eky11 · 10 months
Life update: University is killing me alive. I will try to be active as soon as I can, I promise. Sorry mutuals, I really miss you :(
Life update 2: Now I have a leather jacket and I've been hearing too much rock, Black Dog by Led Zeppelin made me grab scissors to my hair and now this is me.
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I keep accumulating personalities.
That being said, just letting you all know that I'm alive, and I hope you are all fine <3
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lovearne · 3 years
Javier Peña - What if
I had this posted on my old acc, and it was quite liked, so I decided to repost it, I was gonna change it, but I'm happy the way it is :)
Word count: 3.7K
Warnings: pregnancy, drugs mention, blood, friends to lovers
I am sitting in the apartment. Waiting. Always waiting. Playing the part of housewife. Don’t get it wrong, I love it, I love waiting at home, cooking dinner, making sure my man is taken care of. It’s just that, I would much rather be out there with him. Having his back. His aim definitely isn’t the best, but he also isn’t the worst.
I had been in the academy at the time and had seen some messed up and shitty shooters. One man, shot himself through the thigh, loading his gun.
The constant clunking and squeaking made me feel at home. The smell of leather and gunpowder, it was home. The days of hunting with my father. The time that I shot my first partridge, then my first turkey, deer, my moose, and finally the big one. A bear had been threatening the area around the school.
Papa took me to track the bear. There was also a few of my fathers buds joining us. They were too lit to shoot anything, but they were good fun, always drunk, but they never annoyed me, just served as free entertainment. My Papa didn’t like to drink. He says the drink killed momma. I never knew Mamma, but I know Papa loved her.
He loved her enough to give her his child. He loved her so much that he quit grass. Now I don’t know what that means but I knew that it was enough that he was giving up something he loved. Papa often tells me stories about Momma, how they met, fell in love and how she always looked down at me in her belly and thought I was a boy and how they were going to name me. It was a surprise to everyone that I am a girl. But my Papa always said I was more like a son than any other boy was. I later found out it was termed as a Tom-Boy. I am female, but like to do masculine things, I ain't no girly-girl. Sure, I like to sing and dance, but play barbies? Play house? A toy baby? No way!
Anyway, getting back to it, we found the tracks and followed them for two days. This hunt was excruciating. It was summer in Georgia and the heat was sweltering. I had chaffing on my thighs from sweat and the material shifting, causing friction on my skin. I was itchy from all the bugs and pretty sure I walked through poison ivy. I'm immune, just as my Papa is. We could roll around in that stuff, take a bath with them leaves in the water and pretend we were tea bags, and we still wouldn't get itchy.
This hunt was two days longer than any other hunt we was ever on. But this was important. As Papa put it "the people of this here town, has put their trust in us, ain't no way we go back without the bear."
So here we are, knee deep in a puddle of mud, the tracks to the left of us, and a pile of the smelliest, nastiest, pile of shit you ever did see. And Papa stepped right into it. The two drunkards couldn't stop their laughs. Falling on their asses.
I marched right up and pushed the poo right off my Pa's shoe. "Daddy, it's still warm." His face goes blank, he tries to jostle his buds out of their stupor, proving useless.
The ground shook a little where we were. Pa and I looked at each other, and then over. There was the meanest looking grizzly, meaner looking then anything I ever seen.
My Pa shouted, gaining its attention, the Bear made for my Papa, moving at an incredible speed. I pull my gun up. "Never aim for the head," I repeat to myself, "always go for the neck, or the lungs." Otherwise, the bullet could ricochet off the Grizzlies forehead. I breath in, and then out. Pull the neck into the scope vision. And squeeze the trigger. The bear falls.
There I was eight years old and being cheered on by my Papa, and the townspeople, all cheering about myself saving the lives of all the children. And when asked how I did it, I just answered with "By being as my Pa and not like you." Directly to the little pre-madonna of the class.
Back to the man shooting himself in the leg, I was in the academy and we had been told to load our guns, and then show what we had at the target field. You can imagine how that went.
"C'mon Williamson!! Faster, much faster!!! You need much faster if you want to stay I've in the field!!" The lead agent was yelling at the man
directly beside me.
He looked over at me, "Well done L/N!! See Williamson!?! This! Is what practical and tactical looks like!! Keep up the good work L/N." He slaps my back and walks away. Due to this, I jolt, one of my magazines propelling itself, Williamson saw it in his perifrial and his gun went off.
A splat of blood on the ground and him screaming was what I heard next, then I went into action. Effectively wrapping his leg, and tying off the circulation to his leg.
The officer in charge ran to our post and checked out the situation. "What in the name of the good lord happened here?"
Williamson was going into shock, "I was aiming for it…" came his reply, which he didn't finish. The medics came and took him away. After that I never saw him, but I did hear that he was transferred to a desk job with the FBI.
Being out here, in Colombia, the drug trafficking Capital of the world, it was stressful, and it was scary. Basically anything the could ever happen had a high possibility here, they even have killed pregnant women here. Which would be why Javi has me under surveillance at the apartment.
Yes, I am pregnant. Yes, it is Javi's kid. Was it planned? No. Not really, we were playing with the idea of either of us ever settling down and how weird it would be. So Javi suggested we have a baby, or at least try, so I thought, what's the harm in trying? 4 months down the road and here we are.
We were never a couple. We have just been amazingly supportive and loving friends. We are just the same type of people with similar interests. The reason I took on the drug war? My moma actually overdosed on hard drugs. My Papa always told me it was the drink because he never wanted me to know that half the time she was pregnant she was drugged up out of her mind, she wouldn't of known she was pregnant half the time. She was so methed out. When I was born, I was born addicted to drugs. I was in the hospital for 2 months, and it almost killed me to go through withdrawals.
My Papa loved me so much that he lied. I didn’t know the truth until a group of boys got me to try the magic mushrooms with them. I ended up ass end up in a hospital bed the next morning. I’d passed out, the boys freaked and ran. Called the cops and told them that there was a 9 foot potbellied pig on the loose. The best part? The cops believed it. Pros of living in a hick town, eh? Anyway the nurse then went of on how the apple don’t fall far from the tree. Of course I needed to prove them wrong. She also said that, it wouldn’t be long until I am spreading my legs like her for my next hit, and she was surprised when they did the pelvic exam that I was a virgin.
So, to prove everyone wrong and get redemption for my family, I went through academy after academy until I got to the DEA. And when the opportunity arose to fly over and stop the drug trade where it originated from. Hell yes, I jumped at the opportunity. Thats where I first met Javi, he’s a few years my senior but he is an amazing man.
The best friend I ever had, he is known as the asshole of the operation to most of everybody here. Javier Pena, the best damn DEA agent I ever met. As good as our relationship sounds, we did not get off on the right foot, not at all. In fact, the first time I met him? I punched him, a knock out. He tried to demean me and underplay my abilities. He hit on me and tried to put the moves on me, even going so far as to lean in close, in an effort to tell me I smell nice.
Before I could stop myself, my fist met his face. It was out of reflex, and unintentional, but my brain registered him as a threat, and so instincts kicked up.
I walk into the office, my very first day here. I got held up in the airport, only to be told that they had to investigate a pretty lady, make sure wasn’t hiding anything in her goods. Airports words, not mine. Dicks, I thought the men in America were bad. Colombians are worse, at least the airport dicks are dickier. Like, I’ve never been so felt up by a TSA officer than this pair of men. Like honestly? Please give me some respect.
Even after
that, it took a call to the embassy to get me out of there. I only caught parts of their conversation, something about Pena. I wondered who it was they were talking to. I don’t speak spanish and they spoke spanish on the phone.
There was a car sent to pick me up. They took me straight to the embassy. Even with my luggage, which was definitely not plenty. I have my grandpas old army duffle bag with all my things in it. Slung over my shoulder, just as is meant to be carried.
Walking into the embassy, pride in my walk, and venom in my talk. I am escorted to the ambassador's office.
The door opens and an older woman is sitting at the desk. A nameplate in front of her on the desk. Ambassador Noonan. “Agent L/N, it’s a pleasure. Really, it’s going to be great having another girl around here.”
A scoff comes from the back of the room. “Yeah if Pena can keep his heads focused.” There was a man in the back.
The ambassador chuckles, “You may be dismissed.” And the man was gone. Noonan now looks towards me. “You are assigned to be partners with Javier Pena, senior agent, and now your roommate. For safety reasons. Colombia is not a nice neighborhood to live in by yourself. Especially if you are a woman. The men here aren’t very friendly.”
I look towards her with an annoyed face, “I can take care of myself.” I defend. Dropping my bag down to my elbow. Noonan chuckles.
Shaking her head, “Of course you can, I never said you can’t, there are just different ways of living here. There are alot of men, that given the chance they would hurt you.” Now, it’s me shaking my head.
“There are men like that everywhere.” I hang my head.
“There are basically no laws here, and no one would dare carrying out a man's sentence, not when the law is so easily bought here.” She explains with worry in her brow.
I give her a menacing look. “I can take care of myself. Don’t need any man to protect me.”
She nods. “Alright, then. Do you want to come with me and meet your partner?” I nod, slowly.
We walk towards a group of men. One sitting ontop of a desk, flinging his hands around, and talking. As we get closer, he is answering one of the other mans questions.
"You see, I like the whore houses, because you pay them for sex, and you get sex, no strings attached, no clingy girlfriend, and no one to put directly in danger with this job."
Well, at least he is a little considerate. But wow, what an asshole. “Pena!” The ambassador gets his attention. He turns and sees us.
“Hey Noonan, whos the chick?” He looks directly at me, up and down, smirks and then looks to my chest.
The ambassador chuckles, about to say something.
“Actually this chick, asshole, is your new partner. Assuming your the asshole that the dickholes at the airport had to call to come retrieve the poor american girl at the airport.” I but in, standing with my hands fisted by my sides.
He looks highly amused. “Well,” he starts sounding apoologetic. “I can see that you are tense, you know, if you were willing, I could help you with that.” He walks closer to me.
I scoff, “Unlike you, I don’t beg or pay for sex, thats how you get deseases. And I can bet that if i did hae sex with you right now, that I would contract about 50 different strains of Gohnorreah.” I sass. The men around gasped, laughed and clapped, “Hhhmm, see I just got the clap from breathing the same air as you.” I carry on the insult. He laughed lightly.
“Talking about breathing the same air,” he leans close to me. His face rapidly approaching my neck. My defences kicked in.
Before I could even think, my fist approaches his jaw. The punch lands without hesitation.
All anyone can do is watch as Agent Pena falls, and collides with the floor. And the boys sitting with him quickly dispersed, some going to Pena and some leaving the area as the ambassador asks me to come into her office.
That day was the start of the rest of my life. After Noonan asked me to her office, she told me that I had just demonstrated that I would last. About half an hour later I had Agent Pena visit my desk. He had an cold pack
against his face. And he told me I was tough and that if I could take him down, then I would do alright on my own here.
After that we went to our apartment and he explained where everything was, and where I would sleep, also where he would sleep. And if at anytime if I needed anything that he would be here.
Fast forward to now, I am sitting on the couch waiting for my best friend. He went on a raid and I just can’t stop worrying about him. He has been gone since 4am, now it is 7pm. He hasn’t even called me, he normally does after all the raids that he has been on.
I put my hand on my stomach, smiling at the small being growing inside me. My hand on my bump, feeling the evidence that, yes there is a baby with me. “Your daddy is going to be the death of me.” I say to my unborn child.
The door opens and closes, heavy footsteps walk into the apartment. He is walking a little slow, a little too slow for my liking. I get up off the couch.
Javi is leaning against the counter, running his hand through his hair. A beer open on the table, not a sip taken. “I thought you were trying to quit.” I say as I lean against the doorway. He doesn’t even look at me. He keeps staring at the bottle.
I sigh and approach him. Putting my hands around his waist. Under his arms. I bring my gaze to his. “Javi,” His eyes are red, and it breaks my heart. “Javi, it’s ok.” I say as he just continues to look right through me.
I pull him close to me. One of my hands going to his head. Pulling it down to my shoulder. Squeezing him as hard as I could. Trying to get him to respond.
His body begins to shake. My shoulder getting wet. I just stand there holding him, letting him know I am here for him. “Javi, it’s going to be alright.” My heart shatters at how broken he is right now. He just pulls me closer to him, his head going further into my shoulder.
I run my hand through his hair, pulling gently and shushing him. Shifting my weight slowly from side to side, gently rocking him. Rubbing his back with one hand. He slowly calms down, the tears have stopped. Now we are just standing here, a girl comforting and holding a scarred boy. A man that has seen too much that he strongly resembles a terrified boy.
The strongest man I have ever met, here weeping in my arms. The first man after my father that I let take care of me. My best and truest friend, here like this, and it breaks my heart.
He gently pulls his head from my neck. “You know,” his voice is soft, “You really do smell nice all the time.” He places a soft kiss on my neck.
I scoff, “I was throwing up earlier.” He quietly laughs. Then Pulls his face away completely, looking at mine. Almost as if he is recharging his memory of me.
Gently he rests his forehead against mine. One of his hands, cupping the back of my head. We stay like that for a while. Enjoying each others company.
A little later we are sat at the table. I served him the dinner I made while I was worried. The beer still there, still no sip taken. Javi glanced at it. Shook his head and grabbed it. He got up and dumped it down the sink and put the empty bottle down.
I just continue eating, letting him do what he needs to. He takes the seat closest to me, instead of the regular one across from me. His hand resting on my thigh, at a respectable placement. He sighs, and I know he is preparing to tell me about today.
I look over at him. He is intently looking at the dirty dishes on the table, gathering what he wants to say.
“Do you want to come to the couch with me?” I nod and we walked over, him holding onto my forearm, just resting hi hand there.
When we sit on the couch, he puts both of his hands on me. One on my arm, and one on my knee.
He takes a deep breath, “It was a bad day at the embassy. We, we got a call. Carillo found a four month pregnant girl, her face was unrecognizable, He pauses. His eyes watering a little. “She, she had your credentials.” My heart drops. His tears start to fall again. I pull his head into me.
He continues. “I, I called the house, and then your phone, I thought, I thought he got you.”
He whimpers to me. “I even called the security detail watching you, they said that they weren’t stationed and when they got here, you were gone.” He says in frustration. “It wasn’t until an hour ago that I was informed it wasn’t you. They,” He swallows. “They had to do a DNA test on the fetus to match with mine to make sure it wasn’t you.”
I hold him tighter, my stomach dropping at the amount of agony that he went through today. “Escobar had a pregnant woman killed?” I ask softly, “to mess with you?” I continue.
Javi pulls away, and looks at me, “You know that night we talked about having a family?” He brings up a fond memory. I nod. “You aren’t a family if you live in separate house, and aren’t married, right?”
“Where are you going with this?” I ask, confused. He looks me directly in the eyes.
“What if, what if we got married?” Just how he asked with the baby. “Just here me out. We don’t even have to be romantically involved, and there would be no expectations, just living in the same house, under the same name. A family.” He explains himself.
I look at him with somber eyes, “We’ve been family since we met.” I tell him. “I’m not saying no, I’m just asking why? Why would you want to be tied to me forever, you would be tied to me legally.” He smiles.
“You are my best friend, and we’ve been alone together for so long. Why not be together, and not alone on paper, or in material. Being married, we could continue being friends for life, we could have any type of relationship we wanted, and our kid would never be bullied for living in two different lives. A redneck, and a spanish speaking house.” Javi rants to me.
I scoff, “You don’t have to sell it to me Javi, I already agreed. I just want to know why you are pressing this right now.”
“I had the scare of my life, and all I could say to the local police and doctors is that you are my best friend that is pregnant with my baby. Boyfriend and girlfriend seems to juvenile for how I feel about you, and partner is just too distant.” He takes a breath. “I really do care about you, and I love you, and I want to be tied to you. In every possible way. We are not getting any younger and today showed me that life is short, and I want to spend the rest of my shot life with you.”
I smile, “So let’s get married.” Javi smilled huge and kissed my forehead.
He bent down to place his head against the bump. The rest of the night was spent like that, my life right here.
Colombia has been difficult and it has been stressful, but there has also been good moments, like right now. One thing is for certain though, I really wish I wasn’t pregnant right now, because if I wasn’t, then I would bring a war worse than anything onto Pablo Escobar, I wouldn’t even kill him, not right away, I would let anybody that he had ever hurt, or affected negatively, hurt him. Then maybe just maybe mercy kill him.
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mistaeq · 4 years
One scoop of Bucci gang HCs for the first time quiet reader bursts out laughing in front of them please!
Bucciarati Gang: with a Quiet s/o who Bursts out Laughing
TW // none
Thank you for your request! Bucciarati Gang, my favourite dorky compatriots <3 hope you enjoy, I had fun writing these!
Bucciarati Gang with a quiet s/o who bursts out laughing in front of them, neutral!s/o
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You first burst out laughing in front of Giorno when nature itself betrays him and he can't stop sneezing because of the pollen coming from a flower he had grown himself. Karma? An unlucky day? You may never know.
Having been with Giorno a lot, you learnt that plant's effect isn't dangerous, so you can look at your boyfriend getting mad over sneezes, and he's absolutely hilarious. You're sorry that this is happening to him, don't get it twisted, but seeing his chill behavior get lost for this mess is priceless.
He's not only pissed off because he keeps on sneezing, but he's also pissed off because he'd totally like to hear that unexpected laughter of yours clearly, without his sneezes covering it every now and then. He doesn't know when this chance might ever come back, and he wants to clearly hear you.
His frantic and clumsy moves while his nose keeps on betraying him cause his perfectly donut shaped hairstyle to ruin, golden locks falling on his forehead and his braid becoming a messy load of fluffy hair covering his neck.
"Y/n... will you..." sneeze. "..w-will you stop staring..." sneeze. "..it's kinda embarrassing... m-mamma mia..." sneeze. "..but no... no, don't stop laughing... p-plea.. a.." s n e e z e.
After he manages to stop sneezing, his shocked look and his red cheeks let a last giggle come from you, as you hold him tight and leave a sweet peck on his nose. You caress his hair, you find him so attractive even without his signature hairstyle, and that's worth some sneezes, isn't it.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Leone when you hear him curse in front of his mirror because his clothes won't fit him anymore. His chest was too broad.
Abbacchio chose not to use curse words in front of you, that's why when you catch him red handed, swearing and cursing at his clothes, you can't help finding him funny. As soon as he hears you laughing, he winces and turns around.
"Fuck... come on... why won't this fit..." he was pulling the irremovable fabric on his shoulder. "Maybe my chest is now too big... what the hell, come on... mamm ro Carmn... [Neapolitan dialect for: Carmine's mom. Not a cute thing to say. It's an angry neapolitan "mamma mia".]" then, he heard you laughing, and winced.
When he sees the big smile on your face when you lovingly laugh at him, he's petrified. He hates hearing this type of laughing, because it's the exact thing Mista and Narancia do all the time. But on you? You sound so happy and relieved, and Leone likes it. For real.
