arichii98 · 4 months
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"I see you got your glasses back, finally!"
Inspired from Lab Partner Blues by @konekotaichou
hehehehehe this fanfic was so cuteee and I've been meaning to draw them after reading it! glad I finally had the time😆😆😆
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kuroarimiyazaki · 10 months
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Sasori having a sip ft. Bonus Komushi
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ahkaraii · 1 year
Five [Kakashi fancomic, 72/?]
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aprito · 2 years
Regarding canon Sasori do you think if anyone had told him he mattered beyond being a tool it would have made a difference? (I guess it depends on who's talking. I kind of wish Chiyo and Sasori had crossed paths again in the war arc or Sakura. Either of them. Both of them. Ugh) But beyond that, would have changed anything if Chiyo had just straight up told him that when they fought the first time. That he mattered or that she had loved him?)
TLDR; hmm really depends on how far gone he is at that point!
Long Version (sorry)
I often call Sasori a narratively failed Gaara. Similar to Sasori, Gaara couldn't see himself as a person beyond his abilities and use to the village (which is why the sand siblings were there in the Chunin Arc, Gaara to carry out the main job and for his siblings to make sure he didn't go crazy before that). He experienced nothing but rejection and outright hate not only from the village that raised him but also from the people closest to him. He didn't believe he mattered before meeting someone (Naruto) who tried to emphasize with him.
It is not a coincidence that the arc that focuses around Gaara realising he is loved beyond his use to the village is the same arc that features Sasori as the main villain. It's a parallel that Kishimoto himself has commented on, albeit vaguely, saying that the arc was about Naruto being the guiding light to Gaara's darkness, helping him escape that darkness, while also saying that Sasori's fight has a "hidden" theme that the reader should figure out for themselves.
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I point this out because, as you said, Sasori did presumably not experience any of this, explaining that he became a literal tool and views everyone around him as one as well. He cannot or does not want to see the humanity in them because he cannot embrace the humanity in himself, due to never having experienced being truly valued as a human being, in line with the shinobi doctrine esp in the elder generations. The reason he finally gave up in that fight was seeing Sakura, someone he didn't know at all, and Chiyo, someone he (THOUGHT HE) knew very well, continously protecting each other, despite knowing the risks it brought. They're not willing to abandon each other despite telling each other several times to do so, and it shocks Sasori, seeing that the humanity in both of them is what ultimately defeats him.
So now we get to your question: Would it have changed anything if Chiyo apologized to him upfront? Consequently, why didn't she say anything?
This is where I have to bring the failed Gaara narrative back. Gaara, who had his turnaround between 12-15, being obviously somewhat (not completely) forgiven by his village, seeing how hard Naruto & Konoha fight to save him from the Akatsuki. Sasori had at that point been pointlessly chasing, kidnapping and killing shinobi he percieved to be valueable, working with a known terrorist group, and living with his untreated mental illness for at the very least 20 years. Sasori happens to be one of the few Akatsuki Kishimoto did not decide to keep alive or keep around to become useful to the protagonists later on, and I think it was a very conscious decision of him to do so. Now I will not claim morality on the topic of death in Naruto, but it is obvious that narratively Kishimoto seperates death that is justifable and death that has no purpose. Sasori, unfortunately, in the eyes of the narrator and in the eyes of his peers, is not redeemable at that point in the story.
So, would a heart to heart between Sasori and Chiyo changed anything? Maybe. I struggle, however, with the rest of the Gaara plot points. I can't see anyone vouching for him BEYOND his usefulness to Suna, which is what ended up happening in the confrotation with Kankuro in the War Arc, and that is obviously not something that we would want for him. Let's not forget that Sasori wasn't simply killed off; he chose to die. Why did he do that? Maybe because he knew there would be no redemption for him, having lived so long the way he did. With his grandmother gone, who would be left to forgive him, vouch for him and defend him? Sakura? When he's a jaded criminal freak in her eyes canonically? I'm not that delusional y'all hahaha
I would have loved to see the re-up in the War Arc for a final co-op, but I personally didn't think it would make sense for Sasori to stick around after that. In fact, one person it absolutely would have made sense for, who had already been essentially forgiven by his village and had people who still liked him, and who most importantly was still a kid, was Deidara. Not Sasori.
