#Jocelyn Pimentel
minkyungseokie · 4 months
Redo of the poll
I hate to have to do this again, but I'm redoing the poll for the Carmen and George story. Instead of asking you to choose what ethnicity should she be, I'm going to list a couple girls from different parts of the world to choose from
This is their names and their Instagram handles so if you want to go look at them and decide which one you want to shoose, you can. All of these women are beautiful and they all will end up being used in some way, but I'm indecisive, so I'm asking for help.
The mc will be an athlete. I know I can use a famous volleyball player fc, but I want to make my own rather than use someone else.
Edit; accidentally added Andrea Brooks. She's not an option because I have plan for her already, I'm so sorry for my incompetence 😭
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flethro · 4 years
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Jocelyn (Pimentel) Padmore:
Newcrest was able to fight off it’s early critics but the council knew it was time to seek out a sim with strong communication skills who could give them some advice.
It turned out they were really starting at ground zero and Jocelyn’s experience writing up a school newsletter once a fortnight proved to be the best the team had to work with.
It wasn’t the end of the world though because Newcrest’s main requirement at this stage was enthusiasm and mayor Louisa McCollum needed all the help she could get.
After working for the council as a public relations adviser, Jocelyn moved onto writing for The Informed Llama. She was in charge of the ‘What’s New in Newcrest’ column where she would share local news and opinions and this helped encourage more sims to join the growing community over time.
I didn’t think I’d have this much to write about her but there we go. She’s also married to Ramiro Padmore, one of the founders of Newcrest and they have two children, Romulo and Erika.
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insanityclause · 4 years
Broadway Black, the multimedia organization highlighting the achievements of Black theatre artists, has announced the inaugural Antonyo Awards, a celebration of the Black Broadway and Off-Broadway community. This joyous online event will take place at 7:00 pm EST on June 19, 2020, also known as Juneteenth, a holiday which commemorates the end of slavery in America. The streamed ceremony will include a pre-show virtual red carpet, original musical numbers, star presenters and performers, and more. The Antonyo Award nominations will be announced today, Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00 pm EST on Broadway Black's YouTube and Facebook pages by Bryan Terrell Clark and Kristolyn Lloyd. In the Broadway Black spirit of community, winners will be chosen by the public. Online voting will be open from June 9th, 7:30 pm EST through midnight on June 12th at BroadwayBlack.com. Drew Shade, founder of Broadway Black and the companion podcast, Off Book, is Executive Producer of the Antonyos. Shade has gathered a team of creatives that include Catherine Caldwell, Darius Barnes, Kim Exum, Neville Braithwaite, Zhailon Levingston, Elijah Lewis, Allen Louis, Eric Lockley, Edward Maware, Emma Claye, Ianne Fields Stewart, and The Press Room, who are donating their time and talents to beautifully recognize Black theatre in NYC. All found this endeavor especially important given the shortened show season due to COVID-19. "In our first meeting we decided on Juneteenth for the awards, as it is a more accurate date of freedom from slavery for Black Americans," says Shade. "The Antonyos honor contributors to Black theatre from actors to stage and company managers, administrators and designers. Everyone in our community deserves to be acknowledged in what we hope will be a funny, authentic, celebratory event that is for us, by us." Current presenters and performers include: Audra McDonald, Tituss Burgess, Alex Newell, Jordan E. Cooper, Teyonah Parris, Ephraim Sykes, LaChanze, Derrick Baskin, Nicolette Robinson, Jelani Alladin, Christiani Pitts, James Monroe Iglehart, Amber Iman, Kalen Allen, Nzinga Williams, Jackson Alexander, Cody Renard Richard, Ashton Muñiz, Shereen Pimentel, Kirsten Childs, Aisha Jackson, Antoine L. Smith, Griffin Matthews, Michael McElroy, Jocelyn Bioh, and L Morgan Lee, with more to come. Four special "Kinfolk Awards" - the Lorraine Hansberry Award, the Langston Hughes Award, Welcome Award and The Doors of the Theatre are Open Award - will also be presented to members of the Black theatre community as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award to be announced prior to the event. The Antonyo Awards promise to be hilarious, uplifting and unapologetically Black. Anyone is welcome to vote for the nominees and all should join in watching on Juneteenth through Broadway Black's YouTube and Facebook pages. Visit BroadwayBlack.com for more information.
And congratulations to Zawe on her nomination for Best Featured Performer for Betrayal!! Head over to THIS LINK to vote before midnight on Friday, June 12th!! 
