#Leel's stories
woolmasterleel · 1 year
Experiments of the Unknown
Since I wrote Pandora's initial meeting with Galvarium + her gaining the Limbo knowledge, I decided to do one for Kisaki too! This was when he was still a young, nervous student... a far cry from what he is now!
He stood silently at the shelf of powered chemicals, staring at the countless labeled containers. His ears rang uncomfortably in the silence. There was no one else but him in the lab.
He scurried back to his bench. Picking up his procedure, he scanned the pages again.
“2.5 grams of…” he trailed off, not wanting to be heard by anyone passing by.
He moved back to the shelf, his eyes flicking between the paper and the shelf. He finally grabbed a container, measuring out the amount needed.
He carried it to his bench, reading his notes over countless times before adding it to his glassware.
He sighed, sitting on his stool. He took off his gloves, putting his head in his hands. He felt strands of hair fall across his fingers. Sitting upright immediately, he attempted to fix his hair, hauling it out of his face. It all fell again.
He moved away from his work area, pacing back and forth while holding his head. He’d had a lingering headache for a while, he had just ignored it. Now it was getting worse.
He could feel tears begin to form. ‘Pathetic, right?’ He asked himself.
He turned around to pace up the lab once again, this time catching a glimpse of a figure at the door. His eyes immediately locked with the grey ones staring in at him. Now he felt even more like a fool.
Yet he opened the door, opening his mouth to speak, but he could say nothing.
“I finished my paper so… I thought I’d stop by,” his visitor said, “I noticed you’ve been having a rough time lately.”
He couldn’t hold them back. He threw his face into his hands, crying aggressively. Immediately he was guided back into the lab, hearing the door closing.
“H-hey I didn’t mean to make you cry-“
“N-no,” he sniffed, “I… Thank you for visiting.”
“Do you… want to talk about what’s wrong?”
Again, his words were interrupted with tears.
“Kisaki… here, sit down, it’ll be okay.”
Kisaki sat down on a stool, letting tears fall down his face as his hair was being tied back.
“I-I can’t even keep my hair back,” Kisaki whimpered, wiping his eyes, “it’s too short but it feels too long and my head hurts and… Tagashei this is too much.”
Tagashei gently pinned up the stray pieces of hair, taking Kisaki’s glasses to clean them.
“Have you seen a doctor about it?” Tagashei asked, handing back his glasses.
Kisaki carefully put them back on his face, “y-yes but… they didn’t find anything… I even asked for brain scans… nothing looks wrong. M-my doctor said it might be stress but-“
“I’d believe that.” Tagashei interpreted, grabbing a stool to sit next to him, “Kisaki you’ve been ripping your hair out these past few months trying to do… everything. You’re taking on way too much work, you… aren’t taking care of yourself.”
“H-How am I supposed to do that when I don’t feel like I deserve it?”
Tagashei just stared at Kisaki.
Kisaki looked away, “besides, it’s… it’s not stress, those headaches feel different…”
The two sat in silence, on to be interrupted by Tagashei standing suddenly. He grabbed Kisaki’s face.
“Listen, I know you don’t feel comfortable. I know you don’t feel confident, but I know you can find that confidence. Maybe this field isn’t for you, and that’s okay. I know you, Kisaki, you don’t want to be stuck in some commercial lab, you want to do your own thing, you want to study things people haven’t discovered yet.” He sat down again, “I think you just need the right push to get out there and do it.”
Kisaki glanced at his work. Tagashei was right, he didn’t like following procedures. He wanted to make discoveries. He knew that wouldn’t happen here.
“And if it means anything to you,” Tagashei smiled, “I’d be more than happy to put your hair up anytime you need it.”
It was such a small gesture, hardly any indication of any affection, yet Kisaki wanted nothing more than to latch onto him, to scream how much he loved him.
“Did I break you again?” Tagashei laughed, “you’re so red in the face.”
Kisaki shook his head, throwing his arms around Tagashei. “Th-thank you,” he mumbled, “I-“
“Will you go out with me?”
Kisaki pulled away, still holding Tagashei’s shoulders. Did he hear him right?
Tagashei’s cheeks were dusted heavily, “I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t know why I-“
“Yes! Y-yes I… I would love to…” Kisaki blurted, “I…” he giggled, “I’ve wanted to ask for a while…”
Tagashei dragged him into another embrace, “me too, I just… didn’t want to spring anything on you…”
Kisaki tightened his hold, “i-it’s okay… thank you, I… I might cry again.”
Tagashei laughed softly, “they better be happy tears this time.”
They let go, staring at each other.
“Why don’t you pack up your stuff? We’ll go talk to the head.”
“R-right now? I should at least finish this… I don’t want to be rude and just leave it.”
Tagashei looked over at his bench, “that’s… a good idea. May I stay while you do that?”
Kisaki smiled softly, “yes but… he walked to the back of the lab, returning moments later. He handed him a lab coat and glasses, “you’ll need these, and you’ll need to tie your hair back.”
Tagashei took the coat, “yes Dr. Hizarou,” he laughed, putting on the coat.
Kisaki turned away, hiding his face, “I’m not a doctor…”
“Yet,” Tagashei smiled, “you will be someday though, I know it.”
The two strolled through the quiet hallways, softly chatting to each other. Kisaki was able to push away his pain and his nervousness as they neared the head of the laboratory’s office, holding onto Tagashei’s hand.
Finally, they reached the door. No different from the others in the hallway, simply a grey door with the room number and name tag.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” Tagashei asked.
“I think I’ll be okay… thank you though,” Kisaki gave him a small smile, giving him a quick hug.
“Okay… I’ll be waiting over there,” Tagashei gestured to the seating area down the hallway, giving Kisaki a soft smile.
Kisaki knocked softly, waiting for the okay to enter.
“Come in!”
Kisaki opened the door, gently closing it behind him. He greeted the woman at the desk.
“Oh hello Kisaki! What brings you here?” The woman asked, motioning for him to sit.
Kisaki did just that, casting his gaze down toward his hands. “Miss Alkaheidra, I…” he sighed, “I don’t think this is what I want to be doing.”
The woman blinked, “you… don’t want to work in the labs here anymore?”
“N-no…” he looked up, straightening his posture, “it’s been nice, I just… I feel like I can’t do what I want to do if I stay here…”
The woman hummed, “really now?” She chuckled, “I agree.”
“E-excuse me?”
“I can tell you don’t like it in there, you’re restricted to following words on a page,” she folded her hands, “boring, isn’t it?”
Kisaki blinked, yet he couldn’t peel his eyes away from her intense red ones.