That is why, ultimately, I like to focus on a Sasori that still has a chance for redemption and that isn't given the chance for his mental struggles to fester for that long. Maybe not being made to graduate from the academy and fight wars when he hadn't even hit puberty wouldn't be so bad, could maybe prevent him going bonkers and wiping out his Kage and half of Wind Country. Obviously, something would need to be done for Chiyo to change her mind and see her faults as well, and what better opporturnity is there to bring in our fav loud Leaf shinobi. =) That way we could see a true turnaround similar to Gaara in my opinion!
and that is why I am so annoying about this specific aspect thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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madecf · 2 years
his main verse is a survival verse tbh!!!
🐶 ( Komushi ; ic )
🐶 ( Komushi ; gallery )
🐶 ( Komushi ; headcanons )
🐶 ( Komushi ; mp3 )
🐶 ( Komushi ; crack )
🐶 ( Komushi ; dashcommentary )
🐶 ( Komushi ; musings )
🐶 ( Komushi ; aesthetic )
🐶 ( Komushi ; au info )
🐶 ( Komushi ; main verse )
🐶 ( Komushi ; ghost verse )
🐶 ( Komushi ; general )
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stargliders · 6 months
A Devilish Curiosity
A late fill for @febuwhump day 9: Bees.
Characters: Sasori, Komushi, Chiyo, Third Kazekage, Sasori’s Parents, OCs
Pairing: Gen
Rating: T
Summary: Sasori goes hunting for a novel bee species on the outskirts of Sunagakure, eager to use its unusually potent venom to create an even deadlier poison.
Like all artists who push the limits, he faces the consequences.
Sasori rediscovered his muse in a boy who was stung to death. He should not have been eavesdropping on the conversation between his granduncle, Ebizo, and Granny, as they sat in their office with a member of the village’s medical research department, throwing around terms like novel invasive species and catastrophic swelling. But for months, Sasori had searched for a new project suitable for his talents. And that certainly piqued his interest.
Read the one-shot on AO3
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bakapandy · 2 years
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Some Suna history...
My theory is that Sasori develops a sick and twisted desire to "forever preserve" the people he "cares" about, which was brought on by the death of his parents. His first attempt at creating a human puppet was with Komushi, his one and only friend.
more under the cut...
But why have we not seen Sasori use Komushi's puppet? My theory is that Komushi's death was too sudden, the body too "fresh"...and it eventually decayed and fell apart. And so Sasori started developing new methods to "prepare" a body for his art.
Starting with small animals, like rodents and "lost pets", he experiments with different recipes until he finds one that works reliably, however the process is very slow. And so he basically gradually poisons Sandaime to death, who trusts and cares about him like his own son.
Sasori deserts the village while everyone is preoccupied with Sandaime’s declining health, so no one notices he is gone until it is far too late, and proceeds to raid nearby tribes and other satellite villages, finding victims to perfect his puppetry art and build his arsenal before returning to retrieve his magnum opus. 
The reason there was a whole year between Sandaime's disappearance from the Kazekage mantle and Rasa's ascension to the title, was not because the village was "searching" for him, but bc everyone hoped he would recover. When it became evident that he wouldn't, Rasa became Kazekage.
At this point, Sandaime was incredibly ill and essentially bed-bound. Sasori sneaks back into the village and finds him in his home to collect his ultimate prize. The next day, the bed is empty and the village is in a panic the Sandaime had vanished. No one knows what had happened...until decades later when the events of Shippuden occur.
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noxxha · 2 years
Chiyo and Sasori - She neglected him out of guilt and fear
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Sasori is a character who was introduced early in the first part of Naruto Shippuden. His parents were killed by Hatake Sakumo when he was young, and he was consequently under the care of Chiyo (and her brother - and his granduncle - Ebisu, most likely…yet their relationship is not shown on-screen), his grandmother.
Chiyo, however, does a grave mistake when it comes to Sasori’s parents. She learns of the fact that they were killed, and…
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She keeps this information from Sasori, believing him to be “too young” to know about their death. On one hand it is considerate of her to do so, on the other hand she put herself in a very uncomfortable situation emotionally.
Not only because she had to lie to him every time he asked about his parents (and I can imagine that he asked ever so often), but because she probably had no true idea what to do the moment Sasori might/would figure out the truth.
Instead of telling him the truth she tells him that they are away on a mission (or that they were given a new mission, as stated in ep. 27) and that they will eventually return. Even worse, the one scene we get to see Chiyo says “well, they’ll be gone a little bit longer…”
They will be gone a little bit longer.
