#Munda community
townpostin · 17 days
Tribal Festival Held in Mango Celebrates Karma Rituals and Cultural Legacy
Munda community in Mango organized Karma festival with cultural performances. Key Points: – Karma Mahotsav held at Adivasi High School, Mango by Munda community. – Tributes paid to artists preserving cultural heritage through songs and dance. – Tata Steel Foundation manager emphasized the need for tribal empowerment. JAMSHEDPUR – A Karma Mahotsav and music evening were organized at Adivasi High…
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Reading academic literature on languages of the Indian subcontinent is something of an experience. Some of it I think is simple culture shock, some of it is probably an effect of differences between British English(es) and Indian English(es), and some of it is clearly a holdover from colonial ideas.
Like on the one hand you'll find a paper that is about e.g. contact effects of Bangla on a Munda language, one published by the Central Institute of Indian Languages no less, but then it turns out the abstract is entirely muddled and the article itself contains prose like this:
"Though Koda is a Munda language yet the name Koda is recognised as an Indo-Aryan word which is related to digging. The main occupation of the Koda community is to dig land. They generally specialise in earthdigging." (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344713421_Effect_of_Bangla_on_Koda_verbs)
Then you get the stuff which is not wrong or even necessarily badly written but does have a noticeable Aryan-chauvinist bias, such as this passage on the history of Assamese:
"Therefore, by the seventh century AD the kingdom of Bhaskara Varma, which extended to a considerable part of Bengal in those days, must have been populated by a large number of Aryans, who, by virtue of their superiority, spread their language among the aboriginal people speaking non-Aryan languages. The native population gave up their undeveloped and unwritten languages in favour of a much more developed Aryan tongue." (from The Indo-Aryan Languages, Cardona & Jain 2003, published by Routledge).
It's not like this isn't something I can deal with, it's just that it's seems a bit weird to someone coming from an academic culture where the assumption is you speak impartially about the languages you are discussing, and has generally abandoned notions such as 'developed languages' as unhelpful. Though of course it an older form of western academic is of course a key component in the history of 'Aryan' as a concept; when Indo-European became established as a family and Sanskrit a key language for it suddenly became interesting to people who had, ahem, certain views about how humans should be divided into groups. And some of that still is carried over to today (see also the Out of India theory for the Indo-European homeland, something which basically nobody outside of India supports).
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bongboyblog · 1 year
The Endangered Dance Form Of West Bengal
Dance, art, and culture and an adda at the local chai shop make a bangali, a pure bangali. Let's have an adda over tea about the endangered dance form, Chhau dance, also spelled Chhou dance. It is found in other regions of India like Jharkhand, and Odisha with different forms and names- Purulia Chhau of West Bengal, the Seraikella Chhau of Jharkhand, and the Mayurbhanj Chhau of Odisha. The dance includes everything from a structured dance with Shaivist, Shakti, and Vaishnavist religious themes to a celebration of martial arts, acrobatics, and athletics done in the festive themes of a folk dance.
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It is customarily performed by an all-male group, and the dance may be a syncretic dance form that evolved from the blending of classical Hindu dances and the customs of long-extinct local tribes. The dance is remarkable and unites individuals from various socioeconomic levels in a joyful and religious atmosphere. Performed by male dancers who trained under Gurus or Ustads (masters), or who come from families of traditional artists. Its roots can be found in indigenous dance and combat styles. The basic language of Chhau dance consists of khel (fake combat moves), chalis and topkas (stylized animal and bird gaits), and uflis (movements based on a country housewife's everyday tasks). Oral transmission is used to pass on the knowledge of dance, music, and mask-making. It lasts all night long and is performed in an area known as an akhada or asar.
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Local mythology, folklore, scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as abstract concepts, are some of the topics covered by the dancers' repertory. The vibrant music is characterized by the rhythm of indigenous drums like the dhol, dhumsa and kharka and the melody of the mohuri and shehnai. The majority of the dancers are from the Munda, Mahato, Kalindi, Pattnaik, Samals, Daroga, Mohanty, Acharya, Bhol, Kar, Dubey, and Sahoo communities. Musicians come from the Mukhi, Kalindi, Ghadhei, and Dhada groups. They take part in the instrument production as well. Communities of traditional painters known as Maharanas, Mohapatras, Sutradhars are involved in the making of these masks.
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Not only were Paika and Natua the forerunners of Chhau dance (particularly Purulia style), but Nachni dance also had a significant influence on the way Chhau is known today. The female moves and gaits used in Chhau dance are virtually solely taken from Nachni dance. The Chhau dance was added to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010. The Government Chhau Dance Centre and the Mayurbhanj Chhau Nritya Pratisthan were created by the Government of Odisha in 1960 and 1962, respectively, in Seraikella and Baripada.
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I was hoping to have all 3 of my Freela kids ready by tomorrow, been falling behind because life... but the *STAR* attraction of the three is finally finished! (haha get it? *star* cus she's named after a star AHAHAH)
So this is my official redesign of my Freela baby, Turanga Violet Star Fry.
*Is named after the Violet Dwarf Star. You know, the star that literally forced Leela to face her true feelings more than ever and trust Fry with the most important thing in the universe, and also made her realise she could not deny her undying love for Fry any longer.
