#Jade's and Davepeta's Kid
campbebj · 3 months
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OMG I just finished reading Kittyquest by @dierker and i just gotta say, It's so freaking good, the ART OMG, they clearly put their whole heart (and full ass, no half ass here) into this thing, everything is stunning. It's a wonderful exploration of being a Demi-god in earth C and the most well-thought-out one I've ever read/seen. I hadn't read it yet because it was short (lol I know, "only" 1120 pages, I'm terrible) but I'm glad I found it through some fic links from a fanfic set around Roxy in the same universe. I have other thought's about it but ill put those in another post, so it doesn't spoil stuff for people and because I think any homestuck would enjoy the thoughts it popped into my head.
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triptychgardener · 2 years
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Thank you Toby Fox Ska Cover of Sunsetter
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rofefetasprite · 2 years
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listen. please just hear me out. dave and his animal girl gfs
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yaoigirlfriends · 1 year
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haha its homestuck day
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meraki-sunset · 10 months
Does ectobiology work between species or would that break the machine?
Like a consort and a carapacian can’t have an ecto child :c
No, it doesn't work between species, you can't make a half carapace half consort, or a half troll half human for example, the machine won't let you. It won't break the machine, it just won't work. You can make more carapace with the machine, but it has to be with other carapace, same with the consorts.
You can mix hybrids like Crow, Jade, Jas, Josh and Hal with other humans because they're still human but you can't make something like Davepeta for example.
See this is how it works
When you put DNA from two diferent species, the machine doesn't work
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When you put DNA from two humans, you get a human
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When you put DNA from two trolls, you get trolls, probably more than one.
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If you imput put Davepeta's DNA mixed with human, you get a human, who has a 50% chance to be a bird hybrid. Because the machine only copies the Daveprite/Crow DNA. That would make the baby biologically Crow's
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Davepeta's DNA mixed with troll DNA, get's you trolls, and their blood can be either Green-SpriteBlood, the other troll's blood (in this case Karkat's), or Nepeta's original blood. That would make the grubs biologically Nepeta's
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If you imput only one troll's DNA you get a grub clone
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Same with a human's DNA, you get a baby clone
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BUT if you try to clone Davepeta, you get a clone of their components, a Nepeta clone and a Davesprite/Crow clone
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The players learned most of this while messing around with the machines, creating the new population. So there might be some player's clones mixed in the baby population.
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As a side note, Davepeta is not compatible for natural reproduction with either trolls or humans anymore, making them basically sterile. Not like they're the kind to have kids anyways.
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sadpurpleblood · 3 months
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at last, the beta no-longer-kids are done for my adultstuck thingie.
jade is here! she loves gardening and smooching davepeta.
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i hc that davepeta/davesprite (at least!) ages similarly to players who reach god tier. largely bc it feels so dismal to imagine this kid that's completely alive and aware as time passes but stuck at 13 years old and therefore unable to live a full life (not to mention the fact that they kiss jade). i get that sprites probably don't work like that. but listen! unlike most sprites, dave was alive when he was prototyped into davesprite. so... maybe??
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aaeds · 9 months
I've had it with HS^2
I don't make fanart or content for this fandom anymore, but after putting on "Let's Read Homestuck" in the background while I've been working I've returned to having a few Alpha kid WIPs. I have also returned to scouring the tags for cool fanart and opinions.
This is not the fandom I remember back when I was reading the comic partway through Act 2.
I cannot say I'm inspired by Homestuck^2, and to roughly quote another user - I don't know who the audience for this comic is for. The epilogues themselves were a disaster and the Candy/Meat timeline idea appears to exist to create even more drama with lackluster stakes.
There's no real clear 'goal' or core to the story besides...the fact there are two universes. And we have Ultimate-self villains.
It reads like bad fanfiction, that's nothing new - the problem is I don't think the authors are writing with irony. The series has turned into a ship-heavy metal bat beating older fans to death with teen drama and character assassination.
The current team clearly has no interest or plans for Jade for example, and in the recent update with Aradia and Robo-Dave discussing time travel - it really seemed like her body being on the floor was an excellent time to rehash several existential conversation points we ALREADY had in the original Homestuck about stable timeloops, dead Daves and how he uses his Godtier powers.
