ekkonus · 10 months
Fancy Lamb
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An idea born from a dumb meme
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queer-ragnelle · 3 months
The way my Lamorak quotes have flopped in the daily arthuriana posting. Tragedy.
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onepersonslumberparty · 7 months
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Little LamLam for Cheddar's "Draw it in your Style"
Twitter scares me so in here it goes
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One job I would love to do is just be the guy that names things
Need a city name? New furniture type? New street? new type of glazed donut?
Batrolt, Torplanc, Feo Street, Lamlam
I never said they would all be GOOD names, but they sure would be unique
Bonus: I do have a name which isn't just "Caramel Cube" already, I just haven't made the drawing to reveal that yet :^
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mechon · 1 year
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A sleepy seraph lamlam 💤
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circus-clownn · 1 year
Shakimg and Crymg when I saw you have song associations for charas-
(also like like your general thoughts/headcanons for the silly lamlam sojsosa9svahi)
right off the bat, pure as a lamb by baby bugs
it has always reminded me of lammy
i have a few more but that's REALLY the main one
also i literally just got up so i don't know if I'm understanding this ask right but I'll also bring up headcanons too 🐑
demigirl afab they/she because they slay so hard
i think she's suchh a sweetheart (because she basically is in the show from what you see) but also splash in some ominous creepy lady<3
they're a big fan of scene emo culture, indulging(?) in it without y'know fully dressing in it
she has RICH parents and is an only child, causing them to SPOIL her
that didn't really effect her though, they're not an angry spoiled rich kid (truffles)
blah blah religious imagery blah blah
they're in a poly relationship with flaky and giggles, i said so and I wish there was more on it. plus they're all lesbians, win
her and mime are, friends? it's like a sisterly dynamic, lammy likes mime, they think she's silly and their parents like her too ish. mime is an only child who moved away from her parents so she's just a gal living in a circus tent. AND she wants to be fancy??? get in that house NOW
lammy trusts her enough to not steal anything. and now they're best buddies. high five, girlboss moment
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doodlyreone · 2 years
Local blanchead lamlam
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Lammy is my comfort chara AND i refuse the common headcanon that she's schizophrenic
Why not see her as an active imagination type of gal? The type who got a headspace filled with so much details and intricacies, it is hard to discern her make-belief and reality?
The type who is unashamed to share the wonders of her fictional world to others. And her creative outlet is play pretend with random objects, kinda like puppetry.
Why must some peeps think naming objects and playing pretend with them is a solid evidence to schizophrenia? Ever consider the fact that maybe, juuuuust maybe, Mr. Pickles is a tangible, evil entity that she somehow befriended?
You see, there's a moment in the show that proves Mr Pickels fricking exists as a separate individual from Lammy. In Royal Flush, he frickin killed Flaky all on his own.
If only we got more than 2 eps that featured Lammy, I swear I will have enough proofs that shows Lammy is not schizophrenic. She's a creative critter that is cursed to be the escapegoat of a demon disguising as a pickel.
Orrr I could be dead ass wrong and Lammy is an unreliable narrator xD
On a tangent, I have to mention how whenever theres a debate whether Lammy is a schizophrenic or not, my mind replays the MLP FIM episode of Party of One where Pinkie Pie is talking to her object friends. Replace Pinkie with Lammy's face and I am on a constant high of laughter.
I used Pity Party cuz I just wanna mention how I love Melanie Martinez' rendition of this song bahahahahaahahahahahaha
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
🗣 Akaiss + Lammek
"Well Well... i-s>nt thi-s> a nice treat. Little LamLam! It's been -s>()me time, ha-s>nt it?"
There it was.. that familiar voice. It made the hairs on the back of Lammeks neck stand on end... the fellow sea dweller was not a person who casually graced others with his presence. He valued his time as a currency.. and one that he had no intention on sharing so easily.
Even for his work life, the idol never worked with people he didn't deem worthy of his time or energy... the more he thought of it.. his brother was everything he never strived to replicate.
".... Akai-ss>."
His response was curt. Sharp. Perhaps to show how he was really feeling about his surprise drop in. The only thing separating them was a coffee table and a matching couch that the younger 'brother' sat on.. glancing up at his elder.. he couldn't help but furrow his brows more..
