#Lyrem's Adventures
alpaca-writes · 3 years
“Hello! Thank you for being so ever patient with me. Very sweet of you. Anyways- I haven’t read much about your characters sadly. Who’s your favorites and least favorites? Is this because of their origin stories, their character, or simply their own likes and dislikes?”
I can't pick favorites. I love all my characters equally! I think the reason why I love writing is for the characters. I can't blame any of them for having the personalities they do, because I gave them the struggles and the life that created those personalities.
At the beginning of Mystics, I had no idea who Arch or Lyrem were. I didn't give Charlotte a name until chapter six because up until then, I didn't know who she was. Arthur had no name for the longest time either, and there was a good reason for that. I debated actually putting Paimon into the story at all for a long time too, but ultimately, he had to be the big bad.
I think that Lyrem's past is the most interesting. I think that Arch and Arthur and Charlotte will have a very adventurous future together, and I think that Paimon will either find his revenge or his redemption as time goes on.... But as for favorites, I can't say I have any.
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alpaca-writes · 3 years
The OC Ask Dryad emerges from the ground to deliver you a question:
How easy is your character to please? Can only a spa day with a nine-course meal make your character happy, or will just a compliment do?
This one really depends on who you ask.
Showing a little more than basic respect towards Arch would make them like you enough to not maim you, which is pretty good, tbh.
Lyrem has higher standards, and I think taking him out for a drink and letting him yammer on about his adventures would make him happiest.
Charlotte and Arthur need a spa day.
Paimon needs therapy.
Benji just needs a hug.
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alpaca-writes · 3 years
A small cloud of mist seeped its way under the door, wisping it’s way through the residence. The purplish smoke swelled up, materializing into a similarly-colored fiendish figure, leaning over your shoulder with a devilish smile.
“Hello, darling. For my returning debut, I figured I’d bring back an old question. Which of the twelve literary archetypes does your character most fit into? Are there any they overlap with?”
The figure laid down a card, shifting back into the smoky form and vanishing. The card read, “-Azrael, @oc-ask-demon”.
(Make sure to look up the 12 literary archetypes, it’s pretty cool!)
Hi! I am going to start by apologizing for not answering this sooner!
I think I put this one off for a while because it was something I was not keenly familiar with and my ocs are a bit muddled between a couple of archetypes throughout the story. I am sure this is a common occurrence though. I've chosen my two main OCs from Mystics and have given them the following archetypes, organized as such:
Their true Archetype/ Their perceived Archetype
LYREM- The Lover/ The Explorer.
Lyrem lives for love. And I don't think he realized until after he had let his wife leave him, how true that was. In his still bitter state, he looked for professional and platonic companionship and took things a bit too far with Arch. He believed that he was doing Arch a favor by caring for them, and giving them respect and purpose. While doing so, he also removed Arch's family from their life so that he was the only person Arch could truly count on. In addition, Lyrem always had an adventurous side to him. As a young adult, he was traveling anywhere and everywhere he could to search for wisdom and knowledge. Now that he's going on 73 years, his only limitation is his aching and aging bones that can't take him quite as far as they used to. He wouldn't describe himself as a Lover archetype because it just wouldn't sound as good as an Explorer archetype. When the long business trips took a toll on his marriage, he was willing to give it all up to be more devoted... unfortunately, his demonic business partner was just very good at convincing him to go on the road again.
ARCH- The Hero/ The Ruler.
For the purposes of storyline and character arc, Arch is our protagonist and the reader should want them to be happy, and want them to succeed, however, Arch's goals have changed since the beginning of the story. Originally, they wanted to be respected. They wanted to be freed from the gaslighting and psychological abuse at home, and they wanted to be freed from the physical abuse at school. Who wouldn't be? But now that they've met the mystical Lyrem, and worked with a demon, and they've been shown respect in a new way, Arch has decided that going back to their old way of living just doesn't cut it. They've got a knack for torturing people, and they've learned how to do some spells. They've transitioned to a darker side, and they don't see a way back to the light. All in all, they believe they deserve more than to just be respected, but they deserve to be obeyed, feared, and to rule over others as much as they want.
Thanks for the ask! Xx.
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