just reach out your hands
Your song was playing in the background while you were filling each other with love, kissing him everywhere.
And touch me Hold me close Don't ever let me go
His hands were caressing your skin and you let out a pleased sigh.
More than words Is all I ever Needed you to show Then you wouldn't Have to say That you love me Cause I'd already know
And the rest, as they say, was history.
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Week 2
June 22
We took Saturday pretty easy since we were out pretty late on Friday. We went out to lunch at a cute little cafe called “Casa muamor,” I got a pasta and pesto dish which was alright id give it a 7/10 the sauce to pasta ratio was kind of off and the sauce was really oily. I also ordered an orange juice which like all the other places we have been was delicious. After lunch I went back to the residencia and just hung out with my roommate and some of the guys from here. That was pretty much all we did on Saturday nothing too exciting. 
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June 23
We woke up to go get brunch and we went to “El Galeon,” the restaurant that's right around here. I got a “Pollo Completo,” sandwich which was huge and it also came with a side of fries. Besides the portion being huge and not being able to finish it was delectable and the restaurant has redeemed itself from that subpar salad I got from there the previous time. I also ordered an orange juice (what's new). 
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After lunch, some of us went to San Telmo to go to their version of a flea market with a bunch of artisanal things. The Market goes for about five blocks and we went around 2:30 and let me tell you it was PACKED. It was really cool to see all the things people had, my one gift that i want to get for myself is something leather whether that be a jacket or a purse since leather is something Argentina is known for. The only thing that one should be very careful to watch out for pickpockets since there are so many people and usually you can't be distracted looking at cute stuff, one thing I did was make sure my cross body was over my body then i put my jacket over so that my cross body wasn't really exposed. 
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After walking down the whole market it took us about two hours and then we decided to head back to the residencia. I took a mini nap and then got ready for dinner with our other professor. We all went to this restaurant called “calden del soho.” It was really nice but the prices were pretty expensive (thank god this was one of our program meals hehehe), I got a flank piece of pork. It was actually funny because i had no idea what piece of meat to order and my friend ashlyn who is now a vegetarian was helping me pick lol the irony. Any way when my plate came out my mouth was droooooling, it smelled so good and let me tell you the moment i put that first piece in my mouth i was in heaven.
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 I also got some of our professors salad which was just a normal “ensalada completa,” we also got some wine to accompany our dinner. I'm not the most knowledgeable on wine but i know i do like red wine. The bottle we got was “ Saint Felicien Malbec,” I had three glasses so I guess you could say I liked it.
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For dessert I got a “Flan,” for those that don't know it's basically a custard with caramel. I feel like you can easily mess up flan but thankfully it was made to perfection. We were also celebrating our friends Tyler’s birthday! So happy birthday again tyler! After dinner we went home and got into bed since we had school the next morning.
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June 24 
Today we had school and I feel no matter how much sleep one gets mondays will always be difficult. Thankfully we only had class till 1:30pm. After class, some of us went to “Che Taco” a place right off of the “Independencia” stop on the blue line. I got some tacos de carne, let me tell you I didn't think I was gonna be satisfied because mexican food in Argentina some people would question it. I was pleasantly surprised! We also got some guac & chips and they were finger licking good, i also got a Jugo de Jamaica (hibiscus) and it was too good to be true.
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After lunch we went back to the residencia and I took a little nap (no surprise there) and then got myself ready for dinner. We went to a restaurant in Palermo called “Moriela,” I had the absolute pleasure of seeing my longtime friend Becca and she came with us. We shared a margarita pizza and a bottle of red wine (not sure what kind but it was great). 
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After dinner some of us went to get some drinks to continue celebrating our friend's birthday. We went to Ragnar the bar we had previously went too, we stayed for about an hour or two and then went on home since we had class the next day.
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(my friend Juan says he loves the rain... lol)
June 25
Today after school we went to go get Empanadas from a place down the street. I got one cheese and onion, one chicken and one steak. My favorite one was surprisingly the cheese and onion one.   
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on the way home we had a mini photo shoot.
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And then just before we got home I had to stop by a grocery store to look for an item targeted to kids and see what the nutrition labels looked liked and if they were easy to find. On top of this we had to see what the regulations were compared to the ones in argentina. It was interesting because you see how much power there is in something so small. The labels were so small and kind of hard to find mean while here in the usa everyone knows where they will be placed and legible. 
When we finally made it home people were gathering so that we could cut into the cake for tylers birthday! We didn't have plates so people were kinda just eating it out of the cartoon it was a cute bonding moment :’). 