*Pronouns she/her
*Family pet name is Hexy Chicky
*She is a goth punk rebel without a cause
*Angsty Teen (16 years I'd say roughly of age)
*Is besties w/Bender
*Has an ✨ICONIC✨ Witch's Black cat (Fang, Morris and Munda's cat's baby 🥹)
*Her hair has mutations where it glows the colour of the violet drawf star. The glow gets brighter and engulfs her whole hair whenever she is closed to the encyclapod or anything that is in danger and needs to be saved, this includes beings, and whole entire planets. Certain situations one might say.
*She has a connection to the encyclapod and knows where it can be found at any given time. She learns she can communicate to plants, animals, basically anything living.
*Her hair can also change length and texture to best suit her needs. Think like Bayonetta (best video game witch IMO she is boss queen) Violet can use har hair as a weapon to defend herself. She also learns she can grow tenticles at will from her hair, very much like her other two siblings.
*She is a bad ass boss bitch like her momma
*Has big fuck off death stomper boots, just like her momma
*Is an environmental and animal activist like her momma
*Practices witch craft due to her innate connection with nature all that is living.
*Will spend hours debating with her brother Phil and Professor Farnsworth and Cubert about what is science and spirituality, what can be explained and what cannot be explained and try to either thwart them or find a way to bridge the two together.
*Bisexual / Demisexul
The Chicky on her shirt is the chicken she's known as in the family, they all have chicken nicknames cus of the chicken hats. I am working on a family photo of them all as we speak. Thank you so much to the incredible @ladybender for the inspiration for this idea. 🥹
Still working on her story and everything but I finally have her design ready and I am so happy and proud. If you ever saw spam posts on DeviantART of a user called FryplusLeela4Eva2getha that was me and I posted artworks of Violet and her two siblings Phil and Sam. Redesigns of them coming soon! I'm just so happy I was able to get one of them out at least before the drop of the first new episode haha.
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idk if i ever talked about this but leela’s behavior in “teenage mutant leela’s hurdles” vs her parents’ behavior fascinates me so much. like she immediately jumps to trying to be a Normal Teen Girl because she never had that life, while her parents don’t really understand why she needs that and barely give her any restrictions. 
and it’s funny, but it also kind of makes you realize that the way leela sees her parents and the way her parents see her are totally different. leela did not grow up knowing she was loved, and she came out feeling alone and desperate to prove herself as a normal, capable, independent person. but her parents kept an eye on her as much as they could, so they knew she was safe and loved. they also convinced themselves there was no way she would ever be happy with them in the sewers and that knowing the truth would embarrass her, so from their POV, she had the happier life. why would she ever want to come back and live with them? there’s no way anything she faced on the surface would be worse than their lives right? (”less than hero” also doubles down on this because they assume so easily that she’s ashamed of them and won’t be upset when they die. brutal!)
also, while morris offering her alcohol and not setting a strict curfew and such could just be because they still see her as an adult, i also headcanon the sewers have a different sense of what’s normal in raising children. we don’t see many children down there, nor even many families besides the turangas, and since it’s obviously a very insular community, i imagine most kids would be free-range, sort of raised by the community. everybody has adapted to the environment, so as long as you stay underground (and away from crocodiles), there’s probably not much from which you’d need to keep kids safe. and with the extremely low budget you can’t be picky with what kids eat and drink and watch and read. from what we know of mutant culture, vulgarity is pretty normalized cuz like... you can’t help it there, it’s what “polite” society sends underground.  
so i think this all adds new layers to later episodes where morris and munda don’t always understand why leela is upset about being forced into anger management, mutating uncontrollably, and infamously the munda/zapp thing. as much as they love her, they assume her life will always be better on the surface, because they gave her up specifically for that purpose. (given that munda is implied to have a lot of repressed disdain for her living situation, i think she might have even wanted to live a bit vicariously through her daughter, while morris seems more attached to mutant values -- even their reaction to lars supports this.) i don’t think leela is willing enough to be open about her trauma to address this, and i think it really upsets her to think that her family, after all this time, would be imperfect, which is probably one of many reasons she’s so upset in “zapp dingbat.” 
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ohbutwheresyourheart · 6 months
2, 3, and 23 for Tansy!
Hehehe thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my most troubled daughter. TW for discussions of cannibalism, suicide, and religious trauma.
2. What’s something about your OC that people wouldn’t expect just from looking at them?
Well, for Tansy, the immediate and obvious answer is “she’s a necromancer” haha.
I’m still hammering out the exact lore on necromancy for Unquiet Bones, but so far: it’s a power bestowed on Tansy (so those in the know believe) by Ysa-Munda, the Goddess of Death. Mother Josefina, the head priestess of Ysa-Munda, initially thought it more likely it was a gift from Xenith, the God of Life, on the basis that Ysa-Munda would be shooting Herself in the foot a bit giving someone the power to bring people back from the dead. But… she got shouted down. Because, hey, what would she know?
Some followers of Ysa-Munda have a very mild form of Tansy’s powers: they can search the afterlife for souls and occasionally perform seances to bring the soul briefly back to speak with loved ones. Even this, however, is seen as stepping of Ysa-Munda’s toes and only done in special circumstances -- e.g., if someone died in a sudden accident, then with a sufficient ‘donation’ to the temple, it might be allowed for the deceased’s family to contact their soul to say goodbye. This may or may not also be used to figure out inheritances.
(Sidebar: Ysa-Munda is also an unofficial patron goddess of lawyers/accountants, because nothing in life is certain except death and taxes.)
Tansy, however, can go much further than this: she can bring souls all the way back from the dead and place them back in their bodies. This is how she resurrected King Damian when he was dying as a child (and has done so multiple times since).
