#Mai An Tiem
ganondoodle · 11 months
i know im an overemotional, overreactive pathetic little wimp about my hyperfixation, and i dont even mean that derogatory, i think its both my best AND worst quality, im well aware of it, especially in moments when im already stressed i have a hard time to get my brain back into control, im so well aware of it that i HAVE been managing to learn how to deal with it actually which is why, instead of letting myself spiral any further, i went to bed to let my brain calm down
and it worked!
i still hate the live action zelda thing, i still think it WILL be bad, and it will still negatively affect how i feel about the franchise as a whole, i am not spiraling out of control about it though, which i think is a win in my book, some people hate that i say my opinion at all though, more on twitter than here so hey, im grateful to not be called pathetic to my face bc i said something someone might decry as too 'weird'
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vv-ispy · 5 months
also also I know everyone likes to talk about how good of an archon Venti is because he left mondstadt to do its own thing and hey look Zhongli's doing the same now with his retirement but I also like how the story shows it isn't without flaws, with so much freedom in the city it's all too easy to take control with power, Mondstadt's people may be free but they also don't have a god to actually uphold the ideal they stand for and how personal freedoms conflict, discrimination(eg. against Eula and her clan) is allowed because the people are free to do whatever they want, the fatui really wormed their way into mondstadt during the webtoon + nearly did with Davalin bc the people of mondstadt do whatever they want so Jean is overworked and the knights are ineffective(according to Diluc), and how mondstadt might have been the least free place for the common people during the Lawrences rule despite being the region governed by the archon of freedom
Zhongli at least first tested his people were ready before retiring, Venti kinda acended, organized a bunch of celebrations for his people, then left them to have fun with their newfound freedom only interveining when things get really bad
#to be fair zhongli's only left his people for a couple of years so who knows maybe if he left them for long enough#despite honing his nation on honesty and contracts things would delve into chaos too#or a capitalistic mess and we all know what it's like to live in one of those#now if liyue didn't have plot-armour-due-to-chinese-region-in-a-chinese-game............#my thoughts on liyue are 'god i wish its story was actually about the common folk common folk#but what i know of the chinese government is the communist party represents the common folk#so in reality it's more like common-folk-party-does-so-good-for-the-common-folk see????'#i really like liyue and its environment too!#wish they explored its flaws too and didn't present it as perfect due to china-chinese-media-relationship!#all of liyue's plots are like 'it's the time of the common folk i want to tell stories about the common people'#'(but also hold on to tradition and respect the traditions which are represented by the adepti)'#can we pls have some actual flaws like the rigidity of contracts and lack of change and rule of tradition#instead of 'contracts are good and honest and also change as the times change for the good of the people'#like yes zhongli at least tested his people before implementing that big change of stepping down#but also if the game didn't have to put china in a positive light tbh idk if he would have done that#as it might be more interesting to explore his archonhood ideal in both its good and its bad#and may have focused more on liyue's difficulting in changing and adapting to the modern tiemes#if venti is the god of freedom and is too free at times then zhongli the god of contracts is too stagnant at times#i have. complicated feelings about liyue due to my complicated feelings about being raised chinese#so mondstadt my fav for representing and giving people freedom#genshin talk
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baeshijima · 1 year
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i love my women insane through trauma
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cootcutebatkat · 2 years
The Memory Gun and How Memory Works on a Physical Level
I'm an undergrad psychology major.
I talked about something that was bothering me with my Cognitive Psychology professor yesterday who also teaches how the brain works on a physical level (I wanna call it neurology but that feels incorrect).
I was wondering how memory works since our brain is just a bunch of neuron cells firing off electrical signals. The more you use a part of the brain, the more electricity there is in that area. It becomes a highway.
When you're not using that part, there's no electricity and it's essentially "dead." Now, I don't know how big that part is, but I'm certain it's situational.
But generally speaking, your brain is always active, always alive. It's constantly firing off electrical pulses, always on the go, because it has to.
As for memories, they're not physical files. They're just the result of a bunch of neuron cells creating paths between them, firing off all at once to reconstruct a memory. People typically think of "episodic" memories, but memory can be applied to about anything, such as knowing what a dog is, what the word looks like, how it sounds, what counts as a dog, what they sound like, how to move your arm, how to eat, anything!
