#Million thanks for your support and encouragement ♥
luveline · 2 years
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I hit 35k followers so let's talk...<3
I just wanted to take some time to say thank you to everyone here for reading, for being so kind, for taking the time to reach out to me and make my day. I'm so happy to have you reading whether it's been since the start of my blog or yesterday morning, it's surreal to know there are so many people who have read my work at least once and enjoyed it! I try a lot to be a lot of things and I don't usually get it right, but I can't help feeling like this is something good and something I'm lucky to get to do. I love getting to explore so many different characters, relationships, settings, I love getting to build my own style and I love how it lets me forget where I am, even if it's only for a little while. I wouldn't have spent so long practicing if it weren't for the insane encouragement and sweetness that's been shown to me, so I guess this is a little plea to show your favourite writers, new writers, writers who don't write anymore even, some love, because flowers definitely need water to grow. If I hadn't been so lucky to find this loving and kind audience I don't know what I'd be doing, but I doubt I'd have created so much, more than half a million words of people falling in love <3 there are sometimes bumps in the road and I do get overwhelmed a lot of the time, both here and in real life, but it just doesn't stack up when you compare it to the support and love. You have all been insanely generous to me in one way or another and I'll be saying thank you for a long time ♥
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So, how about a Kantaro Misuji x reader. So basically, a friend invites a shy and introverted reader to a Visty concert. While meeting their fans, Kantaro mets the reader and he has a love at first sight sort of interaction with the reader. (This is really detailed, sorry)
Writer's corner: Aww! This sounds so cute! Thank you so much for requesting! I'm still so sorry for answering so late! I hope you'll forgive me and I do hope the wait has been worth it! Please, enjoy! If you find something you don't like or want me to fix, just tell me!♥ ps. I used a gn for both the reader and their friend!
mc's pronouns: GN!- THEY/THEM
Words: 1375
Warnings: none. Love at first sight so cute stuff here only~ (yf/n: your friend's name)
⭐"𝐈'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.."⭐
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"What?! You really managed to get the tickets for VISTY's concert?!"
That's what you asked to your friend immediately after seeing them holding two small pieces of papers in their hands. They chuckled happy and then immediately took your hands. It's useless to express how much joy and happiness you felt at once. Only the thought of seeing all VISTY and especially Kantaro in person.. Your heart couldn't handle it! You were looking forward to go to that concert. Of course your best friend brought you to buy some new clothes. They told you a million times that you both needed to shine like stars while being in front of the stage, cheering on your favourite boys. 
"Are you going to get prepared with me?", you asked to your friend and they immediately turned around to look at you: "Of course, y/n! You won't get rid of me, hehe! I need your advices while getting prepared.. You know my dream is to be noticed by that freaking awesome prince..!!". You chuckled and soon hugged your best friend: "I'm sure Aoi will notice you, yf/n! You're sweet and gorgeous! Hehe! Let's have fun and enjoy their music too, though!". Your friend giggled adorably and soon hugged you back: "You're my best friend, y/n..."
Some days passed and now it was the day.. You were going to go to that concert with your best friend. They were already in your room, while getting prepared. Your friend had decided a cute and comfy outfit, but it fitted them so well! You were closed into the bathroom, still drying your hair. Your mind was full with Kantaro's images. You really couldn't wait to see him. He was your favourite VISTY's member! He was so cute in your opinion..! You really liked even his voice.. his cute but energetic voice.. his passion for music... It's useless to say that you had even followed him on SNS and on Twitter too. His lives on IG were so full of emotions and happiness! He had even answered one of your questions once: "Y/n asks.. What inspired you on writing For My Stella?.. Ooh.. y/n! Of course you all inspired me and VISTY! We've been inspired by the love and the support you all give us each day more! Hehe~"... You smiled remembering about his voice saying your name as your heart soon started beating faster.. You couldn't wait to see him and VISTY in person, on the stage, right in front of you.
"Y/n! Are you ready?! Come on! Or we'll be late!! I don't want to make Aoi wait for me so long...!!!", you snapped back to reality as you heard your friend's voice. You smiled at the mirror, nodding softly as to encourage yourself and then exited the bathroom. Of course you got tons of compliments by your friend, who told you that you were amazing. Both of you got out and soon reached the place where VISTY would have been taking the concert. You looked around surprised by how many people there were. Your eyes couldn't help but glowed in happiness and also in hope.. VISTY were surely going to come back to be a good and famous idol group after... well.. after what had happened in the past!.. 
"Y/n! Here!! These are the best seats EVER!!", you soon heard your friend shouting from the first row. All the people around were looking at them with a confused expression. It was kinda cringe... You couldn't help but chuckled about how crazy but clumsy your friend could be sometimes. They were shouting happy for being able to reach the best seats. You laughed and then approached them: "You know seats are useless because we'll be standing all night cheering on VISTY.. right?", you joked as your friend soon laughed too. However though both of you stopped and looked at the stage. All the audience started cheering and applauding as Shogo, Aoi, Toma and Kantaro soon entered the stage. Your eyes glowed in happiness to see Kantaro. He... He looked even cuter in person..! His blonde hair with colourful locks.. his colourful and energetic eyes.. his smile.. Everything about him looked cute. VISTY started singing and performing. All the audience was surprised by how amazing their vocals and moves were. They indeed were a great idol group! Aoi's sweet vocals made tons of people- especially girls- fangirling, while Shogo's energy encouraged all the group to do the very best they could that night. You couldn't help but smile all the time, keeping your eyes wandering around the stage, looking for Kantaro's eyes among all the other dancers, who were on the stage performing with VISTY too. As soon as you chuckled happily, enjoying the performance, while your friend was filming everything with their smartphone, you turned around to the stage again and saw Kantaro staring at you. His eyes were open wide while his body stopped dancing. Even the others- both VISTY and the dancers- were confused by Kantaro staring at the audience that way. What did he see? Or.. Who did he see?.. You blushed feeling his eyes on you. After a few seconds, though, Kantaro came back to sing and dance, but he occasionally looked at you and even winked at you, blushing sweetly.
