#Kibum is like hey do you want. Do you want to go out and. And like kiss for real. Maybe
Kibum/Taemin; Embarrassing.; PG
"Cool," Taemin says. He takes the uncrustable and the icee and scans them both. He watches Kibum as he does, something that he always does because working this job must be muscle memory for him by now. Honestly, this entire interaction is muscle memory for both of them. Every night it's the same transaction, the same conversation. In just a second Taemin is going to tell him his total is $3 even, Kibum is going to give him the $3, Taemin is going to say thank you come again, and Kibum is going to say thank you, take his things, and leave. It's always the same.
"Your total is $3 and a kiss."
Embarrassment is purely a public emotion. All embarrassment stems from the emotional response to how other people perceive something that you're doing. Even when you're home alone and you do something to embarrass yourself, what you're really responding to is internalized social stigma against things like being yourself and having fun and doing a weird little wiggly dance in front of the toaster because you wanted to. It's what would someone else think that floats in the back of your brain uninvited, not any real personal judgment onto yourself. So logically, if there's no one around to see the embarrassing thing, you shouldn't be embarrassed. If no one can hear the embarrassing thought, then it's not embarrassing in the first place.
All of this Kibum tells himself as he sits in his car in the parking lot of the corner store at 2 in the morning, both hands griping the steering wheel so tight it kind of hurts. It's his usual routine every day that he gets off of work and comes here to grab an icee and an uncrustable before he heads home.
If no one can hear his embarrassing thoughts, then they're not embarrassing. They're just thoughts. That he's having. That are neutral. And are not being judged by anyone except his own brain. Which is is also the thing that is thinking all of these thoughts right now. So, logically, when he walks into the store and greets the cashier, his brain will apply these logical, rational, factual thoughts instead of all the emotional judgmental thoughts projected onto him by society and he will not be embarrassed.
Yes. Good. Yes. Kibum slaps his steering wheel twice, unbuckles his seat belt, and gets out of his car.
He hops up onto the curb, pushes open the glass door, scans the shop’s harsh fluorescent light, locks eyes with the cashier, and is immediately embarrassed.
"Welcome," Taemin mumbles, just like always, elbow propped on the counter, chin propped in his hand. Wavy blond hair falling into his eyes. Cheeks pocked with acne scars, eyelids droopy, lips puffy and shapeless. Bright green work uniform awful against his skin.
Kibum's heart skips in his chest and he doesn't even know what he says back before he's turning into an aisle to hide his face before he gets all red.
It's so embarrassing! He's just, like, some fucking dude. He's just an average little gremlin that can barely stay awake at his shitty awful job and has not said more than 30 unique words to Kibum in over a year but he puts butterflies in Kibum's stomach and that is so. Fucking. Embarrassing.
Kibum grabs an uncrustable reflexively as he passes them, not even checking to make sure he has the right kind as he barrels all the way to the back of the store for the icee machine. Grabbing a large cup, he starts filling it up alternating back and forth between strawberry and watermelon. His hand goes cold holding the cup the entire time, a very uncomfortable contrast to the way he can feel his face getting hotter and hotter.
When it's all the way full up, he takes a minute to just hold the cup against his forehead and try to calm down.
This is also part of his nightly routine.
He rolls the cup back and forth across his face, breathing deep and trying to fill his head with rational logical thinking brain thoughts again instead of cute boy make heart go wheeeeee thoughts. There is nothing for him to be embarrassed about. Taemin looks the way he looks and that is neutral. Kibum likes the way he looks and that is neutral. Taemin has the job that he has and that is neutral. None of these things deserve judgement and the negative judgment that they do receive is not fair and should be ignored.
In fact, if Kibum were further along in his whole self-confidence kick, he would dare to say that these statements are something to be celebrated and appreciated. But he's not that far yet, so he will stick to neutral. If he is neutral then there is nothing to be embarrassed about and he should not be embarrassed.
And even before all of that, if Taemin does not even know that Kibum has crush on him, then the lack of his opinion means that there is nothing to be embarrassed about anyway. If there is no outside perception of Kibum's internal emotion, then there is no embarrassment.
Yes. Good. Yes. Kibum slaps his own cheek twice, then turns around and confidently walks himself up to the front counter. This, at least, is something that he's always been good at. Fake it till you make it has gotten him through his entire life and it's not going to stop now just because it's harder than usual. Taemin blinks slowly at him as he approaches, eyelids droopier and cuter than usual, and Kibum is focusing so hard on keeping a straight face that he doesn't even hear what he mumbles.
Luckily, it's the same thing every night: "Did you find everything you wanted?" So Kibum has a practiced answer ready to go.
"Yep," he says. "Bedtime snacks again."
"Cool," Taemin says. He takes the uncrustable and the icee and scans them both. He watches Kibum as he does, something that he always does because working this job must be muscle memory for him by now. Honestly, this entire interaction is muscle memory for both of them. Every night it's the same transaction, the same conversation. In just a second Taemin is going to tell him his total is $3 even, Kibum is going to give him the $3, Taemin is going to say thank you come again, and Kibum is going to say thank you, take his things, and leave. It's always the same.
"Your total is $3 and a kiss."
Kibum doesn't even know why he's always so stressed about coming in–
"Come on. Right here." Taemin leans forward halfway over the counter, tapping just under his bottom lip with one of his weird little fingers. "I know you want to." He looks straight at Kibum with his dark eyes and–oh no. He's smiling.
That's the worst thing about it. That he's smiling, smirking, a wicked hook on the corner of his lips like he's daring Kibum to do it.
Actually, scratch that. The worst thing about it is that he's smiling at Kibum and Kibum has never seen him smile before and it's knocked him so breathless that it is literally the only thing he can think about. That and how Taemin somehow fucking knows about his crush. So he's just standing here, hot from his head to his toes, staring at Taemin's mouth, not moving. Which is, by all definitions of the word, fucking embarrassing.
Especially because Taemin isn't moving either. He's just sitting there. Watching Kibum. Smirking. Tapping his lip. Waiting.
"You don't want to steal, do you?" he asks.
Well, of course Kibum doesn't want to steal. His $3 hangs limp in his hand, forgotten almost as he tries to process the situation and figure out what the fuck he should do.
His brain spins a roulette wheel of every possible reaction he could have and comes up with "fuck it."
He leans over the counter, meeting Taemin halfway and, with only a fraction of a second's hesitation, presses their mouths together.
Not for super long. Or super deep. Just long and deep enough to feel it as a kiss, to feel Taemin's mouth moving to fit better against his, to feel the fingers Taemin brushes under his chin.
And when he pulls back, heart going a hundred miles an hour and brain completely stopped, Taemin is still smiling at him. Softer now with his fingers curled against his cheek and smushing his lips up lopsided. He licks his lips, looking Kibum up and down, and then waves the little hand that he still has on the counter.
"See you tomorrow," he hums.
Kibum has no idea how to reply to that, so he doesn't. He takes his things and leaves the store.
One good thing about being absolutely shut the fuck down is that he manages to drive all the way home and get into bed before he comes back to himself enough to dissolve into a flustered, embarrassed mess. And then at least he's comfortable while he does it.
Embarrassment is an emotion that lives nestled in with Taemin's soul and always has. He's a weird little gremlin and people make fun of him for it all the time. When he's by himself, it's not a problem and he actually thinks that he is a pretty cool weird little gremlin. It's just that he hates being perceived by other people. Or, he hates the way that other people perceive him. Because the way that other people perceive him is usually negatively.
Realistically, that's probably not true. People probably don't judge him half as much as he thinks that they do. But either way, the way that he perceives other people perceiving him makes him feel embarrassed almost all the time. It's his default emotion, honestly, when he's out in public, and it got so annoying that instead of experiencing it he decided to shut down his emotions around other people a long time ago.
So, like, he's chill with it now. Because he can't feel the emotion of embarrassment if he doesn't have any emotions anymore. He can't be embarrassed if he doesn't care about the judgment that other people project onto him. It's cool. He's cool. It is not a problem.
But what is the problem is that for the very first time in his life, Taemin is embarrassed of himself.
Cute uncrustable boy is sitting outside in his car getting ready to come in and Taemin has his face firmly in his hands trying to get the fuck over himself before that happens. He just. He's so. What the fuck.
He cannot believe the dream that he had last night. Of all the times he's dozed off at work he's never had a dream so fucking flustering and realistic.
$3 and a kiss.
He takes his face out of his hands but only to transfer it onto the glass countertop, banging his forehead against it gently. God. Fuck. What the fuck. In what fucking universe would he actually have the confidence to say that. Not this one. And the fact that he dreamed it–not even just that, but that he dreamed that Kibum actually fell for it and kissed him–fuck.
Never in his life has Taemin judged himself this harshly before, but fuck, he's making up for all of it right now. Trust him to get such a big crush on someone so cool that the only way he could ever confess was in his dreams. What a fucking. Loser. Loser gremlin boi, that's him. That's–
The door chimes as Kibum steps inside and Taemin pops up immediately, back to his default casual slouch at the counter. Fuck. There he is. Cute and regular and tired. Grungy denim jacket on over his roller rink work uniform as usual. New piercings dotting his ears. Scars on his cheek and eyebrow, hair blue this week, lips–
"Welcome," Taemin says, forcing himself to look literally anywhere except Kibum's lips. He's so focused on keeping a straight face that he doesn't even hear what Kibum says back to him before he turns down an aisle to grab his stuff.
Once he disappears behind the shelves, Taemin's face is right back in his hands. If tonight goes according to routine, he has about three minutes before Kibum comes back to buy his stuff. Three minutes for Taemin to calm himself down and get his shit together. Three minutes for him to stop thinking about his dream. About Kibum's mouth on his. About how soft it was, how the taste of watermelon lingered on Taemin's lips after, how the dream was so vivid that the more he thinks about it, the more Taemin remembers it as if it actually happened.
This isn't helping.
You don't want to steal, do you?
Neither is that. Taemin waves his hand in front of his face quickly, back and forth, trying to stim his way out of embarrassment. It doesn't work like it normally does but it does help a little bit. Enough to calm himself down enough to follow some little thought pathways in his brain.
It was a dream. It was not real. Kibum does not know that he has a crush on him and thinks about kissing him a lot and had that dream about him. The only person that Taemin embarrassed himself in front of was himself. And that's not great; that's definitely something that he's going to have to work on and get over, but it does mean that there is no reason why Kibum would start acting different around him. There is no reason to be nervous or flustered around him. For once the judgment is coming from inside rather than out, so for once there's no reason to worry about how someone else is perceiving him. Taemin is good. He's cool. He's calm.
He's calm just in time, because right when he's threading his fingers through his hair, Kibum is approaching the counter with his uncrustable and his icee.
"Did you find everything you wanted?" pops out of his mouth automatically. He swears, he's been working here for three years and he has to have said that over a million times. Usually he hates his work programming, but at least now it's helping him not fall apart.
"Sure did," Kibum smiles. He's smiling more than usual tonight, Taemin thinks. More confidently, maybe, though maybe that's just because he himself is feeling so unconfident. Either way, as Taemin grabs his things to scan them, Kibum leans one hand on his counter and the other hand on his hip and smiles back at him with his sharp eyes and soft dimples and mischievous little mouth and–
"Your total is $3," Taemin says before he starts thinking about Kibum's mouth again.
And, for some reason, Kibum's smile curls up just at the right corner. His left eyebrow, the one with the scar, arches up at the same time.
"No kiss this time?" he asks, light and smooth and confident.
"I–muh–bwuh–what?" Taemin asks, heavy and shaky and confused. He drops the uncrustable, then scrambles to pick it back up and feels it squish messily inside the bag when he grabs it too hard. What the fuck? "What do–what–?"
"Hey, come on," Kibum smiles, leaning closer over the counter. "You can't start acting all shy now." He's not just smiling now; he's smirking, and it's so fucking gorgeous and intimidating and teasing and just straight-up attractive that it leaves Taemin breathless. He's absolutely knocked the fuck out and he doesn't even know how it happened. So he's just standing there, flustered from his head to his toes, staring at Kibum's mouth, blinking nervously as he tries to figure it out.
He can't start acting all shy. He can't start acting all shy now. Which means that there was some moment in time where he wasn't being shy?
Kibum leans his elbow on the counter, tapping just under his bottom lip with his pointer finger. Taemin swallows loudly. That's familiar from somewhere. That's familiar from–wait.
"Come on," Kibum says, locking eyes with Taemin like he's daring him to do it. "Right here, right?"
"That actually fucking happened last night?”
It blurts out of him, falls from his lips and splats hard on the counter in between them. And it's loud; louder than Taemin has ever spoken inside of the store. Louder than he's probably ever spoken on a normal day outside of the store. Not as loud as the current screaming inside of his own head. But almost.
And it keeps going: "I didn't–I wasn't dreaming? I actually said that? I really–oh my fucking god." His face slaps hard into his hands, elbows banging hard against the counter as he dies inside. As he absolutely fucking perishes inside. As his whole entire soul leaves his body and ascends into the cosmos, leaving his body down here, on fire and buzzing with what has to be the biggest embarrassment anyone has ever felt.
"What–you didn't mean to–you thought you were dreaming and I fucking did it anyway? I really–oh my fucking god."
There's a slap and a bang on his counter that, if Taemin wasn't so busy spontaneously combusting, would have registered it as exactly the same as what he just did 10 seconds ago.
But he doesn't, so both of them just stand there, faces in their hands, suffering, sharing this moment of embarrassment together.
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acebytaemin · 25 days
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ooooo personally I would love to know which songs you think are skz's best songs 👀 (if you want to share of course 💕)
HI raf first of all MWAH💖 you’re always thee sweetest tysm for asking & sorry it’s taken me a little bit of time but im here and READY. now this could take me as much time as i allow myself to type as i am quite the enjoyer of skz music (idk if you’ve noticed 🙈) so i decided to go for a reasonable number of 10 random faves (with commentary because well. it’s me) in signature ana proust style novel form with no real order bc that would be agony and they have TOO many damn songs. under the cut because well. you’ll see why.
any (balkan KINGS that song is on my blog at least 20 times i wish i was joking. GOES STEWPIDDDD. the rest of the songs aren’t really in order but any and ttath share number one FIRMLY)
ttath (experimental skzies is skzies at their best and i will always stand by that. when lino jokingly called this his fav skzies song i was both delighted and ready to fight (making mockery out of MY girl.. preposterous))
cover me (had NO idea hyunjin (producer) had ALL THAT in him. it’s ostensibly hard to make me love a ballad but this one’s in my top 5 skz songs it goes absolutely STUPID. the bridge/last chorus seungmin -> chan -> lino run is earth shattering)
FNF (imagine me leaving the ‘im crying in the club’ comment that had kibum going ‘you’re in the club?’ bangchan give me another club banger im holding you at gunpoint.)
on that note. GOING DUMBBBBBB i need your successor right now. i want you i love you. you’re my girl forever. gunpoint point stands.
