#Mephina the Fury
xerith-42 · 9 months
What are some of your rewrite ideas regarding religion in MCD regions, worship of Irene and her comrades, and of the relationship Irene herself has with others (the divine warriors, normal people, lords, etc).
Also just ideas of the Divine warriors in general? I find them very interesting
[picks up Kul'zak by the scruff of his neck and shakes him around like a chew toy]
I have a lot of reasons to throw hands with Jess on some very personal levels, but I want to throw hands with Jess on a creator v creator level over how bad the Divine Warriors are handled. We have exactly one picture of Kul'zak and one picture of Menphina. I started spelling her name with an extra n during my original rewrite and it's just a habit that I picked up because she matters so little that I didn't even notice. It's not like I was going to the wiki page to find information about her BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING THERE!!
The fact that Shad and Irene have so much detail given to them, but the others get JACK SHIT will never not piss me off! Enki and Esmund get a little more, but it's still next to nothing!! These are key characters in her lore, and yet we know next to nothing about most of them.
So, I did some tweaks in my first rewrite that color how I view this world overall, so let's jump into it, starting with the most neglected of the bunch, Menphina and Kul'zak.
I believe Menphina was the Divine Warrior of Tu'la, and the first of the catfolk (oh yeah I call Meif'wa catfolk). The kingdom of Havas is the central kingdom and home to the primary church of The Furious, a warmongering kingdom that once controlled the main city and primary port, but over the years the King sought more and more power in the name of his divine. Menphina encouraged fighting for survival, not for conquest. Her Fury was not in the name of power, but in the name of fighting off those who backed her into the corner.
Much of Menphina's history has become lost on her people. They remember her as a fierce warrior, not the scared and cornered animal she once was. They remember her as a romance-less woman who only reproduced to continue her bloodline, the royal family. They've forgotten that she expressed love for Irene and Shad. They've neglected the pain that would have caused as Irene erased Shad from the story.
Her best friend was Kul'zak. They were akin to siblings, spending hours with one another around a lake in the Tu'la country side. A willow tree with rose vines climbs around it, and after the defeat of Shad, she turned it into a subdimension of Irene's (like the sacred tree Aph and Garroth met under). Her people know she was friends with Kul'zak, but few know the nuances of said friendship. They don't know how much these two would do for one another.
Kul'zak never had a kingdom, never had a church, the closest he gets is a following. Many wanderers and traders consider him a high inspiration, especially ones from The Gal'ruk Islands. Ru'aun has forgotten that he was a wanderer, not a keeper. He kept quite a bit over his travels, but lots of the treasures he gathered were meant for Enki. His closeness to Enki was well documented, if you could read their encoded messages to one another.
Historians call them best friends. If they remember Kul'zak. He doesn't lose sleep over whether or not the rest of the world remembers him, just that those who matter do. His friends, his fellow warriors, and his fellow wanderers. Those are who matter.
Kul'zak was at least a little in love with all the warriors (except Menphina, they're childhood friends and frequently call one another siblings). This isn't well documented or well remembered due to his... Odd expressions of love. The Divine understood it and no one else could.
Also here's a Picrew I did using Brights Picrew Hell of Kul'zak because he's my fave Divine Warrior (I held back talking about him so I can talk about the others)
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Kul'zak lost his eye in the fight against Shad, and Menphina was also badly wounded, though details of her exact injury are unknown. She fled to Tu'la before any of her friends could see the real damage.
I think Enki used to be a man full of life and love, happily helping the islands he called his home. He's greatly remembered and highly revered by these people, though the details of his personal life aren't as well known. It's known that he settled down with a woman, and spent the rest of his days fighting the Demon Warlock.
As time wore on he became weary of his position and held resentment for all the knowledge he feels is now a burden. His extensive library started to feel like a prison. The only solace he got was whenever Kul'zak would visit. One day Kul'zak came and he just knew. He could tell by looking at both of them that this was the last time they would see each other. It was the happiest Enki had been in his entire life.
Esmund was also born in Ru'aun, but Ru'aun is only known as the birthplace of Irene. And as a protector, he doesn't mind at all. Some theorize that Esmund could have resented Irene for living in her shadow, but that's exactly what he wants. He wants to use his power to protect and uplift those he holds dearest.