That fucking smile of his. He wanted to punch it right off his face.. and it was almost comical how the sea dweller laughed as his thoughts started.. his attention was casted down at the table.. not much sat on it..
Besides the chess game he had left unfinished from their previous encounters.. hilariously- Lammek hated chess. It was the only thing that could ever potentially bridge the gap between him and the older Ritouv. Yet it was only a cruel reminder the sheer obstacle this man was.
"()h .. y()ure being -s>() unkind.. all I wanted t() d() wa-s> dr()p in.. chat f()r a minute ()r tw()."
He casually started to make his way to thr front of the couch.. sliding his fingers across the back cushions, nails biting into the leather.. he moved carefully. Almost too precisely.. the bangles and jewelry clicking together..
"And give y()u a little update~ We left ()ur game ()ff ten-s>e la-s>t time... -s>() much drama ()ver -s>uch a -s>h()rt peri()d ()f time~"
He laughed, sitting down now on the empty couch.. reaching forward to pick up a piece off the board, twisting it between his fingers.. Lammek watched closely. Returning no words... and soon.. Akaiss moved the piece. Taking down a pawn on his side of the board with his own pawn.. smirking..
"Y()ur friend-s> are very.. intere-s>ting~"
He laughed, covering his mouth with the back of his hand..
"I d() have t() a-s>k.. why y()u hang ar()und.. -s>uch.. -s>trange thing-s>.. Y()u -s>eem.. s() bu-s>y a-s> ()f recent."
He moved his pieces for the younger heir... his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.. Making moves.. for himself?
The pawn he had lost sat to the side.. staring him down..
"Di-s>tracti()n-s> can get th()-s>e pe()ple hurt.. ykn()w? Have y()u checked up ()n any ()f them?"
Lammeks lip twitched,
"-S>ince when do you care about the people i con-s>ider friendly?"
That smile turned rancid.. it was like a monster staring him down. Ready to sink his teeth into him and tear him down... and Lammek felt some static and electricity crackle around him for a moment..
".. ()h.. y()u haven't heard? Hehehehe.."
The pieces began to move more.. more.. without Lammek touching the board. Eventually a bishop on his own side was taken off.. and Lammek couldn't follow the thought process of his movements..
Why was he doing this?
Yet Akaiss continued to smile.
"Maybe y()u -s>h()uld a-s>k y()ur friend-s> what they've been up t()... hasn't any ()f them been a l()t quieter? Hm?"
And the silence sat heavy around them... and he stood to his feet. Smiling.. reaching across to pat the top his head..
"Well.. h()w ab()ut y()u think ab()ut that hm? I'm s()rry I can't alway-s> -s>tay and chat.. but y()u kn()w what they say.. Early bird get-s> the w()rm~"
And with that.. Lammek silently watched Akaiss leave.. laughter echoing back at him.. as he felt himself begin to break out in a cold sweat.. ans his eyes landed on the pawn that had taken his own.. and the lonely white piece knocked over on its side..
When was the last time he had checked up on his friends?
He had people to speak with.. urgently.
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dsandrvk · 20 days
Sunday, September 8 - Guam
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As you can see from the pictures, we made it to the top of Mount Lamlam, the highest point on Guam. We got a fairly late start since we were going with a friend of ours from the ship who was disembarking in Guam with his wife and had rented a car. Since he had to get to the rental place on the shuttle first, then come back and get us, his wife and their luggage, and then drop his wife and luggage at their hotel before we drove back in the opposite direction, we didn't get started hiking until around 12:30.
The trail up to the peak is about 2.7 miles round trip and has about 600 feet of altitude gain, most of it in the first 3/4 mile. It isn't an engineered trail, but rather a route, with some steep, somewhat slick sections of mud, especially near the end of the main climb. At about the halfway point, the trail crests out onto a ridge and goes both north and south. To the south there is an obvious peak with a cross - this is Mount Jumullong Manglo. To the north there were several smaller hills in the way and Mount Lamlam was hidden from view.
