#Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise
honey-and-fig · 1 year
Now that SB’s two top front teeth are in it’s *painfully* obvious she has an upper lip tie and hindsight is 20/20 + she’s a weaned toddler anyways but I want to go back to the lactation consultant from the hospital and tell her she was wrong and it wasn’t my stress and breast shape making SB not latch and she should have told me that lip ties and cheek ties were things too not just the tongue 😤😤😤
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Hi, I hope I do not overstep here, I know you are busy with renovations but I wanted to ask about the Gladiator au. At the beginning of may you said you would start posting the story in may... Not to Rush you but do you have a start date in mind when you post the first chapter? I'm so excited and hyped up for it. 🙈 Sorry to bother
Hi Nonny!
I hope you know I’m having withdrawals not being here. I know it’s only been what a two weeks? But my blorbos are a critical part of my enclosure enrichment, and writing is such a necessary outlet for me.
Anywho I’m so happy you’re still excited about the fic. I’m always worried I’ll have spent a year writing it and no one cares anymore 😅
But basically, I need to rent the room in my house by July if I want to stay afloat and meet my goal. So for the next week and a half it’s just gonna be renovations.
But THEN I’m talking time off work to just go somewhere and recharge and write. So like the last two weeks of this month I get to get back into my writing. (Lord willin and the creek don’t rise)
At that point I’m just gonna start posting my Gladiator fic no matter how far I’ve gotten or not gotten. Maybe my goal will be to post by the time TWN S3 comes out.
Thanks for checking in! Also believe you me, the only person who wants this thing posted more than you is me 😂
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chairhere · 1 year
I forget how southern I am and then I say a Thing and Get Looks. ie: Lord willin and the creek don’t rise.
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3/12/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Deuteronomy 3-4
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. It's so good to be back with you here on this twelfth day of March. It's a brand new week around here and I'm excited, really excited to be back with you. I miss you when I'm away and it's it's felt like I've been away a month this last week. It's been a full week, and maybe it's been a full week for you. So I'm glad that you're here. Just take a deep breath. Exhale all of the worries, the cares of the day, all of the things that are left undone from last week that we cannot, should not take with us into the freshness, the newness of where we're headed together. So take a deep breath inhale. Hold it and exhale. Phew. And just let it go. Roll your head, drop your shoulders, take a smile. Let's dig in. Today we're reading Deuteronomy, chapters 3 and 4. And this week starts a brand new translation. Brand new translation to me here at Chronological as well. We're reading from the new Revised Standard version updated edition. Deuteronomy, chapter three. 
Father, we do thank you for your word today. We thank you for the newness of this week. We thank you for the newness that has represented in a week that is a reminder as we read today, a reminder of the newness of who you are, that you make all things new. So often when we want to return. To the old and live life from there. But the true nature of who you are is to redeem all things, all things new. And so we release the things that are out of our control, out of our grasp, out of our jurisdiction, to be worrying about holding on till we lay them at your feet, giving them to you, not taking them into th newness of what is new, what you have for us. And we consecrate this week holy to you, asking you to do what it is that you would want to do in us, giving you permission and giving you full access to our hearts, to our vines, to our souls, our spirits as we are reminded of ourselves, a living vessel. May it be holy, pleasing and acceptable to you. Do what you want in us, through us, among us, and may we be pleasing representatives of the body of Christ. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Looking forward to an incredible week together. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow and the stories of our lives, Lord willin and the creek don't rise. And in the story of the greatest book, the greatest love story ever told. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hi, this is Desperate in PA. I'm requesting prayer. I've been in a marriage for 29 years. I've been...he's a narcissist. Very verbally, mentally abusive. He doesn't see a problem with the way he behaves. And at this point I'm not asking to save the marriage because I know he can't change. It's not possible. I've been waiting for 29 years for that to happen and it hasn't happened. So the only good thing I got out of the whole situation has been my children. And I kind of would just like to, I think, relieve the toxicity that they see. And it probably still wouldn't relieve all of the toxicity because I know that if he would split, he's going to completely trash talk me to everybody. Already is doing it with his side of the family to the point that one of his cousins asked me whether everything's okay because he heard we're getting divorced, which hasn't even been a serious discussion in our house, but anyway, not to my face. His mother's very much liked it to him. So I think it's kind of where he got it. And he will talk to other people. Everybody thinks he's wonderful. That isn't our circle of friends. And to raise the moment, my biggest problem is that I have so far been just like a self employed, small, home based business and that has been very slow. So I cannot support myself with that. I've been applying for jobs, just trying to figure out a way to get myself and my daughter out of the situation and maybe help him kind of get out on his own and realize I was really a jerk. But if he's truly a narcissist, I don't think you will realize that. So just please pray for our family, for peace and tranquility and relief from the toxic abuse. Thank you.