He just stands there, half his chest and a shoulder being naked, looking like a disheveled princess. Too funny. He huffs and ignores you, to make you think he's annoyed. But you know him too well, and know that if he's hiding his face, it's because he's actually smiling, too.
You hug him from behind, looking at your reflection in the mirror still in front of him. Abbacchio looks over his naked shoulder, right where you are, leaving a tender kiss on his skin, before giggling once again. He turns around, and kisses you, leaving his purple lipstick all over your cute mouth. He likes your laughter better, like this.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Guido when you're practising together with cooking. And he just can't believe it, when you laugh so hard just for a pun of his. You are baking some good bread to share it with the gang.
He takes your hand and smiled. "Are you a garden, y/n?" Guido asks you, before throwing a handful of flour on you. "Because I feel like my love for you is FLOURishing!" you burst out laughing, holding onto him, spreading flour on his apron, too.
That genuine, happy laugh really warms his heart, he feels his knees get weaker and his negative thoughts fly away. He could listen to that forever. Mista is just so shocked. It takes for him a couple of seconds to realize what happened, before he finally holds you back.
Seeing you silent all day makes him kinda sad, and one of his dreams was making you laugh like that. He has been putting a lot of effort for that, but manages to do it only when he's his actual self, with a simple pun.
"My love for you is FLOURishing too, Guido..." you manage to answer, your cheeks obtaining a cute, irresistible red color, as you get on tiptoe and peck his beautiful lips. He's totally enamored, he's under your spell and can't believe you answered his pun so well.
When you get back to your work, he sometimes still hears you giggle, thinking of how bad yet cheesy that pun was. But it made you unwillingly burst out laughing, so you guess it's okay just the way it is.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Fugo when you see him getting angry over Narancia not knowing maths. Fugo promised himself and Bruno not to physically hurt Narancia again like what happened with the fork in his cheek.
This being said, the only way for Fugo to express his anger is screeching on his chair. When you hear that sound coming from your boyfriend, you can't hold back your laughter. It was so unexpected and someway unbelievably cute. Narancia is just scared.
Fugo hears the angelic bells of love in his heart, as if God himself came down from the paradise and graced his ears with your laughing voice. It immediately calms him down. But if he calms down, you stop laughing.
"Why isn't 8 ÷2 = 3? If I split an 8 in half I get a three!" after hearing Narancia mumbling those words, Fugo screeches again, and you giggle even louder. But you understand the poor boy can't keep on getting angry just to hear you laugh.
That's why you soon stop, approaching Fugo and resting your magical hands on his shoulders, giving him a massage because he's a great teacher and he's doing his best. His moans while you help him relaxing his shoulders make you shyly giggle too.
"Why does this sound sexual?" Fugo wishes he could kill Narancia. But he's too focused on your hands working on his shoulders to care, and quietly screeches as you giggle again.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Narancia when you see Fugo getting angry over him not knowing maths. Narancia is shook, kinda confused on why what he wrote isn't correct.
Fugo screeches on his chair, he promised not to hurt your boyfriend, who shows you his paper, looking at you with a questioning look, probably asking you why what he wrote is wrong. You burst out laughing as you read. Narancia is a complete mess.
As soon as he hears you, he completely forgets about maths for a second, focusing on the sound of your beautiful laughter. Narancia is baby, if the person he loves the most laughs, he doesn't care what's the reason, he laughs with you. Then, he kinda remembers why you started giggling in first place.
"For real though. Y/n, why isn't 8 ÷ 2 = 3? If I split an 8 in half I get a three!" after hearing Narancia mumbling those words, you laugh even harder, desperate Fugo witnessing your boyfriend throwing away his maths notebook and run into your arms.
You're usually so silent and he may never know when he's gonna hear you again like that. You two laugh together so much that you start panting, your faces red with big smiles and almost sweating.
"Why does this look sexual?" Narancia wishes he could kill Fugo. But he's too focused on your little giggles and your cute smile as you lean on his shoulder and kiss his cheek. He might be not so perfect in maths, but he's perfect in making you so happy.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Trish after you trip on a piece of furniture and risk falling on the ground. But as soon as your body touches the ground, you feel it jiggly and soft, bouncing a little on it.
Just a moment before you thought you were gonna get a few bruises after falling on the ground, but now you're just there, happily bouncing on Spicy Lady's brand new jiggly floor and laughing out loud, staring at your girlfriend's surprised expression.
You've never laughed like that before, and Trish is pleasantly surprise to see that her stand's work has such a good effect on your mood and on you, in general. She might consider making more objects jiggly, if this is what you like. All she cares about is seeing you happy and amused.
"Tell me, y/n..." she gets closer to your figure jumping and loudly giggling, and stares at you with loving eyes. "Would you mind it, if I jumped with you too? You look like you're having fun..."
You couldn't ask for anything more. You moved a little to let Trish join you, grabbing both your hands and jumping along with you, finally laughing so you can see her beautiful smile, even though she's the one who cares about seeing yours. Your girlfriend would do anything for you... even disobey Bucciarati.
"You... you two had to clean the house while we were away... it was your turn, this morning!" the capo's jaw fell as soon as he saw the mess Spicy Lady had done. Nothing that couldn't be fixed, but what matters is that afterwards, you and her laugh together remembering Bucciarati's expression. Then, she kisses your smile in case it would take a lot for it to come back.
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You first burst out laughing in front of Bruno when his stand disobeys him and opens a zipper through a wall to reach for your room and cuddle with you.
His shocked face and Sticky Fingers's cute, happy sounds are too hilarious for you to keep a serious expression. You're so used to see Bucciarati as the authoritarian type of person who has everything under his control, but now he doesn't and he's quite panicking.
Even more shocking for Bruno is seeing how you actually let his stand cuddle with you, a warm laughter coming from your sweet lips, he loves so much. Music for his tired capo ears.
He can't help staring at you with a loving smile. Moments like these don't happen that much, and God knows when you're gonna do that beautiful sound again. He secretly thanks Sticky Fingers for doing all of this, but since it's his soul, there's no need to say it out loud.
"Your laugh is one of the best sounds my ears ever witnessed, tesoro. I might want Sticky Fingers to disobey me more, if this is the result..." then, he'd bring a hand of yours to his lips and kiss it, kiss your smile, kiss your precious laughter.
Even if you stop laughing, Bruno enjoys your little giggles while his stand strokes your hair and purrs when you caress its head. As the user feels what the stand feels, your hand caressing Sticky Fingers caresses Bruno too, and he'll eventually giggle with you.
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Fucks not Found
A Matter of Seconds
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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The second phase started a few days later, One went to recruit a new guy, a former Deltas force.
After meeting at The Haunted House, giving the new guy a tour, you all went to the closest Diner for a late lunch. One introduced the new guy as Seven.
“How come you’re not Seven by the way?” Five asked you, then look at One, who did not acknowledge her question.
“Because she's an eight.” Four shrugged
You scoffed. "Who gave you the right to rate me, skater boy?"
“See, the sarcasm removes 2 points.” He tilted his beer to you. Neither of you mentioned the night at the pool since then but there were lingering glances heavy with meanings.
‘Careful, she's a feminist.” One said feigning to be afraid, focusing on some device in his hands.
“Don't forget, the Feminist can access your bank accounts in a second.”
He points at you with a smirk, acknowledging your point. They resumed the welcoming talk for Seven.
“When you’re dead, you get to stop all the bullsh*t. No more DMV lines, no more shopping Christmas.” Three pulled a face reminiscing his past life.
“Or backstabbing girlfriends. No more getting arrested by the pigs just for being naked or just usual stuff. You know, being naked, getting drunk. Casual stuff.” Four added.
You shook your head, a smirk forming on your face. Four’s old life looked interesting.
Seating at his right on the booth next to his, you glanced at him when they all focused on One’s magnetic little show. He caught you starring so wriggle his eyebrows to you, focusing back on the table ahead you hide a growing smile by taking a sip on your coffee. The guilt had diminished, in the grieving process you had passed from the denial and isolation to a quick depression then acceptance but it was taking time.
One explained the mission, a Coup d’état, replacing the evil shithead Dictator of Turgistan Rovach Alamov, with the Democracy-loving brother, Murat Alamov. Four poked your arm.
“You’re a ten by the way” he whispered.
“Shut up!” you punched his shoulder laughing, his presence and to be honest being in this weird squad was helping, you didn’t trust yourself to go through this alone. They didn’t pity you, per contra, they were pushing you forward, they were caring, each one of them in their own way.
Back at the base, you were showing Four a suite of connectors he would have to do during the mission, but he was clearly not paying attention. The old TV was playing this fucking Beaver show, and there was no way to turn it off, One had rigged the thing!
Four was poking your sides, enjoying his time alone with you. Footsteps approached the trailer, you swat Four’s hand, he smiled letting his tongue lick his under lip. Seven entered the trailer, eyeing the two of you suspiciously. After giving a new passport to Seven, this latter became nosy.
“Hey, what do you know about One?” he looked at his new passport
“We usually don’t ask about One” you responded annoyed at his presence, it’s not that Seven was a bad guy, but he kept asking stuff he shouldn’t so it was annoying.
“He loves Wally the dog," you sighed as Four began to talk pointed at the English mastiff drooling on the floor, "He’s obsessed with this Beaver show. I think he’s an orphan actually. We got a little bet on if you want to put some money in.” You hit his arm, he widened his eyes wondering.
"sciocco" you rolled yours in disbelief. Four always did that, shared too many details and talk so fast you would have to muffle him to make him stop.
“It’s an interesting crew you got here. How many missions’ you guys run?
“Counting Florence?” Four put the passports back in the drawer, brushing your arm on the way
“One.” You answered in unison
“One what?”
“Well, actually, no, there was, um, this like mini-mission, so maybe one and a quarter. It was in Sicily. But Florence.., absolute shitshow. I mean, if I wasn’t there, probably more than one of us …dead." Four realized as he said it, he looked at you with an apologetic look. You just look at your laptop trying not to react.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Seven started to agitate.
“I don’t fuck around.” Four said offended. He glanced at you still feeling shitty and fearing your reaction.
“You realize I just buried myself in front of my family and friends, right?”
“Yeah, One told me about that," Four said genuinely interested while you started closing your tabs, "Big military funeral. Guns popping, flags. It’s pretty cool. I mean in my funeral, there were five people there, and two of them left before the end. It is tough watching your mum cry at your grave though.”
“At least you had proper funerals, Seven.” You said coldly, unplugging the battery cable a bit too angrily.
“Yeah.” Seven sighed, "How was it for you Eight?” Seven turned to you.
“It doesn’t matter!” Closing your laptop, you stride over Four’s legs, petting Wally on your way out.
“Wait, fuck, sorry .. Eight I got carried away ..” Four started to get up but Wally did first blocking his way. Good boy.
Waving him off “Yeah, as always.” Your throat dry as that fucking desert, acceptance was not easy.
“What’s her story?” Seven nodded your way
“The cold guy from Florence, .. her twin brother.“
Seven furrowed his brows, watching you mount your fat tire cruiser bike.
Later at night, you were at the dry pool as always.
“You didn’t answer.” His voice cracked through the perfect silence of the desert. The Moon spreading her pale light on him on the other side of the pool.
“About what?”
“Why Eight? You should have been Seven..”
... you took a deep breath, few seconds passed.
“I was born 8 seconds before my brother.”
You heard a whispered “fuck” coming his way.
“I argued with One to get this number. Thinking about it, childish move, but today …, it means more.” You played with the cross around your neck. “My mother gave it to him you know, the cross," you scoffed, "I was incredibly jealous until I learned that she gave him because he needed it the most. You knew him as a joyful teen playing around being sassy, but he’d always needed an anchor and mamma thought God could be his.” Lifting the necklace to the sky, the moonlight started reflecting on the silver cross.
“Mamma knew I wasn’t one to believe, yet I prayed for him. Perdonami mamma” You mumbled to yourself.
“About earlier, I’m sorry…” Four began...
“Enough talking about me!" You cleared your throat, "Naked and drunk huh? Wanna tell me more about that?” you reminisce the talk at the diner.
He laughed getting up from the edge “What, it never happened to you? Never got shit drunk and ran butt naked in the streets?” He straddled your lounge chair near your feet.
“Oddly, I wanted to stay off police radar.” you straightened a bit, he chuckled.
Lifting an eyebrow, he taunted “Drunk on a beach, skinny dipping, never?”
“As funny as it sounds now, I didn’t want to die, especially drowning. How’d you come so far in life?”
“Skills!” you pushed his leg with your foot scoffing at his answer. He rested one hand on your calves, you fall silent enjoying each other’s presence.
“I miss him.” He dipped his head as he said it. They had really become friends in an instant, you remember the first time you arrived at the Haunted House. It’s like they were lost brothers, Four said something about music and they bonded immediately.
Straightening you nudge his leg gently this time, scooting closer, your left leg bend over his lap, he looked over, and you just opened your arms, smiling softly. His hands were so warm around your waist, carefully resting your head on his shoulder, your own arms hugging his broad shoulders. He suddenly tightened his embrace, a sharp inhale escaping your mouth at the sudden action, one of his hand slowly going up your spine setting in your neck. You caught yourself closing your eyes letting your fingers brushed his buzzed haircut, he shivered.
“If I kiss you, you’re not gonna run, are you?” you didn't answer, but your eyes bounced between his lips and his green eyes.
“Please don’t run.” He whispered, his lips faintly brushed yours before you rushed into the kiss as if to catch up the moment you’d lost last time.
"Okay, definitely not running away," he chuckled kissing you again standing up, you still in his arms, he made his way to the bad replica of a Mexican Abode where he had made himself at home.
His kisses trailed down your collarbone, your hands ran down his bare chest, up his toned arms and firm clad buttocks, his mimicking yours on your soft body. Soon his hand was where you wanted it most, biting his neck in response he groaned tilting his head for more.
The pale light of the moon shining on your body through the broken shutters, the cold night of the desert contrasting with the heat emanating from you both.
His warmth in yours, you were writhing under him, he made you reach some highs, eyes never leaving each other’s features, your bare body clad with sweat holding onto each other for dear life until coming undone, all the rage and stress from the missions gone for a moment.
“We could get kicked out …” you were still a bit out of breath, outrageously and gloriously nude.
“What One doesn’t know … can’t hurt us” he mumbled against your shoulder, you half laughed. His fingers trailed up and down your bare spine, “I thought the all deal with being dead was freedom?”
“Feel free then” you smiled smugly, no sooner had he smiled back he disappeared under the sheet, you laughed, pulling the sheet  away to watch him...
Fourth Chapter - I need a backdoor 
A/N: don’t forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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lorilane33 · 5 years
He’s Your Dancing Queen
Summary: Bucky is a man-child about indulging your want to watch Mamma Mia for the hundredth time, and when you come early a few days later you are met with something unexpected. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Word Count: 2,589
Warnings: Bucky being a cheeky little shit. Mamma Mia obsession, fluff out the wazoo because that’s my jam. Hilarity. 
A/N: This is my first every Bucky fic, and I’m super excited about it. Mamma Mia has recently become one of my favorite musical movies and ABBA has no shortage of amazing and inspirational songs :) This is the result of that. Please like and reblog, I live for that shit :) 
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Saturday evening arrives in the house you share with your boyfriend Bucky and he lets out a groan while his eyes roll to the back of his head; you’ve made your choice for what movie you want for movie night.
“Y/n, doll. I get that it’s your turn to pick the movie we watch, but Mamma Mia? AGAIN?” Bucky settles into the couch and his arm goes around you, his mind flashes back to the last time you watched Mamma Mia. “Didn’t we just watch it on Wednesday?” 
“So?? Bucky, come on.” You stick your bottom lip out in a pout, knowing he can’t handle it when you ask so sweetly. “Pleeeease? I promise I won’t sing along too loudly this time.” 
Bucky knows you are taking advantage of him but he can’t bring himself to tell you no, especially when it’s something that continually brings you this much joy. Letting out a defeated sigh he responds, “Fiiiine, we can watch it again.” When he hears you squeal in response he smiles and adds on, “It’s so not fair that you use that pout against me, Y/n. You know that look coming from you breaks my heart.” 
You reach up and kiss Bucky’s cheek, the scratch of his beard against your lips a nice feeling. “You know you love me, no matter what. Now, stop being a punk if you want to keep cuddling with me.” A smirk gracing your features. 
A few songs into the movie, you’ve completely forgotten the promise you made Bucky and are currently singing along (loudly) to Dancing Queen with Donna, Tonya, and Rosie, wishing you could run away to Greece with Bucky. 
Suddenly you feel a heavy weight against you as Bucky sags into you and sighs with boredom. Trying to get him on board with the fun, you shove the air mic into Bucky’s face, and all you get is a grumble about how he’s heard this song a million times and he’s tired of it. Laughing, your whole body moves to the beat of the song and you serenade him through to the end of it. 
“Finally, that stupid song is over. Can we watch something else now?” you hear Bucky mumble, adding on another dramatic sigh for effect. 
Your eyebrows shoot up in response and you momentarily frown, the movie momentarily forgotten. “Excuse you, Bucky? It was my turn to pick!” 
“I feel like I’m going to be singing these songs in my sleep because of how often we’ve watched this movie,” Bucky replies. He rolls his eyes. “And the last thing I want is to be singing ABBA songs when I’m trying to rest, doll.” 
Rolling your eyes you turn your attention to the TV and realize you’ve almost missed the beginning of your favorite scene. “That’s great, hon. We can talk about it later, I promise. Now, please… shush.” 
An overly dramatic and indignant look crosses Bucky’s face as he realizes you’re blowing him off and he tightens his arm around you, “Now who needs to be excused, little missy? You think you can just -”
Suddenly a pillow collides with his face and he is momentarily stunned. “I said SHUSH!” You yell all while your attention remains on the screen, where Sky and Sophie are singing their duet, Lay All Your Love On Me.
“Y/n, are you ignoring me for Sky??” Bucky whines, glancing back and forth between you and the movie. “Oh my god, you totally are!!” He exclaims as he shoves your shoulder.
Smiling you laugh at his need for attention. “And what if I am, Buck? He’s so beautiful! Just look at him!” you cry. “His voice isn’t bad either... So there’s that,” nonchalantly you shrug in amusement. 
“How could you ignore me for him?” He reaches up and pokes you in the nose, and then he points to Sky onscreen as you turn to face him. “HE LOOKS LIKE HOWARD STARK, Y/N, IN CASE YOU DIDN’T NOTICE AND THAT’S WEIRD.”
At this, you burst out laughing. “Howard Stark?? Really, hon? He does NOT look like Howard! Now you’re just grasping at straws. NOW SHHHHHH!!” You add on as you turn your attention back to the TV, the chemistry between Sophie and Sky crackling on-screen. 
Bucky keeps up his petulant attitude. “You’re right, he can’t be Howard because he’s half-naked and the ugly sod is bloody British,” he mockingly responds.  
You pat Bucky’s knee in response to his obvious jealousy. “Awww, Sweetie. It’s okay to be jealous every once in a while,” you coo gently. 
