#Laurie Weasley
Teen Parents Romione
Hermione gets pregnant December of ‘98
It’s an accident, she and Ron aren’t even really talking then
But as accidents happen, they learn and grow from the experience
Laurence “Laurie” Arthur Weasley is born August 16, 1999
He’s 14 weeks younger than his cousin Victoire
Laurie looks like Ron with Hermione’s coloring and nose
Ron and Hermione live together (with Harry) in a small two bedroom flat in a rundown building in London
Molly and Arthur, along with Javier and Jane Granger all want the pair of them to move in and live with them
But Ron and Hermione know they can make it work together (and with Harry)
Harry and Ginny are godparents, first (and always first) choice
Laurie loves Harry so much, and is the first to call him uncle of any Weasley grandchild
By the next summer, Harry had moved out and Laurie has been moved into his room
Hermione had let her career start off slow as Ron made more money as a Jr. Auror than she did clerking
But as Ron moves up in the ranks, Hermione slowly does too by making it clear she is smart, efficient, and effective when she is in the office or working on reports remotely
To the point that Laurie ends up becoming part of the MLE offices very quickly because they need Hermione THERE
He sleeps in a sling on Hermione’s chest while she takes notes or reads a verdict or even as she starts defending her cases to Wizengamot
He learns to crawl, walk, and run in the Aurors offices, chasing after Ron and Harry, or playing under the big table in the briefing room
After “mama” and “dada” his next words are “bloody hell, shit, fuck, no kid” all learned from the Aurors and said at the right moment
(His uncles find it very funny)
He’s very close to Victoire and Teddy, and even learns to play the piano to be part of their band
He is the one to ask Hermione to marry Ron “mummy will you please marry my daddy?”
Ron had it all planned to ask Hermione during George and Angelina’s wedding reception, but Laurie asked during the first dance
Can you blame him? He’s only three
He gets to ring bearer with Teddy at all the weddings, but his parents wedding is his favorite
He is one of the first people to meet James Sirius, along with Teddy the pair of them vow to always protect him
When Hermione tells her boys (Laurie, Ron, Harry) that she’s pregnant again, Laurie starts laughing with Ron and crying with Hermione, unable to tell if he should be happy or sad but feeling both big emotions
He doesn’t ever want to leave Hermione’s side as she gets bigger and bigger, getting him in trouble as he needs to go to school
Laurie doesn’t like school very much other than the social components and it turns out he has dyslexia
Ron finally has a name for his reading struggles and he puts so much energy into learning how to read with his son
When Rose is born he refuses to leave her side because she’s everything to him, and he loves his baby sister so much!
He helps Ron as much as a six year old is able to help when Ron steps down to part time to help care for baby Rose
Laurie only ever calls her Rosie
Then comes Hugo, very quickly after Rose, but just as wanted
Hermione had been very anxious while pregnant with Rose, it’s even worse with Hugo
She still gets put on early maternity leave and this time it’s harder to send Laurie to school because she just wants her children close to her at all times
Hugo is nearly six months old when Hermione goes back to the office, sometimes bringing along her two youngest like she once did with Laurie
Laurie is a great big brother, attentive and caring and playful, he’s creative and smart and tactical, bringing together Ron and Hermione’s best traits
He’s sorted into Ravenclaw at Hogwarts (with Victoire!)
He’s a little Hermione in his classes with Ron’s natural talent but very quickly learns that theory is still important and struggles through his readings with Victoire’s help
They keep each other accountable and Teddy is the one to come in and make them go outside and get in trouble and have fun
They are their own little trio of troublemakers and Professor McGonagall can’t help but have a soft spot for them 🥹
(Teddy is the Marauder’s kid, Laurie is the Weasley boy, and Victoire is very much trying and failing to reel them in while also laughing at them)
Laurie is so excited when James Sirius finally comes to Hogwarts (and cheers so loudly for his little Gryffindor cousin)
Laurie and Teddy write the first letter home telling Harry and Ginny about James’s first detention lol
The next year after Teddy’s graduated, Laurie becomes Head Boy and starts dating the Head Girl, Claudia Creevey
They always were aware of one another, Claudia is a photographer like her late father and Laurie does have a more artistic side and loves sketching/drawing people
Ron had the sex talk with Laurie while he was in puberty, but he makes it very clear that Laurie doesn’t want to be a teen parent and go through the struggles his parents went through
Laurie does make it out of Hogwarts with no pregnancies or kids
He moves in with Claudia and he supports them while she works on her photography and works part time in her family’s business
Laurie works in the Muggle liaison office while working on his art in his free time at home
The day he sells his first drawing, he quits his job and finally proposes to Claudia
They get their own happily ever after
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just-existng · 1 year
There is just something about the dynamic of thinker-girlfriend and feeler-boyfriend that is unmatched
-Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson
-Amy Santiago and Jake Peralta
-Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
-Pippa Fitz-Amobi and Ravi Singh
-Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark
-Amy March and Laurie
-Aalya Caesar and Nino Lahiffe
Need I go on ??
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dumbness7 · 3 months
When your favourite ships don't even exist. Featuring:-
Zutara (aka zuko x katara)💕
Dramione (draco x harmione)😭😳
Jo x laurie (yeah the little women ones)
I legit remember my 9 year old self throwing internal tantrums because of the wasted potentialssss😭😂
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
Some people says hinny in cos was similar to Orpheus or some even compare them to spiderman. What are other literally significance we can see in whole hinny love story?
Please share your thoughts
Harry and Ginny: three famous love stories before theirs
I still hold the ridiculous hope that one day I'll be able to write a deep full analysis of Harry and Ginny's soulmate dynamic and callbacks to other popular love stories are a part of that analysis. But because you asked so nicely, I want to discuss a bit the two examples you brought up and I'll tell you about another that is one of my favourites.
Orpheus and Eurydice (Greek mythology)
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The whole matter of the Chamber of Secrets parallels Orpheus and Eurydice's story, Harry is Orpheus and Ginny is Eurydice.
It is assumed or strongly suspected that Ginny is dead, and Harry goes after her anyway and finds her in a state between life and death. Eurydice dies but Orpheus still pines and searches for his wife, and the existence of the possibility of bringing her back substantially puts her in a position between life and death.
Harry through parseltongue, a particular talent of his, is able to access the Chamber (which is underground). Orpheus through music, a particular talent of his, is able to access the underworld.
Through their journey, both Harry and Orpheus are obliged to leave behind their companions.
Lockhart in the journey loses his memory, a reference to the Lethe in the underworld, the river of forgetfulness.
Art is an important element to remain alive and get out: Fawkes's song (and tears) for Harry, his music for Orpheus.
There's also the element of not looking in order to succeed in saving the girl, Harry can't look into the basilisk's eyes, and Orpheus can't look back at Eurydice.
Tom is an evil version of Hades. Ginny is also both a representation of Eurydice and, in a way, Hades's wife, Persephone.
The obvious difference is that Harry actually saves Ginny.
Peter and MJ, The Amazing Spider-Man (1963 - ongoing)
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If we talk about the cinematic versions of Peter and MJ we find a parallel with Harry and Ginny in the break-up scene.
At the end of the first movie of Spider-Man starring Tobey Maguire, Peter refuses MJ, recreating the classic scene of the hero lying to the love of their life about their feelings in order to keep them safe. To protect them they push them away. And the scene happens at a funeral. Now, Harry does break up with Ginny at a funeral for very similar reasons. But the very important contrast is that Harry is extremely honest with Ginny, he doesn't lie about his feelings for her. It's a reference and yet a subversion of the trope (a thing JKR often does with them -> The meaning of Ginny's name).
But let's talk about comicbooks Peter and MJ.
MJ is a character that is talked about in the first issues of The Amazing Spider-Man comics as the "nice girl" who is the niece of the neighbour (a friend of Aunt May). Aunt May keeps trying to set Peter and MJ up but the fact that MJ keeps being described as a "nice girl" makes Peter believe she'll turn out to be ugly, so he avoids meeting her. In issue #25 she appears for the first time but is hidden behind a plant. It's only in issue #42 (November 1966) that we really meet her for the first time. She appears in Peter's doorway making arguably the most iconic entrance in the history of storytelling:
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And so it is, that Peter discoveres how MJ is actually a fun, brilliant, extremely good-looking redhead.
Does this remind you of the appearance of anyone else in another doorway?
The door opened and a long mane of red hair appeared. “Oh hello, Harry!” said Ron’s younger sister, Ginny, brightly. “I thought I heard your voice.” -Chapter 4, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Until this point of the story, Ginny has been Ron's shy younger sister. We keep being reminded of her, she is constantly associated with Harry's love life, we know that she is supposed to be in a way that we are not allowed to see, we see her but not clearly, like she is hidden, and then she makes this outstanding appearance. She is confident, speaks directly to Harry and makes a funny clever joke about Harry shouting like a maniac. She grabs all the attention and defeats any negative expectations. OotP is in many ways Ginny's debut.
Personally, I think this is the most interesting parallel, but there are some others that I think are worthy of being mentioned.
MJ is in competition with another love interest, Gwen, but she always ends up being the winner, in the sense that she always comes off as the more charming, brilliant, show-stopping one. The one Peter always ends up having more chemistry with (fan fact: this happened in spite of the original plan of the writers).
In OotP, there's a subplot of constant confrontation between Ginny and Cho, and Ginny always ends up being the winner. Not only in absolute terms of her personality but specifically in terms of her ability to connect with Harry (this on the other hand was very much done on purpose).
A turning point in Peter and MJ's relationship is a harsh conversation where Peter is completely distraught over Gwen's death but MJ refuses to make him indulge in his self-pity:
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While the subject at hand is different, it is a scene that holds similarities to the lucky you scene in Harry and Ginny's story. Harry is all rattled about the possibility of being possessed and he is throwing himself a bit of a (understandable) pity party. Ginny is the one that doesn't back down from the challenge of confronting Harry about it, regardless of how horrible that "I forgot" is, and she is there for him. That is a turning point in their relationship because Harry sees Ginny in her entirety for the first time.
'All been talking about me, have you? Well, I'm getting used to it.' 'We wanted to talk to you, Harry,' said Ginny, 'but as you've been hiding ever since we got back — ' 'I didn't want anyone to talk to me,' said Harry, who was feeling more and more nettled. 'Well, that was a bit stupid of you,' said Ginny angrily, 'seeing as you don't know anyone but me who's been possessed by You-Know-Who, and I can tell you how it feels.' Harry remained quite still as the impact of these words hit him. Then he wheeled round. 'I forgot,' he said. 'Lucky you,' said Ginny coolly. 'I'm sorry,' Harry said, and he meant it. 'So... so, do you think I'm being possessed, then?' 'Well, can you remember everything you've been doing?' Ginny asked. 'Are there big blank periods where you don't know what you've been up to?' -Chapter 23, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Another thing that MJ and Ginny have in common is a very clear identity and storyline that makes them independent from their love interests despite said love interests being the main characters. They also both acquire fame due to their jobs despite coming from a poor family and they both have traumatic pasts (even if for different reasons). They are also both the youngest in their family.
Peter and Harry are both obviously the main characters with special abilities and they are both orphans who lose a surrogate parental figure. Peter though, gets a much better childhood than Harry.
Laurie and Amy, Little Women (1868-69)
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What if I told you that Harry and Ginny have a lot in common with a couple of characters from the work of Louisa May Alcott settled in the Massachusetts of the 19th century?
Laurie is a rich lonely orphan that meets a poor loving family with many children (the Marches). He gets really close to them, and he grows up with them. He is specifically best friends with one of those kids (Jo) with which he has a very tumultuous kind of dynamic and he ends up developing romantic feelings for her. Amy is the youngest of the March family and always seems to hold a soft spot for Laurie. Laurie even saves Amy's life at a certain point, partially helped by Jo. Despite a few years of age difference, Laurie and Amy always get along really well, and they even flirt frequently once they are a bit older. But between his feelings for Jo and his age difference with Amy, for years it's not possible for Laurie to develop proper romantic feelings for the youngest March.
The parallels with Harry and Ginny seem quite obvious. Harry is a rich orphan who befriends a poor loving family with many kids that treat him like one of their own. He is specifically best friends with one of the kids, Ron. Ginny is the youngest of the Weasley family and has feelings for Harry from the start. At one point in the story, Harry saves Ginny and for part of that rescue, he has Ron by his side. Once he grows up a bit, Harry develops feelings for a girl (Cho) with which he has a very short tumultuous relationship. It needs to be clarified though, that while Laurie's feelings for Jo are quite intense, Harry simply has a hallway crush on Cho. Regardless, there's a Jo in Harry's story and she is represented by a fusion of Ron and Cho. And, as it is for Laurie, it takes years for Harry to acquire full proper romantic feelings for Ginny, despite the fact that there was always a certain tenderness between them. What keeps Harry from developing proper romantic feelings for Ginny in this case is not really the age difference but the general lack of time spent together, due to Ginny's paralyzing romantic feelings mixed with Harry's complex life (even if not being in the same year at school doesn't help). Cho also serves as a distraction for a while.