“I can tell you’re itching to get somewhere that’ll let you freely make new discoveries, play around with whatever you can get your hands on.” The woman smiled, “you want something fun.”
Kisaki sat there in silence, completely blown away by the woman’s accuracy.
“You have lots of potential,” the woman said, “I hope you know that.”
“I… thank you, Miss Alkaheidra…”
“Galvarium,” she corrected, “you needn’t be so formal.”
Kisaki opened his mouth to respond, but closed it again. He closed his eyes. The pain was unbearable.
He held the back of his head, attempting to fend off the headache. His mind couldn’t comprehend what he was doing. In a way, the pain felt fuzzy.
Kisaki felt a hand on his back, he knew Galvarium was next to him, but he couldn’t move.
“Em ot netsil.”
‘What was that?’
“Em ot netsil, Kisaki!”
He lifted his head, turning to Galvarium. Was she concerned? He thought she was smiling.
“Em dnatsrednu uoy nac?”
“M-Miss… Galvarium, I don’t know what-“ Kisaki stopped. His mind cleared, the pain ceased. He could think again. “I… I do understand.”
Galvarium stood up, worry plastered on her face, “are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I… was that… you?”
Galvarium sat down, “is your headache gone?”
“How do you know about that?”
“Because I’m the one who was causing it, albeit unwillingly…” Galvarium smiled again, “sorry to switch gears so quickly, however this is very exciting. Do you want to make a new discovery?”
Kisaki furrowed his eyebrows, “I… don’t follow.”
“How about I start from the beginning, then? Do you have time for a story?”
Kisaki glanced down at his watch, “y-yes…”
“Great! Now get comfortable. Listen closely, I don’t expect you to understand everything immediately. But you have to let yourself understand, or you’ll have those nasty headaches again.”
“I’ve been having those because… I didn’t understand?” Kisaki asked.
“The human mind will do anything to prevent learning about info hazards,” Galvarium explained, “Limbo is such a hazard. Hearing about it causes pain or other symptoms in an effort to get one to move as far from the source as possible.”
“Then… are you an info hazard? I suspected you were a demon, I don’t think humans have red eyes, but…”
Galvarium hummed, “a reasonable theory, however I am not a demon.”
Kisaki stared at her, “you’re not an angel, though…”
She shook her head.
“So you’re something else?” His eyes lit up, “y-you’re… something new, then? New to… me I guess…”
“Yes!” Galvarium clapped her hands together, “let me tell you all about it, I’m sure it’ll give you a new outlook on the world. Who knows, it may help you make discoveries no one else would.”
Kisaki smiled widely, “oh please! I want to hear about it! C-can I take notes?”
Galvarium nodded, “oh of course! But you must promise me this… you cannot tell anyone.” She laughed, “well, even if you tried they would not understand you. Now then, let’s begin!”
Kisaki couldn’t stop smiling as he entered his apartment. For once, he wasn’t crushed by the loneliness that usually came with returning home. Hanging up his coat, he quickly grabbed his journal and a pen.
‘Today was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time,’ he began, ‘it finally feels like I’m getting somewhere in my life… Tagashei asked me out before I could find the courage to ask him… but that’s okay! I was able to say yes without freaking out! I also spoke to the head of the lab… turns out she had an idea how I felt, she wasn’t offended at all! Actually… she wasn’t at all who I thought she was. I found out the source of my headaches too. This is a lot to write down, but there is this place called Limbo. It’s where angels or demons go when they’ve thrown off the world’s balance. And the lab head- Galvarium, is the one who does all of the Limbo-dragging (a more scientific term is needed here I think). She told me all about it… oh but I can’t tell anyone! They won’t understand anyway. A lot of changes are happening. Good things, I think I figured out what I want to do. I am going to study biology too- I will find out how to construct organs. It would be amazing if we could accomplish that! People wouldn’t have to wait forever for organ transplants, we’d save so many…’
Kisaki halted his writing, wiping his eyes.
‘I worry about Tagashei. He told me his doctor says his heart is good but… we both know he’ll need a new one someday. He seems very healthy now, but I can’t stop worrying about his heart shutting down… I hope he never has to deal with that. I will figure out how to make organs. I will make a new heart just for him- one that won’t fail him… I won’t fail him.’
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Yaldabaoth... but as a Divine Beast (❁´◡`❁)
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Scary pink version o(*°▽°*)o
I have ideas for lore and such.. Yeah I'm gonna develop this AU more
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the-squeege · 8 months
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this is how indomitable vows started… right @woolmasterleel ….
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moonchildmagicks · 3 months
I wrote leel Gomens season 3 speculation fic... it's Crowley's fall. Not to create any confusion but for the purpose of identification I have Crowley's Angelic Identity as SaraQiel the Seraphim of the Sky
“Enough!” Metatron billowed angrily, the halls of heaven shanking partially from the anger that was steeping beneath the cold gaze of the corporation of the divine being.
“I simply asked a question,” the supreme Archangel pecked in response, his assurance and stance was unwavering as his gaze narrowed. “You asked me to come here because of my experience with humans.”
Something in the Metatron shifted, his normal warm wisped tone that he would take with Aziraphale became icy and distant. “Yes, humans, I don’t want that nasty habit of that wretched demon influencing the second coming it’s-“
Aziraphale cocked a brow in question, his observance of the sudden change in tone after a simple question gave all the kindling to a burning fire of curiosity he was to tuck into later.
“It’s ineffable. With all due respect Metatron, questioning is a gift of progression to human nature. If you have an adverse distortion with the prospect of questioning then you are negating the whole expanse of humans by nature. That’s the explanation of how little they are connected to us because we are taking things in such a dichotomist nature.” He provides a warm and calculated hand to the Metatron’s shoulder. The Metatron has his own game, but so does Aziraphale.
“Might I look into the matters of curiosity and see if I can’t trace it’s origins to quell this from complicating our plans?”
Aziraphale knew, it was some unmeasurable amount of time to rebuild the Metatron’s trust since the first matter of business when he came back to Heaven was to find more about Crowley’s fall. He was able to access the old Seraphim files, but as soon as he could identify Crawley’s original angelic identification, he was forced to create divine windstorms and typhoons for the pacific islands for a painful amount of time.
He knew if he wanted more information, he had to play chess on a much higher level than he was ever comfortable with.
So he began, paying the Metatron a wounded puppy who was ‘influenced by a demon,’ attending to everything with a divine orchestration of his own accord, while he was proud at moments of the praise he received, he did his best to keep a small matchstick of a reminder of why he was playing the perfect Archangel.
The act of being agreeable caused the bile to creep to the back of his throat.
If Aziraphale wanted to make a difference, he needed to speak directly to God.
