#Levi x gn!reader
4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
Flock of Birds
Pairing: levi x gn! Reader
Summary: You’re injured, disoriented, and alone in the middle of the forest with your thoughts. The rest of the Levi squad is dead. You’re hoping death comes sooner rather than later, but luckily your Captain finds you in time.
Warnings: angst, descriptions of violence, reader hoping for death, happy ending.
**something to get me back into writing, and apparently symbolism is hard for me to write. Takes place during season 2 and reader is apart of his og squad.
Their relationship can be read as romantic or platonic, it’s not really specified.
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The birds never looked so free. A small flock flew above you in the typical ‘v’ form. Sasha said they do that to keep track of each other. To keep each other safe while migrating and make sure no one gets left behind. Were they ducks? No, no, they had to be crows. Maybe they’re- who cares?
You’re mind was fuzzy.
Vision was blurry.
And of course it had to be raining.
But… the sun was out and the sky was clear.
Then why was water running down your face? The slow tickle of the liquid trailed down your face and down your jaw until it fell on your white pants.
Oh. That explains it.
How long have you been out here? What time was it.. what day was it?
The ringing in your ear slowly dissipates and your vision starts to clear. You’re sitting down.
Why? Captain Levi gave you and the rest of his squad orders to stop the Female Titan. This isn’t making any sense.
Where was Petra? Eld?
God, your head hurts.
Maybe they found their flock of birds and flew to safety? But without you?
Nothing makes sense.
All you can see are trees, granted you can’t even move your head around fully. But, the Scouts are in titan territory, this was no time to be sitting.
You try to move your legs that sprawled in front of you, but the small movement makes you release a strangled cry.
Oh. It’s all coming back now.
Your squad, no, Levi’s squad… they’re all gone.
The female Titan elbowed you while going after the others. You must’ve hit the tree and only suffered a few broken bones before you went unconscious.
The sun was starting to get lower in the sky and you realize the scouts must’ve made their way back hours ago.
A small and bitter laugh escaped you. This is how you die? Alone and surrounded by the corpses of your comrades? What a sick world.
Maybe, just maybe if you close your eyes, you won’t wake up. The painful yearning for death in your sleep was no more than a miracle. And miracles don’t happen. Not in this life.
No, a Titan is bound to grab you at any moment, squeezing your body in its hand until your bones crack and blood is pouring out of your mouth. Death only comes once its teeth bite down on your skull.
That’s how you’re supposed to die.
Then why weren’t there any titans?
Not that you minded, but it was very peculiar. This was prime Titan country and you should’ve been dead before you’ve even woken up.
A faint noise catches your attention. That sounds like… odm gear.
With your rotten luck, they’ll fly past you, not noticing you’re still alive. Thin tears leaked from your dehydrated body. You’ll have to suffer a cold night by yourself, then get plucked off the ground by a Titan once dawn approaches. If you’re lucky, you’ll die during the night.
A voice shouted out as the odm gear sounded a lot closer now. It was a female voice.
Was it Krista? No, her voice is too soft.
Sasha? No, it couldn’t be.
“Captain, they’re alive!”
Oh, it was Mikasa. She was cool.
Thumps and the sound of the twigs and leaves snapping as the two made their way over to you.
Which Captain was it?
Wait, wasn’t there only one Captain?
Yes, he wasn’t just your Captain, he was your squad leader.
Your head tilted to the side and through half-lidded eyes, you saw Captain Levi standing there in shock. Mikasa quickly rushes over to you and scans you for any lethal wounds.
“T-they hit their head pretty hard it looks like.” She says with tears brimming her eyes. Levi finally snaps out of it and remembers his authority.
“Scan the area for any Titans until I get them on one of the branches.” Levi crouches down in front of you as Mikasa leaves. “Hey, hey, can you hear me?”
His hands carefully grasp at your face to steady your head. “Y/l/n, I asked you a question.” Your eyes locked with his. The sharp grey eyes bore into yours just like so many other times, but this time you could tell there was a sense of longing and concern within them. Your hand reaches out to grasp the wings of freedom patch on the shoulder of his jacket.
That’s when your emotions took over. Tears leaked from your eyes and you gave out a cry. “I’m s-so sorry, Captain. We t-tried to stop her.”
The disappointment in yourself rang through your body. You were still alive. Everyone else was dead. So why you? You were the first one down and couldn’t even follow your captains orders.
“Shut the hell up.” Levi interrupts your thoughts.
“You’re alive. That’s all that matters.” He breathes out and rests his forehead on yours. “Thank god.”
More tears. “B-but the others-”
“We can mourn when we’re all safe. Right now, we have to get you out of here.”
Levi takes out a roll of bandages and starts to bind them against your head wound. “Don’t die on me yet, kid.”
“I’m only a few years younger than you.” You gave him a weak smile.
“Save your energy, brat.”
There’s the Captain you know.
Once he bandages your wounds, he sets his arms under you to carry you. You let out a small cry at the movement of your leg.
“Shit.” He mutters and moves to take off his cloak. “There’s nothing I can do for the pain. Just hold on until we can get to the wagons.”
His thumb wipes away a few of your tears and he rips a strip off his cloak and rolls it up. “We can’t have that loud mouth of yours attracting more of those ugly bastards.” He hold it up to your mouth.
The cloth is pressed between your teeth and acts as a bite guard.
You couldn’t help the muffled groans of pain as he lifted your body up. He tied more pieces of his cloak around you both to act as a harness so you were strapped to his back.
“You alright?” Levi asked once he stood up. He only got a muffled grunt in response.
Without another word, he took off into the trees.
“Mikasa, let’s go! We’re meeting up with the others.”
The other scout soon joined you two and she gave you a worried glance.
Your arms were limply resting around Levi’s neck as he moved and your head turns to the side.
Birds flew next to you.
“To keep each other safe.” Sasha’s voice rang out in your head. “When my dad was teaching me to hunt, I always wondered why birds flew like that, too.”
“Aw, so they’re looking out for each other?” You asked, splitting your slice of bread in half and handing it to her. “That’s cute.”
She eagerly took it, “Yeah! It’s to make sure no one gets left behind and makes communicating easier.”
Who knew one of Sasha’s old stories would play through your mind at a time like this.
Levi landed on his horse and was careful with you and his own injured leg. The forest was becoming smaller and you could see the walls in the distance.
You’re gonna be okay.
Levi’s hand gripped both of yours around his neck and he held the reigns in the other.
Sorry fate, you weren’t getting left behind this time. Maybe miracles do happen. You might have lost some along the way, but the birds must stick together, especially in this world.
Taglist: @laylasbunbunny @sad-darksoul @cullenswife
(If you wanna be added or removed, lmk!!)
