#Konoha village
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9japikim · 2 years
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reichmark · 1 year
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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Meteorite demolished!
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cynicallyneutral · 2 months
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
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abattre · 7 months
It kind of kills me that we don't know what happened to the bodies after the Uchiha massacre. Like what did the village do with them? Danzo got his hands on some of the Uchiha to steal their eyes but like,, the clan was pretty big. They ran the entire police force themselves which would be at least like 100-150 personnel just in active duty; this plus their spouses, the Genin/Chuunin still in training, civilians that ran the shops in the district, retired workers/Shinobi, the elderly, and the children,,, there would've been hundreds of corpses to deal with. If they all died the same night and Sasuke was their only next of kin, a 7 year old child who was hospitalised while the compound was cleared out, who got to decide what happened to the bodies? Did the council just get to do whatever they wanted with the clan's remains? You know, the council that planned the massacre?
The Uchiha had their own religion and they would have had funeral rights for their dead so,,, did they get those rights? We never see Sasuke at any sort of memorial or grave for his family, and for someone who clearly loves their clan a lot, Sasuke would take care of their resting place if they had one. It's just so upsetting that after slaughtering the Uchiha so the village wouldn't have to take accountability for you know,,, treating them like absolute shit, no one in Konoha even cares enough to give them the bare minimum respect in death. They what? Just let Danzo take the ones he wanted so he could harvest their eyes and just dumped the rest of the Uchiha in an unmarked mass grave somewhere? The whole village had a state-wide memorial when the Kyuubi attack happened and the same later on when Orochimaru invaded but they couldn't even bother with some sort of funeral service after the genocide of one of their own clans? The genocide that they ordered themselves? Like it's just so fucking insulting.
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hellcifrogs · 2 months
at first glance i thought that Baki was Ibiki! have you ever drawn him? Or would you? Do you have any thoughts on him as a character, or not so much?
Cheers, love your art as always! ❤️
I can see the confusion lol with the extra scars and no face accessories~
Surprisingly, I don't think I have drawn either of them enough
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I like them both! Wish Ibiki had had more screentime, he could have been such a cool character to have around... Imagine him taking over team 10 after Asuma - a team with a genius, a telented mind controler and a noble taijutsu experts clan member. He's in the questioning and torturing department IMAGINE what he could teach them and what THEY could teach him! They're Naruto's school mates, the reality shocks they could give him, generation shock, change of opinions and system!
Or even just teaming him up with Anko for missions (bc I also needed more Anko ;-;)
Now Baki has one problem for me, Hayate 😔
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thoughtsareclouded · 2 years
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Why is this image so fucking funny to me?
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sasukesofficiallawyer · 3 months
I am both Itachi Uchiha’s biggest fan and biggest hater, it depends on the day
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Saw each other again in three years.
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snserendipity · 4 months
dude bros on yt always mocking the scene where sasuke says he wants to become hokage is my villain origin story because tell me how wanting to change the shinobi system, which forced your older brother to murder his entire family, is funny?? how is it amusing that someone who watched their parents being murdered at 7 years old and was then left all alone by the authorities wants to return to that same place and change the system so that no child has to experience the same pain? i will fight you
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I wonder if all the stories Itachi learned about the Uchiha were like this. Stories of abuse of power and fratricidal fights. I wonder where he learned them, if by any chance he was fed this biased tales from the enemies of the Uchiha, who were the ones in charge of the education system of the village, probably the ones that controlled information and the ones with the power to rewrite history in the way they pleased.
I always thought he was intentionally lying when he claimed Madara murdered Izuna to take his eyes, but after remembering the Izanami/Izanagi tale, I am considering the possibility that maybe he actually believed that. Maybe he really thought he came from a dynasty of power thirsty bastards capable of killing their own flesh and blood for dominance. I wonder if he ever got a chance to get the other version of the story from his own clan, the family he felt so isolated from. Or even, if more people in the clan actually believed the same.
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sleepy-kc · 2 years
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I forgot to post this on Halloween, but enjoy the anbu kiddos spending Halloween in Konoha ^^  
In defense of the ninja puppies... It was an honest mistake.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year
"well, the Uzumaki and Uchiha have around 25-ish members again, which would allow them to be reinstated as clans allied to the village by charter right," Tobirama stated, entirely unfazed by the eyes of the many clan heads watching him speak. Itama shifted his tiny (painfully tiny, was he always that small??) body in his hold, gripping on tighter to his mother's fur collar. both he, Kawarama, and Nawaki were heartbreakingly silent through the whole ordeal, even when the resurrection started by way of the lost Hatake boy, Orochimaru.