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For dinner we went to a restaurant here in palermos “EL pinguino de palermo”.  I got a milanesa completa, and a side of puree de papa, and wait for it...and to drink i got orange juice. It was a 7.45/10. I've had better milanesa to be honest but it also wasn't the worst ive had. 
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After dinner we just chilled and then I went to bed.
June 26
Honestly, the best thing to see when you are walking to school at 8:40 am in like forty-degree weather is a dog walker with so many cute dogs. He was really doing the damn thing. He is brave because although these dogs and a lot of the dogs they are well trained but i still wonder if something just set them off and they all go running in one direction he is flyiiiiiiin. 
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After seeing the dogs before class you just know after class is going to be great. Our other professor who is also on this trip took us to an empanada place and i got 2 cebolla y queso, a carne one and a Pikachu one.  Cebolla and queso one had just a bit too much cheese for my liking. The carne one was like a 7.4/10 i feel like it was just good, nothing too crazy.
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Also a little tangent about argentine napkins... like what's up. You can't really call these things napkins i think it's deceiving. 
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Anywaysss after lunch we got back on the subte and got off at plaza italia which is like two blocks from our resi, and walked to the Eva Peron Museum. The only thing to say is *Mind Blown*. If you like history stuff and museums then I highly recommend. She was so impactful on the Argentine history and it's insane how she started out as an actress and went to creating programs to uplift women and children is great. We can each have our own opinions on Peronismo but if this woman had people grieving for 15 days you have to agree that she did something.
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For dinner I went to this pay by the weight place and it was great. I got some noodles, fried rice, orange chicken and lettuce & cucumber and put some lime juice and salt over it.
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June 27
After school rachel and i went to the travel agency to try to book our trip we took the subte like three different times cause of GPS lol. But on the way we got some McDonalds and i got a “cajita feliz” (happy meal) and it was so cute. The yogurt it came with was so small and it was just great. I also got a toy :) ! Anyway we also stumbled on a cute boutique where rachel got a cute shirt and leather skirt. The owner also gave me some tips for my upcoming vacation with my mom and dad to patagonia at the end of the program. We went walking a couple blocks to the travel agency but they weren’t that much help and it was just no point in going but since we got micky d’s and advice it wasn't that bad. 
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Here is some candy i got it's their version of laffy taffy but much softer, it's good!
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Our friends from the resi took us to this really cute garden we saw some ducks that got a little too close for comfort and they had these statues all over the park so it was really cool. 
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For dinner we went to this burger place in Palermo “Burger Joint” i got “la Jamaica”. I'm not the biggest fan of burgers but it was so fricken good! It had bacon on it cheese lettuce and honey mustard and more. I got it with a side of fries and pesto-mayo. I was so happy with this meal and i was so mad I had to tap out it's a really big portion i think i definitely would have shared but it just tasted so good.
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June 28
After school Rachel and I got a tostada (bread with ham and cheese ) from the cafe right by our resi, “Banova” (okay it's actually an ice cream store but i didn't know that because ive never seen anyone get ice cream from there lol)
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We later went to cronico a bar in plaza serrano to watch the argentina - venezuela game (sorry bella lol). I don't know why i got just a salad but it wasn't even all that good. Again for my liking it had a bit too much cheese which I think was provolone so it was just a bit odd for me. I would give it a 7/10.
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 After the game, my friends and I walked to the bakery our resi and got some pastries. They were delicious. We also played some uno and lets just say it got pretty competitive. 
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After this I went straight to bed and got excited for our trip to Puerto Iguazu!
June 29
I had to get up at 6am because I hadn't packed for our trip and we had to be out the door by 7am. I somehow packed and got ready without being fully awake. We all piled into a bus and headed for the local airport (AEP). Let me tell you I was soooo excited to know that we'd be going to somewhere semi warm for the weekend. I was even able to pull out my bathing suit for a little but of tanning.
We got to the airport and got checked in and were ready to be on our plane around 8:30 and when we got to the airport we landed at about 10:30. 
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Once we landed we headed to our hotel St. George. We tried to check in but the rooms wouldn't be ready by 2pm so some of us went to a pay by the weight place by the hotel i got a piece of fish milanesa, mashed potatoes, gnocchi (i now know this is not for me), some yuca and broccoli. It was good not sure really how to describe it but you wouldn't be missing out if you didn't eat there... 
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After we ate we walked on the main road and stopped to get some ice cream. This is really sweet but if you ever had Mogul candies it tastes just like it. 
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I was able to sit by the pool and was in love with the warmth.
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 After we showered we walked to el hito de las 3 fronteras where argentina meets paraguay and brazil. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so glad we also caught sunset because it just looked beautiful.
