Hello!! I would like to request a part 2 (or not? more like another POV) to the protective younger sibling!sidekick snippet if you’re okay with it ^^
This time it’s hero asking henchman to meet up and henchman just panics like “omg do they know who i am?? bro im going to get my ass beat and die 😭💀” and decides to spill everything from their real identity to their bar escapades with sidekick
but in reality hero was just really glad that their younger sibling finally got a special someone so they just wanted to get to know them more and all about their relationship😭 also ofc they knew who henchman was all along, duh (their villain lover tells them literally everything)
pt. 1
“I swear, I wasn’t trying to spy on them or anything like that — at first I didn’t even know it was them and I think they still don’t know it’s me. I just kind of met them a couple of times coincidentally and I don’t know, I like them a lot, I really do. They’re so smart and like, I don’t know, so quick? Like they can keep up with my mind and I wasn’t really trying anything at first, I didn’t even think they’d like me and I was just kind of—”
“Woah, I didn’t even get to accuse you of anything.” The hero played with their pen out of habit and studied the henchman. They were certainly panicking and the hero was not going to let something this small turn into this giant thing. “I wish all my interrogations would go that way. Would make my job certainly easier…”
“Please don’t kill me,” the henchman whispered.
“Jeez. Relax. I’m not gonna kill you for dating my sibling.” The hero rolled their eyes. What exactly was their lover telling the henchman about them? That they were some sort of monster?
They definitely needed to talk to the villain. They’d danced around this subject for a while now. When the hero had found out a few weeks ago, they had wanted to talk to the henchman immediately but the villain had urged them not to rush into anything.
And they supposed the villain was right about that.
Getting into other people’s business didn’t always turn out great for the hero.
And they simply really wanted to see their lover.
“Technically, we’re not dating…”
“Well, whatever you want to call it, I can’t tell you what to do and what not to do. You’re great, so I have nothing to fear. I just wanted to get to know you a little better.” The hero worried their lip between their teeth. Maybe they had enough time to visit the villain during lunch? They let the pen spin in their hand.
“Yeah, you’re old enough, I reckon. You can decide these things for yourself.” The hero took in a deep breath. Maybe they should review some cases first? For whatever reason, their mind kept jumping from one topic to another and they weren’t really sure if it was the coffee or them being a little more nervous than they wanted to admit.
This was their sibling’s first (potential) relationship. Clearly, they were old enough and the henchman was a great choice but the hero wondered if their sibling wanted to distance themselves now that they were older.
Whatever choice they’d make, the hero was going to support them, even if that meant they were the annoying older sibling. Maybe the villain had some advice for them.
They closed their eyes and took in a deep breath. Speculating wouldn’t get them far.
“I’m not really used to…responsibility, I guess?” The henchman stared at the hero’s desk as if they were trying to control it with their mind. Their nervousness had shifted to embarrassment and the hero didn’t want that in their office either.
“How so?”
The henchman thought about their words carefully, as if the hero was still an enemy they needed to be cautious around.
That was smart. But the hero doubted they still saw them as a threat. If they really wanted to date the hero’s sibling, they’d try everything to end up on the hero’s good side.
God, their mind was racing. They really needed to see the villain. They always managed to calm them down.
“…sometimes I feel more like a burden to the villain. They barely take me out on missions or let me help them,” they eventually said and the hero couldn’t believe how far off the henchman was with an assumption like that.
Them? A burden to the villain who protected them, shielded them as if they were their own child?
“They’re terrified of losing you,” the hero said.
“I can take care of myself. I’m not dumb.”
“They don’t think you are.” The hero clicked their pen a couple of times and doodled some hearts onto paper. The henchman seemed to be a usually quiet person but right now, a lot of frustration was set free.
It wasn’t exactly anger; it was disappointment.
“Still, I would appreciate a little more trust. I am more than capable to help them. I don’t want to do just research. One time, they nearly died because they didn’t tell me they were injured.”
“They do trust you. They’re just trying to shield you from the bad things. Believe me, I’ve tried doing that and I’ve failed,” the hero said.
“Then what am I doing wrong? I’m not a child anymore. I know how to fight.”
The hero was quiet for a moment. Apparently those doubts had manifested throughout time. The henchman felt quite worthless and couldn’t really see how much the villain actually cared about them.
How the villain made sure they were eating and drinking enough. How they called them several times a day to make sure they were okay. How they researched schools and workplaces for them all the time.
“You’re an orphan, aren’t you?” they asked as gentle as possible.
The henchman nodded. “I barely talk about it.”
“Well, the villain is an orphan as well and they were robbed of their childhood. They don’t want you to grow up as quick as they had to. That’s why they let you do…well, office work instead of getting your hands dirty. It’s more of an excuse. They want you to study people instead of fighting them.”
“…but they need me. They’re a total idiot sometimes. Last week they were clearly outnumbered and almost got themselves killed. Again.”
“Well, thank God I am here now to help them. More or less.” The hero leaned back. Most of the time, they disagreed with the villain when it came to work. But they’d obviously break a few rules to save their lover every now and then. “You need them just as much as they need you, don’t you?”
The henchman didn’t meet their eyes, so the hero continued.
“You think they don’t care and you think they’re pushing you away but that’s not true. Truth is, this isn’t all fun and games. Seeing someone you love collapse is the worst thing in the world. Losing someone close to you is an indescribable grief. Let me do the saving and the nasty work. You can guide them. Do the research and make plans. Fight my sibling occasionally…”
Suddenly, the henchman blushed.
“Oh, I…uh…”
“You’re right. You aren’t a child anymore and you can decide what you want to do with your future. But there are people who care about you and they will try to shield you from danger, no matter how old you are.” The hero stretched their limbs and suppressed a yawn. They stared at the doodles they had drawn on a few sticky notes.
They had subconsciously written the first letter of the villain’s name into the hearts.
Now, they really wanted to see their villain. They knew their lover was calculated and smart and capable but the hero needed to see that stupid smirk more than anything. All this talk about danger and death…
“Don’t worry, okay?” they asked and the henchman nodded. “If you need anything, just ask me.”
“Thank you. Really, thank you.”
The hero stared at the doodles and smiled softly.
“Don’t you have a date to go on? Or is that tomorrow?” they asked.
“Tomorrow—” The henchman was still blushing when they stood up. “I should, uh, probably go. Again, you really helped me. Thank you.”
It was safe to say that the hero and the villain had lunch together.
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The Bad Batch as Penguins of Madagascar Quotes
Bc I’ve seen a few posts making this magnificent comparison and both of these squads are near and dear to my heart and bc I need a distraction from the s3 premiere ahhh
Tech: *mission relevant info* Hunter: Tell me something I don’t know! Tech: Without mucus your stomach would digest itself Hunter: … Hunter: Tell me something else I don’t know…something less disturbing
Hunter: (to Caleb) It's okay, kid. We're not going to hurt you Crosshair: *cocks his gun* Not true, Hunter, they did authorize lethal force
Wrecker: *absolutely decking his bros* You pillow fight like a bunch of little girls!
Crosshair: What part of "zip it" eludes you?! The "zip" or the "it"?!
Echo: I don't mind saying it, that guy vexes me. *narrows eyes* He's a vexer.
Hunter: Boys, no training tonight. It's game night! Tech: Trivia! Let's play trivia! I dominate trivia! Omega: Oh! Can we play Simon Says this week? Tech: Yes, Simon says we play TRIVIA!!
Crosshair: I find reason tedious and boring. We'll use force.
Echo: I'm sorry, boys. I sometimes resort to sarcasm when facing the unknown Tech: No doubt
Hunter: Oh I’ve seen accident prone, try Wrecker and Crosshair! With a Chandrilan lantern! And SIX BOTTLES of rocket fuel!! Tech: Worst talent show ever
Hunter: There's no such thing as too paranoid, Omega. Remember that, and forget you ever heard it!
Omega: I have an idea! But I'm not sure how safe it is Wrecker: I like it already!
Crosshair: *while fighting* You cannot win, Hunter! I am fueled with a boiling hate! A raging fury! Hunter: And a babbling mouth! *slaps him*
Omega: No! I swore I’d never use my adorability as a weapon again, and I meant it!
Echo: Wrecker, cover Omega’s ears, I intend to use my angry words
Tech: This red line shows the frustration level of a really smart person forced to take orders from some dunder-brained boob. As you can see the frustration just keeps rising and rising and rising. I mean, why don't they put the smart guy in charge, huh? IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE! SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE, PEOPLE! AM I THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS?!
Wrecker and Omega: *run in making incomprehensible panicked noises* Hunter: Anyone catch that? Echo: *nonchalantly interprets it exactly* The Batch: … Echo: What? I’m fluent in panic
Tech: Cool cars go faster. That's a scientific fact.
Cody, in his one episode: I believe now I know why “volunteers” ends in “tears”
Hunter: No batcher gets left behind, that’s why! Wrecker: What about Crosshair? Hunter: Okay, one batcher gets left behind Omega: and Echo? Hunter: Maybe two batchers get left behind Tech: Um… Hunter: *groan* Comparatively few batchers get left behind, okay?!
Omega: I thought you agreed this was a dangerous weapon! Wrecker: Which is the best kind! What good is a safe weapon?! Tech: He has a point
Hunter: Avert your eyes, young Omega, you’ll never be able to unsee this! Tech, recording bc that’s his freaking hobby: Don’t worry about it I’ll burn you a dvd!
Crosshair: *standing outside the Marauder* Hunter! I have brought you a hand drawn greeting card! It says “Roses are red. Posies are green. Sorry about Bracca, I was too mean. Your pal, Crosshair” :) Hunter: *walks out and shreds the card*
Hunter: Get up here. That’s an order! Tech: *salutes* Permission to defy order? Hunter: Permission denied! Tech: Then I deny your denial (sorry)
Echo: *watching Hunter and Wrecker, captured and surrounded by stormtroopers* Well this hardly seems fair Echo: *jumps in a walker and defeats them easily* Told you it wasn't fair
*Phee and Tech kiss* Omega: *eyes being covered by Hunter* awww Wrecker: Finally!
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littlecrittereli · 8 months
Okay I gotta say your art + story have gotten my fanfic engines a churning and now I'm picturing AU with the bros starting out in the wildlife game but with Martin as an 18-19 year old and Chris as this 14 year old and it's more "panicked older brother trying to keep his baby bro safe" while they encounter poachers/dangers.
Martin has legal guardianship over Chris (uhh parents gotta die for this i am so sorry mom and dad kratt but it's for the fanfiction so please forgive me) Which is why a 14 year old is able to join their research team. Martin is technically "homeschooling" him, (i mean technically he's learning on creature adventures so...)
Martin was offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the Tortuga research program and Chris didn't want to be the reason that Martin held back on his dreams. So, Chris was basically like take me with you, I'll be good and stay out of trouble I promise. So basically Martin is trying to do his job while simultaneously juggling the responsibility of raising Chris. And the rest of the team helps out as well so they all become a little family and go on these adventures.
The rest of the team would step into older sibling roles as well: Aviva would teach Chris about programming and engineering, Koki would show him how the Tortuga runs and how to make small tune-ups, and Jimmy would teach him how to bake and play video games with him. JUST IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES
I don't think Aviva would make a CPS for him, Martin would lose his mind if she did. Chris was already a handful, he does NOT need to be running around as a gecko. Maybe she could make a less extreme version of the suit for him? Like a partial creature power suit, where it can give him traits of animals. Instead of turning into the whole leopard, it just gives him leopard claw gloves and a tail for balance. So a little kiddy version of the CPS. IDk it's just an idea.
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mncein · 1 year
hii!! can i request newjeans with with an extremely sweet, kind, romantic, and affectionate s/o?
okay, will do !! light blue theme ! and was so high i couldn't perfect placing the photos correctly ⬇️ 💀
new jeans masterlist | main masterlist
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"what is taking minji so long?" you mumble, either fidgeting with your fingers or checking your phone time to time. the sky was very blue and the day was nice, a perfect time to schedule a date.
chatting her a simple, "can we meet up?". panicked, she quickly typed, "we are not breaking up.". her answer is literally far from your expectations. laughing at her message, you type in your date details, where to meet up, what both of you are going to do, etc.
even if she's far from you, you knew she let out a large sigh of relief. chuckling at the thought, you took a shower to get ready for the date.
after what felt like 15 minutes, a pair of arms snake around your waist. you saw a sharp nose in your peripheral vision, a small smile forming almost immediately on your face. it was minji.
you turn back and hugged her tightly, oh minji, so lucky. even if she teases you, nearly everyday, you never got mad at her for as simple as that. she felt so loved that she doesn't want to never ever let go of this feeling. knowing the fact that you always keep photos of her, taking screenshots of her in the mv or their films. was the best feeling ever.
"hi baby girl." minji greets, purposely making her voice deep and intimidating, wanting to show dominance on the hug.
"i am no baby, bro." you mimic what she calls some of the new jeans members, she laughs with you, gripping on your clothes gently, not wanting to let go of you.
"how are they?" you ask, referring to the members, they became your friends almost instantly, it was nice to have them as your friends.
"hanni is currently obsessed with the bunny ears she bought. danielle, still beaming like the sun. haerin speaks about having a dog. hyein wears summer shades almost everyday. but they're all okay." she smiles and chuckles, ruffling your hair. she loved how you always ask how are her members doing, always so caring and kind.
"good to hear." you nuzzle into her chest, enjoying her warmth. you just want this moment to last longer...
"oh right, the date. where do you wanna go?" you ask.
the whole day is filled with nothing but sweet quality time together and a couple bonding. indeed a very fun day, deserved to be enjoyed to the fullest after a load of work paining the back. minji arriving back to the dorms, she plops down the sofa with the group.
"had fun today unnie?" hyein sweetly asks, all of them looking over to minji. and there is their unnie, staring into space with a large grin on her face.
"her face explains." hanni snorts.
"yeah, yeah... she was so beautiful..." minji continues to ramble about the day with you on her mind, living with no rent.
"i kinda wanna spend time with y/n-unnie now." haerin raises her eyebrows as her way of smiling while suggesting something. hyein and danielle nods.
"oh, you're not gonna regret it." minji replies with a smug grin, she plans the hangout with her members as if it was a family meeting.
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"hi, hanni, this is your girlfriend speaking."
"yes? why is my girlfriend calling?"
"i just want to let you know how much i am missing you the whole day and how much i love you, your cuddles, your warmth, your voice, the way your eyes look at me, and everything else about you. oh and as simple as your presence could make my whole day. that's all, bye."
hanni's eyes were widened, she was totally not expecting that kind of call from you. were you teasing her? oh, you would never do that to her, despite when she always does. hanni calmed down from her state of shock, looking over the mirror to check how red her face was.
"hanni, did you see my slippers? danielle said hyein was planning to throw them out the trash for some unknown reason- oh, what happened to you?" minji leans over hanni's door, checking on the smaller girl.
"oh- nothing. and why would you even ask if i know where it is?" hanni snaps, covering her face in embarrassment while minji chuckles.
"chill bro, just incase. what has gotten you all tomato-tomato?" minji asks.
"it's none of your business." hanni puts her phone down her bed, glaring at minji.
"it's y/n, i assume. what is the tea?" minji laughs.
"she told me some sweet things you don't need to know." hanni smiles at the thought, she always loved your attitude. and has no plan to stop loving it and you. she just wants to come over and cuddle with you, but she's gone to film jeans' zine with the others. always missing you day and night, not a single day without calling you for hours when she can. casually stealing glances on her phone if she had received any messages from you, so despite to talk to you.
and hanni didn't know she was rambling all that to minji the whole time. the other girl listening carefully like a good leader that cares for all of her members and a best friend them. hanni appreciates that fact, thanking minji for listening to her rambles before pushing the taller girl out of her room. at least she told someone about her thoughts.