Along the trail there were Stations of the Cross leading up to the cross on the one peak, as this is an annual pilgrimage walk. It was quite hot and humid, and our friend decided he wasn't going to make it to the peak, so rested and waited at a little shaded grotto area below the ridge and Russ and I continued on. Once on the ridge the trail alternated between easy walking through meadows and more challenging tunnels of saw grass and other vegetation, and it was fairly level until the last couple hundred yards.
We knew we were near our peak, but at this point there were lots of jagged, tumbled rocks and the way up wasn't obvious. We tried several places before finding a suitable route up to the top, and there we finally were - on top of the "highest (from the base to the peak) mountain in the world". We took the requisite photos and carefully climbed back down and started our return. Once we reached our friend, he mentioned that three of the expedition team from the ship had passed him, and come down 25 minutes later, stating they had reached the top. Since we didn't see them, and it took us considerably longer to just reach Lamlam, let alone find the route to the top, we had a feeling they went up to the closer, lower peak.
We carefully hiked back down to the car, completely soaked with sweat from the tropical heat and humidity, making sure we didn't slip or turn an ankle, and were glad to reach the parking lot and head back to the ship in the air conditioned comfort. The views had been amazing, as we could see almost the entire island, despite some dense vegetation in places. And although it wasn't that strenuous a hike, the heat had tired us out.
When we got back to the ship, the orientation was proceeding for the new passengers, and we stood outside the auditorium talking to the three expedition team who thought they had climbed Lamlam. They were all a bit surprised to find that they hadn't (they admitted they had turned to the south when they saw the obvious peak with the cross) and two more "mature" passengers had. So we have bragging rights now. We told the customs agent where we had been when we were boarding the ship (they were just outside making sure nobody brought any bombs aboard), and he said most people don't climb Lamlam in the wet season because of mud, and was impressed we had made it to the top.
So I then had one of the best showers of my life after all that sweat and mud, and we had a big dinner. Bed is going to come a bit earlier tonight! We have two sea days ahead so we can sleep in and enjoy some free time. It was a great hike, though.
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eggcompany · 5 months
Jaskier and his Snuggly Wuggly Killing Machines Part 8
1:48- “Daddy… Daddy… Can I haves some food?” Geralt asked as he nudged his daddy. He was hungry and he wanted a crunchy something. When Jaskier didn’t respond Geralt thought it would be appropriate to simply just take daddy to the kitchen. Unfortunately Jaskier is not used to being *lifted* out of his BED while he is A S L E E P . So he screams and flails but Geralt just holds him tighter cause he doesn’t wanna drop his daddy. 
“WHAT THE EVER LIVIN- fucking hell Bear… you scared me half to death! I’m sorry I yelled. Where are we going?” Jaskier said when he realized it was not a Jaskiernapper but a warm cub. Jaskier was wondering where he was going but he was happy to let Geralt haul him through the house. 
“Daddy, I’m hungry. I want something crunchy. Don’t want like… food though. Just want crunchy! Oh! Oh! And cold!” Geralt said as he gently placed Jaskier down on his feet. Jaskier yawned and scratched at his stomach for a moment thinking. 
“Ice chips?” Jaskier asked Geralt who decided that the floor is a good place to sit. Geralt shook his head no. “um… lettuce?” Jaskier offered. Geralt lit up and smiled “Yes please! I like lettuce! Esky does too!” Geralt explained as Jaskier got the only quarter eaten head out of the fridge
Jaskier, like the feral beast he is, grabbed and pulled off a large chunk of the green vegetable and handed it to the baby. Geralt happily crunched up the after midnight snack and Jaskier just put it back in the fridge and stretched his arms. 
This is gonna be a long night…
2:26- “Daddyyyy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.” Jaskier woke up and sat up. Lambert. “Yes, love?” Jaskier said in a sleepy tone. “Can I sleep here? Geralt kept drooling on me and Eskel was rubbing on me. I wanna sleep with Daddy!” Lambert explained or more whined. He looked exasperated, still wrapped in his quilt. It looked like he had shed his pants and instead slipped an oversized hoodie on over his underwear. Jaskier scooted over and lifted his duvet up so Lammy could get under. “Thank you, I love you daddy” is all the youngest said before he was cuddled up to Jaskier’s side with his quilt as a barrier. Oh… I didn’t think he’d want to… I can get used to a quilt.
