#My OC Stuff
floredaqueen · 2 days
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I'd like for you guys to officially meet Nova James!
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She is one of my Stranger Things OCs! I made this right after I was commissioned to make a character ref sheet for @jo-harrington !
They had me thinking about why I haven't made a character ref sheet of her or any of my other characters! So she is the first of four! I hope you guys enjoy this big thing I created! It took me a while to finish it so I yall can appreciate that🩷
I'm just really proud of it♡ pls Enjoy
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twistedy · 2 days
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Bro got covered with flowers and became a whole mood.
Have gud FridaY. Yayyy
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Sparks and Showers Part 1
//My first attempt at writing for @tunadunanana ‘s OC, the Phoenix Maiden, affectionately named Birdie. Tuna, this story turned out so much longer than I was expecting and planning, I really hope I did your Birdie correctly because this is a lot of writing for her to be completely out of character 🤣🤣 if she is I do apologize.
This is a SFW story, no warnings, not proofread to do forgive any spelling errors; MOD//
The Journey has been complete, Battles won, and Memories restored. Birdie and the Newly Awaken & Reincarnated Sun Wukong are making their way back to their home mountain of flowers and fruit. But when they stop to rest, the creatures of the forest make it hard to relax.
Time can be a beautiful thing when it runs in your favor. And it can be painful when it is against you.
That was a world defining truth that Birdie had come to know incredibly intimately.
Matters of the heart usually fought with Time you see, clashing in the worst of ways. Days seem to stretch for far too long with the Heart was grieving, and when the heart was at its happiest time flew faster than any falcon.
During the final battle the Destined One had had with the stone shell of the king who had once unknowingly held her heart, Birdie wished time could fly faster, to get past this awful moment.
The irony wasn’t lost upon the Phoenix Maiden that not even hours earlier, when they were bantering back and forth, she had wished time could slow… just a bit. The maiden setting aside her pain at seeing her dear friend in the face of this stranger who had become her friend as well,
But there were also occasions when time seemed to slow in the good moments as well.
After that previously mentioned battle for example; When the dust had settled, when that radiant light that was oh so familiar faded, when the elderly monkey that held that awful awful headband took a step back, when she saw her friend’s own head still free of that golden chain….
When he stood up…
When he turned to look at her when she took a hesitant step forward… and recognition flashed.
“Birdie?” His eyes widened and he smiled.
Birdie felt her breath catch in her lungs as - for the first time in hundreds of years - she allowed herself to hope…
Because that smile - oh that smile - that was His…
Time slowed as she took a few steps closer. The wings of hope spreading ever wider in her chest. The pair took each other in.
“Wukong?” Her voice, usually so melodic and sweet, cracked under the force of the emotions that were cascading through her. Part of her was scared to make a noise, to break this fragile moment in fear that it was just some cruel illusion, another dirty trick from the gods.
This Wukong, who carried himself the same, still standing in that familiar way that favored the hip opposite of his Staff… the familiar way his tail barely moved as he was taking something in… it was all Him… but there was a look in his eye that was a bit… unfamiliar… Older, wiser? Only that capricious Time would be able to tell….
But, this Wukong took a slow step forward, Helping the Phoenix Maiden close the distance just a bit more… and let out a soft Hooting Chirp, a curious sound… a question?
It was such a little sound…
But it caused the Phoenix Maiden to drop her Bow, Arrows and her Bag into the water uncaringly as her brought her hands to her mouth to cover the Sobs that shook her body. Every dam within her breaking as emotions surged forward, overtaking her in an overwhelming force.
He was back! It was Him! He was Back!
She ran to close that distance as he reached forward to receive her. And they shared an embrace so tight that no force on heaven or earth could’ve separated them in that moment.
They clung to each other desperately, afraid to let the other go in fear that this was all a perfect dream.
But Wukong was the first to feel relief course through him as he felt her tears soaking his fur on the side of neck… because never, not even in his unconscious and hibernative state, had he ever imagined her crying in such a way. And he knew this was real.
He held her tighter to him, wrapping his arms around her in a force that tried to shield her from everything, to keep her secure even as she fell apart.
As for the Phoenix Maiden,
The sweet woman with such joyful colors that mocked her ever mourning being, the woman who wore loyalty on her skin and her heart on her sleeve even as the world around her crumbled, the woman who began this journey to give herself closure and possibly make peace knowing her dearest friend had gone before she could tell him how she felt and the feelings she held - Because why rush to spill your heart when you were supposed to have eternity?
For the first time in Hundreds of years… the Tears she were shedding, the sobs that were making her tremble…
They weren’t of grief.
