#Mike Poole
transformers-mosaic · 4 months
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Transformers: Multiverse #16 - "Youth"
Originally posted on March 16th, 2013
Story, Art - Mike Poole
deviantART | BotTalk
wada sez: Although Kup in this strip clearly draws inspiration from how Nick Roche depicts the character, I find the enigmatic being Kup remembers killing evocative of the mutants from the original Marvel comics. Brandy Dixon accidentally posted a piece of her own artwork on the same day as this strip, somewhat stealing its thunder—come back tomorrow to see it that piece!
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tenderloveerotic · 5 months
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Vegas, baby.
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hballegro · 2 months
i have more conspiracies about MASH that may or may not be true, but ive decided they are. they also just might have been explained, but im dumb, and cant remember. heres your sequel.
in 7x3 where hawkeye tackles bj, bj goes "AAH!' and hawkeye says 'WRONG! THAT STARTS WITH AN H!'. this is because mike farrell's line was 'hey!' but due to the force and drama of the scene, just Yelped instead.
All the dogs that turned up that never appeared again [like the one bj and hawk "ate" when they were trying to scare a visitor, dogs seen in 1 shot, etc] were just dogs that the production crew/cast owned and wanted to bring to work/volunteered their animal for acting duty
in the handful if scenes where hawkeye is actually knitting [and not using the red yarn, for the reason given in the previous edition], hes making a blankie for erin. [co-credit my sibling]
klinger got his ears pierced during the course of the show, starting with clearly just clip-ons and then later declares he doesnt want his ears to close up. some say continuity error, I say commitment (and also it would probably be easier to find real earrings instead of clip-ons)
in s7e2 Peace on Us, no one told bill christopher to tie that red streamer around his neck, he just thought it would be silly
in s7e2 Peace on Us, again, no one told alan alda to drive the jeep back to camp with his leg up like that. he just knows the character well enough to make that call. which he's correct about
the scar on hawkeye's lip was caused by a fishhook in his youth. got called Troutboy a long time afterward because of it.
bj is a vaseline girlie and takes good care of his hair as well.
hawkeye sniffs food because, having grown up partly during the depression, eating spoiled food was a real risk, so giving it a good ol' sniff-test was a given
fr mulcahy cares deeply about his appearance and engages in more grooming activities than any other guy in camp [the shower cap, always looking perfect, owning gardening gloves, manicured hands and feet, etc]. he even irons his stole on a bi-weekly basis and launders his clerical collars
hawkeye's issues with people leaving and not saying goodbye began with his mother after she passed, since his father didnt want him to worry
on nights where charles goes to bed after the other two, he will occasionally clean up a little bit. this contributes to why he's so pissed in 'Pressure Points'- he's been doing his own cleaning and some of theirs without them noticing or caring.
once again these are all just things that came to mind while watching, i didnt think too hard on them. the only one 'researched' on was the food sniffing, solely because i needed to do Year Math lol
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mikesbasementbeets · 11 months
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byler in every episode -> 1.07. the bathtub
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hawkinslibrary · 2 years
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We all got old at breakneck speed Slow it down, go easy on me Go easy on me 
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alieneyeball · 11 months
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Cali Colombia 2022
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purpleghoul87 · 11 months
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Mike plays the sims!
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steve’s No Good, Very Bad Day
This is something a little different from what I usually do so I hope you guys like it! Please leave your thoughts and title ideas in the comments!
Steve was just wrapping up at work one day, getting ready to run some errands when the kids stampeded through the door. He hardly even had time to sigh before Dustin was trying to negotiate for him to give them a ride to the community pool. 
“Steve, it’s eighty four degrees outside right now and the community pool is a mile away. If we bike there in these conditions, we could get heat stroke and die. What kind of friend would you be if you let us die when you could’ve prevented it? Since we all know you’re my best friend, you should give us a ride.”
“Dude, no. I have errands to run and I’m really not in the mood to babysit,” Steve said, shaking his head. He had better things to do than drive them around town all day. Like buying himself groceries and toilet paper, interesting stuff. 
“Please, Steve? We’re counting on you! Just give us a ride and we’ll leave you alone for the rest of the weekend!” Lucas bartered. 