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littlerequiem · 4 months
What's you sweetest, fluffiest Levi head cannon?
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content - fluff, levi x gn!reader, hair care is mentioned.
It all begins with your hair. I headcannon that, back in the Underground, Levi used to wash and braid his mother's hair, so he cherishes taking care of you in this same manner.
Cutting your hair, washing your locks or scalp, making sure it's held tight for expeditions if needed - Levi is conscious of the trust you place in him the first time you ask for his help. He grows to find stability in this routine: how warm and alive you feel beneath his soapy or conditioned fingertips, how relaxed you sound as he draws circles down the back of your skull, how he loves to listen to you talk about your day while he takes care of you. Sometimes, he'll catch sight of you playing with your hair across the dining hall - the hair he helped style that morning - and he'll feel warmth spread in his chest, knowing you carry a part of him with you.
Levi would never say it but those moments behind closed doors... yeah, they're incredibly special to him.
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mean!Levi who calls you to his room after he’s had a shitty day and uses you as a cocksleeve
mean!Levi who has you choke and drool on his dick so it’s lubed enough to slam into you, bottoming out immediately with a hard grip on your ass
mean!Levi who shoves you into whatever position feels best for him, up against the wall, sprawled across his desk, over the arm of the couch so your dangling legs are helplessly spread for him
mean!Levi who almost never praises you but does keep up a steady stream of degrading talk, reminding you that you’re nothing but a hole for him to fill and telling you how filthy you are for getting soaked by his rough treatment
mean!Levi who immediately pulls out if you cum first and punishes you by teasing your entrance with his tip until you’re crying and begging for him to fuck you again, uselessly grinding your hips back against him while he stays just out of reach
mean!Levi who never kisses you, but will lean down as if he’s about to break the rule only to spit into your mouth and smirk as he watches you swallow
mean!Levi with an absurd amount of stamina, who can keep going without losing his rhythm until you’re a cock-drunk, overstimulated mess
mean!Levi who has enough discipline to pull out, but makes you clean up every drop of his cum with your tongue, after all he can’t stand a mess
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leviismybby · 1 year
Your voice calls out for him, Levi opens his eyes slowly and you smile at him. "...name..?" His voice was weak, he wasn't sure where he was but you were there sitting next to him.
"Yes?" That soft voice of yours reaches his ears and Levi feels a shiver run down his spine. "Where am...." He looked around, it was raining and he was covered in blood, his body felt weightless. "...I?"
"You're in the same place you were before the explosion." You run your hands through his hair, smiling at him. Levi looks at you, his eyes soft. "Name...." He reaches out and you take his hand, despite the blood gushing from his missing fingers, you don't seem to mind.
"I...the thunder spear exploded.." His eyes narrow slightly but he is quick to change it and look at you softly. "...did you see all of that..?"
"I did." The rain kept falling, soaking both you and him. Levi didn't know what to say to you, he wishes that you two were somewhere safe, wrapped up in each other's arms and cover each other in kisses.
He tries to sit up but is too weak to do so. "Levi, you're injured you can't get up." You tell him and Levi now notices that you're still in the old scout uniform.
"Name..? You're not really here are you?" His voice is sad and desperate. "No, I am not. You're dreaming." You tell him, still a smile remains on your face as you rub his hair gently.
"No...no...Name...I want to...stay here with you.." His grip on your arm is tight, his eyes now full of pain and sorrow, he is almost crying. "Please...I am tired...I don't want to fight anymore...Name...please..."
"If you don't, who will?" You kiss his forehead, your eyes shine. "I know that you're tired, my love." Your hand still holds onto his, despite the pain he is feeling, he is only focused on you, you still look as beautiful as ever.
"The world needs you, Levi. Now more than ever." He closes his eyes, letting himself feel your gentle touch but tears are streaming down his face as he remembers that this wasn't going to last, that you're not really here. It's all on his mind and yet, he holds onto the dream for longer.
"I need....you...that's all I ever wanted....you....a life with you.....was it too much to ask for?" His body starts to feel pain and he knows that he is waking up. ".... I never told you.....I never told you that I love you....and I'll never get to now...."
Your smile still doesn't fade. "Levi, I know you love me. You didn't have to say it, your actions spoke louder than words." You lean in and kiss his forehead again, he feels it less this time because he will wake up soon, he can faintly hear someone calling his name.
"I have to go now, my love." Letting go of him, you stand up but Levi weakly reaches out and grips your arm. "...name...please....stay. I don't want this dream to end."
Kneeling down again, you put the now broken pocket watch you gave him, under his shredded dark green cloak. "You know that I can't stay Levi, not now, not ever." You kiss him on the lips softly. "Till we meet again dearest, you have a world to save now. It will hurt less one day."
His eyes start to close as he sees you fade away. Let him sleep for longer. That's all he is asking for, to see you again. To hold you, to kiss you. But as he hears Hange's desperate attempt to get him to wake up, he knows that his dream had come to an end.
Later he can hear the sound of fire and the forest around him. His face is and body are all patched up now and Hange is sitting next to him.
Levi closes his eyes again until he feels something under his touch. The watch you give him, it's not working anymore and the glass is broken. But how? It flew away when the explosion happened, how did it get here, next to him?
"Hange...how...did the watch get here..?" Hange looks at him. "I found it wrapped up in your cloak, it must've tangled itself there, somehow."
Levi closes his eyes once more and in hope of falling asleep and seeing you again. However, he remembered what you told him, he has a world to save and that's what he will do because despite all the pain and loss, he still has hope.
He knows that he will never see you again in this life and has come to peace with that conclusion because he will see you again, just not here but he will see you smile again and it won't be just a dream that time.
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the-traveling-poet · 1 year
Thinking about sleepy cuddles with boyfriend!levi like-
No sun shone through your curtained windows when you awoke, causing you to crinkle your brow in sleepy observation.
Rain beat down against the glass panes, tapping persistently and forcefully. It created a beautiful ambiance to wake up to, you thought.
Outside the wind howled softly, pairing with the downpour to create such a blissful sound. Leaves of nearby trees rustling in the breeze, branches lightly scraping against the HQ building with every gust…It was peaceful.
You attempted to cover your mouth as you felt a yawn coming on, but found your hand was trapped. Peaking your eyes open a crack, you tried to find the reason why this was.
The sleeping face of your boyfriend came into view almost immediately. He was turned on his side, facing you as he breathed in softly through slightly parted lips. Your hand was placed under his head, and you were suddenly reminded of having soothed him to sleep the night before by brushing your fingers through his hair.
You smiled softly at the memory and picked up where you had left off previously.
