doodlevich · 1 year
jena 🥰 thank you for your part one of the babies (part ONE mama mia - okay containing my excitement.)
i just wanted to say that i love the little cheek/hair highlights you give them in your style. it makes them look so cute and lively and gives me cuteness aggression like you wouldn't fucking believe :) like the first mickey where he's looking up (i think it's the reference from after their first time) are you kidding me? so cute? i wanna pinch his cheeks lmao okay have a good day goodbye~
rayyyyy! rayyyyyyyyyyyy :3
thank you sm for the confidence boosting compliments! I love making the babies glow, so I'm happy to know you enjoy it <3
the expressions were so fun to draw and I also wanted to give them all a big squish as I was drawing them. I have more cuteness in store, just you wait hehehehe
(also you're correct about the reference I just love that look Mickey gives Ian it just contains so MUCH about the way he FEELS and AHHHHH anyway I digress)
big love 2 U ray thanks for stopping bye <3
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librarygf · 4 years
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love language sets: mickey + physical touch | other love languages 
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valeskamonaghan · 8 years
I love you… It means we take care of each other… It means thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit.
Mickey Milkovich.
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
okay, so, i'm on the road and i got time, so, bear with me. i've got absolutely zero clue what's going to happen on m8te, right? BUT that doesn't keep me from pondering. and i do that a lot (shocker, i know). long story short, i would literally pay to see mickey and ian just teasing each other via text, knowing full well the other's going to develop a problem real fast, okay, bye.
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lolol nosho, i love you so much! 🖤
ok ok so without spoiling tooooo much, i will say that you will likely get your wish! but keep your cash, baby! the only thing that's questionable is whether or not one of them knows full well what they're doing to the other, ya know?
chapter 4 (which i already have 500 words of in one form or another) will span the rest of their first cycle together! but then keep an eye out for some digital digital get down in chapter 5!
also also also, while we're here. just know that i'm gonna fucking earn that "angst with a happy ending" tag 😘
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you-show-me-love · 3 years
How Tami Met Mickey
I really just wanted to write a headcanon of when Tami understood Mickey's existence since we were deprived of their interaction in the show okay bye
Tami was going to kill Lip. She was going to kill him and leave Fred on the dirty floor of the Gallagher house and she was going to disappear from their lives, head out west and hide out in a hair salon under a false identity, because Lip swore up and down Fred's teething ring was here somewhere and the kid was screaming his head off and had been for the last hour.
"Where the hell is it?" She whined, feeling like crying herself as she pushed aside random junk on the floor near where they sometimes set up the playpen. 
Mickey descended the stairs into the kitchen, still in his tank top and boxers even though it was well past noon. He grimaced at the sound of the crying baby. 
"Will you shut that kid up? Some of us are trying to sleep." 
Tami rolled her eyes, disrupting her search of the coffee table covered in crayons and paper. She loved Ian, she did, but she couldn't comprehend why the sweetest Gallagher had up and married this surly, foul mouthed convict. She chose to ignore him most of the time, especially after Lip told her he had been in for attempted murder of one of their family members.
"Believe me if I could I would but he's teething and I can't find his teething ring anywhere and Lip said it was here in this mess somewhere..." 
She was rambling, losing her sanity as Fred screamed louder and pulled a fist full of her blonde hair. Maybe Mickey could put her out of her misery since he apparently had no problem killing family members. Afraid to ask in case he took her seriously she shifted Fred to her other hip and pushed her fingers into the couch cushions, trying not to think of what they might come in contact with in the process.
Mickey watched the tall blonde with apathy as he chugged orange juice straight from the carton. He belched loudly and moved back out of sight, running some water and opening the refrigerator. A few more minutes of fruitless searching and Tami decided to give up. She turned to head to the backdoor only to find Mickey there, a wash cloth in hand. She watched, rapt, as Mickey pushed the chilled, damp cloth into Fred's open, wailing mouth, watched as her son clamped down immediately and began to suck. Her ears rang in the blissful silence and she stared at Mickey in awe. 
Mickey wasn't looking at her, he was cradling the back of Fred's head and running his thumb along his baby soft hair, a small almost sad smile on his face.
"How did you know to do that?" Tami couldn't help but ask. 
"My kid used to cry like that, had to keep this shit on standby for him, twenty-four seven."
Mickey seemed to come back to himself, dropping his hand from Fred's head and stepping back from mother and son. He was back up the stairs before Tami couldn't say anything.
Tami had stopped by too late to have breakfast with the Gallaghers, Lip giving her the extra hour of much needed sleep after Fred kept her up most of the night. She accepted Franny's hug around her knees and gave Fred a tickle and a kiss to the forehead. He smiled around his squishy teething ring and wiggled in the high chair. 
Debbie paused her cleaning to pull Tami's plate from the microwave and Tami decided to ask Debbie something that had been on her mind since yesterday.
"So, Mickey has a kid?"
Debbie looked up at her, face twisted in confusion, but she nodded. 
"Yeah, Yevgeny. Why?"
Tami didn't know how to answer that. Why did she want to know? Maybe it was because of the obvious.
"But…he's gay."
Debbie rolled her eyes.
"Gay people can have kids." She seethed, indicating to her own mini-me. She shoulder checked Tami on her way upstairs muttering bitch under her breath as she did so.
Fred had been just put down and Lip and Tami were laying in bed, trying to decide if they should use this opportunity to fuck or to sleep. Lip made the decision for them when he pulled off his shirt and rolled onto Tami.
They were kissing, hands roaming, but Tami's mind was on someone else entirely. The trail of kisses Lip was leaving down her body stopped as she asked him what had been on her mind.
"So, Mickey has a kid?" 
"Uhhh, yeah." Lip affirmed, looking up at Tami in confusion. "With a Russian hand-whore." He concluded with a light chuckle.
"What?!" Tami sat up, Lip further away from his destination. He sighed and joined her at the head of the bed. 
"You good Tamietti?" Lip asked as he watched his girlfriend's face pass through a range of emotions. She eventually shook her head. Lip licked his lips and leaned closer to her, keeping his voice low even though it was only the two of them.
"Look, it's a touchy subject for Ian and Mickey both. Broke Ian's heart to see him marry her. Then Ian stole the baby-"
"Wait wait wait." Tami interrupted, too loud considering their own sleeping baby was just one room over. "Mickey was married before? Ian stole a baby? What-"
"It's best if you don't know just...don't bring it up okay?"
Tami nodded, accepting a few more soft kisses from Lip before they both settled into bed and fell asleep while they had the chance.
Tami couldn't not bring it up, not when Ian was right there, bouncing Fred on his hip and making silly faces. Tami had to get to work but she could spare a moment to ask what had been eating away at her for a week now.
"Ian, can I ask you something about Mickey?"
Ian regarded her hesitantly but nodded. She let out a breath and resolved to satisfy her need to know once and for all.
"He has a kid. He's gay but he has a kid and used to be married to a woman? And you stole his baby? I mean, what is the story here?" She ended with a hysterical giggle, arms smacking against her thighs in exasperation.
Ian went paler than usual, his chin jutting out in a hard line. He stared at his nephew, watched his tiny fingers wrap around one of his own. Tami swallowed at the dark look on Ian's face, sudden regret for not following Lip's advice filling her.
"Back when we were kids Mickey's dad caught us. The homphobic prick beat Mickey bad and forced him to fuck a woman in front of me." Ian's voice was rough as sandpaper only making Tami feel worse.
"Mickey got her knocked up, married her, thought we could still bang in secret, but I took off. I came back and we tried to make it work but then I had a manic episode and took off with Yevgeny. I wanted him to be mine, be ours. My brain just ran away with the idea."
Tami's knees were weak and she backed herself into the nearest chair. She knew about Ian's disorder, but had never witnessed it, never heard them talk about it much at all, and she understood why looking at Ian now, seeing how much guilt and pain he internalized over what he did when he had no control. 
"Svetlana filed for divorce while Mickey was in prison, married some old rich bastard, and disappeared. Mickey's never tried to find them, don't think either of us deserve to at this point."
