#King Aguar
shadowwingtronix · 1 year
"Yesterday's" Comic> Prince Valiant Free Comic Book Day
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> Prince Valiant Free Comic Book Day
Just another family gathering for Shadiversity and Jazza. Prince Valiant: Free Comic Book Day Special Edition Fantagraphics (April, 2013) WRITER/ARTIST: Hal Foster EDITOR: Kim Thompson Prince Valiant is a long-running newspaper comic strip about a prince whose country was taken over by villains. He found a new home in Camelot, raised a family, and has had many adventures. This sampler features…
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vellz2 · 2 years
Cried a little w quackitys stream :’)
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xexyromero · 7 months
Como você acha que seria a casa/apt dos meninos e a leitora? Com plantas, biblioteca, cantinho do violão... ♥️
aiiii tópico sensível!!!
acho que seriam assim ó
enzo: tem cara de quem tem um apartamento com chão de taco. uma sala bem ampla, até maior que o quarto, com um janelão enorme. umas três estantes de livros espalhadas por tudo que é canto. uma vitrolinha marota com alguns lps antigos e novos no cantinho, junto de um violão. muitas samambaias e costelas de adão! uma cozinha organizada e um quarto bem clean daqueles que só tem a cama, a cabeceira e uma televisão.
agustin: uma casa com toda certeza!!! mas uma casa pequenininha, de um andar só, com um quintal enorme que ele cuida e cultiva várias plantinhas pra usar de tempero - e enche uma piscininha inflável pros dias de calor. tem uma energia meio bagunçada caótica meio good vibes com aquelas mantas em tie-dye meio alternativas atrás do sofá que tem uma capa estampada, sabe? o quarto numa vibe bem similar. só que com um aparelho de som babado. a moto é o xodó que fica na garagem.
fran: uma vibe pequenininha clean só que com milhões de plantas em tudo que é canto. inclusive deve ser um saco ficar responsável por aguar as plantinhas dele - missão interminável. é do time que mora em casa também, um duplexzinho numa parte mais tranquila da cidade, perto de natureza. uma escrivaninha no quarto com uma cama de madeira, um quadrinho aqui e ali de algum pôster de filme ou porta retrato dele criança. agora é tudo de um aconchego e conforto que deve ser impossível querer sair. a geladeira tem os imãs mais divertidos do mundo.
matí: um apartamento de adolescente que foi morar sozinho porque foi fazer faculdade em outra cidade, sabe? é uma bagunça tenebrosa porém bem limpinho, tá!! ele chama uma pessoa pra ajudar com a limpeza. tem uma televisão enorme com vídeo-game, um sofázinho mixuruca, pôster de tudo que é coisa na parede. no quarto dele tem até um grafite enorme que ele fez. abriu gaveta na cozinha? bufo, cemitério de pod/vape. tem um cheirinho de cigarro que ele tenta evitar. mas é aconchegante.
kuku: apartamento de adulto, sim!!! e daqueles adultos bem cult bacaninha!!! as paredes são de um tom mais creme, com alguns pôsters e quadros de muito bom gosto que ele comprou/ganhou de amigos artistas ao longo dos anos. algumas prateleiras com livros pontuais, uns ornamentos de metal, uns prêmios que ganhou quando criança. o quarto dele é daqueles planejados com uma cama king enooooorme, cheia de travisseiros. o chão é de taco também, mas é bem colorido por conta das artes e das colchas que ele usa. cheirinho de bambu, sabe?
pipe: tem camisa assinada pelo messi enquadrada em cima da cama dele e não tem alma viva que o faça tirar. foi assinado!!! pelo messi!!!! tirando isso, é um apê alto astral, bem clean, com várias fotos em preto e branco que ele tirou e emoldurou na parede. de todos é o que tem a cozinha mais legal - um balcãozão de madeira e vários utensílios. de vez em quando vai na casa do agustín pegar umas ervas fresquinhas pra cozinhar. o quintal dele só serve pra churrasqueira e pronto.
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
what are some of the most specific verbs you can think of
I realized halfway through that you were talking about REALLY specific verbs and by then it was too late.
