#Maria Milk
fullcravings · 12 days
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Carlota de Limón (Mexican Lime Icebox Cake)
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lavyokuu · 16 days
[A mother's cradle.]
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Alt below the cut :3
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The children were nothing more than mere tools.
Lawd this has quite the spoiler for the AU, but considering my pace, it should be fine
Side note, this is BEFORE the Virtues even received their Soul Jams. I'm not really satisfied with their looks but I don't hate it so we're good.
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neroushalvaus · 3 months
Girl help I have a fix-it in my head for My Shows, La Promesa, also known as Spanish Downton Abbey, a show famously only watched by middle-aged Finnish women
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feministqu33n · 4 months
Thinking about an AU where Itha's mom became the Nightwatch instead.
I imagine in this AU, when she gets captured, Itha shows up earlier before she gets any form of life-threatening injuries from the torture. However, since he came in out of impulse without a solid plan, Itha gets killed by the villagers while Mother is forced to flee, unable to take her son's body with her.
A few months pass by, and they still can't track her down. Nathaniel and a few of the village men have went out into the forest to search for her and they have yet to find anything.
Then, one day the magistrate recieves a letter written in his son's hand writing that they may be on the right track, and that they need to use Itha's corpse to lure the woman into their arms. Without hesitation the man sendiri the corpse to them, hoping it will make the search easier.
Imagine after a week of anticipation, there's another letter sent in Nathaniel's hand writing that the hunt was a success and that they will be returning soon, and in that letter a request to build a large bonfire to burn the 'witch'.
Then, on the day they were meant to return, imagine the villagers shock when instead of victorious living men, wild dogs arrive, the mangled corpses of the men tied to their tails as the dogs ravage through the village, causing chaos and casualties.
During the chaos, the magistrate suddenly comes face to face with the witch, wearing the nightwatch's garments. Before the magistrate can even comprehend what he's seeing, the witch tosses a large bag at the man, asking him to open it. Hesitantly, the man obliges, and the contents are the dismembered remains of his son, Nathaniel. As the magistrate stares in horror, the witch looms over him, illuminated by the bonfire, thanking him for sending her son's body for burial, returning the favor, and right as she turns around to leave, she stares into the magistrate's eyes and says :
"Blood for blood"
Imagine, a few years later, there's a rumor going around. A rumor of a witch who dwells in the forest, hunting down anyone who dares to enter. Anyone who disturbs her son's resting place. Anyone who reminds the witch of humanity, the cruel monsters who killed her one and only source of happiness, her son.
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reneewalkersbiceps · 1 year
recent reads and recommendations:
i’ve been trying to read more recently and kind of get back into a reading flow where i always have a book on the go to read when i can. as a result i have a lot of new recommendations for you all and thought i would share 💋
in order of earliest to latest reads:
her body and other parties - carmen maria machado ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)
themes/genres - unsettling, horror, fantasy, short stories, contemporary, lgbtq+ (wlw, bisexuality), feminism, experimental
we're starting off strong with one of my new favourite authors, carmen maria machado <3 i fell in love with machado through this book. her beautiful, horrible, astonishing writing made this possibly one of my favourite books ever. i can't say i ever expected to be reading (and adoring) a 60 page list of fever-induced law and order synopses but my god it was incredible. a well-deserved five stars to kick off the list.
human acts - han kang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)
themes/genres - south korean history, multiple povs, dark and unsettling (tw for graphic violence and body horror), experimental, contemporary.
this book was beautiful. it takes place during and looking back on the gwangju student uprising of 1980 and uses multiple povs to recount the horrors that occurred during the uprising under the newly instated dictator and martial law. i previously read ‘the vegetarian’ by han kang (another novel i highly recommend) and adored it so picked up human acts to follow up and wow i was not disappointed. it is so poetically beautiful and so haunting, the second pov especially has really stuck with me. a hard read (in terms of content) but a great and necessary one.
things we lost in the fire - mariana enriquez ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5 stars)
themes/genres - short stories, gothic horror, magical realism, latin american literature
i picked this book up after reading enriquez’ ‘the dangers of smoking in bed’ which i loved. i enjoyed this book but i think, comparatively, i enjoyed tdosib a lot more. the book is structured as multiple short stories (mostly) set in argentina from various povs (the same structure as ‘tdosib’). each story is poetic, disturbing and beautiful and enriquez’ writing really highlights a culture i knew little to nothing about previously in such a rich and stunning way. the reason i rated this one a bit lower is simply that i wasn’t as enraptured with ‘twlitf’ as i was with ‘tdosib’ and i found some of the stories less interesting. still a solid read but i would definitely recommend checking out ‘tdosib’ first.
our wives under the sea - julia armfield ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4 stars)
themes/genres - unsettling/disturbing, lgbtq+ (wlw, bisexuality, lesbian), contemporary, two character pov, gothic, the vast open ocean (tw)
this book is heartbreaking. the sense of tension and dread really creeps up on you in this one as more gets revealed and more past horrors unfold. incredibly poetic and ambiguous, slow to start but the last few parts had me speeding through. watery, foamy, flowing and gorgeous.
milk fed - melissa broder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)
themes/genres - mother-daughter relationships, modern judaism, eating disorders (tw), lgbtq+ (wlw) fiction, mental health, identity
i ATE THIS BOOK UP. oh my god. broder so perfectly entangles food, love and sex, obsession and religion and winds metaphors around one another to create a novel that is so weird and yet so normal. it highlights so many societal issues and all the characters are flawed and odd in some way. the main character herself is incredibly problematic at times and somewhat of an unreliable narrator but still very lovable as you can clearly see where her issues stem from and why she is so obsessive. elements of this book really, really spoke to me as a woman who’s had my own issues with food (and mothers and food). a funny, twisted, quite dark and fascinating book that i read in about a day.
