#LM 2.4.2
cliozaur · 5 months
 The one, in which we witness a miraculous transformation of the abominable Gorbeau house into a cosy nest for Valjean and Cosette. Valjean is already beyond himself with tenderness, caring for this precious child, gazing at her face while she sleeps and kissing her hand. It’s curious that upon entering the room, there was already a fire in the stove. Was it a portress who prepared a room on time?
Finally, Cosette can enjoy uninterrupted sleep and is relieved of the burden of sweeping floors. It’s so sweet that she finds this ugly room “pretty”!  And it appears that all the traumatizing memories have faded from her mind. However, she still asks Valjean if she must return and if Mme Thénardier is far away. No surprise, Hugo didn't get it right; he knew nothing about PTSD, as it was formally recognized only in the twentieth century and is still a subject of ongoing research.
Let them enjoy their quiet happiness for a moment. Because soon it will end.
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Nest For Owl and a Warbler, LM 2.4.2 (Les Miserables 1925)
“Yes, madame!” cried Cosette, waking with a start, “here I am! here I am!”
And she sprang out of bed, her eyes still half shut with the heaviness of sleep, extending her arms towards the corner of the wall.
“Ah! mon Dieu, my broom!” said she.
She opened her eyes wide now, and beheld the smiling countenance of Jean Valjean.
“Ah! so it is true!” said the child. “Good morning, Monsieur.”
Children accept joy and happiness instantly and familiarly, being themselves by nature joy and happiness.
Cosette caught sight of Catherine at the foot of her bed, and took possession of her, and, as she played, she put a hundred questions to Jean Valjean. Where was she? Was Paris very large? Was Madame Thénardier very far away? Was she to go back? etc., etc. All at once she exclaimed, “How pretty it is here!”
It was a frightful hole, but she felt free.
“Must I sweep?” she resumed at last.
“Play!” said Jean Valjean.
The day passed thus. Cosette, without troubling herself to understand anything, was inexpressibly happy with that doll and that kind man.
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
We’re back to bird imagery with the title (”A Nest For Owl and a Warbler”) and the note that Valjean had chosen Gorbeau house for his “nest” like “wild birds.” We can assume that he is the owl from the title, which makes Cosette a warbler. Warblers are named for their song, which poses a sharp contrast to her prior bird image: a lark that never sang. Now that she’s free and has a safe space to play like a child should, Cosette can “sing.”
I don’t fully know what to make of the emphasis on Valjean’s “religious” feelings toward Cosette and Fantine, but I would love to know if anyone has any thoughts! It seems like he understands his care for them as a sort of Christian love and an admiration for their strength, mixed with the view that these people are holy (Fantine being compared to an angel, for instance). After the bishop, his notion of love is bound up with religion, so that could be part of it.
It hurts to see Cosette so panicked when she wakes up, searching for her broom when she’s barely awake. The loud sound being what wakes her suggests that noise (rather than light) is what she’s used to waking up to, likely the yells of Mme Thénardier or worse. She’s also accustomed to working from when she wakes up, which is horrifying to see in a child. What’s sweet, though, is seeing how quickly she recovers once she sees Valjean. She already trusts him so much, and while Hugo puts this down to children’s natural happiness, it feels more like Cosette’s resilience and how well he’s demonstrated his care for her. I love how she gets to play all day and starts asking him questions about where they are and how that relates to her past life without any further hesitation or fear. It’s funny (slightly sad, too, but still funny) to imagine Valjean dealing with that as well because while he’s great with children, this is probably the most he’s spoken in years. But he seems happy! He’s smiling here at last, and while it’s unclear if he slept (there’s a very real possibility he knelt at Cosette’s bedside all night; we know this is a thing he does from his prayers outside of the bishop’s door after he had his crisis over robbing Petit Gervais), he’s at least no longer outwardly tormented. Cosette’s presence in itself doesn’t erase his problems; he’s in a place as isolated as the Gorbeau house because he fears being caught. Still, the thought that he’s helped a good person seems to be a comfort to him (as shown through his religious reverence).
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in today's chapter: victor hugo invents mpreg
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imsorryimlate · 2 years
… a look of ecstasy in which the expression of kindness and tenderness verged on madness.