“Jealous?! Me?! JEALOUS OF THE HOWARD STARK WANNABE??? Please.” Bucky huffs as his eyes roll again. “How much of this movie do we have left anyway?” 
Your grin grows wider as you break the news to him. “Bucky. Sweetheart. Babe. My love. We’re not even halfway through yet. You’ve seen this movie before, you should know!”
Bucky dramatically groans, adding another eye-roll in for effect, as he flops down to lay his head in your lap. His metal arm wraps around your waist as he mumbles into your leg, “Just wake me up when it’s over.” 
You roll your eyes fondly at his antics knowing he wasn’t actually upset about any of it. “Fine, Buck. Go to sleep, you brat.” Your hand finds its way into his soft, short locks, and gives it a firm tug. He lets out a small squawk of surprise and glares at you before he closes with a victorious smile on his face. 
Once the movie ends you shake Bucky to wake him up. “Hey. Wake up, it’s over.” 
“Oh my god, finally!” Bucky mumbles through a yawn. “I was beginning to think it would never end. Did you finally get enough of your boy Sky and his stupid British nonsense??” 
Giggling, you respond as you pinch him. “Maybe I haven’t, we should watch it again to make sure. You’re such a brat, you know that?” 
He gasps. “NOOO!” batting your hand away, he continues. “Excuse you? Who are you calling a brat, punk?”  
“Hey! I could have left you to sleep out here on the couch, ya know. But I didn’t, because I’m a loving girlfriend.” 
“A loving girlfriend, huh? I wouldn’t have to sleep through half the movie if you didn’t make me watch Mamma Mia all the time, Y/n. So technically this is your fault.” He begrudgingly sits up, glaring at you for waking him up. 
You smile and boop his nose. “How on Earth is this my fault, Buck?” 
A look of mild annoyance lands on his face when he pulls away from your finger. “How is this your fault? Gee, I wonder how this could, in any way, be your fault?”  
Pushing him off the couch, you smile and kiss his head as you walk past him, letting your fingers graze his bearded jaw.  “Awww, Buck. You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”
Eyes widening as he realizes what you said, he calls out to your form retreating into the bedroom. “I am NOT jealous of not Howard, Y/n! We’ve discussed this!!” 
“Exactly, Stef! I don’t understand how she thinks she has the right to do that.” You continue your phone conversation while digging in your purse for your keys as you walk up to the porch. 
Listening to your friend’s reply, you walk up the front steps and successfully pull your keys from your purse. Suddenly you hear muffled voices, and it sounds like it’s coming from inside. 
“Hey, Stef, I’m gonna have to call you back. Yeah, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” You end the call and dump the phone into your purse as you go to unlock the door. “Buck?”
Once you open the door the mystery of the blaring noise is solved as you hear the opening chords of Sky and Sophie’s duet coming from the living room, then Sky’s voice is heard too. But this time there’s another voice.  “Um, Bucky?” You call out, hoping to figure out where he’d disappeared to. 
You place your keys in the dish by the front door, confusion settling in. However, the mystery of the missing boyfriend, too, is solved momentarily as seconds later you turn the corner into the living room only to see Bucky, who apparently has no idea you’re home.
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The man who complained about watching Mamma Mia only days previously is now singing along with the movie, giving it all he’s got, clad in nothing but his boxer briefs. Your mouth drops open at the sight before you as he whips his shorter locks to the song. Bucky’s hand that isn’t using the remote as an air mic glides down his body as he does a few body rolls, then his hips start swinging in time to the beat as he runs his free hand through his hair, making it stick up even more than it already was. 
You continue to stare, absolutely gobsmacked, as your boyfriend starts moving along with the words even more as the second verse builds to the chorus:
“It was like shooting a sitting duck,
A little small talk, a smile and baby I was stuck.
I still don't know what you've done with me,
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily.
I feel a kind of fear
When I don't have you near,
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride
I beg you, dear,”
Bucky finishes an attempt at an elaborate spin move as he sings the last line, and you finally snap out of your trance and begin laughing. 
His eyes fly open as he hears you, not expecting you to be home so soon. “Y/N?!? OH MY GOD, I THOUGHT YOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE HOME UNTIL SEVEN!?!” Bucky frantically tries to find the remote on the coffee table for a few seconds, only to make you slouch against the wall in laughter as he realizes he’s been using it as a mic. 
Suddenly your laughter is the only sound now as the TV goes silent when Bucky pauses it. He crosses his arms, drawing your attention to his chest, which is heaving with his heavy breathing and covered in a light sheen of sweat. 
Pulling yourself back up to a standing position, you wipe the tears that have been streaming down your face as you try to compose yourself. Giggling, you reply, “Yeah, Buck, I wasn’t. But if you had looked at your phone at all over the last hour you’d have seen my text that said I was coming home early. And lemme tell you, I’ve never been so glad to have you not read my text in our entire relationship.” 
You let your eyes now wander appreciatively over your mostly naked boyfriend, taking in the Greek god that is James Barnes, and when your eyes get back up to his face you see him scoff at you. “Hey! Quit ogling the merchandise. Geez, doll, I feel so objectified right now.” 
Smirking at him, you roll your eyes at his antics. “But what if your merchandise is really, really nice to look at?” You pause. “Speaking of merchandise, Buck. Umm. I’m assuming you know you’re running around in your underwear? Where are your clothes?” 
Without missing a beat Bucky says, “Pfft. Duh, Y/n! Of course, I know I’m in my underwear. It’s the best state to be in. And for my clothes, they’re In the dresser, where they’re supposed to be? Well. My sweats are probably on the floor, but whatever.” He shrugs like that’s the most logical place for his pants to be. 
Unable to keep a straight face, you break down into giggles. “So you’ve just been wandering around in your briefs since I left this morning?”
Dropping the remote onto the couch cushion, Bucky walks over to you, a mischievous glint in his eye.  “Yeah, pretty much. Got a problem with that?” 
With Bucky suddenly in front of you, blue eyes staring at you so intensely, your response is much breathier than you anticipated. “Nope. Not a single problem, Buck. But, baby.” Breathing deeply and arching your eyebrow at him you continue. “Last time I checked, you thought Sky was a Howard Stark wannabe and made fun of the fact that he’s British. What’s up with that?”
Bucky shrugs in defeat, chuckling as he responds. “What can I say? It’s really not my fault ABBA has killer songs. And it’s also not my fault that the story they’ve used the songs to tell is a damn good one.” His hands come to rest on your hips, lightly rubbing his thumbs over your hipbones, his eyes bright. “And it’s still not my fault that my irresistible girlfriend makes me watch the movie all the damn time. I’ve had it memorized for three months, doll.” 
Almost subconsciously your arms reach up to rest on his shoulders in response to his ministrations as he gently brushes his nose against yours. “But Y/n here’s the real question. It’s really important, so I need you to answer honestly. My performance. It blew a half-naked Sky out of the water, right? No contest?” 
“Oh my god, Bucky!” You slap his chest, laughing. “We were having a moment and you were such a brat and ruined it!” 
You lean your forehead against his shoulder in an attempt to gain some composure, but it fails because your head is bobbing along to Bucky’s laughter emanating from his chest. “Doll, it was an honest question. I just need your honest opinion, that I’m better than Sky.”
Pulling away from Bucky, you walk back toward the doorway where the two bags you brought home were strewn, forgotten, along with your purse. With an affectionate laugh, you look back at him. “Bucky Barnes, some days I haven’t the slightest idea what to do with you. You are such a man-child.” 
Smiling, he rolls his eyes at your retort. You walk up to him, resting your free hand on his bicep as you go up on tiptoe to press a sweet kiss to his lips. His hands reach for your ass, but you swat his hand away and smirk.  “Nope. Hands off, mister. I’ll never make it to the shower if I let you get your hands on me.” He chuckles.  
You brush past him, pausing for a second. “And to answer your super important question? Hands down better than Sky, doll. You’re definitely my dancing queen.” Suddenly Bucky yelps in surprise as the crack of your hand firmly slapping his ass echoes in the room as you run to the bedroom. 
“HEY! Get back here, you brat!” Bucky yells as he takes off after you, rubbing his ass the whole way. 
A couple of hours later, after Bucky finishes showing you just how much he loves you, and after finally, finally finishing in the shower, music can once again be heard blaring from the TV. If anyone were to walk up to the door at this point in time they would hear voices muffled through the door just as you had earlier that day, not quite sure what it was they were hearing. 
In the living room, though, unaware of anyone or anything outside yourselves, you find yourself in your underwear right beside Bucky in his, loudly singing and dancing along to Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again like there’s no tomorrow. Bucky may be a man child, but he’s your dancing queen, and you wouldn’t trade him for anybody else.
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acequeenking · 4 years
Hadestober #6
6) Livin' it Up on Top - Hermes takes his sister back up, but her behavior worries him. (T; mention of Seph’s canon alcoholism.)
Of all his sisters, Persephone has always been his favorite. Always thick of thieves, the two of them, which seems only appropriate, given that thieves fall under Hermes' jurisdiction. Always had been, even as kids; if he dared her to do something, she would do it. If he challenged her to a race, she would run it. Thumb her nose at dad? 'Course she would. The other kids in their generation made excuses -- Persephone just set to beating whatever challenge was put in front of her. Made them quick friends, once upon a time.
Hermes used to joke that she and him  were the only ones who got a drop of daddy's wanderer blood; truthfully, they were just the two who had the most to prove, being the only two living in the mortal realm. Either way, they looked out for one another: Persephone never saw a bit of Hermes' tricks, least so far as any parental unit who might punish him for such was concerned; Hermes certainly never saw her off to the underworld for a midnight rendezvous with the biggest conquest. They've both settled down now, but Persephone, well, let's just say he still escorts her to and fro. 
Her little dalliance Hades may have been what turned her mamma's hair grey, but if she had known even half of what Persephone and her half-brother had gotten into in their travels together -- well, let's just say Miss Demeter's hair would be white if she had any left at all.
Which is, in short, to say: Hermes knows Persephone well. Knows just about everything a brother can know. So it's obvious, to him, when she ain't feeling too good. Not, he thinks, when she's mainlining three rum and cokes before the train even finishes it's first chugga up to the surface.  Barely said a word to her dearest brother before she's deep into the bar: another sign she isn't feeling too good.
"Slow down, green thang," he says, watching her slam back drinks. "Got a whole summer to drink your fill."
"Doubt it. He was early last time," she says. "And the time before that."
Hermes frowns; that much is true enough. Been a few days earlier and earlier every year. But Persephone had greeted him with a smile each time, and he'd let them go down with the last few days of summers still hidden in her bag, because he'd thought his sister would be a bit happier with her man. Hermes hasn't been married, himself; that life was never for him, but his sister, well, wasn't a secret she loved her man, and that her man loved her.
"He'll be early again, too." She smiles sadly, adds a little ice to her drink. Probably because Hadestown has been hotter than hell lately, because he certainly can't imagine she wants to slow down her drinking. "Be early a bit more every time. Give'em a few more years and he'll be picking me up in June." 
"He ain't gonna press it that far," Hermes says; Hades is unlikely to do anything that might ruptures the world order quite so badly. Always a balance between them, even if he tips the scale a bit. Hermes, being the god of rogues, cannot quite blame the man for trying to tip the scales a bit. Lots of times you can tip the scales without it quite being considered cheating.
"He will." She doesn't say anything more, and when he tries to offer her a bit of comfort in his words, she holds her hand up.
"Don't want to argue," she says, and there's an edge to sister-girl's voice, one he hasn't heard before. "Just pour another."
And so he does.
By the time they get up top, Persephone's had more than a few. Which...isn't so unusual; his sister has always been prone to her drink. She was never one for moderation, not in her drink and certainly not in her love life. He's sure that it must be hard for her,  coming home, as she does, every year, to a world that relies on her more and more and more, as the human population grows and grows, and leaving a man who resents her absence more and more. An inevitable position, the one his sister has found herself in.
"HEY!" She shouts as they step off his train. She's stumbling a bit, and Hermes puts his arm protectively around her shoulders. "Let's find a party, Hermes, bound to be one somewhere!"  Her volume is far too loud - alcohol working its charms, for sure.
"Why don't we go see see your mama?" He suggests  instead. Demeter has never been one to turn down a visit, regardless of her daughter's sobriety, though it's been quite some time since she's been so soused. Probably have words to say, but odds are Demeter will say them to him, and not to Persephone, and he's willing to take that lecture. 
"Do I look like I wanna be with my momma?" Persephone spits back. "I have been in hell for six months, brother, six months!" She grabs his hand with both her hands, the look in her eyes pleading. "I have been six months at his beck and call, and I ain't going straight to six months of being at hers. C'mon." She bumps his hips with hers. "I know you know how to dance, Hermes."
And Hermes is, indeed, a fabulous dancer. Doesn't mind tooting his own horn when it comes to the smoothness of his footwork. It wouldn't be the first time they'd gone dancing together, and Hermes knows damn well he's one of the few people who could dance with Persephone without her husband showing up in a jealous huff. He and Hades have worked together long enough that the man surely knows that for all he and Persephone have gotten along, they've never quite been tempted to turn their dancing horizontal. Neither of them has ever quite leaned in such a way.
"Please," she says, soft, and that sets all his alarm bells ringing, for Persephone has never been one to beg for anything. "I just gotta let off some steam." 
"Alright, alright," he says, giving in.  She laughs too loud, claps her hands in a childlike burst of drunken joy. "Alright," he says, alarm bells ringing in his head in seventy different percussive beats, all at once. But that said: it is unusual, but not entirely unexpected that she might want to blow off steam. Maybe it's been a rougher six months than it had looked. He'd talk to her about it, once she got some of that energy out.
He tilted his ear, listened for the best environment - ah. Found it. "Come on, sister girl," he said, strolling down to a bar where the booze seemed to be sweet on tap, and the jazz was, as was always his sisters penchant, lighter than air and darker than sin in its sound. "Good cabaret down the corner."
"Yes!" She pumps her arm in victory, and it reminds him of her younger self so much that his heart aches. He realizes, in that smile, just how rarely he's seen it, dropping off letters for the underworld's mister and missus, for the last couple of years. He swallows. Maybe this conversation is a bit overdue. But she's seemed to manage every other year so much better. Always got at least a smile out of her on the train, and a couple mimosas weren't anywhere near this six-whiskey-shots-and-still-going binge.
But he doesn't say anything. Just leads her to the club, where she disappears onto the dance floor. He joins her there for a time, but his bones - ah, they're old things now. Doesn't take long for him to slow down. The same can't be said of green young thang, however; she's still got energy for days in those legs. Makes sense, given how little she's been up top. Maybe Mr. Hades hasn't taken her dancing enough down there. Certainly seemed like he's been more than a little busy with his factories. Hermes tries to think of the last time he came in to them spending time together, and finds he cannot remember when it was.
"Save me a seat at the bar, handsome," his sister purrs, reading the furrow on his brow all too clearly.
"Let's talk when you tire out, sister." He gives her a look, and for a brief moment her composure breaks: the chin wobbles, the eyes look soft and wet for -- just a moment. And if he were not so good a friend, he doubts he would have seen such. He taps his eyes, and points toward her, turning the moment into a joke. The mood breaks, and she laughs and hits his hand in a friendly fashion, and he smile as he goes back to the bar.
He chooses his seat according to what Persephone tends to favor, and waits and waits for the little shoot to make her way over.  Seem simple enough. He'll let her tire herself out, and speak about her troubles in a space too modern for her mother to frequent and too loud for her husband to snoop on them.  But it takes Persephone a long time.
For a moment, his heart beats in hope as she comes closer; she comes to the bar, orders a vodka and cranberry spritz. Drops it down her gullet in one smooth move and winks at him, hoping back into the crowd without a word. His eyes follow her.
He watches her move on the dance floor - never really interacting with another else, but dancing so hard that she's sweating, like she can exorcise demons even her husband can't get out by moving herself on the floor.
"Your friend?" The barman asks, watching Hermes watch Persephone. He sees the concern in his eyes; Hermes looks a lot older than green thang, even if she's not any less ancient.
"My baby sister," he says; when the barman looks skeptical, he turns up the charm. Always has been a charmer. "Same father. Different mothers, obviously."
Bar man whistles. "Your daddy sure was punching above his weight, to get a girl like that at such an age."
True enough, and Hermes honestly laughs. "You don't know the half of it, brother. Not the half. My daddy could charm the wimple off a nun."
The barman laughs with him, and Hermes shifts his attention to flirting with the bar man, still keeping one eye out for his sister. Persephone keeps dancing, only runs to the bar to get another drink, and then another.
He keeps waiting for the talk, but before he knows it, the bar is closing, and the bar man's number is in his pocket, and Persephone is still dancing, still drinking and dancing, and he is very, very worried about her.
"Closing time!" She shouts into his ear; he winces.
"Sure is, baby." He squeezes her hand.
"Let's find another cabaret!" That's the thing about the big cities; never do sleep. He could certainly find her one.
"What about our talk?" He asks. "Besides, got to get you to your second home." She scoffs, and he ignores the scoff. "Orpheus has to be wondering where I am. You don't want to make him worry." Persephone has always had a soft spot for his boy.
But today she wraps her arms around his neck and gives him her biggest, widest smile. "Just one more, please?"
He frowns. He doesn't like the idea of not talking about whatever bug has crawled under her skin, and he doubts more dancing is gonna shake it out for her. Still, they are gods, and they have six months to have conversations, and there are plenty of less-charged times to have them. If there is one thing Hermes has learned, it's that they have time.
So instead of insisting on talking to her about her old man, about her new pains, well, he smiles, and says, "I suppose one more won't hurt," and he holds her hand, and they go dancing.