The next couple days were a joyful blur for the Phoenix Maiden, reconnecting with her dear monkey, speaking the words in her heart that she never had a chance to say before. The absolute joy at hearing him accept her feelings and validate them by matching them with his own.
There were many talks of expectations, of what they desired from one another, the fears they carried, the love they had, the future they wanted… but alas those stories cannot be told here, for they were private and for each others ears only.
And of course, not all moments were good. You see, the trauma they had gone through didn’t magically disappear with the presence of the other.
Poor Birdie was reminded of this first hand when she had a nightmare of her world being over again. Dreamed of blood on her hands, desperately reaching for a body that was always just out of reach. No one responding as she screamed for help.
When Wukong had finally able to shake her awake from that unconscious horror, she had clung to him for hours, her cheek against his chest, her ears focused on the steady beating of his heart. The pair holding each other until her trembles faded and a dreamless sleep swept her up once more.
Sun Wukong wasn’t spared either. (Though one could argue seeing his dear friend be tormented so was torture enough.)
No, the immortal monkey king too had bad dreams, though his weren’t always at night. As he settled into this new body and the memories it held before he returned, the Great Sage now found himself plagued with visions and hallucinations as past and future clashed in his mind.
Both the present body and his past mind struggling to find their equilibrium, his Yin and Yang out of balance.
Visions of being defeated, his body being torn apart, Phantom Pains leaving him resting his head in the Phoenix Maiden’s lap as she attempted to sing away the pain that had long since passed, past battles with modern foes, voices on the wind that mimicked his people but were wrong, illusions of a weapon or claw about to strike his side before fading before the hit could land. He would turn and snarl at the sound of an enemy to find it was only empty air.
He had forced himself back into his meditations and his more Buddhist mindset in an attempt to force the Equilibrium to settle when he went to go attack an enemy only for that enemy to turn into his precious Birdie before his Cudgel had a chance to land its hit.
That moment had been a reality check for both of them. Wukong may be back… but he was still very much not at his 100 just yet…
It helped that Birdie was so supportive of him, gently taking his hands when he flinched away from her, telling him in that melodic voice of hers that, They just needed to take it slow, these things take time. Besides, they finally had forever. Wounds would heal, the nightmares would fade.
It was that night that they decided to start making their journey back to Mount Huaguo, that beautiful Paradise of Flowers and Fruit. “After all!” Sun Wukong had spoken, his fur puffed in joy and anticipation. “What better place to heal the mind than my paradise on earth! Besides, I believe their handsome king has been absent for long enough.”
He felt himself puff up more with pride when his words brought a smile to his Birdie’s lips.
This is how we find ourselves where we currently are at within the story my dear readers.
As both Sun Wukong and the Phoenix Maiden are beings capable of flight, the pair crossed an impressive distance of land in a relatively short amount of time. Neither had any doubt that if Birdie had clung to Wukong on his jīndǒu yún cloud, (筋斗云) they could make it back to Mount Huaguo in a day, if not a handful of hours.
However they both came to an agreement that with it being as long as it had been, it’d be wise to move at a more leisurely pace - even if from the air - so that Wukong could familiarize himself with how the land had changed. At the pace they were going, the trip would take 3 days and 2 nights back to their beloved mountain.
Everything went smooth the first day and night. The second day say they were forced to slow because of winds that were blowing against them. Birdie beating her wings twice as hard to move forward against the breeze. Wukong stayed a bit behind her to catch if it was needed.
But Birdie took it with good humor, giggling that that flight had been the best workout she’s had in years!
That brings us to where we are tonight:
“It is good that we arrive back at the Mountain tomorrow,” Birdie hummed as she opened her bag and took out two generously sized Mangos and a bag of tree nuts from a cashe Zhu Baije had gifted to them before they departed. “This is the last of it, we may need to forage for lunch tomorrow…”
Sun Wukong nodded as he grabbed the mango and stoking the fire they sat by to warm themselves and their clothes before they went to rest in the trees for the night.. “Hmm… unless we want to agree that taking it at a leisure pace was a silly notion and we just use my jīndǒu yún to cross that meager distance before our bellies have a chance to complain?”
“Sun Wukong!” Birdie gasped, a playful gleam in her eyes, “Am I to hear that the Great Sage Equal to Heaven can’t handle roughing it any longer? What does the Handsome Monkey King miss his pillows?”
“Blasphemous! You dare to insinuate that This great King can’t handle a bit of dirt?! Better to wish to avoid dirt than be dragged back to the earth like a waterlogged pigeon because of some wind!” Sun Wukong leaned forward as he accepted her invitation to play, a relief warming his chest to have confirmation once again that the years didn’t take this game of theirs away.
