#Kaz just really loves her hair okay
kazscrows · 11 months
Hi Tumblr so… I wrote a thing and I’m gonna share it with you all. I guess this could be considered a one shot?
I love imagining Kanej post CK once they’re married so that’s where the idea for this came from. I just kind of got thinking what would happen if Kaz got injured because the barrel is a dangerous place and then refused to be on bed rest when he needed it? How would Inej deal with that? And it spiraled from there. So anyways I hope y’all enjoy. I even gave it a title!!
No rest for the wicked
After Kaz’s wounds had been stitched and bandaged he begrudgingly agreed to go to bed and stay there.
But only for the night, he’d thought to himself. He had “business” to take care of the next morning.
However in the morning everything still ached. A lot. But there was never any rest for the wicked or the miserable for that matter. With a groan he began to sit up so he could climb out of bed. That’s when he found a knife suddenly pointed at his throat, held by his lovely wife.
“Inej, Darling,” he starts, “don’t you think slitting my throat rather defeats the purpose of forcing me to stay in all day?” He looks at her completely calm, almost bored.
Inej pulls the knife away from him, but she doesn’t put it away “Oh,” she says “No, you misunderstand. I’m not going to use this knife on you.”
He pauses and raises one eyebrow, “You’re not?”
“No. This knife is for my hair.”
He freezes in his efforts to get up. His signature poker face is still in place, but he’s suddenly panicked inside, she can’t cut it! She’d never cut her hair, her long and beautiful black hair, that he loved letting his fingers slide through. It was even down this morning instead of coiled tightly into its usual braid. “You’re bluffing-”
A Shink of the knife is heard and then a small black lock of hair floats down to the bed. It’s from just behind her ear. Inej says nothing, but she’s staring him right in the eyes as if to say, Do you really want to test me?
“Inej. Come on. You can’t actually be seri—”
He cuts off as she grabs more of her hair, a lot more of her hair- and raises the knife once more. He actually starts to sweat. No! Not your hair! He’s not sure if that was a thought or if he said it out loud…
“Fine- Okay!” He scowls and sinks back down into the bed, grumbling, “Put the knife away. I’ll stay in bed.. I’ll stay home until I’m healed-”
She grins triumphantly then and slips the knife away, back into its sheath. She’s beautiful, he thinks, she’s always beautiful.
“Great!” She exclaims and presses a quick kiss to his cheek, it’s feather light and lightning quick and a part of him wishes it had lasted longer. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go make us some waffles for breakfast.” She gets up and reaches to grab her fallen lock of hair off the bed so she can toss it out, but it’s gone. She just smiles and shakes her head before leaving the room. On her way out she calls back to him, “I’ll grab my hairbrush too, you can brush it later.” She knows him too well.
Kaz waits until he knows she’s downstairs before he slips the little lock of her hair from his pocket and twirls it around his finger. A small smile touches his lips. Well, he thinks while he waits for his wife to return, misery does love company and maybe the wicked do get some rest after all…
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writing-havoc · 2 years
HII! HOW ARE YOU? Okay so i have a kaz brekker x reader request but it's kinda meh but i just can't stop thinking about it. And it's kinda similar to your fic 'high' (my favorite piece of media EVER)
So fem!reader (or gn whichever is easier for you<3) drunk and makes fun of the way kaz talks and his hair and the way how he's really bossy. (I would so call him emo king) and he's just trying to get her to take a bath (be a fish) and rest.
Please please don't feel pressured you can just ignore this. Don't forget to drink water. Have a nice day or night love youu<3
♡ Summary: Kaz comes and fetches you after you have a bit too much to drink. Getting you to bathe and rest for the night is a little more difficult than he remembers.
♡ Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Reader
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warning(s): Alcohol, Nudity (not smut)
♡ WC: 3.5k
Hello hello!!! Thank you for your request <3 I'm doing pretty alright thank you for asking. I hope you're doing okay!
I loved being prompted to expand on this and experiment with how it would go. To be honest that's also one of my fav pieces of work that I've done, and I'm glad someone else holds the same joy for it that I do!
Anyway, here it is!! Hope you enjoy it anon, ly <3
Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes
"Oh for Ghezen's sake just put one foot in front of the other." Kaz nipped, pushing just a bit harder on your back.
Your head was lolling back and to the side, unwillingly looking at the stars. Yet your eyes remain half closed, barely a fraction of your pupil visible in the moonlight. A smile is painted on your face the whole time, lips chapped and cracked from dehydration. "'M tryin' Kaz. But my head is just, so heavy and the stars 're so pretty."
"I know I know- hold on to the cane- the cane!"
He shouldn't have let you have those last few drinks, but unfortunately you batted your little lashes and made the same little promises you do after enough time has passed for his memories to become just a little bit muddled and forget how far from the truth your promises are.
You'll say you'll be fine. You'll say you'll get home safe. You'll say you'll see him soon.
But you can't really fulfill any of those. So he at least has the foresight to stay with you, or to have someone else stay with you and come get him when you down more than your promised two or three.
And he makes a big deal out of it, saying all these things and talking like he's annoyed with you, but really?
He's not.
Not as much as he thinks he should be anyway. If he had heard anybody else complaining as much as he does in his own head he'd stuff his own glove in their mouth and tell them to deal with their inadequate relationship elsewhere.
But it's him, and it's you, and it's different.
You're not like them. You're not violent or a verbal tyrant or negligent.
"Did I ever tell you..." You start, then chuckle to yourself when you straighten up and sway around. "Did I ever tell you that kin'a remind me of a cat with your hair slicked back like that?"
You're,,, silly. And he feels silly saying that but you are. It's the perfect word to describe you when you get like this. Light jabs at the things you like about him, your feet walking to a rhythm in your head that makes you stop and go and speed and slow at random, laughing at the most mundane things.
"I don't believe you have, no." You definitely have. But he allows you to repeat it.
The Slat is wonderfully empty as he opens the door. Only a few people occupy the tables off to the side, but they're just as drunk as you are, and he doubts they can see this far from their drooling.
"Come on." He leads you over to the stairs. "Up we go."
You lean on the rail, shaking your head, smile gone. "Mh-mhn. I can't." You continue to shake your head, eyes closed. "Your leg is bad."
"Good observation. Your legs, however, are fine, if a bit wobbly. Up you come." He tries again to coax you up, to no avail. You lean on the rail more, even pushing into it.
He forgot how much you resemble an ox when it comes to getting you to do something. It's like you contain this ability to just plant yourself anywhere and stick no matter the force that's pulling or pushing you.
"Your leg is bad. I can't go up."
"My bad leg does not effect your ability to walk up the stairs." He says as gentle as possible.
"But it does."
He sighs. "Could you explain to me why that is?"
Your bottom lip pushes out just barely, eyes opening and looking at him through your lashes. It's a look that would have any man in Kerch on their knees, he's sure of it. "Need your help."
His heart sunk. "Just grab the railing and my cane, dove. I'll take my good leg up first."
You analyzed the stairs, scrutinizing them. "Promise?"
"You know I don't make-"
"Promise?" A hint of anger bubbled in your tone, the same firmness in your eyes when you snapped your head to look at him.
He takes a deep breath. "I promise."
And just like that you were ready to ascend the stairs. You grabbed the railing, clumsily reaching out for his cane which he gave readily.
Even in your drunken state, you knew exactly which stairs creaked and which ones were just this side of broken. You skipped a stair, glaring at it as Kaz ascended with his good leg first, then continued with your usual lax expression.
He tried to step with his bad leg, but you immediately backtracked and held his cane firmly, holding him back as well. "You promised." You bit out.
"I did." He switched back, good leg going up, slowly edging you along. "It just slipped my mind."
"Nothin' slips your mind." You pouted, begrudgingly ascending when the cane went too far to hold close.
"Important things," he corrected. "Important things don't slip my mind."
You yanked on the cane, making him look at you. "You're important."
And he... doesn't know what to do with that.
Of course in whatever realm you were occupying he'd be important. He's important for a lot of things. His businesses, his club, whatever constitutes as leader of the crows.
It's not that he thinks he's not important. He just forgets to take into account that with you, he's important in the little things too.
Pointing him where to massage on his leg when it's giving him trouble, bringing him fresh tea when he tries to drink the day old stuff pushed to the corner of his desk, at least reminding him to sleep when the clock reaches two bells in the dark hours.
And right now, when you force him to take the pressure off his poorly healed shin.
"You're right." He confirms, helping you to the top of the stairs. "I am. Now come on."
When he began to lead you to his room, you groaned and stood in place. "Noo. I don' wanna fish."
His mouth struggled to stay in a line, corners quirking up. "You have to fish. You're sweaty and you smell like alcohol."
"I's a good smell."
"You gag in the morning when you smell it."
"Hogwash, you walking shadow."
He tugged you along, walking ahead of you and up the stairs to the attic. His help wasn't much needed here with how narrow and more secure the steps were, but you needed the extra hand to coax you up and towards your inevitable bath.
His office was dark, the only thing preventing the room from being cast in complete darkness was the street lights outside pushes a faint yellow glow through the window.
A lantern was stored in a bookcase next to the door for this reason. He clipped his cane onto his belt and hooked a finger under the handle, giving you little assurances that he wasn't going to let you fall while he navigated the room he knew by heart.
He parked you by his makeshift desk, guiding your hands to the desktop for some leverage while he rustled through a cabinet for the matches.
Immediately you were enthralled with the fire. Nina thinks you were an Inferni in your past life, and he finds the idea hard to not believe as he watches your once droopy eyes widen and follow the ball of fire in his hand as it lights the lantern.
He closes the shade, putting out the match and watching you smile as the whole room lights up.
"So bright." You whisper, as if it's your first time seeing fire.
He shrugs off his coat, throwing it over the back of his chair. "Very. Don't touch it."
You pout, taking your hand away. "I don't know what you're referring to."
He takes the lantern from where it rests on the desk, unhooking his cane and walking to the bathroom. "Come take your bath."
"'Come take your bath'." You mock him. "You're a bossy bossy man, you know that?"
He can't see you as he hangs the lantern on a hook, but he knows your hands are on your hips and your head cocked to the side. You always became so sassy when the initial fuzziness seems to wear off.
