#Link is a wolffish for reasons
grooviestsadpapaya · 4 months
Some mermay stuff with the soh crew but they’re just kinda. Different characters altogether. Also human Remedy and Valor
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basically-sera-blog · 6 years
How to become a pirate.
“Even if you won’t go back to the army, you could still band together your old crew, go into business for yourself.” Dorian had been pressing the issue of Hissrad’s departure since they captured a massive ship from the tavinter navy. It was gorgeous, powerful “just like you” the general had said. They were all excited to get it, to show those corrupt vints, Dorian excluded of course, what they could do. Then, as they were sailing away, they realized General Hissrad wasn’t with them. A massive explosion at the docks prevented the navy from following them. They were sure... Dorian was sure he had lost him. Two days passed in abject misery before the small thunk of a lifeboat against their hull and Hissrad was there, gloriously alive and smiling, if missing a leg. Dorian had wanted to kiss him, strangle him, kick him into the ocean, forbid him from ever leaving their room again. Everything Dorian had thought he’d never be allowed to feel for someone he felt for this mountain of a man and it terrified him.
“My crew was drifting in a badly damaged ship towards open sea or the devils teeth. Either they sank and drowned or they’ve tried their luck and ended up on some rocky island getting eaten by demons. Either way, I’m alone. I want to be here, why can’t you just accept that?”
Dorian eyes the man in front of him suspiciously. “I’m the one who crippled your ship, doomed your crew, and a bit of fun and you’re over it?” His stare is piercing, searching for some answer in the giant man in front of him. Everything about Dorian’s dear general, as Risah called him, was a mystery.
General Hissrad leaned in, matching the Prince’s stare. “You didn’t kill my people. You didn’t even try to damage the ship that badly. If the qunari army had come, they would have been saved. That’s what you’re asking me to go back to, an army that would leave my people to die the second I wasn’t on board. The qun don’t take kindly to outcasts, and that’s what you’re looking at, an outcast.”
The intensity in that one eye, the deep throaty way hissrad spoke, Dorian could feel himself gravitating towards a kiss, here, out in the open. Before he never could have imagined showing such affection where anyone could see him. How much this giant, gentle man had changed in so short a time. Dorian’s eyes fluttered closed as Hissrad leaned in
“CAPTAIN?! CAPTAIN!” Dorian’s eyes flew open at the call, but he didn’t recognize the man’s voice. A ragtag group had entered the tavern and was making their way towards him. He pulled a pistol below the table, aiming at the short tevinter in the front, unsure of what was happening. Across from him however his companion is jumping to his feet, a massive grin plastered on his face.
“Krem? Chargers?! I thought you were dead!” As the massive qunari ran towards them patrons absentmindedly lifted their drinks to keep them from spilling, some of them losing a table as he ambled past. Normally Hissrad was very careful about his size, but right now he made a straight line for the door. Dorian carefully followed, behind him some of his crew moved to get a better look. Risah stealthily went out the side, angling to intercept them. The group was polite enough to move whatever this was outside so as not to further disturb the patrons.
Dorian raised an eyebrow when Hissrad pulled the other man into a bone crushing hug. He relaxed a little when each member of the group was given the same. Hissrad beamed happily.
“I’m assuming this is your crew?” Dorian was greeted with happy nods.
“Well, seeing as everyone’s alive you can all retur
“Fuck that.” The tevinter said. His eyes were embers, his voice heavy to counter Dorian’s flippant tone.
“Krem, what” the qunari looked at Krem.
“We’ve been looking for you captain, we’re happy to see you, but if that’s the way you’re going, we won’t follow you.” Krem took an almost protective stance in front of the rest of the crew. Each of them bore a new scar or wound from when Hissrad last saw them, and their eyes showed something more raw than he was used to.
“The Qun abandoned us, hell, they sailed right past us, made sure we knew that they weren’t coming.” Krem spat out. Hissrad places a gentle hand on Krem’s shoulder.
“We’re not going back to the army, Krem. Not ever.” The last part seemed to be more aimed at Dorian than at Krem. Part of Dorian wanted to let it go, to stand beside the handsome giant he called his, to meet these people as an equal. That would mean letting go, forgetting everything he’d learned to survive, placing everything on those broad shoulders and he just couldn’t. What if? What if somehow it all still went wrong?
“Now that you have your crew back, you can find a ship, maybe work as mercenaries.” Dorian intends to be light but it comes out cruel. Leave, he seems to say, leave before this gets more painful.
“Dorian...” Hissrad’s voice is gentle but insistent and Dorian hates that he knows Hissrad is right. His lover had never given him a reason to distrust him, hell, Hissrad had saved his life more times than anyone. Almost anyone.