But let's go back to Little Women and talk about when everything changed between Laurie and Amy. Laurie's marriage proposal to Jo gets rejected, which leads him into a spiral of despair and very debatable coping mechanisms that he puts into action all around Europe. But in his travels in Europe, he meets again Amy, now a grown woman, mature, beautiful and commanding, and with a man ready to propose to her. Laurie and Amy spend a lot of time together, they have fun, and they share common values and interests, but more importantly, Amy is the one able to shake Laurie out of his spiral of despair and self-pity. Laurie inevitably develops romantic feelings for Amy, but wonders about his moral integrity because Amy made it so easy for him to forget the hurt Jo caused him. Ultimately, Laurie puts his life together and realises that he was destined for Amy, that he would have eventually fallen for her anyway, that they are inevitable. Laurie and Amy marry and he officially becomes part of the March family.
Again, the parallels with Harry and Ginny are evident. It is when Harry is full of rage and sadness that he meets the real Ginny, a Ginny who has matured, has a boyfriend, is fun, shares interests and values with Harry, and seems the only one really able to shake him out of his misery. She affirms herself as a source of comfort and optimism in Harry's life and the more time they spend together the more Harry's feelings grow. Throughout the entirety of the proper explicit development of Harry's romantic feelings, Ginny is taken, let it be OotP or HBP, which doesn't help matters. And when Harry finally realises his feelings, like Laurie, he is faced with a moral dilemma: Ginny is Ron's younger sister. And while Ron is simply Harry's best friend, it is nonetheless a dilemma of loyalty, like it was for Laurie. Harry, in spite of his best efforts, eventually accepts that he can't escape Ginny or his feelings for her. He has no doubts about him and Ginny, he is confident about them as a couple, and he knows that it is what was always meant to happen:
'I just wish I’d asked you sooner. We could’ve had ages… months… years maybe…’ 'But you’ve been too busy saving the wizarding world,’ said Ginny, half-laughing. -Chapter 30, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, JK Rowling
Harry and Ginny eventually get married and Harry officially becomes part of the Weasley family.
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Other analyses
It seemed to me that the question was oriented on stories that Harry and Ginny reference in their dynamic and so this was my answer. Other analyses of mine though that explore Harry and Ginny from a literary point of view and that you might find interesting are:
Harry and Ginny, two main characters
Harry is still looking at Ginny
Ginny and Voldemort's yew wands
The meaning of Ginny's name
Ginny destroying a Horcrux?
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eminems-skittles · 2 years
cassie's 1k follower celebration!!!
i never posted for when i hit 1k so it's time to celebrate!!!!! thank you all so much ily all!!!!!!! rules for requesting: must be following me (i mean you don't have to but it is preferred if you are gonna request), include preferred gender for reader (fem or gn!) and no smut!!!
blurb and headcanon requests will be open until midnight (PST) on november 26!!!
people i am writing for 8 mile: b-rabbit friends: chandler bing, joey tribbiani gilmore girls: jess mariano harry potter: harry potter, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, oliver wood, cedric diggory little women: jo march, amy march, theodore 'laurie' laurence the mandalorian: din djarin marvel: loki, peter parker (andrew or tom), bucky barnes new girl: nick miller stranger things: steve harrington, robin buckley streamers: dreamwastaken, georgenotfound, sapnap, karl jacobs, quackity, punz, foolishgamers, wilbur soot suicide squad: rick flag shameless: lip gallagher top gun: maverick: rooster, hangman, phoenix, bob the west wing: josh lyman, charlie young, cj cregg, will bailey, sam seaborn, toby ziegler
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prompts (requests don't need to include one of these prompts)
headcanon prompts: (if requesting headcanons you can request multiple people)
cooking with them
taking care of you when you are sick
how they act when they have a crush
little things they do in their relationship
how they realize they have feelings
different ways they cuddle
first i love you
what your songs/playlist as a couple would be
snow days with them
halloween with them
christmas with them
how they are with pda
fake dating
friends to lovers
dialogue prompts
"you got me flowers?"
"i just wanted to make sure you’re okay."
"aw, did you miss me?"
"you’re lucky that you’re cute."
"hold still. this might sting a little"
"is that my shirt?"
"c'mere you."
“Come over here and make me.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Kiss me.”
“It could be worse.”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
"you could punch me in the face and i would still want you ngl.”
“are you cold? here you go. come here.""please stay."
"let me take care of you today. don’t do anything in return, just let me."
again, your request doesn't need to include any of these, they are here for ideas!
mutuals please boost <3 tagging some people: @yelenasdog @azzail @amenityexe @meloncholy-hussy @cj-reluv @gummiwas @emilysprentisss
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arthenaa · 1 year
histoire de toi et moi— sebastian sallow x fem! reader
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summary: you recall the times in your life that you slowly fell in love with sebastian sallow.
dedication to @alreagwaine from @localravenclaw ♡
content warnings: 18+, explicit sexual content, minors are highly discouraged from reading. p in v sex, riding, foreplay, seb being in love w u for most of his life, disgusting cringe fluff, you are d epitome of elegance in this omf, sebastian sallow if he was written by louisa may alcott and a sprinkle of jane austen (i may have channeled laurie from little women on this), projecting as imelda, angst if you squint, kiss kiss mwa mwa i love this man
note: enjoy the ride!! 14k word childhood friends to lovers got me feeling all types of ways,,, anys here hehe mwa mwa enjoy
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You have known Sebastian most of your life.
It all started when you were merely 7 years old.
It was your parents’ fault really. The Sallows often frequented your home as a result of your parents’ close relationship. You often found comfort in the quiet halls of your manor; loving its tranquility and ambiance. The head maid, in charge of your care, often joked that if you had stayed inside longer you might have become one of those scary creatures your father liked to scare your brother about. It was also the reason why your mother often chastised you. You were closed off as a child and often clung to your mother’s skirts at the prospect of finding friendship in the little humans around you.
Your father would laugh it off, claiming it was just a little phase and that your mother should have nothing to worry about. Your mother didn’t quite like that at all and got even more motivated in letting you (more like forcing, honestly) come with her to social gatherings for mothers. But alas, despite multiple tries and different approaches, you had found yourself once again in the comforts of your home.
You thought that it would end. That your mother would finally get tired of finding you a friend. That horrendous act of her trying to convince you to play with Lady Weasley’s child who had just erupted into tears at your cold glare, was going to be the last of her attempts.
You were wrong, clearly.
“Oh, Astoria, Sean! Do come in!” You hear your mother’s delighted gasp of surprise at the visitors by the door. You peer into the baluster of the staircase, eyes staring in curiosity at the entrance of unfamiliar figures. You watch as they admire the interior of your manor. You almost feel proud of their faces of admiration. After all, your great grandfather was responsible for the beautification of your ancestral home. You allow yourself to focus on the task at hand as you hear your mother’s voice once more. “I trust the journey wasn’t a bit too rough?”
Astoria, the one you deduced was the woman, smiled as she faced your mother. “Oh, no worries! It was a breeze, darling. Travel will be easy here once Sebastian and Anne enroll in Hogwarts.”
“Ah yes, Y/N will surely be delighted to meet them.” You let out a little groan at your mother’s words. Your father, ever the perceptive person that he is, glanced behind him and up at where you were seated on the staircase. He smiles at you to which you respond with a finger against your lips in an attempt to not alert your scheming mother. The man winks, nose scrunching as he plays by your rules.
At least your father was tolerable. He often spoiled you with affection– an annoying habit of his that you always tried to correct. You were a big girl and your little brother needed the coddling more than you. As your eyes leave your father’s figure, your attention shifts to the two small physiques sticking close to the unfamiliar visitors.
You tilt your head in curiosity. While most children you’ve met were either too shy or too rowdy, these kids looked decently behaved as they stood beside their parents with shy smiles. Their body language didn’t give off too many closed vibes but it didn’t speak volumes of confidence as well. Just the right amount.
Unaware of your staring, you immediately lock eyes with the boy standing beside his mother. His brown eyes seemed to lock dead on with yours causing you to flinch and hide behind the newel post of the staircase. That seemed to be the signal for your mother as she looked behind her and caught the lingering fabric of your dress, rendering your attempts to hide a failure.
She sends the boy a sweet smile before calling out for you. “Y/N? Come down here please, darling. We have visitors!”
Silence lapses the foyer as they await for your response to your mother’s call. You bite your lip, hoping that your lack of answer would drive your mother’s need for your presence. You try to curl in on yourself as you hide behind the post of the staircase.
You hear your father’s chuckles accompanied by your mother’s chastising before she asks him to fetch you. It was absolutely comical for him apparently. Seeing you try to hide yourself when it just looks like a pup hiding with its tail sticking out. You see your father’s warm figure ascend the stairs with an arm reached out. Your shoulders drop in disappointment as you look up at your father for help. He only tilts his head in sympathy before you let out a sigh, grabbing onto his hand and letting him lead you down the set of stairs.
You lock eyes with your mother who sends you a pointed look. You glance away, not having the energy to deal with her. You cling to your father’s hand as he walks back to his spot beside your mother. The visitors greet you with sweet smiles and warm deportment. You could almost scoff at the ludicrosity of it all before you lock eyes with the boy once more.
He has a bold gaze in his eyes. Brown sparkling and vibrant as it meets yours. You could almost hear yourself gulp as you take a step back, hiding behind your father. The boy only smiles at your shy demeanor.
“Well, it would be rude of us if we didn’t introduce ourselves to the little lady of the house, right?” Astoria crouches down to your height, pulling the boy into her side as she looks at you like how your mother would. It almost pulls you out of your shell– the definite warmth of a mother lulling you into a safe space.
“We’re the Sallows.” She starts off. “I’m Astoria and that big man beside me is Sean. Don’t worry, he's harmless.”
Your lips turn up slightly as the man squints at his wife’s jesting. Your father gently pats your head to further reassure you.
The woman continues, nudging her head to the little girl bouncing on the balls of her feet beside Sean. “This is Anne, I think you’ll get along quite well–”
“Hi!” She interrupts her mother causing you to flinch. You curl back onto yourself, not used to the sudden burst of energy. Noticing your discomfort, she smiles sheepishly and apologizes for her loud behavior. The grown ups laugh at her adorableness before Astoria moves on to the boy who seemingly cannot take his eyes off of you. Whether she notices it or not, she doesn’t mention it.
You watch as the same brown eyes light up at the chance of being introduced to you. It’s like a dog waiting for its owner to allow it to run on its own.
You could almost feel a sweat drop at the excited energy he’s emitting from his position as he awaits his mother’s introduction of him. Astoria chuckles as she ruffles his curls. “And this is Sebastian. A bit mischievous but behaved nonetheless. Takes after me so you won’t find it hard to ease in around him.”
Another jest towards him, Sean can’t help but sigh and playfully roll his eyes. He seems to mouth something towards your father who jokingly nods in understanding. Whatever, that doesn’t seem to be of importance right now. Said boy walks towards you in two long strides causing you to step back in surprise.
“I’m Sebastian.” He repeats his name, arm reaching out towards you. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“I know. Lady Sallow introduced you.” You retort in a calm manner. The boy chuckles at your cold facade.
“I just wanted to make sure,” His nose scrunches in playfulness. You huff in apprehension at his forward personality. “And you are?”
Your hand reaches out to grab his, further solidifying a prospect of a new found friendship. You purse your lips as you introduce yourself. “Y/N Y/L/N. No nicknames by the way, just Y/N.”
He hums before sounding out your name. You should’ve noticed back then that the boy in front of you already had your heart in his grasp the moment you locked eyes with him but you suppose a child’s mind shouldn’t have any precise knowledge of what love is.
Carefree and subservient to the influences of the world around her– You were only a mere child introduced to the possibility of a new friend. You definitely couldn’t come to a realization that early.
You hear your parents gushing about your openness to the twins but it doesn’t linger in your mind as you allow yourself to focus on the boy in front of you. He smiles so widely as he discusses his interests and hobbies so intently with you. You could only listen with wholeheartedness.
You first met Sebastian Sallow when you were 7 years old. A seed planted on untouched soil. You didn’t know what this boy could entail for your future nevertheless, you allow him to be part of your life.
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You were 10 years old when you realized that Sebastian was here to stay.
In the comforts of your manor’s library, you, Sebastian and Anne were dawdling around (well more of Anne, honestly) as you allowed the grown ups to do whatever it is that they do in one of the receiving rooms. You’re too engrossed with your book as the three of you sat on one of the corners of the numerous shelves of the library.
Anne grumbles beside you. “This is boring.”
“Then go outside, Anne.” You calmly reply as you turn another page. You were faintly aware of Sebastian’s missing figure beside you. He had mumbled a while ago on finding another book to busy himself with.
