#Lux Mundi
lours-postal · 1 year
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2023 – 242
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12endigital · 8 months
La Barra Bendita Locura ha sido un gran escaparate para Alicante Gastronómica Solidaria lo que permitirá seguir creciendo con la participación de nuevos voluntarios
La Cámara Solidaria – Alicante Gastronómica ha participado este fin de semana en la feria Lux Mundi en Fira Alacant con la Barra Bendita Locura ofreciendo a los asistentes tapas de la cocina tradicional de la provincia a precios populares. La directora de AG Solidaria, Gema Amor, hace un balance muy positivo de la participación en esta feria destacando que “ha sido un gran escaparate del trabajo…
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surfingkaliyuga · 3 months
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“Sol Invictus Lux Aeterna Mundi” Fabien Le Clech 2024
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majestativa · 3 months
And the obsessed fuses with his obsession, His malicious eyes glinting with virulent joy… Dr. Gross felt it too. The Earth swallowed him eventually.
Let’s not retell the tale, And tell me: Are your dreams as electric as mine? Mine constantly shape-shift. Will you start a fire with your fervor? You’re an enigma! Wreak havoc, And don’t you dare be sorry. Passion even when subtle, can roar like a wounded dragon. Carve your destiny. Vibrate with might. The Decembrists’ vehemence should pale before your hissing. Be the counter-wave. Be the promising breeze of the future. The legitimate part. Ablaze, your fervor everlasting. The Salvator Mundi is an overrated title, Be the Salvator Aeternus. Mourn Lux’ death, but properly. Keep your composure when facing the storm. Master Kruchenykh’s games, But recognize their obsoleteness! Understand Mayakovsky’s passion, But do not match it! Drown in Burliuk’s sobriety and esoteric silence, but come back stronger and flexible! Games, passion and death must nourish your spirit, but never expansively, for it will be irrevocably conquered, enthralled by an unfathomable allure bleeding you dry. Games: the restless mind’s pulsating wound. Passion: the most lethal weapon mortals can use. Do not sharpen it with your own soul. And Death, that glorious entity, Is neither the end nor the latter’s means, Death is the aim’s cursus Pointing at the heart of Man.
Medium | 29.03.22
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black-arcana · 5 months
Simone Simons ➢ Aeterna
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[Verse 1] Now the ending is in sight In my heart of hearts I know As I bleed my final starlight Life is born as i let go
[Pre-Chorus] From the moment we arrive Love endures, beyond our fleeting years (Mysteries of life) Unseen forces unite We are one On stardust we ride
[Chorus] Amor, ira aeterna Fulgor, fatum, incendium Sensus omnes profundi Universo coniuncti sunt
[Verse 2] I release my final breath As my atom split the skies Through the endless and forever I am еchoed in your eyes
[Pre-Chorus] Feel thе universe inside Dark and light living deep within our hearts (Duality of life) Ageless forces unite We are one In starlight we shine
[Chorus] Amor, ira aeterna Fulgor, fatum, incendium Sensus omnes profundi Universo coniuncti sunt
[Bridge] Illa - lux Illa - lux Illa - lux Specta - et Specta - et Illa - vis aeterna infinita Lux - vigot mundi in anima Illa - penetravit in spiritum Lux - perobscura sed illustrat Specta - praeterita et futurum Et - posterum est superius Specta - mentem nostram altissimam Et - indivisam in tempore Illa
[Pre-Chorus] From the moment we arrive Love endures, beyond our fleeting years (Mysteries of time) Unseen forces unite We are one On stardust we ride
[Chorus] Amor, ira aeterna Fulgor, fatum, incendium
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grntaire · 1 year
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in the midst of the earth: good omens-coded sacred choral music
below is the text and english translation for each piece :)
1. beati quorum via, charles villiers stanford
Beati quorum via integra est, qui ambulant in lege Domini. // Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.
