#Mobil !1Cup
Amara's First Week
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We started out the week with a very brave young lady learning that she is allowed to have boundaries and that she'll be safe. We were very slow and careful with any movements near her. We gave lots of high value treaties to reward social, relaxed, or safe boundary setting behaviors. We have encouraged three times daily outdoor play (and enforced only one, by getting her consent to lead or carry her to the door). We've encouraged socializing when the doggos were up for it, and enforced privacy and decompression time whenever one of them seeks it. We navigated a week one refeeding diet, with no upset tummies or pukey babies! High moisture geound rabbit 1cup 1-2x daily, and 1cup of pea-free kibbles (gotta protect a lady's heart!) 3-4x daily as Amara seeks it out. She has her own water bowl for now because she's still anxious about sharing one with the cats.
So far, the progress we've seen has far outstripped my expectations (it won't surprise me if that doesn't stay true lol). Today, Amara initiated play with Jaxxi both indoors and outdoors! She played for a good while and seemed to tucker herself out. Her back legs started out fairly weak and shakey, but she has been active and mobile and increasingly steady as the week goes on! Her fur has been thickening and became shiny within a few days of regular food and water. Her skin is still lacking some of the elasticity I had hoped to recover for her, but I won't be surprised if it takes a good while for that to really happen. Amara has become proactive in seeking affection and attention from me, from Wifey, and from Jaxxine, and Amara and Tobi seem to have developed a rapport, although they're not each others' biggest fans lol.
We've had a few accidents inside, because Amara is still struggling with feeling safe to go out multiple times a day, and hasn't quite realized that she needs to go potty more often now with regular meals lol. But we've managed to start catching her in the moment and shooshling her outside to help her understand she can ask to go out when she needs. I'm hoping that she won't feel the need to hide from us her lil bathroom wiggles much longer.
Overall, we're really pleased with not only how Amara's adjustment is coming along, we're also so proud of Tobi and Jaxxine for being so sweet and patient and good with their new sister.
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hittveu · 6 years
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  Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup, 8. Lauf, Formel-1-Rennen in Monza/Italien
Porsche-Junior Preining gewinnt auf dem Hochgeschwindigkeitskurs in Monza
Stuttgart. Der Kampf um die Meisterschaft im Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup bleibt bis zum Ende spannend: Auf dem italienischen Autodromo Nazionale Monza sicherte sich Porsche-Junior Thomas Preining (A/BWT Lechner Racing) seinen vierten Saisonsieg. Als Zweiter sah der aktuelle Tabellenführer Michael Ammermüller (D/BWT Lechner Racing) die Zielflagge. Den dritten Platz belegte Mattia Drudi (I/Dinamic Motorsport). „Mein Start war perfekt: Ich konnte mich gleich neben Ammermüller setzen und bin beim späten Bremsen etwas ins Risiko gegangen. Zwischenzeitig war es dann ein heißer Kampf, daher bin ich umso glücklicher über den Sieg“, sagte Preining. Somit herrscht Spannung vor dem Saisonfinale in Mexiko: Dort werden zwei Rennen ausgetragen und noch 40 Punkte vergeben. Ammermüller (119 Punkte), Nick Yelloly (Fach Auto Tech, 114 Punkte) und Preining (105 Punkte) können sich zum Champion krönen.
Vor den vollen Formel-1-Tribünen der Tifosi gelang Preining direkt beim Start das entscheidende Überholmanöver. Von der zweiten Position aus hatte er gegen Pole-Sitter Ammermüller in der ersten Kurve die Innenbahn. Doch der 20-Jährige ging nach dem Erlöschen der Ampeln auf die äußere Linie und überraschte somit seinen Teamkollegen. Preining zog in seinem 485 PS starken Porsche 911 GT3 Cup vorbei, aber Ammermüller blieb dem Führenden dicht auf den Fersen. In der sechsten und siebten Runde attackierte der Fahrer aus Rotthalmünster Preining am Ende der Start-Ziel-Geraden. Doch in beiden Situationen konnte der Linzer die Spitzenposition verteidigen. In den letzten Umläufen löste sich Preining von seinem Kontrahenten und überquerte nach 14 Runden als Erster die Ziellinie. Ammermüller folgte 1,7 Sekunden dahinter. „Von der Pole-Position zu starten, ist in Monza speziell. Man geht von der Außenbahn ins Rennen und muss direkt die innere Linie decken. Später habe ich mich dann gegen Drudi verteidigen können. Das hat natürlich Zeit gekostet. Der zweite Platz ist mit Blick auf die Meisterschaft gut, trotzdem war ein Sieg für mich drin“, sagte Ammermüller.