"It's what im paid for." He calls, swirling the basin of water he had filled up before he left. It was only expected that you should get a bath tonight, and he didn't want to wake anybody now of all times to come and fill it up.
"Youre not getting paid right now."
He didn't have any soap. He used up all of his last time and you usually keep yours tucked in your room, eager to hide its existence from greedy hands.
Just water will have to do, since he doesn't trust you to not fall asleep in the time it will take to go to your room and retrieve yours from your spare set of shoes.
He exits the bathroom, coming face to face with you. "I should be with how I'm ordering you around right now."
He waves you over, and it seems at this point you're becoming too tired to really fight back. You shrug off your outer layers, leaving them in a pile on the floor that you attempt to kick to the side. It's seems you think that you did away with them well enough, but really you just kind of spread them around.
That will have to come later, he thinks, and then puts a hand on your bare shoulder as you take off your shirt, throwing it over the side of the basin. Your pants come off and are thrown at its base, shoes somehow already off in the time span it took to check the tub and come retrieve you, socks following.
"You can keep your undergarments on if you'd like." He says, resting his cane against the wall.
"Oh don't get shy on me now, Kaz. You've seen me naked at least a dozen times." You look back at him, a shit eating smirk on your face.
He's thankful for the warm lantern light to obscure the warmth creeping up his neck and nipping at his ears. "Only because we end up in situations like these. It's more efficient to just get you clean now than have you complain in the morning and almost throw up in the tub."
You moan, the sound throaty and like gravel. "I don't wanna be a fish."
"You dont have to be one for long. Just a few minutes until you're clean."
"Can' be clean if there's no soap."
"We can at least get most of the grime off. Come on, one leg over the other."
Slowly, you climb into the tub, Kaz helping you get in with minimal sloshing.
And now comes the hard part.
His gloves are made of leather. He can't dunk and soak them in the water and expect them to be fine later.
They come off quicker than last time, but just as shakey. He puts on two pairs of cloth ones he's kept in here since the third time this happened, when it became apparent that this would happen again and several more times after.
Once they're on he flexes his hand, feeling the cold unforgiving waves slosh at his knees and lick up his thighs.
It's not the same. It's a bath. It's you.
"Can you get your body?" He asks, though. Because as much as he'd like to be of some help here he can't help but need to touch you the least amount as possible.
You think it over, stretching out as much as the tub allows before nodding. "M'yeah, I can do it."
He hands you a rag, watching it sink under the water and become several shades darker.
He turns around and allows you to do your thing, but knows your routine from when you, Nina, and Jesper had a heated debate about which order to wash your body in.
You'll wash your neck and chest first, digging into your collars bones and over your shoulders, then do you arms, followed by your torso and around your back. Then you'll scrub at your legs, moving to your face, then your waist, then your feet.
It'll take about ten minutes to go over every part, scrubbing in places you think have the most grime, and all the while having your shampoo already scrubbed into your hair so that you can rinse everything out all at once.
But you're tired and drunk, and he doesn't know how far you'll make it down your list until you eventually get frustrated or too exhausted or both.
He listens to the water in the tub move as your scrub yourself beneath its surface. A throaty hum emanates from your throat, a tune oddly familiar to the song that plays in the club filling the room.
Every once in a while you'll sigh, the water halting. He'll lean back and ask if you're alright, and you'll hum and get right back to scrubbing.
It's fifteen minutes before you say anything.
"You alright t' do my hair?"
His stomach churns, acid bubbling at its entrance.
"Ill be fine."
He turns, gesturing with his finger for you to lean your head into the water.
There's a pause before he reaches into the cold depths, wondering if he actually /will/ be fine.
When you look at him, eyes rimmed in red and glassy, he scrounges up whatever stability and modicum of the word "cope" he has and dunks them in.
Immediately he finds your hair, burying his fingers between the strands and finding your scalp.
It's hard to feel anything besides temperature with these gloves, and your head is practically burning against the cool water.
You're definitely cold. He can tell by your flushed cheeks and the way you curl your arms around your waist, goosebumps littering your arms. Yet you remain warm under his touch.
He watches the little hairs on your arm wave in the bath current as he scrubs, almost hypnotizing in their back and forth movement as you move to let them rest against your thighs.
But it's not enough.
He's scrubbing your hair, trying so hard to just focus on the grime under his fingers as his hands make the cold water slosh. The feeling is oddly familiar to the waves coating his hands as they dunk half under as he clings to blue flesh.
But you look at him, and your giggle is like little bells that keep him above water, just for the moment.
"You know what you look like?" You ask. "You look like- oh, what's that new style they got goin' on?"
He has no idea what you're talking about. Fashion trends are far beneath his radar unless necessary for a job.
You snap your fingers, pointing up at him. "Emo!"
That makes his eyebrows raise. Because he is familiar with Emo, because a bunch of kids called him that when they were out much past their bedtime. They found it necessary to shout it at him while he was passing by, laughing as they ran into an alleyway.
"I don't think that's accurate." He manages to get out, dunking your head a little further to cover your ears and get the wisps of hair in front of them.
"It's sooo accurate." You draw out your o's, blinking slowly and out of sync. "Emo king."
He sighs. "Whatever you say, little fish."
You pout, moving away from him and turning belly down, chin dipping into the water. "I thought I was your dove."
Again, thankful for that warm light. It makes his stomach feel all twisty the way you say "your". For just a moment, he let's himself smile, really smile, and puts his chin on his hands. "You are. But right now, you're a fish."
You huff, turning back and putting your head within reach. "Okay, mister emo cat."
He sighs, beginning to scrub at the parts of your scalp that he already got but feels he needs to do another once over for. "I am neither emo nor a cat."
"Tell that to your hair, loverboy."
He scoffs, taking his hands from your hair. "Your hair's done. Get out so you can dry off."
You laugh at your accomplishment, sitting up and scrunching your hair as he discards his wet gloves on a towel rack and dries himself off.
Honestly, loverboy? He's not some lovesick puppy. Loverboy applies to those who are unfathomably whipped, wrapped around their partners finger and touching at all times. It has no place being in the same sentence that his likeness occupies except to say that he is not a 'loverboy'.
He hands you a towel as you get out of the tub, heading to his closet to fetch you some of his clothes.
"An old one, please?" You yell out to him.
"I know." He calls back.
If he can help it he replaces his button ups every few months. But you like the ones that are just around that area of wear and tear. In your words, they "ain't tight and smell like him. Win win."
He doesn't bother with pants, but grabs a pair of his underwear for you to change into instead that he knows you'll find more comfortable.
As he limps back to the bathroom, he halts as he analyzes his thoughts and actions.
Fuck. Maybe he /does/ deserve the name Loverboy.
The realization almost makes him groan and sit down on the floor right then and there.
Can't he just carve his heart out? Isn't that what the poets and song writers do?
Alas, he is neither a poet nor a musician. So he will instead take the long way out, and bring you his clothes and get you into into his bed before the third bell chimes.
He hands you the clothes, watching your face light up for a moment before he exits to his office to clean up the mess you made.
The beak of his cane hooks under your coat, dragging it up and into his hand which he then throws onto the chair. You hate getting it off the coat rack, half the time pulling it with you when you take your coat back. So he sets it here for now, and takes your shoulder bag and shoes and organizes them around the chair just as you usually do.
"I think I found my new look."
He turns around, seeing you trying to pose against the wall. It's supposed to be sultry and sexy, but it definitely does not read that way with your soaked hair, stiff back, and uncooperative limbs.
"If you think so." He nearly chuckles, taking his gloves from your hands and slipping them onto his own, and then retrieves the lantern from the bathroom. "Come to bed."
Thankfully, you seem to love the idea of the bed. It doesn't take much to lead you to the little nook he calls his bedroom. He hooks the lantern to the wall as your body slumps onto his partially eaten sheets.
"Mmm." You hum, smile hidden under your squashed cheek. "Warm."
"Doubtful." He jabs, unfolding a blanket at the foot of the bed and draping it over you.
"It really is. Should try it sometime." You poke at the space beneath your eye, tongue sticking out.
He assumes you're referencing the eye bags that have taken permanent residence on his face, to which he rolls his eyes and hikes up the blanket to cover your back. You hate the cold creeping in.
If you wake up cold in the morning, you will be cold for the rest of the day. And unfortunately for you, you have a job in about six hours.
The less you have to complain about, the better.
"Ill try it later." He promises. "For now, you need it more."
You mumble something, but with the way your eyes are drooping he figures you're not even aware you said anything at all.
As you doze off, he half sits on his nightstand, and watches your breathing begin to slow and even out. It's loud at first, but eventually you grow quieter and quieter, muscles relaxing as you sink into his hard mattress.
Your hair is thrown about everywhere, still wet from your bath, and you'll need Nina to remove a kink in your shoulder in the morning. But for now, you're calm, and safe, and that's enough.
He takes a deep breath, just the same as you do, and then sighs.
"Goodnight, little fish." He mumbles, and then stands, off to collect the ingredients for a hangover tonic and catch up on paperwork.
@b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @a-candle-maker
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iliveinyourceiling65 · 6 months
SoC incorrect quotes
part 8 :)
Kaz: How did none of you hear what I just said?  Jesper: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.  Wylan: I got distracted about halfway through.  Nina: Ignoring you was a conscious decision
Jesper, pointing: May I sit there?  Wylan: That's my lap  Jesper: That doesn't answer my question, Wylan.
Matthias: You really put aside everything and came all this way to break me out of Hellgate? How did you even get here so fast? Inej: Several traffic violations. Kaz: Three counts of resisting arrest. Nina: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Jesper: Also, that’s not our car.
Kaz: I just ended a four year relationship. Inej: Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Kaz: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship. *Nina and Matthias fighting from across the room
Random person :How many kids do you have? Colm : Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Nina: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?  Wylan: Rude.  Kaz: That’s fair.  Jesper: Not again.  Inej: Are you going to want this back?
Matthias: Nina... How do I begin to explain Nina?  Inej: Nina is flawless.  Jesper: I hear her hair's insured for $10,000.  Wylan: I hear she does car commercials... in Ravka.  Kaz: One time she punched me in the face... it was awesome.