There's no dedicated following to Esmund, but he and Irene ensured that the guard system was a success, and he lives on in the heart of every foolish guard willing to throw their life away for a lord.
Random headcanon that I treat as canon because there's literally nothing to contradict me: It was Kul'zak who suggested that they send Shad to the Nether. He first thought of it after seeing how sad Menphina got every time Irene and Shad fought. He wanted to see her smile. So he went to Enki and the two developed their method with the help of Esmund and the wyverns to seal Shad away.
After sending Shad to the Nether, Irene tried to erase him from the story. Obviously she wasn't able to erase him completely, people still knew who he was, but she spun a narrative that he became power hungry and betrayed them. She made sure there was no record of Kul'zak coming up with the plan, and solely took any blame for it. Afterwards Irene became far more reclusive, and far less kind.
Not that she was hostile, but she responded to the plight of mortals with a general "Learn to take care of yourself" statement. She would only step in if absolutely necessary. This caused many to become disillusioned with her over time, often moving to other regions out of resentment. They expected her to bring their fallen relatives and friends back to life. She never did that after Shad left, not even to her own loved ones. Death seemed like a luxury to them.
And Shad. Man, I FUCKIN HATE THAT NAME. Listen we love renaming shit in this fandom for very understandable reasons, and I think we need to rename Shad more. Like, I don't object to the cast of MCD calling the Shadow King "Shad" as a way to shorten his name in conversation, I think that's fine! I really wish it was that! But noooo, Jess had to be clever and make that the name of the Divine Warrior even though it's a really dumb fucking name. It's not sinister, it's not intimidating, it's not even a good name. It's just Shad. It's a sad Chad.
I'm personally a big fan of calling him Araphel (so much so that I forgot his name was Shad when I first got back into MCD), and that's what his name is always going to be in my brain and my rewrites. Now that I've gotten that out of the way--
I think Araphel is a truly sad, pathetic, broken man. One who once had it all, but it wasn't enough. He needed more, he needed to have something else, he felt he was owed the romance he desired with Irene. And while she reciprocated, it felt inauthentic. As if he loved her more than she could ever love him. Araphel was doomed not by a desire for power, but a lust for someone he could never fully have. Lust turned into desperation, desperation turned into anger, anger to rage, and rage to resentment.
During his rageful state was when he was sealed away. It was during this rage to resentment that he created the Shadow Knights. He knew exactly what Irene and Esmund wanted, guards who would lay down their lives for lords, and lords who would lay down their lives for their people. That's why regardless of your previous attachment, if you're a guard assigned to a lord, your calling latches onto your lord. No exceptions. No excuses.
The thing Kul'zak, Esmund, Enki and Menphina were fighting for was to stop Irene and Araphel from fighting. In the end, they failed. Araphel made his Shadow Knights, and Irene had her lords. And one day, a reincarnation of both were born and sent on a collision course towards one another without any hope of stopping it. In the end, they could never stop finding, falling, and fighting.
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jefarawol · 2 months
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“Have you seen her at all?”
Estinien rubbed the scales on his hand self-consciously, across the room Aymeric sat, hands clasped together watching him. “Will you not even try?”
“How can I face her?” He growled. “My life is so fucked up now. My body is fucked up, I dont even know why she let me live?” “Jara would never give up on you. No matter what happened between you.” “Jara.” He repeated the name. “She never let me call her that. Just another stab to the wound.” “It's not her fault, or yours for that matter. Nidhogg used you both.”
Estinien didn't reply. He clenched his fists feeling the sharpness of his nails digging into the palm. After a moment he turned to Aymeric. “The Holy See used me.” Bitterness laced his tone. “I'm sick of it. Everything I’ve ever known has been a lie. Alberic, Ferndale, Jefara. All of it.” “Ferndale?” Aymeric looked confused. “What about Ferndale?” “Nidhogg showed me it all. Everything. And I saw it through echo.” Estinien looked at him, the draconic slits of his altered eyes piercing Aymeric harshly as he continued. “I saw how the Temple Knights took a bound and bleeding dragonling to the town square screaming for the horde. Goading an attack, decimating the village to shreds in revenge.”