(Vol. II, Book IV, II: “A nest for owl and wren”)
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everyonewasabird · 3 years
Brickclub 2.4.2 ‘A nest for owl and wren’
A short chapter, but an emotional one. Cosette, taken care of for the first time, sleeps as long as she wants for what must be the first time since she was a toddler. She mistakes a heavy cart making a racket on the cobblestones outside for Madame Thenardier--we’ve equated both with society before--and leaps out of bed looking for her broom before she sees Valjean and remembers.
And then, she takes to happiness immediately, as soon as she is allowed. And not only happiness--she takes to talking, a lot, asking Valjean a million questions. There’s such a feeling that she’s been waiting all this time for this, that all the things that might have broken her down never did.
It’s been five years since she’s been able to talk like this. I’m not sure how well she would even have been able to talk the last time she was freely allowed to.
And Valjean. He watches at her bedside and kisses her hand, the way he did with Fantine--but also the way he almost did with Myriel, when he came upon him sleeping. That first time, with Myriel, he “appeared ready either to cleave this skull, or to kiss this hand.” With Fantine, he made his choice, but too late--or, at least, fatality was against him. With Cosette, he finally can give into that impulse to love someone that he’s been trying to give in to since before the bishop bought his soul.
This is an objectively terrible nest, but for this owl and this wren, it’s perfect.
And these scenes are the last time it will be like this for them: that they’ll truly be in the same space, together. The Gorbeau house will turn on him the way it always sides with the police against its inhabitants, and they’ll run.
And they’ll stay together, in a way, but Cosette’s schooling will pull them apart. He’ll worship her from afar, she’ll get the bourgeois education he lacks, and he’ll withdraw from her as a bagnard--and perhaps simply as a peasant--from a lady of a different class. He’ll make sure she has nice places to live and nice furniture, and he’ll treat himself like the family dog.
We’ve seen elements of that tendency of his already--the lavish gifts, the worship at her bedside--but I think the strangeness of the convent makes it much worse.
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meta-squash · 3 years
Brick Club 2.4.2 “A Nest For Owl And Wren”
I haven’t much to say about this chapter.
Valjean is a bird of prey, which I think is a new category for the Furry Alert. Cosette has transitioned from a lark to a wren, of course, because now she is happy and singing, and wrens are said to have beautiful and complex songs.
“...he began to gaze at Cosette with a look of ecstasy in which the expression of kindness and tenderness verged on madness.” This reminds me of Valjean staring down at Bishop Myriel as he slept. This is like the other side of that coin.
But then Fantine is mentioned. But of course Fantine and the Bishop I think hold similar places of holiness in Valjean’s mind.
A loud cart awakens Cosette, and she jumps up, ready to clean. Just the idea of the cart of “society” has this little girl leaping awake to labor. But now she’s safe and has the space to learn how to be a kid.
Which she does pretty quickly. I love Hugo’s description of her asking Valjean a thousand questions, because that is so realistic and adorable. Even if they don’t fully understand, they want to know the answers to all of their questions. And Cosette doesn’t fully understand, but she is happy and free and she sees Valjean as a friend and that is a very very good thing for both of them.
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fremedon · 3 years
Brickclub 2.4.2, “A Nest for Owl and Wren,” and 2.4.3, “Happiness in Shared Misfortune”
I meant to just retrobrick Friday’s chapter, but it looks like I’m getting a jump on tomorrow’s, too, because I don’t really have anything to say about 2.4.2 on its own; these chapters form a pair.
Cosette and Valjean settle into life together. She trusts him at once, and is happy. He loves her at once, and is happy.
Valjean “had never been father, lover, husband, or friend. In prison he was ill-natured, sullen, celibate, ignorant, and unsociable.”
“Celibate” is doing a lot of work there of conjuring other timelines. We can imagine a world where Valjean has a trusting and consensual prison relationship with someone who helps him hang on to his humanity. We can also imagine worlds where where he has prison relationships that are transactional, exploitative, or simply nonconsensual. As terrible as has solitude has been for him, there could have been something worse.
Now, though Cosette calls him “Father,” he “feels pangs like those of a mother in childbirth.” He is mother and father, and friend, to Cosette--all of the kinds of love she has been searching for and unable to find an object for--just as she takes on “all the love he might have felt throughout his life.”
Hugo is very specific here: what Valjean feels is parental, but all of his capacity for other kinds of love, including romantic and sexual, is sublimated within it, “blended in a kind of ineffable light.”