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I was starting to get hungry and knew it was going to be at least another 30 min until we got back to the hotel because we went walking, so i got some popcorn and if you know my grandma or me you know we love salt. This popcorn was heaven.
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So we still had another hour before dinner so we decided to stop by this mexican restaurant called “Tacopado”.  My friend Blue and I split a taco combo that came with one carne taco, one pollo taco, nachos and papas aztecas that had chimichurri and mayanose on it. Pretty delish. I was pretty satisfied for mexican food in argentina (that was prepared by argentinians).
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After our “appetizers” we still had dinner at the hotel. I was not too hungry so i got a caesar salad. Eh it was good besides those four huge pieces of cheese on top. Rachel and I shared a brownie and ice cream with caramel. I loved the top of the brownie because it was a pool of caramel and that's the only part I really ate lol. 
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After this I went to bed because we had a long day ahead of us.
I know this post is a week late but I’ve been doing a lot of traveling so I did not have my laptop with me. Hope you enjoyed the post!
Con amor,
0 notes
prongswhatthefuck · 7 years
They had hardly left the building before Marlene and Mary were bombarding Lily with questions and suggestions.
"Lily," Marlene pulled her aside on the sidewalk, held her arms-length away, and looked at her seriously. "I want you to think about this very carefully. It is of utter importance."
She paused for dramatic effect.
"What are you going to wear?"
Lily broke from her grasp and rolled her eyes. She continued walking down the street and looked for a cab. This forced Marlene and Mary to lightly jog in order to catch up with her.
"Lils I'm serious!" Marlene persisted once she'd caught up.
"I'm going to have to agree with Marlene on this one." Mary added. "Usually James only asks like super hot celebrities out,"
"Gee, thanks," Lily sarcastically replied.
"I didn't mean it like that. All I'm saying is that this is kind of a rarity and you shouldn't underestimate the importance of the right outfit, especially when he doesn't know who you are and what you stand for."
"Mary's right," spoke up Marlene. "Every other girl he's gone out with has at least been in the tabloids for a year. Anything you want to know about her was just a page away. But you," Here, she gestured at Lily from head to toe. "You are an enigma. He only knows your name. When you show up at the restaurant tonight, your outfit is going to be the first thing he sees. It has to represent you. It has to be perfect."
"It's just an outfit." Lily hailed a cab and they crammed inside as she gave him the address back to their flat.
Marlene feigned being stabbed in the chest and fell across both Mary and Lily's lap. The cabbie raised an eye through the mirror but remained silent. "Just an outfit? Oh you poor thing. Honey, an outfit is a metaphor not just for who you are, but for who you want to be. It tells the world what you stand for." She held her head high and looked at the other girls from the view of her imaginary soapbox.
"Well I only wear jumpers and jeans, so what does that say about me?" Challenged Lily.
"It means," snarked Marlene. "That we need to go shopping."
Lily groaned. "No it doesn't. Why can't I just borrow something from your closet, Mar?"
"Unless you want James to mistakenly take you for a prostitute, I would rethink that concept." snickered Mary. This earned Mary an elbow to the tit.
"Shut it," barked Marlene. "But she's only right in the sense that you can't look like me, because you are not me. You have to look like you. Just like a fancier version of you."
The cab pulled over to the side of the road outside of their flat. Lily moved to pay him but Marlene beat her to it, saying that she would instead have to let Marlene and Mary have final say on the outfit she chose.
"You know," countered Lily. "James asked me out looking like this," She gestured to her slightly tattered coat - it had been her dad's - and her handknitted scarf from her mother. Neither article exactly said "rockstar royalty material."
"Okay good point, but this isn't just meeting him. This is a date; with a rockstar nonetheless. Your dad's coat won't cut it for a date. You need something new."
"We don't have time to shop," argued Lily. She was running out of excuses.
"It's only two, we have plenty of time!"
"When did he say to meet?" asked Mary.
"Nine," answered Marlene before Lily could.
"Exactly," Mary spoke again. "That's plenty of time."
"Especially for an award-winning shopper such as me." beamed Marlene. Lily knew there wasn't actually shopping awards, but she also knew that if there were Marlene would be among the first to be nominated.
Lily gave in as she was unlocking the door to their apartment. "But check my closet because there might be something useful!" She shouted at the girls as they tore to her room in search of a usable item.
She unwound her scarf and removed her coat. Hesitantly she moved towards her room to see the mess they'd made. Lily watched them move her perfectly organized articles around and toss them on the floor. Marlene threw a strapless bra at her.