Über den dritten Platz bei seinem Heimrennen jubelte Drudi. Der Italiener begann das Rennen von Position drei und setzte Ammermüller zeitweise stark unter Druck. Am Ende schaffte es Drudi zum vierten Mal in dieser Saison aufs Podium. „Vor den italienischen Fans Dritter zu werden, ist ein fantastisches Gefühl. Als ich an Ammermüller dran war, habe ich leider einen kleinen Fehler gemacht. Am Ende wollte ich dann meinen dritten Platz nicht durch ein unüberlegtes Manöver verlieren“, sagte der 20-Jährige. Yelloly konnte sich im Rennen um einen Rang verbessern und belegte den vierten Platz vor Dylan Pereira (Momo Megatron Lechner Racing). Der Luxemburger erreichte im Rennen auf dem Hochgeschwindigkeitskurs einen Top-Speed von 270 Kilometern pro Stunde – Spitzenwert aller 30 gestarteten Fahrer.
Sechster auf dem 5,794 Kilometer langen Traditionskurs vor den Toren Mailands wurde Jaap van Lagen (NL/Fach Auto Tech). Im Königlichen Park der Stadt Monza sicherte sich Florian Latorre (F/martinet by ALMERAS) als bester Rookie den siebten Rang. Die meisten Überholmanöver gelangen seinem Landsmann Julien Andlauer (martinet by ALMERAS): Der Porsche-Junior startete von Position 30 und beendete das Rennen auf dem achten Platz. „Ich wusste, dass es für mich ein Marathon wird. Daher war es wichtig, schonend mit den Reifen umzugehen. Ich denke, dass ich von meiner Startposition aus das Optimum herausgeholt habe“, sagte der 19-jährige Andlauer. Über den Sieg in der ProAm-Wertung freute sich Roar Lindland (Lechner Racing Middle East). Für den Norweger ist es der sechste Sieg in seiner Klasse.
Ein Rennen vor heimischem Publikum erlebten an diesem Wochenende drei Fahrer aus dem Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup. Neben Drudi aus Misano Adriatico pilotierten der in Preseglie lebende Alberto Cerqui und Gianmarco Quaresmini (Castegnato) die drei Fahrzeuge von Dinamic Motorsport. Während Cerqui den neunten Platz erreichte, wurde Quaresmini auf Position 13 gewertet. Das Team Dinamic Motorsport hat seinen Sitz in der norditalienischen Stadt Reggio Emilia.
Für das Saisonfinale reist der Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup vom 26. bis 28. Oktober nach Mexiko. Somit wird die Meisterschaft nach dem Jahr 2017 zum zweiten Mal in der Geschichte des internationalen Markenpokals auf dem Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez entschieden. In Mexiko-Stadt finden die Saisonläufe neun und zehn statt.
Ergebnisse Monza, Lauf 8 von 10 1. Thomas Preining (A/BWT Lechner Racing) 2. Michael Ammermüller (D/BWT Lechner Racing) 3. Mattia Drudi (I/Dinamic Motorsport) 4. Nick Yelloly (GB/Fach Auto Tech) 5. Dylan Pereira (L/Momo Megatron Lechner Racing) 6. Jaap van Lagen (NL/Fach Auto Tech) 7. Florian Latorre (F/martinet by ALMERAS) 8. Julien Andlauer (F/martinet by ALMERAS) 9. Alberto Cerqui (I/Dinamic Motorsport) 10. Richard Heistand (USA/MRS GT-Racing)
Punktestand nach 8 von 10 Läufen Fahrer-Wertung 1. Michael Ammermüller (D/BWT Lechner Racing), 119 Punkte 2. Nick Yelloly (GB/Fach Auto Tech), 114 Punkte 3. Thomas Preining (A/BWT Lechner Racing), 105 Punkte
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Quelle: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Presse Motorsportpresse Porsche
Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup, 8. Lauf, Formel-1-Rennen in Monza/Italien Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup, 8. Lauf, Formel-1-Rennen in Monza/Italien Porsche-Junior Preining gewinnt auf dem Hochgeschwindigkeitskurs in Monza…
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celebritydetoxtea1 · 3 years
3 Ways to Maintain A Flat Tummy With Matcha Green Tea One of the healthiest beverages that you will come across, the matcha green tea is packed with beneficial antioxidants and makes use of the whole tealeaf to provide you with numerous health benefits. It makes use of numerous plant compounds to help you lose weight and accelerate the fat burning process. Being able to maintain a lean physique and a flat stomach is not just healthy for the body, but also allows you to look good and flaunt your favorite clothes with grace and perfection. This article will enumerate the 3 ways in which Celebrity Detox Tea Matcha Green Tea fat burner helps you in maintaining a flat stomach. 