Outside of several unnecessary pages of dialogue, it was disturbing that no part of Ultimate Dave would help move Jade off the fucking floor while he and Aradia sleep in lawn chairs watching her until she became 'The Muse' It is so out of character. Pre-retcon Dave died protecting her body, Davesprite destroyed his relationship with both John and Jade knowing they would be reunited with the 'real' Dave. He was a true knight when he felt it was appropriate and mattered. But now we have a Dave who is back to having an existential crisis about his powers, life and death - and his sexuality. By bringing up dead Dave's Marriage from the epilogues. He didn't even mention Jade by name, presuming the reader read at least the wiki article on the disastrous self indulgent mess.
But that was all he had to say on that dead Dave. Just about not loving Jade. No one else, doesn't even bring up Karkat or Terezi, let alone any of his friends. Talking about Sollux for half a second I'm convinced was just to bring up a failed marriage and apparently 'not wanting to be gay'? This isn't Dave anymore, and if that's the point I want to know why we as readers should care because I promise you coming fresh off Act 6 for the third time these are not the same characters. Davepeta had a better outlook on what it means to experience doomed selves, whether they were chipper about it because of Nepeta's influence is neither here nor there. No matter what Davesprite did, it was in character for what Dave would have done because he knows himself. When it meant self sabotage so his friends could go back to the Alpha timeline Dave, that was a circumstance, and an act any Dave would have made because of the way he thought at 13 years old. That doesn't mean he didn't change, or would never change.
I don't think the furthest ring has rattled the kids in a glass jar hard enough to give them critical brain damage through every doomed timeline that they're different people. At least not in the way Robo-Dave is, or frankly anything in the Epilogue.
I'm done with the writers treating Jade as a dead animal to stuff Calliope into for a milquetoast attempt at a plot device without treating that as a joke in itself.
No Homestuck isn't a serious comic, but there's a reason Cascade broke several websites while Beyond Canon can barely drudge a handful of tagged UPD8 replies. Its audience is small and unchallenged. We don't need to bring back the use of the hard R to be invested in a storyline, but if all you're interested in in a piece of media is gender identity and sexuality well you've got it. That said, neither are a genre on their own.
HS^2 lacks one and direction and it's just going to keep dragging its carcass through the dirt until every unseen pairing in panel is churned through the fanfic machine.
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
One idea that seems to be spreading amongst Homestuck fans for the newest upd8 and for why Rose has devolved into this jaded nihilistic and surrendered personality is because she never really grew as a character from the retcon.
It’s a nice idea and way better for Rose’s character than just “Vriska fixed everything.” Rose was incapable of learning how to fight an addiction or control her impulses. As a seer of light she can now see the best possible outcome and can use it to manipulate people to get what she thinks is the inevitable event! She can’t fully understand or regulate her ability and has submitted to it, doing what she sees with no ability to change the causes for the effect.
Same with Jade, she never got to socialize with John or learn human interaction or social skills with Davesprite and Nannasprite. She just stayed on a ship alone for 3 years and just met all her friends after their Sburb session after [S] Collide! On earth C she never thought about training herself to understand when someone does or does not consent to her advances and allows herself to be this eternally teenage girl in an adult body.
Dave and Karkat also don’t rectify their feelings and just watch romcoms and argue with each other. All the beta kids and beta trolls had their changes undone for a sweeter and simpler hiatus before executing the perfect plan and winning the game, skipping over character growth.
This was the results of the retcon, this was John’s ultimate sacrifice. Win the game and defeat the ultimate evil only for all his friends to degredate and relapse into their worst behaviors. John gave the universe cancer, not because he rushed the frog breeding oh no, it’s because he destroyed the time loops needed to create Lord English and replaced them with his own stable time loops, which still create Lord English on Earth C, because Lord English is the cancer.
And John did such by saving Vriska, making her the hero to defeat LE, make Dave fight Lord Jack and let Davepeta defeat LE, when it was a hero of hope and time destined to defeat him, not a sprite that’s half time half heart, and a page who knocks him out. Vriska broke the destiny, she also gave Earth C cancer.
There is only one way to solve this.