"give me a break from thinking of you, y/n. just for a minute." she sang with a smile, she loves you, really.
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"so bored~" danielle hums while slacking on the couch, waiting for the other members to come join her by the living room. her eyes dart around, seeing if any of them are entering the room. she sighs as no one came to join her. then she just misses you so much.
"dani? are you there?" hanni leans over and waves her hand in front of danielle. snapping her out of her thoughts, she smiles.
"yes? why?" danielle answers, fixing her posture.
"you've been silent lately." minji adds.
"just been thinking..."
"about that someone?" hanni finishes for the girl, danielle blushes. how did they know? like she wasn't babbling about you during the ride back to the dorms. hanni chuckles.
"before you ask, of course we know, she's been close to us, remember?" hanni smiles, putting her hand over danielle's knee.
"mhm, you couldn't even last a day without talking about her." minji chuckles.
"besides, we support you. she matches a lot with your energy and you look really happy with her." danielle almost bursts into tears and tackled the two into a big hug.
"you have no idea how much your words made me happy." danielle replies, almost sobbing from her tears of joy. she didn't know you were coming over to spend time with her and with the girls, but she patiently waited and hoped that you'll drop by. and here you are, entering the living room.
"dani? they said you're here- oh! hi, hanni and minji-unnie!" the two got startled and turned to look at you, leaving danielle behind their back as she peeks to see you.
"hi, dani." you smiled at the girl.
the night was fun, spending time with the famous new jeans, and of course, your danielle marsh. hanni and minji observed you as you cling onto danielle while you guys are watching a movie, they saw you like another version of danielle. seeing you so happy to finally be with danielle and to spend time with her. kissing danielle time to time, saying how you missed her so bad and telling her how much you love her. it's enough to make her cry again, but you stopped her, saying that it's just you can't help but say i love you to the person you love the most.
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"hey, can we meet up? needing you asap." you said over the phone, you missed her a lot after a few days without meeting. she's been really busy with their comeback, asking her if everything goes as planned every now and then.
haerin lets out a pleased sigh, hearing your voice just now got rid of her exhaustion. with her members, her eyes remained on the movie playing on the tv, waiting for the next thing you will say.
"i know you're very tired, just open your door." this made haerin perk up, but at the same time, confused on what you just said.
"no time to explain, hurry, i feel like it's gonna rain." you spoke, keeping the phone onto your ear as you wait for haerin impatiently. she abruptly stood up, drawing the attention of the others, also discarding her phone on the sofa.
"where are you going?" minji asks, lifting her head up from her arm, her eyes following haerin.
"someone came to visit." hanni smiles, nodding at haerin to go, in which the girl rushed to the door.
opening the door, she was embraced with a tight hug, that familiar scent filling her nose as she smiles. and as soon as she hugged you back, the rain fell. resting her head on your shoulder, taking a deep inhale.
she loved this kind of moments, exhaling with content of your presence here with her. just the sensation of your warmth against her offers comfort.
"missed you so much." she whispers, just enough for you to hear and comprehend.
she meant what she said, missing every part of you. the care, the affection and the love you give her. loving the way you show your love for her, that alone can make her whole day up. the human version of the sun, lighting her whole world up.
"missed you too like crazy. i had to walk here so i didn't know what my eta is." you chuckled.
"took you long enough." haerin nuzzles further in your shoulder, wanting to get more warm due to the cold and rainy weather.
"not as long as you opened the door, so slow." she laughs when she felt you poke her sides, smiling then looking up at you.
"you said, a-s-a-p, baby." haerin giggles.
"you never asked for my eta." you reply.
"mhm, what's your eta?" she asks with the tone of the song.
"no need, i'm already here."
"forget about that, lets just stay like this, okay? just for a minute."
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opposite. you have to be there asap. she treats you well, but you have to treat her, extraordinarily. simple message, "come over", you have to get ready immediately and go there asap. telling her that the princess theme on their omg mv suits her well, you're not really complaining or anything but now she acts like a princess and you have to treat her that way.
"yes, yes. you'll be getting cuddles soon." you lift your phone on your eye level and fixed your beanie, almost like showing it off to her.
"are you on your wayyyy?" asked hyein, putting the camera of her phone close to her forehead, trying to act so cutely. you look over your phone, chuckling.
"i wanna borrow your hat sometimes, can i wear it on our date tomorrow?" hyein's eye sparkled, hoping for a yes.
"yes, you may. but a date, like, tomorrow?"
"mhm, you know you can't refuse me." hyein smiles smugly. it drops to a pout once you turned your camera off.
"why did you turn of your camera?" she asks, waiting a moment for your answer.
"hello-" the call ended.
"yes? wait- huh? i thought the call ended- ah!"
hyein turned over her bed, looking at you with wide eyes. since when did you get here?!
"where is my welcome hug?" you open your arms out, waiting for her to embrace you. she watches you in disbelief, did you just teleport out of nowhere?
clingy or more clingy, it doesn't matter, as long as you're present she doesn't waste any time and jumps right in to your arms. especially when you're wearing comfy and warm clothes, and her clothes. she absolutely loves seeing you in them.
you daze off in her beauty, staring at her pretty face. thinking all of the sweetest things that could happen tomorrow on your date. but right now, you're planning to spend the night in her dorm, it'll be fine since you can just borrow her clothes.
cuddling with her all night, talking about her day, the funny things she and her unnies did, watch their funny moments created by their fans. a lot of sweet words heard every now and then, a simple moment like this will put hyein into a deep sleep in your arms.
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ps: took more longer than expected, again. i am so sorry bc i had to deal with my cousins 😭 dw i received all of your requests and working on it rn!
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starsandgutters · 1 month
ok, look, give me a fake dating with kevaaron and my life will be YOURS. (Please)
okay, LISTEN- 😭
It’s actually a travesty I haven’t written this already considering it’s like my fave trope ever. Like I want to read the fake dating KevAaron fic I would write too fr LMAO
I actually !! Have !! A loose !! Concept !! For one !! But I haven’t written anything yet so I cannot offer you an excerpt for WIP Wed 😔 I can give the overview tho
Set when Aaron’s in med school/maybe his residency, and Kevin is playing pro.
Also welcome to the SALU (Shannen’s Aaron’s Literary Universe) where a Frequent Fixture is now his hugely queer biology study/friend group that Katelyn dragged him into. Like, as much as I am a big believer in Aaron & Seth & Matt being bros if given the chance, the unfortunate reality of the situation is Seth’s being deceased before they made amends makes that quite difficult in canon settings. And Aaron is just too much of a skeptic to be cracking the ouija out. Now with Matt, I think they did get on really well when they were roomies, but their lives head in separate directions after college. So. I want Aaron to have friends. That are not connected to his family. And I use OCs very sparingly as I know the reason people come to fanfic is for familiarity and characters they already know/love, but Bio Bunch™️ were well received and consequently I will be recycling them forever thanks (Aaron dated nurse Dylan in my sapphic WIP, Miles’ family adopted Jean and Elodie in my KevNeil AU so now he’s Jean’s lil brother, like literally they’re my standby bonus characters now)
All this to say. Aaron very much appreciates having friends. He was not very good at making them when he was little and going through the worst of Tilda’s abuse, and his teens were lost to a haze of drugs and pain where he had people he would speak to at school/on the team, but no one he was really friends with. Then he gets a brother! But oh no. Andrew doesn’t want him to have friends either and also Aaron kind of feels like he hates him so he’s still alone ☹️ - so to finally be at a point in his life where he has a close knit group of friends, people who actually like him and want to spend time with him for some reason!, it means a lot to him. He would not want to risk damaging those friendships. Especially because he’s not sure how to make new ones, he kind of just absorbed these ones via osmosis through Katelyn.
Which is why he panics when Dylan asks him out.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” he had asked, and Aaron, thinking nothing of it, had said: “No.” Because he doesn’t. He hasn’t dated anyone since Katelyn. Like, he’s been on his med school GRIND, y’know? Who has the time. And who can compare to her anyway?
“Would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?” Dylan then said, and listen, it’s not like Aaron is proud of what he did, but he panicked. He saw his friendless future flash in front of his eyes because he hurt Dylan’s feelings and it’s all awkward between them now and Aaron ends up iced out because he wrecked the vibe, and he panicked!!!
“Oh. Uh. I have a boyfriend though.”
And why the fuck did he even say that what the fuck what the fuck?!
But y’know it worked because Dylan got a sad little smile but nodded and said “lucky guy” and Aaron was like PHEW! Y’know, bullet DODGED! Except somehow this gets around their group, because wow one thing about having friends is apparently you’re not allowed secrets 🙄 (not that his relationship would usually be a secret but considering it is NONEXISTENT he would have appreciated people NOT KNOWING)
Of course Katelyn is on him like a rash because when has she ever let him get away with anything ever there is no peace in this world for him as long as they share space (he loves her more than anything). Immediately quizzing him on WHO he could be dating, because she knows he doesn’t really talk to anyone outside their friend group (because she knows everything about him shit how is he going to lie to her), and she is DYING to know who he has been hiding! (Like shit Kate me too guess we’re gonna find out together)
Consequently the panic continues as he speed skims through his mental catalogue of all the people he has ever actually communicated with who are not A) his family or B) already in committed relationships. And, listen, ok, here’s the thing. There are just not an awful lot of people in Aaron’s life who fit the cross reference of those categories. Really the only person he can think of is Kevin, and then he’s blurting out his name before the consequences of that action occur to him (🦋🦋🦋) because Katelyn KNOWS Kevin so there really should have been a C) someone Katelyn doesn’t know (though on reflection Aaron’s search results would have thrown up entirely blank with this addition)
“Aw, you always did have a crush on him.”
“What are you talking about?” No, because what is she talking about??? “No I didn’t.”
“You’re dating him now, why are you getting so defensive?”
He’s not getting defensive. He just thinks it’s an absolutely insane implication to suggest he has or ever will have feelings for Kevin Day. Except he can’t say that. Since that’s his fictional boyfriend now. Fictional on the boyfriend part. Kevin Day is unfortunately very real. A fact that has plagued Aaron’s existence ever since Wymack first brought that broken stray back to PSU.
Enter Kevin, truly baffled by this entire situation.
“Why didn’t you just tell him you’re not interested in guys?”
“Well, Katelyn knows I’m bi, so I couldn’t say that. Maybe he asked her first. Or she might mention it if it comes up.”
“Wait, you’re bi? Since when?”
“Since birth probably, can we focus on the actual issue at hand here.”
But like. This is Aaron. Aaron has never particularly been one to mince words. Kevin doesn’t know why he doesn’t just tell Dylan he’s not into him. Kevin’s been on the receiving end of Aaron’s attitude and bad manners more than often enough. 🤨 But after the truly painful and pitiful display of Extremely Emotionally Constipated Asshole Aaron Minyard trying to explain his newfound value for the Powers of Friendship, Kevin eventually agrees to be his fake date to a party with his friends. Like, whatever. It’s a small event with some med students, it’s not like they even have to be overly affectionate, or that this will get out anywhere. Then they can use Kevin’s busy work schedule as a reason he’s never around, and after a few months Aaron will just pretend they broke up. Easy.
Except photos get leaked to the media, outing Kevin. Instead of the career suicide he expects, he actually gets positive feedback. His PR rep encourages him to bring Aaron to a charity gala for a children’s mental health charity, thinking it could be positive rep for the kids to see a happy older queer couple as queer kids have higher rates of mental health issues. The team are doing some outreach with the actual kids before the gala - going down to play some games with them - Kevin doesn’t expect Aaron to come to this. He can just show up to the event, y’know, it’s basically just a free night out. They’ll just postpone their fake break up another couple of months.
But Aaron is like, uhm, excuse me. Did you even think to ask if I would want to come along to meet the kids? You know I’m going into peds, right? I’d much rather come hang out with the kids than have to rub shoulders with your snotty famous rich friends all night. Of course I’m coming to both of them.
So Aaron does come. Where Kevin is awkward and fumbling and never quite sure of the right thing to say (he never interacted with kids even when he was one???), Aaron is a natural. He’s excellent with them. They all love him within the first ten minutes, and it’s weird, because who is this? This is not an Aaron that Kevin knows. This is not a side of him he’s ever seen at school or around their family. It’s making Kevin feel all weird inside. In SOFT and GUSHY ways.
So they go to the Gala and both get a little tipsy, and whoops. Of course everyone thinks they’re a couple, so they’ve been given a room with one bed (because one bed trope supremacy ALSO 🙏🏻). Kevin thinks Aaron’s gonna be mad or upset, but Aaron’s giggly as he undresses. Which. Oh. Okay. Usually Aaron had weird hang ups about changing outside of the locker rooms. But now he’s. Shirtless. And his body has changed since college. Obviously. He doesn’t spend five days a week training anymore. He’s still kept some of his muscle in his arms and shoulders, and his legs have always been naturally strong, but he’s gotten a bit softer. Which Kevin realises he actually quite likes. And. Oh. Shit. Okay. He might actually be a bit attracted to Aaron. But. That’s fine. That won’t be a problem, right?
Right? 😐
ANYWAY THAT’S ALL I GOT FOR NOW. I simply can’t start another WIP until I finish some of the ones I got running. Like it would be fine if I could write things of a MODERATE length but I’ve never been chill about anything ever in my life and it’s too late to start now so I write excessively and I just. Cannot risk not finishing things by starting something else.
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itsmattchou · 1 year
even if it's a dream, i like it !
pairing: zb1 maknae line x fem!reader warnings: swearing, broke reader, mentions of food, reader being drunk in gyuvins, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff, kind of crack if you squint synopsis: zb1 + kdrama cliches notes: had that idea so long ago and finally i have done it!! yay yippee. school has started again n i am not haply about it
SHEN QUANRUI :: rich boy x poor girl
who's seen this coming? everyone. everyone did.
ADDITIONALLY he fits the secret millionaire trope (my dream fr) but that's for another post
you grew up in a poor household, sometimes struggling to afford basic things
so you had a job after school to help your parents with money
your grades weren't all that good either as you barely had time to study
so now, after graduation, your job kind of ✨sucked✨
you work in some korean bbq shop and the salary is pretty much mid🥰
there was a group of people that were regulars at your store; they were most likely working at that firm nearby and went out to eat here because it was most convenient
but there was also a really handsome man among these people, and he seemed kind of interested in you???
but he always wore luxury items and shii n that stuff is intimidating, especially to a broke loser like u r
until he suddenly entered the shop without his colleagues and ordered what he usually ordered
but BAM when he paid he also asked your for your number and also asked you out on a date
BAM you said yes
bro took you out on multiple dates, always trying to woo you with his wealth but you weren't really affected by it (you know that scene in business proposal? "you know what my love and this card have in common?"? yes he pulled that stunt too. INSPIRED by the kdrama of course!)
IT HONESTLY THREW HIM OFF. but it also made you even more interesting to him so💕
you finally convinced him to let you plan a date and let you pay for everything (it took a lot of convincing.) and on that date you managed to learn more about his real personality he usually hid behind all his money
lovelicky > rich ricky every day fr
anyway you started being gf bf eventually!! he was out there spoiling you rotten and you were trying your hardest to keep him humble
KIM GYUVIN :: piggyback ride
for the sake of this headcanon. you two are legal adults OKAY?
