#Multiple Myeloma drugs and medicine
thoughtlessarse · 3 months
Lower drug pricing does not follow from an expansion of innovative medicine indications, according to Dutch researchers. They claim pharma companies often fail to pass on their financial gain to patients and health services. If more patients are prescribed a certain medicine, the price could be reduced because pharmaceutical companies can recoup the research costs incurred more quickly, researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam claim. This finding emerges from their study published in the peer-reviewed PLoS ONE journal last February. The study considers the possible financial effects of a broader use of two cancer drugs, pembrolizumab (Keytruda) and daratumumab (Darzalex), which have already been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US. “Pharmaceutical companies are responsible for their own pricing strategy; it is not up to academics to dictate what exact price reduction to accept,” study first author Renaud Heine told Euractiv. However, when asked about the potential of this new pricing method, the Dutch Association for Innovative Medicines (VIG), which is a member of EFPIA, cited arguments raised by economics professor Lieven Annemans that the proposed model change does not value true innovation and that value-based pricing remains more appropriate. Indication broadening and pricing Heine explained they aimed to study the effect of indication broadening on price when applying cost-based pricing (CBP). “Our results indicate that cost-based prices drop consistently after indication broadening and are below known list prices,” he said. Building on the CBP model developed by two researchers, Uyl-de Groot and Löwenberg, in 2018, the research group explored price changes of these medicines if there was a continuous indication expansion. Both drugs are immuno-oncology drugs. Pembrolizumab was first used for only one type of tumour, but now it is prescribed for approximately 35 different indications for various types of tumours. Daratumumab was initially used for one type of cancer, multiple myeloma. It is now prescribed for eight other indications within multiple myeloma. While development costs for new drugs can be significantly high for the first indication, they become lower with each expansion of use in new indications. However, this financial gain for pharmaceutical companies is often not passed on to society despite the lower costs, the researchers say.
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tilliwriteapine · 3 days
Okay! Now it's your turn! Tell me about your DNP project (or any of your dream projects) that you could share at a conference
Loadedddd question, haha!
I technically don't have to land on a project until this coming Spring term (April 2025), but I have been thinking about it. Since my DNP is associated with also becoming an NP, our instructors would like us to focus on how to implement things on the provider side of things versus nursing (though I think that is a bit unfair, considering the majority of my knowledge is nursing, and I'm also here to improve patient lives and outcomes, not just the provider process... but ya know).
So far my ideas include the process of implementing and managing blood glucose in stem cell transplant patients who have acute/chronic graft versus host disease, are in the inpatient setting, and are on high-dose steroids. Steroid-induced DM, or just exacerbate someone's DM! Right now, it is pretty well known that we are okay with blood glucose levels below 180 (typically between 140-180 is tolerated), but steroids make life a lot more tricky, especially when these patients can be on these steroids for *months*. I'm hoping I get to do a rotation on the transplant unit to find out their process (since I don't currently work there). This one is directly tied to how providers order and institute blood glucose management (insulin, sliding scales, etc), and I believe we can always do better when it comes to managing blood glucose.
My second idea (that likely has NO literature on it whatsoever, so it is unlikely to be a process I get to change any time soon, plus it is directly tied to nursing medication administration and not the provider side of medicine) is how we administer Daratumumab (a monoclonal antibody for multiple myeloma). It is frequently given as a subcutaneous injection these days (IV formulation still available), and it is 15 mLs over 5 minutes into the stomach once a week for about 8 weeks, then every two weeks for another 8 weeks, and then once a month until progression of disease. In this case, as someone who has given this drug hundreds of times at two different institutions, I wanted to see if I could implement a new quality improvement on how the drug is administered (a straight needle versus a butterfly needle).
Anecdotally, I have heard from nurses and patients that the butterfly needle is typically preferred. Some patients reported decreased discomfort with the butterfly needle, both during administration and hours after, and others didn't even notice. If you push the med too fast (15 mLs is a lot at once!), there can be discomfort. As for the nurses, we have better control over the syringe and have better ergonomics with a butterfly needle. When using a straight needle, you are holding the needle and syringe up against the skin and are leaning over the patient, which can be uncomfortable for the back and shoulders. You have the ability to sit back more and have more steady control over pushing the syringe when utilizing the butterfly needle. (We typically taped the butterfly needle down, which I think also decreases unnecessary needle movement). At least from what I have seen, there is no standard across the board for administration (just subcutaneous into the abdominal area).
I would love to compile some data on patient and nursing feedback on both administration techniques to get the ball rolling (but it sounds more research-based than quality improvement, and I guess I kind of disagree, but my instructors would argue with me... especially after this summer term. However, it is nursing-focused, not provider-focused, and there is unlikely to be any literature (multiple myeloma is a very small subset of blood cancer, and I pigeon-holed myself on data during my first research course in this program. I ran with it, but it was slim evidence to work with, and it was just around multiple myeloma and stem cell transplantation. I doubt anyone has even considered nursing preference in administration technique for one specific immunotherapy drug *laughs*). I'll get to this one day! Unfortunately, while I talked about it a lot with my fellow nurses in both Denver and here in Portland, I never had a way to implement a change or gather data (though before I left Denver, we changed from the straight technique to the butterfly needle. No idea what data was behind it, but the pharmacy drew up the drug and provided it with the butterfly needle. Daratumumab isn't hazardous, so my Portland job just gave us the bottle, lol)
I am also interested in palliative care (though that might be a project too big to chew for the size we have to limit ourselves to. My mentor Patti literally did her project on the barriers to mass transfusion protocol documentation. All she did was obtain qualitative data from the trauma ICU nurses voluntarily). Our mock project for our quality improvement course this summer was on palliative care in heart failure, and I know my classmate wants to take that and run with it. I also am far more interested in palliative care in oncology. But I couldn't say what I would want to do for a project other than something in palliative care and oncology.