Ian sighed, finally looking Tami in the eye. She could only stare helplessly back in the wake of his words. Mickey wasn't just some convict Ian brought home after his stint in prison after all. Mouth dry she figured she had already dug herself this deep, what's a bit more.
"He really go to prison for trying to kill your sister?"
Ian made a face of knowing, standing taller and squaring his shoulders, jutting his chin even further in defence. 
"Yeah, he did." And with a bit of softening creeping into his hard features he whispered, "He did it for me. Because he loves me."
Tami left a few minutes later, assured by Ian he was fine to watch Fred until Lip came home. She totally cut a client's hair uneven as her mind drifted back to Mickey and what she now knew about the man before today. Turns out she knew jack shit.
Now she knew he was so much more. 
Tami threw open the front door of the Gallagher home, Fred crying in her ear after refusing to take his afternoon nap. Two heads turned at the commotion. Quickly Ian halfway off the couch to rescue his brother's girlfriend. Tami ignored him entirely and dropped Fred in Mickey's lap.
"He needs some more of that Mickey magic." Tami explained as the husbands stared wide-eyed between mother, crying son, and each other.
She left them to take a much needed bathroom break. After she was done she grabbed a beer and leaned against the doorway, watching the way Fred squirmed in Mickey's arms as he held him close and rubbed his back. Ian watched the pair with adoration before looking up at Tami and mouthing a simple thank you.
And that's how Tami Tamietti met the real Mickey Milkovich.
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restapesta · 3 years
So many loose ends... gallavich is the only one, besides Veronica and Kevin (kind of), that has a very definite ending.
I mean, we have Lip; his girlfriend is pregnant, he has a new job, he has a thing he might start with Brad, and it's all very...underwhelming, kind of. Because, Lip had so much potential, and I kept hoping this season would make him happier with his life, but it just ends with him... sad and unsatisfied.
Debbie got a stupid ending, because, what the hell was the point of Heidi? Why is it so forced and toxic, and what is it with the moving thing? Will Debbie just drop everything to be with this random chick she just met? And like, what was the point of that -- that isn't an open ending, that's a stupid ending, sorry not sorry. Also, she is kinda the only one Frank had nothing good to say about, I mean, "you remind me of your mother, and not in a good way"? Even Frank knows Debbie ain't going places.
Carl's storyline this season was so boring, but i kept hoping -- like genuinely hoping, because Carl is such a good person, that he'd find his dream job helping in a productive way (wasn't that what the synopsys insinuated?). Instead, he hands out...parking tickets for the rich assholes? That's fine and all, but like, with everything that happened to him this season with the police force, it's extremely fucking stupid.
Liam is my baby, and I'm sorry he's stuck in the Gallagher family. It's sad that he will be the only one mourning Frank, and will be living with Lip in his weird, odd, dysfunctional life, but I hope he'll be smart enough to go to college and get out (i have no doubt he will).
I'm okay with Frank's death. Bye, asshole. We're not crying for you, but for the children you left behind.
Happy for Kev and V, but...what was the point of the cop bar talk? There was no point, because they'd never have enough money to beat the highest offer Kev and V got. Stupid and unnecessary.
Happy for Ian and Mickey infinitely. They're the only ones who got a full, finite ending. They're living on the Westside, they'll expand their business, they may have a child some day in the future and they're sickly in love.
Bye, Shameless. We had a nice ride.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on S11xE3
Me being a mom means now these recaps will be up at random times unlike when I used to be on a schedule. Let’s get right into it. Again I’m not a spoiler free blog. This post is one big ass spoiler.
Wtf was that intro
Great now my wifi connection is fucking up
I’m actually watching with my husband so if he says some dumb shit I’ll let y’all know
Debbie is hella annoying damn
Fred’s room is so calming
Okay I’m in shock I had to pause
“I mean....it’s kinda hot.” I HATE MY HUSBAND BYE
We started that scene over lmao
“Joe was my fave too” seriously I hate my husband 😂😂😂
“Jonas loving slut” that’s me
“I’m gonna get you pregnant” IMFUCKING SCREAMING
“If you scream again and wake Gid up before we finish this scene I swear to god we’re done” I HATE MY HUSBAND SOMEONE COME GET HIM
We had to pause and rewatch that scene a few times
“So would you fuck Mickey or ian if you could?” “Uh....i don’t know man. Maybe ian. He looks like an emotional lover and you know I’m vanilla” “he just had his hands around mickeys throat” “It looked soft....Do that later ” have I mentioned how much I hate my husband?
Okay wtf Debbie but I also laughed
“Why can’t little miss sunshine wear pants?” Thank you Carl
Did frank say “you are”??
“Well who sticks it in who” oh god
“Mines wider which is the only metric that matters” he’s not wrong
They’re fighting about who is prettier this is all I’ve ever wanted
I actually love them so much guys I’m so fond of both of them not just Mickey WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN
ugh tami
Hubs: “She’s hot....oh but we hate her” me: “yeah she’s hot but where’s my girlfriend”
I love how gallagher Mickey is in that scene 😭😭😭😭
Mickey Gallagher 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
No Liam don’t leave her lolololol
Kev would be a tp hoarder
Hub: “I want that tracksuit” “I will leave you”
Frank tried
Ugh bye Carl
Aw Kermit and Tommy made up
Hi Mickey baby I love you
“since I married a body shamer” BABY PLS
Mickey is so pretty wowowowowow
I hate that these dumb jokes have me laughing
My Mickey is so smart
Omg the flexing more like when I “flex” my baby’s arms and tell him he’s a strong boy after tummy time 😭😭😭😭😭
Now I’m thinking of Mickey as a tiny baby and I wanna cry
I told my husband this and he rolled his eyes 😭😭😭
Why are they so caught up on this
Oh no brad’s baby 🥺🥺🥺
Put your fucking mask on Tami it’s a hospital
Still waiting for Sandy
“Rain girl” another stupid joke that made me laugh
Franny is too cute
I really hate Carl’s storyline
“If you left me for her I’d understand” thanks hubs. If you left me for ian I’d understand too
Okay bye kev I need more sandy
I’m the #1 Sandy Milkovich stan
I wish we could’ve gotten more seasons with her 😭😭😭
Oh gosh kev
Who thought “hmm. Let’s make the crazy cop who abuses their power a black woman”???? This show is so fucking ridiculous most of the time
How ooc Mickey loves working out
Mickey with the Alibi crew is always my fave
Remember how supportive they were when he came out
I hate Tami :))))))))
Aunt Fiona :(
Is “fuck if I know” Mickey????
He better be in the family group chat
I just want ian to have a job he loves somewhere he’s respected
I’m proud of you ian
Mickey has the best arms
“Put some pants on you’re turning me on a little bit” MICKEY
Mickey is so fucking smart
My baby
You make me so proud
I love the way he says Jesus
“Man swole”
Me as V breaking up the fight
“Or they” I love franny :(
Fuck frank I need a franny and uncle mickey day
Oh no....
They’re really gonna do this to frank huh?
I’m actually sad
I honestly didn’t see this coming
I mean I kinda figured something was gonna happen to frank since it’s the last season but this isn’t what I was expecting
I’m just assuming at this point btw
Yes V pls parent them
Pouty Mickey :(((((
Lip is the best person
I love this tattoo scene
Frank nooooo
Why am I getting emotional
So is hubs
Ugh sandy I love you
Debbie sucks man
“I’d divorce you but you never signed a prenup”
“Fuck you cop” MICKEY PLS
Maybe don’t tell her that
She is hella annoying though and doesn’t take any responsibility ever
Uber masculine slut
OH MY GOD!!!!!
This episode man.....wow.....I don’t even know what to say. All Gallavich aside though I really am enjoying this season so far! Again sorry for the random posting time. My husband and I really missed watching the show together and this was our only free time. I cant wait to rewatch this episode later! I hope y’all enjoyed watching as much as we did!
