#Joker Game Nendoroid
bucchi-boo · 5 days
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I have had them longer so I don't post them as much but I do have other nendolls I put together!!!
Ruggie was my first baby, he is in memory of a friend who passed who loved nendolls and always encouraged me to do one of him (he's an absolute fave character of mine) I never thought I would because of how difficult it is to get twst nendos (I already have ruggie and epel displayed but to get another?!)
Another friend for my last birthday gifted me another ruggie nendoroid because they knew how much it'd mean to me to be able to make the ruggie nendoll Meg often spoke to me about a reality. She created a monster in me lmao I love nendolls too much now. But I think she knew I would 🤣💛
Every time I look at Ruggie I think of her, never mind all the other times I do 🪽
P5 joker is just another one of my lil guys I couldn't resist having. I did get the official gsc nendoll at first for him but,,,ngl I didn't like it. So I swapped the body for the usual body I get and ditched the clothes (gsc clothes,,,leave a lot to be desired icl)
But they're always there by my bed gossiping, they're besties.
I never planned to rlly post about them pfft so my picture taking skills are lack luster
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cochart · 8 months
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So Winter WonHobby was today and man, what can I say?
What an unexpected surprise. Good job, Goodsmile and Atlus!
I’ve been (privately) going on about how I want Joker’s school uniform version of Nendoroid so I’m very pleased. Hopefully, we get the color version by WonHobby spring or summer. Honestly, I’ve never had a game or anime I’m into give me so much merch. I mean, Harper Collins manages to pull out various edition of Tolkien legendarium every year it seems, but that’s about it. HC publishing The Fall of Gondolin had been like the biggest event for me.
But ever since I started drawing Shuake, Goodsmile’s been offering re-runs of P5 Nendoroids, Atlus has released P5R plushies and pashacolle cards, they had bunch of events for P5T, and now Goodsmile’s showing me this Nendo. Are the stars lining up or something? Am I finally being rewarded for my idk years of drawing comics and playing games and watching anime? Whatever it is, I appreciate it.
I also hope everything goes well in my career sector so I’d be rich by the time this comes out haha.
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md3artjournal · 8 months
7:33 PM 2/14/2024
At the end of my daily walk today, I felt disappointment when I saw that no one had yet Liked my Sora Valentines Day figure photo, that I rushed and postponed my daily walk to get posted.
Now, I had to be honest with myself. Yes, at the time, the thing on my mind was proving TO MYSELF that I was capable of SOMETHING. At least this one, seemingly little thing, of posting a picture quickly, before starting my daily walk. Yes, after my unexpected nap, I had very little daylight left for my daily walk, and underestimating the prep time and posting process of a photo was pushing back my daily walk's start time, further into the dark. But I had to prove to myself that I was capable of something, that I could accomplish something. …Didn't I? But maybe in my subconscious I also had in mind the eyes that would be on this photo. It was a Valentines Day card on Valentines Day. And the day was already mostly over. It was nighttime. It was even dark outside. If I wanted my Valentines Day card to be seen on Valentine's Day, then I had to post it as soon as possible. Thank goodness I stayed up a little later during my all-nighter, earlier this morning, to post my Joker Nendography Valentine's Day card. …So some part of me, was conscious about posting this FOR OTHER PEOPLE. But, dude… No one is going to get mad at you, and you won't get penalized for posting late or even at all! …But _I_ would feel less accomplished. _I_ would feel the weight of another thing piled onto my long list of failures and incapabilities. ;_; I was doing it for me.
But also near the end of my daily walk, I saw Good Smile Company post the results of their recent Valentine's Day themed "Love in Focus" figure photography contest. All my all-nighters recently, started with trying to make submissions for that contest. None of my pictures even got chosen for the slideshow of entrants who didn't become finalists. But the thing is…When I remember pulling that all-nighter and doing my figure photoshoots for that contest, I WAS HAVING SO MUCH FUN. When the midnight deadline came around for the contest, I kept going with my photoshoot ideas and taking more photos, because it was fun. This activity was FOR ME. Not the contest. Yes, the contest facilitated my fun by prompting me with project parameters. But I was having so much fun doing the photoshoots and coming up with ideas for my photoshoots. I even remember being struck with how much fun I was having, to make entries for this contest, but REGARDLESS of this contest, so much so that I had to post about it on Tumblr. It was a good time. ^_^
So I don't feel bad about not getting chosen to be featured in GSC's slideshow. Heck, I can objectively say that my pics weren't that good, especially compared to the other entrants. And honestly, I really enjoyed seeing everyone else's photos, much more than the idea of getting voted for or winning the contest. I should be honest: I was using the contest as a prompt, as motivation, as a GAME of seeing what photoshoots I could come up with, while staying within the rules of the contest. Actually, my favorite thing about Nendoroids---besides being cute chibi---and Figma is switching parts, which this contest didn't allow. So I was surprised what a fun game it was to try to think of photoshoots I could be proud of and stay interested in, while limited to only the figure accessories that each individual figure came with. These contests have become fun, regardless of whether I win or not.