DLMLU (SO many people weren’t that impressed and that makes me lose my mind. this is my favorite genre of song. makes me feel something incrementally similar to the emotions become undone by shinee invokes which speaks for itself more than any words i could ever say)
i hate to admit (IF IT HAS ONE MILLION FANS I AM ONE OF THEM IF IT HAS ONE HUNDRED FANS I AM ONE OF THEM IF ITS ONE FAN ITS ME IF THERE’S NO ONE I AM DEAD‼️ im telling you i NEED a mashup of chan’s current solos x this to produce the silk shirt rnb desperate begging hey lover by boyz II men & ll cool j chan track of my dreams. or at LEAST give me rehab by rihanna. SOMETHING anything.)
every 3racha song but let’s talk about ZONE right now (monumental. abysmal. han opens it all politely cutely then changes the flow to more dark then gets rude with it (switching up his flow is his specialty to me he’s so good at it and this song is a perfect showcase of that) and the chorus is good fun and all but when SEO CHANGBIN goes IN. that dude is out of his mind that’s all im saying lest we stay here all night)
phobia (IM STUCK WITH A PHOBIA !!! same genre as dlmlu in my sick and twisted mind bc they’re both absolutely desperate with it. different styles but same raw emotion. Obsessed. headbanging as we speak.)
STOP/road not taken (MMMOOOOREEEEEE of this. i do have a bit of a bone to pick w most of their earlier stuff in view of production but when they got it they GOTTTT ITTTTT)
and this is track 11 actually but who’s counting. can i talk about hanji for a second? let me talk about hanji for a second. VOLCANO i had no idea about that song until like a month ago LMAO and it’s been on my mind all the time. the lyrics bring me to my knees and i absolutely love his flow i think he’s my fav skz rapper actually. he has such a special way of expressing emotion and i know he loves to play w autotune but i just can’t help but wish there were less effects on his voice just to Feel it more but we’ll get there someday. absolutely gorgeous is my point.
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mingiwife21 · 25 days
Say it baby....
DIlf DoyoungXNamed reader (legal age gap reader is 20 do young is 47) (lowkey forgot to add condom so just say reader has birth control)
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Kai’s pov:
*I walked into the kitchen in my baggy shirt and small lace panties very tired from the party last night*
“Hmm, I should make some food. Damn did my dad not go shopping?” *i say looking in the fridge to see a half empty fridge and grab out coffee creamer milk and whipped cream with coco syrup*
*i settle for my coffee making it just the way i love*
*Doyoung pov: * i watched Kibum's Daughter Kairah walk into the kitchen and make her coffee while i tried very hard not to stare at her shirt lifting showing her pretty ass and i look at her turn around and drop her coffee and the glass break and cut her legs and thigh*
Omg kairah Im so sorry *I swiftly got up from the table*
*i picked her up by her waist bringing her to the bathroom sitting her on the sink counter as i grabbed the first aid kit*
Hey i want you to take deep breaths for me it may burn ok angel? *i watch her slowly nod her head as i begin to clean her cuts and bandage them* * i touch her thigh lifting her shirt a little to clean the cut on her thigh my face close to her stomach i watch her bite her lip and close her eyes as i pretend not to notice and put a bandaid on her thigh*
*i smirk a little as i test her a little breathing softly against her thighs as i rub circles on her knee before standing up and asking her to bend over the sink so i can check the back of her legs and thighs*
I smirk as she follows my orders* your such a good girl so eager to please me
M- Mr K-Kim what do you mean ? *she asks softly*
* i let out a chuckle and stand directly behind her my crotch pressed against her ass* I think you know what i mean my pretty angel * i say whispering in her ears*
*kai's pov: * i couldn't believe this is happening my dads best friend was so close to me* Mr Kim i- * he laughs*
Do you want me kairah like I know you do ? *he asks leaving little kisses on my shoulders*
*I let out a small moan and nod my head too afraid my voice will give out if i answer but he simply isn't satisfied with my nod*
*he turns me around and grabs my chin* Use your words pretty……
*i look at him* i want you so bad sir i want you to ruin me so bad i can help but think of you all the time
*He smirks and says something that leaves me speechless*
I could tell that you wanted me by the way you moaned my name last night after your parents went to bed i arrived with my luggage hearing your oh so slutty moans of my name*
Follow me darling * he says helping me to the guest bedroom*
* I follow him into the room and he sits me down on the bed and begins to take his white t-shirt off and untie his gray sweatpants*
How bad do you want me baby? * i look at him before removing my damped panties showing him how wet i was * i want you so bad Mr.kim
You can call me doyoung this time, ok love? * i nod at him watching him get on his knees in front of me and spread my legs * i feel his breath against my clit and it makes me clench around nothing* such a dirty girl for me, Love. * he smirks as he begins to slowly lick my clit kissing it ever so gently and licking slowly but intensely*
*I let out soft moans slightly embarrassed and shy* come on love let
‘ me hear you baby i wanna hear how good i make you feel *he tells me grabbing my chin to look at him and lets out a chuckle as i close my eyes to shy to look at him*
The way you act with your friends is so different from the way you act with me all bark but not a single bite *he smiles at me lovingly*
Mr. m- I mean Doyoung please make me cum i wanna be a good girl and cum for you …..
*Doyoung removes his boxers as he begins to line himself up with my wet cunt and holds my hand as he push into me* “ Take a deep breath for me honey~
I nod my head squeezing his hand a little as he fills me up*
He waits a minute or two before asking* Can I move honey? Yes please sir please fuck me sir * i say looking at him in his eyes that were full of not lust but love*
* He then begins his thrusts slow but somewhat harsh and lets out the prettiest whiny groans and he looks at me enjoying my face show signs of pleasure with each thrust i let out whimpers and moans along with a few curses*
Sir please i love it so much please fuck me harder Doyoung* i say in a whine*
*Doyoung smirks at me before going harder and slightly faster with his thrusts*
You love my cock right darling~ * i nod my head but he lightly taps my face* Say it baby Show it baby Prove it baby * he grins at me*
Yes doyoung i love it so much it makes me feel so good * i let out a gasp as he begins to play with my nipples taking one between his fingers and the other in his mouth*
Oh fuck im so close Daddy~ * i say without thinking*
Daddy? * he grins at me * I like that love ..
Please daddy make me cum you fuck me so good * i scream out*
*he speeds up his pace and and i feel the knot in my stomach tighten and i finally cum around his cock*
Daddy shit i'm cumming * i say closing my eyes and i hear him say me too*
I lay next to him after he cleans up our mess and he plays with my hair and kisses me*
Mr. Kim, I love you …. * he smiles at me* i love you too baby~
So am I yours now sir? You're always gonna be my girlfriend, baby.
* i yawn sleepily and close my eyes heading to sleep*
*8pm* * i woke up seeing Doyoung was gone and hearing yelling and curses and i hear my name* oh no!
(author note: this was a really old fic i made back in 2022 but I realized I never posted it after logging into my Google's docs after a while
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dibidibifiction · 2 months
Give Me A Hug: Chapter 4
Pairing: Taemin x Female Reader Word count: 1.4k
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction made for the personal entertainment of readers. The writer does not ever intend to offend her readers nor does she aim to spread false information about anyone so as to pay any disrespect to the real-life persons on whom the characters are based. She also does not claim ownership of any of the images that are being used.
chapter 3
masterlist general masterlist
. . .
I sit and stare at Taeseon Hyung sleeping in his hospital bed. I didn’t think we’d be back here again. He had been well for almost two years. Now the doctor has informed me that fluid has once again taken over his lungs. My brother never deserved this. He still has a full life ahead of him. 
It was hard for me to get along with him when we were kids. He’s the perfect son. He got straight A’s, won awards, at the top of all his classes. I sat in the audience cheering for him while I felt all this jealousy growing up. Despite that, I didn’t want to like him. That’s why I rebelled a lot when I got freedom during my university days with Kibum and Minho. When I failed two major courses senior year, Taeseon was there to help me out. He paid for both classes and supported me until I graduated. 
Tears form and fall from my eyes. As I wipe my face with my palm, I head outside the room. Y is sitting in the waiting area. She’s waited for hours even though she doesn’t know what’s going on. I check the time and it reveals that it’s almost midnight. 
“Y,” I call her out in a low voice so she doesn’t startle.
“Oh, hey. Is everything all right?” she asks.
Before I can respond I hear running footsteps coming toward us. It’s Minho. I texted him earlier that I was in the hospital because of my brother. “Taemin, I came as soon as I read your message.”
“He’s resting now,” I inform him.
He nods, out of breath.
“Hyung,” I hesitate. “Could you do me a favor and take Y home? I was supposed to drive her but-”
“Sure,” he agrees at once without question.
“No,” Y intervenes. “It’s okay. I’ll just take a cab home.”
“Are you sure?” I feel a little guilty for making her wait and not being able to drive her home.
“Yes, really, I’m fine,” she gives me a tiny smile, assuring me that there’s nothing to feel bad about. “You should stay here with him,” she turns to Minho.
“At least let me call for a taxi for you,” I insist.
She nods. “Okay.”
I look at Minho to tell him to take over for a few minutes.
“Of course. Go,” he says, not needing me to say another word.
Y and I walk down the street just outside the hospital. Nobody has talked for a while. Despite the silence, I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. Somehow, I feel safe when I’m with her. I feel comforted by just her presence.
“Look, if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call me,” she stops and breaks the silence. She takes her phone from her pocket, unlocks it, and hands it over to me.
I take it without saying a word. I feel gratitude toward Y. It’s not every day you find someone you just met who would care enough to go with you to the hospital and wait hours for you. I dial my number on her phone and my phone vibrates in my pocket. “Here.” I hand it back to her.
“Thanks for a fun night,” she says.
“I’m sorry it didn’t end well. I promise it will be different next time.”
“Please. There’s nothing to apologize for. I’m just glad there’s a next time.”
I smile at her, glad that she’s here for me. Too bad she has to go home.
The taxi I called for appears on the road. I extend my arm to let the driver know that we were the ones who called for him. He shifts to our side of the street.
I pull the handle to open the door for Y. “Please take her home safely,” I say to the driver respectfully. 
She hops in and closes the door gently beside her.
I can see her waving at me through the glass window. I wave back as the car starts to drive away. I watch it disappear from sight. I miss her already.
When I get home, I walk straight to the kitchen to get some water and sit on a stool under the counter. I haven’t drunk anything besides my cocktail at the bar. I’m parched. 
Before I get there, I instantly see Jonghyun standing in front of the refrigerator pouring a pitcher of cold water into an empty glass. He looks like he’s been sleeping and woke up to get hydrated.
“I’m home,” I announce my arrival.
“Hey, how was your night?” he asks before yawning.
“It was great,” I say while pouring another glass of water for myself. “Until we had to go to the hospital.”
“What happened?”
“Taemin’s brother. Something’s wrong with him.” I drink my water.
“Oh, I remember he had pulmonary edema years ago. I came to visit that one time,” Jonghyun tells me.
Turns out it’s a relapse. I didn’t want to ask Taemin before because I didn’t want to seem nosy and annoying while they were going through heavy stuff. Plus, we just met. It’s natural to not discuss burdensome problems on the first day. Just like I haven’t told him why I’m getting a divorce.
Jonghyun sets down his glass and puts the pitcher back in the fridge. “I’m going back to bed,” he says as he throws his arms up to stretch his body. He then heads to his bedroom. “Turn off the lights before you go in.”
“Wait,” I stop him. “What’s your schedule for tomorrow?”
“Hmm, I’m going to the gym in the morning. I will be going to work at 1 p.m.” 
“Great. I’ll drive you. We should get lunch before.” I’m glad I’m back to doing this with him. Instead of sitting around at home doing nothing. I know I could paint, but that’s all I did when I was living with my husband. That’s all he could allow me to do for myself.
The next morning, I’m thinking I shouldn’t wear heels after what happened with Taemin yesterday. I don’t want to ruin somebody else’s shirt. So I’m wearing a pair of white sneakers and matching them with a white collared shirt, a black sweater, and light blue mom jeans. Casual and comfortable. 
When I get out of my bedroom, I hear the front door shut as Jonghyun dashes in with his gym bag. 
“I’ll just take a shower and get dressed then we’ll leave.”
“Okay,” I say to him.
I head to his bedroom and gather all the stuff he needs for today. His notebooks, contracts, and extra clothes. While I’m stuffing things in my bag, I hear his phone’s ringtone blast from his gym bag. Upon checking it, I see Nam Euisoo’s name pop up. “Hello?” I answer.
“Hello, who’s this? Where’s Jonghyun?” Nam Euisoo is Jonghyun’s main manager who’s in charge of bigger responsibilities than me. I’m just here to get beverages, bring stuff, and run errands for them.
“Euisoo, it’s Y.”
“Y! Have you been well?” It’s good to hear he’s enthusiastic to know that I’m back.
“Don’t worry about Jonghyun. I’ll drive him around from now on. He’s just taking a shower.”
“Oh, thank God. Okay, I’ll see you at the office,” he says before hanging up. Looks like he’s been busy.
I figured I should stay as Jonghyun’s assistant for now while my divorce is being finalized. Besides, I like doing it and maybe I could go back into styling eventually. 
Jonghyun comes out of the bathroom wearing his robe. I tell him about my conversation with Euisoo as I step out of his bedroom to let him get ready.
As I wait for him, I check my phone and see a message from Taemin.
Thanks for being there for me last night.
I smile at my phone. I wonder if I should ask how it’s going. 
Don’t mention it. How’s your brother?
He will be discharged in a few days and carry on the treatment at home.
It must be difficult for him to see his brother fight an illness. I admire that he’s being there for him. After a minute, my phone dings. He sent another message.
We should go out again sometime if you want.
My heart flutters the second I read it. Normally, after a recent divorce, you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else for a while. Lucky for me, a nice guy like Taemin has taken an interest in me. It’s not like it’s an official date. It’s just a casual gathering between two new friends. 
I’d love to.
chapter 5 (coming soon)
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gayashawol · 4 months
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I have no title for this story lol
ships: Kim Kibum x AFAB black neutral reader
genre: smut + fluff
word count: 1000+ words
content warning(s): usage of fem words such as pussy, clit, folds, hole, but the reader isn’t implied to have breasts even though he keeps TOUCHING THEM-
author's notes: ngl i’m so surprised i decided to do keykey out of all members i’ve been doing jonghyun fics for far too long lol
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Immediately upon arriving, Kibum was already too quick with you that he jumped on the opportunity to kiss your lips and pull your body towards his until there was no space left for the both of you. He then sat on a nearby couch, patting on his lap which would be an indicator of where he wants you to be right now.
“Come closer…” Kibum’s spoken in a seductive tone, pulling you towards him from your hips. The moment you laid your ass on his lap, you felt a brick pressing against your folds, it was obvious what he was doing when he started rubbing on you.
“Mmm yes… you always make me so hard…” He went on to dig into your shirt, feeling your entire body while he smooches your neck.
He knew he wanted to fuck you already, but you came in not too long ago, and he felt like it would be rude if he asked like that. His hand was on your nipple, squeezing it like milk was going to come out of it while he thought about how he was going to go about telling you.
“O-oh… sorry- I wanted to ask if you feel comfortable… having sex right now.” You nodded to Kibum’s question, and excitement flowed through him. He wanted to be inside your pretty body ever since the last time the both of you saw each other. Now, it was in his house. He seemed like he cleaned well, despite having two dogs in the house.
