#Lyman Nightingale [Oc]
maegorsbignaturals · 2 months
Give us more hillbilly au, pls!!! And they 100% live in a trailer park, omg what would King's Landing be in that au??
Grrrr okay okay just because you are asking nicely. Drangonstone IS the trailer park, Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys leaved there when they scaped their parents and adfer some time they managed to get enough money to move to an old farm that was full of mold and it smelt rancid and that everyone was pretty sure the drains of that farm was poisoned. Aegon and Aenys both tried to fix it but failed and it was Maegor the one who maneged to fix it the most of it and paint it of the most lustruous red he could find. The faith is just your ye-old south baptist/christian church, and ceryse is the girl Maegor knew there. She was the niece of the pastor and sings in the choir and leads some program to teach the kids about religion, Alys is the queen of all the small beauty peageants the town holds and ends up having names like the queen of the corn or something on those lines, Tyanna is the weird woman that lives alone in the farthest part of the town that house smells weird and she has like at least seven different animals as her pets and everyone is DAMN sure she does some kind of witchcraft and they talk about her on her back but if they need an abortion they just go to her, Rhaena was the girl who always dreamed of living in The Big City with her (girl) friends and knowing all this beautiful movie places with really high builidings and have long rides on her Blue Vespa (Dreamfyre) in the streets of the big city, but her uncle had this horrible accident and now someone needs to take care of him and his costant headaches and Maegor borderline treats her just as he treated her Ceryse and Alys and it is kind of weird.
After Maegor weird ass dead where he is found on his couch holding a beer and being illuminated by the blue gleam of the Tv with at least dozen flies flying around him he takes over the farm and said you know what i think we can make something with this shit and that is how he ends up doing the greatest emporium of milk products kingislandingtown has ever seen in its entire existence. Baelon and Aemon are your typical Highschool number one football players that could have had a uni sports scholarship but Aemon got tackled really hard during a game having some kind of internal decapitation against Sunspear's community highschool and that took Baelon so out of the rails that he just ended up never leaving the farm.
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maegorsbignaturals · 1 year
Hi!! I saw one of your rbs about having OCs, and now i am quite curious. Do you have any that is related to Maegor?
I actually have 4! All related to a Targaryen. I Will be showing them from the one who has most work on to the one with less work. Since in middle school i choose between the two fundamental arts of writing and drawing and i chosed writing, i Will try my Best to describe their appearances.
Beqqo / Hellfire of Braavos
My favourite nepobaby of all Planetos ♡♡♡. Maegor's jester, most loyal subject, and demise. A young, slim, tall man, with curly auburn hair and olive skin, plumpy lips that almost all the time are on a soft pinkish color and a mocking grin. His eyes are of a deep brown that are almost black, to the point the surface reflects on them and the eye pupil can't be seen.
Son of a Braavosi Magister and a courtesan, his parents wanted him to be a magister or have an influential position on Braavos (who knows? Maybe he could even be sealord one day!) But his heart was on the tales of adventures, wine, parties with all type of showmen and entretainers! He appreciates over all the qualities, the qualitie and facility to make others laugh. Considering it the Best way to win over someone. So, he began to train behind his parent's back to be a jester! At first they were angry, but after some time, they arrived to a deal: Beqqo would be free of roam over the free cities as a jester, and when he was finally done, he would return to Braavos to turn into a magister. (His father tought that this was a good way to gain allies and powerful people, so why not?).
He meets Alys and Maegor during their exile honeymoon in Braavos. Turning into their jester while they where there. And when the time Maegor turned into king arrives, he was torned between returning into his travel or go with them. In the end, he choosed the second option (UH-OH!).
At first, he tought that maybe he could gain Maegor's favor for when he returned to Braavos make a good relationship between Westeros and this free city, then he turned into some kind of tranquilizer to the agitated court of Maegor, is the King going insane? No, he is just a bit stressed! Is Queen Tyanna a witch? PFFFT, What are you saying? She is just a bit strange, but aren't all we? That Queen Alys is cheating on King Maegor to have a baby? NONSENSE! You must have seen wrong one of her ladies in waiting. She has some odd looking Girls, huh? Then, slowly, as Maegor's late reign approaches, he begans to be affected by the stress of the court, the bloodshed between the halls, the war, and the fear to Maegor's cruelty and maybe even a bit of Tyanna's potions too and his motivations are clear: he just wants to return to Braavos. But after a fatadical letter, he is uncapable of returning to it. And so he remains there, in the red keep during all of Maegor's reign and Jaehaerys' reign until one day he... he dissapears!