2. aus tiefer not schrei ich zu dir, felix mendelssohn
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, Herr Gott, erhör mein Rufen; Dein gnädig Ohr neig her zu mir / Und meiner Bitt sie öffne! Denn so du willt das sehen an, was Sünd und Unrecht ist getan, wer kann, Herr, vor dir bleiben? // Out of deep anguish I call to you, Lord God, hear my cries; bow down your gracious ear to me and open it to my plea! Since you behold, according to your will, what sin and injustice is done, who can stand, Lord, before you?
3. agnus dei, josef rheinberger
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. // Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
4. vinea mea electa, francis poulenc
Vinea mea electa, ego te plantavi: quomodo conversa es in amaritudinem, ut me crucifigeres et Barrabam dimitteres. Sepivi te, et lapides elegi ex te, et ædificavi turrim. // O vineyard, my chosen one! I planted you: how are you changed from sweet to bitter, to have crucified me and released Barrabas? I protected you; I have removed stones that could bother you and built a tower for your defense.
5. lux aeterna, edward elgar
Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis, quia pius es. // May eternal light shine on them, Lord, with your saints for ever, for you are good. Give them eternal rest, Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them, for you are good.
6. do not be afraid, philip stopford
Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name; you are mine. When you walk through the waters, I'll be with you; you will never sink beneath the waves. When the fire is burning all around you, you will never be consumed by the flames. When the fear of loneliness is looming, then remember I am at your side. When you dwell in the exile of a stranger, remember you are precious in my eyes. You are mine, O my child, I am your Father, and I love you with a perfect love.
7. spaséniye sodélal, pavel chesnokov
Cпасение coдeлaл еси посреде земли, Боже. Аллилуия. // Spaséniye sodélal yesí posredé ziemlí, Bózhe. Allilúiya. // Salvation is made in the midst of the earth, O God. Alleluia.
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genderwoods · 1 year
this is a long post talking about my ocs and my wip. feel free to skip!! i just want to get over my embarrassment of talking about them
ok so. to talk about my ocs first i need to talk about the world theyre in. this is still a nameless wip but for now im calling it 'through the mist' while i decide on a better name.
brief explanation about the world: its the modern world as we know, maybe a few years into the future, but its not very important because society and technology are still pretty much the same. the difference is that in this story, the earth was enveloped by a dark and mysterious mist that is invisible to most people. the origins of this mist is still unknown, but what is known is that: 1) it affects peoples health in the areas that the mist is the most dense, and the number of lung diseases and cancer has incresead ever since it appeared. 2) it has some type of dark magic to it. its essence creates demon-like creatures called spectrums (i still want to find a cooler name) that are unknown by most people, but they bring chaos to the world. you can read more about spectrums and understand them better here (please mind any grammar mistakes, it is still a rough draft!)
but there are special people in the world known as the Enlighted that not only can see the mist, but they are aware of the existence of the spectrums and are given special powers to fight them. most of these people are born like normal humans, and only when they grow up they start to realize that they are different and that theres something wrong in the world they live in. once they find out about their own powers, they are located by a institution called Lux Mundi, and they are recruited either to be a scientist and schollar that studies the mist and the spectrums, or to be a warrior and fight the spectrums.
there are three types of enlighted: the lumen (those who are born with paranormal abilities to help them fight the spectrums), the saltium (those who are born with advanced intellect and are able to understand the complexities behind the magic of the mist and the spectrums) and the granum (those who are both lumen and saltium at the same time. they are very rare.)
this is all you need to know to understand the ocs!! i wont say a lot abt their backstories here so to not make the post even longer but if you want to ask me anything about them, feel free!
btw all of these characters are brazilian and the story takes place in brazil bc well. im brazilian and it was easier this way.
also im not an artist so all i have are picrews 💔 sorry for the low quality of some pictures, for some reason tumblr wont show the album i have them saved in when i open the gallery so i had to screenshot.
