#Joseph Fouche
cedyat · 4 months
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Oh, the things I would do for a Napoleonic themed fighting game...
Feel free to suggest some more characters in case I ever finish this. I was kinda running out of ideas 😅
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michel-feuilly · 4 months
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Comission for @usergreenpixel again xD
A short story with a headcanon that Fouche practiced alchemy in a monastery
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klara-1838 · 1 year
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Pov: You’re in the Covention and Fouché looks at u like this 😳
Ok but why does he scare me so much
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makiitabaki · 3 months
3 AM me was onto something
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deathzgf · 5 months
Could you draw Fouché and Tayllerand together, doing what they do best, that is being toxic?
like britney spears , right ?
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maratsbathtub · 1 year
so i was talking with my mom (a historian) about the afterlife and how historical figures having to share apartments would be hilarious. And then i brought up the frenchies, and what they would be doing after death.
I present to you, my mom's thoughts on the matter:
They would be running a spa. All of them. Lavoisier and his wife would be running the cafe (are there cafes at spas??? I don't know??? I was too busy dying inside to ask). Fouche runs finances. Robespierre does hairdressing stuff and danton does pedicures. Herault would be the (female?) waitress and fabre is the apothecary?? I guess? (I think my mom meant he runs the front desk) Louis XVI would be the janitor and marie Antoinette takes care of pets.
And i vetoed charlotte corday to ever be there. That was all i got to say.
And napoleon is just there to help
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Cult of Reason
I am *desperately* in search for primary sources about the Cult/Festival of Reason. This could be pamphlets, prints, speeches… etc.
Thank you!
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josh-lanceero · 2 years
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speaking of saddening stuff……
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microcosme11 · 1 year
« Cet homme est revenu de l’île d’Elbe plus fou qu’il n’était parti. Son affaire est réglée, il n’en a pas pour quatre mois. »
"This man came back from Elba crazier than he left. His case is settled, he can’t last more than four months."
Histoire en Citations
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demaskblue · 2 years
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Thermidorians as k-pop idols (blackpink inspiration for the idea haha+something funny someone said on frevcord + le fil)
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drinkthemlock · 1 year
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aedesluminis · 5 months
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It's Friday: time to confess your sins to father Joseph.
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oklotea · 10 months
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The remaining transparent pngs of the playlist cover of my frev playlist that I made!
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michel-feuilly · 1 year
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Fouche prepares for a conversation with the Lyons✨✨
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Paid partnership with sexy Fouché coming soon?
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suburbanbeatnik · 2 years
Sexy clinch 1790s French edition
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