The downside to this is that Tansy is explicitly a necromancer, not a healer. The soul gets put back in the body in… exactly the state the body is in. So if, say, she resurrected someone who died of a virulent flesh-eating plague -- well, that would probably be quite traumatising for the soul in question.
The other downside is that Tansy requires a physical connection to the person she is resurrecting. For anyone not related to her by blood, this is satisfied by drinking their blood or, for a full resurrection, eating their flesh.
(Damian, oddly, is exempt from this; his father, King Theodoric, claimed it must be due to Damian’s royal blood: he is, via the divine right of kings, connected to all of his subjects. Nobody in the intervening years has seen a good reason to disclaim this, or an alternate explanation.)
Very few people, even within the cult of Ysa-Munda, are aware of the extent of Tansy’s powers, as Mother Josefina feared that widespread knowledge of a true necromancer would cause either a) mass hysteria and danger of violence towards Tansy, and/or b) that Tansy would be petitioned to resurrect multitudes of people. Mother Josefina , especially given her doubt even now that Tansy’s gift truly does come from Ysa-Munda, fears that Tansy using her powers any more than absolutely necessary would bring Mother Death’s rage down upon them all.
3. What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
This is SUCH a good question because I was honestly stumped for a little while!
After mulling it over, I think Tansy’s fatal flaw is ultimately her inability to see situations from the perspective of other people.
For example, when Damian tells her again and again that he doesn’t want her to continue resurrecting him, Tansy assumes he’s just attempting to shirk his responsibilities as king and not realising how grateful he should be for a miracle (possibly because she heard this expressed as a child by other people).
Or when she asks Lucia to leave Varnius’s commune and come back to Haelgavaard, not understanding why Lucia would turn down someone who cares for her and is willing to provide for her material needs and why that wouldn’t be enough to erase her mental health issues.
Tansy isn’t malicious (although she definitely does some awful things), but she is someone who has rigid beliefs that are extremely difficult to change. She considers herself to be logical and is inclined to think people who disagree with her without (in Tansy’s opinion) a good reason are being controlled by their emotions. The solution, then, is to talk the person down until they realise how irrational they are and come around to Tansy’s way of thinking.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
I think both of these ultimately come back to fear.
Tansy was deeply terrified and traumatised as a child when her first attempt to resurrect her foster mother who died of the plague turned out horribly. Her foster mother suffered immensely until she was killed again to put her out of her misery, the rest of her foster family turned against her and denounced her as a monster, and she was then ripped away from the only family she had ever known and taken to do that exact awful thing again to a boy her own age.
She was then told that the fate of the entire kingdom rested on her doing that awful thing again, and again, and again, as often as needed. Even as the boy she grew to care about grew, in his turn, to hate her for being his tormentor. Even when she fled the kingdom, she was eventually dragged back and the metaphorical shackles put on again. There is no escape from her life except escaping her life, and the thing she is most afraid of in the world is facing Ysa-Munda when she dies.
Tansy has been afraid of so much, for so long, that she’s grown almost numb to it: the fear has been so consistent that it’s become her baseline and she can no longer really tell when she’s feeling it. Tangled up in this is the thread she clings to that as long as she does what she’s told and fulfils her given role then everything will be okay and she’ll be okay and so she just has to keep treading the same path and -- yeah. She’s a mess.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 6.9
Accession Day (Jordan)
Ananda Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Bill and Ted Day
Birsa Munda Shahidi Diwas (Madhya Pradesh; India)
Clothing Poverty Awareness Day (UK)
Community Day (La Rioja, Murcia; Spain)
Coral Triangle Day
Cornflower Day (French Republic)
Denture Day
Donald Duck Day
Feast of the Birth of the White-Breasted Giantess
Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day
Global Maintenance Day
Home Sweet Home Day
International Archives Day
International Batten Disease Awareness Day
International Day of Celtic Art
International Dough Disco Day
La Rioja Day (Spain)
Light Industry Workers’ Day (Former USSR Nations)
Meezer’s Colors Day
Monkey Spank Day
Murcia Day (Spain)
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Earl Day
National Earl Baltes Day
National Helen Day
National Heroes’ Day (Uganda)
National Krewe of Tucks Day
National Long COVID Awareness Day (Canada)
National Meal Prep Day
National Mitchell Day
National Sex Day
National Sex Educator Appreciation Day
National Stripper Appreciation Day
No Apologies Period Day
Profess Your Love Day
Purple People Eater Day
Rockman Day
609 Day
South American Football Day
Toy Industry Day
Traverse Myelitis Awareness Day (UK)
World Accreditation Day
World APS Day (a.k.a. World Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Day)
Writers’ Rights Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Dark ’n Stormy Day
Kraft Cheese Day
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
Independence & Related Days
Flevelt (a.k.a. the Confederation of Flevelt; Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Självstyrelsedagen (Åland Self-Governing Day; Åland)
2nd Sunday in June
Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Bunker Hill Day observed (Massachusetts) [Sunday before 17th]
Canadian Rivers Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Austria, Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
International Drink Chenin Blanc Days, Day 3 [2nd Sunday]
International Shiatsu Day [2nd Sunday]