You had found yourself more in tune with the Sallow boy. Probably because of your shared interests in reading and learning. Your mother couldn’t be more proud at the sight of you finally conversing with people your age. She was worried that your peers would only be limited to your parents and the staff of the manor– Not that she would mind, the employees adore you as their little lady. She was more worried that you would grow older mind-wise with the amount of grown ups you're acquainted with.
“But I want to be with you, Y/N!” She whines like the child that she is, clutching your arm in her embrace as she rests her head on your shoulder. You had grown desensitized to Anne’s need for physical affection. The first few months were a nightmare. Mrs. Sallow would often compare you to a cat as she watches you escape Anne’s grasp. She joked about expecting to see scratches on Anne after comparing you to a feline. You only stared at her with your usual deadpan look.
You sigh as you close your book, making sure to tuck your bookmark between the pages before settling your eyes down at the younger Sallow. “Whatever shall I do to quench your ennui, dearest Anne?”
She could hear the sarcastic tone in your voice as she raised her head to look at you. It doesn’t weaken her resolve however. “Don’t you and Sebastian ever get tired of being surrounded by books? The boring scent of ink and paper has me lightheaded and weak.”
She makes a point to dramatically lean her weight to yours, the back of her hand on her forehead to add exaggeration. You roll your eyes at her as you nudge her body away from yours. Before you could even answer, the boy who had been missing mere moments ago suddenly chimes in from your other side.
“Oh, stop pestering her, Anne! She’d scratch you for real this time.” Sebastian quips from your side as he sits down on the makeshift lounge area that the three of you constructed with pillows and a blanket. You snap your head towards him as he looks at you with a boyish grin.
“You better stop that joke. It’s overused.” You glare at him as he opens a new book he got from wherever he went. After his mother made that little gag, he had taken the opportunity to further harass you with it. He had even developed a little nickname for you inspired by it.
“If you win against me in gobstones, perhaps I’ll let it go, Kit.” He smirks as he pinches your cheek to which you smack the boy’s hand away. He told you he had derived it from the word ‘kitten.’ It was a bad nickname and a word that meant anything other than the word kitten. You had told him about its absurdness and lack of creativity and that people would probably mistake it for a fox or a rabbit or worse, a weasel. He only shrugged in response and told you that it's fine as you probably looked like a kit of any animal with how adorable you were.
You had almost smacked him for his ill-mannered words.
“Are you guys excited about getting your letters?” Anne randomly interrupts as she leans back on her hands behind her back, eyes staring up at the ceiling littered with changing constellations. Your mother was an avid fan of astrology and had installed a ceiling that copied the state of the stars no matter what day it was. It was quite amazing to look at and even gave off the real feel of the night sky.
Your hands situate themselves on your lap as your eyes glance towards the window, watching as drops of rain hit the glass pane.
“Of course. It’s all Mom and Dad ever wanted.” Sebastian answers beside you, eyes still not leaving the piece of literature within his hands. Anne and Sebastian’s parents were professors themselves in Hogwarts. You imagine how hard the academic pressure must be for them.
Anne nods in understanding. “Hm. I know we’ll get in. I have no doubts about that.”
She then turns to you, expecting an answer. “What about you, Y/N?”
Sebastian turns to you as well, interested in your answer. The twins had come to know you as an aloof and closed off person. You had only shown the surface of your personality to everyone that you’ve met and both had made it their goal to dig deeper in that cold shell of yours. Your eyes continue to watch the pitter patter of rain from the window.
“I mean, it’s expected of me as a witch, no?” You reply as if it was an automatic response in your brain. You turn towards the twins with a subtle smile. “It’s either Hogwarts or nothing. Of course I’d be delighted to receive an acceptance letter.”
The two fall silent at your reply, eyes glancing at each other before turning back to you. You feel yourself tense up, thinking that maybe you had said the wrong thing before both twins erupt into laughter. They had even shoved each other as they laughed boisterously. You flush at their reaction.
Your parents had commented that you were too serious for your age and often wondered if you were your father’s mother reincarnated. You retorted that it was disrespectful to joke about your grandmother like that and they had only laughed in response. At that time, you thought that they were only joking around but now that you face the same exact situation except with people outside of your family, you begin to feel shy and embarrassed for being too serious about things.
You cover the lower half of your face with the back of your hand as an attempt to hide your flushed face but Anne dives in your arms and settles on your lap, hugging your waist. Sebastian smiles at the sight before moving close to pinch your nose.
“H-hey! Don’t you think it’s enough teasing for today?” Your voice stutters as you glare at him. If it was your usual menacing face, Sebastian would’ve stopped then and there but with the way your face contorted into a look of shyness and embarrassment, he was basically long gone in attempting to stop himself from further digging his own grave.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I won’t tell our schoolmates you act like a 70-year old grandma most of the time,” He whispers jokingly which earned a harsh slap on his arm. He yelped at the sudden act of violence which prompted a series of giggles from the girl on your lap.
“Stop teasing her, Seb! She’ll look like a tomato by the time you’re done with her.” Anne comes to your defense albeit in a teasing manner. You fall your fist gently on the top of her head but with enough force to reprimand the giggling gal on your lap. You let out a sigh as you watch the two chuckling in their own bubble.
You listen in on their quips about you as they chortle with lighthearted words and hearty laughter. Normally, you would berate them for their words and their audacity to even joke about you. You would even send them to their parents with tails tucked between their legs and tears running down their face but as you watch their face filled with joy, you could only smile at the warm atmosphere of it all.
Ah. Have I been too lax on these two?
It seems that you’ve failed to hide your fond look when Anne points it out with her loud voice. “Did you just smile?!”
The corners of your lips drop down in surprise before you open your book once more as an attempt to hide yourself. Anne scrambles up from your lap as she pulls the annoying object from your hands to stare at your face.
“Sebastian, she just smiled!” Anne squeals as she wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you in a bone crushing hug. You try to remove yourself from the tight grip around you but a force pushes you down on the pile of pillows and blankets.
Sebastian had taken it upon himself to add to your little hug-fest as he encases both of you in his arms. There was a moment of silence before the three of you erupt into laughter. It was as if the sound of your laughter had warmed their hearts as the twins pulled you closer in their arms.
You suppose getting used to this wasn’t so bad after all.
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You were only 12 when Sebastian and Anne’s parents passed away.
You were in your second year when it happened. It was before the start of the semester and your manor was immediately sent an owl of the news. Thankful for the fast travel of floo flames, you immediately made your way to the Sallow home. 
You had been there a few times at the invitation of the Sallow family and loved the general warm atmosphere of the cozy home but now that you were here for a different reason, entering the house that was once filled with warmth and laughter suddenly was so different from what it once was.
Your eyes immediately see the twins sitting on the corner of the living area. Their uncle, Solomon Sallow had been the one to arrange the funeral. Apparently, a lamp in their cellar broke and an unidentified toxin was what caused their deaths. The moment your mother found out, she had already grabbed your coats and prepared you with an emotionless look on her face.
You barely listen to their exchange of condolences as you watch Sebastian’s blank stare and Anne’s shaking shoulders. You feel the urge to go to them but your eyes glance over to your parents who seem to be shifting their focus from their uncle to the twins. You allow them to greet Anne and Sebastian first.
You watch as your mother embraces the two in their arms, whispering words of comfort as she lets Anne bury her face in your mother’s shawl. Your father pats Sebastian’s head as he gives him a smile of sympathy.
Then your eyes meet. Brown meets E/C. At that moment, you felt a lump in your throat at the dullness of the swirls of brown that once held light and warmth in them. In a moment of weakness, you take two long strides, pulling the Sallow boy in your arms. It was as if that was all he ever needed as he burst out into tears at your sudden comfort. You hug him tightly, hands rubbing his back in a soothing manner as he clings to you like a babe missing the warmth of its mother.
You feel no tears escape your eyes but a heavy feeling settles deep within your stomach at the passing of two great educators. You remember their excitement when you got sorted into your house. Their little cheers and waves for you from their seats at the podium.
They were like second parents to you. Astoria often sneaked you in and the twins in her office on your free time when you were only first years. A little boy had also joined you, Ominis was his name. He had immediately clinged onto Sebastian the moment they had met. The four of you would hang out in her office, preying on her treats as she graded schoolwork from her desk.
She would pretend not to notice but you knew she did. You caught her, obviously and she only responded with a cheeky wink. She had always said you were too smart for your age and often asked you to keep an eye on her two little 'munchkins.' You hated the nickname but you were just glad it wasn't directed at you.
"How are you feeling?" You mumble quietly as you hold hands with Sebastian. You had led him to one of the sofas, his presence never leaving yours as he clung to your coat. He rests his head on your shoulder as you gently pat his hands in a comforting rhythm with your free hand while the other encases it in a gentle grip.
"I don't know." He replies— almost whispers even. You glance at your father who had lifted Anne in his arms, gently swaying her to sleep as she clung onto him tightly. Anne had a small stature for her age and was often mistaken to be younger. This often led to your parents to baby her as if she was younger than the both of you despite being the same age. 
You turn your attention back to Sebastian who now had his eyes closed. You rest your free hand on top of your intertwined hands as you lean your head on top of his. "I'm here. I'll always be here."
You didn't know what came over you to say that but you feel Sebastian relax as he curled more into you. He responds with a relieved tone.
"I know."
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You were 13 when you saw him in a different light.
This time it was Imelda's fault. If only that girl didn't open her mouth and began feeding you ideas, you wouldn't have suffered as a result.
"Does Sebastian know that he coddles you?" Imelda asked bluntly as she took a bite of her food. You had almost choked at the sudden question. The Slytherin gal only tilts her in amusement as you cough into your fist.
You were currently seated in the Great Hall, having your breakfast. There was still an hour left before your first class so you took your time in eating. You had met up with Imelda on your way to the hall as you got too tired on waiting for the twins and Ominis to show up. 
There were only a few people who had shown up this early so you basically had some sort of privacy with how far apart the others were seated from you. You were glad you didn't have to force her to shut the fuck up for saying such an absurd thing that could be a root for rumors.
"He does not coddle me, Imelda," You correct her, fork moving the peas across your plate. "He's just…. Sebastian. He does that with Anne."
"Oh really?" She smiles mockingly as she takes a bite of her cornbread. "Sebastian has always been protective of Anne. It's the fact that he's protective with someone other than Anne that's suspicious. That someone is also coincidentally, you."
"We grew up together." You reason with her.
"And so do the rest of our batchmates! We were all together in our first year. That counts as growing up together. Do you see him doing that to Samantha Dale?" She counters. You purse your lips in annoyance. "Plus, it isn't even the one he does with Anne. It's more like a guard dog protecting its owner."
"....A guard dog?" You swear this girl had the strangest imagination when it comes to insulting Sallow.
"Yes," She leans forward to further emphasize her point. "You should see his face whenever Leander tries to talk with you. He looks like he'll infect rabies the second Prewett reaches within 5 inches of your space."
Imelda giggles, mouth still full of food before taking another bite. You would've chastised her for being uncouth but she glanced at the entrance of the hall after she took big gulps of the pumpkin juice. "Speak of the devil, there he is."
You turn your head towards where Imelda's looking at and find yourself staring at familiar pools of brown. Sebastian smiles as he jogs over to you, leaving a sleepy Anne and an exasperated Ominis to make their way over to your table.
"I didn't see you by the statue." Sebastian sighs as ruffles your hair, ruining your hairstyle for the day. You sigh, not even bothered by it anymore. He sits beside you before pulling out your favorite sweets from Honeydukes. Your eyes light up at the treat. "Bought you some from my trip with Anne yesterday."
You send him a smile as you take the sweet from his hands. "Thanks."
Ominis and Anne arrive with tired looks on their faces. Imelda glances at them with a raised eyebrow.
"The fuck happened to you two?" Imelda asks. You could feel the irritation emit from the blonde and you wonder what exactly did Sebastian do to have the young Gaunt in fumes this early in the morning?
"Sebastian has a habit of waking us earlier than necessary. Anne and I have the same schedule today. For the rest of the semester, mind you. Our classes start in the afternoon, so there's no reason for us to wake up this early." Ominis grumbles in annoyance as he sits down on your other side. You glance at him, gently patting his arm in sympathy. He takes a moment to greet you with a smile before turning to Imelda. "Also, language?"
"Yeah, yeah." Imelda rolls her eyes. Anne sits down beside Imelda to rest her head on her shoulder. "I am not your personal pillow, Sallow. Move."
"No one calls me that. I shan't move because of it."  Anne mumbles sleepily as she clings to Imelda, trying to catch up on her sleep. She then mutters one more thing as if to get on your nerves. "Sebastian only woke us up because Y/N's awake. Otherwise, I'd be sleeping through Neverland right now."
Imelda glances at you with a knowing look to which you widen your eyes at her as if to shut her up. Sebastian is unbothered by Anne's words as he finishes his food before turning his undivided attention to you. He begins to stare.