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clacclo · 4 years
Black Dog - Led Zeppelin (1971)
Composta da: John Paul Jones (riff principale), Jimmy Page, Robert Plant
Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove
Oh, oh, child, way you shake that thing
Gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting
Hey, hay, baby, when you walk that way
Watch your honey drip, can’t keep away
Ah yeah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah
Ah yeah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah
I gotta roll, can’t stand still
Got a flame in my heart, can’t get my fill
Eyes that shine burning red
Dreams of you all thru my head
Hey, baby, oh, baby, pretty baby
La la la la la la la
Didn’t take too long ‘fore I found out
What people mean by down and out
Spent my money, took my car
Started tellin’ her friends
She wants to be a star
I don’t know but I been told
A big legged woman ain’t got no soul
All I ask for when I pray
Steady rollin’ woman gonna come my way
Need a woman gonna hold my hand
And tell me no lies, make me a happy man
Cane nero
Ehi, ehi, mamma ha detto che come ti muovi
Ti farà sudare, ti farà straripare
Oh, oh, bambino, come lo scuoti
Ti brucerà, ti morderà
Hey, hay, bimba, quando cammini in quel modo
Guardo il tuo miele che cola, non posso starne lontano
Ah sì, ah, sì, ah, ah, ah
Ah sì, ah, sì, ah, ah, ah
Devo rotolare, non posso stare fermo
Ho il cuore in fiamme, non posso riempirlo
Occhi che splendono rosso fuoco
Sogni di te in tutta la mia testa
Ehi, bimba, oh, bimba, bella bimba
La la la la la la la
Non ci è voluto molto per scoprire
Cosa intende la gente per “essere malandato”
Spendeva i miei soldi, si è presa la mia macchina
Iniziava a dire ai suoi amici
Di voler essere una stella
Io non so ma mi hanno detto
Che una donna dalle grandi gambe non ha anima
Tutto quello che chiedo quando prego
É di incontrare una donna stabile
Ho bisogno di una donna che mi tenga per mano
E che non dica bugie, che mi renda un uomo felice
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lucefrs · 5 years
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did  you  know  either  of  the  victims  :   amelia  taylor  or  cassie  snyder  ?  if  yes  ,   how  well  did  you  know  them ?  
i didn’t know amelia. i knew cass. all the amnesty kids did. we’d smoke together and joke about getting lung cancer together. i’d always bum one off her ‘cos i was always short. she never minded. you know most people are quiet when they smoke, me included. that’s why i usually like smoking alone, i get too tempted to talk if i’m with other people and then it ruins the whole flow of the smoke to burn ratio and people get annoyed with me for interrupting their smoke break with fun facts about john stamos. but i could smoke with her, she was chill. was good at not talking. 
how  have  your  sleeping  and  eating  patterns  been  ?  
well they’ve always been bad, so are you just asking if they’ve been worse ? yeah, i guess. like the food looked super unappetizing all of a sudden which was a bummer cos i was hungry. like during the lockdown. then after all i wanted was junk food, like proper junk food, not junk food made by a five star michelin chef. if the night’s gone right i’m usually ready to plonk right into bed and knock the fuck out, but i guess recently i’ll do the stare at the ceiling thing, thinking about life and death and stuff. that’s like, a normal response though right ? ew, please don’t write seeks validation on your notes, i know and i’m working on it.
do  you  find  yourself  thinking  about  the  event  even  when  you  don’t  want  to  ?  if  yes  ,   what  are  the  most  frequent  images ?  
well yeah, sometimes. in a super selfish way though. like, what if i had been me. what if i had been outside then instead. i keep thinking of cass in this super cinematic way. it’s dark outside, the pavement’s rain slicked and there’s neon lights for some reason. she looks hella hot, and she’s wearing a leather jacket so she’s like robert deniro taxi driver cool. obviously she wasn’t, i dunno what she was wearing probably something super cute and valentinesy. can you find that out for me ? make my intrusive images a little more accurate ?
do  you  avoid  thinking  or  talking  about  the  event ?
not really, ignoring an elephant in the room is like, animal abuse. maybe less so with the gallagher kids, they just don’t get it. and i don’t get them, even though i really want to. some of them are really nice. and dreamy. but i don’t not think of it, i want the grief over asap and the best way to do that is to feel all the shit. 
do  you  avoid  going  places  or  being  in  situations  that  remind  you  of  the  event ?  if  yes  ,   what  are  these  places  ?  
no, i mean, i feel pretty safe here if that’s what you mean. i’m not like triggered by anything ‘cos nothing happened to me. except being kept here against my will, if anything my room reminds me that my door can self-lock if it so chooses to and that scares me more than a wandering murderer. i know, i should get my priorities sorted but that’s like fucked up, don’t you think ? 
do  you  have  nightmares  about   the  event  ?   if  yes  ,   please  describe  these  nightmares  to  the  best  of  your  ability  .  
nope, i had a dream about cass though. very mundane, very wholesome, didn’t know my heart was capable of such tenderness. oof, now that’s a line. i should be like the mamma mia guy in fleabag who writes down all the deep things he says. i don’t really get nightmares, which is wild since i’ve had some fucking awful trips. the last nightmare i had was my mam screaming so loud at me i woke up sweating. thought i was gonna have a heart attack i could literally feel it going off against my chest. called her immediately to tell her about it and she got a real hoot outta it. 
do  you  feel  easily  startled  or  anxious  ?  give  examples  .  
not really, i get a bit nervy sometimes. fidgety and shit, like. just gotta be constantly stimulated, gimme that good good sensory overload you know ? anxiety found dead in miami, i get more manic i guess. boom ! kachow ! aries teas.
do  you  worry  about  being  harmed  or  feel  “on guard” ?  give  examples  .  
nope, should i be ? like i genuinely don’t know how panicked i should be, maybe i’m still in denial. that’s one of the five steps right. five steps ? what is this, alcoholics anonymous ? i meant five stages. like i said, i feel less safe inside these walls, and i probably shouldn’t say this, but i’m like the least valuable member on the amnesty club. i mean jaysus, i joined on a fucking whim, no one wants to harm me, like i barely even know what the fuck is up. 
do  you  feel  detached  or  “numb”  ?  how  so  ?  
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. uhhhhhhhhhhh. maybe so !
do  you  feel  shame  or  guilt  about  the  event  or  about  problems  related  to  the  event ?  what  do  you  think  is  causing  this  same  or  guilt ?  
what do i have to be guilty about ? i’ve never done anything wrong in my life. if you’re talking survivor’s guilt ... well, no. shit, i don’t wish it were me at all. i guess, it like, and this sounds super freaking crass, but it doesn’t feel like it’s any of my business. of course i feel every ounce of grief from her death, but all the shit surrounding it, it’s just, like, these circumstances that don’t even feel like a thing. a bad trip, but it’ll be over soon enough. and we’ll all move on with our lives. get decent jobs. have kids. make lacklustre love to our partners and stick it out until the kids are out of high school to get a divorce. 
do  you  find  that  you  act  irritable  or  angry  ?  in  what  ways  ?  
yeah, but i have a right to be angry. every georgetown kid here does. like we’re getting next to no information about what the hell is going on, and it’s really fucking patronizing if you’re asking me. so yeah, i’m irritated with this place, ugh, and it’s like, you’re not even gonna do anything about it but tell me how i can cope with that. bit fucked, don’tcha think ? 
do  you  act  oppositional  ,  act  out  sexually  ,  or  abuse  alcohol  or  drugs ?
well ya, but i did that before any of this happened, and it’s not like a problem, it’s just my vibe. but i can’t say i’ve got it under control, even though i really do have it under control cos that’s just addict talk. so really, it’s just a catch 22. am i using that right ? i haven’t seen the movie.
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omnomsauruswrites · 5 years
World’s On Fire (One and Done Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky x You
Summary: The ultimate misunderstanding.
Word prompt: This is for @teamcap4bucky‘s challenge. Congrats, love! My prompt was Does he have to walk around shirtless all the time?
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“Y/n! Hun!” A deep, gravely voice called to you. “Why is there a World War II vet on my doorstep?”
You scrubbed your hands on the dish towel by the sink, confusion knitting your brows. “What?” you hollered back, moving towards the front door. “What are you talking about old man? I don’t know any….”
“I said…” the man started, as you pulled open the door, your eyes landing on Bucky Barnes.
“What are you doing here?” you growled.
“Oh, my son,” the man next to her blurted out. “What did you do to piss her? Mav doesn’t growl that often.”
“Grandad…” you warned.
He let out a chuckle, eyes still on the former assassin. “Son, you may have won the war against Hydra, but you’ll never win a war against a stubborn woman,” he saved.
“Granddaddy….” you warned again.
“Your grandma used to use the same tone with me, hun, doesn’t scare me none,” your Grandad stated. “And it’s not every day I get a World War II veteran on my doorstep, so do the proper Texas thing your mamma taught you.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed past the visitor. “Rather get bit by a rattlesnake,” you retorted, moving down the porch steps. “Rather have a buzzard pluck out my eyes.”
“Y/n!” the name came out as threat through your grandad’s mouth. His brown eyes on you, as if trying to communicate something. You huffed out a breath.
“Yeah… no. Fuck my manners, I ain’t doing that. You give him sweet tea and pan dulce, I’m going to go check the fencing.” The older man’s grey eyebrow arched in silent argument, but you didn’t see it as you moved towards the truck. “Maybe if you’re lucky, he’ll tell you a Howling Commando story.”
You didn’t look back as you started down the gravel road towards town and the fencing of the ranch.
“Well, son, I knew she was running from something. Guess it’s you,” the older gentleman said, pushing open the front door. “Wondering why she landed on my doorstep. Told her you loved her, I bet and she went running. Well, come in, come in.”
The man moved aside, walking back into the house. He left the door open expecting Bucky to follow. He hesitated. He had expected a fight not a bold refusal to talk to him. Expected a lot more towards him not her grandad. “Don’t worry about Mav none. She’s ruthlessly stubborn like her mamma and her grandma. Made her great at her job, makes her shit as a conversationalist sometimes, especially when it involves feelings.”
Bucky walked the foyer adorned with photos of you and your family. There was one of you after graduating West Point, a broad smile across your face. There was one of you and what he suspected was a younger version of the man entertaining him. “You want something to drink, sweet tea, lemonade, coffee?”
“Coffee,” he answered simply.
The older turned to look over his shoulder and nodded, grabbing a mug and the coffee pot. “So what is Sgt. Barnes doing in my old rickety shack?” the older man asked, as he handed Bucky a mug.
“Bucky,” he corrected.
“You can call me Bob.”
Bucky took a sip of the hot liquid, letting the deep, bitter taste hit his tongue. It was identical to what you made for him in mornings when he had stayed over. Obviously, something you had picked up here. “You keep calling her Mav…” Bucky began, not diving into the reason why he was here.
“Maverick. It’s her nickname. Got in high school, stuck with her through the military. But I’m sure after….” Bob had started to explain.
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed.
“She tell you about it?” Bob asked, sitting at the old ‘50s dining table.
“Uh, no,” he answered, moving to sit. “A friend gave me a file.”
“She doesn’t talk about. I don’t know if it’s cause she legally can’t or cause she won’t. Been bottling that up forever that girl, she’ll snap again if she’s not careful.”
“You know about it?”
“Son, I hired the best legal team to protect my granddaughter. As a former General, I had weight. They wanted to put her in Leavenworth, I said to hell with that, you ain’t putting my granddaughter in jail if HYDRA agents had infiltrated SHIELD. Wasn’t going to make her into a martyr. She already wears it like a crucifix, I think, that’s why she joined the Avengers initiative.”
Bucky nodded, taking in the new information. Her file didn’t have her grandfather’s involvement. “The file didn’t say anything about you involvement,” he stated.
The older man laughed, “Son, papers are easily destroyed. You should know that better than anyone.”
Bucky looked at his mug. He knew the feeling of revenge, of redemption. He had moved past it a few years. He had a feeling you hadn’t.
You stared at the fire consuming the mud building, watching it collapse. You smelt flesh burning; you heard the screams. You had a ghost of predatory smile on your face.
Revenge. You were blinded by it. The scene was a familiar one. It was burned into your memory.
You flicked the Zip-O lighter, before turning your back. You walked away, the screams fading, but the heat, the heat licked your skin.
You swiped the sweat away with the bottom of your tank top, stopping as you fixed the barbwire fence. You had spent hours in the Texas heat, the sun beating down on you. Temperatures rising as a new season was on the horizon.
You didn’t know how Bucky had figured out where to find you. You had been vague. You hadn’t given too many clues… you hadn’t… “Fuckity, fuck, fuck,” you shouted.
Tony. Fucking Stark had used his nickname for you. ‘Tex.’ “Fuck. Fucking hell. Goddammit!” you cursed the sky.
If he had figured that out? Had he figured out your biggest secret?
Bucky’s car was still there when you got back. You sighed. Of course, your grandfather would invite him in. Probably even said he could stay for dinner. You wiped your hands on your jeans, as you moved towards the kitchen. “Fences in good shape?” Bob asked.
You nodded, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. You took a sip, eyes flicking between the pair. Silence hung in the air, causing tension.
“Well…” Bob started. “I’m going to go to town get things ready for a barbecue worthy of a World War II vet.”
“Nope. No arguing, baby girl. That man is staying. He flew all the way from Yankeeville to talk to you, so you best get to talkin’.”
“Honey, you’ve been running since Johnson died. Running from heartbreak. And her you got a boy, running after you, proving to you. You got to let him catch up. Got to let him see the demons or you’ll be running forever.”
You took another sip of water, trying to not show the shake of your hand but you felt it trembling. You closed your eyes, placing the glass on the counter. “I’ll leave you to it,” Bob said, moving from the table and to exit the house.
Steel blue eyes landed on you. “I’m gonna go shower… yeah… shower first…” you blurted out, moving towards the bathroom.
A hand reached out to grab yours and you halted, eyes landing on the appendage. “Y/n,” Bucky whispered.
“Buck, shower, then I promise whatever story you want to hear, it’s yours.”
@gaiatheroyalrabbit @mizzzpink @marveling-avengers @marvelousmeggi @bonky-bornes @misplacedorphan @al-the-memes @california-grown  @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @boo-ven9eance @scuzmunkie​ @cari105​ @soldierplum​ @valkyrieofsmut​ @coal000​ @xxashy999xx​ @baebeepeach​ @dottirose​ @xxloki81xx​ @keldachick​ @mypage-myfandoms​ @jamiedr​ @strangersstranger​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @stanclub​ @mrsmookie​ @winchesterswantmypie​ @daughterofthenight117 @hufflebucky @daughterofthenight117 @marveliz @buckyohh @verygraphicink @lokissoul @missursulacalmet
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*plz mind of some bad writing, and grammar I wrote this at 2 in the morning...I was super tired*
"Alright Ms.Elaine just a few more pushes, and you'll be done" Elaine did her best pushing her baby out. She let out a few pants, exhausted from all that pushing, she belived that this moment would never end. All she wanted was to let this baby out of her.
"Its okay baby, I got you, you got a few more pushes, just keep on going!!" Said Polanreff with excitement while holding Elaine's hand, he waited 9 months for this moment to happen, to see his little boy or girl come into the world. Elaine took a deep breath and gave another big push, and another one from there, and one last one letting out a small scream. All of a sudden small cries can be herd in the hospital room....
8 hours before
It was around at 12 in the morning. The rain was softly hitting the window, Polanreff and Elaine were peacefully sleeping all cuddled up next to each other; Polnareff holding Elaine's pregnant belly; sometimes throughout the night giving a few caresses here and there. Elaine was gonna be due any day now, and he was ready when that time came. Elaine slowly opens her eyes for the feeling of having to go use the bathroom, during her pregnancy she would usally use the bathroom around 10 times a day having the urge to pee all the time. She moves Polanreffs arm and softly gets up not wanting to wake him up. He lets out a soft groan and tosses to the other side of the bed. She lets out a smile, and quitely sneaks into the bathroom. For the past few weeks whenever she got up, he always woke up to her walking and would jump up like crazy to see if the baby is coming or not, she would always calm him down telling him everything is alright. She opens the bathroom door, and turns on the light just as she gets ready to use the bathroom, she feels somthing ooze in between her legs making parts of her white nightgown get soaked. She looks down and shes a puddle of her own fluid. Her eyes widen knowing that her water broke.
"Hey Polnareff I-" She feels a sudden sharp pain in her stomach, and kneels down letting out a groan. She now knows this is big time, shes getting ready to have her baby.
"Polnareff please come here I need you!!!" Right after she says that, hes already at the bathroom door.
"WHAT, WHAT'S WRONG I HERD MY NAME, IS IT TIME!!!" She lets out a nod trying to endure the pain, and points on the floor where her water broke. He lets out a small gasp, and starts to let out a crazy ass smile.
"Yes finally, its time!!!! Im finally going to be a father.....Well we can't just wait any longer we need to get you to the hospital quick!!, but frist I need to call everyone so that they know you're getting ready to have the baby."
"Okay dear, but please hurry I dont want to deliver this baby right here in this house" said Elaine as she lets out a few pants. Polnareff runs out of the bathroom letting out a 'whoo' She couldn't help but laugh at him, she's never seem him been this excited before. A few minutes later, he comes back in telling her that hes ready to take her. They pack a few things and begin to go to the hospital. The hospital wasnt that far, but for Elaine it felt like an hour, all of this pain was driving her crazy. She lets out a few deep breaths trying to ease her pain.
"Dont worry honey were almost there." Polanreff said while putting a hand on her belly. They soon arrive at the hospital as he parks right next to the emergency room. He quickly runs out to the other side to get Elaine out, but when she tried to get up a huge pain hit her in her stomach she dropped back down letting out a moan. He eventually picks her up bridal style and carries her into the emergency room.
"Anyone, hurry my wife is about to have a baby, please get me a nurse!!!" He yelled out while Elaine was breathing like crazy, while groaning at the same time. A nurse ran out with a wheel chair, and let Polnareff put Elaine in the chair. The nurse told him to follow her to show them where Elaine is going to deliver the baby. They find the delivery room. Polnareff picks her up again and, puts her on the hospital bed. He strokes her hair telling her everything is going to be okay. Elaine couldn't deal with this pain, it was excruciating for her.
"Hey Polnareff??"
"Yeah honey??"
"You did this to me!!!!" She starts crying like crazy all she wanted was for this pain to go away.
"Honey calm down, everything is going to be fine just keep on breathing" he caresses her arms trying to comfort her. She breathes again, and eventually calms down, she still let out a few groans here and there, but breathing sure did help. A couple hours later the nurses made Elaine comfortable and got her ready to deliver. She was around 7 cm dilated, she was almost ready to give birth. They also gave her an epidural to help ease her pain. Polnareff sat right next to her helping her calm down, comforting her and giving her kisses. Elaine was still letting out a few breathes to ease the pain a little more. Beads of sweat rolling down her face. She turns to Polnareff letting out a small grin.
"Honey I cant belive it, were finally having a baby!!" She said in a exhausted tone.
"I know me too, 9 months ago when you told me you were pregnant I was so happy, right then and there I was ready for this moment." He grabs her hand.
"And I know we'll do great" He leans her hand to his lips and gives a small peck on her hand. Elaine puts her hand on his face, and lets out a smile. Soon Jotaro, Joseph, and Natsumi come in.
"Ah you guys made it thought you were never gonna make it" Said Polanreff jumping out of his seat hugging all of them. They all walk to Elaine.
"So how doing Elaine is everything alright" the old man said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah im good, just in a bit of pain but I'll get over it"
"So it finally comes to this, I never knew you guys were gonna get together, hell even get married, and have a kid, but you sure did good Polnareff." Jotaro said letting out a chuckle punching Polnareff, he blushes and lets out a nervous laugh.
"We tried to get here as fast as possible but there was alot of traffic on the way here" Jotaro said with a smile on his face.
"Oh my goodness I cant belive im fianlly going to be an aunt im glad we all flew down here till you had your baby" Said Natsumi while clapping her hands with excitement.
"I know Natsumi, and once when he or she is born, you can hold him or her, and spend time with the baby as many times as you like." Elaine lets out a wide girn. Natsumi tries to hold back her tears, and gives Elaine a huge hug.
