#Maya needs like a band like TPATH where all the musicians are fucking Phenomenal
So, I was watching this livestream earlier that was put on to increase voting awareness (basically all of the bands were just saying “Go vote!!!” although one band, King Youngblood who I’ve vaguely heard of before, actually listed out all of the good actions to take in addition to voting and THAT I was grateful for!), and I LOOOOOOOOVED getting to hear Nicolle Swims of Black Ends perform since it’s been a whole six months since I last saw her perform LOL, but aside from her I was most interested in hearing a band I hadn’t heard of before - Stereo Sauna. Actually when I read their name I was like ‘never heard of ‘em, don’t care’ (whoops), but then I found out that Maya Marie fronted them and THEN I was like OOOOOOOOOOOH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! And speaking of the last time I saw Nicolle Swims live, Maya Marie was the surprise artist who I saw perform at that same last live performance I saw before the pandemic hit. I didn’t write a review (though I probably should have), but I did write this about how that performance just blew my fucking mind as it did for my best friend who went with me to see them perform, too.
So when I finally got to see Maya front her new band Stereo Sauna, I was like YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. Well, actually, I was mostly thinking that about Maya and her VOICE because I can just imagine her being able to, like...blow the windows out of a room because her voice is just SO INCREDIBLY powerful and GOOD. But don’t misunderstand that image - when I say that, it’s not because her voice is bad. Nooooooooo. Her voice is fucking beautiful in that it’s incredible, like she’s got the power of soul (like bearing one’s soul kind of soul) and folk (the passionate, politically-charged power of fighting to be heard kind of folk) in her voice that is just.................................an absolute, almost cosmic, FORCE. So yeah, I was very much looking forward to hearing her again and she was as AMAZING as I expected, although I found that I actually preferred, musically, to hear her solo (in the case of the last performance I saw, just her singing with her acoustic guitar) rather than fronting a pretty loud and rambunctious rock band of what seemed like mostly if not all white dudes. Which is not a criticism of her; really, it was the band that couldn’t match her. I do believe she could front a rock band and do a fucking fantastic job at it...but those dudes (none of whom I recognized, FYI) were not gonna do it. LOL But I get it - putting a band together is fucking hard...and once they’re together, I hear it tends to be especially hard to stay together. So...I don’t know. I absolutely hope the universe makes it easier for her voice to be heard, though, and I also hope especially that she’ll be backed by a band that can and will go toe-to-toe musically with her. Because THAT is where the GOOD STUFF IS. :’D
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