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Women of Distinction was celebrated on March 14, 2018 at the Rusty Pelican on Key Biscayne. Program Chairs: DCBA President Jordan Dresnick, DCBA Past President Jeffrey Rynor and WSVN-7 Diana Diaz lead this amazing program honoring women in law. The wonderful speech by Keynote Speaker, the Honorable Kathleen M. Williams United States District Court, Southern District of Florida started the evening on the most amazing celebratory note. WOD honorees were: Honorable Lenore C. Nesbitt Federal Jurist of Distinction Award- Honorable Marcia G. Cooke; In-House Counsel Excellence Award- Karen A. Benson, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.; Judge Rosemary Barkett Award- Honorable Teretha Lundy Thomas; Trailblazer of Distinction Award- Honorable Maria Korvick; Solo Practice Award- Kishasha Sharp; Women of Distinction Pro Bono Award- Anastasia García; Public Interest Award- Frances Feinberg; Academia Award- Rene Tew; Government Award- Barbara Martinez; Rising Star (Less Than 10 Years) Award- Kristina Mills; Community Champion Award- Thema Campbell; Scholarship Award- Shirley Pimentel; & 10-30 Years in Practice Award- Miranda Lundeen Soto. Awards Selection and Host Committee Members: Zascha Abbott; Olanike A. Adebayo; Grisel Alonso; Loreal A. Arscott; Alvan Balent, Jr.; Honorable Tanya Brinkley; Adriana Collado-Hudak; Angela C. De Cespedes; Honorable Maria Espinosa Dennis; Laura Farinas; Deborah J. Gander; Dolly Hernandez; Amber Kornreich; Giselle Gutierrez Madrigal; Miguel Mirabal; Kathleen S. Phang; Frank Quesada; Lisette Reid; Natalie M. Rico; John H. Ruiz; Katherine Fernandez Rundle; Jocelyn Santana; Effie D. Silva; Irma Reboso Solares; Janelle Vega; & Betty E. Verdecia.
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elcaribeno-24 · 7 years
    La lista definitiva fue aprobada mediante resolución
032-17 del Consejo Directivo del órgano regulador
  El Consejo Directivo del Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (Indotel) aprobó la lista definitiva de 45 nuevos miembros de los Cuerpos Colegiados, de unas 145 solicitudes de profesionales interesados en integrar el equipo de personas elegibles para conformar dicho organismo.
Los seleccionados fueron juramentados durante un solemne acto celebrado en el Centro Cultural de las Telecomunicaciones Ing. Álvaro Nadal Pastor (CCT-Indotel), de la Ciudad Colonial.
La actividad estuvo encabezada por el presidente del Consejo Directivo del Indotel, José Del Castillo Saviñón; los consejeros Nelson Guillén Bello e Yván Rodríguez, y la directora ejecutiva y secretaria del Consejo, Katrina Naut, así como invitados especiales, gerentes y demás funcionarios del órgano regulador.
Al intervenir en la actividad, Del Castillo Saviñón manifestó que con esta juramentación el Indotel completa un cuerpo multidisciplinario con 45 integrantes que darán agilidad a los procesos de reclamos de los usuarios y las empresas prestadoras.
“Además-anotó el funcionario- garantizaremos por la experticia de ustedes que sean procesos bien ponderados, bien decididos, ya sean en favor de un usuario o en favor de las empresas prestadoras de servicios de telecomunicaciones”.
Señaló que los Cuerpos Colegiados apenas tenían cinco miembros disponibles para solucionar las controversias entre usuarios y prestadoras, lo que dijo dio lugar a un cúmulo de trabajo que aumentaba con la cantidad de expedientes que llegan día a día al Indotel, generando “una situación que afectó tanto a usuarios como a prestadores”.
“Cuando llegamos al Indotel había más de mil casos pendientes en el Centro de Atención al Usuario y un grupo importante de expedientes también por ser conocidos por los Cuerpos Colegiados”, enfatizó Del Castillo Saviñón, precisando, asimismo, que desde que llegó a la institución reguladora se dispuso resolver la situación existente en dicho organismo.
“Nos abocamos a resolver esa situación, no se convocaba este proceso –de actualización de los miembros de los Cueros Colegiados- desde el año 2012, es decir, que pasaron cuatro años para poder renovar esta lista”, insistió.
