#Ku Shiratori
romancemedia · 1 year
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The female leads catch their guys with another girl!
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junkissa · 5 months
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白鳥 (Shiratori)
Yayoicho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo (July 10th, 2021)
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ibitsunahaato · 2 years
Summer Splash 6
Yuzuru: …I have found Hiiro-sama. He is over there.
Aira: You're right! As expected of Fushimi-senpai.
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Aira: Wait—HUH~?! He's waist-deep in the river..
He~y, Hiro-ku~n! Come back! It's too dark, you won't be able to find it!
This is dangerous! Hiro-ku~n!
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Hiiro: …
Aira: He ignored me… Is my voice not reaching him? HE~LLO!
Hiiro: …
Yuzuru: (...Rather than ignoring, it seems like he cannot hear any sounds from the surroundings.)
(As Shiratori-sama said, the river is dangerous at night. My prior investigations tell me that the water level here is at three metres at most.)
(Even if it must be by force, I should bring him back. I shall borrow a rope from the control office and…)
Hiiro: —I can see it.
Aira: H-Hiro-kun?!
Aira: What do we do? Hiro-kun has disappeared into the water…!
Yuzuru: Ugh, that decides it.
Shiratori-sama, please wait here. I shall swim and—
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Hiiro: …Phew
Alright. I have found the glasses!
Fufu, it was worth getting drenched.
…Huh, why are the two of you here?
Aira: I mean, if you ask why, we came running after you but…Uhh…
Yuzuru: You did well but… How were you even able to find it in this pitch darkness?
Hiiro: I was able to find it precisely because it was dark. When the sun was shining, the light reflected made it too bright and various things would catch the eye. So on the contrary, it was actually a hindrance to the search.
By sharpening my senses inside the darkness, I could immediately detect the glasses' presence.
Yuzuru: Ha… Their presence, you say…? Hiiro-sama's physical prowess is excellent.
Aira: You don't have to care about him, Fushimi-senpai. Hiro-kun is just your average weirdo.
Hiiro: But even you say weird things sometimes? Since we are both weirdos, let us continue to get along.
Aira: Don't put me in the same boat as you by calling me a weirdo! I'm normal!
Mika: Should I go there as well ‘n see what the situation's like? But I can't see well when it's dark since I'm nightblind.
Not only would I be useless, but I'd also drag 'em down. What to do…?
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Keito: …Kagehira, can you hear something from faraway?
Mika: Uhm… Ah, 'tis 'em! Hasumi-senpai, everyone's back!
Hiiro: We're back. Hasumi-senpai, can you give me your hand?
Keito: Like this? This feels like—My glasses? No way… To think that you would actually find them.
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Keito: …Hm? What happened, Amagi? Your whole body is soaking wet.
Hiiro: You see, the glasses had sunk to the bottom of the river. So I had no choice but to dive in.
Keito: You dived in? You shouldn’t do such rash things, good gracious…
Yuzuru: Hiiro-sama, leave the explanation for later and please change your clothes in the tent. It would be worrying if your temperature dropped.
Hiiro: Umu. Understood.
Time: Five minutes later
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Hiiro: Sorry to keep you waiting. Doesn't it feel strange when I'm the only one in casual clothes?
Yuzuru: Let us hang up your practice clothes later. They should be dry in the morning.
Hiiro-sama, please come here. Allow me to dry your hair for you.
…In the end, it is great that you were able to find them. But the river is dangerous at night. If you had to search, would it not have been better to wait for morning?
Hiiro: No. If I had waited till morning, they would have vanished.
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Yuzuru: …Are you referring to the stars?
Hiiro: Umu. Here you can even see stars that would fade away under the street lights in ES.
When I thought that we could only enjoy this view now, being in a camp surrounded by nature, I wanted to find the glasses no matter what.
All five of us together make "Keito Lectures". So I wanted to enjoy this moment with everyone, without leaving anyone behind.
That was all. Let me apologise for causing worry… I'm sorry.
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Yuzuru: …When Keito-sama lost his glasses, everyone was down in the dumps, and the ambience was not suitable for enjoying the starry sky.
Although it was dangerous and I can neither give you full credit nor praise you—This time, we were saved by Hiiro-sama's ability to take action.
Your conduct may be far from normal and sometimes lacking in common sense, but that is precisely why it can be helpful at times…
Hiiro: …I am inexperienced and will cause a lot of trouble even in the future, but I would be glad if I could be accompanied by you all as part of "Keito Lectures".
There is still a lot I want to know—About idols, about the city, about everyone, and about this world.
Yuzuru: If you are fine with me, I would be pleased to. Keito-sama also appears to have the same opinion.
Keito: Unfortunately, I seem to be surrounded by innumerable troublesome guys. The number increasing by one more new person is of no concern.
There are limits since we are in different agencies and units, but as long as you don't throw in the towel, I'll look after you in "Keito Lectures".
Hiiro: Umu! Once again, I'll be under your care.
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Aira: Is the convo over…? Hasumi-senpai, would you like to play with this?
Keito: Sparkler fireworks? Did you bring them all the way here?
Aira: Yeah. Since summer kinda means fireworks, so I thought it'd be nice if we could play with them together…♪
Mika: There's many kinds of 'em, huh. What's this?
Hiiro: It's shaped like a gun. Is this how you set it off?
Keito: Don't start yet, alright? It would be terrible if a fire breaks out. Let's move to the riverbed?
Yuzuru: Quite right. And just to be cautious, let me also borrow a fire extinguisher from the control office.
This is going to become a wonderful memory… Am I right, Keito-sama?