The lie itself is a terrible thing, but to phrase it the way she did - a little bit - makes it taste even more bitter.
That is giving Sasori a hope that does not exist.
She keeps him waiting, and Sasori obediently does just that. Growing up very lonely - and impatient (not liking to keep other people waiting, nor liking to be kept waiting) - as a consequence.
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Look at him - he’s so sad…
While Chiyo did her best to be there for Sasori, her constant lies were actually cruel.
What is the greatest insult to Sasori, however, is the fact that Chiyo treats him as if he is stupid. He might be a child - and of course it would have hurt him to know that his parents were dead - but he is not stupid. Far from it.
He was hailed a prodigy in the art of puppetry, after all.
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He created puppets in the likeness of his parents to not feel so lonely. And yet they could do nothing to ease the emptiness within him. They could not replace his longing for his real parents.
“Sasori had already figured out, that his parents were dead.”
Chiyo actually hurt Sasori more with her lies than if she had just told him the truth from the beginning. We do not know for how long the lie lasted either, but she probably lied to him for 1 to 2 years at best…and quite a few years at worst.
Chiyo was put in a very painful position, but her way of handling it was certainly not the best. Not only was she grieving the loss of her son and daughter-in-law, but Sasori was a constant reminder of her loss. Not only was he the child of her son, he looked just like him (but with his mother’s brown eyes).
But what she ends up remembering the most is the sorrowful - empty - gaze upon which he gazes at the puppets.
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Ep. 319 (filler - I am aware of such and yet I, for one, appreciate some of the fillers that the anime team gave us - this is one of my absolute favourites) expands on Sasori’s past. After the above scene we are shown how Sasori works on his puppets. The peace and quiet is being interrupted by Komushi - a young boy who is shown to treat Sasori like a friend. Komushi asks Sasori about the puppets requested by Chiyo (The Crow, Black Ant and Salamander), and this implies at first that his role is more than being just Sasori’s friend - he acts as a messenger between the two of them. This is later plainly stated by Chiyo herself.
“Oh well, I might as well wait until hell freezes over to get a response from you.”
One thing that is of interest is the fact that Sasori ignored Komushi for a long while. Only when Komushi mentioned that he “has a message from Granny Chiyo” did Sasori stop his tinkering and listen. The message in question was about the above mentioned puppets, and that they were needed quicker. Sasori only points towards said creations, resuming his tinkering near immediately thereafter, while also mentioning that he “does not like keeping people waiting”.
That Komushi acts as a messenger indicates that the relationship between them is strained. Extremely so even. But does it come as a surprise?
Not really.
Chiyo could have asked about Sasori’s invention herself, no? He is her grandson after all. But that she did not.
And the proof just how strained their relationship is follows the above mentioned scene. Komushi mentions that Chiyo wonders about the poison for the Crow puppet, and Sasori hands him a sheet of paper with the formula for the toxin he intends to make. The toxin in question must be approved, however, by his superior - who is Chiyo herself.
Komushi tells Sasori that he will negotiate with Chiyo about the toxin - and to give him “some time”. Sasori turns away from his friend and immediately tells him that he does not want to wait. Komushi grins - tells him “then let’s go!” - before rushing off. Sasori merely watches him in silence - looking mildly dumbfounded at his friend’s suggestion.
Now, while Komushi urged both of them to go - Sasori could have remained in his workshop and let his friend handle something that Sasori himself could have done…and yet…
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This particular scene showcases just how little Chiyo understands her grandson. And it also showcases how she pushes him away - intentionally even.
This scene was a bit tricky to capture in a still frame. At first Chiyo only sees Komushi and so she asks him if he has “relayed her message” - and then Sasori appears. She becomes quiet, looks a tad surprised - apprehensive even - at the sight of her grandson. This indicates that he probably spent most (if not all) his time in the workshop and seldom showed himself. And that him being here now was quite the exception.
One could say that Komushi had a knack for persuading people to do his bidding, but considering Sasori being the way he is…he had probably another reason to appear before his grandmother.
Chiyo reads through the formula, and mentions that “there is not much I can say without knowing the blending ratio of the mixture”.
It is here that Chiyo makes another grave mistake.
Having read through the formula she looks at Sasori - remembering his empty gaze that gazed upon his father and mother puppets - before approving the request without asking for specifics. She could have asked about the mentioned blending ratio - Sasori stood right there in front of her - but she spoke as if that was not the case.
