#Lloyd adopting kids left and right
lasagnaeatsu · 9 months
Ninjago oc⁉️ HUH⁉️
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funniest disney history facts i can think of atm
literally EVERYBODY thought the lion king was gonna flop and pocahontas would be their greatest movie ever made. people begged to ditch lion king and work on pocahontas.
the reason robin hood ends so abruptly is that there was an actual ending planned and storyboarded but the crew spent too long arguing about everyone’s fursonas to finish animating it
madam mim was way less comedic in the original book but because her character was too similar to maleficent (who was in their latest film at the time), the sword and the stone crew decided to differentiate her by making her fucking hilarious
when making a goofy movie, jeffrey katzenberg (studio chairman at the time) told bill farmer to give goofy “a normal voice.” farmer, who had been voicing goofy for eight years at that point, including in the goof troop show that a goofy movie was a sequel to, was very confused. after making an attempt they decided to scrap that note completely.
as of march 2023, farmer is still voicing goofy, and tony anselmo has been voicing donald since 1986. the 2017 reboot of ducktales, which was slated as “wanting to do for donald what goofy movie did for goofy,” featured both actors as those characters; they had also been doing the voices for the original ducktales and goof troop/goofy movie. all the times goofy and donald interact in the 2017 ducktales however, donald was voiced by guest star don cheadle as a joke
current voice of mickey mouse bret iwan has stated that he has attempted to play kingdom hearts and did not do well
disneyland’s current world of color halloween overlay features a plot that is basically “the disney villains simultaneously adopt a goth kid” and i love it
people will make jokes about “well math says that the beast would’ve been 11 when he was cursed” well that was actually the original intent, but a flashback scene of baby beast was scrapped because he looked “too much like eddie munster”
when disney sent a representative to pixar to check on toy story production, she was like “this is all great! what style of music are you thinking” and they were like “for what” “for the songs” “we uh. we weren’t gonna have. any songs” and she went dead silent and then went “i have to make a call” and left the room
saludos amigos and the three caballeros were made as ww2 propaganda. the government commissioned disney to make movies to make latin america like them so that they wouldnt side with the nazis and provide them an in to invade, and latin america really liked donald duck so
saludos amigos was apparently the first time many usamericans realized that latin american people were like. people. film historian alfred charles richard jr said that the film “did more to cement a community of interest between peoples of the americas in a few months than the state department had in fifty years”
while latin america generally liked both films, chilean cartoonist rené rios boettiger fucking hated the chilean segment of saludos amigos, seeing the main character of pedro the plane as a weakass bitch, so in response he created condorito, the most popular comic character in all of latin america
disney wanted to adapt ts eliot’s old possum’s book of practical cats. his widow adamantly refused, and then sold the rights to andrew lloyd webber bc he wanted to make it sexy and she said “tom would’ve liked that”
in case you haven’t seen the defunctland, walt disney wanted epcot to be a futuristic utopia where he was basically the dictator. then he died so they just made it another theme park
speaking of defunctland the first defunctland video was on disneyworld’s alien attraction and please watch it. please it’s so funny
after the huge failure of the black cauldron disney was going to shut down its animation department. the department tried to convince them to keep them alive by showing them the one scene they had finished for the next movie– the mouse burlesque from the great mouse detective. it worked
the only attraction the black cauldron ever got was in tokyo disneyland where they put a tour under cinderella’s castle where everyone had to escape the disney villains trying to kill them, only to end at the horned king and the cauldron, who would try to sacrifice them to satan. this tour was popular but was closed in the early 2000s as the tunnels didn’t fit earthquake regulations and i want it in disneyworld so bad
walt disney once referred to his unionizing workers, led by goofy’s creator art babbitt, as “commie sons of bitches,” and i want a mickey build-a-bear that calls me a commie son-of-a-bitch whenever i squeeze its paw
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lloydfrontera · 4 months
i will always find the relationship between javier and the fronteras endlessly fascinating and compelling especially because of the way it's shaped by the required narrative of the original novel versus what we see of them as people through the plot of tged. let me explain.
the thing about javier is that. he's not. a person when we first meet him. he's supposed to be a character. he's just about to go through his tragic backstory so he can then go on to be the hero of 'the knight of blood and iron'. this is what javier is. all his life before that is really nothing more than a footnote. the fronteras themselves are nothing more than extras that die in the very beginning of his story.
and this shapes the way their relationship is meant to be like. because they need to strike the right balance of them being close enough where it's justified for javier to be so loyal to arcos that he refuses to take any master after his death but not so close that javier feels the responsibility or has the authority to take over the estate after their deaths or even remain there at all to help in any way he can. for the sake of the narrative javier isn't allowed to really be a part of the frontera family despite being basically raised by them, because that would interfere with the plot destiny has set up for him.
and if that were it, that would be fine, no one would really pay that much attention to it because why would they. the only things that matters is that they kept javier alive, they were close to him in some regard and now they're dead. that's all that was needed from them for tkobai.
but then. lloyd happens. and he immediately derails the plot and saves the fronteras from death and javier from having to become an errant knight and now everyone is alive and free to continue their own lives and then we get to know arcos and marbella, not as just tragic extras of javier's story but as actual people with their own thoughts and feelings and. what we get to know about them doesn't quite track with their previous actions.
the arcos and marbella we get to know in tged?? they basically adopt lloyd as their son. lloyd. an adult stranger who replaced their son, kept the truth from them for years and who then came back looking nothing like their own kid. and they still love him and accept him as their child. by all accounts they straight up give him their family name, centuries later he's still known as lloyd frontera and nothing else.
this is the kind of people they are. the kind of people who would welcome a stranger into their family because he's kind and good and he's trying his best.
but you mean to tell me that these are the same people who took in a five year old orphan into their home and then just. kept him around. not really being a part of their family. they just raised him for 15 years and then took his oath as a knight and that was it. they don't even call him by his name. he's always 'sir asrahan'.
it doesn't make sense!! that doesn't track with the kind of people they are in tged! except it totally does if you remember they were never meant to be more than just extras. they were never meant to be more than some kind people javier is very distraught to lose but not enough to fall apart for.
that being said. there are a couple explanations that could be given in universe to explain why javier was never made a frontera, despite being taken in by them.
one is that they simply weren't allowed to adopt him. like someone in the replies of this post mentioned, some countries could be pretty strict about who nobles were allowed to adopt. maybe in the magentano kingdom it's the same and the fronteras couldn't legally make javier their child and so could only take him in as a ward or something similar.
or maybe they didn't want to take away one of the very few things javier has left of his family. he was a really small child when his parents were killed, he once mentions he doesn't even really remember his father, just a memory of waiting up for him late at night and that's it. he never really speaks of them nor does he seem to have a deeper connection or longing for them. by the time we meet him, all he has left of them is his name really. maybe when they took him in neither arcos nor marbella wanted to take away one of javier's last remains of his family by making him take their name.
or perhaps they thought adopting javier would cause them more harm than good. after all. they did have a little bastard of a son who took offense at the very existence of javier, despite javier just being *checks notes* a five year old orphan they picked up from the streets so he wouldn't starve or freeze to death. can you imagine the nightmare it would've been if javier had actually been adopted and not just taken in. if og lloyd had not only been forced to share a home but also his own name with him. it wouldn't have been pretty! and the one to pay for it would've certainly been javier! so maybe they thought the risk was simply too high. maybe they thought not giving him their name was a price worth paying to keep the peace at their home.
or maybe they simply didn't think it was their place. maybe they didn't want to make javier uncomfortable or force him into a relationship with them that he didn't want. maybe they wanted to wait until the loss was a little less recent, until the pain had had time to settle into something more manageable and then they just. missed the timing. maybe by the time they realized it was already too late and walls had formed between them that they didn't know how to take down.
in any case i simply don't believe that arcos and marbella are the kind of people to take in a child, raise him his whole life and then just. not feel anything deeper than fondness for him. it doesn't make sense from what we actually get to see of them.
i don't think their relationship with javier is that of parents with a child, but i also don't think it's as distant as what it looks like at first glance. personally i think it must be a mix of,,, habit, formalities and the awkwardness of a missed opportunity hanging between them that doesn't let them be as close as they would otherwise be. like. they all wish they could be something more, they wish the distance was a little shorter, they wish the walls between them could come down but they simply aren't sure how to do that anymore. they don't know if they missed their one chance and this is all that's left.
i don't know!! i just!! it's fascinating to me and i think about it far too much for it to be healthy!! halp!!
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omgjayaaa · 6 months
Continuing to rewatch DR ep 13 - 15 :3
Ep 13 Wyldly Inappropriate 
Wyldfyre already with a banger quote lmao
Wyldfyre: These walls of punishment aren’t as fun as I hoped
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Damn. The animation is really good 
Frohicky ‼️‼️‼️
Oh god
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Awww Pixane
Why does Kreel have a plunger? 💀
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Wyldfyre no-
Kai: Kids amiright?
Literally a dad
I hate the lava tides
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Kai: You’re describing traps. They set traps to catch you
It’s happy Zane day woooo
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Slug: *robot noises*
Zane: That is actually quite offensive.
Kai: If not everyone is having fun it’s not pranking, it’s bullying.
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Zane is having an identity crisis
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Oh my gosh Zane theme music I’m not okay
Ep 14 The Last Djinn
 Not Broom Pixal 🪦
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Djinjago music oh boy
Sora and Nya aww
Nya would be such a good mom
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Why is Frohicky using a toothbrush 💀
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Nya: Not you Sora, other Sora. Dragon Sora. Sora one.
Andddddd they’re cursed
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The howlers have such a cool design
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Oh my gosh it’s time
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Nya protec
Xanth the dragon
“Your wish is yours to keep.”
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Awww he called nya master of hope
Awww they put together his puzzle
the puzzle
It’s a dog with dynamite 
That’s a reference to s11
Killow drew it :00
(Ignore me just finally piecing this together lol)
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I’d just like to mention that this implies it’s being mass produced now. The art. Is Killow a famous painter now?!?! 
Ep 15 They Call It Doom
Kai is so unimpressed by Dorama
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Wyldfyre: Flaming boulders? Awesome!
Arin just info dumping about pie crust
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Arin is smug and Lloyd is a tired dad
Lloyd being protective of Arin
Awww little slug man
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I love him
I love all of them
Ha! L Rapton
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Doom mucus 💀
Wyldfyre W
Wyldfyre L
Kai: This kid is the worst
Yeah right- you know you’ve already adopted her
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they’re in the land of lost things
Rapton looks so silly
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Lloyd is concerned
Kai: Do you ever think before you act?
Wyldfyre: Why would I do that?!
Heatwave lets goooo
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Awww Arin is worried
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Lloyd touched Arin’s shoulder before he left 🥹
It’s salt lol
They broke his mind
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Rapton dude…
Common Rapton L
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Ooo the Administration
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Cole: No one touches these children
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I love him sm
I wish I could add more photos ;-;
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Uncle x Papa – Nephew!Kid!Lloyd x Adopted Son!Morro x Father!Uncle!Male!Reader (Ninjago)
Part 3
WARNING!: Mention of rape, kidnapping and murder, mention of abandonment, mention of close to death encounter, Angered Morro AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!
“Morro is still around ?! I thought...after all these years of him not returning...he died.”, Wu muttered.
“No he is alive.”
“Describe him to me.”
“Black hair with a green strand in it, forest green eyes, wears gray and green clothes, has some weird symbol on his clothes, like we have on ours, spiked eyebrows on the ends.”, Cole described.
“That...that is him...”, Wu muttered.
“And M/n ?”, Zane pressed.
“He...was my Brother. Garmadon’s and my Brother. After a few events, he moved out and I never knew where he went.”, he answered.
Kai covered Jay’s mouth and shook his head. He didn’t want them to tell Wu that Lloyd was with them.
“My sister has a date with Morro.”, Kai informed.
Wu looked at him in surprise.
“She does ? Who made the first move ?”,  he asked.
“Morro did.”, Zane answered.
He looked even more shocked.
“That is impossible. He would NEVER have time for such things. He was always way too busy to prove me wrong... Did he change ?”, Wu was in deep thoughts.
So what Morro said was true. Wu did know them and the proving part seemed to be right too. Kai was ready to stalk his Sister tomorrow.
-The next day after Lunch-
M/n gave Morro a small basket for a picnic and told them both to be careful in the woods. Then they left and they found Nya. Morro landed behind her and Lloyd got down.
“Hello, Nya.”, Morro greeted.
She turned around and smiled.
“Hello, Morro and Lloyd.”, she replied.
Nya was dressed up in nice clothes, but not too nice, in case she gets dirty. Morro and Lloyd just the same.