“No. Why would they do that?” Aymeric shook His head in disbelief. “Why would they kill their own people?” “I don't know. But they did.” he fought back his anger. “The only thing that differed in Ferndale was our faith.” “Mephina,” Aymeric supplied. “You don’t think they wanted to destroy it for that?” “Why not?” Estinien quipped back. “He used the prayers of the people to fuel his primal form. Having two faiths would lessen the devotion.”
Aymeric swallowed hard, fighting back the bile in his throat. He couldn't deny the plausibility of Estinien's claim. “I'm sorry Estinien. I don't know what to say…” “How unlike you.”
They sat in silence, the only noises in the room the gentle crackle of the fire and creak of the wood as people bustled about in the surrounding infirmary.
“So what now?” Estinien sighed. “What will you do?” “Me?” Aymeric looked at him unsure. “I hadn't given much thought after I step down. Although I confess travelling with Jara to Hraesvelgr did make me wonder what kind of life we could have together.” “You would abandon your precious Fury? Never thought I'd hear you say that.” “For Jara? Yes. I would. I'll follow her to the end of the earth…”
“If only she would take me back.” “She's a fool. Both of you are.” Estinien scowled. “Her feelings are insufferable.” “Do you still feel them?” “Not to the same level we had.” He shook his head slightly. “But it's persistent, and annoying and I can hardly tell what's me and what's her.”
“But she still loves you, Aymeric, that I can say for certain.”  Estinien's eyes softened. “My being here will hold her back. If I leave, if I go far enough where I can't feel her, then maybe we can both figure out what we want.” “You don't have to leave!” “Aye, I think I do.” Estinien retorted. “If not for her sake then mine.” “What will you do? How will you manage?” Aymeric continued with concern “I'm sure I can take care of myself. Sell my lance for services, I'm sure I can still fight.” “I don't doubt your martial prowess, it's your people skills that worry me.” “Fuck off Aymeric.” “Exactly what I mean…” Alphinaud couldn’t listen any longer, he shouldn't have been listening at all. As silently as he had slipped into the room he left. His feet did not stop until he returned back to Fortemps Manor. “Ahh Master Alphinaud back so soon?” The steward ushered him in. “Ahh yes, Ser Wyrmblood is indisposed.”
“I understand, Mistress Jefara is in the music room if you desire her presence.” “Thank you,” The young Elezen walked down the hall until he reached the door. He pushed it open and looked up to the upper floor seeing Jefara tucked into her favorite sofa book in lap. He climbed the stairs, his footsteps deliberate to alert her to his presence. “Alphinaud? I thought you were going back to see Estinien?” she looked at him surprised. “Ahh, I was..” He began. “What's wrong?” she looked at him worriedly. “Ser Aymeric was there…” He began. “They were talking. I- I overheard some things.” “What kind of things?” She put the book down on the table. “Things relating to you…” “Oh…” She looked nervous. “I guess you had better tell me what you heard perhaps?”
Alphinaud crossed the room, sitting himself on the sofa away from her
“You said that you and Estinien had been together. Romantically.” When she didnt respond he continued. “However Ser Aymeric spoke about you as if-” “As if we had also been romantically entangled?” “Yes…” He looked at her. “Is it true?” “Yes.” He listened, as she recounted the whole story; from their first meeting almost two years ago, the hardships of navigating Ishgardian customs and the Heavensward. And how Estinien had fit in, and the abuse they had suffered at the hands of Nidhogg’s cruelty.
By the end she hung her head, unable to watch her companion as he wept. “How could something be so cruel?” He sniffled. “I wish I knew, but now you know everything.” She shuffled herself on the cushion to bring herself to sit beside him. “I’m sorry I'm not who you thought I was.” “Not who-?” He looked at her sadly. “You’re not the one who's been lying about who they are.” She leant over and took his hand. “If you mean yourself,“ she gripped it tightly. “There is no lie in presenting yourself how you wish to be seen.” “You know that I am-” He stumbled again. “ You saw in the infirmary?” “I saw a boy who needed my help.” She leant her head against him. “If that is how you desire to be then that is how I will see you.” “Thank you, Jefara” he smiled. “Thank you.”
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alexoisxiv · 1 year
A Stranger
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Merewina quickly glanced at the stranger. “Do you see that Elezen over there? Who is walking toward us? I don’t recognise him and what if I embarrass you?”