“Pull me the record of humans and the sky,” he veered lightly to those around, while the coast was clear he held his breath, feeling the roaring fire of anticipation pulsing through his fingertips. “And anything that we have on curiosity and it’s origin.”
The sheer amount of mountains of paperwork appeared in the hallowed halls. Aziraphale knew exactly the folder his hands were aching to open, but to come so far to be discovered would be a wasted effort that Aziraphale would never forgive himself.
He sat diligently, flipping through files after files after files. Being visited by the other Archangels and even the Metatron, who proudly watched as the folder on a particular fallen was miraculously untouched.
That moment steeled his nerves like a wrecking ball. He couldn’t be obvious, but he was also acting out of earnest reading each page to find the information to back the Metatron’s concerns. It felt dirty to play doubles of his interest, but Aziraphale also felt that he had to take on the guise of his opponent.
Then the moment came, his pulse hammered with excitement but also a level of expected dread. He knows the ending of this story, their story.
But he’s going to make it right. He’s going to speak with God.
“Your curiosity is expansive little one.” God’s voice echoed melodically through the file. “I want to gift a domain within your likeliness” Within the back of the file comes a young and fluffy angel bouncing on their heels. Aziraphale watched fondly, the modes of curiosity as God would hand the little angel plans and then ask questions to the Almighty. The Red curls bouncing with excitement and the utmost trust and love echoing those eyes.
“How can I best serve you, my beloved creator?” The now, demon Crowley’s Angelic being, eye bright and giggling.
“I’ve laden plans from our talks, I want you to lead in taking a start in the cosmos, SahaQiel”
“Anything you wish! What is a cosmos, beloved creator?”
Aziraphale watched lovingly as the seraphim would poke in to ask more questions to detail the cosmos’s plans, the joy and laughter. SahaQiel with truly in sync with the almighty’s love.
The file moved to what looked like the first council.
“This will be the Metatron, I’ve created him to help in my pursuit of joy, he will handle all the dreaded boring bits, I’ve got a much-needed list of things to attend to the Metatron shall be the voice.”
The red headed was the first to chirp, “So if we have questions, we ask him, beloved creator?”
A loving chuckle sounded, “we’ll still have our lovely chats, SahaQiel”
Aziraphale saw the string, the beginning of the Metatron’s jealousy. He watched the seraphim getting less and less time with the almighty, Metatron forcing himself to be the guarding gate, beginning a rift between the almighty and the rest of her beautiful creations. In fairness, Metatron was necessary, creation, especially after SahaQiel released the cosmos began to expand, the almighty was focused on the cultivation of joy and love.
But the Metatron seemed to have a distaste for SahaQiel and how beloved and accessible his love was with the almighty. So, the Metatron would curb the Seraphim’s curiosity with shut doors and limited access to God, just like the rest of the angels.
 Then the time came, Metatron was in control, the conversation between himself and all mighty not covered in the curiosity files. This much Aziraphale figured, but he did wonder how he so cleverly funneled the vastness of the almighty, he wasn’t impressed but it was quite a web that even in the most disgusting way, Aziraphale could appreciate the effort.
SahaQiel asks the Metatron about the timeline of the cosmos, and there Aziraphale’s breath hitches, the Metatron tired from the plannings of the war agitated and grave, looks at the Seraphim darkly. He grabs the redhead by the collar and dragging a now scared angel asking what he was doing over and over again like a haunted track of despair.
The file ended.
Aziraphale gagged on the sob threatening to burst from his throat. The golden amber cursed to rob the beautiful angel of the one thing they were so proud to create, gifted from their curiosity,
That bastard  
He breathed as best as he could, closing the file, his hands under as much control as he could muster.
He had to move on to the next file.
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lilyblackdrawside · 4 months
Evil Plume
Swordmaster Guard 6-Star
Elite 2, Level 90 Stats 1226 HP 767 Atk 279 Def 0 Res 70s Redeploy Time 23 DP Cost 2 Block 1.3s Attack Interval
Trust Bonus +110 Atk
Potential Boni 2 Redeployment Time -2s 3 ASPD +8 4 Attack +29 5 Improves Second Talent 6 Redeployment Time -7s
Talent 1 Wings and Sword Redeployment Time -20 seconds, Cost increment doubled
Talent 2 Fickle Has a 7% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack by 170% (177%) when using Normal Attacks and skills. Has a 100% chance instead to increase the ATK of the current attack to 145% when not dealing physical damage.
Skill 1 Triple Strike On-Attack Charge, Auto 2/3 SP, 0 Initial SP The next attack deals 495/405% Physical damage to all enemies in range. Damage doubles for each successive use of this skill and gains extra range starting with the third successive use. Boni lost upon performing a normal attack. Can Store 3 charges.
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Skill 2 Backstab On-Attack Charge, Manual 300 SP, 300/290 Initial SP Perform 8 instantaneous slashes, each hit dealing 157/147% Physical damage, then reduce the Atk and ASPD of enemies struck by 97/87% and 200/100 respectively, dealing 338/278 % Physical damage, then perform 9 instantaneous slashes, each hit dealing 157/147% Physical damage. Deal True damage instead, if enemies are afflicted with at least 3 debuffs, at least one of which must be an elemental burst effect.
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Skill 3 Simple Beat 21/24 SP, 16/14 Initial SP Strike the surrounding area three times at successively greater distances, dealing 1007/770% Physical damage and grounding all enemies for 5 seconds. Enemies that lose airborne status by this effect take an extra 770/507% True damage.
Grounded: Cancels airborne status and inflicts Slow for its duration.
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Base Skills
Base Skill 1 Questionable Amounts of Experience When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Vanguard Operators’ Specialization training speed +30%; if training this skill to Specialization Leel 3, training speed will be further increased by 75%
Base Skill 2 Impossible Expectations When this Operator is assigned to be the Trainer in the Training Room, Morale consumed per hour is increased by +1 when training a Sniper Operator’s skill to Specialization Level 3. Morale consumed per hour of Trainee is increased by +5. (Trainees can be at 0 Morale and be trained just fine, but they’ll give you the „operator is at 0 morale“ notification the entire time)
Module X: Deals 10% more damage with skills
ATK +5 Redeploy Time -1s
Level 2:
ATK +20 Redeploy Time -6s
Talent 1 [Wings and Sword] -> Redeployment Time -25, Cost increment doubled
Level 3:
ATK +53 Redeploy Time -15s
Talent 1 [Wings and Sword] -> Redeployment Time -30, Cost increment doubled
Trials: - Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Evil Plume at least 6 times each battle - Clear Main Theme 9-19 and have Evil Plume defeat every enemy
Module Y: Attacks ignore 70 DEF
Atk +5 ASPD +0
Level 2:
Atk +15 ASPD + 2
Talent 1 [Fickle] -> Has a 7% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack by 200% (207%) when using Normal Attacks and skills. Has a 100% chance instead to increase the ATK of the current attack to 160% when not dealing physical damage.