“Come now Dorian, no need for that. We just stole a big shiny ship thanks to Hissrad, we could stay here and try to hire a crew of assholes, or we could take on Hissrad’s friends.” Risah turned towards the newcomers, having slipped up on the happy reunion when they weren’t paying attention. Dorian wasn’t sure of how long she’d been there, but it had probably been the whole time.
“How do you feel about piracy?” She smiles wide.
“Beats the army.” Krem replies. His eyes are trying very hard not to give Risah a once over. He succeeds, mostly.
“You aren’t the captain.” Dorian growls at her.
“No” she says sarcastically. “I’m only his best friend. Can I talk to you?” The two leave General Hissrad to catch up with his crew and dart uneasy looks their way. He isn’t really scared that Dorian will abandon him, but he hates to see him this way.
“What do you think you’re” Dorian starts.
“Dorian, hush.” Risah interrupts. “I know you well enough by now to know what this whole charade about Hissrad leaving is about. You’re trying to avoid that feeling, that pain. You can’t. You just have to realize this is the best thing in your life and hold onto it. Don’t you think I’m scared, every time Cullen is beside me, that I might lose him? If he wasn’t there, if I’d pushed him away, then I’d have already lost him, though. It’ll be ok Dorian. It’s ok to be happy. We won’t die.” She smiles and gently touches his handsome face.
“Ever?” Dorian asks hesitantly, daring to look at her face. It’s comforting and open and he knows she’d do anything for him.
“Never, ever.” It’s a lie, but in the best way. She’s right of course. He knows what he really wants. He smiles at his friend.
“Sometimes YOU are the best thing in my life.” Dorian said, making Risah laugh.
“Oh don’t I know it. Now, let’s put on our handsome pirate prince face and try this again because you’re meeting your beloved’s friends for the first time and you’re making a complete ass of yourself.” Dorian laughs too and decides to make the best of it. The best of a new life, with a new crew who would lay down their lives for him. A love who saw all of him and adored it, and was never ashamed. A gorgeous ship with a powerful sea below it and no one who could stop him. They turn to join the group and Hissrad no longer looks nervous. Dorian links arms with him as casually as he can, trying to appear debonaire as he surveys the group.
“Well, amatus,” Krem’s eyebrows raise at the name before he breaks out in a wolffish grin at Hissrad. “Now that you’re all part of my crew I think proper introductions are in order.”
It was more than Dorian could have ever dreamed of for himself, and it was perfect.
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greaseonmymouth · 7 years
4, 5, 20 - for Iceland, because I just realized I know pretty much nothing about this country?
I’ve done 20 already. :)
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
SALTKJÖT OG BAUNIR. (also everything cod, haddock, atlantic wolffish, and that fish that isn’t salmon that i don’t know the name of in english. with the exception of plokkfiskur (a dish, not a type of fish), which i can eat maybe 3 bites of before i get nauseous.) saltkjöt og baunir is soup made from yellow split peas and salted meat, usually lamb, sometimes pork. the salt from the meat is enough to salt the soup (you boil the meat separately and add it into the soup afterwards, or it gets oversalted). the soup is thick, and the way we make it in my family is we usually add a bit of carrot and a root vegetable wikipedia is telling me is a rutabaga. potatoes can also be added. 
i can’t even explain why i love this dish so much, it’s just. always tasty. (and probably also the reason why i like finnish hernekeitto so much! the flavour profile is very similar, though the finnish hernekeitto is green and rather more vomit-looking.)
5. favourite song in your native language?
oh no, that’s a difficult one :’’’D i can’t give you just one, so i’m going to link you a few.
(and actually, his entire 3 heimar album, which is super super queer. i owned that one (stole it from my mum) and the album the above song is from (also stole it from my mum).)
so, every summer, in my hometown, there’s a BIG PARTY. it’s called þjóðhátíð which translates literally to “nation celebration” ?? it’s a big get together in the valley, with live music and lots of drinking (and naturally, a rape and drug problem), with kid friendly activities during the day. there’s a lot of singing in plenum! singing along! etc. it’s sponsored by the local football clubs (there’s two) every year, they trade off. or at least that’s how it used to be. and every year, there’s a new song written for that year’s event, that people will be singing not just in the valley, but around town, on the shuttle bus, in the tents, etc. this one is so far my all time favourite. (some of the other songs are gross - one of the most popular ones is full of slurs directed at women and is essentially a rape anthem, sigh - but this one is just uplifting and nice and full of love for life.)
last song: i always link this one on my journal (lj, then dw after i switched) in early december, because HEY CHRISTMAS.