"Ahhh I remember this type of moment when Holly was born. This type moment was the best thing that happened to me I-"
"Old man please can you not, you already told this story five thousand times." Jotaro said in a annoyed tone.
"Cmon Jotaro im just trying to ease the mood here, Elaine is literally in labor right now, this just makes me think of the good moments many years ago" Joseph puts a hand over his head, flustered from embarrassment.
"Now now you two, Joesph just loves telling that story, I dont mind a bit at all." Elaine tired her best to not let the both of them aruge. A nurse walks in with a clipboar, and had a few other things for her delivery.
"Okay guys, I think its time for the baby to come out. You three is it okay if you wait outside, the husband should only stay in the room for now, you can come in once the delivery is done." They all nod and respectfully walk out the room. Elaine can already feel thats she's ready to deliver. Her contractions have been increasing for the past half hour, deep down inside she knows its time. The nurse checks again to see if she was ready, and she was right!! Elaine was 10 cm dilated. A bunch of other nurses came in and doctors as well. They start to position Elaine so she can push the baby out.
"Alright Elaine are you ready to push??"
"Yes im ready" she grabs Polnareffs hand squeezing it tight.
"Okay then, take a deep breath for me" Elaine begins to breathe in.
"Now. PUSH!!!!"
End of flashback.....
"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Polnareff, Elaine just gave birth to a healthy baby girl." Baby cries are still lingering in the room. Elaine sighs from exhaustion, while tearing up. Finally all of her hard work was paid for. Her baby is fianlly here.
"You did amazing Elaine, im so proud of you!!" Polnareff said trying to hold back his tears. The doctor's cut off the ambilical cord, and wrapped the little one up in a blanket. They hand the baby to Elaine.
"Ms. Elaine make sure you have some skin on skin contact so the baby can connect with you" She moves part of the hospital gown to the side exposing part of her breast, and lands her baby to her chest. The baby eventully stops crying, and starts letting out a few coos.
"Shes pefect!!" Polnareff said again trying holding his tears back, while holding Elaine close.
"Im so proud of you again babe, you did so good."
"Thank you dear, and im proud of you for being here for me." Elaine gives a small kiss on Polanreffs cheek. They both look at their baby, and see that she has gray hair like her father, and two different colored eyes like her mother.
"Hi honey this is your mamma, I'm gonna take good care of you, and this is your dad hes gonna treat you well too." Elaine was crying again. She was so happy that her baby girl is in her arms.
"So Ellie, what do you think should we name her??" Said Polanreff while he was playing with his daughters fingers.
"I know, I think we call her Sherry." Polnareff looks at her in a shocked look.
"Sherry?!?! Like my sisters name sherry?!?!"
"Yes silly, I wanted to name her that because I know you loves and miss Sherry so and I just wanted to suprize you till the baby came. Do you want her to be named Sherry??" Polnareff starts to cry like crazy, he was so touched that Elaine wanted to name their daughter after his sisters name. He wipes his tears and lets out a sniff.
"Yeah, lets do that!! Lets call her Sherry."
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icycreek · 5 years
Lakeside part 2
(This is part 2 of my modern/human au. Here is part 1)
Taking the keys from the veranda table Moomintroll makes his way down to the shoreline. The lake still held his gaze as he made it to the sauna and it's extra room. The door opened after some trouble and a loud creek. Moomintroll looked around the room and let out a sigh. The place was covered in dust and cobwebs. He threw the bags to the floor and opened a window. He took a deep breath and took steps towards the sliding door. Moomintroll pulled on the door and it slid badly on it's rails. On the other side of that door was the washroom there were buckets and a wood powered water heater stood there next to the wall. From the years of use the wall had turned black around the water heater. Moomin turned back around and going to a different door. This time the door opened easily. In the small room there was a bed, desk and a cabinet. Each item of furniture was covered in dust. Moomin sighed and got to work.
After a lunch and a lot of cleaning Moomin was almost ready with cleaning when he heard a yell from outside. He stuck his head out of the window and looked for the source of the yelling. Little my soon walked near. "We are going to go to some camping ground. Chop chop." She said looking straight at Moomin. "Oh, but-" Moomin tried, but got cut off. "I don't care. Mamma asked me to come and get you so... Get a move on!" She started to tap her foot on the ground. Moomin quickly straightened his clothes and looked his white short hair over. "Good enough." He thought as he made his way out of the door after Little my who already sprinted off.
They walked the way to the camping ground. Pappa and Mamma keeping second hand in hand, only after Little my. Sniff was dead last, but even Moomin lagged more behind than normal. His thoughts were occupied by wondering ideas of how he wanted to spend his summer. Finally getting to the campgrounds Mamma and Pappa stopped and started going around introducing themselves as well as Sniff who stayed close to the couple in the hopes of being given food. Little my had already disappeared off somewhere and Moomin wanted to explore the place on his own. He said his hellos to some of the people who talked to him first, but didn't start anything himself.
As Moomin said goodbye to a lovely old couple who talked about this and that he heard a beautiful sound. a Harmonica playing a lovely melody. Moomin wanted to find it. He dodged and weaved between the people to the best of his abilities. He got to the edge of the campground and found two tents pitched right at the edge of the forest. Next to those he saw him the creator of that wonderful melody. His eyes were closed focusing on producing notes from his harmonica. His fluffy brown hair bounced a bit as he moved his head to catch the notes. His brows scrunched a bit as the melody moved. He was dressed in a dark green sweater with the sleeves rolled up, with darker brown pants that fit him nicely.
Suddenly as Moomin was lost in the wonder of the song and the looks of this man the melody stopped. Moomin turned his gaze upwards back to the man's face and saw that he had lowered his harmonica from his lips. His eyes were narrowly open and his brown colored eyes looked at him with suspicion."I am sorry. I heard you playing and it sounded so wonderful I had to find the source." Moomin got out mumbling in his words trying to look away form the man. "It is fine. I am glad you liked my song." the man said a smile playing on his lips. "My name is Moomin. Nice to meet you." Moomin said trying not to blush as he extended his hand towards the mysterious man. He got up and took Moomins hand. "Name's Snufkin. You camping here?" Snufkin said revealing his name. "Yeah...WELL no I live nearby here in a cottage, no I came to visit a cottage here for the summer. Haha.. I don't live here during the winter." Moomin stumbled as he tried to explain. Snufkin let out a cute chuckle while covering his face with one of his hands. Moomin looked on in awe. "Well that explains it." Snufkin said still holding his hand near his face. "Sorry." Moomin said letting his hand play with the edge of his shirt. "Don't be. You are staying nearby here, in which direction?" Snufkin asked lowering his hand from his face and grabbing his other arm that loosely rested on his side. "That way." Moomin pointed past the camping ground. "There is this little bay where our cottage is." He continued. "Our? You are here with somebody?" Snfkin asked and even if Moomin didn't notice it Snufkin's body tensed at the mention of somebody. "Oh, it's me, my parents and my two friends." Moomin answered his hand rubbing his chin as he thought.
Snufkin's arm let go of the other and lowered to his side. "Oh, that must be nice. I am here with my dad." Snufkin said pointing to the tents and as if on cue the other tent moved a bit before the tent opening flew open. An older looking man crawled out the tent and scratched his head looking over to moomin and Snufkin. Snufkin rubbed his forehead and explained "As I said my father Joxter." The man apparently named Joxter scratched his scruffy chin as he took steps towards the two all the while he scrunched up his eyes as if trying to make out what he was seeing. "You look familiar, boy." Joxter said as he got closer. "This is Moomin. His cottage is near here." Snufkin explained to his father. They really were alike both had similar jawlines and their brown hair was similar even if Snufkin's was of a lighter shade. Moomin once again lost in thought was snapped out by Snufkin turning to face him. "Well you boys have fun. I'm gonna go and see, if I can grab some grub as this party is going on." Joxter said as he walked off into the crowd. Snufkin let out a small laugh and Moomin joined in.
The two had been talking for a while now laughing and sharing stories, when Moomin heard his name being called. He turned around and saw his parents waving at him and walking in his direction, with Sniff behind them his arms full of food. "Well it's only fair you get to meet my family too." Moomin said getting up from the log turned bench he and Snufkin had been sitting on. His family got there and Moomin gave a quick hug to his parents and started the introductions. "This is my father Moominpappa and my mother MoominMamma, then there's Sniff my friend from back home." Moomin said pointing to each person as he introduced them. "Guys this is Snufkin. I met him here.." Moomin couldn't describe what they had been doing or why they were together, but luckily Pappa started talking. "You remind me of somebody." "Oh Snufkin's father-" was all that Moomin got out before he got interrupted by a yell "Moominpappa!" They all turned around and saw the hurried steps of Joxter coming towards them. "Joxter, good to see you." Pappa got out as Joxter reached them. After a short wave of hello between Snufkin and Joxter the group separated. Mamma and Pappa started talking together with Joxter, while Sniff, Snufkin and Moomin walked a short distance away and started their own talk.
After a moment or two of conversation Moomin remembered "Oh, we are missing one of my friends Little My. We lost her the moment we stepped on the camp site." Moomin explained. "Little My. I know her." Snufkin said without any emotion really. "How do you know her?" Moomin got out worry written on his voice while he rubbed his hands out of anxiety. Before Snufkin could even answer Little My walked up to the gab between Sniff and Snufkin. "You talking about me here?" She said snarkly while crossing her arms. She looked up and spotted Snufkin. Moomins heart beat fast as Little My took a moment before saying anything. "Hiya cuz." She said looking over to the sweating moomin. "I am your half-brother Little My." Snufkin said deadpan. Clearly bored of her snark attitude. "It's whatever isn't it." She said not caring really. Moomin realized the connection and let out a sigh, but as soon as that nervousness was over he was overcome by another. He knew of what had happened with Little My had the same happened with Snufkin? "You live with your older sister now, right?" Snufkin asked Little My. "Yeah, I spend a lot of time at the Moomin's too. You live with your dad?" she asked with clear weight on the question about his dad. "Well no. I live by myself and I spend holidays with him sometimes." Snufkin laughed awkwardly, while rubbing his neck. "Guessed so." Little My said throwing a dirty glance towards Joxter who was talking with Mamma and Pappa.
Sooner than Moomin would have wanted his parents came over and ushered that they had to start walking back now. Moomin sighed as his parents said their goodbyes to Joxter and Snufkin. They started walking towards the way they came Sniff and Little My following close behind. Moomin turned back towards Snufkin. Joxter had disappeared from his side and was crawling back inside the tent. "I hope I get to see you again." Moomin said scratching his arm. "I hope so too." Snufkin said a light blush covering his cheeks. "I'll try to come back here sometime and I'd hope to show you where I am staying too." Moomin got out trying to avoid Snufkin's gaze. "I'd like that." Snufkin said shortly. The two stood there without moving for a moment, before Snufkin said "You should go before you loose your family." Moomin turned around and took a step before saying "Yeah, goodbye Snufkin." Then he walked off after his family. "I hope I get to see you very soon." Snufkin whispered to himself as he watched Moomin run to catch his family.
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slothgiirl · 5 years
island in the sun (harry styles fanfic)
reader meets harry styles while on summer vacation on a small greek island
Greece was just as magical as you had imagined it to be. It was something straight out of mamma mia with clear blue seas surrounding the small island you were staying on.
You couldn't not go for long swims around the place, your arms and legs burning as you pushed yourself to swim around the island.
There were lots of rocks to rest on near the shoreline. Sometimes you just laid back and floated, sun warming your face.
After only a week here you'd developed a routine; taking a long swim out from the beach by where you were staying at all the way until the rocky out cropping, the docks jutting out into the sea. It was fun the watch tourists and locals alike jump off from the end of the dock.
And it wasn't too long of a swim. It was welcome after being landlocked for the past year.
After you go get fresh orange juice and some bread as you make your way back to where you're calling home for now. It was a nice change of pace, these lazy days.
Your route often took you by one of those houses on the island with its own private beach, the kind that were probably worth millions even on this lesser known island.
You swam further up just in case it was occupied. It wasn't summer so there shouldn't be many tourists.
But just in case-
A voice calls out, startling you out of the zone you'd been in, feeling perfectly at home in the cool waters. “Are you okay out there!”
You can make out a man on the beach, waving an arm over to you, but you're too far out to make out much more than that.
“I'm fine,” you call back, unsure of what else to say to the stranger. So, you do as the seals do, and take a deep breath before diving under, moving your arms and legs in synch.
Your lungs burn and you push past it, eyes open in the stinging salt water. You eventually have to come back up air, pulling up by a rock outcropping that hides you from view.
It takes you a few seconds to catch your breath, embarrassed to be caught out and embarrassed by your reaction. Your cheeks burn and it has nothing to do with the sun making its way through the sky.
Other than the dark thick hair, and his romanesque nose, Alexander looked nothing like his cousin, one of your best friends and the reason you were getting to stay here at all.
“Another crazy long swim,” he asks, already laughing. All of them made fun of how often and how long you swam for. You couldn't help it. You were a beach bum at heart.
“Yeah,” you offer, abashedly pushing already drying strands of hair behind an ear, “i think the house around the bend is rented. I saw one of the renters.” A one piece came in handy when you had to trek back to your current home through on of the small towns on the island, the main town really.
Shoeless and burning your toes.
“I think my mom said something about that,” he responds with a shrug, following at your heels as you enter your small room and tug on some shorts. “She heard something from Elena at the market.”
“What did you do,” he asks, a hint of amusement in the smile lines around his eyes.
“Swam away,” you answer, feeling embarrassed all over again, “I dove for it.”
He laughs. “Do you want to help me make lunch for our handful of guests?”
You nod, “only because I'm going to steal some food for myself.”
Alexander shakes as you both head to the kitchen. His mother had taken over the small hotel after his grandparents had grown much to old to keep up with it, not that anyone had told them that as Kristos still woke up every morning before the sun had risen to start on breakfast and still insisted on checking the papers every saturday.
“That doesn't count as helping!”
“It does,” you reply sagely, “I have to make sure the food is good after all.”
“You are the one who burned the-”
“It was an accident!”
It takes you two days to get over yourself and swim past the house again, past where the stranger had been.
You had built it all up in your head, going for swims about the shore below from where you were staying, drying up in the sun before braving the steps again. It had been weird and awkward and you hadn't wanted to be seen again.
But you weren't going to let some rich tourist stop you from swimming past their place. It was your morning routine, and you refused to give it up after being landlocked.
The pool was just never the same.
As you came upon it you felt a twinge, unable to keep your eyes off the shore, focus shifting to the stranger.
But the beach was empty.
You let out a sigh of relief and went by.
You help Alexander's grandmother and little sister in the garden, Juliana exclaiming, “no no that's too much water,” and “that's a weed. that's a weed. We eat that!”
Even at twelve she had a much greener thumb you did.
“Bring forth the compost,” she commanded, looking to her grandmother, making sure she was doing everything right.
“Careful not to put too much,” the older woman added, looking over the vegetables and herbs, basket next to her along with what she had harvested.  
Their little hotel seemed to exist in its own little bubble. A beautiful one out of a studio ghibli movie, but that didn't stop Juliana’s mother from getting starbucks when she went into town.
And some fresh fries from mcdonald's were nice to eat every now and then.
“I know I know.” She replies, already digging into the compost and gleefully mixing it into the soil.
You wipe away the sweat from your brow, still working on the resistant weeds.
“You need to eat more or all the swimming's gonna make you disappear like seafoam!”
You giggle, “maybe I want to turn into seafoam!”
Juliana grins in response, “we're making pizza for tonight. I'm going to get my very own.”
“No,” her grandmother adds, “you won't even finish it.”
“I will,” she insists, “I promise.”
“or I'll feed you to the sharks,” you add.
Her nose scrunches up, unamused, “you still have more weeds over there.”
“Yes my lady,” you joke as you move to the next patch.
It's another three days before you see the stranger again. Still from far off as you swim past, arms burnings as you do.
He waves to you, waves you over.
Which you assume means you're going to get horribly murdered, body left to wash up on some shore and it'll be on a thousand different true crime shows, maybe someone will think to add in the possibility of aliens.
You swim towards him anyways, curiosity too built up after these last few days. It's easy enough to let the waves pull you to shore. They do all the hard work and you just keep your head above water.
He walks out into the waves to meet you, tall and fit, chest littered in tattoos that range from awful to beautiful swallows on either sides of his chest. With large kind green eyes, it's not hard to place him. You doubt very many people wouldn't recognize him. But you don't want to be rude either so you say nothing, yet.
“Do you live around here,” Harry Styles asks, hand raised over his brow, shading his eyes from the sun.
“Around,” you respond evenly, waving off in the approximate direction, “it's be an awfully long swim otherwise.”
“So you're not secretly a mermaid or something?”
Heat rises to your cheeks, chest warm with pride vying for misplaced embarrassment. “Not unless what my mom said about staying to long in the water was true.”
He smiles, easily, before asking, “and what did she tell you?”  
“That I’d turn into a mermaid if I spent too long in the water. I took it as a challenge. Hasn't happened yet though.”
Harry laughs, looking down at you in disbelief twisted with simple joy, his wide smile reaching his eyes. “Well after your done with your swim I don't suppose you like to stop by?”
“Isn't that what I'm doing right now,” you retort, slipping into easy banter, like you've known him all your life, his easy manner contagious and suddenly you understand what charisma means.
“Well then by all means come on in,” he says tilting his head over to the nice house behind, back nestled just a short walk from the sand.
“I've got a swim to finish,” you counter, tilting your nose up in the air, before breaking into a smile, winking as you slip back further out.
He lets you go without another word.
You slap on sunscreen and pull on your bathing suit, already dry thanks to the hot sun.
It's morning and you only bother with a cup of water before making your way down the stone steps that lead down to the water, clear and blue and the perfect depth for a dive.
So you go in head first, coming up for air, getting your bearings before your off.
You hadn't told anyone just who you'd met the day before. It had felt too private. You doubted he'd want it announced, probably wanted a fair bit of privacy coming out all this way just for that very reason instead of heading to santorini.
That and you liked the idea of having him to yourself, warm and fuzzy on the inside as you thought of how he'd smiled at you on the beach.
Your strokes cut through the water easy, tide making the water seem almost still, a gentle lululling in contrast to the crashing waves of the beaches back home, a whole other ocean. The water cool against your skin, sun too low to burn yet.
This time Harry swims out to meet you, brow furrowed in concentration and you smile to yourself as you watch him approach, leaning back and floating, waiting for him out where your toes can't reach the bottom, water clear enough to see below to the rocks and occasional fish that darts by.
“I'm not the strongest swimmer,” he admits when he's within earshot, “but there's just something so relaxing to being in water, especially in a place like this.”
You laugh in agreement, “i know! But then again I'm a complete water baby.”
“Ever been to Hawaii,” he asks following your lead to the rock outcropping. Floating was no way to have a conversation, and finding a perch is easy enough.
“No,” you respond, “I'd love to go though. I've seen so many beautiful photos of the reefs.But for now I'm just lucky enough to spend the summer here.”
“Do you have family here?”
