#Massimo Scolari
nobrashfestivity · 6 months
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Massimo Scolari, Addio Melampo, project Oblique projection, 1975 Massimo Scolari used images to manipulate form without using Renaissance or neoclassical styles. His drawings are pure fantasy and often defy explanation. In Urban Passage, geometric forms resembling a house seem to be projected onto a mythical landscape by the sky. In Addio Melampo, these forms emanate from the earth itself. Its title refers both to the name of a dog in an Italian novel and to a mythical Greek man who can see the future and understand the voices of animals, although for Scolari there is not necessarily a connection between the title and the image of a drawing. Addio Melampo is clearly a drawing born from imagination." Bevin Cline and Tina di Carlo in "The Changing of the Avant-Garde: Visionary Architectural Drawings from the Howard Gilman Collection" (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2002). Color ink, watercolor, and graphite on board 11 7/8 x 10" (30.2 x 25.4 cm) Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.)
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jamesusilljournal · 1 year
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Massimo Scolari
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normally0 · 6 months
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Architectural Climate Consciousness: Hollein's Copenhagen Intervention Reimagined
Hans Hollein's architectural intervention in Copenhagen in 1969, as depicted in the catalogue for 'Hans Hollein: Everything is Architecture' at the Städtisches Museum, Mönchengladbach (27 May – 5 July 1970), prompts a reflection on the recurring theme of climate within architecture. Despite this, the significance of climate considerations often falls on deaf ears.
In contemplating this, one cannot overlook the honor attributed to Schinkel's Altes Museum, which exemplifies an architect's foresight regarding climate. Schinkel's decision to elevate the museum upon a pedestal, respecting the potential flooding of the Spree River, demonstrates an acute awareness of environmental factors. Although the Spree's banks have not breached, Schinkel's proactive approach remains noteworthy.
In contrast, Massimo Scolari's work, notably his construction of Noah's ark, embodies a similar forthrightness. Scolari's architectural expression extends beyond physical structures to metaphorical realms, suggesting that architecture can transcend its physical confines. By constructing Noah's ark, Scolari imbues architecture with the capacity to soar, offering a poignant metaphor that elevates architectural inquiry.
Within the rubric of architecture, climate awareness is often emphasized, yet its integration into design remains a challenge. Architects such as Hollein and Scolari suggest that their struggle parallels the city's predicament and the unconscious influence of societal norms. Their works serve as reminders that architecture's responsibility extends beyond aesthetics, encompassing environmental stewardship and societal consciousness.
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bicheco · 2 years
Maestri e scolari
Provate a immaginare come deve sentirsi un musicista dell'orchestra, diplomato con il massimo dei voti, costretto a suonare certe monnezze sonore. Bisogna pagarli benissimo.
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hjdem · 16 years
Cognomi italiani (parte terza)
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Ci sono anche GIOVANNI FALLITO (dicono che non voglia più uscire di casa!!), MARIA NASO GIGANTE, GIUSTINA BAVOSA (la più affamata) PIETRO STERCACCIO che lavora con MICHELE FANGOSO. Eccovi anche i meno richiesti WALTER FRIGIDO e FIORELLA INERTE, gli inconsolabili MASSIMO INFELICE, e FRANCESCO DERISO. Un caso disarmante e' quello di VERGINE INNOCENTE, ma altrettanto giustificata, per evidenti motivi, mi pare l'astinenza esercitata da PLACIDO SALMA e CADAVERE ROSA (ottimo esempio di conservazione), i quali inaugurano il filone cimiteriale assieme con CAMPO SANTO (ne ho contati ben dodici), ITALIA SALMA, LIETA BARA, (anche se lieta molti gli stanno lontano), NIRVANA FOSSACECA, il più deciso VITTORIO CREMATO, e infine i più realisti MUOIO ADDOLORATA e MUOIO FORTUNATO. Per