Fat burning substances are part of matcha green tea
Helps in mobilizing fat from fat cellsMatcha green tea has around 24-40mg of caffeine in 1cup of its serving, a stimulant well known for its fat burning properties and help with improving exercise performance. Apart from caffeine, matcha green tea is also loaded with many antioxidants, which are known as catechins. The most important catechin that is part of the matcha green tea is the epigallocatechin gallate, also known as the EGCG, a substance known for boosting metabolism in the body.
In order to burn fat, it needs to be broken down in your body and included in your bloodstream. Studies that have been carried out in animals have revealed the astonishing fact that green tea contains compounds, which aid or accelerates this process. This is done by the boosting of certain fat burning hormones in the body such as noradrenaline also known as norepinephrine. EGCG, the main antioxidant present in green teas helps inhibit the secretion of the enzyme that breaks down noradrenaline. This results in the hormone getting produced in a higher quantity in your body, thereby aiding in higher fat burning. Studies have further revealed that caffeine and EGCG present in matcha green teas work in a synergistic manner. 
Helps you reduce visceral fat
A number of controlled studies have revealed that matcha green tea is one of the best detox teas for losing weight and allows you to burn extra fat. However, it needs to be remembered that not all types of fat are the same. Subcutaneous fat is the type of fat that accumulates under the skin, however, it is possible that a fat person also has a large amount of visceral fat, which is also known as belly fat. High levels of visceral fat have been associated with insulin resistance and inflammation, both conditions capable of causing serious diseases like coronary problems and type 2 diabetes. Studies conducted with matcha green tea catechins has revealed that along with assistance in fat loss, green tea is capable of helping you lose a lot of visceral fat. This helps you avert a lot of deadly diseases while being able to maintain a flat tummy.
If you are looking for the best matcha green tea fat burner, look no further than the exquisite collection that Celebrity Detox Tea provides. Our slim tummy tea is filled with rich antioxidants, while being completely vegan, gluten free, cruelty free and capable of getting you the flat-stomached body of your dreams. Choose today to lose weight quickly and start living a healthy life
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*Catalog Name:* Measuring Cups & Spoons - Cooking Baking Measurement Cups and Spoons ( Set of 6)
⚡⚡ Quantity: Only 5 units available⚡⚡
Product Description: Ideal to use when you want to add the precise amount of ingredients while cooking.
Package Contains: It has 6 Pieces of Measuring Cups & Spoons
Material: Food Grade Plastic
Measuring Cups Set Includes : 1/2 tbsp. (7.5ml), 1 tbsp. (15ml), 1/4cup (60ml), 1/3cup (85ml), 1/2cup (125ml), 1cup (250ml)
Product Weight: 200 gm
Features :
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Measures To Take During COVID-19 If Have Diabetes
It was December 2019, when China reported an outbreak of a new virus. This infectious virus was named as novel coronavirus or COVID-19. As COVID-19 continues to spread in India and globally. It is important for each one of us to take the necessary precautions to help prevent infection and spread of the virus.
Individuals over 60 years of age and those with pre-existing medical conditions, including diabetes, are at the increased risk for complications. As a result, many changes in our daily lives are being recommended in order to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
Truweight cares for the community, hence as an indirect line of care for individuals affected by Pre-diabetes and Diabetes. Educates about how to manage diabetes during COVID-19 and take that extra precaution to minimise the virus spread and at the same build immunity to fight with it.
Have you checked your immunity levels?
Check Your Immunity Level Now
Diabetes during COVID-19 are one such concern that we will talk today giving you certain guidelines to follow during this lockdown period at home.
Nutrition And Gut Health
Eat a balanced diet and try to eat at least 4-5 different fruit and vegetables a day. Consuming nutrient dense foods is one of the integral components of diabetes management.
It is important for individuals with diabetes to consume a balanced diet to keep their blood glucose levels stable and build immunity.