“Even Pigeons can keep themselves pristine and well groomed! How many pebbles and rock clumps have I had to untangle from your fur since your return you wretched Stone Monkey! Perhaps we should go ahead so the denizens of the mountain can run you a bath and line up to groom you properly!” She narrowed her eyes with a grin, but also carefully watching for his reaction, remembering how important troop grooming sessions were for his kind.
But there was no insult in his eyes, only mirth as he matched her grin. “Brave woman! Brave indeed! You voice so easily on my stone nature but tease me for wanting to stay away from the floor in which entangles those clumps in my fur! Dare I say you are contradicting yourself?”
The Phoenix Maiden leans in close and settles herself against him in a motion Sun Wukong doesn’t trust one bit, not while they’re within the game, but he enjoys her proximity too much to push her away. That’s before Birdie leans her head against his shoulder and innocently entangles her fingers in his fur at the base of his neck, taking care not to snag the fur.
“Oh Wukong…. Should I gather some soft moss for you to rest your royal head? I’d hate for you to crimp your neck at your impressive age.” From where she sits, Wukong can’t see her face, but he doesn’t have see it to know she’s holding in laughter from the way her shoulder shook, to how her tone is pitched.
Wukong made an aghast sound from his chest as he playfully grabbed the woman beside him making her finally release her laughter as she squealed and attempted to get away from his tickling hands.
The Phoenix Maiden didn’t realize until too late Wukong’s dastardly plan as he took them to the forest floor as they tumbled around each other in their game.
That was, until Birdie’s hand brushed against something in her hair….
Was that… a twig? Leaves?
Realization dawned as she shoved a Cackling Wukong away to take stock of her appearance.
“Oh you didn’t! WUKONG!” She was covered in Leaves, Twigs, Dirt… and those Rock Clumps. She looked a right mess, and thoroughly tumbled.
The smug Monkey King laughed even harder, the force of it making him loose his footing and nearly causing him to fall into the fire. “Don’t worry! Don’t worry! I’m sure once we get back to the mountain, the denizens will run you a bath and line up to groom you!”
He laughed harder as he threw her words back at her.
She succeeded in untangling a stick from her hair and proceeded to throw it at the furry Stone Menace, causing him to wheeze as he gripped his sides.
Birdie attempted to pretend to be stern before she fell into laughter as well. What could she do? Sun Wukong’s joy had always been infectious.
The joy and mirth of the moment came to an abrupt end when Wukong froze and was suddenly on his feet, staring unblinkingly into the forest, his stance tense.
“Do you hear that my Birdie?” His voice was softer now, barely above a whisper.
Birdie felt her heart sink in her chest a bit as she slowly got to her feet and took a step back, running on the assumption it was another invisible enemy that often plagued his mind, and readying herself to jump into the trees should a one-sided battle commence.
“Wukong, I don’t-“ the snap of a branch cut her off as she froze as well, turning her head to look in the direction the sound came from… and it was only then she realized how silent the woods had become. “Yes. Yes I heard that.”
She grabbed her bow and notched an arrow, flexing her wings to become airborne at the first sense of true danger.
More rustling and the sounds of large trunks snapping made them both tense further in readiness for whatever they were about to face.
Just when the Stone Monkey was about to activate his gold vision, a blast of fire and molten rock shot at him as a horrible screech shot through the trees. Officially breaking the otherwise eerie silence. He only barely moved out of the way in time, the smell of singed fur quickly filling the air.
Birdie yelped as the molten rock landed next to her foot as she jumped into the air with a single beat of her wings and took a shot in the direction of where the attack had come from.
Another awful screech rang out, letting Birdie know her blind shot had landed.
There was a burst of movement as the awful beast finally revealed itself. A giant Róngyán xīyì (熔岩蜥蜴) ((Lava Lizard)) at least 16 heads long burst forward. It’s wide mouth open, attempting to swallow one or both of the travelers but missing them both.
Its movements were heavy, clumsy and uncoordinated. Its large and burning eyes nictated as it moved its head around looking for where its prey had gone. It’s fat Tail lashing and trying to rid itself of the arrow sticking out of it. Rumbling with dissatisfaction.
Both Wukong - from his place hiding in the brush, and Birdie - from her spot in the trees stayed quiet, hoping the beast would move on. The Lizard was larger than the xīyì usually came. They were supposed to grow no larger than a forearm.
And they usually stuck to the Volcanes of the North. It was a long way from home and clearly was a successful hunter if its size was anything to go by. Though, despite its size, it clearly wasn’t a wise creature, clearly it wasn’t capable of speech or hadn’t any power to achieve transformations. It was simply another predator like a tiger or an alligator.
The xīyì curled its head back as it curled its tail up, almost making itself into a ball before its blackened charcoaled scales began to rattle and steam and the pink of its belly glow before its golden throat and cheeks bulged. And it just so happened to be in the direction Wukong was hiding.