Shaking your head you answer, “nope, staying with a friends family actually. They were nice enough to host me.” You look out to the horizon for a second before settling you gaze on him, day old stubble and sparkling eyes, “How about you?”
“Just working on writing,” he tells me, “feels good to get away sometimes. Have some time by myself and really write not just mess around.”
With a smile you tell Harry, “That's exactly the reason I can never study in my dorm. I will one hundred percent mess around. But if I go somewhere to study I feel forced to actually get something done.”
Harry snorts. “What're you studying?”
“Economics, just no one told me all the math I have to take for it.”
He laughs at me, shaking his head. Before growing serious for a moment, “wait do you,” he trails off looking unsure for once.
“I think my mom would probably know who you are,” you add helpfully, “and she cant even work facebook.”
“Sorry I didn't say anything earlier,” you go on, looking down into the water, the dark blue of the water, the movement, mesmerizing to study. “I wasn't sure if I should or if it would be rude though I bet you always have people coming up to you.”
Harry shrugs, “most people are really nice about the whole thing so it's never a bother. But let me introduce myself,” he says puffing his chest out, back straight and offering his hand to you, “I'm Harry.”
You snort but shake his hand and introduce yourself too. “Nice to meet you Harry.”
“The pleasures all mine.”
“Well,” you say with much reluctance, “i'd better be getting on with my swim if you don't mind?”
“Ah of course who am I to stop such a committed swimmer,” he says arching an eyebrow playfully.
You giggle before pushing off the rock, launching yourself into the water and riding the momentum as far as it'll take you.
You feel warm all over and it has nothing to do with the sun.
“We have a big family coming to stay with us from the mainland,” Juliana tells you, sharing some of her chips with you, “grandma told me to tell you if you could help out with check in in the morning?”
“Aye aye captain,” you tell her, saluting her with a firm hand before grabbing another handful of ketchup chips, the vinegar taste strangely addicting. “Anything else I should know?”
“Only that I'm going to make you carry and the suitcases,” she says blowing a raspberry at you.
“oh I see how it is,” you say, acting mock affronted as you place a hand over your chest, “i thought we were supposed to gang up on your brother?”
She grins mischievously, “only if you'll go out to pick cherries with me?”
“I thought we weren't supposed to?”
“It's not like anyone has to know.” Her smiles wides, all teeth and you break into laughter.
“Okay okay,” you respond, licking your fingers for good measure, getting all the flavor and crumbs off, “deal.”
After going three days without a swim, your muscles ache in relief as you finally get to put them to good use, long powerful strides that have you gliding through the water.
It's a later start than you'd have liked, but you'd already been away for too long.
And you weren't going to lie, you were hoping to see Harry. Because you liked him. Too much for someone you'd only had a handful of conversations with.
You wonder if he'd worried when you hadn't swum by in the mornings.
You'd be sure to ask him if you saw him.
After a few good strokes you drive down, eyes stinging from the sea water, lungs full of held air as you go down as far as you can, before the pressure in your ears becomes too much and your dart up like a minnow, breaking for air on the surface and floating as you catch your breath, feeling weightless and good from the cool water now soaked into your hair.
After a few moments you push on, heart speeding up as you come into view of his current house, home, for a little while at least.
He was going to be here for as long as you were, the summer, and by then he'd head back to record all the things he'd been busy writing, both musically and lyrically.
You tried not to think about the end of summer, as you came closer, Harry visible from the beach, camped out in a towel with an assortment of things.
He waves you over and you comply without much thought. It's harry.
“It's good to see you,” he says as you come out of the water, dripping wet and already drying off because of the beating sun high overhead, walking over towards his splayed out blanket.
Harry's sitting cross legged on it, guitar in his arms and notebooks by his side, along with a plate full of fruit and cheese and crackers.
“Hope I'm not interrupting,” you state, settling down next across from him, careful not to wet any paper.
“Oh you could never,” he states with a soft smile. “I was getting worried you'd finally turned into a mermaid and swam off on me.”
“Even if I was a mermaid I wouldn't swim off on you,” you joke back. “how's the writing going?”
“Well i've got a lot of solid ideas and I'll have to see how it all sounds in studio, move things around play with what I've got but so far it's all coming together pretty well.”
“That's great,” you tell him, smiling as you take him in, soft brown hair and lips pulled into a smile as he gazes back at you.
Harry begins to strum the guitar, melody instantly recognizable and your thrown back to being in school, “I’m gonna soak up the sun,” he croons and you can't help but giggle at his antics, too adorable not to laugh with. “Gonna tell everyone, to lighten up.”
“God that songs still goes,” you giggle. “Makes me feel old though.”
Harry snorts, eyes narrowing at you comically, “oh wow twenty something, super old.”
“Shut up,” you teases, beaming at him, arms hugging your legs to your chest, “I'm super old. A little old lady who lives alone with her twelve cats.”
He shakes his head laughing. “Do you want any fruit? I've got water too if you're feeling thirsty,” motioning to a steel canteen.
You shake your head, “won't be able to swim even if I really want to steal a mango from you.”
“You could just stay here,” he says, his gaze heavy on you, “hang out for a bit. Have all the mangos in the world?”
It's too tempting to pass up.
“Well how could I say no to an offer like that?”
It's dark by the time you find time to make it down to Harry's house, armed with some cherry pie you'd nabbed before leaving them all to dinner, begging off as Juliana and her grandmother took turns teasing and telling you you should eat at least a plateful of food before leaving.
Even at night the airs still warm, thick with the smell of saltwater you love so much.
“Would you like some pie off a poor little old lady,” you tease him, unable to keep a smile off your lips at the sight of Harry in an old the dye t shirt and black shorts.
“As long as it isn't apple,” he says, leading the way in. “Hope you like pasta.”
It's a beautiful house, covered in the iconic greek white and blue, with an open air kitchen slash alcove that's perfect for nights like these.
“Who doesn't like pasta? It's just bread and cheese if you think about it.” Any combination of bread and cheese was good in your book.
He snorts, “did you really bake me a pie?” Looking way too snug for your liking.
“Nope,” you respond, popping the p, “juliana got the cherries and bullied her brother into helping her make pie.”
“That's just what sisters are like,” he says sagely.
You snort, sitting down and watching as he pours you both a glass of red wine to go along with your pasta and pie.
Conversation is always easy with him. Ranging from bands you both like because who doesn't like the beatles and abba and kendrick lamar. To school which you groan about even though it's nearly over and you do like it, like spending time with your friends, sneaking food into the library.
“That's terrible,” Harry remarks at that.
“Shut up,” you utter, burning red, as you sip at the wine.
Mostly you have to admit you like learning even when it's finals and you want to die and you've slept less than four hours most nights, you wouldn't have it any other way.
“There's something romantic about the whole uni experience,” Harry says, a thread of longing clear in his voice.
You smile at him, “it's all fun and games until my prof from calc reads right out of the book for two hours and i want to stab myself.”
That earns you a loud laugh, Harry's shoulders shaking, “I think I could be a calc professor.”
You wrinkle your nose, “maths gross.”
“wow,” he says, smiling softly over at you, pie abandoned in favor of gazing way to earnestly into your eyes and you feel a shiver run down your spine. “You're way too fucking cute.” It's much too serious a statement and you can't help the giggle that escapes from your lips.
“Shut up Harold!”
“You are,” he responds calmly.
Your cheeks are burning and you can't stop looking into his mossy green eyes, his hair a mess he probably hadn't fixed since he woke up and yet somehow he pulled it off. It was a mix of confidence and natural good looks and the easy nature like that of an excitable puppy.
“Can I kiss you,” he utters softly.
And because you've thought about it before, gazing at him, at his well formed mouth as he talking about anything and everything, face all lit up and focused on you, you nod.
His lips are soft and plush against yours and there's no hesitation, his hand cupping up to cup your cheek, tilting your head towards him, your own eyes fluttering shut.
Kissing him back as eagerly as he kissed you, want thick and throbbing like a live wire inside you.
Your hands coming up to intertwine behind his neck. Harry pulls at your bottom lip, between his teeth, and you part your lips to him.
Letting him in, tongue warm and wet against yours.
His arm pulls you closer to him, everything but each other forgotten, skin heating up with every touch, with every movement, his body hot and solid against yours driving you wild with desire.
You’re practically in his lap as Harry pulls away from your mouth, placing a kiss on the corner of your lips, pulling back and looking down at you, his gaze as heavy and hot as you feel and it's impossible but it makes you want him more, like you've never wanted anyone.
“Do,” he utters, voice strained, “do you want to-”
You nod eagerly and then giggle at yourself, feeling dizzy with want, Harry's body against you driving you wild, knocking you off kilter in a delicious way and you want him. “Yeah, yes all of it.”
He snorts, the warmth of his hand leaving you cheek, taking you into his arms and now you're really straddling him, you legs around his waist and you trust that he won't let you fall as he carries you into the house.
Your hand cups one of his well defined cheekbones and then you're pressing your lips to his, hungrily. Your other hand in his soft hair, as you stumble against the couch, settling down and his body pressing down eagerly against yours, trapping you against the couch.
One of his hands slipping under your shirt, his touch setting you aflame.
You lose yourself in the moment and forget about how short summers are.
It's only your second week back and you're already slammed with school work, studying on a saturday night when you could be at a house party, or better yet, sleeping.
The only thing that's keeping you going is the thought of a call from your boyfriend in an hour when the time differences between you and him comply.
Just have to get through another half hour of math and graphs and the reading you just know you'll give up on in another week. Textbooks were horrible things to read and they rarely helped.
Confused you further more often than not.
Your phone vibrates and without looking you know who it is. No one calls anymore and you're expecting it, expecting him.
“Hey,” you utter, “ good morning.” You can't see it, but you can already see his sleepy smile, his hand coming up to rub his eyes before shaking off sleep without the air of coffee you couldn't do without.
“I'd say good morning but that'd hardly be right,” harry says, “or it could be a good morning in advance.”
“In advance,” you giggle quietly, glad the library's practically empty by now, “I like that.”
“What're you doing?”
“Studying, well, finishing studying,” you tell him because there's only so much you can study before your brain fries, “sexy I know.”
He snorts from across the pond, “I don't know about that, librarians can be pretty sexy.”
“Oh my god harold,” you yelp, unable to help yourself, groaning and laughing and wishing he was here.
“What love,” he responds, “I can't help it when it comes to you!”
“i'm going to pack up and go before I get kicked out because of you.”
“me! What did i do,” Harry protests.
You snort and smile to yourself, crazy in love with Harry
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Sweet Music Playing in the Dark: Ch.2- Lip and Cheek (Craquaria)- Dill
A/N: Hi guys! Here’s the second chapter for sweet music. This is my first smut attempt, so I hope it’s okay lol. I’m working on a few things at the moment that will slowly trickle out now that I’m done with school. You can find me on AO3 @drdill. Thanks for reading!
Summary: Soon Max will be moving to New York, and Gio interrogates Kevin to see if they could last.
“Come on, it’s totally Bill.”
Max stuffs another piece of sushi in his mouth, watching Mamma Mia! intensely on the television, knees to his chest on my couch.
“I don’t disagree, I’m just saying this all could’ve been avoided with a paternity test.”
“Don’t try to get technical with this masterpiece.”
“Fair enough,” I giggle. “I wouldn’t be mad if Sam proposed to me, though.”
“Well, obviously. He could get it any day of the week.” I choke on my water.
Earlier in the day, he knocked on my door, my sandals between his fingers and a smirk on his lips. Probably thinking my life is a mess, he asked me about my swollen knee and it turned into an hour of us drinking coffee at my kitchen table. Wanting to repay him for his hospitality the night prior, I suggested sushi and a cheesy film in sweats. From my obnoxiously loud ABBA jam-session in the morning that left “Dancing Queen” in his head for the rest of the day, he chose appropriately.
The final scene ends to the Netflix home screen and I start picking-up empty soy sauce packets.
“Sorry for getting wasabi on your couch,” Max says, standing up to help clean.
“Don’t worry about it. There’s been worse things on it,” I tell him with a wink, immediately ready to punch myself in the face. Why the fuck do I open my mouth? He just laughs and shakes his head.
“I’m not even gonna ask.”
We head back to the couch, sitting opposite, staring anywhere but directly at each other. He’s stretched out towards me while I sit cross-legged and hands in my lap. Seconds pass and we’re waiting for the other to initiate some form of conversation, resorting to him making a fun beat with his hands on the side of the couch and this thigh, and me bobbing my head and shimmying my shoulders. A laugh escapes me.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks me.
“I don’t know,” I say, fully honest. “Most weekends where I do nothing aren’t this fun.”
It feels like a first date- painfully hesitant. For the twenty-seven hours I’ve known him, he’s surely made an impact. Maybe I’m just desperate for the attention he’s giving, and maybe the feeling is mutual, but I’d rather be entangled in blind affection than ignorant to it.
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to make a friend during my quick stay,” he tells me, “but I’m so glad you fell on that fire escape.” He chuckles when I roll my eyes and observe the bandages wrapped around my bruised knee.
“As embarrassing as that was, I guess the garlic bread was worth it,” I smile. He shifts positions and crosses his legs like me, moving close enough for our knees to touch.
“Since we’re sharing thoughts,” he says, “something’s been eating at me.”
“And what is that?” He sighs. “Last night, when you said goodbye, we shared a quick hug and you were gone.”
My lips are between my teeth, unsure which direction this could turn.
“When just hours before, you wanted to kiss me like it was nothing.”
Relief quenches me like a cool glass of water.
“Well,” I reply, leaning a bit closer, “I can tell you that it wasn’t nothing.”
“You don’t say?” His draws circles on my kneecap through my black joggers. I nod in response when he greets my eyes, leering.
Like muscle memory, we find ourselves in the same position as last night. This time, the puzzle pieces fit together, completing what could’ve been my evening departure. His lips are even softer than they look, sweet and tangy like the lemonade he sipped during the movie. I smell his aftershave on my next inhale before deepening our kiss, bunching his shirt in my hands and pushing him onto his back. Propped on my elbows, I drag my tongue over his bottom lip and reconnect to his mouth, full of paradise. He leisurely travels down my spine to my lower back. For the time being, it’s a musical rapture.
Then there’s an abrupt knock at my door.
It was maybe fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds. I’m fuming, nostrils flared and eyes slowly shutting.
“The universe really doesn’t want this, huh?” he says with a sympathetic grin. I peck his lips before standing and unlocking the door.
Kevin greets me with a huge smile- of all the people to ruin our moment.
“Hi, honey.”
“Someone’s back early,” I say, moderately bothered.
“I really didn’t want to bother you, but I must’ve left my key at my sister’s and Max wasn’t answering his phone. Could I use your spare?”
“Hi, Kevin.” Max pokes his head from the couch.
“Maxie!! Y’all already met!?” He’s elated at the sight of his friend, which quickly turns to sheer panic. “Oh shit. Did I jus-”
“No, it’s fine. We were just hanging out. Being neighborly and all,” I say before Max can speak, unenthusiastic jazz hands to follow. Max’s face drops and nods.
“Yeah, I can let you back in. It’s pretty late anyway,” Max tells Kevin, hopping off the couch and standing next to me.
“Thanks for the sushi, Gio.” He goes for an awkward hug, an even worse ending than last night.
Kevin watches us stiffly before giving me a hug.
“You up for brunch tomorrow?” he asks me. I hide my irritation with a cheeky smile.
“Duh! Max will you still be around?” I must’ve caught him off-guard.
“Hm? Oh, yeah! Yeah I can come.” He’s flustered.
“Wonderful. See you guys tomorrow?”
“I’ll knock when we’re ready!” Kevin replies. He leads the way out of my apartment with Max.
“Bye-bye.” I shut the door and reflect. Of all the people to ruin our moment. I love Kevin. Typically he annoys me with bombarding my phone with texts, but this time, nothing- the one time I don’t get minute-by-minute updates on his train ride home. I throw myself on the empty bed, frustrated and lonely.
*knock knock knock*
I grab my wallet and head for the door in white converse, rolled black shorts, and matching black tank top. In the hallway, Kevin’s alone wearing a coral v-neck with khaki shorts and flip flops.
“Where’s Max?” I ask.
“Bathroom. He should be out in a sec.” He looks down at my legs.
“What happened to your knee?”
“Oh, I just fell,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
With those words, Max opens the door in a navy button-up and flip flops, still drying his hands on his shorts. His hair for the past couple of days was fluffy and unkempt, curling on his forehead. Today, it’s tamed with some wax, swooped to the side, and absolutely delightful.
The restaurant is a few blocks from our building. We get a table, a few drinks, and discuss Kevin’s quick return.
“So, why’d you come back so early?” I ask, still annoyed with prior events. Max, sitting next to Kevin, gives me a smug look that he can’t see.
“I overestimated how much time I can handle them,” he cackles. “Also, my momma kept showing me photos of her church friends’ single daughters. The mothafuckin’ nerve!” I laugh and swirl my drink.
My favorite part of these brunch dates is when Kevin’s adorable Caribbean mother calls him while he tells me about his latest hookup (in too much detail), trying to play matchmaker after mass. He always exaggerates his workload to explain how he, the gayest person on this planet, doesn’t have time for a girlfriend.
“I still have no idea how she hasn’t figured it out yet,” I tell him.
“One of these days, I’ll probably get fed up and tell her. We’re getting close.”
“You should’ve just asked how their sons are doing,” Max says. Kevin howls as he takes a satisfying sip of his drink.
Our food comes a bit later and we continue catching up, Kevin and Max telling old stories from college in-between bites as I listen. The more they speak, the more I realize they are the exact same person in different bodies. It’s almost scary; from karaoke nights at a cheap dive bar near campus, to reenacting musicals in their apartment with friends, I’m surprised Kevin’s barely ever mentioned him to me.
Unintentionally, I keep staring at Max. No particular reason, just watching him: the way he eats his fries, talks with his hands, covers his mouth after laughing too hard. I become so fixated that whatever Kevin is babbling about turns inaudible- I just keep looking at the slight stubble poking through his chin that he scratches every so often, the scar on his right elbow when he props it on the table, even how he nods along to every word Kevin says. He’s a completely average guy, but I’m mesmerized by every small detail.
“Would you like some more water?” I’m snapped out of the trance by our waitress holding a metal pitcher in front of me.
“Oh, um, yes please.” She refills my glass and walks off.
“I’ll be back. I’m going to the bathroom.” Max stands up and goes away from the table. I catch myself staring again as he walks away until he turns a corner and is out of sight. Then, I’m greeted with a fresh pair of eyes from Kevin. With the coy glare, I think he’s connected the dots.
“I know that look, G,” he replies.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Since when were tiny white guys your type?”
“Since Friday night.” Apparently, I’m ready to spill.
“I was wondering when you guys met. Y’all were pretty close last night.”
“We met completely on accident. I tripped on the fire escape steps and he helped clean the scrape, then asked me to stay for dinner.”
“I thought you ‘just fell.’” He’s using air quotes, taunting me from my previous answer.
“I didn’t lie.”