SO you two were working in the same company!
he was the fun and loud colleague, while you were mostly keeping to yourself and focusing on work
you weren't all that close at all, more like acquaintances
but he was very nice to be around, so you liked working with him🫶
as you've seen it in kdramas, the whole group of colleagues sometimes goes out to eat or drink!
so now you were in some korean bbq restaurant (the stories connect😱) with them yay
gyuvin was busy telling a story about his pet toad gerald he had at age 7, ricky was busy staring at one of them korean bbq workers, and you were silently deciding on drinking tonight or not
but as you've also seen in kdramas, your higher ups ended up making you drink a shit ton with them for NO FUCKING REASONNN👹
it didn't help that your alcohol tolerance was really low too
so by the end of the night you were pretty much wasted. but hey, at least you were conscious!
gyuvin really liked you and your shy persona! so he was like "yo let me take her home" when your colleagues tried to figure out how to get you home
he knew you lived close by so he just decided to give you a lil piggyback ride to your home
you were way more outgoing when drunk, gyuvin figured
you were chewing his ear off about some drunk nonsense he could barely understand because you kept mumbling
when you arrived in front of your apartment, he made you enter the pin code and brought you in, trying to get you ready for bed (more or less)
you kept blabbering and somehow ended up crying your eyes out because you remembered gyuvins pet toad gerald had died
bro was straight up panicking😭😭
he tried to comfort you and (another cliché) you ended up falling asleep on him, leaving him NO CHOICE other than staying the night🫶🫶 because YOU DID NOT LET GO 👹
PARK GUNWOOK :: "yes, very beautiful."
schoolmates/friends to lovers? yes very much🥰🥰
and to spice it up you can imagine it as academic rivals to friends to lovers
but, this too, is for another post <3
so i'm pretty sure south korea does not have a 4th of july typa thingy
or do they? i have no idea
but let's pretend they do! i mean why shouldn't south korea celebrate america's independence?! 😁
it was the day of that long awaited cool festival yay! and your friendgroup decided to go together
gunwook n you are in said friendgroup ^
so after school all of you met up at the festival ground and started to check out all the tents and what not
the hours went by quickly and the fireworks, the highlight of that festival, were getting closer n closer
but this is a fucking kdrama so naturally your friendgroup got separated because of the big crowd shortly before the fireworks started🥰
leaving you and gunwook alone. obviously
figuring you wouldn't be able to find your friends before it started, you two just searched for a nice spot to watch from
gunwooks mind was just racing because poor boy highkey has a crush on you (and you were oblivious to it👍🏻)
you found a great spot, not all too crowded and the firework show went off
it was really a gorgeous sight. all those different colors in the nightsky and the stars?? pretty
you were watching excitedly, your eyes practically glowing
"wow, look at this gunwook!! isn't it beautiful?", you asked, thinking he was watching the fireworks just like you did
he was watching you instead, a small smile forming on his lips at the endearing sight of you
"yes, very beautiful," he answered, truthfully
HAN YUJIN :: you trip and he catches you
now this one isn't only a kdrama cliché but you get it
off topic but i was reading that book where this happened like 5 times before they officially started dating (in 200 pages) i was screaming because it was so oVERUSED
anyway! now i'm also using this overused thing! yay! 🤩
so idk if you remember but i wrote one reaction that was like "them when you fall asleep on their shoulder". this thing happened prior to that (you n yujin really are a kdrama couple bro)
so your class were on this fun class trip where you were just. walking through a forest.
and the guide was talking about nature and shit, which wasn't very interesting, not gonna lie💀💀
so you were playing around with your friend yujin
who also happened to be your crush WHAAAAAT😱
you two were walking at the very back, not really trying to keep up with the rest of your class
but still making sure not to fall behind too much. losing them would be a big no no🥴
the path, of course, wasn't very even
it's a in a fucking forest after all WHAT DID U EXPECT
so while talking to yujin about something silly that happened to you just a few days ago, you weren't really paying attention to where you were going
and ended up falling over a branch! oh no!
but yujin reacted quickly and caught you before you could hit the ground, one hand grabbing your arm and the other holding your waist
CUE that short n awkward moment of eye contact while you're still in shock
"uhm" "yeah"
he let's you go and you two just continue going your way, pretending that shit never happened for the sake of everything 🥰
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walrus150915 · 1 year
Goldenheart headcanons for when they have only started dating and were awkward as hell
(because I am a trans bi teenager who wants to experience mlm love yet can't because I'm afraid to date boys due to my dysphoria)
I noticed you people like when I make long posts like these and I love them too so I think I can share some hcs of mine about this stage of their relationship bc I have a lot honestly :]
- they started dating when they were around 16yo
- none of them actually had feelings for each other before puberty hit and they were like "damn my bestie is kinda fine- WHAT"
- Bal fell first. Ambrosius fell and broke the floor under him bc boyyyy did he fall HARD
- Bal navigated his feelings like "Ugh okay I guess that's what happens when you're friends with a handsome guy everyone has a crush on. That'll pass. That's part of puberty. Stay calm" meanwhile Ambrosius screamed in his pillow and freaked out and cried only to pretend nothing bothered him. It was hard to pretend when you literally study at the same academia/school/whatever and see each other every day bc you're best friends
- during the mutual pining era the PE lessons were DIFFICULT. Especially when they were put up against each other
- they look like friends who had no problem hugging/brushing each other's hair/being close physically in general yet when the feelings appeared, the things which used to be very easy turned torturous
- Ballister was the one to ask if Ambrosius saw that their friendship changed. Ambrosius couldn't hold it in anymore and mumbled through his confession so fast and awkward Ballister has only understood phrases like "I really like you" and "romantically I mean" and "you're very cool and that'd be sick if we became boyfriends"
- Bal turned his face to the side and muttered something like "yeah I think it would"
- and so they became boyfriends!!
- has something changed in the way they behaved around each other? Yeah but also not really. They were still besties and the physical contact became A LITTLE easier now that the sorta relationship they had was clear between them, but they just couldn't help but blush while touching each other
- their first kiss was a mess dude😭😭
- Ambrosius wanted it to go as smoothly as possible so he watched romantic movies and practiced kissing with his hand (embarrassing? Yeah I now) but when it was time to finally show off his skills he panicked and pressed his lips to Ballister's for a few seconds then his nose almost bled out bc of the nerves (not me projecting on Ambrosius but that's literally what happened to me when I had my first kiss)
- Ballister seemed calm about this whole thing but it doesn't mean he was. When they had their first ever date he brushed his teeth extra clear just to make sure he'd smell good during their first kiss. Bro was THRILLED
- basically Ambrosius was overthinking this and Ballister was... Also overthinking I'M SORRY THESE TWO ARE HORRIBLE
Now the headcanons are for the time when they've been dating for like more than a few months and have kinda got used to each other in this new ~romantic~ way
- Bal's way of flirting wasn't really obvious since he doesn't look like a guy who can come up with romantic compliments on the spot, however I think he touched Ambrosius if he wanted to express his feelings for him. Stroke his bleach-damaged hair, make their pinkies intertwine, put his head on his shoulder and nuzzle into him - this or he'd infodump new history/physics/chemistry facts he learnt
Bal: Okay, did you know that [some really complicated science stuff I cannot describe in words because I'm a literature major]
Ambrosius, heart-eyed, no clue what he's talking about: Wow that's really interesting anyways do you want me to change my surname to Boldheart-
- Ambrosius looks like a total theatre kid so I think he often flirted with Bal by quoting some love poems they had in their curriculum. Of course he quoted their analogue of Romeo's monologue under Juliet's balcony why do you think he wouldn't
- Having said that, whenever he quoted something which referred to a woman, he changed pronouns and general words bc he's attentive like that. Sometimes it got absurd tho. "Manservant of the moon" instead of "maid" like dude😭😭😭😭
- Ballister tried his best not to laugh but also not to pass out bcuz of the amount of praise his boyfriend gave him which was actually a lot. My man is as much of a mess as Ambrosius is let's not forget that
- one day Ambrosius quoted something which was not from the curriculum but instead from Bal's favorite book. I think Bal liked adventure books about knights which sometimes included romance and I imagine the dialogue going:
Ambrosius: "And even if I had to turn against the whole world to follow you-
Them together: "-I would do it with no hesitation-"
Ambrosius: "Because you are my world, Sir Redsword"
Them: *staring at each other*
Bal, all blushing: ...that's not from the books our teacher told us to read
Ambrosius, also blushing madly: Yeah but I figured I like some variety
- That's when Bal knew this guy was his forever soulmate
- Bal used to be taller than Ambrosius for a long time of their early years but then Ambrosius got late height boost or idk how it's called. Basically dude went from 5'5 to 6'1 overnight and I know Ballister was PISSED
- these two totally kissed in the janitor's closet when they needed some privacy I'm telling you (not even in a "steamy" way although I think some sort of tension existed - cmon they were late teens bro do you really think puberty is nice to teenagers???).
- why would you get a private space where you can explore this side of your relationship safely when you can have a literal closet with racks and mops and buckets, am I right
- Ambrosius tried writing poems for Ballister they SUCKED
- Ballister still saved each and one of them. One day, he'll sort through his things to move to his own place after the wall comes down and find these yellow checkered sheets of paper, full of bad rhymes and silly words. He'd bring all of them to his (and Ambrosius's) new apartment
Okay now the last hcs which I honestly have no idea how to call but umm ✨what people around them thought about their blooming romance✨
- Queen Valerin understood something was up on the spot. Like, for a straight woman, her gaydar worked flawlessly😭 it was enough for her to see them hide the fact that they held hands to go "I know what you are". She was pretty supportive although she did ask Bal on their one-to-one meeting to "use protection" like all moms do🖐
- The Director also knew something was up but her reaction was more like "Sir Ambrosius will grow out of it". As you know, he never did LMAOO
- Todd was hilariously oblivious despite teasing Ambrosius like "HAHA LOLLLL GOLDENLOIN WHY R U ALWAYS WITH THIS COMMONER GUY ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HIM OR SOMETHING". He did it in a cishetero "haha gotta mock my homie for being gay" yet DID NOT REALIZE his homie was, indeed, gay
- some cadets could pick up on it, some didn't
- anyway I think the general public knew nothing about it bc if they did that'd be a scandal worse than Henry the 8th's when he created a new religion bc his loins were on fire thanks to Anne Boleyn
ALSO GET THIS LITTLE PIECE (which I don't really like bc of the coloring choices) OF THEM :D
I swear Ambrosius isn't yellow irl😭😭 I'm myself asian I now better than that
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That's about it I guess! Lemme know what you think (if you wanna use/adopt these hcs, feel free to do whatever you want with them! Just tag me so I could see it wjsjjajaj!!!!) ;3
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yorshie · 9 months
I can't stop thinking about this but...
I had a vision of the Bayverse turtle bros looking at their love after a really tough battle where they thought they'd die and when they find each other again its like the biggest bear hug and a face grab with them saying "Oh my god I'm so glad your okay I could just marry you!"
I know it's really a stretch since they could just say 'kiss you' but its my fantasy. I couldn't get it out of my mind!
Anyways I hope your having a wonderful Holiday and heres to a Happy New Year!
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Hello! This got buried in my inbox, I'm so sorry, but I'm so glad you sent it in (i am a terrible person I'm so sorry you've probably been wondering where this was)
Oh My God I could totally see all four of them doing something like this. Just the spontaneous "I almost died here's my last name" and then run off without even getting an answer because there's still bad guy butts to kick and cities to save.
Leo would feel embarrassed about it later, would totally pull the whole holding a formal full bodied bow while begging for forgiveness moment. Silly turtle, we'll just have to tell him the answer was always gonna be yes. He'll go silent at the answer then start Panicking even more. (good panic. but he's gonna panic)
Raph would 100% pretend that it never happened. Nope. That sounds crazy couldn't have been me. Dunno what you're talkin 'bou- wait.... you said yes!?! You'll marry me!?! Cue he just spends a long time resetting and staring at you like you've lost your marbles. Secretly though inside he's fucking doing the conga out of excitement.
Donnie brings it up at a later date, curious if you held it against him or not. Clearly you're still talking to him though so it must not have been accepted too badly. Hm? You do want to marry him? Oh, well.... here's a list of themes he likes and his favorite colors and he's already found a place that does custom no questions asked tuxes and would you be ok with his brothers being his best men and can splinter officiate-
The moment Mikey's done saving the day, he's back at it. "Later, bros, gotta go get my answer from angelcakes! They're tots gonna say yes though so everyone get ready to act really surprised when we announce it later tongiht, kay? Later dudes!"
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 6 months
Okay I literally never do this but episode 7 was so good I gotta do an episode review.
Spoilers ahead obviously
First things out of the way: FUCK FUCK WHY IS SHE HERE FUCK OH MY GOD JESUS CHRIST. When she slammed Mark into that crater I legit began hyperventilating (albeit very lightly). I was so not ready for her to show up and oh my god, the terror conveyed in Zazie's voice acting was legit. That fight scene absolutely kicked ass though, I got hyped as hell when Mark dropped that "no". Now that she's in the show I really hope she doesn't garner any fans because WOW they are gonna be in for a shock. And lastly FUCK YEAH ALLEN KICK HER ASS.
The breakup scene was fantastic. The episode focusing on so much of their relationship kinda made it clear something was gonna happen but when Mark changed up his schedule for her I was like "oh that's really nice" and then she showed up. As I said that was all fantastic, from Cecil's panicking to Amber's terror the presentation was great. Although now that they're broken up, I really hope they go somewhere else with Amber that isn't... that storyline.
REX IS THE GOAT. I love how he just tells Mark "pick a day and we'll cover for you". An absolute bro for sure, I'm loving his character arc. Can't wait for everyone to learn his origin and be like "oh shit" like after Eve's special. Speaking of which, do ya think we're gonna get a Rex-focused special about his origin like we did Eve?
Donald talking Rick down from the ledge and learning about himself in doing so was fantastic. We stan Donald. And man, am I glad they replaced Justin. Like, I know they had to after his actions came to light but also if I'm being honest I despised Rick's voice. Justin was good for silly characters but if I had to listen to him try to do the emotional segments I would've pulled a Rick (sanchez) and put my head in a lazer.
Still don't like Immortal's sad arc. Don't get me wrong, they're doing an awesome job with everything post Kate's "death" but the fact that we literally never saw anything more of their relationship than a shower fuck kinda makes it hard to feel anything when he talks about how sad he is.
Last but not least, OH SHIT OH FUCK IT'S HIM IT'S... *checks notes* Langstrom Sleazy...?
Look I'm sorry I like Angstrom and that end reveal was AWESOME and I am so scared and excited for what's definitely gonna be the plot of season 3 but also I can never remember his fucking name for the life of me and I have no idea why.
Anyway with Anissa here at least that means Thragg's not far behind. Hell we might see him next episode what with the whole prison thing.
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enchantedrose · 1 month
Louis Tomlinson ~ Storms
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warning: nothing bro lollll.
Judge: “Team 56, correct.” He says making us cheer a little. “That was the last question for this round. Everyone rest up and we’ll meet again tomorrow.” After he says that, we all start making our way out of the competition room, laughing at a few jokes made.
Luke: “Hey Y we’re gonna run to the restroom real quick.”
Y/n: “Okay I’ll meet you guys outside.” I say making my partners nod before walking away. I start making my way outside the door when I accidentally bump into someone. “Shit. I’m so sorry.”
Louis: “Don’t worry about it love. It was my fault.” The man says in a beautiful British accent. “I’m Louis.”
Y/n: “Im Y/n.” I say before realizing ive never seen him before. “Are you on a team?” I ask making him laugh a little.
Louis: “Oh no. I’m here with me band. We’re performing tomorrow.”
Y/n: “Oh.” I say remembering the judges say there was going to be a surprise performance tomorrow.
Liam: “Louis! Come on lad! We need to practice!”