Hi guys. I can't say very much about this, but please pray for Stephanie. She was in a terrible accident and just please pray for her. Thanks.
Hello. This is Prodigal Princess from Massachusetts. I have previously called in to the DAB. This is my first time calling into the DAB Chronological. This is also my first year listening to the DAB Chronological. And I just wanted to call in to express my thanks to my gratitude for these ministries. Thank you so much to all of the hardened family for everything that you've poured in to this ministry into all of our lives. Feel blessed to be a member around this global campfire and I don't know where I'd be without DAB. Thank you. Have a great day.
Hello. DABC wanted to call in and pray for the woman who calls for her mother who doesn't approve of the man she is dating because of the color of his skin. And so Lord, I just want to pray for this, our Father in heaven. Lord, please soften this woman's heart. Let her remember that in Revelation you talk about heaven and you talk about every tribe, tongue, nation being represented in heaven and by one man. Lord, you made so many groups of people diverse in how they look, their cultures, their food, their languages, traditions, Lord, and help her to realize that the color of someone's skin doesn't really matter, and it shouldn't make you judge them in a harsh way. But, Lord, may she see you and that man and the beauty and the heart that he has, lord, please soften her heart and please help in a situation, Lord. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
Hi. This is Laurie. I'm calling for Debbie from Wisconsin and wanted to let her know that I know that her request came in a little bit ago, but I've been sick. But I wanted to let you know that I've been praying for you about your hand and your shoulder pain. And I know I have a lot of hand pain myself, so every time my hand hurts, I'm thinking of you and praying for you and hoping that you heal up and things feel better for you. So I just want to let you know Debbie from Wisconsin.
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rcppled-a · 5 years
✃ ✁ closed starter | @gcthampd​ ✃ ✁
It really didn’t look bad that him, and it certainly wasn’t the worst he’s gotten in his life. Jared had cut into him three times as bad as the laceration that poured blood down his side. Sure, it hurt, but being hurt came with the job. He might’ve limped away with this one cut, but the other guy might stay unconscious even in intensive care.
“Just need liquor and a med kit,” he said for the fourth time since their encounter. “Worryin’ won’t do anything.” Other than give him an even bigger headache of course, but he was too tired to mutter those extra words.
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tewwor-archived · 6 years
✧・゚general starter call (accepting!!) | @hejudges ・゚✧
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“But,” he paused to let out a small sigh, “I don’t.. wanna. I like your friends, but they're..” Another pause as he tried to figure out the right word. “They’re a lot to handle.”
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yaint-yont-blog · 6 years
@otherhalfmuses | jairus’s starter call (accepting) 
This had to be one of the weirdest ways he’d met someone, but Renigald had a terrible habit of slipping out of cracks to explore new areas. “Hey, uh, sorry t’ interrupt, but you haven’t seen an tawny cat that looks really pissed off, have you?” His cat was a sweetheart, but the fangs and naturally angry features made it hard for some strangers to believe. 
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Andy Griffith (1 JUN 1926 – 3 JUL 2012)
MAYBERRY WAS A fantasy land—gay, bright, and beautiful (for black and white, that is). It was the happy-est place on earth, and that’s how Andy wanted it… a means of escape from the outside world fraught with famine, war, disease, and death. Mayberry was the story of an era trapped in time… a time that moved at her own slow, meticulous pace, Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise. As the locales would say, ‘What’s your hurry?’