Frine couldn’t help smiling at her daughter’s distress. Merewina had a clever mind and she was a quick learner. But remembering names was one of her weaknesses. Nonetheless, Frine enjoyed all these new experiences she encountered with her daughter. 
“Well well well, we will soon know who this stranger might be. Perhaps your first suitor has entered the stage?” she chuckled.
“Wha—! N-No, you must be joking," Merewina blurted. “And why would anyone be interested… Oh Fury, he is almost here! Please tell me who he is?!”
“Calm down, my love. In Ishgard ladies don’t panic, it’s the opposite. You make others tremble instead.”
Merewina’s eyes zigzagged in panic. “What do you—!”
Frine’s lesson about trembling would have to wait for another time because the stranger was within their range. Merewina’a mind buzzed like a hornet's nest while she tried to desperately remember Ishagard’s highborn family trees. Yet Frine was adamant not to help her. Because she knew the person who was approaching them. 
“It’s been awhile, ladies. I hope you both forgive me for my long absence,” he apologized in a soft tone while respectfully greeting both of them with a bow. 
And that’s when Merewina’s worrying face changed to pure fluster. Her eyes widened with surprise when she finally recognized the stranger who had the hair of a lion's mane and the Seigneur’s Jerkin.
“Yes, lady?” He smiled with his usual gentle smile that could melt the snow from all around Coerthas. Or that was what Merewina believed to be true. 
This was what Frine loved the most. To see people connect. To see how they start working their ways together. It was like Mephina had cast a spell on them. Frine knew that Merewina had shown some light affection to Alexois but the young woman had a long way to overcome her shyness. 
Alexois on the other hand was a professional on this matter. He wouldn’t cross the line, even if he wanted to. And Frine saw how delicately the butler maneuvered around Merewina.
You son of dhalmel! You indeed know how to be a gentleman but you don’t fool me, boy. The way you look at her. It all gave it away.
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yzeltia · 2 years
MiqoMarch Y.27 Light
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"Scholar give me wisdom. Spinner give me hope. Mephina send me love. Fury punish Leon for calling my dad a dragon..."
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xerith-42 · 9 months
Thanks so much answering my last post! I have few more questions:
Is your rewrite published yet? If so what is it called and where could I read it?
Also- your descriptions of Irene and Shad/Araphel are awesome and I would love to hear more of them (of all the divine really). Was Irene the lover of Shad? How did she rise to power, and what was she like before she fought him (also how exactly did the fight start? You said he got into a rage due to obsessing over something he couldn't have (Irene's whole undivided attention/love, but does that mean he grew to be violent towards her and the other warriors? Did he fall into jealous fits upon seeing her interact with its members?)
Lastly- Was Edmund and Enki in love with Irene in your rewrite, or have you changed it to more familial love and duty? Similarly, is Xavier in your rewrite? If so, what part does he play in the story, and was he also in love with Irene?
Question 1: No, neither of them are. If you want to read some of my writings you can check out my AO3, but most of my writing on there is a different variety of gay block men, and I only have the MID works and reuploads of my Garrance week stuff as something in the Aphamu fanbase.
Question 2/3: Absolutely. Araphel and Irene had a very toxic romance with one another, one that could have looked good to an outsider, but was clearly awful from the perspective of everyone watching. Not from the start, they were once very loving and kind people towards one another, largely because they met before the relics came into play in their lives. It was once the relics showed up and started gving them responsibilities outside of each other that Irene became distant, and Araphel became jealous.
Before things fell apart, I could absolutely see the two of them happily lying in one another's arms in a river that once ran through the cursed forest. They could be caught gallivanting off onto another romantic vacation, going off to see if they could find more relic holders once they got theirs. Irene used to be a woman full of life, wonder, and ideals. Someone who sought out others to bring humans together. It was only when she saw how jealous Araphel became that she realized the folly of man, how susceptible they are to their vices.