Keito: …Ah, certainly.
Writer: Yuumasu
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Proofing: mia
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mainstoryarchive · 2 months
Troublemakers - 23: Entrance
Aira: (This place—)
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Starmony Dormitory Exterior
The following day, early morning
Aira: (This place—)
(Today marks the start of our new life here.)
(Waaaa…! Still, I heard it was a new building, but to think that everything is this sparkly!)
(There’s a bunch of seasonal flowers too. It’s so stylish and ra-vely~♪)
(Also, it’s excessively big, even larger than I had imagined from the rumors…)
(I mean, there’s even a rumor floating around that because there were way more rooms than idols they scampered around trying to find short-term tenants so it wouldn’t give off an abandoned aura.)
(There are even people who use the dorm like a hotel, deciding whether to stay here or at their parents’ home depending on their mood for the day.)
(I totally get that. It’s hard to change your living environment after all.)
(I was also mulling over which of the many, many treasures piled up in my room I should bring here with me and before I knew it the late hours caught up with me…)
(Ugh, I wasn’t able to recover from yesterday's events very well…)
(Am I even up to the task of moving with my condition being this crappy? I’m not that great at physical labor in the first place…)
(On top of that, it seems that Kazehaya-senpai and Ayase-senpai will be showing up later because they had something else scheduled…)
(Will I be alright being alone with that incomprehensible guy? Regardless, it can’t be helped since it's an order from ES…)
(I have to live under one roof with those three weirdos from here on out, right?)
(I really don’t get it. I’m a bundle of anxiety… Just why did things come to this?)
(But this is the only way for me to continue living as an idol… There's no choice but to accept it and give it my all, but still…)
(…I thought that as long as I became the idol I dreamed to be, the rest would be sunshine and roses… Ugh, life is so hard.)
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Hiiro: Good morning to you, my friend! Isn’t today’s weather truly splendid!
Aira: Wah! You scared me! You surprise me so much every time, it’s bad for my heart!
Hiiro: Yes, yes, I apologize! I was just so glad to have met you again! Oh my dear friend, oh beautiful person known as Shiratori Aira!
Let us celebrate the start of the day we call today, hahaha~☆
Aira: You’re way too energetic… Stop it~ On top of being sleep deprived, I’m also bad with mornings. You shouting in my ears is giving me a headache.
(Ah… Right, this was how he is. Hiro-kun—Amagi Hiiro is the kind of guy who always spouts incomprehensible stuff and is good at being annoying.)
(Just what kind of person is this guy?)
(Yesterday at the venue of Trickstar’s live… Hiro-kun called ‘that Amagi Rinne’ his brother, didn’t he?)
(They both have the surname Amagi so it’d make sense if they were brothers.)
(Their relationship didn’t seem to be just normal brothers though… Ugh, this whole thing is wrapped in mysteries!)
(But well, we will be living together in a room in the Starmony Dorm from here on out… So whether we like it or not, we’ll come to know more about each other.)
Hiiro: Aira! Allow me to gift you spareribs!
Aira: What the heck!? Sorry, I’m taking back what I said before, I don’t think I’ll ever understand you!
Hiiro: What you said before? You think deeply about this and that very often, Aira. I think that it’s an admirable trait to have, since I tend to rush ahead without thinking at all!
It would be more accurate to say that I respect you for it. Is there some kind of trick to it?
Aira: What…are you talking about? More importantly, I only noticed it just now, but why are you carrying spareribs with you, Hiro-kun!
Eh, what’s the deal with that? What roadside did you find those on?
Hiiro: Haha, that’s truly an odd thing to ask! I don’t think that you’d normally find meat cut like this lying around next to a road anywhere, though?
Aira: Huh, you mean you bought it somewhere? You bought something so greasy this early in the morning…?
Hiro-kun, for what it’s worth, you’re also an idol. You need to properly think about what you eat.
Hiiro: I got scolded?!
However, you make an astounding point! The human body is made up of the things it has eaten; one should take care in choosing what to put in their mouth!
Still! I also think that it’s rude to not partake in food that has been given to you! Or could it be that etiquette regarding this is different in the city?
Aira: What? So that lump of meat was neither found nor bought… You’re saying that you received it from someone? Argh, everything you say is too misleading!
[ ☆ ]
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nanographic-news · 7 months
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[ グループ展のお知らせ ] the finders tokyo art exhibition at JULY TREE TOKYO artists: Mii Orii / by N / Emi Shiratori / Lisa Ishiwata / Hiroki Yamaguchi
渋谷神泉に新しくオープンしたギャラリーJULY TREE (ジュライ・トゥリー) で行われる、グループ展「the finders 東京」に参加します。これまで福岡で3度開催し、沢山のクリエイターとファンを集めたアートイベントが東京で初の開催となります。sonyのコンテスト森山大道賞を見事獲得した hirnoki yamaguch、大阪のunknown asiaで審査員賞を受賞した by N の他、リサイシワタ、Mii Orii、白鳥絵美 の5名の作品が展示されます。 <日時> 2024年3月8日(金)〜11日(月) 12:00〜19:00 (最終日は16:00まで) <会場> JULY TREE (ジュライ・トゥリー) / 153-0042 東京都目黒区青葉台4-7-27 ロイヤルステージ01-1A
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[ Exhibition Notice ] the finders tokyo art exhibition / at JULY TREE TOKYO  (〒153-0042 4-7-01-1A, Aobadai 4 chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo) / Mar. 8th to 11th 2024
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fullmetalgirl98 · 3 years
So, we basically have:
The "regular swimmer" Ikuya
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The "paranormal activities" Ikuya
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And the "hit with all your might the shuttlecock" Ikuya
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Anyone else?
