#Jtoh ToA
precioushybrid · 2 years
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Part 1 of posting jtoh humanization here that i never posted
ToCP, ToAM, ToWS, ToA and CoTE (butterfly guy)
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1) did you actually try beepbox? not mad if you didn't just curious ngl <- beepbox is link i put bc it's a website and easiest thing i've found while still having some variety (if you want someone who makes great music with a mod of beepbox, vivivivivi on yt makes great music. esp dead but dreaming it's a great album). soundtrap is very ez gg in my opinion. and chrome music maker is a thing (i don't understand how someone'd be partial to it over beepbox but maybe it'll help idk)
2) does the toa in your bio stand for tower of anger or am i just too jtoh brained. if it does i'm curious how toa deserves better in any way shape or form it's so mid
omg i didn't actually expect anyone to respond to that sjdfhdsf
So, I did try beepbox, I'm just not sure how to make anything other than just loops? Might do a bit more research tho because it was easy enough to use. I've downloaded Cakewalk and Waveform but just can't work out how to use them and unfortunately I am a stubborn little shit with no attention span so video tutorials don't really help... however I am going to try and find some short tutorials and make myself watch them cause I'm sure it'll be worth it. My bitterness wasn't aimed at you/the post btw!!! Just my shitty attention span. It actually made me try some stuff instead of just sitting there going 'man I wish i could make music' so thanks for the push!
And second, ToA stands for Tales of Arcadia here, I've never heard of Tower of Anger skdfhsdf sorry. Basically the finale of Tales of Arcadia was like the worst thing you can imagine: character assassinations, retcons, the most confused plot ever, and a time travel fix ending that retconned five years' worth of character development :')
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twig-gy · 3 months
video idea: playing jtoh towers as the towers say you should:
toast: speedrunning it until i get a good time so i’m annoyed by how simple the trials are
toa: reading transphobic writing so i get angry
tom: playing it when i feel really unstable
toh: playing it when my house is burning down or when it feels really hot
tok: record it instead of going to [thing i really wanted to do] so it kills my joys
toky: throw my keyboard midway through
tos: play it when i’ve got a day left to study for a test and i haven’t at all/just play it when i’m really stressed
tosp: punch my screen midway through
tor: same thing as toa
toie: expect i will be able to beat it first try in less than 8 minutes
tots: normal tots. or play a buffed ver
tt: uhhhhhh
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