3:56- THUD “What the fu-” Jaskier said as he bolted up and threw his arms over Lambert’s head and body. He scanned the room and saw two pairs of eyes looking at him from the food of the bed. “Hello boys. What was that noise?” Jaskier asked and then Lambert sat up and glared at them. “I hate you so much, go fucking die” Lambert said and rolled over and snuggled back into the crook of Jaskier’s armpit. Oh he’s just a morning person isn’t he.  Geralt disappeared again and Eskel just answered with a “Sleepover… sorry Lamlam” and he disappeared over the edge of the bed. 
Jaskier sighed and pushed a very disgruntled Lambert off of him for a moment to peak over the edge of the bed. The two older boys had made a little nest on the floor. Blankets and pillows surrounded them and they cuddled close to one another. Geralt, again bare to his skin, laid with his back to the bed and Eskel, bare down to his underwear, laid facing Geralt and was sucking on the tip of the snowy grey ear. Jaskier had to admit- This is pretty damn cute. Jaskier nodded and laid back down and let Lambert huff and grunt until he was laying down again with his face practically shoved into Jaskier’s armpit. 
Odd clingy things… Nothing and no one has ever loved me more! 
5:32- Jaskier gets woken up because there is a particularly sharp something stabbing him in the thigh. Jaskier soon noticed that his bed seems a bit… small. Oh wait the bed isn’t small. There’s just three humongous purring, oven warm witchers cuddling around him. The feeling of waking up surrounded by vibrating rumbling and a wet feeling on his leg- What is on my leg? Oh good lords-.
Jaskier looked down at the stabbing wetness and Geralt was mouthing the seam where his sleep pant’s pocket met the side seam. I’ve got to order some binkies. 
Jaskier took in the scene around him. Naked cub chewing on his pants while straddling his leg. Pretty . Puppy rubbing himself on his other leg while chewing on the quilt. Luckily for Jaskier it felt like the wolf was not… aroused. The rubbing must be a coping thing. A self soothe. And the youngest, the kitty, swaddled up in his quilt from head to toe in the fetal position facing away from it all sucking on his own tail. Cute.
Jaskier thought about what he should do for a moment. He couldn’t get up. He might be able to reach his phone… Meh a few more hours of sleep is best.  
7:52- Jaskier woke up to growling. Loud growling. He woke up a bit more and realized that the growling was coming from whoever was currently on top of him. Jaskier tried to stay calm. He took calm breaths and opened his eyes to see Geralt. Laying his head on Jaskier’s chest. Asleep. His entire body shook with the deep rolling rumbles. Jaskier’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Why? Jaskier looked over at Eskel who now had Lambert’s tail in his mouth, I have to buy so many binkies, and Lambert who had the string of his hoodie in his mouth. So.many.binkies. 
Jaskier waited and just felt the thunderingly strong growling. He leaned to see Geralt’s face and Geralt was drooling on Jaskier’s cotton sleepshirt and looked dead asleep. Jaskier reached and placed his hand on the cub’s mid back. The growling continued even as he snuffled deeper into his chest and wrapped his arms around Jaskier’s back, effectively lifting his shoulders up off the bed.  
Jaskier wondered what he was dreaming about to make him so… rumbly. Jaskier rubbed Geralt’s back, up and down. Jaskier doesn’t go back to sleep. 
It’s like sleeping with a thunderstorm… At least he smells nice. 
8:30 a.m.- “Daddyyyyy, Daddy, Daddy,Daddy,Daddy,Daddy,Daddyyyyyy~” Jaskier was being smothered. Someone was trying to kill him. He had a billion pounds of something on him and something on his face and he was being killed. This is it. The end. 
“DADDY! HUNGRY!” Oh. Not a murder. Hungry witchers. Not as bad.  
“Can I be not suffocated?” Jaskier asked and shoved whatever was on his face off. It was apparently a pillow Lambert threw over onto him. Jaskier sat up in his very rumfled bed and looked around. Lambert was in a corner not looking right and the other two were gone. 
Thank Lords for PetLock safety covers…  Jaskier thought. He had installed covers on all the oven dials and buttons and toaster pop up thing and everything that got hot or sharp. 
