#Midford siblings come home
pain-in-the-butler · 3 months
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What are your headcanons for the circus members being adopted by the midford family ?
Can do!
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Names go as follow:
Joker - Jester
Dagger - Haiden
Beast - Mally/Mia
Jumbo - Jumbo/Nicky
Peter - Peter
Wendy - Wendy
Doll/Freckles - Ellie-Mae/Mae/El
It happened just before the Phantomhive manor burnt down. The family were out in town and Edward happened to see the image of them cuddled with barely a blanket over their head to protect from the rain. He demanded the cart to stop and ran over with Lizzy who holds a coat to give, the parents ran after.
After seeing they all seem to be so sickly pale, thin, and some had fevers, Lizzy and Edward pleaded their parents to take them back to their home to protect them Francis agrees for the night and planned to take them to a home in the following day
They all ate the most they ever did, Doll burnt her tongue on some hot ham similar to Ponyo
The next day, after getting them fed, cleaned, and more clothes to wear, Francis and Alexis took them to the nearest group home they found available.
"Available" was a understatement! Children were everywhere and it's clear some of them were already doing the jobs of the East End. And picturing these people doing such things broke their hearts
So yeah, they came back with them and announced they'll be Midfords from now on
Names were given after Joker admitted to not know his name just called "Joker" by his smiles and Doll saying she doesn't remember her name
The nightmares the family had to comfort was hard at first
Shockingly, the family who accepted them more than the Midfords were the Phantomhives. Like Rachel's all smiles to them and the twins were like "WHOA~!"
Doll and little Ciel's small twin brother get along well
People simply call Doll "El" and Lizzy "Lizzy" or "Liz" a lot cause it's cute
They learned fencing so well and fast while Doll, Peter, and Wendy take ballet/dance lessons
Edward showed girls who picked on his siblings in dance class who they're related too fast-
The ones who had the hardest time accepting family was Beast, Dagger, and Peter. Everyone was high spirits but these guys were skeptical since they were old enough to remember mistreatment over something they couldn't control
Like with Sebastian, the Midfords made the prosthetic
When the Phantomhive manor burnt down they all grieved with them
They visited the graves a lot
Dude when Ciel came home-
Lots of tears and snot
When Ciel mentioned his twin died Doll just about cried all night through the weeks her friend is gone
Unlike what you would assume, Wendy got her dressed tailored fitting for a woman instead of a little girl. In the Victorian times, dresses length got longer and longer by a girl's age. Actually, funny enough, during that time and others afterwards women/girls who had their hair done in a updo style hinted they are married or ready for marriage. So one could argue Wendy's circus outfit's hair was done up to help with her circus tricks, but when I learned that fact it adds a little lair of Wendy hinting she's a woman who wants to be married with someone who loves her
Oh Gods. I just realized the talk with Alexis and Francis-
"You see children, when two people fall in love-" "Uhhh...father, we kind of know this" "Let him have this, El and Haiden are coming to that age soon"
There was one moment a man wanted to ask for Beast's hand in marriage then made fun of her leg and background. Yeah he got a good whack or five or six if you wanna count Doll
Edward's first day of school-
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Peter, Joker, and Dagger went to Weston with Edward while Wendy, Beast, and Doll went to whatever school Lizzy's in
Dagger gets a lot of noble men asking him to marry their daughters in which everyone teases over
Joker and Edgar meeting during a school event-
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No more happy campers
WanderingPanic (orphan_account)
Welcome to Ophrys secret garden summer camp!
Ciel Phantomhive has been dragged by his cousin and best friend to our summer camp getaway where he has to be social at least 90% of the time he’s there, but it’s not all miserable as he’s entertained by his wild and slightly sadistic bunk mate, his idiot friends and their shenanigans, his counselor trainees messy romantic lives, and an unbelievably pretty German girl staying in his cousin’s cabin.
• Chapter song aesthetic : https://youtu.be/1x1wjGKHjBI
•Ciel’s and Lizzie’s POV for this chapter at least (probably not for the next ones)
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1
Chapter Text
If you’d like to know why, I, Ciel Phantomhive, son of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, and future earl to the Funtom company, am currently sitting in a summer camp counselor’s office covered head to toe in red paint, along with around thirty other campers, then you’ll need to understand that this all seemed like a good idea at the time.
*4 weeks earlier*
“Ciel! Come on or we’ll miss orientation!” Yelled my frazzled cousin Elizabeth from the downstairs of my house.
“No! I’m not going! You and Sieglinde and Soma and Agni and Sebastian and the rest of those freaky circus foster siblings can all enjoy your little camp! I’m staying home.”
I had already made up my mind about this camp. Singing cheesy campfire songs and having to share a dorm room sized cabin with three other high school sophomore aged boys just doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. What does however is an actual cup of earl grey tea and a trashy reality TV marathon followed by a well deserved depression nap.
“You are not going to miss this camp because you’re too busy hating life!”
“Says the neurotypical.”
Just as I finished yelling out at Lizzie, my mother, bless her soul for having to deal with me, entered my room.
“You know Ciel... maybe it’s a good idea to go to this camp. I mean Soma is going and Lizzie is too. You may even make new friends-“
“Lizzie told me the same things, I just can’t see myself enjoying it.”
My mother sighed and placed a hand on her forehead.
“Ciel you’ll never know if you’ll never try.”
Maybe it was the solemn look on dear mother’s face, maybe it was the commercial break that popped up on my TV, or maybe it was Lizzie screaming out for me one last time that finally convinced me to go. My mother audibly gasped when I started packing a bag silently, and she got out another to speed up the process.
Lizzie forced me into a very tight hug when I got down the stairs and basically dragged me out of the house and pushed me into her brother’s car.
Edward Midford, containing the same overly cheery attitude as his sister and father, but the resting angry face of his mother. His car was like his life choices...
All over the place and generally a hot mess.
“Damn Edward when was the last time you cleaned your car?”
“Hey, Ciel! it’s not that bad!”
“There’s a coffee cup in here with mold in it.”
“Which one?”
Lizzie fake gagged at the fuzzy plastic cup and crinkled her nose up.
“Well I’m just glad I get my license in a few months so I don’t have to be in this car ever again.”
“Well I’m just excited you two are gonna finally get to experience the upperclassmen life at ole’ Ophrys!”
‘Ophrys hidden garden summer camp’ has been around since before my parents were alive. It’s a humongous summer camp for ages seven to eighteen that’s right smack dab in the middle of the forrest in a cleared out circular area turned into an ophrys apifera, honey suckle , and primrose conservatory project with greenhouses and small apiaries on the edges of the property. On the west side there’s a man made lake, the little kid cabins and the mess hall. In the center there’s the recreational area, the upper class men cabins and the nurses cabin. On the east side there’s the counselor’s housing and directory.
The lake water is freezing 95% of the time and the rest of the camp is always burning hot during due to the lack of air conditioning.
Lizzie POV>>>
I was excited about the certain ‘upperclassmen life’ scene Edward was talking about.
I’ve been going to Ophrys since I was seven and it’s my favorite time of year. I’ve always enjoyed it but I’m finally going to get to have some real fun now that I’m an incoming sophomore.
Since the camp has so many people every year, they jam pack the elementary age kids with useless arts and crafts and sports, but they basically let the high schoolers do what ever we want. Once you get to be an incoming sophomore you get to put down the macaroni necklace and pick up a styrofoam cup filled with alcoholic beverages and stay up all night a parties in your CIT’s cabin if they’re cool enough.
The CIT’s or ‘counselors in training’ are the incoming seniors at the camp who sign up to be in charge of a high school cabin for the summer. They throw the best parties, host the best bonfire nights and are extremely competitive with one another during the last week of the camp known was “free for all week.” Or as it’s known to the underclassmen as “cabin VS cabin competitions” where we play basics camp games, the only difference is that the upperclassmen all have raging winner parties, somewhat illegal bets, crazy rules, and crazy contests and initiations to be able to be in one of the games for your age group. Every year the cabin in a certain age group that has the most won competitions gets the “bragger’s gold” or as the camp director calls it “the winning trophy”. Nobody knows when it was dubbed the “bragger’s gold” but the rumor is that on the bottom of the trophy, there’s a key to a secret underground bunker in the middle of the woods off the camp grounds that’s filled with really expensive alcohol, and the winning cabin gets their CIT and junior CIT to go get a bottle for their winner party after the games.
The incoming juniors or ‘junior CIT’s’ are basically understudies for the CIT of their respective cabin, they do all the stuff the real CIT’s don’t want to, like ask the camp director for stuff or wake everyone up in morning. Soma didn’t sign up to be a junior CIT but Edward did. He’ll probably get so fed up with me by the end of the summer because I’ll be pestering him about what all he and his CIT did the whole time we’re at camp.
As we pulled into the camp grounds, the buzz of people reuniting with their friends and laughing was intoxicating to me. I rolled down my window and pulled my phone out of my pocket it to film us pulling into the entrance of the camp. As the video was about it end I flashed the camera onto Ciel, who in return , flipped off the lens.
“Whatever it’s still going on Snapchat you dang stick in the mud.”
“What do you mean ‘stick in mud’ I’m plenty fun I just didn’t want to come here.”
“You’re only fun when you’re doing something that you think you’ll enjoy.”
“Isn’t that how you’re supposed to live life?”
*3rd person POV*
The three teens stepped out of the car and Edward was immediately grabbed by a blonde guy with glasses, striking green eyes, and a pin that said ‘Ron: Junior Counselor trainee’.
The two hugged almost recklessly near the parking lot full of moving cars and then walked away laughing about something Ron had apparently said.
“Well he’s already forgot we exist.” Ciel scoffed as he leaned up against the car.
“Do you need me to hold your hand on the way to the theatre or can you manage?” Lizzie winked at him as she slowly started to saunter away.