Destacó que “ya hoy en día completamos un cuerpo multidisciplinario de 45 integrantes que fueron juramentados para dar agilidad a los trabajos del citado organismo.
Del Castillo Saviñón invitó a los profesionales juramentados “a ejercer esta labor en el marco de la Ley 153-98, en el marco del reglamento orgánico y funcional de los cuerpos colegiados”.
Los exhortó igualmente a “asumir estos compromisos apegados al debido proceso y que sus decisiones sean adoptadas en apego a los principios que rigen nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, la imparcialidad, la equidad y la tutela administrativa”.
“En nombre del Consejo Directivo del Indotel y en nombre del mercado al cual ustedes van a servir como integrantes de los Cuerpos Colegiados, tanto consumidores como prestadores, nuestro más profundo agradecimiento”, subrayó el presidente del Indotel.
¿Qué son los Cuerpos Colegiados?
Los Cuerpos Colegiados son una especie de tribunal que establece mecanismos de solución de controversias y protección, al que acuden los consumidores de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones en caso de surgir inconvenientes con su prestadora.
La selección definitiva de los expertos que integrarán los Cuerpos Colegiados está contenida en la resolución número 032-17 del Consejo Directivo, la cual modifica la composición de la lista de miembros elegibles para conformar dicho organismo, dependencia de la Gerencia de Protección al Usuario.
En uno de los considerando, la resolución destaca que esta elección de profesionales se logró “luego de una extensa evaluación” por parte del Consejo Directivo del Indotel, conforme a perfiles de las personas interesadas y que aplicaron para pertenecer a la Lista de Elegibles.
Establece que esta escogencia se realizó bajo los criterios establecidos en la Ley General de Telecomunicaciones número 153-98 y el Reglamento de Solución de Controversias entre los Usuarios y las Prestadoras de Servicios Públicos de Telecomunicaciones.
En tal sentido, el Consejo Directivo tomó en cuenta una serie de juicios que están directamente relacionados con las tareas que desempeñan los miembros de los Cuerpos Colegiados, basados en la experiencia y conocimientos del sector, así como su conducta, competencias y habilidades.
25 abogados, 10 ingenieros y 10 licenciados
Entre los seleccionados, se destacan 25 abogados; 10 ingenieros electromecánicos, electrónico en Comunicaciones, Industrial, Civil con especialización en Estructuras y Edificaciones, Sistemas y Computación, Telemática, Mecánico Electricista y Sistemas o Informática con especialidad en redes de telecomunicaciones; y 10 licenciados en Mercadotecnia, Administración de Empresas, Economía, Ciencias Políticas, Informática y Contabilidad.
Entre los abogados se señalan a Alejandro Miguel Ramírez, Ana Carolina Blanco Haché, Andrés Enmanuel Astacio Polanco, Calina Figuereo de Núñez, Carlos Romero Polanco, Crhistian E. Esquea, Daniel Eduardo Jiménez Sánchez, David La Hoz Vásquez, Elda Elizabeth Rodríguez Clase, Germinal Muñoz Grillo, Hernando de Jesús Hernández Aristy, Jocelyn Castillo Selig y Jorge Alejandro Herasme Rivas.
También, Juan Francisco Puello Herrera, Karina Elmúdesi Feris, Lucas Alberto Guzmán López, Luis Alejandro Peña Núñez, Marcos L. Aquino Pimentel, Patricia C. Mena Sturla, Paula Michelle Puello, Pedro Nelson Féliz Montes de Oca, Rafael A. Martínez Meregildo, Saizka Yasmín Subero Acta, Tristán G. Carbuccia Medina, Wanda Esther Peña Tolentino y Xiomara Victoria Usero Rodríguez.
En tanto, los ingenieros enlistados son Atilano Eugenio Michel Terrero, en Electromecánica; Jorge Luis Pimentel López, Electrónico en Comunicaciones; José Francisco Pimentel Morales, Industrial, José R. Bejarán, ingeniería civil con especialidad en estructuras y edificaciones; José Tomás Dipuglia, en Sistemas de Computación; Leipzig E. Guzmán Mena, Telemática;  Pedro Julio Gautreaux De Windt, Sistemas y Computación; Ramón Anidio Soto, Mecánico Electricista; Santiago Vinicio Vásquez, Sistemas con especialidad en Redes de Telecomunicaciones y Sergio Bienvenido Ceballos Guzmán, en Sistemas y Computación.