The action caused Levi to stir slightly, tightening his grab on your waist. A sleepy smile adorned his face, making you beam to yourself in joy.
Slowly, his eyes cracked open, immediately finding yours.
“Morning, Lee,” you greeted him in a whisper.
“Morning, sweetheart.”
He was always so soft with you in the mornings, his voice husky from sleep. During these moments, you were more likely to get a smile out of him. And if you were lucky, you’d be blessed with the sound of his quiet laughter.
You attempted to sit up in your shared bed, but his strong arm draped over you held you down.
“Levi, we have to get up.”
“Not yet. C’mere…” his sleepy voice rumbled in his chest as he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your back and laying your head against his chest once he’d rolled onto his back.
“Look at you, being all cuddly,” you chuckled softly against his muscular chest.
“Shut it, brat. I will throw you off the bed,” he mumbled back, his face obscured by your hair.
“Yeah, yeah. Love you too, Vi.”
A soothing quiet filled your room, only disrupted by the storm outside and the both of your breathing. With a hand tangled in your hair, you couldn’t miss the three words he whispered with a kiss against the crown of your head.
“I love you.”
Like pls I need a soft Levi in my life
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crippledwithrage · 11 months
To everyone jumping to write a fanfic about post war levi, please take notes.
● His leg was crushed. Don't write that he's able bodied after some rest.
● do your research on how using a mobility aid changes your way of life. From accessibility to social interactions.
● he may not have been keen to the idea of using a chair.
● he may have had episodes regarding being trapped in a hospital bed
● don't you fucking dare draw another hospital issue wheelchair. Draw custom ones. There are plenty of types and references. From manual to electric depending on the era
● becoming able bodied shouldn't be the goal. There's no getting better with that injury. Stop trying to cure him.
● ffs research how spicy scenes are written for wheelchair users. It's not the same for everyone.
● he may be an ambulatory chair user.
● physical therapy and stretches.
● if you're writing that he's depressed ab being disabled, don't villainize the disabled community or the disability.
● lastly, walking for convenience is not an option. If you can't imagine how a scene would go without him walking, don't write it.
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h0neylevi · 1 month
i have knight!levi on the brain today
watching him from the tower where the royal family sits during tournaments and jousts.
he overpowers his opponents with ease, ripping through shield and armor as if they were made of simple cloth. his movements have a fluid quality that keep you mesmerized and rooted to your seat.
the crowd roars when he dismounts his horse and offers a deep, reverent bow to the royal family. They miss the little arrogant grin on his face, but you don't.
It's the same one he wears every night he's summoned to your quarters, knowing that he has the future sovereign wrapped around his finger.
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sixpennydame · 9 months
Oh, just thinking about musician!Levi playing lead guitar for a rock band that's just starting to hit it big. He's not showy - he'd much rather the lead singer take all the attention while he lets his skills on the guitar speak for him. But it doesn't matter, because the women always flock to the front of the stage to stand in front of him anyway. They scream his name, reach their hands out to try and touch the hem or his pants or his boots; they might even try to steal his half-drunk bottle of beer he leaves next to the monitor. But he never even slides an eye down their way. When girls make it backstage to flirt with the bands, he prefers to keep to himself, slumped in a ratty armchair, scrolling through his phone. The fan gossip is that he's just shy and serious, that he's all about the music, not the partying, which is partly true.
Only those who have followed the band from the beginning really know about you. But you're here tonight, standing offstage as the band plays their first big event back in their hometown. They finish the set and run off stage as chants of "encore" fill the space. He makes a beeline directly to you, handing his guitar over to his techie and then pulling you into a kiss. Those standing against the stage see it and start murmuring amongst each other. "Who is that?" "Who's that he's kissing?" "IS HE WITH SOMEONE?"
When they finish playing their encore, he's off again, putting an arm around you and taking you straight to the dressing room. He props a chair against the door handle so no one can get in, and then he's pushing you against the wall, his hands already tearing at your blouse. You smile against his lips. "Can't even take me to a nice hotel first?" He shakes his head. "It's been too long...I need you right now." He fucks you against the thin wall of the dressing room and neither of you try to muffle the screams and moans that come out of your mouths.
After that night, there's no doubt in any fan's mind that Levi is in a serious relationship.
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leviheichouwu · 10 months
think of me fondly (levi x reader)
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Levi Ackerman/Gender-neutral!Reader Summary: Levi's having trouble adjusting to his missing fingers for a certain task. You offer him a hand. (Literally.)
Also posted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51864445
Levi’s apartment is completely dark when you let yourself in. You can’t hear anything from his bedroom and no light is peeking out from under the door, but Levi doesn’t nap often, so you knock gently before opening the door and stepping in. “Levi?”
Levi, eyes squeezed tightly shut and hand moving quickly under his blankets, doesn’t notice your quiet voice or entry.
Holy shit.
A mouthwatering flush has spread down his neck to his bare chest, and some of his dark hair sticks to his forehead with sweat. Though you look away after a few frozen seconds, the image is seared into your brain. Warmth coils low in your belly.
What do you do? If you shut the door and knock louder, you won’t be able to pretend you hadn’t seen anything once you make eye contact with him. You’re a terrible actor. But that would be better than him seeing you standing there like a pervert, face averted but blushing furiously.
With the arousal slowing your thought process, you decide too late. Levi’s eyes flicker open, and in your periphery, his whole body freezes.
An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air for a few heartbeats.
Your tongue feels abnormally clumsy as you rush to apologize. “Levi, I’m so sorry, I was careless and didn’t wait before opening the door and I can just go, I’ve been intruding so often—”
You peek up from under your lashes at him. He’s glaring at his hands.
“Don’t you dare disappear on me. I can’t—I knew you were coming, but I lost track of time. Can’t get off with these shitty injuries.”
“Oh.” That hadn’t occurred to you. Though you’re plenty open with each other, the two of you don’t talk about sex or romance; he doesn’t seem like the type to be interested in anyone, so you’ve always avoided the topic in fear of heartbreak.
You mean to tease him to restore your usual dynamic as friends, but what comes out of your mouth instead is mortifying. “Would you want any help with that?”
What the absolute fuck was that?
He gapes at you. “Are you fucking with me?”
“No,” you grimace. You definitely don’t want to make your feelings known, but he’s in an incredibly vulnerable position, and you prioritize his feelings over your own pride, so: “I’m being serious. I like you a lot.”
Levi’s quiet for a moment, then smiles faintly. “Come here, then.”
Giddy disbelief bubbles up in you, and you can’t dispel the huge grin on your face as you hop onto the bed. Maintaining eye contact, you slowly reach up to cradle his jaw and lean in. Your eyes flutter shut, and your lips meet so gently it makes your heart ache.