You can think about the Truweight Plate concept that consists of:
50% Vegetables & Fruits: Consume 4-5 servings of Vitamin C rich fruits and green leafy vegetables
25% Complex Carbs: Consume whole wheat Roti, Brown Rice, Millet preparations, etc
25% Protein: Consume a variety of Dals, Legumes and Beans, Non Veg – Eggs, Chicken and Fish.
The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends foods rich in nutrients such as proteins and vitamins like A, C, E, Zinc to strengthen the immune system.
Load your body with Vitamin C rich and seasonal fruits like oranges, sweet lime, muskmelon, papaya, etc. You can simply squeeze lemon over a salad, soup, dal or snack.
Include orange coloured foods in your diet that are rich in Vitamin A. Foods like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes’, etc are few of those. 
Zinc promotes healing, protein synthesis, growth of immune cells. Food groups that can supplement your body with Zinc are pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpeas, almonds, cashews, and products fortified with zinc.
Minimise intake of highly processed foods like white bread, white pasta, and other refined flour preparations. 
Utilise Indian Superfoods like Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon, Fenugreek Seeds, Curry leaves, etc in your dishes; they come with more than one health benefits. 
Garnish your soups, smoothies, and salads with more than one seeds like sesame, pumpkin, etc to supply your body with essential fats.
Drink 20-30 ml of herbal decoctions daily to boost immunity (One decoction at a time, do not start all at once): 
Boil 3 gm Turmeric powder in water to make a drink (twice a day, 15 ml each)
Fenugreek/Methi seeds 1 tsp & boil or 5 gm of Methi seeds powder in water (Sip throughout the day) 
Boil 7-8 Curry leaves or 5 gm of curry leaves powder in water (drink this on empty stomach)
Probiotics & prebiotics have been shown to promote specific aspects of health like
Enhance immune system
Aid better digestion
Aids in weight management
Regulation of body temperature, etc in senior citizens which is required during COVD-19 especially.[2]
Consume curd and buttermilk during mid meals or along with your major meals to improve your gut health.
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As per Govt directives, individuals are advised to stay indoors, most of outdoor traveling or activities have come to halt. We must keep ourselves engaged in indoor activities like doing daily chores, cleaning, cooking, maintain discipline in our wake, sleep cycle and meal timings. 
Medications And Supplements
If any supplements or medications prescribed by the physician, continue the same. Do not change the dose of medicines without physician’s knowledge. Check if you can consult them online. 
Discuss with the physician and take a multivitamin supplement daily one for a month.
You can supplement your diet with Vitamin D supplement (once a week for a month).
Discuss with your coach or physician to start with probiotic supplement like Darolac or Velgut. 
Take Chyavanprash 0.5 tsp each in the morning & evening to manage your blood sugar spikes (only for Diabetes, there should be 30 mins of gap in your medication intake)
Research suggests that adequate sleep helps in improving T cells (Immune cells) production in the body to fight against infections. We therefore advise an average 7-8-hour sleep. 
Eating habits
Meals can be split in 3 Major meals and 2 snack meals, ideal gap between each meal should be 2-3 hours. Now that you are at home, you can practice early dinners, say by 8-8.30 PM.
 Avoid smoking and alcohol intake, since these habits are detrimental to your health. 
Stay Active
Increasing mobility in important for both diabetes and weight management. 
Walking after each meal for 15 to 20 mins also helps in increasing blood flow and nutrient transport to body 
It is great if you can manage to walk for 30 mins in your apartment lobby or premises, veranda or inside the house.
Exposure of 30 mins to sunlight between 7 AM to 10 AM helps in improving Vitamin D in the body. 
You can also practice simple Yoga asanas to improve flexibility in your body.
Stress Management
Lockdown may induce anxiety since we are not habituated staying indoors. Research has shown that anxiety and stress during the Isolation and Social distancing affects sugar levels.
Simple techniques of breathing, Pranayama and Meditation helps in controlling stress levels. 
Other techniques like listening to music and reading books also help in coping with stress and anxiety. 
Other Practice
Practice warm salt water gargling technique twice a day; morning and in the evening.
