#Mal Oratsev
wiwiurikawa · 4 months
I observed that some people have tendency to see a character only as a victim or abuser. If they like the character they would overlook thieir negative impact on others and say that other characters deserved what the charcter done to them or say that the character done it out of love. I saw posts that say that (abused)characters ware not really abused.
On the other hand I saw also posts that compleatly disregarded everithing good that the character done. They say hi's an abuser and nothing else. Usually that are the characters who done something to the main character.
The thing is, I don't really like it when someone is only abuser/victim when it was shown in the tekst that they done bad/good things to. It bothers me becouse it asasinete their character. It's human to do bad and good, to make mistakes. So please don't do it to characters. They are more then just a victim/abuser.
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the-ducklingg · 3 years
The perfect cast doesn't exi-
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Welcome, guys, to our happy little family. We love you and can't wait for Season 2!
(Also, please help me tag the artists of the respective fanarts)
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the-ducklingg · 3 years
"Genya is like a daughter to the Darkling."
BRO...WTF...did we read the same books?
I- Genya wasn't a daughter to the Darkling, she was a pawn in his game. He offered her to the royalty so that she could do his bidding, he let her be sexually abused and then, when he was done with her, he destroyed that part of her which she used as an armour.
And no, for God's sake don't say that I'm a Darkling hater, because I LOVE the Darkling- But as an anti-villain. No, I will not try to justify all the bad shit he did just because I like him. He's not a hero to me but that doesn't stop me from loving the character. He's a representation of the people with good aims who get so lost in their goals that they end up doing bad shit.
In conclusion- you don't need to love all aspects of a character in order to love them. Y'all gotta learn to love a character just the way they are.
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the-ducklingg · 3 years
So....I changed my @ to "the-Ducklingg"
And my pea-sized brain thought it would be funny to change my profile picture to:
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And my header to:
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I posted this because I thought this was funny (but then again, I have the sense of humour of a 9 year old who recently learned how to curse)
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the-ducklingg · 3 years
The Darkling: "Alina, you and I are equals." 🤠
Also him: *tries to make her his slave*
(Yo, please don't hate me...this iis just a joke😂😂😭😭)
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the-ducklingg · 3 years
Bruh, I knew that I was bound to get attacked after posting something related to The Darkling.
Oopsie daisy
I literally said nothing offensive about darklina, but if it is so then...
Fine, make me your villain.🤠
P.S.- I'm legit not an anti🙄
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