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heymacy · 3 years
help I can’t stop thinking about mickey writing some of those TD lines (“and why does she give a damn about me”???? like hello) and then a few weeks later telling ian he wasn’t sure he was ever gonna want to write another song again after his mom died and jail and terry and now he has hundreds of songs in his head and how he feels like he has a chance to be happy and and and —
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macy you can’t just do this and say these things and expect me to be okay??? what the heck 🤕 also I’m obsessed with you and your brain ok bye ily ❤️
oh cat. oh cat my beloved. if you think that TD line is as heartbreaking as it can get, just wait for his next song 😇 i think my love language might be causing those i love emotional pain. is that bad? does that make me a bad person? 😭
listen. LISTEN. his mom and her support is what made him love music in the first place. and when she died, it reminded him too much of her, and it hurt too much. then along came ian, and time had passed, and terry was gone, and it started to hurt less, and the fire inside of him was reignited, this time by a dorky teenage boy with baby curls and pink cheeks that flush up at the drop of a hat, and he thought to himself that maybe, maybe, things can be better than they were. that he can be happy. that he deserves it. he’s so good. he’s so fucking good and he deserves the world 😭😭😭💘💘💘
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bellafarella · 4 years
Uncle Mickey
So I’m sure y’all have seen this picture :
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Well, this adorable picture gave me inspiration to write this little piece of Mickey babysitting Franny for the afternoon, fluff and cuteness ahead.
Hope you enjoy! 💖
you can also read it here
Somehow Mickey got roped into babysitting. That’s why he’s at the Gallagher house - home, mid-morning with Franny. Kid’s cute but Mickey’s never spent alone time with her. He’s been married and living at the Gallagher house - taking over the boys room and making it their own - for six months now and the only times Mickey has spent with the little redhead girl is when Debbie is there or Ian is. He’s babysat her with Ian before but this is the first time without him. Debbie’s at something important that she didn’t wanna fucking say and Ian’s working so he got roped into watching her for the day. 
It’s nearing lunch and he could eat - not knowing what else to do with the kid, he says, “Hey, you hungry?”
She looks up at him from where she’s sitting next to him on the sofa. Franny nods with a smile on her face. She asks, “Can we get McDonalds?”
Fuck yeah we can get McDonalds, he thinks, trying to avoid swearing so much in front of her as per Debbie’s request. What he says is, “That’s a good idea actually.”
Franny bounces in her seat as Mickey gets up. “Common,” he tells her before making sure he has what he needs - phone, wallet, keys. Franny runs over to the entrance to grab her little shoes and put them on. It’s spring so it’s not too chilly out but Mickey tells Franny to run up and get a sweater before they leave.
Mickey’s wearing some dark jeans with a black tank top and a flannel grey shirt on top. They make their way down the stairs and when they leave the property to head towards the El, Franny takes his hand. It’s only a couple stops to the closest McDonalds. Franny sits on his lap in the train and an elderly woman smiles at them as she sits down across from them. “Aren’t you sweet.”
Franny smiles at her and says, “I’m Franny and this is my Uncle Mickey.” 
“Why you tellin’ people who we are,” he says to the little girl but he can’t help the little smile from spreading on his face hearing her call him that. She didn’t call him Uncle Mickey until a couple months into him living at the Gallagher house. He was just Mickey before, even though he and Ian were already married. 
“Hello Franny and Uncle Mickey,” the old woman says. 
Mickey smiles at her before the train stops. “Let’s go,” he says, picking Franny up off his lap and putting her down as he stands. She takes his hand and they walk towards the door. “Say bye to the nice lady.”
“Bye,” Franny says in her little voice as she waves at the lady with her free hand.
They walk the few blocks to the McDonald’s the whole time Franny asking Mickey “do you love it?” about anything she sees or thinks about. 
“Stop asking me stupid fucking questions,” He tells her and she just looks up at him and blinks. He lets her run inside the McDonald’s when they get there - all the way to the counter. “I want a happy meal,” Franny says from where she’s standing by the display of the toys that could be in her happy meal. 
“Okay let me get a happy meal for the kid and a big mac trio for me, coke for the drink,” Mickey tells the cashier. “What do you want to drink?” He yells to Franny.
“Apple juice!” She says, bouncing her way back over to him.
“And apple juice,” he repeats before paying for their meals. They stand off to the side, in front of the display where Franny talks to him about what each toy's name is and what they do. He just nods along, not paying any attention. 
The girl calls their order so he takes their tray and Franny follows him to a booth. They sit next to each other, eating their meals. The kid has her mouth full, ketchup smeared on her cheek and Mickey can’t help but laugh. He takes his phone out of his pocket and tells her to look at him. He snaps a picture of it and sends it to Ian and Debbie in a new group chat before putting his phone on the table and grabbing some fries, dunking them in barbecue sauce. 
His phone dings a few times so he picks it up and sure enough it’s the two ginger siblings fawning over how cute Franny is and Ian saying how cute Mickey is to have brought her to ‘Mickey Dees’. He sends at least six middle finger emojis back before putting his phone back down and listening as Franny taps at his arm wanting to ask him about her toy that she got - she got the one she wanted in the happy meal. 
After McDonald’s, they start walking when Franny spots a park, she asks them if they can go so he says why not, not knowing what else he was gonna do with her anyway until Ian or Debbie gets back. 
Mickey sits on the bench and smokes a cigarette as he watches Franny run around with her happy meal toy, showing it to other kids. He laughs as he watches her go up to the slide and go down head first, little badass. 
Mickey has time to smoke a couple of cigarettes as he watches Franny the entire time. Debbie threatened his life if anything were to happen to her precious angel under his watch. He’s seen what she can do, he definitely doesn’t want to fuck with her.
“Uncle Mickey!” Franny yells as she runs over to him. “Can you push me on the swing?”
“Sure,” he tells her, blowing the last of his smoke out of his nose. He tosses the butt of the cigarette to the side and follows where she leads him to the swing set. 
Mickey pushes her higher and higher as she laughs and squeals, gripping onto the chains of the swing, her toy secure in Mickey’s pocket where she didn’t want to lose it. He pushes her until his arms get a little tired then it’s time to go. He pulls his phone out of his pocket as they make their way through the park. He’s got a missed text from Debbie saying she’ll be home within the hour. Perfect. 
Mickey tells the kid and then takes her little hand in his before heading to the El and making their way back home. 
“I’m home!” Debbie yells as she opens the back door. 
“Mommy!” Franny squeals, hopping off the sofa and meeting her by the doorway separating the kitchen and living room. Franny hugs her mom where Debbie crouched down to squeeze her and kiss her head. 
“How was your day with Uncle Mickey?” Debbie asks her.
“So much fun!” She squeals, jumping up and down a little. “We went to McDonald’s and to the park!”
“Wow, what a fun day,” Debbie tells her, a grin on her face.
“And look what I got!” Franny shows her the toy from the happy meal.
“That’s great, baby.” Debbie pats her head and walks back to the kitchen. “Want a beer?” She yells over to Mickey.
Mickey yells back, “Yeah.” She makes her way back over with two open beer bottles, passing him one. She sits down next to him with hers, taking a long sip. 
“Your kid talks a whole fuckin’ lot,” Mickey informs her after taking his own long sip.
Debbie chuckles. “Did she ask you if you love it?”
“Non fucking stop!” Mickey can’t help but laugh with Debbie. “She’s cute though.”
“Damn straight.”
Ian gets home right before dinner, making his way inside after toeing off his shoes at the front door. He finds Mickey in the kitchen at the table with Franny and Debbie’s cooking dinner. “Hey guys,” he greets them.
“Uncle Ian!” Franny says turning to look at him. Ian grins at her and makes his way over when she says, “Look at our drawings!”
Ian grins at his little niece, taking her face and kissing it making her giggle. He looks at her drawing and one of Mickey’s and they’re both the same, it’s the two of them standing outside of McDonald’s. “Very nice drawings,” Ian tells her, ruffling her hair a little.