(”hi, i’m not from the US” ask meme)
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
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Curse Of The Moon
Author: @afangirlsplaylist
Rating: Teens and Up
Warnings: Blood, description of human and animal injuries (not too graphic)
Word count: 3,514
Summary: Link doesn’t make it home after work on one night that changes both of their lives forever. (Terrible summary and title, I’m open to suggestions)
Happy (late) Halloween! (  @scarystoriestotellintherhink )
Unlike most of the world Rhett didn’t look forward to when the moon was high and full in the night sky. It was a curse more than something to be admired, and if it was a curse for him that wasn’t anything to what it was like for his best friend.
Link grew quiet and cold the closer the days drew to a full moon. He never faltered on camera but when the crew went home and they were the only ones there, it was normal for Rhett to find him brooding alone, drinking a beer on the couch.
Talking was useless. That was the hardest part for Rhett to get used to. Link was usually the one person he could talk through anything with, had been for decades. It was probably the reason they’d been able to hold onto their friendship in the first place. But the Link in the days before an impending full moon - was not that man.
He’d stare into the beer like he was planning on falling into it - hardly acknowledging Rhett’s footsteps. They didn't drink much anymore - between the demands of family and work there was little time for it. But all it took was a glance at the high windows - where the blinds were shut tight to block out the view of the taunting moon, for Rhett to figure it out. If Link did take notice of him it was to cast a dark look in his direction, a look Rhett had only ever seen when Link was truly upset. Back off. I don’t want to talk.
He knew it was the night of a full moon (not that he could ever forget) when he’d walk in and find Link without a beer in his hand. Instead, he’d be staring blankly at the opposite wall with sweat pouring off his face - His hands and body shaking with slight tremors. It was as if he was cold, even though they were in the middle of the late afternoon L.A heat and the AC was off. It wasn’t until the sun had almost fallen completely that Link took notice of Rhett, as the taller man moved to lift him up.
Link stirred to attention groggily when Rhett had pulled him off the couch and got an arm around his waist, easily guiding him to the loft stairs. In such a state Link wasn’t much help, and Rhett was thankful, every time, that Link was so light.
One step up - Link could feel the tall body gripping his waist and pressing tightly to his side, a soft beard brushing against his cheek.
Two steps up - he inhales air sharply, grogginess and confusion giving way to keen wolf-ish senses. He's overwhelmingly aware of Rhett’s smell now, something that haunted him when he'd first turned. It's something like sandalwood and petrichor, and he worried, whenever he caught Rhett’s scent across the office in the days after - whether the familiar smell would spark the wolf in him and send him rushing to attack his friend. It took three moons before he felt safe that it wouldn't.
Six steps up - feral anger and survival instinct rises up within him. He tries to throw Rhett off but Rhett knows it’s coming and doubles his grip, used to it from years of childhood wrestling.
By the time Rhett throws open the loft door Link is almost gone.
He’d learned how to tune out the way Link would cry, scream and shake as he chained him to the specially installed steel post in their loft - his forehead now shiny with sweat. The only thing that kept Rhett going was a desire to keep Link and everyone in the vicinity of the studio safe. He reminded himself, as he pulled the chain tight around the post - that the desperate pleas were just the wolf talking. That every second Link begged for him to stop, or spat rage at him for doing this, wasn’t real. But it was hard, as the lock of the chain clicked into place, to ignore it. The whimpers escaping Link’s lips already had a wolffish edge to them, but the sad, broken and betrayed look in his watery eyes was all Link.
Don't leave me alone
How could you?
The Link that was still in there was practically screaming for him. The same Link he'd kept secrets for over three decades. The same Link he’d let come over to his house and cry out his heartbreak on his shoulder when he was broken enough to let go of his pride. He needed him. Just like the first time Link had needed him and he'd failed. When some... thing had sunk its teeth into Link’s arm in the first place. He was meant to be there to protect him, and he hadn't been.
It’d been a rare occasion where they drove into work separately. He could hear a sick and fussy Lando through the phone when Link had called, saying something about running late. So Rhett drove to work ahead of him. He’d wondered, when he was brave enough to think about it - what might have happened if they’d carpooled, or if Link had made it into his car and drove home that night.
But he didn’t like to think about that.
Link had seemed so absorbed in his work that evening, his eyes fixated on his laptop - that Rhett left before him. He knew Link well enough not to disturb him, so he’d made the mistake of leaving Link alone to close the studio.  
It was nothing he hadn't done plenty of times before, and it was easy enough to pretend he could never have seen it coming. But if he HAD been there…. he could've fought it off. He could've talked Link into going home early. He could've taken the bite himself.