1. Kaiki Vitorino, 17
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she's our main girl! Kaiki was born Salvador, Bahia but moved to São Paulo with her mom when she was a kid. she and her mom were very close, but due to complications caused by a lung disease, she passed away three years prior to the story, and Kaiki had to move in with her aunt (who also lived in São Paulo). Kaiki is very kind and empathetic, she would never hurt a fly and puts other peoples feelings above her own (sometimes a little too much). she loves geology and has a cool rock collection. Kaiki is a lumen, and her powers are called 'Blessed be The Light', which is basically light manipulation. i won't dive in too deep about their powers here, but you can ask me if you want to!
2. Ayla Rodrigues, 17
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Kaiki's best friend since childhood (and secretly love interest)! Ayla was born in São Paulo and met Kaiki in school. she has a very complicated family, which includes divorced parents and a dead younger sister, who died in a car accident with her dad when he was drunk driving. she doesn't speak to him anymore, and grief they dont know how to deal with has led her and her mom to a complicated relationship. Ayla is closed off, aloof and even arrogant to most people. When someone wins her heart however, she shows her more vulnerable side: she's a nerd, loves literature, music and cult movies, likes anime, and will do anything for her loved ones, especially Kaiki, who she is so in loved with is embarrassing. she is a lumen, and her powers are called 'Blesed be the Gravity', which is, you guessed! gravity manipulation.
3. Dandara Carvalho, 20
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Born and raised at Lux Mundi, Dandara is the Head Trainer of the Lumen's division. Daughter of Eva Carvalho, supreme leader of Lux Mundi's instalations in Brazil, and Isaac Carvalho, Vice-Supreme and Head Counselour for the Saltium's division, Dara is the real deal: strong, disciplined, determined. she has been training since she was a kid, and her mom has always been very strict when it comes to this. Dara was trained by the old Head Trainer before her, an old man called Kaluanã. He was wise beyond this world, but after his passing at the old age of 80yo, Dara took over his functions. Eva wants Dara to be the next Supreme Leader, but all that she wants is to keep training and teaching other Lumens. They have a very strained relationship, but she gets along very well with her dad. Dara may seem intimidating, but she actually has a heart of gold: she's a dork who loves her friends to death and has a loud and weird laugh. she wont stand for injustice and is extremely reliable. shes also extremely, totally down bad for her girlfriend Yasmin. her powers are called 'Blessed be The Fire', but she also knows a lot of different martial arts.
4. Yasmin Senna
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Yasmin may not be very impressive at first, but those who know her know that she is, in fact, a genius. Born and raised in São Paulo, Yasmin has always been the pride and joy of her family: as a kid, she was mostly quiet and kept to herself, didnt talk to other kids a lot and prefered to spend the day cracking her toys open to see how they worked. Her bad social skills and reclusion made her an easy target for bullying in elementary school – kids would take her toys away and mess with her all day long. this lead to a fatidic accident where one day she had a meltdown and unleashed her powers, 'Blessed be the Sound', a type of soundwave manipulation, and left everyone in the scene, including her, deaf. nowadays, yasmin uses hearing aids, but she has long ago gotten used to being deaf, and she doesnt mind her disability, but feels extremely guilt for the accident. she's the grandaughter of kaluanã, daras old mentor, but she had only know him as a kid before he moved to Lux Mundi. this is what made dara want to get closer to her at first, but then they feel in love. yasmin is extremely smart – in fact, she is a granum, but she refuses to use her powers, so she only works in the Saltium division.
5. Eric Senna, 19
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Yasmin's twin brother, Eric is probably the only out of the Lux Squad that has decent social skills. He's charming, charismatic, funny, smart and has the world's biggest ego. Eric carries a lot of guilt over the bullying that happened with Yasmin, because he feels like he was too weak to protect his sister, so he has kind of become overprotective over her, even this kind of pisses Yasmin off (and Dandara too). he's one of those people that always act like they're the best, but deep down are their own worst enemy. he's talented, has a hundred different hobbies and speaks three languages. eric is always down for challenges and he loves to prank people. he has a cat and dog relationship with Dandara: they're always fighting and bickering, but they truly care for each other a lot. Eric is a lumen and extremely insecure about his powers – 'Blessed be the Thunder', electricity/lightining manipulation – because no matter how much he trains, his powers doesn't seem to get stronger.