So most of these are going to be verbs that you can actually use, just often in really specific situations. Many have other meanings today rather than what they actually meant at the time, but that's just how language is
mantear = to toss someone/something in a blanket (usually in celebration)
agonizar = to die slowly, to be dying
santiguarse = to make the sign of the cross
campeonar = to win a championship
enmadrar(se) = to become very close/attached to one's mother
afrancesar = to become like the French, to take on French mannerisms and culture, to act French
zarpar = to set sail
izar = to hoist, to raise a flag, to raise up (via ropes usually)
aguar = to water down, to add water to
acorazar = to armor up [lit. it meant "to put on a breastplate", but it has come to mean "to cover in armor" or "to add plating" similar to the verb blindar]
enramar = to cover in branches / to put in the branches
degollar = to slit someone's throat
añejar = to age [often said of wine or cheese] / to make something old
elaborar = to brew [lit. "to elaborate" or "to work on", it comes across as "to brew" for alcohol or when you're making soups or stews etc or just anything that takes a long time to get right; it kind of more literally means "to work on over a long period of time", that kind of "elaborate", but it can also mean "to elaborate" as in "to add more details"]
defenestrar = to dismiss / to throw someone out of the window
asomar(se) = to start to appear, to peek out, to lean out [it literally means "to show up upon/above", but it can be "(for a storm) to brew", or "to lean out of a window"... it also shows up in the expression hablando del rey de Roma (y por la puerta se asoma) which is "speak of the devil (and he shall appear)", but literally "speaking of the king of Rome and he leans in the doorway"]
embarrar = to cover in mud / to muddy / "to sling mud", "to play dirty" enlodar = to cover in mud
encanecer = to get gray hair, "to go gray"
ahorquillar = to make something forked / to make something look like a fork
velar = to stay awake / to stand vigil [it also means "to put on a veil", but velar as "to stay awake" is literally just no dormir "to not sleep", so it can be "to stay up all night"; the idea is related to "vigil" as in "the people who stay awake to keep watch", so it can be understood as to defend or to watch over someone especially at night]
arborizar = to forest, to plant trees
dactilografiar = to type [an old word; it literally means "to write with one's fingers", today it's usually teclar or tipear or just escribir but this especially was when people used typewriters]
emboscar = to ambush [lit. it means "to put in the woods" or "to (hide) in the woods"]
soslayar = to lay something on its side / to bypass
rociar = to spray, to sprinkle [lit. "for it to be dewy" or "for there to be dew"]
compincharse = to conspire [lit. "to become accomplices", "to accomplice oneself"]
pavonear(se) = to peacock, to parade around [lit. "to peacock", where it's related to el pavo real "peacock"; sometimes it's "to strut" and is compared to the walk of a turkey or peacock]
cabalgar = to go riding (on horseback)
encabalgar = to enjamb [in poetry], to use an enjambment / to rest upon
desengañar(se) = "to come to one's senses", to become disabused of a notion [lit. "to un-fool oneself"] / to become disappointed (by the true reality of a situation, usually)
morar = to dwell
ensimismar(se) = to become withdrawn, "to go into one's own little world"
ladrar = for a dog to bark, to bark
mugir = for a cow to moo, to moo
maullar = for a cat to meow, to meow
empalagar = to cloy, to be sickly sweet / "to lay it on thick", "to be overly kind/sweet"
engatusar = to trick (with flattery)
empanar = to bread, to coat in breadcrumbs
cecear = "to lisp" [it's related to the pronunciation of C, Z, and S; where el ceceo is excessively lisping for some people, but regionally that's an accent usually in parts of Spain]
ahijar = to adopt (a child), to care for a child as if they were your own prohijar = to adopt (a child)
amadrinar = to be a godmother, to sponsor a child (as a woman) amadrinar(se) = to become a bridesmaid
apadrinar = to be a godfahter, to sponsor a child (as a man) apadrinar(se) = to be a groomsman, to be the best man at a wedding