Wouldn't it technically be TEREZI'S FAULT since she was the one who instructed John to do all this. So technically, the blame is also on her. I can't believe that blind bitch made things worse just because she wanted spider pussy. She really was perfect for Karkat because they both infected the universes and fucked them up. To be a bit serious, I'm not sure if it would be because of John's Post Retcon actions. How will Meat be any better if this shit is happening to Candy? How will John get brought back for Meat by Terezi? Will John in Candy fuse his mind with Meat Trans June once she's brought back? I'm not sure what copium some people are on to think the update was the result of that, cause I'm still on the side of no hopium for Beyond Canon.
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shrimplymoray · 9 months
That moment when u fall into Homestuck for the 4th time... Ahaha...
Anyway, UHM, I shared some stuff of my Humanstuck au before but... Since I'm reworking somethings, and creating new ones... Let me just sneakily infodump.
More Humanstuck infodumping
Okay so... I don't think I ever went on the specifics of place and hereditary stuff for ethnicities and what not, so let me explain this a tad.
This au is in an American metropolis. And as such, there are people who have families from all over the world, like every good metropolitan city.
The crocker-egbert family is a long lineage of Asian Americans, with Chinese heritage.
The Harley-english are the wildest, being literally from other countries. Jake is ofc English-Filipino cuz... Ofc he is English. And Jade is born and raised on the Philippines, later moving with Jake to America when he got there!
The Stridelondes are a difficult one to say fully, considering we have the children from Bro and Mom, the ones only from Bro, and Jasperie, who is only Mom Lalonde's child. But let's do this.
Bro is Afro-american. Mom is Asian American with Korean heritage. Dave, Rose, Roxy, Dirk and Hal are Blasian. Vespie (Davepeta) and Crowley (Davesprite) are mixed (Afro-american and Hispanic) and Jasperie is Mixed (Asian and Latina).
This was a lot of text just for the kids, omg...
The trolls are a bit easier, since they all are somewhat a singular family for each troll surname.
Vantas are Afro-american, with Karkat being the most different one by having albinism.
The Megidos are all Japanese immigrants, with Aradia being almost raised all her life in America.
The Nitrams are Latinos, specifically Brazilian.
The Captors are half American half Vietnamese.
The Leijons are half Australian half Irish.
The Maryams are Turkish
The Pyropes are Afro-Latinas, Redglare's mom was Puerto Rican.
The Serkets are Russian
The Zahaaks are Afro-Native Americans.
The Makaras are Afro-Latinos, GHB is the first to be born in America of their family. Deciding between Columbian or Chilean.
The Amporas are Welsh. They lived part of their life in England, specially Cronus and Dualscar, and Eridan fakes he remembers it by faking an accent.
The Peixes are Blasian, half black half Indonesian.
There is a lot more like how the Lusii ties to the families and whatnot, but I'm tired of typing lmao. Hope y'all enjoy!
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bottlehawk · 2 years
navigating my blog guide
#bottlehawk text -> all my text posts. includes homestuck meta, as well as #asks and #polls.
#bottlehawk art -> anything i draw. includes #wips.
#hs reblog -> homestuck-related reblogs. run by hourly queue. all characters tagged by #rb-firstname (ex: #rb-jade).
#other reblog -> non-homestuck reblogs. sometimes i tag other fandoms. (ex: #naruto reblog)
i tag all homestuck posts that come from me with #homestuck, with characters by their full names (ex: #rose lalonde.)
i tag asks i answer about how i draw things/do technical stuff with #art question.
#rb-everyone is used when there's so many homestuck characters on a post i don't want to tag them all.
i tag all real-life sketchbook doodles with #sketchbook.
my #hs reblog queue is set up to feature one character/grouping per day. it transitions between days. (ex: jade -> jade + rose -> rose). i have a big queue (with lots of old/obscure/forgotten stuff!).
i tag #rb-john and #rb-june separately.
guardians are tagged under their kid counterpart (excluding #rb-dad). same with troll ancestors (tagged by dancestor name.)
i tag content warnings by the actual thing (example: #birds). not like (#tw birds).
yes, i tag #rb-mayor, #rb-davepeta, #rb-davesprite, #rb-jaspers (includes jaspersprite), etc. i'm not kidding i tag almost every character. i even tag fan trolls/kids! (#rb-oc)
i AM an adult. but i won't really post 18+ (unless it's like. funny lmao. i'll tag it then.)
i don't care about "spam notifs" feel free to go as WILD as you want.