Not that I don't try to win. During so many of these contests, I don't have the time or energy to do a photoshoot. For "Love in Focus", I was originally only going to enter old photos, since the contest allowed that. But as the deadline neared, I suddenly felt motivated to do more. So I started some last-minute new photoshoots. But the thought running through my head isn't that I want to win, it's that I don't want to be the person who doesn't even TRY. I don't want to turn into the person who gives up before even trying. And after I submitted my older photos, I began to get this sneaking itch that not even trying to do a new photoshoot for this contest, felt like "not even trying". Not trying, would be equivalent to accepting that all my art was bad and I could never create anything that had any chance of winning any contest. I didn't want to not try. I didn't want to accept myself as a failure with no hope. It was just another thing to prove to myself.
Actually, this reminds me of my Faebruary drawings.
For the past few years, despite formerly having success and a satisfying sense of accomplished self esteem from doing a drawing challenge EVERY MONTH, I've started to have a lot of burn out. And these burn outs have tended to happen more predictably, after Inktober.
I used to do Faebruary, sometimes Magical March, make up my own challenge #AprilAngelsAndDemons, MerMay, my own challenge #JuneBridesGrooms, World Watercolor Month in July, Smaugust, my own challenge "#OTPtember in September, Inktober, Huevember---every year. And I liked it. That daily sense of accomplishment from drawing everyday, was sometimes the only thing holding up my self esteem. But also, I knew that if I stopped, my drawing skills would worsen. But also, if I kept it up, I could watch my drawing improve. Even if my resulting skills weren't visibly improving, I could tell that I was drawing FASTER, more EASILY, I was LESS AFRAID to start drawing, at any given time. And if I could just maintain that confidence, then I knew that I could tackle improving my drawing skills next.
I usually burn out from daily drawings in December, January, March, June, and July. My only drawing challenges for those months are the ones I made up for myself, so I feel less accountable to drawing daily. But also, it's difficult to find that extra push to draw---when I'm tired, it's almost midnight, and I'm again battling my low self esteem, telling me that my resulting drawing will be so bad, it'll only prove what a failure I am---when there isn't a whole community to participate in. For someone so isolated and socially anxious, it surprises me how much I'm motivated to create art only when I have a community, waiting to see my art, eager to interact, and give positive feedback. The same thing happened with my fanfic writing: I did A LOT while I was in an active community; I suddenly stopped doing as much fic writing, when I became disconnected from that community (moved out of dorms's free 24hr internet). It's easier to find that extra push to draw, even when I'm tired, even when there's only 5 minutes before midnight, or even it's it's already past midnight, when I know the Inktober community or the MerMay community are looking for art, just like mine. And yes, I want to do it for myself. That's where I get the little push to start a drawing, even 2 minutes before midnight, just so I could say to myself that I drew "everyday"---even if it'd be more convenient to wait half an hour, to be done eating, then start drawing, even if it would then be 12:30am.
I try to draw everyday, but from November thru January, I usually have a burn out from drawing. It's so hard to get back into drawing, that I sometimes forget about Faebruary, even though I love drawing butterfly wing fairies among flowers. And I always draw my current OTPs as chibi fairies for Faebruary. But this year, Faebruary 2024, I had a new OTP that I had never really drawn before, besides some redraw studies of official art and 1 completed synthesis sketch, that was still just a doodle. This Faebruary, I was in uncharted territory AND severely out of practice. But I had something to prove to myself. I had to try. Because I love my OTPs. They give me joy and allow me to experience so much fun, whether that's in the fandom community or just looking back and being reminded through my fanart, of my own headcanons (and unwritten fic ideas). And the thing that surprised me this Faebruary, out of practice and still learning new characters…is that I accomplished a lot. I was 8 days behind, when I finally remembered Faebruary this year, but I somehow managed to draw 6 full-color drawings in one night. O_o! Then 3 full-color-drawings the next day. And 2 full-color drawings the next night. O_O Drawing catch-up DOES NOT usually come this easily for me, unless I take serious shortcuts with my drawings. Like no coloring, no props, no background elements, single characters. I am flabbergasted how quickly I caught up to the challenge this month, and that each drawing is a full, complete drawing. (Granted, I usually skip full backgrounds. But the fact that I drew any environmental elements at all, on days when I had to do multiple catch-up drawings, is kind of crazy to me.) I felt like I was plunging into the deep end on this month's challenge, given my 2 disadvantages right now. I am amusedly perplexed at my results so far. I'm still well aware that my objective skill level is still bad, but FOR ME, these results AND the ease with which I was able to return to drawing, is amazing to me.
I think what I'm trying to say is that even though my anxiety always keeps my low self esteem on my mind, I didn't think so much about my unconfidence, as much as I thought about wanting to TRY. I wanted to draw my new OTP. I wanted to draw flowers and butterfly wings. I didn't want this month's challenge to pass by without me even trying. I didn't actually think about how the fandom community might react, if they would even like it, or give me the positive feedback that my self esteem craved. I was thinking that I wanted to learn to draw my OTP, not lose my drawing skills, and just be capable of something.
I'm actually kind of glad if that's my real focus, because objectively speaking, all my art is bad. My drawing, my photography, my writing… It's all bad. And I can say that, because I have a 4 year degree in art, that pretty much taught us the ability to objectively evaluate our art, so we could know what to work on. Now, whether I'm able to improve, is a whole other matter of motivation, that I'm completely lacking in. lol But I'm enjoying making things I love, for my beloved OTPs and to interact with my beloved figure collection. But also to boost my confidence and prove to myself that I CAN accomplish things, if I just try.