"Put this on," she commanded. When receiving questioning looks from both Mary and Lily she elaborated. "In case we find a strapless dress."
Lily obeyed and stripped off her shirt and changed bras. She flopped on her bed where about a quarter of her closet laid. 5 minutes later it seemed Marlene and Mary were satisfied. They'd made a pile on top of Lily consisting of a very few basic items: a flowy skirt that she had found at a flea market, a tie around crop top that Marlene had given Lily for her birthday, a long sleeve black turtleneck, and a few other items that Lily had only worn once or twice.
"Anything strike your fancy?" asked Mary.
"Really, we were being generous with even these few. We really didn't have a lot to work with." Marlene said blatantly.
"I don't know," Lily hesitated. "These are all kind of casual, aren't they? I don't want to show up in something I'd wear to a concert or anything."
Despite Lily having rejected Marlene's selections, she beamed at Lily and Mary. "Shopping it is then!"
"Fine." grumbled Lily.
The outlets were only a few blocks away so they elected to walk. Upon arriving, Marlene was already tearing towards a store and dragging Mary and Lily along.
In terms of shopping, Marlene was a fiend. She hardly looked at the items before placing them into Lily's hands. In a mere 10 minutes Lily had to dump a load into her dressing room before her arms fell off. Mary, on the other hand, was much more discriminatory. She looked meticulously through each rack and selected only a few crowning items to make it to the dressing room.
Per Marlene's request, Lily modeled each outfit. This proved rather difficult as Lily somewhat refused to actually show off the outfit with confidence, due to the fact that most of the items Mar had chosen were scantily clad.
When it came to the items that Mary had chosen, Lily modeled with a tad more credence. One of the last outfits, a yellow 50s esque dress that was very pin-up fashion, ended up looking like it was sewed right on Lily's pale, freckled body. It hugged the perfect places while leaving the skirt pleasantly moveable and swift. The mustard tinge not only brought out her dazzling red hair, but the bronze freckles that peeked out from underneath it.
"Damn," admired Marlene.
"It's perfect," beamed Mary.
Lily couldn't disagree. Even if the date didn't work out, the dress was perfect for a lot of things. She couldn't stop looking at herself in the mirror. She moved at every angle possible, trying to find a way in which it was unflattering. But to no avail. The dress was perfect, truly.
"I hate to break up the happy couple, but it's almost 5." Mary spoke up.
"You're right. I'll go pay."
As much as she hated to take the dress off, Lily took comfort in that she would be putting it back on in a few hours.
The girls walked back to their flat satisfied with their purchases. Lily hadn't really noticed it but Marlene and Mary had picked up a few things of their own while helping Lily. This made her feel somewhat better about them having dedicated a few hours just to find an outfit for Lily. But really, what are friends for?
When they got inside the apartment, Lily, exhausted, flopped on their couch and flicked on the telly. Marlene walked over and flicked it back off.
"Oi!" protested Lily.
"It's 5:30," Mary said.
"So you need to start getting ready,"
"I have 4 hours," grumbled Lily.
"Give thirty minutes for travel time, an hour for showering, thirty for shaving, an hour for hair, an hour for makeup, and thirty to pick out accessories. That leaves you with," Mary paused and looked up as if at a invisible chalkboard. "Actually you're late by an hour,"
"Better get moving!" warned Marlene as she pulled Lily up and shoved her towards the bathroom.
"I'm going, I'm going…" Lily mumbled as she shuffled off to begin the hours-long process.
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cloud17dreams · 8 years
Seventeen Scenario: Move On (Seungkwan)
a/n: hi everyone! requested by a shy cloud for a seungkwan angst that becomes fluff but um?? i think it’s more angst than fluff?? lol ): i hope you like it! since it’s jeju’s prince’s birthday in a few days i thought i’d do this! aLSO THERE ARE BARELY ANY LONG FICS OF HIM SO I THOUGHT I’D STRETCH THIS. enjoy~ - Admin Mochi ✨
warning: death, drinking mention.
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The sun was up before you, golden light spilling through the window panes and drenching your bedroom in lazy shades of topaz and peachy undertones. The beams were like ocean waves on the white sand that was your bed; slowly washing up on your silk sheets until they touched up on your eyelids, gently pulling you out of your slumber.
You blinked a few times, letting the sun soak your face for a bit before you rolled over to pick up the phone lying next to your pillow. Clicking it open, you saw that there was a notification, the kind for important events on your phone’s calendar, that read:
seungkwan day 🍰🎉
Out of habit of a friendship that lasted seventeen years, you immediately unlocked your phone and went straight to your text messages. You stared at the screen groggily as you thumbed out your best friend’s name and pulled up the chat box. But suddenly, in the middle of writing happy birthday!, the cogs in your brain finally kicked in and you stopped.