Level 3:
Atk +70 ASPD +7
Talent 1 [Fickle] -> Has a 7% chance to increase the ATK of the current attack by 230% (237%) when using Normal Attacks and skills. Has a 100% chance instead to increase the ATK of the current attack to 177% when not dealing physical damage.
- Complete a total of 7 battles; You must deploy Evil Plume and have Evil Plume defeat at least 7 enemies (must be a Support Unit) - Clear Side Story DV-S-2. Dorothy must not defeat any enemies. You must deploy your own Evil Plume.
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lonely-shine · 10 months
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Meet the Apprentice: Shell (revamped!)
Aaand with this we have all the apprentices re-introduced!
So! Shell is the apprentice that has actually had some significant changes here since their first introduction. So let's look at that!
The most obvious is probably her familiar, Leel, which was previously a ferret but has recently been changed to a cat. The ferret was really cute, and I initially liked the idea, but it never really clicked. Almost thought maybe Shell wasn't meant to have a familiar until I realized that it's not the familiar that didn't fit, just the species. Would probably have realized sooner if I wasn't so set on giving everyone familiars of a species not used in canon, lol.
The second change, and something that I did announce during Apprenticember even if not in a proper post, is that Shell uses hearing aids! I didn't include this in her first introduction because I didn't feel like I knew enough about deafness at the time to properly include it, but I've tried my best to be better informed since then, so it's now official ^^
I'll make a proper post about how Shell lost her hearing and developed her aids in a future post, but long story short: when Shell was in her middle 20s an alchemy experiment went wrong and caused a small explosion, giving Shell partial but permanent hearing loss. Because she specializes in enchanted items, she made her aids mostly out of professional curiosity about if it was something even possible to make. She also knows sign language (if I ever depict it, it will be LSC (catalan sign language) because that's the one I'm learning).
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theravenpiper · 8 months
Making Lists of Characters Interesting
Epic fantasy often has so many characters that a list of characters (also known as dramatis personae) is a necessary aid to readers. The trouble is, a character list is usually as dull as dishwater. The best solution I have seen is from Lindsey Davis. Her character lists in her Roman mysteries about the Falco family have a definitely flippant tone to them. As a result, they are so entertaining that I often read them after finishing the novel they appear in, when I can fully understand the jokes. In fact, I admire them so much that I have shamelessly copied their tone for my character list in my current project The Bone Ransom:
The Ravenpiper Family
Talson Ravenpiper: A teenage boy, corrupted by stories and the training for the role of a second child.
Skulae Ravenpiper: Talson’s older sister. Nothing is her fault.
Bronwy del Caleryon: Talson’s mother, a ruler who knows she’s right.
Dyr-am-Syrans (Dhuramtsuran)
Kosky, aka Kahuin: A teenage girl, caught between two cultures and sarcastic about it.
Hilaswy: Kosky’s father, a dignified chieftain and drunk.
Guji: Kosky’s body-fluid foster brother. Disgustingly popular.
The Elite Housecarls
Ragger: Bronwy’s steward, and leader of the housecarls. A retired hero who has seen too much.
Aldleaf, Morgrim, and Eimur: Three veterans housecarls on duty in the city.
Ulfman: A housecarl not known for his polish.
Other Torsmyrians
Aglachad Torhte: Second cousin to the Ravenpipers, and not important enough.
Eshborg Torhte: Aglachad’s daughter and Talson’s ex-lover. An embarrassment.
Bloody Eyril: A Barber-Surgeon. He’ll extract your teeth for a fee, or punch them out for free.
Hindcalf, Gruce, and The Glover: Bronwy’s circle of enablers.
Lyxus: A Lawgiver with a bad memory for his oath of office.
Ivoryne: Server to Bronwy.
Borrie: Ivorne’s baby, named for Talson’s grandfather. But it’s not what you think.
Darogar: A swinging smith.
Frith’s Osgerd, Dallader, Slorm, and Fyrwulf: Members of the Fox age-group of the Hearth Guards. Veterans and still trying to forget the fact.
Off Stage
Karllaron (Lawbench) Hringesthorn: An elderly but still active rival of the Ravenpipers, fond of practical music.
Osbolt IV: The Margram of Torsmyr, the Ravenpiper’s titular overlord. A religious reformer.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Elzymer Ravenpiper: Talson’s father. A reluctant hero with a roving eye.
Borogrim Ravenpiper: Talson’s grandfather. The upstart who conquered the province of Ilvarness and freed the serfs.
Rungest “Dicer” Ravenpiper: Talson’s ancestor, who ended a civil war and died the obligatory heroic death. Pure ballad-bait.
Kermane Ravenpiper: Founder of the Ravenpiper family. An intimidating ancestor.
Purcirm Ravenpiper: Talson’s ancestor, who disappeared while exploring the Silvorn River, making himself romantic.
Skordis: An ancient runewife whose name is still used to frighten children.
Leel, Runger, Timple, Varchild and Ashnborg: Female housecarls who have let themselves go.
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pacificgrims · 5 months
file under / about soleil
sweet little unforgettable thing
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full name: soleil (suh-leel!) jessamine smith
pronouns: she/her
age: 21–26
height: 5'3''
species: human (witch, succubus verses available)
traits: sensitive but tries not to be, more emotional than she wants to admit, a bit of a compulsive liar, the kind that pulls all her eggs in a basket, sunshine with a dash of sass
genres: slice-of-life, angst, fluff
fc: madison davenport
read more for a summary and wanted connex!
if you look at her and think, oh, she's such a sweetheart! you'd be right, but also sort of wrong, because as she's grown up, she's become a bit of a manipulator and liar. she lived a pretty sheltered life as a kid, practically working full time at her family's estate, which is this giant farm in southern louisiana, about an hour away from new orleans, tucked in a swamp off lake pontchartrain. her folks died when she was pretty young, leaving her under the charge of her much older brother ford who didn't take too long to leave her, either. he spent about a decade serving in the marines while soleil lived through her teenage years, watched over by her godmother. tension grew whenever he came home on break because he often tried to parent over her, and she was very much in a rebellious phase, definitely not listening to somebody who was barely home!
