Okay here's my dumb latke poll for the year:
Yes these are all bougie foodie things to put on fried potatoes, yes I would personally like to try all of them, don't @ me.
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pygartheangel · 5 months
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laios-daily · 19 days
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revolting-kashalot · 2 years
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uncooked Mr. Lighting bolt
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 3 Thoughts
I just had the kind of day that makes you fall back in love with life a little bit. So what better time to watch Love Sea than right now? I will say I have been warned that certain parts of this episode will make me angry. So odds are, if you like the show, you won’t like my thoughts. But I’ll go in with an open mind. Episode 2 was fine. Right? Right. Anyway, just in case, if you click the read more and you don’t like what I say…that’s on you. You were warned. So let’s do this thing. Episode 3 time.
This time the movie I watched before this show didn’t have literally the best sound mixing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. So I think my ears are safe this time. It won’t be good but at least I’m not going from the best to…this.
IQIYI translate texts challenge 2k24. I said it last time and I’ll say it again. I am very skilled. I have many talents. Reading Thai is not one of them. What’s the point of paying for this streaming service if they’re only gonna half ass the subs? Anyway. Give the translators a raise and hire more of them. Or face my wrath in the form of one tiny little post under a read more on the internet that you will never see. But you should feel my scorn. Feel it!
Rak better keep his glasses. I swear if Rak loses his glasses….
It is raining in the show so I feel the need to tell y’all that I bought two umbrellas today! They were both on clearance. Isn’t that great? My collection grows.
Oh also IQIYI translate the fucking spoken words too challenge??? Girl what is going on.
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I have no context for this line. Zero. Why are they talking about her boobs? What is happening in the rest of the conversation. Cause I also can’t speak Thai. I wish I could. That language is simply not in my wheelhouse.
I could be watching the Stray Kid’s cover of Sherlock for the millionth time but instead I’m listening to a Thai phone call that means nothing to me. All I know is she mentioned her boobs.
Noisy drunk street people go home challenge. Go home and stop conversatin right outside my apartment. Do that elsewhere. You have now left the bar cause it’s closed. My apartment is not open for business so I don’t know why you’re loitering outside it. Time to blast some kpop real quick. That typically works. Oh they left before I got to play any music. They must have a sixth sense.
Thank god I got this conversation fully subbed. The fuck is up with his dad? Actually. You know what? I don’t want to know. Whatever it is, it’s bad. And I don’t want that. I don’t trust MAME to do trauma actually. Well. I trust MAME will do trauma but I don’t trust her to do it well.
I did not gain that skill in the last 15 minutes. Why are they doing this to me specifically?
I am enjoying this song a whole lot.
Why are we getting flashbacks in every episode? MAME is a better writer than this. Why is she relying so heavily on flashbacks? I’m so confused.
Rak, do not go to a secondary location with that man. Dear Mut, what the fuck? He has said no. That is a complete sentence. And believe it or not, he does not need to explain it to you. He was being generous by telling you why he said no. But you are going to force him to go somewhere else? Have you considered I hate you and will kick you right in the balls?
The music is trying to convince me this is romantic but honestly I’m just confused.
THEY DIDN’T EVEN WEAR HELMETS. And then my soul was launched from my body straight into the sun and I feel nothing anymore.
Oh to be stargazing on a beach while laying next to a hot boy and having deep conversations about life. Oh if only that were me. Hey real quick, anyone want to go stargazing with me? I’ve never been stargazing and I think I should do it. 
I’ve only been watching this episode for 23 minutes. I thought it was almost over. This shit is dragging. The directing in this show needs significant work. There is not enough movement on screen in far too many scenes. Even when We Are had two characters (Tan and Fang) just standing and talking, it wasn’t difficult to watch because they were both constantly moving. Well, mostly Tan. But Fang did too. There was something for the eye to catch. Something to watch. With Love Sea, they have Rak and Mut just stand and talk, or sit and talk, or lay down and talk, and there is not nearly enough movement. They need to be doing something. I am moving more just sitting on my ass on my couch (shoveling cake in my mouth) while I watch than these two are doing on screen and that is a directorial problem. Imagine working with an established actor pair who are known partially for their chemistry together and just…having them lay there. I was prepared to go into this show mad at it for the typical MAME reasons but honestly, I’m mostly mad that the show elements are bad. The writing is not up to MAME’s usual standard and the directing is ass. The music is par for the course and I’m more objective about it this week at least.