Diet Plan
TIMEPlan 1Plan 2Plan 3Plan 4Early MorningHerbal tea + Almonds(5) Ginger Tea + Walnuts(2) Sukku coffee/Fennel tea+ 1tsp seeds Sukku coffee/Fennel tea+ 1tsp seeds BreakfastIdli-3/dosa-2 + Mint chutney+1 cup sprouts/egg whites-2 Veg poha with lemon + 1 cup sprouts/egg whites - 2 Pesarattu or Dal chilla-2 + Tomato garlic chutney + 1cup sprouts/egg white-2Dhokla-5 pieces/Appam-2+Coriander chutney + 1 cup Chickpeas chatMid MorningSweet & Salt Nimbu Pani1 cup Papaya 1 cup Mixed fruit bowlVegetable Juice + Roasted seedsLunch1 cup bell pepper salad + 2 Wheat Roti/Brown rice -1 bowl + 1 cup Paruppu Rasam + 1 cup Veg poriyal Buttermilk (dried ginger powder)-200mlWheat roti-2/ Bhakri-2+Paneer matar subji 1cup + Mixed Veg salad - 1cup Buttermilk-200mlBrown rice pea pulao/brown rice khichdi – 1 cup chicken gravy/ rajma masala - 1cup + Cucumber raita - 1cupWheat roti -2 / millet roti – 2 Palak kadhi / palak paneer - 1cup + pickled veggies Buttermilk (dried ginger powder)-200mlEveningMasala tea - 1cup Boiled sundal -1cup / beet hummusGreen tea -1cup Roasted makhana -1cup / sprouts tikki - 2Green Tea - 1cup Boiled green pea / kala chana chaat-1cupLemon Tea -1cup Puffed millet bhel chat-1cupDinnerCabbage soup -1cup Wheat dosa -2 / ragi dosa -2 + Thoothuvalai Chutney - 3tsp + Sambar - 1cupMixed veg soup Thalipeeth-2/1bowlRagi porridge with buttermilk1 cup Sauteed Sprouts with veggies + Veg whole wheat upma/millet upma-1 bowl Soup - 1bowl Masala Dal -1cup Stuffed vegetable Roti – 2 + 1 cup RaitaBedtimeMilk with turmeric-1cupCinnamon and turmeric water - 1cupMilk with cinnamon turmeric - 1cupCinnamon and turmeric water - 1cup
Probiotic Recipes
1.Pickled Vegetables
1⁄2 medium cauliflower, florets cut into small bite-sized pieces 
2 medium carrots, cut on a sharp diagonal into 1⁄8” thin rounds
1 small white or yellow onion, sliced into very thin rounds 
2 chillies, sliced into thin rounds 
Garlic cloves, quartered – 6
Plain white vinegar or apple cider vinegar – 1 cup
Water – 1 cup
Salt – 1 tbsp
Honey – 1 1⁄2 tbsp
Leaf – 1 bay
Oregano – 1 tsp
Freshly ground black pepper
Pack the cauliflower, carrots, onion, jalapeños, and garlic into a quart-sized wide-mouth mason jar. Place the jar in the sink since you will be pouring hot liquid into it soon. 
In a medium saucepan, combine the vinegar, water, salt, honey, bay leaf, oregano, and a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper. Bring the mixture to a simmer over high heat, then carefully pour the hot vinegar mixture into the jar. You should have enough to completely submerge the vegetables (and maybe a little extra). Tuck the bay leaf into the side of the jar. 
Let the pickles cool to room temperature (about 1 1⁄2 hours) before gently tapping the jar to remove air bubbles. The pickles should be well pickled and ready to consume at this point. If you are not eating them right away, securely fasten the lid and refrigerate for up to a month.
2. Kambu Ragi Koozh / Ambali (fermented, vegan, gluten-free) 
Whole kambu or Bajra – 1 cup 
Ragi flour – 1.5 cups
Water for cooking – 4.5 – 5 cups 
Salt to taste 
Chopped onion (Optional)
Soak the whole kambu or bajra for an hour.
Rinse and let it air-dry for a couple of hours.
Then use a mixer and grind to a coarse rava/broken grain consistency. Add water to the broken kambu. Add the ragi flour and mix well. Set aside till it ferments. Overnight does the trick. 
Boil the water, add salt, and add the fermented grain mixture to it. Keep some more water aside.
In case the porridge becomes too thick, add water as required. Allow it to cook till it thickens and flour gels together. Set aside till it cools completely.