“Oh piss off!” Ciel pushed himself off the car and tried speed walking away from her.
Once inside the theatre Ciel saw his older friend stand up in his seat to wave him and Lizzie over, where he had saved them two seats right up front with him.
“How did Soma know I was coming?”
“I told him you were while you were asleep in the car. He’s really excited and he’s going to try to get Agni to put you two in the same bunk.”
“Agni’s a CIT?”
“Oh course he is , I mean the guy is nearly perfect!”
Ciel and Lizzie scooted themselves past already seated people and once they sat down, Ciel saw a girl with curly black hair, in daisy duke shorts and an Ophrys camp hunter green souvenir tank top stand on the stage and count all the underclassmen as they filed in.
“Would you look at her! Lizzie I’m telling you, they get better looking female CIT’s every year, What was her name again?”
Lizzie jumped at the voice coming from behind her and she play slapped the gray-blonde boy standing behind her.
“Snake! Ugh you almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry, I just wanted to scare you, who’s your friend with the blue eyes?”
Ciel flashed an awkward smile. Who was this guy and why was he talking to Lizzie like he’s known her forever.
“This is my cousin Ciel, pardon his awkwardness he’s not used to how fellow Pythons interact.”
“Hah it’s ok. Well then Ciel, you can just call me Snake, that’s what I’ve been called ever since I became the only guy in the python cabin who has actually ever gotten rid of one of those pesky shower snakes that pop up sometimes and keep it as a pet.”
Ciel raisedand eyebrow and looked Snake up and down.
“I also have severe eczema.” Snake scratched at a flake on his arm.
“I can see that, Snake.”
Snake returned to his seat three rows behind Lizzie, Soma and Ciel.
Soma talked to Ciel the entire time they waited for the program to start.
Ciel loved Soma, he was his best friend, but man did he talk a lot.
“Ok my happy campers let’s get started!” Yelled out a tall, pale girl with long firery red hair wearing an Ophrys tee shirt and a button that said
‘Grell: Counselor trainee’.
Two tall raven haired guys walked onto the stage, followed by Agni, the Curly black haired woman, a biracial girl with pastel purple dyed hair, a ginger guy with eyeliner on , and a girl with chocolate hair pulled into a sleek bun , wearing glasses.
One of the dark haired males pulled glasses out from his pocket and put them on. The other one whispered something to Agni, who the exited the stage and went up to the blonde guy , Ron, from earlier.
“That tall one on the right, that’s Sebastian Michaelis, one of Agni’s best companions besides me, he’s a great track runner and most of the girls swoon over him.”
Soma had leaned over to Ciel and whispered this, and then pointed to the one with glasses next to Sebastian.
“That one beside him is Claude Faustus, he’s a mega douche, but people seem to like him for some reason.”
“The black haired girl next to him is Maryann, but everyone calls her Beast because she’s the best female physical comp’ competitor, she’s also smoking hot in case you didn’t see.”
Ciel snickered at Soma, Beast was tall with smooth skin and large breasts, she was pretty, but not Ciel’s definition of ‘hot’
“The guy next to her with the eyeliner, everyone calls him Joker because he’s never being serious, Beast has been pining after him since they were thirteen but he’s too busy looking at more masculine counters if you get my drift...”
“Oh dang, poor girl has no clue does she.” Ciel fought back laughter. Surely the eyeliner must be a dead giveaway.
“Nope. Oh course you know Agni, the red haired one next to him is Grell, she’s wild with a capital W and there’s not one male CIT she hasn’t tried to get with unsuccessfully, but I’m pretty sure her junior counselor has the hots for her.”
“The one with the purple hair talking to Claude is Hannah. She’s cold blooded, but she’s got a golden heart somewhere under all that chest hahaha.”
Ciel elbowed Soma after yet another large great comment.
“The girl with the bun is Nina, she’s sassy and really smart, maybe smarter than Agni, and I think she’s the only one who can’t stand Sebastian for generally no reason.”
Soma was about to make another comment when a man wearing a dark brown suit in rectangular glasses walked onto the stage.
“Ok campers, for those of you who don’t know me I am your camp director William T. Spears.”
William was cut off by Joker cheering loudly and Beast running up and hugging him, much to his dismay, Sebastian and Agni clapped obnoxiously whilst this happened.
“Ok that is enough! I would expect better behavior from my CIT’s !”
The crowd giggled quietly.
“I though you said everyone hates that guy?” Ciel leaned over to Lizzie who smiled lightly and said,
“Yeah he’s a total bore but everyone misses him after a while because he’s just so bad and he’s only been here two years so we still heckle him from time to time.”
Ciel scoffed as William tried to resume his speech.
“This summer you will become enriched and become much more mature than when you entered. For first years this may be your first time away from home, and for seniors this is your last time in your home away from home. I’ve entrusted your CIT’s to go over the basics of cabins and competitions. Every morning you will report to the mess hall at 7:30 am if you are ages 12-18 and 8:30am if you are 7-11 years old. And dinner will be served inside the mess hall at 8pm inside for 7-11 year olds and outside for 12-18 year olds. Maryann, Sebastian you may have the floor.”
Sebastian and Beast walked up to the front of the stage. Beast took out a piece of paper from her pocket and then handed it to Sebastian, then began talking.
“Ok happy campers! My name is Maryann but you’ll call me Beast because I am a competitive beast!-“ she smiled big at the crowd and then turned to Sebastian with the note and nodded toward Hannah before refacing the crowd. Sebastian walked her to Hannah and gave her the note.
“Here we have eight different cabins for each age group here. The pythons, the tigers, the ravens, the spiders, the flying bats, the owls, the peacocks, and the doves.”
Some guys in the back started to make hissing noises and chanting,
“Pythons, pythons, house of, Pythons!”
Beast shushed them while trying not to laugh and turned to Sebastian.
“I’m going to read off your cabin names but group then age then sex ok!”
He started going down the line and sectioning off everyone by which cabin they were in. He soon got to the upperclassmen and Ciel waited for his name impatiently.
“Ok in the Pythons 15 F we have Elizabeth, welcome back girl, Sieglinde, Lucy, Rebekah, Dana, And Josie.”
“Now in for my cabin group, the Raven 15 B we have Alois, Ciel, Marcus, Marshal, Alex, and TJ.”
Ciel and Soma looked at each other. This was an outrage, Ciel’s only friend here wasn’t even in the same group as him.
Everyone was lead by their CIT to their cabins with the seven year olds first and the upperclassmen last. The boys carried their stuff across the cap grounds over to a cabin with a blue and black piece of fabric tied to the top of a piece of wood sticking out from the roof.
Ciel looked around and realized that every cabin had this piece of wood on the roof but none others had fabric on theirs.
“Ok you guys are fifteen so it’s impossible for me to tell you no one in the cabin that isn’t a raven boy or a CIT, so if you do have company keep it quiet and in your own bed. I know it sounds dumb but even my fellow seniors sometimes can’t follow these rules.”
Two of the guys snickered at Sebastian’s last comment and he smirked and turned to face them,
“You wanna know what happened just ask Claude and Hannah.”
All the guys then busted out in laughter including Ciel, who barely knew these people but could defuse it happening based on what Soma had told
Maybe camp wouldn’t be so bad.
But why did Beast give Sebastian that note and why did they have fabric branding their cabin?
Chapter 2: Bunk mates, mate
Chapter song aesthetic: https://youtu.be/ooEv1cH97HA
Chapter Text
Sebastian looked up at the cabin to try to tell them more about where they were staying, but the blue fabric caught his eye. He did a double take and kept looking back at it.
“What’s the blue and black ribbon mean?” A bleached blonde, gum smacking, boy in cheetah print Nike shorts asked.
“Um. You don’t need to worry about it just yet. But I need to talk to another CIT in just a moment. Anyway just come inside and I’ll explain that later.
The boys filed in the cabin. Immediately there was a strong appearance of honey camping vibes going on, in the front room there was a mini kitchenette and a couch with a vintage TV on a wooden stand that looked like a tree stump. On the walls were paintings of ravens and moths in various styles in various sizes. The room was decorated in black, dark reds, and grays all throughout.
“This is the front room, down that hallway are four doors that each lead to a room containing two beds, two nightstands and one window overlooking area. You can put your stuff wherever just not in the front room. There’s a bathroom if you keep going down the hallway where the beds are. I really wish I could’ve stayed to talk more but I’m going to be frank, we’ve been branded for war.”
Ciel’s eyes widened and the blonde boy swallowed his gum and then started almost maniacally laughing.
“What do you mean a war!?” He asked, the other boys looking very confused.
“Well... this camp has a long history of end of the summer competitions, but the upperclassmen take it to a new extreme. We have a point system. If you can do anything to mess with or brand or prank your rival group your assigned when the summer starts, you earn more points. The cabin with the most points gets first pick at what comps we do that year in what will thinks is the real thing.”
“So what does the fabric mean?” Ciel asked , genuinely intrigued.
“It means that the Python girls have claimed us as their main target this summer. We claim each cabin by getting our cabin color fabrics and tying them to the freshmen’s roofs as a way to claim the fresh meat.”
Sebastian smirked and all of the boys but Ciel looked slightly terrifyed.
“It’s ok though they can’t hurt us, steal from us, or damage our stuff or they’ll be disqualified from the point system completely and reported.”
The boys seemed to perk back up and then two of them began whispering about which cabin they’d get that night.
“So I’m guessing that note Beast gave you to give to Hannah was something about who was either going to brand her cabin or telling her to brand us?”
Ciel asked, catching Sebastian slightly off guard.
“Um... yes actually. I found out that Claude was going to get Agni’s cabin so I told Beast and she had me give that note to Hannah saying he was coming after her so she’d get Agni before he would.”
“Wow so she’s mad at Claude for no reason then? That’s hilarious!”