LEAF Open Farm Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Luxembourg) [2nd Sunday]
Multicultural American Child Day [2nd Sunday]
National Career Nursing Assistants’ Day [2nd Sunday]
National Children's Day [2nd Sunday]
National Garden Day (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
National Puerto Rican Day [2nd Sunday]
Race Unity Day (a.k.a. Race Amity Day; Baha’i) [2nd Sunday]
Ride the Wind Day [2nd Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday; also 2nd Tuesday]
World Swallowtail Day [2nd Sunday]
Write To Your Father Day [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 9 (2nd Full Week)
National Automobile Service Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.12]
National Clay Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Email Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Flag Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.14]
National Little League Week [2nd Week]
National Pet Wedding Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Right of Way Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 9, 2024
Annecy International Animated Film Festival (Annecy, France) [thru 6.15]
Beacon Sloop Club Strawberry Festival (Beacon, New York)
Community-Wide FELStival (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
International Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo (Houston, Texas) [thru 6.11]
Jewish Cultural Festival (Dayton, Ohio)
New England VegFest (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Peabody Awards (Los Angeles, California)
Savor Idaho (Boise, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Architects of the Middles Ages (Positivist; Saints)
Bathe in Marinara Day (Pastafarian)
Bede (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Cloverfield Dairy Cow (Muppetism)
Columba of Iona (a.k.a. Columbia or Columkille; Celtic Christian) [Poets]
Edmund (Christian; Saint)
Ephrem the Syrian (Roman Catholic Church and Church of England)
George Pérez (Artology)
James Collinson (Artology)
Jim Jones Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joe Haldeman (Writerism)
José de Anchieta (Christian; Saint)
Jotunheim Day (Pagan)
Liborius (Christian; Saint)
Lord Buddha's Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Michael Ancher (Artology)
Paul Beatty (Writerism)
Pelagia of Antioch (Christian; Virgin and Martyr)
Pieter Jansz. Saenredam (Artology)
Primus and Felician (Christian; Martyrs)
Ralph Goings (Artology)
Remembrance for Sigurd the Dragonslayer (a.k.a. Siegfried; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Richard, Bishop of Andria (Christian; Saint)
Robert Indermaur (Artology)
Vesalia (Feast of Vesta; Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Vincent of Aden (Christian; Martyr)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 57]
Bill of Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Cars (Animated Pixar Film; 2006)
The Coo Coo Bird (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1947)
The Crying of Lot 49, by Thomas Pynchon (Novella; 1966)
Dire Straits, by Dire Straits (Album; 1978)
The Empty Chair, by Jeffrey Deaver (Novel; 2000)
Gone in 60 Seconds (Film; 2000)
How Do I Know It’s Sunday (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Invisible Touch, by Genesis (Album; 1986)
Jelly-Roll Blues, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1924)
Kids Say th Darnedest Things!, by Art Linkletter (Humor Book; 1958)
Labour of Lust, by Nick Lowe (Album; 1979)
Loki (TV Series; 2021)
Mr. Tambourine Man, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1964)
The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco (Novel; US Translation 1983)
The Nine Billion Names of God, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Stories; 1967)
Ode to Discord: A Chimerical Combination in Four Bursts, by Charles Villiers Stanford (Song; 1909)
A Pirate Looks at Fifty, by Jimmy Buffett (Memoir; 1998)
Party Girl (Film; 1995)
Secret, Profane & Sugarcane, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2009)
Some Girls, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1978)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Film; 1989)
Stroke It Rich (Radio Game Show; 1947)
Super 8 (Film; 2011)
Tangled (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
3, by Honeyhoney (Album; 2015)
Tumble Weed Greed (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
Ups an’ Downs Derby (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
The Wise Little Hen (Disney Cartoon; 1934) [1st Donald Duck]
The Year of the Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Today’s Name Days
Annamaria, Ephraim, Grazia (Austria)
Diomed, Efrem, Kolumban, Ranko (Croatia)
Stanislava (Czech Republic)
Primus (Denmark)
Elar, Haljand, Hallar, Helar, Helari, Hellar (Estonia)
Ensio (Finland)
Diane (France)
Annamaria, Diana, Ephram, Grazia (Germany)
Rodanthi (Greece)
Félix (Hungary)
Efrem, Primo (Italy)
Gita, Liega, Ligita, Naula, Valeska (Latvia)
Felicijus, Gintas, Gintė (Lithuania)
Kolbein, Kolbjørn (Norway)
Felicjan, Pelagia, Pelagiusz (Poland)
Chiril (România)
Stanislava (Slovakia)
Efrén, Feliciano, Julián (Spain)
Birger, Börje (Sweden)
Cole, Coleman, Colman, Dean, Deana, Deanna, Dee, Dena, Diana, Diane, Dianna, Dianne, Dyane, Prima, Primavera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 161 of 2024; 205 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 4 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 11 Blue; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 May 2024
Moon: 12%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 St. Paul (6th Month) [Architects of the Middles Ages]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 83 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Dag (Day) [Half-Month 12 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.26)
Duir (Oak) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 6 of 13]
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i-got-the-feels · 1 year
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Hey @jyuubin and @bisexualhedgehog thanks for tagging me in my game, it helps me expose my simp and basic ass with ease :")
Lockscreen - Shahrukh Khan aka my first love and supposedly 57 in that picture. I guess I am indeed a member of DILF community for him.