Normally, you would pass it off as Sebastian just being Sebastian but for some reason, after Imelda's words, you find yourself becoming tense under his gaze. Did her words truly affect you that much?
Out of nowhere, he leans his head on your shoulder causing you to tense. To add to your misery, he grabs one of your hands to intertwine your hands together. Was this boy trying to kill you purposefully?
Imelda smirks at the view in front of her before nudging Anne's head off her shoulder as she rises up from her seat. The younger Sallow groans before moving to rest her head on her arms on the table. To further infuriate you, Imelda coughs pathetically in her fist as she blurts out the words, trying to hide it in her poor attempt of coughing. "Guard dog."
You send her a heated glare as she scurries off to her other friends who were also leaving the Great Hall. Sebastian raises his head at the sound of Imelda leaving, watching the Slytherin girl for a moment then turning to you.
You turn towards him, an attempt to prove yourself wrong but you only find yourself heating up at his boyish gaze.
"What's wrong?" He asks. You turn away in a blink of an eye 
Merlin, you didn't expect seeing him differently because of Imelda's meddling but here you are now. Stuttering over something as simple as Sebastian staring at you.
You were going to kill Reyes.
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You were 15 when you first became jealous.
It came on three different occasions. Each worse than the last.
The first incident was only a fleeting thought.
A new fifth year was announced to be joining the school and with all the commotion you heard around this enigma of a person, you expected her to be in the main spotlight of school rumors for a while. You watched with bated breath as she stepped on the podium to get herself sorted. You were once nervous and timid like her as she allowed the sorting hat to analyze the depths of her mind.
In the midst of watching her get sorted, you feel a movement beside you causing your head to turn towards it. Your eyes meet pools of brown as the boy had sneaked in to sit beside you.
“Where were you?” You whispered in obvious concern as the Sallow boy fixed his cloak with a firm tug. You began to notice over the past few months that your best friend had begun to act more secretive and often wandered in far places. Your eyes glance towards the back as you notice Ominis take a seat beside Imelda. He had also tried to drag the young Gaunt with him to whatever escapade he went to.
You suppose it's because of Anne’s illness that he’s like this. The other Sallow twin had fallen ill after a grim encounter with a dark wizard. This caused her to be put on a health break and to be monitored by their uncle, Solomon, at their home in Feldcroft. Sebastian was quiet and unreadable for those few months. Ominis and you visited them in their little cottage in Feldcroft after hearing what happened and you were almost scared with how weak Anne was. You grew protective of the girl who you saw as a younger sister despite your similar ages. 
Sebastian had also confided in you. You think it was an effect you had on him after that moment of comfort when you were merely 12 years old. You thought it had passed but apparently his need for comfort from you stayed behind. The two of you would talk outside and glance up at the stars as his knee softly nudges against yours.
You had come to terms that you had grown feelings for Sebastian Sallow. It wasn’t hard to fall for him, you suppose. He always had that charm both physically and personality wise. It didn’t help that he had begun to be more noticeable to your peers as well. There had been a ranking amongst the girls of your year about who they deem the most attractive out of all their male yearmates. Sebastian was ranked first.
Of course he did. You just didn’t know if you’d feel proud or threatened that a lot of your yearmates found your best friend attractive but no one had made a move on him so you think you’re safe.
Sebastian leans forward to rest his arms on the table as he watches the new fifth year get sorted. “Ominis and I practiced some spells in the undercroft. That place got dusty, I should find a house elf to look after it during term breaks.”
You shoot him a pointed look. “Practice? Spells? The academic year hasn’t even started, Seb.”
Sebastian smirks at you. Your lips almost waver at his attractiveness. “Chill, Kit. Nothing, a little confringo won’t hurt nobody.”
Your jaw drops before you glance around to see if anybody is listening to you. You lean your body towards him to whisper your words just between you two. “I told you to stop with those spells! It’ll be a matter of time before we learn it anyway. Last time you did that, you almost singed your eyebrows off. Don’t worry Anne.”
Sebastian scoffs as he takes a sip of his pumpkin juice. He puts it down before glancing at you, eyes flickering all over your face before sending you a cheeky grin. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
You roll your eyes at him as you lean back to your original position. You see Sebastian stare at the new fifth year from the corner of your eye. It seems as if he’s not yet finished with talking as he leans close to start another conversation.
“I already heard things about the new fifth year. Got caught up in a dragon attack. Isn’t that cool?” He whispers in mild amusement as you feel his shoulders bump against yours. You turn to him with a deadpan stare.
“You mean almost dying and getting chewed up? That’s cool for you?” You reply in a monotonous voice. Sebastian giggles at your sarcastic tone, nudging you  slightly as he laughs with his whole body. 
“Not that. I mean just surviving and being able to hold against a dragon. That’s pretty admirable.” He sighs dreamily as he watches the sorting hat continue to spat out questions to the gal. “Nora Finley. Quite a memorable name, no?”
You stared at him with an unreadable look as a heavy feeling settled on your stomach. You know you should think nothing about it but hearing him praise someone else caused a stir in your poor heart. It was too petty of you and so you just let it be.
He catches your eye, head tilting like a dog confused. You shake your head and sigh before you hear the sorting hat shout, another reason for dread to knock on your bones.
You hear Sebastian cheer beside you as applause erupts at another addition to the Slytherin house. You couldn’t help but feel anxiety crawling up your throat.
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The second was your realization.
“Where’s Sebastian?” You ask as you sit beside Ominis Gaunt who was doing school work alongside Natsai Onai. You take a moment to smile at the Gryffindor who returns your greeting enthusiastically. “I thought he was going to be reviewing with us for our potions test?”
Ominis is silent for a moment as his hand brushes across the page of the book engraved in braille. You turn to Natty with furrowed eyebrows in confusion. The Uagadou transferee shrugged her shoulders as she gave you a sympathetic look. Before you could further give the poor girl more confused stares, Ominis finally answers.
“He’s out with the new fifth year. Didn’t even give me a notice he’d be gone. I was sitting like an idiot outside the courtyard waiting for him.” He huffs in indifference as he turns a page. Your heart drops at the mention of the fifth year.
You had met her a few times. Once during DADA after she had been asked by Professor Hecat to take Sebastian Sallow on a duel. You weren’t worried about Sebastian at all; He had won every duel in both crossed wands and the comforts of the DADA classroom so rest assured, you believed in his capabilities as a duelist. It was more of what would happen after that worried you. You were quite surprised to see that Nora had defeated Sebastian and was even praised by your professor. You thought it was only luck as you watched her converse with Sebastian for a few moments before the Sallow boy had called you over as he took your bag in his arm to walk you to your next class. 
You were clearly proven wrong after hearing the results of her crossed wand duels and that she had appeared to be the champion of the tournament.
You asked him once on the way to your next class about what he thought of Nora after his duel with her and you couldn’t believe the same brown eyes which lost their dullness the moment his parents died had begun to light up once more at the mention of Nora Finley’s name.
“She’s nice, Y/N. Think it’d be okay if we invite her to our little group?”
You began having nightmares ever since. 
Returning to present time, you shift uncomfortably in your seat as you open your notes to start your review. Ominis, reminding you of your father for his perceptiveness, turns his head towards you.
“If it matters, it was Professor Weasley who asked him to accompany her to Hogsmeade.” Ominis pats your back as if to comfort your worries before turning back to his review. You sigh in response at his try of easing your complicated mind. It was inevitable for Ominis to find out about it. Anne knew it with just a glance considering that you three had grown up together. Ominis though was calculating and observing. He had never explicitly told you that he knew but he spoke as if he did whenever you worried over Sebastian.
At this point, you knew he knew but just didn’t want to voice it out loud for your sake.
You were too late to dismiss his words as you met eyes with Natsai Onai who looked at you with giddy curiosity.
She bites her lip before voicing what Ominis couldn’t. “You like Sebastian?”
“Oh my! I should’ve noticed. It was obvious– But wait, I thought you were already dating?” She shoots out multiple words that you were sure you wouldn’t catch if you didn’t have your focus on her. You give her an incredulous stare.
“They’re not. Which is absurd by the way.” Ominis chimes nonchalantly. You turn towards your best friend with a glare. Whether he feels the heaviness of your stare or not, he only smiles in response.
Natsai leans forward to grab your wrist with a giddy smile on her face. “Do not worry, Rafiki. I am on your side.”
You furrow your eyebrows as she claps enthusiastically before sending you two thumbs up. You turn to Ominis for an explanation. “What is she talking about?”
The young Gaunt snorts. “You don’t wanna know.”
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The third was your conclusion.
“You invited her here?!”
You almost feel your blood pressure overflow at the sight in front of you. Anne had invited you over after receiving a letter from her brother that he would be visiting Feldcroft with a present for her. The two of you had grown distant over the past couple of weeks with him being busy with Nora and all. The two always seemed like they were up and ready for whatever escapade they’re planning for the day. You even hear news of the two defeating a troll in Hogsmeade.
It seems that Sebastian had already found someone else to pour his attention to. Your father would probably laugh at you for looking like a kicked puppy but Sebastian had always pampered you with his attention ever since the two of you were only seven. It became a bit more severe as he grew older and along with that sudden change came the questions between the two of you. It was understandable considering he acted as if he was actually courting you. Walking you to class, carrying your bag, hugging you freely, playing with your hair, leaning against you and all that shebang.
You enjoyed it all. You just wished he did it with intention.
But you couldn’t possibly let him know that. After all, you were only friends.
Back to the present, Sebastian stood with his hands tucked in the pocket of his coat as Nora conversed with Anne in the foyer of their little cottage. Sebastian glares at you for your sudden opposement to Nora’s arrival.
“I don’t understand why you’re so adamant on this. Anne knows her already.” Sebastian keeps his voice calm as he steps to block you from the two’s line of sight. It was a small gesture of allowing the two of you privacy, you heart wavered slightly. You look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. To further emphasize his point, he motions a hand to the two who were chatting freely with each other. “Look! Anne’s already warmed up. I don’t see the point of this argument.”
You let out an annoyed huff. “It's the fact that you disappear on me for a week and suddenly you’re inviting the new fifth year over.”
Sebastian runs his palm over his face. You feel the irritation emitting from his body language. “I invited Ominis and you here. What’s the difference?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him the subliminal messages behind his actions. Was it so hard to understand that spending a week with a lady then bringing her home to your family meant something else? Did this boy really not have social cues at all?
You only hope continuously in your head as the nail of your index finger scratches the side of your thumb, a habit you developed because of anxiety, that he was just merely dumb and just wanted to introduce his friend and that this wasn’t what you think it is.
To further agitate you, he mentions your apprehension to Nora as well. “I’ve noticed your hesitance around her these past few months. She’s done nothing but be nice to us. What is really going on with you, Y/N?”
You let a moment of vulnerability pass through you as you feel small under Sebastian’s calculating gaze. You turn your gaze away, unable to keep eye contact. Your head was running on and on and on with Sebastian and that new fifth year. You felt threatened and so you avoided them like a coward. You couldn’t bring yourself to march into their shared presence, afraid that you might interrupt something. It didn’t help that Ominis had also warmed up to her after their little encounter by the entrance of the undercroft after you and Ominis had caught her exiting the secret hideout.
You suddenly felt ashamed of yourself.
It seems as if it apparently had shown on your face as Sebastian steps close to cup your cheeks within his rough but gentle hands. You look back up at him in surprise– cheeks heating at his concerned gaze. He tilts his head gently, eyes locked on yours. Your heart beats fast, breath quickening at the proximity of your faces. 
If you moved an inch, you could–
“Y/N.” He mumbles, eyebrows furrowed. “Little kit. What’s wrong, love?”
You purse your lips at the nickname, becoming emotional from hearing it once again. Tears brim your eyes as your hands grab the fabric of his coat. Your grip is tight and desperate. You couldn’t tell if he knew and you hope your face is able to convey such emotions.
“Are you still with me?” You ask, vague but the intention is there. Sebastian’s eyes dart back and forth across your face. Somehow he understands as he sees you glance to your side where the two ladies are still busy with their chatting.
He understands as he places a kiss on your forehead before pulling you in his arms. He understands as he allows you to bury your face on his shoulder as he gently rubs your back in soothing circles. Like what you did for him.
“I am. I always am.”
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Originally, you promised Anne to give her a painting as a gift and so you went to Feldcroft with your materials and all. Anne had given you creative freedom with an exception. You expected to draw a portrait of her but somehow, a different figure had formed on your canvas. You glance towards your subject who had taken off his coat and pulled his sleeves up to his arms as he helped his sister and the new fifth year prepare dinner.
You were situated on the corner, easel propped up, canvas set and paintbrush within your grasp, hanging a few inches from the medium. Your eyes had found themselves entranced at his glowing aura. The sun had hit him so nicely as he laughed at whatever joke Anne had concocted.