“You look charming, Nya.”, Morro complimented.
“Thank you, you look nice as well.”, she replied.
Lloyd looked at Nya in awe, but shook his head and stuck his tongue out, looking away.
“Eww, girls...”, Lloyd muttered.
Morro lightly smacked the back of Lloyd’s head.
“Hey !”, he protested.
Morro smirked.
“You are such a terrible Cousin. Not even trying to be happy for your Cousin.”, Morro said dramatically.
Lloyd hugged him tightly.
“She is stealing the attention away from me. You are supposed to pay attention to me, Bubba.”, Lloyd said.
Morro looked at Lloyd in shock.
“Bubba ?”, he asked.
“I see you more like a Brother....is that wrong ?”, he asked.
Morro thought about it and then shook his head.
“No, no it isn’t. You just caught me off guard, little Buddy.”
“Okay.”, he said and snuggled deeper into Morro’s side.
He looked at Nya.
“Shall we get going ? I know a perfect spot to watch the sunset.”, Morro suggested.
“Sure. Do you want me to carry the basket ?”, she asked.
Morro looked at Lloyd and sighed.
“I guess I have to ask that of you, so this bundle of attention, will get soaked in enough of it for later.”, Morro said jokingly.
Lloyd smiled and hugged him tighter. She took the basket and Morro picked Lloyd up, who wrapped his tiny arms around Morro’s neck and hid his face in Morro’s chest.
“He seems to like you a lot.”, Nya stated.
“He does. He liked me since I can remember.”, Morro explained.
“And when was that ?”, she asked.
“Oh, when Lloyd was a Baby still. Garmadon needed a break sometimes and I took care of Lloyd then. I fed him, I changed his nappies, I played with him, I spent time with him. Yes, it sounds like much, but really, his Dad worked himself to the bone for him. He passed out from exhaustion, because he barely slept. It got to a point that whenever he saw me or Garmadon entering he was giggling happily and just wanted attention.”, Morro explained, having a sparkle in his eyes when he recalled the memories.
Nya found the sparkle pretty.
“Enough about me though. What about you ? Tell me how you are related to such a Meanie.”, Morro started.
“I don’t know sometimes, myself. Kai has been like this, since we lost our parents. We were still kids when they left and never came back. We still have Father’s blacksmith and a picture of them. Since then, Kai has been overprotective of me, because I was the younger sibling and I am a female.”, she explained a bit annoyed.
Morro smiled.
“He is only looking out for you. He wasn’t THAT wrong, Nya. There are people that would use your body for their own pleasures. Females, no matter if they can fight or not, are the most endangered of getting kidnapped and disgraced. He is not that wrong to look out for you.”, Morro stated softly.
“How do you know ?”, she asked.
Morro frowned and looked at Lloyd, who seemed to be asleep.
“I saw such things happen when I was a child. I grew up on the streets, until Wu found me. Well, he caught me going through his trash to find something to eat. He gave me fresh food instead and took me under his wing. But...it doesn’t fix the damage that I have gotten on the streets. I heard the screaming, the begging for mercy. I heard how men cussed out homeless women and continued to use them... I saw some men ambushing women that could fight, how they dragged them into dark alleyways and did it... I couldn’t do anything back then. I was a small kid, that couldn’t even fight or speak properly....”, he said saddened.
Nya stared at Morro in shock as she heard that.
“Wait, if Wu took you in, why do you hate him so much ?”, she asked.
Morro’s eyes darkened and he frowned deeply.
“I admit that he took me in, fed me, kept me around, cared for me and trained me. But...he did a big mistake and it damaged me for years. Did he tell you about the Prophecy ?”, Morro asked.
“The Green ninja thing ? Yeah, the others are fighting of who it will be of them. Sensei forgot to take the scroll out of the pocket, on Kai’s Dragon. It fell out and they fight since then.”, she said annoyed.
Morro nodded.
“That is what he made me believe in.”, he told her lowly.
“What ?”
“I found out that I could do an impressive thing. Wu instantly jumped to the conclusion that I am the Green Ninja. He trained me for it, I broke my limbs for it, I didn’t stop working hard for it...I never wanted to disappoint him. As a homeless, weak child, it meant the world to me. I wanted to be it, so no one can hurt anyone anymore. I didn’t even notice how I slipped from being kind and helpful, to aggressive and angry. Wu never told me, so I would notice, he just told me to stop training, which fueled my anger just more. Then at some point, we tried to determine if I was the Chosen One, but the Golden Weapons didn’t react. I wasn’t ready to give up as fast as Wu did. I insisted on trying more, but he denied me over and over. He talked into my head that I was the Green Ninja and suddenly he said that I wasn’t. After a while I left the Monastery and was trying to prove him wrong. I went on a hunt for something that could have killed me. Garmadon and M/n looked for me, while Wu never did, nor did he try to stop me from leaving. They saved me just in time, before I could have most possibly burned to death. Since then, I stayed with them. He hates M/n and blamed him for his wrongs with me, he banished Garmadon, he never visited Lloyd...Do I have to add anything else ?”, Morro asked, unusually calm.
Nya stared at Morro in absolute shock. Then she looked down, feeling guilty.
“I...I’m sorry that I asked... I ruined the good mood, didn’t I ?”, she asked softly.
Morro looked at her, eyes wide.
“No, no, you didn’t. Honestly, yes I still get cold when I think about it, but you can be lucky that I am not as aggressive anymore about it. The first two years, I was a ball of anger and rage. I destroyed my room a lot and almost tore down our house, just thinking about it. Papa helped me to recover. He helped me to get my anger under control. I don’t get angered easily anymore.”
“Almost tore the house down ?”, Nya asked concerned.
Morro looked at her and then smiled.
“Your friends didn’t figure it out ?”, he asked.
“Figure out what ?”, she asked.
Morro came close to her ear and whispered.
“I am the Elemental Master of Wind.”
Then he pulled back and she looked at him in shock.
“No way !”, she said.
“I could make us both fly, but I am unsure how you would react and the forest is a bad spot to do that too. Lloyd and I fly a lot, our home is pretty far away from Ninjago itself.”
She looked at Morro in awe.
“Maybe next time we meet up, you could chose a spot to show me ?”, she asked.
He gave her a small smile.
With that they continued walking, telling a few jokes and past childhood events, making each other laugh. Nya liked Morro’s laugh.
“No way !”, she laughed out.
“Oh yes.”, Morro chuckled out.
“You really did that ?”
“Papa always understood a little joke, other than Wu. Me kicking him in the ass was just meant in good fun and M/n understood that. He chased my ass for hours to repay the kindness to me.”, Morro chuckled out.
Nya laughed.
“M/n sounds like a fun person.”, she said after they calmed down.
“Papa is a very calm, collected and funny person, besides you make him mad.”
“Did you ever make him mad ?”
“A few times. I hate his anger directed at me, it scares me. He was always angry when I was mean to someone as I was so obsessed to become the Green Ninja. He was pissed when I refused to sleep and trained instead, he was angry when he saved my ass from my Death Trap and since then he forbid me to talk about the Chosen One ever again. I only told you, so you know why I don’t like Wu anymore. Lloyd is not allowed to know about the Green Ninja thing, otherwise he could turn out like I did...”
She looked at him with understanding.
“Like the other four fight each other right now.”, she said saddened.
Morro shrugged his shoulders.
“As long as they argue about it and fight each other, none of them is going to be worthy. Maybe none of them ever will be. I mean, who has a brain, can already guess who could be the Chosen One and it ain’t me.”
“What do you mean ?”, Nya asked.
Morro looked at her conflicted and the shook his head.
“Another time. I don’t want Wu to know. He...he will then suddenly act like he cares.”, Morro muttered out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. He really doesn’t want anything to do with Sensei Wu. They continued to walk and soon enough they arrived at a big tree.
“If we climb this one, we will see the sun going under. Do you want to take a break first and eat something ? I brought some food and drinks in the basket.”, Morro offered.
“Sure.”, she said with a smile.
Morro woke up Lloyd and he looked at him with bleary eyes.
“Hum...?”, Lloyd asked.
“Food ? I bet Papa packed some sweets for you.”, Morro said.
Lloyd woke up at that and Morro put him down chuckling. He took the basket from Nya and took out the blanket that his Papa put inside. Lloyd helped him to put it properly on the ground, then everyone sat down and Morro pulled out some packed up cupcakes, that his Dad, Lloyd and him made together yesterday.
“Apple cupcakes. I hope you are not allergic to them, Nya.”
“No, no. I am only allergic to perfume.”, Nya said.
“Got it then, no perfume, only deo.”, Morro replied, noting down to never use perfume near Nya.
She smiled and took the one Morro handed to her, then he looked around and found a lollipop for Lloyd, he gave it to Lloyd.
“I want a cupcake too.”, he told Morro after he took the candy.
Morro reached back into the basket and gave Lloyd one, who eagerly took a bite and hummed.
“You can’t even wait for me to have one too...”, Morro pouted.
Lloyd looked at Morro with big eyes and swallowed.
“Oh, sorry ! I just got so excited to taste one.”, Lloyd apologized.
“It’s fine, Lloyd.”
Morro then took one out too and together they ate them. Nya had to admit, she liked them.
“Who made them ? They are awesome.”, she asked.
“We all made them. Papa, Lloyd and me. Papa cut the apples and put them in the oven, Lloyd and I peeled the apples and washed them, then we made the batter.”, Morro answered.
Lloyd nodded at that eagerly.
“My Uncle is the best ! He is almost like Dad ! I might not remember much of him...due to how young I was when I lost him..., but I remember how he always made me and Morro some delicious food, when M/n was away ! His chicken recipes were the best !”, Lloyd said.
Morro nodded his head.
“That is right. Uncle Garmadon’s chicken thighs were the best food. The meat was always well done, the skin was seasoned well and very crispy too and the sauce he made for the chicken meat was also great. My favorite dish he made.”
“The chicken and rice dish was delicious too ! With the yellow sauce, you remember, Bubba ?”
“Ah, yes. The chicken curry with rice dish. Uncle Garmadon left out the Pineapples, because I am allergic to them and Lloyd doesn’t like them anyways.”
“You are allergic to Pineapples ?”
Morro nodded.
“My airways close up when I eat Pineapple and I need a vaccination to make it stop. Papa has some in case of emergencies.”
“Huh... Alright, so when I ever cook, no Pineapples.”
Morro chuckled and nodded. Lloyd looked at Morro.
“Bubba ? Am I allergic to something ?”, Lloyd asked.
“I hope not. Your Father has no allergies as much as I know. I don’t know about your Mother though, Lloyd.”, Morro replied.
Lloyd looked away.
“I don’t have a Mother, Bubba. You KNOW that.”
Nya looked at Lloyd with big eyes, then at Morro.
“Fine, then the person that carried you around and birthed you.”, Morro corrected himself.
With that Lloyd got up and looked around, leaving Morro and Nya alone.
“He doesn’t have a Mother ?”, she asked.
“She left Garmadon and him as Lloyd was still just a Baby. She never showed her face, so Lloyd started to say that he doesn’t have a Mother. Whoever his Mom was, Lloyd pretty much disowned her as his Mother.”, Morro explained.
“Oh... I am so sorry for asking.”
“It’s fine. You didn’t know.”, he said.
-Time skip-
After they ate and climbed the tree, they were already about to witness the sunset. Nya couldn’t lie, it was beautiful from up on the tree. Morro gave her a kind smile and they continued to watch it.
After the sunset was over, Morro walked Nya home, left Lloyd at the beginning of the many stairs up, brought Nya up all the stairs to the Monastery and froze as he saw that Wu was waiting for her. Wu stared at him and Morro stared back. Nya was surprised that Sensei Wu stood there and worried for Morro’s reaction.
“It really is you, Morro.”, Wu then got out.
Nya could hear a bit of emotion coming from him. Happiness and sadness. Probably because Morro didn’t come back to him. Morro glared at him and clenched his hands into fists.
“Don’t pretend like you suddenly care, Wu. I hate pretenders.”, Morro growled out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. She never heard that darkness in his tone before.
“What do you mean, Morro ? I left the doors open for you to come back. I...I thought I lost you for good.”
“You did. I am surprised you left the doors open. You knew how thick skulled I was. You should have stopped me or at least came looking for me. Funny that Garmadon and M/n did that, but not YOU. The person, who claimed to care about me, oh so much. Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Wu looked away in guilt.
“I’m sorry I let you down, Morro.”
“You are only sorry for letting me down, by not looking for me ?”, Morro asked harshly.
The other Ninja appeared and Kai jumped over the wall, without anyone noticing and let it seem like he just left the house, trying to find out what this rocus was about.