once ford retired from the marines, he took over the farm again, bringing it back to life. soleil was old enough to leave, and set off for new orleans. she's living there full time now, working as a barista while attending university and studying performing arts. she's part of a cutthroat ballet troupe and wants to be a popstar (think caroline polachek!). she often lies to ford just to avoid him and keep him from attending her shows, even though she does long for a relationship with him again. and she also often lies to her fellow ballerinas, telling stories of a luxurious lifestyle even though her past (and present, for that matter), is anything but. oh, and the deep cajun accent is strong with this one, but it's adorable/funny because she always tries to be posh.
wanted connex/plots
would love a fellow ballerina to do a black swan-esque horror-ish/thriller plot with
soleil strikes me as the type to want a lana del rey kind of romance, where she falls in love with a bad boy/bad girl
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It has been a year since I’ve come onto this blog, a year since I last heard from you, a year since you left this place and more than a year since I last saw you. It breaks me to pieces knowing I can’t be around you everyday, I won’t get to hear you whine, laugh or complain ever again. I should have known things were wrong when you stopped sounding like yourself. Reading these posts back I can see when you stop having that excitement for life like you always used to. I miss that about you Leels, you made life fun. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so broken and lost before. I wish I had more time with you, I wish I had gotten to see you at least once more, I wish I had been able to help you better. I have so many regrets about the last few months of your time here, I wish I could have filled them with more joy and happiness for you. I am so beyond sorry Leels. I would do anything to have you with me again. My biggest regret is not being able to heal you. Since you left I’ve detested my gift, it just feels so useless. I’m supposed to be able to heal people, but I couldn’t heal the one person who mattered most to me. I hate these gifts and I hate that yours made you so sad. I hate that we are given these gifts and expected to be able to handle them, I just wish we never got them. I hate that I couldn’t control mine enough to heal you, I just wanted to make your pain go away. I finally learned how to use it on myself but I’m so scared to make the pain go away because I never want to forget you. I love you so much Leels, you were my whole world and I don’t know how to do this without you. I can’t believe it’s been a year already, but everyday feels like I read your message for the first time and panicked to call your phone and your parents until I finally got my answer. Your mom answering your phone in tears broke me completely. I knew how much she cared, no still cares for you and how this probably shattered her world. I know it left all the people you love in pieces, but Leels if things were that horrible, I’m glad you got that escape. I wish I could have been able to help you through it, and help you realize life is worth living. But don’t worry, i’ll live on for both of us. I’ll accomplish all your dreams, even the silly ones from our bucket list from middle school and live my life to the fullest for you and me. I think it’s finally time for me to stop reading over every post on this blog and let it rest. I’ll log out of this account and hope the internet keeps our story living forever. I love you forever, and you will always be in my heart. I will treasure the day I last saw you for the rest of my life. Rest in peace, Leels.
- Aisha (20/12/2021)
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cbmehar · 6 months
SA True Story | संत रामपाल जी महाराज धरती पर आए साक्षात भगवान हैं | Leel...
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woolmasterleel · 1 year
Understanding the Unknown
Decided to write a little something about Pandora's first encounter with Galvarium!! Plus a bonus at the end (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ It's a little violent?? Nothing too graphic is described, but a warning just in case!
“King Romirr, this is unnecessary. I am surveying land for the new graves…”
“Nonsense, Pandora. If your work dirties your hair, I’ll just wash it again.”
Pandora sighed, pushing away the king’s advancing touch. “Thank you your majesty, my hair will surely be disturbed by the wind.”
Romirr pouted, “fine, fine. Promise me you will come right back here once you’re done.”
“No, King Romirr, I-“
Romirr gently held onto her shoulders, “never mind making a promise, that is an order.” He smiled, standing up. “Let me walk you out.”
Pandora ignored his outstretched hand, briskly walking toward the door, “with all due respect, King Romirr, I am not a queen, I am not royalty. I am simply an executioner. I dirty my hands every other day. I am not fit for your affection.”
“You are such a stubborn woman,” Romirr laughed, “of course you are.”
Pandora drove her teeth deep into her tongue, fighting the urge to argue further. Without a word, she began walking swiftly toward her place of work. She knew Romirr would never follow her to her room.
She gently closed the doors, hauling the giant iron latch down to lock it. Pandora moved to her study, piles of hastily gathered stacks of paper greeted her. She sat at her desk, flicking through her journal.
Symbols of various magics sprawled the pages. Notes on the light, the dark, angels, demons. Even the little information on eldritch species found a place among the pages.
Concepts of deities she would be willing to form a pact with flooded the book; sketches of the most grotesque entities to the most graceful of beings all had a home there. She turned the page. Her favourite page.
Several detailed sketches of a being taking a feminine form, more humanoid than the other deities featured. Pandora traced her fingers along the grand horns which crowned the being’s head, she stared intensely at the sharp eyes. The smile made her feel safe.
Pandora slowly flipped to the next page, “kill the king,” she recited. She turned the page.
“Kill the king.”
Again. “Kill the king.”
After countless pages repeating the phrase, Pandora opened to a blank page. She lifted her ink brush, bringing it down, repeating the pattern of words on pages before.
She stared at the words.
“He’s stopping me from pursuing so much,” she hissed, slamming her fist down on the desk, “I hate you.”
Not waiting for the ink to dry, she slammed the book shut, hiding it away once again. She stood, exhaling slowly, dusting herself off. She grabbed her coat, throwing it on as she left to round up her survey team.
“Men, our objective out here is to find proper disposal grounds for the executed,” Pandora announced to the group before her,” we cannot have it located too close to the ocean, so stay away from the shore. Rope off any location you deem fit, I trust your judgments. Is everything clear? There is no need to start digging today.”
The men replied in unison, “yes ma’am,” before each separating to perform their given task.
Pandora watched them disperse, eventually turning to begin searching herself.
She kicked around small rocks, her thoughts straying from the task at hand. She started off at the horizon. Why did something feel off?
She touched the back of her head. It felt as though her brain was struggling to make sense of what she was doing. She was surveying the land, she knew that, yet her mind struggled to make any sense of it.
Pandora gazed around her, all of the men had vanished from her sight. She shook her head, removing rope from her belt. She then stood still, her ears ringing.
“Uoy era ohw?”
Pandora abruptly jerked her head behind her. “Who’s there?” She demanded, withdrawing a small blade.
“Ereh suoregnad si ti.”
Pandora narrowed her eyes.
“Em raeh uoy nac?”
“I…” Pandora rubbed her eyes. “No, I must be going crazy.” She quickly scurried off toward her men, the sound vanishing from her ears. Surely it was last night’s lack of sleep causing this?
She glanced back at the area she moved from. There was nothing, no trees, no shrubs, just flat land with a sizable rock resting on the ground. She squinted.