“WUKONG! GO HIGH!” Birdie shouted as she took another shot. It found its home in the xīyì’s Shoulder as the creature screeched once more. Spewing a torrent of fire and molten rock out of its gullet. The spray going a considerable distance as Wukong shot upwards with his cudgel to avoid the attack
The xīyì twisted its body around rapidly as it continued to empty its gullet. The area quickly becoming encased in flame as the thick slag stuck to the tree and ignited them.
The Phoenix maiden felt her eyes begin to burn and her throat itch as smoke blew in her face. She began to cough as she beat her wings to move the smoke away and push herself higher into the air.
Wukong snarled and bared his teeth. “Bothersome Beast! I shall make your hide into an armored Tunic! Watch as I end this!”
Twisting around, he brought up his cudgel and flipped it so it was above him, using his strength to bring it down with a force that cracked the earth. Flattening the creatures head, the Róngyán xīyì’s body going still.
He landed on the ground next to it, and kicked it in irritation. “A good armored Tunic indeed! I should’ve left your eyes! Gave you a last look at the mess you caused!”
“Wukong,” Birdie raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t think that poor creature is hearing you anymore.” She then looks around as anxiety starts to build within her chest. “This forest is going to burn, what do we do?”
Indeed the fire was spreading fast. The dryness of the wood combined with the strong winds working in tandem to turn the steady blaze into a raging inferno.
“Bah!” Wukong shrugged away her worries as he finished skinning the beast and folding away the pelt carefully to be turned into its tunic later. “We can fly above it Birdie. It won’t harm us.”
Birdie scowled. “Wukong, the denizens of the forest can’t all fly. We can’t just leave them to burn.” She points at a bird nest in the distance with three far-too-young chicks to prove her point.
Wukong thinks for a bit. “Very well, grab the nest with the babes, we will take them with-“
“Fine! I’ll go have the dragons send a-ACK!” He flinched and turned his head down as a raindrop found its place in his eye. A few more raindrops fell against Birdie’s cheeks and Wukong’s head before the rain steadily became heavier and heavier.
The rain felt warm, and to Birdie, incredibly familiar as the sweet smell of fresh water, ozone and flowers filled the area.
Raising a hand to protect her eyes she looked up at the rain cloud that had snuck up on them and saw the vague outlined shape of a woman in the clouds, her hair fading and falling as the rain that was now smothering the flames.
Birdie feels herself start to smile and her emotions rise into her throat as she’s almost sure that the woman - Her dear sister who had stood by her through everything - looks at her with a reassuring smile before her head turns away, her body sways, and she fades into a cloud once more… vanishing with the gentle sound of a distant rolling thunder.
“Wukong… did you see her?” Her voice soft and gentle. Still shielding her eyes as she looked up at the clouds to see if She was still up there, but she was gone. Moved on, giving her sister the privacy she had promised her so long ago when Birdie had first left for this journey.
Wukong was rubbing his eye from the liquid smack he had undeservingly received, and gave his body a good shake to rid himself of water that was soaking him. Taking one of his hairs, transforming it into a large umbrella, he grabbed Birdie and dragged her closer to him to join him in his jīndǒu yúnas to relieve her wings the stress of flying in the rain.
He shook his head as he felt her settle next to him. “No… I didn’t see her. Who? The Pearl Girl?”
Birdie rolled her eyes and gave his chest a weak smack even as she got closer to warm herself with his heat. “Wukong be respectful, she’s our sworn sister. She has been truly a support for me these past couple hundred years.”
Wukong grumbled but adjusted his body to hold her. “I don’t know how she has still fooled heaven into thinking she’s some peaceful ‘Tranquil Lady’. She’s peacefully shoved water up my nose and in my ear for a innocent prank more times than I care to remember!”
Birdie laughs as his words bring up multiple memories of the various ways Wukong would try to elicit some emotional reaction out of her otherwise non-reactive friend when they were still on their great journey to retrieve the Tripitaka Scriptures. And only succeeded in getting a physical response instead.
The phantom sounds of him cussing and sputtering and hacking while Zhu Baije laughed filled her ears. The Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ’s only emotional reaction would be the slightest of a glare and eyebrow twitch before she went back to drinking her tea and the conversation she usually had with Birdie or Sha Wujing on the occasions she was summoned to assist the pilgrims.
Birdie leaned her cheek against his shoulder. “You usually deserved it, you were awful. Constantly poking and prodding at her when she had taken to time to come and help us.”
Wukong huffed out a laugh. “She always had this calm demeanor even when she was angry or irritated underneath. I was simply helping her express her emotions.” He remembered the one time he had seen her punish and execute the Bā tuófēng yěmán rén, that sort of calm rage wasn’t healthy for anyone. Especially not for a woman with the power to inadvertently make it everyone else’s problem.