Wu looked at Morro, confused.
“Y...Yes ?”
Nya and Kai knew that was the wrong answer for Morro. The other Ninja saw her and Morro suddenly and they saw how angry Morro was with Wu.
“How about you are sorry for corrupting me ?! How about you are sorry, for fucking up my unstable psychological state ?! How about you are sorry for almost letting me DIE ?! How about you are sorry for making me believe in LIES for YEARS ?! How about you are sorry for BLAMING MY PAPA for YOUR own mistakes ?!”, Morro yelled at him angered.
Each question that Morro asked outraged, he seemed to get more pissed off and Nya was worried. He said he had anger issues before, but now under control. But Sensei Wu seemed to be a trigger.
The Ninja visibly shrunk into each other, while Wu backed away from Morro slightly, who came closer with every question.
“How did I corrupt you ? What lies did I make you believe in ?”, Wu asked in disbelief.
“You never said that I COULD be the Green Ninja ! That there is a slight CHANCE I COULD be. You always said that I AM and that I WILL be ! It destroyed my psychological state ! You made me believe that I AM the Green Ninja and not that I COULD be ! That is a difference, WU ! You made me believe that you LOVED me as your own kid, for all the things you did with and for me ! You told me you cared about me like I was YOUR Son ! But as soon as I lost sight of what was important, you let me leave and walk right into my own DEATH ! WHAT A FATHER ARE YOU ?! YOU ABANDONED ME IN A TIME OF NEED !”, Morro yelled into Wu’s face, tears of anger and betrayal running down his face.
The Ninja’s eyes widened in shock and they stared at Wu, who was just as shocked. Morro wiped his tears and scoffed, looking at Wu with disgust.
“What does it matter, you don’t care anyways.”, he said, coldly.
“SHUT UP ! I don’t want to hear your half assed excuses !”, Morro yelled back.
“Morro ?”, Nya asked softly.
He turned to her. She could see all the emotions swarming in his eyes. She slowly approached him and pulled him into a hug. Morro stiffened up for a slight bit, then hugged back, tightly.
“Sorry, if I scared you, Nya.”, Morro apologized.
“It’s okay. I understand...”, she replied.
“I soured the evening...”, Morro said with slight sadness.
“It’s fine. We both didn’t know that Sensei Wu would be here. Thank you for walking me home.”, she said softly.
“No problem. Do you want to meet up tomorrow again ? I know a place. We could meet in Jamanakai.”, Morro offered softly.
“Sure. What time ?”
“One PM ?”
“Okay. I will be there.”, she replied.
Morro smiled and kissed her cheek quickly. She froze and blushed.
“I’ll see you then.”
“Morro, stay please.”, Wu said softly.
He turned around to his former Sensei.
“Never. I live with Papa. He would be worried sick and I do NOT like you all that much anymore.”, Morro pointed out.
Nya pulled Morro into a hug, his back to her front.
“Your Dad is probably worried sick right now. You should get going. No need to get into any trouble with him, right Morro ?”, Nya asked.
He knew what she was trying. She wanted him to leave before they both escalate into a fight and M/n would be mad at Morro, while Lloyd would be scared. Nya was smart to act like this. He pecked her cheek again.
“Okay, I will leave. Until tomorrow, Dollface.”, Morro said and then left.
Nya blushed brightly at that pet name. As soon as Morro was out of sight, he used the Wind and flew down the rest of the stairs. Lloyd waited there, with his flashlight.
“Let’s go home, shall we ?”, Morro asked.
Lloyd looked at him and nodded. Morro picked him up and then they both froze.
“Morro ! Come back, please !”, Wu called.
They saw him running down the stairs. Morro cursed and put Lloyd down.
“Hide in the dark, no flashlight. He can’t see you, Lloyd.”
He nodded and did as Morro told. Then Wu was in front of him. Morro glared.
“What part of NEVER did you not hear ?”, Morro asked.
“I want to make it up to you. Your Father can move in too.”, Wu offered.
“He won’t want to. Why would he come back to you ? After everything you did to him ?”, Morro asked darkly.
“I figured that M/n, my Brother, is your Father now, but please. I really want to make it up to you.”
“How can you make something up to me ? I can’t even look at you, without getting angered. Just because I can control my anger better, doesn’t that mean that, I am not very close to punch you.”
Wu stared at him in shock.
“You have your little Noobs to take care of. So leave me alone.”, Morro stated coldly.
Morro turned his back to Wu and took a few steps away from him.
“Do you want me, to beg you, to forgive me ?”, Wu asked sullenly.
Morro froze up at that and turned around, caught off guard.
“What ? No ! I just don’t want to be near YOU ! How can I be near you, if I just want to beat the living shit out of you ?! Wu, YOU broke my trust in you ! YOU left me, I just did the final step for you ! You left me, BEFORE I even left the Monastery ! Trust was hard to built up, but it is easily shattered. You shattered my trust in you. I am pissed off with you, for everything you did and continue to do. Thanks to you, Lloyd won’t have a Mother nor a Father now. M/n told me everything about Lloyd. Garmadon went to him after his wife left him with Lloyd, as a Baby. Where have YOU been ? Why did Garmadon search for Papa, if he had YOU ? You weren’t all THAT trustworthy, huh ? Your OWN BROTHER didn’t TRUST you. That says something, don’t you think ?”, Morro pressed.
Wu looked down in sadness.
“Is Lloyd with you two ?”, he asked.
“No, he is not. Garmadon sent him off somewhere. We have no idea where he is, nor can we ask Garmadon. And guess who’s fault that is AGAIN. YOURS. We saw you two fighting. We saw how you let him fall. If Lloyd ever finds out about this, he will be very much against you. I think that is your special talent, you MAKE the VILLANS and Papa CLEANS your shit up.”
Wu looked at Morro as he said that. Morro triggered Wu’s own anger.
“M/n is a good for nothing Brother ! He left us ! He didn’t help in the wars we had ! You know NOTHING, Morro !”, he yelled angered.
Lloyd stared at Wu in fright and anger. His Uncle, M/n, was NOT useless !
The Wind whipped around behind Morro. He was losing control this time and Lloyd grabbed onto something already, lying on the ground too, like Morro taught him, in emergency cases like this.
Wu shut up at that and his eyes widened, anger gone.
“I...I said that...?”, Wu asked in shock.
Morro was too angry to calm down.
Nya was now there too, like the others. She stared at the Wind behind Morro, that seemed to be raging. Then she stared at Morro and reached him without problems. Wu did trigger Morro’s dangerous side.
She made him focus on her and her only.
“Morro, look at me. Hey ! Eyes up here.”, she coached him.
He snapped his eyes at her face, rage evident in them.
“Calm down. I know it’s easier said than done, but you are losing control. Snap out of it.”, she said softly.
Morro stared at her, but his eyes showed shock. He seemed to realize it, thanks to her.
“Take deep breaths and calm down slowly.”, she instructed.
Morro did exactly that and soon was as calm as a cat again. He hugged Nya tightly.
“Thank you...”, he whispered.
She hugged him back.
“No problem. Grab Lloyd and go.”, she said softly.
Morro nodded, glared at Wu, pecked Nya’s cheek again and then ran into the darkness. He snatched Lloyd and then flew away in the darkness.
“Morro ! WAIT !”, Wu yelled, trying to stop him from leaving.
Nya blocked Wu’s way and shook her head.
“Enough, Sensei. You made him angry enough for tonight.”, she said and then glared at the four Ninja.
“WHO snitched on me and Morro having a date on the Sensei ?!”, she asked pissed off.
“It was Kai ! He snitched !”, Cole and Jay quickly answered.
Kai looked at them with betrayal. Zane only nodded as they gave Kai out. She glared at her Brother.
“Look, Kai, I know you are only looking out for me and try to protect me, but I do not tolerate you snitching on me. Morro is a very nice guy, even though he has his own imperfections. He is save as long as people like Sensei Wu don’t piss him off. So please stop from trying to make Morro hate me.”, she said.
Kai looked at Nya in guilt.
“I know now that he is a nice fella...”, he said softly.
Everyone looked at him in confusion.
“Kai...what did you do ?”, Nya asked.
“I...I followed you and Morro around....I just wanted to make sure that he won’t hurt you. I heard everything you talked about and saw everything too. I’m sorry...”, Kai said softly.
Nya looked at him with disbelief, while the others just stared at him gob smacked. Nya took a deep breath and then approached her Brother, slapped him hard in the face and then pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too, Brother. But seriously now, stop stalking us.”, she said softly.
Kai nodded and hugged her back.
“He is dangerous. I don’t think he is interested in you, Nya. That is not Morro’s thing.”, Wu warned.
She looked at him with a slight glare.
“How long has it been that you saw him, Sensei ?”, she snapped.
He looked nervously around.
“Uhm...Almost eight years...”, he admitted.
“In eight years a lot can change.”, she sassed.
“But not Morro. You don’t understand. He is very obsessed with proving me wrong of something that he isn’t.”
“He gave up on it. He told me that, into my face. Get your info refreshed.”, Nya countered.
Kai nodded.
“She is right. He said that he gave up on it. He doesn’t care anymore.”, Kai said.
Wu looked at them.
“That is so...unlike him...”
Nya shook her head.
“For you maybe, but honestly ? I bet M/n and Garmadon had to give him therapy to get back on track. He was anger issued, was believing lies you told him, became obsessed with something you made him believe in and had a close to death experience, he barely escaped from. This calls, for therapy, to me, honestly.”
With that she left and went back up the stairs into the Monastery, with the other Ninja following. Wu stayed there rooted in place and looked at the ground.
‘Did M/n really fix, what I might have broke, inside Morro ? Am I really...that blind and bad ?’
To be continued...
Masterlist HERE !
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So in honor of the new Lego Ninjago season/show I will share my Next Gen OCs!
Warning ⚠️ there will be queer relationships, trans people, mentions of mental instability, and disabilities. So anyone who doesn't want to read DO NOT INTERACT!!!!
Lava Child (Kai x Cole)
They have a daughter named Roxanne Ember Smith-Brookstone.
She is 16 years old with black hair.
Her nicknames include: Rocky (Everyone calls her this), Pebble by her boyfriend, Rocky Road by Cole AKA Baba/Ba, Pop Rocks by Kai AKA Dad, Bestie, Boulder
She is the leader of the Next Gen Ninjas
Has trauma
Was adopted by Cole and Kai when she was five after being found in a ransacked and destroyed village.
Her boyfriend is Cyrus Borg Jr. (Pixane kid)
Her Besties are Cody Garmadon (Lloyd's kid) and Hayden Walker (Jaya Kid)
Her elemental ability is both Earth and Fire which she can combine and make Lava.
She is Panromantic
She is mostly like Cole but can be showoff at times like Kai
Jaya Kids (Jay x Nya)
They have two kids, Hayden and Brooke.
Hayden River Walker first
Hayden was born a female named Hayleigh but knew that he wasn't comfortable as a girl.
He is also 16 years old
He came out to Rocky and Cody first
Then his parents
Then everyone else
Everyone accepted him and even took him shopping for clothes he wants.
He is Bisexual
His elemental ability is water.
He is a lot like his dad with the attitude of his mom.
His nicknames are: Hay, water bug, dummy, bruh, dude, and hacker
These are said by a ton of different people
Now it's Brooke Raine Walker
She is 14 years old with lightning as her elemental ability
She is mostly like her mom but plays pranks like no bodies buissness
She doesn't know her sexuality yet but as of right now she is a straight ally.
She is an amazing swimmer
She loves reading fantasy books
Loves hanging out with her brother and friends
She absolutely loves family/friends game nights (Mostly Monopoly cause she always somehow wins)
Pixane Kid:
His name is Cryrus James Julien-Borg Jr.
He has prosthetic legs that make him 5'9
Without them he is 2'9
Yes they add 3 feet
He is a medic/tech guy
He is Rocky's boyfriend
He is THE Straight Ally
He buys ALL the pride stuff. So much so in fact he probably single handedly keeps the pride stores in business.
Everyone told him that he didn't have to buy all of it.
He refused to stop.
He can now only give the pride products on birthdays, Easter, or Christmas.
He loves to cook like his dad
He has the Ice element
He has phantom pain when getting in or out of the Ice bath too fast.
Rocky helps him through it.
Lloyd Kid
Lloyd adopted a boy named Cody Nathan Hart after Cody's bio-dad left him.
Cody's last name was changed to Garmadon
Cody has a good bond with Garmadon
Though he does roll his eyes when he hears about Christofern...
Cody and Lloyd are really close and they talk about a lot of things
Except when Cody got a boyfriend.