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Anime i’m Interested In: Winter 2022
1. Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen (Started airing December 5th, 2021)
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Synopsis: Tanjirou, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, aided by the Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui, travel to Yoshiwara red light district to hunt down a demon that has been terrorizing the town.
2. The Case Study of Vanitas 2nd Season (Airing January 15th/ 12 episodes)
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Synopsis: Second cour of Vanitas no Karte.
3. Sasaki to Miyano (Airing January 10th)
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Synopsis: Miyano spends his days peacefully reading Boys' Love comics and worrying about how girly his face is-until a chance encounter leads to a scuffle with his senior Sasaki. Intrigued by his feisty junior Miyano, delinquent Sasaki uses every opportunity he can to get closer... (Source: Yen Press)
4. Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku (Airing January 9th)
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Synopsis: Akebi Komichi lives out in the countryside with her family. She's won entrance to the prestigious Roubai Academy middle school for girls and now she wants only two things—to wear the school's sailor uniform and to make a hundred friends! (Source: MAL News)
5. Tokyo 24-ku (Airing January 6th)
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Synopsis: An artificial island in Tokyo Bay—Kyokutou Houreigai Tokubetsu Chiku (Far East Special District), commonly known as the 24-ku (24th Ward). Childhood friends Ran, Kouki, and Shuuta, who were born and raised there, have different family backgrounds, hobbies, and personalities, but always hung out together. However, their relationship changes drastically in the wake of a certain incident. At the first anniversary memorial of the incident, the three friends happen to meet again and their phones begin to ring simultaneously. The phone call is from a supposedly dead friend, urging them to "choose the future." The three will try to protect their beloved 24th Ward and the future of its people in their own ways. (Source: MAL News)
6. Ryman’s Club (Airing January 2022)
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Synopsis: Ryman's Club is set in a badminton business group, depicting the two different aspects of daily life as a salaryman, as well as growth and conflicts as players. The anime follows Mikoto Shiratori, a prodigy badminton player who suffers from a trauma following a loss at the inter-high tournament. He becomes a salaryman at the Sunlight Beverage company and befriends Tatsuru Miyazumi, the best performing player and salesman in the team. (Source: MAL News)
7. Fruits Basket: Prelude (Airing February 18th/ Film)
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Synopsis: The film will serve as an omnibus to the three-season anime series, including the Kyouko to Katsuya no Monogatari (The Story of Kyouko and Katsuya) prequel, as well as new scenes written by the original creator Natsuki Takaya taking place after the television anime. (Source: MAL News)
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
100Koi+ 4th Anniversary Party Room (Part 1)
We are inviting 100Koi+ boyfriends to the room in the order in which the titles were released!!!
Titles 61 & Characters 396
This month marks the 4th anniversary🎂 Thank you always so much💕
To celebrate the 4th anniversary, I would like to invite them in 100 loves to this room! looking forward to…💕
💌 Invitation to party room
💟 Since 2007
Celebrity Darling
First of all, we invited these people!
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Sho Kiriya | Hayato Shiratori | Haru Shindo | Shinnosuke Ichijo | Ryuji Soma | Lee Ha-Neul | Natsuki Orihara
💟 Since 2008
Diary of a Step-Sister
Saionji family members. The black tie suits you very well.
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Masaki Saionji | Masaya Saionji | Yuji Saionji | Shuichi Saionji | Kaname Midou
💟 Since 2009
Class Trip Crush
Next is Aoharu's party.
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Taketo Kanzaki | Yasuto Kanzaki | Kanji Okumiya | Homare Midorikawa | Nagisa Ichinose | Rintaro Ashiya | Hajime Shindo
Sakura Amidst Chaos
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Nobunaga Oda | Kenshin Uesugi | Ieyasu Tokugawa | Yukimura Sanada | Masamune Date | Mitsuhide Akechi | Kanetsugu Naoe | Saizou Kirigakure | Mitsunari Ishida | Kojuro Katakura | Kiyomasa Kato | Takeda Shingen | Hanzo Hattori
My Sweet Bodyguard
This is absolutely safe and feeling.
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Subaru Ichiyanagi | Kaiji Akizuki | Sora Hirosue | Mizuki Fujisaki | Daichi Katsuragi | Hideki Ishigami | Seiji Goto | Toru Kurosawa | Kenta Makabe | Eiji Kiyosumi | Kyoya Hayase | Kei Koda
Kiss Me on Clover Hill
A sense of security like your parents' home.
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Soichi Kiyota | Bunta Kurimaki | Yusuke Sakuraba | Chihiro Kikuhara | Shokichi Kuramoto | Kazuto Horai | Daisuke Asahina | Akio Tsubaki
💟 Since 2010
Pirates in Love: Captain's Cut
He is going to search for treasure.
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Hayate | Shin | Soshi | Nagi | Towa | Captain Ryuga | Captain Roy | Leonardo
Office Secrets
Stepping on all the men who can!
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Toranosuke Hajime | Ryoma Shirasagi | Shota Kurumi | Junya Sakurazawa | Koji Nagumo | Shingo Kai | Tamotsu Goda
Be My Princess
Prince, it's time for the party!
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Wilfred A. Spencer | Joshua Lieben | Keith Alford | Roberto Button | Glenn J. Casiraghi | Edward Levaincois | Zain | Yakov Chernenkov
Dreamy Days in West Tokyo 
This month is surely a celebration in the shopping district!