As much as I love Star Wars, I never liked that Yoda quote, "Do or do not. There is no try." That works great for someone who already has some confidence and self esteem. But for people starting from zero, depression and low self esteem is telling us that everything already is futile. But TRYING is this realm of infinite possibilities. That's Hope.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
Finally going to see what figures were announced at the WonHobby37 gallery. Here we go. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! i'M AFRAID TO LOOK!
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Picture source: https://twitter.com/gsc_goodsmile/status/1685561619215179776
That vampire Miku with the weird face I don't like.
Bocchi the Rock.
I'm going ot guess Vtubers and Honkai Star Rail/Genshin Impact.
Oishi no Ko.
Of course, Demon Slayer.
What's this wafuku apron anime?
Licoris Recoil getting Nendo Dolls. I heard that anime was popular, but I forgot popular series are getting Nendo Dolls on top of regular Nendos now.
Forgot about Jujutsu Kaisen.
Are..Is that an extra faceplate set for Jujustu Kaisen??????????
I'm so out of the loop. Is there anything that makes you feel older than just not being into SO MANY popular series? (Besides aches and pains lol)
Don't care about Minions.
My Hero Academia.
OH MY GAWD IS THAT MUSHISHI????????????????????????????? ^O^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Are KanColle coming back or is that Azure Lane?
Oh, yeah, Joker was getting a Nendo Doll. Always love to see Persona 5.
Wait, Hetalia is getting Nendo Dolls too? o.O
I'm going to guess the guy with a 10 on his shirt is from Haikyuu, but I don't recognize him. I need to catch up on that series.
Who are these guys with gotees and normal clothes? Oh, wait, are those the other band members from Given?
Elden Ring Nendos. Excellent.
Hunter x Hunter person.
Toothless Nendo got painted.
What's Nikke?
omg 3 Nichijou Nendos all in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^o^
Dragon Maid---O my gawd, Kobayashi got a Nendo too! About time!
These are really pretty patterned Chinese clothes for Nendoroid Dolls.
Why is there a whole new Nendoroid Doll Archetype? What makes this one different? Oh, "Kids". It's a child.
Regular pants for Nendo Dolls. That's nice. Kind of similar to how I wnated a set of jeans and Tshirts for Nendoroid More…Again, Nendo Dolls keep getting accessories that are suspiciously like my requests for Nendoroid Dress Up sets.
Fate Grand Order.
More people I don't know.
I'm going to guess "Sky" is an indie game.
OMG IT'S 808 FROM HI FI RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to need to get that kitty!
Netflix version Castlevania Rictor is getting a Nendoroid, and that new series hasn't even been out yet!
More 02 stuff. I guess I should have seen a Nendo Doll of her coming.
Hey, the Medicine Seller from Mononoke! I didn't know people were still into that series1
And this BL series "Classmates", that ALSO was SOME TIME AGO. Y'know, earlier someone said that my wish for FE3H Nendoroids was foolish because it's been a while since FE3H was popular. I said that lots of series are getting Nendos years after their popularity, like Dragon Maid. But freaking Classmates and Mononoke??????? Dude. Nothing off the table, just for being not the zeitgeist for a few years.
That pink haired girl with the pigtails looks familiar. Isn't she like a famous yandere or something?
And is that a Kaichou wa Maid-sama character? A series from 2005-2013!
And these sports characters look like from manga from YEARS ago! …"Mr. Fullswing" from 2001-2006…OK, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE ABOUT HOW FE3H CAN'T GET NENDOROIDS NOW BECAUSE IT'S BEEN YEARS SINCE IT WAS SO POPULAR.
Ok. Another disappointing figure event. I'm just not into as much anime as I used to be, for me to even recognize most of these characters, let alone to be attached to them enough to want to buy their Nendoroids.
I feel like until I get FE3H Claude and Dimitri Nendoroids, I just can't get excited about any new figures. Because any new figures just feel like money I could be saving for FE3H Nendoroids…if they eventually come. But I've spent so many years collecting, where I thought a series I liked wouldn't get Nendoroids, so I splurged on other merch, and then Nendoroids for that series would get announced. It just KEPT HAPPENING. So I don't know why FE3H is not following suit. Intelligent Systems even said they'd be participating in WonHobby37! FE3H has a lot of great designs! They'd make wonderful figures! On par with all these Vtubers and Fate characters I don't know. But I guess that's the thing: all these characters are likely very popular, and I'm just out of the loop. -_- I'm sure there are lots of people who have been happy with many of these announcements. Just like the past several WonHobbys that didn't have FE3H Nendos. But I feel like, all this time I've been holding out for FE3H Nendos, anything that isn't Claude and Dimitri, I just can't get excited over, enough to spend money on. My OTP has raised a high bar. If this keeps happening, I'll just stop being excited about Nendoroid collecting and figure collecting IN GENERAL. I can see that happening to me eventually. I'm kind of scared, because I feel bad for all the past hobbies/collecting I've dropped off from: manga, anime, comic books, dragons, etc. These things used to be MY WHOLE WORLD. I feel bad looking back and seeing how they've fallen to the wayside. ;;
I guess I can be excited for Nendoroid 808 from Hifi Rush and Nendoroid Ginko from Mushishi. Then I can finally do Mushishi and Natsume Yuujinchou Nendoroid photoshoot crossovers. It should be great.
