#Kopyright Liberation Front
mistfunk · 1 year
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Mistigram: this newschool #asciiart logo for the #KopyrightLiberationFront (#KLF?) was drawn by Dead Soul and included in the MIST0797 artpack collection released 26 years ago this month.
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d0ntw0rrybehappy · 2 years
KLF - what time is love
Apparently J.A.M.s was like an Illuminati code word (something something [state of] moo moo?) and KLF stands for kopyright liberation front lmfao. and they got a shit ton of money when they started getting big and then said they were having their last show, held in a stadium, and set the money all on fire. Real mofos!!
Also the transcendent coexistence ideal of this video is I think cool? Sure, a little 80s-naive (Shauna calls it “proud ooga booga”), reductively multicultural (for both the subjects and race and class warfare/colonialism writ large lol), and cliche (90s ppl in traditional cultural getups holding hands around the globe type deal) but nevertheless I find this kind of affirmative celebration surprisingly hard to come by. I think one of the great things music can do is move people toward transcendence together and while this is far from a real political answer it is good for the political heart (“wouldn’t it be better if the world looked like this?”) and makes for great artwork. And I think KLF is bringing a genuine sense of respect and disruption… n/t church inspo
Also I want his black bomber jacket
From Shauna who acculturez me
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hutterlust · 4 years
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When you are in Court and your Kringelnkurl is KURLING!
Ralf Hütter, 2020
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mendelpalace · 5 years
Craig Dalzell : Chill Out [The KLF Tribute] I compiled and mixed the audio then edited a full feature length film to compliment the flow and feel of the music.
Kopyright Liberation Front / The Rights Of Mu (Intro) [3.23 - 5.20] No Artist / Ocean And Seagulls (Clip) [5.20 - 9.25] The KLF / Build A Fire [9.25 - 10.26] Willy Wonka / Imagination (Sample) [10.26 - 13.08] Chicane / Fin De Jours [13.08 - 13.42] No Artist / Train Horn Sound Effect (Clip) [13.42 - 15.11] Moby / The Rain Falls And The Sky Shudders [15.11 - 17.17] Danny Tenaglia / Elements (Acapella) [18.57 - 19.51] John F Kennedy / We Choose To Go To The Moon (Speech) [19.51 - 23.18] Neon Heights / Walked Out This Morning [23.18 - 23.34] No Artist / Nocturnal Jungle Sound Effect [23.34 - 23.44] The Blues Brothers / It’s 106 Miles To Chicago (Sample) [23.44 - 28.42] Pure / Eternal Life [28.42 - 29.20] World Of Intros / Hotline Intro (Psyco Mix) [30.25 - 30.37] The Orb / Little Fluffy Clouds (Vox intro Sample) [30.37 - 31.24] Alexander Metzger / Police Radio Intro (Time Bandits Mix) [31.24 - 31.33] Mr. Jack / Wiggly World (Vox Intro Sample) [31.33 - 32.01] Flipped Out / Helicopter Buzz (Sample) [32.01 - 32.49] The KLF / Madrugada Eterna [32.49 - 33.12] Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas / Who Are These People (Sample) [39.39 - 40.55] The KLF / Justified And Ancient Seems A Long Time Ago [40.55 - 43.49] The KLF / Elvis On The Radio, Steel Guitar In My Soul [43.49 - 48.09] The KLF / Wichita Lineman Was A Song I Once Heard [48.09 - 49.40] The KLF / Tranentral Lost My Mind [49.40 - 50.10] Wizard Of Oz / Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Sample) [50.10 - 50.20] Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas / What Was I Doing Here (Sample) [50.20 - 54.08] Kopyright Liberation Front ft. Martin Sheen / The Rights Of Mu (Outro) [54.08 - 59.24] The KLF / The White Room
Audio compiled, arranged & mixed by Craig Dalzell Video edited by Craig Dalzell
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wintermut3 · 5 years
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jorgeclardiary · 6 years
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«Egg Emoticon» Spotify Playlist
For the first day of Standard Time—and the unveiling of new emojis—HERE is a musical elixir for adjustment into winter.
Hapi Phace and I use the egg emoji as a mutually-decided-upon symbol that can mean “received,” “just woke up,” or sundry accord. It is a key element in the creation of digital cartouches on iMessage.