Yes, Wukong thought to himself. He was justified in his needling and pranks towards the princess. Because he knew he’d been awful and annoying. Usually ever on his worst behavior when that pearl maiden was around, going just far enough to not have his master punish him with that blasted headband.
Because it allowed her to release those emotions she usually kept so bottled up, giving them an outlet that wasn’t a violent storm or a deadly riptide.
Truly, he deserved more appreciation. The great and handsome monkey king didn’t have to go out of his way, but he did for the sake of his friends.
Birdie laughed at his pouting face as she gave him a kiss on the cheek to sooth him. “Well you could’ve told her that rather than being so… You about the whole thing.”
Wukong pouted then chuckled in agreement. Indeed he had been awful. But it was fun. He began to have his jīndǒu yúnas take them out of the storm’s path and to a dryer area to listen to the rain from a distance and get some rest before they finished their journey at sunrise.
The Phoenix Maiden sighed as she watched the rain and distant thunder. It had grown to become her favorite sound when she was at the sea side palace. “It will be good to get back… I miss her. We have so many stories we have to share with our sister.”
It was a murmured statement, perhaps not something she realized she spoke aloud. But Wukong heard her all the same. She looked up at him and said in a more clear voice. “When we get back we need to come up with a ‘thank you’ gift for her. She made sure the mountain stayed protected and the damage was healed, along with keeping your citizens safe after… you…” her voice trails off and her face falls a bit before she hugs Wukong again.
“Never do that again…” It was an order.
“It’s okay Birdie… I don’t plan to go anywhere. I’m back for good this time.” He promised as he held her closer.
They stayed like that until the last of the distant glows of the fire went out, the forest safe and protected once more.
Wukong thinking all the while.
He had been gone for a while, and his Birdie - Because she was his now, she had given her heart to him and he had no intentions of returning it - had clearly become attached to their sworn sister, that infuriating pearl maiden. And now he learns she had also kept his home and people safe in his absence?
He nodded, pleased. His sworn younger sister was infuriating, but he would never say she wasn’t driven and loyal. He would think of a reward for her. And Birdie wanted to see her…
Then a thought struck him as he jumped up with the startled Phoenix Maiden in his arms. The poor woman letting out a yelp at sudden movement.
“An Idea! I’ve been struck with a great idea!” Wukong hooted as he jumped down onto a tree and carefully sat Birdie down, wrapping the fresh pelt around her shoulders to keep her warm. “Make up a camp! I shall be back soon!” Transforming a couple of his furs to make them into camping supplies, replacing what they had lost to the flames.
“Wha-Wukong!? Where are you going!?” Birdie sputtered as she fumbled with the objects that were shoved in her arms.
“A surprise Birdie! I go to grab a surprise!” Wukong beamed down at her before speeding off. Going to greet his infuriating Sworn Sister of the waters.
When we next meet, we shall see how that interaction goes.
@tunadunanana @szynkaaa @bottyshaker-900o @marcu-bug
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think! 😁
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ak319 · 16 hours
Lovesick Village Boy x Fem civil servant reader
《Beloved's Veil》
Part III
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➺ Part I Part II
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Habib's eyes widened when he saw you approaching the shop, though it didn't surprise him as much anymore. This was the third day you had come, each time asking for cigarettes, always receiving the same answer. Yet, you were relentless. It stirred something within him, feelings he hadn't realized he was capable of. Were you doing this for fun? For your own amusement? The subtle, smug look on your face seemed to confirm his suspicions.
It was the reason he petulantly huffed every night, hugging his pillow, trying to banish thoughts of you. But it was too late. You were already ingrained in his mind from the very first time he saw you. After so long spent away from the world, he was now facing the most dangerous temptation—love. A feeling he had convinced himself he'd never experience. Yet it irked him how unaffected you appeared, how you seemed to delight in the quiet misery he tried to conceal behind his mask.
He wanted to take it off for you... but fear held him back. Still, your eyes, always respectful and free of envy or lust, made the urge burn stronger. No, he couldn't. Someone might see him. Someone might see both of you. The village thrived on rumours, and for Habib, that meant more than whispers—it meant helplessness. Thank God you had the sense to come when the shop was mostly empty, always choosing the early or late hours.
"I can't," he whispered, the same routine, always.
"Not even today?"
"No. Not any day."
"Very well." With a tip of your hat, you exited the shop, and Habib had to summon every ounce of self-control to attend to the next customer.