…Still really deflated thAt FE3H didn't get Nendoroids AGAIN. I thought I kept my hopes down, but then as the houses for the gallery opening crept up, I suddenly had all the hope again. Maybe the only way to stop is to just stop being obsessed with FE3H. Netflix's version of Nimona has been helping me out with that lately. Maybe I should put some effort into it and fully get into Ambrosius/Ballister, forget about FE3H, then I can stop being enormously disappointed at every WonHobby, like the past few years. (Then when I've forgotten about FE3H, maybe then it'll finally get Nendoroids announced.)
Man, I used to be into PERSONA 5. That used to be my whole world! AkiRyu was my OTP! Persona 5 is still so freaking popular, that these WonHobby announcements never disappointed me! Because there would always be SOMETHING Persona 5 announced. At this past WonHobby, there were several Persona 5 Royal figures announced, and now at WonHobby37, we have the painted prototype reveal of Nendoroid Doll Joker!!! …I miss being fixated on only Persona 5. ;_;
Oh, wait. The gallery filter had "Nendoroids" automatically on. I don't normally care for figures that aren't Nendoroids, but maybe there will be something interesting in the other figure lines. After all, Intelligent Systems did say they were participating in WonHobby37, and I haven't seen any Fire Emblem Nendoroids yet. Maybe they announced some nice FE3H scale figures, more Pop Up Parades, or post timeskip Figma? o! I prefer Nendoroids, but I'd also LOVE post timeskip Figma of Claude and Dimitri!
Is that an alternate color Bridget?! o Oh, it's a Pop Up Parade! That's why they can afford to make alternate colors.
Oh, it's Alucard. Must be the Pop Up Parade that got announced last time.
Forgot to notice those Blue Exorcist Nendos before.
Lots of bikini boobies in a row.
Forgot to note these Aria Nendos. People have been waiting on those for a logn time, and it looked for a while they'd be dead, with their original figure producer going out of business. But now their Nendoroids are painted. Good for them.
WHAT ARE THESE CUTE PERSONA PROTAGONIST CHIBI!?!?!??????????????????????? O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this figure line? I don't recognize this figure line! What's a "Qset+"? Persona 3 protag is listed as from Persona 3 Portable. Speaking of, if they had announced a figure of P3's female protag, they would have really made money from the fanbase. lol Anyway, these concept arts are cute. I like that they have different chairs, all for their different styles/tones.
Hey, it's a big Pochita. What's a "PLAMAX"? Is that an enormous vinyl figure?
Chainsaw Man Hello Good Smile. I should have seen that coming, but I didn't. lol
Is that Attack on Titan BABY VERSIONS??????? I didn't even know if the baby figure set for Tokyo Revengers went well or not! And then last month or something Nendoroid More baby accessories also got announced. Someone is really on a baby figure kick over at GoodSmile right now. lol What's this figure line called?…"Akatans". Ok, LOL. "They are baby." LOL
MORE BABIES????? But for Fate Grand Order?---No, it's that Skate Infinity series or something---"SK8 the Infinity".
These Pop Up Parades of the "Classmates"/"Doukyusei" characters in white suits look pretty.
Again, more of this "Qset" figure line I've never heard of. But for 13 Sentinels this time. I guess since they're not sitting in chairs, they're "Qset" instead of "Qset+"? Also, it's also listed as "Good Smiel Arts Shanghai" too…Is this a figure line that's only produced by GSC Shanghai? Are they chibi static figures or something? What are they?
Anyway, I still didn't see any Fire Emblem, to at least keep my hope alive for more FE3H figures, hopefully Nendoroids, in the figure. So I'm still disappointed. But Intelligent Systems said they were participating in WonHobby37. Did they just display all those Fire Emblem static scales that were previously announced a couple months ago? I guess so, because there's no "Fire Emblem" listed on the online gallery AT ALL. They probably just have physical displays of their previously announced figures at Good Smile's physical WonHobby gallery in Japan. Nothing new to announce, so nothing on the online gallery. ;_;
At least Joker is still looking cool.
Maybe I just need to get back into buying figures, so I don't lose a love for this hobby. Just throw money away on characters I'm not even that obsessed with. Because barely anything will rival Dimiclaude at this point; I shouldn't adhere to just that bar. I shouldn't have passed up those figures I wanted from last month's Memorial Day sale. Those were BIG discounts. I could have gotten that Horimiya Nendo's hair, for only $30, painted it yellow, made it into a custom Nendo Dimitri. I should have gotten Nendo Donatello. And those plushies for Code Geass and Guilty Gear. Well, I guess the Guilty Gear preorders are still open.
But still, when it comes to new announcements, I can't help feeling that so many WonHobbys in a row, where I wasn't too interested in anything…makes me feel like I'm getting out of figure collecting.