Nina: *Gets down on one knee* Kaz: Oh my god, it’s finally happening. Nina: *Falls over* Kaz: The poison is kicking in
Matthias: Nothing in life is free.  Nina: Love is free!  Inej: Adventure is free.  Wylan: Knowledge is free.  Kaz Everything is free if you take it without paying
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ms-fade · 1 year
Only his.
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Yandere Older!brotherKaz brekker X Sister reader. +18
Dead dove do not eat! PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS! Because this is really filthy- My house of the dragon fics are making me do this.
Warning: Innocent advantage, sibling-cest, dom/sub-con, fingering, chocking, possessive, yandere tendencies, a bit forced but nothing to bad. Spelling mistakes, this being rushed.
Proclaimer: This is the longest smut I have on here, and it’s also my worst one yet. Sorry that I sinned this much.
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There was one person in all of ketterdam who was untouchable, no matter how close they tried to get they would be dead before they could get to her. Kaz Brekker’s sister, just knowing who she was put a price on your head. She was hidden somewhere, no one really knows where and it didn’t matter how hard anyone looked. She was nowhere to be found. She was his everything and all he had left of family, after his mother dying in childbirth with her, then to his father and then his older brother.
She held the most dangerous man in the palm of her hand.
This was your life, anything you wanted all you had to do was asked. A lovely house far in the fields, a beautiful view of the sky but you could never leave. Men and woman guarded every inch of the place to insure your safety, you even had your own cook. Many dresses that fit you just right, and fine like royalty filled up a room just for you. The way you live, it was like you were a princess. Protected but had everything you wanted, expect freedom.
But this was for the best. He kept you locked up for your own safety. He was your older brother and that was his job and you loved him for it. He’d visit as much as he could a week and always brought something new for you. He’d sleep in the room next to you, or you’d crawl into bed with him at night to get close. He didn’t care about touch when it came to you, his demons didn’t push you away but they demanded more.
You didn’t know much from being sheltered for most of your life, only what he said. Being away from the real world made you innocent and naive. You didn’t know about sex or anything of the sort. That was until Nina found out when she visited, “You shelter little bird.” She took ahold of your arm and smirked. “I will get you some books, but this is our secret okay?” You smiled as she held out her pinky. She was your favorite, she understood you and was just so sweet to you.
A week later she gave you two books, only two to start you off with so you could ease in to it. The words, the actions made you confused at first. But it was what the called love, what a man and woman are supposed to do when the love each other. You learn so much about the human body. Like what’s in between a man’s legs or a woman’s that was different from each other.
Each time you would get to the spicy bits your core would heat up, your body felt warm. Your body was begging to be touched but you didn’t know what to do. It was making you frustrated, you needed to have a release. Each night when you’d go to bed you’d dream of what the books said. A man overtop of you and kissing your skin, the moans on your lips.
Kaz started to notice your mood drip down at times. “Sweetheart.” He’d call you when you stared off into space. You’d blush each time, “Hmm?” Your sweet eyes looked at him. “Are you alright?” Each time you’d nod and smile at him, then return to your bouncy self. Each time he got closer to the truth.
It was late in the night and you were supposed to be asleep, kaz had to finish his work in the office there. He was planning another heist, one that would pay a shiny penny. The door creaked open and you stood there, heavy eyes and messy hair. His eyes took you in and his body tensed up, the silk dress sticking to your skin. He saw your breasts and the hardened nipples showing from underneath. Your hips and body are almost on display, at just a thin layer to separate your naked skin from him.
“Y/n, you should be asleep.” You whined at his words and walked closer to him, his mind going crazy at the pout on your lips. You shuffled across the wooden floor to him, “I couldn’t sleep.” He smiled and opened his arms to you and patted his lap. “Come sit, I know you fall asleep with you touch me.” You flashed him a smile and hopped up into his lap. You wrapped your legs around him and made sure not to hurt him.
“Thank you.” You giggled and kissed his cheek and the skin burned underneath your lips. His breath hitched and his head only thinking of all the things he could do to you. He saw the dress ride up your thighs and stretched, your underwear was on his pants and he could see the little white cloth. But he had to hold himself back and take a deep breath that only smelled of your scent, almost pushing himself over the edge.
At this moment your body was complete on fire and you could fell the wetness in your underwear and on your pussy lips. You thought with him it would cool you down but it only made it worse. His body was just making you drool. The passed few nights it wasn’t just some random guy you saw in a dream, it was him touching you.
“Kaz.” You whispered into his neck where you rested your head. You heard him answer in a hum. Your face burnt up in embarrassment and frustration at the question you were going to ask. “Never mind.” You shook your head and tried to forget about it. Kaz didn’t like when you kept things to yourself, he needed to know everything about you.
So his hands found your hips and pulled you back so you leaned up on his lap, your body pressing just right down onto him. “Speak your mind.” His voice deepens and his hands tighten against the skin of your hips. You swallowed and turned your head to the side, he watched the redness brighten up on your cheeks. Your hair fell in front of your face and tried to hide you. This amused him, he liked when you blushed and got shy.
“Come on, be a good girl and tell me.” He knew just how much you liked when he praised you and used that voice with you. He learned you’d listen to anything he would say if he talked down to you. You huffed and crossed your arms, “You love me right?” He almost laughed at your ridiculous question and wondered how the hell you could ever asked him that.
But he stopped the laugh in his chest but he did smile, “More then anything, you now that.” You nodded. “I love you too. You’re all I have kaz.” You placed your hands on his chest. He watched you face him and your eyebrows frown, with beaming eyes that stared at him. “Then why do you never touch me?” He froze up and his eyes went wide.
How could even know those words- No, you didn’t mean anything sinful by it.
“I touch you all the time.” He answered. “Not like that.” he raised a brow as you took his hand into yours. “You never touch me here.” You place his hands on your chest and he felt the soft skin underneath. He couldn’t stop the groan coming from his lips at your warmth, “And how do you know i should?” Kaz couldn’t stop himself from moving his hands across your breast and gave it a soft message.
“It’s when people love each other, more then anything and want the other- Do you not love me enough?” Your voice sadden and tears started to collect in your eyes. He shh’d you and leaned up closer, “You’re the only thing I love in this world.” You sniffed and smiled a bit. “I just didn’t know if you were ready for me,” his face got closer to yours and his eyes glanced down to your lips and back up to your eyes. “Do you want me to touch you?”
Kaz heard you take a breath and your body twitch a bit. “Please.” You whispered a beg and that’s all it took as he crashed his lips onto yours for the first time. All this time of yarning for you, your body and soul was finally here. But this was the part where he lost all control for what he once worried about and now all he wanted to do was please you.
As his lips moved against yours his hands went down to your dress and put them inside. He felt your skin that was hot under his fingertips, you’d gasp a bit in his mouth. He realized he couldn’t feel around your body because of the fabric so he pulled back. “Get up.” He demanded and pushed you back softly off his lap. “Take it off and get on the desk.”
You obeyed his commands and lifted your dress up and over your head, it finding its way to the floor. His eyes glued to your naked body as saw it up close, not covered in water and soup or by a towel. You sat back on the table and he watched your chest bounce as your moved, his cock fully hardened. You saw his hunger gaze and being finally naked made you want to hide but you didn’t.
“You’re breathtaking.” He complimented you and got out of his seat. You blushed and smiled at his praise. He got in between your legs and his hands found their way up to your nipples again. “I want you to hold nothing back.” As soon as he said that his fingers pitched the sensitive skin of your nipples. You gasped and your back arched at the new feeling and the pain.
“I’ve dreamed of this, to feel and hear you.” He leaned down and groaned in your ear, his hands still working on your chest. “Do you know how much I had to hold back?” He sounded rough and desperate. His lips kisses your neck and you moaned and titled your head to the side for him to have more room. “Fuck.” He growls and sinks his teeth in your skin.
You squealed at the pain and your pussy clinched at the feeling. “Kaz.” You called his name and he smirked. “That’s right, I’m the on making you feel good.” He pulled his hands back and yanked your hips forward to the edge of the desk. His fingers tugged the cloth of your underwear down and down to fall on your ankles.
You gasped at being fully on displayed for him, he could see your puffy pussy. “Look at you,” he teased as he stared at you, “So pretty.” You looked away from him and leaned onto your hands. “You’re just saying that.” You felt a bit self conscious because you had no idea what you were supposed to look like.
“Don’t say that, never say that again. I’m your elder brother and I’ll never lie to you.” He expressed and you felt at ease. He pushed your thighs apart to get a better view at your cunt, the glossy sopping hole. “You know what I’m going to do with my hands?” He asked, if you knew you could touch each other then he needed to know everything you did.
You nodded, “I want them in me, I want to learn the feeling.” As if he couldn’t get any more turned on his cock throbbed at your tone, soft and needy. “It might hurt for the first, but you’ll be crying in pleasure when I’m done.” His hand moved up to your mouth and he shoved his fingers in. You chocked a bit and gasp, he didn’t really give you a warning. But you had read about this, you were supposed to suck them. So you moved your tongue across his fingers and closed your mouth to get it coated with your spit.
Kaz watched you closely and he thought about how good it would feel to have your mouth wrapped around his cock. But he’d have to wait for that because tonight was about you. He pulled his hand away from your mouth and placed it in between your thighs. His fingers dragged through your slit and clit, you moaned at the sweet felling. He likes your reactions so far but he couldn’t wait to see you cry from just his fingers, he needed to hear you scream for him.
So he took one finger and pressed it at your entrance and slowly pushed it in, and because you were already aroused it slipped in easily. You moan and lean back slight to part your legs, it hurt for a minute but he didn’t care. Half of him liked to see you in pain. He started to move his finger in and out at a slow pace and enjoyed to watch it. “Kaz.” You whimpered at the feeling, it was so good. You wanted more, you needed more of him.
He looked up at you and started to thrust his finger in faster and it was too much for you and you screamed out. Rough and fast his fingers moved within you, you twitched up at the overwhelming speed. You tried to grab his wrist put he just slapped you away, he was having to much fun. You closed your eyes and moaned out, small tears came out the corner of your eyes.