Cody isn't really open about his relationship
All Lloyd knows is that Cody is Gay and is in a relationship
Hayden is said boyfriend
Cody and Hayden pull pranks together with Rocky
There is a prank war. It was started by Cody, Hayden and Rocky. Yes there are teams/sides
Cody and Rocky are Best Friends
Cody loves RomComs
He also loves getting Mani-pettis
Cody, Hayden and Rocky have spa days once a month
Cody also loves to bake
Cody does NOT love his dad dating anyone
He will go out of his way to ruin his dad's dates or at least discourage them
Lloyd does pass down his green energy thing to Cody.
Skylor kid
Skylor was married and had a daughter
Eventually her husband had an affair so they got a divorce
Skylor has full custody of her daughter, Hazel Amber Chen
Hazel know somewhat of her grandfather
Hazel is a lesbian and has a girlfriend named Nikki
Hazel has Skylor's red hair and amber power
Hazel likes reading and watching horror especially with her girlfriend
She is the top
She loves volunteering
She works at her Chen's Noodles
Always wins at card games
Never plays video games
She waits for her girlfriend like a puppy for her to get off work
She has a good relationship with her mom
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bloom-ribbon22 · 9 months
Bloom's Dinotrux HUMAN AU infodump: D-Bros + Skrap-itt
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I know I already posted them but I still wanna put em here + front facing D-Structs(unrelated note: don't usually do front faces much, I have tried it probably two times and it either ends up looking weird or just not right but I do like how it turned out this time! hmm maybe I should do more characters front facing).
anyways, I've always wanted to infodump share some bits of lore, facts, info, and other stuff of my human AU version of the Dinotrux and I kind of started with the D-bros + Skrap-itt, why? ngl they're one of the most interesting characters to me. soooooo here you go :)
-when D-Structs was born, D-Stroy looked at his parents while pointing at his new baby sibling and asked "mom, dad.... why does he look so ugly?"
-a very mischievous kid back then. he was the ultimate pranker. he pranks a lotta people that he almost lost count of them but his favourite pranking victim is you guessed it! ya boi D-Structs! oh poor poor young, bratty, selfish D-Structs... always having silly stuff drawn on his face when he was asleep and almost getting scared to death everytime his brother just jumpscares him...I'd list more but this is getting way too long lol.
-hair is l o n g and messy af. you can probably store/hide items in there idk.
-has a high tolerance for spicy food and also enjoys eating it.
-even as a kid, he always gets into fights and still does which results to him always receiving new scars/injuries. almost never minds it because with all honesty he doesn't really give a shit what he looks like. even though he is incredibly strong, he knows his limits and also knows he isn't invincible or indestructible so he tries his best not to overestimate his strength and avoid battles if he knows he can't win it.
-was already a selfish guy when he was a bratty little kid and a bit of a snitch too. when he was five and D-Stroy would do something to him, even something that's completely harmless like slightly nudging his arm this left D-Structs no choice but to use a move that every older sibling fears "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"
-heavily dislikes the taste of sweets. can't really handle it, the taste of sugar and the feeling of it melting into his tongue is just....sickening, maybe even irritating...in fact, it's unbearable....
-similarly to D-Stroy, he often gotten to a lotta fight even as a kid and still does which ends up getting himself new scars/injuries. most of these fights are pretty much his fault as most of the time he's the one that's starting/asking for it.
-"I'd rather live my life all alone until I die" that's what he thought to himself until Skrap-itt came to his life. story between them was kinda similar to the canon. it was so hard for him to tolerate this talkative and dumb lil pipsqueak but as time goes on he kind of started to get used to his company that it feels oddly weird whenever he's alone... sometimes...after all, Skrap-itt was the only one that gives a fuck about him...
-short king. you can kick him like he's a football or better yet, pick him up like he's some kind of cat and maybe even put him in a box, seal it shut, and deliver it to any random person. "your order is here"
-a cat person. he understands them, he knows they're not just annoying animals always whining for food 24/7, they are loving and caring too! they're not just, y'know, not that playful...at least..most of the time...he would adopt a cat but sadly D-Structs not really a big fan of pets in his home.
-was the weird lonely kid who often gets picked on a lot and many avoided him because, again, a weirdo and thus lived a pretty lonely life. Smash-itt, Break-itt and Lloyd are often the ones picking on him which would explain why Skrap-itt is so bitter to them when he meets them again, worse part is that D-Structs, though completely unaware of their history, """hired""" them.
that's all for now, there will be plenty more(and I may add more stuff) and of course I'll make some for Ty and the gang :) fun but not needed fact: I started to type all of this with 11 percent battery and now it's 7 percent....dang
anyways I'm coming back to school at January 3 and I'm scared af sidbdiebsisbisbsisjd-
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duckprintspress · 8 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors Em Rowntree and Kelas Lloyd
Today, we spotlight two more of the creators contributing to our current crowdfunding project Aether Beyond the Binary(a collection of 17 aetherpunk settings starring characters outside the gender binary): Em Rowntree and Kelas Lloyd!
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Cadillac’s Bus by Em Rowntree
About Em: Em Rowntree’s first foray into the world of writing was with a story called The Magic Land that featured a unicorn and a flying carpet the size of a country, and they’ve been chasing that high ever since. They’ve been sharing their writing online for almost nine years, and have had poems and short stories published in anthologies. They live in the UK.
Links: Twitter
This is Em’s second contribution to a Duck Prints Press anthology; they also wrote a story for Add Magic to Taste.
Title: Cadillac’s Bus
Tags: pending
From their vantage point, the kid couldn’t see the rally racer inside. Couldn’t see the black gloves with one white star of pure aetherlight painted on each fingertip. Couldn’t see the curled mess of long grey hair. Couldn’t see the steely, hungry, fiercely joyful look on their face as their vehicle plunged on through the moorland. But the kid could picture it all, down to the last detail.
They put their hands in the air.
“CADILLAC JONES!” they yelled, loud enough for the cow to hear them a few hundred yards away and lift its head – but nowhere near loud enough for Cadillac Jones themself to know their name was being screamed as they disappeared out of sight, away down the track. “CADILLAC JONES FOREVER! YES! THE BEST –” The kid turned to left and right as though looking for someone to tell, but there was no one beside them. “THE BEST! CADILLAC JONES FOREVER! YES!”
They stood, overwhelmed, keeping the moment alive as long as they could. A few minutes after the rally racer had turned the next corner and gone out of sight, another vehicle came hurtling round the bend after them. The kid lifted their arms again – and this time turned their open hands into raised middle fingers.
“YOU SUCK!” they screamed in delight, a smile of joy splitting their face.
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True by Kelas Lloyd
About Kelas: Kelas is a disabled, trans, bi author and artist currently (unfortunately) living in Texas. They graduated from the University of Central Florida with an English degree and love cats, tea, and all things speculative fiction. A lot of their writing features magic or disability or both, and they’re often found in Star Trek, Mass Effect, Babylon 5, and Untamed spaces. You can also find them in a lot of bead and resin spaces, because they love making sparkly jewelry of all sorts. 
Previously published pieces include an article on disability in The Last Of Us, short stories in two publications by Shacklebound Books, a pair of poems about being trans, an essay on disabled life, and a whole bunch of pieces about San Diego Comic-con. They’re single, an Ernie looking for their Bert, but they have a found family that stretches around the globe and some of their birth family accepts them for who they are. 
You can find out more about them at kelaslloyd.com
Links: Personal Website | Archive of Our Own | Twitter
This is Kelas’s first time writing with Duck Prints Press.
Title: True
Tags: character study, foster family, found family, friends, genderfluid, magic use, non-binary, present tense, self-esteem issues, teenager, third person limited pov, transphobia (mentions of)
“Oh,” Eva says, trying to recover. “Yeah, okay. So what’s the procedure? Are you gathering up all the ducklings and then herding us over?”
Paul looks at them as if they can see through the joking tone Eva’s adopted. “You’ve got a map in your booklet. I’m here, so I introduced myself, but there’s a schedule in there too. Everyone here is old enough to herd themselves; I’m here for support.”
“So you catch us in the trust-fall exercises,” Eva says, opening up the booklet to find the map and schedule.
“No, I make sure to drop everyone during those.”
Eva’s gaze snaps up to catch Paul’s grin just before it turns into a faint smile.
“You’re here because you’re struggling with aether,” Paul continues. “Most of the time a teen is struggling, it’s because they don’t know themselves well enough yet to let it flow through them the way as it’s supposed to. That’s what I help with.”
Make sure you visit our Kickstarter campaign page to learn about the collection, take a peek at the merchandise, read more excerpts, and more!
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 11 months
Wow, that's a lot of kids, a couple more and you can create a sports team just with them :) Anyway I love all these headcannons for all these kids, they sound like lovable little gremlins. The monastery's gonna become a daycare centre at this rate, buttttttttttt whose born first, from oldest to youngest? Who babysits the kids, and do they get marinated in trauma-filled incidents like the rest of the ninja (*cough* lucina *cough* is she going to match the same levels of trauma lloyd's gone through? Doubt *cough*) And the most important questions: Favourite flavour of ice cream and are they a ice planet or a dairy dragon person?
Sora: Any particular reason you're rounding up so many kids to train?
Lloyd, tearing up: ...I needed enough players for a volleyball team
. . .
Of course they all have trauma, The Merge alone's already got them messed up, man.
I haven't smoothed out exact dates/years/details yet, but at the very least age order is: Lucina (by timeline technicality), Seven, Blythe, Camellia, Quinn/Finn, Blaire, Adrien, and Briar
During DR (yet subject to change), Lucina is 12, Seven is 10, Blythe is 9, Cam/Quinn/Finn are 8, Blaire is 5, Briar isn't born until a ways after, and I'm still not sure if Adrien (second Aftershock kid) is gonna be a thing, but if so he'd be adopted and is also older than Briar :d
Either way, more times than not, Seven and Blythe are the ones that tend to be put in charge. Lucina may technically be the leader, but she can't always be trusted to make...rational decisions snksnksnksnk
. . .
Lloyd: All right, to cool off after a long day of training, we're going to have a field trip for ice cream!
Kids: Yaaay!
Seven: Can we go to Ice Planet?!
Lloyd: You know that place got destroyed in the Merge. Dairy Dragon's all that's left.
Seven: Ugh. I just want a grape popsicle, then.
Lloyd: Ew. Anyone else?
Blythe: Can I get a coffee-flavored gelato?
Lloyd: Somehow, even worse. Next?
Camellia: Surprise me!!!
Lloyd: How ironically predictable. You're getting cake batter.
Camellia: Nice.
Quinn: Do they have the kind with Pop Rocks in it?? I want that!!!
Finn: I want a double scoop of cotton candy!!!!! No, triple!!!
Lloyd: I hear a sugar rush about to happen, and me regretting my life's choices. ...Blaire?
Blaire: I want chocolate.
Lloyd: Okay–
Blaire: But the kind with all the spices and peppers in it, like Dad gets :D
Lloyd: Good lord.
Briar: Can I get double peanut butter swirl please? 🥺
Lloyd: ...Briar, you're allergic to peanuts.
Briar: Can't you just revive me if I die? 🥺
Lloyd: No. That's not how that works.
Briar: Fine. I'll just have the continued curse of my existence reminded to me in the form of a cherry sundae, then.
Lloyd: *praying to grandpa* ...and you, Luci?
Lucina: ...I think I'm gonna go vanilla this time
Lloyd: *sigh of relief* That's my girl :')
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delacruz-writ-344 · 3 months
LEGO Ninjago And Trauma
LEGO Ninjago is a series created around ninjas in their hometown of Ninjago. There are a total of 5 ninjas, left to right it is Kai, Jay, Lloyd, Nya, Cole, and Zane. But I am going to only cover Kai, Lloyd, Jay and Zane.
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I want to talk about their traumas and how serious this kid show is.
Kai is the older brother of Nya. Their parent ran a blacksmith business as one day their parents left and never came back. Without any explanation Kai had to step up and run the store and Nya. She became his world. As long as she was with him and safe he was okay. Though he was a temperamental hot head, usually the immature one of the two, he deeply cared for his sister. Until one day she got kidnaped by a skeleton gang and he lost it. This is when their sensei, Master Wu found him and trained him to be a ninja.
Though he saw more in him, Kai's only focus was saving the last bit of family he had. Later we find out that Kai and Nya have elemental powers, fire and water respectively. While we don't actually see Nya's powers develop for a while, Kai was loving the power. Yet, all he could think about was saving his sister, it felt like it was less for her sake and more for his. He was always moody and irritable, rightfully so as his sister is in danger. After he rescues her, he still can't let go. She has to tell him that she is a grown women and that she doesn't need his constant protection, but he can't let go until later on in the series, also when we find out that his parents disappeared after fighting the fight that saved Ninjago city and that his parents were the elemental masters of fire(father) and water (mother)..