“Hey… I can eat you out first, right?” He went down to his knees, looking directly at your crotch while also looking up and waiting for your answer. Once you did, he pulled down your pants and began rubbing on your clit. As you felt a bit more wet, he went to use his tongue and slid in between your folds before making his way to the most sensitive part of your clit.
He felt yourself moaning out of pleasure, opening your legs wider and placing them on top of Kibum’s back — holding onto him from the head when you wanted him to come close enough to stimulate you more.
Kibum loves that sense of control, feeling your hands at the back of his head pushing further in while he almost suffocates from your wet pussy. He began to crave more, so he paused to grab his BDSM kit for him to show you. There, he shows a collar and tells you to put it on him. You place it around his neck, holding the rope that follows him as he tells you how to use it.
“If I’m not listening, pull on that rope.” He tells you, holding your hand like he was in love with you.
Seeing that you were in control, you told Kibum to continue licking you. He promptly did what he was asked to do, and you sighed over the pure pleasure he was giving you before you lost control and jerked forward, pushing his head towards your pussy.
“Mmm… you’re so fucking tasty baby…” Kibum couldn’t keep his hands to himself when he would grab onto your ass and smack it while you were in the process of orgasm. He tasted every single droplet of cum you produced, feeling satisfied by what he created.
“A-are you about to fuck me, baby…?” You whined, getting into your place so your ass could be on Kibum’s face. He was mesmerised by how beautiful your pussy was, even fighting the urge to finger you.
“Mmm yes… I can’t resist not fucking your hot body any longer…” He growled, hearing him pull his pants down with the belt. He was fully hardened at this point, but he wouldn’t be holding back no more after he finally slams through your hole with his cock.
But before he could do anything like that, he needed to add enough lube so he couldn’t possibly hurt you. He went in with a palmful amount and wiped it on his cock until it would slide and go through your hands comfortably. He then opened your lips to find your hole and using the lube-filled hand, he would use it to go inside of you. within a couple of minutes, he was able to insert 3 fingers. Teases you at your achievement, he kisses one of your butt cheeks while smacking the other.
“Wow… you’re so hot you could fit 3 of my fingers inside you!” He chuckled, smiling back when he heard you chuckling along to him. He was about to insert his cock inside when you told him not to be too rough.
“Don’t be too tough! I want to be able to use my legs!” Kibum began teasing upon going balls deep inside, he made sure you were alright before he went slightly rough as usual, just to hear your angelic moans overlapping with his dirty talk.
“Mmm yes… I wanna fill you up so fucking good…” He feels the inside of you already tightening up even though it has only been 30 seconds. He went on to slow down and take the time to make you feel good.
“Mmm… y-you feel so hot…” You said, feeling his cock getting warmer. You rode on him, seeing him nearly gasping out of pleasure, not moving an inch from his spot. Eventually, he groans so loud that he goes on all fours and thrusts as hard and fast as he can, feeling him getting closer.
“B-baby… I-I’m gonna cum-” Kibum cried out, holding onto you while caressing your curls and crying at the same time. He did go on to lay out a huge bust, feeling most of it pouring out upon pulling out. He lays beside you, finally letting out a sigh of relief. He went over to kiss you, continuing to occupy his hands with your hair.
“I-I love you…” He pulled you towards his chest, kissing your forehead while closing his eyes and smiling at the pleasure of being with you at that very moment. You knew you love this man, and he loves you too.
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Back Hugs You ~ SHINee Reaction
A shriek came from you as you dropped your phone, unaware of Jinki creeping up behind you until he grabbed onto your frame, pulling you closely into him.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the stunned expression on your face. “Did I scare you?” He sniggered, knowing full well that he’d done just that.”
“I hate you,” you groaned, “what did I do to deserve that from you?”
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.”
You tried to wriggle out of Jinki’s grip, but he was far too strong around you. “You’re not allowed to hug me, not when you’ve just made my heart leap out of my chest.”
“You’ll survive,” Jinki continued to joke with you, “it’s not my fault that you’re so easy to scare anyway Y/N.”
Your eyes widened as Jinki spoke, “don’t blame this on me. You’ve probably shattered my phone screen too with that thud, all because you wanted a stupid hug from me too.”
“Hey, at least I got what I wanted though.”
You were stunned by the gasp that came from Kibum as he rested behind you, feeling several light taps against your shirt, with the material slowly dampening.
After a couple of minutes you glanced back and came face to face with Kibum straight away. “Don’t,” he immediately told you with his voice wobbling.
“I can’t ignore that you’re upset,” you whispered, “just talk to me Ki.”
“I hate when I get upset around you though.”
You tried to spin around to face him, but Kibum kept you so your back was resting against his. “It’s not a bad thing to get upset around me, I can tell it’s hurting you.”
“I’ll be alright,” Kibum stubbornly insisted, taking a few deep breaths as he tried his best to regain his composure.
Your smile was weak as you studied Kibum, craning your neck back to look across at him. “You know you don’t have to pretend around me, right? You don’t always have to smile.”
“I know, but I want to always smile with you.”
You were taken by surprise as a figure came up behind you, a weak Minho resting against your frame as several light sighs came from him as he settled with you.
Your worried eyes couldn’t help but look back as you heard his sounds. “I just wanted a hug,” Minho told you, knowing exactly what you were going to ask.
“Are you sure?” You pushed, “has it been a particularly hard day today?”
“You could say that, it’s been hard work.”
You nodded understandingly as Minho forced a weak smile onto his face. “If you just want to stay here for a while and cuddle, then I don’t mind you know Min.”
“I’d like that,” he faintly whispered, opting to tighten the grip that he had around you as soon as you finished speaking.”
As he did, your hands came up to rest against both of his that hovered against your tummy. “I’m sure tomorrow will be better, you won’t need to come home and hug me then.”
“I always want to come home and hug you Y/N.”
The corners of your smile turned up as you felt Taemin creep up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, head resting just against your shoulder.
After a few moments Taemin’s eyes glanced up and met yours. “Hi,” he whispered, a faint giggle coming from him as he felt your eyes watching him.
“Are you alright?” You couldn’t help but tease, “that’s a tight grip.”
“I’m making sure that you can’t escape.”
Your head nodded with a chuckle coming from you too, “when have you ever known me to try and escape from one of your hugs? I’m usually the one catching you.”
“I’m just checking,” Taemin continued to smirk, pressing a kiss against your cheek, “you might get bored and run away from me.”
Your head immediately began to shake in reply to him, “if there’s one thing that I know for sure it’s that I could never get bored of being hugged by you, it’s the best.”
“I’ll remind you of that if you ever escape again.”
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hobaworld7 · 2 years
I loved your shinee post! Do you think you could write something for them with a s/o who has anxiety? If that's something you're not comfortable with I totally understand. Thanks either way!
SHINee REACTIONS - You have anxiety; a panic attack
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Pairing : shinee x reader (except JongHyun as respect for him, I won't write on him)
genre : you have anxiety and your boyfriend try to calm you the best he can
warning : anxiety, panic attack
a/n : honestly, just seeing a request for a SHINee literally made my day. i love them so much and I am like so proud to see fans interested in my writing with SHINee. i wrote it more as panic attack reaction but i hope you love it!!
disclaimer : shinee doesn't belong to me, that's an imagine and just how i think they would react. pictures are from pinterest as usual
_ _ _
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I feel that as a leader, he knows how to handle crisis
he would definitely use the 'tell me 5 things you see, 5 things you feel and 5 things you hear' to distract your mind
he would keep his hand on your back or slowly stroke your hair
he would try to make you laugh to change your ideas
all about distracting your anxious thoughts
offering you to go out so the sun and wind can help you calm down
never leaving your side
he would assure that you feel good every day
and doesn't hesitate when you struggle a bit to cancel your plan and stay with you at home
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kibum always has been the mom of the group
i feel like he would understand how you feel
he would sit on your legs (pressure therapy is insane okay)
taking your face in his hands
slowly talking to you
''babe, you're safe.'' ''tell me what is happening''
''okay, shhh, deep breath my love''
stroking your hair and helping you calm down as much time as you need
he would stay with you until you are fully feeling better
and when he knows you are okay he would prepare a bath and a warm towel for you
staying by your side all night
he would tell you to text him how you feel when you felt trigger
your text messages would look like an emotion journal
basically he would be your psy
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''hey babe, you're safe here'' ''do you really think I would let something happen to my precious girl?''
hug you like there is no tomorrow
no words, a lot of actions and cuddles
he would leave any social gathering if that what is making you anxious
he would then treat you to your favorite snack
or a cuddle and movie night
never letting you go of his arms
would put your favorite song so you can relax listening to it
on a daily basis, he would be really good too
remembering to take your anxiety meds and supports you when you struggle
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he would be a little lost after your first panic attack
but he would talk to his hyung to understand how to help you better
and now he's a pro
he would know your triggers and be ready if you start to show sign of a panic attack
he would bring you to a calm space and hug you
if you are at home, the ice method would be his favorite
i feel like he would distract you with kisses on your neck and shoulder too
he would reassure you every day as much as he could so it doesn't get out of hand
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=share
thank you army!
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itzynabi · 2 years
meet the fam
summary: in which san officially meets eve’s ahjussi
word count: 2.3k
set: 5 december 2022
warnings: mention of food and one (1) swear word
an: hey hey hey! more nasan coming your way! words in bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💘
eve’s masterlist
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Today was the day. San was going to – officially – meet her brother. After four months – almost five – of dating, Eve and San were going to have dinner with Kibum. San had just come back from tour the day before and was a little tired but still excited to meet Kibum.
“I’m sorry we're doing this so soon after you came back. It's just surprisingly very hard to schedule something with this man. I usually show up unannounced and make him host,” Eve said from the driver's seat of the car after picking San up.
“It’s okay. I’m actually glad we're doing it now because I am so nervous and excited and I just want it to happen. Perfectly,” he added, wiping his hand on his jeans.
Eve glanced at him from the corner of her eye whilst navigating Seoul streets at night. “He's gonna love you. You said he was nice to you on Amazing Saturday! Also, my members love you and they're only slightly less protective of me,” she reassured him. “And if he doesn't like you, then we can be Romeo and Juliet.”
San looked at her with a hesitant expression on his face. “You do know how that story ends, right?”
“They get married?” she guessed with a shrug, still focused on the road. “I’ve never read Shakespeare. I find him boring.”
“They die at the end.”
Eve looked at San and then back at the road. “Wow. What a bummer. We can be some other great couple that goes against their family. But if Kibum ahjussi reacts the way I suspect he will, then we won’t have to.”
San smiled at her. “I missed you,” he said quietly, reaching over to hold Eve’s hand on the centre console.
“I missed you, too.” She blew him a kiss as she drove to the gate of Kibum’s apartment complex. “Hello, I’m here for Kim Kibum,” she told the security guard when he came to the car window.
“Does he know you’re coming?” he asked as he called Kibum’s apartment.
“Yes, he does,” Eve replied.
Kibum soon answered and gave the security guard permission to let them in. Eve quickly found a parking spot in the guest parking lot and switched off the car, turning to face San.
“You ready?” she asked.
San exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “Not quite.”
Eve chuckled and reached over to brush her hand against his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open. “He’s not gonna hate you. It’s impossible to.”
San nodded. “Okay. I’m ready.”
She smiled and leaned over to press a quick kiss on his lips, pulling back with a smile on her face. “Let’s go.”
They exited the car and walked hand in hand into the apartment building, taking the elevator to his floor until they stood in front of Kibum’s door. They shared one last look before Eve put in the code for the door, entering soon after.
“Honey, I’m home!” she shouted as she and San took off their shoes. Commes des and Garçon ran to greet her. Kibum soon appeared at the hallway wall, leaning against it with his right arm above his head and a smirk present as day on his face.
“Nabi,” he said cheerfully, walking to her with a pep in his step and hugging her when the dogs had gone to inspect San.
“What’s up with you? You sound like a stay-at-home mom that had a bottle of wine at 10 in the morning,” she said over his shoulder, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
Kibum simply chuckled as he pulled out of their hug. “Don’t be silly,” he said, swatting Eve’s shoulder. He then focused his attention on San, who had been standing in the doorway awkwardly and waving at the two dogs. “You must be San,” he said as San bowed.
“Stop acting like this is your first time meeting him. He knows you're a weirdo,” Eve scolded from behind them, causing Kibum to glare at her before facing San again. She called Commes des and Garçon to her so she could play with them more, tickling the area behind their ears.
“Thank you for inviting me, sunbaenim,” San said.
Kibum waved him off. “Don’t mention it. Let’s go to the table.” He directed the both of them, turning the corner into the living room area where the dining room could be seen, plates of food sitting on the table. Commes des and Garçon went to their beds where they had their dinner laid out in front of them in their bowls. Eve stopped walking the moment they turned the corner and her eyes focused on three figures already sitting at the table.
“What are ahjussi’s one, four and five doing here?” As far as she was concerned, this was supposed to be dinner with Kibum only. She looked at her brother and suddenly his odd behaviour began to make sense. “You were acting like a drunk housewife because you invited the other ahjussi’s?”
Kibum just smiled and nodded, letting his cult leader smile drop from his face. “Of course I invited them. This is a family affair!”
Eve rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, scoffing. San looked between the two siblings, unsure of what to do.
“Yah! Stop fighting, you’re making Nabi’s boyfriend feel awkward,” Minho scolded from the table.
The siblings turned to look at San and took note of his posture. They looked at each other and silently agreed to a truce. Kibum led them to the table, them sitting on one side and Jinki, Minho and Taemin sitting on the other.
“So. Ahjussi’s. This is San,” Eve introduced when they were all seated. “San, this is Jinki, Minho and Taemin,” she said, pointing at each of the members when she said their names.
“Hello,” San greeted and the members greeted back. The house was soon engulfed in silence.
“This is very awkward,” Jinki commented.
“If I was told the other ahjussi’s would be here then I wouldn’t be this awkward, but no! Everything needs to be a secret!” Eve exclaimed, causing Taemin to laugh.
“How about we start eating?” Kibum suggested. Everyone else agreed and started picking at their plates. Kibum started reaching to cut the steak on Eve’s plate for her when she turned to look at San.
“Can you cut my steak for me?” she asked him sweetly.
All movement at the table stopped. Jinki froze with his fork halfway to his mouth. Minho’s hand was stuck in the air from when he was taking a sip of his wine. Taemin had his hand over his mouth in shock. Key squinted his eyes at his sister. San’s jaw dropped as his eyes flitted between everybody at the table.
San quickly got over his shock and leaned in to whisper in Eve’s ear, “Um, is– isn’t your brother supposed to do that?”
Eve merely shrugged as everyone watched with bated breath. “He’d argue that he didn't sign a contract so…”
San blinked. Twice. “Are you sure?”
Eve nodded with a smile. “Yes.”
San gulped. He slowly reached towards Eve’s plate as everyone watched him. He was about to hold the plate when he stopped. “No, this isn’t right! Your brother is supposed to do this, Biyah,” he whined, much to Eve’s amusement.
She pursed her lips to conceal her smile as Kibum covered his mouth with his hand. Taemin looked to the side so San couldn’t see his face. Minho coughed to cover his laughter. Jinki put his food in his mouth to keep himself busy.
“I mean,” he continued, seemingly unaware of everyone's reactions, “even if he invited his members without asking you, he should still cut your steak. You told me that if you’re eating steak with him, then he has to cut it for you. So, I’m not going to!” He finished passionately.