Louis: “I guess I’ll see you around love.” He says with a smile on his face as he goes to walk away, stopping short a few feet away to turn back towards me. “Oh and good luck tomorrow!” He says before running over to the brown haired male.
The next day:
Louis: “You did great in the competition love.” He says as he walks over to me, handing me a drink, as we’re at the after party.
Y/n: “Thanks. You uh did great also.” Me and Louis both talk for a few minutes when I hear my phone start to ring. When I see that it’s my dad, I excuse myself before walking away to answer the call. “Dad-“
Dad: “Y/n, there’s gonna be a huge snow storm in the next hour. It’s gonna be so cold that you would instantly freeze to death. I need you and whoever else you can get to stay inside the building you’re in right now.” My climatologist dad says to me kind of frantic sounding. He says a few more things before hanging up abruptly. As I look at my phone for a moment, I feel a hand on my arm, causing me to flinch a little.
Y/n: “Shit. Louis…” I say catching my breath a little.
Louis: “Sorry. Is everything okay?” He asks concerned, probably from seeing my face. I look around for a moment, before seeing the stage.
Y/n: “Can you help me get on the stage?”
Louis: “Uh yeah it’s possible. Why?”
Y/n: “I’ll explain later. Just please help me.” I say before he starts taking me there. As I make my way onto the stage, Louis quickly follows behind me as I grab the microphone. “Attention everyone! I just got a call from my dad and he said that there’s a huge snowstorm coming in within the next hour. He’s a climatologist and he said it’s going to be so cold that you could freeze to death instantly. We all need to stay inside the building for as long as we can.” I hear everyone murmur a little before I hear a voice in the crowd.
Man: “How do we know she’s not saying this to ruin the competition tomorrow?” He asks before I hear a ton of voices mixed in together, all of them agreeing with him. My eyes widen a little as I hear it all.
Y/n: “No. No. They’re not listening!” I say to Louis panicking a little, before he takes the mic from my hands.
Louis: “Hey! I don’t think anybody would lie about this. If she says there’s a storm coming, we need to listen to her and play it safe.”
Man: “Yeah right!” He scoffs a little before most of the people start walking out of the door, ignoring me and Louis.
Y/n: “Shit. They’re going to die!” I say panicking to Louis.
Louis: “Then they die.” He says setting the mic down. “Look, love, if they don’t listen to us, that’s their own loss. We can’t change their mind.” He says as he softly puts a hand against my arm. As he sees how scared I am, the tears welling up in my eyes, he instantly pulls me into a hug. “Come here.” He says softly as I sob a little into his arms.
Days later:
Y/n: 📱“I’m scared dad…” I say into the phone as I look out the window.
Dad: 📲 “I know you are sweetheart, but the cold should go away pretty soon, but it’s going to be replaced by rain. I’m not sure how much but it’s going to come.” He says as I feel an arm go around my shoulders; Louis.
Y/n: 📱”Just stay safe, please…” We both say a few more words before I hang up, resting my head against his shoulder as I continue to look out the window. We’re both silent for a moment before I hear Louis whisper in my ear. 
Louis: “It’s going to be okay.” He whispers softly.
Y/n: “I’m scared Louis…”
Louis: “I know you are.” He says still holding me close. “I am too. And so is everyone else here. But it’ll be okay.”
A few more days later:
Louis: “Niall!” I hear him say from behind me, knowing him and his bandmates are playing around. I just stare at window, looking at all of the rain. It has been raining for days straight with no breaks at all, turning into a flood outside.
Harry: “Hey Louis, your girl looks down.” I hear him say from behind me. It’s then silence for a few moments before I feel Louis behind me.
Louis: “How are you holding up?”
Y/n: “I’m just… overwhelmed. I feel like this is never gonna end…”
Louis: “I get it.” He says as I turn around to look at him.
Y/n: “Do you think it will end soon?” I see him think for a moment, before slowly nodding.
Louis: “Yeah. I do.” As he says that, I look towards the door for no reason, when I see a little water coming in through the bottom…
Y/n: “Shit… We all need to get higher! Quick!” Me and Louis quickly help people get on the higher grounds as we see the water rising a little. “My dad said he’ll be here as soon as he can. I’m gonna try to do something downstairs real quick. Louis make sure everyone stays safe.”
Louis: “What? No. I’m coming with you! The water’s getting higher! I don’t want anything to happen to you!”
Y/n: “Louis please! I can do this myself. Just make sure everyone else stays safe.” I say before making my way downstairs. I grab a couple things as I feel the water getting higher.
Louis’ pov:
Liam: “Are you sure she’s gonna be safe down there?” He asks worriedly not much longer after Y/n left.
Louis: “I hope so.” I say worriedly before I hear a voice; Y/n’s… It sounds like she’s yelling for help… “Shit…” I say before making my way downstairs. “Y/n!” I call for her as I make my way into the water. “Y/n! Where are you?” I ask before I see her trying to not drown.
Y/n: “Louis! Hel-!” She starts to yell but gets cut off as she falls underneath the water.
Louis: “Y/n! Shit.” I swim towards her body as I see that she’s drowning. I start to bring her body back where I came from, but before I can move, I see a boat from outside the window, a man on the boat. As he sees the situation inside, he signals us to move to the side. I drag her body towards the side of the room before I see the boat ram into the window.
Dad: “Y/n!” He says helping us into the boat. “Do you know cpr son?” He asks after we get onto the boat.
Louis: “Yes I do.”
Dad: “Okay you give her cpr while I try to save everyone else. How many stories are they up?”
Louis: “Three.” I say making him nod. He starts making his way upstairs to make sure everyone else is okay while I start doing cpr on Y/n. After a few moments of doing it, I see Y/n cough up some water, regaining her consciousness again, making me smile.
A while later ~ Y/n’s pov:
Y/n: I watch as my dad helps get the last few people onto the boat, Louis’ arm wrapped around my shoulders comfortingly as I also have a towel wrapped around my body. Once the boat starts making its way away from the flooded building, I feel Louis’ thumb softly rub against my shoulder. “Thank you.” I quietly whisper to him making him smile a little.
Louis: “Of course love.” He whispers to me before we hear another voice.
Niall: “Okay you two seriously need to date or something. It’s clear that’s your girl Louis.” He says making me blush slightly. Louis just gives a slight chuckle knowing that part of what Niall’s saying is true, if not all of it.
A day later:
Y/n: I just stand at the side of the cliff, staring at the world. Staring at how much damage the storms have done everywhere, when I feel a presence next to me. I look over and I see Louis, handing me a cup of tea, making me smile. We both stay silent for a moment before I hear Louis.
Louis: “You know, I don’t think Niall was entirely wrong.” He says making me look at him curiously as he continues to stare at, well, the world.
Y/n: “About what?” I ask as I take a sip of my tea.
Louis: “About… well… us.” He says slowly, kind of hesitant sounding. I just stay silent waiting for him to say more. He waits for a moment thinking about what he wants to say before he speaks again. “It’s like, I know we just met not that long ago, but I think it’s love at first sight with you.” He says making my heart flutter a little. I just stay silent for a while longer as he turns his body to face mine, holding one of my hands with his. We both smile at each other for a moment, his thumb softly rubbing against the back of my hand. “Love, you mean so much to me. I’ve learned so much about you throughout the time we’ve been together and… I love everything about you.” He says making me smile again, his smile immediately following after. Before he can say anything else, I lean forward and kiss him, slightly catching him off guard before I feel him relax and kiss me back, his hand leaving mine and cupping my cheek, rubbing his thumb against it softly. Once we break apart, our eyes stay closed as we rest our foreheads against each other’s, chuckling slightly.
???: “I knew it.” We hear after a moment and we look over to see Niall and the rest of the 1D boys. As we see the boys watching us, we both laugh a little, seeing their smirked faces.
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abihastastybeans · 1 year
Written for Day 4 of @mppmaraudergirl 's Blackevans Bff Week!!
Theme: Being Bros
Unexpected Visitor (around 850 words)
Sirius stretched, staring at the milk on the stove. A tiny speck of something brown floated on the surface; burnt milk, probably. He fished it out with his little finger and ran his hand under the tap water when the doorbell rang.
“Coming,” he said, his eye on the milk. Any moment now…
The bell rang again, and whoever it was either didn’t have a bit of patience or really liked pressing buttons because the bell rang again, and again, repeatedly, the sound echoing around the small home.
“I said, I’m coming!” he barked, turning the stove to simmer and rushed to open the door.
Lily Potter stood on his doorstep, hair mussed up, face puffy and an old robe hastily pulled over her pyjamas. Sirius raised his eyebrows at the unexpected visitor.
“Well, Good Morning,” he said. “You couldn’t wait…?”
“Sorry,” Lily mumbled. “Can I come in?”
“No, you can’t,” Sirius rolled his eyes and opened his door wider.
He walked into the kitchen, Lily following closely behind, and opened a cupboard. “Beer?”
Lily scrunched her nose when he turned to take a look. “I hate beer.”
“Me too,” Sirius shrugged, “I just want to get rid of the bottle. Reckon Pete bought it for my birthday because it was cheap.” He closed the cupboard and pulled open a drawer next to the sink, taking out a clean cup. “Tea, then.”
Sirius turned sharply hearing the tremble in her voice. Lily was sitting on one of the chairs, staring at a burn mark on the table, her eyebrows drawn together.
“So,” Sirius drawled. “Why are you here?” He turned the stove off, just in time, when the milk came to a boil.
Lily sniffed. “I didn’t know what to do.”
“Now, that doesn’t tell me anything.”
“James doesn’t know I’m here.”
Sirius hummed. “Listen, Red,” he said, turning around to look at her again. “There’s something clearly– Oh.” Sirius frowned, now that Lily was visibly crying. “Are you okay, Lily?” Lily didn’t reply and furiously wiped her tears off. “Dickhead,” he continued. “What did he do?”
That brought a watery chuckle out of her mouth. “There’s no way you’re calling him a dickhead,” she said.
“Why not?”
“Because you love him.”
“Yeah,” Sirius grinned, “But I love you too.” He patted her on the head before he returned to the cupboard and started digging around. “This definitely needs something strong. I’ll get the Firewhiskey…”
“Sirius, no…”
He returned with a bottle and placed it down on the table with a ‘clunk’. “Go ahead. Do the honours.”
“I can’t,” Lily said tiredly, looking out the window.
“Oh, come on,” Sirius reached for the bottle himself, “It’s not as if you haven’t gotten drunk in broad daylight before. Besides, what would–” Sirius stopped short at the look Lily was giving him. “Wait…”
Lily looked away, her eyes brimming with tears once again.
“Shit.” Sirius placed the bottle back down, gently this time. “When did you find out?” he asked slowly.
“Just now,” Lily sniffed. “Right before I left.”
Sirius nodded, stunned. A moment passed before he spoke again. “Are you alright, Red?”
“No!” Lily burst out. “No, I am not. We are nineteen, Sirius. We’re fighting in a bloody war! I don’t even know how- I just had a feeling and I thought- James is still sleeping, I don’t know what I’m going to do-”
Sirius grabbed her hand across the table. “It’s okay.” He caught her eyes. “You’re going to be fine. But you need to tell him-”
He was cut off again by the sound of James shouting.
“Ah, It’s the mirror.” Sirius ran to his bedroom and retrieved the mirror sitting on top of a pile of Daily Prophet papers. “James?”
“Sirius, Lily’s not here!” said James’ panicked voice. “I searched the entire house and I can’t find her!”
“Relax, mate, she dropped by,” Sirius said, feeling a smile taking over his face. He leaned against the doorframe, looking pointedly at Lily.
“What?” James’ face came into view in the mirror. “She’s there?”
“Yeah,” Sirius laughed. “She came over to help me with my record player.”
“Oh, Thank God,” James sighed. “I almost had a heart attack. Tell her to wait, I’m coming there.”
“You know what, James?” Lily spoke up. “I’ll be back home right now. No need to come here.”
Sirius saw with amusement as James’ face brightened up at hearing Lily’s voice. “Oh,” he said. “Alright then. Love you, Lils.”
“Love you too,” Lily replied, smiling.
Sirius threw the mirror on to his bed and joined Lily at the table. “You two are disgusting,” he joked.
Lily rolled her eyes. “I’m going to give him a real heart attack when I get home…”
Sirius snorted. “Don’t worry about it. We can save him.”
He stood by his front door after hugging her goodbye, watching as she crossed the street and walked into a corner. He raised his hand and Lily smiled from the distance, turning on the spot and disappearing in thin air.
He closed the door, eager to return to his morning tea. Unexpected visitor, indeed.
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This oneshot was originally posted on my second wattpad account and I wanna post them here instead because I know ppl will see them
Gamer Boy Friend
Genshin Impact one-shot
{streamer!venti x fem!reader}
"Venti Bro! I'm here!" Y/n exclaimed kicking open the door to the male's bedroom with plastic bags full of snacks that both of you enjoyed with huge grin on your face.
Said male turned in his chair to look at her and gave her a signal to wait a moment. "Sorry chat, my friend came over with food. Gotta talk to her real quick." Venti said to his stream chat taking off his face cam and muting his mic then his cat ear headphones.
"Sorry, Venti. Didn't know you were streaming." Y/n said a bit panicked.
Venti chuckled. "It's fine. Calm down, you got what I ask for?" He asked.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah I did! Here, it's all in this bag." Y/n said handing him the bag in her left hand.
"Awesome. You're so sweet, thank you." Venti said with a smile walking back over to his desk.
"So, I'll leave you to it then." Y/n said making her way towards his bedroom door.
"Wait, hold on. Stay for a bit." Venti said.
"Okay, if I'm not going to be a bother." Y/n said.
"Of course not. You never are." Venti said blushing a bit at the last thing he said.
"Kay. I wanted to spend time with you anyways." Y/n said plopping onto Venti's bed.
Venti watched her get comfy on his bed with her snacks be her side. Venti turned his chair away from the girl on his bed with a slight blush on his face, he sighed. He put his headphones back on, he didn't unmute or turned his cam back on since he knew that his chat was going to say something.
He's liked Y/n for years now and it's getting bad to the point where he doesn't even want her around. But, she doesn't know that. After calming down his heart and his red face, Venti unmuted and turn on his cam.
"Sorry that took so long chat, now where were we." Venti picked up where he left off for 20 minutes until chat saw Y/n in background and they went off.
sadboi24: barbatos? who's that?
fancycat34: girl 😳
shadowdestiny: is she your friend or something?
edgylord69: girlfriend? 👀
inkymaster: x to doubt 😑
monkelord: she look good tho 🫦
kaylovesbarbatos: oh nah, she better not be his girlfriend
samtheman: bro 👆🏼 that's toxic
Venti looked over at chat since he noticed how fast it was going, his bluish green eyes widened at the chat asking who Y/n was he looked over his shoulder at the woman, who was chilling on his bed scrolling through her phone, munching on snacks.
'Damnit! She's in face cam range. Okay, Venti play it cool.' Venti thought. He took a deep breath and thought about what to say.
"That's my friend, Y/n, Chat. Don't worry about her, we're just hanging out." Venti said.
"Eh? Not really but sure you can say that!" Y/n chuckled.
Venti's mic picked it up and chat went wild. Saying how much they like her voice and saying she's funny with that sarcastic comment. Venti huffed, rolling his eyes.
"Chat, you're here for me not her. Stop simpin'," Venti turned his chair over to Y/n, who was smirking at him. "And you stop trying stealing my viewers!" He shouted.
"Wow, dude chill," Y/n said getting up from her spot on Venti's bed and walked over to him. She took a seat in his lap, taking his headphones of his head and putting them on her. "I am stealing your viewers." She smirked.