far bene la lista, siamo caduti anche nel campo medico presentato da il dott. FRANCO PUS, e il dott. GIUSEPPE AGONIA che ci mostrano l'elenco dei loro più frequenti clienti: CONCETTA MALANNO, CANIO PAUROSO, COLICA ANNUNZIATA e suo marito SALVATORE VITO FERITO, CRISPINO COMA (dicono che si sia ripreso!), FRANCO COCCOLONE (un uomo che si spaventa sempre), SAVERIO INCURATO (deve essere un tipo antipatico!), CIRO MORBILLO, suo cugino ANIELLO INVESTITO, e sua cugina PALMIRA MALORE, infine ci sono loro CANCRO AMABILE e SANTI TUMORE (i protettori)… ci sono anche loro i più temuti la più temuta CARMEN MORTE, l'ineluttabile ARCANGELO DELLA MORTE, il diabolico ARCANGELO LUCIFERO, l'amletico URBANO TESCHIO e ANGELO ALATO ed ANGELO PELOSO ci faranno da Caronte in questo viaggio ultraterreno. Nessuno se la caverà, se non FRANCO AMMAZZALAMORTE, MICHELINO SCAMPAMORTE, FORTUNATO INGANNAMORTE e forse, ma non e' cosa sicura, VITA MORTOVIVO. Per dimenticare l'incombere del nostro triste destino, c'è chi si rifugia in ciò che fa male, parliamo dell’afrodisiaca ELVIRA DROGA D'AMORE, l'inconfondibile MAESTRO MARIO PIERO UBRIACO e della sua degna accolita AMALIA TRACANNA e GIUSEPPE ERGASTOLO. Ci sono anche loro, persone da capire (porelle…): SCEMA BONARIA, SCEMA FELICE, SECONDA TONTA (cosi tonta che non e' arrivata neanche prima, fra i tonti), MICHEL CRETIN, ANGELO TONTODIMAMMA (molto mamone), BAMBA BAMBA (i casi sono due: o è africana o è bergamasca), SALVATORE DEMENZA, MARIA CAPRA SOAVE,(perchè non se ne rende neanche conto), ANTONIO CITRULLO e la moglie PIRLA ABBONDANZA. Mi raderei i capelli a zero se di nome facessi ANGELA PIDOCCHI o FORFORA FELICE (e soprattutto eviterei di sposare il figlio di DANIELA SCARAFAGGI). Preghiamo che il signor EROS PELOSO non sia ipertricotico proprio li, e se deve avere esperienze di fellazione, che almeno non le abbia con LOREDANA PELO CAIAZZO. Speriamo che CHIAPPA ROSA goda di un bel colorito sano, o che comunque sia meno stucchevole di quello sbandierato da ROSA CONFETTO e, soprattutto, più piacevole di quello troppo, troppo vivido offerto agli occhi da ROSA INTESTINALE. E insisterei perché mio figlio disertasse la scuola se la sua maestra si chiamasse MARIA GASSA SCOLARI. Ci sono anche loro: ANTONIO SOLIDO che con ANTONIO GASSOSO, RENATO LIQUIDO e SALVATORE LIQUEFATTO incarna tutti gli stati chimici.
segue parte 04
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Massimo Scolari
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loeilareaction · 3 years
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L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui n. 190 avril 1977, couverture  : Massimo Scolari
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jareckiworld · 5 years
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Massimo Scolari  —  Construction   (watercolour and pencil on paper, 1979)
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conformi · 5 years
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J. J. Abrams, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, 2015 VS Massimo Scolari, Ali, Cotonificio - IUAV, Venezia, 1991
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drrestlesshate · 3 years
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Arca, 1986
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ratatoskryggdrasil · 7 years
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Massimo Scolari, Dream of a Shadow, the Man, 2011
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"Architettura Laconica", Massimo Scolari, 1983
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jamesusilljournal · 2 years
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Massimo Scolari
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normally0 · 11 months
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The Building Envelope
The revolutionary concept of area, as alluded to by practitioners like Massimo Scolari and Carlo Scarpa, and manifested in works showcased in the International Bau Austellung in 1980s Berlin, exists as a cryptic undercurrent in the realm of architecture. The silence surrounding this concept within the architectural discourse raises questions not only about its feasibility but also about its potential implications on societal and economic structures.