“You can’t even take what you asked for,” he taunted and laughed, “is it too much for you?” His voice wasn’t sweet and caring, it was teasing and amused. You couldn’t speak so you just nodded your head, your pussy squealing at the fast movements. “To fucking bad.” You whined and cried.
Kaz shifted his weight and pushed his fingers in so far to get farther within you and curled just right. “Fuck.” You cried out and arched up. Kaz looked at you and glared at the word, you were forbidden to use such filthy words. He precious girl.
His other hand reached up and grabbed your throat into his grasp and squeezed the sides and took ahold of you. Your eyes shot opened, you felt panic and shocked. “Did I tell you to use such words?” You head shook as much as he let you. Your voice didn’t get passed his grip. “That’s the only pass I give you, or I will make it so you can’t walk.” He forced your head closer to him as his gaze darkened.
“Do you understand?” You wanted to whimper and get away from him, he’d never be so rough with you. But for some reason it was intoxicated how he controlled you. When you nodded your head yes and he let you go, and you gasped for air to refill your lungs. You didn’t get a break as he pulled his fingers out of your pussy and yanked you off the desk.
You wanted to question his actions but you saw him fiddling with his belt and you understood what he was doing. You started to get excited at the thought of seeing his cock, something you had only pictured before. “You look desperate.” He teased and made you roll your eye, which he caught.
He spin you around and slammed you onto the desk, your ass up in the air and bend for him. “You must really like to test me,” his nails dug into the soft skin on your ass and it made you cry out. It made you shake underneath his touch. “I was going to be easy, but maybe you need a reminder to follow the rules.” You wanted to fight back but you knew he didn’t like back talking so you sat still.
You felt something pressed against your pussy and you felt your stomach turn, it was his cock. “You want to be a good girl for me?” He asked and your heart screamed, it was all you ever did. Kaz taught you that you needed to be good for him, like it was your life purpose. You never had another choice. “Yes. Please, I’ll be good.” You howled with a desperate voice.
Kaz took his hands stretched you part and pushed his cock head through your walls, slowly going in. It took a minute for you to take him and get passed the tip. You’d never been so full before and it hurt, so you gripped the table at the pain. “Kaz” you whispered a plead but he just kept going in and you cried at the pain. You were thankful that you were so wet that it helped him inside.
Kaz thrusts up and bottoms out within you and your voice filled up the room along with a groan from him. Kaz pulled out of you and slammed back into you before you had gotten used to his size. You sobbed and hit your head on the wooden table and your legs moved a bit. “You’re going to take what I give you.” He started to move and didn’t care if you were ready or not, you’d get used to it soon.
It only took a few thrusts before you were sobbing in pleasure and you started to try and move back for more. Your pussy leaked onto your own thighs and onto his cock, it making your ass sticky. Your stomach curled up at the feeling but the way he sounded made it more pleasurable.
Kaz couldn’t handle the feeling of your little hole finally around him, that he already felt like filling you up. He was addicted to the feel before he could even fuck you and now he’d at least fuck you once a week. “That’s a good girl,” he brought his hand and slapped your cheek with a hard blow. You jumped a bit at the surprise and clinched around him, “Take me so fucking well.”
He growled and his hips went faster and his cock hit your insides. “Kaz.” You whined at the feeling growing in your stomach and you tried to suck him in. Kaz couldn’t bare the feeling of you clinching around him so he went faster and harder to get you to cum faster. “Cum- Oh, shit. You better fucking come.”
You voice got higher and your eyes rolled back as you began to see stars and with a few more thrust your mind went black and a wave flashed through your body. Your legs wobbled and your cunt pulsed around him and he felt your cum leak onto him and that pushed him over the edge. You felt his hot cum shot inside of you and it made you feel fuzzy. Your body shook with the feeling of your release and being filled up.
He groaned and stop his movements and let every bit of his cum leak into you. He breathed hard and didn’t pull out out of you for a minute and rested. That aloud you to have a breath and your eyes become heavy and your body got tired.
“I’m sorry,” he said and then grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back, your body was pulled up and your back hit his chest. “But I can’t stop here.” His hips slapped up again and your body began to shake and your mind went blank again. “To much- need to rest.” You begged him. But he wrapped his arms around your arms and over you.
“You’ll rest when I’m done.” you couldn’t do anything but cry in pleasure as he continued to fuck up into you. It was just too much and you were so sensitive at just coming and it being yours first real time. “Just take it.” He kissed behind your ear.
“Such a good girl.” It wasn’t until he pumped you full three times and you collapsed in his arms that he stopped. No matter how much you begged at overstimulation, or how many times you came around him. He fucked you full until you could stand.
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syllvane · 2 years
can’t shake the devil sitting on your shoulder - kaz brekker x reader
Kaz doesn't remember when you got so good with a gun.
He knows for sure that at one point you weren't, that at one point you asked Jesper for help in exchange for some kruge to gamble away, but those days were long gone. Now you handled your guns like they were an extension of yourself- not quite as proficient as Jesper, but no one was as good as Jesper. 
Knives too, now that he thought about it. You hadn't taken to them as quickly as you had taken to guns, but you knew your way around them, knew where to aim to cause the most damage. 
It's late one night when you walk into the closed Crow Club, skin stained and hair matted with blood.
It's Jesper sitting at the bar who first sees you, doing a double-take.
“Saints alive, what happened? Are you okay?” He asked, practically jumping out of his seat and striding towards you. “Let me get Nina, or-”
“I'm fine, Jes. The other guys look worse.” You said tiredly, reaching up to rub your eyes, before looking at the blood caked on your hands and thinking better of it.
“Who... what happened to you?” Kaz said, his eyes narrowing as he walked out of his office. “Who did this to you.”
“I took care of it. Barely any of this is mine.”
A sliver of pride welled in Kaz, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Good.” The word tastes like metal in his mouth and he hates the slight nod you give to him, acknowledging and accepting the praise.
The first time you killed someone, you threw up. It was easier the second time and by the tenth time, you had stopped flinching at the sound of the gun firing altogether.
Jesper ignored Kaz's remark, rolling his eyes.
“Do you need Nina?”
You shook your head.
“Not unless she has suddenly become a Tidemaker. It's going to be a pain to clean all of this off.”
“I'll get her anyways, just in case.” He said. “You might be running on adrenaline still.”
You know that you aren't, know what adrenaline feels like and know that it wore off as soon as you were inside the Crow Club, your whole body tired.
You smile thankfully at him anyways, the dried blood on your face cracking at the motion.
He returned it before heading to the back, not paying Kaz any attention as he brushed past.
Your eyes followed him until he was out of sight- then, your gaze landed on Kaz.
He was already looking at you, blue eyes narrowed in thought.
“You look like you have something to say.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Have you ever known me to hold my tongue?”
“There's your answer.”
Neither of you said anything for a couple seconds, hoping that Jesper and Nina would interject themselves.
And maybe it's because you're tired and you're not thinking clearly, but you can't help but push.
“It's just that you keep looking at me like you have something to say.”
“I won't make the mistake of looking at you, then.” He snapped.
“What a terrible mistake.” You replied and his eyes flitted back to you.
You used to be scared of him at some point. And then you learned how to shoot a gun and handle knives and standing there, covered in blood, there is no more fear in your eyes.
You are the thing you used to be afraid of. 
He swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth.
“You used to talk about getting out of Ketterdam. Do you remember that?”
The fight left your eyes for a couple moments, because you did want that, at one point.
You can't pinpoint when you stopped wanting it, the point where you would sometimes catch glimpses of yourself in the mirror and think it was a stranger.
You loved Kaz at some point as well, thought that love alone would be enough to save him.
“No one ever really leaves this place.”
“You thought otherwise.”
“And I was wrong, like you told me I would be.”
He wants to tell you that he wishes that he wasn't right, just this once.
He wishes that the only knives you had to use were for cooking, that you were out of practice with a gun, that you never had to see this much blood, much less be coated in it.
He wishes that love was enough for him too.
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely love “Like Moths to Flame”!! There’s just something about Yandere crows 👀 💕 ! I was wondering if you could write Yandere crows (or Kaz and Jesper if you don’t want the whole gang) x a male Reader who’s a member from a rival gang?
P.S Hope you’re doing better ❤️
Yandere six of crows x male!reader
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Yandere crows x male!reader
Notes: This is romantic. Also idk how Matthias would acted because I’m not to the books yet. But I’m getting there!
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, stalking, obsession, violence, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome.
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Somehow you have managed to catch the eyes of the crows, the ones everyone knew about. Your poor little thing.
It’s going to be chaos from the time kaz learns about you, to the time you’re with them.
Lets say you are a new gunslinger, a talented one at that but you weren’t sent out much. You stayed back to make sure everything was okay, the plan and what ever you’re boss wanted.
Now the first time kaz lays his eyes on you was something he had never felt before, not really. He couldn’t take his eyes away from you for some reason, even when you and your friends were pointing guns at him.
Man made a mental note to look more into you after he got out alive. His team came to give him some back up, after a few deaths your group ran.
But you couldn’t run far enough to escape his mind.
Inej was the next be taken over. She was sent to watch over you and find out anything she could.
And when she first saw you, really took a close look at you she wanted to find out every single detail about you.
She would follow you around the market. How you seemed to be happier there then at your job. She loves your smile. Even sometimes when you were sent out on missions she followed to make sure you were okay.
Lets just say when the two of them start to obsess over you, the others follow.
Even if you are the most talented gunslinger, the biggest man, or strongest. They wouldn’t see you as that. You were weak and fragile and needed protection.
Their protection.
Soon they all talk about you. Or go out to see your face, in secret.
It started to freak you out that random things started to appear on your desk.
It started with Nina sending you sweets from the bakery. She caught you in there one day and knew the ones you liked. Nina had to get them everytime, some for you and her. If you liked them then she would too, makes her feel closer to you.
Then it was whatever you looked at in the market. Silk, clothes, jewelry or anything you liked. Even the ones you didn’t tell anyone about, something only you should know.
I see the team getting into fights and messing with your gang to see you. It was just to cute to see you point a weapon at them. But their little baby wouldn’t dream of hurting the once’s that love him the most. But you’ll see that soon.