Eve burst out laughing uncontrollably, leaning back against the chair for support and the other four men followed her. San watched them with questioning eyes, confused at why they were laughing.
“Well done, Sannie,” Eve said after calming down. She reached over and tapped his nose, his eyes closing shut at the contact. “You passed.”
San looked from her to Kibum – who had also calmed down – and back at her. “I passed?”
She nodded. “Yep. Kibum oppa said that in order to get his stamp of approval, you need to respect that he’s the most important man in my life – his words not mine – and this was the only way to test that. Therefore, you passed.”
“Oh,” San said, still surprised. He slowly moved to face forward again. “Okay.”
“You see, San,” Kibum started after taking a sip of his wine. “Nabi is my baby sister, and I wouldn’t want her to date some asshole that thinks he’s more important than me. Obviously we are important to her in different ways, but at the end of the day, I’m her brother. And if her boyfriend had no problem disrespecting me, then he'd have no problem disrespecting our parents. And that’s something I can’t allow.”
San nodded in understanding as he listened to Kibum. “I would never try to disrespect you, sunbaenim. Or your parents. Or the rest of your family,” he vowed. “Nabi wouldn’t even let me. I know how important you are to her and I wouldn’t want to cause any problems with her relationship with her family.”
“That’s good,” Minho said as he cut up his steak. “I liked you from the moment she told us she was dating you,” he added matter-of-factly.
As San proceeded to talk with Minho, Jinki and Taemin, Eve turned to look at Kibum with a smile on her face. He reached over to squeeze his hand before cutting her steak up for her. She sent him a finger heart when he was done and ate a piece.
“As much as we tease Nabi,” she heard Jinki say as she started listening to the conversation, “we would bury a body for her,” he finished, crossing his arms.
“Even if that body is her first boyfriend,” Taemin added, half-jokingly, causing San to gulp. Eve kicked her leg out under the table and Minho let out a yelp.
“Oops. That was for the oppa on your left,” she said, gesturing at Taemin. Minho punched Taemin in the arm, who immediately gasped in pain.
“Okay, I’ll dial it back,” he said, raising his arms in mock surrender.
“Goes to the military and immediately starts threatening people.” Eve scoffed.
The rest of the night went by in a blur. After finishing dinner, they all went to the sitting room and sat on the couch. Commes des and Garçon quickly warmed up to San and started fighting for his attention, causing Eve to pout because “Why aren’t they fighting for my attention?”. They played Monopoly and San beat all of them flawlessly, triggering Eve and Minho’s competitive spirits. To end the night, the SHINee members shared embarrassing stories of Eve.
“She just shaved it off,” Taemin said through his laughter. He was telling the story of the time Eve accidentally shaved off one of her eyebrows with Minho’s shaver.
Eve huffed and crossed her arms. “I thought it was a skin softener! I didn’t know why you used it all the time!”
San looked at her with pursed lips, trying not to laugh. She rolled her eyes at him and he burst out in laughter. “I’m sure you looked really cute,” he said.
“I think I have a picture of her,” Jinki spoke up, reaching for his phone. Eve scrambled to steal his phone and held it to her chest.
“Nobody can see these photos,” she said seriously.
San and her soon got ready to leave. She said goodbye to the boys, hugging them all before walking to the door as San bowed respectfully to them. Kibum walked them to the elevator.
“It was nice to officially meet you, San,” Kibum said, sticking his hands in his pocket as they waited for the elevator to arrive.
“You too, sunbaenim,” San sincerely responded.
“Thanks for not being annoying,” Eve thanked Kibum.
He rolled his eyes. “Thanks for only being mildly annoying.”
The elevator came and the two got in.
“Bye, oppa,” Eve said as she and San waved goodbye. Kibum waved goodbye to both of them as the doors shut.
When they got in the car, San let out a deep exhale and Eve chuckled as she fished her keys out of her pocket.
“How was it?” She asked, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.
“Great!” He exclaimed. “They really love you,” he observed.
She shrugged as she pulled out the parking space and drove out the apartment complex, waving at the security guard. “Yeah, I’m their baby. They’re super protective of me. I’m basically Yeri but in JYP. And related to one of the members.” She rested her hand on the centre console and San soon linked his fingers with hers.
“I’m glad you have so many people that care about you,” he said.
Eve smiled. “Me too.”
“Did you know he was inviting his members?” He asked once they arrived at his dorm building. “Like, was that part of your plan?”
Eve shook her head. “I didn’t have a clue. The only plan we had was to get you to do something that he’s supposed to do. I merely saw my opportunity and took it.”
“Well, you guys really had me convinced,” San said as he got out of the car. He walked around to Eve’s side and she rolled down her window. “Goodnight, Biyah.”
Eve reached out and held San’s face in her hands, pulling his face to hers and placing a kiss on his lips. “Goodnignt, Sannie,” she said once she pulled away.
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tagging: @mystic-luv // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea
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©️ kim nabi
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skzhocomments · 1 year
Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter VII - Exhaustion
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad link
AO3 link
Chapter VI / Chapter VIII
Chapter VII - Exhaustion
word count: 2.5k words
Four days after you returned to the hospital, you've found out that whatever exhaustion you thought you felt before couldn't even COMPARE to how worn out you could get. Haru was waking up every 2 hours, and the tiredness started to take a toll on you.
You didn't have any energy, your whole body was hurting, and you were starting to feel really irritated by every small thing.
Minho was eating something in the kitchen as you made your way to grab something to eat as well.
"Oh, you're awake?" He smiled at you with compassion, noticing the dark circles under your eyes.
"Mhm. Barely." You replied shortly.
"I didn't make any extra, I thought you're going to sleep a bit more this morning."
"That's funny, considering I haven't slept for like 4 days now." You said drily.
"Do you want me to make you something?" He asked, ignoring your passive aggressive tone.
He hummed, then watched you grab a bowl and try to pour milk in it. You've struggled for a few seconds before noticing you haven't, in fact, taken off the cap on the milk box. You scoffed at yourself while Minho observed you grow more and more frustrated as the cereal box wouldn't open properly, and when you finally opened it, cereal fell all over the place, and it took everything in you to not simply smash the box and sit on the ground and cry.
"Fuck." You cursed under your breath and closed your eyes, trying to control yourself to not burst out crying. You were hormonal, tired, and Haru started screaming again.
"Hey." Minho stood up and put his hands on your shoulders. "You need some rest, Da-Eun. I know you want to spend as much time as you can with him, but I am here too. Would you let me help?"
"I don't need help." You mumbled, feeling the tears win against your composure.
Minho hugged you. "I know you don't need it. That's not why I asked you. I want you to let me face the hard parts of parenthood as well, so don't just take the burden yourself. Yea?" He placed his hand on the back of your head and caressed your hair as you sobbed in his arms.
"Yea. Okay." You nodded.
"Why don't you go lay down in bed for a while? I'll go calm Haru down and then fix you a plate, then you could sleep for a couple hours."
"That sounds good." You replied between your sobs.
"Good." He smiled and pulled away from you. "You can go to my room, as it's the furthest away from the nursery. You won't be able to hear anything in there."
You made your way towards Minho's room and plopped yourself on the bed, covering your body with the covers. His room was cozy, like the whole house, and his bed smelled just like him, which brought you a weird sense of peace.
You wondered when you started being this comfortable around Minho, to the point where his smell alone brought you comfort.
Closing your eyes, you immediately drifted off to sleep.
"Da-Eun, darling, wake up." A soothing voice whispered in your ear, and you felt your head being caressed gently.
"A few more minutes, please?"
"Don't be lazy." The voice chuckled.
"When have I ever been?" You laughed, your eyes still closed.
"Is our baby making you so tired?"
"He's difficult. He cries a lot." You replied with a sigh.
"I'm sorry." The voice said, and you finally opened your eyes to reveal the face of your former lover. "I never wanted to leave like that. You know that, right?"
Kibum was smiling gently at you, his eyes holding the same glimmer they used to whenever he looked at you. He moved his hand to hold yours, and his warmth reminded you of how empty your heart felt ever since he left.
"I miss you." You cried. "I miss you so much. I wanted you to raise Haru with me."
"Haru?" He chuckled. "Did you let Minho name him?" He continued smiling gently.
You nodded.
"That's good. You can put your faith in him, you know that, right? You can move on."
"But how can I-"
"Shh. It's time to wake up, Da-Eun." Kibum closed his eyes and let go of your hand, moving his again on the side of your face and caressing you. "Wake up."
"Wake up."
You opened your eyes to see Minho watch you worriedly, his hand caressing the same side of your face Kibum touched in your dream. 
He died almost 3 months ago, but this was the first time he ever appeared in your dreams. Did he want to check on you? To see how Haru is doing?
"Are you okay?" Minho asked with a frown and only then you realised you've been crying in your sleep.
"Mhm." You sat up in bed. "Is everything all right with Haru?"
"Of course. He's sleeping now. He woke up to eat about 3 times but is now fast asleep."
"Three times? How much did I sleep?"
"About 10 hours. I made dinner, so let's eat a bit." He stood up and handed you his hand to help you up as well.
"Wow, 10 hours?"
"You must've been really tired. I know you said you want to sleep with him, but... why don't we take turns, Da-Eun?" Minho asked as you sat down at the table.
"Why, don't you like sleeping uninterrupted every night?" You joked.
"No, I totally miss having a shitty sleep schedule and being tired all the time." He laughed.
"We can take turns then, okay." You laughed again. "Since I slept so much, I'll do tonight."
"Okay, then I'll be with him tomorrow." Minho smiled triumphantly.
You started eating what he cooked, which was a stew that felt really good to your stomach.
"When do you want to introduce Haru to your family and your friends?" You asked, watching Minho's eyes grow big.
"Are we ready for that?" He asked, smiling.
"I can't gatekeep him forever." You joked.
"My mother actually asked if you'd be comfortable with them visiting this weekend. They really want to meet their grandson."
"Saturday sounds good."
"Saturday it is!" Minho exclaimed.
"What about Taemin and Jinki? They've been texting me non-stop to send them some pictures of Haru, so I bet they're also excited."
"Can you blame them? Haru is SHINee."
"That's sweet." You smiled. "Key had such great friends, I'm jealous."
"Da-Eun, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."
"Go on. I'm all eyes and ears."
"I don't want Shawols to find out about Haru and you from dispatch... Instead of releasing a statement, I was thinking of going to a live show and talking about everything. I've actually been invited with the boys to talk about the future of SHINee after Key's death..."
"Oh." You sighed deeply. "... I see."
"Of course, if you're not comfortable with that, then-"
"No, that's okay. You can talk about us..."
"You sure?"
"Yea... when is the show?"
"Next week on Wednesday."
"Okay. Yea."
"That's great. Thanks, Da-Eun. It's going to be way easier to let everyone else know I'm married instead of having to hide you or Haru..."
"Are you okay with everyone knowing that you're taken?" You chuckled.
"Wouldn't want it any other way!" He chuckled as well, and you both continued eating.
His parents' visit on Saturday was extremely pleasant. Just as at the marriage papers signing, they accepted you with open arms, and they were extremely excited to meet Haru and play with him (as much as one could play with a few days old baby).
You felt accepted, and really as if you were part of their family, which made you extremely relieved. You had a lot to thank Minho for.
You had visitors once again on Sunday. Taemin and Jinki came over to meet Haru, and both of them squeaked and squealed seeing how cute he was.
"Da-Eun, he has your pretty eyes!" Taemin complimented, staring at Haru, who was just staring back at him.
"I think he likes your hair." You laughed, and Taemin started playing with the long strands of hair his stylist made him wear for his new solo promotion.
"So how's the parent life treating you two? Minho, you look like shit, did you sleep at all?" Jinki joked, watching as Minho frowned.
"It was my turn to do night feedings last night." He complained.
"We decided to take turns, I sleep with Haru one night, Minho does the next, and so on." You clarified.
"Did any of you felt it was too much and asked the other to step in yet?" Jinki continued, amused.
"I can't even step in, even if I wanted to! He's shirtless all the time!" You complained loudly, making Minho start laughing.
"I told you, it's for bonding time!"
"Well, I'm sorry I'm not expecting walking in on you naked at 7 AM when we have to trade places!" You laughed.
"Don't you like it though?" He challenged you, and you playfully hit his arm.
"Did you just lower your voice an octave or something? Why do you talk like that?" You complained again, all the boys starting to laugh.
"No one likes it, Hyung." Taemin concluded.
"His fans do. They'd eat him alive." Jinki added.
"I should film him next time, I bet I could make a pretty penny by selling the video on the internet." You contemplated, and Minho was the one to scoff this time.
Needless to say, you had fun. The week came and went by extremely quickly, and you were now plopped in front of the TV in the living room watching the live interview anxiously.
"We are so happy you could join us today."
"Thank you for having us." Jinki smiled at the host. All the boys were looking great on TV. Taemin dyed his hair silver and wore an interesting two-piece beige Louis Vuitton suit, Jinki was dressed more casually, wearing a funny blue cap that reminded you of something Kibum would like to wear, and Minho was, well...
He was wearing an elegant grey suit and a black turtleneck, but the clothes fit his body so well, that you couldn't help but let your eyes linger on him a moment too long.
You seemed to forget he was, actually, yourhusband, even if just on paper, and that you lived together, raising Haru as a family.
You glanced over at the crib in the living room, as your baby was sleeping peacefully.
"We are incredibly sorry for your loss. We would like to start this episode by having a moment of silence to commemorate Kibum's life." The host said, and you avoided looking at the screen, where Key's picture glanced back at you.
"So, for today we wanted to start with-"
"Actually," Minho's voice interrupted the host. "Sorry for interrupting you." He chuckled.
Your baby stirred in his sleep and smiled.
"What is it, baby, do you like daddy's voice?" You whispered, then let out a big sigh. How did you get in this situation?
You glanced back at the screen.
"No problem, tell us." The host urged Minho to start talking again. He took out a piece of paper from his suit pocket and unfolded it.
"We have a big announcement to make, that would hopefully bring Shawols a bright ray of sunshine in these dark times..." He started nervously, then took a deep breath and continued. "Despite Kibum being gone, which is still difficult to comprehend, to accept, SHINee has been blessed with his legacy. Not only through his songs, through all the videos and content we already got to film before he passed, but through something else. Through someone else. On the day Kibum was forcefully taken away from us-" Minho choked back a sob and cleared his throat, before continuing to read. "he was with his family, heading towards the City Hall, where he was about to get married to a beautiful woman that was carrying his child. I know this might be sudden for Shawols to hear, and we sincerely apologise for not letting you know of this sooner. However, we ask of you to take into account that Kibum was happy, he was excited to get married to the woman he loved and to have a family with her, and he was excited to become a father."
Hearing Minho and the pain in his voice was like a truck with all the memories you've tried to bury deep within drove directly over you. You started sobbing as well, placing a hand on your mouth so you wouldn't make much noise to have Haru wake up.
"That terrible day, Key was driving his parents, and we were driving his future wife. Our car was directly behind his as a drunk driver came into our lane and slammed into Kibum..."
Minho took a sip of the water bottle in front of him trying to calm down a bit, while Jinki and Taemin both placed their hands on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort and encourage him to keep going.