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Haruki Tanemura | Ryuzo Hatta | Ichigo Sato | Takeshi Yuno | Rihito Hatsune | Johji Chakura | Koh Uraga | Reiji Uraga
Metro PD: Close to You
Everyone you can rely on...!
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Hiroshi Kirisawa | Kazusa Hanai | Yutaka Tennoji | Tadanobu Nomura | Shusuke Asano | Eiki Yachigusa | Katsuyuki Kyobashi | Ryohei Kimura | Masashi Himuro
Seduced in the Sleepless City
A super celebrity party!
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Yuzuki Kitaoji | Ryoichi Hirose | Noel Aijima | Chihaya Koda | Mirai Kageyama | Satsuki Kitaoji | Hibiki Shiina | Atsushi Jinnai | Trevor Konno 
10 Days with My Devil
The devils are also available.
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Kakeru Kamui | Satoru Kamagari | Shiki Kurobane | Haruhito Amano | Meguru Kamui | Rein Isaka | Tsubasa Shirai 
First Love Diaries
I'll take a group photo~
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Nao Fujimori | Yuya Abe | Mahiro Nanase | Sota Yamamoto | Mitsuru Sanada | Masato Asakura
💟 Since 2011
Love Letter from Thief X
What is your target today...?
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Takuto Hirukawa | Kenshi Inagaki | Hiro Sarashina | Riki Yanase | Atsumu Kashiwabara | Tatsuro Togoshi | Yuki Arisugawa | Hyosuke Kujo | Taiga Kujo 
Invite these people today!
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Shigure Hojo | Kanta Eguchi | Yuya Mitsui | Daisuke Kase | Saku Miyamoto
Exclusively Your: An Office Affair
Next, we invited these people!
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Arata Osaka | Taizo Sawaki | Sojiro Mikumo | Eita Onuki | Kyo Aoyagi | Kyuto Takenouchi
These people were invited today!
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Tsutomu Nagaoka | Kansuke Ichihara | Yukio Shiozawa | Atsuya Ogasawara | Michael (Angel) / Brutus (God)
Next is the handsome guys on campus...!
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Shuhei Makita | Ryusei Aihara | Fuyuki Kamijo | Kosei Aihara | Makoto Lee | Kento Fujimura
My Forged Wedding
We had LI members come today! 
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Yamato Kougami | Takamasa Saeki | Ren Shibasaki | Takao Maruyama | Yuta Kajima | Kunihiko Aikawa | Kyoichi Kunishiro | Haruka Utsunomiya | Akito Kakiuchi | Tamaki Kikushima
My Lady Juliet
Next, we invited these people! 
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Keiji Fujieda | Haruto Miyake | Yoshiki Minagawa | Shotaro Uekusa | Hisashi Aoyama | Takahashi Motoki
In Your Arms Tonight 
These people were invited today...! 
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Genji Higashiyama | Shohei Aiba | Kiyoto Makimura | Kippei Ebihara | Ritsu Moriyama | Koichi Natsukawa | Ginnosuke Oguri | Soji Higashiyama | Tsukasa Niregi
💟 Since 2012
Everyone who has flowers in their memories.
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Ryuichi Atsumi | Yugo Nishiyama | Kanato Osumi | Narisuke Ito | Takamichi Inose | Mabuchi Itsuki | Tatsuya Kumagai
The Kirihara family are all together!
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Touya Kirihara | Ataru Kirihara | Iku Sakanoue | Gakuto Suzuki | Naotarou Yakumo
A Knight's Devotion 
There were also members of the Knights of the Kingdom...!
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Lute | Haku | Ken | Shion | Gaia | Richard
Forget Me Not, My Love 
Everyone here also rushed in!
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Sohei Otori | Umi Sakurai | Kosuke Hasumi | Kenshin Shiota | Tatsuki Nadabe | Yasufumi Nezu
We invited them from the same elementary school!
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Asato Takamiya | Seta Taisei | Gaku Yanagisawa | Tetsuya Yukishiro | Teduka Momoharu
Kiss of Revenge 
Everyone from Ebisu General Hospital also came! 
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Issei Sezaki | Junpei Miyashita | Soichiro Irie | Kyosuke Narumi | Naoya Hasegawa
💟 Since 2013
Codaname: Cupid 
There were also elite spies called "General Affairs Department Section 3"!
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Riku Shishizaki | Motoharu Kotani | Ichiya Kanokawa | Ryohei Okami | Yojiro Maki
Wanted: Romance Renegades
We invited all of you today...!
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Takajo Mikiya | Masaki Yunosuke | Kurata Keigo | Ayano Shiji
Our Two Bedroom Story
Weekly four seasons and everyone at SIKI STYLE... Shikimen also came!
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Minato Okouchi | Kaoru Kirishima | Shusei Hayakawa | Chiaki Yuasa | Akiyoshi Zaizen | Tsumugu Kido | Ayame Suo | Hinata Yayoi | Kagetora Oji
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
There were some "Bad guys"!
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Eisuke Ichinomiya | Soryu Oh | Mitsunari Baba | Ota Kisaki | Mamoru Kishi | Shuichi Hishikura | Luke Foster | Hikaru Aihara | Mad Hatter / Rhion Hatter
Serendipity Next Door
They also live in the same apartment...!
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Masaomi Hibiya | Izumi Takasaki | Shinobu Narita | Jinpachi Yushima | Keiichi Tokiwa
➡️ Part 2
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kym2020 · 3 years
Shuffle × The Numbing Noir Neige
La Mort chapter 7
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Nagisa Ran: ...I'll repeat the strategy again, Mayoi-kun,
I and you will go to ask Sakuma-kun about the current situation. At the same time, Kohaku-kun goes to Ritsu-kun's room to hear his current feelings.