He felt sick to his stomach at himself just thinking about it.
In fact, he hadn't known anything was wrong until hours later, when he was woken by a call from a panicked Christy.
Link hadn't come home.
Rhett’s eyes widened when he cast a sleepy glance at his alarm clock. 4am. A whole ten hours since he'd left Link at the office.
There was no way Link wouldn't be home by now without an explanation or call. He knew it even as he muttered useless assurances to Christy.
Unfortunately for him, Christy was far from a stupid woman and it didn't help at all.
“I’ll head back to the studio, call me if he comes home.” Rhett urged.
His hands fumbled for his clothes on the floor by his bed while Jessie stirred with concern at the sound of his voice.
“It's Link.” He told her, and there was no need for him to say anything more.
Shoving his clothes on he hurried to his car, barely holding the speed limit as he peeled out of the drive. His knee bounced and his fingers tapped at the wheel, relaxing only when he turned the final bend.
He hoped to see lights on at the studio. To find Link slumped asleep in his chair with his phone dead on the desk. But as the studio came into view it was completely dark inside.
His heart sunk the moment he pulled into the lot and found Link’s car still in its spot with the door wide open. The man, Rhett knew, was a paranoid creature of habit, so it didn’t take long for the sight to flood him with panic like ice water.
“Link! LINK!”
He screamed his name into the air but was answered by nothing but crickets.
Looking over the car in a frenzy - his fear only heightened when he found Link’s phone on the ground by the door; then graduated into sheer terror when he spotted a few drops of blood feet from the phone.
“Shit.” He muttered, slamming the door shut and following the trail of droplets with his eyes. “Link!”
His fingers itched over his own phone for a moment, half tempted to dial 911. But the sight of the blood stopped him. Just the thought of waiting for the police, tapping his foot while Link might be bleeding out there in the dark - was enough to drive him crazy. So he pocketed his phone and went on alone.
The blood, still staining the ground in blessedly tiny drops, trailed out of the carpark and ended at the edge of the woods across the road. From there it was too dark to see anything more than leaves on the ground ahead, and Rhett’s mind raced with thoughts and explanations.
What if he'd been dragged here?
What if he was hurt or dead?
Resisting the urge to call out again in case there was more than Link in there - Rhett stumbled deeper into the woods in search of him. He wished, too late, that he had water, a flashlight or even some kind of weapon - suddenly feeling incredibly vulnerable.
He’d been walking for close to fifteen minutes, growing more anxious by the second - when he saw it. A pair of bright yellow eyes peering out from a bush. Startled, he stumbled and tripped, crawling backwards on his elbows as fast as they could carry him. When he looked up the eyes had gone as quickly as they’d appeared, but he could still sense something there. He was just about to turn heel when he heard a sob that made him pause, a howl-ish whimper that sounded almost human. Almost…. familiar.
Getting to his feet, Rhett stood up and picked up the nearest, thick branch - walking slowly toward where the eyes had been.
“Link?” He called tentatively.
Another sob - louder and more obvious this time, broke the night air, and Rhett was sure, this time, that it was human. Still clutching the branch tight, he pushed the bush aside and raised the branch above his head in instinct.
It was Link.
Groaning with relief, Rhett dropped the branch at his feet but immediately realized something was wrong.
Link’s eyes weren't bright yellow anymore, more a dull bronze that - as Rhett watched in amazement, were already turning navy. Link’s clothes were in tatters and matted blood covered his chest between the rips. He was a shadow of his best friend, but the shaggy dark hair was unmistakable.
It was a few seconds before Link noticed he was there, but his eyes were at last bright blue again when he threw himself at Rhett - almost knocking him to the ground. He continued to sob as he wrapped his bloody, dirt covered arms around Rhett’s shoulders, gripping almost too tight.
It was then, when Rhett turned his head and held him close - that he noticed the large wound on Link’s arm. It was so long and gash like that he guessed something had sunk its teeth into Link’s arm and drawn them downwards, like nails on a chalkboard.
“Gosh Link. What the heck happened?”
But Link couldn't speak to give an answer. He shook and desperately clawed for grip at Rhett’s back between sobs. Clawing with, for just a moment - nails that felt sharper than he knew Link’s to be before they eased up again.
“Help me out here brother.” Rhett pleaded, holding Link at arm's length and beginning to tear off a piece of the brunette’s ruined shirt.
The best Link could do was throw one arm over Rhett’s shoulder for balance, leaving Rhett to tend to his other arm.