The next day came, and once again, Habib, alongside his father, busied himself with running the store, responding to the curious questions of those who were surprised to see him out of the house, working. "Why is your face covered?" Of course, they wanted to know. His ears caught the sound of his father speaking with the supplier outside, and slowly, Habib approached the entrance, peeking at the scene.
"What do you mean? You can't just leave out an item from the list and say that--"
"Look, Mr. Kadir, it was an order from the higher office, alright? I have more deliveries to make. I'll see you soon." His father shook his head as the truck drove off.
"What was that about, Papa?"
"Nothing serious. Apparently, there's a cigarette shortage or something, and he couldn’t deliver them today. Some order from above? I don’t know what’s wrong with the man, honestly. We might need to find a new supplier if this keeps up!" His father's grumbles continued as he walked back into the shop, leaving Habib to ponder the matter.
Cigarettes? Higher office?
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"Did... did you do that?" Habib didn’t know where he found the courage, but he needed to ask you.
"Yes, I did. I ordered that no cigarettes be supplied to this store."
"Why?" Habib’s eyes widened in shock as you suddenly reached across the counter and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer. The counter between you was the only thing keeping this exchange from turning into scandalous gossip. But you didn’t seem to care about reputation, and to his surprise, he couldn’t even muster anger. The hand he raised to push you away faltered the moment it touched yours, going limp at the contact. With what little strength remained, he managed to croak out a protest, though it fell on deaf ears.
"I wanted you to know... I don’t come here for them. I come here for you." His entire body shivered, and he had to pause, catching his breath. The idea that he could be a source of your longing sent a thrill through him igniting a spark of possessiveness that warmed his heart.
"Please, what?" Your voice held a teasing edge, a playful challenge hanging in the air as you leaned in ever so slightly. Habib, shy and modest, turned his head away, but you could see the soft flush creeping along his neck.
Don't ever stop coming here. Don't leave my hand. Never. "Someone... someone might see us, and... it could damage your reputation."
"You think I care about that?" You smirked, releasing his hand slowly, letting your fingers linger a moment longer than necessary before slipping them into your pockets. "But, if you say so..." You turned, a smile teasing your lips. "Well, I got my answer then."
"Hm?" You glanced back over your shoulder.
"I-I didn’t mean--"
"You said something?" His shy glare, so timid and sweet, almost made you laugh. His attempts at anger were always endearing. "Do you want me to still come here?" You asked, voice dipping lower, teasing yet again.
He nodded, his back still turned, his modesty winning out as he tried to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. You could almost picture him pouting as he pressed his face against the wall, trying and failing to escape your gaze.
You walked back to the counter, drawing closer, making him nearly turn again--but he resisted, melting further against the wall, as if he could disappear into it.
"Then pray tell, why should I keep coming here? It seems the one I come for doesn't appreciate my presence. Oh, such a cruel fate I have been bestowed with," you teased, your voice dripping with mock sorrow.
"I—that’s not true! I... I do!" Habib stammered, his words barely audible, but the sincerity in them made your smirk grow.
"Fine, my Golrez (rose)," you said, your teasing tone softening. "But for now, I have to leave."
He nearly winced at the swift shift in your voice from gentle to professional. "Wait—t-take this!" He hurriedly placed a small snack on the counter before turning away, avoiding your gaze.
"I swear, you hide from me as if I’m a monster or something." Your tone was light, but your words struck deep as his ears burned red with embarrassment.
"Well... not my fault you... you..." His words tumbled out as he tried to muster a response, but his shyness betrayed him.
"I what?" You tilted your head, clearly enjoying how easily he flustered.
"Just go!" he huffed, puffed up with embarrassment and frustration.
It was such a fun game, teasing him like this, watching him turn red and die a little of shyness. With a last chuckle, you turned and made your way out to the awaiting car, leaving him with a mix of relief and painful longing.
As you drove away, Habib knew he would spend the rest of the night replaying this moment, already dreading the memories that would haunt him in his dreams, pulling him further into this inescapable feeling.
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The book in Habib's hand nearly slipped when a familiar voice sang out from behind the veranda's pillar.
"My dearest Uncle~~"
"Hi..." Habib muttered, not bothering to hide the mild annoyance in his tone.
"Hi, indeed." Rahim flopped beside him on the ground, leaning comfortably against the cushion with an uncharacteristically smug expression that immediately stirred Habib’s curiosity. "So, ahem, I heard a certain someone has been visiting your shop quite frequently..."
"N-no! Nobody is." Habib stammered, quickly standing to leave.
Rahim blinked, feigning surprise, but the mischievous glint in his eyes didn’t waver. "Alright, Uncle. I'll just go meet the DC myself, then. Perhaps I’ll even get a picture with her... I must prepare for this important meeting."
Habib froze, his heart racing at the thought. Before Rahim could take another breath, Habib’s hand shot out, gently yet firmly gripping his arm.