“It’s not for no reason! Claude broke the rules. We aren’t supposed to talk about who we’re gonna brand with anyone other than our cabins and juniors. Claude however told Joker and myself thinking we wouldn’t do anything.”
Ciel laughed.
“Well then I guess you better get Grell’s cabin then.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because of what you did, I’m guessing that’s the only one unclaimed considering that I can see outside my window that Nina’s has just been branded by Soma and Agni themselves.”
“That piece of-“ Sebastian looked outiside the window and then bolted out the door,
racing up to Angi who then stuck his tongue out at him.
Ciel took his bags in the first room on the left of the hallway. Plopping his stuff down on the bed and took a deep breath.
No turning back now.
“Hey bunk mate!”
Ciel turned around to see the bleached blonde gum chewer had claimed the bed next to him.
“Those other boring boys have already shaked up together so I’m left with you and your gorgeous navy blue eyes!”
“What is everyone’s obsession with my eyes today?”
“Nothing just...thinking out loud.”
“Well ok then, my name is Alois Trancy!” The boy latched onto Ciel’s hand and shook it a little too hard for him liking. When Alois released his wrist Ciel held it and furrowed his brows.
“Um... I’m Ciel.”
“That’s a pretty name Ciel! Hey do you wanna sneak out tonight!?”
Is this guy serious, Ciel thought. They had only just met and this Alois guy was already asking him if they wanted to break rules.
“I’m actually a friend of Claude’s and he said that the CIT’s always throw the JCIT’s a raging party for kicking off the summer and whatever freshmen show up become their favorites.”
Ciel really wanted to go to that party, which is saying something because he hated parties.
The dramatic competitiveness of the CIT’s made him want to be involved and know about all the hot gossip straight from Sebastian’s lips, but he knew he just couldn’t go to a senior party with some dude he just met, especially one he heard about from Claude, a dirty cheater who for all he knew could’ve told him that so he could lure freshmen out to get hazed.
“I’m good but thanks.”
“K, I guess I’m going alone then, but you’re helping me get ready Ok?”
An hour later Alois was wearing tight, short leather shorts and a neon purple tee shirt with a leather jacket on top. Black high top converse on his feet and sunglasses that looked expensive on his face, he was ready to go.
But the party didn’t start for another hour so he had to kill time.
“Ciel you ole’ bore please let me take you to the party!”
“Alois I already declined ok, I just don’t think its a good idea.”
“But we’re bunk mates, mate!”
“Excuse me.”
“We’re mates now! We’re gonna be so close by the end of the summer I mean we have to share a bathroom at least let me take you to a cool party so you get a decent first impression of what I am sloppy drunk.”
Ciel took a deep breath, and pictured the image of Alois drunk out of his mind.
This was something he’d pay to see.
“Ok hang on let me dressed.”
Ciel wore an off white tee shirt that read “there’s no way you woke up like that.” And black ripped jeans with black timberland boots on his feet.
He ran a hand through his hair and the two boys set out to this senior party.
“So where is this party. Will would kill them if they were all out of bed after hours getting drunk.”
“Claude said that it’s off grounds near a waterfall that goes into a river with blueberry bushes around it.”
“Sounds aesthetic and very possibly fake.”
“He also included that there’s a pile of dead squirrels at the halfway mark so...”
“Sounds more plausible.”
Once Ciel spotted (and nearly vomited) at the sight of an actual pile of dead squirrel parts thy knew they were getting close, and rift around this time they saw a girl with raspberry, chin length hair running in the same direction as them.
“Hey where are you going?” Alois Yelled out earning a hand over the mouth from Ciel who then reminded him that what they were doing was against the rules.
“Sorry! Hey girl are you heading to the party as well.”
Ciel faceplamed, it seemed his new roommate was anything but inconspicuous and would definitely eventually get him into trouble.
The girl walked toward them, tripping around six times, but somehow made it up to them in one piece.
“Mar- I Beast said the party was around here didn’t she?”
The girl wore large circular glasses and had freckles dotted along her face.
“Yeah we’re headed there now.”
Ciel answer calmly. The girl seemed frazzled and Ciel knew that the last thing he needed to do was act panicked, even though he was in the middle of the woods with two complete strangers heading to a possibly fictional party.
“Hey! Meyrin it’s over here!” Ron, the JCIT from that morning Yelled out from about fifteen feet away from the three.
He sprinted out to them and then basically shoved them into a thin brush of dark bushes.
“Better late than never babe! The party almost started without you!” Meyrin blushed at his comment.
“Ronald! Stop that. You know why I’m here.”
“Ugh what’s that CIT got that I don’t! Hah I’m just joking ya babe, you know why I’m here too!”
“You certainly have a type...”
Meyrin ran a hand through her bang and Ronald rolled his eyes, then wrapped his arm around her shoulder and the two walked off to talk to a shorter JCIT with a large sun hat on and one taller one with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
Ciel turned to look at the surrounding area. Agni was standing behind a plastic pull out table severing a rose pink tinted liquid to people in y’all styrofoam cups, a blush across his face and sighted from his mouth every couple seconds it was obvious to tell he was already drunk as a skunk.
Beast was off in the corner talking to Hannah, both girls wearing matching black and gold dresses and had their hair pulled back using a back scrunchie.
Claude was right. There was a waterfall next to some blueberry bushes. What he forgot to mention was that it was a scene he had carved into a tree right under “C + H”
Alois had seemed to already have disappeared once Ciel turned back around and the more the sun went down the harder the party got.
People were hugging, laughing, vomiting, yelling, arguing, and dancing raunchily to music being played on a Bluetooth speaker hooked up to apparently Agni’s phone.
Agni was however already passed out under a tree once the party officially started.
Sebastian walked up in a button up shirt and a tie , and scanned the area for Agni.
“Oh Agni my dude... this is why I don’t let you serve drinks bud.”
He saw Agni passed out in a pool of his own vomit under a tree, while two mischievous juniors scribbled genitalia onto his forehead.
“Oh my god!”
Sebastian turned to see meyrin burst out into laughter about something Bard, the tall, smoking junior had said.
He walked over to them casually.
“Sebastian! My... best mate right here... hahaha.”
Bard was obviously drunk out of his mind and had now rested his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. The only reason he actually came to this raging drunk joke of a party was so he could help Finnian, the shorter JCIT flirt with a certain Freshman, but it looked like she hadn’t shown up and that Sebastian had yet again found himself taking care of a drunk Bard and Agni.
Another two hours of partying ensued and the Hannah climbed up on a ledge made by rocks (shakily due to the alcohol) and clapped really loudly.
“Ok! I’m am proud to announce this years JCIT’s!”
Claude and Alois cheered and Alois Yelled out something along the lines of a very slurred “Mom!” Before Hannah shushed them.
“For the owls... we have Eric and Alan! Yay! For the peacocks we have Ronald In the pythons we’ve got Paula... Yass Queen! The the ravens we have Finnian and Bard! For the spiders we have The triplets! I love you guys! In the tigers we have Meyrin! In the flying bats we’ve got Dagger! And finally but not unfortunately we have Edward for the-“
Hannah was cut of by falling off of the ledge, leading to an audible gasp from several people and laughter from others.
Ciel faceplamed for a second time that evening and when he looked up his eyes met a spur of blue green ones.
And that’s all he can remember from the rest of that night.
Chapter 3: The classic last Friday night cliche
Chapter song aesthetic: https://youtu.be/H5NqIsnyTG8
Chapter Text
A beam of sunlight hit Ciel’s closed eyelids, forcing him to wake up.
“Ugh, What the hel-“
“Shhh!” Ciel was soon silenced by Agni’s fight over his lips. Why was Agni in his cabin? What a minute... Ciel looked around at the green and burnt orange decor in the room. This definitely wasn’t his his cabin... why was he in Agni’s?
“Ciel do you have any idea where you are right now?”
“I’m gonna say it’s your cabin.”
“Wrong... it’s the guys CIT housing.”
“Doesn’t that mean the same thing as what I just said?”
“Nope, you were inferring that you were in my cabin I’m in charge of.”
“Right, ok why am I here?”
“Do you remember anything from last night?”
“I went to a party with my weird roommate, saw Sebastian taking care of a drunk JCIT and then saw Hannah fall off the rock ledge, I can’t really remember anything after that but I’m assuming in the dark I must’ve just wandered into the wrong cabin.”
Angi scoffed at Ciel and then walked out of the cabin. He had to get to a CIT meeting that morning and he was an aspirin and a glass of water away from punching Ron and Edward in the face for graftiting his forehead last night.
Sebastian woke up in his car. Next to him in the reclined passenger seat, was Meyrin, curled into a ball with Bard’s jacket over her petite body as a blanket. Bard was sprawled out across the back seat , a beer can still in one hand. Sebastian pulled out his phone from his pocket.
20% and only ten minutes until the CIT meeting across the camp grounds. Angi was nowhere to be found and his head was pounding.
“Ugh did I drink and drive last night!?” Sebastian said, louder than he had hoped to, forgetting about the two sleeping passengers with him.
Meyrin shifted and the abruptly shot up in the seat.
“Hmmm... Hey... Claude?!”
“Nope it’s Sebastian and Baldroy thankfully.” Sebastian grabbed Meyrin’s glasses from the dashboard and handed them to her, once she put them on she looked over at Sebastian and then sighed in relief.”
“Oh thank god! I really didn’t need a repeat of last years kick off party!”
“I saw Ronald attaching himself to you until Edward and Grell showed up. I’m guessing the guy still has feelings?”
Meyrin blushed, Ronald and her had hooked up after the party last year, an event she truly regretted. Now the poor guy won’t leave her alone, and has tried to move onto Grell to try to forget her with no luck.
“We should talk about last night.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Based on these texts I’m getting from Claude’s friend Alois however it seems that after the four of us left for Waffle House last night some crazy stuff went down.”