“Does this mean you like me too?” you murmur.
Levi nods solemnly.
In response, you kiss him again. You tentatively run the tip of your tongue against his bottom lip, and he releases a quiet, breathy moan. It emboldens you to lick in further, past his soft lips to touch his tongue. The two of you sigh simultaneously, and you shift closer to him. His body heat is delicious, as is his mouth. You can’t get enough. Desperation smolders in your chest, and Levi must feel similarly, because he caresses your hip, then grasps it to pull you closer. Your hand lands on his chest to balance yourself, so you can feel his heart slam against his ribcage. It fills you with a gooey warmth, and you smile against his lips.
At the feeling of your smile, Levi whines and thrusts his hips up minutely. You rest your weight against Levi, sliding your hand down his perfect chest and flat stomach before hovering your fingers over his cock.
Levi tilts his head back and pants, eyes heavy-lidded. “Touch me,” he pleads.
You shove down the covers and look down both your bodies to watch your fingers gently wrap around his shaft. He gasps and arches up.
You squeeze, and he groans. You drag a finger through his slit, gathering up pre-come, and watch him as you slip your finger into your mouth to taste. Levi makes a small noise at the back of his throat and impatiently tugs at your wrist.
Obligingly, you lick your palm and move your hand back down. You spread the pre-come that’s been steadily leaking from his slit to lubricate a firm stroke from base to tip, and he moans lowly at the contact. You begin to pick up your pace, relishing the silky feel of him. An unbearable heat is gathering in your core as you pant into each other’s mouths.
It feels like only a minute has passed when he tenses up and pushes you back.
“Wait,” he says, voice strained. “I’m already close.”
You press your thighs together. “God, that's hot,” you breathe. “Can I…?” You move down the bed. From here you notice Levi’s chest rise and fall more rapidly. His pupils are blown as you hold his cock to your lips, the steel blue of his irises barely visible.
“God, yes.”
You circle your fingers around the base of his cock and lave at the head, admiring how it glistens in the dim light coming from the window.
“Fuck,” Levi moans.
You take him into your mouth until he touches your throat, bob your head once, twice, and—
“Shit! Wait!”
You look up at him and suck, not slowing down.
“Oi!” Levi tugs at your hair desperately. “I’m going to—”
Before he can finish his sentence, he releases a guttural groan and curls into himself. His cock pulses against your tongue and bitter warmth spills into your mouth. Levi shakes and gasps as he comes apart, gripping your hair. You watch the pleasure contort those beautiful features before his face smooths out and he falls back onto the bed, breathing heavily.
Once he catches his breath and looks down at you, you swallow. He flops his head back and groans, hiding his red face in his arm. Then, something seems to occur to him, and he sits up to glare at you.
“Don’t make fun of me for how fast that was. It’s been a while.”
“It was hot!” you protest.
“I didn’t think you’d want me to come in your mouth. Disgusting,” he says.
It certainly doesn’t look like he’s disgusted. In fact, he looks rather pleased.
You lie down next to him, replacing the covers, and kiss his cheek. It turns a lovely pink at the affection. Levi turns his back to you and shuffles backward and, following his cue, you turn onto your side as well and wrap an arm around him. You press your face into the junction between his neck and shoulder and inhale. Contentment settles in your bones.
“That actually was kind of embarrassing for you. Also, you couldn’t have used your other hand or something?”
“You think I haven’t tried? Just shut up and cuddle me, asshole.”
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
Reassuring Kisses
Pairing: Levi x reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, insecurities, sad levi :( fluff at the end tho. Slight spoilers for s4.
Bro he looks so sad
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“Where’s Levi?” You asked Hange with a shake in your voice.
You and the others finally met up with Levi and Hange in the forest after escaping the Jeagerists. You haven’t seen Levi since Zeke was captured and heard rumors of an explosion near their camp.
The crunch of leaves and twigs under your boots caught his attention.
Levi grunted when he leaned up in the cart he was sitting in. He was sheltered away from the others as Hange thought he would rest better with a moment of privacy.
Your breath shuddered when he held up his hand to wave at you, both his pointer and middle finger just mere stubs. “Oh, Levi.”
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him in a loose hug, being mindful of his injuries. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“It’s fine, (y/n).” He said, voice holding no emotion. “It is a setback I’ll be honest, but it doesn’t mean I still can’t kill Zeke when we find him.”
A small shake of your head answered his comment. You gently grabbed his injured hand and studied the bandages. They were tight enough to stop the bleeding, just two small patches of blood on the outside but nothing drastic.
Turning his hand over, you kissed the back of his hand. “Yeah, well… I might beat you to it.” A dry chuckle escaped your lips.
You held up a fresh roll of bandages in your hand. “Hange wanted me to change them for you.”
A sigh left him and he avoided his gaze from your eyes. He didn’t want you to see his wounds. Not yet at least. Almost as if he was ashamed.
Your finger gently ran under his chin, lifting his head up.
“Hey, you’ve been taking care of me for years.” A light kiss was placed on his forehead. “Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”
Your words reassured Levi as he nodded slightly and used his good hand to start unwrapping the bandages. His eyes were locked onto your shirt as you took over, refusing once again to meet your eyes as you finished unwrapping his face. The wounds and cuts on display.
A wave of silence washed over you both as you studied his face.
Levi took your silence as a bad response and sighed. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”
“I mean… for almost getting your face blown off, I think you still look pretty good.” You gave him a small smile and stood in front of him.
Levi still wouldn’t look at you.
Alright, no time for jokes then.
Discarding the soiled bandages, you took his face in your hands very carefully. “You’re still my strong soldier.”
Your eyes ran over the large gashes that ran down his eye, cheek and part of his lips, hastily stitched up by Hange. Poor thing.
Levi seemed to lighten up at your touch, his eyes closing and he leaned into your hand. Your thumb brushed over the edge of his lips, before swiping over his other cheek. “I love you, nothing will ever change that.”
Levi’s hand went up to the back of your head and slightly dug into your roots before pulling you down to him. Lips met gently and the passionate moment of intimacy was what you both needed after an eventful couple days.
“Mm, Levi.” You muttered into his mouth. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
His tongue ran over your bottom lip before his lips suctioned onto yours once more.
“Don’t worry about it.” He grumbled and his hand tightened on your hair, his other arm wrapping around your waist and tugging you closer to him, careful to not put pressure on his injured hand.
Levi shuffled under the blanket before pulling you onto the cart with him, you being positioned between his legs.
After timeless moments of you both being lip-locked, you pulled away. Levi’s grip loosened on your hair, the pads of his fingers smoothening down the tussled tresses.