She giggles and grabs her drawing, running to show Debbie around the corner. Ian bends down and kisses Mickey on the lips softly once, twice, caresses his cheek with the back of his fingers, and kisses him one more time before taking Franny’s seat next to his husband. 
Mickey shakes his head, blush creeping up his neck. “Missed you today, looks like you two had a lot of fun,” Ian tells him, squeezing his thigh.
“Yeah, it was alright,” he says. “Missed you too.” Ian grins at him, making Mickey smile back before rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his beer.
“Stop blushing, Mick,” Ian teases him.
 “Shut up man,” Mickey says, making Ian chuckle. “She’s just fucking like you, never shuts up.” Ian’s laugh comes full force that it gets Mickey going too. “You’re the worst.”
“You love me though,” Ian says when his laughter subsides. He rubs his hand up and down Mickey’s leg when he says it too, getting him a little nervous, he can tell. 
“Can’t imagine why,” Mickey teases.
“Mmm, why don’t I show you why,” Ian flirts, digging his nails a little into his thigh.
“Settle down boys, it’s dinner time,” Debbie says as she makes her way over, dumping a huge pot of pasta on the table. 
“I’m gonna wash up,” Ian says as he stands. Before leaving the table the two feet to wash his hands in the washroom off the stairs, he leans over Mickey again to kiss him softly, winking at him.
Mickey watches him go, butterflies constantly in his stomach whenever he’s with Ian - that feeling never going away or dimming, not in the years they’ve been together, not since being married. It might have even gotten worse since they tied the knot. Mickey’s always in a state of will today be the day my heart beats out of my fucking chest?
Mickey watches him go and thinks that if this is how days will end with Ian after spending the afternoon with his new niece then he’ll happily watch her whenever Debbie needs him too.
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librarygf · 4 years
This might be too much to ask- but what's your favorite outfit for everyone/one that sticks out the most in your memory? Doesn't have to be just IxM ❤️
you really sent me to work with this one asgshsgs but you ask and i’ll deliver. let’s start with
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chose three for him and they’re all the same vibe, i guess i have a specific taste asgfhs. he just looks so good in a black sleeveless top and some thick boots, okay? fashion icon and he knows it
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chose three again and the two first are so far from what he wears now/normally asgsgs, but i just liked it when he branched out in s7 okay, even if he looks like ace ventura 🤷‍♀️ also added the white tee here though, bc i think he actually really rocks it!! bonus mention for the emt uniform which is his best look i think, but he didn’t pick it himself so he doesn’t get points for it 😔
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she always looks good but literally nothing beats this s2 outfit for me. something about the boots, the loose white shirt, the earrings, the hair up, the denim skirt... ma’am hand in marriage please?
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the first one is so messy, lip iron your shirts, but i just love it 🤷‍♀️ the second one once again feeds into my sleeveless shirt obsession, and i’m sorry to simp but he just looks so hot in this scene 👀 heyy 👀
okay that’s all let me know what you think bye 😘
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jesusmick · 5 years
Sad Boy Hours in Mexico
I have always wondered about the deleted scene from s9e6 where Mickey meets a guy wearing a Gay Jesus shirt. Here is a little drabble I wrote to try to fill in some gaps and explain how Mickey decides to go back to Chicago and prison. Featuring Mandy bc I love her. (2000 words).
It is dark by the time he turns the key to his apartment, the faint click of the lock rattling the loose doorknob. He doesn't know why he even bothers to lock it. He has nothing worth stealing, the drugs and the cash both locked up safe in Alonzo's apartment across town. Even if he did have something of value stashed away in his shitty third floor apartment, nobody in the neighborhood would dare try to break in. The people here, his neighbors, they left him alone. Come to think of it, his coworkers did too. Maybe it was because getting in with the Sinola cartel had been his dad's idea. He had been working with them for over a year now selling overpriced party drugs to stupid American tourists, but the other dealers still called him "El Menor". The younger. The lesser. Even 2000 miles away in Cabo, Mickey was still living in his father's shadow.
He kicks the door shut and toes his shoes off, dropping his backpack by the door. He's exhausted. The fog curling around his mind begs him to collapse on the bare mattress in the corner of the room and sleep until he forgets. He has done too much remembering for one day.
Instead, he moves to the beat-up mini fridge in the other corner of the room. Besides the mattress, the mini fridge, and the broken dresser that had been in the room when he moved in, he is alone. The single bare light bulb hanging from a wire in the ceiling does little to make his home for the last 14 months feel lived in.
Opening a beer, Mickey steps out onto his balcony and folds himself into a plastic picnic chair he inherited from his neighbor when she moved out.
Elena. She had been nice, Mickey thinks. Young and terrified, she had reminded him of Mandy. They would occasionally sit out on their balconies together and smoke. She didn't speak English, and Mickey's Spanish was fairly limited, but they got on. She had moved out a few months ago after getting pregnant with her drug addict boyfriend. Mickey knew he was in jail now. He also knew that he was the one who had sold Hernesto the drugs he had been on when he robbed the liquor store down the block. Mickey suspects that Elena knew too, but she never mentioned anything. She never blamed him and when she moved out, she gave him a potted plant and the plastic chair.
The plant had died weeks ago. Mickey wonders if Elena had her baby.
Taking a sip of his beer, Mickey's mind wanders to Mandy. He knew she had left Chicago years ago. They didn't talk much, but last he checked she was in Los Angeles working as a cocktail waitress in a bar frequented by the same trust-fund babies who made up the majority of his clientele. In a way, he was jealous of her, but also incredibly proud. She had gotten out. Out of their father's clutches, out of their shitty neighborhood in the Southside, and out of her own way. She was making something of herself, all by herself, even if that something was watered down appletinis.  
Mickey, he could never be that person. He needed others too much, he thinks. He was too soft, too lost in his own head, too attached. Those first few weeks in Mexico had been some of the loneliest of his life. That was why he fell in with the Sinola cartel in the first place. Well, that and the fact that he was in the country illegally, making holding down a regular job impossible. His father had connections and he was desperate for a distraction. He wasn't stupid enough to call his group of dealers and distributors a family. He knew that they wouldn't think twice about killing him if he did something he shouldn't. But Mickey wasn't stupid, and so far, coasting along in this new life had made things easier. He had a job, a purpose, and a small shitty apartment to come home to at night. It was enough.
Until it wasn't. Until today.
He thinks that maybe he was a little bit numb. That being on his own for so long had turned his head to business and buried his anger, his sadness, his fear under a thick layer of dust and cheap Mexican beer.
Suddenly, he realizes that he is crying. He doesn't know when it started, maybe since he sat down on the porch, but if the dotted teardrops soaking into his shirt are any indication, he has been silently crying for a while now.
He rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms and pulls out his phone. He doesn't know why he does it. But he finds himself scrolling through his contacts and pressing call before he can think twice.
She picks up on the 4th ring. Mickey thinks maybe he would have preferred it if it had gone to voicemail.
"Mickey?" She sounds like she is somewhere crowded, Mickey can hear car horns softly in the background and the sound of high heels clicking on the sidewalk.
"Hey, Mandy." His voice is softer than he intended.
"Hey." There is a long pause before she continues and Mickey thinks that maybe this was a mistake. "I thought you were in Mexico."
"I am. How's LA?" God, this is awkward. Fuck, he and Mandy had never been good with words, even at the best of times. Now, after not speaking in years? What was he thinking?
"It's good, I'm good. I'm on my way to work actually."
"Oh, right. Do you want me to call you back? Sorry, I should have texted first."
"No, no, its fine. I still have a bit of a walk. What's going on?"
And that's it, isn't it? Nothing is going on, at least nothing that should have any affect on Mickey's life. But here he is, sitting on his shitty porch, drinking his third beer, and trying to keep his voice from betraying the fact that he's been crying.
It's just not fair. It's not fair that he should be out there, moved on to some new chapter of his life. Some new partner. While Mickey is here, still somehow waiting for him.
"Mick, you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here." He rubs his eyes again, pressing hard until he sees spots. He keeps them closed.