It was a slow building sort of jealousy too. At first it was just wanting to be around her all the time, then it was getting angry when she was gone for too long, questioning her on who she was with and what they were doing. Then it became basically stalking, where Araphel didn't trust Irene on her own and made sure she wasn't seeing anyone else when she disappeared for so long. If she showed even the slightest interest towards Esmund or literally anybody else, Araphel would threaten them. Irene obviously became fed up with this behavior, but when you're both humans turned into demi-gods, your lovers spat becomes less of a petty argument, and into the kind of thing that can cause an all out war and ripping open dimensions with the help of giant intelligent flying lizards.
Wait who the fuck is Xavier and why is everyone mentioning him? [one wiki check later] Oh! Huh, well I hadn't thought about him in a minute. I don't believe Xavier was a relic holder, for one. I think he was Irene's childhood best friend who harbored feelings of love towards her that he never expressed out of fear of rejection, and eventually gave up on once Araphel came into the picture and he realized that Irene wanted something else. He still loves Irene and held no resentment towards her, only wishing for her to be able to return to the bright eyed optimistic girl he fell in love with while playing in their old village.
As for Enki and Esmund, Esmund is still very in love with Irene in my rewrites. There's even a scene in the Epic I wrote that has the person who inherited Kul'zak's relic making fun of Garroth for the fact that Esmund, Araphel, and Irene couldn't figure out the obvious solution they already figured out to this conundrum. The solution is polyamory. I really don't like Enki having a crush on Irene, I think it's just not a good choice for his character because it essentially makes the Divine Warriors just a bunch of guys fighting over one girl while Kul'zak and Menphina watch from the sidelines eating popcorn.
Which is basically the dynamic in my rewrite, but Enki is also on the sidelines with them and sometimes has violent make out sessions with Kul'azk while Menphina just rolls her eyes and starts simping over her favorite toxic couple.
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xerith-42 · 9 months
So in your rewrite Araphel grew mad because of the power of the relic and the fact that Irene choose the mortals over him so he never got all the love he wanted. Then the final nail in the coffin was Kulzak, Enki, and Esmund betraying him. Now Araphel is in the Minecraft equivalent of hell feeding off that realm to gain strength and also some how feeding off of Irene’s left over power. Is that correct ?
You got it! There's not much of Irene's power to feed off of, which is part of why he wants her reincarnation/relic, but that's a great summary. I go into a lot more details in my own writings, particularly pertaining to how the inheritors of the relics respond to all this nonsense because honestly the lore of what happened between them doesn't matter if the characters in the main story aren't directly effected by it. Why should any of them care if it happened 900 years ago?
But if you have a magical artifact embedded into your system that forcibly gives you the wants, memories, and feelings of the Divine Warriors, then you might seek out answers to what the fuck happened between them in an attempt to prevent it from happening again.
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yzeltia · 2 years
Handed Down from Stone
Chapter 3: Etched in Citrine
Characters: Y'lem Tia, Y'zel Tia, U'rahn Nuhn, Violet Fisher, Jannie Eyradoux
Rating: T for Tia
Notes: None
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-Sharlayan 1560-
Y'zel yawned then rubbed his eyes as he slumped back into his father's chest.
"Getting tired already? I thought you were big enough to stay up late for the meteor shower," Y'lem Tia chuckled, swaying his tail in the grass as he checked on the lowered telescope next to them.
"I'm not falling asleep. I can stay up," the boy protested in a near mumble. "Maybe I can have some coffee," the young Tia asked, reaching for his father's thermos.
"Noooo you don't. There's cocoa for you," the Seeker scolded, pushing his son's cup into the grasping hand, "You can have coffee when you're a Nuhn."
"But daddy, you're not a Nuhn."
Y'lem grimaced then shoved a marshmallow into his boy's mouth. "That's beside the point. I'm the dad and I make the rules."
Y'zel tried to let out an "aww," but with his mouth filled it sounded something more akin to a distressed poroggo.
"Now. While we wait, why don't you tell me what that one is," Y'lem asked, pointing up into the sky.
Y'zel munched on his marshmallow then swallowed as he pointed where his father had, zigzagging between five stars. 
"That's the Fury's Spear! She lives in a beautiful ice palace made by Mephina, and smites all her enemies," the boy answered miming a spear throw before making a whooshing noise followed by a little pretend scream.
Y'lem laughed then pat his boy's head. "Not quite, but close. Halone carved her palace out of the moonbeams that Mephina gave to her. They worked together. And just as the Fury administers justice, she also is capable of the same love and mercy as her sister."