Our instructors (and the class ahead of us, haha) would also love it if we took a previous project and continued it, but none of the current third years have a project I want to continue (no oncology!). I don't want to do a project I am not invested in or interested in.
I may come up with other ideas once we get further into our management courses and start clinicals in February (kajsdlkfjklajsdfl), but I am pretty passionate about DM treatment/management, stem cell transplants, oncology, and palliative care.
(I almost signed up for the elective about submitting abstracts and posters, but I chickened out and went with Institutional Racism. As I said, I have lowered my expectations, lmao. It has been a weird year. I have met some very impressive nursing greats - I effing met the creator of the Tanner's Model of Clinical Judgement. Mind. Blown!)
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paintballdays · 1 year
Got an email from Feds 4 Medical Freedom that may interest everyone. I copied and pasted what I could...
An old adage goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." And, so, it is with ivermectin, the antiparasitic drug that emerged from the COVID pandemic as the 'best in show' blue ribbon winner for the prevention and treatment of SARS CoV-2-associated spike protein disease.
First proven to be a safe and effective treatment for River Blindness and Elephantitis, ivermectin rapidly became the most important drug for the control of parasitic infections in humans, winning for its Japanese discoverer, Satoshi Omura of Kitasato University, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. Then, the late (great) Dr. Vladimir Zelenko brought ivermectin into the limelight during the early days of the COVID pandemic, saving thousands of lives in the process. But it turns out that ivermectin has more tricks up its therapeutic sleeve than we ever imagined.
There is now a wealth of laboratory research showing that ivermectin has great potential in the treatment of a wide range of cancers: melanoma, sarcoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, glioblastoma, and cancers of the breast, ovary, prostate, lung, pancreas, esophagus, and colon. The various pathways by which ivermectin kills cancer cells (while leaving normal cells alone) are as impressive as the number of different cancers it seems capable of nailing.
But while the laboratory data about the efficacy of ivermectin in killing cancer cells is converging and compelling, it suffers from a major problem: it's a drug that has been off patent for decades. As a result, there's no patent-pay day fortune to be made by the pharmaceutical industry were it to spend the (average) $2.3 billion dollars required to repurpose ivermectin and have it approved by the FDA for use in cancer patients.
Fortunately, there are a few (unfriendly) countries that are not interested in spending a fortune inadequately treating patients with cancer, which is about where the world stands today. Notably, China and Iran have moved ahead to evaluate ivermectin in human clinical trials. The trick in the United States and in other western pharma-controlled countries will be to find a way to conduct and fund clinical trials apart from traditional funding sources, which can be counted on to look the other way for as long as possible.
Cancer is our enemy; has been for decades. Ivermectin appears to be its enemy, too. Could it be that ivermectin is our friend? We ought to find out, we need to find out, we need to know as soon as possible.
Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/
Questions? Email Doc Ruddy at [email protected]
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ghnservices · 2 years
Multiple Myeloma Treatment in India
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Multiple myeloma is a Blood disorder disease usually called Blood Cancer. Multiple myeloma can be treated by the Bone marrow transplant process.
In the initial stages of multiple myeloma, there are no symptoms but as the disease progresses, it may show some symptoms –
•          Bone Fractures
•          Bone pain
•          Tiredness/fatigue
•          Appetite loss/ weight loss
•          Kidney function problems
What is Multiple myeloma?
Basically, Multiple myeloma releases chemicals that create an imbalance in bone destruction and bone formation. This may cause a hole in bones or bone thinning. 
Multiple myeloma generally occurs in men than women. It is gradually increasing in urban India.
What causes multiple myeloma?
There is a condition known as monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Where there is an excess of protein molecules, called immunoglobins, in your blood.
Black people are more likely to develop multiple myeloma than other people.
Family history of multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma diagnosed in the mid 60’s.
Procedure to diagnose of Multiple myeloma
Test and procedure to diagnose multiple myeloma –
Blood Test – In this test, it may reveal M Proteins produced by myeloma cells.
Urine Test – Anaylsis of your urine test may show M proteins
Imaging Test – This test may be recommended to check bone problems associated with multiple myeloma. It may include X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI
Treatment of Multiple myeloma
Different types of doctors work together to create a patient’s overall treatment plan that combines different types of treatment.
Treatment plan may include different phases –
Induction therapy – for rapid control of cancer and to help relieve symptoms.
Chemotherapy or Bone marrow transplant/ Stem cell transplant
Maintenance therapy – over a long period of time to prevent cancer occurrence.
Types of medications used for multiple myeloma –
Chemotherapy - a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast growing cells in your body.
Targeted Therapy - a type of cancer treatment, that uses drugs to target specific genes and protiens that help cancer cells survive and grow.
Steriods - An anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions.
Immunotherapy - a type of cancer treatment that increases immune system to fight cancer. It helps your body fight against infections.
Bone-modifying drugs
Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplantation is a treatment choice for individuals with multiple myeloma. There are three general kinds of transplantation  :-
● Autologous transplantation - The Stem cells are gotten  from your own blood or bone marrow. This is the kind of transplantation that is generally ordinarily suggested for treating multiple myeloma.
● Allogeneic transplantation - The Stem cells or bone marrow are gotten from a donor  with a tissue type matching yours. This kind of transplantation conveys exceptionally high risk and isn't suggested for the vast majority with numerous myeloma.
● Syngeneic transplantation - The stem cells or bone marrow are obtained from an identical twin. This is the ideal type of transplantation, albeit barely any individuals with different myeloma have an indistinguishable twin who can act as a donor.