"but the Hatake and Senju still only have less than 10 and 15 members respectively, meaning that there would be a power imbalance between the four newly resuscitated clans. given the feud that is, arguably, still active to some of us revenant, it doesn't seem wise to leave it be."
and that was the crux of the matter. several members of both the Uchiha and Senju that had been resurrected had died when the Senju-Uchiha blood feud had been ongoing. both his brothers (his brothers!!) had died far before the village had even been a thought in Hashirama's wood cork of a brain, along with Madara's own siblings, like his older brother Hidehiko, Izuna, their younger brother Matsuri and his twin sister Shouko, and their youngest sister Choushi. thats not even mentioning the adult shinobi under the same circumstances; 22 year old Senju Yasuiro and 28 year old Senju Fuushinshi had attacked and injured Uchiha Kouga, and also injured the man's 12 year old niece Uchiha Rukia, before Tobirama, Madara, Hashirama, and Mito managed to tie them all down.
(if Fuushinshi was sporting a break in his arm, in the same place as young Rukia, well. That was between Tobirama and his cousin.)
"Thats not even mentioning the non-clan shinobi who were resurrected, who, in all likelihood, are probably related to one of the four clans in question. if they become affiliated with said clans is entirely by their own choice." he said, his tone brokering no room for argument. Tobirama was honestly surprised that he hadn't been interrupted yet, but it might be the shock of having so many once-dead shinobi in Konoha's meeting hall.
pursing his lips ever so slightly, he looked to Hashirama, holding Kawarama who was making faces at Itama, then to Touka who was standing behind Mito and holding Nawaki. his brother tilted his head and Touka nodded, flickering her chakra in code pattern for 'plan, question.'
Tobirama sighed, mostly as a visual sign of reluctance for the other clan heads present. 'contract, agreement. kill, home-clan; fade, wild-clan.'
Hashirama's eyes sparkled, his smile not fading from his face in the slightest.
"our agreed upon solution to both the power imbalance and the lacking size of the Senju and Hatake clans is to incite the charter's directory number fourteen."
only two of the clan heads seemed to recognize what he was referencing, tjose being the Nara clan head, as expected, and Madara, who literally co-wrote the damn thing with him. Madara threw his head back with thundering laughter, which Tobirama related to on a personal level.
it was extremely ironic that the ones to end the Senju way of life would be the very people who had been hurt by it the most.
Itama jerked in his arms at the noise, so he adjusted his grip to hold him tighter. several eyes landed on the still laughing Madara, who Tobirama knew was not going to explain anything. the Nara head didn't look any worse, so he either knew what the Senju used to be like, or he simply didn't care.
Tobirama had expected most of the clans to not have invested in that particular article after it was written, but... he was extremely unpleased with Hiruzen's puzzled, near silent question of "the what?"
Madara's laughter died off with the (to most) unexpected line of, "wonderful play, Senju." vicious smile almost mocking to anyone unfamiliar with him. which was everyone except him, Mito, Hashirama, and Izuna.
Tobirama simply inclined his head in acknowledgement. he ran one hand through his hair, carefully avoiding the carefully disguised braids he'd tied into it this morning with Hashirama, Touka, and Orocchi.
"to answer your question, Hiruzen, 'the what' is the clause in the village's Constitution that states, 'when a clan is no longer large enough to support itself and its members, an allied clan who is willing and able are to induct the clan into their own, allowing the continued survival of the bloodline. this can be enacted when a clan's number drops beneath the range of the clan's expected member count.'"
clearing his throat, he continues on, projecting his voice to call over the now disorganized shinobi.
"in essence, this means that the senju will join either the Uchiha, Uzumaki, or Hatake clans, as those three have priority over other clans in the village due to both personal and blood relations being closest. thus, to avoid further power imbalance in the number of members to each resurrected clan, the Senju will be hosted by the Hatake clan."
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drowsyrice · 1 year
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the ninja kids! 🦊🥷🌸
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