After Agni woke up during Hannah’s speech he found Sebastian and Meyrin babysitting a wasted Bard, then suggested they blow the joint to get some cheap food, and the only place open at 1:00am is Waffle House. Agni carried Bard on his back to Sebastian’s car.
“Hey where is Finnian?” Agni asked, realized the short JCIT had vanished.
“He found that freshman girl he’s been dating for a while and they went back to the bonfire area for some alone time.” Sebastian smirked and Agni chuckled
“Didn’t know the guy had it in him.” The two busted out laughing at the notion they were going to the bonfire for something other than s’mores. Meyrin rolled her eyes and said,
“That Elizabeth girl isn’t like that you guys. They’ve been together since last year they’re the most innocent couple in the place!”
“True, but based on what we’ve heard from Claude that’s all that goes on there.”
Meyrin laughed lightly as she got into the passenger seat.
“Bard you wanna get some waffles?!” She asked in a loud, singsongey voice.
“Yeah! Waf... and some of that coffee...that sounds... Yeah!”
Meyrin smiled as she thought about Bard’s sloppily drunken actions from the previous night, then wondered what everyone else had gotten up to while they binged on food.
“What is he saying.”
“Something about Ciel Phantomhive, Finnian, dear god, Edward and some girl named... seelinde?”
“Sieglinde Sullivan! She’s in my freshman cabin. She’s German and she’s really sweet. What did she do?”
“Something about the four of them jumped into the lake, stole something from the kitchen and then got involved in a pretty heated argument with Claude, Grell, and Hannah. Then he says he doesn’t know what happened after that, Ciel and the girl ran off alone.”
“Wait I though Finny was with his girlfriend?”
“I’m guessing she was there too then.”
“No... Lizzie isn’t a partier , and she surely wouldn’t have jumped in that freezing water, would she?”
“I don’t know. Lizzie is smart, her cousin seems pretty lowkey as well but maybe they get a little crazy when they’re drunk... anyway we need to get to that meeting like ASAP.”
Beast rose up out of her comfortable spot on the couch in the girl’s CIT cabin. She shook her head to unflatten some of her curls. She was very glad the meeting was in her cabin rather than the guys. She new that because of last night there would’ve been no way she could’ve made it to it on time if it had been all the way across the camp.
She always found it ironic that they tried to separate the guys and girls CIT’s by putting them so far awa, but forgot that there are outdoor showers, parking lots, and bonfire areas that are accessible to them at basically all hours of the day.
She still had on her black party dress from last night, she knew Hannah was probably wherever Claude was this morning and Nina would be in the shower, but she knew she needed to wake up Grell. That woman could sleep through a hurricane.
She walked into Grell’s room, but no grell in sight, only a three ringed binder covered in pictures of all the CIT’s from the various years they’d been at camp or school. Most of the pictures with guys, Rell was basically groping them. Beast loved Grell but sometimes she borderline sexually harassed her favorite boys.
Beast soon realized where grell was, and she hoped she could wake her before Hannah arrived.
“Grell c’mon you’re in Hannah’s bed and she’s gonna kill you if she finds you!” Beast bounded on the door across from Grell’s actual room
Grell’s eyesight was bad as it was, but when drunk it was near blind. This wasn’t the first time she ended up in the wrong bed, but the last time Hannah had almost commit homicide, so Beast needed to act fast.
“Mmm... it’s too early Mary Carebeary!”
“Please never call me that again!”
“Leave me alone!”
“Hannah’s gonna cut your hair in your sleep.”
Beast heard shuffling feet Africa the floor, and out of the room raced grell, wearing Ron’s thrasher hoodie with her cocktail dress underneath.
“Are you and Ronnie a thing now?”
“What? No! He’s my favorite junior that’s all! He’s totally got it going on for Meyrin!”
“Ok then, don’t get so defensive.”
“Shut up miss ‘I’m totally over Joker this summer’.”
“How’s about both of you shut up.”
Nina came down the stairs, wearing a casual brown, fuzzy sweatshirt and Nike shorts, hair in a towel.
“Well good morning to you too sunshine.”
“How was your party last night?”
“Maybe if you would’ve actually came you’d know Nina, Sebastian left so you wouldn’t have had to fight him like you do at every get together.”
“Grell, I only argue with him because he’s a womanizing man whore who doesn’t deserve to get all the love he gets from the rest of us CIT’s”
“He’s changed since freshman year!”
“Yeah... tell that to Paula.”
Claude and Hannah were both woken up by the laughter of a certain raven haired freshman. They were still at the party area. Quesy and with a migraine, Hannah stood up to try to find her phone and where this annoying laughter was coming from
“Are you guys ever gonna wake up or no?”
Her thick German accent only meant one thing to Hannah. It was the short girl in the red flannel from last night that tried to stop Claude from fighting Ronald.
“Ok pipsqueak what are you doing out of your cabin?”
“Your boyfriend gave me your phone when we had blackout last night, I figured you wanted it back.”
“Claude is not my boyfriend! Now give me back my phone.”
“Hmm... oh hey babe why’re you yelling?”
The dark haired freshman laughed and handed Hannah her phone.
“Don’t all the counselors have a meeting this morning?”
“Oh god she’s right! Claude! Get up we gotta run!”
“Babe it’s ok, it’s in your cabin that’s only like ten minutes away from here.”
“Don’t call me babe!”
“Why are you mad at me?”
“You should’ve done something when Grell said that to me.”
“What was I supposed to do? That short JCIT was halfway up my back and all of us were drunk!”
Hannah scoffed and started walking in the direction of her cabin.
“Oh and by the way Sieglinde, you have until that meeting is over to get back to your cabin, or I revoke your bathroom passes for the rest of the summer.”
Sieglinde’s smile faded and she began to run back to her cabin.
The scolding from the queen of ice was worth it, she was dying to tell her new friend in her cabin about the guy she’d met last night and how they jumped in the lake and raided the pantry. She was giddy and giggling about her new beau who wa s probably so intoxicated he wouldn’t even remember her name.
She didn’t care though, she knew that he seemed different, better, and more... cosmic?
Yeah, cosmic.
Ciel Phantomhive was cosmic and she could talk to him forever.
Agni was the first to arrive at the girl’s cabin. Right on time as usual.
“I’m guessing the rest of the guys haven’t showed up yet, or better yet, woken up?”
Beast sighed and took a seat on the couch, she had changed into an old Aeropostale tee shirt and a different pair of daisy duke shorts before Agni had gotten there.
“Yep. None of the juniors are here either except Alan and Eric and I’m pretty sure they're still drunk.”
Agni looked over at the two juniors, laughing at seemingly nothing , standing in the corner.
“Nah, they’re not drunk but they are high as kites.”
Agni turned his attention over to Nina, who avoided his gaze.
“Nina, aren’t you looking very naturally pretty this morning.” Agni flashed a sincere smile and Nina giggled in response. Grell rolled her eyes at Beast , who whispered,
“She just needed her Agni did this morning.”
The two shared a glance at the unofficial couple and then chuckled.
“Hey you two! This isn’t a show this is supposed to be a meeting!”
“Oh Nina-“ Grell walked over to her.
“No need to be such a-“
“Bitches,I’m here.”
Hannah stated as she pulled down her incredibly short gold dress and rubbed her fingers under her eyes to clean up any smudged makeup.
“Hannah darling, we have a rule in the cabin.”
“Yes Nina, and what would that be?”
“We all come back to the cabin before 5:00 am it’s not that hard. All you have to do is not fall asleep after you and Claude add a number to the teen sex percentage.”
“You wanna come over here and say that to my face Ninnie?”
Nina stepped forward, and her and Hannah were almost touch noses before she said,
“You call me that one more time and I’ll tell everyone what I found in your trash can last summer.”
“Ok! Let’s all try to get along here.”
Agni grabbed Nina by the shoulders and pulled her away from Hannah, Claude then entered the cabin and followed by all the JCIT’s except Meyrin and Bard.
“I tried to round up all these hooligans this morning, sorry I’m late.”
“Claude you passed out drunk in the woods last night. Dude. I saw you!”
Edward yelled out from across the room.
“Ok everyone hold your horses, your dad is here!”
Joker said as he entered the cabin and walked over to Beast.
“J! You weren’t even there last night and you’re still late! C’mon man!”
Joker took off his brown leather jacket and sun glasses.
“Mary I had a tradition to uphold!”
“You and Dagger and Doll staying up all night to see the sunrise and then driving out to a gas station five miles away to get chili cheese popcorn is not a tradition!”
“You used to do it with us, remember?”
Beast blushed as Joker hugged her from behind.
Sebastian, Meyrin, and Bard were the last to arrive.
“Sorry sorry sorry! We were parked in the middle of the woods because the parking lot was full and we had to stop so Bard could vomit twice!”
“Ugh it’s ok just come in the front room!”
Chapter 4: A/N
Chapter Text
I’m very sorry the first few chapters have a few spelling mistakes, I’m writing on mobile so editing is hard. I don’t think any of them are that hard to figure out what the word was supposed to be (autocorrect can be horrid sometimes) but if you get confused just comment and I’ll tell you what it was intended to say :)
Chapter 5: Can’t we all just get along?
Chapter song aesthetic : https://youtu.be/Jge5tQr0cjA
Chapter Text
Ciel wandered back to his cabin, still very confused as to what all had happen the previous night.
It was almost 7:00am, so he didn’t have a lot of time to get answers from anybody before they had to go to the mess hall.
Surely Alois knew something. Or he at least hoped Alois knew something
Whilst walking across the grounds he noticed that now all of the cabin’s had been branded. That’s probably what the CIT meeting was about, he thought. It was all like Sebastian had said Beast’s note would’ve planned out.