Levi finally fastened his eyes to yours. A glossy wall in front of his blue irises. He clasped your hand in his and ran his thumb over your knuckles. “I love you.”
Your thumb swiped a fallen tear that trailed below his eye.
“I love you more, Captain.” You smiled before unwrapping the fresh roll of gauze. “Now, let me take care of you.”
I like this one :)
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pennylanewrites · 1 year
[4:45 am]
a/n: coming back after like two years. reposts would be so helpful! do people still like aot here lol lmk. also hope i’ll stay this time :)
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grapes were levi’s favourite fruit. they weren’t easy to find, so he would pop them in his mouth one by one, because it meant he could enjoy them for longer. occasionally, he would stretch over the table and offer you one, giving you a disgusted look when you licked his finger playfully. he still smiled when he thought you weren’t looking.
“what are you reading?” he asked, his voice echoing in the empty kitchen.
“hange’s new tactic for tomorrow.” you held the pages up, sighing deeply. “they’re crazy if they think we’re coming back alive after this.”
his pained expression made you feel almost guilty for stating your worry. your eyes softened and you tried to forget about the upcoming expedition with a handful of grapes.
“hey!” he gasped when you shoved them all in your mouth, leaving the bowl almost empty. the way you laughed and gestured for him to come over made him forget about it quickly.
“i’ll get you more of them, you big baby.” levi slid his chair back and walked around the table, throwing his arms around you and kissing the top of your head.
“yeah, i promise i’ll get you more grapes, levi.” you rolled your eyes.
“no, promise you’ll be safe tomorrow. things might get out of hand and if we get separated...”
i won’t be able to protect you
he wanted to say, but never could. the way his arms tightened around you and his lips fell on your cheek, let you know what he meant. you basked in the moment, caressing his rough hand with your own bandaged one.
“y/n? it’s 4 in the morning, you…” a voice broke you out of your thoughts. you felt cold all of a sudden, and looked up to see levi was gone. the chair across from you was empty, but for an all too familiar jacket hanging on the back of it.
the grapes in the bowl were covered by a thin layer of mold.
right. you never had the chance to bring them to him.
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sexlapis · 2 years
-> to take a life
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❀ : levi ackerman x reader
ᨳ  ࣪ . cw : gender neutral! reader, reader almost kills someone, levi does kill that someone, descriptions of blood & murder, angsty, hurt/comfort (kinda), implied age gap, vomit, hyperventilation, levi being soft for reader, levi comforting reader in his own levi fashion, idiots in love
ᨳ  ࣪ . summary : reader almost kills someone and is sad. levi comforts them in his own disturbing way.
wc : 1k
a/n : this is vry late but thank you all for over 1,000 followers :) i typed this up very quickly. i just had to get it all out bc i am in my levi phase again. he is so papa ♡.
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ringing is all you hear. your body trembles and shakes, gasps and short breaths escaping your dry mouth.
tears blur your vision as you stare at the now almost lifeless man before you, lying limp on the ground. blood flows out of his mouth as he gurgles, pools next to his body, coats his shirt, his eyes still wide open. a shocked expression on his face.
your fingers twitch and you drop the bloodied sword from your hand and fall to your knees. your hands are stained red. now and forever.
heat curls from your stomach up to your throat, and before you know it, bile and acid is rushing out from your mouth and splashing to the floor, next to the man you have just near slaughtered. you gasp, heave and groan, crawling backward and away from the consequences of your actions. you’re on the crisp of hyperventilating.
a hand grasps your should from behind and you jump violently. on instinct, you grab the hunters knife strapped on your hip and swing behind you aimlessly. the person grabs your wrist and stops you with no effort at all. your weapon falls from your clammy palm.
“hey! calm down, cadet. it’s just me.”
you know that voice. your captain. levi.
you turn to face him. he looks relatively unharmed and unphased.
levi stares at you, his silver eyes concerned. you must look like hell, rogue painted on your face, and face wet with tears and snot. then his eyes look behind you. at the man you had stabbed repeatedly. who’s life was fading away quickly.
the tears are uncontrollable as you choke out, “i..i killed him. i killed him! i had to..i couldn’t..”
you look behind you and look at the dying man, mumbling incoherent gibberish to try and justify your actions. levi stays quiet.
you’re trying to process what’s just happened before levi takes your forgotten knife into his own hands and stalks up to the half-dead man.
levi kneels down beside him at his head. the soon to be corpse gargles and garbles, trying to lift his hand up. then levi is shoving the knife into the man’s throat. turns it half clockwise to ensure he’s finished the job.
you gasp, covering your mouth. your heart skipping at the display of violence. you knew levi was ruthless and was only doing what was needed, but you couldn’t help your reaction. you weren’t used to this, not like everyone else on the squad was. you would never get used to the bloodshed, the death, the gore. your heart couldn’t handle it.
“you didn’t kill it. i did.”
he says it so casually. like it means nothing. dehumanises the person too. this must be his sick, odd way of trying to make you feel better.
‘no you didn’t kill him. you injured him to near death, with no chance of recovery. i just finished him off. don’t worry about it.’
levi is familiar with this. violence, murder. he justifies it like he has his entire life. he is doing it to survive.
he kneels down in front of you. you’re staring at the floor, almost sobbing again. levi sighs.
to be honest, levi knew you were too soft for this life. he’s surprised you’ve even made it this far. he expected you to have quit or have been dead by now. but he’s not going to lie to himself and say he had no part in how you’re alive today. he won’t lie to himself and say that he doesn’t keep an eye on you more than the others, no matter how guilty that makes him feel. always watching out for you. more protective of you than anyone else. he can’t help it. levi’s fond of you. you softened his old, stone, ancient heart. just a little.
but now isn’t the time for heartfelt confessions. he’ll justify your actions like he justifies his own.
“look at me.” levi commands. when you don’t look up, he repeats himself, softer this time. “_____, look. at. me.”
you whimper and sob a bit and look up at him, eyes red and teary.
“you killed somebody. yeah, you have blood on your hands..but you only did what you had to. you killed him because you had to survive. it was either you or him.” he speaks firmly. “you’ve killed now. and you will kill more. there’s no way around it.”
but i’ll try to take the burden for you as many times as i can goes unsaid.
you whine sadly at the truth of his words. you wish it didn’t have to be like this, but what you want does not matter. you have to do what you must to survive in this world.
“understand?” levi asks, surprisingly gentle.
his change in demeanour should’ve shocked you more, but you’re not. not really. you can’t act like you don’t notice how much more gentle levi is with you. you just assumed it was because you were young, the youngest on the team, more sensitive. you’re not so sure now.