FINALLY. Some movement. God that took forever.
It must be nice to be able to read Thai and know what the fuck is being said.
People stop reading over Rak’s shoulder. Let him have some privacy. The fuck?
If someone forcibly made me cover up like that on a hot day, I would pull a gun outta my ass and shoot them. It is HOT. I am SWEATY. Let me BREATHE.
Save Mook. Seriously. Save her.
Horny boys.
This scene would have far more emotional impact if we had any more time with these characters. Literally we started the episode with Rak refusing to go somewhere with Mut and being forced to go. And now he’s willing to stay? Doesn’t he believe love is a figment of the imagination? Did that fucking change? Did we see that change? Was it in one of the texts I couldn’t read?
I’m not…angry at this show. I mean Mut is never gonna be my favorite and neither is Rak, but MAME has had far worse cough cough PrapaiSky cough cough This show’s problem is actually the worst problem a show can have: it’s boring. I’m bored. The writing is lazy, the directing is abysmal, and honestly the sound mixing thinks it’s doing something and utterly failing. Those are the only three things I feel I’m knowledgeable enough to comment on but I’m sure the rest isn’t great either. I’m upset that I can’t even be mad at the characters. Cause it’s all so boring. When did I go back in time to get a BL that was so poorly written as to be a joke? It’s 2024. I refuse to believe this is what they put together. For all its faults, LITA was at least entertaining. At least it didn’t ruin my lovely day. I am gonna go get ready for bed now because unfortunately, I have to work in the morning. Oh to have a summer off. Oh to go to the sea and stargaze at the beach. I can’t believe this show managed to make even that boring.
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slasheru · 3 months
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it's my video game so I get to put in t-shirts for my IRL larp based cyberpunk beyblade league that takes place exclusively at a drunken festival in the mojave. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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lovevalley45 · 10 days
i’m laughing i was abt to bitch n moan abt having to read the entire prologue for canterbury tales AGAIN n read all the descriptions of the pilgrims but my prof really said. nah skip all that shit. like thank god
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airs-headspace · 1 month
I find it so funny how I've gone from "oh I like the idea of Dabi, and Hawks eventually being friends" to "Hawks despises Dabi, thinks he's the worst, thinks he's not worth saving in any capacity, and Dabi is so indifferent to Hawks that he zones out half the time whenever Hawks is talking".
Anyway this development in my interpretation of their dynamic really difficult when I'm trying to write STIL.
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c0rpseductor · 3 months
i was up til 8am and now my head hurts from. that. i didnt really want to be up til 8 i was just trying to cheer up bc i was having sadstuck and it kind of happened
i need to eat breakfast but yet again i dont want to cook or expend effort of any kind bc i dont feel good. also i kind of want to be petted and stroked and told how important i am like some sort of boy prince. sorry
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manybackflips · 11 months
To-do list
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bragganhyl · 1 year
Today's mood is going to be *rolls wheel* crying over the Devil of Caroc
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m-arahuyo · 6 months
hozier's new EP is out. am i gonna be completely paralyzed with emotion? inspired? Empty? whichever the case im not responsible for who im gonna be after listening to this, have a lovely rest of march everybody
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moonrevolutions · 7 months
☁︎‎‎‧₊˚ thai weather words. vi likes these!