…… After that, we bring back each other's stories and search for clues to the solution. We're looking for a good direction for the 『Shuffle Unit』.
...Are you ready?
Mayoi Ayase
Wa, wa, hi...dadada, but it's okay.
[T/N: Mayoi-kun are you alright?(´-ω-`)]
Nagisa Ran
…Instead, look at my face deep down
...I'll do something if something goes wrong.  Mayoi-kun will be relieved to watch behind me.
...then let's knock.
...excuse me
Mayoi Ayase
Oh, sorry to bother you
Rei Sakuma
Oh. Isn't it Ayase-kun and Ran-kun?
Tenshoin-kun and Shiratori-kun are outside the office, but I don't think they are the one you need.
Isn't there something for me about the 『shuffle project』?
Nagisa Ran
I agree. It was a little difficult to talk with Eichi-kun. I was saved without him.
...I have a story about 『Shuffle Project』, especially with you and your younger brother.
Rei Sakuma
Hmm. I expected it to be this. If I and Ritsu made the air in the field worse, do you think that's what you see?
Mayoi Ayase
W-w-well, that's not the case!
Nagisa Ran
Mayoi-kun, you don't have to forcibly talk to each other.
...Anyway. You know the current situation, but you can't put a cover in there
...Why did you do that when you're pretty smart? Can you tell me.
…If you profess your reason, we can be convinced.
…But unless we reveal our true intentions, we will continue to shoot with suspicion.
...I wonder if this kind of thing is the so-called "I guess".
…I'm not very good, but we are a fateful community If possible, could you tell me what's happening in words?
Rei Sakuma
Kukuku. Isn't it a pretty derogatory term, to use the word "I guess"?
I also want to explain the reasons. But I'm not at the stage of telling the facts yet.
Ritsu is the only younger brother for me, he's so cute that it doesn't hurt in my eyes.
However, it is also necessary to make the heart a demon. Please understand.
I don't mind being despised for the sake of Ritsu.
Nagisa Ran
…Even if that choice disrupts the 『shuffle unit』?
Rei Sakuma
Nagisa Ran
I'm disappointed at you. Sakuma-kun
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<On the other hand, at the same time. In the dormitory room of Ritsu and Mika>
Mika Kagehira
Koha-ku~n♪ I got you some tea~♪
Kohaku Oukawa
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have my seniors fetch me tea, but...
Mika Kagehira
No, I don't care because I like it and I want to do it♪
Honestly, what happened? It's okay that the audience is very lively these days, but do you want to talk to Ritsu because of the work in the movie?
Kohaku Oukawa
*Seyane/You're right. I had a consultation about 『shuffle planning』, but I can't help it if the person who is the main point is not here.
[T/N: Seyane a kansai dialect of You're right]
It's bad to have a waterfall to the tea, but if I drink this, don't let me go home
[T/N: wait what, I don't quite understand kansai dialect so it's hard to understand but I guess he means it's a waste of time for him if he goes home? Huh?! I messed up this time]
Mika Kagehira
Eh~. You've come all the way to us, and can I talk to you until Ritsu-kun returns?
Kohaku Oukawa
I'm troubling the person I'm talking to, and Kohaku-kun is always welcome♪
I'm relieved. It's bad for Mika-han, but can you just pass my words to him?
Mika Kagehira
Sure, sure
Ritsu Sakuma
Fufufu. It looks delicious♪ Can you give me a tea?
Mika Kagehira
Hmm, Ritsu
I'm glad you're here now♪
Ritsu Sakuma
Ahaha. You can see that by looking at it
Did you come after the shooting because there is something for me?
Kohaku Oukawa
Oh yeah. The message is quick and it helps
It's about the shooting of 【La Mort】. *ぬし/Nushi-han, Rei-han.
[T/N: ぬし was written as Nushi meaning head or leader]
Brothers quarrel also like dogs. Early on, *why don't you bow your head and put it back in its original scabbard?
[T/N: literal meaning just apologise]
Ritsu Sakuma
Yeah, that kind of thing
But I refuse. Why do I have to do it? Anjia will never speak until his brother bows and apologizes
Only while the camera is spinning, he and I will exchanges lines as the role of 『Eternal Reaper』. Isn't this enough?
Kohaku Oukawa
Hah. It's hard to break his border and talk about the anger of Ritsu-han.
Ritsu Sakuma
Originally it was impossible. I didn't expect to play with Anija.
When Anija and I work, it seems that we bring in too much personality.
Ah. If this happens, I would have declined from the beginning...?
Kohaku Oukawa
Most of the time, I don't like it Ritsu-han
As long as you accept it, you can't 『wait』.  Don't you know how many people are involved in this 『shuffle project』?
Ritsu Sakuma
It's okay. I'm in energy saving mode, but I'm always doing my job properly.
Of course, I don't neglect a fixed job, and I do well with Anija in the field. We'll keep a distance from each other and be moderate...
There's nothing more you want from me. I think you can understand it because it's a relative of Su-chan.
[T/N: If you don't know who Su-chan is it's Tsukasa Suou]
The outfield is given to the family's problems from a superior position.
From the start it has been same problem as what 『King』 made into another weak 『unit』.
Kohaku Oukawa
......It may be true.
Even though it's the same 『unit』, after all, 『Shuffle Unit』 and Ritsu-han think so.
I just lost it because I was worried. Wouldn't it be nice if the two brothers did whatever they wanted?
If it's a story that you can do anything, even in a fight, and get a good job. We can't say anything.