"You heard from Ian?"
It's out there now. The reason he called Mandy. The reason he was so distracted and irritable after seeing that college kid from Chicago wearing the "Gay Jesus" shirt. Alonzo had shoved him out of his apartment while they were counting the day's profits and told him to go fuck himself after his fourth nasty remark.  
"Yeah," Mandy answers, "I've heard from him."
"And?" Mickey asks, suddenly frustrated. He stares out across the balcony railing, streetlamps flickering and the warm glow from neighboring apartments illuminating the street below. They should be staring out at the street together.
"He called me a few day's ago. I guess you heard about the whole Gay Jesus thing. He stopped taking his meds, got in with the wrong people, blew up a van. His sentencing is on Friday."
"Jesus Christ." Mickey exclaims softly.
He's quiet then. He can hear the sound of a crosswalk through the phone and Mandy's heels on the pavement. He thinks she might have pressed the phone to her chest because he hears her greet someone softly and the background noise suddenly fades.
"I should go." Mickey says and he hates how his voice breaks. Hates that he let himself get this affected. Hates that he is here, alone, in his shitty apartment with his shitty job stranded in fucking Cabo of all places.
He is about to press end on his phone and go grab a fourth beer when Mandy's voice, suddenly clear, speaks again.
"He misses you, Mickey." And that is just too much.
"If he misses me so much," Mickey's voice wobbles dangerously, "why did he leave me in fucking Mexico?" And he is openly crying now. He knows Mandy can hear it. And he hates that too.
Mandy sighs. "He's fucked up Mickey. Just like we all are. But he does miss you. He's pissed at himself for going off his meds and embarrassed that he let it go so far, but I think if you called him, he would listen."
"But he wasn't off his meds last year. He was himself. Or maybe he wasn't, I don't fucking know. He kept saying that he had is life together. He said he had a boyfriend."
"Some fucking boyfriend he turned out to be." Mickey thinks he hears real anger in her voice then, and he reminds himself that Mandy cares about Ian too. That Ian's sentencing was probably just as hard for her to hear as it was for him.
"He didn't even notice that he was off his meds, Mick. He just let him spiral until it was too late to do anything about it. He didn't even go to his hearing."
Mickey could hear the sound of metal scraping in the background and he thinks maybe Mandy was opening her locker before her shift started.
"What should I do?" He knows he sounded desperate, lost, but he doesn't care. He is desperate and more than a little lost.
"You love him, and even though he may be shit at showing it, he loves you too. Figure it out, my shift is starting."
"Yeah," Mickey sighs, "Okay. Thanks, Mandy."
"Bye. Call me later if you want."
She hangs up and Mickey drops the phone to his lap.
This whole day was just too much. Mickey isn't sure what he had expected Mandy to say, but hearing that Ian had gone off his meds and blown up a van wasn't it. When he saw the kid's shirt, he assumed that Ian had taken a job as some sort of gay preacher or social media activist and was now living a cushy life with his boyfriend in one of the hipster neighborhoods up in Chicago. His boyfriend who was probably just as smart and attractive as Ian. Someone who appreciated craft beer, who wrote poetry, and drank soy milk. Not someone with a lengthy criminal record, a fucked up family, who didn't know how to love someone without driving them away.
Somehow, knowing that Ian's life was falling apart, that his boyfriend as a piece of shit, and that he was going to prison gave Mickey a sick sort of vindication. He would never have let things get that crazy. He would have noticed Ian's mood swings and erratic behavior. He would have taken care of him and set him straight before he could have hurt anyone. Before he could hurt himself.
But Mickey knows that isn't fair, and truthfully, he is more worried for Ian than anything else. He has no idea what mental state he is in or how long his sentence will last. And prison is no place for someone like Ian. He's too soft. Too caring. Too proud.
With a new resolve, he wipes his hands on his jeans and picks up his phone. He doesn't really know who to call about something like this, so he finds the phone number for the public defender's office.
The call is quick and to the point. He knows what he wants and he knows what he is going to risk.
He agrees to meet them at the border in Tijuana in two days.
In the morning he will have to get a bus, a nearly 24 hour drive up the coast. But now, for the first time in over a year, a calm settles over him.
The plastic picnic chair strains as he stands, scraping against the concrete of his balcony.
He's not scared of prison. Looking around his room, he realizes that he has been practically living in a prison cell since arriving in Cabo. He is scared of Ian, though. Scared that Mandy is wrong. That Ian doesn't love him and that he is giving up his freedom, his future, for a man who has left him heartbroken so many times before.
As he crawls into bed, arranging his limbs under a threadbare blanket, his mind jumps back to a lifetime ago.
What you and I have makes me free.
Mickey thinks that he was right, back then. There is no freedom for him without Ian Gallagher.
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Nickovich (pt. 11)
Ian wakes to find blue eyes fixed on him and a hand lightly cupping his cheek.
He turns to kiss the inside of Mickey’s wrist and smiles slightly. Sunlight is filtering in between the cracks in the curtains and the sounds of the city waking up echo softly through the walls.
There is a flash of something that casts a momentary shadow behind Mickey’s eyes, but then it is gone and his lips are pressing against Ian’s with an urgent intimacy. Ian sweeps his tongue over Mickey’s and pulls him in tight against his body. His hands feel too rough against the soft skin of Mickey’s ribs and Ian slows his movements down. He is trying to consume too much of Mickey at once, he needs to take his time.
The sex is gentler, slower than the night before and the orgasms that leave them shaking in each other’s arms are silent save for a couple of deep sighing breaths. Ian kisses Mickey’s jaw, his temple, his upper lip. He traces the swell of pectoral muscles with this thumb and memorises the colour of his morning stubble, slightly shy of black but not by much. Mickey smiles under Ian’s gaze and nudges his hips lightly against Ian’s.
“Missed waking up like this.”
“Me too.”
Ian nods and then regretfully glances at his watch.
“I have to go.”
“Will I see you again?”
Mickey asks quietly, sitting up and trying to cover up the ache those words cause him by the fumbling open of a cigarette packet.
Ian nods and nudges his forehead lightly against Mickey’s, stilling his hands. They share another kiss and then Ian is rolling out of bed, stopping only to place the filter of a smoke lightly between his lover’s lips.
“I’ll call you.”
Ian promises, taking a few notes out of his wallet and leaving them on the table.
“Get yourself some decent breakfast.”
He winks at Mickey, trying to lighten the heavy mood that has settled around them. Ian is pretty sure Mickey is trying not to cry, he’s got that glassy eyed look and his nostrils are flared wide and the sight makes Ian’s gut clench. He thinks of all those years he would give Mickey those same pleading looks, begging him silently not to go and knowing that he would anyway. It gives Ian a new appreciation of what the other side of those early days must have felt like.
“I’ll call you, Mick.”
He repeats more firmly and the Mickey nods curtly, clears his throat and says
“Okay. I gotta collect a couple things, I’ll be leaving town this afternoon. This evening at latest.”
Ian knew this was likely but actually hearing it leaves him feeling a little light headed.
“Fine. Cool. Okay.”
He turns to the door. He needs to go but suddenly it is all too much. Arriving, leaving, coming, going, hello, and of course, good-bye. Ian wants to say that he’ll definitely be going with Mickey but in truth he still isn’t sure. A teenage love affair is not meant to be like this. It is meant to either run its course, like flames flicking along a linear trail of gasoline and then burn out, or it is meant to shape into a partnership and a life built. What has happened between he and Mickey has been too much of one thing to ever really be the other. It has been a constant battle for every single moment of happiness and now, running away together with the law on their tail … Jesus. It would be hard enough on someone without Ian’s fluctuating mental health issues, but with them it feels like a disaster waiting to happen.
He stares at the door handle in the agony of indecision. As he hesitates, a strong arm wraps around Ian’s waist and he feels Mickey’s cheek press into his shoulder. Ian turns just enough to wrap himself around the shorter man and they stay like that, just holding each other.
“I’m going to call. I promise.”