thunderstorm: พายุฟ้าค���นอง /paa-yú-fáa-ká-nong/ ( rumbling sky ) a lightning strike: ฟ้าผ่า /fáa pàa/ ( split sky ) lightning: ฟ้าแลบ /fáa-lâep/ ( flashing sky ) thunder: ฟ้าร้อง /fáa róng/ ( crying sky ) humid: ชื้น /chéun/ stuffy; sweltering; humid: อบอ้าว /òp âao/ ( roasting hot ) rain: ฝน /fŏn/ to drizzle: ปรอย ๆ /bproi bproi/ to drizzle; sprinkle: พรำ /pram/ drizzle; fine drops: พรำ ๆ /pram pram/ cloudy: มีเมฆมาก /mee mâyk mâak/ ( lots of clouds ) fog; mist; foggy; misty: หมอก /mòk/ smog: ควัน /kwan/ ( smoke )
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thcmcnstcr · 11 months
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Alrighty folks, drafts and asks aren't clicking. Evan's being super picky... But Michael, on the other hand, is being fucking LOUD. So I'm hopping over to @scldiersmercy to give angel grandpa some love
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beskad · 8 months
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ink-and-smoke · 2 years
Let ’Er Rip
One: The Boys Are Back
Summary: Dagger Squad is recalled to TOPGUN; Hangman and Rooster make a bet; everyone reunites at The Hard Deck.
A/N: And we’re off!! I do not give permission for my works to be reposted, translated, or copied elsewhere. Enjoy!
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Noah “Siren” Copeland (OFC)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2281
The late afternoon sun hung low in the sky and greeted Jake after a long, boring flight back to base. His recall to TOPGUN came at the tail end of yet another tour, it was an unforeseen surprise, but one he was grateful for nonetheless. As with the last mission, no one knew why the Dagger Squadron had been called in again.
Being back at North Island always felt like coming home, though Jake had not truly been home in a long time. The years passed on without him seeing the dirt roads of Elgin, he had lost count of how many. His mother kept asking when he planned to visit and each time he left her with the same answer: “Ma, once you’ve seen one painted sky, you’ve seen ’em all.” He knew that was a load of horseshit. Nothing would ever hold a candle to the golden glory sunrises and cotton candy sunsets of home. . .
He shook his head; green eyes easily finding the golden orb of light across the horizon. Truth was, Jake had no idea when he would make it home again. Going back was not something he thought of often, and even less since returning to TOPGUN. There was work to be done in San Diego but he just could not bring himself to break his mama’s heart like that. Instead, he told her he would think about it, and breathed a sigh of relief when that seemed to appease her for the time being.
Laughter carried along the light breeze behind him pulled the lieutenant out of homesick thoughts and back to the present. An arm slung over his shoulders and a familiar gravelly tone he would never forget.
“Bradshaw, as I live and breathe.” The words rolled off of his tongue with ease, and he settled into the warmth that being back in Rooster’s presence brought.
“Hangman,” Rooster nodded, looking the man beside him up and down behind a pair of dark aviator sunglasses. “You look good.” He squeezed Jake’s left trapezius muscle, patting his friend on the chest.
“I am good, Rooster. I’m very good.”
Rooster let out a hearty guffaw, tossing his head back and clutching a hand to his chest. They had done that exchange for years; he couldn’t remember how it started but he was happy to see that it hadn’t ended.
Jake pulled his own aviator sunglasses down the bridge of his nose just far enough to eye his wingman’s attire, scrunching his nose in mild distaste at the tacky beige Hawaiian print button-up shirt that had become a staple among the man’s civilian wardrobe. Some things never changed.
“Would it kill you to be a little less embarrassing tonight?” he asked. He had a feeling Rooster’s fashion sense, or lack thereof was going to contribute heavily in a negative direction to his mission of getting laid.
“I’ll have you know,” Rooster said, hopping into the front seat of Jake’s truck, “the ladies dig the shirt.” At least that level of assuredness was not lacking.
“Hm. We’ll see,” he said.
“Don’t believe me?”
“I believe you’re a bit delusional, pal.”
“All right, if I pull tonight, you pay for my drinks.”
“And if you don’t?”
“I’ll pay for yours.”
The offer certainly was tempting. Jake knew somewhere in the back of his mind that a bet with Rooster of this calibre was too easy. It wasn’t the shirt women found charming, it was Rooster himself.