3. Fresh Turmeric Root and Mango Ginger Pickle in Lemon Juice 
150 gms Fresh Mango Ginger 
150 gms Fresh Turmeric Root
1/3 Cup Lemon Juice (~5 Large Lemons) 
4-5 Green Chillies (optional) 
1/2 tsp Salt 
To Store:
Clean, dry, air-tight glass bottle 
Using a few drops of oil, grease your palms. This prevents the turmeric root from staining your palms.
Peel and chop the turmeric into thin slices. You can also julienne them.
Peel and chop the mango ginger into thin slices. You can also julienne them. 
Cut the green chillies into 1/2′′ pieces.
Add the mango ginger slices, turmeric root slices, green chillies, lemon juice and salt to a clean, dry, glass bottle.
Use a spoon and mix well.
Close the bottle and let the pickle rest for 2 days. 
Diabetes and COVID-19 are one such topic that has been discussed in the current period of lockdown. People with diabetes have to ensure that they are taking certain measures to manage their health because staying home and the lockdown is depriving us of certain availability.
While we have proposed certain guidelines for people with diabetes during COVID-19 pandemic. It is in your hands to provide your best to work on your health. Make sure to not risk your health during this period since all the medical services are dedicated towards the COVID-19 patients.
Even if you find difficulty with health, take good precautions to protect yourself from getting caught with COVID-19. As it is dangerous to overcome this virus effect if you have medical conditions like diabetes.
The pandemic could still go on for a while, but you cannot ignore your health or of anyone you care who has diabetes. For if you are not aware of, most of the fatalities of COVID-19 have had other medical conditions in them like diabetes, heart disease etc.
Do not be the person who regrets after the result. Make your life healthy and immunity as strong as possible.
The post Measures To Take During COVID-19 If Have Diabetes appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Measures To Take During COVID-19 If Have Diabetes published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Measures To Take During COVID-19 If Have Diabetes
It was December 2019, when China reported an outbreak of a new virus. This infectious virus was named as novel coronavirus or COVID-19. As COVID-19 continues to spread in India and globally. It is important for each one of us to take the necessary precautions to help prevent infection and spread of the virus.
Individuals over 60 years of age and those with pre-existing medical conditions, including diabetes, are at the increased risk for complications. As a result, many changes in our daily lives are being recommended in order to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
Truweight cares for the community, hence as an indirect line of care for individuals affected by Pre-diabetes and Diabetes. Educates about how to manage diabetes during COVID-19 and take that extra precaution to minimise the virus spread and at the same build immunity to fight with it.
Have you checked your immunity levels?
Check Your Immunity Level Now
Diabetes during COVID-19 are one such concern that we will talk today giving you certain guidelines to follow during this lockdown period at home.
Nutrition And Gut Health
Eat a balanced diet and try to eat at least 4-5 different fruit and vegetables a day. Consuming nutrient dense foods is one of the integral components of diabetes management.
It is important for individuals with diabetes to consume a balanced diet to keep their blood glucose levels stable and build immunity.
You can think about the Truweight Plate concept that consists of:
50% Vegetables & Fruits: Consume 4-5 servings of Vitamin C rich fruits and green leafy vegetables
25% Complex Carbs: Consume whole wheat Roti, Brown Rice, Millet preparations, etc
25% Protein: Consume a variety of Dals, Legumes and Beans, Non Veg – Eggs, Chicken and Fish.
The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends foods rich in nutrients such as proteins and vitamins like A, C, E, Zinc to strengthen the immune system.
Load your body with Vitamin C rich and seasonal fruits like oranges, sweet lime, muskmelon, papaya, etc. You can simply squeeze lemon over a salad, soup, dal or snack.
Include orange coloured foods in your diet that are rich in Vitamin A. Foods like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes’, etc are few of those. 
Zinc promotes healing, protein synthesis, growth of immune cells. Food groups that can supplement your body with Zinc are pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpeas, almonds, cashews, and products fortified with zinc.
Minimise intake of highly processed foods like white bread, white pasta, and other refined flour preparations. 
Utilise Indian Superfoods like Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon, Fenugreek Seeds, Curry leaves, etc in your dishes; they come with more than one health benefits. 
Garnish your soups, smoothies, and salads with more than one seeds like sesame, pumpkin, etc to supply your body with essential fats.