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triptychgardener · 1 year
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In which some Trickstery Shenanigans start to throw shit off the rails. Art and co-writing by @gendertrickster
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pesteringchum · 1 year
sometimes i think about how davesprite dumped jade so she could be with “the real dave” and “the real dave” telling jade he would never hurt her like that when he finds out what davesprite did but how dave is now dating karkat and davesprite is now a completely different person [davepeta] like man are you KIDDING ME
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lilbombus · 1 year
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excuse the constant different name spellings but Malaine Jona Harley (or May May Jona for short) is the eldest daughter of Jade Harley and Davepeta.
She’s the essential scout of the group and the heart of the family. Due to this new session trapping the kids and descendants in the game without their parents, she usually scouts the dream bubbles to find any clues on how to get back home, while finding ways to lvl up. She talks to dead versions of the trolls and even becomes close to her Leijon side of the family. While she’s hesitant to meet the beta and alpha groups, she may talk to them without fear of them finding out who her parents are by hiding her blond hair strands, wearing black mascara, and wearing a face mask. 
One of the strongest players in the group, she has multiple skill sets in both long-range, short-range and even hand to hand combat, she also has two sets of pistols with different modes such as charged electric shots, ray gun, lasers shots, grappling hooks, and regular bullets that she can change with ease. Also her two pistols can be attached together to make a long ranged rifle. Her specialty is probability - making it extremely difficult for her opponents to predict her next moves due to her numerous “combo” attacks. (think of her like those character in fighting games such as street fighter)
Her personality and Inspo were based on Sango (Inuyasha), Edward Elric (FMA), and Kanaya Maryam.
Anyways, I like to think May May Jona met Davepeta during the few years Davepeta’s was in the game and gave them a note with half of her name on it. She never told them who she was but she kept calling them "Renny." Davepeta was suspicious but didn't know if she was a Leijon descendant or their "direct descendant".
(if you're wondering May May Jona was born from the ectobiology machine with Davepeta's dna mixed with some random trolls dna. she might not be biologically related to Jade but she's her kid and they have the same laughter. Jade added Jona to her name so she'll follow the name trend of the family in hopes she wouldn't feel left out.)
Her name created a paradox and guaranteed the crisis countdowns’ timeline/universe.
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meraki-sunset · 10 months
Can hybrids (humans are the best example) make an ecto-baby with multiple animal traits or just one trait? Like Crow + Jade = Bird Dog Child? Oh and can Davepeta give Troll grubs bird traits?
They can't have multiple animal traits, just one at a time, if Jade and Crow had a kid one day they could either be a dog or a bird hybrid but not both
Yeah, Davepeta can pass the bird gene to both humans and trolls, because it's an extra trait not tied to either species, so a troll with wings can happen, but will almost every single time be a green-spriteblood
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spacedhead · 1 year
HOMESTUCK REREAD #17: END OF HOMESTUCK (act 6 act 6 act 6 and act 7)
this is it!!!!!! this is the end of homestuck!!!
the song setting the scene for all of these battles that are about to take place concurrently is called creata, and it has leitmotifs from MANY songs in homestuck, as do all of the songs in this 18 minute sequence! also check out this fortnite squad....
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the second song is called oppa toby style... oh man this is gonna be sick.
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roxy my son is fighting so hard actual goat of this section btw no cap you will see later
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of course this part is.... not as important but still certainly something i suppose.. karkat and jake are giving it their all as the weakest members of the squad
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here come the striders and terezi!!! they are about to mix the shit out of these jacks
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side note but not really its kind of crazy how owned dirk gets in this fight he dies like three different times and is saved by dave terezi and jane a bunch . talk about an unlucky break
meanwhile jade is struggling with her dog friends/ enemies and caliborn is fighting his denizen yaldabaoth ( wrdgaf). also vriska is fighting hussie? (WRDGAFX2)
okay so caliborn beat his denizens ass. so called strongest denizen is weaker than caliborn who was beaten by john fucking egbert.
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anyway the current song is eternity served cold but only the second half.. its very good. variation on johns theme for a bit, then into lord english theme.
ive always loved this shot
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davepeta makes an undertale reference.... which i guess was topical at the time. my undertale phase is long gone though. so . cool reference anyway !
last song. heir of grief is starting. VERY good song. love this shit!!! pic of one of the squads... theyre getting roughed up
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oh my god... the four original kids and the pictures of their houses from the beginning of the story really reminds me how far they have come... ive been reading this shit only for a few weeks but man it feels like it really has been such a long time since things were that simple.