"Find another."
Y'zel looked around, ears fluttering as he tried to make sense of the stars above. "Um…there," he pointed out, finger circling around for stars before flowing downward to four more points with a "whoosh."
"Good. What is it?"
"The Scholar's Ewer. Everything anyone has ever and will ever think of flows out of it…it flows endlessly into aether through Nymeia's loom and back…kinda like the lifestream?"
"A good example, yes," the boy's father praised.
"I was going to be Y'meia if I wasn't a Tia…"
Y'lem's ears perked at the boy's revelation and asked, "How did you come to know that?"
"Uncles Saru'a and Saru'to gave me some of mommy's old journals to read…"
The man sighed and stroked over his son's ears, looking to the sky. "That is correct. Your mother very reverently paid Her respect."
"...but why am I not Y'thaliak Tia? That's what you wanted rrright," the boy inquired, pressing into his father's large hand as he pet him.
Y'lem smiled. "Because I wanted to honor your mother and her family for bringing you into the world. Just like your uncles bare your grandmother's name, I gave you Zel's. You are both Keeper and Seeker after all."
"Oh…thank you…"
"For making sure I will always have mommy arrround."
The man paused, then closed his eyes and hugged his boy tight with one arm before hearing him gasp.
"Look! Look daddy! Look they're falling!"
Y'lem followed his son's excited pointing, watching as the meteors began to glitter through the sky, ears perking up in awe. Together they watched, little Y'zel excitedly bouncing as more and more streaked across the sky until he suddenly stopped. Looking down, Y'lem found his boy, not asleep, but with his hands clasped together and muttering.
"Wishing for something?"
"What are you wishing for?"
"I'm wishing that the Spinner will make me a big strong Nuhn so you'll be proud of me someday!"
Y'lem lowered his as he frowned. His dream for his son seemed all too well ingrained in the boy. As Y'zel reached for the telescope, the man caught him with both arms and gave him a firm hug. "I will always be proud of you. Nuhn or not…" he whispered, holding him with a little rock until the boy settled in and passed out on his shoulder from the late hour and excitement.
-The Dusk Vigil, the Midst of the Dragonsong War–
"Y'zel! Buddy! Pick a card! Any carrrd," U'rahn begged nervously, a fearful purr escaping him as frozen zombies started to come from every direction.
"I'm trying…just need to draw and….here! The Ewer,," Y’zel called out, holding up the card to bless the Warrior, hoping for the best.
U'rahn let out a breath of relief before feeling an excess of aether hit him. His face turned green, and soon he was on his knees, axe sliding away from him as the aether-deficient Seeker got sick.
"Sorry! Sorry," Y'zel whimpered while Violet pushed past him, stepping in front of U'rahn to scatter bullets into the approaching hoard.
"For fucks sake! Why did you come as a damned Astrologian if you don't know your fucking spells," the gunslinger shouted, kicking the Seeker on the ground in an attempt to get it all out of him so he could rejoin the battle.
"I-I just really liked their aesthetic" Y'zel responded meekly, tossing a healing cantrip U'rahn's way.
"Field practice is an excellent way to improve one's abilities; however, perhaps this wasn't the best timing for a position that requires much more practical knowledge before execution," Jannie offered, taking Y'zel by the waist, "Channel, then release. Focus on the basics of your role and worry about the greater mechanics of the job later."
Y'zel inhaled then floated his star globe in front of him before giving it a dip to summon a well of gravity to bring the mob down. 
U'rahn swayed as he stood, shaking out his head as Violet kicked through bodies in an attempt to find a key for the door ahead.
"I'm really sorry. It really feels like the greater workings of the cards are constantly in flux. I thought at first they were more diversified in their effects but now they seem rather evenly divided and it's a struggle to remember which one is which. Especially with the Arrow doesn't enhance ranged positions but then the spire does? Sorry…I'm…”
"You don't need to that get worked up. Just take a breath and if you're uncertain what a card does redraw or shuffle it away. We're more than capable of moving through without a boon."
"Seriously. It's not like any of us were that injured…just inconvenienced. Just slow the fuck down and stop panicking," Violet assured him.
"Well, I was kinda injured," U'rahn pointed out.