Ian mumbles into Mickey’s hair and feels a nod against him.
“You take care of yourself, okay?”
Mickey says finally, pulling back, eyes red rimmed but dry. Ian nods and smooths his hands over Mickey’s shoulders and down his arms, memorising as much of his face as he can, drinking in the tiny details and the feel of his skin.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
Mickey gives Ian a small smile and with more strength than he knew he had, he lets him go.
Mickey presses his forehead against the cool gloss painted door as it closes behind Ian and squeezes his eyes shut tight, willing himself to stay in control.
There is a small sound of blankets being shifted and Mickey pinches the bridge of his nose firmly, setting his shoulders, inhaling deeply and pulling it together.
“You okay?”
Nicky asks quietly and Mickey nods, wiping a hand across his upper lip before turning to face her.
“Yeah, I’m fine. He’ll do what he has to do. Always has.”
Nicky wraps a blanket around her shoulders like a cape and settles herself cross legged on the bed giving him a sympathetic smile.
“You look like you need a drink.”
Mickey puffs out his cheeks with an awkward grimace. He desperately wants to dive into a bottle and not surface until he knows what Ian is going to do but he’s taken too many risks already and he knows he’s a sloppy drunk, especially when he’s upset.
“Nah. I got shit to do. Can’t do it if I can’t think straight.”
“How about we go out for coffee then? This room smells like stale beer, rough sex, and repressed anger.”
“Yeah … well … You spilled the fuckin’ beer!”
Nicky lets out one of her deep throaty laughs and grins at him
“The beer is actually not the worst thing out of those three. C’mon. Let’s go get decent coffee.”
“You suggest that weird glittery coffee place I’m gonna fuck you up.”
“Ian goes there. Don’t you wanna see it?”
Mickey runs a hand over his jaw, grimacing at the stubble.
“I’m gonna shower. Order coffee to the room or something.”
“Hey! I like this new side of you. Room service and personal hygiene? You’re a winner, Abe.”
“Not my fuckin’ name.”
Mickey grouches but he’s actually feeling a little better already. Nicky teasing him is a pain in the ass but it’s just really good to have someone around. Anyone really. A distraction from the disturbance that is occurring in his mind.
By the time he finishes his shower and shave there is coffee, fruit and bagels waiting for him. There is also the faint tang of marijuana in the air and he frowns at Nicky accusingly.
“Would you believe me if I told you that a couple of high-school guys with leather bombers and bad attitudes broke in and smoked all your pot while you washed up?”
Nicky grins at him, a lopsided, half-awake smile that makes Mickey roll his eyes but he isn’t actually that fussed about the pot. He needs to keep sharp today, way too much shit riding on him to risk fucking it up because he can’t stop laughing.
“You’re an asshole is what I’d believe.”
“Junkie asshole. Can’t leave me around drugs, Abe.”
Mickey pauses in towelling his hair and cocks his head in her direction
“Yeah really. Shit. You left me alone for five minutes and I smoked the one joint we have. Didn’t even save you any.”
She looks anxious now and Mickey knows that one of her monologue confessions is about to spring forth and as he hasn’t even had coffee yet, he figures it’s best to cut that one off before it begins.
“I don’t care that you smoked it so just …”
“Are we gonna be dealing a lot of drugs in Mexico?”
Mickey bites into an apple and picks up his drink, trying not to show the rush of hopeful excitement that sprang from her use of the word ‘we’.
“Drugs? In Mexico? Cause I figure if we are then you should probably leave me behind.”
“You bailing on me too?”
The hopeful excitement wobbles and his words come out a lot needier than Mickey intended. He fills his mouth with more fruit to stop any other whiny crap coming out.
“I’m not bailing on you but I can’t be around high volumes of narcotics. I will do all the drugs we have and get our fingers cut off or whatever the Cartel do …”
“And also, Ian hasn’t bailed on you. Personally I think he’ll come with you – maybe not the whole way, I don’t know how much of a pussy he is, but he’ll at least get in the van.”
“He’s not a pussy. And I’m not taking the van! Things a piece of crap.”
Mickey snaps, then chokes on his apple and Nicky waits patiently for him to decide whether or not he is about to die before continuing as he gulps down a glass of water and pounds his chest.
“Whatever, the point is … shit … what was my point?”
“How the hell should I know?”
Mickey quips, voice harsh from his near death experience. Nicky stands up and walks over to him, resting her hands lightly on his shoulders.
“You are a really great kid, really great. I don’t even know how I know that but I just do. I want you to make it outta here, Abe. I really want that.”
Mickey nods, his eyes darting away from her intense brown gaze because that sort of eye contact with anyone but Ian makes him feel a little claustrophobic and he doesn’t know what to do with her emotion.
“So I can’t be the one who fucks it up for you. Me and drugs … we’re like that shitty couple who hate each other but keep going because the sex is amazing. I can’t help it and I can’t control it.”
“Yeah I know that feeling.”
Mickey quirks his eyebrow in teasing irony and Nicky acknowledges it fondly
“Right. So I have to be honest with you and say that I am the shittiest person when it comes to narcotics and I want to go with you, but ...”
“You do?”
Mickey’s eyes snap back to hers and Nicky gives him another one of those sweetly lopsided smiles
“I do, fresh start could be good for me and Chicago is fucking freezing.”
“Not even winter yet.”
Mickey smirks and then softens into a genuine smile as Nicky hands over around a third of a blunt.
“I lied, I did save you some but I wanted you to know that I have a problem and I don’t want to make it your problem too. Did I make my point?”
Nicky watches as Mickey lights it, looks pointedly at her and after a long inhale that makes his chest rattle, steps into the bathroom and drops the rest in the toilet bowl, exhaling through the little window.
“Yeah you did. Fuckin’ long winded and dramatic way to make it, but we got there.”
He rolls his shoulders and thinks for a moment.
“You okay with guns? I can run those instead, probably less hassle to be honest. And there is always beat down work too. Wherever you go, someone always wants to pay to fuck someone else up.”
“I was more thinking coffee shop on the beach front, serving espressos to tourists.”
Nicky sighs happily at the thought but Mickey wrinkles his nose in distate
“Fuck that. I want to make some cash and then buy the damn coffee store. I ain’t bein’ some assholes waiter”
“Sweet! Okay you buy it, then you can make me manager.”
“More like fire your ass and get someone who don’t give me shit every day.”
Mickey throws over his shoulder as he begins styling his hair.
“Oh fuck off. You know you find me delightful.”
“Sure as shit wouldn’t be serving any glittery crap.”
Nicky rolls her eyes as she leans against the door jamb watching him.
“For someone who hated it, you sure bring it up a lot.”
Mickey raises his middle finger in the mirror and declines to answer. Nicky winks at him and smiles
“I’m gonna make a special latte. It’ll be milk, coffee …”
“Sounds like a real game changer …”
“Shut up. Milk, coffee, a shot of vodka and … get this, some dark rum on top and I’m gonna call it ‘Abe’s Revenge’”
“Revenge for what?”
Nicky opens her eyes wide and nods sagely and after thinking about his life for a moment, Mickey snorts and turns back from the mirror.
“Why the fuck not? Abe’s Revenge.”
“Or ‘Mickey’s’ if you like?”
Nicky offers, arching one eyebrow.
“Abe’s is fine.”
Mickey sniffs dismissively, as if he hasn’t bitched about the nickname incessantly and strides past her.
“Of course it fucking is.”
Nicky laughs to herself.