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cool ass shot of these guys
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oh no!!! theyre getting fucked UP dude shes beating their ass... but who is that back there...?
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to be honest. i am not sure what jade was trying to accomplish in this sequence. she seems to just be teleporting her and the dogs around.... like to get them to stop fighting maybe? idrk but either way they kinda just fight anyway. or at least PM does
i think this moment of dave chopping dirks head off is not really significant for dave as much as it is for dirk. he finally relinquished control for once!
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anyway, PM FINALLY gets jacks ring off, and now he is no longer a threat. its been so long. wow . goat much?
roxy being the one to finish the condesce is deserved. great job. my goat. props to all of these crazy kids they fucking did it they won!!! holy shit good fuckin job!! but we arent quite done yet.
this is beautiful art that is the rest of the comic basically until act 7. i just love these panels so much. one of them has actually been my background for about a year and a half!
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its this one . i really love this one it shows so many of my children look at them all god im so proud of them they did it.... YES!!!! i knew this would happen but im still so happy for them.
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look!!! the mayor and pm reunited once again. its been since before cascade since they saw each other last! and serenity too!!
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this one is a real standout as well... so good i love all of them. am i repeating myself? surely not.
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it is time for act 7. the finale of homestuck, essentially. it has been a long and winding road.... only a little left to go :)
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a lot of this animation shows the new universe being formed, like the tadpole turning into the frog and stuff. it is very cool, and visually stunning to be honest, but i like to focus more on the characters with my limited images per post. but trust me, act 7 is very beautiful the whole way through :D
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do you see how fucking beautiful these kids are and how much they mean to me. i would do anything for them
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holy shit vriska is serving like crazy here. i mean they all are but... okayyy vriska
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look at these two. leaders of their sessions. coming together. finishing. it all makes me tear up a little i wont lie. also this music called overture is fucking beautiful.
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oh man okay yeah. i am really misty eyed here. this never happened before?? god i fucking love this story
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well here it is. first view of the idyllic earth c. they did it. they won . they created their universe and they got to live in it
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heres one last squad shot of them all being goated and fucking awesome maybe? ever think of that
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it started with him and ended with him. my son john egbert i love you so much
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okay. its actually over. it feels weird to say but i have indeed completed homestuck yet again. this time was maybe my favorite reading of it other than probably the first time. maybe it was cause of the blogging it? i did genuinely love blogging my thoughts about it. even if no one is paying too much attention, its cool to get it out there :D
overall thoughts? the first part is a little slow to get going, but once it does get going, it's so fun and just a blast to read. things are incredible up until right after cascade where it slows down a lot. which i get. introducing a ton of new characters and essentially a new main villain into the plot can be a lot. i would say that the first half of act 6 is like... a definite decrease in quality? but it starts picking up again when they actually arrive in the new session. and me personally, ive always loved the ending. i know some people were like oh they just win and their plan goes smoothly. like, yeah i get that, but also things did NOT go smoothly when game over happened, and that was definitely the everything goes wrong moment. everything after that is cool and fun and very entertaining to read. i just love this story guys i love it so much there is a reason why it is my favorite piece of fiction and why i constantly come back to it . it is just so good i love the characters i love the concepts the plot is sprawling and self referential and just plain cool . of course it has flaws, namely its villains are a little weak. sometimes i love villains who are just plain evil but sometimes in a story like this i may have preferred a villain who has a little more motive than just being evil and wanting to destroy and kill things... but its alright. the heroes were the main focus anyway, so its not like it ruins the story or anything. i think homestuck goes from an ironic shit post story that makes you feel like an ass for reading it to a heartfelt tale of empathy and self improvement and self actualization. its characters go from asshole kids to pretty good adults. and you can see the writing grow up too. its honestly great and if you know me you probably already know lots of bits and pieces about it and/or i made you read it. but if you dont you should give it a shot. it has NOT aged well i will say but if you can manage to ignore the usage of slurs and probably other bad things i can honestly say it ends as a story about growth and acceptance of the self and others. that is all.......
thanks for reading this to all my friends i had tons of fun
im reading the epilogues. FUCK
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