Transplantation, when effective, prompts a reduction and drags out endurance; seldom, allogeneic transplantation fixes different myeloma. Notwithstanding, transplantation has a few limits. The high-portion chemotherapy given before transplantation generally neglects to kill all of the plasma cells, permitting the condition to backslide after transplantation. Such treatment likewise expands your gamble of serious contaminations and dying, which can be deadly.
Autologous foundational microorganism transplantation — Autologous stem cell organism transplantation alludes to transplantation with your own undeveloped cells. During this system, stem organisms are gathered and frozen for sometimes in the future. High-portion chemotherapy is then given to kill however many plasma cells as could be expected under the circumstances, and the stem organisms are defrosted and gotten back to your body. Foundational microorganisms can be acquired from the blood or the bone marrow; for this situation, getting them from the blood is liked, on the grounds that blood undeveloped cells move to tissues all the more rapidly and are less inclined to be tainted with malignant plasma cells.
As of now, autologous stem cell transplantation is appropriate for up to 50 percent of individuals with multiple myeloma. Autologous undeveloped cell transplantation isn't suggested for individuals with seething multiple myeloma (individuals with multiple myeloma who have no side effects).
Who treats multiple myeloma?
Orthopedic Surgeon, a doctor who uses surgery to treat diseases of  bones.
Radiation oncology, a doctor who treats cancer with radiation therapy.
Medical oncologist, a doctor who treats cancer with medicines such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy.
Bone marrow transplant Specialist, a doctor who specializes in performing bone marrow transplants.
For any enquiry regarding Best Multiple Myeloma hospitals & doctors or multiple myeloma treatment in India, Connect with us via HELPLINE: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & support.
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indiangenm · 20 hours
Buy Melphalan 50 MG Injection Online from India: Uses, Price, Dosage Melphalan, a prescription drug approved for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and ovarian cancer, is essential for many patients worldwide. Kindly Call/WhatsApp: +91 8130290915 to find the latest Melphalan cost in India. At Indian Generic Medicines (IGM), we facilitate the legal supply of high-quality generic Melphalan 50 mg at the lowest price. We deliver Melphalan to various countries, including the USA, UK, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and South Africa, at the lowest prices. Our sourcing capabilities make this life-saving treatment accessible to patients worldwide. Contact us today to access generic Melphalan safely and efficiently.
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Carfilzomib Market Overview and Regional Outlook Study 2024 – 2034
Carfilzomib Market Defination:
TheCarfilzomib Market refers to the economic and clinical landscape surrounding the pharmaceutical drug carfilzomib. Carfilzomib is a proteasome inhibitor used primarily in the treatment of multiple myeloma, a type of cancer affecting plasma cells in bone marrow. It functions by selectively inhibiting the proteasome, a complex protein-degrading machinery essential for cell function and survival. This inhibition leads to the accumulation of proteins within cancer cells, triggering cell death through apoptosis.
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Exploring the Carfilzomib Market: Advancements in Multiple Myeloma Treatment
In the realm of oncology, particularly in the treatment landscape of multiple myeloma, carfilzomib has emerged as a cornerstone therapy, offering new hope and improved outcomes for patients. This blog delves into the dynamic carfilzomib market, examining its impact, current trends, challenges, and future prospects.
Understanding Carfilzomib
Carfilzomib is a proteasome inhibitor approved for the treatment of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. It works by selectively and irreversibly binding to the 20S proteasome, disrupting protein degradation in cancer cells and inducing apoptosis. Approved by the FDA in 2012, carfilzomib has since been integrated into treatment protocols, often in combination with other agents like lenalidomide and dexamethasone.
Market Dynamics
Current Landscape: The Carfilzomib Market is driven by its efficacy in treating relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, particularly in patients who have received prior therapies. Its mechanism of action and clinical benefits have positioned it as a valuable option in the treatment algorithm for multiple myeloma.
Treatment Advancements: Clinical studies have demonstrated that carfilzomib-based regimens prolong progression-free survival and overall survival compared to traditional therapies. Its approval marked a significant advancement in the management of multiple myeloma, offering a targeted approach to combating the disease.
Competitive Environment: Within the proteasome inhibitor class, carfilzomib competes with bortezomib and ixazomib, each offering unique profiles in terms of efficacy, safety, and administration convenience. Ongoing research aims to optimize carfilzomib’s use through novel combinations and sequencing strategies to maximize patient benefit.
Clinical Applications
Approved Indications: Carfilzomib is primarily indicated for use in combination with other agents for the treatment of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Clinical trials are also exploring its potential in newly diagnosed patients and maintenance therapy settings, broadening its scope of application.
Future Directions: Research efforts are focused on expanding carfilzomib’s indications and understanding its synergies with emerging therapies such as immunomodulators, monoclonal antibodies, and cellular therapies like CAR-T cells. These endeavors aim to further improve treatment outcomes and offer personalized therapeutic approaches.
Carfilzomib Market Challenges and Opportunities
Challenges: Economic considerations remain a significant challenge in the adoption of carfilzomib, given its high cost as a biologic therapy. Managing treatment-related adverse events, such as cardiovascular complications and hematologic toxicities, also requires vigilant monitoring and proactive management strategies.
Opportunities: Advances in biomarker identification and personalized medicine offer opportunities to tailor carfilzomib-based therapies to individual patient profiles. Moreover, ongoing research into combination therapies and novel formulations aims to enhance efficacy while minimizing adverse effects, thereby improving patient adherence and outcomes.