amainar = for wind/storms to die down [can also be used for headaches or panic attacks, generally something involuntary or a force of nature "dying down" or "stopping"]
peregrinar = to go on a pilgrimage, to make a pilgrimage
veranear = "to summer", to spend a summer somewhere
untar = to spread or smear (butter/cream cheese, anything spreadable)
amistar = to make friends, to befriend
enemistar = to make enemies
empollar = to incubate, to sit on eggs [lit. "to en-chicken" and I think that's beautiful]
parpadear = to blink [lit. "to eyelid"]
enchilar = to make spicy [lit. "to add chilis to"; it also means "to annoy", "to bother", "to make someone angry", or to feel other negative emotions in some countries - probably because "spicy" is related to "anger" or feelings of resentment in some expressions]
desahogarse = to vent, to unburden oneself, to talk about one's problems [lit. "to un-drown oneself"]
canturrear = to sing to oneself, to hum, to sing under one's breath [I think this is a mix of cantar "to sing" and tararear "to hum"]
azogar = to cover in silver / to fidget [lit. related to el azogue "quicksilver" which is the old word for mercury, it's believed azogar as "to twitch" or "fidget" is related to what people would do if they were suffering from mercury poisoning like from cinnabar]
encapuchar / encapotar = to cloak, to put a cloak on
embutir = to stuff, to pack / to stuff oneself, to pack food in your face, to wolf down
empachar, empapuciar, empapujar, empapuzar = to be sick to your stomach / to get indegestion / to eat (to the point of feeling sick) / "to be fed up", "to be sick of"
apedrear = to stone, to throw stones at someone (to death usually)
apellidar(se) = to take on a surname, to take a last name [it's also "to be called" same as llamarse but for last names - like "my last name is"]
ningunear = to give someone the cold shoulder, to ignore someone [lit. "to nobody someone"]
desamar = to fall out of love
romancear = to translate into a Romance language [usually Spanish and/or Latin; but it means something a bit different now]
callejear = to wander the streets, to gallivant
algodonar = to stuff with cotton, to bunch together a lot of cotton / to insulate or block up (usually with cotton)
esquilar = to shear (sheep) / to cut off a lot of hair, to shear
desquiciar(se) = to become unhinged [lit. it means "to come off its hinges" for doors; but it came to mean "to lose one's mind" the same way "unhinged" does in English]
encarpetar = to file away / to put in a folder / to shelve / to bury in paperwork
merendar = to have a snack / to have tea time [lit. "to have la merienda" which in some countries is translated as "a snack" or "high tea", but it's one of the meals of the day like a light lunch or second breakfast kind of thing]
anegar(se) = to flood, to become flooded/inundated
escopetear = to shoot with a shotgun
desacralizar = to demystify / to remove the holy or godly quality of something, to remove what's intimidating about something
encastillar = to fortify / to place or lock in a castle
desafinar = to be off-key, to be out of tune / "to be/sound out of whack" [usually said of the voice or musical instruments]
desahuciar = to evict / to declare something or someone to be a lost cause / to declare someone is terminally ill
trajear = to put on a suit / to look nice / to get dressed up
neologizar = to make up new words or expressions
Also, there's embarcar and desembarcar which are "to embark" and "to disembark"... but literally it means "to get on a boat" and "to get off a boat", which now extends to other stuff
Also very specific - aterrizar is "to touch down" or literally "to land on earth", so it now applies to planes "landing" or rockets coming back. But in that same vein:
amerizar = to land in the ocean
alunizar = to land on the moon
amartizar = to land on Mars
And so on... so you could say ajupiterizar for "to land on Jupiter", or aplutonar "to land on Pluto" in theory
You also have a lot of cooking verbs like this - encebollar is "to cover in onions" or "to add onions", or a very specific but useful one is hornear "to bake" which is literally "to put in the oven". There's also endulzar "to sweeten" or salar "to salt". There's also aceitar or enmantequillar which are "to oil" or "to butter", related to untar... though I believe both aceitar and untar can also mean "to bribe" [standard is sobornar] sort of like "to grease palms" in a way.