This emphasis on the egg emoji came to be because I love eggs—which I eat constantly in good health—in keeping with their implication as a symbol of birth, emergence, and creative possibility.
For our Karload of Klowns performance troupe—which will be presenting its new show, Erection Day, this Tuesday, November 6th, at 8 p.m. in the Gene Frankel Theatre at 24 Bond Street—Klown ringleader Hapi created the Egg Emoticon staff, a tapR mâché sculpture that my character, Palimpsesto, uses to indicate approval during segments.
Emoticons are a representation of human facial expression using keyboard characters: this playlist represents stages of human emotion balanced by a focus on wellness. Each song represents a character.
In keeping with the spirit of the latest Karload of Klowns show—which features apropos samples from the seminal British pop group The KLF (a name that can alternatively mean “Kopyright Liberation Front” or “Kings of Low Frequency”)—the playlist starts with “Justified & Ancient (Stand by The JAMs)”, featuring Tammy Wynette on vocals.
This song starts with the chant “All bound for Mu Mu Land,” a place synonymous in KLF lore with their Trancentral recording studio, a forum for spiritual realization. As the song “Last Train to Trancentral” explains in its LP version: “I’m going into Trancentral where I can, you understand, liberate and free the psyche, balance my mind and my body….”
On the cover photo, I am wearing a homemade KLF hat José Joaquín and I found years ago at the Urban Jungle on Knickerbocker Avenue, a Johnson buffalo plaid zip-up flannel jacket, Levi’s Engineered jeans, and ‘be happy’ frames by Sabine Be, outfitted by Artsee.
Karload of Klowns Erection Day stars Hapi Phace, Gail Thacker, Colleen O’Neill, Nora Burns, R. Thomas Gordon, guest hitchhiker Edgar Oliver, and yours truly. 
Photo by Goor Studio
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timmurleyart · 3 years
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Kopyright Liberation Front. 🎶🟠🔵🟡🔴🎵🔺(mixed media on canvas)🔸🎨
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loosejointsposts · 3 years
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石井宏之(石井|高畑法律事務所) 1978年生まれ。J.M.WESTONとBAD BRAINSを愛する弁護士/音楽愛好家。 ポップ・カルチャー全般、エンタテインメントやクリエイティブ分野の法務に興味があります。
1. そもそも、著作権ってなんなの?
例えばここに、最近亡くなったリッキー・パウエルの『Public Access』という写真集があります。当然ですが自分が購入した物なので、友だちにプレゼントしたり、古本屋に売っぱらってしまうことが自由にできます。これは自分が写真集の所有権(=物としての写真集の使用、収益、処分をコントロールする権利)を持っていることに基づいてできることです。ただ、この写真集のベストショットであるラッパーのRakimの写真を勝手にTシャツにプリントして販売することはできません。これは写真集の使用、収益、処分とはいえず、写真集に掲載されている情報(=作品)を権利者の許可なく利用してしまうことになってしまうからです。写真集に掲載されている情報(=作品)に及ぶ権利が著作権であり、これに基づき、権利者は他人による情報(=作品)の複製、翻案、その他の利用をコントロールすることができます。具体的には、作品を勝手に使われてしまった場合、権利者は、その人に対し、損害賠償請求をしたり、利用を差止めることが可能です。
2. どうしたら、著作権をとることができるのかな?
3. じゃあ、著作権と商標権の違いについて教えてください
4. 著作権って、クリエイティビティを妨害してない?