Homescreen - Song Hye Kyo. Yeah, no words. She gave me glory vibes with this picture and has been lockscreen since glory part 2 aired
Song - this song stuck in my head Munda Sona Hoon Main
Last Photo I saved - of my queen Madhuri Dixit
I tag @ommited-miscellaneously @catboyjosten @smittenskitten @bearinglight @morathicain and anyone who wants to do this :)
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painting-aphrodite · 2 years
Partial Solar Eclipse
At the 2nd Degree of Scorpio
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
Starting 8:58
Maximum 11:00 - UTC
End 14:02
Some cities where partial eclipse is visible
* Stockholm, Sweden
* Helsinki, Finland
* Tallinn, Estonia
* Minsk, Belarus
* Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
* Moscow, Moscow, Russia
* Tbilisi, Georgia
* Yerevan, Armenia
* Astana, Kazakhstan
* Baku, Azerbaijan
* Baghdad, Iraq
* Tehran, Iran
* Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
* Tashkent, Uzbekistan
* Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
* Almaty, Kazakhstan
* Dushanbe, Tajikistan
* Kabul, Afghanistan
* Islamabad, Pakistan
* New Delhi, Delhi, India
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, blocking off the light of the Sun.
An eclipse of the Sun never comes alone..
always taking place 2 weeks before or after a lunar eclipse. ( Lunar eclipse in Taurus on 08th of November)
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the Moon.
The Zodiac sign Scorpio is associated to:
Other peoples money, taxes, debt, shared resources, armed forces, intensity, secrecy, death, rebirth, healing, concentrative faculties, investigation, digging, power, regeneration, occult topics, taboo, satiation, those who work in the shadows, mafia, letting go and pro-creative systems etc,.
Ruled by the element Water.
Fixed outcomes can be anticipated. Much emotionality.
Both Venus and the Moon are conjoined the Sun at the time of the celestial event.
Venus is associated to relationships, women, children, freedom, beauty and finances etc,. Its known as the lesser benefic. Immense importance of all mentioned.( particular significance of financial systems)
Expect transformative, sudden and moving happenings in the days leading up to the Eclipse + afterwards.
Use this energy to bring about any personal alchemy - worthwhile alterations in order for something new and lasting to emerge.
The ruler of Scorpio - Mars.
Is in the sign of Gemini where it will turn retrograde on the 30th of October - a turning back, revisitation, delays, changing of course for all Martial themes. Fire (Mars) \ in a Air sign - hyperactive thoughts, learning, many discussions, returning paperwork at times manipulation and purging.
Instigating and cathartic unveiling of information. News platforms/ online spheres among other Gemini ruling are emphasised.
A complete opposition between the Law-makers/ religious systems of countries and the masses. A push from the left wing .. - much fraud, lies, obsessions, loss and vice.
‘Currently The Sun (The State, governing bodies) is in the sign of Libra, in its fall.
When the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd of October we will see a clear change of approach + status of the rulers - along with converting mundane happenings.’
“An eclipse
in Scorpio denotes ruin of houses and ancient buildings, divisions and hatred amongst the clergy, and they shall excite tumults.
In the watery triplicity, it promises the death of the vulgar and ignoble sort of people, seditions and rumours of wars and eruptions and floods of sea banks.
If a eclipse is in the first Face (Decan) of Scorpio it moves and stirs up wars and tumults, slaughter, hatred, captivities, plots and treachery.”
from the Book Astrology Munda.
Consider the whole chart
Al Mumtaz, signs, rulerships, aspects etc,..
if the 3rd house is ruled by Scorpio…
3rd house. relates to siblings, local community, things revolving around your transport, travel and communication to name a few..
If its your 4th house - then noticeable things related to Home, nurturing and family etc.
If its the 6th then it shall be work related, daily habits, health, co- workers, institutions, confinements, learning etc,..
The relevant life area (house) will be activated..
and Allah (swt) knows best
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celestialstarsystem · 24 days
Welcome to Celestial ~ Voids ⋆⭒˚.⋆☆
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this server is a safe space for lgbtq+ tramagenic systems only
non-tox, sfw, 13+ server
- owo
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- art events
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And just a genuine good community
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townpostin · 19 days
Many Join JMM During Mangal Kalindi’s Worker Meeting in Jamshedpur's Hitku
Jugsalai MLA Praises Hemant Soren Government’s Welfare Initiatives – JMM worker meeting held in Hitku Panchayat. – MLA says state government fulfilling martyrs’ dreams. – Several new members joined the JMM at the event. JAMSHEDPUR – At a JMM worker meeting in Hitku Panchayat, several people joined the party, inspired by the Hemant Soren government’s developmental efforts. The event took place at…
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parasparivaar · 2 months
Tribal Empowerment in India
Tribal Empowerment in India?
Tribal empowerment in India is a complex issue that combines cultural preservation, economic progress, and social justice for the country's enormous tribal population. Tribal communities, which make up over 104 million people (8.6% of the total population), are an essential element of India's cultural and historical environment. This blog digs at the various aspects of Tribal Empowerment, the challenges that these communities confront, and government initiatives to help them grow.
Who We Are?
From the bottom of our hearts, we extend a warm welcome to you into the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust family. In our Sanatan Dharm, this Parivaar was founded and is now being maintained by our  Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji of Sanatan Dharm to contribute to the welfare of the underprivileged and needy people. Because he consistently states, "happiness of maa is behind their smile." This idea of Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji has become the focus of our family's daily activities.
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The Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust works 365 days a year to lug our Paras Guru's vision forward. We have helped more than 10 lakh Needy, and thanks to Maa and our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji of Sanatan Dharm, this number is steadily rising. And it is the grandeur of Sanatan Dharm that we strive to assist those who cannot afford to pay for their education or who are food insecure.