Jake, on the other hand, was known across North Island as TOPGUN’s resident player, a serial dater. If there were awards for having casual sex he would have won them all by now. He was sure Dagger Squad knew it. Over the years Jake’s reputation as Hangman wasn’t the only one he became famous for. He never closed, settling down wasn’t in his cards.
Paying for Rooster’s drinks all evening was not how he wanted to spend their first night back. They were reuniting with the crew, catching up. And maybe if he was lucky, he’d find a pretty girl to take home for the night.
An idea sparked in his mind and he chuckled to himself, pulling into the parking lot outside of The Hard Deck. The bar’s neon sign was a welcoming beacon lighting the way back home, and Jake’s heart soared.
He cut the truck’s engine, turning to face Rooster in the passenger seat with a thoughtful grin. “How about we raise the stakes?”
Rooster tucked his sunglasses up to rest on the perfectly gelled peaks of his brown hair. “Okay?”
“Three numbers. If I pull all three in less time than it takes you to snag even one, the round’s on you. If I don’t and you do, it’s on me.” Jake reached in the backseat for his bomber jacket, then got out and closed the door. He tucked his keys into the front pocket of his jeans, a smug grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
He had this bet in the bag. If anyone could waltz into The Hard Deck, sweet talk his way through a good time and end the evening with a girl on his arm―or her number in his pocket and two more lined up―it was Jake Seresin. What, with his light brown hair and shimmering green eyes, he couldn’t lose. Rooster didn’t stand a chance.
“The whole round?” he asked as they approached the bar’s double door entrance.
“The whole round,” he confirmed with a nod.
Rooster thought for a moment, canvasing the bar for the rest of Dagger Squad’s pilots. “And how will you know which women are gonna be desperate enough to give you their number?”
Jake laughed, hooking his sunglasses onto the front of his t-shirt. “I’ll know ’em when I see ’em.”
“Hangman! Rooster! Over here.” A hand shot up through the crowded bar from the window by the pool table, followed by Coyote’s smiling face. Jake couldn’t remember the last time they’d all been in this place, together.
Jake politely elbowed his way through the crowd of patrons with Rooster trailing close behind him. He felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders as they neared their squadmates, he could almost taste the joy in the air, charged with electricity. There they stood, just beyond his reach. . . Coyote, Payback, Phoenix, Fanboy, Bob. . . Every one of them looked exactly as they had the last time they parted ways, if not a bit older, a bit more battle-hardened. Stronger, he thought with pride.
His smile widened, his cheeks dimpled. A few more steps and he was within hugging range, pulled into the middle of the group by Coyote, and Rooster pulled in after him by Fanboy. Cheers erupted around the bar at Dagger Squadron’s reunion, an event that begged celebration. TOPGUN’s elite finally returned home.
“How’s it feel to be back, Bagman?” Bob asked, his grin about a mile wide and growing. The soft-spoken welcome elicited another round of laughter, and Jake patted the smaller man on the shoulder.
“Hangman,” he corrected playfully, no trace of malice in his voice. “Feels good, feels real good.”
Phoenix nudged Coyote out of the way, stepping up between the men for her own welcome-back hug from the tall blond. It was strange to think back on times past when the animosity between them had been so great you could cut the tension with a knife, and now. . . Well, there was no place else they’d rather be.
“Phoenix,” he greeted with open arms.
“Hangman,” she returned, tucking herself under his chin. She would never admit it, but Jake had become an older brother to her. Sure, they were on the same team, but those nights away when the fight was a little too heavy, Hangman was the one she called to reel her back in. Phoenix was a better version of herself because he challenged her in ways no one else did.
Jake felt it too, the shift in their friendship. When it stopped being about who was the best and started being about how they could strengthen each other’s weaknesses. Phoenix was the first one to see through his bad boy façade, to call him out on all the bullshit he tried to convince himself was true. Taking her under his wing had come with the territory after that.
He tightened his arms around her shoulders and allowed himself to breathe in the comfort of her for a few more seconds. God, it felt good to be back.
Rooster shoved them from behind, a hand wrapped around Phoenix’s arms where they held tight to Jake’s back. “All right, all right. What am I, chopped liver? Get over here.”