Jesper fangirls each time he sees you with a gun. It’s just a sign you’re supposed to be his. He watches you practice all the time. 
That’s when the gifts started to get more freakishly pacific. 
He knows guns. So he knows what your weaknesses and strengths are, like what way you hold your guns. What length you like, he notices everything. So we sends you stuff with notes on them. “This should feel more your style, less weight.” Or anything like that.
Oh, the things that would happen if they hear you were hurt during a mission.
Who ever even touched a hair on your head in a bad way would die, but actually hurt your pretty skin? That’s it for them.
They torture who ever hurt you, saying things like no one should hurt what’s theirs, or that you were to perfect.
I’m taking days of torture, mostly kaz takes it but the others will give a punch or to. And, matthias will help kaz at times.
You started to notice that everyone that gave you trouble ended up dead less then a week. 
Wylan can’t get enough of you, yes he’s more of the “Heart eyes” yandere. He is your number one fan. He admires you so much and he can’t get enough. He blushes each time he sees you, rambles on about you all the time. 
Has poisoned someone before and will do it again. Anything for his love.
Mattias sees you like someone to keep safe. He wants to take you in his arms and never left you go. Him and Nina always fantasize what it will be like when you can finally cuddle with them.
Maybe he can teach you some fighting techniques, or read to you. He’s more of a motherly, but don’t mess with him though. He will rip a man apart with his bare hands for you.
Months of stalking, watching, wanting and waiting they finally kidnapped you. And they couldn’t be happy to be your new home.
They locked you in a bedroom that is filled with things you like, but nothing sharp or anything that you could hurt yourself with. Sometimes if you tried to run out the door they would tie you up.
At first you refused to eat, nina and wylan would beg you sweetly to eat. “I got your favorite.” She would lift it up to your lips. “Come on, it would make me very happy.” But you didn’t care if he was happy or not. They had kidnapped you and now treated you like a pet in a cage.
After a few days of you not eating kaz was getting more impatient, so he took higher measures. “Eat, now or you wouldn’t get another chance.” Being stubborn you didn’t listen to him.
The others were mad at him at doing that to you. He couldn’t stare you! But he had a plan, if he didn’t offer you food for a few days you would cave.
And you did cave.
“See that wasn’t so hard.” Kaz watched you eat the whole thing.
They all take turns who would stay with you at times.
It was hard to accept that you were trapped with them. They were always so clingy to you and wouldn’t let you have freedom.
Lets say after some faking and time they let you leave the room, but only a few times. Like Kaz’s room, being covered and taken to the town for being good.
Of course they were affectionate, even kaz in his own way.
Cheek kisses where their favorite way at first because you blushed and pulled away from them. “They’re too embarrassed.��� They would say and not see you didn’t actually want it.
Kaz was carful with his touches, but sometimes he would pet your head or touch hands, only sometimes. But with time he’d warm up.
You were smothered by their love and it drove you crazy. Until your brain blocked off what they had done, and you feel in love them.
But that was easy because you’d never leave them. Never.
Couldn’t even if you tried.
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"Were you always this short?"
pairing: jesper fahey x fem!reader
genre: fluff
el's thoughts: just thought i'd repost this from my old blog :)
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Jesper was a tall guy. This was a known fact. Y/N on the other hand was short, like really short compared to her boyfriend. And the height difference never bothered either of them. Jesper actually found her height really cute, and it gave him plenty to tease her about. She knew he never really meant anything by it when he was teasing, so it doesn’t bother her. It became a part of their daily routine, and she missed it when he left for the Ice Court heist. She missed the way he would rest his chin on top of her head. The way he would pick her up every time he gave her a hug. She just missed him.
Y/N sat curled up on their bed reading her book and slowly sipping her cup of tea that was now room temperature. She could hear the rain on the roof and yet the muffled voices never quieted from the streets below. With Kaz and the rest of the crows gone, she didn’t have much to do, so she spent her time catching up on her reading. She enjoyed it but it only kept her distracted for so long. 
She sighed as she placed the book down and walked towards the door, mug in hand as she made her way to the kitchen. As she heated up the kettle she heard the door open. “I thought I’d find you here.” 
A gasp slipped from her lips as she turned around and saw Jesper standing in the doorway. He quickly crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her, bending down to place kisses on her cheeks, nose, and lips. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, making him crouch down in order to pick her up. “I’ve missed you so much. Don’t leave for that long again, okay? Are you okay? You’re not hurt are you?” 
Jesper chuckled, “I’m fine, my love. I’m okay.” He smiled against her hair, “Have you always been this short?” Y/N laughed, “I missed you so much.”
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bookishdream · 2 years
Matthias girlies, this one is for you <3
Matthias didn’t know when he fell for her. She was awfully sarcastic, even when the situation was serious. She was laughing louder than any girl in Fjerda ever did. But she was always there for him, when he needed her. After the Ice Court mission, when Kaz and the gang rescued her from the prison, she understood him like no one ever had. When Matthias was waking up from one of his recurring nightmares, she was the first one, who he sought. One night, Matthias knew he fell for her, and the thought scared him, because he was supposed to kill her kind; hunt them, so their criminal tendencies wouldn’t put normal people, his people, in danger. But one of these nights, when the dream was so vivid, he realized that she was his person, and there was no turning back from that. 
They were hiding at this cemetery, whose name Matthias couldn’t care less to learn. After their seldom successful mission, Kaz was planning how to get Inej out of Van Eck’s imprisonment, Jesper was sorting out issues with his father and Matthias was trying to bury his feelings, deep down with the corpses already inhabiting the grounds that they were on. 
“Are you okay Matthias?” He hated how polite you were. Every time you asked for his permission when you wanted to touch him, or clean his wound that he got from punching the gravestone. And you’d never used your powers on him. For a Grisha, you weren’t using your powers much, and Matthias had never paid attention to the reason why, hell, he didn’t even know what kind of witch you were. “You seem lost in your thoughts.”
“I’m fine” he snapped, regretting it seconds after when you flinched at his tone. He let out a shaky breath, noticing how he could actually see his own breath. Then he took a note of you shivering. Matthias took one of the moldy blankets that Kaz brought there a few days ago, and wrapped the material around your shoulders. 
“Thanks” you let out a weak laugh. His chest filled with a sour feeling, despising how he couldn’t help you more. He considered wrapping his own arms around you, and sharing his warmness, but he didn’t expect you to appreciate the gesture, after his awful treatment. “I wish I had my powers back” you murmured. 
“Back?” he questioned, sending you a confused look. You chuckled at his face, rubbing your ice cold hands. 
“In the Ice Court, they were torturing me to the point, where my Inferni powers just…” you trailed off. Matthias looked at you, your tangled hair, your bloodshot eyes and the dark circles under your eyes. “I don’t know what exactly they did, but I cannot even make a spark.” 
“Y/N” he whispered. You raised your eyes at him, sending a bolt of energy down his spine. “I am so sorry”
“It’s okay, Matthias” you took his hand. He could feel how cold your palms were, putting his other hand on the top of yours. “You weren’t there”
“Might’ve as well could be” he was still whispering, scared that if he raised his voice, you’d stop talking. “Those were my people that did this to you. That still do this to other Grishas”
“You cannot change this, love” his heart swelled at the term of endearment leaving your mouth. “You’re no longer like them Matthias, you have changed”
“But I cannot erase my past”
“Indeed, but you can change your future.” He didn’t know when you got closer to him, when your other hand was holding his forearm, when only one turn of either of your heads would lead to unbelievable things. “You’re better than them”
“Do you really think so?” his voice was full of hope, his eyes were locked with yours and he could see little flames burning in them. 
“Well, you did save me. Doesn’t that make you a changed man?”
He couldn’t wait any longer, his lips were on yours faster than he could think of the repercussions of his actions. Your lips were cold, and neither of you were moving, waiting for someone to do the next step. You took out your palm out of Matthias’s hold and when he thought you would move away from him, you placed your hand on his cheek, pulling him even closer. He sighed straight in your lips, and kissed you, this time harder. One of his hands was squeezing your waist, under the blanket and you shiver at the feeling of his cold, rough fingertips, touching your bare skin. The second one was on your neck, caressing it. The forgotten blanket was pooled around you, creating a nest. When you parted, your breaths were mixing and your lips were swollen, but both of you were smiling at each other. 
“You have flames in your eyes” he said, placing the blanket around your shoulders again. You smiled at him, embracing him. 
“And you have a flame in your soul, Matthias” 
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penguinwraith · 29 days
Wrote some Wesper angst
I am so sorry for this (Warning: one of them dies :( )
Why do i do this to myself
Double or Nothing
100 Kruge, take it or leave it” The man said, slamming his cards down on the table. 
Jesper hesitated. He could just see Kaz glaring two hours later, threatening to cut his pay, ranting about how irresponsible he was. He could see Inej sighing softly, shaking her head, slipping some more cash into his hand so he didn’t drown in debt. He could see Wylan-
And then, for the hundredth time, the memory kicked in.
It was so unexpected. The four of them, him, Kaz, Inej and Wylan had been walking together, laughing. Inej’s eyes were light with merriment, and a hint of a smile had snuck onto Kaz’s face. Next to Jesper, Wylan, radiant as ever, had his head back laughing, his curls falling onto his face, and Jesper basked in the perfection of that moment.
Maybe if he had been more wary, realized how dangerous the streets they were walking on were, everything would be okay. 
The men jumped out at them from one of the many dark alleys that haunted the Barrel, breaking even the strongest illusion of safety. 
Everything had happened so fast, the men pulled their knives and guns, and the four of them pulled out their own. Despite his fear, Jesper had felt so alive in that moment. He belonged there, in the high of shooting and fighting and the blur of danger. He felt untouchable, and he lived off of that feeling.
Maybe that was why he didn’t notice what happened. 
Didn’t notice when one of the enemy gunshots met their mark. Didn’t notice the sound of him falling. Didn’t register what had really happened till their attackers had scurried away and the three of them were left standing alone. 
Every detail of the painful, horrific moment was buried in Jesper’s brain
He remembered the look in Inej’s eyes, the devastation and fear and confusion, and how different they looked from moments ago, filled with light and contentedness. 
He remembered the smell of blood, acrid and sharp, something he had become used to, but now so jarring and violent.
