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multireligionval · 1 year
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We start from the principle that it is democracy that has given all religious communities freedom of religion, and that democracy be introduced in all religions, without exception.
Reasons why a transition from the church election to a multi-religion election system (Multireligionvalsystem)
Religion and Voting Rights
A transition from church elections to a multi-religion electoral system in those countries that already have church elections, In other countries (USA, China, India, Iran, Israel.....) that do not have similar elections, a multi-religion electoral system is introduced.
The Faith Representatives Chamber (FRC) is free from the political parties and politicians and replaces the General Synod. The FRC is the highest body of all faiths, it is elected in Multi-Faith Elections. Multi-Religion Elections is the practical application of the Multi-Religion Election System.
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How does the multi-religion election system (Multireligionvalsystem) work ?
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The flags of the world are in need of a new modern design instead of religious symbols such as Star of David, Cross, God is great or sword. A new representative flag that represents all citizens of a country regardless of religion and that can be hoisted by all.
A new design with each country's specific top level domain, ccTLDs, an educational design. The flags of the three different nations symbolize Christianity, Islam and other more difficult-to-interpret symbols
The Christian countries such as Great Britain, Australia, Scotland, Dominican Republic, Malta, Greece, Slovakia, Tonga, Switzerland, England, the flags of the Nordic countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland all look the same All have a common symbol namely the cross . While on the flags of Islamic countries, as on the Afghan flag it says, there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. The Iraqi flag says God is great. On the Iranian flag it says God is greater 22 times and on the Saudi flag, there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.
The third category of national flags is those with symbols that are difficult to interpret within the EU, such as Portugal and Spain. Double sovereignty Each independent state in the world has its own flag, national flag, some countries have their own rules such as that it is a crime to neglect its national flag on the other hand is allowed during demonstrations to burn or step on a flag to show their anger against the attacking nation t eg in war or during occupation. As a symbol of sovereignty, each independent state also has an Internet top-level domain, ccTLD as well as .se.
What is ccTLD, why is it very important and the reason for double sovereignty? According to the definition, a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is an Internet top-level domain generally used or reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory identified with a country code. All ASCII ccTLD identifiers are two letters long, and all two-letter top-level domains are ccTLDs. The Council of
European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR) is the association of European Internet country code top-level domain registries, such as .se for Sweden. But within the EU, there are still countries that do not have a functioning top-level domain, ccTLDs.
This means that these have a sovereignty while others have double sovereignty. That is why the flags of nations are in great need of a modernization, a change, which shows the will to peace, equality and knowledge while providing meaningful employment.
Ignorance of the importance of the countries' top-level domains, ccTLDs during various wars, for example in the Middle East, the Arab Spring and in some African countries, often leads to the impossibility of achieving sustainable reconstruction, despite receiving aid.
Top-level domains of industrialized countries and top-level domains of poor countries.
The industrialized countries use their top-level domains efficiently, such as the US, UK, FR and SE, while poor countries have inactive top-level domains. To equate poor countries with rich countries requires a new flag design with ccTLDs that are placed on the nations' flags instead of religious and difficult-to-interpret symbols. Secondly, that the top-level domains of the poor countries are activated from the outside by the refugees themselves.
By giving refugees in Sweden and within the rest of the EU knowledge about the top-level domain and its significance via employment services, SIDA and social services offices in the country, it is possible for a group of refugees from Afghanistan to start their own IT company here in Sweden with the aim of activating it from the outside Afghan . This is done in collaboration with SIDA, the social services, the IT Foundation in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This reconstruction project provides meaningful employment for Afghan refugees and can be used at the same time for return and reconstruction. Active use of the top-level domain creates many jobs. This also applies to refugees from other countries. This means that during war, the top-level domain is activated by the refugees themselves, who in turn create jobs for themselves and also for new arrivals and other unemployed immigrants. First, they form a so-called Afghan internet society, as an association for cooperation. When the poor countries' top-level domains are dormant, inactive or have restrictions, the assistance can go to the for-profit foreign IT companies that take advantage of the situation. Those who can not afford and those who can afford it, while the internet is available in a limited area .. Many refugees lack knowledge about the top-level domain of their own countries and its significance, the same applies to those who teach Swedish to immigrants, employment services, social services and also aid organizations such as SIDA. CcTLDs are a huge resource that is not noticed or used. ccTLDs are more important than the flag itself, which is why it is important that they are placed on the flags. A prototype of such a flag has been created and is available online and on social media.
Aid organizations, ignorance of the connection between the top-level domain and unemployment have meant that countries that receive aid do not prioritize the top-level domain on which the country's IT infrastructure rests and which is a symbol of sovereignty. As we mentioned earlier, countries' flags are waving everywhere with religious symbols or symbols that are difficult to identify, distinguish or interpret. Had the countries replaced their symbols with their own country's international symbol, it would have been a little easier, At international competitions or ceremonies, it is difficult to distinguish between the different flags. The children have difficulty with this, the students in the school have difficulty with this and refugees also have difficulty with this. In addition to the fact that the top - level domain on the flag represents a sovereignty and all citizens, regardless of religion, it has an educational purpose as children can easily recognize their own and others' flags. The ccTLDs also solves the problem of unemployment. A prototype can be found here and on social media. In this way, peace is created and democracy is developed on the way to a sustainable policy and a sustainable world. 
War poses a threat to the environment and to humanity.
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