“mhm-hm.” you nod, sniffling and shaking the dizziness from your head.
levi hums and stands. “good. now wipe your fucking nose. jesus christ.”
there’s the levi you know and love. you’re too tired to laugh, so you just huff in slight amusement and wipe your face with your sleeves as best as you can.
“can you stand?”
you nod quickly and attempt to stand on your shaky legs. levi softly grabs the side of your arms and helps you to stand. he briefly caresses your arm with his thumb.
you take some shaky deep breaths and clear your throat.
levi waits patiently until you’re finished calming down. he keeps his hands on you.
“you ready?”
you nod in affirmation. you’ve been doing a lot of nodding.
levi nods once and he’s already walking, guiding you in front of him with his hand on your back. “let’s get out of this shithole.”
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hello, how are you? :> Could I have trope no.9 with Attack on Titan? I'm not really a fan of Jean or Erwin (sorry).
P.s. Congrats on 1.5k followers!! \o/ I'm very happy for you ^u^
1.5k Follower Event : Trope #9 Attack On Titan
Trope 9: Grumpy vs. Sunshine
Check out my event here! Event requests are CLOSED
Pairing: Levi x Gn!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 470
Note: Hey! I'm doing pretty good! I hope you're also doing well :) Grumpy vs sunshine, I immediately thought of Levi! I hope you enjoy this! Thanks for participating in my event <3
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It took endless convincing on your end to get Levi to join you on a picnic. The man would rather stay in bed with you reading a book than going outside where it could be potentially dangerous; but you were just ready for the thrill of being outside.
“See babe, isn’t this great? It’s beautiful out here!” You hum, taking a deep breath and smiling up at the clouds, the both of you walking side by side.
“Yeah yeah,” Levi sighs, sneaking a peak at the clouds that you were so fascinated by. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad out…
“Oh look, there’s a good spot!” You run ahead to a shaded area beneath a tree, some wildflowers growing by the root of the tree–it was the perfect spot for a relaxing picnic.
Levi doesn’t change his pace, simply walking calmly to the spot as you whine for him to hurry–too full of excitement to wait any longer. Being part of the Survey Corps, peaceful moments like these where you could spend a relaxing afternoon with your boyfriend were extremely rare, so you wanted to make the most of it.
Though you were doing your best to relax and enjoy the moment, Levi couldn’t help but stay alert; anticipating someone coming to get him, informing him that another wall had been breached or requiring his assistance with an urgent matter. Relaxing was never part of his schedule.
“Hey,” you say softly, taking a seat beside him and placing your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I made sure to tell everyone we were going out. It’s only for an hour or two, everything will be fine without you for a bit. Just relax.”
He nods and closes his eyes, leaning back against the trunk of the tree on the blanket you had set up. Inhaling, he relaxed for a brief moment, allowing his mind to clear and take in his surroundings. A gentle breeze blew between you, making him sigh in content. Perhaps it was pretty nice.
You hand him some tea you had brewed earlier, thankful the walk wasn’t that far so the tea was still hot. 
“Is it good?” You ask hopefully. He was the one who usually made the tea for you, so you silently hoped you did decently.
“Perfect,” he reassures you, taking another sip. A small smile graces his lips as he leans into you, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Thanks for this.”
And right there in that moment, you knew it was all worth it; convincing Erwin to let you out with Levi and planning everything out, getting no sleep the previous night due to your meticulous planning. You had succeeded in making your lover happy and relaxed, even if it was only for a moment–that alone was more than enough.
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Posted: 9/19/2023
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happybird16 · 2 years
Slowly trailing kisses all the way up Levi's spine, pressing your lips to every individual notch. He shudders right at the start, little butterfly soft kisses along the dimples flanking his spine, just above the plump peach of his ass. Breath hitching, he squirms in need, shoulders quivering in a full bodied shudder as you make your way up and up and up. Up along milky pale skin, soft in spots, but marked with the occasional rough line of a scar, both white with age and pink and new.
Up, you kiss, along the small of his back. He almost squirms away, cursing at you for moving so slow. For teasing him. With the way he jolts, you could almost mistake him for being ticklish. Or maybe he's just extra sensitive, unused to such soft, persistent attention. Holding him steady by the hips, you continue with the same gradual pace. Small, wet open mouth kisses. One notch, two, three.. his hips buck against your grip, curses falling in a much higher, needier pitch.
Reaching his shoulders, you kiss the wide expanse of flesh on bone, the muscles rippling beneath your lips. He curses yet again, toes twisting into the bedsheets between your thighs and fingers curling desperately at his sides. Now.. now you introduce your teeth. Just a small little nip, grazing along his nape. The skin there is so sensitive that he seizes, whimpering your name loud enough to echo off the walls. His fingers scramble, reaching behind to frantically grip your hip. The nails dig in, pulling you hard into him, flesh on flesh, your torso pressing flat to his freshly kissed back. His hips swirl back into yours, a breathy whine escaping his lips, "Sh-shit. Ahh. En- enough with the pampering." His hips wiggle in a desperate and needy rhythm against your own. "Just fuck me already."
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the-traveling-poet · 9 months
We hit 400 followers!! Love you guys T-T 🤎
As promised, a scenario in which Levi has to continually put up with reader’s bratty teasing until he just cant take it anymore-
(trying out some light smut here for the first time :3 key word light, don’t judge)
One thing Levi Ackerman never expected to enjoy was what he would commonly refer to as ‘mushy sappy shit’.
And yet here he was, shooting you a look across the room from where you both sat; his brows drawn up and his lower lip slightly pouted as he gave you what you adoringly called his ‘needy eyes’.
“Y/N?” He tried again, wondering for the nth time if this was what it would take you to come across the room to him, if he dared to speak your name so softly.
“ ‘Y/N’…what?” You’d teasingly chuckle in response. Oh, how you loved to tease him so, if only to watch the way his usual scowl turned into a grumpy pout. He’d rather die than have anyone else see an exchange such as this one, but when it was just the two of you, he’d let your bratty behavior slide in favor of the warmth you would inevitably provide him after you tired of your game.
So he sat patiently, even scooting his chair slightly towards an angle, as though to silently make his pleas for contact more feasible in your eyes.
And goddamnit, how it worked nearly every time. But today, you decided you’d rather have him ask a little nicer before giving in.
“How am I to know just what it is you want, if you won’t directly ask it?” You tried again, biting your lip to hold back a giggle bubbling in your throat. Levi scowled, casting his eyes downward.
If he had to play dirty to get his way, then so be it.
“Y/N, baby…come sit on my lap, please?” He rasped out, shooting you his most convincing look through inky bangs.