It was still wet to the touch and mangled, the stretch of fabric in Rhett’s hand no where near enough to truly cover it. He could only hope it would do for now as he knotted it tight, assured that the worst of the bleeding was over at least. It wasn’t until he was satisfied Link wasn’t about to die that he turned his attention to the blood on his chest.
“Where’s this blood from?” Rhett asked, but the question seemed to be beyond Link - who could hardly stand.
“Link, where's the blood from?” He tried again.
“Not mine.” Link muttered weakly. “Not mine.”
Frightened now, Rhett pressed a hand to it. “Whose is it? Do you know?”
Link merely shook his head. “Dunno.”
“Shit.” Rhett cursed under his brief again, pressing his free hand to his forehead. “Okay, hold on.”
He took a moment to send one brief text to Christy before shoving his phone back into his pants, tugging Link’s arm tighter around his shoulder. Explanations could come later. Now he had to get Link to safety.
He had no idea if Link had any idea what was happening but the brunette made no objection when Rhett started walking him back the way he’d come. On the way he peered around them even more closely than he had on the way there - and it wasn't long before they found the source of the blood.
Just off the path were the remains of what must have been a beautiful adult doe, strewn across the ground of the woods. They could only guess a coyote had got to the rest of it (Link, already dry heaving as he slowly gathered himself, didn’t like to think of the alternative.)
Gritting his teeth, Rhett dragged Link away from the sight and further down the path quickly, breathing easier only when the emerged at the roadside. Rhett considered them lucky, as they ambled across the road - that there were no cars passing to see them.
Sunshine was beginning to filter into the studio when Rhett set Link down on the couch, before turning and promptly collapsing into his own chair.
But he didn’t dare close his eyes. Even as Link gave into exhaustion Rhett didn’t so much as blink. It was as if he was worried Link would be gone again when he opened them.
So he waited.
He made calls, raided the first aid supplies and tended to Link. But mostly he sat, his chair facing the couch - until Link woke up.
When he finally talked Link hardly remembered anything.
He remembered leaving the studio and setting their alarm. He remembered walking across the parking lot, and he remembered sharp pains the moment he opened his car door. Beyond that his memories were foggy, up until they’d left the woods.
“But what was it?” Rhett asked. “A coyote?”
Link’s brow furrowed in thought. “No.”
“Dog? Bear?” Rhett suggested, but Link shook his head to both.
“Crazy person?” Rhett pressed, teeth gritting at the thought. “Wolf?”
“Yes.” Link answered.
Rhett raised an eyebrow. “It was a crazy person?”
“Yes.” Link said, and then shook his head. “No. Not really”
Link nodded, his expression more sure now. “Yes.”
Thoroughly confused, Rhett looked at him in interest. “Which one is it?”
Link paused, looking at Rhett as if scared of what he was about to say.
“It… kind of looked like both.”
That was when Rhett recalled the sharp nails digging into his back, the yellow eyes and the small howl he heard in the woods. As if looking for something his gaze travelled to Link’s fingers, which were still slightly red and pointed - then to Link’s arm, which was already mostly healed.
By the end of the hour and some intensive googling they knew. They said the word.
It took all the hot water the building had, and two pots of coffee, to rid themselves of the physical and mental dirtiness. After a trip to the dressing room Link’s tattered clothes were trashed. “I don't want to see those again.” Link had said firmly.
Link didn't leave the studio for three days.
Rhett had told him everything he’d seen in the woods, and it was enough for Link to make up his mind.
Rhett argued that he was fine and Christy had to be worried, but Link started listing off, in a hysterical panic - everyone that doe could have been. Lincoln… Lilly… Lando… Christy… Jessie… Locke… Shepherd… a simple cop doing a search… or Rhett himself. It was too much for either to ignore.
So they rearranged their schedule and set up quarters. Taking three days until Link felt safe to leave until the next moon. Rhett had flat out refused to buy chains or a pole but Link insisted, allowing him no option. 
“Besides.” Link had snickered, as he attempted to lighten the mood. “It’s funny to imagine their faces while you’re buying those.”
“Ha. Ha.” Rhett retorted dryly.
If Rhett had his way he'd lock Link in the warmth and safety of his own bedroom, but Link didn't want to be anywhere near his family when he turned so they had no choice but to use the isolation of their loft.  
It hurt Rhett’s soul to walk away with Link so distraught, crying for him to stay - and every full moon he hesitated with his finger on the light switch. The cries soon devolved into whines and howls in the darkness as Rhett determinedly flipped the light switch and turned to leave, unwilling to watch the wolf take over.                                    