He remembered the feeling in his chest, like his heart would split right open, like he would be torn in two. The feeling of emptiness in his lungs all the air knocked out of his body and the nausea that followed it.
And, most of all, he remembered Wylan
Wylan Van Eck. Wy. Merchling. Wylan Van Sunshine. His Wylan. The light of his life. His anchor, his sun and his sky all at once. He remembered Wylan dancing with him in the parlor of the house they stole from his past. He remembered Wylan lying on his chest and Jesper read to him, a soft smile on his face. He remembered Wylan laughing minutes before, as if he was untouchable. And he remembered Wylan, his love, lying on the ground, staining the brick road red.
He remembered being numb, shocked, overwhelmed. He remembered wanting to cry and scream and turn back time, but only being able to numbly stare in front of him, not processing what had happened. He remembered somehow getting home, but not knowing how. He remembered the soul wracking sobs that shook him when the realization sank in. He remembered the haze of dark that seemed to fall over in the coming days, that had plagued him ever since. His sunshine was gone. Wylan was gone. And he remembered how he wished, in that moment, that he’d never have to remember at all. 
Jesper was snapped out of the haze by the man’s rough words. Jesper looked up at him, taking in everything in a desperate attempt to forget. The man’s hair was messy and his coat was fraying. His voice was raspy from years of smoke, and there was a wildness in his eyes that was not uncommon in the Barrel. Where dreams go to die. 
Then he thought about the bet.
And Wylan was there again, in his mind. He was holding Jesper’s hand, guiding him away from the tables. Softly chastising him, while promising that they’d work it out together, he didn’t have to resort to this. He could almost see the look on Wylan’s loving, eternally patient face, his brows furrowed and his eyes caring, but firm, leading him towards better choices. 
But Jesper needed him to go away, to be able to sink into that sweet safe place where the highs and lows at the betting table were all that matter. To enter a world where nothing existed but the stakes. 
So he pushed the Wylan in his head away, took a deep breath and looked up again, his face splitting into a performative grin that stretched his face in ways that felt alien and unwelcome. 
Then he spoke.
“Double or nothing?”
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
Untitled #3
Here’s the Kazutora fluff I mentioned
Pairing: Kazutora Hanemiya x fem!reader
Warnings: manga spoilers, fluff, it’s just really cute mkay
Word count: 701
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The wedding of the century amongst his friends is in full swing and all Kazutora Hanemiya can think about is how beautiful you look as a bridesmaid. As much as he wanted to focus on Takemitchy and Hina, but all his attention was on you. You feel his eyes on you and you try to hide your smile. You motion for him to look toward the bride and groom with a slight grin. The two toned man softens his gaze and blows you a kiss. He truly is a smitten man.
Kazutora never thought this was in the cards for him. But somehow, you fell into his lap of life so easily. It was strange how you had been a friend of Hina’s during university, and strangely met Kazutora during a gathering of their friends. It wasn’t love at first sight, as he had started the conversation talking about the healing power of cats. You couldn’t help but stare incredulously at him until you broke out into laughter. His sand brown eyes widen at your gorgeous laugh. The warmth of embarrassment rose to his cheeks swiftly and he laughed with you.
The memory from 2 years ago is a comforting one as he watches the bride and groom say their vows, say I do, and kiss as a married couple. Kazutora claps along with everyone else as the music plays once more. The married couple proceeds down the aisle with the wedding party following. He winks at you as you lock arms with Draken, and you blow him a kiss back.
Once the pictures are done, which he was included in some, as well as his friends, they went to the reception hall. The open bar as a must livens up the venue and the dancing and cake cutting made the night seem never ending. The way you sway in your dress while holding his hands makes his heart soar. When the dj plays a slow song, he brings you in and wraps his arms around your hips. You rest your head on his shoulder, enjoying the rhythm of his heartbeat and his warm breath on your ear.
“Hey sunflower? Can we go outside?”
You lift your head up and nod, taking his hand and maneuvering through the dance floor. As you make your way outside, you find a secluded balcony and tipsily stumble onto it. Kazutora holds your hip to steady you and you giggle along with him. His pupils dilate before leaning in to kiss you, cupping your face and pulling you close. You smile into the loving embrace, with his hands lowering toward your ass. “Kaz, we’re in public!” He sneaks another kiss to your neck with a chuckle.
“I know I know,” he hums, “but let me just hold you like this for a bit okay?” His hand comes back to your waist as you two hold each other and stare out into the night. A feeling of content settles between the two of you as the comfortable silence lingers on. His fingers trace up and down your back, hovering more on the bare skin of your back. You bite your lip and look up at him, resting your chin on his chest. You can tell that there’s something on his mind but don’t press it. You wait for him to speak and you’re glad you did.
“You know I love you right?” You nod and hug him tighter. “Well, I hope you know that maybe…just maybe this can be us.” Your eyebrows rise as you lift your head up. Is he saying what you think he’s saying? Kazutora catches on to the thoughts racing in your mind and pecks your forehead. “N-not yet obviously! But,” he lifts your hand to his lips, “it’s on my mind.”
You try to ease away your giddiness at the thought that you twirl around in his embrace. He can’t hold in his excitement as he brushes his hair back. Since all of his friends are here, he’s sure proposing would be nice but Hina would be furious if he took away from her big day. So he pats the box in his pocket as he walks back inside with you.
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lilisouless · 1 year
Shadow and bone and signature colors
This is not an study, just a series of random observations born because i like the concept of signature colors.
Okay, on the Grishaverse canon there is such a thing as color coding but it has more to do with military rank and grisha order than the characters themselves which is why i dare to say that even if we relate all of them with one, the only characters that i consider have a signature color in book canon are The darkling, Kaz (both black) and Zoya (blue) and you could make a case for green for Pekka Rollins, show canon has the same with Kaz and the darkling being black, and Inej’s being teal (present in her two most prominent outfits and while it’s technically an uniform as well,the production team could have gone with another color ) but not with Zoya (see the headcanons part) nor Pekka Rollins who never wears green on the show , or at least nothing memorable
Now the next brainstorming will be overanalysis , don’t take it too seriously, this ones are headcanons and will change if there is a new season or a word from the production than goes against the argument
Alina doesn’t really have a signature color on the books in my opinion, she mostly wears uniforms , you can make a case for gold but this is mostly in universe logic, the keftas follow the color of the grisha class. If someone has an argument for this i would love to hear. But to me signature color means what the author/writers choose to represent the character and if Alina wasn’t the only sun summoner for most of the book, then the color would represent the powes,not her. Doesn’t mean there is only one color for character, they can and will repeat, many characters can have the same signature color but individually it’s “their color”
ex: book!Zoya’s signature color is blue even if the other etherealki wear it too, in fact tidemakers wear more blue than squallers, there’s lines of “no woman has looked better in blue” her eye color, her hair being so black it looks blue on certain light and the iconic blue ribbon, blue may be the color of other grisha but it’s also a color that represents Zoya
Now speaking of blue and back to Alina, i think the show is secretly pushing for Alina’s color to be blue. Secretly because the gold may fool you but remember this is about her and not the powers (remember this is mostly headcanons and out of fun, this is the opposite of what the scientific method should be because i am applying theory to observation instead of the other way around)
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The blue kefta is book canon and i like to think the costume design rolled with it. All of this outfits have blue (or bluish tones, the dress is leaning more into teal) and gold. This also are important moments of her life, the first time she discovered her sun summoner powers (the scarf even flies away to symbolize the change) the first thing we see her wearing without a cape after setting herself free from the darkling’s control and taking the life changing (and book changing) desition of taking him down on her own terms, the thing she wears after killing the darkling and destroying the fold and the dress she wears when she and we find out (unless season 3 confirms she already knew) she got shadow summoner powers.
To me it could be like this: the gold is the sun summoner everyone sees for her powers, the blue is Alina Starkov herself.
Gonna make a part two for other characters but i would love to see opinions, disagreements, other headcanons,etc
Edit: something that i forgot to add that’s extremely important
Sure, the uniforms are made for more people than Alina but clearly on production the first thought was “This is what Alina will be wearing” and from her, they did the clothing for everyone else
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
Hi !! I’m binge reading all your writing rn and I’m still looking obsessed <3 I’d love to request any of the crows x a reader who’s an identical twin, their twin is very outgoing and knows the crows well as they’ve worked together for heists and such but the reader is basically the opposite, they’re on the quieter side and prefer literature and baking to whatever the crows are getting up to. When they meet the crows they’re mistaken as their twin, maybe because their twin asked them to help on a job without informing the crows? Anyway I don’t really have a preference for what type of writing this is or the crows it’s for ^^ thank you :D 👾
The Librarian-platonic! crows x gn! reader
Hi! I'm so sorry that this took me a while--my tumblr inbox is being glitchy and weird atm and requests have been disappearing and reappearing at random so I caught this in my inbox while I was lucky.
As the title indicates, I added one thing! The reader is a librarian because I was like "they gotta have a job. They like to read, librarian it is" and I hope that you're okay with that!
Generally though, thank you for sending this in, this concept was a lot of fun and definitely a good way to try to get myself used to writing requests frequently again after several months of near-burnout and demotivation.
Fic type- this one is literally just fluff
Warnings- mentions of murder (generally), mentions of murder by thwack of thick book to ones head, and theres an allusion to body parts being cut up and put into a box, then leaving that box to float to the bottom of the ocean (Jesper refers to it as slice and dice, and I promise it's less graphic than it seems)
You didn't know why you'd agreed to help your twin. You were their opposite--they were all about the life of crime that most Barrel residents lived, where you were content to work at the library you'd been working at since you were seventeen and sell your baked goods at the market stalls on the weekends.
You did not like the Barrel at all.
You resented how easy it was to find yourself a victim of pickpocketing whenever you wandered into a gambling den on that side of town or even just while you walked through the streets.
You much preferred your apartment and the smell of fresh cinnamon buns to the vague smell of swamp mingling with gasoline and peoples loud, rowdy ways as they ambled from one gambling den to the next. You hated the idea of all of it--why dress in your finest if you're intending to go gamble, when there's always a chance that you'll lose everything you gave, and lose more than that when your aim had been to win it all back after the initial loss?