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These are the 5 main characters kf my wip! WOW ok this was. a lot. If someone has actually read untill now. thanks a lot, and let me know if you have any questions about anything in my wip or about my ocs! I love to talk about them!! :D
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sinnerclair · 9 months
epithet erased ocs! yay!
Lux Bernard (25) (Epithet: Invocation)
Keane Bernard (20) (Epithet: Perception)
Feu Bernard (19) (Epithet: Boom)
Charon Bernard (13) (Mundie)
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otherscreenshots · 6 months
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O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Sylvia. Fons humilis, aquarum puteus, rosa mundi, splendor sydereus precantibus esto lux gloriosa.
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 12.10
Bob Dylan Day (Minnesota)
Chief Red Cloud Day
Constitution Day (Thailand)
Dewey Decimal System Day
Flag Day (Guinea)
Flipadelphia (from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”)
Grub-Hoe Day (French Republic)
International Animal Rights Day
International Aszu Day
Jane Addams Day
Merlinpeen (Festival of Mouth Pleasure from Secret Santa; Verdkianism; on “30 Rock”)
National Cancel Caillou Day
National Corey Day
National Day of the Clown
National Derek Day
Nobeldagen (a.k.a. Alfred Nobel Day; Sweden)
Nobel Prize Day
Sister-Friend Day
Victory Day (Iraq)
Whirling Dervishes Festival begins [thru 17th]
Women’s Day (Namibia)
Women’s Rights Day (Wyoming)
World Digital Detox Day
World Football Day
World Human Rights Day (UN)
World TRAP Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Do Something Wild and Crazy with Velveeta Day
National Lager Day
National Pancetta Day
Suspended Coffee Day
Terra Madre Day (Slow Food)
2nd Sunday in December
International Children’s Day [2nd Sunday]
Jashan-e Sadeh (a.k.a. Adar-Jashen; Zoroastrian/Parsi)
Lager Beer Week begins [Sunday of 2nd full week]
National Children’s Memorial Day [2nd Sunday]
2nd Sunday in Advent [3rd Sunday before Xmas] (a.k.a. ... 
Advent Sunday
Love Sunday
Transfiguration Sunday
Waiting Sunday
World Choral Day [2nd Sunday]
Worldwide Candle Lighting Day (7 PM) [2nd Sunday]
Independence Days
Mississippi Statehood Day (#20; 1817)
Tortuga (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Adriaen van Ostade (Artology)
Behnam, Sarah, and the Forty Martyrs (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eulalia of Mérida (Christian; Saint)
Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales (Inuit)
Greta Kempton (Artology)
Hanukkah Day #3 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 15th]
International Human Rights Day (Pastafarian)
Karl Barth (Episcopal Church USA)
Lux Mundi (Light of the World; Roman Goddess of Liberty)
Melchiades, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Miltiades (Christian; Saint)
Sedna’s Day (Pagan)
Thomas Merton (Episcopal Church USA)
The Toves (Muppetism)
Translation of the Holy House of Loreto (Christian)
Vieta (Positivist; Saint)
Zinaida Serebriakova (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [24 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1884)
Bedazzled (Film; 1967)
Bedknob and Broomstick, by Mary Norton (Novel; 1943)
Being the Ricardos (Film; 2021)
Big Fish (Film; 2003)
Boris Bashes a Box or The Flat Chest (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 237; 1963)
The Cider House Rules (Film; 1999)
A Day at the Races, by Queen (Album; 1976)
Donald’s Ostrich (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
The Ethics of Ambiguity, by Simone de Beauvoir (Philosophy Book; 1947)
The Fellowship of the Ring (Film; 2001) [Lord of the Rings #1]
Fernando, by ABBA (Song; 1975)
The Fighter (Film; 2010)
48 Hrs. (Film; 1982)
Gandhi (Film; 1982)
The Glenn Miller Story (Film; 1953)
The Green Mile (Film; 1999)
Guided Muscle (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Guys and Dolls, by Damon Runyon (Short Stories; 1932)
Islands in the Stream, by Ernest Hemingway (Novel; 1970)
The Last Detail (Film; 1973)
Lawrence of Arabia (Film; 1962)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (Film; 2004)
Mood Indigo, recorded by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra (Song; 1930)
Ocean’s Twelve (Film; 2004)