A continuous sound of taps resounded off the walls as you deleted the words. You turned off the device, throwing it aside with a disheartened thump. With a sinking spirit, you sat up and pushed your back against the headboard, pushing your bangs away from your eyes.
Across you is the French doors that led to your little balcony. The Jeju sky was the light pink of early spring mornings, cotton clouds colored like peaches or……tangerines.
No. Don’t think about him yet.
Heaving the bedsheets off of your lap, you began moving before your mind could get too far. A shiver ran up your body when your feet landed on the freezing floorboards, the wood made chilly from the morning air. Gritting your teeth, you shoved your soles into a pair of warm house slippers next to your bedside table and made your way to the bathroom.
You silently opened the mirrored cabinet above the tiny sink and reached in for your toothbrush. There was yours, colored blue and light green, and then another brush that hadn’t been used for a year. It was white and purple and the bristles were worn out but you couldn’t bear to throw it out. It wasn’t yours, of course, it was his.
You shut the cabinet with more force than necessary and grabbed the toothpaste, cursing when you squeezed a little too much onto the heather man-made hairs, causing the excess to drop onto the porcelain surface beneath your raised arms. With a tired sigh, you tossed your hair back and began to brush your teeth. While doing so, you took a look at your reflection- your face looked fifteen years older and there were bags under your eyes. Your shoulders drooped at the sight.
Today was going to be a long day.
“Black bean noodles! 3,500 won!”
“Get your fresh orange juice!”
“Rice cakes! Rice- Oh, hello sir, how much-?”
It was currently 8 o’ clock in the morning and the streets of Jeju were already alive with tourists and vendors advertising their goods. The minute you stepped out of your building, you shoved a pair of earphones into your ears and began to walk, weaving through the crowds of nameless people, the mellow music drowning out the sounds of the flea market you had to pass through to get to the small flower shop near your workplace.
Ten minutes later, you were pushing the door of Choi Florals open, the sweet scent of flowers overwhelming your nose when you breathed in. Sleigh bells tinkled together to signal your entrance and also summon a young boy’s head out from under the counter, a smile flickering over his pink lips when he saw you. His name was Hansol Choi and his mother ran the store. He was always sweet towards you and was always recommending foreign artists every time you came over, whether you were waiting for Mrs.Choi to check out your plant purchases or whenever you were walking around the aisles.
"Morning, Y/N!” Hansol greeted in a deep but cheerful lilt, a gummy smile on his face as he quickly bowed.
“Hey Hansol,” You smiled back, bowing in return as a woman in her mid-30’s, dressed in worn jeans and a t-shirt, came bustling in from the back door, a potted cactus cradled in her palms.
“Hello, Y/N!” Mrs.Choi grinned and you bowed again, greeting her just as you did Hansol. She shooed her son away to water the peonies then turned to you, her red lips parting to give you a friendly smile. “So, how can I help you today?”
You bit down on your lip. “Um, one set of yellow roses. And zinnias too. Please.”
“Interesting combo….” Mrs.Choi trailed off as she turned around to scan her merchandise. You looked down at your worn sneakers, nervously shifting. “Well, I can certainly bring you those. Just wait here. Hansol!” The lady hollered and moved around the counter to tell her son to cut up twelve roses and some mixed zinnias.
You let out the breath you were holding, looking up again. There was a display of aloe vera pots next to you and you inspected them with interest, your eyes locking on the white bell-shaped blooms it produced and the light green toothed leaves filled with a sticky substance that could heal various things, burns especially. If only you could break off a piece and rub it on your burning heart.
If only….
You were still staring at the plants when Hansol’s mother came back, two dozen stems bundled up in a nice bouquet tied with a pink ribbon. The different types looked odd together but you wanted the meaning to be there.
“Here you go, sweetheart.” Mrs.Choi said softly, carefully placing the flowers into your arms. “That’ll be 5,000 won.”
You were already bustling inside your backpack for your wallet as she spoke. Upon hearing the price, you stopped cold and raised an eyebrow in suspicion. 5,000 won was certainly cheap for such a huge bunch…..
Mrs.Choi’s smile widened at you when she realized you were staring. “It’s 75% off! A sale for my favorite customer in the whole wide world.”
“I…..” You chuckled nervously and shook your head. “Please, Mrs.Choi….”
“Ah ah! No buts.” The woman tut-tutted, wagging a slim finger at you. “Don’t worry about the price, Y/N. Just take these and have a good day, okay?”