"It was hard for all of us to witness such a horrible event. It was unbearable. We all felt it was unfair. And it was, for the woman he was supposed to marry and especially for their unborn child. We didn't know what to do, initially. We all thought long and hard, but there was no doubt in our minds that the baby is SHINee, and we will take care of him no matter what. He is, after all, our miracle baby that Kibum left for us to care for. Before he was born, I decided that I was going to adopt him officially, and the easiest way to do so was getting married. Haru was born healthy two weeks ago, he weighed 3.3 kilograms at birth, and he is the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen. His mother and I are taking care of him the best way we can, with the help of our family and dear friends. We hope for Shawol's blessing in this journey and hope you will keep Kibum in your prayers, while wishing for Haru's health and happiness."
With this, Minho folded the note and placed it back into his pocket, and the three SHINee boys bowed at the same time to the camera.
The host was speechless for a while, before finally letting out a "Woah!" and starting to congratulate Minho for being a father and getting married. He sassily showed the camera his ring, and you were shocked to see that he was wearing it, as he normally wouldn't. 
It was probably for impact on his fans, but it definitely made you smile a bit, glancing at your finger, as you didn't take the ring off once, even if it was a marriage of convenience, and not of love. Still, you respected the decision you two made, you stood by it no matter what, and you completely accepted Minho taking a father role for Haru.
The rest of the show went by normally after the initial shock was gone, but you were way too tired after a long day of caring for the baby alone. You wanted to let Minho rest for the upcoming interview and busy schedule of the day, so you took on night duty last night as well.
You didn't even realise your eyes slowly closing as you laid down on the sofa in the living room. 
(A/N) Did you like the way Minho announced getting married and having a baby?
Let me know what you thought!
Chapter VI / Chapter VIII
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phoenix-of-jade · 7 months
"Aren't you a bit too young to care about your appearance so much, Xuan?" he couldn't help but laugh as he saw the child desperately trying to fix his hair after Kibum just ruined it a moment ago. "Oh, someone is a bit moody today, is it because you're hungry?" he was indeed amused by this child's behavior as well as impressed by his wittiness.
"I see, I see. Then we should get you a big crepe" Kibum promised himself to keep up with his diet but it seemed like tomorrow is a fresh new start awaiting cause he was going to indulge in a delicious crepe as well. He simply couldn't resist sweet treats. And he was doing it for little Xuan over here who was now walking way faster than earlier. "Hey, wait!" he called after him, catching up with the child. "Oh, that one looks appetizing indeed" he completely agreed and ordered the one Xuan wanted and a strawberry and matcha ice cream crepe for himself. "Here you go, little one" he smiled, giving Xuan a crepe bigger than his head. "Wanna go sit down so you can savor it in peace before he go back to search for your classmates?"
At that remark, Xuan just scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Aren't you a bit old to be getting out of the house and looking as if you've just woken out of bed and went through WWII?" The king of witty counterremarks, if that would have been an actual title to be owned, Xuan would have definitely been the one to hold that title. But judging by the little smirk that soon followed, it was obvious that he was mostly trying to have fun and not really meaning to come off as a jackass. "Maybe I am a bit hungry, yeah." The boy eventually admitted, seeing no point in fighting against the obvious loud grumbling of his stomach.
And it all become the more obvious once Kibum had finally bought the crepes and Xuan reached up with his grabby little hands to take his giant crepe, already impatient and salivating in anticipation for the sweet treat. In the end, no matter how cynical he might've appeared, the raven haired was just a child and like all children, he had clear weaknesses that broke through his mature like façade. Without a second thought, the boy then bit right into the sweet chocolaty delicacy, humming in delight at the blissful taste that assaulted his taste buds in just a second. He then nodded at Kibum's offer of going to sit on a bench to eat and they were soon enjoying their desserts in peace and quiet. "You aren't so bad, gege! I thought you'd be a boring adult who would scold me and such, but you are actually a cool guy!" Xuan smiled, his words sincere as he looked up at Kibum. "Thank you!"
0 notes
katrinawritesthings · 11 months
Kibum / Taemin; unstoppable force meets an immovable object ; PG
Taemin texting Kibum asking him to guilt him into taking a shower because he is 5 weeks stinky
He brings one hand up and sneaks it under Key’s shirt to stick his finger into his belly button. ”Beep beep,” he says. Then, before Key can even react to that, he puts his hand back in his lap and looks up again. “Did you want to do my hair because you were having a panic attack about how you think your life is careening wildly out of control again?” he asks blandly.
Key is stressed. He's stressed and disturbed and unsettled and all over the place and a mess. He has so much shit going on in general that he has to deal with and he has to plan for and he has to get over with but there's absolutely nothing that he can do right now at this second. He has absolutely jack shit to do right now and it's stressing him out. He can't not do something. Because when he doesn't do anything then he's not doing anything and he's wasting time and time is money and so he's wasting money and he already doesn't have enough money because capitalism is a burden on the universe itself but that doesn't stop it from dragging him down into the spiraling void of darkness crushing responsibilities that overwhelm him but can't be fixed or helped right now and he can't seemed to calm himself down because it's just him all alone doing nothing and he feels so so so small in a world that's so so so big and he also feels like he can't really breathe and what he really needs is—
From: Gremlin Boi Hey can you guilt me into taking a shower it's been like 5 weeks : (
“Halle-fucking-lujah,” Key mutters to himself as he checks his phone. His panic attack continues but he texts a reply to Taemin anyway (“yeah okay I'm coming over in 20 minutes and you better not be stinky when I get there”) and snatches his bag up from where he left it on the table. This is exactly what he needs. He loves Taemin and his perfect timing. Taemin sends him back a “D: okay thanks” as he's slamming his front door behind him.
This is good. This is helpful. He'll spend some time with Taemin and baby him some and make Taemin buy him dinner and he won't think about everything else in the world and how it's constantly two inches away from crushing him at any given moment. It'll be great.
The next time he checks his phone, it's after he's pulled up in front of Taemin’s house and turned off the car. He has another text, “hey I procrastinated for like 15 minutes but I'm getting in now and I left the back door unlocked for you,” that he reads and rolls his eyes at before leaving the car. He heads up and around the side of Taemin’s house, getting on his tippy-toes to reach over the fence gate and finagle the lock open and then continuing around until he hits the back door and lets himself into the laundry room.
Taemin’s house is dark and smells vaguely like unwashed clothes, like usual, but with a hint of the strawberry scented candle that his therapist gifted him for his birthday a couple of months ago. Key heads to the kitchen and helps himself to a water bottle from the fridge. He keeps going until he reaches the bathroom, where he can see light coming from under the door and hear the shower running.
“Good boi,” he says to himself, and then leans on the wall next to the door and waits. Before too long he hears the water turn off, and then he gives it another minute for Taemin to actually be out of the shower. And then he knocks on the door with one knuckle. “Hey, stinky,” he calls.
“I'm not stinky,” is Taemin’s pouty reply. “Hi,” he adds. Key can hear the tiny smile in that one word just as clearly as he could hear the pout and he grumpily has to fight back a blush. Taemin is too cute for his own good.
“Hey,” he says, and he doesn't really mind that his voice sounds as soft as he feels. “Can I blow dry your hair for you?” he asks. He needs someone to take care of to distract himself from how he can barely take care of himself.
“Yeah, okay,” Taemin says. “Lemme put some clothes on first.” Key hums something in affirmative and resumes his waiting. After another minute, the bathroom door unlocks and pulls open, so Key slips inside and finds Taemin wearing loose sweats way low on his hips, an unbuttoned plaid shirt, and his lazy, sleepy smile that always makes Key stumble over his words. “Hey,” he says.
“Fuck you, looking at me like that, wearing all of that, you're doing it on purpose,” Key grumbles as he steps in and closes the door behind him. Taemin’s smile turns, if anything, even lazier.
“Doing what?” he asks. “Being hot? Because that's just how I am normally.”
“Fuck you,” Key says again, and then, “you feeling okay, Gremlin?” he asks, reaching up to run his fingers through Taemin’s wet hair. Taemin shrugs, lifting his own hand to rub his nose.
“Yeah, just, tired. A lot,” he says. “The usual.”
“Mmhmm,” Key says. He moves his hand down to push gently on Taemin’s shoulder. “Sit,” he demands, steering him towards the toilet. Taemin moves his wet towel off of the closed lid and sits obediently, lacing his fingers in his lap and twiddling his thumbs. “You texted me while I was busy having a panic attack, so, same,” he adds as he backs up a step and crouches down to pull open one of Taemin’s bathroom cabinets. Taemin hums back the same way he did as he grabs the hair dryer and straightens up again.
He jams the plug into the wall underneath Taemin's night light, then gets himself tangled in the cord for a moment before he sets up comfortably in front of Taemin, grabbing his brush from next to the sink. After he turns the dryer on, it's kind of too loud for them to keep talking—for Taemin, anyway, with his sleepy quiet voice—so they just exist together in relative, pleasant silence. Key pushes his hair out of the way of his undercut to dry that off first, just so it doesn't look all scruffy, and then parts Taemin’s hair down the middle like he likes and starts that.
He brushes through it gently, keeping it neat and going section by section, drying it and styling it at the same time. Nothing too fancy for Taemin to grumble about, but still nicely wavy and feathered out at the front, something pretty and cute and light for Key to look at later and be proud of himself. A minute in Taemin closes his eyes, smile tiny on his lips as he leans into Key’s hands and the heat of the dryer like he always does. He talks a lot about being an ocean gay but Key is still pretty sure that if there was ever an animal to describe this little grooming loving, heat craving, smug ass gremlin, it would be a cat.
Eventually, Taemin’s hair is nice and dry, styled pretty and Key feels satisfied with his work. He turns the dryer off and sets it on the counter, fluffing up Taemin’s hair with his other hand and smiling proudly. Hell yeah, he thinks.
“Hell yeah,” he says out loud.
“Hell yeah,” Taemin says, opening his eyes and blinking Key into focus. “can I get up?” he asks.
“Absolutely not,” Key says. He said hell yeah but he is absolutely not finished yet. It was a preliminary hell yeah. “Braids,” he says. Taemin needs braids. Or, technically, Key needs to make some braids. Braids are cute and require a lot of little attention to detail. He opens one of Taemin’s bathroom drawers and pulls out the little case of tiny colorful hair ties that he put in there for days like this.
“Okay,” Taemin says easily. As Key takes a little section of his hair and starts braiding it, over and hold and over and hold and over and hold, Taemin looks up at him with his dark, hooded eyes and a little knowing smirk that makes Key feel progressively more flustered. Scrunching his nose as he ties off the first braid, he squishes Taemin’s cheeks with both hands.
“You're doing it again,” he grumbles. Taemin’s grin spreads so wide that it shows teeth and his tongue bitten between them. He raises and lowers his eyebrows too and throws Key a whole ass wink from less than two feet away.
“I know,” he says. Key rolls his eyes and gathers up another little section of hair to braid. Gremlin asshole boi man. Key is too gay and soft for this. Taemin looks down after a second though, smiling to himself instead, shifting his weight on the toilet lid to be more comfortable. He brings one hand up and sneaks it under Key’s shirt to stick his finger into his belly button. ”Beep beep,” he says. Then, before Key can even react to that, he puts his hand back in his lap and looks up again. “Did you want to do my hair because you were having a panic attack about how you think your life is careening wildly out of control again?” he asks blandly.
Key hesitates for a moment long enough to lose his place in the braid he was making. He sighs as he tries to pick back up where he left off, lips puffed-up in annoyance at how predictable he is.
“Yeah,” he mumbles. “sorry for using you,” he mumbles even quieter. He tries not to make it obvious, but he guesses Taemin just knows him too well to—
“Oh, please,” Taemin snorts. He shakes his head, messing up Key’s braid again, and stops quickly when Key narrows his eyes, but lifts both hands to poke all over his tummy instead. “If you're using me, then I'm using you,” he says. Key tilts his head, confused. He's not sure that that makes sense.
“Excuse?” he asks. He quickly finishes the second braid and ties it off before anything can happen to it again. Taemin shrugs, turning his head obediently when Key gently pushes on his jaw so he can get a better angle for a third braid on the other side of his part.
“I asked you to come over and help with my depression and you said yes,” he says. “And then you came over and asked me to help with your anxiety and I said yes.” He uses his new line of sight to pick out a blue hair tie from the case on the counter, wiggling it onto his finger and then holding it up for Key to grab when he's done. “No one's using anyone or making anyone do anything or whatever,” he says. “We're just two pals helping each other out with our fucky brains. You gotta not frame accommodations and favors that people do for you as burdens, dude.”
He says all of that so simply, casually but in a rehearsed sort of way that makes Key feel like he's either said it a lot before or heard it a lot before. Key surveys him contemplatively as he feels up his finger and pulls off the hair tie.
“Did you pick that up off of the street or did your therapist tell you that?” he asks. Taemin shrugs again.
“Jonghyun told me, yeah,” he says. “He's real good at, like, stopping all of that self depreciation shit.”
“Well, that's neat,” Key says, amused. Neat that Taemin is working on that for himself and neat that his therapist has somehow managed to give Key advice through him yet again. “He's probably right,” he mumbles. All of those things that Taemin said make sense, now that he's thinking about them.
“That's why I keep going to see him,” Taemin says airily. Key snorts into the back of his hand. That makes sense too. If his therapist hadn't been doing so well at his job for the past several months Taemin wouldn't keep going back and giving the hospital money every time.
“I'm still proud of you for deciding to go to therapy,” Key says. This time Taemin actually blushes a little bit instead of smiling and looks down at his lap. Key smirks to himself. Oh how the turntables. “It was really brave and I know how hard it was to make that decision for yourself,” he adds casually.
“Okay,” Taemin says loudly, frowning up at Key with red cheeks. “Stop that, stop validating me, you know you're gonna make me cry,” he snaps. Key stays quiet, shrugging his shoulders putting on his best innocent face, but he knows that that in and of itself speaks for him. Taemin stays quiet as well, and then, two little braids later, mumbles, “Thanks.” And then, as Key moves to start a sixth braid, blocks his hand by grabbing his wrist. “Can we go lie down?” he asks, pouting. Key knows that his pout is fake and he's just doing it to get Key to agree with him, but he agrees anyway, nodding and dropping Taemin’s hair. He's too cute always and Key can never say no to him.
He lets Taemin take him by the hand and walk him out of the bathroom, through the house, and into the living room, where Taemin hands him the TV remote before pushing him down onto the couch. Knowing what to expect, Key situates himself in a way where he can be comfortable on his back and still give Taemin room to be comfortable on top of him. He itches to get up and do something, to clean Taemin’s coffee table or do his dishes for him or make food or something, but he's been shut down by Taemin enough times before that he knows not to try. He doesn't feel like listening to another lecture about how he needs to chill and not take responsibility for every little thing that he sees ever. He's getting tired of admitting that Taemin is right.
Instead, when Taemin flops on top of him, he accepts the weight and hooks his leg around Taemin’s calves and an arm around his waist. With his other arm, he points the remote at the TV, turning it on and then flipping through the channels until he lands on his fashion shows. Taemin snorts into his shirt and turns his head to face the back of the couch, slipping his arms around under Key’s shoulders and wiggling to get comfortable. Key pleasantly ignores the judgment of his fashion shows in favor of clicking the volume up.