One, Two, Three, Gone! Or I’ve Got Plenty of Nothing (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 238; 1963)
Santa’s Workshop (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Shoah (Documentary Film; 2010)
The Silver Sword, by Ian Serraillier (Novel; 1956)
Sleuth (Film; 1972)
Sophie’s Choice (Film; 1982)
Swiss Family Robinson (Film; 1960)
The Tempest (Film; 2010)
Three’s a Crowd (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
The Tourist (Film; 2010)
Wayne’s World 2 (Film; 1993)
West Side Story (Film; 2021)
Wings Over America (Live Album; 1976)
The Year Without a Santa Claus (Animated TV Special; 1974)
Today’s Name Days
Angelina, Bruno, Emma, Herbert (Austria)
Edmund, Gregor, Mauro (Croatia)
Julie (Czech Republic)
Judith (Denmark)
Juta, Juudit (Estonia)
Jutta (Finland)
Eulaire, Romaric (France)
Emma, Imma, Loretta (Germany)
Judit (Hungary)
Loreto (Italy)
Cera, Guna, Judīte, Sniedze (Latvia)
Eidimtas, Eularija, Ilma, Loreta (Lithuania)
Judit, Jytte (Norway)
Andrzej, Daniel, Judyta, Julia, Maria, Radzisława (Poland)
Ermoghen, Eugraf, Mina (Romania)
Radúz (Slovakia)
Eulalia, Loreto (Spain)
Malena, Malin (Sweden)
Angeline, Marian (Ukraine)
Emely, Emilee, Emilia, Emilie, Emily, Eula, Eulalia, Ula (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 344 of 2024; 21 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 49 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 28 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 27 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 27 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 14 Zima; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 27 November 2023
Moon: 6%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 8 Bichat (12th Month) [Vieta]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 78 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 19 of 30)
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12endigital · 8 months
La Feria Diocesana Lux Mundi se celebra con gran éxito en IFA y supera todas las expectativas de asistencia
La Feria Diocesana Lux Mundi se ha celebrado este fin de semana en el recinto ferial de IFA en un ambiente festivo, de oración y de comunión. El sábado ya se habían superado todas las expectativas previstas de asistencia, con más de 6.700 inscritos en una gran respuesta a la convocatoria que se ha hecho desde la Diócesis. La jornada del sábado ha transcurrido en medio de una gran afluencia de…
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
Undying Devotion
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49605493 by Waffleykitty A brave and clever ragtag starship crew stands up against the evil Empire as it tightens its grip on the galaxy and hunts down the last of the Jedi Knights. Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 11 of A Life of the Jedi Fandoms: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Yoda (Star Wars), Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shaak Ti, Depa Billaba, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Adi Gallia, Stass Allie, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, Quinlan Vos, Sar Labooda, Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Caleb Dume | Kanan Jarrus, Cal Kestis, O-Mer (Star Wars), Jinx (Star Wars), Petro (Star Wars), Katooni (Star Wars), Ganodi (Star Wars), Zatt (Star Wars), Gungi (Star Wars), Byph (Star Wars), Grogu | Baby Yoda, Sha Koon, CC-4477 | Thire, CC-6454 | Ponds, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-2224 | Cody, ARC Commander Colt (Star Wars), CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-1138 | Bacara, CC-8826 | Neyo, Clone Commander Faie (Star Wars), CC-5052 | Bly, CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Commander Monnk (Star Wars), CT-0000/1010 | Clone Sergeant Fox, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), Clone Commander Doom (Star Wars) Relationships: Adi Gallia/Mace Windu, Kit Fisto/Plo Koon/Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Depa Billaba/CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-1138 | Bacara/Ki-Adi-Mundi, Stass Allie/CC-8826 | Neyo, CC-1004 | Gree/Luminara Unduli, Clone Commander Faie/Quinlan Vos, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura, CC-2224 | Cody/CT-7567 | Rex, Padmé Amidala/Original Male Character(s), Nyx Okami/Ahsoka Tano, Lux Bonteri/Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus/Cal Kestis, Jinx/O-Mer (Star Wars), Katooni/Petro (Star Wars), Ganodi/Zatt (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)/Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren Additional Tags: References to Star Wars: Rebels read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49605493