...Things that are really specific but also commonplace because of cooking
Related but you have verbs like almibarar "to cover in syrup" or "to honey", or almidonar "to starch" for clothes where it's "to add starch"
I would also add two that are in some contexts really specific - acostar(se) which is often "to sleep" or "to have sex with" literally means "to lie down on one's side"; and tumbar(se) which is also "to sleep" or "to go to bed" generally means "to lie flat on one's back" which I think is related to how bodies were placed in tombs [tumbas] hence the name
Also important note: there are many words that gained additional meanings over time, especially in technology. The prime examples are encender and apagar where encender meant "to light a fire", but it came to be "to turn on (an electronic device)" and "to turn on the lights" - similarly apagar meant "to extinguish (flames/a candle)" and now also means "to turn off electronics/lights"; these actions probably came from lighting lamps or candles etc but became different over time
Another good example is navegar "to navigate" which originally meant "to sail in a ship" which came to mean "to navigate", and also today means "to explore" or "to surf the web online" or "to browse"
And of course, who could forget desparangaricutirimicuarizar which is from a tongue twister involving a town and a volcano, don't worry about it
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diarioelpepazo · 8 months
Los Sixers siguen en caída libre. La jornada estuvo marcada por la victoria de Sacramento ante el campeón y por a octava derrota en los últimos nueve partidos de Philadelphia, en el debut del bahameño Buddy Hield Después de aguar la fiesta de Kobe en L.A., el campeón no gestionó bien el 'back to back' y se la pegó en Sacramento. Los Kings, liderados por Domantas Sabonis dieron un golpe en la mesa contra los Denver en el día en el que empezaron a debutar los jugadores en sus nuevos equipos. KINGS 135 - NUGGETS 106 Los Kings se hicieron fuertes en casa ante los vigentes campeones y los dominaron con un triple doble de 17 puntos, 17 rebotes y diez asistencias de Domantas Sabonis. El serbio Nikola Jokic no pudo rescatar a los Nuggets pese a sus 23 puntos, ocho rebotes y siete asistencias. CELTICS 133 - WIZARDS 129 Los Celtics sumaron vigésima quinta victoria de la temporada en el TD Garden de Boston, donde solo perdieron tres veces. Ganaron a los Wizards, penúltimos en el Este, con 35 puntos, 10 rebotes y 8 asistencias de Jayson Tatum y con 34 puntos y once rebotes de Kristaps Porzingis. BUCKS 120 - HORNETS 84 Los Bucks aplastaron en casa a los Hornets guiados por 26 puntos y ocho asistencias de Damian Lillard. El griego Giannis Antetokounmpo aportó un doble doble de quince puntos y catorce asistencias para unos Bucks que zanjaron una racha de tres derrotas consecutivas. Los Hornets, que solo metieron 38 puntos en la primera mitad, acumulan diez derrotas consecutivas. 76ERS 121 - HAWKS 127 Siguen en caída libre los 76ers, que no levantan la cabeza tras la lesión de menisco sufrida por su líder Joel Embiid. La que sufrieron ante los Hawks fue la cuarta derrota seguida y la octava en los últimos nueve partidos. Trae Young, con 37 puntos y doce asistencias, fue el protagonista del triunfo de los Hawks. A los 76ers no les bastaron los 28 puntos y doce rebotes de Kelly Oubre ni los 20 puntos de Buddy Hield en su debut. RAPTORS 107 - ROCKETS 104 Immanuel Quickley, con 25 puntos, y RJ Barrett, con 21 puntos, dieron a los Raptors un triunfo contra los Rockets de Ime Udoka, que habían conseguido recortar a un punto una desventaja de 19 unidades en la apertura del cuarto período. El mejor de los texanos fue Dillon Brooks, con 20 puntos. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca/EFE
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notes-from-sarah · 7 years
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King Aguar is legit hardcore.
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epineclaire · 6 years
More Information on Thule that may or may not be relevant to QoAaD and TWP
So, I have already posted on Thule in Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic poem, but of course, that is not the only work of literature that mentions the mythical land. Indeed, it’s been the subject of many writings (philosophical, literary, geographical, and historical) It’s been mentioned in Virgil’s pastoral poem ‘The Georgics’, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ‘Ultima Thule’, and many others! 