Because we usually hear the quote "Unity is Strength" in everyday life, the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust would like for you to join our family. We are certain that if we all work together as a single family, we will be stronger and more committed to helping more people in need. Serving an increasing number of individuals in need will enable us to carve out a large place in the heart of our Maa. So, join the Paras Parivaar now for the chance of a lifetime to make the poor and needy smile widely.
Working hard to boost the lives of the poor and needy would also help us reduce the rate of poverty and increase the rate of education in our nation. In addition to providing aid to those in need, our  Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji wants to educate them so that they may become self-sufficient and contribute to the cause. join our Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust and aid those in need and destitute with what they need for food, shelter, and education.
Context of History
Tribal people in India have a long history and have contributed significantly to the country's freedom effort. Their various cultures, dialects, and traditions add to India's diversity. Historical movements such as the Khasi-Garo and Mizo movements highlight tribal groups' active participation in shaping the nation's history. The recognition of their achievements has resulted in initiatives such as the Janjatiya Gaurav Divas, which is commemorated each year on November 15 to honour the legacy of tribal freedom fighters like Bhagwan Birsa Munda.
Government Initiatives
Eklavya Model Residential Schools: Approximately 750 schools are being created to expand educational opportunities for tribal children with the aim of improving literacy rates and educational attainment.
Cultural Preservation: The establishment of Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs) and the promotion of tribal languages and arts are crucial for preserving tribal heritage. The government provides grants to support these initiatives, including the development of bilingual primers and tribal literature.
Economic Development: The Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan (PM JANMAN) was established with a budget of around ₹24,000 crore to promote the development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG). This program aims to improve lives, healthcare, and education in these areas.
Market Integration: Initiatives like the Aadi Mahotsav, a national tribal festival, aim to strengthen tribal craftsmen' marketing abilities and promote their products, resulting in increased income and economic participation in the mainstream market.
The Difficulties Tribal Communities Face 
Despite these initiatives, tribal communities continue to face significant challenges:
Land Rights: Development projects, mining, and urbanization have cost many indigenous tribes their traditional lands. Securing land rights is vital for their survival and cultural identity.
Healthcare Access: Tribal groups frequently live in rural places with limited access to healthcare services, resulting in greater infant mortality and Poor Health outcomes.
Disparities in Education: Although indigenous literacy rates have improved, they remain lower than the national average. Customized educational programs are required to meet the unique needs of tribal students.
Economic Marginalization: Tribals are frequently unable to reach marketplaces, which forces them to charge poor rates for their goods. Improving their marketing abilities and incorporating them into the larger economy is essential to raising their standard of living.
To summarize, tribal empowerment in India involves more than just economic development; it is about recognising and honoring tribal populations' unique cultural legacy while safeguarding their rights and involvement in the nation's advancement. The government's actions are a beginning in the right direction, but long-term efforts are required to solve the underlying issues that these communities face.
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danishsharma · 3 months
Exploring the Districts of Jharkhand: A Comprehensive List of All District Names
Jharkhand, a state located in eastern India, is known for its rich cultural heritage, lush forests, and vibrant tribal communities. The state, formed on 15th November 2000, comprises several districts, each with its own unique charm and significance. This article provides a detailed exploration of all the districts in Jharkhand, offering insights into their cultural, historical, and geographical importance.
The Districts of Jharkhand
Jharkhand is divided into 24 districts. Each district has its own administrative significance and cultural identity. Let's delve into the comprehensive list of these districts:
Known as the Steel City of India, Bokaro is home to one of the largest steel plants in the country, Bokaro Steel Plant.
This district is famous for its natural beauty, including waterfalls, hills, and religious sites.
Deoghar is a prominent pilgrimage site, renowned for the Baidyanath Temple, one of the twelve Jyotirlingas in India.
Often referred to as the Coal Capital of India, Dhanbad is a major coal mining district.
Dumka is known for its rich cultural heritage and is one of the oldest districts in the state.
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur, the district headquarters, is an industrial city established by Tata Steel and is a hub for various industries.
This district is known for its picturesque landscapes and natural resources.
Giridih is famous for its hills, forests, and the Parasnath Hills, a major Jain pilgrimage site.
Godda is primarily an agricultural district with a rich history.
Gumla boasts of stunning waterfalls and rich tribal culture.
Known for the Hazaribagh National Park, this district is a nature lover's paradise.
Jamtara is often referred to as the "Phishing Capital of India" due to the high incidence of cybercrime.
Known for its natural beauty and waterfalls, Khunti is also the birthplace of freedom fighter Birsa Munda.
Koderma is rich in mineral resources, particularly mica.
This district is known for its lush forests and the Betla National Park.
Lohardaga is renowned for its bauxite mines and historical significance.
Pakur is famous for its black stone industry.
Known for its historical forts and wildlife sanctuary, Palamu is a district with a rich heritage.
Ramgarh is an industrial district with coal mines and factories.
The capital city of Jharkhand, Ranchi, is a significant political, commercial, and educational hub.
This district is known for its natural beauty and archaeological significance.
Seraikela Kharsawan
Famous for its traditional Chhau dance, this district has a rich cultural heritage.
Simdega is known for its sports culture, particularly hockey.
West Singhbhum
This district is known for its iron ore mines and beautiful landscapes.
What is the significance of the districts in Jharkhand?
Total district in Jharkhand has its own unique cultural, historical, and economic significance. They contribute to the state's diverse identity, from industrial hubs like Bokaro and Jamshedpur to pilgrimage sites like Deoghar.
How many districts are there in Jharkhand?
Jharkhand is divided into 24 districts.