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sweetpeatrashxo · 7 years
Tumblr media
Imagine: Lip x Reader Word Count: 1147 Caution: Cute fluffy Lip
You were walking into the Gallagher house just as if you were apart of their family, well you were pretty much family to them. You’ve been dating Lip for about 3 years now, you walked in and yelled “Morning Gallaghers.” Carl yelled out “Shut the fuck up Y/N.” You laughed and walked up to Lip’s room, you hopped into bed with him saying “Lip, come on baby wake up.” He grabbed onto you and laid you next to him “Shut up and sleep here.” You laughed “Nope, we start college today. You’ve gotta get up.” You were going to college for (your major in college) while Lip was going for mechanical engineering. He groaned “Fine but I’m driving your car.” You laughed “Fine now lets go downstairs.” You kissed his cheek and walked down to see everyone sitting at the table laughing, Debbie yelled “Hi Y/N!!!” You smiled “Hey Debs.” Fiona yelled “Y/N can you convince Debbie to get a fucking abortion please.” You sighed “I’m not getting involved you two sort this fucking shit out damn.” Ian said “Told you so Fiona no one except you cares if Debs has a baby or not.” She yelled “Oh my fucking god, Ian take your medication we’re going to pick Mickey up from jail and get him to convince her.” You said “Leave Mickey out of this Fi, he doesn’t wanna get out and come to this. Also Yevgeny isn’t a problem for Svetlana or Mickey, V and Kev don’t have so many problems with Amy and Jemma.” 
She sighed “Whatever I’m still getting Mickey into this.” You were gonna say something then Lip walked down “Good morning and goodbye going to college.” You laughed and followed Lip out yelling bye to the family, you hoped in the car “Tbh I can’t believe Fi is trying to get Debs to have an abortion, even if she’s 15.” Lip said “I know, even if you were pregnant I wouldn’t let you get an abortion.” You laughed sarcastically “Yeah about that. I kind of am.” He stopped the car “Wait what?” You sighed “I’m pregnant Lip. I went to the clinic yesterday and well it was confirmed that I’m pregnant.” He turned the car around “We’re telling everyone this is great news.” I loved how happy he was “Are you sure you wanna tell them with the stuff that’s going on with Debs?” He laughed “I don’t care what they say, we are able to fund for our little peanut so whatever they say doesn’t matter.” You smiled “Okay, well lets go tell them Gallagher.” You two got back to the house, as you slowly got out of the car you felt vomit coming up, you mumbled “Oh no.” You knew morning sickness has started, you leaned out of the car and started vomiting whatever you had in your stomach up.
Lip ran to your side holding you hair back making sure you were okay, everyone ran out, Debs looked down at you and smiled, she was the only one that knew about you being pregnant. Fi said “Hey Y/N what’s up?” You wiped the let over vomit off your lip and flicked it away “Uh well we’ve kinda got news for you lot.” Lip yelled in excitement “Jess and I are expecting a little us in about.” He stopped his sentence and looked at me, you continues “In about 5 months.” Fiona yelled “Fuck sake you Gallaghers one after another.” You laughed “Hey Fi, it’s good Lip and I have this sorted.” She sighed “Yeah, well next time be fucking safe Phillip.” Lip laughed “Yeah yeah mum.” You smiled “Also Lip, we aren’t starting college today, we’re going to find out the gender.” He yelped in excitement “Yes! Lets go.” Fiona said “Fuck it, I’m coming Debs watch Liam.”
You smiled and got back into the car, you 3 were sitting in silence when Fi said “You know I’m happy for you two, I know you both are responsible and all that stuff for a baby, I just don’t want Debs having one cause she’s 15, but tbh I don’t have any control over it because well she’s a Gallagher and we’re all stubborn dicks.” You laughed “I know Fi, you only care about us all. But thank you for accepting our peanut.” She smiled “Can’t wait to meet the peanut in 5 months.” Lip laughed “Well I was wondering why you were wearing my clothes on you more than yours.” You laughed “Yeah cause I can’t fit into mine exactly.” You all arrived at the clinic about 5 minutes later, you walked in first while the other two walked behind you, Lip said to the lady at the front “Appointment for Y/N Y/L/N.” You three sat down waiting for the person to call you out when suddenly a lady yelled “Y/N Y/L/N.” You got up “Yep.” 
You all walked in and you laid on the bed, she said “This might be a bit cold.” She rubbed this gel over you little baby bump, she put the ultrasound wand on you stomach and went over your little baby, Lip cried “Omg, look at it.” The doctor said “It’s a boy.” Lip yelled “Oh my god yes!” You smiled “Look at him Lip.” Fi said “He’s beautiful.” The doctor said “Well thank you Y/N.” You grabbed a tissue and wiped off the gel and pulled your shirt back over your stomach, you all walked out when you lot got out of the clinic Lip yelled “I’m gonna be a dad!” You smiled “Aw Lip.” 
*Skip to 5 months later*
You were just getting up, it was about midday. You got up and a bit of water run down your leg, then a flush of water with a side of pain. You yelled “Lip.” He ran up the stairs saying “Is it the baby?” You screamed “Yes it is.” He picked you up and rushed you downstairs yelling “Fiona call a fucking ambulance.” She instantly called 911 and got an ambulance here. You arrived in the hospital a few moments later, you got into the labor bed and the nurse said “She is already dilated 9 cm Doctor.” He said “Ok, you should be ready to push soon Y/N.” You yelled “Can I just get this fucker out of me.” Lip held your hand as you squeezed the shit out of his. The doctor came back in about 5 minutes later and said “Y/N you are ready to deliver this baby.” Everyone around you were yelling to push, with ever push you gave you felt so much pain screaming and yelling, 30 minutes later you gave birth to yours and Lip’s little boy, the doctor asked “What would you like to name him?” Lip smiled “Aiden Gallagher.” You agreed “Yes Aiden Gallagher please.” You were handed Aiden “Welcome to the big would Aiden.”
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Ian and Mickeys first Christmas chpt.2
Christmas day
On Christmas Eve Mickey had gone to get Yevgeny while Ian was at home getting stuff ready to make cookies when Mickey showed up to get little yev he looked heart broken when daddy Ian wasn’t there with him “where daddy Ian?” yev asked looking up at him with his big blue eyes and short blonde hair “hes at home getting a surprise ready for you , do you wanna know what it is?” Mickey asked kneeling down to his kid “Yes! Yes! tell me daddy pease!’ Mickey looked at him and said “well you better go tell mommy bye and kisses kid” he patted his back as he ran over to his mother to grab his bag from her and say goodbye for the night”bye bye mama Ya lyublui vas” after giving hugs and kisses he came running back to his dad to go see Ian , mickey gave svet one eyebrow “the fuck did he say to you?” he said with a slight grin tipping his mouth as he looked at the bright young boy “ he say i love you in Russian” Mickey looked at her again confused “just go see orange boy bring back by two tomorrow yeah?” Mickey nodded at her “yeah we’ll have him back”. as Mickey started walking to his apartment with the kid in his arm he stared at his dad “whatcha lookin at there?” he asked making a silly face at him “you” yev replied as they continued walking he looked deep into thought at his dad shoes 
As the two returned to there small apartment Mickey put yevgeny down to take his shoes off and his coat hat and scarf with the help of his dad “go put your bag in your room Daddy Ian’s in the kitchen” he looked up very cheerfully at his dad as he ran to his room making mickeys heart flutter , as he started walking to the kitchen himself yev came sprinting out of his room right into Ian’s leg where he was sitting at the breakfast bar, Ian looked down in concern as he pulled yevgeny into his arms for a big hug ‘you okay buddy?” he said grinning but his eyes full of worry he hugged him back ‘i fine, daddy said you has surprise for me” the kid looked up at Ian with the biggest bright blue eyes with a smile bigger and brighter then Ian’s. Ian laughed as he explained that you leave cookies for Santa Claus and he brings you presents “you wanna make cookies with your daddies?” Ian looked at yevgeny who was floating off happiness ‘yes yes of course can i sit on counter to help?” before Ian had a chance to answer Mickey scooped of his kid and spun him “of course anything for you on Christmas” he said with a big grin he sat him on the corner and stood in front of him making sure he didn’t fall Ian looked at the two admiring how much Mickey has grown sense yev was born he walked over to his boyfriend and wrapped his long arms around his waist and kissed his head but before anything could happen between the two yev shouted “LETS MAKE COOKIES!!!!” the two got the message loud and clear with that the three made cookies then set out milk for Santa and decided on Christmas movies tell bed.