Hannah got Claude’s cabin, so he had to move onto Angi’s, oblivious to the fact he’d been played by Beast, who used the note to distract Sebastian from preventing her from branding him, Angi got Nina’s cabins and Grell got Hannah’s cabin for whatever reason, leaving Sebastian with Grell’s and Nina with Joker’s and Joker’s with Beast.
It all worked out so perfectly in Beast’s favor.
Claude had no clue he’d been ratted out, Hannah was mad at Claude so she’d never suspect her, Joker won’t do anything terrible to her cabin because of their history, and everyone else is too busy with their cabin’s to suspect her.
Well played, Ciel thought.
Sieglinde has sprinted all the way over to her cabin. She was so excited to tell Lizzie about the guy she’d met. Sieglinde was never one to let her life get consumed by a crush, they either liked her or didn’t, but she had such a crazy night she couldn’t possibly wait to tell Lizzie before it became official.
She crept into the cabin and tiptoed over to Lizzie’s bed, her own empty bed right next to her’s.
“Lizzie! Lizzie wake up I have stuff to tell you!” She whisper yelled while shaking Lizzie’s body in attempts to wake her up.
“Alright! I’m up just start talking already!”
“You remember last night right?”
“Unfortunately.” Lizzie frowned at the floor and tried to wipe away the fires mascara tears on her face.
She’d broken up with her boyfriend, Finnian,last night.
“I took Finny down to the bonfire and told him it wasn’t going to work out between us.”
A single year left Lizzie’s eye, and Sieglinde wrapped her arms around her.
“I’m sorry Liz, but look on the bright side! Some of those CIT boys are pretty cute and the juniors too!”
“So are you suggesting I just forget the eight months I spent in a very serious long distance relationship for an asshead like Claude?”
“Hell no! But I am saying that we’re young! We can have fun! We can date around!”
“True, but Finnian was... he was amazing. He was sweet, he was funny, he was gentle, he was perfect!”
“So why’d you guys end it.”
“I ended it... because... I’m having conflicting feelings...”
“About what?!”
“Not about what! About a who!”
Lizzie slapped a hand over her mouth after she finished talking. Saying she had eyes for another was much scarier out loud than in her head.
“I know it’s bad! Finny is the first guy I ever loved but I think I have feelings for someone else and it scares me that he could love me more than I could love him.”
“Who are these feelings for?”
“I’m not going to say!”
“Sully! I am not going to say!”
“Ugh fine then.”
“So How was your wild night?”
“I met the most amazing guy! After Hannah took a tumble off this rock ledge, I started a conversation with him, we drank a lot, and I mean a lot! Then we found Alois and Edward and... Finny...”
“Ok, what did you guys do with my ex?”
“No I’m sorry it’s just weird, I had no clue you guys split he acted like everything was normal.”
“Yeah I expected that... he’s sensitive but he tends to bottle things up... ok continue.”
“So Alois was in shambles saying he’d lost something, a ring, a bracelet or something in the lake and was in tears, so we all stripped down to our underwear and jumped into the lake, Alois was the last one to go but before he jumped guess what he said!”
“He made the whole thing up! He just wanted to trick us into jumping in the lake it was freezing! So he cannonballs in and started screaming about the cold, then my new beau and I started splashing each other and soon enough, everyone was rough housing in the lake! It was bloody brilliant!”
“So that explains the bruise on your arm.”
“Oh yeah, Ron did that. He showed up after we all jumped in and decided he wanted to join... anyway after we all got out of the lake you’ll never guess who showed up?”
“Was it Claude, because I got a strange text from Edward about Claude fighting his mate last night?”
“Yep it was Claude and Hannah, they were fine up until Grell found us and then Hannah and grell started screaming at each other about grell stealing something from and Hannah and then Ron jumps out of the lake and tell Hannah to back off of Grell and you know what Hannah does? PUSHES GRELL INTO THE WATER!”
“No way!”
“Yep, So Claude and Ron start yelling at each other and Claude threw a punch at Ron, but I jumped out and told them it wasn’t the time or place. Claude was pissed so he tried to push me back into the lake but my man grabbed my hand and we ran all the way to the mess hall.”
“Oh my god Sully!”
“I know! Once we were there I convinced him to sneak in with me and steal stuff from the pantry, and he did it! Then we climbed up on the roof and ate a lot of junk food and then just talked for like an hour and...”
“We kissed a bit for a while.”
“Sully that’s amazing!”
“I know! I had so much fun and it’s his first year here so he doesn’t have and ole’ Ophrys baggage!”
“It’s his first time here? That’s great I could introduce him to my cousin they’d make great friends! What’s his name?”
“His name is Ciel!”
“I did what!?”
“Exactly what I just said Ciel.”
“And nobody stopped me.”
“You we’re unstoppable,mate”
“So you! My new best pal! Let me jump into a freezing lake! Almost fight a CIT! And hook up with a girl I met an hour earlier!”
“Yeah you seemed to be having fun.”
“It’s not about having fun Alois! We could’ve gotten into so much trouble what if Claude had actually got crazy? What if will found all of us?”
“Calm down! Debbie downer! You’re a lot more fun when you’re drunk I’ll tell you that much!”
Ciel rubbed the bridge of his nose. After hearing all about his cavorting from last night he realized it may not be the best idea to trust Alois. Now he needed to find this Sieglinde girl and sort out whatever he could’ve said to her last night.
Nina sighed. Another useless meeting she could’ve spent researching universities during. She was destined to be a famous designer, the only one who understood that was Agni. He was truly her best friend, but everyone thought they were a couple.
That definitely couldn’t be true as Nina was gayer than a rainbow in June and Agni was the only one she’d offici come out too yet. She knew Sebastian had his suspicions but he’d never dare push her about it.
She had crushedon the quirky, clumsy, Meyrin for quite a while, but she thought she’d finally gotten over the Bisexual redhead, but it seemed that lingering feelings were Nina’s kryptonite. It had all started when they were in 7th and 8th her at the camp. 13 year old Nina had just realized her newfound sexuality and her love of fashion in the same school year. Once she got to camp, she took Meyrin as her personal model for her clothes she designed.
One accidental brush of fingertips and Nina was gone. The usually stoic but slightly dramatic girl was head over heels, but infuriated when she realized the girl fawned over Sebastian.
It was also that that year she decided Sebastian just annoyed her beyond belief and didn’t deserve her time of day.
Quite a coincidence one could say.
The only thing discussed in that meeting was the dirty, underhanded way the CIT’s has branded one another this year, Beast saying they had no respect for tradition. Joker getting high with some JCIT’s and Grell in the back. Sebastian and Agni heckling Claude and Hannah for getting back together, much to Hannah’s annoyance, and Claude complaining, wishing he could be anywhere else because he knew he was the only one Beast was talking about.
“Can we all just agree to, from this point on, uphold all rules and traditions passed down to us when we were JCIT’s last year so our Juniors can do the same!”
“Yes, your highness.”
It took every nerve Beast had in her not to slap Claude and cause an all out war amongst the counselors.
She was sick of everything being left up to her to take are of.
Sebastian and Agni tried but they always ended up having to save the JCIT’s from getting wasted and making bad choices, Joker would much rather mess around than do anything helpful, Claude and Hannah couldn’t be bothered to do anything but scare the underclassmen, and Nina and Grell were about as useful as a boat with no oars.
Sebastian saw the concerned look on beasts face, so he whistled loudly to get everyone’s attention.
“Ok guys! We made terrible choices last night. Every single one of us. I drank and drove last night! Bard nearly got alcohol poisoning! Claude and some underclassmen almost fought! And nobody but Agni made it here on time because we’re all too wrapped up the past to sit through one meeting together.”
Everyone tried to avoid eye contact. He was right. The drama between the counselors was deeper than it appeared, even though it was just basic teenage drama. Beast hated it the most. She longed for a time when Joker and Claude could have a conversation without trying to kill each other or where Sebastian didn’t have to remind everyone that they’ve all made terrible mistakes. Sadly however it wasn’t that easy, and it was kind of Sebastian’s fault to begin with.
“I swear if I get one more dirty look from Bard or Meyrin I’m going to need you to kill me ok Doll.”
“I’d rather not.”
Lizzie satin a corner table with Sieglinde and a girl from the flying bats cabin, affectionately nicknamed Doll, her face covered in freckles by every inch and her hair, spikey and shoulder length was the color of fermented honey.
“So Sieglinde... where is this guy you Dm’d me about kat night.”
Sieglinde blushed a deep red and Lizzie smacked her head on the table.
“It’s Liz's cousin.”
Doll laughed so hard her milk from her carton came out her nose. She left to go get napkins when she ran into Ciel himself.
“Well well, speak of the devil.” Doll smirked at Ciel.
“Hello Doll, What are you going on about?”
“Your wifey is sitting at my table, with myself and Lizzie of course and she can’t stop talking about you guys’s night on the town haha.”
Doll chuckled and Ciel looked over, he could see Lizzie sitting at a table with a girl with chin length jet black hair, with turquoise dip dye at the ends.
Ciel walked over cautiously to the table with Doll. He took a seat next to Lizzie and Sieglinde avoided his gaze.
“Um... hey.”
“So do you wanna talk about last night?”
“Not really. I think it’s best if we leave it on the roof.”
Sieglinde pointed to the roof of the mess hall. Where she’d had her first kiss only 9 hours earlier.
Ciel was about to say something when Joker zipped past their table and sat down.
“You guys interested in a bonfire with myself and some other chill people?”
Chapter 6: One chance
This is becoming really cheesy my bad XD
Sorry this is shorter, I think I’m getting writers block ugh
Chapter Text
Joker was the first to leave the girls cabin once the meeting had ended.
Beast had decided that because of some of the obvious tension amongst the group, a much needed group bonding activity was needed. They settled on a bonfire that night from 7 to midnight.