Patient Impact and Healthcare Considerations
Patient Experience: For patients diagnosed with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, carfilzomib represents a crucial treatment option that can potentially extend survival and improve quality of life. Education and support programs play a vital role in helping patients manage treatment-related challenges and adhere to therapy.
Healthcare System Implications: Integrating carfilzomib into clinical practice requires healthcare providers to navigate complex treatment algorithms and ensure appropriate patient monitoring. Collaboration among multidisciplinary teams, including oncologists, hematologists, and supportive care specialists, is essential for optimizing patient care and outcomes.
Regulatory and Market Access
Regulatory Landscape: Regulatory approvals and reimbursement policies influence the accessibility of cCarfilzomib Market in different regions. Streamlining regulatory processes and demonstrating cost-effectiveness through real-world evidence are crucial for enhancing market access and patient affordability.
Market Expansion: As clinical data continues to evolve and new indications are explored, the carfilzomib market is poised for growth. Market expansion strategies should prioritize evidence-based medicine and stakeholder collaboration to drive adoption and improve patient access.
In conclusion, the carfilzomib market represents a significant advancement in the treatment of multiple myeloma, reflecting the transformative impact of targeted therapies in oncology. Its approval and integration into treatment protocols underscore a shift towards personalized medicine and multidisciplinary care approaches that optimize patient outcomes.
While challenges such as economic considerations and treatment-related adverse events persist, ongoing research and collaborative efforts among stakeholders are paving the way for continued innovation and improvement inCarfilzomib-Based Therapies. By addressing these challenges proactively, healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies can ensure that carfilzomib realizes its full potential in improving the lives of patients battling multiple myeloma.
Stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in the carfilzomib market to contribute to advancements in oncology and patient-centered care.
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medicineforcare · 22 days
Alphalan 5mg
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Alphalan 5mg (melphalan) can treat various types of cancer as it is a chemotherapy drug, including ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, and melanoma. Alphalan can interfere with the development and reproduction of cancer cells.
Alphalan 5mg is a high-dose version of Alphalan 2mg which means that it is used to treat high-level and severe problems, The dosage amount also depends on the age and type of disease being treated.
The 5mg dose of Alphalan is a common starting dose for adults, but the dosage may be adjusted based on many problems like weight, overall health, and the type and stage of the cancer being treated. It is significant to follow the dosage directions given by your doctor or any sort of specialist and to take Alphalan exactly as prescribed.
Alphalan 5mg can cause side effects like fatigue, vomiting, nausea, hair loss, and a decrease in blood cell counts. If you feel any side effects or have any concerns about taking Alphalan, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider.
Alphalan 5mg is typically taken orally as a tablet, although it can also be given as an injection in a hospital or clinic setting.
The drug works by the damage the DNA in cancer cells, which can lead to cell death. However, it can also affect healthy cells in the body, which could show and cause side effects.
In addition to the communal side effects mentioned earlier, Alphalan can also cause more severe effects such as infections, allergic reactions, liver problems, and lung problems.
Why You Must Consider Alphalan 5mg?
Alphalan 5mg is effective in treating many types of cancer, such as numerous myeloma and ovarian cancer. For some patients, it may be the best available treatment option. Alphalan can be taken orally as a tablet, which may be more convenient and less invasive than other types of chemotherapy that require injections or infusions.
Alphalan works in a mixture with other cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy or radiation therapy, to improve outcomes. Alphalan can be a very useful part of a treatment plan that includes surgery, especially for cancers that have spread to different parts of the body.
Some Interesting Insights About Alphalan 5mg:
Alphalan 5mg was first synthesized in the 1950s and was initially used as a treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Alphalan is used as a cancer treatment, Alphalan has also been studied for its potential use in treating other diseases, such as autoimmune disorders and multiple sclerosis. Alphalan comes from alkylating agents as a part of it, which works by damaging the DNA in cancer cells.
Other drugs in this class include cyclophosphamide and busulfan. Alphalan is primarily eliminated from the body through the kidneys, so patients with kidney problems may need to have their dosage adjusted or be monitored more closely during the treatment.
In addition to its chemotherapy effects, Alphalan has also been shown to have immunomodulatory effects, meaning it can help the immune system to fight cancer cells. Some research has suggested that Alphalan may be more effective in treating multiple myeloma when combined with other drugs, such as bortezomib or dexamethasone.
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How does Alphalan 5mg work?
Alphalan 5mg (melphalan) is a type of alkylating agent chemotherapy drug. Alphalan works to damage the DNA in cancer cells, which can prevent them from growing and dividing. Specifically, Alphalan attaches to the DNA in cancer cells and forms cross-links between the strands of the DNA molecule.
These cross-links prevent the DNA from being able to replicate properly, which can ultimately lead to cell death. Cancer cells are more susceptible to the effects of Alphalan than normal cells because they divide more rapidly and have a higher rate of DNA replication.
However, because Alphalan 5mg can also affect healthy cells in the body, Alphalan can do a range of effects, such as vomiting, nausea, and hair loss. Alphalan can help to treat certain types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma, but it can have many potential applications in the healing of other diseases, like autoimmune disorders and multiple sclerosis.
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Velcade Market Size, Share, Industry Trends, and Forecast 2032
Velcade, also known by its generic name bortezomib, is a proteasome inhibitor used primarily in the treatment of multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma. Since its approval, Velcade has significantly impacted the oncology market, offering a promising therapeutic option for patients with these malignancies. The global Velcade market is characterized by its dynamic nature, driven by advancements in oncology research, increasing incidence of hematologic cancers, and a growing focus on personalized medicine.