It wasn't like that at all
Ritsu Sakuma
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animenebraskon · 5 years
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Brittney Karbowski is best known for her roles as Black Star in Soul Eater, Selim Bradley / Pride in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Arisu Maresato in High School of the Dead, M.O.M.O. in Xenosaga: The Animation, Himeko Katagiri in Pani Poni Dash, Ryou Fujibayashi in Clannad, Ayu Tsukimiya in Kanon, Fuko in Gilgamesh, Himeko Katagiri in Pani Poni Dash, Aoba Tsuzaki in Jinki: Extend, Mai in Itsudatte My Santa!, Anri Misugi in Sasami: Magical Girls Club, Ku Shiratori in Shattered Angels, Sia in Shuffle!, Nina Yamada in Save Me! Lollipop, Yuri Nakamura in Angel Beats!, Ikaros in Heaven’s Lost Property, Mikoto Misaka in A Certain Magical Index, Wendy Marvell in Fairy Tail, Franca Dockley in Coyote Ragtime Show, Manami Kinjou in Cat Planet Cuties. Some of Brittany’s other notable roles include Kaguya Yamai in Date A Live, Mari-Mari in Show By Rock!!, Hitch in Attack on Titan, Hinako Tsuwabuki in Ouran High School Host Club, Furan Takaki in Maken-Ki!, Dori / Gura in Utawarerumono OVA, Yuzuki Katagiri in Black Bullet, Nanami Nishijo in Chaos;Head, Eve Neuschwanstein in Needless, Yamada in B Gata H Kei: Yamada’s First Time, Chizuru Yukimura in Hakuoki, Rin Natsume in Little Busters!, and Himiko in Btooo
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romancemedia · 5 months
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Anime Op&End vs. Official Scenes
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oguzhanahmetkara · 6 years
Doç. Dr. Abdülkadir DONUK
Tanınmış türkoloğumuz F. Köprülü'nün belirttiği gibi "Eski Türk Unvanları" yalnız dil tarihi açısından değil, umumiyetle kültür tarihi ve bilhassa Türk devlet hukuku tarihi bakımından çok mühimdir. Türk devletlerinde siyasi ve içtimai bir mevki veya bir kamu vazifesi ifade eden bazı ünvanlar mevcuttur ki, bunların açıklanması ile eski Türk topluluklarının içtimai bünyesini ve hukuki teşkilatını anlamak mümkün olacaktır. Bu itibarla, "Tanhu" unvanının eski Türk devlet teşkilatında oynadığı rolü tespit edebilmek için, evvela hangi Türk devletinde görüldüğü, kimler tarafından ne maksat ile kullanıldığı, yayılma sahaları, manası, menşei hakkında ileri sürülen türlü iddiaların doğru olup olmadığı, son olarak da ne olması gerektiğini açıklamaya çalışmak araştırmamızın esasını teşkil etmektedir.
Önce, ehemniyetli gördüğüm bir noktanın açıklanmasının faydalı olacağı düşüncesindeyim.
"Tanhu" veya diğer Türk unvanları üzerinde şimdiye kadar yapılan tetkiklerden çoğu, sadece linguistic açıdan ele alınmış olduğundan, eksik ve hatalı neticelere varan bir takım etimoloji tecrübelerinden ileriye gidememiştir. Bunda da yabancı bir müstehasısın ileri sürdüğü fikrin, kendisini teyid eden diğer araştırıcılarca da benimsenmesi yanında, konu ile hiç alakası olmayan iddiaların da ileri sürülmesiyle bazı unvanların menşei meselesini kesin olarak ortaya çıkarmak mümkün olamamaktadır. Kaldı ki, sadece dış benzetmeler ve faraziyelerden hareket eden birçok sinolog, mongolist, slavist vb. meşgul oldukları sahanın da tesiriyle, Türk idari unvanlarını başka menşelerde aramanın gayreti içinde olmuşlardır. Hatta, o kadar ki, tarihte çeşitli imparatorluklar ve sayısız devletler kurmuş olan Türklerin kullandıkları unvanlardan pek çoğu Türk menşeli kabul edilmemektedir. Nitekim "Tanhu" unvanı da bunlardan biridir. Biz burada kaynaklar muvacehesinde gerçeği ortaya koymağa çalışacağız.
Hun dilinde "imparator" demek olup "sonsuz genişlik, yücelik, ululuk" manalarına gelen "Tanhu" (Çince şeklinin türlü okunuşları: Tanju, Şan-hu, Şen-hu, Zhen-ku, Zenghi, Zhen-hu, Shan-yü, Jenuye, Şanu, Zen-kü, Zen-jü, Shany, Şan-yü) unvanı M.Ö. 3. asırdan Türkler arasında hakan unvanı yaygınlaşıncaya, yani M.S. 6. asra kadar Asya Türk devletlerinde (Büyük Hun İmparatorluğu, güney ve kuzey Hun devletleri, I.Chao, II.Chao, Hsia, kuzey Liang Hun devletleri ve Lou-lan krallığı) kullanılmıştır. Bu unvanın kesin olarak hangi tarihte ortaya çıktığı bilinmemekle beraber, Mo-tun (M.Ö.209-174)'un babası Tuman'dan çok önceki çağlarda da kullanılmış olduğu düşünülebilir. Bu unvanı yalnız Mo-tun'dan gelen şahısların taşıyabildikleri söylenmektedir.