Which is the largest district in Jharkhand by area?
West Singhbhum is the largest district in Jharkhand by area.
Which district is the capital of Jharkhand?
Ranchi is the capital jharkhand all district name
What is Jharkhand famous for?
Jharkhand is famous for its rich mineral resources, lush forests, tribal culture, and industrial cities.
Closing Segment
Exploring the districts of Jharkhand offers a glimpse into the state's vibrant culture, natural beauty, and industrial prowess. From the coal mines of Dhanbad to the serene landscapes of Hazaribagh, each district contributes to the unique tapestry of Jharkhand. Whether you are a traveler seeking new destinations or a student of Indian geography, understanding the districts of Jharkhand provides valuable insights into this fascinating state.
For more updates and detailed information about each district, stay tuned to our blog. Share your experiences and let us know which district of Jharkhand you found most intriguing!
Note: For an interactive map and more details about each district, visit our website's district directory section.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 6.9
Accession Day (Jordan)
Ananda Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Bill and Ted Day
Birsa Munda Shahidi Diwas (Madhya Pradesh; India)
Clothing Poverty Awareness Day (UK)
Community Day (La Rioja, Murcia; Spain)
Coral Triangle Day
Cornflower Day (French Republic)
Denture Day
Donald Duck Day
Feast of the Birth of the White-Breasted Giantess
Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day
Global Maintenance Day
Home Sweet Home Day
International Archives Day
International Batten Disease Awareness Day
International Day of Celtic Art
International Dough Disco Day
La Rioja Day (Spain)
Light Industry Workers’ Day (Former USSR Nations)
Meezer’s Colors Day
Monkey Spank Day
Murcia Day (Spain)
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Earl Day
National Earl Baltes Day
National Helen Day
National Heroes’ Day (Uganda)
National Krewe of Tucks Day
National Long COVID Awareness Day (Canada)
National Meal Prep Day
National Mitchell Day
National Sex Day
National Sex Educator Appreciation Day
National Stripper Appreciation Day
No Apologies Period Day
Profess Your Love Day
Purple People Eater Day
Rockman Day
609 Day
South American Football Day
Toy Industry Day
Traverse Myelitis Awareness Day (UK)
World Accreditation Day
World APS Day (a.k.a. World Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Day)
Writers’ Rights Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Dark ’n Stormy Day
Kraft Cheese Day
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
Independence & Related Days
Flevelt (a.k.a. the Confederation of Flevelt; Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Självstyrelsedagen (Åland Self-Governing Day; Åland)
2nd Sunday in June
Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Bunker Hill Day observed (Massachusetts) [Sunday before 17th]
Canadian Rivers Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Austria, Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
International Drink Chenin Blanc Days, Day 3 [2nd Sunday]
International Shiatsu Day [2nd Sunday]
LEAF Open Farm Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Luxembourg) [2nd Sunday]
Multicultural American Child Day [2nd Sunday]
National Career Nursing Assistants’ Day [2nd Sunday]
National Children's Day [2nd Sunday]
National Garden Day (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
National Puerto Rican Day [2nd Sunday]
Race Unity Day (a.k.a. Race Amity Day; Baha’i) [2nd Sunday]
Ride the Wind Day [2nd Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday; also 2nd Tuesday]
World Swallowtail Day [2nd Sunday]
Write To Your Father Day [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 9 (2nd Full Week)
National Automobile Service Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.12]
National Clay Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Email Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Flag Week (thru 6.15) [Week with 6.14]
National Little League Week [2nd Week]
National Pet Wedding Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
National Right of Way Professionals Week (thru 6.15) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 9, 2024
Annecy International Animated Film Festival (Annecy, France) [thru 6.15]
Beacon Sloop Club Strawberry Festival (Beacon, New York)
Community-Wide FELStival (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
International Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar & Expo (Houston, Texas) [thru 6.11]
Jewish Cultural Festival (Dayton, Ohio)
New England VegFest (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Peabody Awards (Los Angeles, California)
Savor Idaho (Boise, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Architects of the Middles Ages (Positivist; Saints)
Bathe in Marinara Day (Pastafarian)
Bede (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Cloverfield Dairy Cow (Muppetism)
Columba of Iona (a.k.a. Columbia or Columkille; Celtic Christian) [Poets]
Edmund (Christian; Saint)
Ephrem the Syrian (Roman Catholic Church and Church of England)
George Pérez (Artology)
James Collinson (Artology)
Jim Jones Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joe Haldeman (Writerism)
José de Anchieta (Christian; Saint)
Jotunheim Day (Pagan)
Liborius (Christian; Saint)
Lord Buddha's Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Michael Ancher (Artology)
Paul Beatty (Writerism)
Pelagia of Antioch (Christian; Virgin and Martyr)
Pieter Jansz. Saenredam (Artology)
Primus and Felician (Christian; Martyrs)
Ralph Goings (Artology)
Remembrance for Sigurd the Dragonslayer (a.k.a. Siegfried; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Richard, Bishop of Andria (Christian; Saint)
Robert Indermaur (Artology)
Vesalia (Feast of Vesta; Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Vincent of Aden (Christian; Martyr)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 57]
Bill of Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1962)
Cars (Animated Pixar Film; 2006)
The Coo Coo Bird (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1947)
The Crying of Lot 49, by Thomas Pynchon (Novella; 1966)
Dire Straits, by Dire Straits (Album; 1978)
The Empty Chair, by Jeffrey Deaver (Novel; 2000)
Gone in 60 Seconds (Film; 2000)
How Do I Know It’s Sunday (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Invisible Touch, by Genesis (Album; 1986)
Jelly-Roll Blues, recorded by Jelly Roll Morton (Song; 1924)