It was uncharacteristic, the way he was behaving. But even more so was your reactions; thighs squeezing a little tighter together on the sofa and a soft breath caught in your throat in place of the giggle that had since been smothered out.
Feeling your face tingle with what you could only assume was an inevitable blush, you attempted to clear your throat.
“Sit…sit on your l-lap?” You nearly choked getting the words out of your suddenly dry mouth. In response he only loosed a tired breath before shoving back his chair from his desk to take a stand.
“Fine, have it your way.” He mumbled, stalking across the room towards you. As he approached, you subconsciously scooted back on the couch’s plush seat and held your breath.
“You’ve had your fun; an hour’s worth, as I recall. And I’ve had to sit there and just endure it. Do you know what that does to me?” He snorted a barley there chuckle, looking deeply into your eyes as he leaned against the couch towards your face.
“All I wanted was you to sit with me. Maybe get a kiss, if I were lucky. But I think enough is enough; don’t you, darling?” His tone dropped an octave, husky tone shaking you to the core.
“No, sweetheart. You can be quiet now. You’ve won, after all. But…I’ll be taking the prize this time.”
His breathe tickled your neck, nudging your chin to the side with his forehead to allow him further access to the sensitive skin there. Your hands instinctively searched for his, but didn’t make the grasp in time before his slender fingers were already making their way up either side of your thighs towards the loosely tied string keeping your lounge pants up at the waist.
“Levi-“ You gasped out, finding your voice was all but gone.
He groaned softly, lips sucking tenderly at your pulse point.
“Hush, love,” He whispered against your throat, the need in his tone unmistakable.
“Just relax…relax for me.”
Loosening the cravat around his neck, he looses a shaky sigh as his breaths drew in shakier and his lips eagerly made the short journey from your neck towards your jaw, only stopping to worship it for a moment before continuing on.
Oh, how had the roles of your long played game suddenly turned on you. Now it was him, teasing you with barley there kisses along your cheeks, kissing antagonistically close to your lips but never touching. Meanwhile, you couldn’t help your thighs but to squirm against the feather light touches from the pads of his fingers. Before you knew it, the string had come undone from your waistline and fell across your thighs, shortly followed by the thin material of your lounge pant’s waistband.
A broken, shuddery gasp slipped past your lips unbidden, the moment those same tantalizing fingers ghosted over the even thinner material of your briefs, making your hips flinch against the pressure.
You were only briefly distracted by the dry chuckle resonating from Levi’s parted lips now hovering over your own, drawing your attention to the way he panted above your figure with barely contained desire.
“You’ve teased me for weeks. Now it’s my turn darling, so sit back and take it.”
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
232 notes · View notes
chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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Sunrise | ModernAU One-Shot
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ best friends to lovers, parental emotional abuse, FLUFF, slight hurt/comfort
☾ A/N ➼ This might be a little self indulgent, but I hope y'all like it anyways. The things the mom said may or may not be things my mother has said to me. I'm okay, before anyone asks lol. I hope this is comforting to others out there. Love you guys! Time to start of June's outline. :3
☾ Word Count ➼ ~2.2k
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text convo made by @humanitys-strongest-bamf <3
Your silver sedan sits in the street in front of Levi’s apartment, headlights glowing on the other cars around you. Soft rock plays through the speakers as you drum your fingers on the steering wheel in impatience, the vibrant blue console lights lighting up your face. You had sent him a ‘here!’ which was left on read, meaning he was still up but still nowhere in sight. Maybe he couldn’t find his shoes? No, that wasn’t like him. He has a cubby by the door for them, which he kept immaculate. Just as you were going through other impossible scenarios, there’s a sharp knock on the passenger door that makes you jump. It’s Levi, double fisting two teas in to-go cups as you requested.
“Will you get the door, dumbass? My hands are full.” You hear muffled through the glass. It takes a bit of strain, but you lean over to unlatch the door and push it so Levi can kick it open with the tip of his shoe carefully. The internal lights pop on, blinding you momentarily but when your vision adjusts, you see Levi extending a long-sleeved arm to you with your drink.
“You remembered!” You exclaim, grabbing the warm cup from him so he can place his own down in the cup holder before sliding himself in the seat next to you.
“You asked for it.” He grumbles as he buckles himself in and then stares over at you, deadpan. His eyes widen a bit as he takes in the sight of you. "Is that my sweater?" You were indeed wearing Levi's thick, gray turtleneck. His favorite one, at that. You notice he says nothing about the red puffiness around your eyes.
“Well hello to you too, grumpy.” You smirk over at him as you take a careful sip of your tea, ignoring his question and relishing the flavors that Levi chose. It’s a blend that Levi had made special for you a while back, strong and smooth and a little fruity. Levi wasn’t a fan of it, but you loved it - for more reasons than you wouldn’t dare say.
“I’m not grumpy. And I’ve been looking for that all week. I’ll take it from you by force if I have to.”
“Mmm, kinky.” He scoffs but says nothing, looking away. You shift in your seat so you're facing him, linking your fingers together and resting your chin on them as you stare over at him. He gives you a side-eye, then a scowl.
"I am not driving, forget it." Levi snaps at you.
“So, what was it this time?” Levi mutters over to you from the driver’s side. He has the window down, hair wind-swept as he stares out into the very early morning darkness. His index finger taps on the steering wheel to the beat of the song playing in the background.
“Hm?” You don't bother looking over you as you speak. You have your arms placed up on the door with your head resting on them, your face lighting up every couple seconds from the glow of the passing street lights.
“What kept you awake this time?” You think for a moment about how you want to word what made your heart ache today. Even after 17 years of friendship, you still struggle with talking about your feelings with him. An emotional disconnection you’ve had since before you met him so long ago. He understood though and never asked, which is why he sat so patiently while you pieced together your thoughts. Nothing coherent came to mind, though.
“I don't…" You trail off, clearing your throat in discomfort. You bring your hand to your mouth and start chewing on your thumbnail.
"…know how to word it?" Levi finishes for you. As always, he was so good at reading you.
"Look at you finishing my sentences. You know, the whole friend group thinks we're secretly dating. Hange even has a bet."
"Oh yeah? What did shitty-glasses wager on this one?” Levi quips without missing a beat. He rolls to a stop at a four-way and takes this time to give you a full exasperated stare.
"Something about cleaning Miche's and Nanaba's shared apartment if they lost.“ You laugh before taking another sip of your tea. It's sweetened just the way you like it. Levi is great at remembering the little things like that.