Venti blushed not just from her bold actions but the fact that she's just hijacked his stream. "Hello, chat! Venti.exe is not working at the moment so I, Y/n will be taking over." Y/n laughed as chat went crazy
Venti groaned, snatching his headphones from Y/n's head. "Hey!" She exclaimed.
"Stop it, Y/n." Venti mumbled softly, he was still a bit flustered since she was still in his lap.
"You're no funny, Venti." Y/n said.
Chat was going off on how cute the two were together and started to ship them.
"Don't call me Venti when I'm live. I'm Barbatos." Venti said.
"But that's your real name, Dummy. Venti is your nickname." Y/n said raising an eyebrow.
"Shut it, don't tell them that!" Venti exclaimed.
Y/n scoffed. "Whatever you say, Barbatos." Y/n said.
Venti sighed. Y/n frown then perked up again as an idea popped into her head.
"You know since we're live right now. That means I can finally do this." Y/n said turning to face Venti grabbing both sides of his face and pulling him into a kiss.
Venti's heart rate increased as his face flushed red when the girl he's been in love with for years is kiss him, live on his stream in front of thousands of people. He melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling her closer. It was sweet and passionate kiss so there was no doubt in Venti's mind that Y/n felt the same about him as he did her.
Once Y/n pulled away, mostly for air, Venti and Y/n's foreheads touched as they looked into each other's eyes paying chat no mind as it moved at light speed.
"You sneak..." Venti trailed off then chuckled. "That's why I fall for you in the first place."
"Good! 'Cause you're never going to get rid of me." Y/n said to Venti, wrapping her arms around his neck to hug him.
"Would never dream of it." Venti said with smile.
~End Stream~
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starlightiing · 19 days
Alex and I explored more today and found a 4.5 mile nature hike with a 2 mile loop inside of it. Alex wanted to do the 2 mile loop so we did. It was a lot of fun and definitely a good work out 100% with a bunch of gradient changes and all.
Very naturey. Rough path, nearly slipped a few times. Great overall.
Then I get a text from her (she is often very far behind me she doesn't walk as fast as I do) saying she's lost. There were a few spots where the path was hard to see but nothing crazy. I texted her back like "just keep going, you'll find the path." And she did!
Then 20 mins later I get a call "Jessica please don't hang up I'm lost I swear I'm lost I dunno where I am I'm in a field I'm not on a path please stay with me don't leave." So I said "I'm right here it's okay, I'm not going anywhere."
So I had just finished, I went back on the path and backtracked on the phone with her. I had her send me her location and I tracked her back to it. She wasn't lost she'd just gone off the path a bit but she panicked.
I snagged her and had her follow me back out. I was like "I expected you to be crying when I answered the phone." And she says, "I had tears in my eyes. But you answered the phone and I heard your voice, and I knew it would be okay."
🥺 shit took me OUT, bro. Dw Alex, I will always come back to help my friends 💕
So the 2 mile trail became a 3.8 mile trail for me at the end 🤣 🤣
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huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 22: Many Roads Diverge
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| Many Roads Diverge
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
Bro falls in the same way he's fallen before. But somehow, it feels... rougher than it did before. Like he's crashing through thin tree branches while flying through a forest. Eventually, he lands. This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance sits on one wall, with front windows. To the left of this are archways leading into a kitchen and dining room. To the right is a wall full of windows. Outside the windows is a dark landscape... a forest. Across from the front entrance is the wall with the TV. Also on this wall is a staircase leading upwards, as well as two closed doors. 
Bro shakily gets to his feet and looks around in panic. He doesn't care- this isn't a normal jump. He needs to find Alt and Jackie-! 
"Alt!! Jackie?!" He yells out in panic, trying to see if there's any hints of them. He looks around the living room a bit before shaking his head and trying to find a way outside.
The front door is locked, but it unlocks from the inside with the turn of the deadbolt. He unlocks the door, and-- He unlocks the door and-- He unlocks the door and-- Okay, that doesn't make sense. He's definitely unlocked the door, but it still feels locked. 
Footsteps suddenly rush down the staircase behind him. 
"I'm gonna break it down with my fucking fists then!" a voice shouts, and suddenly a man in a red hoodie appears running down the stairs and bolting to the nearest closed door, not even glancing at Bro. 
"Jackie you fucking idiot!" Another man runs down the staircase, with neat brown hair and glasses. "Do you even know how to break a door dow--" Unlike the last guy, he sees Bro, and he stops short. 
"Yeah, he does!" Two more people come running down the stairs, a man with a mustache wearing a white button-up shirt, and a man wearing an elaborate mostly-black outfit with lots of lace and belts. "He's talked about it before--" The goth one is saying, when he also sees Bro and stops short. 
The man with the mustache stares at Bro, eyes wide. You're not supposed to be here, he says in sign language. 
"Chase?" asks the one with glasses. "No... wait, no." 
"Fucking intruder!" The goth one points. 
"Huh?!" The man in the red hoodie turns around. "Wait, holy shit, what?!"
Bro jumps as the red hoodie man runs down the stairs. Then, he meets the goth and man with the glasses's gaze with wide panicked eyes. As the goth one yells he holds up his hands, "W-Wait please I can explain! I... I am Chase but not your Chase! I'm.. I'm from another universe...!"
The four of them all stare at him. Then the one in the hoodie shakes his head. "This isn't the fucking time!" he shouts, shoving his shoulder into the closed doorway. 
"Jackie!" The glasses one shouts. "You're going to hurt yourself!" 
"Chase might get hurt, Schneep!" Jackie retorts. "If we can't find something to break the door, down, I'm gonna fucking do it myself!" 
"Uh--I really think we should deal with the crazy guy claiming to be Chase?" the goth one says, giving Chase a nervous look. "Maybe--maybe he's the guy Chase saw earlier?" 
Jackie runs into the door again, causing it to shudder in its frame.
Bro jumps and then furrows his brow in determination and tries to see if he can help Jackie. "I don't have time to dwell on this either! I need to find my brother and my Jackie!"
“Your Jackie?” The goth one repeats. “And your brother? Not a very good imitation of Chase if you have a brother.” 
"I'm not trying to be a good impression!" Bro shouts back. 
“Marvin, please, this isn’t the time,” Jackie says. He looks back at Bro, stepping aside and allowing him access to the door. 
The door easily crumples under Bro’s super strength—though it feels unusually sturdy. Like there’s metal inside the wood. 
“Whoa!” Marvin jumps. “How fucking strong are you?!” 
Didn’t the door open the other way? the man with the mustache wonders. 
As the door breaks he rolls out his shoulder and massages it some, pulling at his recent stab wound. He winces then looks down at the door. "T-That thing was stupidly tough- why do you guys have metal in your door??"
“Th-this isn’t our door!” Schneep protests. “Th-this cabin belongs to a friend of ours. Though—the question still stands. Why is there metal in the basement door?” 
Bro stares at the basement and then curses, "This wasn't to outside?! Damnit-!" 
Jackie runs through the doorway, staring down the twelve steps to the basement. “Chase?! Chase?! W-we’re coming to get you!” 
“This isn’t the time to wonder about metal doors or which way it opens—though JJ is right, that was weird,” Marvin says. “We have to get Chase! Let’s go!”
Bro’s about ready to run towards the front door again but... he hesitates. Something was clearly wrong here- something that happened to another him. He glances at the front door and then takes a deep shuddering breath and whips around to the others, "...what's happening? What happened to Chase? M...Maybe I can help-"
The friends all glance at each other uneasily. Then, JJ raises his hands. We're not fully sure. 
"H-he said that he saw someone outside the cabin," Jackie says slowly. "But, uh, that's impossible, we're more than an hour away from anything. We thought he was messing with us... but then he started acting weird... he tried to strangle Marvin, then started freaking out and saying he didn't know what was happening, then he started laughing and ran downstairs..." 
Marvin rubs his neck. "Fucking weird." 
"Wh-whatever it is, h-he might hurt himself," Schneep says. "We cannot let that happen."
Bro knits his eyebrows together, "...sounds like he could be possessed by something-" He glances at the stairs and then sighs, "Which... I dunno how much help I can be with that but... I've dealt with this before... but god- Alt would be so much better suited here.."
Marvin blinks, leaning forwards a little. "Possession? You mean--like there's a spirit in him?" 
"This is not the time for jokes!" Schneep snaps. "Chase could be having a serious breakdown!" 
"I-I'm not joking!" Bro yells after Schneep. 
"Whatever!" Jackie runs down the steps. 
Well, guess we're following him! JJ comments, then runs after him. 
When the others start to run Bro has a mental battle with himself. He knows he needs to find Alt and Jackie but!! He's a hero! He can't just leave someone in trouble like this!! Finally he growls to himself and then rushes down the stairs after them.
The stairs end at a hallway lined with doors, two on the left, three on the right. The hallway ends in a big room without any doors. 
Jackie is currently staring into the first door on the right. "He's not in here," he reports. "Check the other doors." 
Marvin reaches for the first door on the left. "Huh. Locked." 
"Chase?" Schneep calls. "Chase?!" No answer.
This is... bizarre. But not much worse than any other universe so far... Bro steps forward and goes to check the first door on the right.
Inside is a room that's almost empty, save for some cardboard boxes and a fuse box on the wall. There's an intercom speaker in one of the corners near the ceiling. 
Schneep is trying the second door on the left. It's also locked. JJ skips the middle door on the right and heads for the last one. But that's also locked. 
"Chase?!" Jackie calls. "Where are you?! We're worried!" He tries the middle door on the right. Also locked.
"Is this the only one open...?" Bro mumbles to himself and walks into the room. He tries to look around and then calls out, "Umm- Chase? You in here?"
Bro walks back out and frowns in confusion. This is... mega creepy. His instincts are going crazy.
"What the fuck?" Marvin whispers. 
"H-he has to be in that big room at the end, then," Jackie says, pointing. 
"Chase?!" Schneep calls, rushing down the hallway. Marvin and JJ follow him, and then Jackie-- And as soon as all of them are past the middle door, it opens too quietly for them to hear... but not too quietly for Bro.
Bro catches the sound of the middle door opening and whips back around.
Out walks a man with messy hair tucked beneath a snapback cap. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up... and in one hand, he clutches a handgun. His eyes land on Bro, looking glazed and cloudy--and he raises the gun and fires.
Bro quickly shouts out, "WATCH OUT!" And ducks before going to try to grab the man- who has to be Chase- by the arm holding the gun and pinning him to the wall. "The fuck are you doing?!"
Chase slams up against the wall, hitting his head, but he shows no reaction. He stares at Bro with that same glazed look. 
Jackie's head whips around at the sound of Bro's shout and gunshot. "What the hell?!" he shouts, and rushes over. 
JJ, Schneep, and Marvin follow shortly after. 
"A gun?!" Schneep gasps. "Where did you get that, Chase?!" 
Chase mumbles something. The words run together, hard to make out. Something about... a game? Is he calling for someone?
Bro recognizes that glazed look in his eyes. "...h-he's either being possessed or influenced by something!" Bro tries to get the gun away from his grip.
Chase's fingers twitch weakly, trying to hold onto the weapon, but Bro easily slides it out of his hand. 
"Th-this isn't the time for fucking jokes!" Schneep stammers. "Possession?! Wh-what the--" 
That feels... right, JJ says slowly. What do we do, then? 
"Scuse me." Jackie steps up next to Bro and shakes Chase's shoulders. "Chase? B-bro? Can you hear me?!" 
Chase doesn't respond. He's still muttering something. "'m try'n', I c'n.. can' do it... g've it back..."
"Sorry Bro- I don't think its a good idea for you to have this." Bro says as he tucks the gun into his back pocket. He then leans down to get in his field of vision and waves his hand. "I think you should like... have some reaction to this though- the fact that we have the same face, maybe?"
Chase's eyes seem to land on Bro's face for the first time. He blinks slowly. "...huh?" The lights in the basement hallway flicker. Chase shudders as well. "...you're not supposed to be here..." 
Jackie blinks. "The fuck? Chase?! What does that mean?!" 
No use. Chase has gone back to his blank staring. 
"Was he making fun of my accent?" Marvin mutters. 
"Surely not," Schneep says. 
"Why'd he sound Irish, then? He's American."
Bro stands up straighter as the lights flicker and then narrows his eyes at the ominous warning. " ... yup- definitely something inside him that's not supposed to be. Goddd- I need Alt... he's good with this magic bullshit." He rubs his head like he has a headache.
"There is no magic bullshit!" Schneep protests, his voice cracking a bit. 
"Schneep, please," Marvin says. "Can't you open up your mind a little? Like--what the fuck is happening?!" 
"Not magic! Do not let your witchcraft blind you to the more reasonable explanations!" 
Jackie shakes Chase some more. "Chase! Please! Please!" His voice breaks with desperation. 
"...J-Jackie?" Chase whispers. "Why're... you... here... Where's... Sam..." Then he slumps again. His hand raises up absentmindedly, grabbing onto Bro. It's unclear what he's trying to do, but it's probably supposed to be threatening.
Bro blinks in surprise but then grabs Chase's hand and squeezes it. "Hey, dude. I know you don't know me but... if you're like any other Chase I've met... you're stronger than you know. You can break out of this... please- your friends are worried," He tries to whispers encouragingly. 
Chase's eyes focus on Bro's hand holding his. Then they drift to Bro's face. Marvin, Schneep, and JJ crowd around Bro, their worried expressions fully in view. 
Then, suddenly, something snaps, and Chase gasps. "Wh-what just--what just--Sam?" He looks around. "W-wait, now why would--" And back at Bro. His eyes widen, freaked out. "Who the fuck are you?! What's happening?!" 
Chase, JJ signs. Are you okay? 
"I--I don't--" Chase shakes his head, more confused than anything.
Bro tries to hold onto Chase and raises his hand, trying to shush hum and calm him down. "H-Hey bro! Deep breaths its okay... you just went through something really freaky- and uh... I'm hard to explain but I'mmmm you? From another universe?" He grins nervously.
"Wh-what the hell?" Chase shakes his head more--and then stops, as his eyes land on something behind all the people around him. He gasps. "N-no! L-leave me alone!" 
The others all spin around. "Th-there's nothing there, Chase, d-don't worry," Jackie says.
Bro looks back too and furrows his eyebrows. He then looks back at Chase with worry. "Are you seeing someone, Chase?"
Chase looks at him nervously, then nods. "Th-there's a man. W-wearing black. He's--shut up!" he shouts at that same spot. Then his eyes widen and he tries backing up into the wall. "No! N-no!" 
"Maybe--maybe that's the spirit?" Marvin guesses. "There has to be a way to exorcise them!. I-it's going to be okay, Chase." 
Do you think those books in the other room might help? JJ asks. 
Marvin nods. "Th-they did look like spellbooks... but why would Jack have spellbooks?" 
"Who cares! Go look!" Jackie shouts. 
Marvin nods. "JJ, come with me! Chase, stay here. I-it'll be fine, I promise!" He and JJ run down the hallway.
Bro looks between Chase and the others as they run down the hallway and looks a bit panicked. "u-uh...! It's okay dude... i-it's gonna be okay!" He fumbles for his phone to see if it has any power left- or the ability to call Alt. ...it's weird... all the usual guys were here... shouldn't the others have shown up here too?
The phone still has power, and he's getting pretty good reception. But as he checks that, something happens. A small slit of blackness opens up on the opposite wall of the hallway. A breeze starts pulling at Bro's clothes. 
"...what the fuck is that?" Schneep mutters, staring at it. 
Bro’s eyes widen as he feels the breeze and he cries out in panic. “W-What?! Already??”
"A-already?" Chase stammers. "Wh-what do you mean? You see that too? It--" His eyes roll back a little. "It better just take you. I've worked too hard for this." 