The rock seemed to start moving, or rather, began flickering. The grey mass began to appear distorted, as did the small area surrounding it. Certainly, there was something there. Pandora did not want to stick around to find out what it was.
She tried distracting herself with surveying work. While she did manage to complete her task, she could not get those strange murmurings out of her head. Night began to encroach on the team as they rounded up to head back to the castle.
Her head was spinning. What had she seen? Or rather, heard? Pandora opened the main doors to the castle, dreading seeing the king again. Of course he was standing there, the man couldn’t even sit on his throne and wait for them.
“Welcome back!” He greeted each of the returning men, his voice so soft yet cheerful. It made her sick.
Pandora avoided eye contact, quickly moving beyond him. She ignored his calls to her.
Finally in the safety of her room, she let herself fall onto her bed. She stared silently at the ceiling.
“What was that…” she asked herself, rubbing her eyes aggressively. Pain began to set in.
She grabbed a pillow, screaming into it. It was like a massive claw was crushing her head, pain crawled all over.
She balled herself up. And the rock? Something was standing there, yet she couldn’t grasp what it was.
‘Uoy era ohw?’
The noise repeated itself in her mind. She began mouthing it.
“Uoy era ohw?”
“Uoy era ohw?”
“Who are you?”
Pandora slapped a hand over her mouth. Was that it? She threw herself out of bed and rushed over to her desk. Grabbing whatever empty paper she could find, she began writing.
“Uoy era ohw means ‘who are you’.” Her eyes lit up upon realizing, “it’s backward human speech…”
She recited the other words she heard, “Ereh suoregnad si ti… ‘it is dangerous here’.”
Then the last set, “Em raeh uoy nac?” She stared at the words, “can you hear me?”
Pandora leaned back in her chair. Whatever it was she encountered didn’t seem aggressive, rather it was curious or protective. She flicked back through her information of various deities. She didn’t have any records of beings who spoke human language backward, let alone ones who barely existed in a physical form.
No, this was something new.
Her fear was replaced with excitement. She hadn’t seen any inhuman beings since her childhood, not since King Romirr made it forbidden for anyone to pursue any kind of magic. Finally, she could have some sort of out of the suffocating pride of humanity Romirr constantly sang about.
Pandora closed her book, placing it in her inside pocket. She pulled her hood over her head, grabbed a lantern, then began her trek back out to the field. She was going to find out what was out there.
It was dark. Of course it was, it was the middle of the night. Pandora held the light up as she moved toward the rock, slowing as she reached her destination.
“Hello?” She softly called, “I apologize for running off without any words, it was very rude of me.”
“Ereh kcab emoc dlouw uoy?”
Pandora blinked. Now she felt a presence, though she couldn’t see anything. She recited the words in her brain, deciphering them.
“Yes, this land is to be used as a disposal ground, it is my job to ensure that it is fit.”
“You would come back here… in the middle of the night?”
Now the words began to make more sense. She could understand.
“I’ve watched countless children play around here. Yet they always run off when the sun begins to fall. I assume night is a time of danger, yet you’re here.”
“It can be, I suppose, but we don’t have any demons here… they’re not allowed to reside within the kingdom.” Pandora explained.
“And demons are the only source of danger?” The voice seemed to laugh, “angels are hardly any more comforting.”
“I suppose… who are you? Or… what are you…?”
The voice laughed again, “I asked you the same earlier, then you scurried off in such a hurry. Frightened, were you?” The voice hummed, “it is impressive that you can understand me, most find me difficult to comprehend.”
Pandora cleared her throat, “I am Pandora Gladiolus, King Romirr’s…”
The entity waited patiently, static fizzing around Pandora’s head as she struggled to speak.
“King Romirr’s…? Personal maid? Private chef? Queen, perhaps?”
“N-no, absolutely not, never.” Pandora shuddered, “n-no, I’m his executioner.”
“Oh! So you’re the one those little ones chat about.” The being laughed, “they act out such gruesome scenes… from what I gather it’s rather inappropriate for a child to know such violent happenings.”
Pandora winced slightly as static whizzed through her head.
“You know, I’ve learned a lot about humanity just from observing the ones who wander out here. They talk about all sorts of things… until they wander too close here, then their brains cease to work.”
“Excuse me?” Pandora stepped back, “you kill them?”
The entity chuckled, “no no, they simply run away, too much brain pain I suppose. I am still learning many things about your kind… given that you are here now, holding a conversation, why don’t you teach me some more? It is absolutely fascinating that you’re able to understand me.”
Pandora sighed, “I… I’m still trying to figure out what is happening… If it’s so hard for people to understand you then… what are you?”
The entity hummed, “I am neither angel nor demon, I am not a god, yet I stand above them all.” The static positioned itself on the rock.
Pandora narrowed her eyes. Were those legs? The entity seemed to slowly form its static appearance into that of herself, sitting properly upright, one leg folded over the other.
“Ever wonder why angels and demons haven’t annihilated each other yet? They very easily could, if it weren’t for my existence. How much do you know about their respective magics?”
Pandora blinked, quickly pulling out her journal, “it is forbidden to study any of it here, however… I’ve managed to learn quite a bit from the resources I was able to get my hands on. Most of it is written here.”
“Ah, that’s right… A few children have attempted to play pretend games involving languages of magic, yet their guardians scold them. I am rather curious as to why this king of yours is so stuck on forbidding anyone from learning the ways of magic… from what I have heard, and seen, angels and demons can become quite close with humans. That’ll be a story for another time, I will tell you mine first. Would you like to take notes?”
“O-oh, I would! If that is okay with you, of course.”
“Not a problem, only you will be able to read them, after all. Now then, listen closely. Not all angels or demons are happy with the existence of humanity… nor are they particularly fond of each other. Should dark magic outweigh the power of light, or the other way around, the world would be thrown into disarray. Depending on which side has the upper hand, the experience humanity feels would be wildly different. Any deity who is responsible for throwing off this balance is to have their own magic revoked, to restore the balance. That is my purpose. Any questions thus far?”
Pandora stated bewildered at the faint form before her, “so… they’re all at your mercy?”
The entity laughed, “yes.”
Pandora let out an airy laugh, “I… I had no idea… this is spectacular…”
“Would you like to know more?”
“Yes please,” Pandora lifted her charcoal.
“It may take you a moment to understand what comes next, give yourself time to understand, guide yourself to think in a new way. There exists a place which transforms deities to entities closer to humans. This place is called-“
Pandora squinted her eyes.
“Ah, I figured as much. The human brain acts to protect one’s self from unwanted info hazards. Let me say it again, tell yourself you are allowed to understand.”
Pandora nodded.