They also settled on adding a new CIT rule of freshman interference. The act Claude and Hannah had played last night was enough to get them both removed if William had found out, so Agni took it upon himself to come up with the addition of “any CIT that is caught in an act of assault in any form to a JCIT or freshman of any cabin, rival or not, are to be immediately reported to Will.”
You’d think that would be common sense, but sometimes common sense wasn’t the first thing Claude used in moments of anger.
The set of rules Agni added on to are the “CIT rules and traditions” a small, handwritten booklet of standard the CIT’s had to follow, made up by past counselors.
Most of the booklet described how the point system worked, but the last two pages contain ten rules dubbed the “only rules you actually have to follow.”
1. No CIT can talk to other CIT’s about branding or pranking their rival
2. CIT’s cannot exclude their juniors from anything that isn’t exclusive to seniors
*3. Counselor meetings are to be 100% honest no matter how bad the situation gets it had gotten
4. Nobody is to drink and drive under any circumstance
5. “Snitches get stitches” is the only act of assault permitted if and only if someone has the possibility of getting kicked out
6. Don’t pee in the lake
*7. Don’t leave camp grounds for more than 23 hours.
8. Do not have sexual relations in anywhere but one of the parties involved’s bed or car.
*9. Nobody is to assault another camper, destroy property, or steal from anyone under any circumstances.
10. If a counselor breaks any of the rules above that are starred or three of the unstarred rules they are to be disqualified from the point system and reported immediately by any and all counselors who know of their actions. (If they have broken more than 4 of the unstarred or more than 1 of the started rules, rule 5 no longer applies to them)
Nina walked over to a large painting on the wall of the front room, and flipped it around to reveal a dry erase board, with all the CIT’s names listed, and took a marker and added a tally mark under Claude, and Hannah’s spots on the board, due to the fact they each broke the assault rule, and they would’ve had two each if there was anyway to confirm that they had done more than sleep in the woods.
Claude hadn’t said a single word since the new rule was mentioned, he knew better, it had only been one day and he already had a tally mark on the board. Hannah gritted her teeth, she wanted Grell dead, the fight was her fault anyway. Hannah’s favorite hoodie she’d had since she was in 7th grade went missing and she was certain Grell stole it from the laundry and had it in her pile of clothes she’d ‘borrowed’ guys and never given back. Hannah was too drunk to control her anger, Grell was never one to back down from a fight, and Claude had his own issues with Grell’s little guard dog Ron, so the whole situation was recipe for disaster.
Beast told everyone they were free to go, Sebastian caught her outside the cabin as she was walking to the mess hall, and ambushed her in questions.
“Hey, why didn’t I get a tally?”
“You didn’t break a rule...Didn’t you?”
“I told you guys I drank and drove last night, I deserve a tally on that board.”
“Listen Seb, when we pressed Mey rin and Bard they both said that everyone in the car was asleep once you and Agni traded spots for the drivers at a gas station. Agni says he never saw you drinking and you can’t remember if you drank last night or not, so even if you think you may have, I can’t just give you a tally to clear your conscience.”
Beast sighed and tried to exit the conversation , but Sebastian grabbed her shoulder,
“Beast, I know you know that nearly everyone in there deserves a tally, not just Claude and Hannah. Why are you doing this.”
Beast was mad now. When she was up at 3:00am last night trying to make sure nobody killed anyone else, he was out getting fast food while driving under the influence, and he was scolding her? Outrageous. Sometimes she understood why Nina couldn’t stand him.
“You think that being a CIT is all useless parties and drama, but it’s not. I’ve known some of these people longer than you have, and I know what type of person they’ve turned into. You and I both know that if we were all truly 100% with each other, I would’ve slit someone’s throat by now!”
Sebastian stared at her for a few seconds, and then pushed pass her as he stepped into the mess hall. Beast was someone he’d never understand, but he always hoped he ware him for more than who he was in his past years.
“You have to tell them this year Nina.”
“Agni you know that if I did I’d risk everything!”
1 note · View note
grelleswife · 5 years
Aarushi, Eusebius and the Sutcliff-Michaelis siblings + 24, 25, 27 and 28 If you can plz
24. OrientationAarushi: Asexual/aromanticEusebius: The definition of a disaster bi! As a teen, he eventually falls in love with an exorcist-in-training name Bartholomew Grimshaw (enemies to lovers...but that's another story)Rose: The token straight. Xander/Rhea: DemisexualViola: Bi, with a preference for the ladies25. Religion
Aarushi: Along with Agni, Aarushi practices Hinduism. However, they show reverence towards all deities and believe that all life is sacred.
Eusebius: Eusie doesn't have strong opinions where religion is concerned. As a necromancer, though, he's fascinated by the lore surrounding death in many religions, particularly from ancient Egypt. He has a dog-eared copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead that he's read dozens of times.
Rose: She doesn't bother. She loves her family, her friends, and her hellhound, and that's enough for her. Rose is more focused on living in and enjoying the present than concerning herself with higher powers.
Xander/Rhea: Xander does believe in "something bigger" out there, and they also believe that, being part divine themselves, they have an obligation to use their powers to help others.
Viola: Highly inquisitive and skeptical, Viola has a dismissive attitude toward many human religions, but, like Xander, she does think that higher forces exist and act outside the realm of scientific understanding.27. Sleep
Aarushi: They have a human's sleep requirements. Curls up on their side in soft pajamas like a little angel, hugging Miss Bunny to their chest. Prefers to be surrounded by stuffed animals and fluffy pillows.Eusebius: Always manages to take up the whole bed, arms and legs thrown out. He tends to snore, sleeptalk, and toss and turn a fair bit. Sometimes drools, though he will get really salty and deny it if you call him out on it.
Rose: Hogs the blanket. Is the type of person who likes to sleep under a warm comforter with the air conditioning on.
Xander: Usually invites some of the cats to sleep with him. He prefers to have someone with whom to cuddle ( @deadly-safety-scissors Like Astre...)Viola: Due to her demonic abilities, she only needs a few hours of sleep each night. She prefers to stay up reading, planning her next date with her girlfriend Nina, the next set of experiments in the lab, or just thinking about life28. Home
Aarushi: Aarushi has made dozens of paintings on the walls of their home. Neither Sebastian nor Agni could bear to remove them because they're so beautiful.
Eusebius: Eusebius has a restless heart and lives an itinerant existence once he comes of age; he's happiest on the move. However, the Midford estate is his safe harbor to which he always eventually returns, where he can count on loving parents and friends to be waiting for him.
Rose: Rose likes a living space that's a bit of a cozy mess, which is one of the reasons why her room tends to be messy. It drives Viola nuts.
Xander: For Xander, "home" is family, first and foremost.
Viola: Viola gets deeply attached to each new Sutcliff-Michaelis residence. Her demon powers help her pick up on the spiritual energy of the previous occupants, and she loves learning about the history of each house (forensics gorl!)
Thanks so much for the ask @water-child-yaya !
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blackreapersreign · 6 years
Possible allies for our!Ciel
Regarding what might happen next in Black butler.
I know Sebastian mentioned that they were thinking of going to Germany to regroup and make some plans, but, now that Our!Ciel decided he wants to fight his brother and take back his title and his lands, I don’t think that going to Germany should even be considered anymore, or any other country, may I say. Going to another country could only be done for what I like to call plot-purposes, if Yana wants to reveal something. 
If you think about it, however, what our!Ciel ought to do immediately is think of how to explain the identity theft and gather his allies and evidence.
And yes, there’s plenty of potential allies.
First of all, I’m thinking about Violet. Violet definitely knows something.
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Our!Ciel needs to secure Violet before anyone else finds out he’s still alive. Violet is dangerous, to say so. Violet has seen Lord Sirius, or can, at least, testify that Lord Sirius is not our!Ciel.
Other people our!Ciel should get to would be Sieglinde and Soma. Soma is dangerous too, but more so for our!Ciel. The last thing our!Ciel needs is Soma publicly accusing him of Agni’s death.
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Soma is not someone we should easily disregard. He is very strong and very capable, the only issue is who is he going to fight against. If our!Ciel doesn’t move fast, he’s going to be the one Soma goes against, and that is not good at all. If he does move fast though, and gets to talk to Soma as soon as possible, he could be a very strong ally.
Sieglinde though, I don’t even have to mention how strong of an ally Sieglinde would be. First of all, I don’t doubt Sieglinde would understand him, if he explained the matter to her, and would help him. Second, Sieglinde is liked by the queen, too. Our!Ciel definitely needs an ally like her.
Another very strong ally would be Abberline. Our!Ciel has been cooperating with Abberline this entire time, and Abberline, although foolish occasionally, is still smart. With a small push, he might even figure out the whole thing by himself. He’d definitely help our!Ciel reveal the truth.
One last person I’d like to mention would be Edward. Edward has also been by our!Ciel’s side this entire time. He’s seen Sebastian bring Elizabeth home and Elizabeth running away. Elizabeth has also mentioned something extremely important to him in chapter 144. 
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He’s also seen and dealt with bizarre dolls in the past.If only Edward would sit still and think about the situation seriously, he could figure out a few things as well. 
Edward could be a strong ally as well.... if he can put his focus on something other than his sister and... open his eyes, yeah. I’m curious to see what Yana will do with Edward, and I hope that she’ll develop his character even more, but... you never know with sensei.
There are other characters who are/will be definitely on his side, like Diedrich and Tanaka, or maybe even Francis. They could help him a lot as well.
So far, this was a serious talk, things that I really think could happen. Something else I’d like to add, something I’d like to see happening, but something which is absolute crack:
Elizabeth could be the ultimate help, the ultimate ally, at a later time in the future. She is the one who’s been close to Real!Ciel this entire time, she’s the one who could, actually, reveal the truth. But, just like with Edward, I can’t tell what’s Yana planning to do with her. It is a personal wish of mine to see the Midford siblings come on top at the end of this arc, to have amazing character development, seeing how the arc actually kind of began with them and they were a huge part of it. I’m keeping my expectations low, but I would love to see such a thing happening.