Massimo Scolari's glider at the School of Architecture in Venice stands as a testament to the exploration of space and area beyond traditional boundaries. By incorporating dynamic elements that transcend conventional spatial constraints, Scolari hints at a paradigm shift that challenges the established norms of architectural expression. Similarly, Carlo Scarpa's concrete detailing, marked by a meticulous exploration of form and texture, reflects a sympathy with the idea of transcending the limitations of traditional area calculations. His work suggests a deeper connection between space and materiality, echoing the unspoken language of the revolutionary concept.
In the context of Berlin's International Bau Austellung in the 1980s, where echoes of Schinkel's Altes Museum and the Zeug Haus resounded, there was a palpable acknowledgment of the potential inherent in redefining spatial paradigms. These structures, rooted in historical references, served as a springboard for contemporary architects to push the boundaries of area and space, challenging the status quo.
However, the conspicuous absence of widespread engagement with this revolutionary concept in architecture and broader society can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there is a palpable resistance to depart from established norms, especially when it comes to economic considerations. The traditional approach to architecture, tethered to well-defined formulas and easily quantifiable parameters, aligns more seamlessly with economic models built on predictability and efficiency.
The revolutionary concept of area, with its inherent unpredictability and potential defiance of economic conventions, may be perceived as too radical or impractical. The economic wealth accrued through building often relies on standardized processes, making the industry resistant to paradigm shifts that may disrupt established practices.
Moreover, societal inertia and a preference for the familiar contribute to the suppression of avant-garde architectural concepts. The radical reconceptualization of space challenges not only economic structures but also the cognitive frameworks through which society perceives and values architecture.
In conclusion, the revolutionary concept of area in architecture, exemplified by the works of Scolari, Scarpa, and the Berlin Bau Austellung, remains largely repressed due to its potential to disrupt economic norms and challenge societal expectations. The inertia towards change, both economic and cultural, inhibits widespread acceptance of a paradigm that could redefine our understanding of space and its implications on the built environment. As architects and society grapple with the delicate balance between tradition and innovation, the revolutionary concept of area persists as a silent force, waiting for a moment when its potential can no longer be contained within the silent corridors of architectural discourse.
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tsa17nolli · 7 years
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THE BOOK “OBLIQUE DRAWING” IS ON OUR RESERVE SHELF IN THE LIBRARY! we have an “overnight check-out policy” so you can take out the book for a night or a weekend.
2 elevation oblique renderings by Massimo Scolari
more on Massimo Scolari: http://www.suckerpunchdaily.com/tag/massimo-scolari/
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schizografia · 2 years
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Se si vuole più intimamente conoscere questo artista tanto dotato di spirito e d'ingegno, che per le sue migliori opere può essere messo allato ai più grandi, si deve andare a cercarlo a Siena in Santo Spirito, San Domenico, San Bernardino, nell'Accademia civica, nel palazzo pubblico, a Monteoliveto. Anche Firenze possiede eminenti opere di lui, fra le altre specialmente il magnifico San Sebastiano degli Uffizi e l'affresco di Monteoliveto. Il Sodoma, massimo come frescante, quando vuole è insuperabile.
[...] il Sodoma in complesso può essere considerato come il pittore più notevole e più spiritoso della scuola di Lionardo. Nessun altro dei più o meno abili scolari e imitatori del grande fiorentino ha eseguito tante opere che vengono attribuite al maestro stesso, quanto il Sodoma. Gaudente e lietamente spensierato, spesso scapestrato sino al libertinaggio, com'egli era, gli fece difetto anzitutto la serietà e l'ambizione.
Giovanni Morelli
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