Sasori is shown to be a very tacit individual - he barely speaks and would probably be lost in his own world (creating puppets) if not for Komushi. When it comes to the toxin, Sasori went there personally (with some slight urging from his friend) but nevertheless…he followed him. The relationship between Sasori and Chiyo is shown to be terribly strained, even cold, so why would Sasori go to the person that lied to him for (presumably) years?
Because she was the only family he had left at that point. And he cared about her, deep down. He mentioned in ep. 27 that he would not care if Chiyo would die…and that alone indicates that there was a part of him that still cared about her. If he truly did not care about Chiyo’s fate, he would not have wasted breath mentioning it. He would have just gone ahead and killed her like he was capable in doing.
It is while Chiyo is healing Sakura that we get the clearest indicator that Sasori cared about Chiyo despite everything that had happened since he left the village 20 years prior to their reunion.
“It’s a jutsu I spent originally years creating for you…one that only I can use. With this jutsu life can even be breathed into puppets…In exchange for the life of the caster, that is…But in hindsight, it’s a dream that won’t be realized…”
Sasori, hearing these words, is visibly shaken. And there is a symbolic tear in the form of blood falling from the corner of his mouth.
While he probably resented Chiyo for lying to him - a part of me thinks that he could forgive her for that - as he sought her out (as shown in ep. 319) in an attempt to get an interaction between them, after all.
Him going to see his grandmother was Sasori’s subtle way of trying to mend a relationship that (not yet) was beyond repair.
But Chiyo - by approving the toxin immediately- denied Sasori the interaction he could not state plainly because he was extremely stunted emotionally and socially. He probably wanted her to ask him questions, show interest in him and his inventions (she was a toxin specialist when young and she was the one who taught him the art of puppetry in the first place) - but instead of threading on the path of reconciliation, she pushed him away. Intentionally.
Once the toxin was approved Chiyo near immediately dismisses the pair because she is “in the middle of research” but whether entirely true or not is hard to say. She was seen reading a document before Komushi (and Sasori) disturbed her, that’s true, but is it “reading” or “research”? Both most likely. It does not change the fact that she asked them to leave, though.
While Sasori hoped that Chiyo would understand the unspoken in him appearing before her, she misread the situation entirely.
Or…on one hand she did, but on the other hand she probably thought that she would make Sasori’s life easier if she just agreed to his request - she had denied him the most important “request” of all, after all (an answer/the truth). Agreeing to his request was partly done out of guilt I can imagine - so to ease her own consciousness. And part of her - as much as she tried to not show it - was terrified of that empty, haunted look in her grandson’s eyes.
Because she knew that she shouldered most of the blame for Sasori being lonely, for him feeling empty and trying to fill the void within him with his puppets.
She tried to cheer him up, but completely neglected the fact that Sasori needed human contact rather than only his puppets. He needed her.
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This scene follows immediately after the above mentioned scene. He looks so sad, disappointed even that he did not get the result he had hoped for.
It had to hurt having Komushi mention that Chiyo had to be “so proud of you” and that she was “always worried about you” - because from Sasori’s side he probably felt that the complete opposite was the case, as Chiyo did not talk to him. They did not speak with one another (if it was not absolutely necessary), she did not praise him (at least not in person)…he must have felt like an orphan despite having family left.
Did they live together? That is not made clear. If they did I can imagine that they both (perhaps Chiyo more than Sasori) went out of their way to avoid one another.
Chiyo approving the toxin - without questioning Sasori about details - would end up having severe consequences the moment Komushi was wounded during his guard duty - losing part of his arm.
He was given a puppet arm by Sasori. It was shown to be quite the invention, with a blade and the ability to release the very toxin Chiyo approved without much hassle.
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She is terrified of her own grandson. Of his empty gaze and his mind that was creating puppets terrifyingly close to real humans.
Now, whether Sasori wanted to murder Komushi intentionally or not, is up for interpretation. If we take Chiyo’s words at face value she is convinced that Sasori tried to get his only friend killed intentionally - that it was not just a “coincidence”. I personally do not believe that Sasori wanted Komushi dead, it was all just a terrible accident.
Komushi - knowing that blame would fall onto Sasori - mentioned that he “is not to blame”. That it was he (Komushi) who ingested the poison by accident.