So with a sigh of defeat, you forked over a measly bill and thanked her. She wished you a good day again and then you were out the door, back into the noisy streets. The fiery ball in the sky had risen higher, shining even brighter. After pulling on your earphones again, you picked out sunglasses from your bag and slipped them on. Next stop: the beach.
The pristine waters weren’t too far- considering Jeju was an island. But still, between the overbearing heat and the tourists that clogged every area, you chose to take the bus. There was a bus stop near Choi Florals and luckily, a bus was just pulling up. You ran to the vehicle and caught it in time, boarding it and dropping into a seat near the back after paying your fare.
The ride wasn’t too long, just fifteen minutes. As you gazed out, you could see people smiling and laughing. Bright bathing suits, melting popsicles, and swimming flotations stood out. Just another sunny day in Korea’s little paradise….yet here you were, feeling not-so-paradisal.
You relaxed your head on the thick window marked with scratches and closed your eyes, letting your mind wander for the first time today, to the day you made Boo Seungkwan your best friend, ten years ago. It was a lot like today- with the sun beaming high up in the air, the atmosphere just as hot and cheerful.
Children filled the grounds of Jeju Elementary, dressed in new clothes and toting backpacks on their uniformed shoulders, showing off new haircuts and exchanging over-the-summer stories with friends. You were amongst these kids, standing on your toes as your innocent irises scanned the crowd for any signs of a familiar head of messy black hair or wide smile that belonged to your closest friend. Your pigtails bounced as you tried to see over a particularly tall fifth grader but your struggles were no longer when you heard a loud voice call your name.
You turned around and grinned when you spotted the dark-haired boy you were looking for. Nothing had changed; the apples of his golden tan cheeks were still full and his smile was still bold and big. The only thing that was differently was probably his hair, which was obviously styled by the hands of his mother, swooping to the left.
“SEUNGGIE!” You squealed and ran to him, almost tackling him to the concrete with a hug. He laughed and hugged you back, quickly pulling away. In the naiveties of fourth grade, girls no longer had cooties but hugging one would still stir up gossip and giggles. You gave him a shy smile. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Seungkwan replied with a smile of his own. “America was so fun, Y/N. I wish you came.”
You pouted. “I wish you had stayed here. It was so boring. But I made you something at camp- wanna see?”
Seungkwan giggled then said “Oh! That reminds me. I got you something too!”
“Really?” Your eyes widened in surprise. “OK, you first.”
The little boy nodded then slipped off his backpack, flipping the cover open. He reached in then carefully pulled out a bookmark. But it wasn’t just any bookmark: a colorful flower was pressed inside. A timid look washed up on Seungkwan’s round face as he presented it to you. “My mom brought a bunch of yellow rose stems from where we visited in America. She brought these too. They’re called zinnias. I wanted to press the carnations but Mom said that zinnia’s are for when you miss someone.”
“Wow….” You smiled and took the gift, admiring the bright colors. “It’s so pretty, Seungkwan! Thank you!” You said happily and then reached into your skirt pocket, pulling out the item you’ve been waiting for weeks to give.
“Here’s my present.” Seungkwan’s lips parted in awe when you handed him a friendship bracelet made of colored string. “I worked all summer on this because braiding is kind of hard but I did it! Do you like it?” You questioned nervously.
“Mm!” Seungkwan nodded, his eyes scrunched up in delight, the tops of his cheeks almost touching the aegyo sal under his bright brown eyes. “It’s really cool! Thank you.”
You clasped your hands behind your back, your cheeks flushing. “I-It also means you’re my best friend.”
You could’ve practically been asking him to be your boyfriend. Seungkwan grinned at your confession and put the bracelet on before raising up his hand for a high five to which you met with a giggle.
“Best friends, then. Forever.”
You opened your eyes and glanced down at the bouquet sitting in your lap. You let your fingertips run along the butter-colored petals absentmindedly, the laughter from that iconic day still ringing in your ears. Pursing your lips, you looked out and saw that the bus was nearing your destination. You reached up and yanked on the thick signal cable, hearing a ring then an automated voice say “stop requested!”
As the bus slowed down, you carefully walked over to the doors and exited as soon as it pulled to a stop. Once you were out on the concrete, the doors closed behind you and the mammoth vehicle was gone, leaving behind a puff of gas and smoke. You looked around and noticed how there were barely any people here- probably because they stuck to the main part of the beach, near the boardwalk. Not that you minded; the less witnesses, the better.