He does his best to immerse himself in the TV, rather than the moment. He does his best to pay attention to the show instead of paying attention to how his brain keeps nagging at him that he's not doing anything productive. He is being productive. He's being productive for himself, by taking it easy and taking it slow and letting himself calm down and relax. Taemin on top of him is a heavy, comforting weight, a heavy pressure that squishes him down but in a good way, in a physical way instead of a metaphorical way. Being squished like this is way better than when he feels like his soul is being squished by society.
It's hard, but he does manage to do it, eventually, a little over half an hour later. He's also managed to match his breath with Taemin’s, if not his heartbeat, but he'll take one out of two any day. Taemin, for his part, has been quiet the whole time. He's not asleep, but he is dozing, drooling a little puddle on to the front of Key’s shirt that Key can't bring himself to be upset about. What he can bring himself to be upset about is something that crosses his mind while he let it wander for a minute during a commercial break.
“Hey,” he says, lifting one hand to pap Taemin’s cheek. Taemin mumbles back a vague noise and rubs his cheek on Key’s chest to show that he's listening. Key frowns up at the ceiling, thinking. “You know how,” he says, “when you texted me you said it had been five weeks since you last showered?” he asks. Taemin nods with an agreeing little hum and Key frowns harder.
“But,” he continues, “you texted me two weeks ago inviting me to come over so you could lay on top of me?” he says. “You put your three week dirty gremlin body on top of me and didn't tell me you were stinky?”
“Yeah,” Taemin says. Key doesn't even have to look to know that he's grinning and very smug about something. “You said you liked how I smelled,” he says.
“I did not,” Key says immediately, even as the memory of him doing exactly that surfaces in his brain. He scrunches his nose at the ceiling. He did say that he liked the way that Taemin smelled 2 weeks ago. it was familiar and masculine and kind of sweaty and real comforting and—
“You liked it,” Taemin says smugly. “You like my musk.”
“Okay,” Key says loudly. Suddenly he's done talking about this. “Fuck you. Shut up.” Taemin doesn't say anything else but Key can hear and feel him giggling to himself. He sighs heavily and tries to focus back on the TV. He guesses it makes sense that he would like Taemin’s sweaty gross dirty smell. He likes everything else about Taemin anyway.
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cloudytaemin · 2 years
Sugar (Act IV)
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Pairing: Taemin x Reader
Series Genre: Sugar Daddy AU, Smut, PWP, PWF
Series Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Mental Illness, Depression, Alcohol, Sex, Daddy Kink, BDSM
Chapter Warnings: Pet Names, Panic Attack, Kissing, Recollection of Traumatic Events, Mentions of Abuse, Depression
WC: 2.21k
A/N: Woo another chapter! I'm trying super hard to get these out.
Taglist: @taerzannie @taem-min @badpvn @aquawol @taeminsonlywhxre
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You don't know how you ended up laying on Taemin's lap after eating Chinese takeout, you don't know why he's tracing shapes into your arm and you don't know why you're so comfortable with it.
Some stupid rom-com you don't know the name of plays in the background, but you're a bit lost looking up at Taemin. His defined jaw stares toward the screen as he watches the movie, his breathing even and rhythmic. You mentally frown as you realize how much you really don't mind his presence. It's not right for you to be this way, he's just your client.
"y/n," Taemin says your name.
"Yes, daddy?"
"I'd like you to stay the night tonight."
"Okay," you reply. It's a bit simple, but you honestly don't care. This moment seems too intimate, too comfortable. It's comfortable to the point where you become uncomfortable.
"Hey, y/n, you're staying tonight right?" Kibum asks, looking down at your head on his lap.
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I?" He chuckles and ruffles your hair, to which you respond by sitting up and pecking him on the lips.
"I don't know, I was just asking," he says, taking another sip of his beer.
Later that night, Kibum's far too many beers in. "y/n. Let's have sex, it'll be fun."
"Again?" You feel hesitant, it's the third time today and the apartment's a mess. There's trash scattered across the floors, beer bottles in groups on the table, and yet you still wonder how he manages not to have a beer belly and this much stamina.
"What the hell do you mean, again?" He grabs you by your hair, causing you to let out a whimper. It's a little bit painful, just a little bit pleasurable, and all the right amounts you need to let him start kissing you.
"Kibum, no, I can't, I won't, not today, maybe tomorrow, okay," you whisper as you break away from the kiss. Your body hurts. It's been too many days, no, weeks, maybe even months like this. You need a break.
"No, we're doing it today," he argues, looking down at you as if you were nothing.
For the first time in a while, you question the look he has in his eyes. "Do you love me?" You ask, blinking slowly.
"Huh? What do you mean, you're smoking hot and you take me so well, why wouldn't I?"
Tears well in your eyes as you realize the stone cold truth. No matter how much you ever loved Kibum, he wouldn't love you back. He never could. He only wanted you for your body. That was all you were worth. A college degree and a body. What better way to go then to use your worth to pay for the degree you believed in?
"Pay me then. You have to pay me, and I'll let you love me, if my body is what makes it like this for you."
"You think I have the money for that bullshit, y/n? You have sex with me because you love me back, not for a damn incentive."
"I think we have different ideas of love. Can we just cuddle and go to bed tonight, please Bum?" You plead with him one last time before he snaps.
You struggle to look at him as you hear him pull on his shoes. "I can't believe I ever invited you back to my place. I should have left you with your dump of a family like you deserved." The door slams as he says the last sentence, leaving your reserve to crumble.
Tears come washing over you as you lose the person you thought was the love of your life. He didn't love you, so why did it hurt so much to see him walk away? You loved him. You loved him so much that it hurt you to be with him, every day was nothing but you giving away your identity to please him.
That night, you find a rich-looking man outside of the chicken place you walked to after leaving Kibum's place. "Hey, sweetheart, are you looking for a nice man to put you in your place? You look a little lost."
"Depends, am I lost?" You can see where it's going, you've seen it in hundreds of movies. The anger you had for Kibum fueled you to use your body, find someone who could love you with their body since he never could with his heart. If men couldn't love you with their heart, wasn't their body the second best thing?
"Well, you appear to be to me," he smirks as he sees you play along.
"How much. I'll get in the car if you tell me how much."
"Ten thousand, but I want two full days with you. I don't look for prostitutes, I want someone to take around," he finishes. "I'm not a cheapskate, I pay top price for women as good looking as you."
That night may have been more traumatizing than all the rest, but you found a remedy. A remedy to all the pain Kibum had put you through with his life and his words. These men only wanted your body, they didn't put false hopes into your head. And it paid. Paid better than falling in love again ever could.
You wake up with a scream, remembering all of the things that you've gone through and the ways you've gotten here. A panic attack rushes over you as you don't remember where you are, it's foreign.
The hyperventilation and fear that wracks through you is like no other when you get out of the bed you're in. Are you back at Kibum's? Where is this place. It couldn't be there, he had yellow sheets and these were gray. The room was too big to be KIbum's. Too expensive looking.
Indicators. Something. You can't help but look to the ground and curl in a ball, trying to gain control of your breathing as you suck in tears and your vision is clouded.
Down the hall, Taemin is awoken by your outburst. Worry shoots straight to his mind, but he hesitates. Is it too much for the arrangement that you two had? Are you panicked because he carried you into the guest room after you fell asleep? You may not want to see him.
You spend an hour gathering yourself, working through the waves of emotions that come and go.
"Call me daddy. That's the only name I should hear come out of your mouth, understand?"
"Yes, Daddy, I understand," you answer, looking lovingly into the eyes of the man who owned you for the next week or so.
He made you feel loved, even if it wasn't in a way that made your heart flutter.
Only Kibum could do that, and there was no more to be seen.
You eventually lay back down in the bed, beginning to scroll through your phone. There may be an exhaustion wave, but it doesn't mean that the brain has fallen asleep one bit.
When Taemin hears nothing but silence, he decides to walk down the hall and check up on you.
"y/n, I heard some noises, is everything alright?" He starts soft, not wanting you to know he recognized the sounds as sobs and screams.
"Everything is okay, daddy," you reply, forcing a half-smile. "I think there were some men down below moving things, or something like that."
His skin crawls at your use of the nickname. God, he hated how unnatural it sounded coming from your lips. To top it off, he knows how effortlessly you lied to him about the sound.
"Are you sure everything is okay, love- princess?" Fuck. The name slipped. It wasn't intentional. It came out like butter, the words slid off of his tongue before he could think about them.
"Yes, daddy, everything is okay," you push the persona, part of you is looking for comfort but the other half is afraid at the caring atmosphere of this very moment. For the college fund. You'll do it for the college fund.
"I can't keep watching you lie to me. You should know that by now, especially after our meeting," he sighs in defeat. He sits next to your laying down figure on the bed. "I heard it all, but I wasn't sure what you might need me to do." There's no venom when he says it.
"Please don't fire me, I swear I can control them, please," you beg. "I think it might be better if you do fire me, since you don't really use me for what I'm worth, but if I'm making you happy I can be okay, I won't have any more attacks, I'm sorry."
"What makes you think I'm going to fire you?"
Your desperate orbs stare back into his eyes, pleading for something, anything that can save this job. Not only does it pay well but it isn't very sexually demanding, at least yet. You wouldn't mind if it was, this was beginning to feel too intimate and you were getting scared.
"I don't know," you reply.
In that moment you look so desperate and broken that Taemin feels the need to fix you. Even if it wouldn't be possible, he had to try. He leans closer to you, putting his arm by the side of your head to keep from falling on top of you. Hesitant at your reaction, his lips meet yours slowly.
He wanted to engulf you in his love, make your pain go away. For the first time, this was suddenly about more than having sex with attractive girls. It hurt him when you were hurting, every second that he heard you struggle made him want to fix it. Love you until you would feel, because while he didn't know what caused you to feel broken, he could tell you were numb somewhere.
A tear rolls down your cheek as he kisses you, a second of fear shuddering from your lips down your spine, but dissipating into a bit of comfort.
"Daddy, w-why," you trail off.
"I guess I couldn't stay true to the 7 day rule. You're beautiful, has anyone ever told you that?" Taemin says, hand cupping your cheek.
"You sound like Kibum." It's all you can manage to say or think in the moment, and you regret it the second it comes out of your mouth. Taemin's face goes stone cold.
"Who the fuck is Kibum?"
"An ex of mine, he's not anything to worry about, I just- I couldn't help what I said, daddy, please forgive me, please," you sense the change of atmosphere in the room.
His expression falls again. "Is that why you were crying? Do you miss him?"
"N-No, he-" your eyes begin to water at the thought of him again. "He's not a good memory."
"Nothing is going to hurt you here." He leans down once again and gives you a long kiss on the forehead.
"Daddy," you start. "Can I do something quickly?"
"Sure, what do you need princess?"
You shakily reach your hands up to the sides of his face and pull it towards yours. You kiss him softly, the familiar comfort of the first time returning to you. He responds within a few seconds, kissing back just as slowly as you had.
"Sit up," he commands.
You pull yourself up with him from where you had been laying down, and he pulls you in again for another kiss. It continues just as slowly, but this time he adds his tongue into the mix. You let him with no fight, feeling as he explores every inch of your mouth and your lips can't get enough of one another.
Your arms find their way around his neck and his hands find their way to settle on your waist. Like the clouds clearing after a storm, you find some kind of warmth in the kiss you share. More than just a kiss that you might share with a client.
Heavy breaths were taken from your nose until you couldn't take any more of them. You swear that your heart's been skipping beats for the last two minutes or so that it lasted, but time is irrelevant now. As you pull away, his lips chase yours.
Like someone lit a match inside of you, your heart blossomed just the slightest bit.
"Daddy," you utter.
"You should get some rest, you've had a tough night. I'll see you in the morning." He smiles softly at you, even when he knows you can't see it in the dark.
"W-wait, Taem- I mean, Daddy-" you stumble over words as they escape your mouth. "Could you stay until I fall asleep?"
"Are you not big enough to sleep by yourself, princess?"
"I-I am, but I just- I feel better with you there," your voice gets quieter on the last part.
"Ten minutes, and then I'm going back to my room." He shakes his head.
He spoons you as you begin to drift off, an odd feeling of serenity in your body. The warmth radiating from his body spreads to your back and is like a blanket engulfing you in its warmth.
You never slept better since the start of you and Kibum.
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luvjjongtae · 3 years
What's Real? - Ch 2: Dating
Read Ch 1: Meeting here
Word count: 4.2k
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“Wait. You have something there.” Minho reached over the coffee table to gently wipe some foam off your upper lip with a napkin before sitting back down in his chair, satisfied with himself.
“Please, that was just for show,” you said with an eye roll and a glance outside the window your table was conveniently placed right next to. You could spot a couple of paparazzi outside already, bulky cameras at the ready.
“Maybe,” he said in a sing-songy voice, taking a sip from his own coffee mug. “You gotta admit, this is kind of fun.”
“Lying to the entire public that we’re dating and going on free dates? Yes, it is kind of fun.” You smirked back at him.
“Hey!” he responded, putting his mug down indignantly, almost spilling it on himself. “This date is on you then. You can’t expect me to pay for them all.”
“I’ll put it on my agency’s tab. Then it’s still free for me.”
“You can– what?” Minho asked, wide-eyed. “You could do that?” He leaned in close, whispering as if it was a state secret.
“Yeah, of course. We aren’t actually dating. This is just like another acting job.” You finished up your coffee and waved at the nearby waiter for the check.
“Wow,” Minho breathed out, surprised at this new information. “Well, then we better go to more expensive places and make the most of it. It’s not often that your agency will pay for your leisure time.”
“True,” you agreed, pulling out your company credit card and signing the check before handing it back to the waiter. “What ideas do you have?”
He thought about it for a moment, looking off into the distance as he mulled over different ideas. Then his eyes sparkled and he locked eyes with you. “Horseback riding.”
“Sounds fun,” you said enthusiastically. “We’ll just have to tip some reporters about where we are or they’ll never find us.”
“You underestimate fans. They’ll find us somehow.”
“Okay, horseback riding it is.” You stood up and held out your arm chivalrously. “Are you ready, sir?” you asked dramatically.
“Why, yes. Thank you,” he said, matching the exaggerated energy and taking your arm and linking them together as you left the coffee shop. You were both prepared now for the clicks and flashes of paparazzi cameras as you walked together to a waiting car. You took a moment before you followed Minho into the car to wave and throw some peace signs at the cameras. You wanted to show off today’s outfit anyway.
“SM Entertainment, please,” Minho said to the driver once you slammed the door shut and sidled up next to him in the backseat.
“SM?” you asked as the car started moving.
“You have an off day, right?” he asked, looking at you hopefully. “Do you want to come to see me practice, maybe? You could even meet the members.”
He was looking at you with his shining, big doe eyes that you couldn’t deny him. “Of course, that sounds like fun. I don’t have any other plans today.”
“Perfect. They know we aren’t actually dating,” Minho explained. “They might tease you about it though, especially Kibum. They keep saying that it’s only fake dating ‘for now.’” Minho made some quotation marks with his fingers.