"Chase... what are you talking about?" Jackie whispers. 
Bro looks even more panicked but looks at Chase with dread. “Y-You’re still…!” 
Chase smiles a smile that is not his, and lunges for Jackie all of a sudden.
Bro shouts out as Chase lunges for Jackie and gets in between pushing Chase back and putting his arm out to protect Jackie. “I don’t care how hard you’ve worked for this, fucking demon! As long as I’m here you ain’t touching them!”
Chase--or the thing inside him--laughs. "I don't need them specifically," he says. And suddenly there's a knife in his hand. He lunges forward again-- 
"No!" Schneep's hand shoots out and grabs Chase's arm as he swings the knife. 
"Holy shit!" Marvin gasps as he runs down the hallway towards them. Behind him, JJ follows, holding an old book. 
The rift gets wider, the breeze pulling at Bro a bit stronger.
Bro jolts back and pushes Jackie behind him more. Bro’s eyes glow slightly as he growls at the thing inside Chase. “You don’t want to fight me, dude. Back down.” 
He nervously glances at the rift getting wider- what is he supposed to do about that?! There’s a crazy thing trying to kill these guys!!
Chase's eyes widen slightly, and he laughs. "Alright, fine. Kill this one. I can find another." He tries to punch Schneep with the other hand but Jackie grabs it. 
"Since when are you so strong?!" Jackie gasps. 
"Guys, there's something in here that might help!" Marvin says, pointing at the book JJ's holding. JJ passes it to him. "I-I just have to read it out loud." 
Chase's eyes widen. "What is that?" hisses the thing. "Where did you get that?!" He lunges again, managing to break free of Schneep's grip, but Jackie pulls him back. 
"Stranger Chase, help!" Jackie gasps. 
The lights flicker. Even in the moment of pitch black, the rift is darker.
Bro is caught between two worries- the rift’s pull ever present. But… he can’t ignore a cry for help! 
Bro grits his teeth to determination and tries to pin Chase up against the wall.”Start reading then!” He shouts at Marvin.
Chase shrieks an unnatural shriek and struggles against Bro. The hallway lights go out, so JJ pulls out his phone and shines the flashlight on the pages as Marvin reads something in Irish. 
Chase tries to stab Bro but Jackie grabs his arm and pries the knife free. 
Soon, Chase's struggles become less like actual fighting against Bro and more random spasms, the creature reacting to the incantation.
“I-I think it’s working!” Bro whispers excitedly, loosening up his grip a bit.
Abruptly, everything stops and Chase goes limp. The lights turn back on again--just in time to show the black smoke pouring out of Chase's mouth. Smoke that forms a rough humanoid figure, with green glowing eyes that glare at Bro with malice.
Bro backs up as he stares at the smoke with wide eyes. “H-Holy fucking shit..!” He breathes.
The figure reaches for him... and then dissipates. Chase slumps forward, and Jackie quickly grabs him. "Hey. Hey! Ch-Chase, are you okay?!" he asks. 
Chase groans. "Oww..."
Bro takes a second to breathe and then goes to check Chase over, “Are you hurt?”
"Everything hurts," he groans. "Muscles... all over." 
"M-maybe you were holding him too tight?" Schneep suggests. 
“O-Oh sorry I… I didn’t know-“ Bro says guiltily. 
JJ sighs. I'm just glad you're okay, Chase. 
"It does feel... lighter, somehow," Chase says. 
The rift widens. Its pull is almost irresistible for Bro--though, once again, the people from this world seem less affected.
Bro yelps as he feels the pull of the rift even more. He nervously glances at it as he digs his heels in. He then tries to smile at the others. “I.. I’m glad I could help- I hope that thing will leave you all alone now!”
"Y-yeah." Jackie nods slowly. "Um... thanks." 
"I am not sure what happened here," Henrik mutters. 
"I think it's gone, though," Marvin says. 
"Thanks," Chase breathes. 
JJ looks him straight in the eye. Good luck. 
And then the pull becomes too much. 
Bro tries to smile at them all before he’s pulled into the rift.
Jackie's fall is rough. He's not as well traveled through the multiverse as Bro and Alt are, but he knows this isn't normal. When he lands, he lands hard. 
Jackie yells out as he falls and groans loudly, holding himself. “Ow ow ow what the fuck?!!”
This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance-- 
Someone rushes up to Jackie and tries to punch him in the face.
Jackie yelps and manages to push himself up and back and jumps over some furniture to get away from whoever attacked him. “Um??? Hello??!”
"Whoa whoa whoa hey man!" Another man appears, wrestling his attacker back and giving Jackie time to take them in. 
The attacker is a man with a mustache in a bloodstained white shirt, and the one holding him back is a man wearing a snapback cap and a bloodstained gray shirt. "W-we can't just smack him!" the cap man says. 
The mustache man continues to struggle, looking at Jackie with glaring anger.
Jackie backs up and puts his hands up with a very confused expression. “…I feel like I missed a couple chapters here uh-what’s happening?! Why are we trying to smack me??”
"Ah, um--S-sorry, Jackie, I know you don't--wait a minute." The man in the cap blinks. "What happened to your face? Why's there shit on it?" He gives Jackie a once-over. "Are you... Jackie? Jackie Mann?" 
Of course he is! the man with the mustache signs. 
"N-no, wait, he... looks different... a bit."
“Uhhh yes I am- but um- jeez im not used to them having the same last name as me.” Jackie ruffles his hair awkwardly. “I’m Jackie Mann but probably not the one you know? I’m from another universe-“ He then pulls at his face and grumbles, “I need to find a mirror I can’t believe this stuff is still on- imma kill my kids-“
"I-I... um..." The man with the cap blinks. "W-well... I'm... Chase. This is... JJ..." 
JJ glares at Jackie. 
"I, uh... S-sorry, I'm having difficulty processing this." 
JJ flips Jackie off. 
“Y-Yeah uh… nice to meet ya-“ Jackie starts then blinks in surprise as JJ flips him off. “Woah uh- okay haven’t seen a jj do that yet I think-“ 
"Jays!" Chase smacks his hand. "Look--this guy is wearing different clothes than Jackie--Jackie wouldn't even own that shirt, he has enough stupid pan pun shirts as it is! H-he's different! Whatever's going on, he's different! He doesn't kn-know anything!" 
JJ glares for a moment more... then slumps in Chase's arms, anger replaced by sadness. Sorry, he signs. I'm not even really mad at the Jackie we know.
Jackie takes the other two in and then it dawns on him that the red on their shirts aren’t some pattern they’re- “wait h-holy shit are you guys bleeding?!”
Chase winces. "N-no... i-it's not our blood, it's... O-our friend was..." Tears well in his eyes. "W-we need to get out of here. We--I-I don't know how you ended up in here, but we need to get out of here." 
JJ heads over to the room's front entrance and tries opening the door. It doesn't open. He tries shaking the doorknob, pushing the door at the same time, but it doesn't open. He leans his forehead against the wooden door.
Jackie’s eyes widen, “o…oh…” he breathes, looking freaked out and worried for them. “What.. what ha..happened?”
Chase shakes his head. "I-I don't know. Jackie--our Jackie--said that he saw a ghost, a-and things just... spiraled from there... our two other friends are... gone..." Chase trails off, a haunted look in his eyes. 
JJ looks back at Jackieboy. That ghost must have done it. He's using our Jackie. 
Jackieboy’s stomach drops. “H-Holy shit I.. I’m so so sorry…” He looks around the cabin and then tries to see if he can get through any of the windows. “L-Let’s try to get you guys out of here then! Have- have you called the police?”
"Tried," Chase says shortly. "But the call wouldn't go through. Not because of lack of reception, it just... wouldn't go through. I got some freaky whispers, and nothing else." 
The windows here don't seem to open. 
I swear they had locks, JJ says. I swear you could open them. 
"We gotta break them, then," Chase says decisively. 
And that's when they hear the footsteps.
Jackie stiffens as he hears the footsteps and then looks around for something heavy. “Breaking them it is!” He shouts with a bit of panic.
There's not a lot of loose items around that look heavy enough to break glass but light enough to throw. There are some video game consoles attached to the TV, a lamp on a side table, an old-looking clock on that same table. 
Chase picks up the lamp, forgets to unplug it, and trips over the power cord. "AH SHIT--!" 
The footsteps are coming from behind a closed door. The doorknob rattles. "...guys?" A voice calls. "G-guys, the--the door is locked." 
That voice... it sounds so much like Jackie's own.
Jackieboy swallows shakily as he hears his voice behind the door. He hurries and fumbles to grab the clock and then tried to chuck it at the window.
The clock bounces back with a loud THUD. He must not have used enough force. That must be it, right? 
“What the—guys?!” The doorknob rattles some more. “Are you okay?!” 
Chase hesitates. “Maybe we should listen to him…” 
Are you crazy?! JJ signs violently. After all that?!
“If he killed your friends then we should not listen to him!” Jackie hisses as he picks up the clock to try again- this time harder.
“I mean—there has to be something more going on—” Chase says. 
“Dude if a fucker kills your friends don’t trust them!!” Jackieboy says. 
CRASH! The clock goes through the window, shattering it. 
“Guys?!” The voice behind the door shouts in distress. The handle rattles some more—and suddenly the door opens, and out falls a man in a bloody red hoodie with a very familiar face. He looks at Jackieboy, confused. “What the…” Then he notices Chase staring at him and JJ clearing the more dangerous-looking glass shards from the window frame. “Wait! Guys! Don’t leave without me!” He scrambles to his feet and rushes over.
Jackieboy freezes as he sees the other Jackie and then grabs Chase and pushes him towards the window. “Go!” He then grabs the lamp Chase tried to grab earlier, rips it out to unplug it then points it out towards the other Jackie to keep him back. “N-Not another step closer, bitch!”
The other Jackie skids to a halt. “Wh-who the fuck are you?!” He shouts. “Guys?! Chase, JJ?! Th-that’s not me!” 
“W-we know,” Chase stammers. JJ is already climbing through the window. 
“Then what the fuck are you doing?! I can’t walk all the way back to the city in the dark!” 
“Jackie, I-I’m sorry, but I just don’t think we can trust you,” Chase says, backing up. “Just—just stay here for the night. We’ll be back.” 
“I’m not staying here with the ghost that killed Schneep and Marvin!” Jackie shouts, panicking. 
JJ, outside, looks back through the window. That wasn’t a ghost, he says. 
“What?! G-guys, I—I d-don’t know what’s going on.” Jackie shakes his head, clearly distressed.
Jackieboy slowly lowers the lamp, looking conflicted. “Hey dude I… I’m sorry but… i-I don’t know much about this stuff but… maybe that ghost like.. took you over?” He shakes his head, “Which means you’re dangerous I… I’m sorry-“ he looks back towards Chase and points, “Go! I… I can try to hold him off… I… I think-“
“Took me over…?” Jackie repeats. “But… when would… I mean, maybe that wire… I did wake up somewhere else…” 
As Jackie muses, Chase climbs through the window, giving him one last apologetic look before running off. 
Jackie makes no move to attack. He looks troubled. “But—that would mean I—I was the one to—” He looks a bit sick. “B-but I’d never! I—Th-they’re my friends—were my friends, I wouldn’t—” 
“I’m sorry…” Jackieboy says sincerely, “I know you probably didn’t want to.., I’m so so sorry.” 
Jackie finally focuses on Jackieboy again. “Wh-who are you…? How did you get here?” He whispers. 
Jackieboy sets down the lamp once he’s sure he’s not in danger. “I’m you from another world- and … I’m not sure? There were these rips and-“
Suddenly, loud sounds come from an archway—it must lead into the kitchen because it sounds like lots of cabinet doors opening and slamming closed. The lights flicker and go out, but the TV turns on, revealing just static as the furniture in the living room starts to grind against the floor and move towards the two Jackies. And right in front of the front door, a small black rip appears out of nowhere.
Jackieboy squeals in fright as all the lights go out and all the furniture starts to move- and noticing the black rip. “Okay now what the fuck is going on?! Ghost if you’re there- q-quit it!”
The static from the TV increases in volume. Jackie covers his ears. And outside, the clock that Jackieboy had thrown through the window suddenly comes flying back, aiming directly for the Jackie from this world. 
Jackieboy winces and then sees the clock flying towards Jackie and yells out and grabs the lamp again to knock it back like a baseball pitch. “T-The fuck?!” 
Jackie stumbles backwards in shock. He laugh a little. “Th-that was cool, what you just did, but—A-anyway, th-this must be the—” 
Jackieboy laughs in that nervous freaked out way, his hands shaking. “T-Thanks I wasn’t even thinking just-“ 
The lamp’s power cord suddenly writhes, lashing out at both of the Jackies like a whip.
Jackieboy yells out as the power cord writhes and throws the lamp as far as he can away and backs up towards the door. “T-This is too weird for me!! C-Chase?! Alt?! Are you around here?!?” He shouts towards the empty house.
Jackie ducks the power cord. “Who are you talking to?! Chase just left!” 
“Not that Chase- my Chase! Bro Fantastic!” Jackieboy yells back. 
There’s no answer. But the rift does get a bit bigger, its pull on Jackieboy increasing. 
“Fuck it!” Jackie shouts. “E-even if Chase and JJ left, it’s gotta be better outside than in here!” He grabs the window ledge and starts to pull himself out, but the power cord wraps around his ankle and pulls him back. “What the fuck?!”
Jackieboy backs up more- more towards the door than the window before he feels the rift’s pull and he tries to go back towards the window. “What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck? What do I do?!”
“Help!” Jackie kicks at the power cord.
Jackieboy shocks out of his freak out and notices the power cord around his other self. “S-Shit!” He digs around in his pocket and finds Alt’s pocket knife again. He thanks his lucky stars he still has it then rushes towards the power cord and tries to cut through it-
It takes a while, during which the power cord keeps trying to wrap around Jackieboy’s hand. Thank god the cord is unplugged or he would’ve been shocked a million times. 
Jackieboy sweats and grits his teeth as he works through the cord. 
Eventually, the cord is cut, and Jackie tumbles out the broken window and onto the ground outside. He pops up again, staring at Jackieboy with wide eyes. “H-hey! Get out of there!” 
But the pull of the rift has grown inescapable while Jackieboy worked on cutting through the cord.
Once Jackie is free Jackieboy laughs and stumbles to his feet, only to yell out as he’s pulled towards the rift. He looks at his other self with wide eyes and looks scared. “I-I’m sorry!” He yells before the rift sucks him in.
Jackie stares with wide eyes. He tries to reach out, but he’s not fast enough. 
The other him is gone. 
Magnificent falls through a rough, rippling darkness, until he finally lands somewhere else. This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance sits on one wall, with front windows. To the left of this are archways leading into a kitchen and dining room. To the right is a wall full of windows. Outside the windows is an evening landscape... a forest. 
“What the fuck?!” A man in a red hoodie suddenly jumps to his feet. On the sofa, two other men—one in a cap, one with a mustache—turn around. “Am I crazy, or did that guy just pop out of nowhere?!” 
Magnificent groans as he lands on the ground, his vision dizzying and unable to focus. He sees the red hoodie bright in his vision and through his weakened state- he tries to reach out. “J…Jackie…”
“Y-yeah?” Jackie stammers. “Who are you?!” 
“Holy shit he’s bleeding!” The man in the cap gasps. “Schneep!” 
A man in glasses rushes out of the archway leading to the kitchen. He gasps. “Marvin?! Wait, no, wh-what the hell?!” 
He’s not supposed to be here, the man with the mustache says. 
“Well he’s bleeding, we gotta do something!” the man in the cap says. “There has to be a first aid kit somewhere in here!” 