In Sir Walter Scott’s poem ‘Songs of the Mermaids and Mermen” (another favorite of mine!) Thule is the land of Mer-people (didn’t Clary want to see a Mermaid in Our Waking Souls?)   
In ‘Prince Valiant’ a comic by Hal Foster published in 1937 and based on Arthurian Legend, Aguar, Prince Valiant’s father is King of Thule. I other Arthurian-based legends, The Holy Grail is found in Thule.  (My guess is Thule will be very important to TWP which as we know will be based on Arthurian Legend)
In Celtic mythology, Thule is considered the land of faeries, or in other versions of the myth, to the land to which faeries retired! (mentioned in Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales) 
And more recently, The Way Past Winter by Kiran Hargrave also features Thule as the land of winter and the Fae. 
****Now another reference that is quite sensitive, so apologies if it makes you feel uncomfortable:
In Nazi Germany, the occultic group known as The Thule Society maintained that Thule was inhabited by the purest species on earth, the Hyperboreans. The species was according to them the offspring of angels and mortals...in other words Nephilim! Psychologist Dr. Wilhelm Dahm describes these Nephilim as “A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century.” (1985) ****So could it be a land of the Nephilim?
This is a very brief, objective, literature review on Thule (not from Wikipedia) as I have noticed that a lot of people are relying on Wikipedia and I personally don’t think CC will rely on the information found there to create her version of Thule; she would’ve researched it more deeply. And I am not sure how @cassandraclare is going to use it but I hope she does it justice because Thule is one of the most fascinating mysteries in our history! 
I would love to hear your thoughts! 
(Posted 9/11/18)
If you use anything mentioned here, or in any of my other posts, please make sure you give credit! 
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afistfulofgoblins · 6 years
Session Recap - 24 - May - 18
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Played in Roll20.net
The party, which consists of Tiefling Zinro Blackfire, Dwarf Jemma D’arvid, Half-orc Sgt. Thrak, and Halfling Corrin Leagallow are hired to collect a bounty on a Half-orc named Gromak Bloodreaver in Samorica.
After leaving the mysterious crashing ship to continue on their intended path, the adventurers camp out for the night
Old Man Samuel points them to the direction of their meeting place, where he met with the goblins to provide them information of Aguar’s weak spots
The party learns that the goblins were travelling with a human that has a disfigured and scarred face
After daybreak, the party rides out into the meeting place
Upon arriving, the party spots a battle between lizardfolk and goblins
The party notes that the goblins formed a spear wall and seemed to be using advanced martial tactics despite the physical advantage of their opponents
The party decides to assist the lizardfolk against the goblins
Little by little they attack the spearwall, breaking their formation
The leader of the goblins start to rout
Corrin faced a hairy situation with the goblin leader, but was assisted promptly by Jemma
Eventually, the goblins perish.
The lizardfolk explains the goblin ambush and raids of their camps, and this particular group has been the target of their revenge
The party finds caged Pablo, Samuel’s neighbor and conspirator of the goblin deal.
Zinro intimidates Pablo into forking over information.
Pablo reveals that he sent Corazon, Samuel’s daughter off to the goblins because of the failed raid of Aguar.
Corazon is to be detained in Isychus and tried within a year.
Samuel bids the party farewell and hopes for their return after a year, leaving his horses with the party.
The party continues on to Aguar.
After arriving, the party learns that the King of Isychus, Lios IX is visiting the town for a possible summit with the King of Alterra and the Empress of Quaria.
Thrak is approached by someone introducing themselves as a guild representative of The Withered Mindflayer, asking them to follow him to the local guild house.
Before reaching the guild house, the representative is peppered by bolts and drops dead.
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notes-from-sarah · 7 years
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Val sitting on the arm of his daddy’s chair asking him for advice, it’s so adorable.
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notes-from-sarah · 7 years
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What can I say, you gotta love these two.
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notes-from-sarah · 7 years
Fathers and Sons - A Day Dedicated to Valiant and Aguar
Today’s posts will all revolve around Val and his father Aguar.
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