“Y’all were being more than neighborly last night, weren’t you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I totally cock-blocked you, didn’t I?”
I’m silent and avoiding eye contact, causing him to go wide-eyed.
“Oh my GOD.” He slaps the table with every word, way too excited and causing patrons to stare. “I knew it!”
“Shh!” I’m attempting to contain his emotions, pinning his arms down on the table. When he finally cooperates, I speak softly.
“We almost kissed Friday night, and I redeemed myself yesterday until you just had to ruin it, bitch!”
“Well if I would’ve known my friends were fucking I wouldn’t have knocked!”
“We didn’t think you’d be home until Monday!”
“True,” he cackles. “I can’t believe you two were ready to hook up that quick. Max typically isn’t into hookups.”
“I can’t believe you barely talked about him with me!”
“I didn’t think you’d be interested!”
“Well, I wasn’t until he started acting all hospitable. He’s so nice.”
“You’re telling me! If he wasn’t a top that’s half of my size I would’ve married him by now.” The last sentence almost has my jaw in my lap.
“That man is a top?”
“You are such a whore.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“I only speak facts, babe,” he winks. “But you didn’t hear it from me.” A sip of his mimosa and Max appears from the corner again, sitting down and returning to his meal.
“What’d I miss?” he asks. I shake my head.
“Nothing much.”
Evening rolls around and I run upstairs to check on my laundry. When I throw the load in the dryer and come back down, Max is standing in the hallway with his bags, placing his ticket in his jacket pocket.
“Leaving so soon?” I ask with a smile.
“Very late, actually. My flight leaves in two hours and I haven’t even called an Uber.”
“Oh, shit. I shouldn’t keep you then.” I reach in for a hug and he wraps his arms around me softly.
“Be safe heading back.”
“I will,” he tells me. “See you in a few weeks.”
With that, he gives me a cheeky grin and walks quickly down the hallway to the elevators where this mess started. I go back inside, a deep sigh following. What am I doing?
My conversation with Kevin this morning has stuck with me all day. I need more answers. Stepping onto the fire escape with a blunt, I tap on his window until the curtains draw back and he opens it.
“You rang?”
“I’ve got some questions.” He laughs and shakes his head.
“Me too. But keep it quick. Grandpa is getting tired.”
We sit down, feet dangling from the platform when I light the joint and taste it’s sourness. I pass it to Kevin.
“Before I start, can you promise to be as honest as possible?”
“Yes, Judge Judy.”
“Okay, good. You said he normally doesn’t do hookups, right?”
“Nope. He hasn’t been with someone since sophomore year.” That’s weird.
“Well, kind of. He had an on-and-off thing with this asshole named Jake until graduation that fucked with his psyche a lot. He’d leave Max every couple of months and come running back like nothing happened. I wanted to kill him, then Max for falling for his bullshit.” Kevin’s getting re-heated just by talking about it, taking multiple hits before passing the blunt back to me. “He cares so much, probably too much.” I nod along.
“Anyways,” he says, “How much have you seen each other while I’ve been gone?”
“Probably like ten hours total.”
“In two days?”
“Wow. What kind of social butterfly did Max turn into since I left the west coast?”
“He keeps to himself a lot?”
“All of the time. That’s why I was so shocked when you guys were hanging out together, let alone doing whatever that was when I knocked.”
“Calm down, we didn’t get anywhere when you interrupted,” I giggle.
He sighs. “I don’t know what you did to him, but he seems really interested in you. I asked him about the weekend after brunch, and he was floored about goddamn sushi and Mamma Mia!.”
“Did you consider my incredible charm and wit?” I smirk and nudge his shoulder, causing him to sway and laugh.
“I’m sure that’s what it was. Listen, as much fun as this is, I’m falling asleep out here.” “Fine. One last question.” “What is it?” “…can I have his number?” I ask bashfully.
“You mean to tell me that y’all were getting hot and heavy and didn’t even bother to get that on night one?!”
“It wasn’t the first thought in my mind when I climbed on top of him, bitch!” He rolls his eyes with a smile, takes out his phone, and sends me his contact information.
I didn’t text him. The first man to give me attention for more than three hours to hook up, and I’m blowing it to smithereens because I’m too nervous to make the first move.
A few weeks have passed since he left for Seattle again. He’s probably moving in right now as I answer emails and procrastinate by looking at old looks from this year’s Met Gala. A camp aesthetic? My fucking dream. A message appears on my Mac from Kevin.
Do I have to do everything for this relationship to blossom?
I’m confused, until my phone starts buzzing. I reach into my pocket and see that it’s Max. Oops.
“Hey, Max.”
“Hi. Uh, Kevin gave me your number.” I chuckle.
“I figured. How’ve you been?” “I’m so sore. Kevin and I have been moving boxes and furniture all day.” “Why didn’t Kevin let me know sooner? I would’ve helped out,” I tell him as if I couldn’t text him for a month.
“Well, that’s actually why I called you. Kevin just left and I still have a lot of unpacking to do. Are you busy?”
Surprisingly, I actually do have plans. Some coworkers invited me out to drinks tonight because I was in the room as they discussed plans, but it’s not the first time I’ve bailed on them. They definitely won’t miss me.
“Not at all! Send me the address and I’ll be there soon.”
“You’re a lifesaver! I’ll text it to you now.”
“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”
He sends me the address and I get dressed to bare the Brooklyn heat. Before leaving, I text Kevin back:
I’m pulling my weight. Don’t worry ;)
“How was the drive?” I’m helping him load plates and glass cups into his cabinets while he stands on a chair.
“Too fucking long,” he says, “It took me five days to get here, but I stayed with my friend Brian when I got to Milwaukee, then Tony in Chicago. Every other place was just some crappy motel and a prayer that I wouldn’t get bed bugs.” I snicker at the last comment.
“At least you get to sleep in your own bed tonight.” “Yeah, finally.”
We finish putting away every bowl, spoon, and rubber spatula he brought and break down the boxes for the trash. His living room is barren besides a bunch of bubble wrap and tape lining the lightwood floor and an empty bookcase with hundreds of novels on the floor next to it. It smells like an old bookstore- the sunset bleeds through and highlights every dust particle floating around the room. Max stands by the small island in the kitchen, hands on his hips. He’s glowing, arms and face golden before the sun falls over a building and everything turns gray. Clearly exhausted, he gives me a smile and a look that begs us to return to the mess tomorrow.
“Welcome to New York.” I mirror his smile and pull him into a hug. He sways us back and forth in absolute fervor, dancing in my arms.
“We need to celebrate. Grab the wine in the fridge.”
As I get the bottle, which is the only thing in his fridge, he greets me with two coffee mugs- the Seattle skyline painted across both.
“The wine glasses must’ve been in a different box,” he says, a giant grin plastered on his face. “My mom made these.”
“Classy,” I smirk.
He follows behind with the bottle opener as I sit against the white wall, legs crossed and scrolling through his laptop’s music library. After uncorking, he pours almost full cups for the both of us, and slides down the wall next to me, moonlight from the window striking his leg as he stretches. To go with some acoustics, I jokingly search-up a Yule log video for mood lighting. He laughs and rolls his eyes watching the crackling embers on his computer screen.
“Dumb ass,” he whispers under his breath before raising his mug toward me. I do the same.
“To crushed dreams and expensive rent!”
“L'chaim!” I reply. We clash our drinks together and sip occasionally. I’m relieved he bought sweet wine this time, watching dusk swallow the sky.
Through fifteen minutes, radio silence. His shirt reflects a light orange from the fake flames, darkness encapsulating the living room. My head rests on the wall, eyes shut and feeling Max bobbing to the music every once in a while, silently pouring more wine into our mugs. No moments on my own fire escape have felt so peaceful, especially when the next song plays:
If you were falling,
Then I would catch you.
You need a light,
I’d find a match.
Max starts quietly humming the chorus, swaying back and forth with his eyes closed. I silently laugh when our arms brush against one another.
‘Cause I love the way you say good morning,
And you take me the way I am.
Eventually, his head softly lands on my shoulder as it did so perfectly weeks before. I hide the smile forming on my lips, slowly inching my fingers. Reaching his hand on the floor, they playfully dance on his knuckles before intertwining, giving a gentle squeeze.
I feel his prickly cheek glide across my skin until his lips connect, placing delicate kisses from my shoulder to collar bone. The sensation causes the hairs on my arm to stand, a deep sigh escaping. He continues sprinkling soft pecks along the area, using a finger to move the strap of my tank top and grazing my slicked, bare chest. My hand detaches from his and relocates to the side of his jaw, thumb tracing as he squeezes my thigh. I lean my head back in satisfaction, hungry for any contact, and he wastes no time moving off the wall and attacking my neck with more aggression. The suction tingles as his tongue soothes the spaces he bruises, his hand traveling up my thigh, nearly at my crotch. I can smell the wine in his breath.
“M-Max…” I’m barely making words. He raises a single finger and lightly drags my lips, silencing me. His control may be rousing, but I’m tired of waiting.
Growing impatient, I reach under his thigh and pull him towards me. His leg swings across and straddles my lap- I immediately feel his growing harness as he grips my cheeks. Thousands of fireworks go off in my head as I finally taste his lips on mine. It’s sour and velvety, our noses smash together upon impact, tongues sloppily discovering rhythm. Our music has been drowned by deep exhales and the fabric of our shorts at the slightest friction. I take his bottom lip between my teeth, eliciting a moan when our mouths reconnect. My arms pull him closer to make sure this isn’t some painful dream, teeth clashing and steadily rolling my hips. I reach under his shirt, outlining every back muscle during the passionate exchange. Without missing a beat, he starts lifting the white fabric, revealing his lightly-toned torso and prominent v-line. He smirks as my eyes grow wide, unsure of what I was expecting, and finds my lips again before tossing it near some boxes. I shut the laptop and wrap my arms around him once more.
After several minutes, we relax and catch our breath, still firmly attached with his arms around my neck and mine on his waist. He pulls me close, fingers lost in my hair with my head at his chest. I kiss his sternum as he controls his breathing.
“Took us long enough,” he smirks. I smile and place another kiss on his salty skin.
Looking up from his embrace, his face is shining, beads of sweat forming at his hairline with his mouth agape, forming a light smile. Standing slowly, he extends his hand, head motioning to the bedroom. I graciously accept as he helps me up and leads to the door- a quick admiration for his shoulder muscles and notice of a weird tattoo I’ll ask about later. We have more important plans.
The door shuts behind us and I can only see silhouettes, nightfall and car headlights pouring through the two windows near his bed. Barely in the room, I ditch my tank top on the floor and grab his waist from behind. His neck cranes back as I bruise the porcelain skin, fingers tracing up and down my arm. I feel his chin on my cheek and I lift my head, tenderly greeted by his lips. My hands drop to his hips, fingertips progressing to his stark erection as I stroke it’s length. Eagerly, he takes my wrist and moves it to his waistband, to which I duck underneath and grab his cock, thumbing the head and spreading the precum before pleasuring him.
“Oh my God,” he severs from my lips, groaning and grasping my neck hairs hard as I revert focus to his shoulder.
“I’ve been dreaming about you,” I whisper, my hand moves up and down excruciatingly slow, teasing something that’s been built-up for a month.
“Th-that makes two of us.” He stutters, breathing deeply as I continue to stroke his shaft.
“Show me,” I simper and bite his earlobe, my free hand rubbing his chest. With those words, his hands reach behind to grab my shorts at the waist and yank them to my thighs. He stops my action by turning around to face me, pulling the minimal clothing off of my body, exposing my erection. Kneeling before me, he places a chaste kiss on my inner thigh, dangerously close, before pushing me toward the bed.
My legs hit the sides of the mattress and cause me to sit close to the edge. Max travels down from my collar bones to my navel, lips and tongue blessing my torso as my fingers comb his hair when he falls back to his knees. He licks from base to head, swirling his tongue before taking me in his mouth. I’m brought to my elbows in luxury, relishing in his skill. His hand works in tandem on my shaft while the other grips my thigh.
Holy shit.
It doesn’t take long before I’m encapsulated- euphoric moans escape, head thrown back when he takes the entire length to the back of his throat and gags. My body starts to twitch, knowing I’m getting close. Sitting up, I place my hand at his cheek, slowing his pace to a halt, chocolate eyes dark with passion, skin waxen and pale blue in the moonlight, almost angelic.
I meet him halfway with my lips, salty and wet, finally pulling his shorts and underwear down. He steps out of this clothes and I scoot farther onto the bed when he climbs over me again and sloppily kisses my mouth. We roll around the pale cotton sheets, savoring the embrace and caressing each other’s bodies. Laying on our sides, his hand travels down my back and hastily grabs my ass, slapping it when he makes contact. My breath hitches- it burns in the best way possible. His stomach is warm against mine, legs intertwined with sensual murmurs filling the air.
“Fuck me,” I mumble against his lips. “Please.” Our kissing stops and he meets my eyes.
“Are you sure?”
I nod, giving him a quick peck, a grin forming on his lips.
He quickly slides off the bed while I move closer to the pillows. Rummaging through a bag close to the bathroom, he pulls out a condom and some lube and walks over to me, body shining from perspiration. A loud snap and the cap pops open, the sticky liquid coating his fingers before he sits in between my legs. I’m already balling the sheets in my hands, licking my lips and anticipating to crumble at his touch. His cold middle finger teases my entrance. It’s tingling, almost painful with build-up. There’s a sharp sting when he enters one finger, pumping slowly with his other hand tracing my abdomen. I sigh in relief at the sensation, eyes fluttering shut. He introduces a second finger, leaning down and peppering my hips with kisses, arm moving faster and faster within me. My chest jolts at his fingers dancing atop my rib cage and reaching my jaw, his thumb outlining my bottom lip. To his surprise, I take it in my mouth and begin to suck lightly
“Fuck,” is all he can breathe as I moan onto his finger. Eventually, he slows his pace before removing his fingers, eliciting a whimper from me and a smirk from him. I hear the crinkling of the condom wrapper as he tears it open and slides it over his cock. Propped on his arms at my sides, he leaves me with a glossy stare before settling back on his knees and grabbing my thighs.
The head grazes over my entrance until he thrusts idly about halfway. My knuckles turn white, clutching the bedding and hissing as I get used to the pressure. In a couple of movements, we groan in unison when he’s fully inside me. It feels like a bolt of electricity shooting through my veins at the sensation. He quickens the pace with each advance, holding my waist tightly.
I can barely see his face, making out small details: a single hair is curled on his forehead, brows furrowed close together, an expression of pure zeal in his eyes and mouth. My legs wrap around his hips and he balances over me, arms by my ears and chests becoming parallel, sweat exchanging when they graze each other.
I’m becoming overstimulated, grunting with every one of his thrusts, face turning red. I start shivering, getting close and panting. Stroking myself quickly, my back arches as beads of white coat his chest and drip onto my stomach. I collapse underneath him. Max’s hands find mine among the chaos and bring them over my head, interlocking fingers as he groans into my shoulder.
In a short moment, his body begins to contort. I feel the warmth inside me when he exhales loudly and finishes, arms wobbling and fighting to keep him up.
We lay in our sweat. The only sounds I can hear are our heartbeats and Max’s deep breaths next to me. I’m on my side with my arm draped over his chest while he scratches the back of my neck. He kisses my forehead softly before pushing himself off the bed and walking to the bathroom. The light he turns on blinds me when I roll over. Shielding my eyes, he comes back with a damp washcloth, wiping himself before handing it to me and climbing back into bed, examining the contusions blanketing my throat and chest. I toss the towel on the floor.
“You’re incredible.” Max’s first words to me after everything are as soft as every kiss he leaves on my hand and knuckles. If I weren’t drained, I’d pin him back down and show my appreciation, but instead I turn back to my side and lazily embrace him as we lock lips for the millionth time. I don’t want this night to end, but my head aches for sleep and he breaks to yawn. His head drops to the pillow, arm still around me with the other on his rib cage. My body curls into his, falling fast asleep.
He cares too much, but so do I, and I think we’ll be okay with that.
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traphousebois · 5 years
Chapter 2: Bad guy
Summary: So your a tough guy, like it really rough guy just can’t get enough guy, chest always so puff guy, I’m the bad type make your mamma sad type, make your girlfriend mad type, might seduce your dad type, I’m the bad guy......duh.
*chapters are in the masterlist link*
Link to the song
Your Pov:
Ever since I can remember I was always getting into trouble. Whether that was talking back to teachers, cheating on tests, or fighting I was always in trouble. I was a reckless kid. Always coming home with a bloody nose, but it had to be this way. This was the only way I would get attention at home. Granted, it wasn’t great attention, but it was attention. Both of my parents traveled a lot for work. My dad was an engineer and my mom was a journalist. They were always working. They would leave me home alone for weeks at a time, just leaving some cash for behind behind.
When I was six I got in trouble at school for stealing a girls purple scrunchies. I refused to give them back to her so they had to call my parents to come pick me up since we didn’t have any close family members that lived around us. When my mom finally arrived she was pissed at me. Which was understandable, but hey! I really wanted those purple scrunchies. I didn’t care though, I was just in to much shock that she had actually left work for once.
I quickly put two and two together and realized that if I kept getting into trouble like this I would finally get the attention that I so desperately craved and needed. This would quickly become a normal routine in our household.
When I entered high school it only got worse. People had started to become afraid of me. They would flee whenever I came into the room, they would stare and point. There were a few brave ones that would come up to me in the halls. But that would only be just to make fun of me and call me names. When this happened it usually ended with me in the principals office and them with a black and blue eye.
Relationships with a boy were even worse. That’s if I even had a chance at all. And if by some miracle I did I would somehow find a way to ruin it.
Once I met Colby though, everything changed. We went to the same high school obviously, but how we met and somewhat got a long is still a mystery to me.
We met through a mutual friend. His name is Jake. I know it’s a shocker that I even had a friend.
Jake and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We grew up as next door neighbors so he knew all about my non existent parents and whatnot. His parents were honestly better than my real parents and would let me stay over when I got too lonely at my own house. He was like a brother to me.
Meeting Colby is a whole different story though.
I was hanging out at Jake’s house one day, like I do every other day, and he asked me if I wanted to go to a friends house with him. The friend being Colby.
“I don’t know Jake,” I was hesitant. “You know how other people feel about me,”
Jake shook his head in disagreement.
“Colby’s not like other people. Besides, who cares what other people think of you Y/N? They don’t know the real you.”
I started to grow frustrated with him. I didn’t want anyone to know the real me. Besides everybody already though of me as some kind of ‘Bad guy’ so why not just live up to their expectation of me?
“And what exactly is the ‘real me’ Jake?” My hands were placed on my hips, I wasn’t in the mood for him. “Cause from what I’ve heard I’m quote on quote ‘the bad guy,’ I ruin things Jake, that’s who I am.”
Jake again shook his head in disagreement.
“Your not the bad guy though. I know you, and I know the real you. I know why you do the things you do and act the way you do.”
I rolled my eyes. Sure he did.