“I’m hosting DnD at my house tomorrow,” Steve said, completely deadpan. 
“And we’ll leave you alone until then!” Dustin jumped in. “Please?”
“Son of a bitch, fine! Go wait by my car. Jesus Christ, you’re truly annoying. You know that, right?”
“Thanks Steve!” Dustin called and ran to wait by his car. 
Steve just sighed and shook his head. He didn’t sign up for this. He loves those kids but goddamn, he just wanted one day to himself after working customer service and faking smiles all morning. Nevertheless, he climbed into his car and cranked the AC before heading towards the pool. 
“So where’s Will, Max, and El? Are you guys hanging out with them today too?”
“Of course we are,” Dustin answered snootily. “They’re our friends.”
“They’re meeting us at the pool,” Lucas added. 
“Well, thank you Lucas for answering my question,” he turned to look at Dustin in the passenger seat. “You need to lose the ‘tude, Henderson. I’m doing you shitheads a favor. Tone it down.”
“Sorry,” Dustin muttered. 
They traveled the rest of the way in silence with only the soft tones of Simon and Garfunkel playing softly through the radio. When they turned into the pool’s parking lot, something felt off. Steve couldn’t put his finger on it. Nothing looked out of the blue but something was wrong, he was certain. 
“Stay in the car, I’ll be right back.” He opened his door and Henderson opened his as well. “Dustin, please. Just stay in the car for a minute.”
“Wha- but…”
“Dustin!” He gave him a confused look but shut the door regardless. 
Steve saw Max, Will, and El rounding the corner and ran up to them. They looked fine too but something still felt off. His stomach was twisting in warning and he didn’t know why. 
“Hey guys-”
“Steve? I didn’t know you’d be coming. We could’ve used the ride,” Max snarked.
“Listen, something feels off. Get in my car,” Steve told them. His heart started beating faster and he could feel sweat dripping on his forehead. His adrenaline was going crazy and he didn’t know why. 
“Steve, there isn’t enough room. We won’t fit-” Will tried to explain but he was cut off by the sound of gunfire. El threw up her hands to telekinetically redirect the bullets and Steve tackled Max and El to the ground. 
He lightly smacked his head on the cement but he picked himself up soon enough. When he looked around the parking lot, there were dozens of government agents facing El with their guns drawn. 
“Eleven. We are with a secret department of the United States government. If you come with us peacefully, we’ll let your friends live.” As the woman in charge was talking, Steve noticed a man standing behind El raise his gun to her head. 
“El!” He jumped up from the ground the pushed her away from the path of the gun as it fired. He felt a sharp, searing pain in his shoulder and then he was back on the ground. 
“Steve!” She looked over at him but he just shook his head with his teeth clenched. 
“Kill them!” He felt bad about ordering a kid to kill the fifteen agents, not for them but for her. She didn’t deserve to carry their deaths on her conscience. But as he saw all of their necks snap in unison, he couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. 
All of the kids surrounded him worriedly. The boys looked slightly nauseous while Max and El were looking at his shoulder in concern.
“Steve? Are you okay, buddy? I’m pretty sure you got shot.” Dustin told him gently, just as he had in Billy’s Camaro all those years ago. 
“El… you okay?” Steve asked her quietly. It was getting harder for him to speak. It felt like there was a fog over him that was pulling him under.
“Of course I am okay, Steve. You were the one that was shot,” she told him matter-of-factly. 
“Hmm, yeah makes sense. Fucking... figures,” and then he lost consciousness. 
When he woke up, it was to a bland hospital room. His head ached, his shoulder throbbed, and his throat was dry. As annoyed as he was with the situation, Steve was glad that he had been there for the kids. Who knew what would’ve happened if he hadn’t gotten there when he did. Would El have that man’s bullet in her head? Would Max and Will be dead due to a slew of bullets? He’s glad he would never have to find out. 
He was so lost in his thoughts of what could have happened that he didn’t notice Hopper stepping in until he spoke. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” Hopper hissed angrily. 