Jaskier got up and walked over to Lambert. Lambert was just staring at the wall with his chin on his knees. He was still wearing his big hoodie and his green unders. Jaskier crouched down a few feet away beside the baby. Automatically Lambert hunched up and bared his teeth. Jaskier backed off another few feet till he was a good six feet away. Lambert closed his mouth and pulled himself closer together and shook. 
“Hi Lambert” Is all Jaskier said and sat on his butt where he was. Lambert ducked his head so his forehead rested on his knees and didn’t say anything. He was trembling though, he had sweat on his forehead. PTSD… Okay. Breathe. Patience.
“Do you think you want breakfast?” Jaskier asked in a high gentle voice. Lambert glanced over at him for a moment but did nothing else. 
“Did you have a bad dream?” Jaskier asked and watched Lambert look at him and study him. Jaskier tried to look very relaxed and nonthreatening. Lambert looked at him for a long while before moving his head left to right slowly.
“Okay. Did you have a bad memory? Or flashback?” Jaskier asked and didn't move from his place on his floor. Lambert looked at him for only a little bit shorter time before nodding slowly. 
“Do you need or want anything? A blanket or a soft toy? A bottle of water, maybe?” Jaskier offered while looking into Lambert’s eyes. Lambert looked back but then looked at Jaskier’s bare feet. 
“daddy? are you scared of me?” Lambert said in a voice low enough Jaskier could barely make it out. Jaskier looked at him for a second before answering. 
“No. I’m not scared of you. I’m not scared of you because I know that if you ever bit me or hurt me, it would mean I was doing something wrong. So I’m not scared because I’ll make sure I do my very best taking care of you right so you never feel like you need to hurt me.” Jaskier answered with his whole heart. It was true. Lambert could tell it was true. 
Lambert relaxed a bit and pushed his legs over so he sat facing his daddy. Lambert looked tiny. Tiny fragile little thing that needed to be wrapped up in newspaper and bubble wrap. Jaskier stayed in his spot. 
“Bubbas are gonna destroy your kitchen.” Lambert stated and looked at the door. The two older ones had yelled as they left to go scavenge. Jaskier shrugged and stood up. 
“That’s alright. They can’t get into the knife drawer or the oven. Now how about we get you dressed and ready for the day and then go handle those other two silly boys?” Jaskier said and watched the baby for a moment. He seemed… unsure. Conflicted between either staying where he was or going with the man, going with his daddy. 
“Can I wear jeans? I like jeans…” Lambert asked as he looked up at Jaskier. Jaskier smiled and said “Button or zip?”. 
Lambert happily got up and took Jaskier’s hand as the man led them both to Lambert’s room. Jaskier collected the clothes while Lambert sat on the bed. Jaskier got him a pair of plain blue jeans that might be a bit long but he could just cuff them, a pair of underwear, and a thin dark green t-shirt. The weather was turning warm and he didn’t want the babe to overheat. 
“Okay I’ll be down in the kitchen. If you need help with the button or zip, Just come down and I’ll do them up for you! Love you Lammy.” Jaskier said as he left the room and shut the door behind him. Jaskier looked down at himself. Pajamas. Ugh. 
Jaskier walked back to his room and pulled on a pair of blue short shorts, a pink tank top, and a blue floral button down that stayed unbuttoned. He ran a brush through his hair and popped a pair of plain white ankle socks on his feet. 
Jaskier was half way down the stairs when the youngest started the stairs. Jaskier made his way to the kitchen and gasped. Why. Why is there? Why is he? Oh good gods.
There were two very… sticky… looking witchers sitting on the floor. Geralt, still clad in his birthday suit, had a handful of something and a can of… 
“Geralt, darling, baby, my precious morning sunlight, my in gods’ names are you eating condensed milk with carrots?” Jaskier asked as he came up beside the white wolf. Geralt smiled brightly, he radiated happiness, and answered. 
“It’s good! Smelled good and I like carrots and Esky said that this stuff is sweet and so I eated it together! I like it!” Geralt explained as he dipped another unpeeled large carrot into the can of thick creamy liquid. Jaskier hummed and nodded, holding his lips between his teeth. 