You began to stroll away from the bus stop, into the park that was a part of the beach. As Jeju was an island, the shore literally stretched everywhere. Alongside the boardwalk, along the parks, in a circle. So you sauntered through the large park that was empty, save for an elderly couple sitting on a bench feeding a bunch of pigeons. Your heart smiled for a bit as you watched them chuckle as the birds fought for bread crumbs. You looked away, thinking of another memory.
You were both sixteen. The moon hung in the night sky, stars twinkling down, making Jeju even more beautiful. You and Seungkwan were sat on the roof of your father’s toolshed, legs dangling off the edge, as the two of you observed the night sky. Your glossy irises reflected the sparkling orbs, making them even more mesmerizing…..or maybe Seungkwan was just staring too much.
It was another end to another perfect summer day, a week before twelfth grade rolled in. The season had been filled with memories of meteor showers, cotton candy at carnivals, multiple trips to the beach, and laughter (or screaming, on Seungkwan’s part) as you mastered a car with your newly acquired driver’s license. Just another great summer.
Or maybe not. Because as you were giggling at your best friend’s horror or hopping excitedly at the stuffed panda Seungkwan won for you, something was festering inside of the boy, threatening to jump out every time you did something adorable. He wasn’t sure when it had happened or how but that was love, wasn’t it? Like his mom always said, love wasn’t something you could prepare for. It always came when you least expected it. And man, was she right.
He was in love with you.
You sniffed and turned your head for a second, doing a double-take when you realized Seungkwan was practically burning a hole into your skull. “Ah….something wrong?” You questioned with a playful smile.
Seungkwan shook his head and turned away, mentally cursing himself. A rehearsed grin was flashed towards you as he shifted over to grab a handful of Skittles from the small bag balanced on your thigh. Your skin shivered and your heart skipped when his fingertips brushed the bare skin, leaving goosebumps.
Okay okay- you had to admit….you had a crush on Seungkwan as well.
“I can’t believe we’ll be seniors.” Your best friend said around the crunch of bright candies in his mouth. You nodded, lips forming into a pout.
“Then we’re going to be attending university….getting jobs….” You wistfully trailed off. As excited as you were to start a new chapter in your life, you couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic.
“Yeah,” Seungkwan replied in the same dulcet tone. “But at least we can get turnt up at the club.”
You snorted and shoved the blonde boy’s shoulder as he laughed. “Seungkwan, please. I can see it now and I don’t want to be driving your drunk butt trying to sing the high note in that American song you like so much.”
Seungkwan grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “You mean, Chandelier?” Throwing back his head, your best friend began singing to the stars. Loudly.
You quickly slapped a hand over the boy’s mouth, cutting off his voice that was probably echoing throughout Jeju at the moment. Giggles racked your body. “I didn’t say to sing it!”
Seungkwan’s eyes turned into crescents as he chuckled behind your palm, raising his own hand to remove it from his lips. His hans doesn’t let go, only curling his fingers around yours. You bite your lip, looking at your intertwined hands. Painful silence surrounds you both and you didn’t know what was louder: Seungkwan’s singing or your pounding heart.
“Y/N? Do you…” Seungkwan paused then laughed nervously. “Like. Do you think we’ll grow old? Together?”
Your eyes shot up and found the boy staring at up the heavens, his cheeks tinged pink in embarassment. You cleared your throat, getting rid of the lump lodged inside. “That’s….that’s quite a way to word that question but yeah. Best friends forever, remember?” You smiled in attempt to ease the mood.
Seungkwan’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed back his nerves. He lowered his head and you were met with his melting chocolate eyes, shimmering with something you couldn’t place. “Y/N. I want to be more than that.”
You made something like a surprised noise  in the back of your throat as Seungkwan’s tongue peeked out to moisten his lips before leaning in towards you. You were frozen, just watching as he approached you. With a centimeter between you both, the boy hesitated, waiting to see if this was what you wanted.
It was. And he knew because suddenly, you were filling in the blank space and meeting your soft lips with his. His eyes widened in surprise at your stance but eventually closed as he began kissing you back. Your fingers reached up and tangled into the soft golden tendrils as his hands went to hold your waist. His lips tasted like tangerines, felt as soft as a kitten’s fur. But you were clearly the more experienced one here, as you pushed him onto his back, your fingers clutching his gray shirt as your tongue slipped past his plush lips.
His eyes were squeezing shut with pleasure when you trailed your fingers up to glide along the sides of his smooth neck. His fingers roughly gripped your waistline, enough to leave marks. As if he realized this, Seungkwan loosened his hands but began massaging your waist instead, sending a current up your spine.