Sixty-one years to its debut on 3 October 1960, it still resonates with us. We gravitate towards Mayberry, as politics has no place here. Where there is politics, there is division… a game no one wins. Mayberry frees herself from that which concerns us; Mayberry is devoid of all the sadness of the ‘real’ world. With the single, modest emit of a lone whistle three beats per bar, Andy could make us forget our troubles. It is an almost self-contained world where people of all religions, races, colours, and creeds can set aside their differences and co-exist in harmony; a land which conveys an ideal image of small-town America most prevalent during a turbulent time brewing of senseless violence, political turmoil, racially charged tensions, social unrest, cultural changes, and the looming threat of anti-war protests. The fantasy stems from Deep Escapism that television audiences of the 1960s so desperately craved, as it was almost completely untouched by external conflict, caught in simpler times, a return to an age of American innocence, nostalgia, and optimism, skirting the upheavals of the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement. Though the fictional world of Mayberry exists only in our minds, it is but that—the dream of one man, to be carefully planned—a neat little world in which everything is pre-conditioned and pre-arranged; in the world of Andy Griffith, a man who dared to dream dreams as big as the sky, nothing can harm us. In the land of Mayberry, Andy will watch over us like the proverbial hawk, destined to loom tall above us and nurture us the way a protective tree shelters a garden with its branches.
Andy was a man with a will of iron. Of undying loyalty to his friends he held nearest and dearest to his heart, he believed in a dream… a dream he assumed from his own dreams… to give us something to believe in when we could no longer believe. For it is not the dream of one man. It is the dream of many. For the dream Andy allowed us to share, Mayberry became more than a place. It is not so much a place as it is a state of mind.
People of all generations continue to return to Mayberry, ten years after Griffith’s passing. We need it now more than ever. Dear Mr Griffith… you were Made in Americana, a legend among the Hollywood hills, even as you walked on bare feet through the Valley of Silicon (after all, Abe Lincoln went barefoot, and our Lord died shoeless). Your name was known to many… for every fifty-two million television sets in one in ten households across the country, you were deemed by a dedicated viewership the Surrogate Father to Mother America. There was hardly a hermit out on the lone prairie in his quiet corner of the world who did not recognise the name of Sheriff Andy Taylor, so long as the hermit owned a television set on his lone prairie. Loved by all nations, you were a familiar face on our living room screens as you came to wrap us in a warm blanket of wisdom and greet us like a long-lost friend. You were more than a pretty, Lincoln-esque face before the cameras. You were the soul of an Icon. You died young but you lived to be a very old age. Mayberry surpassed your legacy, and she will continue to live long after we’ve left this earth.
So now we say, ‘In Loving Memory,’ and leave you at peace in that Great Big Mayberry in the Sky.
Thanks, Ange. We ’ppreciate it.
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sockendrache · 2 years
Scaramouche but he's got a southern accent
Scara, after he got the Gnosis: Lord willin’ and the Creek don’t rise.
Traveler: ....wat 
 ...or after the whole Delusion-thing in Inazuma failed
Scara: Well, the whole thing was goin’ to hell in a handbasket one way or another
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sleuthomatic · 2 years
Message to Ava Harper, junior partner of the O’Neilly Pratt Law Offices.
Mrs. Harper, you probably see your latest assignment as just another indigent defense case to fill a quota. I wouldn’t blame you if you think Corrigan’s lower than dirt, not even worth your time — he is a dickless rat.
But he’s not going down for the death of Jennifer Lands.
The file attached has everything you need to get Corrigan off scot-free. Photos, forensics, testimony from the South Boston fuzz, the whole shebang. A case so airtight that you better be creaming your pants just thinking about it. Corrigan will be declared innocent, and you’ll earn another pretty feather for your cap. God knows a woman in law needs all the help she can get. I’m all for equality in the workplace — something you might not know about me.
Of course, you could also turn this tape and this file over to the district attorney. I won’t tell you how to do your job. If you want to be laughed out of Suffolk County Superior Court, that’s your business. DA knows what side his bread’s buttered on. Let’s hope you do, too.
Opening arguments start in three days — plenty of time for a smart girl like you to build a case. I know Corrigan’s a bastard, but give him a strong defense and you’ll be handsomely rewarded. Otherwise…
Well. No matter.
By the way, you set up in Sanctuary Hills last year, right? Love what you’ve done with the place. Bet you’re the first girl on the block with a Mister Handy. Gotta love those VA pensions, huh? I got a pal I haven’t seen in a while, probably a few doors down from you. Might catch up with him — as I think they say down in Raleigh — “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise?”
