#JimJam Arts
marshmallowgoop · 5 months
No matter how special it is, a kid's lunch is still just a kid's lunch.
I dunno, I liked "The Genius Restaurant" (Episode 1,089).
Happy (belated) birthday, Jimjam.
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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themaybug · 3 months
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sketching more peepaw 🥺💖 trying to figure out how to draw him because i have a feeling i will be drawing him A LOT
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jennicatzies · 1 year
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Animals getting into situations
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plagueislost · 2 years
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originally posted on twitter by me :3
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todderwodders · 1 year
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I haven’t posted nearly as much art as I’d like. Working on BG3 OC and her bitchass future kids
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While Ghost has to deal with Casket, Cranky doesn't. It's one of his meny questions involving the day his dimension blew apart. Did they merge or did they die but somehow didn't take Cranky down with him? Or are they still alive somewhere else?
As much as he would like to have a chat to the Jimmy of this dimension, either for blackmail or recruitment, he's not stupid to just waltz up to them and go "Hey". Plus he's not risking anyone from D.I.E to try instead: Billy is basically a ball of squidge, and Spooker has already has run in with them. Maybe Calculus, but he'd probably just offend them.
Ghost is very much aware of his paranormal parasite, but has no clue on how to really deal with them other than to avoid blood and triggering things. However, since Cranky's attack and Spooker's desertion, he's been noticing some patterns - and suspecting there's something that Jimmy has been investigating themself.
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Also I think Jimmy looks better in blue light so here's one with the lighting swapped
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mr-moustache1 · 1 year
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When Jim Jam brings the bim bam so that flim flam doesnt gubbers da spagetti
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abneyart · 7 months
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Needed something low stress so I ref’ed a pic of Kathony from season three promos, put Ros in Gale’s jimjams because I’ve seen some cute art of Galemancers dressed thusly, and messy hair Gale lives in my head rent-free
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mixanji · 2 months
finding your tumblr was so funny to me "oh hey this looks like jimjams art woah :0" reading your profile "THIS IS JIMJAM?????" pleasant surprise lol
IT IS MEEEE hueheueu twas me this entire time~
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Oh my EFF, where DO I START. Moonlight Chicken, episode 7 thoughts and impressions. But first, a question for the family:
Did any of you notice the filming style slightly change during the condo/living room scene with Jim and Wen (after Jim put on the chicken shirt), and the second scene with Jam and Li Ming, when they’re eating the ginger stir-fry? In both scenes, I noticed that the camera pans were a bit more fast/jerky between characters, and that Jim and Jam (#jimjam) were filmed from the chest up. I wish I knew more about cinematography, but it seemed to me that the other shots throughout the show were wider and taller. I don’t know if this means anything to anyone, but if it does, I would love to hear thoughts on it. I feel like the shooting style gave those scenes some kind of different old-school flavor. 
1) JUST GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH WHY IS THIS SHOW SO GOOD. Sorry for the yelling, but now I know, I KNOW, full-bodied, there is no way one post is enough for each of these episodes, so just expect a whole freaking unspooling over the weekend. ANYWAY. I’ll try to organize the quick thoughts first, then the deep thoughts.
2) Just get First and Khao together again already! They can’t help their chemistry to be ridiculously great. AND HOW GOOD IS FIRST. HOW GOOD IS HE. Just knowing when to fume just slightly, when to pull back for the sake of a scene. AND HOW GOOD IS KHAOTUNG. God. His crying! It took me OUT. Tears over here, streaming tears.
3) Speaking of hearts aching, I cried not only during the funeral scene because of Khao, but because I love this now-repeating motif that Aof uses of bringing a song that’s sung in the show as music for the background of the show, à la Bad Buddy. To think of every step of art to weave into a drama to keep you fully connected -- it’s really beautiful to me.
4) Mark/Leng with his UCLA jacket, what up, Cali, cute cute. (By the way, I’m missing View/Praew. She was incredible in 10 Years Ticket, and I think she could have lent her brilliance to MC. I’m going to add The Shipper to my list for First/Ohm/View.)