Magnificent growls a bit at all the noise and the rushing around. He dazedly sees if there’s any magic or power here but… it’s so hard to concentrate. That fucker Anti drained him of almost everything he had. It’s a miracle he’s still alive… but maybe he did that just to torture him.
As the others rush around and wonder about what the hell is going on, Magnificent reaches out, and feels some source of power… below the ground? A basement of some kind? There also seems to be faint energy all over, but it’s hard to reach, and not enough to do much of anything for him anyway. 
“Don’t move him,” Schneep is saying. “You shouldn’t move someone who’s been injured this much unless necessary. JJ, if you really want to go check on Marvin, go ahead.” 
“No, wait, I’ll go with you, Jays,” Chase says. 
“Hey.” Jackie crouches down in front of Magnificent. “Who are you? How’d you get out here?”
Magnificent feels the power beneath him and he feels that deep aching hunger overwhelm him so much it hurts. He doesn’t have a lot magic left- can he even teleport down there? He’s snapped out of his thoughts by Jackie crouching down in front of him. He narrows his eyes and bares his fangs a bit and croaks out, “M-Magnificent… I… don’t know… big hole- a..a rift-“
"...huh?" Jackie blinks, confused. He backs up, wary. "Wh-why do you have fucking fangs?" 
“Cuz I like em-“ Mag growls dazedly. 
"Don't be judgmental, Jackie," Schneep mutters. "Some people like changing their appearance." 
"Schneep, this guy literally popped in here out of nowhere, isn't that weird?" 
"Yes... but I am a doctor and this man is hurt, I should not let my opinions get in the way. Hand me the bag." 
Jackie still looks unsure, but he passes Schneep a red bad--the group must've found a first aid kit while Mag was spacing out. Schneep opens it up and starts rummaging inside. 
"I'll... go get those wet cloths you mentioned earlier," Jackie mutters, going into the kitchen.
Magnificent studies Schneep through his dizzying vision as he feels that pull of power tugging in his gut. Impossible to ignore. But- he also can’t let himself bleed out- which he unfortunately can still do. So he stays still and lets the doctor do what he must.
"What the fuck caused these wounds?" Schneep mutters. "They are so deep but so narrow..." 
“Razor sharp playing cards made of metal…” Magnificent grunts. 
"What? Were you fighting Gambit from X-Men?" Jackie raises an eyebrow as he returns.
"Jackie, please, I must focus," Schneep says.
Schneep starts to cleans Mag's wounds. They're too narrow to pack, and there's nothing to suture them with in the first aid kit, so Schneep settles for wrapping them very tightly. 
"We need to call an ambulance," he says. "Jackie?" 
"On it." Jackie reaches into his hoodie pocket and pulls out his phone. 
Footsteps approach from the basement staircase. That magical signature is getting closer... and, actually, it feels like there are two. A lighter, smaller current underneath a heavy weight of something dark.
Mag bites back any noise of pain that threatens to come from his lips as Schneep works on him. Then, he feels the signature coming closer and struggles to pull himself up, eagerly looking towards the door.
Chase and JJ come up from the basement. With them is a man wearing a black outfit with lots of lace and belts. His face is very familiar to Magnificent--and vice versa. 
"Wh-what the fuck?" Marvin gasps. "That's--that's me?" 
"No, he's not you," Chase says. "I mean--the eyes and the scars--" 
"Look under that, he fucking looks like me!" Marvin insists.
Magnificent grins, that mad light of his coming back to his eyes. “Of course it’s coming from you…!” He giggles breathlessly. In a last ditch effort he teleports over to Marvin and tries to grab him.
Marvin yelps as Mag suddenly appears in front of him and smacks his hands away with a book he's holding. "What the fuck? What the fuck?!" 
"Hey!" Chase lunges for Mag, trying to grab him. "What the hell are you doing?!" 
"Did he just--what?!" Schneep gasps.
Magnificent snarls and is more focused on trying to grab Marvin as he dives for him again. “Give me… your magic!” he screeches- but he’s pulled away by Chase and he screams in anger and desperately tries to get out by biting Chase’s arm.
"Magic?!" Chase says, confused. 
"Hey!" Jackie lunges across the room and pulls Mag back before he bites Chase. "What the fuck?!" 
Witchcraft? JJ signs, glancing back at Marvin. 
"I--y-yeah, I assume that's what he means," Marvin stammers. "He just--how did he--" He shakes his head... and Mag feels something shift, the dark power growing a bit stronger over the lighter current. "I don't know what's going on, but he's clearly dangerous. We have to lock him up somewhere!"
Magnificent snarls in feral rage as he’s pulled away more. He looks to Marvin, looking desperate. “I-I just need a taste of your magic- I can give you anything else in return!” He begs.
"What the hell is wrong with this guy?!" Jackie gasps. 
Marvin's expression softens slightly. "Wait... hold on, I... I think he's just scared." 
Marvin, you can't be taking this seriously, JJ says. He just tried to attack you! 
"Maybe we're just misunderstanding this." Marvin steps closer, leaning in close to Magnificent... and his blue eyes darken to black. He whispers in a voice too quiet for the others to hear, "Help me kill these four and I will give you what you need."
Magnificent stills and then grins, wide and manic. He whispers back, “I need only a taste and I can do that with ease…”
Marvin--or... whatever this is--nods slightly. "It's a deal." 
A breeze flickers through the room. He leans back, eyes returning to normal. "Yeah, I think this is just a big mistake," Marvin says... casually holding his hand out to Magnificent. "It'll be fine."
Magnificent quickly takes Marvin’s hand and smiles. “Yes. It will be.” 
Once they make contact- Mag tries to take as much power as the other will allow. 
The magic that flows into him is dark, similar to his own black magic, converting quickly to power he can use and giving him a jolt of energy. 
"I don't trust this," Jackie mutters. "Marvin, are you sure?" 
"I'm not gonna let go of him," Chase says. "Not until he explains what the hell is going on!" 
JJ's eyes narrow as he looks at Marvin and Mag's clasped hands. Then they widen. Chase, Jackie, get away!
Magnificent grins wide, his eyes glowing with power. He teleports out of Chase’s grip then tries to slash his claws across his throat.
Chase screams and stumbles back, bleeding slashes across his neck. 
"Chase!" Schneep gasps, rushing over and catching him as he falls. "H-hold on!" 
"What the fuck?!" Jackie goes pale. He lunges for Magnificent, pulling back a fist to punch him. 
JJ runs around Mag and Marvin to the first aid kit on the floor. 
Marvin just... stands there. It could be excused as shock... but Mag knows better.
Magnificent laughs crazily as he sees Chase fall- then his head snaps to the side as Jackie easily punches him in the face. He falls to the ground then snarls, eyes snapping towards Jackie. He grins and wipes at his face before teleporting and trying to tackle Jackie to the ground, hands reaching for his throat.
Jackie jumps backwards, stumbling, barely avoiding Mag's attack. "I knew it! I fucking knew something was wrong with you!" he shouts. He looks around, and grabs a lamp from a table, swinging it for Magnificent. And while he does that, a slight black rip opens up in the middle of the living room. 
Marvin looks towards it, confused. "That's... not supposed to be there," he--or the thing inside him--whispers under his breath.
Magnificent yells out as the lamp hits him and he staggers back. He growls darkly and whips out his hand, sending green fire towards Jackie and the floor. He’ll burn down the whole house if he has to! 
He stills as he sees the rip open in the middle and he gasps, staggering back. “The rift-!”
Jackie glances towards the rift, momentarily distracted. JJ does as well, but Schneep is too focused on trying to stem Chase's bleeding to do so. 
"Wh-what is that?" Jackie stammers. 
Whatever it is, it gets slightly bigger, pulling at Magnificent, a breeze tugging on his clothes.
“No! I’m not done yet!” Magnificent snarls at the rift- then dives for the nearest person, aiming to impale Jackie with his claws.
Jackie screams, pushed to the ground and suddenly bleeding from his stomach. 
"Jackie!" Schneep shrieks, staring at him in shock. 
JJ stands up and rushes over, starting to kick Mag off Jackie.
Magnificent gets kicked off and he growls and tries to grab JJ’s leg and sends fire up his leg.
JJ lets out a hoarse shriek and scrambles backwards, flailing on the ground to put the flames out. The rift is slowly pulling Magnificent across the ground. 
"I think your time here is coming to an end," Marvin mutters.
Magnificent cries out and tries to dig his claws into the ground to stop himself. “I thought you wanted my help!” He snarls at Marvin, “so- help me!”
"H-huh?" Schneep looks up. "M... Marvin?" 
Marvin looks towards him, eyes turning black again, and grins. "Who?" 
Schneep goes pale. Jackie starts to cry out but stops, wincing in pain. JJ tries to get to his feet but collapses from the damage done to his leg. 
"I'll try, but I don't think there's much I can do." 'Marvin' walks over to Mag and grabs him by the wrist, pulling... but the rift is stronger.
Magnificent desperately reaches out towards Marvin and as soon as they touch, mag digs his claws in and tries to grab more power, even as the rift pulls him. “Then I’ll have to take what I can get!” He laughs madly.
Marvin's eyes widen--and the black in them flickers as Mag drains dark power from the creature inside him. Marvin lets go in instinctive shock, and Magnificent gets pulled into the rift.
Alt tumbles through the darkness, landing roughly in another place. This is the living room of a house. A big, open-space living room, decorated with dark colors and wooden highlights, with a sofa and a couple chairs and a big flatscreen TV. A grand front entrance sits on one wall, with front windows. To the left of this are archways leading into a kitchen and dining room. To the right is a wall full of windows. Outside the windows is an evening landscape... a forest. Across from the front entrance is the wall with the TV. Also on this wall is a staircase leading upwards, as well as two closed doors.
Alt oofs quietly as he falls and shakes out his head and then quickly glitches to his feet in panic. “C-Chase?! Jackie??” He calls out, trying to look for any sign of them.
There's no sign of his friends, or even Magnificent. 
But then, outside, he hears the rush of running footsteps. Someone pulls open the front door and four people pile in. A man wearing black and a man with a mustache are supporting a man in a blue T-shirt between them, his head lolling. With them is a man in a cap, bleeding from a spot on his shoulder, his hands also covered in blood. They all stop in unison when they see Alt. 
"Um--what the fuck?!" the man in the cap gasps. "H-how did he get back here before we did?!" 
"N-no, it's a different guy, I think," the man in black says. "Hey! We've called the police! You can't--can't f-fucking do anything!" His anger is thinly hiding his fear. 
Alt glitches back in fear as the others burst in. He’s holds up his hands, looking just as scared as they do. “I-Im sorry I.. I don’t know why I’m h-here or how I got here I… I just- I need to-“ oh god he’s having a panic attack.
"Oh, I, um--s-s-sorry?" The man in the cap stammers. "C-calm down. I mean--don't calm down too much, because th-this--" 
"Can you come upstairs with us?" the man in black says. "I-it'll be safer up there, I think. JJ, grab the medkit, I got Jackie." 
The man with the mustache nods--obviously JJ--and rushes to the living room coffee table, where he gathers up supplies and puts them in a red bag there. He also grabs a red hoodie lying nearby. 
"I-it's gonna be okay," the man in the cap says to Alt, giving him a pained smile--pained because he's obviously bleeding. "We called the police. We just have to find somewhere safe. T-take deep breaths, stranger. Wh-what's your name?"
Alt shakily nods to the man in black and then really takes in the fact that they’re injured. “O-Oh shit uh o-okay… I… I’m Alt.” He glances up at the stairs and then starts towards them, “w-what’s happening? You- you guys are h-hurt-“
"N-nice to meet you, Alt," the man in the cap says, trying to sound calm. "I'm Chase, this is Marvin, Jackie, and JJ. W-we're hurt because--" 
"Because some crazy guy broke into the cabin and is trying to kill us!" Marvin blurts out. 
“W-What?!” Alt breathes in disbelief.
"That's not going to help him!" Chase says, head snapping over to Marvin. 
"Well this is an urgent situation!" Marvin snaps back. "W-we have to get upstairs! Jackie needs to lay down!"
Alt then looks around and starts grabbing who he can and making sure they’re all linked up, “l-listen this is probably weird but I have magic! I can get us upstairs somewhere safe if you guys just picture it!” 
"Wh-what?" Chase blinks. "O-okay, um--" 
Alt then closes his eyes and tries to glitch all of them upstairs.
And then they glitch, appearing in a bedroom with a bed in the middle, decorated much in the style of the living room downstairs but. There's a suitcase at the foot of the bed. 
"What?!" Marvin gasps. "This is the room I called!" He looks over at Alt, surprised--and a bit excited. "You really do have magic!" 
Alt feels himself sway for a second but he’s able to stay upright and he shakes his head to refocus. He smiles tightly at Marvin and gives a nervous laugh, “y-yeah I’m a magician…”
Put Jackie on the bed, JJ says. 
"Y-yeah, of course." 
"Put him on his side, that's supposed to be good for this sort of thing," Chase says. 
Marvin lays Jackie down on the bed, putting him on his side. Alt can see blood staining the back of his shirt. 
JJ puts the red hoodie on the bed next to Jackie, and he reaches out and grabs it. Then JJ sets the medical kit down on the desk in the room and hurries over to close the door.
Alt walks slowly over to Jackie and frowns as he sees the wound. He hovers a hand over it. “I… I might be able to heal him and.. and maybe Chase too-“
"Heal him? With magic?" Marvin's eyes light up. "I mean--" 
"A-are you sure?" Chase asks nervously. "I'd be okay with you t-trying on me, but... Jackie's hurt pretty bad." 
JJ stares at Alt curiously. I don't think you're supposed to be here... but since you are anyway, I think it'd be very helpful. 
"And since Jackie's hurt worse, shouldn't he be healed first?" Marvin argues. 
"Y-yeah, but... if something goes wrong..." Chase trails off. "W-well... if you guys want him to try, he can try. But I think we need to unpack the wound first. Don't want him to heal with that in him." 
"I can do that," Marvin says, rolling up Jackie's shirt to show the bandages underneath, which he starts undoing. 
“Y-Yeah good idea…” Alt looks through his bag and finds his still charged iPad. Hesitates then starts to drain the energy from it to make sure he’s fueled up enough. He has to be careful with healing… if this wound was so bad he could really drain himself too much.
"There's blood getting all over the blankets," Marvin mutters as he undos everything they just did. "Hope Jack doesn't mind." 
Chase laughs. "I think Jack would be more concerned that one of his friends died!" 
Marvin flinches. "Don't remind me." He looks over at Alt. "Alright. Go ahead and try."
Alt nods and goes over to Jackie’s back and hovers a hand over the wound. He traces a healing rune in the air above the wound and mutters something in Gaelic. His hovering hand glows blue and his eyes glow and he lightly presses the light against Jackie’s back. He presses more magic into it and soon enough- the magic starts to stitch together the ripped muscles and skin- closing up the wound and leaving only a faint scar behind. It’s not perfect- but it looks like how the wound would look after weeks of healing. He steps away and the glowing stops and he leans back, breathing heavily. “T-There…”
Jackie's eyes flutter. "Wh.. wha...?" 
"Jackie!" Chase gasps, rushing forward. He starts to hug him but then thinks better of it and stops. "Y-you're okay!" 
"I... what... happened?" he mutters. 
"You really are magic!" Marvin grins at Alt. "That's so--!" 
Alt smiles and laughs a little. “Yup- h-here Chase I think I can-“ 
Suddenly, JJ makes a shushing noise. His face has gone pale. And in the silence that follows... heavy footsteps can be heard in the hallway, stopping right outside the closed door.
Alt freezes as JJ shushes them and goes still- staring at the door with wide eyes.