"You even got the tickets to backstage and you didn't tell me until now?!"
"Hehe.. y/n.. You should trust your best friend more~~!!", that's what your friend said, giving you one of those tickets. They looked so happy to finally meet and speak to VISTY- and of course especially to Aoi. You followed them until you both reached the backstage and some bodyguards let you meet VISTY. You could see some people already talking with those four young guys while taking some pictures with them or even simply getting some autographs. You started smiling and felt your heart beating faster in excitement.. You still couldn't believe you would have met them.. spoken to Kantaro... As you and your friend entered the room, you got their attention. Kantaro opened his colourful eyes in surprise as it seemed that he was holding back his breath. Soon Shogo, Aoi and Toma introduced themselves at you and your friend (you can imagine your friend fangirling for Aoi kissing their hand while introducing themselves, haha!). Your eyes soon met Kantaro's ones as he spoke: "Y/n... H-hi... I'm.. uhm... I'm Kantaro.. hehe. But you already know it, don't you?.. hehe". He looked all blushed and embarrassed and this made you think that he was adorable. Of course you were shy too, trying to introduce yourself without stuttering or blushing. Kantaro soon smiled at you, trying to get back to his usual self- his energetic and cute self. Of course he failed because he couldn't help but blushed a lot while looking into your eyes and hearing your soothing voice. 
"Oh.. So you're already following me on SNS?.. Even on IG and Twitter?.. hehe... ooh.. so you even watched my lives! I'm glad..!", he chuckled softly as you both kept talking for a few minutes about how much you enjoyed their performance and how you like their songs. You eventually told him that their songs help you to smile and keep you company when you need it. Kantaro- as well as Shogo, Toma and Aoi- felt so happy and lucky..! To hear that their songs were able to cheer people up.. it made them feel satisfied and genuinely happy. However soon a bodyguard interrupted you all to say that time was over and that you and yf/n had to leave the room. Kantaro smiled cutely with a strange look in his eyes. You could tell that that one in front of you wasn't the usual cheerful, energetic and cute Kantaro.. but a different one.. Was he sad? Was he sad because you had to go away? Because.. he had to say goodbye to you?... probably he was.
"Aw.. Too bad that time is over, y/n... I'd have liked to talk to you more..!.. uhmm I got an idea, though.. if you're fine with it.. uhm.. You'd like to chat with me on SNS..? I... I'd like to know you more... ahah... I'd be happy. Thank you for supporting me and VISTY.. Bye~!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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hoxadrine-art · 7 years
Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating anything this week. I'm afraid until next one or so I won't be able, though, given I'm moving back to my hometown.
Some friends already know the context and the reasons for doing so, but I won't say much further because it's not really safe for me to do so in here. In any case - and to those who asked through PMs and the sort - just wanted you to know I'm safe and sound, and I've got a bus ticket to my place tomorrow.
Also I wanted to thank, from the bottom of my heart, to those who pledged on my Patreon and/or donated on my latest campaign and helped me go through this very difficult time. Sadly I'll be still needing help once I'm back home - probably even more so given I've already spent every single penny on my pockets merely to afford a ticket back to a safe place - but I'm thinking about launching that giveaway I've been wanting to make for a little while to celebrate getting 300 followers, so it'll be like starting from scratch (?).
I'm desperately wanting to get back on track as soon as possible and here's hoping I can. Nonetheless, and honestly, thank you all for supporting me. Given all this crap I'm going through lately, you all are really my lifesaver and I have no idea where I'd be without you. I don't even want to think about it, actually.
What I can promise is that, of all the crap that's happened to me in my entire life, I'll survive this one, no matter what. I won't be brought down like this, I can freaking swear to you.
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hoxadrine-art · 7 years
Hey guys! How's it going? 
Sooooooooooo, I've decided to set up a Discord server to share my crap with you in a sort of realtime process (?). Also, this will be useful to manage all the rewards to send to you guys for your incredible support as well as some more awesome cool stuff to share over there. This server is open to public but Patrons will have access to exclusive channels, like Sneak Peek, Patron Polls and a super VIP one called Best Patrons Block (yeah, I know. Fanceh! *Sparkle emojis*) - for +$10 Patrons, where you can find awesome HQ downloads, free stuff and all sorts of things, créme-de-la-creme sort of level (?). We also have fancy bots, channels for games and music, so feel free to join in! :D
ALSOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm (trying out, for starters) streaming stuff now! This server will play a role in having a stream chat for Patrons only as well and if you'd like - and you're not as shy as me - I also set up a VC with moi talking some crap with my weird Spanish accent while streaming, so if that doesn't give you some cackles, then idk what else will! 
Overall, I have a server with bots and a freaking clown as myself as overlord and Art Provider (?). Can't really send you cookies because I live on the ass end of the world and they won't taste good, but can show you sketches, make up funny memes and horrid crap and a little more. I know you deserve 10 times more, but I'm also adding a piece of my heart with this, so consider coming over and have some fun :) 
♥ Support me on Patreon ♥ Tip Jar ♥ Queue ♥
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