5) The continued motif of showing the cast participating in time-honored spiritual rituals. As sad as it sounds, I love funeral scenes and the way a temple brings together a community. Even Wen working at the temple -- it’s very real (at least at the Indian/Asian funerals I saw as a kid) to basically have a lot of the funeral feel like a community get-together.
6) Heart joining Li Ming to hand out drinks at the temple just messed me up. It messed me up good. When the young adults automatically help out at events without being told by their parents. It means a lot in Asian societies. 
7) Deeper thoughts. @wen-kexing-apologist hit on this in their BEAUTIFUL POST about the show being centered on parent-child relationships. There’s a lot here in this episode, I may not get to it all. 
Here’s how I’d break it down (and this post by @justafriend-ql covers so much so well):
a) Jam comes back after years of not seeing Li Ming b) Li Ming is OBLIGATED, by UNSPOKEN CULTURAL RULES, to continue to respect her as a parent c) Li Ming, clearly, wants fucking none of it d) Li Ming/Fourth EMANATES distaste for what he’s dealing with  e) Li Ming STILL has to control himself around his mom who moved him aside to live her life f) He has to ALSO DEAL with his uncle, who (yes, hypocritically) (but also hypothetically) asks him why he’s gay g) So Li Ming has to also deal with his uncle’s internalized homophobia and old-fashioned views on gays in society, which may very well arise in part from his upbringing in rural Isaan h) Jim has to also deal with his sister’s guilt over not having been a mom, and her trying to sort of half-heartedly show up (until the last scene with them, which I think was meant as a symbol that there might be healing happening among the three), and i) Jim beginning to see Li Ming for the adult that he is becoming.
@justafriend-ql covered in their two posts about Li Ming the sheer SIMMERING, the shimmering ANGER that Fourth portrayed, and I felt @wen-kexing-apologist​’s  pain in my bones when I watched those scenes.
So much of what I am loving about Aof’s work as I enjoy my ride through his oeuvre is this family dissection -- the microscopic examination of the painful aftereffects of holistic filial piety (COUGH Bad Buddy) -- and I can never say enough how important his family art work is to Asian audiences. When I see these scenes of young adults holding themselves back with every iota of their energy to not JUMP KICK their parents when they’re acting stupid -- man, I feel that so hard. 
Jam coming back and asking for Li Ming is just lame, and we all know it, and Li Ming knows it. And yet, he is BOUND by CULTURAL PRACTICE -- cultural rules that even JIM REFERENCES -- to need to hold back and respect his mother, because that’s what Thai cultural boundaries demand. So I agree with @justafriend-ql that what Fourth radiated was beyond brilliant. As a viewer, I really want to see Li Ming’s gates open and to see him rage, because my inner child wants to rage right along with him.
But that night scene with Jim and Li Ming, man. 
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I think this bit of this scene is what ended up helping Jim to relax, and to see Li Ming as an adult. 
I am loving how Jim is written. The constant, CONSTANT pull between old values and new. This scene so beautifully depicted Jim in that balancing struggle. 
Li Ming is just pulling Jim along to the light of the future, as children/young adults do. Li Ming NEEDS his uncle to see HIMSELF (Jim) in Li Ming. And I think that’s what’s happening, in part, in this scene. Jim sees that Li Ming CAN understand how complicated the world is around him. Jim SEES that Li Ming is a CRITICAL THINKER.
Jim has been a solo parent for so long. He’s worried about his kid. They’re poor. His kid’s gay. Jim’s worried about his kid being poor and gay. Jim expresses it, at first, in an old-fashioned, shouting, angry way. Jim accidentally outs Li Ming to Jam.
And then. The two guys -- the guys -- sit with each other, rest and wash in the process of mourning an important member in the community. Jim tries to hear Li Ming at Li Ming’s level. And Jim finds that he can hear. 
And maybe, even, Jim is beginning to learn that he can transcend those old-fashioned values -- those UNSPOKEN CULTURAL RULES that still bind much of Li Ming’s behavior towards his mother -- to be a model for Li Ming, AND TO HIMSELF, to live a hopefully more fulfilling life. (I think that might be what’s happening, in part, with the cancellation of the diner’s lease at the end of the episode -- but the preview for the finale has me wondering if I’m right.)