But still, agreeing to help your twin was a commitment you'd made. You had the layout of a library with something valuable and had agreed to go to the Slat to draw up a sketch, but the hand on your shoulder stopped you in your tracks.
You proceeded into the Slat--the building your twin had said to meet up in--and sat at a table after grabbing yourself a brandy. Like they were being brought to you by some kind of gravitational pull, a tall Fjerdan and the girl he had on his arm walked up to you.
"Y/T/N?" the girl asked. "You've just left the Slat for breakfast. Did you change your mind?"
You blinked, confusedly. "I'm not--"
Another girl spoke up from behind you, and the sound of her voice startled you just enough to make you flinch.
Where had she come from? Was she the kind of person who could steal peoples secrets from the shadows? Was she a spider who hid in the dark corners where people were too oblivious to look, taking their conversations back to the infamous Kaz Brekker in the aim to turn over a profit?
"Not Y/T/N," she said. "Their twin."
A gray eyed boy with guns on his hips approached next, arm lazily draped over a boy with dark red hair and eyes that made him resemble something of a deer when startled.
"What are you doing in the Barrel?" He asked. "Your twin says that you tend to keep to your routine. Working at the library in the Financial District during the day, spending your friday nights baking so that you can sell your goods at the market stalls. You're not the type to come round here."
"They wanted to meet with me," you said. "There's a library out in the countryside that's become a tourist attraction since the Merchant Council actually put effort into proper marketing for it? I've visited every other weekend since it opened. They said that they need me to sketch the layout in the absence of a blueprint, which I know for a fact was destroyed in case anyone tried to steal it to figure out the best entrance and exit points. Did they not tell you they asked me for help?"
"What's your cut of the final profit?" You didn't have to know that voice to recognize it. It was Kaz Brekker, the most infamous criminal in all of Ketterdam, the only person who'd scared Pekka Rollins away from anything, even if the thing he'd scared Rollins away from had been his own criminal empire.
"Can I ask you what all of your names are first? Despite how much my twin talks about you, I don't know your faces, even if there's a near guaranteed chance that I know your names."
"Inej," said the girl who'd snuck up on you. "Inej Ghafa. The boy with the guns is Jesper, the doe eyed one is Wylan. Matthias is the big, blond, brooding yellow tulip who's glowering at you right now, and the beautiful girl on his arm is Nina. I'm sure you know who Kaz is?"
"Too well," you said. "How's the leg?"
Kaz smirked as the crew began to pull up chairs, where he took the spot to your right.
"It could be better than it is now, but it's not as bad as it is in winter. Your cut of the money?"
"They promised to give me 40 percent of their share if I sketched out the layout," you said. "You're being paid twelve million for this. I get just less than one million after the math is said and done."
"In the interest of paying the reason that we get this heist right as rain with minimal issue fairly, what is twelve million through eight?" Kaz asked the group that'd formed around the table whilst you'd been too focused on taking a sip of your brandy to notice.
"1.5 million," Wylan answered within seconds. "Cuts two million off each of our paychecks."
"Well, if Y/N is decent for a blueprint sketch, I'm sure you be too busy with the knowledge that you still have your lives, the clothes on your backs and the homes to which you'll go to notice the half a million you would've missed out on."
Jesper grinned at you. "He's terrifying," he said. "But, in the end, fairness in terms of these things is important to him. He's greed incarnate but he doesn't take well to enemies, so he's making sure your twin doesn't rip you off."
"A baker-slash-librarian and literature fanatic is hardly an enemy," Nina interjected.
"They've got books as tall as the length from my wrist to the bend in my elbow in some libraries," Jesper said. "They hit Kaz with one of those while he's not expecting it, he goes down quick. His death can be made even quicker, provided they use chocolate chunks--which require chopping on a cutting board--in their baking. Slice and dice, ship him to the bottom of the ocean in a box that's two feet tall and one foot wide, and all evidence of their having murdered the Bastard of the Barrel is gone."
"Killing Kaz Brekker is not in my interest," you said. "Not at all. Matter of fact, just sketching this is, and even then, the money is the only reason I'm here. I mean this respectfully, but I miss home. I miss the comfort of my bed and being able to enjoy a fine Wednesday morning without worrying about losing a twenty kruge bill while I walk back home."
"Y/T/N said you were aloof," Nina commended. "Like Matthias. Do we have a liar in our midst?"
"No," you said. "Though I wouldn't say aloof is the right word. I would say quiet, reserved, and uninterested in crime are the right ones, but you've caught me in a moment of sass. Let me switch the brandy for wine and I'll get angsty instead."
Jesper barked a laugh, Wylan, Inej, and Nina grinned. Kaz smirked, and you saw a glint of horror pass through Matthias' gaze. It made you laugh.
"Relax, Matthias," you said. "Want me happy, I'll take a glass of kvas or some gin."
You saw his expression relax, and just shook your head. You were in for a hell of a time with that crew, and part of you couldn't wait for it to really begin.
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locitawritingsblog · 2 months
Voices of Love
Based on Xiono Series from Wattpad
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Summary : Yeager got a special holo-recorder from someone has been filling his void and became his part of his life. It brought a gift which something he never imaged he would have one ahead.
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Yeager just finished checking his ship as Bucket came to him, bringing his com-link was turning off.
Yeager stared at him as tapping his droid's helmet and walked to his private office. Inside his office, there were a lot of holo-pictures on the shelves besides his trophies.
Yeager turned on his com-link to listen the voice.
"Hello Yeager ! It's Kaz. It's been two weeks since I left home for the resistance. I hope you, Tam, and Neeku are okay there.
Anyway, I wanna say thank you for keeping an eye on my daughter. I know we had some tough times but you lifted me up when I almost quit. I couldn't image seeing my daughter suffer like that. I still have doubt sometimes if I would be a good father for her. But you always remind me that I'm nothing like my own biological father, that makes me feel better to hear.
I'm so lucky to have you, like a father I've been look up to. To be honest, when I first time met you, you remind me a lot of my father but overtime you support me and always be there for me.
I'm so glad to getting know you, so did she having a great grandpa like you. By the way, don't tell Ayumi that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her tonight.
Okay, that's all for today. See you soon, Dad."
Yeager was pleased to hear his voice. He still couldn't believe he had a granddaughter even through they were not the same blood but they have a strong love to connect.
Then he got a call "Yeager, are you there ?" He responded "Yeah Torra, what is it ?"
"Can you pick Ayumi up from school ? It's almost about time to come home and I have an urgent appointment."
"You got a favor. I'll pick her up."
"Thank you, Yeager. See you tonight."
Before he left the office, he stared a holo-picture of him, Kaz and Ayumi for few seconds. He decided to use his ship to pick her up.
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As waiting for the pick up, a six years old girl who wearing pigtails drawing her dad and herself holding hands until she noticed a familiar ship appear at her school.
"Grandpa !" She ran into her grandpa's arms and he lifted her up "Hi there, kid ! How was school ?" "It was nice, Grandpa. I drew this for daddy when he coming home."
She showed Yeager her drawing "It looks really nice, Ayumi. I'm sure your daddy will be like it."
At this moment, Ayu saw a young boy was around her age was made fun by those girls "Look at this smelly ! Eww, isn't your mommy give you a bath ?" A yellow mirialan girl spoke then the other two laughing at him.
Ayu couldn't stay quiet to seeing her friend was treated "Hey, leave him alone, Giselle !" Giselle quickly stared at Ayu "Mind your bussiness, monkey...." Ayu didn't like being called that nickname at all "...You and your not so bloody granpy better stay away."
Which Yeager was displased by Giselle's behavior "Excuse me, young lady. You better learn some manners to elders." He warned.
"Ha, such a word from monkey's granpy. Isn't that right, girls ?" Giselle didn't listen to Yeager, she and the other girls laughing at them instead.
"Girls..." The three girls were caught by a teacher who has a short brunette hair and wearing a glasses "This is not how we treat to people especially to parents." Then she stared at Yeager and Ayumi "I'm very sorry, sir. I'll make sure these girls will handled it."
"I hope so, Miss Windy." Yeager replied.
"Girls, go to my office. We'll have a serious talk." After Giselle and the other two left, Miss Windy checked on that boy.
"Are you alright, Randy ?" She helped him up.
"I guess so." He responded.
"Come on, buddy. Let's talk about this with your parents." Miss Windy took Randy's hand to her office.
"Alright sweetheart, let's go home." Yeager carried his granddaughter home.
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Just back on the station, Yeager took her to the bed which where was her father, Kaz used to sleep.
As he put his granddaughter on the bed, she asked "Grandpa, why those girls are mean ?" He sighed "That's how the reality is, Ayumi. I guess those girls are being mean just to look good on themselves."
"It's not fair." She definitely wasn't like to hear that. He sighed as put his hand on her hand "I know, sweetheart but I am glad you stood up to your friend back there."
She smiled "Thank you Grandpa." Then she yawned.
He chuckled "Looks like you could have some nap." As Ayu laid down on the bed. Next, he wrapped her with a blanket. He rubbed her hair for a bit.
Two hours later...
Ayu had a peaceful sleep until she was shaken to wake her up "Hmm...Grandpa, give me five minutes. Please..."
A chuckled was heard "It's a good thing Bucket isn't the one who wake you up."
Ayu was surprised, hearing a familiar voice.
She opened her eyes slowly and rubbed her eyes then sat down. Few seconds later, she saw her father's face clearer. She finally could see her father after he was away for two weeks.
"Daddy !!!" She jumped into his arm.
"Aww, Ayumi, it's good to see you again." He hugged his daughter tightly. "Me too. I missed you so much." "I missed you too, Starcake."
At this moment, Kaz noticed Yeager watching them then he walked and put a hand on his shoulder "Welcome home, Kazuda." "Thank you for keeping an eye on her." Kaz smiled at him.
"You're welcome, Kaz. I'll always be there for you and your daughter." Yeager smiled back.
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Note : I wrote Xiono Series on wattpad since the pandamic but it still stuck in my head so I decided to write here since I always use this app.