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MWW Artwork of the Day (12/24/22) El Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos)(Greek/Spanish, 1540-1614) Detail: Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1614) Oil on canvas Museo del Prado, Madrid
This ecstatic painting is one of El Greco's most colorful works. Light radiates from the Child and the dazzling white cloth on which He lies, illuminating the figures of Mary and the amazed shepherds. From the very outset of his career El Greco had been interested in the problem of light: his early work "Youth Blowing a Charcoal" is primarily an exploration of the way in which a flaring light is reflected by the features of the face. When he painted "The Adoration of the Shepherds," light was no longer used for its own sake but as a means to convey an idea. The words of the Pantocrator are occasionally to be found in Romanesque churches, usually inscribed in the apse, thus: Lux mundi (the Light of the World). In El Greco's picture this theme is now perfectly expressed in purely pictorial terms. The elongated figures, like tongues of fire, and all the indications of enthusiasm, faith and passion, are characteristic of a number of Mannerist painters but especially of El Greco.
An entire MWW gallery/album is devoted to this artist: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.516545091784198&type=3
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zazizekus · 1 year
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“ego sum lux mundi.”
“ben dünyanın ışığıyım.”
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ankhlemondrop · 2 months
La gran satisfacción de ayudar a quien lo necesita.
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Este pasado domingo 21 de julio, tuve la oportunidad de apoyar en un evento con causa. Se organizó una verbena a beneficio de la Casa Hogar Divina Providencia, que es un asilo para ancianos. Ya hace unos dos meses, tuve la oportunidad de ir a visitarlos, junto con el grupo Sal Terrae Lux Mundi Santísima, el cual, por cierto, estará cumpliendo 45 años de haber sido fundado el próximo mes de octubre.
Yo estoy seguro de que la rapidez con la que vivimos la vida, apenas nos da tiempo para pensar en otras cosas que no forman parte de nuestra cotidianeidad. Y es lo que pasa con este tipo de realidades: loas ancianitos ahí están, en una casa. Tienen necesidades como las que tiene cualquier otra casa, pero con la diferencia de que ellos ahora dependen de otras personas, pues no pueden hacer gran cosa por sí solos.
La casa hogar, físicamente me parece que está muy bonita, las instalaciones cumplen con el objetivo con que fueron construidas. Pero nadie trabaja activamente para mantener la casa (me refiero a que no hay, como en la mayoría de las casa, la figura paterna que provee a la familia con lo que necesita), y dicha manutención viene prácticamente de la caridad.
Cuando estuvimos con la Hermana Dominga, quien es la encargada de la Casa Hogar, nos agradeció por el pequeño momento que fuimos a compartir con los abuelitos, y muy humildemente, nos pidió de nuestro apoyo, pero de nuestro apoyo espiritual. Es realmente conmovedor ver que en la actualidad hay todavía mucha gente piadosa que está completamente segura de que con la fe todo lo puede. Y es verdad. La fe mueve montañas, pero a veces es necesario dar un empujoncito para que sucedan las cosas.
Así pasó con el grupo: Vimos la necesidad que tienen los abuelitos, e inmediatamente nos empezamos a organizar para apoyar a este evento. La verbena es un evento que ya estaba programado por la Casa Hogar, nosotros sólo apoyamos con algunas cosas: donamos postres, donamos tiempo, consumimos lo que se vendió, compartimos la publicidad del evento, y la verdad es que ese día se notó la familiaridad de la gente. A pesar de que en otros puntos de la ciudad había otras actividades, creo yo que tuvimos buena participación de la gente, gracias a Dios.