in the dream house - carmen maria machado ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)
themes/genres - memoir, domestic abuse (tw), emotional abuse (tw), lgbtq+ (wlw, bisexuality), feminism, experimental
another cmm beauty. machado really knows how to take an unusual format and make something beautiful out of it. i'd never read a memoir before this and i'm so glad to say this was the first. genuinely like reading a memoir, a poetry anthology, a collection of short stories and a research paper all at once. beautifully done and so heartbreaking.
nightbitch - rachel yoder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)
themes/genres - art and the artist, fantasy/magical realism, feminism, motherhood, transformation, freedom, violence (tw for graphic animal killing), multi-level marketing schemes?
this book is mad. it is literally about a woman turning into a dog. it's brilliant. if you have recently watched barbie and want something slightly more unhinged but still on the topic of feminism and motherhood, this may be for you. i LOVE weird books and this fit me like a glove. made me think about motherhood like i never have before and the transformation throughout the book is crafted beautifully.
the priory of the orange tree - samantha shannon (currently reading)
themes/genres - high fantasy, magic, religion, dragons, lgbtq+ (wlw), romance, violence and death (tw)
i'm about 350 pages in so far guys, she's still a beast but she's a beast i love and i'll update this when i finish. as for now, don't be afraid, she may look hefty but she's WORTH IT.
hope you enjoyed this list, please send me some more recommendations, i shall gladly receive!
(p.s. i have included some trigger warnings but not an extensive list for every book, please be aware that there may be other potential triggers. does the dog die lists triggers for movies, books and tv shows and includes at least some of the books on this list. reader discretion advised!)
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Tag Drop
Squirrel Nurse; Tristan threads
Inuarashi Musketeer Squad; Wanda threads
Night Time Guardian; Milky threads
That's No Ordinary Rabbit; Carrot threads
East Army Commander; Ginny threads
Sun Pirate Revolutionist; Koala threads
Voice of Rebellion; Belo Betty threads
Milk Maiden; Moda threads
Jorōgumo Oiran; Black Maria threads
Hidden Histories; Toki threads
Lingering Snow; Kiku threads
Dango maker; O-Tama threads
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choasblast03 · 2 years
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I just learned my Milk's named
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And suddenly I see how wonderful a font can be~
I just thought my milk said Maria.
And suddenly I learn
How bad my eyes are on fatigue~~
Say it loud
and I may sound crazy.
Giggle softly
and that's still a maybe
This milk must be sold by Maria~~~
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Homemade Marie Biscuits / Maria Cookies (Vegan, Gluten-Free & Refined Sugar-Free)
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moviesandfood · 1 year
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: October 25, 2013
Io, io
Dale duro a ese pilón, io, io
Que se acabe de romper, io, io
Que en el monte hay mucho palo y mi papá lo sabe hacer
Io, io
Ya me duele la cabeza, io, io
De tanto darle al pilón, io, io
Para engordar un cochino y comprarme un camisón
Io, io
Allá arriba, en aquel cerro, io, io
'Tá un matrimonio civil, io, io
Se casa una bemba en burro con el pescuezo e violín
Io, io
Io, io
Y la zoqueta se cree, io, io
Que todo se lo merece, io, io
Y vive en un peazo de rancho que el viento se lo estremece
Io, io
Yo no quiero hombre casao, io, io
Porque hiede a mata dura, io, io
Yo quiero uno solterito que huele a piña madura
Io, io
Steven Sugar / Mike Milk / Steve Vanderberg
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Tea and cookies
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brokenhardies · 1 year
*gasp* okay okay holy shit
but but but after episode 3, maria and delissandro have a big argument that happens before colin chooses to leave delissandro and reveals his secret to him
after the argument, colin finds maria, a few blocks away, at a local tavern, getting shitfaced in a corner. due to her getting completely drunk, reminding him of his awful father, colin abandons maria at the bar.
maria is even more heartbroken... but winds up meeting someone who understands her pain. the sugar-plum fairy
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
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evilhorse · 1 month
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Don’t mooove!
(Trinity Angels #10)
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northgazaupdates · 6 months
Graphic design artist Moataz Abu Sakran/ @moatazart has provided extensive documentation of the genocide against Gaza. His photos and videos have been used—often without credit—by major media outlets, and his posts are featured on this blog regularly.
Moataz and his wife and baby girl are trapped in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital complex. The area has was under complete siege for 13 days, and made life even more difficult and dangerous than before. In addition to the physical violence of the siege, the occupation’s famine has made food extremely scarce—Moataz and Mariam can no longer find milk and nutritious food for baby Maria.
They were able to raise enough funds to begin the paperwork involved in evacuating to Egypt, but exorbitant processing fees have totally depleted the money they had reserved to find a place to stay in Egypt. They need funds to procure food and shelter while they rebuild their lives in Egypt (God willing), otherwise they will be homeless and destitute.
There was an increase in donations after we initially shared the link on this blog. We are hoping that will happen again. Please support Moataz’s family via this link so that they can reach safety. Even just a few dollars will help. If you can’t donate, please share the link on all your social media accounts.
This is the primary link to donate and share. You can copy and paste it onto other posts and social media sites.
If the primary link does not work, try this link
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morethansalad · 1 year
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3 Ingredient Spanish Chocolate Cake / Tarta de Chocolate de la Abuela (Vegan-Friendly & No-Bake)
use vegan maria cookie recipe like this one
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