It was the tiny moans that erupted from both of you that abruptly stopped the kiss. Surprise on your part, embarassment on Seungkwan’s. As you chuckled, you both sat up. Seungkwan rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, his cheeks more scarlet than pink. “I guess we just passed the best friend border right there?” You whispered.  
A light laugh left Seungkwan’s lips as he looked at you, eyes full of hesitation and love. “I mean, if you want….?”
You leaned in and kissed your best friend’s  warm cheek, a delighted smile on your face. “Sure.”
That relationship lasted exactly a year. Neither of you had broken it off. It had happened on the night of graduation, a night filled with alcohol and friends. The party you and Seungkwan came with had come in two cars so you rode in the other car while Seungkwan rode with Jooheon, a mutual friend. You remembered the immense worry you felt when your car had pulled up to campus but the other hadn’t.
It was terrible. The other car had crashed, nothing but a burning hunk of metal, leaving no bodies to bury. The only one who survived was Seungcheol but barely (as he was thrown out of the car.) According to his story, Jooheon was sober but Leo (a tall gangly boy you didn’t really like because of his shameless flirting) definitely wasn’t and had started an argument with Jooheon, provoking him. Seungkwan had tried to stop it and in a result, Jooheon was pushed forward and the car lost control.
Seungkwan didn’t survive.
Your walking pace slowed, hot tears pricking your eyes, as you clutched Seungkwan’s flowers closer to your heart. Pain shot through you as a tear slipped from your eyes, quickly replaced with another. Your lips were trembling, a sign that you were going to start sobbing.
However, you took a deep breath, forcing yourself to get a grip. After a year of grief, you were determined to let go. You needed to. And so you began to march forward again.
The second you reached the white shore, an ocean breeze brushed through your strands, smelling of salt and sunshine. You stopped and removed your footwear, letting the smooth sand sink between your toes. You sniffed back a tear as you sauntered forward, letting the memories of every summer spent here carry you on.
There was a section of the beach a little ways down with two tall boulders that kind of formed a pretty frame of the never-ending blue ocean. This is where you went and dropped your backpack nearby, only taking the roses to the natural doorway that lacked a door, stopping a little before the transparent line where the waves washed up on the shore.
Then one by one, you began to pick your flowers apart. One might not believe it but twelve roses and zinnias held a lot of petals- enough to make a large floral heart around you.
As you sprinkled the fragant segments around you, you thought of the meaning. Zinnia’s: in remembrance of an absent friend. Yellow roses: new beginnings, joy. Both were essential to the cause.
When the shape was done, you stepped out and looked at your handiwork that looked pleasing against the white powdery sand. You pursed your lips and walked away, back to your backpack.
You kneeled down and opening the pack, pulling out a picnic blanket. You spread it out then sat on it, taking out the food you prepared next. Seungkwan’s favorites: spring onion chicken, fried rice, black bean noodles, and Jeju-born tangerines. You also bought a cupcake just for the sake of celebrating Seungkwan’s birthday. Of course it was chocolate, his favorite flavor.
You looked up the cloudless sky as you munched on some chicken. You swallowed and began to speak. “I hope you’re having fun up there, Seunggie.” You looked back down, at the heart you made. The tide was coming in, as the waves were almost touching the bottom petals. “God knows how much I miss you.”
You took another bite of chicken.
You always left once the heart was gone. It was like your hourglass, measuring how much time you were allowed to let loose and cry about the loss of your best friend and the possible love of your life. By the time the wind blew out the candle in Seungkwan’s cupcake, the ocean was bringing in the last of the yellow rose petals.
The sun was also setting, causing a light glow to kiss your skin. You laid on your stomach, ankles crossed in the air, as you ate the moist pastry- taking in the beautiful view of the sky turning pink and orange, making the ocean waves twinkle like diamonds.
Seungkwan would’ve loved this, you thought as you casually twirled a lock of your hair in between your fingers.
“I bet you get to see pretty things like this in heaven all the time, don’t you, Seungkwan?” You whispered to the sea breeze.
As if to agree, the wind rippled through your sunkissed locks, like how Seungkwan used to ruffle up your hair when you were being smart or cute with him. You smiled at the memory then sat up.
“Seungkwan, I know I always come here but….I’m going to do my best to move on. I’m going to make you proud and graduate. So I won’t be coming here as much but…..” You look up at the sky like you did earlier. “You know I won’t forget you, right?”
And it was as if Seungkwan was right next to you, whispering in your ear. You knew exactly what he’d say, in that sweet voice of his: “You’re right. Now go and make me proud.”
You sighed and watched as the waves took away the last rose petal from the sandy shore. Your time was up.
It was time to move on.
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