Asya Hun tarihi hakkında ilk ve en mühim kaynak olan "Shi-ch'i"nin mütercimi De Groot unvanın muahhar bir okunuşu olan şan-yü tabirinin, "Tanhu" olarak okunan sözünün "Tanrı" kelimesi ile ilgisi olabileceğini düşünmüştü. Daha önceleri W. Radloff, unvanın Tanyü okunuşunu kabul ve bunu eski Türkçedeki "Tengri" veya "Tengri-oglığ" ile mukayese etmekte idi. O. Turan da ("Tanju" diye okuduğu unvanın "Tanrı" kelimesinin Çince transkripsiyonu olduğunu ileri sürerek hükümdarın bu unvanı almasının da hakimiyete ve menşeine atfedilen telakkinin bir neticesi olduğu kanaatine varmıştır. Bu unvanın yalnız Çin kaynaklarında zikredildiğini dikkate alan mongolist G.J.Ramstedt, kelimeyi Moğolcaya bağlamaktadır. F.W.K. Müller de unvanın Türklerden daha çok Moğolları ilgilendirdiği fikrindedir. Japon mongolisti K. Shiratory aynı şekilde bu unvanı Moğolca ve Mançuca kelimeler ile birleştirmektedir. Ayrıca bu unvanın Çinliler tarafından kendi prenslerine de verildiği söylenmektedir.
Ayrıca O. Franke "Çin devleti tarihi" adlı eserinde, unvanın değişmesinin mümkün olduğunu söyleyerek, "tan" yerine "şan" diye okunduğu birinci hecesinin "büyük, ulu" manasını, ikinci hecesinin ise (yü veya hou) aslında Hunca hükümdarlık unvanı "Han" olduğunu beyan ile unvanın bütün olarak "Büyük Han" manasını taşıdığını ileri sürmüş ve bu açıklama W. Eberhard tarafından da kabul edilmiştir. E.G. Pulleyblank da bu unvanın eski Çincesinin telaffuzunu dân-hwah olarak kurar ve bunun da "Türkler arasında ortaya çıkan targan, tarxan, vb.nin en eski şekli olduğu" na inanır.
Nihayet B. Ögel de devletin büyüklüğü ile ilgili olan bu unvanı "dunya devleti" anlayışına göre eleştirip açıklamak isteyenlere katılmakta ve Türklerin cihan şümul devlet anlayışının köklerini de (unvanın manasını da göz önünde tutarak) haklı olarak bu çağlara bağlamaktadır. Ayrıca "Tanhu" unvanını, Gök-Türk devletinin kurucularının da kullandıkları belirtilmektedir.
Çin kaynaklarında kendi yazılarının imlası çerçevesinde iki işaretle ve iki hece olarak yazılmış bulunan ve Türkçe olduğu şüphesiz olan "Tanhu" unvanı, Türk devleti arasında 750 yıldan fazla bir zaman kullanılmış olmaktadır.
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jakam · 5 years
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NU GROUND for All Tribes 2019.7.15(Mon)海の日!! 15:30~22:30 まだ新しいパーティーで3回目になりますが、オーガナイザーの中学生からハイエンドオーディオに目覚めたマセた感覚w,そして高校生から芝浦GOLDなどナイトクラブを柔道着で踊りまくってきたブッ飛んだ感性。それが親にな��て20代の様な尖った場だけでなく、温かみのある場作りに変化してきたのは、自分的にも共感するので、毎回話し合いながら試行錯誤で進めています。 今回は海の日ということで月曜日の休日なので昼過ぎからオープンします。 1Fフロアは現在人気の野外パーティーNU-VILLAGEのフロアとしてDJ陣もオーガニックな音のマスター達が揃います。 このパーティーの最大と言って良いポイントは上述した様に音に対するこだわりです。 それは日本の誇るべきオーディオメーカーPioneerと日本のレイブシーンの原点から現在まで現役で良い音の場を提供してくれているASADAさんがPAを担当してくれている、という事で表現されていると思います。 ということで、今回もB1Fフロアは増強されたサブウーファーによって迫力のある低音、ミッドからハイにかけてのエレガントな音作りが提供される事でしょう。 なおかつ今回はこのフロアのイメージとして『JUNGLE』というお題が出ましたので、自分が得意とするジャンルとしてのJungleから、密林感、そして上空に瞬く宇宙をイメージしてフロアを揺らしたいと思っていますので、是非夕方から踊りにきてください! NU Jungle Floor : JUZU a.k.a. MOOCHY DJ KENSEI suimin NAKAMULLAH Live : HIDENKA Powered by PIONEER PRO AUDIO Sound Design : ASADA Mountain Object : Sawako Ninomiya NU VILLAGE Floor : Shhhhh YAMA (PRHYTHM/OSAKA) SEI (bar bonobo) AYM JET Live Typography : NANDE -南出直之 Potlatch Market : Sayako Shiratori Special Drinks : Masumi (sake) / Mangosteen (mezkal) / Yatsugatake Beer Touchdown / Tiny Bird Coffee Service Food : 胡麻純 (Falafel sand) 今度のNUGは海の日スペシャル、未成年 * も参加できる時間帯で開催します!! この日限りで増強インストールされるPIONEER PRO AUDIOのサウンドシステムに、極東発世界水準の個性豊かな出演者たち。 上質なフローに誘う美味しいお酒の数々。 1Fにはオトナとコドモが入り交じる人気キャンプイベント “NU Village -a potlatch camp”の面々が集結! お金で買えない贈与のマーケット"ポトラッチマーケット"も開催します。 ◯Potlatch Market by NU VILLAGE ここはお金の使えないマーケット。大切なものを贈って、受け取ろう。贈り主を見かけたらハイタッチ or ハグ♪ だれかに贈りたい「もの」をぜひ持ってきてください。 ….. Door : 3000yen SNS Discount : 2500yen 学割(中高生): 1000yen*  *保険証、学生証など年齢がわかるものを入口でご提示ください *未成年にはアルコール類は提供いたしません *中高生は保護者同伴でなくても入場可能ですが、青少年保護条例により23時までに帰宅できるスケジュールでご参加ください *小学生以下無料 要保護者同伴 *B1Fは大音量の環境です。未就学児はイヤーパフなど対策をお勧めします NU GROUND https://www.facebook.com/nuground.net/ https://www.instagram.com/nuground.music/ https://twitter.com/nuground_music CIRCUS TOKYO 3-26-16, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002 Japan http://circus-tokyo.jp/ ground [gráund]  1. 地面、地表、土地、大地 2. 接地 3. 根拠、理由、立場、意見 4. 話題、問題 5. 下地、地色 6. 土、地べた、地盤 7. 場所、運動場 #nuground #nuvillage #circustokyo #tokyo #shibuya https://www.instagram.com/juzuakamoochy/p/By2Y5n9Dto9/?igshid=7w7nsvuo6x5
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namimushisrn · 7 years
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神奈川県川崎市麻生区白鳥2丁目  Shiratori 2chome, Kawasaki Asao-ku, Kanagawa, Japan
祭神は日本武尊(やまとたけるのみこと)。 創立年代は不詳。正徳4年(1714年)破朽の為再建、片平村、五力田村の鎮守。  