So why did Fiddleford and Stanley regain their memories? They reconstructed them, but how?
When you remember something, it's like a puzzle. You put it together in a matter of seconds (neurons creating paths) and when you don't remember them, you disassemble the puzzle. This happens over and over every time you remember something. That's why it's easy to create "false" memories, especially if you have nothing to argue with the falsehood.
(personally, though I acknowledge that false memories are real and happen all the time, it's also important to remember that reconstructed memories can be real with sufficient evidence from other memories of ANY kind. This statement applies to trauma and dissociation the most.)
So how does the memory gun work? Cartoon laws can overcome anything, even the laws of physics! But it's fun to think about they could work in real life.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, how would it work??? Well, it's already established that it fires off electricity towards the brain, so that's handy. Electric circuits in the brain is nothing new. Look at Mary Shelley's Frankenstein! (Good book :3)
For the gun to work properly, you pick out some letters and spell out a word. The computer inside the gun (Fiddleford's computer-majigs!!) interprets the letters as an actual word, probably through a dictionary, and locates different parts of the brain that holds the associations of that word. With the electricity, it blocks the neurons from sending/receiving electrical inputs.
If it doesn't block, it still needs to redirect the electric signals to other parts of the brain. Either way, those old parts are essentially dead, no longer used, and will stay that way if the person avoids associations of the old memory.
HOWEVER!! Memories can be reconstructed, remember?? (Hehe remember)
And for reconstruction, I'm assuming that the blockage, if that's how it works, is temporary, just enough to force some rewiring. So the pathways can be reused!
Another thing about memories, Fidds, and Stan, and you know what? Frankenstein too! This post is also about identity!
Identity and memory tend to go hand-in-hand. Memories are like an identity's building blocks. With no memory, no identity!
And with a dead brain without any sort of electrical signals helping each other, it's a blank canvas. That's why Frankenstein's monster acted a like a giant baby. The old brain, though it's possible to have a specific construction, some form of Neurodivergency that can influence paths of the brain, the old brain is dead. The monster is a brand new person!
For Fidds, he rewired his brain CONSTANTLY! For how long? Who knows, but it's gotta be years! But as we've seen, it wasn't healthy. Not to mention, the effects of electricity on yourself.
But it's how he went from Fiddleford McGucket to Old Man McGucket. But thanks to the memory tubes (how THOSE work is a mystery to me. Cartoons, amirite?), and probably through other sources of information, he went back to being Fiddleford again!
And that's also how Stan became Stan again! Especially since when Ford erased him, he chose the words "Stan Pines," blasting away all associations of himself from his mind.
"But he also erased his identity, right? Which is the culmination of memories?" Well, not all of your memories are about you, are they? And certainly not with Stan, who had to change identities!
But Ford probably had the same idea about memory and identity, which is why he chose Stan Pines as the association. It's the whole of him, so it'll also erase the whole of Bill.
But even so, Stan was still able to reconstruct his memories, starting with simple things that aren't entirely related to him. Hell, we saw that was still "Stan" since he woke up after the erasing. His reaction to Mabel? His reaction to the chair? His tendency for jokes?
He didn't really act like a baby, did he? He just acted confused, but also friendly, curious, and laid-back. Pretty Stan-like if you ask me.
Maybe not all of the synapses in his brain were firing. Maybe they had to recreate memories that may even feel off. But he was able to become Stan again.
(also, this kinda supports the theory of Bill coming back in some lesser form, doesn't it? I wasn't onboard with it for a while, but this changes things for me)
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just-a-mod · 2 years
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can't believe im being slandered like this in my own ask box
from a meme i reblogged
how dare /in humor
@sparklehoard @xhrystal-vampire
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ringaroundtheroses · 2 years
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my own zelda oc for a fan story ive worked on w/ some friends :3
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euclydya · 1 year
fucked up that I have all this information btw. I don't know what the fuck exactly caused me to form in Harry's system though I can make a damn good educated guess but I know for SURE [!!!] what this body's favourite and by extension most life changing albums, songs, and bands were when it was 14 through like 17.