Cosette perceives some of that light, finding the garret and Valjean both beautiful: “Nothing is so charming as the enhancing reflection of happiness on a garret. We all have in our past our own delightful garret.”
Directly after this, Hugo continues:
“Nature, a gap of fifty yaers, had placed a deep divid between Jean Valjean and Cosette. Destiny made good this divide. With its irresistible power, destiny suddenly united and plighted to each other these two uprooted lives, differing in age, alike in their distress. One, in fact, complimented the other. Cosette’s instinct sought a father as Jean Valjean’s instinct sought a child. To meet was to find each other. In that mysterious moment when their hands touched, they were conjoined. Each recognizing the other on sight as the answer to their need, these two souls fell into close embrace.” 
A while ago, @everyonewasabird​ made a post about Hugo’s dedication to self-contradiction, and this bit stuck with me:
And there’s everything the brick sets up about the nature of love. Marius and Cosette, Grantaire, and Eponine (and Valjean, though it’s also perfectly clear he falls into a different category) are all affected by a love that’s life-changing and transformative and potentially destructive–but the exact classification of that love gets hazy. Even in cases where it falls clearly under romantic love, sex has little or nothing to do with it. Grantaire mocks Marius and his love for sleeping together in the stars, etc., but he’s also literally describing himself. Love in the brick has nothing at all to do with sex … until Jean Prouvaire, right before dying, recites a poem defending and lauding love and sex as inextricable.
(That’s my favorite thing about Prouvaire. He steps outside the book that contains him, fights all its assertions about the nature of love, and wins.)
Something of that is being set up here. This is the only happy garret on stage in the book--we don’t meet Fantine and the grisettes until whatever good times they had were over; the Amis have offstage mistresses whom we never meet. Hugo tells us that the delightful garret is a universal experience, but the only other example we’re going to hear about is Prouvaire’s poem. And the juxtaposition of that flash-forward with this paragraph about the embrace of Valjean and Cosette’s souls is doing...something. I don’t know what, but I don’t think it’s accidental.
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nitu5965 · 3 years
Diameter Signaling Market – Industry Challenges, Key Vendors, Drivers, Trends and Forecast to 2027
Diameter Signaling Market Scenario:
Diameter signaling is an internet protocol required by Internet-fueled devices for communicating with each other. The components in diameter signaling reduce the flow of data traffic and manage activity at the edge of the network. Translation of signals between different generation communication networking technologies can induce its high demand among telecommunication providers. The global diameter signaling market report by Market Research Future (MRFR) offers insights on various appliances, protocols, and consumption of data and its impact on the industry for the period of 2019 to 2025 (forecast period). The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects are included in the report.
 The Diameter Signaling Market is expected to register a CAGR of 44.81% during the forecast period. Utilization of internet-of-things (IoT) and smartphones are major drivers of the market. Increasing ownership of smartphones, rising number of mobile applications, and huge volume of data traffic can compel the use of diameter signaling components for managing networks. This is evident by statistics from Exalcom Inc., revealing close to 58,520 mobile applications been downloaded from Apple’s App Store.
 Prevalence of smart homes and cities, rise of data traffic, and machine-to-machine communications are other growth engines fueling the demand for diameter signaling. 4G connectivity can power the demand within the market during the forecast period due to a spurt in 4G subscribers. Modernization of infrastructure and commitment of telecommunication providers for meeting customer expectations can bode well for the market.
 Large number of cyberattacks can hamper market growth.
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 Competitive Outlook:
Oracle Corporation (ORCL), Dialogic Corporation, Sandvine Corporation, Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, Mitel Networks Corporation, Diametriq, LLC, Squire Technologies Ltd, and Nokia are key players of the global diameter signaling market.
 Voiceworks, a European company, has selected BroadForward Signaling Transfer Point for replacing legacy SS7 routing solutions. This can be used in routing the signals of 4G technology and provide uninterrupted access to Internet to users.
·         By type, it is segmented into diameter interworking function (IWF), diameter routing agent (DRA), diameter edge agent (DEA), and others.
·         By application, it is segmented into policy, LTE broadcast, mobility, and voice over LTE (VoLTE).
 Regional Analysis:
Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share in 2018, with a market value of USD 921.38 million. It is expected to register a CAGR of 44.7% during the forecast period. It can produce the highest number of messages per second (MPS) in the coming years as compared to the other regions owing to increasing adoption of LTE- and VoLTE-based services, thereby increasing the demand for diameter signaling protocol. The presence of key players focusing on developing solutions for is further driving the market growth.  
