#Mamoru got the worst treatment but honestly? Rei? Haruka and Michiru??? even Usagi is stagnated for the lulz
sailorstarr-chan4 · 3 years
What she says: I’m fine.
What she means: The original 90′s anime of Sailor Moon did Mamoru Chiba’s character dirty. On top of aging him up to college years (in the manga, he meets Usagi when he is only a second-year in HIGH SCHOOL), Anime!Mamoru is, frankly, a jerk. Sure, the anime is longer and they have to drag out the drama, but it shouldn’t be to the detriment of the characters! Several other main characters get the shaft in the anime, but none so egregiously as poor Mamoru Chiba. 
The only times anime!Mamoru is halfway decent is during beautiful season finales and/or major battles where his love for Usagi shines through (such as the creation of the Mood Rod, or saving her life, etc), though those moments exist in the manga as well (obviously). Sometimes, in the anime, we even get a small intimate moments when they’re alone that are quite sweet. But in many day-to-day filler/normal episodes? The man is more often than not embarrassed to be out in public with Usagi (and yes, the anime does her dirty as well, by umping up her “crybaby” personality to comically absurd levels, but I digress), frequently belittling Usagi (especially before getting together, the entire first season was full of this shit, but even AFTERWARDS, he still says awful shit, like callously commenting about her weight when rescuing her from a villain), and only indulging her wants and needs in that clichéd “flustered man who Sucks At Being a Good Boyfriend tries to appease his upset girlfriend” manner, AND dances around the bush about his relationship status towards others (which is both degrading and creepy, considering the added age-gap). 
Not to mention, as Tuxedo Mask, the anime made him PATHETIC. He just shows up, tosses a rose, gives a cheesy one-liner and that’s. literally. IT. Sure, it can make for good comedy, but it’s annoying when nothing changes in 200 episodes. The only “bad thing” anime!Mamoru and manga!Mamoru share is his tendency to be kidnapped and possessed, but that is a subversion of a classic “damsel in distress” trope, and one I actually appreciate a lot, especially in a series geared towards young girls. 
But as himself, by comparison, manga!Mamoru is tender, patient, and kind to Usagi. He gently teases her for being spoiled, and he even is slightly exasperated with her antics in the third arc, but it’s always said with all the love in the world. He loves being lovey-dovey with her, never hesitates to kiss her (unless interrupted), and wishes to be stronger so he can help Usagi fight forces of evil. From almost the very beginning, Mamoru’s role as the reincarnated Prince of Earth is proven, by his ability to sense the Earth’s “pain” and sensing premonitions. 
By the second arc, he LEVELS UP as Tuxedo Mask with “Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber,” an energy blast that is on par with the other Sailor Guardians’ attacks. He holds his own in battle, and is quite literally Usagi’s pillar of support when the final boss of each arc is confronted. His undying love and faith in Usagi gives her strength unlike any other, and even when her heart falters (jealousy towards Chibiusa, conflicted sexual “awakenings” over Haruka and Seiya), ultimately, truly, Mamoru is the only one for her and she is the only one for him. 
Usagi is not “weakened” by Mamoru’s love in the manga compared to the anime, as some have argued, but rather given the courage by Mamoru’s faith in her abilities and power. Mamoru is her literal soulmate, who also earns her love time and time again. Even though they fall in love faster in the manga than the anime, their love is tested but not to soap-opera levels (looking at you, Sailor Moon R breakup!). Manga!Mamoru is the serenity to Usagi’s passionate heart’s needs, and, unlike his anime counterpart, there is never EVER any doubt, both in-universe and the reader’s perspective, that he truly loves her with all his heart and soul. 
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