De cualquier forma, nunca es tarde para seguir apoyando a una institución como ésta. Si en sus posibilidades está, acérquense con la Hermana Dominga para saber cuáles son las necesidades de ese momento. Créanme que lo poco o lo mucho con que se pueda ayudar, será bien recibido.
Lo que me queda de este evento, es la satisfacción tan grande que se tiene al ayudar a quien realmente lo necesita. Es un sentimiento muy bonito, y que creo que no debemos dejar de lado. Son todos los sentimientos los que nos hacen cada vez más humanos y nos hacen capaces de poder descubrir las necesidades del otro, además de la empatía para ponernos en sus zapatos y ayudar en la medida de nuestras posibilidades.
Gracias por leerme. Un abrazo.
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schnuron · 3 months
Random music subject #1
As a kid from the late 90s, I got to listen to multiple bands from video game licensed soundtracks like Road Rash 3D, Wipeout 64, Test Drive 5, Sega Touring Car Championship and V-Rally 2. And Pokemon The First Movie's soundtrack. The catch was I wasn't very enthused about music back then.
Until I was in 2003.
Evanescence, Gorillaz, The Rasmus, The Darkness, Goldfrapp, Keils, Beyonce, Radiohead, Outkast were showing up their music videos on MTV or Much. YouTube didn't exist back then until 2005.
What if I was a metalcore or metal nerd back in October 2005: Darkest Hour - Undoing Ruin Between the Buried and Me - Alaska Devil Sold His Soul - Darkness Prevails Chimaira - Chimaira Demon Hunter - The Triptych Still Remains - Of Love and Lunacy DevilDriver - The Fury of Our Maker's Hand (Melodic Death Metal) Norma Jean - O' God, the Aftermath Opeth - Ghost Reveries 10) August Burns Red - Thrill Seeker Atreyu - The Curse Mastodon - Leviathan
instead I got into Bullet For My Valentine's The Poison.
2006: Architects - Nightmares It Dies Today - Sirens Killswitch Engage - As Daylight Dies Underoath - Define The Great Line Atreyu - A Death-Grip on Yesterday Converge - No Heroes 7) Mercenary - The Hours that Remain (Melodic Death Metal)
2007: Devil Sold His Soul - A Fragile Soul Haste The Day - Pressure The Hinges Atreyu - Lead Sails Paper Anchor August Burns Red - Messengers Parkway Drive - Horizons The Devil Wears Prada - Plagues Soilwork - Sworn to a Great Divide 8) DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words
2008: Misery Signals - Controller Trivium - Shogun Haste The Day - Dreamer Bullet For My Valentine - Scream Aim Fire Opeth - Watershed 6) Mercenary - Architect of Lies
2009: August Burns Red - Constellations Architects - Hollow Crown DevilDriver - Pray for Villains Killswitch Engage - Killswitch Engage (2009) The Devil Wears Prada - With Roots Above and Branches Below 6) Converge - Axe to Fall
Honorable mentions: Hell (Woodsmoke) - I (Funeral Doom Metal)
2010: Alcest - Ecailles de lune Dark Tranquillity - We Are The Void Solution .45 - For Aeons Past Bullet For My Valentine - Fever Underoath - O (Disambiguation) 6) Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast
2011: Samael - Lux Mundi August Burns Red - Leveler DevilDriver - Beast Architects - The Here and Now Mercenary - Metamorphosis 6) Of Mice and Men - The Flood
Honorable mentions: Blood Stain Child - Epsilon Opeth - Heritage Darkest Hour - The Human Romance
2012: Alcest - Les voyages de l'ame (Blackgaze) Architects - Daybreaker 3) Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind
2013: Atoma - Skylight 2) Dark Tranquillity - Construct
My interest in metal wore down in 2012 and 2013, actually.
I wish I could've abandoned metal in 2010 and get into Crystal Castles music, instead.
Being an teenager with an edgy taste of music sucks, but it had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it worse.
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