Como licenciados formarán parte de la Lista de Elegibles de los Cuerpos Colegiados Aura Mireya Caraballo Castillo, Mercadotecnia; Danilcia Gutiérrez de López, Eladio Felipe Aracena Ureña y María Isabel de Peña de Meyreles, en Administración de Empresas.
Asimismo, Erick Pérez Vega, Luis Marino Bernal y Luisiana Franjul de Elías, en Economía; José Manuel Amado Peralta, en Informática; y Germinal Muñoz Grillo, en Ciencias Políticas.
La ceremonia de juramentación de los nuevos miembros de los Cuerpos Colegiados tuvo lugar durante un acto en la Sala Arturo Rodríguez del CCT-Indotel, durante el cual el presidente del Indotel, José Del Castillo Saviñón, juramentó a los 45 profesionales elegidos para integrar el organismo de solución de controversias.
1)       El presidente del Indotel, José Del Castillo Saviñón, interviene en el acto de juramentación de los 45 nuevos miembros de los Cuerpos Colegiados.
2)       Vista de la juramentación de los 45 nuevos integrantes de los Cuerpos Colegiados del Indotel.
Juramentan a 45 profesionales como nuevos miembros para conformar los cuerpos colegiados del Indotel   La lista definitiva fue aprobada mediante resolución 032-17 del Consejo Directivo del órgano regulador   El Consejo Directivo del Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (Indotel) aprobó la lista definitiva de 45 nuevos miembros de los Cuerpos Colegiados, de unas 145 solicitudes de profesionales interesados en integrar el equipo de personas elegibles para conformar dicho organismo.
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flethro · 4 years
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I love that out of all the sims who come up on the phone, it’s Michael Madcap that’s dressed up all fancy. Game knows me too well.
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flethro · 5 years
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Round 3 - Household 2: The Padmores
It’s a busy start to the week as Jocelyn finishes collating an opinion piece for The Informed Llama. Ramiro has been working late at the restaurant, but will be taking some time off this week to practice his violin for the opening night at the Lounge that’s nearly finished being built in Newcrest.
Things started breaking left and right at home so Jocelyn decided this was a good opportunity to call for a repairman. It’s the first time we’ve called for assistance after unlocking Services recently. The repairman turned out to be a repairwoman, and a grumpy one at that!
“Whatcha want fixed?!” exclaimed the woman. Jocelyn flinched and pointed at the kitchen and bathroom, which was all the repairwoman wanted to know. She managed to fix the sink and the toilet before trudging off down the street...
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flethro · 5 years
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After teaching her kids some valuable lessons, Jocelyn is feeling confident that they’ll be okay in the big, scary world. She obviously doesn’t know about the way Erika treats her toys but that’s beside the point...
(Jocelyn reaches L10 Parenting and spends it on unlocking the Nanny and Daycare for all sims in Newcrest.)
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flethro · 5 years
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Power to the People: Electrical Substation Unveiled In Sleepy Town of Newcrest
Newcrest Council opened the town’s new electrical substation today with the help of special guest and former utilities adviser, Gus Oddman. Mr. Oddman’s ability to sidestep most major decisions on the job made for his steady ascent up the ladder of public service but these days he seems to be retired and has plenty of time on his hands.
“Local projects like these rarely get completed due to lack of funding so Newcrest is quite unique and is being managed very nicely. It looks like this pretty little town is here to stay” Mr. Oddman told The Informed Llama.
Mr. Oddman went on to recount a tale from his early days on the job when he started out as a grout width inspector. This was naturally a very boring story for everyone so Jocelyn cut him off and thanked him for his time.
(Thank you @toffeetip for the recolour of Renorasim’s chablis trench coat!)
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flethro · 5 years
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Frog Collection Completed In Newcrest
Jocelyn Padmore Day 4/14, Spring, Year 229
“We finally completed another collection for the town. We stopped finding different frogs and it seemed that was all of them so we let the kids play with them. Well, one thing led to another and it seems the frogs have been breeding! We actually got different patterned frogs from letting them do their thing. Sara Fortune told me the Science Labs in Oasis Springs wanted to hear when the collection was complete as they were interested in having a look themselves. Maybe they’ll take another one of us on at the Labs in exchange for a loan of the frogs? That would be great for the town.”
(Each time we reach L10 fishing or complete a collection we earn a scientist slot for the town.That means we have two slots now! Or does it? I just realised today that when Louisa completed the Positivity Challenge aspiration she also technically completed a collection by collecting all 4 posters. I think we actually have 3 scientist slots now then? Even with notepads and a spreadsheet it’s tricky to keep track of things.)