Good luck in court, Mrs. Harper.
Nick’s skeletal right hand trembles as he stops the player. He stands up, paces.
He needs a smoke.
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breezingby · 3 years
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The Good Lord Willin' and the Creek Don't Rise....
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sugarfreecapsicle · 5 years
10, 26, & 13?!!
10. What book have you been avoiding reading and why?
The Body Keeps the Score. Oh man. I need to read it because it’s so right about trauma and how we carry it, but it’s difficult to get through when it hits certain aspects of life and how we cope in a healthy way.
26. How often do you restart your computer? Your phone?
My phone, not often, but my computer I restart a few times every week. I think it’s more a habit from my job that carries over into my home life.
13. Favorite idiom?
Darling, I want you to know: one of the ultimate traits of a southern USA individual is that our lifeblood exists in idioms.
A personal favorite: if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise. AKA: if shit doesn’t hit the fan.
weird asks!
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hraunwyf · 5 years
#30-35 !
character q’s. / accepting. / @vindictar​
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
nothing like, small or physical occurs to me right off hand, so i’m gonna swing for a big one! loki finds lack of empathy really, really fucking unnerving, and if she sees someone displaying total and utter disregard for other people—especially if the person(s) in question is/are in a disadvantaged situation where help, support, or sympathy/empathy are necessary—she’ll lose her shit. loki spent way too long being totally ignored, dismissed, accused, and abused by the people who were supposed to care for her the most. it drives her fucking nuts. like if you’re out to eat with her and you’re rude to the servers she’ll tell you off on the spot and possibly slap the shit out of you without warning. loki’s really, really particular about common courtesy and charity.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
loki is always the most comfortable when she feels the least observed. being Known by other Living Things is suffering! so she’s most inclined to be at ease when she’s alone, or if she’s in the company of someone she very, very greatly trusts.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
it’s converse, but not completely. when loki feels Very Looked At she’s the most vulnerable, but not just in terms of being seen. if someone’s deep-talkin’ her, asking serious questions, addressing serious shit about her, trying to delve into who she is, she’ll be very off-kilter, defensive, and incredibly easy to upset.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
loki’s definitely always defensive at first, because she tends to think about things so concisely. not clearly, per se, but at least concisely, i.e., the reason she does something the way she does might be utterly moronic, but she sure can explain it! but, lord willin and the creek don’t rise, if someone’s critical of what she does without being overtly accusatory, and if they listen to her side of things, she’ll chill and listen to them, too. she actually does want to improve herself. self-deprecation on this front only shows up if loki knows for a fact she was being an idiot.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
she might try the same thing two or three times just in case there was a fluke somewhere, but usually, once she’s Certain her first thing didn’t work, she’ll back up and reformulate the plan.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
loki!!!!! is so!!!!! affectionate!!!!!!! you can always tell that she likes someone because she more notably Actively Listens when they talk, asks genuine questions, communicates more openly, likes to spend time with them and seeks out spending time with them, and is easily physically close with them. 
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peoplediedrobert · 6 years
Robert would sooner drown himself than let Aaron drown nowadays
HALLEFUCKINGLUJAH, ANON. LORD WILLIN’ AND THE CREEK DON’T RISE, we won’t ever have to worry about that. 
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putcha · 6 years
what's your favorite quote?
"If the good lord's willin' and the creeks don't rise, I'll see y'all again the next time!"
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rcppled-a · 5 years
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meme (accepting!) | “you wanted the truth, and i gave it to you.” | @diffcall
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He really had, hadn’t he? Though now he realized just how much deeper the truth ran than he had previously anticipated. Discomfort prickled along his spine, twisted his gut and made it hard to look at Clint in the eyes for a long moments. 
There’s a familiarity between them that he wouldn’t have wished upon anyone. 
Yet here they were. Old wounds undone stitch by stitch - left to be seen by the naked eye. The knot in his throat was swallowed down after a moment of silence. Then he gathered the courage to look at Clint; emotions brimming behind grey-blue eyes. “Thank you for telling me.” For confiding in him, for trusting him enough.
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