A quiet laugh escaped the lieutenant as he released the young woman, moving aside to let Rooster pull her in. He took a moment to step outside the group, to watch his friends―his brothers, his sister―come back together after what felt like an eternity apart. He decided at that moment it didn’t matter why they had been recalled to TOPGUN, it only mattered that they were all back where they belonged.
“Hey, Hangman, what are you thinking?” Payback asked, racking a game of 9 Ball.
Jake laid his jacket over the back of a chair, stretched his arms in the air and rested his hands behind his head, locking his fingers together. His eyes swept over the faces of each member of Dagger Squad, committing them again to his memory. “I’m thinkin’. . .” he drew out in a slow breath, Texan accent low and clear in the shadow of happiness settling over him. He met Rooster’s eyes, giving his wingman a subtle nod, “. . .the boys are back in town, we should be drinkin’.”
The evening was officially in full swing; music droned on from the jukebox, and conversation overlapped from all corners of the bar. The atmosphere in The Hard Deck remained warm and inviting, and Jake’s thoughts drifted to his bet with Rooster. They had been there for about an hour and a half now, neither one breaching the topic yet but Jake couldn’t get it off his mind.
He had just won his third game of 9 Ball against Payback, and almost felt sorry for the guy. It wasn’t his fault that he was so good at it. That’s what weekends with my dad were like, he’d said. While other kids went hunting, he spent his time learning to play pool and darts and swindling people out of their cash. And when Rooster gave him that sad look of recognition that said he understood why Jake was the way he was, he simply shrugged and assured the group that that’s just how dads are. Jake wouldn’t admit until later that he knew it was why his mother held onto him so tight.
“I’m surprised Hangman’s not trying to sweet talk his way into a one-night stand, right now,” Phoenix remarked, changing the subject. Jake’s eyes once again found Rooster’s across the pool table.
“You know, it’s funny you should mention that, Phoenix.” Rooster set his cue stick against the wall and moved over to rest an arm on Phoenix’s shoulder. He gestured to Jake with a knowing smile, “Myself and Hangman here, happen to have a bet.”
His admission piqued the curiosity of the whole squadron, including Bob who’d been content to sit back with a book―now cast aside in favour of listening to this new piece of information.
“You two have a bet?” Phoenix said, pointing at Hangman and Rooster in turn. “Do tell.”
“Well, Phoenix, Rooster bet that he could pull any of the ladies in this bar while dressed like he just walked out of a tourist shop,” Jake supplied. He nodded to the pool table, bending over with his cue stick in hand. “9-ball, corner pocket.”
Amid groans from Fanboy and Payback who fished ten dollar bills from their wallets and placed them in the middle of their shared table, Phoenix urged the two rivals-turned-friends to continue their explanation. It wasn’t every day she got a chance to see Rooster put Hangman in his place, if that was even where things were headed.
Rooster took a sip of his beer and pointed to Jake with an amused chuckle. “And Hangman bet he can get three of these women to give him their numbers in less time than it takes me to woo one.”
Bob and Coyote looked at each other, then at Rooster who was smiling confidently from his spot next to Phoenix. Everyone knew what a bad idea a bet like that against Hangman was; considering he had just won $20 from Payback and Fanboy again, Rooster should’ve known too. To his credit, he didn’t seem the least bit discouraged.
Phoenix folded her arms in front of her chest, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. She knew her best friend was stupid, but she hadn’t pegged him for a complete moron. “So, those are the stakes,” she said. “What do you get if you win?”
“The whole round of drinks encompassing the bet will be on Hangman’s tab.”
“And if he wins?”
“Then it’s on Rooster. Ain’t that right, Lieutenant Bradshaw?”
A wink and handshake between them sealed the deal backed by a chorus of protests from the rest of Dagger Squad. It didn’t take a genius to see that their night had just taken an interesting, if not terrible, turn into uncharted waters. The only thing any of them knew for certain was that the boys were definitely back in town, and they wouldn’t change the course their lives were on for anything.
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