#Molly Briar - Tropes
teamoliv-archive · 5 years
One “Trope” for each muse please
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse.
*Cracks knuckles* Each muse you say? Alright, hold on.
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Functional Addict - Onyx’s painkiller addiction is a consistent issue throughout the time before the Fall of Beacon and the early parts of the Red Arena arc. His recovery (and occasional relapses) are something only a few other characters were aware of, mostly those in his own family.
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Deployable Cover - Lapis often uses his barrier semblance this way.
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Statuesque Stunner - Ivory is 6′1″ and was well known at Atlas Academy for being very pretty.
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Blinded by the Light - Violet’s semblance is a simple bright flash of light similar to a flashbang.
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The Rich Have White Stuff - Tyrael’s white and red suit is a staple of his design.
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Surveillance Drone - Lilac’s numerous ball drones were a calling card of her activity.
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Consummate Professional - Cobalt takes his duties both professional and personal very seriously.
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Fan Disservice - For all her proclivities, Molly’s skin is badly burned in several places. She’s frequented seedier bars because “people aren’t staring for the wrong reasons.”
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Blood Knight - Robin has a little too much fun fighting sometimes and will be quick to jump to a brawl. Unfortunately for most involved, he’s very good at it.
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Soft-Spoken Sadist - Jade very rarely drops his cool, even when mercilessly picking apart his victims’ psyches or watching them fight to the death.
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The Power of Friendship - Lazuli’s semblance is literally powered by the bonds she has with her friends.
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Harpoon Gun - One part of Shin’s weapon is a large harpoon he can use both as a melee weapon and launching out of the rifle like a bayonet.
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Walking Spoiler - Mother Marianne’s status as the missing police inspector Melina Briar (and Molly’s mother) was a secret on the blog until the cutscene that revealed it. This fact is still only known to a small handful of characters in-universe.
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Ambition is Evil - Auburn’s continual pursuit to prove herself superior to everyone else around her has caused a lot of problems for multiple characters.
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BFG - Morado’s wingpack can still be detached and unfolded into the particle cannon that was used to construct it.
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Only in It for the Money - Auroras’s cooperation in most situations lasts only as long as he’s being paid for it.
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Walking Shirtless Scene - Hari wears a harness, but rarely a shirt.
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Powers Do the Fighting - Whitney rarely closes in on her opponents, relying on her semblance to attack with overwhelming force.
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Awesomeness by Analysis - Redmond’s primary value to the Cheshires and why he’s regarded so highly is his almost unparalleled ability as an analyst and planner. It’s often said the Cheshire Group wouldn’t be nearly as successful, or even fall apart, without him.
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Servile Snarker - Sterling has this dynamic with Redmond.
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Magic Wand - Shani’s weapon of choice.
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Crazy Prepared - Iris always seems to have some bauble in her pockets that winds up useful to the situation at hand.
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Hard Light - Her semblance allows her to extract light from a light source to create this.
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Hair-Trigger Temper - Arvinda can be set off for very little reason.
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logarithmicpanda · 8 years
Unpopular opinions
@bookcub tagged me, thanks :D Popular book you disliked- Red rising. I hated it Book that everyone dislikes that you love- I don't know? Central ship you dislike- Fitz and Molly in Realm of the Elderlings. Popular genre you don’t usually read- Adult contemporary? Beloved character you hate- Mal from the grisha trilogy Popular author you can’t get into - I'm not sure yet but I think that Jim Butcher might not be my jam (I'm only 20 pages in Storm Front) Popular trope you are tired of - kill your gays. You don't get cookie points from me if your diversity gets killed off. The only time I'll accept the death of a gay character is if literally 70% of the main cast is gay. Popular book or series you have no interest in - shatter me, I opened it in a book store, got pissed off by the constant crosses out words after two pages and decided never to look back Movie/TV show is better than the book- Stardust by Neil Gaiman and The Princess Bride! I'm tagging @kvothbloodless @masternamerofhogwarts @little-briar-rose
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teamoliv-archive · 5 years
Spoiler trope, Molly
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse.  (Spoiler Edition!)
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Sixth Ranger - Quite literally as she’s the sixth member of the main OLIV lineup as of the second arc. She actually winds up forming a close friendship with Lapis over his watchful brotherly nature, respecting her fear of fire, and being a stabilizing influence which leads to consistent failed attempts to flirt with him.
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teamoliv-archive · 6 years
Spoiler Trope : OLIV
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse. (Spoiler edition!)
Big Damn Reunion - The order in which Team OLIV comes back together:
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Violet and Onyx encounter each other after Lilac begins lighting districts on fire.
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Molly extends help to Lapis after he frees his sister to locate Ivory.
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Ivory is rescued from Lilac’s revenge attempt. By this time, things are falling apart for the Red Arena and after Onyx and Violet encounter them, Molly and Ivory have no where else to go. A tensely reunited Team OLIV plus Lazuli and Molly then begin trying to work out what to do next. It takes Lazuli’s insistence to not have Molly and Ivory turned in to Mistral authorities and try to help them rebuild their lives instead.
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teamoliv-archive · 6 years
“Spoiler Trope” Anybody, mun's choice
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse. (SPOILER EDITION!)
Here’s a real stinger for those who want it. Here is the ultimate fates of some of the minor characters.
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Karma Houdini - Tyrael manages to live quite a long life, controlling a majority of Atlas’s underground until finally dying of old age in his early nineties.
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Plebtonium Overdose - Lilac is not so lucky. Eventually her plan for utter chaos result in a last stand in an abandoned lab slated to explode. She injects herself with an unstable dust-based enhancement which winds up heavily crippling her body after she couldn’t handle any more. She miraculously survives but is permanently disabled and unable to pose a threat to anyone ever again.
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Reformed Criminal - After the Red Arena falls apart, a few years of soul searching, and reuniting with surviving family, Molly puts away her weapon permanently and manages to secure a quiet life for herself in Patch. In her adult years she occasionally volunteers at huntsmen prep academies for at-risk students.
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Hunting the Most Dangerous Game - Robin is arrested and put into prison a decade after he kills Jade and takes over the Arena. With the moneyflow and the “volunteers” dwindling he begins hunting down huntsmen and huntresses for secretly broadcasted sport spoofed like a hunting documentary. He is ultimately captured when someone finally manages to best him.
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Badass Teacher - Lazuli becomes an accomplished huntress after finishing Atlas Academy and later a teacher at the reconstructed Beacon. She is highly respected by her peers and admired by students. She’s also somewhat notoriously single and rebuffs most of her admirer’s advances, most of whom don’t know she has no interest in men.
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