“I can handle it, don’t worry,” you said, patting his leg lightly next to you. You had been fake dating now for three weeks and had become good friends. You were both comfortable with each other, and you didn’t overthink the simple gestures. You were just friends. He bounced his leg up and down in response, a nervous habit, you noticed. You decided to break some of the tension that had accumulated in the car by asking, “So what are you practicing for?”
He told you all about the upcoming album concept and the work that had gone into it, explaining that he even had contributed to writing some of the raps for this album. You let him talk excitedly about SHINee and the comeback the entire car ride, glad to see him so passionate about a project. And when you arrived at SM headquarters, Minho guided you up to the large and open practice room where the whole dancing team and the rest of SHINee itself were waiting.
“Oh, ho, ho,” one of them said when Minho walked in with you. “It’s Minho’s lover,” he cooed.
“This is Key, or Kibum,” Minho said, introducing him to you. “He’s the one I warned you about.” He gave Kibum a pointed look.
Kibum raised his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, it’s not just me. You two are literally holding hands.”
You and Minho both rapidly glanced down and realized that you were - indeed - both holding hands the entire time up to the practice room. You let go first, wiping your hand on your legs. “Oh, we just forgot.”
“Uh-huh,” Kibum said, not convinced.
“Anyway,” Minho interrupted loudly. “This is Jonghyun, Taemin, and Onew - or Jinki.” He gestured to each of the members who waved and bowed slightly to greet you.
“Hey, everyone,” you said awkwardly waving back. “I’m–”
“We’ve heard all about you, don’t worry,” Taemin interrupted, coming up to Minho and nudging him in the side. “Minho won’t stop talking about you.”
“I– that’s not exactly true,” Minho said, nudging Taemin aggressively back and giving you a sheepish look.
“All good things,” Jonghyun said, coming up to you. He examined your face. “You picked a real winner, Minho.”
“Stop it! You guys!” Minho was practically wrestling with Taemin at this point.
Jinki came up beside Jonghyun. “Let them breathe,” he said pulling Jonghyun away with him towards the center of the practice room. “Sorry about that,” he called back to you.
Minho had managed to throw Taemin off of him now, and he looked at you with concern. “I’m so sorry. They’re so much work.”
“Not as much work as you!” Kibum called from the opposite side of the practice room.
Minho huffed out in frustration and ushered you towards the side of the practice room, some chairs set up already. “Just ignore them and everything they said before. I really don’t talk about you that much. I promise. Just a decent amount, you know, like how much friends talk about each oth–”
“Minho.” You held his shoulders to stop him from rambling. “It’s okay. I’m flattered, honestly.”
Minho’s cheeks reddened a bit and he bowed his head in embarrassment. “Okay, then I’m glad. I better, um, get to practice,” he said, pointing towards the rest of the dancers all warming up in the center of the room.
“Go, go. I don’t wanna hold you up,” you said, shooing him away. You watched the rest of the dance practice and caught up on social media at the same time, feeling Minho’s watchful gaze on you every once in a while and shooting him an encouraging, friendly smile whenever you noticed.
“Woah. Easy there, buddy,” you said, pulling back on the reins of your horse. You turned him around in place, letting him walk a little bit and release some energy, and caught Minho’s eye as he mounted his own stallion. “Can’t believe we’re finally doing this.”
“On SM’s tab and everything!” he said excitedly, grabbing his horse’s reins securely. “I finally figured out how to finesse that.” Minho smiled at you, pure bliss and excitement on his face.
“Mr. Choi here tells me that he’s done this before,” the specialist who had helped you mount the horses said. He stood in front of both of your horses, lightly stroking their muzzles. “So just follow the path and call us if there is an emergency. Service still works over there.” Then he patted the horses and walked away.
You looked over at Minho quizzically. “Have you really done this before?”
“Um…maybe once or twice,” he said pulling tighter on his reins and clicking his heels to get his horse moving. You noticed some other riders from the corner of your eye filming you with their phones. The public had found you, and before the end of the date, you would both be trending on social media again. It was just the way it worked with these public dates.
You followed quickly behind Minho. “You said that so we can be alone, didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” He dragged it out teasingly. “If not, there’s just this random trainer with you the entire time. It’s so awkward.”
“Uh-huh,” you said, following Minho onto the trail. The first stretch was just an open field, long grass flowing in the wind on either side of you. You felt the steady hoofsteps of your horse, rocking you back and forth rhythmically. “Well, it’s nice to get some time alone with you.”
Minho’s horse stepped on a rock and almost slipped. He pulled back sharply on the reins, willing him to stay upright. Once he steadied himself, he carried on stepping carefully. “Ranger, be careful,” Minho warned stroking his mane. “I agree though. About the alone time,” he responded quietly to you.
You both trotted side-by-side along the field in comfortable silence, hearing the soft hoof steps of your horses on the well-worn dirt path beneath you. You turned around to see how far the ranch was behind you, and at this point, it was just a speck far in the distance. “Looks like we’ve gone pretty far.”
“Oh yeah,” Minho said, turning back to see as well. “I got us the longest trail.” Then you heard his phone ding with a notification, and he reached into his jacket pocket to pull it out.
“Hey, no texting and driving,” you laughed.
“I can multi-task,” he said, moving both of his reins to one hand to check his phone. He rolled his eyes when he read the text.
“Who was it?”
“Kibum,” he sighed out, stuffing the phone into his pocket again.
“What did he say?”
“You don’t want to know,” Minho said, looking away at the trees that had started forming overhead as the trail entered a forest area.
“But I do,” you whined out playfully. “Your friends are so much fun.” After that first meeting in the practice room, you had gone a few more times with Minho to SM on your off days, enjoying talking with the members. They still always teased that you were actually dating, but it didn’t bother you. It seemed to really bother Minho though, you noticed. “Is it about us actually dating?”
“Yes,” Minho said curtly.
“You know, it’s okay if they think we’re actually dating. I mean, so does the rest of the public,” you said with a slight laugh.
“But we aren’t really,” Minho said softly, staring unblinkingly at the reins in his hands.
“Right,” you said, looking away too. It just got awkward very fast. You changed topics. “So, anyway, have you watched that new Netflix drama yet?”
The rest of the date went by like it usually did, both of you casually conversing like friends did as you walked through the entire two-hour trail. At one point you both decided to test your limits and attempted to gallop across the field back to the ranch. You both laughed hysterically when Minho’s horse stayed parked and refused to do so, settling for nothing faster than a trot. Minho wanted to switch horses with you but you told him no, insisting that Ranger was the perfect horse for him: stubborn and handsome.
But that awkward moment from earlier stayed in your mind. You hadn’t really talked about when the fake dating would officially end…or if it even would in the first place. You side-stepped the question whenever Lily brought it up and avoided the awkward situations with Minho. But what did you both want?
These thoughts haunted you for another busy week filled with long days of shooting and interviews. You were only able to see Minho one time that Saturday, and he kept saying that it was going to be a “fake date to remember” every time you called.
“What’s so special about this date?” you asked the day before you were scheduled to see each other.
“You’ll see,” he said. You could hear some singing and talking in the background. He must’ve just finished recording. “I went all out for this.”
“Is it on SM’s tab again?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“Well, yes,” Minho said. “But it was all my idea. You have to give me some credit.”
“I’ll give you credit when I see what you have ready. For all I know, you’re taking me to a street stand to eat tteokbokki.”
“Wait, actually that’s a good idea,” Minho said.
You laughed in response. But then you caught Lily waving you over for the next scene you had to shoot and said, “Okay, I gotta go now. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye! Have fun shooting,” he said excitedly. And right before he hung up, you could’ve sworn you heard him make a kiss sound. Shrugging off the way your heart raced a little at the thought that he had sent you a kiss over the phone, you ran over to meet with Lily and start the scene.
When Saturday rolled around, you sipped on your iced coffee as you waited outside your apartment lobby for Minho to pick you up. He said he wanted to drive this time, and you were excited to be in the front seat for once. You watched the sun slowly set over the city buildings across from you, illuminating the street in a soft halo of golden light.
You finished up drinking your coffee and threw it out, thinking about how Lily always warned you against having caffeine in the evening. But your entire day of shooting was so long and draining that without any caffeine you could fall asleep on your date with Minho. Minho was so excited for this date the entire week that you couldn’t fathom doing that to him.
Just as you thought that you saw a sleek red sports car pull up on the curb in front of your apartment building. Grabbing your things, you went outside and let out an impressed whistle when you saw the car. “Wow, nice ride.”
Minho stepped out from the driver’s seat, beaming with pride at your reaction. He walked around the front of the car, touching the front of it delicately. “Right? Just finished paying her off,” he said, taking your hand and courteously guiding you into the passenger seat.
You waited for him to get into the driver’s seat before asking, “So…where to?”
“Still not telling you,” he said as he turned on the car and smoothly started driving. “Buckle up because it’s a good forty-five minutes away.”
“God, are you taking me to some abandoned warehouse or something?” you said with a laugh as you clicked your seatbelt into place.
Minho only hummed out in response, eyes focused on the road. “It’s a surprise, I told you. Now put some music on or something. It’s too quiet.”
“You got it, babe,” you said jokingly, reaching over to connect your phone to the aux. You glanced over and saw Minho tense a little at the nickname and quickly added, “I mean fake-babe.” Oh no, he didn’t like it.
Minho forced out an awkward chuckle. “Fake-babe, that’s funny.” His eyes did not stop staring at the road in front of him, and you decided to ease the tension with some upbeat songs from your playlist.
Most of the ride went on in comfortable silence. You made the occasional comment about the surroundings, noticing that he was driving you outside of the city. Maybe he really was taking you to some abandoned warehouse…
“Hm?” he responded, glancing over at you as he drove.
“Will you tell me now where we’re going, please?” you asked, with the whiniest baby voice you could muster. The sun had set by now, and everything around you was dark, save for the road immediately in front of the car, lit up bright from the car’s headlights.
“Fine, since we’re basically here now.” Minho turned the car left, pulling into the parking lot of a large domed building. “We’re at a planetarium,” he said gleefully as he parked the car close to the front doors. You could faintly make out a sign at the front that read in big letters “National Planetarium and Space Museum.”
“Why a planetarium?” you asked once you both had exited the car and walked together to the doors.
“Because we’re stars!” Minho smiled proudly at his joke as you went inside, the cool rush of the air conditioning giving you goosebumps.
“You’ve been waiting to say that, haven’t you?” you teased, nudging his arm next to yours softly. You looked around and realized the entire place was empty. But the lights were on and the doors were definitely unlocked. “Minho, where is everyone?”
“I rented the place out,” he said, back turned towards you as he studied the directory.
“You– what?” you asked incredulously. “You didn’t have to do that, Minho. We could’ve been seen in public here.”
“I’m tired of everything being for the sake of the public.” He seemed to find what he was looking for on the directory and, satisfied with himself, turned to look at you, holding his arm out. “Let’s do something alone for once.”
“Okay…” you said with some hesitation as you locked arms with him, letting him guide you through the museum. Wasn’t the point of the fake dating to be seen in public? You didn’t say that out loud though, focusing on how soft Minho’s skin felt against yours instead.
He walked you both past statues of planets, diagrams of the constellations, and even some interactive space arcade games for kids to play. When you reached a set of large double doors with a sign saying “Show Room” above it, Minho pulled open the doors and led you inside the pitch-black, mostly empty room.
“I can’t see anything,” you said into the darkness, holding on tighter to Minho’s arm just in case you tripped on something. “Is there even anyone here to work this room?”
“They told me how to do it. Wait here,” Minho said, untangling his arm from yours and leaving you standing. You let your eyes adjust a bit to the darkness but still couldn’t see past your own two hands. Minho turned on his phone flashlight and you saw him working behind a desk with buttons and screens. “I think I just need to press this.” He pressed a button, something beeped, and the dome above you lit up with hundreds of fake stars. “Ta-dah!” He turned off his phone flashlight so that the only light came from the stars.
You admired the sky above you, the stars twinkling beautifully. “This is amazing, Minho,” you said, feeling him come up beside you again.
“It’s nice and peaceful. Just us two.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, still in awe at the realistic night sky overhead.
“This is what the sky above us actually looks like without any light pollution. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“It is,” you said, reaching out and holding Minho’s hand in yours. The moment just felt right.
You felt his breath hitch slightly. He cleared his throat. “Well, I figured we could have a picnic here. If you want, that is.”
“Of course. That sounds nice.”
Nodding slightly, he let go of your hand and reached into the tote bag he brought down from the car to pull out a large blanket, laying it down at the center of the room. “There. I didn’t bring any food so it’s just a picnic blanket, really,” he said with a small laugh.
You and Minho laid side to side on your backs on the blanket, your fingers touching ever so slightly. You felt Minho’s hand twitch. “This is a great date idea. Thank you,” you said up at the night sky.
“I felt like I had to make up for not being able to see you all week,” Minho said quietly.
“We’re both busy people. That’s just the way things are.”
“I know. I just wish I could see you more often.” His sentence lingered in the air, the implications of it too much to unpack now.
“How long have we been doing this now? One month?” You turned to your side and perched your head upon your hand, your elbow digging into the blanket.
“Five weeks,” Minho said, avoiding your gaze.
“Hm,” you said thoughtfully. “I wonder when they’ll tell us to stop.”
“What if…” Minho started. He sighed deeply but then seemed to make his mind up about something. “What if they don’t tell us to stop?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if they say it’s up to us?” he asked, turning his head to look at you now.
“Well, then I guess we decide when to end things,” you said.
“Right.” Minho turned back to look at the stars, contemplative. “I don’t want to think about that anymore,” he said after a few moments of silence.
“You were the one to bring it up,” you said, laying back down on your back and scooching yourself closer to him so that your sides were pressed together. He felt warm against you.
“Sorry, let’s only talk about happy things now,” he said. His breathing was deep and steady.
“Okay.” And so you discussed the stars above you, pointing up at every constellation you thought you could decipher and trying to explain to Minho that those stars definitely formed the Big Dipper. After an hour or so of talking underneath the stars, you sat up, rubbing your slightly aching back.
“Does your back hurt?” Minho asked, concerned.
“No, it’s okay. I’ve just been laying down for too long.”
Minho immediately sat up and reached over to rub your back lightly. “I can give you a massage if you want,” he offered, his voice shy even in the silence of the empty planetarium.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” You adjusted yourself so that your back was to Minho and felt him start massaging your shoulders and neck. His strong hands went deep, rubbing away knots that had accumulated over weeks of stress and work. “Wow, you’re good at this,” you said, sighing out when he hit a particularly aching spot on your lower back.
“Thank you,” he said, continuing to massage you. “Tell me if it’s too hard.”
“Okay.” He massaged you for a few minutes in comfortable silence, until you said, “That’s good. Thank you.”
He let go of your shoulders, and you turned around to face him, both of you sitting cross-legged on the blanket under the stars. The air shifted slightly between you two, and you thought for a moment that it felt like you were both awkward school children on their first date. You held your breath, waiting for Minho to say something first.
He stared at you for a moment with those big brown eyes of his, and his voice low, he said, “I really like spending time with you. Alone.” He leaned in close.
“Me too,” you whispered out, leaning in as well. Just as you were about to kiss, the stars shimmering above you, the atmosphere perfect, Minho’s phone rang. You and Minho jerked away from each other, startled at the sudden noise.