But whether it was murder or not - Komushi dies under Chiyo’s care, as she does not know the blending ratio of the poison Sasori created, and therefore there is no antidote at the ready. What is even more chilling is the fact that Chiyo mentioned that she would clear it with the “Pharmaceuticals Division” and when Komushi is dying she asks about Sasori and if “we have the blending ratio for the poison yet”, this implies that either she did not speak with the division about the poison (perhaps because the toxin was too complex to find an antidote for?), or she did and Sasori later tweaked the ingredients.
One scene that can be used as an argument for Sasori wanting Komushi dead, is when the latter visits him and mentions that the puppet hand Sasori has created looks “real”. Sasori looks at Komushi’s hand (who moves his fingers to mimic the movement that Sasori made the puppet hand do). To me it looks more as if Sasori is contemplating how to make his puppets more “humanlike”, and it is here (most likely) that he began to contemplate the use of real humans and if it was possible to make them into puppets. But he was probably more inclined to do the opposite still: make puppets into humans so to say.
I honestly believe that Sasori at first had good intentions with him creating puppet parts that were more like human anatomy - but his pure desire morphed steadily into the worldview over which he and Deidara would fight over. Him making more real puppet protheses was very likely the first step into eventually deciding to make himself into a puppet. It was there it began in my opinion - his obsession with preserving “life” and “beauty”.
“Heal him! Please! You attached his right arm, too? Then his left arm can be…His legs, his body…You can even heal his soul, can’t you?! Give him back to me! Heal my Komushi and give him back to me!”
Komushi passes on and with him dies Chiyo’s link to Sasori. She contemplates the situation, before rushing to Sasori’s workshop when remembering how Komushi told her about Sasori creating human parts that looked like “real human hands”.
She finds him there…and she also finds that Sasori has made Komushi into a puppet - like it was “requested” of him by Komushi’s mother.
He has - in a way - restored his soul. Like he was “asked” to do.
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The beginning of the Sasori that we got to know in Naruto Shippuden all the way back in Ep. 21 when his real face was finally revealed.
Chiyo admits by the end of the episode that she, indeed, pushed him away. That she made excuses to not be there for him when he needed her the most.
While all he wanted was to be embraced by his parents once more, I think even an embrace from her - back then - would have done so much to keep him on the “healthy” path.
But Chiyo didn’t. And she realized her many mistakes only when it was too late to truly say how much she regretted her treatment of her only grandson.
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everysasori · 7 months
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ep 319 · ft. Komushi
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breithenua · 10 months
Sasori's friend Komushi
I'm not saying Komushi's death is Sasori's fault, they were both kids. But it is kind of a failure on the *adults around* Sasori and Komushi that none of them thought to say "Sasori I agree with you giving Komushi a puppet hand, but *maybe don't* coat the hidden blade on this little idiot's puppet hand in poison. He's a little too stupid to avoid ingesting his own poison". And well... he was. Komushi died from accidentally ingesting the poison on his own puppet arm's hidden blade, and they weren't able to find out an antidote in time to save him. Kind of a failure of the adults around Sasori for not pointing that out to him. But then, Sasori's entire life was an example in the adults around him failing him, starting with his own grandmother Chiyo. P.S. I personally don't believe Sasori meant for Komushi to die just so he could turn Komushi into a puppet. I think Komushi's death was just a tragic accident, and he was pushed to turn Komushi into a puppet entirely by the grief of Komushi's mother, and her pleas to Sasori to bring him back. He was twisted, but I don't think he was already so twisted by then that he'd intentionally get his only friend killed.
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reddawnmultimuse · 2 months
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*Sees that Sasori would've loved to be a doctor*
// Since Sasori is pretty much involved with people in the medical field like Orochimaru, Kabuto, Chiyo, and Sakura it really does give out great implications on how great of a doctor that Sasori could've been and would've been a great, if not THE BEST medicine and anti-venom user ever! Such a shame that things did happen as they did. And I can imagine Sasori still grumpy but still loves his job.