Market Size and Growth Dynamics
Velcade Market Size was estimated at 1.76 (USD Billion) in 2023. The Velcade Market Industry is expected to grow from 1.83(USD Billion) in 2024 to 2.5 (USD Billion) by 2032. The Velcade Market CAGR (growth rate) is expected to be around 4.01% during the forecast period (2024 - 2032). This growth is fueled by the rising prevalence of multiple myeloma and other related cancers, which are increasingly being diagnosed due to advances in diagnostic technologies. Furthermore, the aging population, which is more susceptible to cancer, is also contributing to the expanding market.
North America holds the largest market share, attributed to the region's advanced healthcare infrastructure, high adoption rates of new therapies, and a strong focus on research and development. Europe follows closely, driven by similar factors. However, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period, spurred by increasing healthcare expenditures, improving access to cancer treatments, and rising awareness about hematologic cancers.
Market Share Analysis
Velcade, originally developed by Millennium Pharmaceuticals and marketed by Takeda Oncology, has maintained a dominant position in the proteasome inhibitor segment. Its efficacy, safety profile, and first-mover advantage have contributed to its strong market share. However, with the expiration of key patents, the market has seen the entry of generic versions, which has led to increased competition and a shift in market dynamics.
The introduction of generics has made the treatment more accessible, particularly in developing regions, but it has also put pressure on the market share of branded Velcade. Despite this, the brand continues to hold a significant share due to its established presence and the trust it has garnered among healthcare professionals.
Industry Trends
Several key trends are shaping the Velcade market:
Rise of Combination Therapies: The use of Velcade in combination with other drugs, such as lenalidomide and dexamethasone, is becoming increasingly common. These combination therapies have shown improved efficacy and are becoming a standard of care in multiple myeloma treatment protocols.
Focus on Personalized Medicine: With the growing emphasis on personalized medicine, there is a trend towards tailoring treatments based on individual patient profiles, which includes genetic makeup and disease characteristics. This approach is expected to drive demand for Velcade as part of personalized treatment regimens.
Increased Research and Development: The oncology sector continues to see significant investment in research and development, leading to the discovery of new therapeutic targets and treatment options. While this fosters innovation, it also intensifies competition as new drugs enter the market.
Patent Expirations and Generic Competition: The expiration of Velcade’s patents has opened the market to generic competition, leading to reduced prices and increased accessibility. This trend is expected to continue, particularly in cost-sensitive markets.
Expanding Indications: Research is ongoing to explore the potential of Velcade in treating other cancers and conditions beyond multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma. If successful, these efforts could lead to new indications, further driving market growth.
Forecast Through 2032
The Velcade Market CAGR (growth rate) is expected to be around 4.01% during the forecast period (2024 - 2032). Key drivers of this growth include the increasing global cancer burden, advancements in cancer therapy, and the expansion of healthcare infrastructure in emerging markets.
However, challenges such as the rising cost of cancer treatment, the availability of alternative therapies, and regulatory hurdles may pose risks to market expansion. Additionally, the shift towards biosimilars and generics is likely to impact the market dynamics, particularly in terms of pricing and market share distribution.
The forecast period is also expected to witness a greater emphasis on real-world evidence and outcome-based reimbursement models, which could influence the adoption of Velcade and its competitors.
The Velcade market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, driven by a combination of factors including rising cancer incidence, advancements in treatment protocols, and the expanding reach of healthcare services. While challenges such as generic competition and pricing pressures exist, the overall outlook remains positive, with opportunities for growth in emerging markets and through the development of new therapeutic indications. As the oncology landscape continues to evolve, Velcade is expected to remain a key player, contributing to improved outcomes for patients worldwide.
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precisionantibody · 2 months
Advancing Healthcare: The Impact and Importance of Monoclonal Antibody Services
The Foundation of Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced molecules engineered to serve as substitute antibodies that can restore, enhance, or mimic the immune system's attack on unwanted cells. Unlike polyclonal antibodies, which are derived from multiple cell lines and recognize multiple epitopes, monoclonal antibodies are produced from a single clone of cells and recognize a single epitope. This specificity allows for precise targeting of pathogens or diseased cells, minimizing damage to healthy tissues.
The production of monoclonal antibodies involves the fusion of an antibody-producing B-cell with a myeloma (cancer) cell, creating a hybridoma. This hybridoma can be cultured to produce large quantities of identical antibodies, which can then be purified and used in various therapeutic applications.
Applications in Medicine
One of the most notable applications of monoclonal antibody services is in oncology. Cancer treatments have been transformed by the introduction of monoclonal antibodies that can specifically target cancer cells. For instance, trastuzumab (Herceptin) is a monoclonal antibody used to treat HER2-positive breast cancer by binding to the HER2 receptor on cancer cells, inhibiting their growth and proliferation. Similarly, rituximab (Rituxan) targets the CD20 antigen on B-cells, making it effective in treating certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Monoclonal antibodies have also made significant strides in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Drugs like adalimumab (Humira) and infliximab (Remicade) target tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), a cytokine involved in systemic inflammation. By inhibiting TNF-α, these monoclonal antibodies help manage conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and psoriasis.
In infectious diseases, monoclonal antibodies have been used to provide passive immunity. For example, palivizumab (Synagis) is used to prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in high-risk infants. During the COVID-19 pandemic, monoclonal antibody therapies like bamlanivimab and casirivimab/imdevimab were developed to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 virus, reducing the severity of symptoms and hospitalizations in infected patients.
The Development Process
Developing monoclonal antibodies involves several critical steps, starting with the identification of a suitable antigen. Once the target antigen is identified, researchers generate hybridomas that produce the desired antibody. These hybridomas are screened for specificity and affinity, and the best candidates are selected for further development.