In this series he and Zane endured the most trauma in my opinion. Jay came from a small family as an only child of parents that owned a junk yard. However, during this series he found out he was adopted after he discovering he had the elemental powers of lightning . And it took a toll on him, as it would anyone if all your life became one big lie. Though his parents loved him deeply they couldn't answer all his questions. This made him doubt himself. Meanwhile the girl that he was in love with, Nya, was choosing his friend, Cole, over him all because a machine told them that Nya and Cole would make a good couple.
Then there Nadakhan. he prince of djinns. He captured all the ninjas except Jay and married Nya. This was so he could give himself unlimited wishes, and Nya looked like his lost love. Jay had to witness it as it was him that set off the chain reaction by making the first wish. But after watching Nadakhan rebuilt Djinjago in place of Ninjago, he used the last wish to reverse everything and free the ninjas and Nya. These wishes are how he found out he was adopted, the first was who his parents are, followed by him finding his bio dad's home. All this was a trap by the dijnn. It was with the last wish he undid everything.
He also had to deal with his love and future yang (wife) dying in his arms. I could keep on going but I'm not trying to write a book.
Zane is the ice ninja. Master Wu found him and he found his way to the temple and trained as a ninja. However, everyone noticed that Zane was different. He didn't under stand jokes or sarcasm too well. And he was often told that he was almost robotic with the lack of expression. Later we find out that Zane was a android, or nindroid as the rest of the characters call him. His story was quite tragic.
His creator couldn't have a son, so he built one. He raised Zane like a regular kid. He was loved so much by his dad. He even built a bird that syncs with and watches over him.
However, the one flaw that his dad realized was that Zane doesn't age. So as his dad aged, Zane never did. The dad ended up dying but because he wanted him to live a fulfilling life he turned off his memory right before he died. After Zane flips the switch when he finds his blueprints and having a break down finding out he wasn't human. He becomes more human than before, all the pain was also followed by the unconditional love of his father.
I am going to simplify his because I could write an essay on him alone. He was the son of Lord Garmadon, a villain that the ninjas fought. Llyod was always trying to follow in his absent father's footsteps as when he was young. Though his dad wasn't always there for him at least he was there. His mother left completely. But, later he joins the ninjas and during one battle his life completely changed. The ninjas were turned into children and they were able to defeat the villain with Llyod's help. There was a potion to age up the ninjas again and since Llyod was next to them he got caught in the magic. He suddenly ages up dramatically so. Now instead of being a kid, around 11, he is now at least 17 years old. He completely missed out on being a child, and a teen. He was shot up to be basically an adult and the green ninja. A title of a person who is meant to save the world and basically have a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. But he was surrounded by a healthy family now and guided in the right path. But at what cost.
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cinnabunnii · 1 year
good morning Lego fans, the fun thing about ninjago dragons rising as a ninjago oc haver is the fact that i can just make the master of technology oc I had adopt Sora.
Basically, I've had this oc for like 2 years and a half at this point, and ofc Sora being introduced,, threw a few things off course with my silly little ninjago oc story,,, HOWEVER. bc of the nature of my baby boy tech master, he can, will, would and SHOULD adopt Sora, and equally could b a reason that her powers r,,, kinda there but not 100% like how Nya couldn't use water until she was trained to :3 So we don't have 100% confirmed timelines for ANYTHING so who really cares if i say the merge happened like a year or two after crystalized<3
Now is probably not a GREAT time to explain my silly techy boy, and not a great time to mention he's Lloyd's silly silly boyfriend, but oh well. His name is Casey, hes a silly little man, he's part oni, master of tech, just,, a silly man. Here's an image of him
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hes a baby boy, what a man. But you see why i looked at Sora and went "oh" right??? pink??? technology??? i had even drawn him in cat ear headphones MONTHS before the dragons rising trailer even came out. It was just kinda wild. Either way thoooooo,,, He's such a big sweetheart and by the time the Merge happens he'd be like, 24? 25? depends on what timeline i accept for the day (him being 24 would make Lloyd ab 23 (mentally, physically, whatever, Casey's a year older than him it doesn't really matter), so like fair warning ig), and already has a kid (literal infant, but she's not rlly important rn i'll talk about her another time), so like Dad Instincts™ kick in after seeing Literal Children™ alone after the merge. So even though Sora and Arin are together n pretty mUCH safe, Casey still kinda takes care of them (and his daughter) while the crossroads is being built, eventually leaving them after he deems them stable enough to be left alone in the cross roads and his daughter is old enough to travel with him to find the other ninja (she's like 3, but yk oni genes wilding). NOW what the FUN FUN FUNN FUNN thing about Casey finally finding Lloyd and the others AFTER Lloyd's already ALSO adopted Sora and Arin without knowing Casey did first, is that Casey has a bionic arm as well (depending on ur hcs though, Sora's arm could just be armour, i dont have any solid hcs or views on Sora's arm just yet so I won't be referring to it solidly in either way) and he says he'll happily train Sora, and like the first thing he tries to get her to do without Ryu is change his arm, be that completely rearrange it or just make it move, whatever. So like,,, Casey n Lloyd just steal children bc why not :3 they may already have a daughter but yk how it is!!!! Why not adopt the silly gamer cat girl and the boy who taught himself spinjitsu. It makes me do a little giggle, and I MIGHT add onto this later w/reblogs n that, but for now i MUST stop bc i can go on for even longer. And i will DEFINITELY draw Sora and Casey hanging out bc they are SO silly in my head.
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nin-jay-go · 2 years
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so the og ninja take the places of their swapped villains! :) (<- devious)
this might get long. cut time
kai is the son of ray, leader of the anacondrai cult and arguably not the best parent. kai was raised sort of as a soldier for the cult, esp with his mother's amber element being passed onto him. nya's still here, just... don't worry about her for now. s4 starts with kai flirting with skylor (as he tends to do) and them getting to know each other before kai reveals he's the mole and ray's his dad. he and skylor have the normal s4 moment of "hey you're in a cult do you wanna break out of the cult" "sure" and they do, but kai has the staff for a little bit and its a bit fucky. after s4 ends, skylor sends kai to her dad so he can do something with his life now that he's out of the cult, and one thing leads to another and chen adopts him :)
jay is an ai created by ed and edna many years ago, designed to help out with all sorts of stuff. but he gets stuck in prime empire and becomes a sort of superstar there, a well-known celebrity that has eyes everywhere. essentially, if you also get stuck in prime empire (libber), you're being watched by a very maliciously playful ai with nowhere to go. he's still just as dangerous as canon unagami though, and his goal of escaping prime empire by sucking people in is the same. he's just a struggling child trying to find his way back to his parents :( which he does in the end so its ok
cole was garmadon's first child. garm never shied away from telling morro about him, but he does so very sadly. cole ran away from home because of canon reasons (mom died, dad was being not great about it, the usual) and was taken in by garm. he was promised the green ninja title but didn't manage to get it, which left him a brooding mess. since cole isn't really an angry person, his frustration was very subtle, and garm didn't know he was struggling with that that hard until he ran away. garmadon still waits for his son to come home, even if cole died on his search for answers.
zane was a sentry built during s3 to mimic cryptor's structure perfectly. he's a cold and cruel general that doesn't care for his army as people (since they're also nindroids. so). he ends up surviving the mass purge at the end of s3 just because i have so many thoughts about him and pixal being a power couple in s8 and being Terrifying to the ninja. other than that he's just kinda there lol
lloyd is the quiet one :D his backstory is the same as harumi's in canon, his parents died to the great devourer, he gets adopted by the royal family, and he plans vengeance on the ninja, specifically harumi, because they failed to protect his parents when wu saved the world. he worships wu to the point of bringing him back, as per usual, and is very silky smooth with his persuasion of harumi. kid's terrifying. he also loves snakes. a lot. not the serpentine specifically, but he has a Lot of snake imagery.
and nya ... i admit i don't have much for, other than she's in kalmaar's place. i know that she and maya vanished one day, leaving kai and ray alone on the island, searching for the storm and wave amulets to summon wojira so she can claim her rightful place as scourge of the land. maybe they found a way to h2o just add water themselves into becoming merlopians to infiltrate and rule, so the amulets were easier to grasp. nya's a girlboss though <3 kills someone (unsure yet if she kills her mom or trimaar, her backstory is still a wip)
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keity-devil · 3 years
Another one, I know. (Destinyshipping fic, spoil 'my not my never' child/teen @breathlessmorro.). But is more a fluff one. I think. Enjoy.
Powers, my love? - Part 1.
Morro and Kai have been in a relationship for a year and a few months already. They were happy with each other. The days together were amazing for them. Kai had met Morro for the first time because of Lloyd's help. They told everyone one day that his cousin was moving to town and he was excited about it. (Especially since they hadn't seen each other in years, Morro not knowing about the Garmadon family's problems until a few days after he came to town.) When he first saw him, he saw an emo and slightly shy boy, but with a tough personality, dreaded if you touched a blond hair of Lloyd's. Kai couldn't believe Morro was really Lloyd's cousin. They were so different from each other. Hair color skin, language, that's what he think until he find out it's actually adopted. They began to meet more often (because Lloyd wanted his best friend and cousin to get along), and the flame ignited. When Lloyd found out about Kai's relationship with Morro, he didn't expect his plan to have such a great result. He had agreed to their relationship, even pleased with it. Kai didn't expect that either, not to mention Morro who was confused at the beginning of their relationship, he thought it was all just a dream, a fiction, he didn't think anyone would love him and yet.. he found someone. They had kept this relationship a secret until they were quite comfortable with the idea of ​​the rest knowing about it.
But they both kept a secret from each other. Elemental Powers. Kai kept his firepower hidden from Morro, and Morro kept his windpower from Kai. They both kept it a secret, and to this day, everything has gone well with this secret concealment of power.
Kai opened his eyes slowly. The light coming from the sun came straight into his eyes. He turned his heavy head to the seat next to it. Morro slept soundly, a few strands of hair hanging down his slightly pale face. Kai turned completely to his lover, staring at him. He could feel the fire in him wanting to come out. It was hard to control himself not to create a heart of fire for his love every time he did something adorable or felt that he did not know how to show/express his love for him. But he couldn't do it. He risked his identity as a Fire Ninja, Red, Flame, he risked endangering both of them.. and he didn't want that.
Morro felt his dream slowly crumble, his eyes hard to open. When he opened them a little, he could already see a smile on someone face.
"Morning..." He said softly, feeling his throat dry.
"Morning mi corazón." Kai approached Morro's face, kissing his forehead softly.
Morro in response, approached him to warm up a little, maybe he will fell asleep. It seemed strange to him how Kai was much warmer at times, but when he asked him about it, he had received the answer that it was only because he is cold.
"Don't fall asleep again. You just woke up." He said with a smile.
Morro couldn't stop an innocent grin. "And what if I fall asleep again?~"
"I'll be forced to throw cold water at you to really wake up."
"Oh no, not at all. I'm sick of it. Do you want me to be sick?"
"Exactly. Just another five minutes..."
"Okay. Just five minutes." He had begun to stroke his thick, black hair.
Ninjas had to patrol the city every night. Just two. And tonight, Wu put Wind and Flame.
"Your serious now?" Wind said, rolling his eyes.
"This is the truth." Flame said, looking at the starry sky outside before he left.
"Why did Wu put me with you?" He said unfriendly.
"You say it like it's a bad thing."
"Maybe it is."
Flame said nothing more, wishing this patrol would end quickly so he could go home. He missed someone and thought of a good excuse for being late. The patrol went fast. Nothing new for the two of them. Wind and Flame were good at fighting, but in conversation and socializing, they needed work.
"Well, end of patrolling for tonight. It's late, I should run home quickly."
Wind looked at him. "Why? Parents, brother, sister?"
"Beloved boyfriend." He said calmly.
"Oh." He lowered his head. He didn't know why, but hearing him say that word, he had done it... "Mhm. Go then. Don't let him wait for you." He said in a tone with a little venom in it, disappearing from Kai's vision like the wind.
"What's with him? No, you know something Kai? It doesn't matter what's with him. I still wonder who's under the mask. Who could Wu trust to have these powers...?"
Morro arrived home first. The last conversation with Flame had left him in a bad mood. He wanted to make coffee, but that wouldn't calm him down, so he resorted to his father's method of tea. He went into the bedroom first, no sign of Kai. He could feel the bizarre state in him growing. He left a cold wind behind him, filling the room with a restless cold air.