Taglist : @queen-daya , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @fulltimecatwitch , @kanerallels , @commander-tech , @thebadbatch2022 , @catcucumber-salad , @twinsunstars
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steponmeinejghafa · 1 year
Parental Preferences #1
Summary: What kind of parent I think each SaB character is.
Warnings: None, really.
Kaz Brekker:
Kaz is more of a paranoid parent, because he doesn’t want you to go through what he did as a child. However, he secretly enjoys teaching you little (unethical) tricks like picking locks, pickpocketing, and stealing. Magic, on the other hand, is something by you both enjoy learning.
He’s not very physically affectionate, but he will give you the occasional headpat or smile when he want to show you affection. He is, however, a strict parent, and that means you will come home at curfew, otherwise there will be consequences.
This man will protect you from anything potentially scarring till he thinks it’s okay for you to help or see him smash someone’s head in.
Inej Ghafa:
She’s pretty lenient as a parent, not gonna lie. She does enjoy a good run or workout with you, and genuinely wants you to be much more than just a smaller version of her.
However, there are rules. And you will follow the rules. This includes no stealing, no murder, and absolutely no taking Jesper as an example to do anything.
But, this woman will give you the world if she must. She is protective, yes, because she obviously doesn’t want you to go through what she did.
Inej is an affectionate parent, though. Hugs, head kisses, head pats, everything! Cuddling is kind of a tentative, though. That’s a bit too much of a close proximity.
Jesper Fahey
More than a parent, he is like an annoying older brother. While he is, indeed, a very lenient parent, he is also kind of irresponsible. Not like a ‘forgot-to-feed-mini-human’ irresponsible, more like ‘oh-shit-I-left-my-guns-in-child’s-reach’ irresponsible.
However, this man will protect you from everything bad in the world, and he’s very, very, very available. Like, “oh, you have girl problems? I will fix it.” Or “Well damn, looks like someone’s in a bad mood. Time for target practice.”
He’s not entirely controlling, but he’s a worrier, so naturally you have a curfew. If you don’t adhere to it, you’ll probably come home to your dad a crying, blubbering mess on the floor.
Affection is definitely his middle name. Kaz will 100% find Jesper not moving from the couch because you’re asleep in his lap, or Jesper will absolutely smother you with hugs and head kisses when he’s happy for you. He will, also, do the crazy dad thing where the father tosses his child up in the air and catches them.
This also happens to give Wylan a heart attack every single time.
Wylan Van Eck
This poor child has no clue what in the ten hells he’s supposed to do. But, he takes tips from everyone and gradually gets the hang of being a girl dad.
He’s hesitant with affection, yes, but there are moments where he does give you a lil headpat or head kiss.
Wylan’s more of a ‘do whatever you want but don’t die’ kind of parent, but he’s got a balance of ‘oh my god please don’t do that I will kill myself if you get hurt’ as well.
Wylan’s pretty fun, though. He’ll make your hair in different styles and teach you random chemistry stuff at the same time.
Nina Zenik
She’s a very chill parent, but if you cross a boundary or break a rule, she will definitely get mad at you. She’s got a really good intuition, so it’s difficult for you to hide anything from her.
Again, you have a curfew, you will stick to the damn curfew even if it kills you because otherwise she will go ballistic.
When it comes to affection, this woman will absolutely smother you in kisses and hugs and love at every given point in time. It increases hundredfold when she’s happy with something you’ve done, as well.
Nina definitely loves to teach you about people and the way human beings’ insides work, so by a pretty early age you’re aware of where there’s close to no blood when you stab someone, and what to hit hard enough to paralyse a bitch.
Aleksander Morozov
This man. He is not a strict parent, but he’s definitely stern when required. But he will spoil you with so many things like books, clothes, toys, and most of all: LOVE!!
But rules are simple: Do not disturb during a meeting, do not be rude, and don’t break anything.
Curfew…can be violated because you, are not allowed outside the grounds of the Little Palace unless you’re accompanied by another Grisha OR by a guard, OR by Aleksander himself. Sorry, hon <3
Not to forget, he will literally destroy whatever force decides to harm you. Aleksander is kind of a default girl dad, ngl, because he pretty much knows everything about women and girls thanks to Baghra.
Alina Starkov
To be honest, Alina’s more like an older sister than a mom. She’s fun to be with, and is forever teaching you how to make flower crowns, how to draw landscapes and animals, all sorts of things!
She’s not exactly strict, but will definitely tell you off if you don’t listen to an instruction or disobey a direct order.
Curfew. Everyone. Has. A. Curfew. You do not violate the curfew otherwise she will be very, very upset.
Alina is the most affectionate parent EVER. Like, there is not a single moment where this woman is not smothering you with love and affection. Hugs, head kisses, forehead kisses, head apts, you name it, she will give it to you.
She feels especially proud when you figure out how to do things yourself, like fix a broken toy, mend a fence, little odd jobs here and there. She definitely encourages you reading and spends a lot of her money on buying you books and more books! Not to forget art supplies <33
Zoya Nazyalensky
She is a mix of a ‘tough love’ mom and a ‘soft love’ mom. Like, yes she will encourage you to do what you want, but she will reprimand you for not doing as instructed. Hiding stuff from her is extremely difficult, and Zoya definitely is more curt sometimes than polite.
She is definitely strict about curfew and attire, so you always happen to be in the fittest attire everywhere.
She is, however, an excellent parent because she makes sure you’re well read, and well trained to defend yourself, and she also makes sure you’re amply loved.
Affection is not really Zoya’s thing, so she shows you her love in other ways like through quality time, or food, maybe even a random workout.
And god forbid if anything hurts you.
Expect a part two with more characters <333 until then!
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gryffindorkalicious · 2 years
My review on S&B season 2
So I binged watch Shadow and Bone in on sitting and OMGGGGGGG.
The plot was rushed like it was there is no denying it, but it was also fun in the best way possible. IMO The writers really aced it for TV. You can tell they actually respect the source material and understand it well. I know that a lot of controversy is surrounding season 2 but I would like to point out that I think the writers and actors did BRILLIANT with what time they had. Like I am pretty sure I saw a tweet that said that the writers weren’t sure that they would get the green light for season 3 and with that in mind they were exceptional. They did remove quite a few scenes from R&R and S&S, I really missed alina’s white hair and MAL’s  “I am become Blade tattoo”. And as someone who has read the books I missed the character development that was done but at the same time, I have come to realise that adaptations are different from source materials and it’s best to seperate them both. That way you enjoy it more. And my friend (Who hasn’t read the books) loved it even more then me.
Nikolai hiring the crows was absolutely genius, it was a really good introduction
The Crows having to steal the sword plotline was so good was so goodd
The transition for Kaz’s flashback was so good ( Can I just say that I loved the VFX for this season)
Zoya having the bee fly near her (...............)
The fight scenes were really impressive like it was done so innovatively.
The plot was like 7.5/10 for me because ik that its a TV show but I still love the books too much, However, my friend gave it a 9.5/10 (She wanted more of the crows)
2 major complaints I do have is that WHY THE FUCK IS DAVID DEAD??????
 and my 2nd complaint is please give me zoyalai crumbs, I wanted some banter but I was disappointed.
the acting done by each and every charcater was phenomenal. Ben Barnes was amazing as usual, Jessie mei lei added her beautiful depth to Alina’s character, Archie renaux make Mal’s character so much more three dimensional, NIKOLAI, TOLYA,TAMAR AND WYLAN. OMGGG. When I tell you they were fucking perfect like their expressions, their dialogue, their attitude. Jaw droppingly amazing. Daisy was so good as Genya this season like her raw emotion could literally be felt throught the screen. Her acting literally made me hate the Darkling so much. Amita was amazing as Inej, she as born for this role and danielle and Callahan have such amzing chemistry I can cry.  Kit young is amazing, I love him so much. I wanted Sujaya to have more screen time because she is amazing but i know she had conflicting schedules but still :(
Freddy carter though,
OVERALL THE ACTING WAS A 10/10. I could not imagine a more perfect cast.
I Liked the show, had fun with it. The best way to enjoy it is as Leigh said,” Think of it as a fanfiction.” Sepereating the show from the book is the best thing to do for adaptation guys. I understand why people may not like it but still fucking watch it. IDNC that you didnt like it. WATCH IT. I need my Ice heist spin off. <3
Overall it was 8.5/10 ( ik the average is mathematically wrong but idc this is the rating i felt right with)
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He Had Time
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
genre: angst/fluff (not really fluff but not entirely angst... idk)
el's thoughts: thank you @jahayla-parker for helping me think of what to do for this part!! this is part two for renegade
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Kaz stared at her with empty eyes, inspecting her to see if she really meant what she said. “I just-” He cut himself off aruptly, thinking through his next words carefully. He felt as if he was approaching a wild animal. “Grief makes a monster out of us sometimes. It sometimes makes you say and do things to the one- ones you love. Things that you can’t forgive yourself for.”
“Kaz I’ve known you for years-”
“So then you know what I’m talking about.” His voice came out sharper than he intended. He saw her flinch slightly which made him sigh and run a hand through his hair. He must’ve looked distraught at this point, but he couldn’t bring himself to truly care. Just the mere thought of her leaving pained his stone heart. 
She was right, they’ve gone through everything together. “Is it really your past that stops you from giving me everything or do you just not want to?” And he wanted to give her more than he could. She deserved the world, but how was a monster supposed to present the world to a queen? “You’re a renegade, Kaz.” She was right again. He was a person who deserted others without even trying. He doesn’t mean to push them away. He didn’t really mean to push her away. It just happened. 
He let out a sigh before he spoke, trying to hold back any emotion that had slipped past his walls. “Cry. Scream. Break something. Hit me if you need to, but don’t leave.”  He saw her eyes widen just slightly as the words fell from his lips. “It’s easier to breathe when you’re around.”
She said nothing. Silence slid into the room like a snake. 
He looked up at her nervously only to see tears in her eyes. Before he could say anything she cleared her throat, “Okay.”
Kaz lifted an eyebrow in question. 
“Just… Give me some time to cool off. Then we can talk.” With that Y/N walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. 
Another talk was the last thing Kaz wanted, but she wasn’t leaving. At least not yet, he had time to pull himself together for her. He had time to show her how much he really needed her.
He had time.
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