Well. This is what I think would be the most logical things to do next, but we all know how much sensei likes to follow this path not at all, so I don’t expect much (if any) of this to come true.
Any thoughts? Thank you very much for reading!
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scenarios-for-days · 7 years
Oh, sorry, some Bb yandere HCs? Sorry again
Oh it’s fine! I just didn’t know if you had anyone specific in mind! 
That moment in book of circus when he ‘s fighting Jumbo? That. But all the time.
He’s still super smiley all the time, but there have been a few times when the servants have had to talk him out of hunting someone down after a party.
Tells his s/o his tragic past just to make them feel bad for leaving him.
Constantly telling his S/o he was lonely before he met them, and that they make him happy again.
Makes it sound like the other servants don’t like him when he talks to his S/o about work.
Has messed up the garden and started crying so much that his S/o took the blame so that he wouldn’t get in trouble with Sebastian.
On the subject of Sebastian, has attempted to fight him. The demon found it more amusing than anything.
Has never once physically hurt his S/o but has probably caused a good bit of physiological damage. His S/o is admittedly scared to leave him.
Before they got together Finny would make sure his S/o had to come out to the garden for some reason or another.
His S/o probably got with him because they were afraid not to.
Treats them like a god.
Constantly talking about how much he loves and reveres them.
It’s unhealthy for someone to be as attached to their S/o as Finny is. 
Prince Soma
A lot like Finny
Tells his S/o that none of his siblings liked him.
Tells them he was alone before he met them.
100% does not appreciate Agni or his S/o the way he should.
Has yelled at Agni so many times for making eye contact with his S/o.
Demands Agni bring anything his S/o need to him, so that he can take it to them.
Makes his S/o wear traditional Indian clothes.
As soon as they agree to be with him, he takes them to India to get married. That way they can’t leave him.
Brings them back to London afterwards just so he can show them off.
Showers them in gold and presents so that they feel loved.
Never lets them leave the townhouse without him.
Actually pretty much never lets them leave the townhouse at all.
His S/o is probably going to have Stockholm Syndrome, let’s be honest.
Soma yells a lot. Whenever they do anything without explicitly asking his permission? He yells. They wear traditional English clothing? He yells.
Of course he apologizes later.
“I’m sorry.”   “I know.”  “It won’t happen again.”  (he always says that)   “I know.”
Just a very angry person.
Edward Midford
Sweet, caring. Perfect little cinnamon roll
Until his S/o acts out in public.
“act out” meaning anything unladylike.
Excited to see their friends?They definitely should not act on it.They leave his side to go say hello? Gone. They’re going home. Edward feels so embarrassed
The entire carriage ride back, Edward is yelling non-stop.
His S/o is honest to god terrified.
Lizzie has stepped up to say something about it and his S/o convinced her not to.  
Edward has, in fact, raised his hand to them.
He was stopped by Francis, who promptly sent them home.
Edward left and followed the carriage.
By the time they got to his S/o’s house, he had already calmed down and was super happy?
S/o was scared.
They won’t leave him though. The marriage is probably arranged, or she needs the money.
Nina Hopkins
Makes her S/o feel guilty for not modeling her clothes, especially if they’re shy.
Likes to showcase her s/o because she likes to see them uncomfortable.
Tells them that they don’t support her because they won’t model for her.
If her s/o is female she gets mad that they won’t wear the short dresses/shorts like she does.
Probably makes her s/o feel like no one else will want them so that they’ll stay with her.
Doesn’t mind other people staring as long as they don’t try to touch. In fact, likes to make sure other people stare so that her S/o is made flustered.
Doesn’t care about her S/o’s feelings, or cares too much to the point where it’s obsessive. It varies from day to day.
That’s all i’ve got for right now! Tell me if you want a specific character added and i’ll try my best.
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queencamellia · 7 years
Kuro Gakuen AU (Ch.1)
Based on this post by @rheaaasss​. I think I’m going to be writing a lot for this AU LMAO.
Ao3 Link Here!
Chapter 1: Signing Up
I’ve learned so much about fencing from writing these two and nOW I’M LEARNING ABOUT KENDO. I’ll be a martial arts expert by the time Lizzy appears again in the manga.
(Yana, bring my angel back. I beg of you.)
 The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford, known as “Lizzy” to most, stood up from her seat, having already prepped her bag minutes before. Emerald eyes darting from the left to the right, she sent her seatmate a friendly smile. “Well, cheers to Spring vacation,” she said, offering a hand.
“Take care of yourself, Lizzy,” Sieglinde instructed, shaking her hand and rolling her eyes. “The boys from the upper division hardly look...innocuous.”
Lizzy snorted, knowing her friend was only saying so out of concern. “I’ll keep that in mind. Please... try to come outside every once in awhile?” she begged, clasping onto her friend’s hand. “We have twelve days of relaxation until the school year starts again.”
“I have books to read, new inventions to be made, and other matters to be addressed,” Sieglinde droned, counting off her tasks on a hand. “Not to mention preparation for the coming school year.”
“Sieglinde …”
“Just kidding,” the raven haired girl laughed, nudging Lizzy gently. “I’ll come to whatever barbecue party you’re arranging for the cherry blossom festival.”
Lizzy brightened, beaming at her friend. “Great! I’ll text you with the details, later.”
“Is that your brother?”
“Huh?” Lizzy turned around, blinking in surprise and recognizing the irate look of her brother surrounded by various gushing teenage girls. “Oh, I’d better go save him before he spontaneously combusts from embarrassment. See you later, Sieglinde!”
“Take care.”
“Nii-san!” Lizzy called, exuding innocence as she shoved past all of the squealing girls. “Ready to go home?”
Edward gave her a look of blatant relief for saving him. “Y-yeah. Let’s go, Lizzy.” Gently, he attempted to pry one of the fangirls off of him. The two Midfords took off as if they were being chased by vultures — which, in a way, was a fair comparison. Once they reached the lower-division’s shoe lockers, Lizzy literally shoved her bag at her brother to slip on her shoes as quickly as possible.
“Come on, let’s go,” Lizzy tugged at Edward’s sleeve desperately, grabbing her bag back with her other hand.
But by then, it was too late.
“Damn it,” she muttered under her breath. Pivoting on her heel, she gave a tiny smile at the approaching figure. “Grey-senpai, nice to see you. Will you be coming to the barbecue party as well?”
“Of course, I never pass down free food,” Grey dismissed immediately, slowing down as he caught up to the two Midfords. “Anyways, that’s not what I came to speak to you of.”
“Has my mother cancelled kendo lessons?” Lizzy guessed.
In response, a flier was shoved in her face. Lizzy blinked, stupefied for a moment, then took the flier. “Sign ups for Kuro Academy’s kendo...club?” she read aloud, glancing at Grey in question. “I thought we didn’t have a kendo club?”
“Phipps and I got it running ourselves,” Grey proclaimed smugly. “We’ve already got a couple of fellows to sign up, including your brother.”
“Hm. That’s great.” Lizzy handed him back the flier, smiling at him. “Good for you.”
Grey stared at her, then his silver eyes narrowed. “Is that all?’
“Uh...I’m glad to see that kendo is becoming more popular around here? It’s about time a club was started up,” Lizzy tried.
His scowl deepened.
“...you’ll do well as a coach?” she tried again.
His glare darkened to the point that several bystanders took a step back.
“I’m rooting for you...and Phipps-senpai...and nii-san ?”
“God damn it, Midford,” he snapped. “I’m asking you to join the club.”
Realization dawned on Lizzy’s features. “Ohhhh, I see now.”
“About time,” Grey muttered to himself, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Well?” he demanded.
Lizzy shifted awkwardly, glancing longingly at the doors. “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”
“Great, now just sign—what. ”
“I’m not joining.”
“Why.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand.
Lizzy shrugged.
Grey glared.
“...is this still about you trying to be one of those weak and dainty lolis that your cousin has a complex for?”
“Astre does not have a loli-complex,” Lizzy protested immediately, whipping around to face him. “But strong girls make him feel uncomfortable. I’m his cousin, for heaven’s sake, and he already can’t attend school because of his sickness. And Ciel’s recently gotten a job at a café, so he’s probably even more lonely than usual.”
“Grey-san,” Edward said suddenly, cutting in. Lizzy nearly startled: she had forgotten that her brother was standing next to her. “Don’t you have to find Phipps-san?”
Grey scowled, but glanced at his watch and winced. “I’ll be back, Midford,” he promised darkly. Then, with a dramatic flourish, he stalked past them to search for his fellow silver-haired classmate. Lizzy stared at the empty space he once occupied thoughtfully, then nodded at her brother and began walking outside.
They had just exited the school when Edward said hesitantly, “Lizzy…”
“Are you sure about this?”
Lizzy angled her head slightly so she could meet her brother’s eyes. “About what?” she echoed, waving at Paula, their chauffeur. The brunette servant waved back, flustered, before entering their slick black car.
“You don’t need to sacrifice your happiness for him,” Edward explained softly. “Astre will understand. That new butler has been keeping him company, anyways, and I heard that Uncle Vincent is hiring a few new hands that are closer to his age, too.”
Lizzy was silent for a few moments, entering the car once it pulled up to the pair of siblings. “He’s still mycousin,” Lizzy said hoarsely. “I don’t want him to be...to be scared of me.”
“Exactly,” Edward insisted. “He’s your cousin, which is why he won’t think any less of you even if he learns of your kendo prowess. He’s your cousin, so he’ll still love you just the way you are.”
“You care too much, Lizzy. You’re an amazing girl, and I’m proud to have you as my sister. Astre loves you, and the fact that you’re strong enough to take home several kendo trophies won’t make him love you any less,” Edward said affectionately, leaning over to ruffle her hair. “He...he’d want you to enjoy yourself. I want you to do what you want, too.”