Well, that's that. Disappointed. Big time. AGAIN. I set myself up for disappointment, and I get disappointment. x_x;;;;;
At least some people on Twitter agreed with my comments wishing for FE3H Nendos. ;u;
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Persona 5 Nendoroids of Joker, Morgana, and Futaba Return https://t.co/kMeLUZQGJM
Persona 5 Nendoroids of Joker, Morgana, and Futaba Return https://t.co/kMeLUZQGJM
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) Jun 1, 2023
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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jgfiles · 7 years
Create your Joker Game Nendoroid
I guess this is a bit of an odd post because I’m going to talk not of an official gadget but of a gadget you can create yourself.
Anyway people here might have heard me complaining about how there are no Joker Game Nendoroids.
For who has no idea what a Nendoroid is I’ll tell you Nendoroids (ねんどろいど Nendoroid) are a brand of plastic figures created by the Japanese Good Smile Company in 2006. They typically depict characters from anime, manga or video games in chibi form (large head and smaller body), with faces and other body parts exchangeable, so they can have a range of different expressions and poses. The original Nendoroids are 10 cm figures, but there are also Nendoroids smaller in size.
Now, as I was saying, there are no Joker Game Nendoroids but, since the Nendoroids are made as such that they have body parts exchangeable (as you can see in the instructions below in a typical Nendoroid you can replace everything, arms, legs, faces, hair, sometimes hands and so on),
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this means that by placing together body parts that would fit to our D Agency boys we can build our custom made Joker Game Nendoroids just the same.
So, as I’ve been working to make my own JG Nendos, I’ll share with you what I’ve discovered in case you also want your own JG Nendo.
Now, since the boys all wear suits the first thing to get are suits with whom we can dress them.
This is the easiest part as Good Smile Company has made a series called ‘Nendoroid More: Dress up’ that’s basically made only of clothes for Nendoroids, or, to be more specific, of body parts of Nendoroids dressed in specific clothes (no heads included) and the fifth part is a ‘Suits’ set.
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The suit set is composed by 5 suits (2 for females 3 for males) plus an extra unknown suit that you can easily discover to be a standard male suit that carries a bouquet of flowers if you search a bit among the blogs that resell that set.
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Some sellers will break the set down in 6 parts and sell them separately but the most usually sell them all together so if you buy it you have to get also the 2 female suits. Well, if you’re into JG characters cross-dressing or gender-bending who knows, they might be useful. If not you can try reselling them.
As for the male suits, there’s one who’s just shirt and tie, another that’s shirt, waistcoat and tie and the remaining two instead wear a jacket.
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(Remember: heads aren’t included!)
Suits are already coloured so they might need a repaint job to fit to your Joker Game character.
If you can’t find the ‘Suits’ set other sets with suits are the ‘Wedding’ one and the ‘Wedding - Elegant Ver.’ one.
The ‘Wedding’ one is maybe the most easy to find but only has two male suits whose jacket is open so you can see the waistcoat below and 4 bride dresses. (Remember: heads aren’t included!)
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The male suits are EXACTLY the same, except for the colours, so, unless you’re trying to make Yuuki, you’ll have to repaint them.
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The ‘Wedding - Elegant Ver.’ is maybe a little better if you’re trying to reproduce the whole Joker Game cast as it increases the number of the male suits offered, 4 instead than 2, the same as the dresses it’s offering. (Remember: heads aren’t included!)
The colours change but the male suits are EXACTLY the same as the previous suits for the ‘Wedding’ one. -_-
So if your goal is to have only 1 Joker Game Nendo you really don’t need all those suits and you can save your money and buy one of the previous, smaller sets. Anyway those too will require a repaint job.
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It’s important to point out that of you’re trying to make an Hatano or Fukumoto Nendo you should remember that they don’t wear waistcoat so both ‘Wedding’ sets don’t fit to them.
The ‘Suits’ one instead can be used for both Hatano and Fukumoto because, when the jacket is closed you don’t see if the character is wearing also a waistcoat or, as an alternative, you can draw suspenders on the one who only has the shirt and the tie.
So, once you’ve chosen which set you prefer and bought it you will find only the head is missing before you’ve your Joker Game Nendo.
Now let’s talk about the face as that’s the ‘easiest’ part.
By a while now you can create your own Nendo face thanks to this online web Nendoroid Facemaker. You select the options that decide how your Nendo face has to be made and they will custom made it for you.
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(Warning: translations of the buttons in the photos are made by me)
Each time you can create two faces and order them (or create just one face and have the other been sent to you completely blank for you to paint over which is a little less expensive) and their cost is ¥ 1,480. For who’s in the Euro zone like me, at the moment this translates as something a bit over 11 euro (as of now to be exact it’s 11,56 euro but it can vary according to the money exchanges).
Want more than 2 Nendo faces? You’ll have to do a new order.
Want only 1 Nendo face? Sorry, they don’t have this option.
The web is completely in Japanese but it’s intuitive enough that even someone like me could manage it. Personally I found the hardest part was to translate my name in katakana when I was registering (sorry, they require it).
Now another problem would be that they DO NOT SEND Nendo faces outside Japan so you might think that if you don’t know someone in Japan you’ve no options.
DeJapan though, volunteers to receive them for you and resend them to you if you live outside Japan. They also provide a guide on how to use Facemaker and, although my Nendo Face hadn’t arrived yet, so far they’ve been very kind and helpful.