The selected monoclonal antibodies undergo rigorous testing in preclinical models to assess their safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics. Successful candidates then move on to clinical trials, Anti Idiotype Monoclonal Antibody where they are tested in humans to determine their therapeutic potential. The entire process requires significant investment, expertise, and collaboration between academia, industry, and regulatory agencies.
Future Prospects
The future of monoclonal antibody services is promising, with ongoing research aimed at improving their efficacy, reducing side effects, and expanding their applications. Advances in genetic engineering and biotechnology are enabling the development of bispecific antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and other innovative formats that offer enhanced therapeutic benefits.
Moreover, personalized medicine is set to benefit from monoclonal antibodies, as they can be tailored to target specific biomarkers in individual patients. This approach promises to deliver more effective treatments with fewer side effects, ushering in a new era of precision healthcare.
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pavankalnad · 3 months
Pomalid 4 mg Capsule
Pomalid 4 mg capsule is an anticancer medicine that belongs to a class of drugs called immunomodulatory agents. It is used to treat multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer) in patients who have received at least two prior therapies, including lenalidomide and a proteasome inhibitor
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bhushans · 4 months
Global Focus on Improved Outcomes: Global Blood Cancer Treatment Market
The blood cancer treatment market  is poised for remarkable growth over the next decade. Valued at USD 5,935.9 million in 2023, the market is projected to expand to an impressive USD 15,735.3 million by 2033. This growth reflects a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.2% during the forecast period.
This significant rise is driven by advancements in medical technology, increasing prevalence of blood cancer, and heightened awareness and adoption of innovative treatment options. The promising forecast underscores the industry’s commitment to enhancing patient outcomes and combating one of the most challenging forms of cancer.
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Industry stakeholders are optimistic about the future, as ongoing research and development efforts continue to yield new and effective therapies. The substantial market growth is expected to further accelerate the development and accessibility of life-saving treatments for blood cancer patients worldwide.
Understanding Blood Cancers: A Complex Disease
Blood cancers are a group of malignancies that affect the blood, bone marrow, or lymphatic system. These cancers disrupt the normal production of blood cells, leading to a variety of health issues. The four main types of blood cancer are:
Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
Multiple myeloma
Key Takeaways:
The global blood cancer treatment market is expected to reach US$15,735.3 million by 2033, reflecting a significant rise from US$5,935.9 million in 2023.
This growth is projected at a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.2% throughout the forecast period.
Increased research and development efforts for novel therapies, coupled with rising cancer awareness initiatives, are key drivers for market expansion.
Combating Blood Cancers: A Focus on Innovation and Accessibility
The global blood cancer treatment market is experiencing significant growth, driven by a multi-pronged approach. Increased investment in research and development by key players is leading to the creation of novel and targeted therapies for various blood cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.
Competitive Landscape:
Some of the key participants present in the global blood cancer treatment market are:
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Merck & Co. Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
AbbVie Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd.
Celgene Corporation
Amgen Inc.
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Bayer AG
Pfizer Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Attributed to the presence of such a high number of participants, the market is highly competitive. While global players such as Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, and Novartis AG, account for a considerable market size, several regional-level players are also there operating across key growth regions, particularly in North America.
Recent Developments
In June 2021, Bayer announced that the company had submitted the supplemental new drug application (sNDA) to the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company had also applied to marketing authorization application (MAA) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the oncology treatment combination of copanlisib and rituximab in the United States of America.
In 2021, Novartis announced strong data from the analysis of the pivotal Phase II ELARA trial of Kymriah in patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma, with one-time Kymriah infusion, which showed an analysis of the ELARA trial demonstrated a 66% complete response rate and 86% overall response rate.
In February 2021, Bristol Myers Squibb announced that the company received approval for cancer immunotherapy from the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for certain lymphomas. Further, the FDA approved the therapy as a treatment for adults who have certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Key Segments Covered in the Blood Cancer Treatment Market Report:
By Application:
for Biological/Immunotherapy Applications
for Chemotherapy
for Radiation Therapy
for Targeted Therapy
for Stem Cell Transplantation
By End User:
in Hospitals
in Clinics
in Cancer Rehabilitation Centers
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ)
The Middle East & Africa (MEA)
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ikrispharmaa · 4 months
Ikris Pharmaceutical in Brazil Health sector
We, Ikris Pharma International, are pharmaceutical distributors from Bulgaria. We supply products to all the people involved in the supply chain of Healthcare distribution throughout the world. We supply medicines and other medical products to wholesalers, distributors, resellers, clinics, NGOs and Pharmacies. Ikris is a GDP certified company having licenses for both wholesale and retail drugs. The supply chain of Healthcare distribution is different from other industries. Each product needs different storage conditions. We do not compromise with the quality of the product hence we store and transport them under required storage conditions.
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In the Brazil Health sector, Ikris Pharma is reaching new heights in supplying medicines and medical aids from India to Brazil from the previous two years. Especially during the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak, Ikris Pharma gave its best shot to supply medicines and services in Brazil when most of the transportation facilities were at halt. Being the international pharmaceutical wholesaler and distributor we supply at global level with best quality products. India is one of the largest producers and providers of generic drugs at global level. We have the highest number of FDA approved manufacturing plants in the world. As Ikris Pharma, we specialize in exporting generic medicines from India to across the world. Our all products are manufactured by certified and reputed Indian manufacturers, compatible and consistent with FDA standards.
Ikris Pharma helps patients / Clinicians and Hospitals in accessing Indian generic medicine and specialized medicines which are used in rare diseases. Ikris Pharma has supplied more than 100+ products to patients / Hospitals in Brazil. Here are some of our product supplied in Brazil:
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We deal in numerous medicines related to oncology (different kinds of cancers), hematology (leukemia and lymphoma, multiple myeloma), hepatitis (hepatitis B, hepatitis C), immunotherapy (eliglustat, xeljanz, etc.), transplant medicine, vaccines (such as cholera vaccine, ONCO BCG, etc.). We are aiming to supply every kind of rare medicine in Brazil.