 Europe is expected to register the highest CAGR of 49.4% during the forecast period. The rising mobile adoption rate and Internet services in Europe along with government initiatives which support the development and implementation of 5G are expected to fuel the market growth in the region. Inclination towards e-learning and rise of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic can drive the demand for diameter signaling protocols.
North America can capture a large market share owing to demand for LTE networks and signaling systems among telecom providers for maintaining huge data traffic. Presence of LTE equipment vendors and penetration of latest generation smartphones can drive the market demand.
 Table of Contents
1        Market Introduction        
1.1       Introduction    
1.2       Scope of Study
1.2.1    Research objective
1.2.2    Assumptions
1.2.3    Limitations
1.3       Market Structure
2        Research Methodology
2.1       Research Industrial Analytics
2.2       Primary Research
2.3       Secondary Research
2.4       Forecast Model
2.4.1    Market Data Collection, Analysis & Forecast
2.4.2    Market Size Estimation
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 List of Table
Table 1 Primary Interviews
Table 2 List of Assumptions
Table 3 Global Diameter Signaling Industry Trends And Indicators Oracle Communications Lte Diameter
Signaling Index
Table 4 Global Diameter Signaling Market, By Type, 2017–2025 (Usd Million)
Table 5 Global Diameter Signaling Market, By Application, 2017–2025 (Usd Million)
 List of Figure
Figure 1 Market Synopsis
Figure 2 Global Diameter Signaling Market Analysis, By Type, Market Share, 2018 (%)
Figure 3 Global Diameter Signaling Market Analysis, By Application, Market Share, 2018 (%)
Figure 4 Global Diameter Signaling Market Analysis, By Region, Market Share, 2018 (%)
Figure 5 Global Diameter Signaling Market: Structure
 About Market Research Future:
Market Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.
We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.
Market Research Future
Office No. 524/528, Amanora Chambers
Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar
Pune - 411028
Maharashtra, India
+1 646 845 9312
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kisan0318 · 3 years
Ultra-WideBand Market Global Size Overview, COVID19 Impact, Growth Drivers, Industry Share and Forecast to 2027
Market Scope
The ultra-wideband market 2020 was estimated at USD 62 Million in 2016 and can expand to a size of USD 85 Million by 2022, mentions the new report by Market Research Future (MRFR). MRFR adds that the market can witness steady progression at a rate of 5% from 2016 to 2022 (review period).
Growth Boosters and Main Restraints
Ultra-Wideband technology, owing to a host of benefits it offers, enjoys massive demand across a range of industries including healthcare and defense. However, a prime application area of ultra wideband technology is in wireless sensor network solution or real-time location system (RTLS). The technology has emerged as an ideal replacement for radio frequency identification (RFID) or wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi), since it holds a high potential to track or locate the exact location of any object, which is otherwise quite tough to detect with the use of the above-mentioned technologies.
Majorly, the increasing demand in the retail and healthcare sectors has led to the superlative growth of the ultra-wideband (uwb) market. Also, the technology’s ability to track objects with accuracy has boosted its market growth prospects for the future. Indoor location tracking is one of its top application areas and can help the market gain significantly in the approaching years.
Although, the demand for UWB in retail, household activities and healthcare can note further growth in the years ahead, the technology’s high pricing can curb its demand to some extent. However, MRFR experts shed light on the increasing investments by leading industry participants in research and development activities, aimed at the manufacturing of highly advanced products that can pique the interest of end-users as well as customers in the ultra-wideband (uwb) market.
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Top Players
Some of the top companies competing in the market for ultra-wideband are Alereon, Inc. (U.S.), Pulse LINK, Inc. (U.S.), BeSpoon SAS (France), Zebra Technologies Corporation (U.S.), DecaWave Ltd. (Ireland), Fractus Antennas S.L. (Spain), 5D Robotics Inc. (U.S.), Johanson Technology Inc. (U.S.), Nanotron Technologies GmbH (Germany), Taiyo Yuden Co Ltd. (Japan), to mention a few.
Market Segmentation
Ultra WideBand Market main segments listed in the report are application, technology, components and industry.
The applications listed in the report are location based services, wireless peripheral interface and internet access and multimedia service.