Drink 20-30 ml of herbal decoctions daily to boost immunity (One decoction at a time, do not start all at once): 
Boil 3 gm Turmeric powder in water to make a drink (twice a day, 15 ml each)
Fenugreek/Methi seeds 1 tsp & boil or 5 gm of Methi seeds powder in water (Sip throughout the day) 
Boil 7-8 Curry leaves or 5 gm of curry leaves powder in water (drink this on empty stomach)
Probiotics & prebiotics have been shown to promote specific aspects of health like
Enhance immune system
Aid better digestion
Aids in weight management
Regulation of body temperature, etc in senior citizens which is required during COVD-19 especially.[2]
Consume curd and buttermilk during mid meals or along with your major meals to improve your gut health.
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As per Govt directives, individuals are advised to stay indoors, most of outdoor traveling or activities have come to halt. We must keep ourselves engaged in indoor activities like doing daily chores, cleaning, cooking, maintain discipline in our wake, sleep cycle and meal timings. 
Medications And Supplements
If any supplements or medications prescribed by the physician, continue the same. Do not change the dose of medicines without physician’s knowledge. Check if you can consult them online. 
Discuss with the physician and take a multivitamin supplement daily one for a month.
You can supplement your diet with Vitamin D supplement (once a week for a month).
Discuss with your coach or physician to start with probiotic supplement like Darolac or Velgut. 
Take Chyavanprash 0.5 tsp each in the morning & evening to manage your blood sugar spikes (only for Diabetes, there should be 30 mins of gap in your medication intake)
Research suggests that adequate sleep helps in improving T cells (Immune cells) production in the body to fight against infections. We therefore advise an average 7-8-hour sleep. 
Eating habits
Meals can be split in 3 Major meals and 2 snack meals, ideal gap between each meal should be 2-3 hours. Now that you are at home, you can practice early dinners, say by 8-8.30 PM.
 Avoid smoking and alcohol intake, since these habits are detrimental to your health. 
Stay Active
Increasing mobility in important for both diabetes and weight management. 
Walking after each meal for 15 to 20 mins also helps in increasing blood flow and nutrient transport to body 
It is great if you can manage to walk for 30 mins in your apartment lobby or premises, veranda or inside the house.
Exposure of 30 mins to sunlight between 7 AM to 10 AM helps in improving Vitamin D in the body. 
You can also practice simple Yoga asanas to improve flexibility in your body.
Stress Management
Lockdown may induce anxiety since we are not habituated staying indoors. Research has shown that anxiety and stress during the Isolation and Social distancing affects sugar levels.
Simple techniques of breathing, Pranayama and Meditation helps in controlling stress levels. 
Other techniques like listening to music and reading books also help in coping with stress and anxiety. 
Other Practice
Practice warm salt water gargling technique twice a day; morning and in the evening.
Diet Plan
TIMEPlan 1Plan 2Plan 3Plan 4Early MorningHerbal tea + Almonds(5) Ginger Tea + Walnuts(2) Sukku coffee/Fennel tea+ 1tsp seeds Sukku coffee/Fennel tea+ 1tsp seeds BreakfastIdli-3/dosa-2 + Mint chutney+1 cup sprouts/egg whites-2 Veg poha with lemon + 1 cup sprouts/egg whites - 2 Pesarattu or Dal chilla-2 + Tomato garlic chutney + 1cup sprouts/egg white-2Dhokla-5 pieces/Appam-2+Coriander chutney + 1 cup Chickpeas chatMid MorningSweet & Salt Nimbu Pani1 cup Papaya 1 cup Mixed fruit bowlVegetable Juice + Roasted seedsLunch1 cup bell pepper salad + 2 Wheat Roti/Brown rice -1 bowl + 1 cup Paruppu Rasam + 1 cup Veg poriyal Buttermilk (dried ginger powder)-200mlWheat roti-2/ Bhakri-2+Paneer matar subji 1cup + Mixed Veg salad - 1cup Buttermilk-200mlBrown rice pea pulao/brown rice khichdi – 1 cup chicken gravy/ rajma masala - 1cup + Cucumber raita - 1cupWheat roti -2 / millet roti – 2 Palak kadhi / palak paneer - 1cup + pickled veggies Buttermilk (dried ginger powder)-200mlEveningMasala tea - 1cup Boiled sundal -1cup / beet hummusGreen tea -1cup Roasted makhana -1cup / sprouts tikki - 2Green Tea - 1cup Boiled green pea / kala chana chaat-1cupLemon Tea -1cup Puffed millet bhel chat-1cupDinnerCabbage soup -1cup Wheat dosa -2 / ragi dosa -2 + Thoothuvalai Chutney - 3tsp + Sambar - 1cupMixed veg soup Thalipeeth-2/1bowlRagi porridge with buttermilk1 cup Sauteed Sprouts with veggies + Veg whole wheat upma/millet upma-1 bowl Soup - 1bowl Masala Dal -1cup Stuffed vegetable Roti – 2 + 1 cup RaitaBedtimeMilk with turmeric-1cupCinnamon and turmeric water - 1cupMilk with cinnamon turmeric - 1cupCinnamon and turmeric water - 1cup
Probiotic Recipes
1.Pickled Vegetables
1⁄2 medium cauliflower, florets cut into small bite-sized pieces 
2 medium carrots, cut on a sharp diagonal into 1⁄8” thin rounds
1 small white or yellow onion, sliced into very thin rounds 
2 chillies, sliced into thin rounds 
Garlic cloves, quartered – 6
Plain white vinegar or apple cider vinegar – 1 cup
Water – 1 cup
Salt – 1 tbsp
Honey – 1 1⁄2 tbsp
Leaf – 1 bay
Oregano – 1 tsp
Freshly ground black pepper
Pack the cauliflower, carrots, onion, jalapeños, and garlic into a quart-sized wide-mouth mason jar. Place the jar in the sink since you will be pouring hot liquid into it soon. 