Minho reached over to pick up his phone. “Euisoo, what is it?”
You made a point to not look at Minho, opting to examine the stars instead. They had shifted slightly from when Minho had first started up the simulation, you noticed.
“Now?” he asked into the phone. He sounded frustrated. “Okay, we’re on our way.” He hung up and almost slammed his phone onto the blanket in anger. “We have to go now. Another emergency PR meeting,” he said to you, voice all business. The mood had entirely shifted.
“This late?” you asked, getting up from the blanket and helping Minho roll it up. “That’s so weird.”
“Yeah, it is,” Minho said, trying to keep his voice level. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. We had a great time, and we’ll do this again sometime.” You both rapidly exited the Show Room after Minho turned off the stars, the sound of your shoes clicking on the floor echoing throughout the silent planetarium.
“Yeah, we will,” he said with a deep breath. “You really enjoyed it?” He looked at you in question as you walked together.
“Yes, I did. It was worth all the hype.” You looked up at him and saw him smiling proudly.
“Good,” he said. “That’s all that matters.”
You both got inside the car and Minho started it up, smoothly pulling out of the parking lot and getting onto the highway. You checked your own phone and saw a couple of text messages from Lily letting you know about the meeting. This had to do with the both of you, you thought worriedly. You shot Lily a text letting her know you’d be there soon and settled into your seat, determined to relax with Minho in the car before facing this emergency meeting.
Read Ch 3: Scandal here
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dibidibifiction · 2 months
Give Me A Hug: Chapter 3
Pairing: Taemin x Female Reader Word count: 1.2k
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction made for the personal entertainment of readers. The writer does not ever intend to offend her readers nor does she aim to spread false information about anyone so as to pay any disrespect to the real-life persons on whom the characters are based. She also does not claim ownership of any of the images that are being used.
chapter 2
masterlist general masterlist
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“Wait. So he showed up to your birthday with the girl he cheated on you with?” I say to Kibum as the car stops.
“Yes. Can you believe that?” Kibum rolls his eyeballs.
“Actually, what I can’t believe is that you invited him.”
He stares at me with a displeased expression on his face.
“That’s what I said!” Taemin weighs in.
Kibum rolls his eyes once again. “You guys are perfect for each other,” he says as he gets out of Taemin’s car.  “Thanks for the ride.”
I wave goodbye to him before he walks toward his apartment building.
“I can’t believe I’m friends with that guy,” Taemin starts.
“Are you kidding? I love him already.” Kibum has dated a lot of guys and had fun in his youth. It makes his stories exciting and hysterical. It reminded me of my younger self. I also used to party a lot and dated some. I was fearless and reckless. I had a lot of fun.
“Yeah, well, he’s actually better once you gained his trust and friendship. He’s pretty loyal to his friends.”
I smile and nod at him and then watch Kibum enter the building.
“So,” Taemin exhales. “Do you want to get some coffee? I know a nice place nearby.” 
“Actually, it’s a little late for coffee. How about we get a drink?” I suggest.
“I can’t. I’m driving,” he regrets.
“That’s fine, they have virgins.”
We drive to a cute little bar near where I live. It’s where Jonghyun and I had our ups and downs before I got married. I used to go here when my husband’s at work or on a business trip far away.
“Hey, Y! You’re back. Where’s Jonghyun?” the bartender/owner greets me as soon as I walk in.
“What’s up, Carl? This is Taemin. Jonghyun’s working tonight.” I inform him. “Is there an available table for us?”
“Of course, I never leave out my regulars.” Carl gestures to one of the waitresses to lead us to a booth across the bar.
I look at Taemin behind me and nod as a signal for him to follow me to our table. 
“Just call for me when you’re ready to order,” the nice lady smiles as we sit down.
“This place is nice,” Taemin says. “I haven’t been to one of these since I graduated.”
“They have great food, too,” I tell him proudly. “Are you going to order food or just drinks?”
“I already ate. So a drink will be fine,” he says, looking down and reading the menu while stripping off his jacket.
After not long, the food arrives. I ordered a kimchi stew, a grilled pork belly, and a vodka tonic while Taemin has a “virgin rum and coke,” he says. 
“You can have some pork belly if you want,” I offer. I feel like a pig for getting two types of food.
“I’m okay. You seem like you’re starving,” he points out as I wipe some soup droplets off my chin. 
I cough a chuckle after sipping my drink.
“So, why did you have to see a lawyer?” Taemin asks.
I’m slightly startled by his question. It’s a little weird for me to share my situation with someone I barely know. I got used to having no friends around. Besides Jonghyun, I haven’t shared things this sensitive with anyone for a long time. I don’t feel comfortable telling this guy the whole story.
Taemin apologizes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy.”
“I’m getting divorced.” I nod, decide to go for it. 
“Well, it’s good that you got out of a bad relationship. If it’s a good one you wouldn’t have to get divorced, right?”
Others would say “I’m sorry” and ask me what happened. They would either look at me with pitying eyes or wouldn’t be able to look me in the eye because they’d become uncomfortable learning about my situation. But not Taemin.
“Right,” I smile at him, grateful for what he just said.
“It’s good to see you doing well despite whatever happened. I hope you heal continuously.” He smiles back.
We converse through the evening. I talk about my friendship with Jonghyun and how he’s helped me after finally moving out of my husband’s house. He tells me about his friends Minho, Kibum, and Jinki, whom I had worked with a long time ago. It’s been a long time since I’ve had fun with somebody like this.
“What are you planning to do once your divorce is final?” Taemin asks.
“I think I’d like to start working again.” I haven’t actually thought about it much. For years, all I thought about was getting out of my painful marriage. Going back to work is just the first thing that popped into my head.
I miss the feeling I had when my clients loved how they looked because of my work. The different makeup looks and the different outfits I worked on with various artists and models were in magazines, on television, and all over social media. I loved how my life was back when I had a career.
“Oh, right. I hear you were Kim Jonghyun’s personal manager,”
“Yeah, but that was only when I was in between projects and he really needed more help. I used to be a makeup artist and stylist.”
“That’s cool. Who’s your favorite person that you’ve worked with?” 
“Kim Taeyeon,” I tell excitedly. “I’m a big fan of hers and I finally got to work with her on one of her comebacks years ago.”
Taemin speaks about his work and all the crazy superiors he worked with when was just starting out. As I listen, I feel a vibration on my ass. I fish my phone out of my pocket and see that Jonghyun has texted me:
I’m home now. Where are you?
I reply immediately:
I’m at Carl’s with Lee Taemin. I’ll see you soon.
I stuff my phone back in my back pocket and carry on my evening with Taemin.
I’m really glad Jonghyun asked me to help him out today. If he didn’t, I never would’ve met Taemin. My visit to my divorce lawyer didn’t feel so heavy today because I knew that he was waiting for me.  I expected I’d be relieved once I got divorced. But I didn’t expect I’d be this happy.
As we both converse and laugh, I hear a ringtone coming from Taemin’s smartphone on the table beside him. He picks it up and answers a phone call. When I least expect it, I watch his smile disappear and get replaced with a frown. His expression suddenly looks frightened. He hangs up.
“Is everything okay?” My heart is burning with concern.
He didn’t answer my question. “Sorry. I have to go.” He takes his jacket and hurriedly exits the bar.
If something bad is going on, I shouldn’t let him go alone. I quickly take some cash out of my wallet and place it on the table. Then dash out to follow him.
I hope everything will be okay.
chapter 4
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gayashawol · 4 months
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ships: Lee Taemin x Kim Kibum
genre: smut
word count: 700+ words
content warning(s): it may be cringy but it was fun to make lol, also the word whore and slut has been used
author's notes: yk this is my first idol x idol i’ve ever posted, right?
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“Fuck… Jinki screwed us again.” Not the type of thing anyone like me would want to hear when I would be pent up in pleasure. I looked up at Key, hissing at the thought of masturbating myself to sleep.
“Hey…” Key placed his hand on my shoulder, whispering in my ear. “You don’t have to be alone, you know? Let’s do this one together.”
My eyes widen up in confusion. “Us two?”
We were both bottoms, meaning that none of us would do the fucking. We just wanted to be railed — would that be clear enough? My ass needed to have some sort of fulfilment since what it felt like the beginning of time. It felt like a stopwatch, it restarts when it relapses.
“T-Taemin… p-please go on top of my c-cock-” Key started whining, squirming on the bed while his slutty legs opened and shut like a school bus with the driver that was sick of his job.
“T-Taeminnieeee-ahhhh- s-stoppppp taking so longggggg!” He has gotten worse. I had never been around a lot of bottoms, but I knew for a fact that they would whine all the time if horny. In fact, they beg all the time and usually, the tops always would give them what they wanted — unless they were toxic, of course.
I finally got my mind to shut up, so I hopped on top of him and laid on his chest. Automatically like a machine, he would begin grinding on me. I was feeling a bit, but Key would then start moaning.
“O-ohhhh— T-Taemin- p-please say my nameeee!” I complied with my horny hyung’s demands.
“Keykey- my hot Keykey- mmm…” He enjoyed my cute voice calling him, so he over to kiss me. His lips were so soft but warm. He would still hold me, grabbing onto my back, leaving it with scratch marks like the good boy he was. His dick was so gorgeous too, so why would anyone cancel on him?
Key bit my neck, feeling his sharpest teeth stab onto my flesh, feeling the slight leak and aware that I got a love bump. Feeling my chewy skin, he has the appeal to taste my cock. He would check me out before he slid down like a mine and put on a show for me.
“Mmm…? I bet you’re going to be a sensitive whore like me, Taemin-” And whore I was, I would then whine while on all fours, meanwhile having him sucking my pretty balls with his finger inside of me.
“Nghhhh~” I felt like I hit a road stop. Then I kept going, and going, until I was as loud as Key. Feeling his tongue on the tip, then going down until balls deep. My small flexible body was able to sightly look down at Key to see only the bottom of his jawline.
“Let’s do 69, Taeminnieeeee!” Key excitedly laid down on me, making me position myself so my ass was on his face. Him being a tease, he placed a finger inside of me that felt wet and cold. I knew it was lube, and so I got even more excited about what was to come. Meanwhile, I was sucking him off while gently kissing his slightly hairy balls.
“Nghhh… ah…” I cried out, starting to get a lot more sensitive. I began humping on Key’s face, going up and down as his mouth was still occupied.
I felt a dildo go inside of me, starting the moaning fest with Key. “G-grab mine t-too…”
We were in the sideway 69 position, and the both of us were giving head while dildos were fucking our sweet holes. Our moans were synchronised, bumping into each other on occasion.
“Ahhh-ohhh-ah!” The both of us screamed, holding on to each other while her legs shook in pleasure. We couldn’t hold back any more, so we held hands as we approached our climax.
“Mmm- I-I’m gonna c-cum- K-Keykey!” I spoke to Key with a slight voice crack.
“M-me too- Taeminnie!” He came all over my face, while I splattered on his. We both sighed as the sensation passed, and we looked at each other’s faces for the first time after climaxing.
“You got cum all over you!” Key chuckled, wiping the cum off my face.
“You got it on you too!” We had a great laugh about it, even holding hands again to stare at the ceiling like they were stars. As we chatted about how amazing our session was, I began to be tired. I slept on Key’s chest, feeling him pulling me close to him.
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He Has A Nightmare, But You’re Not There ~ SHINee Reaction
The sound of heavy footsteps caught your attention from downstairs as you listened out for Jinki. Before you knew it, he bolted down the stairs, eyes darting all around the place until he spotted you at your desk.
His eyes widened as he found you, letting go of a huge sigh of relief as he collapsed down on the stairs, running his hands over his face to wake himself up.
You stood up as soon as you saw him, confused by the rush. “What’s happened?” You questioned, joining Jinki in sitting on the staircase.
“I had a nightmare, and when I woke up, you weren’t,” Jinki explained, blubbering his way through his words as he tried to stay composed, “I thought you had gone.”
“I’m here,” you smiled, reaching across to take a hold of Jinki’s hand, “you can see me, hear me, touch me, that was all a dream.”
Jinki’s eyes closed momentarily as he tried to calm himself down, “my heart is pounding, I thought that you’d gone, I didn’t know what to do.”
You were gutted as you listened to Jinki’s shaky voice, “let’s head back up to bed, I think I’ll leave the rest of my work for tomorrow now.”
“Thank you, I don’t want to be alone now.”
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With a shaky hand, Kibum fumbled underneath his pillow as he woke himself up from his nightmare, searching for his phone as quickly as he possibly could, scrolling all the way through until he found your number.
It was natural for him to press call, not even thinking to look at the clock as he looked around instead at his hotel room, reminding himself of where he was.
As soon as he heard your voice, Kibum could tell that he had woken you up. “It’s three in the morning here, has something happened?”
“I’m sorry,” Kibum sighed as he finally woke himself up properly, “I had a nightmare Y/N and I just wanted to hear your voice, I forgot about the two-hour difference.”
“It’s alright,” you frowned, knowing how much Kibum struggled on the road, “are you alright? Did the nightmare involve me?”
From the sigh that came from Kibum, you knew the answer. “I kept trying to reach out for you, but you weren’t there, it felt like we were home.”
You laid back down as you heard Kibum begin to settle, “do you want to stay on the phone for a little while? Until you’re ready to sleep.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate that a lot.”
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It was instinct for Minho to reach beside him as he woke up from his nightmare, hoping to find you beside him. It felt strange to him, and as he opened his eyes, he was stunned to see your side of the bed empty.
The panic in him increased as he looked around the room, struggling to catch his breath as the bedroom door opened up, with you walking back into the room.
As you closed the door behind you, you heard a gasp, glancing behind you to see Minho staring wide eyed back at you. “Hey,” you rushed to him.
“Where were you?” Minho stuttered as you sat down on the bed beside him, feeling his arms wrap around your frame, “I had a nightmare, that you had disappeared Y/N.”
“Oh, Min,” you frowned, running your hand along the length of his back, “I just went to use the toilet, I didn’t disappear.”
Minho rested himself carefully against your shoulder as he tried to calm himself down, “I thought it was true, that someone had taken you.”
You continued to move him gently, “I’m right here, and I definitely don’t plan on going anywhere too, just try and keep calm, it’s alright.”
“I’m sorry, I just panicked, that’s all.”
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Slow steps were all Taemin could manage as he made his way around the house desperately in search of you. He was still terrified, even more so when he woke up and failed to find you fast asleep beside him.
The first sight of light from the spare room pulled Taemin towards the room, finding you sat on the floor, scrolling through your phone as you failed to get to sleep.
You were oblivious until you felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around your frame. “Taemin, are you alright?” You asked, noticing his tears.
“I just had a nightmare, that’s all,” Taemin informed you, burying himself tightly into the crook of your neck, “you weren’t there, I was confused where you’d gone.”
“I came in here because I was restless,” you softly laughed, “I thought it was a good idea, although looking at you, I don’t think it was.”
Taemin rested his hands tightly over the top of yours, “you weren’t to know what would happen, I’m just glad that you’re still at home, and still safe.”
You smiled back at Taemin as you met his eyes, “we’re both just fine, whatever happened, it was just a dream, none of it was real.”
“I’m so relieved, I was worried for a second.”
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