8) I don’t know how much I have left, but I took these screenshots to also talk about Jim’s internalized homophobia. I think I’ve covered it already in my Li Ming analysis, but come AWN, just look at this SASS BUCKET OVER HERE:
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I took these to confirm that Jim was “just being a dad” (ugh) in the moment of him yelling at Li Ming, but I think Jim redeemed himself with that night chat with Li Ming. So I’m just gonna leave these screenshots here BECAUSE COULD WEN/MIX BE ANY MORE SASSY?
I’m already missing these guys. I need Our Skyy 2 REALLY SOON. 
I’m gonna need a lot of sleep tonight to manage tomorrow.
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georgiaswarr · 1 year
read an excerpt of my unfinished jadeellis fic
i started writing this over a year ago and kind of abandoned it, but with the iwbft reread happening i had to think about some of the scenes again, so i thought i'd post a part of it that i'd already written and really enjoy.
for context: jade and ellis met at a gala for the first time at the beginning of iwbft week and hit it off, ellis had a breakdown in the stairwell and jade calmed her down with chiquitita by abba.
Chapter 2
Wednesday 6 September
Rowan (11.43 am)
the boys&i are back in london now
can you come over soon? there’s a lot i need to talk about to be honest
Jade (12.15 pm)
I’ll come right after work!
Rowan (12.16 pm)
can’t wait! xxx
When she went to the boys’ apartment complex later that day, Jade was surprised to see Jimmy in the lobby in deep conversation with the doorman, Ernest. 
“Hi, Jimjam! Hi Ernest!”
Jimmy turned around and grinned at her.
“Jade!” He rushed up to her and they hugged each other.
“Good afternoon, Ms Omondi!” Ernest said.
“Hi! So all the cool people hang out in lobbies now, do they?”
“Yeah,” Jimmy said. “Lister accidentally broke something and I didn’t feel like dealing with the aftermath of that so I thought I’d catch up with Ernest a bit. But I’ll come up with you. I have to face the music eventually.”
“You know, somehow Lister breaking something in the first week of your hiatus is not very hard to believe.”
Jimmy snorted. “My thoughts exactly.”
The two of them said goodbye to Ernest, who made Jimmy promise to find him whenever things got unbearable in the Ark household, and stepped into the lift.
“So, how are you feeling after everything?” Jade asked on their way up to the flat.
Jimmy shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s all pretty weird right now. I don’t think I’ve fully processed everything that’s happened yet, to be honest.”
Jade ruffled Jimmy’s hair. “I’m sorry things are a fuckhub right now, Jimjam.”
Jade had always felt protective of Jimmy. Back when they both lived in rural Kent, they were two of the only out trans people in their town, so he’d often come to her for advice or when he needed to vent about cis people. Naturally, she’d immediately adopted him as her third little brother.
Jimmy smiled. “Thanks, Jade. We’ll get through it. With therapy and stuff.”
Jade chuckled as the two of them reached their floor and went to face the music.
Rowan, Lister, and, to Jade’s surprise, Cecily Wills, were on the second floor of the flat, standing in front of the crime scene. On the ground was a very expensive painting, knocked off the wall, frame smashed and torn right down the middle. Lister noticed Jade and Jimmy first and smiled at them bashfully. Jade stepped up behind Rowan and wrapped her arms around his waist. He jumped and turned around.
“It’s just me, mate.”
“Jade! Help us,” he pleaded and gestured to the wrecked painting with a look of despair on his face.
“What happened, then?”
“Allister over here just devalued a 10’000-pound piece of art,” Cecily jumped in.
Lister rolled his eyes. “In my defence, I’m the stab-ee with a broken leg, so this sort of thing is to be expected.”
Rowan nodded. “Yeah, it could’ve been much worse, Cecily.”
Lister stared at Rowan, surprised that he’d stand up for him.