“Your not the ‘seduce your dad type’ or ‘make your girlfriend mad type’ your more like the opposite really. Please come.”
At this point he was on his hands and knees begging me to come. I rolled my eyes at him. How was he my best friend again?
“Fine,” I sighed looking down at him.”I’ll guess I’ll come with you , but on one condition?”
“If there’s even one look of judgement from Colby were out. No questions asked.”
Jake nodded and started to grab his keys.
“Deal, now let’s roll.”
The ride to Colby’s house was nerve wracking to say the least. I’ve never hung out with anybody before besides Jake and I had no clue what to expect. From what Jake’s told me about Colby he seemed like a pretty good kid. Had two loving parents, a brother, played in our school band with his best friend and even go straight A’s. What more could you ask for?
Pulling up to his house in when the panic really started to set in.
“I changed my mind Jake. I wanna go home.”
Jake laughed and put the car in park.
“Too late now Y/N, were already here.”
I turned to look at him. Beads of sweat were starting to form on my forehead.
“Hey, your gonna be okay. Remember our deal? First sign of judgement and were out, no questions asked.” He said while grabbing my hands and laying the across the middle.
I took a deep breath and focused on his words.
“Okay, your right. I mean they don’t call me a bad guy for nothing right?”
Jake rolled his brown eyes at my lame attempt at a joke, but squeezed my hands nevertheless.
“Let’s just go and get this over with.”
This was so awkward. So incredibly awkward. I can’t believe I agreed to come. Jake better hurry up in the bathroom before I kill him.
“Sooooo tell me about yourself?”
I looked at Colby unamused.
“You probably know it all already.”
When Jake introduced us it was weird. Colby’s eyes widened in shock when he saw that I was behind Jake. I was probably the last person he was expecting to hang out. That action alone on Colby’s face made me want to leave already and never come back.
Once we were inside and all introduced Jake of course had to go to the bathroom. When he disappeared down the hall that left Colby and I alone in the living room.
“No I don’t. Those are all just rumors. I don’t actually know the real Y/N.”
I scoffed and looked over at him from my side of the couch.
“You don’t wanna know the real me Colby. Nobody knows the real me.”
He shook his head, his brown hair moving with it.
“Jake does,” he quickly said. “Jake knows the real you.”
I laughed at this. And how would he know that?
“”Jake likes to think he knows the real me.”
I stood up my sitting position. I was getting out of here. I didn’t wanna talk about the ‘real me’ and who knew it anymore. I didn’t even wanna be here in the first place. Who was I to think that this was going to go well? Who was I to even think that he wouldn’t ask me questions like that?
“Listen, the real me is bad alright? It’s always been. So don’t try and stick your nose somewhere were it doesn’t belong. Oh and tell Jake not to wait up for me.”
I was almost out the door when Colby’s voice spoke again. He sounded genuine.
“You don’t always have to do this ya know? It doesn’t always have to be like this. You can change, I could help you. Because deep down I know your a good person. Jake tells me all these wonderful things about you, so I know your not actually bad. Your just a girl who’s afraid and I can see your struggling. Stop trying to ruin things that could be great for yourself.”
I turned my head and glared at him through the small crack that was left in the door.
“You don’t know me at Brock, and you don’t need to either.”
And with that I let the door slam shut. I had to be the bad guy after all, didn’t I?
Authors note: Ahhhh here it is! Hope you guys enjoyed it! I’m doing a part 2 to the second part of the song. If you listened to the song you know what I’m talking about lol. That should be out tomorrow. Also this is not my song and all  credits go to Billie Eilish. But this is my concept idea lol. I’m so excited to start this series! Thank you guys for reading and let me know what you think of it so far, feedback is appreciated! Love you❤
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happytroopers · 6 years
Mamma Mia!AU pt.2
So originally this was anout rex bout now its about dogma sorry 
One performance was enough to leave you breathless, but three songs later, there was nothing you craved more than your awaiting drink with Dogma. Regardless, you sang and danced your heart out to every song, keenly aware of a certain set of eyes on you the entire time. Finally, the night calmed down as soldiers started stumbling out.
Finishing your last song of the night, you slumped as the lights went dim. Stumbling down the bar, you draped yourself across the trooper- giggling at how he tensed up at the contact and breathing a thanks as he pulled you up a stool.
“I’m exhausted just watching you, you should drink some water so you don’t get dehydrated.” He told you, shoving another water into your hands. You took it quickly, relishing the cold drink as you gulped it down.
Watching you with a small smile, he took in the way the colored lights hit the tiny beads of sweat on your forehead, making you shimmer— as if the body glitter didn’t already have that effect— and tried to ignore the foremost thoughts he had about your heaving chest. He was a respectful man, but he was a couple drinks in and you were exceptionally gorgeous.
Finally, you finished off the water, and turned towards him with a flushed grin, “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“I was entertained.” He shrugged. You couldn’t tell if he was awkward or not interested in you. 
You tilted your head playfully, trying to think of anything to continue the conversation. But instead of something flirty and cool, you ended up cringing as you lead with, “So you come here often?”
Dogma chuckled but didn’t comment as your cheeks reddened. “Only when my vode force me. I’m glad they did though. You?”
“I’m glad they did, too.” You grinned, resting your chin on your hand, “I’ve been here once or twice before, but this was my first performance here.”
The conversation went on and on, covering every topic under the sun— occasionally finding excuses to touch each other. You’d place a hand on his bicep while laughing or he’d cautiously brush some hair out of your face.
Without even realizing it, you’d chatted the night away— the only interruptions were Rosie and Keehla leaving.  The conversation didn’t stop until the security droid alerted you that y’all HAD to leave now.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hold you up so long.” You admitted. He was quick to stop you apologies.
“It was the best night I’ve had in a long time, ma’am.” He assured you, offering you a hand. You took it as you got up, but apparently sitting down for so long took a toll on you- or maybe it was the pumps, but you stumbled as soon as you stood. Fortunately, he was quick to catch you against his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“I gotcha.” He assured you, steadying you, “May I walk you home? It’s late and I’d hate for something to happen to you.”
“I’d appreciate it.” You smiled, still against his chest, holding contact with his eyes. This time it was the bartender who interrupted.
“Listen! You don’t gotta go home, but ya’ can’t stay here. Get lost!” The grumpy drink maker growled, waving a towel at the two of you. This only caused a bout of laughter from you and a quiet apology from Dogma as you sauntered out of the bar and into the night. You felt a little more ridiculous out in the streets with your performance attire, but Coruscant’s night crowd didn’t seem to mind. For the longest, you walked with your bag swinging between his and your legs.
“Do you think you could put your bag on your other shoulder?” Dogma requested, looking over to you. You threw him a sideways glance, furrowing your eyebrows.
“May I ask why?” You asked as you complied, steadying the bag on your other shoulder. He smiled as he moved a little closer, his fingertips brushing yours now.
“Well, this way, the hand closest to me falls naturally, allowing me to nonchalantly begin spontaneously taking your hand.” He explained, once again lightly grazing your hand with his. You threw your hand back laughing, taking his hand in yours.
“Or you could just ask to hold my hand?” You teased, leaning closer into his side. Dogma’s cheeks turned so red, they almost shined through the ink of his tattoo, but nevertheless, he began tracing circles on your hand with his thumb as your trek continued.  
Finally, after ten more blocks and a train ride- the entire time you slowly getting him to open up, the two of you were giggling in front of your apartment’s door, shushing each other in fear of rousing your neighbors. You were leaning against the door, while Dogma had propped himself in front of you, one arm right above your head and the other absentmindedly playing with the hem of you bell-sleeve. “Not to sound forward, but are you roommates home yet?”
If anyone else had said it, you would have scoffed, but the way he asked made it sound like he genuinely cared for your safety. Regardless, your cheeks flushed as you shook your head, “Rosie left with one of your friends and Keehla always stumbles to her boyfriend’s place after a few drinks. So just me, I guess.”
“Will you be alright? Here by yourself, I mean?” He asked, once again brushing some of your hair from your face. You grinned, taking his hand in yours.
“I’m a big girl, Dogma, believe it or not, I can handle myself.” You chastised him, watching with a mischievous smirk as his shoulders dropped, “Buttttttt,  I wouldn’t mind some company if you wanted to come sit a spell.”
He immediately perked back up, a surprised smile growing as you laughed. Before he could answer though, a disgruntled voice muffled through the wall, “Perfect, now go inside and SHUT UP.”
The two of you stifled laughs as you pulled him inside. You shoved him to the couch as you went to the kitchen, kicking off your boots along the way. He declined your offer for food, but you brought him caf anyways. Folding yourself into the seat beside him, you once again smiled at him, shaking your head as he nervously scooted closer.
“Not to change the subject, but I was thinking, maybe we could discuss the pros and cons,, of me- uhh-  spending the night… here.. With you.” The Captain stuttered out, looking over to you. If you had a drink you would have choked on it.
“THAT,” You started loudly, almost through a laugh as you searched for words, “was.. Uhhmm… brazen…”
Desperately trying to remedy it, he sputtered out, “Well, from where I’m sitting, there are very few-- if any-- disadvantages aside from it being against regulations, but Jesse and Hardcase and well everyone said-”
Trying to save him, and yourself, from any more embarrassment, you interrupted him, “We barely know each other, we’ve only just met!”
“Well, there is two other… tiny reasons… maybe do me a huge favor… I’m shipping out in the day after tomorrow- on a really dangerous mission- and.. And it’d be my first time…” He trailed off, leaving you both embarrassed. You tried to overcome your habit of nervous laughter as you just blankly stared at him, trying to find a response to that.
“Dogma…” You drug out, going with the first words that came to mind, “You’re kidding?”
“Well, it's not exactly a thing I say to make me look cool.” He sighed, looking at you hopefully, those angel eyes still tugging at your heartstrings. Regardless, you still shook your head.
“Dogma,” the way you drawled it out, he already didn’t like your tone, “Again, we just met tonight! We barely know each other, and your leaving soon- is it really the best time?”
“I know, I know, it’s just that I’m always hearing ‘when you know, you know’, and I feel like when I’m with you… I know.” He rambled, watching you begin to get up. He caught your wrist.
“My, my
At Waterloo Napoleon did surrender
Oh yeah, and I have met
My destiny in quite a similar way.”
He began, tugging you close to his chest before continuing.
“The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself
Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo, promise to love you for evermore”
He declared, spinning you away and hitting the button on your stereo flooding the apartment with music. Shaking your head, you sighed.
“Waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to
Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you
Woh, woh, woh, woh
Waterloo, finally facing my Waterloo
My, my
I tried to hold you back
But you were stronger
Oh yeah, and now it seems
My only chance is giving up the fight”
You conceded as you offered a hand to him, letting him wrap arms around your waist and sway with your back to his chest. You almost fell over laughing as his grip loosened. You climbed on top of the coffee table swaying to your stereo as you continued.
“And how could I ever refuse?
I feel like I win when I lose
Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war”
Taking a knee, he held his arms up to you, over doing all the motions as he continued.
“Waterloo, promise to love you for ever more!”
Mid-declaration he jumped to his feet, lifting you up by the waist, spinning you around, and laughing along with your giggles.
“Waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to”
You yelped a laugh as he set you down, the captain following your lead with the footwork, but pulling you into his chest when he stumbled.
“Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you”
He finished as he twirled you around one last time, but this time your feet got tangled with his, getting caught on the leg of the coffee table.
“Woh, woh, woh, woh
Waterloo, finally facing my Waterloo”
As gravity took over, the pair of you toppled to the sofa-- yelping when it rocked--, but immediately silencing when your lips met in the chaos. You gasped and met his eyes, sliding your arms around his neck, and
dot. dot. dot.
 again sorry this sucks, your gonna have to tell me if I should even continue this
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nightcoremoon · 5 years
some guy asked me for a hug. I turned and looked at him. he was a big black guy with a lazy eye and three huge duffel bags and a rainbow painted on his cheek and a light and gentle voice that sounded affected by some developmental disability related to mine. i figured hey why not and said sure, but he kissed my cheek; I was like ok whatever he's probably just affectionate. at least he didn't kiss my lips or grope me or any of that weird shit. just a harmless little cheek kiss.
me and two of my people had just gotten up to go get food, and I told him that. he asked me if he could walk with us because he just needed a friend. my little heart broke because I had felt the same way when I went to another pride alone a few years ago. I said sure he could walk with us but we were gonna get food.
he asked me if I could carry one of his bags for him. he was drenched in sweat and he had like 4 bags that were the size of me so I figured why not, I'll carry something for him. it was really heavy though, for someone like me with muscular dystrophy. still, I should be nice because being nice is good to do.
we got there and we walked past some girls (and guys) in a twerk-off or something, idk maybe they were just dancing to what the dj was playing (stuff from wiz khalifa to kid cudi to flo rida, a good selection). he said something like "yeah, get it girl!" I assumed that was an big city black culture type of deal and figured, okay that's probably a normal thing because it happened and nobody really seemed to vocally have a problem with it, so I shouldered on.
he asked if I could buy him something to eat. I said yes thinking sure I'll pay $5 for a corn dog or nachos or something. dude straight up asks for a $10 philly cheesesteak AND a drink, which costs $5. it's okay, that's fine, I have extra cash, and I'd feel better if he ate something in case he didn't get to eat very often. so I did it. I got him the cheesesteak and a drink. when I came back he was flirting with some other girls. I'd thought nothing of it, he's probably bi and just super friendly. I gave him the food and so he could eat I carried another bag. which weighed way more than my shoulders could handle but it wasn't too long of a walk.
I collapsed and he sat down and was like. hey y'all I need a place to stay tonight. I was like. okay. this random stranger I just met doesn't immediately seem threatening, BUT if I were to offer him an accommodation I would still put all of our valuables into the room he wouldn't be in and have all the guys be in the room he was in purely for safety in the worst case scenario. I would be safe and methodical and rational about it. I told him I would put it to a vote with my group. it was a UNIVERSAL FUCKING NO. obviously.
now, I was gonna tell him that the people who were in our group and not immediately present had all said no anyway just to gauge what his reaction was gonna be. now uh. he didn't react too well. he started throwing out a bunch of possibilities. I'll sleep on the floor, ask them again, convince them, tell them I'm homeless and the cops are after me, I was like. I'm not gonna lie to them but I will talk to them. and in the chat I was literally in the middle of typing "okay guys I told him that y'all said no and he didn't react well so nvm it's fine" when he said:
and I quote:
"if you don't let me stay with you I'll kill myself."
so I delete what I was gonna say and I tell everyone he just threatened suicide so hell fuckin no, this situation is dangerous so I'm gonna tell him that the majority said no anyway and if he doesn't back the fuck off i'm gonna tell him that it's because they're racist. which would probably work, right? he wouldn't wanna stay with a bunch of racist white people even if some of them weren't racist. probably.
that was the plan. I tell him okay look I asked everyone again and they still said no. the 3 of us who are here at this table have no problem but the 4 of us who aren't said they're not ok with that and majority rules so sorry man I can't help you but there's plenty of people around here who might be able to help. but he asks again, why can't I lie to them? he'll just sleep on the floor, he just needs a place to stay for the night.
so one of the people at the table with us who saw the group chat and heard me say the spiel about how the THREE OF US WHO ARE HERE would be fine with him but the FOUR OF US WHO ARE NOT HERE would not be, straight up says "look, I'm not comfortable with sharing a hotel room with a random stranger."
I'm like WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY THAT NOW HES JUST GONNA GET DEFENSIVE AND LASH OUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? but well she's been to chicago a lot and knows the urban culture. even though I fucking lived in indianapolis on weekends for a decade and know the culture more than she does. anyway this fucks up the plan majorly. she then tries to kindergarten teach her way through empathy 101 and tell him suicide isn't the answer and it's not a tool to use to guilt trip people. I'm like. WELL HOW THE FUCK DO I SALVAGE THIS GARBAGE FIRE NOW WITH ALL THIS JET FUEL YOU JUST BLASTED ONTO IT???
but it's fine, he's probably smart enough to figure that we're all smart enough not to let a stranger stay with us. the other girl with us who doesn't have a smartphone who I was texting to keep her in the loop then says she's uncomfy and leaves even though earlier she had just gotten upset about our party splitting up and not being able to find each other. so I'm like. alright time to disengage.
the girls leave so I go in front of him and I'm like. look man, I wanna help but my people wouldn't be okay with it. I reach out my hand to shake it and I say I wish him the best and I hope that someone here lets him stay with them, but at the very least he won't be hungry. he just glares at me, rolls his eyes, and looks away.
the fucking bitch.
you disrespect my charity, my grace, my fucking charade to not just blow you off, and this is the thanks I get? I spend $15 so you get a free meal, and you're pissed at me because I won't cram you and your four bags into my cramped car to go to my cramped hotel rooms when I don't even know you? ASSHOLE.
so we leave. a few hours pass and my chicago friend (who I bear no ill will towards because she's only 19 and I value her as a friend) and I are sitting and waiting for our friends to watch Lizzo perform. some other guy sits by us. I introduce myself, his name's jake, he's a cool guy. he plays league, I play dota, we talk about video games and the topic migrates.
eventually mr manipulative asshole saunters over and sits next to him, trying to get in on the conversation. my chicago friend moves away prompting jake to ask me what happened so I write on my phone what the other guy did. jake then proceeds to turn his chair and turn out square into a triangle that's leaving out the dickweed. we talk for another while. the dickweed eventually sees two girls kidding and is like "ayy little mamma bring them tight asses over here". so my friend is like. that's not cool bro, that's sexual harassment. we're gearing up to leave and he tells her to shut the fuck up.
jesus was with me in that moment because I about beat the absolute dog shit out of him. instead, I just give him a disappointed look and say "don't cuss at my friends."
I so wanted to rip into him. "you ungrateful disrespectful asshole. i bought you dinner, I considered letting you stay with us until I realized you're just a disgusting freeloading pig, and emotionally manipulative to boot, and how dare you treat us like this when I fed you. and how dare you ask for the most expensive thing on the menu. and how dare you speak that way to my friends. I oughta beat you senseless and turn your other eye lazy. so I hope you do kill yourself tonight." that's what I wanted to say. the primal urge was there but I kept my cool. and we left. that was the end of that.
jake walked with all of us to our car. he is a cool guy. he added us on instagram. we're all safe.
so uh. yeah.
if I have one fault, just one, it would be that I'm kind to a fault. I will walk with you if you're lonely. I will feed you if you're hungry. I will house you if you're homeless. even if you're just a manipulative freeloader with no respect for women, because as an autistic person I've got a really bad ability to sense evil. I would have helped him. I would have let him stay with us. this dangerous asshole I would have let be in my hotel room. if I have one fault, just one. it's that I'm willing to put another person's potential comfort on a higher priority than my own financial well-being and personal security.
I may be stupid. but at least I care about others.
inb4 someone accuses me of making this up and I literally have to post screenshots of the group chat to prove that I'm not just making an imaginary strawman to further a white feminazi agenda or whatever. guys why would I make up a story that proved that I'm a big dumb moron?
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