"You're the fucking tank and can't handle a surge of aether and were the one aggroing the damned hoard " Violet snapped in turn before yoinking a key from a dead body and tossing it to the Seeker, "If anything, it's your fault Y'zel was even overwhelmed in the first place. Now pick your axe up and let's move the fuck on."
U'rahn's tail curled as he caught the key and jumped back with his wrists raised. "R-Right! Hero time it is," the Nuhn breathed out, hurrying to the door with the key while Jannie shook her head and Y'zel tilted his.
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yzeltia · 2 years
A Y'zel Story
Title: Out of Season
Characters: Y'zel Tia and Leonnioux Ouraux
Rating: T for Teen
Notes: What I wanted wouldn't come, so I ended up with this instead.
"You're trembling like a leaf."
Y'zel whimpered, ears pinned against the top of his head as he stood outside in the rain. He avoided Leon's gaze, lips parted, words threatening to escape but silenced by the gravity within his chest. He could only manage an exhale, pulling at his heavy waterlogged shirt. 
"This is all very dramatic. Come in before someone thinks I've put you out," Leon huffed, taking the Miqo'te inside and to his quarters. 
Once inside, he pulled the clinging fabric from Y'zel's chest then tossed it aside to let it slop up on the hearth. Taking a towel, Leon raked it through the other's hair then leaned down to kiss the remnants of the rain from his freckled nose.
"Did you get it all out?"
Y'zel nodded before leaning forward, resting his face in Leon's chest as the Elezen unbuttoned his own shirt. "Did I do something wrong?"
"You're speaking nonsense," Leon muttered quietly, stroking his hand over the other's ears, "It was just a few bottles and glasses. Nothing that cannot be replaced. Hardly with tears. Running out of the room was certainly a bit much.
Y'zel laid still, closing his eyes as he felt himself fall forward into Leon as the man rested back on his elbows. "I think I'm perhaps overwhelmed by everything going on. I'm drowning in all my responsibilities, and feeling like I'm letting everyone down."
"Has anyone said as such?"
"Not exactly."
Leon shook his head, resting on the center of Y'zel's back, stroking lightly as he pensively stared up at the ceiling. "You're as exasperating as you were when we were young, though in a different way," he started, pressing his hand into the small of the other's back to prevent him from straying, "Did you extend yourself like this to please me and the others as a boy?"
Y'zel squirmed slightly, wanting to protest but finding it difficult under his touch. "...I just want everyone to be happy."
"And are you happy?"
"Of course I am?"
"I'm...I...I like being useful to others. The more useful I am, the likelier I am for them to keep me around."
"...That...I'm sorry for that."
Y'zel blinked, then found his face cradled by the Elezen's large hand. Leon's cool grey eyes lowered, Halonic guilt being projected away from the Miqo'te.
"I acknowledge my part in that. I saw how hard you tried to please us. I mean there was a point it got to you but after you double downed on keeping up with us when we were cruel. If I had just opened my eyes...and been kinder...You wouldn't..."
The Miqo'te pinned back his ears, "We were boys. And I was like that even before I met you with my father and cousins...You cannot blame yourself for every wrong in my life from our first meeting. No one should bare that much guilt."
"We're Ishgardian," Leon emphasized, palatable as if it excused their damage in a way that permissively let it cling to him.
"Mostly," Y'zel agreed.
Rain pelted against the stained glass, Halone stretching her icey shadow over them as the fire hissed with each stray drop of rain that managed to snake it way down the flume. 
"I am in equal rights your partner as Claudine, correct? If you wish to unburden your woes, you do not need to mute yourself."
Y'zel fumbled and sat back, holding his arm while his ears drooped. "You must find me transparent."
"You lack a certain subtlety, yes."
Eyes upon Leon, Y'zel lightly traced his fingers up the man's sternum. "Perhaps later... for now, I would rather like it if we just took a chance to rest upon one another."
"As you wish," Leon answered, hand once more cradling the Miqo'te's pale face. 
Thunder rolled unseasonably outside as the Miqo'te found comfort in his lover's embrace, mired thoughts of dwindling self-worth and failures slowly eroding until the only blue he felt was that of solitary moon etched beyond the Fury; Mephina's watchful eye enkindling the years of distance between the two tired hearts.
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