He hates that the last thing he usually sees before he turns out the lights is the yellow tinge to Link’s eyes - tainting the blue. Something about it made him feel scared, yet also made the corners of his eyes prickle with near tears. Somewhere in the yellowing iris’ he could see Link dying behind his eyes, until he wasn’t there at all. Only the wolf. Even if there was no danger in staying Rhett didn't think he could - it was too much to sit in the loft and watch his friend die inside.
But coming back to him was worse.      
Rhett usually ascended the stairs and unlocked the door of the loft to silence, dawn illuminating Link in the corner of the room. Link wouldn’t say a word for several minutes, sitting against the pole with his head on his knees. Rhett knew better, after the first few moons - than to immediately release and comfort him, as much as he wanted to. Instead he slid carefully down the wall next to Link and sat beside him, waiting until Link would let him touch him without snarling or jerking out of his touch.
When Link relaxed, Rhett gently released Link’s hands and feet from the chains. He winced in sympathy and was careful of Link’s wrists, which were red and scarred from straining against the bonds all night - before laying the chains aside.
Rhett would get up without a word - returning with a warm, damp, rag. It was just long enough for Link’s eyes to turn and it was a relief to see the familiar blue as he pressed the rag against Link’s forehead.
“Hey, man.” Rhett said with a small smile.
“Hey.” Link said weakly, leaning his head back against the post. “Did I do anything last night?”
Instantly he sat up, looking around the room for any signs. When all he found were some fresh scratches to the pole and some welts to his wrists he sighed in relief.
“You’re fine.” Rhett assured him.
Pressing a hand against Link’s face he felt it before he reapplied the rag, immediately wiping his hand on his pants.
“Urgh.” Rhett said with comedic exaggeration. “You're so clammy.”
Link laughed. “Shut up.”
Rhett kept the mood light as he pressed the rag all over the wet, damp spots of Link’s face again, wiping away the signs of the night. When he felt Link sleepily leaning into the cool material, he slowly tugged it away and threw it into another corner.
No matter how many times he did this he never knew what to say at this point, so he racked his mind for a story.
“You remember that night you got hungover?” Rhett asked. “And you had to pretend to be sober at my house?”
Link grinned weakly. “I couldn't even walk straight, your mom had to be playing along.”
“She had a soft spot for you,” Rhett said. “I couldn't get away with any of that.”
“Well, you were a little troublemaker.” Link teased.
Rhett shrugged and punched Link lightly on the arm. “At least I didn’t get slapped in a library.”
Link tried to respond but it came out as a small hum, his eyes fluttering closed a little in exhaustion. He tried once more to say something but his head just lulled to the side, landing on Rhett’s shoulder.
Used to this after so many times, Rhett grasped Link under the arm and tugged him to his feet - leaving his shoulder at the perfect height for Link’s head to rest on.
As much as he teased at poked fun at Link for the quirk, the moment Link’s mouth went slack in the midst of sleep would always make Rhett smile. He had his friend again.
At least until the next moon.
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Top 6 Food Groups Rich In Tryptophan – Why Should You Eat Them?
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/top-6-food-groups-rich-in-tryptophan-why-should-you-eat-them/
Top 6 Food Groups Rich In Tryptophan – Why Should You Eat Them?
Swathi Handoo January 25, 2019
There is a reason amino acids are called the ‘building blocks of life.’ Without these biomolecules, you cannot sleep, wake up, eat, or even breathe! Out of the 20 genetically coded amino acids, a few need to be supplemented by your diet to meet your body’s needs. These are called essential amino acids. One of them is tryptophan. And it means serious business!
Tryptophan is the building block of several neurotransmitters and hormones. These chemicals control your mood, sleep, and hunger cycles. Therefore, it becomes imperative to provide your body with enough tryptophan. But how? Worry not, we’ve got a lot! Read on to know the top foods with tryptophan and a lot more.
Table Of Contents
What Is Tryptophan? Why Is It So Important?
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. It is the precursor of a neurochemical called serotonin (1). Serotonin takes care of the regulation of your mood, anxiety, and depression.
Serotonin is made from tryptophan in two steps. The concentration of tryptophan in your brain controls the rate of serotonin synthesis. This means, lower the levels of tryptophan in your brain, lesser the rate of serotonin synthesis. Low serotonin in the brain may lead to depression, anxiety, and, in some cases, insomnia.
Tryptophan also gets converted into another important active ingredient – vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide). This vitamin, along with other principles, takes care of growth and development in children and adults (2).
Since it is involved in such critical processes, your body needs a constant supply of tryptophan. Can it be done?
Well, no. Your body cannot produce enough tryptophan to meet all its needs. You need to provide this amino acid externally through diet. This is why it is called an essential amino acid (2).