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*sees that Kabuto is surprised that Sasori would've loved to be a doctor* [ i reckon he would've been great at implants both of organs and prosthetic limbs. we even saw a little of it when he built an arm for komushi. but he could've still dabbled with poisons on the side in order to cure them. seriously tho, with his knowledge, he could have easily become the best doctor sunagakure ever had. maybe not rivaling tsunade in healing, but the best at giving people new lives with new limbs. we didn't really see augmentation until boruto when a lotta people had cyber limbs which is insane to me. why did it take so long to become mainstream? ]
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hanochia · 11 months
I'm Your Hero (アイムユアヒーロー) - After the Rain Lyrics Romaji
Terebi no naka de yoku miru tsuyoi suigi no hiiro ni Kitto koreppocchi no nitenai koto wa wakatteru yo
Nakimushi komushi ga hitori tayorinai ka hosoi tede mo tsunaide bokura futari mou sabishiku wa nai hazu sa
Arifureta kotoba de Kimi ni tsutaetai koto Zutto hitori de ganbatte kita nda ne Mou daijoubu
Sekai o terasu mahou wa naishi Tokui hissatsu no waza wa dasenai Demo kanashikute tamaranai toki wa boku mo naite ageru tayorinai kimi dake no hiiro
Dareka no namida o kurai sora ni kazaru youna sekaida Chotto dake dokoka ni ikitaku naru ki mo wakaru yo Nakimushi komushi ga futari boku mo kijouna hou janai yo Moshi nakitaku nattara issho ni naite shimaou?
Aaa futari bocchi no merodi Kono sekai ga donnani kurakunatte mo Daijoubu Fugaina sanara sekaiichi de Warau yori zutto naite irukedo Demo Nagai ame ni furueru toki wa kasa o sashite ageru Yakusoku dayo kimidake no hiiroo
Dakara boku wa utau to kimetanda Kurai yoru ni mo todoku you ni Dakara boku wa utau to kimetanda Hitori kiri ni wa shinai you ni Dakara boku wa utau to kimetanda Dare ni mimuki mo sarenakutatte Soko ni kimi ga iru sore dake ga subete
Sekai o terasu mahou wa naishi Tokui hissatsu no waza wa dasenai Demo Kanashikute tamaranai toki wa boku mo naite ageru tayorinai
Kimidake no hiiroo
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Suna! Kakashi AU sounds super interesting!
Like, would Kakashi's dad still be Sakumo or some other fella from the Hidden Sand?
If Sakumo's still his dad and also living in Suna, does he fight the war on Suna's side and survive? Would Rasa eventually see him as a threat-- maybe because Sakumo's trying to help Gaara-- and assassinate him?
Since Sakumo never killed Sasori's parents, does this mean Sasori never went mad and joined the Akatsuki? Are Lady Chiyo and Sakumo close war buddies in this AU, and if they are, would Sasori, Komushi, and Kakashi be childhood friends?
Does Gai replace Kakashi in Minato's genin squad? Man, I have nothing but questions lol XD
Ohhh so many questions and i love it!
I never actually thought of who replaced Kakahs i on team Minato but Asuma or Gai seem the best options tbh, with Gai being an awesome choice cuz him and Obito would just feed each other’s energy and Minato is SO TIRED
Sakumo is actually still a Konoha shinobi in the original au but i love the idea of him being a Suna shinobi and actually aiding Suna. Imagine the troubles that would cause Konoha.
Hiruzen pulling out his hair because Suna has a shinobi stronger than the Sannin! He’s losing his mind
Sakumo and Jiraiya fought once and it was damn close but Jiraiya almost didn’t come home.
Maybe Sakumo kills one of Kakashi’s gen parents instead of Sasori’s parents
Kakashi and Sasori getting along and actually being close, with Kakashi looking up to Sasori as a ‘Senpai’.
Ahhh the possibilities!!!
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sasorifanaccount · 3 years
>Son prematurely dies >Cry to 13 year old emotionally disturbed friend about it >Son is turned into a puppet Everyone in Sunagakure clapped
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madecf · 2 years
Pinned post.
A sideblog for some ninjas!
Mun is diagnosed with both Autism and Dysthymia. Don’t expect consistent activity here :’)
This blog is headcanon heavy. Like. Seriously. You’ll notice it pretty quickly.
Don’t ever send me sexual / suggestive content. And please try to remember to tag it for me. The only people who can send me this kind of stuff are friends who have gotten my permission.
Super selective with villain au muses.
I barely know shit about the series and only mostly have secondhand info from a friend!!! Please, bear with me if I make mistakes!!
Guidelines // Muses under cut // Hub blog
Satsuma Uchiha - Cis man, pan, he/him
Miyu Uchiha - Cis woman, lesbian, she/her
Komushi - Trans boy, gay, he/him
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