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
i want my gilded city codes SO BAD
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starpil0tblue · 2 years
i have a meatbun out to defrost and my brother came in asking what that is and i told him not to touch it.
anyway. i hear him say “boop!” and i just KNOW he touched my snack, anyone want a free brother–
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bibiana112 · 2 years
Phi for the character bingo!! :D
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I love her sm I was just having thoughts about her I wish she was in better games 😭
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 9 months
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muttiva · 9 months
schizo on main
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unskilledpoint · 10 months
the spiders!
The spiders! The rats! Holy shit the RAT ARENA!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!
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tintucdep · 2 years
Máy tiêm tinh chất hiệu quả, tiêm chuẩn xác cho spa
Máy tiêm tinh chất hiệu quả, tiêm chuẩn xác cho spa #maytiemtinhchat #maytiemduongchat #maytiemhieuqua
Bạn đang băn khoăn máy tiêm tinh chất hiệu quả chất lượng không? Bạn đang tìm dòng máy máy tiêm tinh chất phù hợp với spa, viện thẩm mỹ. Dưới đây là bài viết giải đáp liệu máy máy tiêm tinh chất có hiệu quả như lời đồn và các dòng máy tốt nhất hiện nay. Hãy cùng HANA KBN theo dõi hết bài viết nhé! I. Máy tiêm tinh chất hiệu quả, tiêm chuẩn xác cho spa Máy tiêm tinh chất là gì? Máy tiêm dưỡng…
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not-5-rats · 5 months
What if Sugarboo and Charlie knew each other when they were younger and so when Chapter 3 happens shit is weird
I like to think at first neither of them would recognise the other, but as soon as they asked his name Boo recognised who it was. They made hints towards their history and didn't intend on conforming their suspicions but when they found themself unable to sleep thay night they decided to confront Charlie.
(A/n: Using my SB insert name for this when names are like unavoidable)
Charlie was sat out on the stairs, Boo had tried to get some sleep but there was so much going on they just had to have some clarity. Even if it was something as simple as knowing that this person was really him! So they stood up, shifted hair out of their eyes and went out to the stairs.
That's when they saw him again, Charlie sat on the stairs just staring down at the many floors beneath them. He hadn't heard the door open and Boo was kind of relieved. They could hear him murmering to himself as they slowly approached, being careful to avoid the odd stains which littered the floor
"So this is what you've been up to huh Charlie?" they settled down onto the stairs beside him causing Charlie to jump slightly and shuffle away from them timidly.
"Huh? Em yeah, I guess so? I'm sorry I don't want any trouble, definitely not with...you?" He was glancing from Boo back to the abyss below, like he was scared to look for too long, but it was clear he recognised them. Where from? He couldn't quite tell yet.
"Hm can't say I expected you, of all people, to go down this route" they shrugged before crossing their arms and leaning back against the handrails "then again you always were full of surprises weren't you?"
Charlie paused, he knew that voice, he knew this person. Wait. Realisation hit him. His mouth fell open as the words caught in his throat
"Jayden?! That you?...shit em didn't expect to see you here- you seem to be doing...well?" They smiled at his suprise "I'd say I'm doing pretty good yeah, looks like you've had better times though" Boo chuckled expecting Charlie to do the same, he didn't, his gaze fell back onto the abyss below them "Hey no need to be ashamed man" noticing the expression on his face Boo hurriedly spoke again "so you got involved with some shitty stuff, that sucks, you did some shitty things whilst involved with shitty people, that also sucks" They smiled, gently putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder as they continued "but you're a sweet guy Charlie, and just because you've made some stupid choices it doesn't mean you're any less of a good guy"
Yet this didn't seem to comfort him, "Jay, I appreciate it, I really do. But some of the stuff I've done, the stuff I've done to...those two. I'm not a good guy Jay, I got myself into all this and now I don't think I can ever get out again. I'm real sor-" he was cut of by Boo shaking roughly his shoulder
"Dude, listen to me" they had turned to face him, it was clear they were annoyed. But it wasn't because of what Charlie had done in the tiem they'd been apart it, no it was because he genuinely believe they would be mad about that kind of thing "you ain't got anything to apologise for, nothing to apologise to me for at least. Yeah I know you've been a dick at points, an absolute asswipe from what I've heard but you're able to be so much more than that! You're better than all this Charlie, even if you never saw it, I saw it and...Casper saw it too"
They both fell silent, just staring at each other. It had been hard when Casper left, hard for both of them. And in their struggle to cope with the loss of one of their closest friends they ended up drifting away from each other. They still cared about each other, all this time later, a friendship like theirs was hard to forget. All the things they had done together, the secrets they shared, it meant alot to both of them.