もちろんそういったケースも沢山あります。直ぐに思いつくのは1980年代後半に登場したDe La SoulやA Tribe Called Questに代表される第三者の音源のサンプリングをたっぷりと使うことでクリエイティブな作品を出していたアーティストたちのことですかね。結局、1990年代になってからサンプリングした側の敗訴が続いたことで、サンプリングという制作手法自体が徐々に輝きを失っていったような印象があります。De La Soulに関して言うと、<TOMMYBOY>時代の初期作品は、現時点でいずれもまだデジタル配信されていません。レーベル自体との関係だけでなく、権利処理の問題が解決できていないのだと思われます。
最近だと(と言っても3年ほど前ですが)、ロビン・シックとファレルがマービン・ゲイの遺族に著作権侵害で訴えられて敗訴したため、約500万ドルを支払うことになりました。本件は、マービン・ゲイの曲である「Gotta Give It Up」をサンプリングしたわけではなく、彼らの曲である「Blurred Lines」のスタイルやフィーリングが同曲に似ているという理由で、著作権侵害を認定されてしまいました。コード進行も全然違いますし、実際、超有名音楽プロデューサーのリック・ルービン御大もお怒りの様子でしたね。
一方、著作権とクリエイティビティの問題については、The KLFなんかは著作権に捉われない姿勢を前面に出すことで、現代アートとして完成したという感じもします。彼らの最初のアルバムである『1987』は、ABBAの曲をはじめとして無許可でサンプリングしまくっていたので、著作権管理団体からアルバムの回収や原盤の引き渡しを要求され、その後、権利処理をしていない部分を削除した全然音が入っていないアルバム『1978(TheJAM45Edits)』をリリースした話はあまりにも有名です。かっこいいですね。まさにパンク以降のアーティスト。正式名称も「KOPYRIGHT LIBERATION FRONT」ですし(確か…)。なお、彼らは1992年にすべての作品を廃盤にして引退していましたが、2021年の元日、29年ぶりに突如復活しています。
5. 最近よくDJのライブ配信を聴くのですが、あれって合法なの?
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shazzula · 4 years
Watch The K Foundation Burn a Million Quid from Armin Rabe on Vimeo.
A documentation by The KLF, 1994.
Am 23. August 1994 nahmen Bill Drummond und Jimmy Cauty (aka The KLF) den Dokumentarfilm "Watch The K Foundation Burn a Million Quid" auf, in dem sie eine Million britische Pfund in 50-Pfund-Noten verbrannten.
The KLF (Kopyright Liberation Front oder auch Kings of Low Frequency) war eine in der elektronischen Tanzmusik einflussreiche britische Musikgruppe in den späten 1980ern und frühen 1990ern. Die Bandbreite ihrer Musik reichte von Ambient bis zu House, und sie gelten als Erfinder des Trance, wobei sie vor allem durch die freizügige Verwendung von Samplings aus Musikstücken anderer Künstler bekannt wurden. Im englischen Sprachraum hat sich für die von The KLF geprägte Beimischung von Publikumslärm über House-Produktionen der Begriff Stadium House geprägt.
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shehab · 7 years
In January, a cryptic poster plastered on a London wall announced the imminent return of The KLF — also variously known as The Kopyright Liberation Front, The JAMs, The Timelords, The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, The K Foundation, K2, among others — after a 23-year hiatus. That the person who “discovered” the poster happened to manage one of its two members came as little surprise to anyone familiar with The KLF, whose lead instrument is f****** with people, at which both are virtuosic.
The KLF’s Greatest Protégés Didn’t Really Know What Was Going On
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wintermut3 · 5 years
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zecafeine · 9 years
Vendredisques : édition du 15/01/2016
Vendredisques : édition du 15/01/2016
Youpi, c’est vendredi ! Et comme chaque semaine, je vous ai concocté une petite sélection de trois pépites musicales pour finir la journée en beauté. Votre casque est bien vissé sur vos oreilles ? Allez, c’est parti…
Hector Zazou – Ophélie Album : Sahara Blue (1992)
En 1992, l’illustre (et malheureusement défunt) compositeur…
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supahighway · 10 years
kopyright liberation front
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adamac · 11 years
One World Orchestra "The Magnificent" The KLF does Jungle! DRUM & BASS meets Film Score! Featuring the original theme to "The Magnificent Seven" by Elmer Bernstein. Per Wikipedia: "The Magnificent" is a 1995 song by the One World Orchestra (Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty, better known as The KLF), recorded for the War Child charity compilation, The Help Album. The song—One World Orchestra's sole release—is a drum 'n' bass cover version of the theme from The Magnificent Seven, with vocal contributions from the Belgradian counter-culturist DJ Fleka of Serbian radio station B92. The track was used by B92 as a jingle and, in 1996, it became recognised as a protest song against the Serbian government of Slobodan Milošević." Fleka's speech: "This is Radio B92: Serbia calling. Humans against killing: that sounds like a junkie against dope"
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sievetronix · 13 years
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The KLF - Kopyright Liberation Front
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wintermut3 · 7 years
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