So custom make your Joker Game character Nendo face and have it send to you so that you can attach it to the suit you chose.
And now the really, really harsh part.
The hair.
So far there aren’t companies that custom made them for you yet. There are no ‘Hair’ set either. Of course you can try and make them with alternate material or you can simply ‘steal’ them from another Nendo who coincidentally has the right set of hair.
In short you buy a Nendo who has the hair you want and place his/her hair (girls might have fitting hair as well) on your suit and Joker Game face to complete your Joker Game Nendo.
Now… for all the complaining about Joker Game characters looking the same, it’s actually not so easy to find hair fitting for them all because, truth to be told, they don’t look the same.
To complicate matter further Nendo models are more often females ones (therefore with long hair) and the males one still tend to have hair longer than our boys.
If you search patiently through the looooooooong Nendo list and you content yourself with something that’s not EXTREMELY accurate, you can still find hair that would fit for some Joker Game characters. So far I’ve found hair for most of the cast. Maybe there’s more and it just escaped me (sometimes Nendo wears hats or masks and the hat right for you are an extra piece in the box so you might not notice their presence immediately).
If you want my recommendations about hair (Beware: Not all the Nendo I’ll suggest have been released yet so you might need time before you’ll be allowed to buy them):
Sakuma: Nendoroid Touken Ranbu -Online- Doudanuki Masakuni [RELEASED] [More info] (also used by the whole Japanese fandom and yes, it makes a very cute Sakuma’s hair)
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Miyoshi: Nendoroid Co-de Touken Ranbu -Hanamaru- Kashu Kiyomitsu Uchiban Co-de [RELEASED] [More info] (also used by almost all the Japanese fandom and yes, it makes a very cute Miyoshi’s hair)
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Miyoshi: Nendoroid Kashu Kiyomitsu [, CURRENTLY BEING REPRINTED so that the new release will be on may] [More info] (yeah it’s a different version of the one shown previously, so same hair but more expensive because it’s technically a prettier Nendoroid)
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Amari: Nendoroid En Yufuin [RELEASED] [More info] (however you’ll need to remove the bags at the centre of his forehead)
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Amari: Nendoroid Keigo Atobe [RELEASED] [More info] (you’ll need to repaint his hair)
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Fukumoto: Nendoroid Daichi Sawamura [RELEASED] [More info]
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Hatano: Nendoroid Hozuki [RELEASED] [More info]
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Hatano: Nendoroid Eren Yeager [RELEASED] [More info] (He’s expensive)
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or also
Hatano: Nendoroid Kyo Kusanagi CLASSIC Ver. [RELEASED] [More info]
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or, if you’re really desperate:
Hatano: Nendoroid Ui Hirasawa [RELEASED] [More info]
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Jitsui: Nendoroid Lev Haiba [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in January 2018] [More info] (will need a repaint job)
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Jitsui: Nendoroid Erwin Smith [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in January 2018] [More info] (he’ll also need a repaint job and he’s expensive)
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There’s also who suggested Anna’s hair (yes, the girl from Frozen) but I don’t really recommend her.
Kaminaga: Nendoroid Masaki Amamiya [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in July 2018] [More info] (Actually Kaminaga’s hair is shorter... but this is the best I could find, if you manage to find something better, please let me know.)
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Odagiri: Nendoroid Superman Justice Edition [RELEASED] [More info]
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(they’re not perfect and I personally would have preferred for Odagiri: Nendoroid Spider-Man Homecoming Edition‘s hair but the bangs are turned in the wrong direction! ;_; and yes, you would need to repaint them too)
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Yuuki: Nendoroid Iron Man Mark 43 Hero’s Edition + Ultron Sentries Set [RELEASED] [More info] (it needs a repaint job)
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Yuuki: Nendoroid Iron Man Mark 42 Hero’s Edition + Hall of Armour Set [RELEASED] [More info]
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Gamo: Nendoroid Chris Redfield [RELEASED] [More info] (Far, far, far from perfect but that’s the best I could find)
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You might have noticed I’ve skipped Tazaki. That’s because so far there’s no hair that fit Tazaki yet.
The best I could find is
Tazaki: Nendoroid Wakatoshi Ushijima [RELEASED] [More info]
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Which would be perfect if it wasn’t for the fact Tazaki’s bangs are turned in the opposite way... ;_;
Now... if you feel like getting really invested in Nendo remembers that many Nendo come with cute accessories or body parts you can swap with your Nendo.
For example do you want an Apron for Fukumoto?
Have Nendoroid Suzu [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in April 2018] [More info] and swap if from her.
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Wanna send your Nendo to have a bath?
Nendoroid En Yufuin [RELEASED] [More info] (yes, the one I proposed for Amari) has a bath body included.
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Do you want horns for your Yuuki demon king version? Nendoroid Demon King [RELEASED] [More info] has them ready to place on a Nendo head (though I think it’s less expensive if you make them with some clay...)
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Do you want accessories? Nendoroid Kaga [RELEASED] [More info] comes with a cute Kotatsu.