"You can get out of this mess Charlie" their voice was hushed but they may as well have yelled, the silence surrounding them magnifying any little sound "and if you need some help doing so...I've got your back, even now, you were my best friend and I'm still here if you need me"
There was silence once more, but a different kind of silence. It was more comfortable, the point had finally gotten through, Boo wasn't angry at Charlie for what he had done. They still cared about him just as much as when they were kids. The two sat there, just staring down at the many floors below enjoying the memories they had from the simple (well simpler) times of their childhood. The three of them, Charlie, Boo and Casper driving their families mad by getting themselves caught up in any trouble they could. Sleepovers that ended up lasting days, once even weeks. The forests/fields they explored, the flowers they planted and watched grow, the paint that permanently stained their clothes, all those stupid memories that they held so dear. They remembered the stairs just behind their school, they used to sit there for hours on end simply talking about anything they could think of and now on these stairs, in this building those memories were mirrored...only a part was missing. They both knew it, yet it didn't bother them, they were happy having found each other again and who knows maybe one day one of them could find Cas again (how wild would that be)
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curiouskurona · 5 months
honestly im tired of ppl only lieking lizzie bc of her skill in the book of atlantic . im tired of " lizzie supportive " posts that basically boil down to " i know she may SEEM liek some stupid awful girly girl , but look , theres a part where shes bloody !! what a badass !! "
the book of atlantic arc definitely gave her character some more depth , i understand that some ppl may have lieked her moar once they got some insight into tha things she was dealing with . but it feels liek im expected to liek her in SPITE of her girliness . or rather , liek im only allowed to liek how cutesy and girly she is because , " dont worry , shes ALSO a fencer !! dont worry , she was really cool n fought zombies liek a badass !! "
ive been in tha fandom since liek 5th grade ( i dont remember what year that was , but im 24 now , to put things in perspective . ive been here for a while , i know what tha fandom has been liek ) . to be fair ive interacted w tha fandom on and off over tha years , but it rlly seems liek tha attitude has shifted from :
before boa : ew lizzie is so annoying i hate her shes just a stupid pink girly girl that gets in tha way of everything , ciel definitely hates her hahaha !! eew she sucks !!
after boa : aaaah omg lizzie is so wonderful shes such a badass , omg she looks cute AND can use a sword , slay queen !! give us girls who are feminine AND kick ass 😎
okay .. what abt girls that are just feminine tho ... why did she have to showcase her fencing skills and defend ciel from zombies to be allowed to be cutesy . why was she considered super annoying and awful before boa , but now its liek we can " let that part of her slide " bc we know what shes capable of on tha inside . its tha misogyny innit .
idk . i know how rancid this fandom was wen i was a kid , which is why i distanced myself from it in tha first place . so really i should be happy that lizzie is finally getting some love , that things are changing for tha better , and that tha fandom is looking liek a better and better place . but it still bothers me that ppl only support this idea of lizzie as a cute badass . that when she was only known as a girly girl , everyone hated her . for what .. ? she never did anything to deserve so much hate , unless you count being a cutesy 13-14 year old girl a crime . but now that shes displayed that shes capable of violence , tha tone has shifted into loving her . okay .
idk . ranty post is moar of a diary / journal entry lol . and again i understand ppl who werent fans of her bc she didnt have much depth turning around and lieking her moar bc of how tha manga went into her struggles as a person . but tha ppl who hated her for being " annoying " suddenly kissing her ass bc she got to use her fencing skills and now they wont shut up about it ,, buzz off . can you appreciate something else about her please . shes kind and cheerful and cute and hardworking but all i ever hear is " wow , girls can wear dresses and fight at tha saem tiem !! "
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