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nanographic-news · 11 months
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[ 展覧会のお知らせ ] EMI SHIRATORI 2020-2023 SOLO EXHIBITION at THE ROYAL CANVAS Fukuoka Nakasu
11月1日(水)より、福岡市博多区の ザ ロイヤルパーク キャンバス 福岡中洲 にて、展覧会を行います。会期は2024年1月31日までの予定。8月に札幌の ザ ロイヤルパーク キャンバス 札幌大通公園 で展示したサーフィンをモチーフの他、バレエシリーズのグラフィックを展示いたします。全作販売可能(額装込み)です。是非、ご高覧ください。 <日時> 2023年11月1日〜2024年1月31日 <会場> ザ ロイヤルパーク キャンバス 福岡中洲 ギャラリースペース “The Gallery of Art Haven” (福岡市博多区中洲5-6-20)
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[ Exhibition Notice ] EMI SHIRATORI 2020-2023 SOLO EXHIBITION / at THE ROYAL CANVAS Fukuoka Nakasu “The Gallery of Art Haven” (〒810-0801 5-6-20 Nakasu, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka) / Nov. 1st, 2023 to Jan. 31st, 2024
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MentalMasochism Review: Shattered Angels - Anime
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Today we’ll be looking at Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora  or the Shattered Angels anime. Before we get started, just a heads up, this will include spoilers! This was a real treat of an anime, and at one point I even ended up in the daunting laughing-crying of despair as I slowly worked my way through. This is a 12-episode series that centers around our main character, Ku Shiratori, who fell in love with a dream prince as a child and now all of her “thoughts” are addressed with “Dear Prince, I hope this finds you well...” She seems to be a normal highschool girl, going through the motions and constantly talking about how worthless, boring, and empty she is...And boy isn’t she just. She’s not only uninteresting, but will also go through periods of being absolutely distraught about either not being able to do anything or upon finding out that she’s an angel, and then promptly turn around to her normal life as if her crying fit hadn’t happened. Now some could argue that it was just her way of trying to cope with it, but it was insufferable to watch her flip-flop so much.
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She eventually meet a new transfer student, Kyoshiro, who looks similar to her prince, and despite him kind of acting like an uncaring jerk, she still falls for him. Seriously, like the first thing he does is rip open her shirt in front of a group of classmates, and this is still totally fine...right.... Well, it turns out this guy, and his sword, the Absolute Angel Setsuna are all about destroying all other absolute angels, as he thinks his brother would have wanted. Long story short, things go a little crazy when Ku is kidnapped by another absolute angel and is told the truth- Ku is an absolute angel, and one that technically isn’t supposed to exist. I think the absolute best line in the entire anime comes from our protagonist, who has the gem, “Don’t worry about me I’m fine!....I...I wish I were dead.” Me too girl, me too. She does attempt to kill herself after she failed to please Kyoshiro by stripping down to her socks in his room, but he ultimately saves her and confesses how he loves her, despite wanting to completely destroy all absolute angels, he says she’s cool and that he won’t hurt her...yay?
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She’s kidnapped for the third time by her real prince, Kyoshiro’s older brother, who basically meant to blow up the world the first time around, and decides to blow it up again so that he can rule as a god, alongside his created absolute angel goddess Valteisha, who is the spirit missing from Ku. They ultimately save the day, except for the fact that Ku ultimately ends up dying because she desires to see Kyroshiro one last time.
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Bottom line: This anime is sort of a trainwreck to watch, with characters that are pretty much uninteresting, and a plot that’s just rather boring. The main character will NOT shut up about how she and Kyoshiro are practically newlyweds (because shopping together = newlyweds, mmmkay), and that angels are like “princesses and so beautiful.” Honestly, I think the absolute best part about this anime was the ending, where the Ku actually has a rather bittersweet death scene, until the prologue, when she somehow gets reincarnated(?) and Kyoshiro and Setsuna find her, and it’s all happy go lucky...I guess... Also, they use the word “absolute” like most people use commas.
Note: I watched the dub of this anime, not the sub (I typically watched subbed instead).
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