“This place is called Obmil.”
She scribbled what she heard down in her book, “say it again… I think I understand.”
The being clapped its now-formed hands, “yes! Oh how wonderful you understand!”
Pandora listened intensely as the entity described Limbo, making as many notes as she could. The pain and fuzzy feeling in her mind began to vanish the more she came to understand.
“So… you don’t have a physical form? Is that why you can’t be affected by Limbo’s environment?” Pandora inquired, scribbling down more information.
“I do not think that is the reason. On a few occasions I have assumed a solid form of existence, yet it remained unchanged. The changes the environments bring upon a deity are a result of time progressing. However you define the concept of time, I am not affected by it.”
“That is fascinating…” Pandora breathed, “you’re some sort of temporal independent entity…” she laughed, “that means his majesty cannot scold me for conversing with you.”
The entity hummed, “if it isn’t too private of a matter, I’m curious as to why he is so against you studying magic.”
“It isn’t just me,” Pandora began, “the whole kingdom. Personally, I think he is afraid of being overthrown… he has a way with words, but is severely lacking in physical strength.”
“So his rule is all through mental manipulation?”
“I… didn’t say that.”
“Oh but the way you speak of him, it’s obvious that he does not treat you with the respect you deserve.”
Pandora fell silent.
“Make me understand how he makes you feel.”
“I… I don’t know how to explain it.” Pandora lowered herself to the ground, “I hate him, he never leaves me alone, constantly whispering to me how… how much he loves me. But then he turns around and starts talking about how we don’t need to be at the mercy of angels or demons. Whenever I try to argue that knowing how to use their magic can protect us, he just…” she pinched the bridge of her nose, “he knows magic is something I want to pursue. He always tells me no. Then he thinks getting close and acting sweet will make me like him more…” Pandora sighed, “I’m sorry, I am not making any sense.”
“You are,” the being said quickly, “he is hindering you.”
“He… yes you’re right. He constantly showers me with gifts, most of which are weapons… I can only imagine it is to prevent me from going after dark or light arts.”
“I may not know everything about humanity, however…” the entity reached out a static hand, “I think you should leave him.”
“I want to,” Pandora rubbed her eyes, “I want to do bad.” She flicked through the pages of her journal. “I…”
“Kill the king.”
Pandora looked up at the entity, a familiar smile on the static-like figure.
“Let’s make a deal.”
~~~Bonus: 1 year later~~~
Pandora quietly closed the door as she snuck back into the castle. The guards outside couldn't care less about her outing, however she knew a certain someone would be waiting. She hoped he was asleep.
She turned the corner, peering out to the throne room. No sign of him. She turned around, silently stepping down the hall, towards her room.
“Late night stroll again, my dear? I can only excuse you from the curfew so many times before I have to do something about it.”
Pandora halted. She looked over her shoulder, catching Romirr’s amber eyes staring her down.
“You’re the king, you can excuse me as many times as you please.” Pandora said, resuming her stroll down the hall.
She heard his footsteps behind her, “I can, yes.” He grabbed the hood of her cloak, dragging her back into his chest. He gripped her arms, “But I am tired of you sneaking out every night. Don’t think I don’t notice.”
Pandora gripped her cloak, resisting the urge to kick him, “let me go.”
Romirr narrowed his eyes, “why should I?”
“Because I did not consent to being manhandled,” she spat. Romirr released his grip.
Pandora continued down the hall, ignoring Romirr’s presence. He continued to speak, his words simply flowing in and out of her ears. She made sense of nothing.
Finally, she reached her room. She reached for the handle, only to be met with resistance.
“Your lock was rusted, so I had it replaced.”
Pandora stared daggers at Romirr, who had positioned himself next to her.
‘If he moves any closer I’ll break his neck.’ Pandora hissed to herself.
‘I think you should do so regardless.’
Ah, there she was.
‘Thank you, Galvarium, but… no, there will be a more appropriate time later.’
Romirr unlocked the door, waiting for her to walk inside. Pandora gazed around the room suspiciously. Everything seemed normal.
“Your keys,” Romirr said, holding them out to her.
Pandora carefully took them, avoiding his eyes. Making eye contact with him made her want nothing more than to scoop them out of his head.
“Thank you,” she said flatly, turning away. She waited for the door to close.
It didn’t.
“You can leave,” Pandora raised her voice slightly.
The door finally closed, however Pandora could still feel Romirr’s eyes staring into her back.
Pandora jerked her head around, “you never come in here. Get out.”
“Pandora, are you forgetting who you’re speaking to?”
“No,” she crossed her arms, “now get out.”
Romirr’s eyes flicked around, eyeing the various axes and blades that adorned the wall. Pandora could tell he was nervous, despite his voice.
Romirr returned his gaze to her, “so you do keep the gifts I give you.”
“What else am I supposed to do with them?” Pandora carefully removed her cloak, ensuring her journal stayed hidden.
Romirr hummed, wandering around her desk, “you keep your work area quite clean. How admirable.”
“Romirr…” Pandora hissed, “leave.”
The air stung with silence. Pandora felt Romirr next to her once again, his hands holding her shoulders, “no.”
‘You have every right to kick him now,’ Galvarium hummed, ‘darling, don’t you dare let him touch you.’
‘But what if I’m exiled…’
‘So what if you are? Pandora, you don’t need this position. You can leave. We have more important matters to attend to anyway.’
By now Romirr’s grip had loosened to an unwelcome embrace.
“King Romirr,” Pandora cleared her throat, “release me. We are not lovers, never will be.”
Romirr simply sighed into her hair, “we’ve found a way to execute angels and demons, Pandora.”
Pandora felt her heart skip a beat.
“After years of simply chasing them out, performing rituals to release humans from their pacts… we can eliminate them.”
“No, Pandora, this is amazing. Finally we’re closer to being free of these deities.” He tightened his embrace, “I want you to be the one to carry out these executions, please…”
“Absolutely not.”
Romirr drew his head back, “excuse me?”
Pandora pushed her elbow into Romirr’s rib cage, causing him to stumble back. He glared at her sharply.
“Romirr I am sick and tired of… all of this! The affection I never asked for, the obsession you have with keeping everyone away from magic, this… idea you have that humans are the perfect entity…” Pandora grabbed a knife from the wall. “I’m only here because I don’t know where else I would go if I left… but I realize now I’d rather be wandering out there than being stuck dealing with you.”
Romirr stared at her, his eyes watering slightly, “I don’t understand,” he whimpered, “Pandora, we can finally live without fear.”