We are becoming a major pharmaceutical supplier in Brazil, with time we are aiming to become the most reliable and trustworthy supplier of pharmaceutical products to Brazil and other Latin American markets. We understand the needs of the patient, our turnaround time is less. We supply medicine at the shortest possible time. And we do business with one mantra that is each life counts and is precious for us. We have been in this Pharmaceutical business for 25 plus years as one of the trusted brands in the supply chain of medicinal products overseas.
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123567-9qaaq9 · 4 months
MRD Testing Market Future Trends to Look Out | Bis Research
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MRD Testing is a sophisticated diagnostic technique used primarily in oncology to detect and quantify residual cancer cells that may remain in the body during or after treatment. 
The global MRD Testing Market is a rapidly growing segment in the healthcare industry, driven by the increasing demand for accurate and sensitive methods to monitor and manage cancer patients. 
The MRD Testing   market was valued at $1.67 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $6.67 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 14.81% between 2023 and 2033. 
MRD Testing Overview 
MRD Testing refers to the detection and quantification of residual cancer cells that remain in a patient after treatment, which are below the detection threshold of conventional diagnostic methods. MRD testing is particularly significant in hematologic malignancies such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, where even a small number of remaining cancer cells can lead to relapse.
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Market Segmentation 
By Technology
By Target Detection 
By End Users 
By Region 
China dominated the Asia-Pacific MRD   market in 2022 with a share of 36.08%. Although the market is expected to remain in a strong growth phase due to the massively growing number of cancer cases and the rising health-related awareness among people in Asia-Pacific, a significant barrier to the increasing adoption is an uneven economic balance among countries within the region.
Importance of MRD Testing Market 
Assessing Treatment Response 
Predicting Relapse 
Tailoring Therapy 
Key Factors
The MRD Testing market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by several key factors like 
advancements in technology
rising cancer burden, 
clinical evidence supporting MRD monitoring
Key Players In the MRD Testing Market includes 
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Sysmex Corporation
Mission Bio
OPKO Health
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
 ICON plc
Hoffmann-La Roche
and many others 
Techniques used in MRD Testing 
 Flow Cytometry - This technique uses fluorescent antibodies to identify cancer-specific markers on the surface of cells.
 Polymerase Chain Reaction- PCR amplifies cancer-specific genetic sequences, allowing for the detection of one cancer cell among a million normal cells. 
 Next Generation Sequencing - NGS provides detailed genetic information by sequencing DNA or RNA at high depth, offering unparalleled sensitivity and the ability to identify clonal diversity and mutations. 
 Digital Droplet PCR- A more recent advancement, ddPCR partitions the sample into thousands of droplets and performs PCR on each droplet individually, providing high sensitivity and precise quantification.
Applications for MRD Testing Market 
Treatment Response Monitoring
Relapse Prediction
Treatment Decision-making
Prognostic Assessment 
Clinical Trials and drug development 
MRD Testing  Market Dynamics 
Market Drivers 
Advent of MRD and its Awareness among Consumers
Increasing Incidence of Cancer Cases Demanding MRD   
Rise in administration of solid tumors 
Expanding Medicare Coverage for MRD   
Recent Developments in the MRD Testing Market
•Quest Diagnostics acquired Haystack Oncology, expanding its oncology portfolio with the inclusion of advanced liquid biopsy technology. This addition aimed to enhance personalized cancer care by offering highly sensitive diagnostic capabilities. Integrated DNA Technologies launched the Archer FUSIONPlex Core Solid Tumor Panel, a pioneering cancer research testing solution that has been enhanced and fine-tuned to include a broader range of single nucleotide variant (SNV) and indel coverage.
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Key Questions Answered 
Q What is MRD   ? 
 Minimal residual disease (MRD) testing is a supplementary approach to detect extremely low levels of blood cancer cells and solid tumors following the treatment of conditions such as acute and chronic leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma. MRD specifically pertains to the minute population of cancer cells that persist in the body despite achieving complete remission (CR) through chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation.
Q What kinds of New Strategies are adopted by the existing market players to strengthen their positions in the Industry ? 
The global MRD   market is currently witnessing several developments, primarily aimed at introducing new products and services. Major manufacturers of MRD   products, along with the service providers, are actively undertaking significant business strategies to translate success in research and development into the commercial clinical setting.
In conclusion, MRD testing is a powerful tool in modern oncology, offering the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes through more precise and personalized treatment strategies.
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fairfield-research · 4 months
Oncology Drugs Market Growth, Trends, Size, Share, Demand And Top Growing Companies 2031
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In a landscape where the battle against cancer rages on, advancements in healthcare systems, public health measures, and novel pharmaceutical therapies have ushered in a new era of hope. According to the National Cancer Institute, the United States saw an estimated 1,806,590 new cancer cases and approximately 606,520 deaths due to the disease in 2020. However, over the past five decades, cancer survival rates have soared from 50% in 1970 to an impressive 70%, thanks to a trifecta of progress.
For more information: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/oncology-drugs-market
Unprecedented Growth Trajectory: The global oncology therapy sales are forecasted to surpass US$ 300 billion by 2026, with oncology contributing 21.7% to total pharmaceutical sales. Fueling this growth are the top 10 pharmaceutical companies, which have declared oncology as their key focus area, driving multibillion-dollar M&A deals and strategic collaborations. Pfizer's acquisition of Array BioPharma for US$11 billion in 2019 and AbbVie's strategic partnership with Genmab for a bispecific antibody development deal worth US$3 billion are testament to this focus.