Simply put, if you eat foods rich in tryptophan regularly, there will be enough tryptophan in your body. Sufficient tryptophan in your brain’s pool ensures optimal serotonin synthesis. This means you can have a good night’s sleep!
Now comes the big question – which foods are rich in tryptophan?
Scroll to the next section for the answer!
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What Are The Dietary Sources Of Tryptophan?
Check out the lists below to know how much of tryptophan your favorite foods contain.
1. Fruits
Fruit Tryptophan Content (g/cup) Apricots (dehydrated, uncooked) 0.104 Plantains (yellow, baked) 0.029 Kiwifruit (green, raw) 0.027 Mangoes (raw) 0.021 Oranges (raw, unpeeled) 0.020 Cherries (sweet, with pits, raw) 0.012 Papaya (raw) 0.012 Figs (raw) 0.004 Pears (raw) 0.003 Apples (raw, peeled) 0.001
Source: USDA, USDA Food Composition Databases
2. Vegetables
Vegetable Tryptophan Content (g/cup) Soybeans (green, raw) 0.402 Cowpeas (blackeyes, boiled) 0.167 Lima beans (boiled) 0.151 Potatoes (scalloped with butter) 0.103 Garlic (raw) 0.090 Kidney beans (sprouted, raw) 0.081 Broccoli (boiled, no salt) 0.059 Asparagus (boiled, no salt) 0.052 Brussels sprouts (raw) 0.033 Mung beans (sprouted, boiled) 0.035 Cauliflower (green, raw) 0.025 Onions (raw, chopped) 0.022 Carrots (raw) 0.015 Okra (raw, frozen) 0.013 Spinach (raw) 0.012 Kale (raw) 0.007 Leeks (boiled, no salt) 0.007 per leek
Source: USDA, USDA Food Composition Databases
3. Nuts And Seeds
Nuts/Seeds Tryptophan Content (g/cup) Pumpkin seed kernels (roasted, salted) 0.0671 Butternuts (dried) 0.439 Sunflower seed kernels (oil roasted) 0.413 Almonds (dry roasted) 0.288 Hazelnuts (chopped) 0.222 Lotus seeds (dried) 0.071 Safflower seed meal 0.114 Chestnuts (boiled) 0.010
Source: USDA, USDA Food Composition Databases
4. Seafood
Product Tryptophan Content (g/measure) Yellowtail fish (cooked) 0.485/0.5 fillet Bluefish (raw) 0.336/fillet Spiny lobster (cooked) 0.313/3 oz. Queen Crab (cooked) 0.281/3 oz. Salmon (wild, coho, cooked) 0.260/3 oz. Tuna (white, canned in oil) 0.252/3 oz. Mahimahi (cooked) 0.226/ 3 oz. Herring (pickled) 0.223/cup Atlantic cod (canned) 0.217/3 oz. Blue mussels (raw) 0.200/cup Mackerel (raw) 0.184/3 0z. Wolffish (Atlantic, raw) 0.167/3 oz. Octopus (raw) 0.142/3 oz. Oyster (wild, eastern, cooked) 0.117/3 oz.
Source: USDA, USDA Food Composition Databases
5. Dairy Products
Dairy product Tryptophan Content (g/cup) Mozzarella cheese 0.727 Cheddar cheese 0.722 Swiss cheese 0.529 Parmesan cheese (grated) 0.383 American cheese spread 0.335 Feta cheese (crumbled) 0.300 Whey (dried, sweet) 0.297 Mexican cheese (Queso chihuahua) 0.261 Cottage cheese (creamed) 0.166 Ricotta cheese (part skim milk) 0.157/½ cup Milk (3.7% milk fat) 0.112 Camembert cheese 0.087/oz. Egg (whole, raw, fresh) 0.083/piece Cream (fluid, heavy whipping) 0.079 Yogurt (whole milk, plain) 0.034/container Cream cheese 0.010/tablespoon Sour cream (cultured) 0.005/tablespoon Butter (salted) 0.001/pat(1″sq, 1/3″ high)
Source: USDA, USDA Food Composition Databases
6. Cereal Grains And Pasta
Product Tryptophan Content (g/cup) Barley meal 0.259 Pasta (plain) 0.183/4 oz. All-purpose flour 0.159 Rice (white, long-grain, raw) 0.154 Rice flour (brown) 0.145 Sorghum flour (whole grain) 0.128 Corn grain (white) 0.111 Teff (cooked) 0.103 Somen noodles (Japanese, dry) 0.083/2 oz. Corn flour (yellow, enriched) 0.071 Cooked rice with salt (long grain, white) 0.049 Rice noodles (cooked) 0.039
Source: USDA, USDA Food Composition Databases
The charts prove that there is a lot of tryptophan around us. We only have to choose the right ingredients and make our meals tasty. Also, most of these ingredients taste yum!