Lizzy stared out of the window in contemplative silence.
“Oh my god , Grey-senpai, how the hell did you get inside my house?”
“Your mother invited me. Early kendo practice, remember?”
“Then... why are you in my room?”
“”Because you would be here? Anyways, I brought the kendo club sign ups right here, all you have to do is sign.”
“Lizzy, I heard screaming. Is something goin— how dare you defile my little sister like this, you ungentlemanly swine!”
“...why the fuck does he sound like he’s quoting Shakespeare?”
“God damn it, Grey-senpai — run!”
“Why are you in my kitchen?”
“Like I said: your mother let me in. These creampuffs are delicious, by the way.”
“T-those were supposed to be for Ciel and Astre, you dumbass.”
“I brought the kendo club sign up sheet—oi, Midford, where are you going?”
 “Midford! Oi, Midford, get out here!”
“Why is Charles Grey standing outside of our house calling for you?”
“Ignore him, Astre. Here, why don’t we head to the living room where there aren’t any windows?”
“It vaguely sounds like he’s talking about kendo—”
“Let’s go, Astre.”
“Give. Me. The. Sheet.”
Grey blinked in surprise for a minute, then hastily fumbled in grabbing the paper and literally throwing it at her with all his might, as if afraid she would suddenly take back her statement if she considered it a moment longer. “Have my charms finally won you over?” he asked, giving her a cocky grin.
“I just realized that if I didn’t address the manner, you’d ruin the flower viewing party with your insistent demands,” Lizzy sniffed, setting down her shopping bags and whipping out a pen. She’d just finished shopping with Ciel for Astre’s birthday present. “Don’t give yourself so much credit.”
“Hah, you know, Midford...there’s a term for girls like you.”
“And that is?”
“Tsun…” And here, Grey leaned closer, leering at her and poking her forehead with his finger. “...dere.”
Lizzy adopted an affronted look, swatting away his hand and grabbing her bags. “I am not .”
“Are too.”
“Am not ,” Lizzy said with finality, rolling her eyes and resuming her walk back to the parking lot where Paula was waiting. “And we are not going to get into one of those kind of childish debates.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Grey easily fell in pace with her, maintaining a distance of about ten centimeters between them.
“I’ll see you at the party?” Lizzy presumed, raising an eyebrow and signing her name on the sheet with a particularly dramatic flourish. Then, she offered said sheet to her suddenly smug silver-haired companion.
He took the proffered paper with particular grace. “Of course.”
“Good. I’ll see you then.” Lizzy nodded at Paula in acknowledgment for opening the car door.
“The first practice starts on the first. Don’t be late,” Grey called after her.
“I’ll be there,” Lizzy returned coolly, shutting the door. It wasn’t until they had driven for several minutes before she finally allowed herself to slump back in her seat, sheer giddiness making her unable to stop smiling.
She’d done it! She actually signed up for the kendo club! It’d taken her several days to gather the courage to do so, but suddenly it felt as if a large weight was lifted off of her shoulders. Lizzy couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her lips, buoyed by the bubbling happiness in her chest.
She did it.
Signing up for this would either become the best or worst thing in her life.
next chapter will be out soon??? maybe???
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weston-hcs · 7 years
The Tag List
The links for all characters are in place but may not lead to any content as there isn’t content written for all characters yet.
This page is organised by the categories of headcanons and then the houses of the characters. Any other mentioned characters that have been tagged will be after the main tags. If you wish for extra tags, please send us a message or ask about it.
Admin Tags
Admin Sen: These posts are the main content of the blog. This everything that Admin Sen has ever posted.
Off topic: These are obviously off topic posts.
Sen answers: Random things that the main admin has answered.
Main Tags
About Weston Tag: This is for anything concerning Weston as a school itself.
About Black Butler Tag: This is for any general questions that’ve been answered. This is NOT THE CANON TAG. It is generally opinions.
AU Tag: For any AUs we talk about. There will also be a separate tag for the specific AU.
Body Tag: Anything concerning bodies will be here, as expected: appearance, habits and anything that should fit in this branch is…here
Canon Tag: Anything that comes from Yana herself
Family and Home Tag: Parents, carers, siblings, a pet or that one illegitimate child that obviously deserves better because it’s the Victorian era. You’ll find that stuff over here
Friendship Tag: How is everyone’s friendship with everyone else? Just list the characters and we’ll describe some things between them.
Future Tag: The future may not always result in succeeding your father’s noble title but it’s the most likely.
General Tag: Don’t worry, you belong somewhere. Maybe in the general tag but at least that’s somewhere.
Habit Tag: Whatever the characters do in daily life or in their spare time is found here.
Modern Tag: Relating to the modern verse of Black Butler
Past Tag: There’s probably a tragic backstory. This is Black Butler after all.
Preference Tag: Frankly, there is quite a lot to do in this time period.
Relationship Tag: This character with someone else. This goes for canon and original characters. Relationships will have their own tags.
Sad Tag: Once again, this is Black Butler.
School Tag: You’re gonna see a lot of these…
Situational Tag: Reactions and situations.
Trip Tag: Not just a music hall trip.
Reblogged Content
Reblogged Art
Reblogged Headcanons
Reblogged Meme
House Tags Sapphire Owl
Lawrence Bluewer: Upper Sixth
Clayton: Lower Sixth
Ciel Phantomhive: First-year
McMillan: First-year
Vincent Phantomhive: Alumnus
Green Lion
Herman Greenhill: Upper Sixth
Edward Midford: Lower Sixth
Diedrich: Alumnus
Alexis Leon Midford: Alumnus
Charles Phipps: Alumnus
Charles Grey: Alumnus
Scarlet Fox
Edgar Redmond: Upper Sixth
Joanne Harcourt: Second-year
Maurice Cole: Fifth-year
Soma Asman Kadar: Fifth-year
Aleistor Chamber: Alumnus
Violet Wolf
Gregory Violet: Upper Sixth
Cheslock: Lower Sixth
Derrick Arden: Fifth-year
Sebastian Michaelis: Dormitory Warden
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the-midfords · 7 years
Tears and what caused them
“I’m deeply sorry, my lady, but I have warned you...”
“You said there might be problems. You didn’t say it could be this bad!”
“I’m very sorry.”
“Mother, welcome back! What did the doctor say? How’s the baby? Is it a boy or a girl? Do you know already?” Lizzy had a thousand questions, but Frances didn’t feel like answering any of them. Alexis pulled her to a sofa, taking the matter in his own hands.
He prompted Lizzy to come closer, and put her on his lap. “You see, cupcake...”, he watched her expression turn confused as she noticed his seriousness, “your mother had some health issues when you were born, and those issues appeared again.”
Frances felt tears stinging her eyes. She wouldn’t let her daughter see her crying, so she tried to keep them from showing, but her efforts were in vain. She moved to go away, when her husband caught her arm.
“Sweetie...”, he continued, looking back at Lizzy, “your little sibling...died.”
He didn’t know how to say it better. Frances tried to escape his grasp, but he pulled her back, using both arms to bring his wife and daughter in a hug. His wife’s tears came first, while the daughter looked up at him in disbelief, her big eyes asking, begging for him to say she misunderstood. When tears made their way to her cheeks as well, Alexis gently pushed her head to his chest, kissing her hair.
And so they cried for the one who went to heaven before seeing earth.
“Hey, Midford, you got a letter from home?” Cheslock sat on a bench next to him, looking at the letter in his friend’s hands.
“Yeah”, Edward replied with a weary smile. His family sent letters every two weeks, always on the same day, so a letter off the schedule could mean either something really good (and he couldn’t think of a good enough reason for his mother to allow almost-a-week-early letter), or something bad.
Cheslock watched him open the letter and start reading it, eventually leaning to read over his shoulder. Usually, Edward would ignore him or even tilt the paper so they could read together, but this time he moved away, hiding the letter to read it on his own.
The musician scoffed, examining the other’s expression. Edward’s eyes were wide, almost scared, and his face frozen in shock. So it’s something bad. Finally, he put the letter down, and...were those tears in his eyes? Cheslock shifted uncomfortably. He put a hand on Edward’s shoulder, cursing inwardly. I suck at comforting people. “What’s wrong?” he asked. As if his words traveled unusually slowly, seconds passed without a response. Edward opened his mouth, then closed them again, fighting the tears back. 
“Umm, you okay?” Cheslock asked awkwardly, moving his arm to put it around Edward’s shoulders. Without a warning, his fellow fag buried his face in Cheslock’s chest. The man in question made a face. We certainly look ridiculous. Nevertheless, he embraced his friend, letting him cry it all out.
You better have a good damn reason to act like this. 
“Hey, darling, guess what?” Vincent called out, waving around a letter, “Franny sent us a letter.”
“You wanna read it together?” Rachel asked, sitting next to him. It was their tradition to read their families’ letters together, mostly laughing at Rachel’s cousin’s anecdotes from her trips around Europe.
“Maybe they found out if we’ll get a niece or a nephew?” Vincent wondered aloud, opening the letter.
Silence fell over the room.
The smiles dissappeared from their faces.
A little intruder who was listening in, got bored of waiting. “What happened?” he asked his parents, surprising them.
Rachel found her voice first. “Ciel...it looks like you won’t be getting another cousin, after all.”
Ciel tried to see his father’s face, but the man covered it with his hand.
“Why do you act like that, father?” he asked. Earl Phantomhive was a proud man, and his child had never seen him look concerned or sad before.
“...You’ll understand when you’re older.” And with that, Vincent Phantomhive left the room.
A/N: Heyyyyy everyone! I’m still recovering from the writer’s block so I’m sorry if this is bad. Let me know if you cried. I don’t ship Chesward, but the difference between otp and brotp is small so read it as you like. 
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