You were about to redo the sketch but then you once again meet pools of brown, the sunlight hitting his side so nicely that his right eye had even turned into a honey gold color. You feel your breath hitch as he sends you a smile before turning back to the two.
With pursed lips, you look down at the canvas. Your cheeks heat up as Anne’s words echo in your mind.  Your paintbrush begins to do its magic.
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You were 17 when you received the news.
To my dearest daughter, Y/N.
Hello darling, I hope all is well. I hear you and Sebastian are still getting along quite well. I do hope Anne gets better soon. I visited her last week and she seems to have gotten better albeit still pale but not as worse as before. Anyways, I don’t mean to intrude on your wonderful time there but your years in Hogwarts are coming to an end. I do hope you understand that ensuring the continuity of our bloodline has always been an important part of our family as wizards and witches. Although I won’t mind if you have anyone reserved in your heart (which I doubt you’ll do something about it), I was contacted by Mrs. Weasley in regards to your hand in marriage. She wants you to get to know Garreth. Just a little bit. I know this won’t change your mind but can you at least try for me, love? 
At least until you do something about that lack of courage of yours. I didn’t raise a quitter!
Your jaw drops as you reread the letter again and again. Your mother had done something stupid once more. You hadn’t expected her to do something as absurd as this but you suppose, this had also been partly your fault.
Despite your parents being open and understanding of you, they were still quite traditional in certain things such as continuing your bloodline. Your brother was still a third year and was still far off from graduating or pursuing a family, so the role rests on your hands. You didn’t mind getting married but you hoped that at least it would be with someone you enjoyed being in the presence of. 
Someone who had great capabilities and eventually someone you’ll grow to love.
….. Or already love.
Like him.
Your cheeks blush at the thought as you close the letter in your grasp. You were currently outside the castle and in the front garden. Your owl had immediately dropped it in your care as it spotted you during its flight. You wished it could’ve just delivered it in your room but what’s done is done. 
Before you could continue to wallow in misery, you hear someone calling out to you. Turning to the direction of the voice, you see Garreth jogging up to your direction before lightly panting as he stops in front of you. 
You smile awkwardly, just having read that disaster of a letter and now the subject of the message was right in front of you. “Garreth.”
“Y/N,” Garreth smiles before standing upright as he finally calms himself down. “Before you say anything, I know you’ve received the letter. I know because I received mine as well.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. The Weasley boy smiles sheepishly before continuing.
“Look, you’re really beautiful. Like actually. I think people would get mad at me for being engaged to you and I know this might sound rude and I don’t want it to mean like that! It’s just–” He pauses for a moment before resuming his rambling. You let out an amused smile. “I just don’t think we’re a good fit. A Y/L/N and a Weasley? I think my mother was nuts when she tried pairing us up. No offense though.”
“None taken.” You giggle softly as he flushes an embarrassed red. You were glad that you were on the same page. At least you didn’t have to pretend to get to know him. “I apologize for this mess, Garreth. If only my mother wasn’t so insistent in finding me future prospects.”
“Ah, please! No no.” He shakes his hands towards you in disagreement. “It’s purely my side. Mother is still quite smitten with you ever since you came over when we were little. Despite making me cry, she found you to be quite elegant and charming and wanted you to be her daughter-in-law. Just didn’t expect that it’d be me she’d use.”
You chuckle at his disappointed tone. “Well, who’d you expect she’d pair me up with?”
“I don’t know? My older brother? He’s more of a Weasley than me.” He smiles lopsidedly. You tilt your head in sheer amusement at his suggestion.
“Garreth, your brother is at least 10 years older than I am.” You laugh. Garreth blushes once more, sounding a sheepish ‘right’ at his previous response. Despite not being that close, being with Garreth was surprisingly not that awkward. He was a lively Gryffindor who always managed to keep the conversation afloat despite him being embarrassed and shy about his situation.
You would’ve agreed to marry him if it weren’t for a certain someone who had already made his place in your heart. 
Speaking of that certain someone. He was surprisingly late on your agreed time to meet up at the entrance of the castle. You turn to Garreth with an abashed look plastered on your face.
“It’s really nice to meet up with you, Garreth but I do have to meet someone.” You clutch your satchel within your grasp as the redhead smiles at your excuse to leave.
“Sebastian, I assume?”
You pause for a moment, jaw wavering at the direct guess. “... Uh yeah, how’d you know?”
Garreth smirks, a boyish look gracing his face. “How does anyone not know?”
With a cryptic response, he gives you one last smile and a nod before making his way towards the group of students flying kites a few meters from you. You blink in confusion before heat travels to your cheeks at the idea of everybody knowing that there’s something going on between you two. Sebastian hadn’t exactly denied anything and neither did you (simply because you enjoyed being paired up together) so the rumors didn’t go away. 
That was a topic for another time. Right now, you need to find the Sallow boy. 
You first march your way to the Defense against the Dark Arts tower, opting to check out the undercroft first as him and Ominis often frequented the hideout as of late. You had also befriended Nora recently. The poor gal was slightly afraid of you because of your hesitance in befriending her. You reassured her that it was more of a personal problem and had nothing to do with her. 
And then it was like another Anne had joined your group. She had immediately engulfed you in a hug and rambled about how she had always idolized you. You had a reputation in Hogwarts to be elegant in the things that you did. It was a product of self discipline at an early age really. A pat on the back that your younger self definitely deserved whenever she acted like a 70-year old grandmother (Sebastian’s words, not yours). It was also because of this that you had a lot of admirers but only a few dared to approach you. Some were too intimidated and some only loved the idea of you from afar. The others were mostly scared off by Sebastian. 
You had finally agreed with Imelda after seeing him scare a fourth year after the young boy tried confessing to you. You tried to calm Sebastian down but he had only scoffed at the young boy who had run away, crying. After that though, Sebastian had become touchy and affectionate.
Holding your waist, intertwining your hands under the table and even placing a kiss on your forehead in public grounds. You had to pinch his side to stop him from getting so overprotective (possessive is the right term but we can’t say that yet) over you.
Already missing his presence, you had daydreamed as you leaned against one of the pillars, awaiting for his appearance. Unaware of your surroundings, you are suddenly grabbed by the waist and pulled against a lean chest. You let out a squeal as the culprit had encased you in a back-hug and you could only deduce who would have the gall to grab you like this.
“Sebastian! Put me down!” You shriek as you hit his unmovable arms on your waist. You spot Nora walking to the front, sending you a knowing look as she watches with amusement. You tried to ask for help but she had only shrugged and moved towards Ominis who had only come out of class. She immediately dived in his arms as the poor boy scrambled to catch her.
Who would expect those two huh? Then again, you shouldn’t complain as your attention was mostly on this idiot behind you.
“I missed you, Kit.” Sebastian whined like a child as he let you down but still didn’t let you go as his arms pulled you tighter against his chest. You huff in annoyance as he burrows his face on your neck, unashamedly hugging you in the corridors. You try to hit his arms once more, but he had only chuckled (rather deeply at that) at your attempts to break free.
“You see me everyday– Now let me go! I don’t want to get reprimanded because of your idiocy.” You berated him as you still struggle in his grasp. The brunette shook his head, placing a kiss on your cheek which caused you to flush almost instantly. “S-Sebastian!”
“Alright, fine.” He rolls his eyes as he lets you go begrudgingly. You turn around with a glare to which he giggles at and pinches your cheek. “Cute.”
“I’ll kill you myself someday.” You mutter under your breath as you step to the side, allowing your hand to be intertwined with his as he leads you to the other two. Nora glances down at your intertwined hands before smiling wide at you. You had squinted your eyes at her, her innocent facade appearing too suspicious.
“Done with your theatrics, Sebastian?” Ominis sighs as he intertwines his hand with Nora. The brunette whistles a tune as he tucks your hands inside the pockets of his cloak. Your cheeks warm at the gesture. 
“Sure, Ominis. Sure.” The Sallow boy sarcastically replies before turning his head to focus on the students leaving the DADA classroom. Ominis then addresses you with an unexpected topic of conversation.
“Right. Y/N. I expect you’ve received a letter from your mother? I just received one from mine as well.” Ominis sounds exasperated at the mention of his family. “The social circles are pairing us up now. I had already declined but I hear you were paired with someone? Have you read it?”
Now the attention was on you. Your eyes glance at the two pairs of eyes staring directly at you, gaze unwavering and solid. Your jaw flutters in nervousness as you feel Sebastian’s hand grip yours tightly within the pocket of his cloak.
You let out a sigh of defeat. “... I was paired up with… Garreth.”
“Weasley?!” Both Nora and Sebastian exclaimed to which you and Ominis smacked their shoulders to shut them up. You were glad that some students had only glanced at you for a moment before moving on with their day. You weren’t sure if you could handle another gossip roaming the halls.
“Can you two keep it down?” Ominis chastises before continuing. “But why Garreth? I thought it would be…”
He trailed off but you knew who he was referring to. Sebastian has grown quiet but his grip on your hand is still tight. You glance at the object of your desires before responding. “It’s alright, it was a mutual decline. Garreth didn’t think we would work and I think so too.”
Nora lets out an audible sigh of relief to which you smile, amused. Ominis only nods in understanding but you could see his relaxed shoulders. It seems everyone had expected who you’d end up with which made you kind of giddy to be honest. Then you hear Sebastian scoff. You turn to him at the sound of his voice.
“He’s an idiot for not seeing your worth,” Sebastian replies, eyes dark and unreadable. He then looks at you and for a moment you’re unable to look away from it. “But I’m glad he was.”
You flush at his subtle confession and from the corner of your eye, you could see Nora’s jaw drop and Ominis scoff at Sebastian’s attempt to woo you. 
You weren’t able to reply as the brunette had already dragged you off to your next class.
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You were 21 when it happened.
A few years had passed after your graduation from Hogwarts and well everyone had expected that the two of you somehow at one point, had already kissed and made out and done all that crazy stuff.
No. Nothing happened.
Aside from the usual lingering hugs and fond looks the two of you give each other, nothing had happened much. You had declined marriage offers much to your mother's chagrin but you had reassured her you'd try and solve this issue of yours to make her happy.
She wanted Sebastian to be part of the family, of course. But it was taking too long and if you didn't have a possible suitor by the time you were 25, your mother would go ballistics on you. You try your best to prevent that from happening as you worry for another unexpected situation like that one time she and Garreth's mother tried to pair you two up together.
Now working as part of the ministry, you were placed in the Department of Magical Cooperation. It was a tough spot to get in but luckily with your outstanding performance and reputation, you were accepted to be part of the team. 
Nora had opted to work in the magizoology field alongside Ominis while you and Sebastian landed your jobs at the ministry. It was expected after all. Sebastian was a talented wizard and he was immediately recruited after graduating.
Your relationship however, had also changed. Gone were the days where Sebastian was practically attached to you by the hip. You had expected that you were going to see each other since working in the same field but you had barely seen the man as he was required in almost every case the Auror division had been working on.
You saw him amongst important figures while you stood on the sidelines. Not once had he glanced your way and you fear that this might be the last time you’ll ever get to be with him and after that, someone might take him away from you.
Someone nicer.
More interesting.
Not the stone faced girl who he had only tolerated just because his parents were friends with hers.
Your head drops as thoughts of self doubt fill your mind. It has been a few months since you’ve properly spoken to Sebastian. He had sent a few letters here and there but that was about it. Your mother would probably be disappointed. 
You sighed for the nth time before an owl flew inside through the open window of your home. You gasp at its feathers flapping as it lands gracefully on the window sill. You notice a letter tied on its claw before carefully untying it. You feed the gentle bird a sugar cube, watching as it flies away. You open the letter with bated breath. There were only a few people who would send you an owl these past few days and your mother had already sent hers last week while your brother was yesterday. Who else would be sending?
You let out a sigh as you recognize the handwriting.
Hey bitch,
We’re in town. We’re dropping by.
Your favorite Slytherin
P.S I’m with your lover boy and the annoying couple. Save me!
Your eyebrows furrow as you reread the letter over and over. You had deduced from the rather crude and short letter that the sender was Imelda. After years of tolerating her crass language, you were sure no one other than her would start the letter with a curse word. You had also deduced that she would not be alone, judging from the added note on the bottom. By annoying couple, that meant Nora and Ominis. They had probably met up together somewhere.
Your eyes scan the words lover boy once more. You knew who this was of course. Imelda also had Sebastian with her and they were going to crash in your flat.
You let out a groan as you assess the state of your home. It wasn’t exactly messy but there were a few things out of place and that needed cleaning. You let out a sigh, placing the letter on your desk before making your way to clean up.
You planned to have a general cleaning last week but work was too hectic. Might as well take this chance to clean up.
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You are certainly not dressed up.
Okay. Maybe you were, judging from your slightly different hairstyle and the flowy dress you had gotten as a gift from a co-worker who claimed that your wardrobe was too depressing with the amount of blacks and whites you wear to work. It was a flowy beige dress that reached a few inches below your knees. You opted just wearing your slippers as it was probably just a house hang-out.