“Of course.” Cecily sighed. “Just be more careful next time, babe. That charity auction with Jacques Flaubert was a big milestone in your career so I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell him we just broke his piece.”
“Maybe you just shouldn’t give a shit?” Jade suggested. Cecily raised an eyebrow. “I mean, didn’t you hear about Jacques Flaubert’s blatant aphobia?”
She frowned. “I did not.”
“He said some pretty fucked-up stuff about asexual people and refuses to apologise, so maybe it’s a good thing Lister broke that painting.”
Lister snapped his fingers. “Exactly! We don’t support aphobia in this house!”
“Plus, you’re superstars, so if anything a tear in the painting will increase its value,” Jade continued. “‘Expensive painting broken and patched up by boyband auctioned off for tons of money’ has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?”
“Jade, you are speaking my language,” Lister said. Jade winked at him, which made his grin even wider.
“Alright, I’ll go put this painting somewhere safe for the time being. Jimmy, make sure Lister doesn’t break anything else on his way through the flat,” Cecily ordered.
“What, why me?” Jimmy said.
“Because Rowan needs a well-deserved time-out to talk to his sister.”
“Are you saying you don’t want to spend time with me?” Lister asked Jimmy. His tone was teasing, but Jade sensed some genuine hurt behind the question.
“Of course not! Come on, let’s go to the kitchen.” Jimmy touched Lister’s back and guided him to the stairs while Cecily picked up the shredded painting and followed them.
Once all three of them were out of sight, Jade turned to Rowan to finally get a good look at him. He looked tired. His hair, which had previously been in twists, was undone and he still had traces of a healing wound where the brick had hit him.
He smiled at her weakly. “Hi.”
“Hi. Wanna play dark souls?”
“So, how exactly did Lister end up breaking a 10’000 pound piece of art?” Jade was standing in front of Rowan’s impossibly large window and looking at the London skyline while Rowan was installing the video game.
“He was prematurely trying to be independent and walk up the stairs alone. Next thing you know our flat is in need of some new decoration. You coming?”
“Sure.” Jade took one last good look at the stunning view, then she sat down next to Rowan on his bed, leaning against the headrest, and grabbed the controller he was offering her. Rowan pressed play and the screen started to load. “To be completely honest, though, I would’ve expected you to be much angrier at Lister for that. What happened to the guy who didn’t talk to his bandmate for several months after the suitcase incident?”
“Come on, I’m not that mean. We’ve all been through a lot these past few weeks. I don’t blame him for trying to regain some sense of control.”
“Shit, when did you turn into a psychoanalyst?”
“I don’t know. Scary stuff.”
Jade chuckled. “So… speaking of going through a lot… wanna talk about what’s been happening?”
Rowan nodded slowly and paused the game. “What do you need to know?”
“Well, I haven’t really heard much from you except that you’re okay. Physically, at least. I mostly know what the general public knows.”
“Yikes, Jade, we can’t have you compare yourself to the general public.”
And so Rowan told her everything that happened. From the intimate details of their lives being leaked to the press, to the awful meet-and-greet, them almost being forced to sign their lives away with the new contract, Jimmy running away to their hometown, Bliss ending things with him and how Lister wound up with a broken leg and a stab wound. 
“So yeah, now we’ve decided to go on hiatus for the foreseeable future.”
“That’s a good thing though, right? I mean, you all deserve a shitload of rest after everything.”
“Yeah! I mean, of course. But… I don’t know.”
“But what?”
“Well… I feel like having all this free time might mean we have to… face some stuff. Like, Jimmy and I had the worst fight of our lives, which we haven’t even talked about yet, I have no fucking idea where… everything has left Lister and me, and I just... really miss Bliss. I mean, now that we’d actually have time to see each other it doesn’t amount to anything anymore.”
Rowan. Even after going through the worst week of his life, all he thought about was other people. “But you’re still friends, right? So you will still see each other?”
Rowan shrugged. “We haven’t really talked since. And I think I need a bit of time to get over her, to be honest.” He looked down at his hands and blinked.
“Come here.” Jade opened her arms to her brother and he sunk into them, finally letting his tears fall freely.