Pandora stared at him, “are you serious?” She laughed airily, “you, great King Romirr of Coldera, you live in fear of these deities? Do you realize how easily we as a kingdom can learn how to harness their magic to protect ourselves? Not every angel and demon wants to kill humans.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You haven’t The slightest clue Pandora. You laugh, but I’ve been protecting you from these vile creatures.”
“Protecting me? Or hindering me… all of us?” Pandora drove the knife into a nearby table, “Romirr, you've done nothing to ‘protect’ the people of this kingdom… you’re just afraid people will overpower you.”
Romirr furrowed his eyebrows, “how dare you?” He stepped closer, “after everything I’ve done for you?” He quickly seized her collar, pulling her closer to his face, “I love you, Pandora,” he whispered, “why must you reject me?”
“I do not care about your feelings,” Pandora hissed. Seemingly without control, she pushed him away.
“Pandora… let me, just this once?”
“Absolutely not,” Pandora spat, “I am done. Done with you. I am leaving.”
“But you don’t have anywhere to go,” Romirr smiled, “you know that you’re safe here-“
“Would you shut your mouth? I am sick of you.” Pandora slammed her fist on the table, “Leave me alone. Don’t ever contact me again.”
Romirr cleared his throat, “fine. If you’re going to be like that,” he stood up straight, “I order you to stay put. Tomorrow you will be escorted to the holding cells. You will be tried for committing treason.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t take orders from you anymore.”
“Pandora if you do not listen to me-“
Pandora slammed her fist into the large mirror next to her, shattering their reflections. The shards pierced her skin, blood dripped from her fingers. Romirr shrank back.
“Get out.”
Romirr swiftly collected himself. Within seconds, he was gone.
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the-squeege · 9 months
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Merry Christmas @woolmasterleel !!! Love Story has prepared some tasty treats for a limbo celebration….. ignore the little spot on the ground there’s nothing to see there :)
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school-in-london · 10 months
20231007 10TH ANNIV. TOUR [OSAKA]
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(※誤って1度消してしまい再掲です、、、) ■ DJ: 遠藤孝行
Animal Collective / Broke Zodiac
Groove Armada / At the River
Doja Cat / Attention
Portishead / Mysterons
Caleb Landry Jones / Dig Your Dog
The Beatles / Happiness Is Warm Gun
Vampire Weekend / Ottoman
Patience / White of an Eye
Little Dragon / Disco Dangerous
Blur / Music Is My Radar
Laundromat / Combo
■ DJ: 村田タケル
Black Country, New Road / Athen's, France
Sorry / Twinkle
Porchlight / Spin Doctor
Squid / Swing (In A Dream)
Yves Tumor / Fear Evil Like Fire
King Krule / Humbergerphobia
Sextile / Crash
Moin / Melon
Yo La Tengo / Fallout
Horsegirl / Anti-Groly
The Hazmats / Skewed View
Working Men's Club / Suburban Heights
N0V3L / To Whom It May Concern
bar italia / Clark
■ DJ: タイラダイスケ
Chicks on Speed / Wordy Rappinghood
Dante Elephante / Jeni
Donny Benet / Mr Experience
Neil Frances / Music Sounds Better with You
easy life / skeleton
Overmono / Is U
Fred again.. / adore u (feat. Obongjayar)
salute / Joy
Romy / Strong (feat. Fred adainn..)
Lily Allen / Alfie
Liquid Liquid / Optimo
Viagra Boys / Ain’t No Thief
bed / Kare Wa
slowthai / Sooner
The Strypes / You Can't Judge a Book By the Cover
■ DJ: 遠藤孝行
Buzzcocks / Everybody’s Happy Nowadays
The Strokes / New York City Cops
Paramore / This Is Why
Communions / Two Worlds
Grandaddy / The Crystal Lake
R.E.M / Losing My Religion
Olivia Rodrigo / bad idea right?
Mystery Jets / Young Love (feat. Laura Marling)
The Smiths / Bigmouth Strikes Again
U2 / Atomic City
Oasis / Hello
Weird Nightmare / Lusitania
Fontaines D.C. / Jackie Down thr Line
Yard Act / The Trench Coat Museum
!!! / Me And Giuliani Down by the School Yard - A True Story
Fatboy Slim / Song For Shelter
Mura Masa / Drugs
■ DJ: 村田タケル
Deadletter / Line The Cows
Roye Otis / I Wanna Dance With You
cumgirl8 / llc
Water From Your Eyes / True Life
Crack Cloud / Image Craft (LIVE IN LONDON)
Model/Actriz / Amaranth
Yves Tumor / Lovely Sewer
Nia Archives / So Tell Me..
Arlo Parks / Weightless
Emily Yacina / Gleaming
Leel Neale / I Am The River
The Horrors / You Could Never Tell
Highschool / Only A Dream
Cajun Dance Party / Colourful Life
Horsegirl / Billy
My Bloody Valentine / Nothing Much To Lose
shame / The Fall of Paul
Double Virgo / No Sweet
Enumclaw / Jimmy Neutron
Beach Fossils / Don't Fade Away
Indigo De Souza / Smog
bar italia / Polly Armour
bar italia / Punkt
Tramhaus / Karen is a Punk
■ DJ: タイラダイスケ
The Undertones / Teenage Kicks
The La's / There She Goes
The Strokes / Is This It
d4vd / Here With Me
Massive Attack / One Love
Blur / Tender
Ari Lennox / Pressure
Koffee / Lonely
Primal Scream / Loaded
Miso / Emotions
Mura Masa / Whenever I Want
Nia Archives / Bad Gyalz
Watch the Ride & Nia Archives / Mush Up the Dance
Clipz / Again (Featuring Ms Banks, Ms Dynamite & JayKae)
Flume / The Difference feat. Toro y Moi
Baby Keem & Kendrick Lamar / The Hillbillies
Netsky & Babl Lemmens / Everybody Loves The Sunshine
The Libertines / Up The Bracket
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant / Revolver Junkies
The Who / My Generation
The Lemon Twigs / The One
Anna Of The North / Thank Me Later
Stella Donnelly / Mean to Me
~Ending~ Fairground Attraction / A Smile In A Whisper
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rajkumaridasi · 1 year
SA True Story | संत रामपाल जी महाराज धरती पर आए साक्षात भगवान हैं | Leel...
संत रामपाल जी महाराज धरती पर आए साक्षात भगवान हैं
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Visit- "Satlok Ashram" on YouTube.
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jatinderkumar6584 · 1 year
SA True Story | संत रामपाल जी महाराज धरती पर आए साक्षात भगवान हैं | Leel...
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rajeshwar73 · 1 year
SA True Story | संत रामपाल जी महाराज धरती पर आए साक्षात भगवान हैं | Leel...
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