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And if you want your Nendo to play Kyudo (Japanese archery) you can use the upper part of her body:
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Do you want a coat to reproduce that awesome calendar image with Yuuki, Sakuma and Miyoshi?
Have Nendoroid Victor Nikiforov: Coach Ver. [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in June 2018] [More info]
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What to have your Nendos hold hands?
Nendoroid Hinata Kuraue [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in July 2018] [More info] comes with special holding hand part!
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Feel like having your Nendo using a Bokken?
Try Nendoroid Heiji Hattori! [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in March 2018] [More info]
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Need him to smoke?
Nendoroid Shūichi Akai [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in March 2018] [More info] is the one for you!
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Or maybe it’s the lighter you want! Nendoroid Roy Mustang [NOT RELEASED YET It will be released in April 2018] [More info] (The lighter is available only for the one bought straight from Good Smile company) is the one for you.
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Fencing sword?
Have Nendoroid Sasara! [RELEASED] [More info]
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And, for a look similar to the one in which they’re serving at the Animega Cafe (version 3) we’ve also Nendoroid Kagamine Len Harvest Moon Ver [RELEASED] [More info]
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And there’s plenty more that might help you to create your fantasy Joker Game Au world (from the 5th drama cd) or school world (from the 3rd and 4th drama cd) or Army version (Sakuma is a soldier after all and the same technically applies to the boys as well... ^_^; though I might end up doing a separate post for the military uniforms if someone is interested...) or whatever.
Or maybe you just want to rebuild Joker Game classroom?
Try: Nendoroid More CUBE 01 Classroom Set [RELEASED] [More info]
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or the less cute but functional Nendoroid Playset #01 School Life Set A & B [RELEASED] [More info] & [More info]
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There’s really a lot to choose but sadly it doesn’t come for free so while it’s fun to look around well consider it as an investment for your birthday present or next Christmas.
(BTW I got myself Sakuma and Miyoshi... though I’m still waiting for two pieces that aren’t here yet... LOL, I fear I’ll get my present late...)
Now maybe you want something that will look a little less like a chibi and that will move a little more than a Nendo. For this you can make a Nendoroid Hybrid with an Obitsu body or a Cu-Poche body.
I’ll let this video explain you the difference between the two options:Obitsu 11 vs. Cu-poche Male Swimsuit body.
I hope all this was of some use to those of you who’d like, like me, to have a Joker Game Nendo and were disappointed there’s none.
Last but not least, BEWARE when buying a Nendo outside Japan as there are a lot of bootleg and those present often problems (body parts that are missing or don’t fit in addition to poor paint job). Also, some sell bootlegs Nendo at the price of the original so you might end up not even saving money.
And now, to help you in your repaint job, here are the tables with the characters’ colours taken straight from the art posted on the official web and turned into codes thank to a program.
Here it’s the one for the skin colour, hair and eyes.
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Things worth pointing out. The Japanese fandom often makes Sakuma’s eyes grey but they’re actually blue. Miyoshi’s are a reddish brown. Facemaker doesn’t have this option and red is just too red so I recommend using brown. Who has grey eyes are Kaminaga and Odagiri. Amari, Hatano, Jitsui and Gamo (and Yuuki of course) have them brown. Believe it or not Fukumoto has green eyes and Tazaki purple. Kazato’s a pale blue which is a tad greyish.
And now the one for the colours of the various suits the boys used.
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Okay, and with this we’ve finished.
Also, if, after this, you feel like making a Joker Game Nendo please let me know! I would love to see it and know I was of some use!
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the-enzyme · 4 years
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My April-May toy haul from left to right: Banpresto Grandista Nero Sasuke Uchiha prize figure x2; GoodSmile Nendoroid Death Note L figure; Pop Up Parade Pesona 5 Joker figure; Banpresto Vibration Stars Sasuke Uchiha Curse Mark prize figure; Banpresto Vibration Stars Itachi Uchiha prize figure x2; Squre Enix Final Fantasy VII Remake Trading Arts 5 pack figure box; Square Enix FFVII-R Cloud Strife PAK figure; Square Enix FFVII-Remake Character Sticker Sephiroth and Tseng.
I took photos of Cloud's box, so I added him in the haul, although he is a September release and arrived a few days earlier (when I posted him). There's an extreme close up because he truly is the most beautiful one so far (IMHO). I own a few of the earlier versions, not the first version of the Remake, but the AC one and a few of the original Play Arts (w/o the Kai) by Kotobukiya. This one is probably my favorite so far, the sculpt is perfect, it would only be more beautiful if the paint apps were cleaner and the hair had been lightly painted. at the roots to add depth.
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jjblue1 · 5 years
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My fave Nendoroids has gone out to celebrate the new year!
More pics will follow... and sorry, I know I’m very late with this kind of new year wishes... but I've been busy and so...
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artbysmu-blog · 6 years
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First "Screenshot" of Joker standing back to back with Piranha Plant in Smash Bros Ultimate
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eiko82 · 3 years
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"Real smooth, Joker."
(I  was taking a break from Nendoroid photography, saw someone retweet a piece about ShuAke week and figured that I'd make a cute photo for it. I don't have a miniature chess board so I settled for a "4 in a row" game. It doesn't fit any of the prompts but I hope that you like it.)