You sat on your couch, eyeing the alcohol arrangement on your coffee table before reaching out to slightly tilt the wine bottle to another 10 degrees. You probably look like an idiot. Trying to look good for someone who had probably forgotten you over the span of a few months. You let out a sigh as you place your hands on your lap.
Before you could further criticize your interior decor and all, you hear the sound of your door knocker hitting the wooden surface of your door quite loudly. You sprang up in surprise at the sound before making your way over to the door. In an attempt to fix yourself at the last minute, you take a look at the mirror near to your main door, fixing any stray hairs that might’ve escaped your hairdo. You let out a breath as you send looks of encouragement to yourself through the reflection of the mirror.
You hear the chatter outside– mostly it’s Imelda chastising whoever it was that fell under her judgemental gaze. You remove the locks before opening the door to find four figures standing outside. It was Nora who greeted you first.
“Y/N! It’s been so long!” The red head grabbed you in an embrace to which you returned with the same enthusiasm. She releases you with a fond look on her face before you motion her inside.
“Did you get my letter?” Imelda smirks like the menace that she is. Now a professional Quidditch player, you seldom saw the former Slytherin gal after you had graduated. You were definitely glad to see her now. You pull her in a tight hug.
“Of course I did. I would’ve been asleep by now if I didn’t.” You quipped with a wide grin as she ruffled your hair at your jesting. You push her inside before turning to Ominis who was already smiling at the feel of your presence. You immediately pull him in a hug as he holds you closely.
“Hello, Y/N.” He mumbles as he places a peck on the side of your head, gently rocking you side to side. You giggle at his brotherly behavior before pulling away to cup his cheek. He pats the hand against his face before Nora fetches him behind you.
You allow yourself to linger your gaze towards the three who had immediately made themselves at home before turning to the final guest of the night. There stands in all his glory, Sebastian Sallow. Dressed in his usual black coat, black suit and black tie, he tucks his hands inside his pockets as he sends you a dazzling smile.
“Hey, Kit.” He mumbles lowly and you almost feel yourself weakened at the mention of the nickname you haven’t heard in months. You don’t allow yourself to waver as you stare him down with your cold gaze. He heaves out a sigh. “I guess I owe some explaining to do.”
“Yeah, beat his fucking ass, Y/N!” Imelda yells from her spot in the kitchen. You hear Nora telling her to not drink so early while Ominis just laughs at the two. You chuckle at your friends’ usual selves before turning your attention back to Sebastian who had not moved his eyes from you.
He takes a step inside, hand reaching out to grab yours. Your eyes look down to watch as he holds your smaller hand within his grasp, thumb rubbing the back of your hand gently. You look up at him as he stares at you with an apologetic gaze. You knew you should be mad at him but with the way he’s staring at you like you’re the whole world to him, you just knew you couldn’t.
You’d always be weak for Sebastian Sallow.
A smile bleeds out of your facade and the brunette takes it as a chance to pull you in his arms. This hug was intimate and desperate. Your bodies pressed so close together, you’d feel his body warmth against yours. Your arms wrap around his neck as he holds you close by the waist. You hear him inhale your scent as he buries his face on your neck. At some point, he had moved you inside and pressed you against the wall, rendering you trapped between him and the hard surface.
You didn’t really have any complaints.
You pull him closer as he lets out a breath against your neck. You bite your lip, trying to keep the sounds in at the feel of his breath tickling your skin. You were a grown woman and the man hugging you right now was the love of your life. Who wouldn’t be flustered at the smallest of things?
After a few more minutes, you run your fingers through Sebastian’s hair, twirling the curls as you gently whisper the words to him. “We should go with them.”
He had remained stationary on your neck, inhaling your scent and all. He heaves out a groan before slightly moving back, placing a kiss on your cheek and finally facing you.
There was certainly tension. The kind that you could cut with a knife. You were scared to acknowledge it as both of you stare at each other as if you have things to say and confess but no one makes a move. He only pulls away and grabs your hand in his before pulling you towards the lounge area where the three had already opened the wine and champagne.
“Did you finally just kiss it out?” Imelda asks rather bluntly, which earned a slap on her arm from Nora. The two of you ignore her quip as you sit beside Sebastian on the loveseat, heartbeat stuttering as his thigh presses against yours while his arm finds its way behind you. 
Sebastian gives you a glass of champagne as he gets his own before smiling as he clinks glasses with you.
As you take your first sip, you allow yourself to let loose and bask in the presence of the people who you had come to know as part of your family.
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“Can we take one of the rooms, Y/N?” Nora asks with her nose scrunched, obviously affected by the amount of alcohol she had downed. Ominis stands beside her, arm slung over her shoulder with his head dropped on her shoulder. You hear Ominis mumbling but the pair stood far enough for you not to hear.
“Yeah sure. First door on your right.” You smile as you nod towards the hall on their left. Nora sends you a thankful smile before making her way to the room by your direction. Imelda is face flat on one of the couches, blacked out after downing half of the wine bottle. You can take your alcohol quite well but you were sure you were tipsy as well.
Sebastian had gone up to use the loo, leaving you alone in the comforts of your living room. Having the need to occupy your hands with something, you stand up to place the empty wine glasses in the kitchen. You apparently also underestimated your level of tipsiness as you felt yourself stumble at the sudden change of positions. 
An arm on your waist immediately stables you to stand as you grip on it in support.
“Woah there, darling.” Sebastian chuckles as you lean against him for support. “Careful.”
You furrow your eyebrows at the sudden dizziness before slowly regaining composure. You place a hand on his shoulder as you stand on your two feet before giggling. “Sorry. I’m a bit tipsy, my mistake for standing so fast.”
Sebastian smiles at your carefree nature, influenced by the alcohol. You look up at him, corners of your lip still turned up in a smile. You watch as Sebastian's eyes crinkle as he looks down at you fondly. God, this man was going to be the end of you.
“Ready to go to bed?” He asks as he offers a hand to help you. You certainly didn’t want this moment alone with him to end so shortly. You shake your head as you walk towards one of the doors in the hallway on the left. Sebastian makes cautious steps as he follows you to ensure you wouldn’t fall and trip on your own. You stop at the 2nd to the last door on the left, smiling as you look back at Sebastian.
You certainly didn’t have this confidence if you were sober. Sebastian stares at you with an amused smile.
“So, while you were gone,” You jest as you turn your back against the wooden surface of the door. Sebastian smirks at your playful insult as he stands in front of you. “I got back into painting. Which was like… Eons ago.”
Sebastian chuckles. “Yeah, I remember you painting back then. You almost did everything if I recall correctly. The esteemed little lady of House Y/L/N, right?”
You pout at the mention of the title, gently slamming your fist against his chest. You didn’t expect it to be so hard though and he had even barely moved. Not affected by 40% of your strength. That was …. Unnecessarily hot. You push those thoughts away as you continue your main task at present.
“Stop. Sh.” You place your index finger against your lips, shushing his further attempts in teasing you. The brunette bites his lip, trying to contain his smile as he waits for you to continue. “Anyways, I was supposed to give this to Anne like years ago but I never did because I was too embarrassed by it.”
Sebastian furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “But your works are magnificent though?”
“You flatter me, Sallow.” You giggle as you rest the back of your head against the door. “Guess again.”
Sebastian crosses his arms over his chest as his gaze dances across your face. “Was it incomplete?”
“Dull colors.”
Sebastian lets out a sigh, eyebrows furrowing as he finds himself in a stump. You smile at his hesitance, pinching his nose in the process. “You’re an Auror and you can’t even deduce something as simple as this?”
“You give me more credit than I’m owed.” Sebastian chuckles as he grabs your wrist from his face. He takes a step closer. He licks his lips, a gesture that you unashamedly follow with your eyes. The man notices it and chuckles. 
A thought finally comes to his mind. “Was it because it wasn’t what she requested?”
You hum. “Getting close, Mr. Auror. She gave me creative freedom.”
Sebastian lets out a ‘tsk’ as he leans down to your face. You knew you were treading dangerous waters as you allowed him to press you against the door. Friends weren’t like this.
Fuck it. You were way past friends the moment he had been too physical with you during your Hogwarts years. This was just an inevitable result of it all.
“Was it because…” He trailed off, grabbing a lock of your hair as he locked eyes with you. He gently rubs the soft strands of hair between his fingers before placing a soft kiss on it, not breaking eye contact with you. “You expected to draw her but you drew someone else?”
You bite your lip at his alluring stare. “Bingo.”
He leans close, brushing his nose against yours and before he could have the opportunity to finally do the thing you both needed the most, you opened the door behind you causing him to stumble forward as you step inside. You giggle at his flabbergasted expression before watching as it turned to a look of mischievousness.
About to march towards you to take his revenge, you nudge your head towards the canvas mounted on the easel in the center of the room. He turns to look with nonchalance at first but then takes a double look in awe.
You had drawn him.
A realization flashes across his face. That day you brought your painting materials for Anne. You had drawn him.
“Y/N, this is—” He turns to you, waiting for an explanation.
“Before you get all emotional with me.” You joke as you place your hands behind your back. “That day, I was supposed to give Anne a gift. She told me to paint. At first I expected a portrait but she had only told me to paint whatever I loved in your home.”
His breath hitches at the insinuation.
You let out a shaky breath, letting liquid courage do its work. “I really wanted to draw her but my eyes found you. I painted you before I could even process what I even created.”
Sebastian takes a step closer, eyes not leaving yours. At every step of him towards you, you take a step back. You then found yourself trapped against the wall and the looming figure of Sebastian in front of you.
You lick your lips as your eyes brim with tears. You repeat the same words once again, hoping he would understand. “I painted you, Sebastian.”
“Yes you did.” The brunette whispers as he stops a few inches in front of you. “Magnificently, just as I told you.”
“Flattery won’t get you nowhere.” You chuckle sadly as you could feel the tears threatening to pour down. Sebastian only smiles at you with a fond look on his face.
“But it did, with you.” He winks, letting one last tease flow through his lips  as he leans close. “You have to say it, Y/N.”
“I can’t.” You whine as tears now pour down your face. He cups your cheeks within his rough but warm hands.
This was it. The moment you were waiting for but somehow you found it difficult to say it out loud. You knew when and where you experienced first things with Sebastian but those were only collections and points made in your mind. You had never tried outright to acknowledge your feelings for him in any way.
But the painting.
And so you give him the option to say it for you.
“I love you.” Sebastian says it firmly with his eyes locked with yours. It rings in your ears like a golden snitch wavering in the air. “I always have and our time spent together and apart never changed that.”
You let out a sob as he finally closes the space between you two, forehead against yours.
“I loved you the moment I met eyes with you at your manor, the moment you smiled in the comforts of your library, the moment you asked me If I was still with you– your every touch, breath, gaze and very existence– all of it. I love all of you.” Sebastian lets out a shaky breath as he rubs his thumbs against your cheeks. “The light of my life. My everything. I need to know now, that painting, what does it mean?”
Silence lapses between the two of you as tears stream down your face. The words slip from your lips, every sound comes with the feelings you’ve kept for years.
“That I love you too.”
Sebastian wastes no time in pressing his lips against yours. You whine as you arch your back, arms wrapping around his neck as he kisses you to oblivion. You feel his hands wander your curves as he presses you against the cold surface of the wall. Somehow, the cold temperature is undetectable with the heat shared between your moment of passion.
“Oh fuck, I fucking love you.” Sebastian growls against your lips. Your hands find themselves in his locks, tugging and pulling as he slips his tongue between your lips. Years of unsaid feelings and pining for one another– all crumbling down at the sight of a portrait.
“S-Sebastian.” You moaned as he grabbed your thighs to wrap against his waist. You feel his hardness press against the side of your thigh as he leans down to busy himself with your exposed neck. 
“Can’t take my eyes off of you.” He snarls against the skin of your collarbone, leaving hickies in its wake. “Can’t take my hands off of you. Can’t get enough of you. My advances should’ve been obvious from the start, kitten.”
You let out a moan as he ground his hips against yours. He pulls back to admire his work on your neck, smiling as he admires your fucked out face. “Fucking perfect.”
“Please, please take me.” You whined as you clawed on his arm like a cat needing its owner. He coos at your expressions, placing gentle kisses all over your face.
“Patience.” He mutters before pulling your dress up, hands roaming underneath the fabric as he grabs at whatever fat he could grab. His palm then boldly cupped your cunt causing you to squeal at the sudden pressure.
“Please.” You beg as you let out a sob. Sebastian chuckles as you drop your head on his shoulder, moaning as he rubs your folds over the fabric of your underwear.
“Feel that? You’re so wet, baby.” He speaks to you in a low voice as he slides the fabric to the side before running his pointer and middle from your opening to your clit. You let out a high pitched whine at the sensation before he pulls his fingers from your pussy and shoves them in his mouth, humming at the taste as his dark eyes lock on yours. You feel entranced with how darkened his eyes are with lust and desire for you.