The types of technologies analyzed by the analysts are short range as well as long range.
The components-wise market segmentation includes ICs, motherboard and sensors.
The primary industries that make extensive use of the UWB technology include healthcare, IT & telecom, utilities, manufacturing, government, retail, and others. The UWB technology’s acceptance rate in the healthcare industry is quite high, as it helps track and also monitor personnel, patients and assets, in addition to maintaining a clean environment.  
Regional Insight
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and the rest of the world (RoW) are the primary regions where the ultra-wideband market size can expand at varying rates between 2016 and 2022.
Thanks to the high concentration of highly regarded UWB vendors in the U.S as well as Canada coupled with the substantial practice of UWB-based WSN/ RTLS technologies in the healthcare and retail sectors, North America has managed to clinch the leading position in the global market. Moreover, the significant growth of the Internet of things or IoT and the highly frequent technological advancements with respect to range and precision of the technology has added to the regional market strength in recent years.
Emerging nations like India, South Korea and China are turning out to be highly profitable markets for ultra-wideband, which enhances APAC’s potential to achieve the fastest growth rate in the following years. The region’s steady industrial growth, particularly manufacturing and retail drives the market growth in the region. China is touted as the world's second biggest economy and has been a significant game changer in international markets. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the country can advance at a tremendous rate in the next few years. Rising adoption of the technology for workflow optimization in various industries and the intensifying competitiveness among leading companies also benefits the regional market.
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7.2.2 5D ROBOTICS, INC. (U.S.)
7.2.3 ALEREON, INC. (U.S.)
7.2.5 PULSE LINK, INC. (U.S.)
7.2.11 OTHERS
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akashs123 · 4 years
5G Market 2022 by Scope, Size, Opportunities and Growth Rate analysis
Market Research Future published a research report on “5G Market Research Report- Forecast 2022” – Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.
Market Insight
The 5G market is cementing its foothold at a significant CAGR during the forecast period from 2018 to 2022, according to Market Research Future reports. 5G is referred as 5th generation mobile networks or the wireless systems. It has excellent acceptance for mobile devices, tablets, and others.
Market Drivers & Trends
The study of MRFR indicates that 5G is anticipated to conquer a larger market share owing to numerous features with large number of benefits. As 5G aims to offer data with a much lower cost per bit as compared with the current networks, it has become one of the most demanding networks. These factors are contributing to a more significant part of the market’s expansion.
Get More Details of Report @ https://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/5g-market-size-share-opportunities-growth-factors-competitive-landscape-segmentation-development-status-future-prospects-and-comprehensive-research-study-2022_474371.html
Apart from these, the surging data consumption will result in an amplified energy footprint from networks. 5G thus aims to consume comparatively lower energy than existing cellular networks. The exponential rise in connected devices, such as wirelessly connected sensors, actuators, and similar devices for massive machine connectivity is likely to place demands on the network in the coming years. In the forecast period, 5G would be available for a wide range of applications, use cases, wearable devices, smart homes and others which is anticipated to trigger the market growth on a rapid pace.
Key Players
The prominent players in the 5G Market are - Verizon Wireless (U.S.), AT&T Inc. (U.S.), LM Ericsson (Sweden), Alcatel-Lucent (France), China Mobile Ltd. (China), Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (China), NTT DOCOMO, Inc. (Japan), Vodafone Group PLC (UK), Bharti Airtel Limited (India) among others.
5G Global Market - Regional Analysis
The region-wise study of the global 5G market covers vital regions of Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and the Rest of the World (RoW).
Among these, North America is the forerunner in the market and is probable to lead the market in the next few years. The advanced IT infrastructure here is likely to support the growth of the 5G market in the foreseeable future. The initial deployment of 5G services has earned a competitive edge among the other markets in this region.
Europe is another burgeoning market for 5G services with the technological advancements being made in this region is projected to assist the expansion of the 5G market in the coming years.
The Asia Pacific is also to register steady growth over the valuation period. Factors such as Industrial automation, advancements in the IT industry, penetration of smartphones are chiefly responsible for generating demand 5G services across the region. Besides, country-level markets in China is already working on the development of the 5G market and expects to accelerate revenue creation in the years to come.
5G Global Market - Segmentation
The 5G Market has been segmented by elements such as components and application.
Of these, the components segment includes phantom cell, access/backhaul integration, device-to-device communication, and flexible duplex communication.