“Eskel, love, what are you having for breakfast?” Jaskier said as he walked over to Eskel who was bare except for a pair of underwear. Eskel was smiling, he had… red? Pink? On his face and hands. 
“I ate thems… and something from the freezer.” Eskel said as he pointed to the now empty, except the seeds and stem, container of cherries. Something from the freezer? 
“Eskel what did you eat from the freezer?” Jaskier asked in confusion. Eskel pointed to a- a
“Eskel, did you eat a raw pork chop?” Jaskier asked again. Eskel nodded. 
“I don’t know too much about the whole witcher-y metabolism and diet but um Can- Can you eat raw meat?” Jaskier questioned in a forced calm voice. He was really just panicking. Eskel nodded and Lambert said “We can process meats and out organs just kinda get rid of the harmful calls and bacteria. We don’t really get sick”. 
“Oh. Okay. Alright. Well I hope you enjoyed it but how about next time we all wait for breakfast as a family. We don’t need to eat raw meat, especially not frozen meat. Also, Geralt, we do not eat breakfast until we are dressed in at least underwear. Okay, no eating naked. Um, Geralt darling once you finished eating… that. Go wash up in the bathroom with a soapy washrag, you too Wolfie.” Jaskier says in a tired voice. Eskel and Geralt nodded understandingly. Lambert was swaying on the balls of his feet behind Jaskier. 
“Lambert, what would you like to eat? I’m going to make oatmeal with berries for me. You can have whatever you want.” Jaskier said and guided the youngest to sit on the stools at the counter. Lambert thought for a moment before yawning and saying “something to make me fat. I want bread and peanut butter and cheese and um… pasta and everything else” Lambert finished and smiled at Jaskier. 
This was a test. To see if Jaskier would get mad if they got in the cupboards, ate unhealthily, if they wanted too much, if they wanted to get fat. The witchers were testing him. Jaskier was passing with flying colors so far. 
Jaskier nodded. “Alright, I mean we can have Italian for dinner tonight and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. How about grilled cheese for now? And a nice glass of milk or juice or both?” Jaskier said and Lambert looked shocked. 
“Really? I can actually have that? I can really have that to eat right now? Can I have two? I love grilled cheeses!” Lambert said and his ears picked up and his eyes twinkled. Jaskier smiled and pulled out a couple slices of American cheese and grabbed four pieces of bread from the box. 
Soon all three witchers, dressed in jeans and T-shirts, sat at the counter scarfing down grilled cheese sandwiches and drinking milk and juice. Eskel had plastic cups to hold his, Geralt had cups with spill guards which were snapped on once he accidentally spilled some juice on his sandwich. Jaskier had calmly explained that babies have accidents and that it’s okay. Lambert had eaten three sandwiches and then decided that he was done and said he wanted a bottle of juice and wanted to sit in the sun by the window. 
Jaskier had pulled out a muted green sippy cup and filled it up with apple juice and gave it to the cat. Lambert was happier than could be lying stretched out in the sunshine by the window. Every once in a while he would drink his bottle up to his lips and then set it back in the shadowed area. 
Once everyone was sufficiently fed, including Jaskier who had decided what the hell and had a grilled cheese himself, Jaskier said that it was ‘outside time’ which caused a lot of confusion. 
“What do you want us to do?”
“Where do we go?”
Jaskier shushed them all as he opened the french doors. He took a nice big breath of the still night cooled air and slipped on a pair of flip-flops as he walked out into the sunshine. The dew had fortunately already disappeared so Jaskier plopped down cross legged in the grass in the sunshine. He sighed and opened one of his eyes. The witchers were standing inside the door frame still. 
“Come on then. Do you want me to get the- Oh. My. Gods. I’m stupid!” Jaskier said as he remembered he hadn’t shown them the outside toy box! Jaskier quickly hopped up and got back to the patio. 
“You can come outside. You have to ask but you can almost always come outside. Now come here,I got you so much stuff!” Jaskier said excitedly. The witchers all stepped out onto the cold concrete of the patio. They curiously watched Jaskier walk over to a large green chest/bench. It looked like a huge box with seats on top.
