#My day today
nomilkinmyteaplease · 4 months
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And how is your day going?
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mochi-chan-2006 · 22 days
"You're an adult now Mochi!"
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I am now officially an adult woman! <D
And yayyyyyyyyyy! :'3
"There are three of them" SMG4 Au also belongs to: @askkassandragf-v-2
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june 3rd
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beatheprincess · 2 months
I had a nice day girly shopping ^.^ got a cute sanrio robe (THAT I SHALL WEAR ALL THE TIME) and pajamas which was much needed n a cute coquette top🌸 plus sweet snacks yayayayaaayy 🦄🦄😊😊💖💕🎀🎉✌🏽 I feel so little smhhh- the feels.
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abrarramadan · 9 months
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النهاردا زورت أجمل مكانين البحر ومحل الحيوانات الأليفة
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creatingnikki · 8 months
days that taste like adulting success.
today I pet two cats at dinner. at dinner that I had with a friend who used to be a lover. today I got irritated at multiple people I love. I went to the beach alone and the sun set was gorgeous, the weather was extremely windy, and the moon was out shinning beautifully like always. today I let myself eat and drink junk without talking about the medication I am on or what I was recently diagnosed with. I walked around a lot and got chores done. today I had hard conversations and didn't given into my intrusive thoughts or the snake in my head. I listened to sad Hindi music and let that make me feel understood. today I did everything I had to and wanted to, today I dealt with things without hating my life or feeling doomed or letting myself get too dramatic or distressed. today was a day well lived. today I was more present for myself. today I was more patient with myself. today I am proud of myself.
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elsaqqa-4ever · 1 year
يومآ مآ.
ستشتآقين لأهتمآمي ، خوفي ، وجنوني بكِ .. حتى تلك الغيرة التي ربمآ كنتِ تعتبريهآ آزعآج لک
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You will miss my concern, fear, and craziness for you.
Even the jealousy that you may have thought was bothering you.
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poptarttroublebiscuit · 6 months
That feeling when your hopes and dreams are crushed. (Your hopes and dreams being that the doctor at an appointment you've waited 4 months for would have a solution to your problem. ....Or at least care that you're in pain.)
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Can I just say that there is no better feeling than when u get a haircut and then buy books. You feel amazing, like a gorgeous girl boss and buying books. Now that is such a good feeling.
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Yesterday's meals & this morning's breakfasts.
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Got a 1.5 mile walk in, & about 45-50 min on a recumbent bike.
Feeling better today. Nebulized already.
Up early, caffeinated. On my lunch break now.
Laundry is going. Time to walk the dogs 🐕
I addressed my loneliness with some extra Journaling this morning.
I know my marriage went bad, but I miss the companionship & cuddling. My ex turned out to be a cheater who manipulated me and financially abused me tho, so I don't miss that shit. I haven't spoke to them in years. Sometimes it is just better to cut contact completely.
Caregiving is lonely. Working from home is lonely. Not living in town is a little lonely too because it's not like I can just pop by someone's house. Everywhere I can go involves more driving and is less accessible, especially in today's corporate world.
My gf got sick at about the time i was starting to get restless, so I am giving her space to heal.
I am trying to refocus that intensity back to myself. Focus on my goals. My shit. My stuff.
I am recovering, I am trying to allow myself more rest.
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ehroteca · 11 days
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kaddyssammlung · 4 months
Today is one of those days where the only thing that I am looking forward to is:
Going to bed and sleep
Why am I so tired and so exhausted?!
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beatheprincess · 6 months
Ate so good today🍪🍨🎂🍜🍗🌯😩🙌🏽🎀
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ieatmoss · 4 months
AHHHH!!! I’m on my way back from comic con and it was AMAZING!! So many people wanted photos:D I’ll post some later with faces blurred!
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myagami-2417 · 3 months
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Hola... Pasó más tiempo
Siempre que escribo este tipo de frase, lo hago con la esperanza de que cuando regrese, habrá un cambio increíblemente diferente, pero al final, siempre terminaba decepcionando me cuando volvía.
Sin embargo, está vez si es diferente. Entramos a una gran escuela, tiene tantas cosas en las que te puedes distraer y relajar, la biblioteca es hermosa, los baños, salones e instalaciones son de otro mundo, y una de las cosas más importantes: estamos ejercitandonos constantemente. Ahora se ha vuelto parte de nosotros y si no lo hacemos nos sentimos depresivos.
Hemos avanzado mucho con el idioma, tanto que ya nos inscribí a algunas clases de nuestra carrera y tenemos amigos con los que sólo compartimos ese idioma en común. Lo más emocionante es que compartimos varias actividades con ellos qué nos benefician demasiado. Son honestos, cálidos, y por supuesto, comprensivos.
Aquí estamos, no solamente cambiando de página, si no de libro. Sé que comenzamos de manera triste el año, pero estoy segura y confío plenamente en que va a ser casi imposible que nos reconozcan a final del año por todo lo que hemos avanzado en todas nuestras áreas.
Nos estamos levantando, y más fuertes qué nunca, sólo tú yo nos entendemos, así que no dudes de lo que hago por nosotros, por que yo sé que este es nuestro ritmo y camino, pero no temas en recordarme algo importante ni tus opiniones, siempre son importantes al momento de revivir alguna situación.
Esto es lo que buscamos, pero se que podemos lograr más, por ahora disfrutaremos de este logro y paz para recargar baterías y seguir con el siguiente desafío. Parece que no, pero siempre avanzamos, no importa si hay personas adelante o detrás de nosotros, lo importante es que avanzamos.
Cuídate, te veré pronto ;)
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elsaqqa-4ever · 1 year
بحثت عني بين سطورك ولم أجدني هل تم حذفي ام الشوق أعماني.
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I looked for me between your lines but couldn't find me. Was I removed, or was my longing making me blind?
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