The applications segment is segmented into consumer electronics, automotive, retail, energy, utility, healthcare, home automation, and more.
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Table of Contents:
1 Market Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope Of Study
1.2.1 Research Objective
1.2.2 Assumptions
1.2.3 Limitations
1.3 Market Structure
2 Research Methodology
2.1 Research Network Solution
2.2 Primary Research
2.3 Secondary Research
2.4 Forecast Model
2.4.1 Market Data Collection, Analysis & Forecast
2.4.2 Market Size Estimation
3 Market Dynamics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Market Drivers
3.3 Market Challenges
3.4 Market Opportunities
3.5 Market Restraints
4 Executive Summary
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
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Market Research Future
Office No. 528, Amanora Chambers
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Maharashtra, India
+1 646 845 9312
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opixpk-blog · 6 years
Edumodo - Education WordPress Theme
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WooCommerce gives you one more and very important benefit “payment”. Woocommerce supports multiple and almost any type of payment options with multiple currencies. You will face absolutely no problems at all regarding payment issues. MailChimp MailChimp is the World’s biggest marketing automation platform and it comes with the Edumodo WordPress kindergarten theme. Increase the number of customers by sharing big newsletters with lots of interactivity. It will take only a while to create and send a mail. Share any type of big news or promotion of your educational institute with mailchimp in Edumodo. Redux Framework Redux is a simple and entirely responsive options framework for WordPress plugins and themes. Redux smartly shows theme options with various field types. Edumodo has this options framework enable in it and if you are habituated to customizer than that option is available too. Widget Importer & Exporter It’s very easy to move widgets from one WordPress website to another with widget importer & exporter. Import all the widgets of Edumodo easily with one click via Widget importer & exporter extension. Widgetkit Plugin Widgetkit is considered as the best buddy of Elementor page builder. It increases the power of elementor page builder and lets you create develop unique sections that no other plugins can do. Merge Widgetkit with elementor page builder and experience the ultimate page building. Edumodo theme is fully supported with Widgetkit, not only the sections included in demo, develop more section with a blend of your imagination. Widgetkit lets you create website. weForms Weforms is the easiest and fastest WordPress form plugin that lets you create any type of form in the shortest time. This is a full drag & drop form builder, you do not need to know anything before using this. The live preview feature gives you an instant view of the form and it will look exactly same as you publish it on your site. Contact Form 7 Contact form 7 is considered as the most popular form building plugin. You can customize any form content flexibly with this plugin. Contact form 7 supports Captcha, ajax powered submitting, akismet filtering and so on. Edumodo is fully compatible with this form building plugin. Instagram Feed Show Instagram photos at anywhere on your site from any non-private Instagram accounts. This plugin lets you do all of this without any kind of complexity or problem and you can even customize the height, width, number of columns, number of photos, background color, image spacing, image size and much more. Use this plugin on your website build with Edumodo theme to use all the instagram photos on your site. PayPal You do not need to add any extra pain on your list regarding payment because paypal plugin is here. This plugin allows you to easily create PayPal Add to Cart, Buy Now, Subscription or donation type buttons. It generates dynamic buttons and you can use this buttons by using shortcodes. Edumodo is fully compatible with PayPal plugin. You will be able to take payments for your course or products with this plugin very easily as there are no complex configurations. CMB2 A developer’s useful toolkit for building custom fields, meta boxes and forms for WordPress that will impress you easily. CMB2 allows you to manage meta for users, terms posts, and also create custom options pages. Edumodo supports this plugin, you can use this plugin as much as you want. Stripe Stripe Plugin lets you take credit card payments via stripe payment gateway on your website. You can set up one-click payment option easily with the stripe options and if you wish you can also set up donation option in your site. This plugin captures the transaction histories and in time of need, you can view all transactions in one place. The Events Calendar Creating and managing an event was never been so easy and the events calendar plugin makes it more easier for you. This plugin gives you professional-level features and quality, developed by a team that you can trust. Configuring this plugin is very easy, you need five minutes of time to set up the plugin. This plugin provides a huge list of features that make your development process more easier. Use events calendar with Edumodo and manage events in the way you want. LearnPress Support LearnPress is one of the most popular lms plugin for WordPress. It’s totally free and lets you create awesome websites like udemy or lynda very easily. One can easily create & sell courses online with help of learnpress