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flethro · 5 years
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It’s time to bring down the Winterfest decorations and settle into the new year. Jocelyn set up a community group last year called The Informed Llama where sims could get in touch with her and help share interesting news and opportunities. She also reported on the latest happenings firsthand and is usually the first to know when a big story is about to break.
After reviewing the year, Newcrest Council and the town’s consultants have agreed to support Jocelyn and her work as it has brought locals together and strengthened the community’s voice both at home and abroad.
(I mistakenly gave Jocelyn a position in the social media career when Forgotten Hollow was unlocked and realised later that Forgotten Hollow isn’t included in the world count with the rules I am following. She didn’t get far in it anyway, so today she becomes a freelance writer which has been unlocked.)
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flethro · 5 years
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BACC Playthrough: Community Structure
This pic shows the community structure I have in my game at the moment, though it’s a constant work in progress. It also gives you an idea of how I use Get Together’s club system to create the different groups in the community. I want these roles to actually have a purpose though so sims will be responsible for pushing to achieve goals in this bacc playthrough. An example of this would be a sim in charge of Public Safety who aims to unlock positions in the detective career for a town but I include Criminals in this role too so those sims might actually try to create trouble while pretending to care about the public. For now all the members of these groups come from Newcrest but this will change and get more diverse as extra towns and cities are unlocked. I might try and make up a post later on that gives you a few lines about what each group stands for. :)
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flethro · 5 years
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Round 1 - Household 1: The Padmore Family
First family of the round are the Padmores. Ramiro didn’t manage to win a seat on the council but things aren’t all bad. He took a small loan out to build his family-run restaurant, which won’t take long considering it’s all ready to go behind the scenes! He’s hoping to pass it on to his children later in life. Hopefully their goofball son will have grown up by then. ;)
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flethro · 5 years
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"Time For A Change” Says Newcrest’s Public Relations Adviser, Mayor Gives Farewell
Jocelyn Padmore has stepped down as Public Relations adviser to Newcrest Council and taken up writing news articles for The Informed Llama. As an investigative journalist, Jocelyn will be working for the independent news source that relies on sims from across the region to contribute and speak up about local news and opinions in their town. A sim switching between these careers could be predicted to go from a mayor’s best friend to their worst nightmare. Jocelyn has assured the public she won’t be pulling any stunts and is keen to start.
Mayor Louisa McCollum thanked Jocelyn for her contributions to the council: “It was sad to see her go, but the council’s loss is still the community’s gain and she’s not going anywhere. I have every confidence that Jocelyn will ensure the Council is held to account when we need to be and the sims of Newcrest are kept up to date.”
(I’m so far away from unlocking the Public Relations branch of the Social Media career so I’ve readjusted Jocelyn’s goals. My new plan is for her to reach level 10 Writing and open a new position as a Writer. Maybe she can then try to become a journalist? I don’t think she has enough time to achieve it, but never say never. I made big changes to the council system I’m working on and I’ve basically just given public relations back to the mayor so we get to see them talking when something happens, makes more sense. I also figured I’d stop calling these newcrest updates in the title because i’m tagging them all and want to use the title for little headlines, see how we go anyway.)
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flethro · 6 years
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Newcrest Update #37
Ramiro Padmore Day 2/14, Summer, Year 227
“I got a promotion last night. I’m still at the Bistro but now I’m a Line Cook. I may not be cooking the meals yet but for now I will be making sure the kitchen, the recipes and the staff are all in order. I'm going to have to learn some new gourmet recipes to get any further at the Bistro, but I finally have a well-paying job to support my growing family. My boy Romulo is very independent for a toddler. The farm hasn’t been making enough income lately. We need to expand the variety we grow to ensure something is always in season.”
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flethro · 6 years
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Newcrest Update #39
Jocelyn Pimentel Day 4/14, Summer, Year 227
“Our boy Romulo is such a defiant toddler, even when he is hungry he loves to refuse his meals and then eventually accepts them. Since Ramiro became a Line Cook we managed to save enough simoleons to extend the farmhouse to the back of the property, leaving plenty of room for our crops in the front. We went through the seeds yesterday from last Harvestfest and now have a cherry orchard growing in addition to our strawberries and green beans. We've also started growing holly which we'd like to sell to families for Winterfest, I think it will be very popular.”
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