Diverse Indications Drive Demand: While oncology represents over 20 different indications, a significant portion of revenue stems from just five of them: breast cancer, multiple myeloma, non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), prostate cancer, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), which collectively accounted for approximately 65% of the market in 2020. Moreover, with breast, lung, and colorectal cancers expected to collectively account for ~50% of all new cancer diagnoses by 2026, the demand for innovative therapies continues to surge.
Disruptive Trends Reshape Landscape: Innovation in oncology is accelerating, with disruptive technologies such as cell therapy, RNA therapy, viral vectors, and stem cell therapy gaining traction. Recent approvals of CAR-T cell therapies like Kymriah and Yescarta for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) respectively signal a new frontier in cancer treatment. Precision medicine is also driving progress, with over 160 oncology biomarkers approved by 2019, paving the way for more targeted and effective therapies.
Impact of COVID-19: Despite remarkable progress, oncology has been among the worst-hit therapeutic areas amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Decreased demand for physician-administered products, disruptions in cancer screenings, and a decline in new clinical trials have posed significant challenges. However, the industry remains resilient, adapting to the evolving landscape and ensuring continued innovation.
Immuno-Oncology Leads the Way: Immuno-oncology sales are expected to soar to ~US$ 95 billion by 2026, with agents and protein kinase inhibitors comprising ~65% of sales. With over 550 active cell- and gene-therapy agents under clinical development, the future of cancer treatment looks promising. Investments in combination studies and the exploration of new mechanisms underscore the industry's commitment to advancing immuno-oncology therapies.Roche and Keytruda: Leading the Charge: In a highly concentrated market where the top 10 companies capture over 75% of the market value, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Roche) and Merck & Co. stand out as leaders. While Roche maintains its global leadership position, Merck's Keytruda is poised to become the world's top-selling oncology
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kamagra-pills · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Viagra Online 2024
What does Levitra do?
Levitra is a drug used for male impotence. Physical and psychological factors contribute to erectile dysfunction.
Insufficient blood supply to the penis can be a physical cause of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, ED can be caused by any condition that alters blood circulation throughout the body, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.
Some people experience ED due to psychological factors, such as stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, or relationship problems.
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Uses and Application
 Before beginning treatment with vardenafil and at each refill visit your chemist to review the medication’s Patient Information Leaflet. In case of doubt, see your physician or chemist.
This drug is for oral use and should be used as advised by your doctor. When you buy brand levitra, it should be taken either with food or on an empty stomach approximately an hour before sexual activity. Do not exceed once daily dosage. It’s recommended to wait at least 24 hours between doses.
How much you take depends on a number of factors, including your illness, how well you’re responding to therapy, and what other drugs you’re on. Tell your doctor and chemist what medications you are taking, whether they are prescribed, over-the-counter, or natural remedies.
Unless your doctor or chemist tells you otherwise, stay away from grapefruit and grapefruit juice while taking this medicine. The risk of adverse effects from this medication is increased in the presence of grapefruit. For further information, see your physician or chemist.
If your situation does not improve withm cheap levitra brand, you should contact your doctor.
How does Levitra work?
An erection is achieved due to Levitra’s ability to enhance blood flow to the penis. You should know that the medicine has no effect unless it is combined with some form of sexual stimulation.
Levitra Side Effects
Levitra’s effects are not limited to the penis; the drug has a systemic effect. The increased rate of blood flow throughout the body that this might induce is a common culprit in the unpleasant side effects people report feeling. Headaches affect around 10% of patients. One to ten percent of people using this product will get sick from its side effects, which include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and nasal congestion. Up to 10% of users may develop adverse effects such as skin rash, face swelling, sun sensitivity, impaired vision, bloodshot eyes, eye discomfort, nosebleeds, back pain, fast pulse, muscular soreness, high/low blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.
Fainting, extended erection, allergic response, chest discomfort, anxiety, throat swelling, brief memory loss, muscular stiffness, seizure, and increased pressure in the eyes are all possible, though uncommon, adverse effects of cheap levitra brand.
If you have an allergy to brand levitra 20 mg or any other part of this drug, please talk to your doctor or chemist before using this medication. Allergies and other reactions to the product’s inactive components are possible. For further information, see your pharmacy.
Tell your doctor or chemist your complete medical history before using this drug.
cardiac issues (recent myocardial infarction or unstable angina, chest pain/angina, heart failure) within the last half a year, stroke dialysis for renal disease Disease of the liver extremes of blood pressure readings dehydration a variety of problems affecting the penis (including angulation, scarring, and Peyronie’s disease).
chronic or excruciating erection problems (priapism) in the past diseases and illnesses (including sickle cell anaemia, leukaemia, and multiple myeloma) that might raise the likelihood of priapism. issues with the eyes (such as RP, abrupt vision loss, and NAION). abnormal bleeding active stomach ulcers This medication has the potential to induce dizziness and altered vision. The effects of alcohol and cannabis (marijuana) on vertigo are amplified. Don’t go behind the wheel, stay away from heavy machines, and rest up until you can safely operate them. Reduce your alcohol intake. Marijuana (cannabis) users, please see your physician.
It is important to inform your surgeon about any and all medications you are currently taking, whether they are prescribed, over-the-counter, or herbal. Women are discouraged from taking this drug. It’s not likely to be taken when expecting or nursing a child. If you have any concerns regarding this drug, talk to your doctor.
Keep in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Don’t keep them in the lavatory. Always store drugs where children and dogs cannot get to them.
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twiainsurancegroup · 5 months
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