lms. Edumodo WordPress college theme comes with full support of this lms support. With Edumodo you get two different home layouts and 3-course details page with learnpress support. Sensei Support Teaching and managing courses have been never so easier within WordPress. The sensei lms plugin makes it all easier for you. You can write lessons, create courses, take quizzes and sell your products easily with this LMS plugin. It is the ultimate WordPress lms plugin. LearnDash Support Learndash is the most trusted WordPress LMS plugin. This plugin allows you to create and sell your courses easily with zero hassle. You do not need any type of additional experience or prior knowledge to use learndash lms. Edumodo WordPress lms theme is fully compatible with this amazing lms. If you wish you can extend the capabilities of your lms site by using additional plugins for learndash. Features List 3 Homepage style Drag & Drop page builder – Elementor LearnPress LMS integration Sensie LMS integration Built-in course and lesson type Multiple course style : Grid / List Multiple teacher style : Course details page style with pagebuilder Teacher page details style with page builder Notice page Contact from 7 integartion weForm integration for course booking WooCommerce support Apple TV effect Event calendar integrations Event listing and details page style Testimonial widgets for pagebuilder Redux2 Framework CMB2 metabox integration Bootstrap framework Full responsive Megamenu Array of built-in page Dynamic navigation Quick Social sharing Animation slider Instagram integration 1 click installation and dummy data import Mailchimp integration Huge shortcode collection Customization Flexible blog layout option Fast and Excellent support Changelog 2.5.1 ========= Improved : The Events Calendar Element Fix : Menu hover issue 2.5.0 ======== New : 2 Home Variation Improved : LearnPress Dynamic Category Element Fix : Mega Menu hover issue 2.4.9 ========= Update : Gutenberg supported Improved : Pre loader Improved : Sensei course element Improved : LearnDash course element Fix : LearnDash translation issue 2.4.8 ======== Fix : LearnDash see more button translation issue Update : Fitness trainer home page dummy content 2.4.7 ======== Fix : TX Course Archive Page Title Change Option Update: Mega Menu Options Improved : LearnPress Single Page Mobile Layout 2.4.6 ======== New : 2 Home Variation New : Mega Menu Support New : Child Theme for Developer New : Pre loader 2.4.5 ======== Fix: Missing File Fix : CSS Style Issue 2.4.4 ======== New: Slider Pro Element New: LearnPress Popup Login Registration form Updated : Theme Options Settings 2.4.3 ======== New - 2 Header Variation Update - Theme Options Panel 2.4.2 ======== New - RTL Ready Home Page New - Woo Product Category Element 2.4.1 ======== New - Fully RTL Support 2.4.0 ======== New - Stunning dummy data import system Update - Theme Options Panel 2.3 ======== Added: 4 New Header Variations Added: 3 New Footer Variations Added: 2 New about us page Added: Ripple effect video button Update: Home Page Design Update: Teachers Grid Page Update: Elementor Custom elements Update: Some CSS Style Update: Revolution Slider 2.2.1 ======== New - Revolution Slider Demo Data Update - Home Page Design Update - Theme Main Demo Data 2.2 ======== New - 2 Brand New Slider for 2 Home Page New - Search Option in Course Page Update - Single Course Page Update - Single Notice Page Update - Theme Option Panel Update - Home Page Design Update - Some CSS Issue 2.1 ======== New - LearnDash Details Page Layout Update - TX Courses Element Improve - Theme Options Panel Update - Some CSS Issues 2.0 ======== Added : New Kids Layout with Child Theme Inproved : Edumodo Theme Options Update: Fix some css issues 1.9.1 ======== Fixed: LearnPress Single Page Responsive Issue Fixed Added: Event Single Page Header Image and Title Change Options Improved: Breadcrumb function Improved: Edumodo Theme Options Improved: Theme Style 1.9 ======== NEW : 2 brand new homepage added 1.8 ======== New : Added learnDash custom header options New : WPForms Integration Update : Menu Hover bug fixed 1.7 ======== New : Archive TX Course Option Panel New : Single Course Page Options Panel New : bbPress Forum Supported 1.6 ======== New : LearnDash LMS Support New : LearnDash Home Page New : LearnDash Courses Element Update : CSS Style 1.5 ======== New - 2 New Header Variations New - More Social Media New - Back to Top Scroll Button Improved - Sticky & Transparent Header Options Improved - Mobile Menu Update - Some CSS Styles 1.4 ======== Improved - Learnpress Course Details Page Layout 2 Improved - Learnpress Course Details Page Layout 3 Added - New Layout Under LearnPress Courses Addon Update - Some CSS Styles 1.3 ======== Integrate with LearnPress 3.x Added - Edumodo Course Header Image Option Added - Edumodo Course Title Option Added - LearnPress Course Header Image Option Added - LearnPress Course Title Option Added - LearnPress Archive Custom Title Option Update - Some CSS Styles 1.1 ======== - Some CSS issues fixed - Update documentation & demo data 1.0 ======== - Initial Release Source
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gpllife · 8 years
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anulledthemes-blog · 8 years
eLearning 2.4.2 – LMS WordPress Theme
eLearning 2.4.2 – LMS WordPress Theme
Free eLearning WordPress Theme is one of the best LMS WordPress Themes outstandingly powerful, smart learning management system (LMS) based on WordPress platform in which courses, lessons, quizzes and questions are easily made and managed. These courses for sale can be free or premium.