“Tastes better than I imagined.” He mutters before he dives his hand back in between your legs and pulls your underwear off. He adjusts his grip on you, arm securely around your waist as the other plays with your pussy.
“Oh fuck, Seb.” You moan as you feel him circle the pads of his fingers on your clit. The mane expertly maneuvered his fingers around your folds before sliding them in with slight resistance. “Oh!”
“So fucking tight.” He growls as he curls his finger in, preparing you for his cock. It had been a while since you had sex so you were glad that he had at least prepped you for what was about to come. He moved his fingers within you in a come hither motion as his thumb pressed against your clit.
The ministrations kept you on edge as you felt a knot on your stomach. “I-I’m– Shit! Feels so fucking good, Ah.”
“Mhm.” Sebastian hums as he speeds up his movements. “Cum one for me. Can you do that, pretty?”
You nod obediently as he begins to hit the sweet spot within you. Your breath quickens as you feel your orgasm coming and then it hits you like a freight train. You claw at Sebastian’s arms as you bite into his shoulder, preventing yourself from screaming and notifying the other members of the house. 
“Good girl.” The brunette praises as he slows down his motions, letting you ride your orgasm. Noticing your small couch on the side of the art studio, he carries you over with no efforts, sitting down with you in his lap. “You okay?”
You whine like an obedient little thing in his lap, hips moving against his leg. Sebastian bites his lip as moves your dress up to watch your bare ass move against him. Having enough of the fabric hiding your physique from him. He swiftly takes it off, leaving you bare and naked for him to admire and touch. 
“Fucking gorgeous.” He chuckles as he leans forward to bury his face within your breasts, taking one nipple in his mouth as his hands grab your ass. He lands a harsh slap on your soft ass cheeks, feeling it ripple under the sudden force of pressure. You shriek at the pain. 
He moves back from sucking your tits, eyes assessing your flushed face. “You ready?”
At this point, you were fully sober. You nod at his words, smiling as he pecks your lips before he unbuckles his belt and pushes it down to reveal his hardened cock. You gasp quietly at its size, it was average in height but on the thicker side. He smiles at your dazed look. 
“It’s okay baby. You can take it.” He reassures you, almost mockingly. You allow yourself to be adjusted  by him on his lap before allowing you free reign. “Go ahead, sit on it.”
You gulp at his orders as he leans back to admire you on his lap. The way you stared at him, all innocent and doe eyed while ass naked and tits out somehow pulls out a violent urge inside him.
The urge to keep you all to himself. He clenches his fist as he watches you take his cock by the shaft, angling it to your entrance before you push down with a high pitched whine. He feels his breath quicken at your tightness and the urge hammers against his chest.
Fuck. I have to marry her.
Unable to control himself, he grabs your waist and fucks up into you, immediately bottoming out. You choke at the sudden push, leaning forward as you steady yourself with a hand beside Sebastian’s head, fingers gripping the couch while the other claws at his arm. He grinds up into you as his jaw clenches. You press your forehead against his.
“Feel that? All the way up there.” He mumbles, breathless as you feel his tip almost brush against your cervix. You choke out moans as he continues to grind in that spot, stimulating you. “Feels good right?”
“Such a good girl for me.” He hums in a deep voice before his grinds turn into thrusts. You clutch the fabric of his dress shirt as he grips your hips, bouncing you on his cock. He maintains a steady rhythm, hitting your sweet spot nicely and deliciously.
“Ah! Ah!” You exclaim every time it hits it directly. Sebastian hugs you close by the waist as he fucks you deeper and faster. “Ooh, fuck! Seb– I can’t–”
“Take it baby,” He pants into your ear as he slams his hips against yours. You feel a knot form once again at the bottom of your gut. You let out a sob, tears begin streaming down your face. “Yeah. Fucking take it.
“You’re mine.” He growls as he presses his forehead against yours. Pools of brown now dark and muddled with lust. You could only babble and sob as you felt the pleasure spike up with every thrust against your pussy.
“S-Sebastian– Ngh, I– Fuck! I'm close.” You moan as the man beneath you begins to stutter in his thrusts. Sebastian nods as he speeds up his movement, moving you closer to the finish line.
“Cum. Cum for me like the good little lady that you are.” He growls against your ear. It was the final blow for you as he hit your sweet spot dead on and your thighs shake at the unraveling of another climax. You were unable to keep yourself quiet as you loudly shrieked as you came. Sebastian immediately covers your mouth with his palm, humming sweet nothings into your ear as he continues his harsh thrusts to lengthen your orgasm.
Soon after, Sebastian climaxes as well, moaning as he releases into you before pulling you into his arms as the two of you lay exhausted on the comfortable sofa. There’s a moment of silence before you both giggle at your current situation. You pull away slightly from his embrace, facing him with an afterglow.
“15 years huh?” Sebastian smiles as he tucks the stray hair away from your face. You lean into his touch as he cups your face.
“15 years.” You repeat before placing a kiss on his lips. He returns it with enthusiasm, smiling into the kiss. You’re the first to pull away.
“I hope you know I’ll be keeping you forever.” You playfully threaten as you trace his features with your pointer finger. He chuckles at your insinuation for marriage.
The two of you meet eyes. E/C meet brown and suddenly everything makes sense. You feel the burden of unsaid feelings and lingering glances float away as you have unraveled your all to him as he did to you. Now all that was left was you and him. Y/N and Sebastian and the history of you and him.
The history of you and I.
The corners of your lips quirk up at his response as he cheekily grins at you.
“I don’t mind that at all.”
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A/N: wahh this was so fun to write ueueu i lowkey think i could've improved more on the nsfw part but here it is!!! hope yall enjoyed it and tysm for arianna who commissioned me hehe mwa. for those wondering what the painting of sebastian looks like, check it out here. (yes its the banner haha and its my own art!!)
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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-> state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and a plot
-> do you have any specifics for the reader? blonde, poc, male, neurodivergent, etc? (please keep in mind i will write poc readers but i’m white so they may be a little difficult for me)
-> requests are preferred to be sent through inbox, but i can make dms work if needed
-> platonic
-> romantic
-> familial
-> any gender x any gender
-> headcanons
-> long fics
-> multi character
-> blurbs
-> poly relationships
-> x reader
-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 15)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
-> song fics
-> things about ocs
-> ships
-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables, what we do in the shadows
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alwaysmoncheri · 1 year
𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢’𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
return to — navigation
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ꒰ open ꒱
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all works | all drabbles | all headcanons
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joe keery ❧ joseph quinn ❧ maya hawke ❧ timothée chalamet ❧ andrew garfield ❧ tom hiddleston ❧ tom holland ❧ ryan gosling ❧ henry cavill ❧ hayden christensen
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𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
blaise zabini ❧ theodore nott ❧ cedric diggory ❧ dean thomas ❧ draco malfoy ❧ fred weasley ❧ george weasley ❧ harry potter ❧ hermione granger ❧ ron weasley
james potter ❧ siruis black ❧ regulus black ❧ remus lupin ❧ lily evans
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬
anakin skywalker ❧ obi wan kenobi ❧ poe dameron ❧ luke skywalker ❧ han solo ❧ leia organa ❧ din djarin
andrew!peter parker ❧ loki laufeyson ❧ 1610!miles morales ❧ pietro maximoff ❧ tony stark ❧ steve rogers ❧ james buchanan barnes ❧ tom!peter parker
𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
peeta mellark ❧ finnick odair ❧ coriolanus snow ❧ katniss everdeen
bruce wayne ❧ dick grayson ❧ jason todd ❧ clark kent ❧ diana prince
𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐠𝐮𝐧
pete “maverick” mitchell ❧ bradley “rooster” bradshaw
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𝐭𝐯 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
steve harrington ❧ eddie munson ❧ robin buckley ❧ jonathan byers ❧ lucas sinclair
𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬
spencer reid ❧ aaron hotchner ❧ derek morgan ❧ emily prentiss
𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
jake peralta
jj maybank ❧ pope heyward
𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐢
miguel diaz ❧ robby keene ❧ young!daniel larusso
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james conrad ❧ nathan drake ❧ walter “keys” mckey ❧ jess mariano ❧ brian o’conner ❧ ethan landry ❧ indiana jones ❧ lord tewkesbury ❧ theodore “laurie” laurence ❧ five hargreeves ❧ jim halpert ❧ todd anderson ❧ count vronsky
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alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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writerdreamxs · 5 months
WELCOME TO MY BLOG ! fearless era.
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in which you know a little about me and make requests for short stories to me and I turn your dreams into realities. after all, I am a writer of dreams. 💐
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first, introductions: my name is clarice, but you can call me clary.
I'm brazilian, so obviously english is not my first language, so there may be some errors in the imagines.
I love taylor swift (my favorite album is fearless, but I think you get the idea :) and one direction, as well as lana del rey, artic monkeys, among many other artists.
I love romcoms, whether films or books, clichés, sun, spring, roses, dogs and I am a person who really likes to talk.
my mbti is enfp, - at least that's what i think, at the moment! - and I have a sanguine temperament.
and I DON'T write smut.
below I will put a list of the characters and fandoms that I mainly write about, but if you want to request something different, feel free.
masterlist. 🌤️
colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, anthony bridgerton, gregory bridgerton, simon basset.
all of the grid, but mainly, lando norris, oscar piastri, george russell and max verstappen.
richarlison, rodrygo goes, jude bellingham, vini jr, pedri, gavi, and all of the real madrid team.
HARRY POTTER (golden era)🪄
harry potter, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, fred and george weasley, ron weasley, oliver wood, charlie weasley.
HARRY POTTER (marauders era) 🕰️
remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, regulus black, severus snape.
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, caspian.
timothée chalamet, josh hutcherson, louis partridge, andrew garfield, william moseley, tom holland, ben barnes, archie renaux, cameron boyce ✝.
trodrick heffley, peter parker 1 and 3, matteo balsano, simon alavrez, ramiro ponce, gaston perida, gabo moretti, lorenzo guevara, dede duarte, willy wonka, chad denforth (hsm), will turner (potc) legolas greenleaf (lor), laurie laurence, supa strikas, luke ross (jessie), carmen sandiego characters, zach mitchell (jw), jurassic world: camp cretaceous caracthers, carlos de vil, jay ja'far, harry hook, ray beech, charlie delgado, aurek, jim hawkins, jack frost, ever after high characters, scooby doo characters, hiccup, the greatest showman, dick grayson and wally west (young justice) .
🦋 well, that's it my sweeties and I hope you liked me and send your requests. 💗
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slayingqueenchal · 1 year
fred x dyslexic reader
the reader in having a hard time in english( reading something) and fred helps
I just got diagnosed and wanted comfort
Here, ill help you | fred weasley x f!dyslexic!reader
Summary : you had a hard time reading so fred helps you read
Warning : fluff, petnames like 'love'
Notes : im not diagnosed with dyslexia but I'm sure I'm dyslexic, and also my cousin was diagnosed with dyslexia so this is inspired by her chats 😭😭
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"Freddie, how in the world did laurie felt to the right? " You said, sighing at your beaten up copy of little women.
Fred moves his chair closer to yours, and said "love, laurie fell to the right" Leaving you with an oh.
That was the first time you Were bad at reading. You couldve swore that it said laurie felt to the right, but, when Fred reads it, it suddenly changes.
This also happens in class quite often, which snape loves. Snape love making fun of you reading the wrong thing, and he purposely make you read the most.
Sure most people are fine with it, but, you've mistaken words so much that when Snape makes fun of you, the whole class laughed ; except for Fred.
Even if Fred's a bit annoyed, he'll be nice. It became a common thing, that Fred sit next to you, and when you were told to read, he whispers what the book says.
Some muggleborns told you that you were what muggle call dyslexic,
"Dys- Dys what? " You said, "dyslexia, it's when.. Someone have a hard time reading, even in their first language" The muggleborn said.
That day on, you've learnt to accept it. But sometimes it can be tough.
"Fred, are you seeing this, meg is eating.. The desert? " You said, showing him your book. "Love.." Fred chuckles, "it's meg eating dessert, you know, the cakes and the ice creams? " .
"Oh" You realized. It was always the words being.. Magic? Once someone sees it it's different. But, Fred is fine with it. And, most of the time you give up reading any book, but, Fred makes you a little study and reading session, because the girl who told you you were dyslexic told him you were dyslexic. Although Fred doesn't know what dyslexia is, he cared for you, and he proved it.
Every evening, Fred reads you everything you're going to learn tommorow. "So, you need one vial of-- love? " He said, looking at you.
Your soft snores, and closed eyes, were beautiful to him. "Someone is sleepy" Fred grins, "I love you"
",'ove 'ou too" You snuggled up in his hands, ready to sleep.