While you are prepping to whip up some tryptophan-boosting dishes, let me quickly brief you about how tryptophan benefits you.
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What Are The Benefits Of Boosting Tryptophan Through Diet?
1. Can Reduce Anxiety, Depression, And Aggression
The synthesis of critical neurochemicals is dependent on tryptophan. This essential amino acid gets converted to serotonin. Several studies found that a deficiency in serotonin was responsible for anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness.
These studies revealed that people who followed diets rich in tryptophan (>10 mg/kg of bodyweight) had lesser episodes of depression and anxiety. Irritability was lower in controls and subjects that had a history of depression and anxiety (1).
It is also noteworthy that optimal supplementation of tryptophan (along with other therapeutic agents) can reduce aggression in subjects with depression, ADHD, and other behavioral disorders (3).
2. Controls Mood Swings During PMS
Tryptophan can reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in sexually active women. Subjects receiving about 6 g/day of tryptophan showed reduction in dysphoria, mood swings, and irritability when compared to controls on placebo (3).
Tryptophan is responsible for the synthesis of kynurenine, an intermediate of several key protective compounds in the body. Increased level of tryptophan is directly proportional to increased kynurenine synthesis. This chemical soothes your CNS and behavior in the late-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (3).
3. Can Help Manage Sleep Disorders
Boosting tryptophan levels through diet can treat a variety of sleep disorders. A dose of about 2.5 mg of tryptophan given during bedtime improved the quality of sleep in individuals with obstructive sleep apnea.
Unlike other sleep disorder medications, tryptophan doesn’t slow down the person. It doesn’t limit cognitive performance or prevent you from waking up from sleep. Therefore, dietary sources of tryptophan can be used with medical supervision to manage sleep disorders early in life (3).
Tryptophan Trivia!
Eating tryptophan-rich foods can help wean you off cigarettes, tobacco, and nicotine.
Dietary tryptophan reduces anxiety and helps in better abstinence from smoking.
Infants have a better regulated sleep-wake-hunger cycle if fed on natural breast milk (which is rich in tryptophan) or on tryptophan-enriched formula.
4. Might Possess Anti-inflammatory Properties
Low serum levels of tryptophan were linked to cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease), chronic kidney disease, and other inflammatory diseases (4).
This proves that tryptophan might boost anti-inflammatory effects in your body. This amino acid is linked to blood glucose level control, kynurenine-mediated cardioprotection, neuroprotection, and memory power (4).
No wonder tryptophan is classified as an essential amino acid! Don’t you now agree when I say it really means business?
Well, I can still sense some doubt in your head. I had it too when I was doing my research on tryptophan. All I could think of then is this.
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Could There Be Any Side Effects Of Tryptophan Intake?
Valid question.
Tryptophan is involved in almost every activity our body performs. It is hence needed in large amounts. So, irrespective of the mode of intake, it better be safe!
It was found that tryptophan had a low toxicity profile in rats (2).
The 9th Amino Acid Assessment Workshop proposed a No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) for diet-added tryptophan of 4.5 g/day for young adults (2).
This is why tryptophan is added to sleep-inducing pills and mood regulation medications.
However, there are hypotheses claiming high-meat diets containing high nicotinamide might cause infertility. Though meat products have low tryptophan levels, the conversion rate to niacin and kynurenine is higher (2).
Hence, it is recommended to keep your doctor informed about your dietary habits. Pregnant and lactating women should follow the diet plans framed by the gynecologist and/or nutritionist.
If you are struggling with sleep, mood swings, or depression, eat a few foods from these lists. You never know what might help!
Consider talking to a psychiatrist while you try these foods. Remember, these foods cannot cure a clinical condition completely. They can only reduce the severity to an extent.
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How did you find this article? Share your stories, suggestions, and queries with us. Use the comments section below.
“The Effects of Dietary Tryptophan on Affective Disorders” Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, US National Library of Medicine.
“Analysis, Nutrition, and Health Benefits of Tryptophan” International Journal of Tryptophan Research, US National Library of Medicine.
“L-Tryptophan: Basic Metabolic Functions, Behavioral Research…” International Journal of Tryptophan Research, US National Library of Medicine.
“Tryptophan metabolism, its relation to inflammation and stress…” BMC Nephrology, US National Library of Medicine.
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Swathi Handoo
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/tryptophan-foods/
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