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kisan0318 · 3 years
Customer Experience Management Market Price Analysis 2021, COVID19 Impact, Size, Share and Global Business Opportunities to 2027
The customer experience management market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 22% during the forecast period. As per the Customer Experience Management Market research report, the global market for customer experience management is projected to grow swiftly by US$18 billion by the end of 2023. According to analysts, the increasing need for customer satisfaction as well as a highly competitive business landscape will drive the market growth during the forecast period 2017-2023. The customer experience management market research report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global customer experience management market and its touch point and end-users segments. The technology selection along with lack of consistency are the elements that could influence the customer experience management market advancement throughout the forecast period 2017-2023. The customer experience management market research report by expert analysts is developed to assist organizations in the customer experience management market.
Competitive Landscape
The increasing adoption of CRM solutions and growth in online sales are the key factors presumed to drive the customer experience management market growth worldwide. The global customer experience management market could be challenged by lack of awareness among SMEs and large enterprises, nevertheless, organizations in the customer experience management market will carry the growth rate forward. The customer experience management market research report presents company profiles of major companies active in the customer experience management market globally. Furthermore, the global customer experience management market report offers an all-inclusive analysis of the market collected from the customer experience management market’s primary and secondary sources covering both decision makers and thought leaders. The customer experience management market research report highlights such key areas assisting businesses operating in the customer experience management market to build better growth strategies.
Browse Full Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/customer-experience-management-market-2863
Market Segmentation
The global customer experience management market has been segmented based on touch point and end-users. On the basis of touch point, the market for customer experience management is segmented based on email, social media, and call centers. Additionally, the market on the basis of end-users, is segmented into healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and BFSI.
Major elements such as technical limitations could obstruct the customer experience management market growth. However, according to the customer experience management market research report, rising competitiveness along with the rising e-commerce industry will propel growth throughout the forecast period 2017-2023. The customer experience management market is set to register growth at a high CAGR owing to these key factors. The exploration of touch point and end-users segments along with regional markets has been given in the global customer experience management market research report. The research analysts studying the customer experience management market have put out market forecasts in the customer experience management market research report in order to support customer experience management market-based companies. The customer experience management market research report provides an extensive understanding of the customer experience management market based on the information and forecasts till 2023.
Regional Overview
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the rest of the world regional market for customer experience management are predominantly covered in the global customer experience management market research report. Country-level customer experience management markets spread across North America – the United States, Canada, and Mexico are also covered in the report. In South America – Brazil and other country-level customer experience management markets are covered in the report. In Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, the country-level customer experience management markets covered are Japan, India, China, and others. The customer experience management market research report also explores the regional market for customer experience management present in Europe in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany, etc. The customer experience management market research report also covers regional markets from the rest of the world alongside customer experience management markets of Africa and the Middle East.
Industry News
Two new shows, called Inside Job and Digital Marketing Musings, were launched by Merkle, a leading technology-enabled, data-driven customer experience management business. In order to provide insightful insights into the increasing patterns of consumer change and digital media, both shows will feature interviews with thought leaders around the marketing industry. As the pandemic continues to solidify the value of creating hyper-personalized experiences, this curriculum will provide marketers with the insights they need to make these changes effective.
7.2.8 AVAYA INC. (U.S.)
7.2.9 SDL (U.K.)
7.2.10 OTHERS
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