Rahim's smirk widened. He had him now. "Oh, I see... someone does care, after all."
"Um—what do you mean...? What meeting?" Habib’s voice faltered, trying to play it off, but Rahim caught every shift in his expression.
"Oh, nothing," Rahim said, turning with a shrug as though it were the most casual thing in the world. "Just the DC coming to visit our school tomorrow."
"O-oh. Hm." Habib’s attempt to sound indifferent was failing miserably.
"I thought if you admitted it, I’d convey a message for you... but it's fine. I think I misheard about her coming to our store. Could’ve been someone else, right?"
Before Rahim could fully turn away, Habib tugged him back and flicked him on the forehead.
"You seem to know everything, don’t you?" Habib’s voice held a mix of exasperation and embarrassment.
"Uncle! OW!" Rahim yelped, rubbing his forehead dramatically. "Here I am, trying to be your loyal supporter, and you insult me! Not fair!"
With a huff, Habib dragged Rahim into the back alley of their house, whisper-yelling. "You can’t just go around talking about these things, Rahim! Someone might hear you!"
"Oh really?"
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Habib protested, trying to feign innocence.
"Oh, you know very well." Rahim smirked, leaning closer. "You think I can't piece it together? You've been in a daze all week, and I saw her leaving the shop the other day! Look at you, you're red!"
"S-so!?" Habib stammered, trying to deflect.
Rahim’s grin widened. "You're in love, aren't you?~~"
"Rahim!" Habib sighed, his resolve weakening. "Fine! I... I do like her." He quickly covered Rahim’s mouth to muffle his loud exclamation. "Are you mad?! What if someone hears? Especially brother Basim!"
"Oh, please. Dad's not home, and it's about time you settled down. Imagine—married to the DC, living in a bungalow, riding in lavish cars, with bodyguards—
"Rahim! You think I desire her wealth? Is that what you think of me?" Habib's voice rose slightly, and he could see the gleam in the boy's eyes fade as he sensed the seriousness of his uncle's tone.
"N-no, I just--Uncle, I just want to see you happy...living your life with her...away from here.." Rahim replied, his enthusiasm dimming. Habib sighed, feeling a pang of sympathy for his defeated face.
"Rahim... I'm just so... afraid of all this. And... how can I even trust her? Also, the fact that she--"
Rahim's eyebrow shot up at the sudden silence. "She what? What did she do?"
"She seems to have no regard for herself. She's so bold, and I am afraid for her too...she's too careless." Habib confessed, his cheeks heating with embarrassment.
Rahim chuckled, prompting Habib to look away. "Well, she seems ideal for you, I must say. And serious regarding you. I'm surprised you've managed to melt her heart, considering everyone in the village is kind of scared of her. But look, Uncle, she doesn't know anything about you, she hasn't even seen you... fully. Yet she seems to like you. If that doesn't scream romantic and respectful, then I don't know what does."
"That's the thing--she doesn't know about--"
"Uncle, please. Just tell me, do you want me to convey something to her or not?" Rahim pressed, his tone turning more earnest.
Habib hesitated, the weight of the night pressing down on them like a thick fog, shrouding his thoughts in uncertainty. "I.--give me time to think," he finally admitted, the shadows around them deepening as the moonlight flickered, leaving the air heavy with unspoken feelings.
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You were quite taken aback when one of the kids from school wanted to tell you something very important. It left the teachers surprised when you took the boy aside to talk, you were always attentive and considerate when it came to people. So this was Habib's nephew. Interesting.
"Okay, so if I have to talk to him, I have to use you as an envoy?"
Rahim nodded almost pridefully, causing you to scoff playfully. "Mhm. And why can't I just go to the shop and talk to him? Or, better yet, call him on the phone?"
Rahim's eyes widened as he shook his head, glancing around nervously. "No, no. You see, my uncle is very cautious about these things, and you visiting the shop-"
"Trust me, I know."
"And he doesn’t have a phone."
"Why is that?" A familiar pang of sympathy and concern befell your heart.
"Well, because he doesn't feel the need to have one," Rahim explained.
"What about you?"
"I--I do..."
"Hm. I see. Odai, give this boy my number. And Rahim, tell your uncle, I'm free at 8 p.m." A blush crept up Rahim's cheek. You really are serious about his Uncle.
"O-okay, ma'am, I will. Thank you."
"Thank you, too." Rahim grinned as you ruffled his hair and walked away to resume the conversation with the principal. Phew. He nearly peed his pants.
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"Mhm, must be a wrong number."
Rahim nudged his uncle harder, making him yelp, which made you smirk from your side of the conversation. Poor Rahim must be struggling to get his uncle to speak up right now. You cleared your throat, the anticipation tingling in the air.