Kids Say th Darnedest Things!, by Art Linkletter (Humor Book; 1958)
Labour of Lust, by Nick Lowe (Album; 1979)
Loki (TV Series; 2021)
Mr. Tambourine Man, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1964)
The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco (Novel; US Translation 1983)
The Nine Billion Names of God, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Stories; 1967)
Ode to Discord: A Chimerical Combination in Four Bursts, by Charles Villiers Stanford (Song; 1909)
A Pirate Looks at Fifty, by Jimmy Buffett (Memoir; 1998)
Party Girl (Film; 1995)
Secret, Profane & Sugarcane, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2009)
Some Girls, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1978)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Film; 1989)
Stroke It Rich (Radio Game Show; 1947)
Super 8 (Film; 2011)
Tangled (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
3, by Honeyhoney (Album; 2015)
Tumble Weed Greed (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
Ups an’ Downs Derby (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
The Wise Little Hen (Disney Cartoon; 1934) [1st Donald Duck]
The Year of the Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Today’s Name Days
Annamaria, Ephraim, Grazia (Austria)
Diomed, Efrem, Kolumban, Ranko (Croatia)
Stanislava (Czech Republic)
Primus (Denmark)
Elar, Haljand, Hallar, Helar, Helari, Hellar (Estonia)
Ensio (Finland)
Diane (France)
Annamaria, Diana, Ephram, Grazia (Germany)
Rodanthi (Greece)
Félix (Hungary)
Efrem, Primo (Italy)
Gita, Liega, Ligita, Naula, Valeska (Latvia)
Felicijus, Gintas, Gintė (Lithuania)
Kolbein, Kolbjørn (Norway)
Felicjan, Pelagia, Pelagiusz (Poland)
Chiril (România)
Stanislava (Slovakia)
Efrén, Feliciano, Julián (Spain)
Birger, Börje (Sweden)
Cole, Coleman, Colman, Dean, Deana, Deanna, Dee, Dena, Diana, Diane, Dianna, Dianne, Dyane, Prima, Primavera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 161 of 2024; 205 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 23 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 4 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 11 Blue; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 27 May 2024
Moon: 12%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 St. Paul (6th Month) [Architects of the Middles Ages]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 83 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Dag (Day) [Half-Month 12 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.26)
Duir (Oak) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 6 of 13]
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picwale · 4 months
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indiansareedesigns07 · 5 months
Kerala Pure Handloom Sarees - Popularity & History
The sarees from Kerala have not been able to become popular in north India because of their simple character and lack of publicity. The elegant saree of white colour with gold border is unique because of its natural colour texture and gold border. This saree lends an extraordinary elegance to the person who wears it. Every woman from Malayalam possesses at least one such saree.
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Traditionally women in Kerala also wear a two- piece cloth named Munda which has natural body colour and breath-taking border shades which after wearing look exactly like a saree.
The traditional Kerala saree is hand-woven and is 100% unbleached cotton. The cotton is known for its fineness count in its weaving. The traditional design of a Kerala saree has a one inch to six-seven inch pallav while the border remained plain.
But things have changed now. In modern days to compete with sarees of other states the saree has a border and pallav which goes up to one metre or so. The border and pallav have natural things like animal, peacock or flower designs woven on them. The saree is also available in cheques and strips and a wide variety of other designs as well as in other varieties of fabric such as silk and cotton mixed cloth.
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Kerala is also famous for making unbleached cotton handloom cloth commonly known as Kora cloth. This is exported and occupies a proud place in the garment industry. Balarampuram in Tiruvanthapuram district the capital of Kerala is a most historically important place for handloom fabric specially the traditional wear. It follows a 150 year-old tradition. It was during the reign of Maharaja Balaram Varma which dates back to year 1798 to 1810 that handloom weaving was first introduced at Balarampuram.
The weavers originally belong to a community who migrated from Nagarcoil and Tirunandi in Tamil Nadu. They used to produce superfine cloth for the royal family. The tradition spread from them to local weavers. The weavers use original-type throw-shuttle pitlooms for the production of exclusive cotton sarees with pure zari.
Named after the village of its origin handloom in north Parabal, Ernakulam district is famous for its fine weaving and special effects in pure cotton and silk sarees.
Kathampallisarees from north of Kerala are masterpieces made of high quality yarn using traditional and modern method. Kathampalli sarees are famous for design, quality, varied colour combination and ornamental zari work and border.
The weaving is done in unique style giving care to the thread and applying a special kind of paste to make the saree strong and long lasting. District Tressor is also known for its handloom fabric. Here a community of Devangas who immigrated from Karnataka are engaged in weaving the Kasavir sarees which are being produced here generally with half-fine zari and so prices are more economical.
Kathampalli sarees are preferred by the middle class people because of comparative low prices. The sarees from Kerala are used by the women in metros for dinner parties the ones with zari work. They are not used for wedding and engagement parties as they are not so glamorous.
The ones with simple border and pallav are used as casual wear. For lack of proper publicity it has not been able to capture the market for good varieties with zari work. They are available in metros in the Government emporiums. The cotton sarees are ideal for summer wear and can compete with sarees made in any other state.
The sarees with zari are a bit expensive but ordinary sarees with cotton border and pallav are highly affordable and are within the reach of a middle class person.
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