Jaskier lifted the lid up to rest on the side of the house. The boys all gasped at what was inside. There were fetch rings, baseballs, kickballs, yoga mats, and even stuff to play baseball and soccer. Jaskier was gabbering about “I used to play soccer!” and “We could get swings or even a big sand box!”. The witchers weren’t listening though. They were all much too excited and happy to listen. 
“So what do you think? I already ordered some stuff for the pool but it’s imported and custom so it’ll be away before it gets here.” Jaskier said. As soon as that was out of his mouth the three of them wrapped him all up in wonderfully warm arms. 
“We love it!”s and “Thank you , daddy!”s where flowing all around him. Jaskier just laughed and patted backs. 
That’s how the next three days went. Going to sleep in Geralt’s room and migrating to Jaskier’s. All three of them would get up, get dressed, and eat breakfast. They would go to the backyard and stretch and Jaskier showed them how to play soccer and Geralt and Eskel had an affinity for baseball. Lambert got to indulge in his sugar habit, Eskel got to read any book he wanted (Jaskier ordered over a dozen for him), and Geralt got to play fetch for literal hours.  No one came around to bother them, per Jaskier’s request even though his best friend Yennefer was itching to meet the babies,  and nothing bad happened. 
Jaskier adapted to knowing Eskel rubbed himself against things at night so he had to wear underwears, and that he also would eat anything you put in front of him and would get sick if you didn’t give him a limit. He also hates warm concrete and does big hand flaps when he’s having sensory overload. 
Jaskier adapted to knowing that Geralt likes lettuce and doesn’t like very rich foods but will drink an entire gallon of chocolate milk in one day. Geralt likes to rather drink his food than really eat it. Jaskier also adapts to the fact that sometimes Geralt won’t talk, he would still be happy and okay but he just doesn’t wanna open his mouth apparently. He communicates through pointing and hand signals quite well though so Jaskier catches on pretty easily. Jaskier also figures that when Geralt kinda floats off in his own head and doesn't move for minutes on end he gets… upset with himself. Jaskier’s not sure why but he won’t ask. Not yet. 
Jaskier also adapts to knowing that Lambert hates being touched near his lower back or thighs and that he doesn’t like seeing too much skin all at once. He’s pretty used to seeing Geralt in the nude but he doesn’t like when Eskel or Daddy’s too… unclothed also. Lambert doesn’t like hearing certain words or being called certain things. And Jaskier gets used to Lambert letting him know that he needs to back off by bearing his teeth or hissing. 
By the end of the three days Jaskier is happy in their routine. He got used to getting dressed and brushing his teeth alongside the other three. He got used to being crammed in his queen bed ( Please gods, I ordered that big ass bed days ago!) Jaskier and the pups were all falling smoothly into a trusting and loving relationship. 
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onepotatotrashpotato · 6 months
Ooh bars no. 1
Kandila (ni Manuel Principe Bautista)
Ako ang kandila
na pinapagbantay sa paghihinagpis
(tingnan mo ang luha
sa aking paanan: nangamuong pagkit!)
Sa akin nalagak
ang lahat ng iyong lungkot at pighating
lumikha ng sugat
na di mapaghilom ng mga sandali.
Gaya ng ningas ko
ay aandap-andap ang mga gunita
na binabakas mo
sa lamlam ng aking ilaw na maputla.
Nakaripang puso
ay pinamutla na ng isang magdamag,
hanggang sa manlabo
ang munting ningas ko sa luhang pumatak.
(Walang nakatalang petsa.)
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ekkonus · 5 months
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lammstrellicon · 6 months
Thank you for being my 1000th boop. I love ya lamlam <3
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Awwww it's been a great joy boopin today!💖💖💖💖💖
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certitudinis · 10 months
" LamLam? Can I have some of those dried pruney chunks if he won't have any? 🥺 "
█▐ @paraleech. | ♡ | inbox. ( always accepting ! )
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〝 'COURSE YOU CAN, little creampuff !     I’ll save the parts bursting with the most flavor especially for you. 〞   For she is generosity incarnate !   ( and it’s  all certain to be a worthwhile investment in the end, anyway ! )
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twl-cyan · 1 year
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Day 359
LamLam sir 隻貓!
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mechon · 2 years
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Christo with a Lamlam plush < 3
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