The door handle rattles. And when it doesn't turn, something scrapes against the wood... and then SLAMS against it. 
JJ jumps. What do we do?! he asks.
Alt hesitates then glitches forward and puts a hand out. He signs to the others, Get behind me or hide! Then he glares at the door, ready to blast whoever bursts through.
The door shakes in its hinges. Marvin, JJ, and Chase all crowd behind Alt. 
JJ grabs the medical kit and hurriedly starts wrapping up the wounds on Chase's hands. 
SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM-- The door bursts open and a man runs in, weilding a knife and wearing a surgical mask. He seems to hesitate for a moment seeing Alt, confused.
Even though he hesitates- Alt doesn't. He immediately shoots out some lightning at him, yelling out, "BACK OFF!"
The bolt hits the man dead in the chest, shooting him back out the open door. He falls to the floor, jittering slightly. 
And then Chase gasps. "Wait! SCHNEEP?!" 
Marvin pushes past Alt and rushes forward, grabbing the man. He pulls the surgical mask away from his face, revealing his face. "Schneep!" he gasps.
Alt's eyes widen and he lowers his arm, "W-What?! I.. J-Jesus I'm so sorry-!"
Marvin drags Schneep into the room. "Schneep, h-how are you alive?!" he gasps. "We--we saw you--th-there was so much blood--how?!" 
Schneep is still shivering slightly. He looks at Alt. "What... did you do...?" he croaks out. "H-he has gone silent..." 
"Schneep, a-are you okay?" Chase asks. 
JJ kneels next to him, checking him over. 
Jackie sits up. "Guys... Schneep... h-he was the one who..." he mumbles, trailing off.
Alt looks at Schneep confused- then back at Jackie, the gears turning in his head. "I... w-what's happening? You guys thought Schneep was dead and then... Jackie- are you saying Schneep attacked you?!"
Jackie nods slowly. 
Schneep wouldn't do that! JJ protests. He looks at Schneep. But... 
Schneep clutches his head, still shuddering. "Th-there is--s-s-someone--" he gasps out. "I-I cannot--but he is--he is quieter n-now--" 
"Is this... more of your brain stuff?" Chase asks gently. 
Marvin looks at Alt. "Or is it... maybe something more?"
Alt looks at Schneep and his mannerisms and feels his stomach drops. "I... I think he might be... p-possessed or... or maybe mind controlled?"
"Possessed?" Chase repeats. He frowns. "I-I wouldn't believe you if I didn't just see you heal Jackie like that." 
"Y-you have to take this chance," Schneep gasps. "You must--must run, I--b-before he becomes strong again--Downstairs, m-maybe there is something downstairs--" 
"In the basement?" Marvin asks. 
"I... I can go check for you all-" Alt says, "I'm pretty fast...?"
"I--yeah, sure, I guess?" Chase stammers. 
"What about Schneep?" Marvin asks. 
"You must run!" Schneep repeats. He gasps and doubles over, trembling. "H-he is awake-ing!" 
We'll get out of the room, at least, JJ says. 
Chase nods. He grabs Jackie, helping pull him up. "Sorry, Schneep." 
"Go!" Schneep shouts.
Alt stiffens and then uses his magic to put a shield around Schneep. "Y-You heard him! run! I'll try to hold him!"
The group nods, and rushes out of the room. 
"Basement, basement, basement," Marvin repeats under his breath as they disappear down the hall. 
Schneep shudders, pulling at his hair. "I-I do not know who you are, but--but thank you," he whispers.
Alt looks at Schneep sympathetically and kneels down by the shield, "...I'm a friend. My name is Alt and... I.. I know what it's like to go through something like this... you don't have to face it alone, okay?"
Schneep looks up at him and nods. "Alt... th-thank you. Thank you." He looks down again, hugging himself and rocking back and forth. And behind him, a small black rip opens up in the bedroom.
Alt looks at Schneep with worry and shakes it head. "It's no problem... I'm sure we can find a way to fix this, okay?" He flinches as he feels the slight breeze and looks back towards the rip and stumbles back. "W-What??" 
Schneep doesn't answer. He continues to shake, his whole body trembling--until he suddenly stops. His head snaps up, a sudden look of anger on his face, and he throws himself at the shield.
Alt yelps and scoots away from the shield to look at schneep with wide eyes, "S-Schneep?!"
"You little bitch!" Schneep shouts--but it's clearly not him. His voice is different; the accent has changed. His fists pound against the shield. "Where did you come from?! You're ruining everything! It's all going to damn hell because of you and this stupid fucking psycho and his terrible fit!"
Alt cringes away from the shouting and then glares at not-Schneep. "Good! I'm glad I'm ruining everything! You shouldn't be possessing Schneep anyways!"
A cruel, dark laugh comes from Schneep's mouth. "I didn't choose him! He was just the first! I bet any of the others would've been a good fit!" He throws Schneep's body at the shield again, bouncing back, then grins at Alt. "Even you would have been good." 
The rip in the world behind Schneep grows bigger...and Alt starts to feel its pull.
The shield is starting to crack- and Alt tries to scramble away with wide terrified eyes- then feels the rip pulling him closer. He panics trying to stop the pull with his feet. "N-No! No!"
The thing possessing Schneep bares his teeth at him in a sadistic smile. Then... he notices the way Alt's clothes are moving, and looks confused. He looks behind himself and sees the rift. "What?" he breathes, momentarily distracted by his confusion. Then his head snaps back to Alt, angrily. "What have you done?!"
"I-I didn't do this!" Alt argues, "S-Some fucker broke our device and i-is making rifts in other universes-!" He tries to dig his nails into the floor to stop the pull. "I-I don't know what's going on..!"
The thing laughs. "Well, looks like you won't be t-trouble for m-me much longer." 
Schneep's arms twitch. His expression breaks into wide-eyed fear. "A-A-Alt?" 
Footsteps come from down the hallway. "Schneep?!" Jackie's voice shouts. "A-are you still here?!"
Alt looks back at Schneep and then hesitates before he drops the shield. He breathes out, "H-Hey... y-you're gonna be okay, okay? I'm s-sure the others found something to help you and ... t-this can be over soon!"
"O-o-okay," Schneep breathes. "I-I will... h-hold on for them." 
Alt smiles and nods, "G-Good..."
"Schneep!" Marvin bursts into the room, holding an old-looking book with a cracked leather cover. On it, Alt can see the faint image of an eye surrounded by Celtic-knot type designs. 
"What the fuck?!" Marvin skids to a halt. Chase, JJ, and Jackie appear behind him. 
The pull of the rift is almost irresistible.
Alt looks at the others and he looks scared but he tries to smile for them too. "H-Hey you found something huh? G-Good... you all can save Schneep then...!" He clambers to try to resist the pull but he knows he can't fight it for much longer. He looks at the others and swallows shakily. "D-Don't let him feel alone... okay?"
Marvin hesitates, then nods. "O-okay. We won't. Never!" He opens up the book. 
"We'll take care of this," Chase says. 
JJ looks directly at Alt. Good luck. 
And then the pull becomes too much. 
Alt smiles and nods to them before the rift pulls him completely through.
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mad-c1oud · 5 months
MAD. I have so many things i love abt your fics. in no order:
The panick from elotes when he sees charlie die from dehydration and he decides ‘fuck emotional maturity’ !!!!! OH GOD ITS SO GOOD
I think CONSTANTLY about when charlie was like ‘you dont have to call me slime, it isnt, like, reserved’ and they talk and etoiles goes ‘oh and you can say my name right’ and slime goes WHAT. Oh god i think abt it like daily and have a giggle
In fake it till you make it when charlie is calling etoiles all the nicknames and antoine just pretends like nothing is happening ❤️❤️
on the topic of fitymi, THE KISS GLASS FACTORY SCENE. RENT FUCKING FREE. The way you wrote it and then THE COPS KNOWING LMAOOO IT DIDNT WORK. Roier chanting “mi dinero!” Bc he won the bet is CHEF KISS
when etoiles casually kisses charlie and leaves, phil’s reaction when he realizes is GOLD KKKKK. “Is that why charlie has been blowing up my phone?” And etoiles going “i kissed and now i am telling” AGH
The intro (?) scene to immi where etoiles is just like ‘its okay its okay its okay he doesnt need items, hes really doing just fine–’ so he doesn’t rip charlies armor off where hes standing is HILARIOUS
“He is here. He is ravenous” then charlie dying to eater of suns was my favorite bc ITS SO IN CHARWCTER LMAO. HE WOULD.
How etoiles breaks a million avocados as baghera pulls out all the arrows from charlie. You can //feel// the need to protect coursing through his veins and poor bro has to make dinner
How youve written TWO scenes where etoiles brain fails upon imagining charlie in eyeliner. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (i am too)
Not a apecific scene, but the (in immi) motif of charlie not feeling like enough so he always has to bring //something//.
The immi scene where etoiles tells charlie about the bug :(
God how //unserious// charlie is about being hurt (and probably etoiles but they have different ways of unserious). Its so true to his character but i still wanna just SHAKE HIM so he doesn’t crack jokes //while he’s bleeding out//
The scene where etoiles rushes charlie back. It feels so rushed but not like you wanted to get it over with, just… like everything is a blur to etoiles while hes doing this. Like he remembers the steps he took but not what he felt when he took them. (Also how he gives himself five seconds to scream into a pillow. Felt that. STAN.)
Him asking for two cookies from phil bc he is ‘fading fast’ and when phil shows up he pretty much (albiet accidently) tunes oht phil bc he //cant look away from charlie–//
That stupid fucking cod elotes put in the barh idk if it has a name but I have a love/hate relation with it. I wonder if they kept it.
“Its not a waste with you” KILL ME THEYRE IN LOVE
When etoiles tells him to say if he feels hurt, then charlie starts crying and e is like “eh! Im so sorry what did i do you didnt say anything–” and charlies like eueuue youre so nice
Charlie purring… yes… YESSS…. (Love it when anything and everything hybrid purrs 💖)
“My cucumber” ….
When charlie pretends to be etoiles boyfriend to get into the hospital (fitymi) and the nurses are like uh this guy named charlie- and elotes goes “hehehehhhh yeahh charlie. He’s my bro” and the nurses take that as dating (BECAUSE WHAT ELSE IS IT????)
sorry tjis was so long i just had a chance to rant abt your writing and BY GODS NAME DID I TAKE IT
💖i hope you fee better
DUDE 😭😭😭
This is the best thing I’ve ever read. People always comment on chapters and fics in that moment they read them usually, so I’m always curious what sticks with people weeks later, what occupies their brain again and again long after reading…
Reading all this had me smiling so fucking big it Hurts oh my good you are so sweet dude
To answer your question: Charlie kept the cod Paul! It lives in the little pond he has in the greenhouse. It was supposed to be mentioned during the birthday chapters, but I reworked a lot of content and it not longer fit nicely so I just took it out for now. The feesh will be seen again…
The nicknames in fake it were my favorite part. I got like three sentences in and was like— hold on Idea—
And yeah Charlie giving things to Étoiles in immi, that comes a personal habit. Qcharlie has been broken down time and time again that this amount of unwavering kindness feels illegal to accept. He’s had to pay the price for so much, so sure this too right? Étoiles wants to shake him <3
YEHAHHH THE NAME THING IN IMMI!!! Man I needed a way to ween Étoiles into calling him Charlie that was just causal cause that’s Boring, and I wanted to acknowledge the face that irl, ccChatlie didn’t know how to pronounce his name at first either lmao
i like Charlie in eyeliner, sue me….
One of my favorite chapters might just be A Bandage. From the other islanders to the cooking to karaokeduo to the Chittering!!!!! Idk that one holds a special place in my heart <3
Also fun fact: I had like, 4 other fake dating scenarios I jotted down for fake it but I was worried the fic would turn into immi which also started as a 5+1 so I scrapped some ideas and kept a it short and sweet. kinda regret it and wish I could rewrite it but I still like what it turned in to
Man reading my own work through your comments is really nice. Gives me a better appreciation for what I’m creating haha
Thank you sm for all this, it means a lot and it’s never too long trust me <333
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cyrusthedragon · 8 months
Hi so basically im the anon and since ur just as starved for miraxus as i am, here i go- like, how about a fanfic where mirajane falls first and confesses but laxus doesnt think they can be more than friends, what he doesnt realise is that he has loved her all along. Its when Mirajane decides to move on then he feels bad and eventually comes to conclusion that he loves her and they need to get together :D
So u mean basic ass teen!miraxus fic with mira feeling fuckin' OBSESSED and laxus like 'damn, puppy, good for you, tho, but naah...' and then she's like 'ok he rejected me so i need to stop annoying him ok im gonna do it for him i like annoying him but i don't like ANNOYING him ykwim!!' and then laxus is kinda '...the fuck is that little shit going?... NO ONE'S GONNA STEAL MY HEADPHONES NOW? MIRA-'
Actually, i love it so much. Like. Really. AND!! I HAVE SOMETHING ABT IT.
Teen!Mira: *annoys the shit out of teen!Laxus*
Teen!Laxus: *plays cool but still cold, grumbles, rolls his eyes*
Teen!Mira: *finally confesses love because she can’t stand it anymore*
Teen!Laxus: I'm... Ah... I'm sorry, I can't. You're a child.
Teen!Mira: *backs up to not bother him with her emotions, sincerely doesn’t wanna put pressure on him, kinda ashamed*
Teen!Laxus, when for the third day in a row no one touches him, pokes him, irritates him or plays on his nerves and steals his headphones for *her* pretty similar but still shitty music just because: ???
Teen!Laxus: the fuck
Teen!Mira: *literally causing no problems* wh-
Teen!Laxus: *silently grabs her and sits her next to him, puts headphones on her*
Teen!Mira: *blushing & squeaking* EXCUSE ME?
Teen!Laxus: will not. You're stuck with me.
Teen!Laxus: says who?
Teen!Mira: *embarrassed & kinda happy & giving up sounds* you're an asshole, Dreyar.
Teen!Laxus: good to know.
Btw, he's not just greedy, he actually panicked cuz she's his favourite kid among allll the children of The Guild, she's the one matching his crazy energy. No one else can do that, everyone's just too clingy but with that also too dumb (hi, Natsu) or too strict (hi, Erza) or even too nice (he likes Lisanna, Lisanna is good, she's like baby sister, but still), and, except teen!Mirajane, no one's literally as aggressive and explosive as he is, no one understands his music, his lifestyle, his decisions even. Even then, he felt safe with her, cuz he known he will be understood, cus most of the time they have almost same thoughts. So he's.. He's happy with that brat around. He's okay with her. She's okay. He doesn't feel any romantic feelings abt her, she's 13yo, c'mon, but he can enjoy her presence, she's chill but emotional, she's rude but loyal, she's annoying but interesting, she's acting stupid but she's really smart, she plays independent but she LOVES hugging. He can tell she'll be a damn good person. And strong. She is strong. He still wants to protect her (even if he's not showing it, he wants to protect all of them, but her especially), but he can see how much power she actually possess. That's even cooler. One day maybe they can spar. Why not?
Teen!Mira: *looks at him, sitting next to him, headphones on, frowning* 'fuck are you looking at?
Teen!Laxus, instantly frowning in response: you have a problem, demon?
Teen!miraxus: *aggressive 'fight'*
Greedy jealousy teen!Laxus supremasy who's like 🙄🙄 ah that stupid little shit with her stupid music but also HEY she's MY stupid little shit, DONTCHA DARE GO AWAY. Adult!Laxus is not like that, BUT THE TEENAGE MAXIMALIST LAXUS? GOD, YES. He's not aggressive, he won't start a fight just like that, but DAMN bro's really fuckin' greedy.
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