In a medium saucepan, combine the vinegar, water, salt, honey, bay leaf, oregano, and a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper. Bring the mixture to a simmer over high heat, then carefully pour the hot vinegar mixture into the jar. You should have enough to completely submerge the vegetables (and maybe a little extra). Tuck the bay leaf into the side of the jar. 
Let the pickles cool to room temperature (about 1 1⁄2 hours) before gently tapping the jar to remove air bubbles. The pickles should be well pickled and ready to consume at this point. If you are not eating them right away, securely fasten the lid and refrigerate for up to a month.
2. Kambu Ragi Koozh / Ambali (fermented, vegan, gluten-free) 
Whole kambu or Bajra – 1 cup 
Ragi flour – 1.5 cups
Water for cooking – 4.5 – 5 cups 
Salt to taste 
Chopped onion (Optional)
Soak the whole kambu or bajra for an hour.
Rinse and let it air-dry for a couple of hours.
Then use a mixer and grind to a coarse rava/broken grain consistency. Add water to the broken kambu. Add the ragi flour and mix well. Set aside till it ferments. Overnight does the trick. 
Boil the water, add salt, and add the fermented grain mixture to it. Keep some more water aside.
In case the porridge becomes too thick, add water as required. Allow it to cook till it thickens and flour gels together. Set aside till it cools completely.
3. Fresh Turmeric Root and Mango Ginger Pickle in Lemon Juice 
150 gms Fresh Mango Ginger 
150 gms Fresh Turmeric Root
1/3 Cup Lemon Juice (~5 Large Lemons) 
4-5 Green Chillies (optional) 
1/2 tsp Salt 
To Store:
Clean, dry, air-tight glass bottle 
Using a few drops of oil, grease your palms. This prevents the turmeric root from staining your palms.
Peel and chop the turmeric into thin slices. You can also julienne them.
Peel and chop the mango ginger into thin slices. You can also julienne them. 
Cut the green chillies into 1/2′′ pieces.
Add the mango ginger slices, turmeric root slices, green chillies, lemon juice and salt to a clean, dry, glass bottle.
Use a spoon and mix well.
Close the bottle and let the pickle rest for 2 days. 
Diabetes and COVID-19 are one such topic that has been discussed in the current period of lockdown. People with diabetes have to ensure that they are taking certain measures to manage their health because staying home and the lockdown is depriving us of certain availability.
While we have proposed certain guidelines for people with diabetes during COVID-19 pandemic. It is in your hands to provide your best to work on your health. Make sure to not risk your health during this period since all the medical services are dedicated towards the COVID-19 patients.
Even if you find difficulty with health, take good precautions to protect yourself from getting caught with COVID-19. As it is dangerous to overcome this virus effect if you have medical conditions like diabetes.
The pandemic could still go on for a while, but you cannot ignore your health or of anyone you care who has diabetes. For if you are not aware of, most of the fatalities of COVID-19 have had other medical conditions in them like diabetes, heart disease etc.
Do not be the person who regrets after the result. Make your life healthy and immunity as strong as possible.
The post Measures To Take During COVID-19 If Have Diabetes appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Measures To Take During COVID-19 If Have Diabetes published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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