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duckielover151 · 2 months
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It's absolutely wild rewatching your favorite childhood movies as an adult.
I just had such a 'Is that who I think it is?!' moment x2
In the live action 101 Dalmatians (1996), Horace and Jasper are played by Mark Williams and Hugh Laurie. (AKA, Arthur Weasley and Dr. House)
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mythic-rose · 4 months
Muses Masterlist
Stiles Stilinski
Diego Hargreeves
Oliver Wood
Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
Bellamy Blake
Percy Jackson
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Robb Stark
Jasper Jordan
JJ Maybank
Anthony Bridgerton
Conrad Fisher
Prince Caspian
Clark Kent / Superman
Prince Eric
Anakin Skywalker
Flynn Rider
Cedric Diggory
Eddie Brock
Prince Charmont
Peter Parker / Spider-man
Benedict Bridgerton
Noah Foster
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Eddie Munson
Ron Weasley
Art Donaldson
Alec Lightwood
Glenn Rhee
Dr. Spencer Reid
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Chad Meeks-Martin
Joey Tribbiani
Dean Winchester
Isaac Lahey
Jake Fitzgerald
Sirius Black
Nick Miller
Ichabod Crane
Steven Crain
Harry Osborne / Green Goblin
Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale
Kaz Brekker
Steve Harrington
Jon Snow
Max Wolfe
Finnick Odair
Scott Summers / Cyclops
Will Turner
I reached the max limit of text without a block so the list started over. Does that drive me crazy? Yes. Do I know how to fix it? No :)
51: Joel Miller
52:Harvey Kinkle
53: Wally Clark
54: Poe Dameron
55: Reggie Mantle
56: Gar Logan / Beast Boy
57: Daario Naharis
58: Jess Mariano
59: Remus Lupin
60: Matt Murdock / Daredevil
61: Pope Heyward
62: Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
63: Billy Butcher
64: Four / Tobias Eaton
65: Nicholas Scratch
66: Caleb Rivers
67: Damon Salvatore
68: Buck / Evan Buckley
69: Rick O'Connell
70: Laurie / Theodore Laurence
71: Warren Peace
72: Chuck Bass
73: Finn Collins
74: Robin Hood
75: Logan / Wolverine
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dreammakcr · 3 months
( okay! for new followers, this is a full list of muses that are not on my muse page yet. <3 )
lilith - a court of thorns and roses (OC rhysand’s sister)
medusa - greek mythology
isobel - baulder’s gate 3
vidia - disney’s tinkerbell
balthazar - supernatural
johnny gat - saint’s row
han solo - star wars
leia organa - star wars
padme amidala - star wars
helios - greek mythlogy
nora west-allen - detective comics
barry allen - detective comics
dorothy gale - the wizard of oz
angelica schuyler - hamilton
eliza schuyler - hamilton
olivia pope - scandal
jasper frost - the royals
eleanor hestridge - the royals
alosa kalligan - daughter of the pirate king
eelyn - sky in the deep
mirabel madrigal - encanto
dolores madrigal - encanto
barbie - barbie
artemis - greek mythology
rose dewitt bukater - titanic
alice liddell - alice madness returns
will turner - pirates of the caribbean
elizabeth swann - pirates of the caribbean
nessarose thropp - wicked
penny lamb - ride the cyclone
sandy olsson from grease
betty rizzo from grease
willow rosenberg from buffy the vampire slayer
kal from halloweentown 2
marnie piper from halloweentown
juliet starling from lollipop chainsaw
william gracey from the haunted mansion
sadie adler from red dead 2
arthur morgan from red dead 2
teddy lupin from harry potter
roxanne weasley from harry potter
fleur delacour from harry potter
calliope from greek mythology
richard castle from castle
kate beckett from castle
hilda spellman from sabrina the teenage witch
sabrina spellman from sabrina the teenage witch
jason mendoza from the good place
tahani al jamil from the good place
amren from a court of thorns and roses
jake peralta from brooklyn 99
velma dinkely from scooby doo
fred jones from scooby doo
daphne blake from scooby doo
shaggy rogers from scooby doo
phoenix winchester from supernatural (OC daughter of Cassie and Dean)
miss honey from matilda
matilda from matilda
jessica day from new girl
maxwell sheffield from the nanny
(young) blanche deveraux from the golden girls
merope gaunt from harry potter
janine teagues from abbott elementary
aurora dubois from sleeping beauty
anne sallow from hogwarts legacy
poppy sweeting from hogwarts legacy
tom riddle from harry potter
jeffrey winger from community
troy barnes from community
annie edison from community
river song from doctor who
helena bertinelli from detective comics
dinah lance from detective comics
princess yona from yona and the dawn
clover ewing from totally spies
magdalene defoe from repo! the genetic opera
amber sweet from repo! the genetic opera
shilo wallace from repo! the genetic opera
carmen cortez from spy kids
ami mizuno from sailor moon
gretchen wieners from mean girls
karen smith from mean girls
prince phillip from sleeping beauty
helen parr from the incredibles
rei hino from sailor moon
danielle de barbarac from ever after
deena johnson from fear street
laurie strode from halloween
gale weathers from scream
sidney prescott from scream
samantha carpenter from scream
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nightwhispcrs · 11 months
post-event / post-hiatus starter call !! i've been gone for what feels like a year so i really want to have fresh threads — don't be shy ! may increase the caps if i get drafts done early .
adam newman , 33 , young & the restless ( 2 / 4 ) — faith newman , drusilla keeble charlie dalton , 26 , dead poets society ( 0 / 4 ) — craig manning , 23 , degrassi ( 1 / 4 ) — marco del rossi eli joseph stock , 22 , along for the ride ( 3 / 4 ) — ally of wonderland , auden west , kiara carrera enjolras , 26 , les mis ( 2 / 4 ) — peyton halliwell , charlotte emily fred flintstone , 40 , the flintstones ( 1 / 3 ) — nigel thornberry irina denali , 28 , twilight ( 4 / 4 ) — eric northman , faye chamberlain , heidi volturi , laurent da revin jack shephard , 35 , LOST ( 1 / 4 ) — lexie grey katniss everdeen , 22 , the hunger games ( 4 / 4 ) — chris hartley , annie cresta , celeste kipper , a-xing lee jordan , 28 , harry potter ( 2 / 4 ) — ginny weasley , bill weasley max goodwin , 34 , new amsterdam ( 1 / 4 ) — kevin keller michael guerin , 31 , roswell new mexico ( 2 / 4 ) — ainsley whitly , lorelai gilmore monica geller , 27 , friends ( 2 / 4 ) — ji euntak , laurie strode naomi pierce , 32 , succession ( 1 / 4 ) — kenna de poitiers ramona flowers , 25 , scott pilgrim ( 2 / 4 ) — marceline , felicia hardy robin buckley , 24 , stranger things ( 3 / 4 ) — nancy wheeler , liv hawthorne , eloise roman roy , 36 , succession ( 2 / 4 ) — sam giddings , galadriel tucker mccall , 45 , young & the restless ( 2 / 4 ) — kallias , kendall roy zoe rivas , 24 , degrassi ( 4 / 4 ) — zoya nazyalensky , nimona , miles hollingsworth iii , victorie weasley
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wordssricochet · 4 months
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March's Masterlist
by wordssricochet™
Hogwarts | 1991 | Golden Era |
Cedric Diggory
— Grieving For Someone Alive | C. D | ☣︎ (angst)
— Try Again | C. D | ♡ | Pt. 2 of GFSA |
Hermione Granger
— None yet (still in the making)
Lee Jordan
— None yet (still in the making)
Angelina Johnson
— None yet (still in the making)
Neville Longbottom
— None yet (still in the making)
Luna Lovegood
— None yet (still in the making)
Draco Malfoy
— Flipped | D. M | ☣︎ (angst)
Theodore Nott
— None yet (still in the making)
Pansy Parkinson
— None yet (still in the making)
Harry Potter
— None yet (still in the making)
Fred Weasley
— Betty | F. W | ☣︎
George Weasley
— None yet (still in the making)
Ginny Weasley
— None yet (still in the making)
Ron Weasley
— None yet (still in the making)
Blaise Zabini
— None yet (still in the making)
Little Women | 1868 |
Amy March
— None yet (still in the making)
Josephine "Jo" March
— None yet (still in the making)
Margaret "Meg" March
— None yet (still in the making)
Theodore "Laurie" Laurence
— None yet (still in the making)
Dead Poets Society | 1959 |______________________
Neil Perry
— None yet (still in the making)
Todd Anderson
— None yet (still in the making)
Charles Dalton
— None yet (still in the making)
Knox Overstreet (Fanon)
— Nine yet (still in the making)
Steven Meeks
— None yet (still in the making)
Gerard Pitts
— None yet (still in the making)
Richard Cameron
— None yet (still in the making)
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duc-kie · 2 years
heeey, can I ask for a george x fem!reader fic based on that laurie x amy scene from little women (2019) ?
I honestly really enjoyed writing this which is rare cuz I usually prefer really quick one shots lmao. I also never watched little woman before sooo… I tried my best. but I might just go and watch it cuz it looks really fun haha.
george weasley x afab!reader angst?
you and George were having a picnic. you were sitting on the soft grass eating the delicious food, talking and playing with butterflies. you were wearing a beautiful flower crown and you were making a matching one for George because he asked for it.
your fingers gently braided the flowers. George laid down in the grass and observed the blue sky above him. you just looked at him and smiled. you soon joined him and laid down yourself. you closed your eyes and deeply inhaled the fresh spring air. you turned your head and met George’s eyes. you both smiled to each other. “is the crown finished yet?” he asked. “almost. let me measure your head” you answered and gently wrapped the crown around his head. it fit perfectly so you tied it together and put it on his head. you both smiled.
your cute moment was soon interrupted by a notification on George’s phone. it was a text from Heather, George’s fiancé. the smile on your face immediately disappeared. George reached for his phone but you stopped him. “don’t marry her.” you blurted out. “what?” he asked. “don’t marry her.” you repeated looking him in the eyes. “why not?” he asked looking very confused. “you know why.” you answered. it took him only a second before he understood what you meant. “no” he said looking at you in disbelief. “yes” you looked back at him with hopeful eyes. “no, y/n” he answered. “what?” you took a step forward but he stopped you. “stop it. you’re being mean” he said. “how am I being mean?” you asked. “I have been second to Fred my whole life, in everything and I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have him. I won’t do it. not when i’ve spent my entire life loving you” he answered with slightly watery eyes.
you couldn’t find any words to say anything back so you just stood there looking at him with your heart slowly breaking into pieces. he wiped a tear and walked away without saying another word. you were still standing there completely frozen. you then quietly walked to your dorm and locked the door behind you. you sat down by the fireplace and just thought about what you’ve just done. a part of you was sad and angry at George but a part understood him and felt bad for him.
a few months passed and it was George’s and Heather’s wedding day.
you were surprised when the envelope with an invite to the wedding arrived at your door. at fist you didn’t wanna go but you made yourself get up, put some makeup on and get dressed. you put on the nicest dress you owned, cuz if you were gonna watch the love of your life get married you’ll at least look good doing it.
when you arrived at the scene almost everyone was already there. from the corner of your eye you could see Fred approaching you. “hi y/n” he said smiling at you. you sighed and turned to him saying “please leave me alone Fred I’m not in the mood to talk”. he looked sad but he walked away without saying another word. you found yourself a free seat and sat down.
George peaked his head from behind the front door and signalled you to follow him. even though you didn’t want to you got up and walked over to him. “I need you to help me with something. please.” he said. you couldn’t say no so you followed him. he opened a door to the room where you were supposed to help him with rings but instead of them he found his fiancé kissing Fred (I didn’t know what to write here so pls bear with me). his face went completely white and his expression was blank. “are you fucking kidding me Heather?” he asked. his voice was breaking like he was about to cry. Heather and Fred quickly turned their head towards the door where you were standing. heather pushed Fred away and ran towards George, apologising. “and on our wedding day as well” he said angrily before taking your hand and slamming the door in her face.
he took off running and pulling you behind him. “please slow down I can’t run that fast George” you said panting. he didn’t say anything back he just slowed down a little. “where are we going?” you asked and yet again he stayed silent. he didn’t stop until you reached the top of a hill. he then sat down and dipped his head between his legs. you sat down next to him and put an arm around his shoulders, trying to comfort him. he sighed throwing his head back and closing his eyes. “I should’ve listened to you.” he said looking at the sky. you didn’t know how to reply so you just leaned your head against his shoulder. you stayed in that position for quite a while. you even watched the sunset together.
“you know I still love you right?” he all of a sudden said. you were shocked but happy to hear his words. “I tried so hard to move on I even got engaged but I just couldn’t forget you” he said looking at you. “I love you too George. so much.” you answered smiling at him. he brushed a finger on your cheek and leaned in. you closed your eyes and leaned in as well. you kissed. finally. after years of loving each other you finally got your happy ever after.
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