Kai reached the front door of the apartment. He repeated his apology in his mind.
"Okay Kai. You can do it. Calm down, you know the words." He pressed the doorknob. When he entered, a strong mint smell struck him, with a cold wind as well. "Uh... tea?" He closed the door, rushed inside. At the kitchen table was the brunette, with a cup in his hand, frequently hitting it with his nails painted light blue and black. "Morro? Uh... are you okay?"
"Mhm.. Yes. Why? Problems? " Morro didn't want it to sound so harsh, but he was still on needles.
"Nope. None." He approached him, placing one of his hands on Morro's back. "¿Disgustado?"
"¡No entiendo cuál es SU problema!" Morro started. Not realizing what language he was in. "¡Incluso estaba tratando de tener una conversación normal con Él! Y comienza con eso y- ugh..!" He threw his head on the table, but he had hit the cup of tea with his forehead, overturned the cup, letting the mint liquid run down the tablecloth, which flowed slowly on the edge and on the floor. "Fuck this!!" He screamed, feeling like he was about to throw the cup against the wall. Instead, he picked it up, placing it violently on the table. He rose from his chair, taking a few steps that swirled in a circle walk, his fingers gripped by his disheveled, disheveled black hair.
Kai was just looking at him. Morro had rare moments like this. When he had the first one, it was from an old frustration that happens again. Then he managed to calm him down because he knew the reason, but now he didn't understand him.
"Hey, hey.. it's okay. It doesn't matter that you spilled it and stained the tablecloth. It can be washed. Calm down." Kai try to calm him down with the tea problem.
Morro wanted to scream, but he was holding him in. He didn't know how he could do that, knowing that in moments like this he would throw almost everything out of his soul. The brunette looked at him, his nails still in his scalp. He had taken a few breaths.
"Okay.. Okay.. I'm calm. I'm calm." Morro had taken a few steps to where they kept the water, putting it in a cup and drink it all in one go. "Can we.. forget about it, please? And just sit in bed, fall asleep in each other's arms...?" He said softly, feeling his hands tremble.
Kai smiled slowly. He did not want to insist on the reason for the crisis, because of the emotional state Morro was in now. "Of course. Come here."
Kai reached for the brunette's waist, coming down for a kiss that had greedily returned him.
The Ninjas were urgently call by Wu. Morro had not received the call, nor could he.
"Ninja, you've arrived. ... Where's Wind?" Wu knew their identities in each and every Ninja, and Ninja between them, except Wind. They didn't know who Wind was under the mask, nor Wind who they were under the mask. And they agreed with that. One day they will know about each other.
"I don't know, Master Wu." Zane replied calmly.
"Are you feeling well, Kai?" Wu asked, seeing his restless state.
Kai had muted a little, surprised by the question. "No, no. I'm fine, Sensei."
"You don't look good, Master of- "
"I'm worried!" He interrupted his Sensei. "Morro should have called me or sent me a text an hour ago and he didn't..! What if something happened to him??" They had an agreement with the call or the messages. Morro had a telecaster class after school and told him he would let him know when he went out to see him, but nothing.
"Something to happend to Morro? I think you're kidding Kai." Cole said, knowing the personality of Lloyd's cousin, Wu's son.
"I'm not kidding. It's possible. Morro doesn't know how to fight. He's not like us." That had frightened Lloyd. If he knew the truth, he would have been calm.
"I'm sure my son is fine, Kai." Wu reassured him. He was not afraid that Morro was in any danger, he knew his son. If he was in danger, he would have already announced it. "I say to- " The 'Garmadon' alarm sounds in the room.
"Attack in Ninjago by Lord Garmadon. He now seems to be attacking random places." Nya said, looking at the new target of evil.
"That's... that's where I live!" Kai said quickly, recognizing the place. "When I get Garmadon, I'll- "
"Kai... If Morro is there and that's why he didn't contact you?!" Jay suspected agitatedly.
"Oh no... we have to hurry."
Morro didn't care if anyone could see him. The world was in danger, and his instincts came first. When he removed the last person from the building, he turned inside, slamming the doors behind him with a strong wind, blocking them.
"Heh, now let's take care of the rats."
He was walking in the white dust with all his senses on alert. He couldn't see well, but he could hear. Suddenly Morro felt a hand grip his shoulder. He quickly reached for the stranger and knocked him to the ground. From the rising smoke, three Garmadon generals had appeared.
'Looks like I'm going to have some fun today.'
He held out his hands wide, after hitting them against each other. The wind that formed next to the three of them pushed them violently together as he clapped his hands against each other. All that was left in the air was his right hand, which had begun to control the wind that was now above the enemies, pressing against them. Sounds of pain were heard. Dust roamed the room uncontrollably. One of them managed to open his eyes despite the strong wind.
"Who are you?! A monster!? Surely a monster!" He spoke agitatedly, closing his eyes again, feeling the pressure even stronger now.
Morro's eyes gleamed in shock at the generals pressed by his wind.
"Monster! You destroyed everything! The houses, the vegetation, EVERYTHING!!"
Words from the past resound in his head. His hand had begun to tremble and his breath was short of breath.
"I'm not a monster." His tone had become harsh, both hands rising, putting them in a cage pressed by the cold wind. He was about to stop their right to breathe- "Monster!" Everything stood still for a few seconds, leaving his trembling hands to fall past his limp body.
The generals were breathing a lot, telling each other to get out of here as soon as possible, that the guy is crazy, a monster. Morro felt his legs begin to tremble, clinging to the wall with his hand.
"Everything is fine.. is fine.. What was in the past is gone..." He looked around disfigured. The white dust fell slowly to the ground. "I'd better go..."
"Morro!" A voice called his name out of nowhere.
"What the..?" Morro was amazed to hear someone call his name from afar, behind him.
"Morro!" Kai stopped running when he saw his lover. He would have arrived sooner if the door had not been locked. He was too agitated to remember what he was wearing at the moment.
"Kai..?" Morro froze in shock, feeling himself tremble much harder. Now it made sense in his head why it was always so hot and warm..
"I thought something happened to you!" He reached in front of him, taking both Morro's pale hands. Kai looked at him intently to see if he had any scratches or injures. He didn't, it was just filled with white dust and shaking body. He looked into his eyes, which were full of shock and... fear? "Morro, mi corazón, are you okay?"
Morro sat for a while, processing the words spoken by the person who had made him nervous the night before. "You're.. Fire Ninja.. Flame.. Kai, are-are you Him?"
This hit Kai directly in the soul. Only then did he realize what was happening. He knew it made no sense to deny it, it was just a waste of time and words.
"Uh.. yes. Yes I am." He remembered the fighting moves and supernatural powers the generals had feared when they left the building. "How do you know how to fight so well?" If they put the card on the table, put them all on.
The brunette, now with white dust on his head, stared blankly. "Wind. I'm Wind, Kai."
"You're kidding.."
"Not at all." He had created a small tornado with both hands. "See?"
"That explains why- Omg... Were you talking about me last night?"
Morro nodded slowly. His heart was pounding inside him. He didn't know if it was from anxiety, fear, emotions, or even all three or more, but he knew it was starting to hurt. Oh, and those damn memories. Morro now expected Kai to yell at him, even leave him. He expected the worst. He was too afraid to think of a good script. But.. Kai had started laughing.
"No.. I don't.. I don't understand.. Why.. why are you laughing?" He was confused.
"Oh! That explains MUCH better your condition last night." He slowly laughed, slowly squeezing his lover's pale hands. "You just didn't think I'd leave you for that, did you?" Morro looked down guilty. "Omg.. come here." He took him in his arms. "I hid that from you too. And you. We're even. It's nothing serious, mi corazón. On the contrary, I'm much calmer now. Calm that you'll be fine.. I had to think that Wind is Wu's son. It was obvious!"
Morro slammed his fist into his chest, looking him in the eye afterwards. "No. It wasn't. I was behaving completely differently."
"Maybe, but not always." He gripped his face in his fingers.
"I say I played theater well at times- " He had been interrupted by someone's lips on his. The kiss hadn't been a long one, but it had been a calm one for the brunette. "You'd better fly, colorful Ninja.~ You don't want the rest to suspect anything. I can feel them approaching the entrance to look for you."
Kai looke behind him, then glanced back at his boyfriend. "After you know what, I'll be back, okay?"
"Mhm.. Just kiss me already."
"Your wish is my command.~" Kai kissed him again, this time it was a longer one.
T r a n s l a t e :
Kai: "Upset?"
Morro: "I just- I don't understand what HIS problem is! I was even trying to have a normal conversation with Him! And he starts with that and- ugh..!"
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Uncle x Papa – Nephew!Kid!Lloyd x Adopted Son!Morro x Father!Uncle!Male!Reader (Ninjago)
Part 1
Ninjago Oneshot ! What if Garmadon and Wu had a Brother and while Wu stopped all contact with him, for unknown reasons, Garmadon kept up their contact and told him that he was an Uncle ? What if Morro never died in the Caves of Despair ? What if Lloyd was for a bit in the boarding school and then M/n with Morro collected him ? Well, let us find out ! By the was this is NOT canon !
WARNING!: Multiple Chapters, Angst, mention of abandonment, Morro has anger issues, we all know it, mention of fighting, mention of close to death encounter, blood x gore, injuries AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
Misako abandoned Garmadon and Lloyd and Garmadon never understood why. He couldn’t tell Wu about it, Wu was the LAST person he wanted to tell this. So he did, what he thought, he will never do. He searched his older Brother, M/n. As soon as M/n was old enough, he left the Monastery and lived on his own.
Wu refused to stay in contact with him, because he never helped them in anything. The war against the Serpentines he didn’t help, the war against the Time Twins...M/n NEVER helped. Wu hated him for that, partly.
Garmadon had no address to keep in touch with his older Brother, otherwise he would have written with him so much. He looked up to M/n a lot. He wanted to be just like him when he was older.
Who would have thought, that Garmadon would find M/n, on an Island, in the middle of nowhere ? He knocked on the door, Baby Lloyd tightly and thickly wrapped in a bundle and close to Garmadon’s chest. He was shivering himself, while Lloyd was asleep and very warm, hopefully...
The door opened and there M/n stood. He stared at Garmadon in utter surprise and shock.
“Garmadon ?”, M/n asked.
“Heh...Finally found you, Bubba.”, Garmadon greeted softly.
M/n looked at him and saw him shivering and holding a bundle in his arms.
“You must be freezing. Come inside and tell me, why you bothered to search for me.”
M/n made the way free and let Garmadon enter. He thanked M/n and entered, who closed the door behind him after. He led him to the Living room and Garmadon sat down.
“Do you want some hot chocolate ? Tea ? Anything ?”, M/n asked.
“Do...do you have hot chocolate and some milk, to warm up ?”, Garmadon asked.
“Milk...to warm up...?”
Garmadon gave him a sad smile and showed him the bundle he held. M/n’s eyes widened, in shock, as he stared at the face, of a sleeping Baby.
“Are they yours ?”, he asked.
“His name is Lloyd and yes, he is my Son. I married the Love of my Life, Misako. I think you remember how in love I was with her.”
M/n nodded and screwed his face up in distaste.
“I never understood what you saw in her. She seemed to act sweet and innocent, but I tell you, she seemed like she only pretended, to me.”, M/n said.
“I...I guess you were right...”
“Huh ? What do you mean ?”
“After a while, when we had Lloyd, she...she left. No note, no Goodbye...she just left us both.”, Garmadon said with tears in his eyes.
“So...Lloyd is Motherless ?”
“How long was that ago ?”
“A week. She usually always tells me when she has to go for a while, but this time...there was nothing...”
M/n balled his hands into fists and scoffed angered.
“I knew it.”
Then he left the room and got to warming up some milk and making a hot chocolate.
“I don’t have a Baby bottle though.”, M/n called from his kitchen.
“I have one. The milk is just frozen...”, Garmadon replied.
M/n entered the Living room again and held his hand out.
“Bottle, little Brother.”
Garmadon set Lloyd down on the couch and pulled out the bottle from his backpack. M/n took it and left the room again. He let hot water inside the sink in the kitchen and put the baby bottle into it.
He watched the milk and after a few minutes, he had it on a very low flame, it was done. In the meantime the milk thawed inside the bottle and M/n cleaned it out. He filled the milk into the bottle and then shook it slightly, while he also balanced the Hot chocolate into the Living room.
“The milk is still a bit too warm, but I at least didn’t burn it.”, M/n said softly.
“Thank you.”, Garmadon replied.
M/n then looked at Lloyd again and saw that he was too warm, he started to fuss around.