“I think it’s good that you’re on hiatus. It means I get to see you more.”
Rowan chuckled through his tears. “I’m quoting this back at you next time you get annoyed at me for throwing a shell at you in Mario Kart.”
Jade laughed. “Oof, dug my own grave there.”
For a while, they stayed in the same position, allowing Rowan to calm down. Finally, he declared, “I think I want to cut my hair and dye it pink.”
Jade raised an eyebrow at him. “So basically like my hair?”
“Um, no… there’s many different shades of pink, Jade.”
“Right, of course.”
“I’d dye it pink even if your hair was a completely different colour!”
Jade threw her hands up. “Yes, yes! Of course! Do what you want!”
“Yes! Thank you!”
Jade snorted while Rowan rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips.
“You know, Alex is gonna miss redoing your twists every few weeks, though. Just FYI.”
“How would you know what Alex would miss?”
“He told me when I saw him the other day. He said ‘Jade, you know what the best part of my job is? Doing your baby brother’s hair. I’d just hate to lose that last shred of joy’,” she said in a dramatic voice.
“Well, it’s not like there’ll be that much styling in this band for the time being anyway. Besides, Lister’s hair really seems to be growing out, so I’m sure he’ll find plenty to do there.”
“Yeah, but that’s white people hair.”
“Good point. I’m still changing mine though.”
“Of course. I’m sure you’ll look great either way.”
“Thank you. I know.” They grinned at each other. “When did you see Alex?”
“Oh, I ran into him at this gala the other week.” Jade thought back to their last interaction. Shortly after listening to Chiquitita with Ellis, Alex texted Ellis that he wanted to leave. Jade didn’t want to intrude so she stayed behind. That was more than three weeks ago and she hadn’t spoken to either of them since.
Speaking of Ellis...
“I just thought of someone who could help you out with that newly empty wall.”
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sfaccountant · 1 year
Sweet Apple Acres has endured a lot more alien activity than most of Equestria, from Tau recon teams to void ship crashes to inexplicable* outbreaks of Tyranid bio-warriors. The Apple family has endured nonetheless, scarred but never broken. They have had to take somewhat extraordinary measures to protect their precious apple harvest, however.
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Art by JimJam
*the Dark Mechanicus denies all responsibility for misuse of gene-forged produce strains; remember, only YOU can prevent Tyranid hyper-propagation
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goldfish-boogiebug · 6 months
Our unpaid intern, Goldfish, and Nurse (@jimjams-art) put together this little doodad for his animated documentation of the boogie bug. He says it makes things easier to animate. Personally, I believe this is just an excuse for him to boogie and jive on the job, but the jury's still out. More information soon, concerned members of science.
- Doctor
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on mod-psychedelic revivalist/bass-playing Jane, East London, border of Essex, UK, c. 1986. 📸: "JimJam," a.k.a., @thekatmandude.
NOTE: Posters of TOMORROW's "My White Bicycle" 1968 single and inner gatefold sleeve art to "Sgt. Pepper" by THE BEATLES can be seen behind her.
Source: www.picuki.com/profile/sceneinbetween.
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piplupod · 11 months
climbing into my jimjams and nobody better ask me to do anything else tonight fjfkdl that walk home was ROUGH !!!
going to watch otgw tonight hopefully and do some art maybe, finishing my jigsaw puzzle would also be good
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Ok so 2014-2017 right? And how popular it was to grab fanart from google and put them in a slideshow with pop music right?
Funny story: I remember watching those types of videos about our boy Jimjam. I swear there was one to either a Fall out Boy song or a Panic at the Disco song (there was a mention of a 'Veronica'/ other girl name that starts with V and it was definitely not from the Heathers Musical)
And I remember
That in one of them
There was art of Jimmy looking kinda buff. And shirtless (tho thankfully not pantless). It wasn't anything suggestive it looked more like showing off their design than anything on the Sexy side
I ate that shit up because 8-9 year old me thought that buff killers were cool. It also invaded my thoughts in year 8 because the art was nice.
But now I'm wondering if anyone else saw that or was I the one who walked too far into fanart
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