"Oh, so there is someone on the other line..."
"O-of course there is! How do you think you got a call?" He bit his lip, feeling the familiar rush of warmth flood his cheeks. Your light laughter echoed through the receiver, and he could practically picture your smile, bright and teasing, making his heart race with every syllable.
The moment felt electric, and as Rahim left the room with a smirk, granting his uncle a semblance of privacy whilst Habib found himself entranced by your voice.
"I just wanted to make sure it was you," you said, a playful lilt in your tone. "So, you did call. I was beginning to worry..."
Habib unconsciously twirled a strand of his hair, a soft smile spreading across his face. Your voice sent shivers down his spine, wrapping around him like a warm embrace even over the phone.
"Yes, I did. How... was your day?" he asked, a hint of anticipation in his tone.
"Hectic as always," you replied, the thought of your busy schedule tugging at his heart. He wished he could be there to help ease your burdens.
"You didn't… visit the… shop for the past few days."
"You missed me?" he bit his finger at your query, feeling warmth bloom in his chest at the thought of you thinking of him. "Mhm... a lot," he admitted
"How much?" There you went with the teasing again. But he loved every moment of it, your playful banter igniting a spark within him that he couldn't ignore.
"A--lot... I told you!" he replied, his heart racing, unable to contain the giddiness bubbling inside.
"But I want to know~"
"More... than you for sure," he huffed out, rolling onto his side on the bed, the fabric of his sheets cool against his heated skin. He imagined you lying next to him, the two of you sharing secrets and laughter. Your fingers running through his hair.
"Well, I had work, and I cannot visit the shop daily, y'know. It's a blessing that your nephew got this idea to approach me. Or...was it yours?"
"It was his! I was just-- I agreed."
"I miss you too, y’know. Those captivating eyes, this gentle, soothing voice." The way you spoke made his heart race, filling him with warmth and longing. Each word from your lips felt like a spell, wrapping around him tighter with every passing moment.
Eventually the call ended, leaving him breathless and more determined than ever. He glanced at Rahim who entered back, with an almost mischievous smile on his face. "Looks like you're in deep trouble now, Uncle," Rahim teased, but all Habib could think about was how he would make sure you knew just how much you meant to him.
And just like that, you both conversed for days, getting to know each other. Habib kept most things vague about himself, shrouding his past in mystery, but you knew better than to pry. Still, a part of him dreaded the day you might bring it up, fearing the vulnerability it would expose. On the other hand, he worried if you would ever uncover his history--a secret he guarded with every ounce of his being.
For now, though, he relished this new feeling, this blessing called love. If love is a curse, then he was ready to be a victim of it an infinite number of times, endlessly drawn to the light you brought into his life.
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lifelyne · 1 day
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🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Ret 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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wonderlanddreamer · 19 hours
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"I've made men twice your size beg for mercy. Don't think for a second that I won't do the same to you."
Behind Enemy Lines
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novaazurite · 2 days
ocs, ocs, yeah.
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In order: Hanami, Tajin(or Paipai), Kaybee, Argon, Mitsuaki, and Azuex(or Fuzzball)
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angeldestruct · 3 days
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do we fw oc art guys..a bit old, i wanna redo this alot better since this was rushed
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mars-blast · 10 months
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Mew Balance
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dazelvel · 5 months
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"Go get your man Mary"
Susan's advice
Part two is gonna be great 👀
Part 2
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bluewolfangel01 · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Lucifer!!!
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*Astarion, midway through sex starts giggling like a madman* Durge: Astarion? Why tf are you laughing??? A: Can- haeeheh, can I? D: Can you what?? A: Can I...Come inside?
D: Gods you're insufferable I adore you.
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idiot-mushroom · 11 days
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btw i made another spidersona (this time based on me irl)
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corysarchive · 2 months
Made this based off a tiktok comment I got. Something about Honey Ants. I didn't even know those existed till Now.
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blackkatdraws2 · 9 months
Think of two characters/OCs they remind you of and draw them to this comic... [make sure to @ me if you do, I wanna see (◕_◕ )]
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They are my OCs! The old man is named Mr. Zhao and the girl is little Qin. They're family.
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wistfulpoltergeist · 3 months
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Nothing unusual. Decided to play Divinity 2 with my sis. Created my characters there, found a home for them, decorated it, imagined a story and then went back to Sims 4 to recreate my Sims-Divinity Characters back in Sims :D
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CC credit: Me :D, @simstrouble, Nelfeah, @giuliettasims, @chocobunsims, @golyhawhaw, @joliebean, @uxji, @thisisthem, @goppolsme, @johnnysimmer, @introsims, @pralinesims
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