“He is too hot.”, M/n informed Garmadon.
He looked at Lloyd and quickly took off some layers that kept him warm.
“So sorry, Baby. I forgot. Please forgive me.”, he said softly.
“You can also take off your clothes, Garmadon. I don’t think a thick jacket, shawl, hat and a pair of gloves, inside a well climated house, is comfortable.”
Garmadon blushed in embarrassment and took off his own clothes too.
“Sorry... I didn’t know if you would...you know...help me.”, he said softly.
M/n looked at Garmadon with softness in his eyes.
“Garmadon, you put so much effort into finding me, I would never throw you out after you finally found me. I’m sorry that I left and didn’t leave you any hints or addresses to my location, but honestly ? I didn’t think any of you two would come looking for me at all. I...wasn’t the best Brother the last few years.”
Garmadon looked at M/n with big eyes.
“You weren’t a bad Brother ! I know that Wu said you were, because of things you two never told me about, but he is lying ! He was angry and he regretted everything he said to you as you announced that you will move out.”
M/n shook his head.
“No. Don’t try to lie for Wu. I was a bad Brother. I let you train with Chen and Clouse. I knew they were a bad influence and I still didn’t take you away from them. I let Wu...never mind...”, M/n cut himself off.
“What did Wu do ?”, Garmadon asked.
M/n took a deep breath.
“Wu took in a homeless child. He trained him too. After we found out that Morro had the Elemental Powers of Wind, Wu was determined that he was the Green Ninja. Morro became obsessed with it. He got very easily angered, he wasn’t very kind and patient anymore either. Wu corrupted him, without meaning to. I told him to not tell the Kid about that, but he insisted and I tried to keep the boy stable. One day, he just left and never came back. Wu and him found out that he wasn’t the Chosen One and Wu refused to keep going with him, so he left and said he will prove that he is worth it. He blamed me for all of that since and we argued a lot.”
Garmadon stared at him with wide eyes.
“But WU did that mistake. Not you !”
“He still blamed me for what happened to his and Morro’s relationship. These two were like Father and Son, until he dropped the bomb of the Green Ninja. We also grew apart since that day and that was why I left. He kept blaming me each and every single day for that and I had enough.”
“I want to find Morro.”, Garmadon said.
“Who knows, if he is still alive, Garmadon.”
“Let us look for him ! At least WE care, right ?!”
M/n looked at Garmadon and then at Lloyd.
“You have a Son, Brother.”
“So what ? I will still have him ! We are just looking around for him.”
M/n sighed and nodded. He took Garmadon’s hand, grabbed the baby bottle and Garmadon had Lloyd in his arm. Then they teleported, to the Caves of Despair. Garmadon looked at M/n in confusion.
“Why are we here ?”
“It is one of the very few places, where I would bet my limbs, that Morro would be looking.”
With that they entered a cave and it seemed warm and sealed off.
“HELP ! HELP ME ! I’M STUCK ! HELLO ?!”, someone screamed.
Garmadon and M/n froze up.
“Morro...”, M/n whispered.
He ran to the blocked off ending and looked through a small gap.
“MORRO ?! IS THAT YOU ?!”, he yelled.
“M/N ?! HELP ! PLEASE HELP ME ! I DON’T WANNA DIE !”, Morro screamed scared.
M/n felt his heart skip a beat. He looked at Garmadon.
“Get out of here, I will break down the barrier ! Keep the Kid away !”
Garmadon nodded and ran out.
He did so and yelled that he was out of the way. M/n took a few steps back and then ran at the wall. He did that three more times and then the stones fell and rolled out of the way. Morro was sweating terribly.
He stretched his hand out and waited. Morro jumped and snatched M/n’s hand tightly, M/n pulled him out quickly and he carried him out of the Caves and to fresh air. Then he checked Morro for any injuries.
“Are you alright ?! What the hell were you thinking ?! If we wouldn’t have looked for you, you would have been nothing but bones ! No more hunting for impossible graves and treasures, for some stupid title, got it ?!”, M/n yelled at Morro, angered.
Morro nodded quickly. He hated M/n’s anger directed at him. It scared him.
“Good. You will live with me, Morro. You are NOT allowed to talk about the Green Ninja EVER again. I hear that coming out of your mouth, I will do more, than just put you into the Time Out corner.”
Morro nodded again.
With that, M/n teleported them back to his own house. He sat Morro down on the couch and then left to make some food in the kitchen. Morro then looked at Garmadon and his Son.
“Who are you two ?”, Morro asked softly.
“I am Garmadon, Wu’s Brother. This is my Son, Lloyd.”
Morro looked at them and nodded.
“I’m Morro. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Morro.”
Then Lloyd woke up, fussed and started crying. Garmadon looked at his Son and instantly took the Baby bottle, M/n placed back on the table. He tested the temperature of the milk and deemed it okay. He started to feed Lloyd, who eagerly sucked from the bottle, looking at his Father with big green orbs.
Morro watched them and he felt jealous. His parents didn’t do that with him. His parents abandoned him... Then something clicked in his brain.
“Where is his Mom ?”, he asked.
Garmadon froze up.
“She...she left us.”, he answered softly.
“She...died ?”, Morro asked softly.
“No. She left one day and didn’t come back since. She abandoned us.”
Morro’s eyes widened and he stared at Lloyd. So, one of his parents also abandoned him. Now he could only feel sad for Lloyd.
M/n came back with microwaved food. He put it in front of Garmadon and Morro.
“I know it is only some baguettes with herb butter as a filling, but that is all I could make right now. Is Lloyd drinking ?”
“Thank you and yes, he is drinking.”
“Don’t forget to burp him after, Brother.”, M/n reminded.
“I won’t.”
“So you, Sensei Wu and M/n are Brothers ?”, Morro asked.
“We are, but I don’t like Wu all that much.”, M/n answered.
“Why ?”, he asked.
“He blamed me for his mistakes with you. He made you obsessed with something that you are NOT. I do not doubt you to be someone great, Morro, but the Green Ninja title, is more than just a name. It screams a lot of problems, possible death and worse danger. Even if you would have been the Green Ninja, you could have been easily corrupted. Be happy with the Element Wind that you have. It is very powerful and dangerous on its own.”, M/n said.
Morro stared at M/n in shock.
“He...blamed YOU for everything ?”
“He did. One of the few reasons I moved out.”
Morro seemed to get angry.
“What about Lloyd ? His Nephew ?”, Morro asked, with a bit of bite in his voice.
Garmadon looked away.
“Let us just say...he doesn’t have the time to see him.”
“So he abandons his own NEPHEW too ?!”, Morro yelled in anger.
That made Lloyd cry. Morro’s eyes widened in surprise and he looked at Lloyd with soft eyes. He didn’t mean to spook him.
“I-I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to scare him...”, Morro said with a stutter.
Garmadon looked at Morro, while he calmed down Lloyd.
“It’s fine. Just be careful around him. Babies get easily startled.”
Morro looked at Garmadon.
“I will be careful next time. M/n ?”
“Yes, Morro ?”
“Can you adopt me ? I wanna be Lloyd’s cousin. I wanna help taking care of him !”
M/n and Garmadon stared at Morro in surprise.
“What ?”, he asked in shock, his brain not catching up.
“I wanna help you with Lloyd ! I want to keep him save and be there for him when he needs someone.”
Garmadon looked at M/n and chuckled. His big Brother was nervous and excited to adopt Morro.
“Uhm...”, he said stunned.
“He will adopt you. His brain needs time to catch on.”, Garmadon told Morro.
Morro smiled at Garmadon.
“I know. He had those moments a few times near me. Honestly it is so funny when you catch him off guard. He needs a while to register what is going on after.”, Morro giggled out.
M/n shook his head and slapped his left cheek, to snap out of his stupor.
“Sure. I can adopt you, but then you have to listen to me and to me ONLY. Got it ?”
Morro looked at M/n and nodded eagerly.
“Okay. I will get adoption papers now, you take care of Lloyd and my stupid Brother.”
Garmadon looked at M/n offended.
“Hey !”, he protested.
Morro giggled.
“You can’t deny that you are stupid sometimes, Brother. Remember the prank.”
“From where was I supposed to know that YOU were that GIRL ?!”
“By being perceptive and observing.”
With that M/n left and later on in the day, Morro was officially adopted by M/n.
-Four years later-
M/n went up and down in his house. Garmadon didn’t show up for the last 3 months with Lloyd. Morro was a Teenager with 13 years of age by now and he was getting really uneasy, that both of them didn’t come visit by now.
“Where is Garmadon and where is Lloyd ?”, Morro asked.
“He said he will be with Wu. Wanna check it out ?”, M/n asked.
Morro nodded and they teleported, only to see them both fighting with the Golden Weapons.
“No...”, M/n whispered as he saw Garmadon’s eyes.
“What is going on ?”, Morro asked.
“The poison in Garmadon’s veins...it reached his heart. He is corrupted fully now. Morro...Lloyd won’t have a Dad anymore. The Poison took Lloyd’s Dad away from him. I hoped...I hoped he will have him longer...”
Morro stared at Garmadon in shock and sorrow. They informed him about Garmadon’s condition, but he hoped it would never happen so early, to Lloyd.
“Garmadon ! Don’t !”, Wu yelled.
“He is about to end Wu.”, Morro whispered.
Suddenly a bolt of lightning hit him and Garmadon went black, he stumbled and the Underworld opened. He fell and Wu tried to save him, but was too late.
To be continued....
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
I don't wanna miss you like this
Jay had always been a light sleeper. And maybe, just maybe, that was a good thing. Takes place after Day of the Departed
Jay had always been a light sleeper.
His mom said that ever since he was a baby, a crash from something falling on the other side of the junkyard would wake him up out of a deep sleep almost instantly.
It was the one thing that never went away, and while it was good in case of emergencies, when he was just trying to sleep after fighting Samukai, finding out Cole was human again and the others were screaming on the other side of the Bounty was definitely not good.
Not to mention they were moving everything into the Airjitzu temple tomorrow, which he still had the feeling was haunted.
Jay rolled onto his left side, away from the door, and closed his eyes, trying to get comfortable on the bed and tune them out. 'Just think about Nya. Yeah, Nya…'
He smiled and started to settle in for the night, but that's when he heard it. Not Cole screaming particularly loud to respond to Kai, but something else; it was much softer. Someone was crying.
Jay sat up and kicked off his blanket before walking towards the bathroom where the sound was coming from, grabbing his nunchucks from beside his bed and tightening his grip around them slightly. 'Please don't be a ghost.'
He reached the door and knocked on it twice before questioning, "is there a ghost in there?"
When the sound continued, Jay swallowed, 'just get it together,' before wrapping his free hand around the knob, feeling that it was unlocked.
"This is against my best judgement," he lamented before opening the door and taking in the sight in front of him that definitely wasn't a ghost.
Lloyd was propping himself up on the sink counter with his elbows, something gripped in his right hand as his head hung low and he continued to make that sniffly crying noise.
Jay's heart hurt; he had to do...something.
"Lloyd?," Jay watched as Lloyd's head whipped towards him while he wiped the tears against his sleeve in an effort to cover them up, "are you hurt?"
"N-no, I'm not."
"Do you wanna talk about it?," Lloyd shook his head so hard Jay thought he was going to dislocate his neck, "okay, do you want me to stay with you?," Jay watched as Lloyd hesitated, so he added, "I'm not gonna tease you for crying."
Lloyd nodded and hung his head over the sink again; Jay closed the door before propping against the wall. 'What do I even say to him?'
He looked down at Lloyd's right hand and realized what he was holding, which made everything click in his head. 'The picture of him and his dad.'
"You shouldn't bring paper into the bathroom, it's likely to get wet." Jay spoke aloud, immediately regretting it. 'Think before you speak. Now he's probably gonna blast you through the wall or something.'
"Y-you're right," Lloyd stuttered, glancing at the photo for a brief moment before letting it return to the sink, "I just m-miss him, and-"
"You didn't want the others to see you cry?" Jay offered softly, watching as the kid nodded again.
"Especially my mom and my uncle. It's been really hard on them, you know? I only knew him… the real him, for about three years."
"That doesn't mean your feelings are less important, Lloyd," his attention turned towards Jay, so he continued, "he's your dad, and you two went through the final battle together, and the whole situation with Pythor, and the Tournament of Elements. In the little time you had him, you two went through so much together, and if fighting nindroids and fake snakes isn't enough to bond with someone, I don't know what is." Jay smiled when he elicited a small laugh from Lloyd, "Not to mention, he's your dad. That's gotta amount for something."
