#James Wa
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cinemedios · 1 year
‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom‘ | Tráiler Oficial
Luego de que el pasado 10 de septiembre se diera a conocer el primer adelanto de la nueva película de DC “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” en el que se anunciaba que en 4 días conoceríamos más acerca de la nueva aventura del héroe marino; el día de ayer, 14 de septiembre de 2023, por fin se acabó la espera y Warner Bros lanzó el tráiler oficial de la cinta. ¿Qué se vio en el nuevo tráiler de…
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why-i-love-comics · 6 years
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The Order #3 - "James or The Wind of Mount Rokko" (2007)
written by Matt Fraction art by Barry Kitson, Mark Morales, & Dean White
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dailymera · 7 years
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Jason Momoa, James Wan and Amber Heard in Aquaman (2018)
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strixobscuro · 9 years
Attack on Gibborim - The Young Order
Continuing to develop Attack on Gibborim, let’s meet the Young Order!
Back during the early years of the Gibborim invasion of Earth, the Squadron Supreme made a name for itself under the leadership of Kyle Richmond and Mark Milton. However, Richmond soon realized that the SHIELD program was being corrupted from within by the Pride, and sought to alert the rest of the world to this conspiracy. The Squadron Supreme was in turn branded as traitors and has since gone rogue.
Faced with the potential PR nightmare of having to denounce a previously-beloved team, the Pride quickly assembled the Order as a flashy youthful replacement, populated by photogenic young pilots who can be relied upon to tow the party line. Of course, the Pride being who they are, the team is also loaded with people who have loyalty to one faction or another within the Pride. Each member has been asked to gather intelligence on the others by their patron family, and they all suspect each other of being spies, but still have to work together. The current roster is as follows:
Ethan Edwards is the team leader, a member of the Majesdanian diaspora. Born on Earth to parents who were thoroughly broken by the loss of their homeworld, he barely even remembers his true Majesdanian name and struggles with constant anxiety that he’s not living up to his heritage. The Deans thoroughly exploit these anxieties to keep him under their thumb. They also promised him the hand of their daughter KaLina, but after she came out as a lesbian, they’ve since moved on to offering him KaLara, even though she’s human and three years younger than him (he is sixteen, she is thirteen.) Needless to say, he is a bit ambivalent about this arrangement. His mech, PHAETON, is equipped with a powerful Majesdanian “Sun Cannon”, which takes a while to charge up, but which can wipe out multiple Gibborim in a single blast.
Richie Gilmore is the second-in-command, a former wrestling champion of Blackfoot descent who was discovered by Omar Mosely, one of the Wilder family’s associates, and recruited for the Young Order. He is brash and arrogant, but also under a ton of pressure - if he survives his tour with the Young Order, he can look forward to a nice position in SHIELD, but if he fails... well, you do not fail when Geoffrey Wilder is your patron. His mecha, MARVEL, has flight capabilities and super strength.
Tarene is ostensibly an alien hailing from one of the many worlds destroyed by the Gibborim, although she carries a passport identifying her as Angelique Baptiste, a refugee from Haiti. She claims to be a cosmic savior; nobody is really sure whether or not this is true. The Minoru clan is ostensibly her patron family. Her mecha, DESIGNATE, is capable of generating lightning.
Nara is an Atlantean refugee, one of many in the Atlantean diaspora. Shunned by Namor after her parents joined an ill-fated revolt by Attuma, she was taken in by the Hayes family, who gave her a job as their daughter’s personal bodyguard. With Molly growing up, Nara’s loyalty has been rewarded with a spot in the Young Order. Her mecha, based on Atlantean technology and nicknamed MEAN GIRL (its official name is Atlantean, and hard for others to pronounce), is capable of operating underwater and can fire blasts of scalding water.
James Wa is a former baseball star who lost his legs in a Gibborim attack. Luckily for him, he was also a skilled engineer, and managed to invent a new pair of prosthetic legs, which earned him the attention of the Steins, who offered him the chance at fighting back against the Gibborim. Being young and hotheaded, he took it. His mecha, CALAMITY, is capable of running at high speeds.
Ken Mack is a surfing enthusiast from Hawaii whose family was forced inland by the Gibborim. An accident with his mecha’s neural interface damaged his nervous system, leaving him without a sense of touch, which Dale and Stacey Yorkes have promised to remedy in exchange for his loyalty. His mecha, METTLE, is slow by extremely durable, capable of withstanding most Gibborim attacks.
Jennifer Takeda is the sole recruit on the team with no close ties to any of the Pride families, installed on the team by SHIELD. The Pride tried to sabotage her mecha so that it would leak radiation into the command deck and poison her, but these attempts failed, and instead they spread rumors that she is toxic to be around, keeping her isolated from her teammates. Her mecha, HAZMAT, is capable of producing toxins poisonous to the Gibborim, and can create blasts of radiation.
(Author’s notes: this whole thing originally began as an attempt to create a Squadron-Supreme’d version of Young Justice. I’ve been noodling around with this team for months, trying to find characters who could work as both alternate-company counterparts to the members of Young Justice and younger counterparts to members of the Squadron Supreme, and this is what I came up with...)
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why-i-love-comics · 7 years
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The Order #2 - "Becky - or - Teenager of the Year" (2007)
written by Matt Fraction art by Barry Kitson, Mark Morales, & Dean White
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why-i-love-comics · 7 years
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The Order #1 - "Henry - or - The Next Right Thing" (2007)
written by Matt Fraction art by Barry Kitson, Mark Morales, & Dean White
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