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mysticdragon3art · 3 years
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Assembled my Nendoroids whose colors correspond to the asexual flag, for Ace Week 2021.
10/29-30/2021. I stayed up all night. It's already the final day of Asexual Awareness Week 2021. I'm too tired to carefully Photoshop cut-out each figure to float on a field of their corresponding colors.
Figures used: Nendoroid Aoba Suzukaze Nendoroid Heshikiri Hasebe Nendoroid Devil Homura Nendoroid Shiro (No Game No Life) Nendoroid Saber Bride Nendoroid Snow Miku 2013 Nendoroid Japan (Kiku Honda) Nendoroid Tsurumaru Kuninaga Nendoroid Elias Ainsworth Nendoroid Sugawara Koushi Nendoroid Kotaro Bokuto Nendoroid Victor Nikiforov Nendoroid Morgana Nendoroid Joker Nendoroid Sebastian Michaelis Nendoroid Kageyama Tobio club jersey version
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akibashi · 5 years
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Some more stock has just arrived at akibashi.co.uk today!!! The long awaited Nendoroid Joker from Persona 5 is now in stock! Nendoroid Soldier 76 from Overwatch and Nendoroid Rintaro Okabe from Steins Gate are also now in stock too! Finally, Nendoroid Gaara from Naruto Shippuden is a new listing on our store and is in stock too! 🔥🔥🔥 Head over to akibashi.co.uk and grab these awesome figures while stocks last! #anime #animes #nendoroid #nendoroids #goodsmilecompany #persona5 #jokerpersona5 #joker #narutoshippuden #gaara #overwatch #soldier76 #steinsgate #rintarookabe #gaming #otaku #otakuworld #animefreak #animepost #animepage #animestuff #animejapan #animeboy #animeinstagram #animefans #animemerch #animefigure #animelover #newstock https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZuubWnVWo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ffsmujbak8n6
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dollofdeath · 8 years
figures we deserve
scale fig of sakuma about to commit harakiri
scale fig of kaminaga drugged up on truth serum
scale fig tazaki with pigeons flying out his jacket
animal jg chara nendos
those extremely detailed ones with a backdrop and everything of miyoshi getting impaled by a steel beam
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animecat33 · 5 years
Tomorrow i’m going to the second day of the con, i’m not gonna cosplay but i’ll do some makeup and i’ll take my dork vest for a walk.
It’s a retro gameing festival and i spent the whole day looking for kirby games yet not a single booth has any (i’m finding more and more that kirby isn’t popular in portugal unless it’s in smash...). But maybe now that i don’t have to worry about cosplay and bags i can search more freely
Anyway today i found I found the Riddler Chase pop and a joker nendoroid with the price marked down to 8€ because it was missing the extra head, and i got sonic advance. I had some fun at the steampunk booth with an escape room board game which i managed to escape just in the nick of time and with some help, and I bought tiny wooden 3D puzzles from them
There’s also a few more sonic games i had my eyes on, like sonic rush but with luck they’ll still be there tomorrow.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
After another WonHobby failed to announce any Claude or Dimitri Nendoroids, 2 days ago, I've felt like giving up on this fandom.
Every other fandom I've been in, rallied behind a character to get figures, proving the fanbase for those characters was strong. But almost 4 years after FE3H released and still not even a Nendoroid announcement. Maybe the Pop Up Parade sales proved the intersection of figure collectors with FE3H fans, was too small.😞 At this rate, FE3H will have to be 10-20 years old before it gets Nendoroids, since WonHobby36 demonstrated GSC is increasing their announcements for Nendoroids from 10-20 year old series.
It took a lot of work for me to get into the DMCL / Dimiclaude/ FE3H fandom, without playing the games or owning a Nintendo Switch. Besides watching playthrus and cutscenes, I pulled multiple all-nighters (that destroyed me), ploughing thru long Dimiclaude fics to get a sense of the ship (after seeing how nice the fanart was).
Maybe it's time to put that effort into getting back into AkiRyu / Persona 5. P5 is STILL getting new merch and new figures. GSC just announced a Nendoroid Doll Joker and Nendoroid Violet at WonHobby36 2 days ago. 👀
I guess after my disappointment at WonHobby36, plus most of the Claude fans now talking about Engage instead, and the ongoing Dimiclaude fic I've been reading seeming to go on hiatus after a pretty reliable 1 chapter per month release schedule,...maybe I'm starting to lose sense of the ship? I'm afraid I'm starting to forget Dimiclaude as characters and why i love their dynamic. I dunno... Maybe I'll regain my grasp on being in this fandom if i make my own custom Claude and Dimitri Nendoroids or at least return to drawing them almost daily. But after my usual December and January drawing burnouts, I'm having trouble drawing anything, let alone my current fixation OTP. If i want to keep my head in this fandom, I'll have to either keep it alive by feeding myself or search for some more fanfic authors and fanartists to keep it alive in my head.
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blog-retrogradewear · 2 years
Persona 5 Royal Joker Nendoroid Doll, Kasumi Nendoroid Figures Coming https://t.co/TDPTJaWgkp
Persona 5 Royal Joker Nendoroid Doll, Kasumi Nendoroid Figures Coming https://t.co/TDPTJaWgkp
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) Feb 12, 2023
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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