Lloyd sighed and looked down at the sink for a second before turning back to Jay, "I don't suppose you went through anything like this with your dad."
Jay took a second to think, and in that second, he decided that he needed to tell Lloyd about Cliff Gordon. 'You shouldn't keep secrets from your team.'
"It's a little more complicated than that, but since you don't seem like you're sleeping anytime soon, I'm gonna tell you a story, and you're just gonna sit there and listen. Save questions till the end."
"You sound like my uncle." Lloyd snorted, and while Jay would usually take some offense to that, he also wanted Lloyd to stop crying, so he just ignored it and moved on.
"So, when we were trying to get to Stiix to stop Clouse, Nya didn't actually take my hand…"
"... And so I wished that Nya had taken my hand, and that no one ever found the teapot, and everyone but Nya and I forgot what happened. So while my adoptive parents have always been there, I never met my parents and I'll probably never get to."
Lloyd nodded before looking down at the picture. "So, you get it? The whole "missing someone you feel like you barely knew'' thing?"
"Yeah, I do. But I didn't tell you that for pity or attention. I told you that so you know you have someone to go to who understands."
"Still stuck on the fact that your dad is Fritz Donegan," Lloyd snorted before wiping the tears off of his face, "like, what are the odds of that?"
"Honestly, I have no idea. If I ever tell Zane, I'll ask him to calculate them for me," Jay reasoned, unable to stop smiling now that Lloyd was in much better spirits, "however, we should really get some sleep now. It's getting late for both of us."
"Yeah, you're right." Lloyd agreed, walking towards his bed, but stopping at his nightstand and opening the drawer, placing the picture inside.
"Go ahead and get in bed, I'll tell Cole and Kai to shut up." He explained, hearing Lloyd call out "goodnight" before Jay closed the bedroom door.
He walked towards the main room, still in a bit of shock due to the fact he had just barred his soul to Lloyd when the whole Nadakhan was kinda supposed to stay between him and Nya, but like he had told himself, he couldn't keep that secret from Lloyd.
He made his way to the main room where Kai and Cole were screaming at the tv, clearly invested in Fist to Face Too, but he couldn't help but focus on the scar under Cole's hairline.
"Everything okay, Jay?" Kai asked, shaking Jay out of his thoughts, before snickering "did you see that ghost you're so convinced is haunting the temple?"
"No, I just came in here to ask you two to be quiet. Lloyd's having a rough night." Jay explained, seeing Kai and Cole go from joking to seriousness in an instant.
It wasn't lost on any of them that Kai had only grown more protective of Lloyd after Morro. "Do I need to go check on him?"
"Nah, I got him settled, he's trying to sleep now."
"Got it," Cole perked up before turning the volume on the TV way down, "we'll be more quiet. Promise."
"Thank you." Jay smiled, before turning to Kai, "if he wakes back up, I'll get you."
Kai nodded, which was Jay's cue to head back to the room and try to sleep, now that it was much quieter; but when he opened the door, he couldn't help himself from going over to Lloyd and gently tucking the blanket around his shoulders.
"There you go, Lloyd." He smiled softly before laying down in his own bed and taking in the peace and quiet.
Jay had always been a light sleeper.
And maybe, just maybe, that was a good thing.
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fluffyk97 · 3 years
Basic backstories, setup and just few little things about Werewolf Cole Au. A synopsis if you will?
There's no elemental powers, Overlord, Zane isn't a nindroid, etc. Just basically a regular world with small real myths such as Werewolves.
Werewolf wolf forms aren't humanoid, but really are just big 6ft tall wolves.
Kai and Nya do live in a house near the woods and their parents were never kidnapped so they were raised by them. However they both are in a line of work that has them not home most of the time.
Kai & Nya found Lloyd on the streets being bullied from other kids. Kai immediately couldn't stand it and stepped in. When asked where Lloyd lived so they could take him, Lloyd said he didn't have one.
After a long video call later, and a quick visit by Maya, Lloyd was able to be adopted into their family and enroll in school under the name Lloyd Smith.
Kai is 20, Nya is 18, Lloyd is 14, Cole is 21, Jay is 18, Zane is 23, Pixal is 22, Skylor is 21. Excluding Cole till later, they're just a big friend group.
Kai is trying to find a good College to get into while working at Skylor and her Mother's small Noodle Shop. There is no Chen because I said so.
Skylor and Kai used to date in Highschool, but found to be better friends instead and now are just close friends.
Jay & Nya are in highschool Senior Year, and are together.
Zane & Pixal was friends with them in highschool, but now are in College together. Also a couple, and they love to visit when they can and video chat.
Lloyd is in Middle School. He's managed to make few friends there but his best friends are his adopted siblings, their friends, and his adopted cat, Meowthra.
Cole was childhood friends with Jay back in another town until one day him, his father and mother had to suddenly move out without a word to anyone. So to Jay, his childhood friend just one day disappeared.
There are Werewolf Hunters after them.
Cole gets his wolf side from Lily.
Lily doesn't pass away when he was younger, but is sick. Lou moves them to the Town where the gang are, hearing about how it's nice and close to some woods, good clean air, and he did some digging and saw nothing about Hunters being in the town because the Forest and its wildlife are supposed to be protected.
Cole is trying to figure out what to do for his mother and always goes out to the woods at night to let himself be a wolf, especially because he doesn't have complete control of his transformation like Lily.
Unfortunately Hunters did follow them.
The Hunters one day went to eat at the Noodle Shop and talked about going hunting in the Woods. Kai overheard, and he knows the Woods are not to be hunted in. Kai tried leaving a voicemail to Skylor but his phone unfortunately died mid message. He wasn't sneaky enough about it and the Hunters did notice.
At the end of his shift, locking up the Noodle Shop, Kai is jumped by the Hunters so they don't have a goody goody try and ruin their hunt.
Kai managed to get away and did run off into the woods, hoping to lead them off his tail, not find their way to his house, while also hoping to manage to get home through the woods.
Kai of course loses the Hunters, but unfortunately his ankle did get sprained pretty bad and he stops to sit against a tree once he's sure he's safe.
That's when Cole finds him after smelling some of his blood.
Kai never heard of any reports of wolves in the woods, especially none that are 6ft tall. So understandably, Kai freezes up in fear while also knowing he wouldn't get anywhere if he tried.
Cole approaches, luckily just have hunted something himself so Kai's blood doesn't affect his hunter instincts too much.
Cole slowly approaches Kai before licking his wounds. He turns Kai around and grabs him by the back of his jacket, carrying him off to his little den he set up for when he's out in the woods.
Kai freaks out and is about to yell before he hears the distant sound of a Jeep driving through the woods which leads him to shut up in fear its the hunters.
This also has Cole rush to the den.
The den is set up with a large bedroll, campfire and few other necessities because Cole goes to it when he's a human as well. It surprises Kai, but he doesn't complain when the big wolf sets him down and carries over a first aid kit.
Even after patching himself up, Kai still can't get up, but it seems the Wolf in front of him basically saved him and maybe has an owner. Plus, out of fear of running into the hunters, he decides okay he'll stay for the night.
Cole does notice Kai starts shivering when trying to sleep, so he goes over to offer some warmth. Kai while uneasy with a big wolf next to him, accepts it, not wanting to risk going against it and it is nice.
This leads to both of them falling asleep and Cole completely forgetting he's going to change back in the morning.
So Kai wakes up being hugged by this large shirtless man. His screaming wakes Cole up, leading him to screaming as well as the scramble to get apart.
The den is surprisingly close to Kai's house, so as Nya is about to head out on her bike to find out why Kai didn't come home last night, she hears him screaming in the woods.
After the screaming stops, Kai and Cole stare at each other. Kai in complete bewilderment, glancing around for that wolf from last night unaware it was Cole. Cole meanwhile is frozen, slapping himself mentally for some reason helping this random stranger as a wolf and not thinking about him turning back in the morning.
Nya calls out for Kai though, drawing his attention away from Cole and allowing him a moment to slip away.
Kai after realizing he was left alone, decides to get up, limping out of the den to call out to Nya.
Kai is brought home and his wounds are more properly treated. A call to Skylor to look out for the guys that jumped Kai and to let her know what's up.
Kai tells the story about the Wolf. Lloyd gets excited wanting to find a big nice Wolf himself, but Nya quickly dismisses it to it most likely just being a dream passing out in the woods. Hoping to delude Lloyd from going and searching the woods for said Wolf, while also not believing it herself.
Kai is basically forced to stay home till they know the Hunters aren't going to go after him again, and to heal up his ankle.
Kai keeps thinking about that night while during his little house arrest, and even dreams of the man he woke up next to, turning into the 6ft Wolf that helped him.
One night when he's okay to walk again and Nya is at Jay's house with Lloyd to help him study, and for a little sleepover, Kai sneaks out back to the woods, finding the den again and hopes to come across the Wolf again.
Cole wanders in as a wolf and freezes noticing Kai waiting for him. He was no different from Kai, constantly thinking about the other in numerous ways since their encounter.
Cole unfortunately wasn't so prepared for another meeting and turns to run away, but finds himself freezing when Kai cries out "Wait!"
Kai slowly approaches Cole.
"You can understand me, can't you?" Cole looks Kai in the eyes and nods to Kai's slight surprise.
"Are you that guy I woke up next to?" Cole whines in response, in fear of Kai knowing.
"It's okay! I... well its little weird to think about, but... wow I was actually right? Haha, I don't know how to feel about this, but I won't go ratting you out don't worry!" Cole's ears perk up in surprise.
That's when the familiar sound of a Jeep reaches both their ears. Smelling the air, Cole whines, recognizing the smell of Hunters, moving to turn and run again, but Kai stops him again.
Kai offers and brings Cole back to his house to help hide him. Cole feels like he should reject, and not trust so easily, but he finds himself following Kai easily.
That's when Kai walks in with Cole, ducking through the back door and see Nya and Lloyd who just got home because the sleep over got cancelled.
After a lot of panic and explaining later, Nya agrees to help out Cole, wanting more explaining from him if Kai saying him turning into a human is true.
Lloyd is very excited to see such a big wolf and starts talking to Cole a lot. It surprises Cole, but he also finds it enjoyable to see a kid so excited to actually see him like this after growing up and being told by Lou he should never show his secret to anyone.
Lloyd does bring Meowthra to Cole, and while Kai and Nya were expecting the usual Cat vs Dog or this case, Wolf, Meowthra surprisingly really likes Cole and they get along fine.
Lloyd helps Kai give food to Cole once they hear the wolf's tummy growl.
The next morning, Cole wakes up in the living room as human and he does explain what he is. Pleading for the trio of siblings to not say anything, especially after he smelled Hunters and learned they're the ones who hurt Kai. They of course agree to the promise.
This starts the cycle of Cole coming over some nights as a Wolf and staying the night.
Cole is excited to talk to people again after being on the run and being hidden for so long and a nice distraction from worrying about his mother.
Kai finds himself wanting to spend more and more time with Cole until he realizes he's actually falling in love with a werewolf.
Overtime the rest of the friend group also accidentally learn about Cole but agree to keep the secret. Jay especially being really happy to see his childhood friend again and getting an explanation why he disappeared so long ago.
Kai find himself talking a lot about Cole to his siblings and Skylor. Cole does the same to Jay about Kai.
Of course they do confess at some point. Or basically forced to by everyone.
Cole keeps all this a secret from Lou because his father has grown to always have a constant worry of his son and wife being hurt because their Wolf sides. He talks to Lily about everyone though when he thinks she's asleep, but she does hear it all and is happy to hear her son is happy. She doesn't tell Lou until Cole is ready.
Cole is a clingly bf when him and Kai are together, being very touch starved from only having his mom & dad for so long. Kai loves attention, so it works out perfectly.
Cole as a wolf will sometimes just pick up Kai to bring him t lay down with and enjoy cuddles. When human, he loves to come up from behind for a hug.
Kai brought Cole to work one day and Cole fell in love with the food there ofc.
When Cole first ate cake around the others, he was a wolf and they did immediately get scared with mindset of chocolate bad for dogs. Morning came and Cole reassured he was fine and is still okay to eat anything he can as a human, as a wolf.
Cole does still struggle with gaining control of his transformation but that mainly affects to him turning into a wolf every night. Lily can turn into a wolf anytime she wants.
However sometimes Cole finds himself losing to his wolf instincts and needs to hunt or gets hostile.
First time Cole loses himself as a wolf he is hostile, but Kai slowly approaches him, treating it like he would for Lloyd when he has panic attacks, and brings Cole out of it. Mostly succeeding to get close because Cole smells his own scent on Kai.
They all do try and pitch in to find a way to help Lily, and stop the Hunters.
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