Hareth of Mormont Island
Have you ever met someone that is so skilled but at the same time so emotionally and socially akward as a turle? That is Hareth. A young man, close to his 24 nameday, dark hair like coal, the smallest of his family of... *counts with the fingers of her hands and feets* of a lot of siblings! He is not only the little child, but also small in height. With brownish skin of hunting all day during all of his life until his early years as an adult. His father offered him to king Jaehaerys when he was 19 after disrespecting him (and by disrespect i mean to gift his Meat he hunted to some poor old Lady rather than selling it in the market). Jaehaerys was going to discard him just as a butcher for the keep, but after showing his efficency as a Hunter and knowing he could Hunt anything, He moved him to a better position as Jaehaerys and Alyssanne's personal... Hunter. And he fullfils this function until one day in a hunting party he almost turn into the breakfast of a bear. Half blind and deeply hurted, he returns to their majesties. But the only thing he gets is some Milk of the poppy, healed scars and being ostricized from the court.
He is contemporary of Beqqo, actually! But while Hareth is young and akward, Beqqo is old, tired, fat, drunk and with a tongue as poisonous as the one of a snake. They have quite this relationship of father and son, protected and protector (Is Hareth the protected or the protector? Hmm, hard to know!).
Lyman Nightingale
Oh, Beqqo might be the first Oc i created, but Lyman is the BLUEPRINT of the red keep. As flamboyant as a peacock, he is Rhaenys' bard and... DING DING! YOU GUESSED IT! Her lover. So, he is actually Aenys' father. At first he just stayed in Aegon's keep thanks to all the comforts. Like my mom says, "Tenía casa, comida y culo", and that means that he had a place to sleep, maybe even one of the confiest beds and more luxurious places of Westeros. He was feed all the day with good food and, when Rhaenys was feeling like it, he beded the Queen, so, why bothering on leaving? That was, until the Queen was pregnant and she announced that it was from Aegon. He feared for his life and planned to go away from the keep at a prudent moment, but when he met Aenys he... he just couldn't. The baby was the most precious thing he had ever seen in his life! How could he leave after seeing him? So, despite all the dangers, he stayed there. Passing from esentially being Rhaenys' lap dog, to the man who could guard all her fears, and that loved her with all his heart. When she died, he was brutally hurted. He feared now for his life and Aenys' life. Oh no, if Aegon knew! But Aegon knew all this time, and instead of executing him, he asked him with all the respect of the world and with such stealth, to leave the keep. And Lyman did that. He leaved the keep, guarding all the memories of his family on his heart, and he never revealed the secret of his paternity to anyone (it is hard to do when you have in your troath a dagger whose Iron is so cold as the Valyrian Steel)
Vorian Martell
The only functional neuron here! I don't have a description of his appearance here because Dev Patel FITS exactly how i imagine him!
A distant relative from the primary line of the princes and princesses of Dorne. But still well known and loved enough to be send in a politic mission to the court of King Aegon. He arrived young, and soon enough he demostrated to be cultured enough to hold any kind of convo with anyone. Add to this that he never acted overwhengmly charming or cold like an Other. He liked shy talks between the pages of a book and a tea. And perhaps that was what caught Prince Aenys' attention in the first place. Soon, their relationship passed from strictly formal, too neutral too a friendship. They shared and exchanged books, they talked about New philosophies that flew trough the air of westeros. Some times, even Vorian played his lute while Aenys singed! They grew close to each other to the point people began to whisper that after Maegor's exile, the dornish man was going to be the New hand. But such thing never happened, because the realm and the faith began to reveal and to turn against the king, and soon, Dorne commanded Vorian's return to Braavos. At first Aenys didn't let him. He keeped him at his side even when he was all sick and tired, and when he finally died, as soon as she could, Alyssa arranged a boat for him to return to Dorne betweena heavy Rain night and Vhagar's roars thundering in the sky. By the end of Aenys' life, they had this relationship that was sooo much like Linton Heathcliff and Cathy linton!!!
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