On Christmas morning Ian woke up first as he usually does, he sat on his side of the bed sleepily running his fingers through his hair. “mornin mumbles” Ian turned around to peck his boyfriend on the lips at the words “morning babe” sense it was Christmas Mickey excepted the pet name and placed a long kiss on his boyfriends lips. yev came running into the room and jumped on the bed as he usually does when he stays over night with his dad’s “ITS CHRISTMAS!’ the boy exclaimed with clear excitement in his tone Ian giggled and picked up yevgeny and tickled him all the way out to the living room, Mickey followed the two out to make a pot of coffee for him and Ian, hot cocoa for yevgeny. once Mickey had come into the living room Yev rushed to the tree to start opening presents, but as Mickey was helping yevgeny with his presents Ian sneaked into their room to grab the present for Mick he’d secretly bought a few weeks before Mickey noticed that Ian wasn’t there and assumed he went to the bathroom then continued opening gifts with his son. once Ian returned yevgeny had opened most of his gifts but a few and Ian had a little box behind his back, when he’d gotten back Mickey had just went into the bathroom to grab his surprise he had gotten even before December, Mickey got his present out from hidden in a hole beside the sink.
After yevgeny had tore through all his gifts the three were all at the breakfast bar eating the banana pancakes Ian made for them all, “i love daddys pancakes” yev said quietly humming to himself the sentence made mickeys heart flutter with joy “hey yev why don’t you go play with some of your toys we’ll be over there in a minute” Mickey spoke to yevgeny gentleness in his tone, Ian shot him a look as yevgeny ran into the living room “look i know i said-” Ian cut him off “you got me a present didn’t you” he said with one eyebrow raised with a grin on his face Mickey saw right through his boyfriends grin “you did to didn’t you fucker” Mickey almost yelled but remembers his child just shortly in the living room “so you did get me one!” Ian said loudly to his soon to be fiance. “fuck” Mickey mumbles to himself while looking at the counter “hey hey, how bout we both pull them out at the same time ill count to three” “alright” Mickey said while grabbing the box , Ian doing the same “three” Mickeys heart raced “two” Ian’s heart raced “one” they both pulled out little blue and black boxes, both of there eyes ran straight to the boxes “dammit!” Mickey exclaimed “s-shit” Ian mumbled looking his boyfriend in the eyes. at the same time the two say “marry me?” as each one finishes the word Ian practically jumps over the counter to hug his new fiance “i love you so much mikhalo aleksandr milkovich” Mickey smiled looking up at his new fiance “i love you so much to Ian clayton Gallagher”.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
Tumblr media
They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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chelsorz07 · 8 years
i’ve probably done these before but hey it’s 2017 now so fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? My dad and I get along fine. Mom not so much but I’m working on it. If you call ignoring the damage she’s done to my self-worth and how horrible I’ve treated everyone in my family and still barely speaking “working”.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? My Marshmallow kitty.
03: Do you regret anything? Not going to college.
04: Are you insecure? I have my bow down to the Queen Bitch™ days and my I’m a complete piece of shit please validate me days. Just depends.
05: What is your relationship status? Married.
06: How do you want to die? I’d prefer it to be quick. I figure I suffer enough in life, why have to endure it in death as well? Like I’m not afraid to die but I’m afraid to be aware that I’m dying.
07: What did you last eat? General Tso’s chicken.
08: Played any sports? Volleyball, cheerleading, softball, basketball (briefly), and bowling.
09: Do you bite your nails? I have a great many bad habits, but thankfully that’s not one of them.
10: When was your last physical fight? Never been in one.
11: Do you like someone? My husband and about 450 fictional characters and/or the actors who represent them.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Often. I’ve had insomnia for almost 15 years.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Um...the writers of Shameless for making Ian ditch Mickey at the border.
14: Do you miss someone? Yeah, I never imagined my marriage would be a long distance relationship. Oilfield wife probs. Plus I live four hours away from my family and friends and I have no one here except the people I work with and my cats so it gets pretty friggin’ lonely.
15: Have any pets? Four cats. Millie, Marshall, Selina, and Thomas.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Torn between annoying my neighbor with my excessively loud singing and taking a napsauce.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? You know, I don’t think so.
18: Are you scared of spiders? Nope. But I’m terrified of bees.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? If only to go to school when I got accepted.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? Idk probably in my living room. I haven’t seen my husband in two and a half weeks.
21: What are your plans for this weekend? Well I just got home from work about an hour ago, and I think I’m gonna spend the rest of the night listening to music. Then Walking Dead tomorrow. I also have Monday and Tuesday off so hopefully I can muster up some energy to do laundry and clean my house.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? That’s a sore subject right now because we’ve been trying and it’s just not happening, and it seems like everyone around me is getting pregnant. I only really want one but I’d be okay with two.
23: Do you have piercings? How many? I had my ears pierced but let them close because they were uneven. I’m thinking about getting them redone, plus my nose.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Concert band, percussion ensemble, English, creative writing, and novel exploration.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? Not really. If they’re not in my present, there’s a reason for it.
26: What are you craving right now? I’m good actually. That chicken hit the spot.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Yeah. Idk if it’s good or bad that he’s my best friend now.
28: Have you ever been cheated on? Yep.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? I’ve been told.
30: What’s irritating you right now? My perpetually itchy skin. And I can feel some heartburn coming on.
31: Does somebody love you? I hope at least a couple people do.
32: What is your favourite color? Dark green, orange, and grey.
33: Do you have trust issues? I used to, but I guess I’m at the point now where it’s like if you’re gonna screw me over, there’s nothing I can do about it so fuck you bye.
34: Who/what was your last dream about? I have no idea. I usually forget them by this late in the day.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? Well Dave’s the only person I even see, and definitely one of the only people I allow to see me cry. So probably him. And probably because I was in some sort of physical pain. Since I usually am.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? I guess I kinda do.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive.
38: Is this year the best year of your life? If we actually move back to our hometown like we’ve been talking about, and I somehow manage to get pregnant before the end of the year, it will be.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? Seventeen.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? Nope. The only time I’m ever completely naked is in the shower.
51: Favourite food? Oh god. Chicken tenders, pizza, breakfast bagels, my aunt’s Christmas bread dip, and pretty much any kind of bread/cheese combination. Ooh and Bob Evans mac n cheese. Fuck I love food.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Not necessarily.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Cried about how much Mickey Milkovich loves Ian Gallagher, like I’ve done every night for the past month since I started watching Shameless.
54: Is cheating ever okay? No.
55: Are you mean? I mean kinda but most of the time I’m just fucking around with people.
56: How many people have you fist fought? Zero.
57: Do you believe in true love? True love? Idk. If I do, I’m still not sure that everybody only has one.
58: Favorite weather? Overcast but warm.
59: Do you like the snow? FUCKING NO IT IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.
60: Do you wanna get married? I already am.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Annoying AF actually. But Dave just calls me Chelsorz so luckily I don’t have to put up with stupid pet names.
62: What makes you happy? Lots of things. My shows, even though they also make me very sad, my kitties, my man (most of the time), my friends, getting things on sale, music, makeup, when music and makeup are on sale, food, caffeine, cigarettes, happy pills, art, coloring books, pretty trees, seeing my niece and nephew when I haven’t in forever, hugs. I could go on for a while. 
63: Would you change your name? I would if I wasn’t so old. Kinda stuck with it now, hate it as I may.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? I’m quite looking forward to it, in two and a half more weeks. Have I mentioned that being an oilfield wife sucks?
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? He’s blatantly told me that he’s still in love with me. We’re still best friends though. Nobody else has my back like he does, and he doesn’t deserve to have it as rough as he has because he’s an awesome guy.
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? I’m my complete self around everyone. Life’s too short not to be weird as fuck.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Customers at work.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Probably Michael.
69: Do you believe in soulmates? I do. @amandavanhalen is my soulmate lol
70: Is there anyone you would die for? Several people.
source: @handcrafted-in-germany
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