“What do you mean?” Steve asked in confusion. It almost seemed like Hopper was mad at him but he was pretty positive that he had no reason to be. 
“Why the hell were you taking the kids to the pool? You know that people are after her and you just took her out into the open? How could you do something so stupid?!”
Steve’s entire body flinched at his comment. “Hop, the kids were going anyway. The only reason I was there was to give Dustin, Lucas, and Mike a ride. The other kids were meeting them there. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You’re the adult, Harrington! You should’ve told them no and then none of us would be in this situation!” 
“Hop, I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be more careful. I know it must’ve been scary to see your kids like that…”
“You’re not my son!” He screamed at him in fury.
Steve’s blood turned cold. “Wh-what?”
“El is my daughter and your actions almost got her killed! And you put all the other kids in danger too. I don’t know if Joyce and I can forgive you for this, Harrington.”
Hopper shook his head derisively one last time and stalked out of the hospital room. Steve just laid there in shock. He didn’t know why Hopper was so mad at him or why he decided that Steve wasn’t worth any effort anymore. He didn’t know why he always pushed away his parental figures but this was three people now that he managed to disappoint so it had to be an issue with him. All he could do was close his eyes and cry at the unfairness of it all.
Between visits from Eddie and Robin, Steve was alone. The kids were banned from seeing him due to what Hopper had coined ‘reckless endangerment’ and it wasn’t like he had anyone else interested in visiting him. So it was a surprise when a chastened Hopper entered his room. 
“Hey kid, how are you doing?” He asked him softly. 
Steve just stared at him. He wasn’t sure where he and Hop stood after he screamed at him just a few days prior. 
“Look Steve, I want to apologize. I uh, I didn’t have all of the information and I blamed you when it wasn’t your fault. I know now that you were there to protect the kids and you did a great job other than getting shot and getting another concussion. I’m sorry.”
“I meant Will. When I said you were worried about your kids. I meant Will and El. I know you don’t consider me your son, why would you? Literally no one wants to be my parent so I get it-”
“Steve, I do consider you my kid. I shouldn’t have said that and I only did out of anger. You didn’t deserve that and I’ll make it up to you. You’re going to move into the house with us until you get better,” he promised him. 
Steve just shook his head though, “don’t worry about it. Eddie is going to stay at my house until I can use my arm. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Harrington, I don’t care if I have to kidnap your sorry ass. You’re staying with me, Joyce, and the kids until you’re better.”
“This is part of your apology, threats of kidnapping? What the fuck, Hop?” Steve exclaimed, absolutely perplexed. 
“Yeah, did it work?”
Steve huffed, “get me some orange Jello and I’ll consider it.”
They had a ways to go until they were back to where they were but they’d get there. Steve would forgive him in time and Hopper would forgive himself eventually too.
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @jestyzesty @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @gay-stranger-things @pnk-lemonades @coolestjoy30 @strangerthingfanfic
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90smovies · 1 year
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transformers-mosaic · 6 months
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Transformers: Mosaic #634 - "Justice"
Originally posted on January 30th, 2012
Story - Ben Wilson Art - Mike Poole
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005
wada sez: Just a simple strip that dares to ask the question, “What if Prowl was a cop?”
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ukiharavara · 2 months
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super-nova5045 · 1 year
friendly reminder to every holier than thou new gen gay mike truther who hates bi mike that after s2 when byler was literally DOGPILED and treated like a crack ship, it was bi mike truthers who defended it and got it to where it is today, creating like half of the base theories...show some respect and lose your straight up unabashed biphobic attitude you actual freaks
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Justin Horowitz at MMFA:
MAGA media figures are coping with former President Donald Trump’s ongoing criminal hush money trial in New York by attacking Judge Juan Merchan and his daughter, calling for Trump to be sent to prison in order to fundraise off his trial, and railing against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.  The trial stems from allegations that Trump falsified records behind a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election to keep her from releasing information about a sexual encounter the two had in 2006. 
MAGA media propagandists whine about Donald Trump's business record falsification trial.
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Js got home from a water park and now I’m feeling like writing a Josh Futterman fluff fic with gn!reader going to a water park or pool.
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roughridingrednecks · 8 months
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