“Tch. Then they better start cleaning.” Levi grumbles as he pushes down on the gas pedal gently. Levi didn't press, but you knew the conversation was well from over. He would never tell you, but he always wanted to know what was on your mind, especially when you were this upset. To you, however, he didn't need to. His quick glances at you every other stoplight told you enough how present he is for you, and always would be.
You stick your head out the window and smile at the warm breeze against your face. When you stare up at the sky, your vision is filled with pale stars and a bright moon. A couple clouds float by, lit up from the moonlight. It really is a perfect right for a drive.
"Do we have a destination in mind?" He turns the volume dial up a bit, the same soft rock from before now at a moderate level. You wouldn't mind it being louder, but with Levi's question now lingering in the air, skull shaking volume would have to wait.
"I don't, actually. I was hoping you’d just drive and see where it takes us." You give him a huge grin and a finger gun, and Levi just snorts in response.
"Alright then. Let's see where this takes us."
Around an hour and half later, Levi and you find yourselves still in the car on a gentle incline. You have no idea where Levi was taking you but now with the faint light of the early morning, you can see you're somewhere with lots of trees. Both of you are far from tired, disposable cups now empty. You’ve been staring at Levi for the last ten minutes with glazed eyes as your mind wanders. His voice snaps you back.
“Before you say anything about the eye bags, just know you’re part of the problem.” He says dryly with pursed lips.
“Pfft, your sleep problems are yours and yours alone.” You roll your eyes at that, but you can’t hold back your smile. The car slows down before turning off on a dirt path to your left. It’s still quite dark from the canopy of leaves above, so your view is limited to what the headlights illuminate.
“Oh, is this the day? You’re finally going to murder me and dispose of my body in the forest where it belongs?? What is it, head bludgeoning or a gunshot?” You feign an excited tone, wide eyes and toothy grin to accentuate it.
“Trust me. When I get rid of you, it’ll be much more thrilling than either of those.”
“Boo.” You stick your tongue out and pout.
Levi rolls the car down the path slowly, keeping his eye out for anything that might be in the way. It was relatively safe with only fallen leaves and small twigs littering the road. There’s a light at the end of it and after a moment, the car breaks through and then Levi puts the car in park. Your breath is taken away in a mere second.
You unfasten your seat belt and throw yourself out of the car quickly. Not bothering to shut the door behind you, you run over to the edge of the cliff that you find yourself on. You’re not sure how high up you are but it’s a considerable distance because the trees that litter the valley beneath you are quite small. It’s all green, broken up by a wide river that you suspect is the very same one that cuts through town. A layer of low fog weaves through the whole valley, and you imagine how pretty the morning dew must be from it. On the horizon, you see the beginning of pinks and oranges start to paint the sky. The sun is about to break.
Raising your hands above your head, you scream with exhilaration. A warm gust of wind blows against your face, throwing your hair back and tangling in the breeze. This was the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen, you think.
“Levi Ackerman, you jerk! How could you keep something like this from me!?” You yell as you turn around quickly, meeting his stormy gray eyes. He’s staring at you with a lopsided smile while he leans against the driver’s side door, arms and legs crossed.
“I can’t let you in on all of my secrets. That’s just not fair.” He shrugs with nonchalance.
“Does almost two decades of friendship mean nothing to you?” You smirk over at him.
Levi makes his way to the hood of the car and sits back on it, patting the spot next to him for you. You raise your eyebrow at him but amble over to him anyways before pulling yourself up as well. Your legs curl up under you as you cross them, noting the metal underneath you bending more than you’d like. Whatever, your car is on its last leg anyways.
You both sit in silence for a moment. Birds chirp and sing behind you in the trees, the rustling of the leaves signifies the start of their early morning routines. The sun still hasn’t made an appearance, and you gauge it’ll probably be another fifteen or so minutes until it wakes up for the day.
“So. What happened?” Levi pipes up next to you. When you twist your head to look at him, you notice a softness in his eyes; a look he reserves for when it’s just you and him. Pulling your legs up to your chest, you rest your cheek against your knee as you continue to watch Levi.
“My mother called me again.” You frown a little, now matching the one Levi points your way.
“You answered, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. I told myself not to but then I got worried that maybe something happened. So, I picked it up. It started off okay…” You trail off as you reposition your head so that you are now resting your chin in the crook of where your knees met. The oranges and pinks glow brighter with every passing second.
“What did she say this time?” he asks gently.
“Oh, the usual. ‘You know how I feel about quitters’ and ‘it makes me sad to see your wasted potential’ then ended it with something along the lines of ‘being selfish’.” You laugh sardonically at that, heavy bitterness seeping into your tone.
“You know better than to-“
“Than to answer I know.” You snap. You continue to stare at an invisible airplane in the distance. The wind starts stinging your eyes, or was it tears? You blink hard to get whatever it was out.
“- than to believe any of that shit.” Levi retorts. He shifts next to you, the groaning of the metal underneath you both breaking up the momentary silence.
“I know, and it’s just so frustrating that it still gets under my skin. It’s been years since I’ve left. You’d think I’d be over it by now.” Your voice gives you away with a crack. You sniffle and rub your eyes with the sleeves of Levi’s sweater. Your tears leave dark marks against the gray. Levi mumbles your name, and you sit up and turn your head back to him. He just stares at you with his lips parted, thinking of what he wanted to say.
“Healing isn’t linear, nor is it clean. It’s going to have its moments where you feel like you’re falling back and it’s becoming too loud and chaotic. But you are healing, you need to be patient with yourself.” He says over to you gently, before bumping against your shoulder with his own affectionately. He’s a lot closer than you thought he was. “And don’t answer her calls anymore.” You continue to stare at him, this time in wonder.
“Hey Levi?” You ask softly.
“You know you’re my best friend, right?”
This time Levi stares at you, but with what you’re not sure. You don’t get a moment to think as Levi leans into you, slowly. His lips linger across from yours, as if waiting for you to pull away. You don’t. Pushing yourself into him, your lips meet his and they’re so soft against yours. It starts off gentle, but then the kiss deepens as he moves his arm in a way to hold you closer to him. He tastes like bitter tea leaves and sweet honey. The sun breaks over the horizon, pale yellow now lighting up the surroundings.
When you both pull away, you notice a pink flush burning into his cheeks as he stares over at you. A laugh escapes you, loud and chest deep. A small smile tugs at his lips as he watches you. The way the early morning sun hits his face, you want it ingrained in your brain.
You grab his shirt and pull him back into another kiss, smiling into it as you do.
“Don’t tell Hange, I still want to watch them clean.” Levi mumbles against your mouth.
This moment, right here. You wanted to stay forever, you think.
taglist: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @notgoodforlife @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @dkbktk420 @elnyrae @romantichomicide95 @sckerman @secretmoneybearvoid
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