#Jade Palace Lock Heart
dangermousie · 2 months
You could NEVER have this ending now but it's one of my all time favorites AAAAAA
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I sniffle like madddddd
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I mean, in an earlier ep he told her this and he kept his word:
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Thus ends my rewatch of my fave bits of JPLH.
I almost never care for fanfic but I'd love to read one about Eighth Prince adjusting to the modern world - he has no id! He's never seen a car! QC will have to teach him he can't behead people if they are rude to him! How would her mom react? His own mom is a cop in the modern world somewhere, will they reunite? It's not even like something like Queen In Hyun's Man or Live Up to Your Name where the period person slowly adjusts/is adventurous about that stuff by nature. SO MUCH DELICIOUSNESSSSS
(Side note - he has NO idea she never slept with his brother after all and he doesn't care, I love thattttt!)
One final note - this was released less than 15 years ago but feels like an entirely different era. Not just because this drama would not get anywhere near a filming facility, let alone a permit, now but because of the actors' looks. They are all very good looking but in a real, "I can see this person on the street as they walk turning heads" kind of way. Modern drama stars almost look like another species. Also, while none of them have an ounce of extra fat, they don't look scrawny or overly sculpted in body or delicate. Personal preferences and all that, but God I miss that!
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guzhuangheaven · 3 months
Do you know of any Kangxi era shows that are made with okay quality and look like they are from this century not the previous one? 😅
Scarlet Heart/Bu Bu Jing Xin (tag) and the first Palace series (tag) are both set in the Kangxi era (Palace is a plagiarised copy of BBJX but that's another story). They were both made in the early 2010s and the quality stands up (well...not Palace's neon aesthetics).
@renewedmotionforjudgment has a post recently-ish talking about her favourite dramas that include both BBJX and Palace? I think? I can't find it anymore?
A more recent Kangxi era drama is Legend of the Dragon Pearl (tag).
Blooming Days I think was originally supposed to be set in the Kangxi era but then they ditched that historical background.
Any adaptation of The Duke of Mount Deer/The Deer and the Cauldron (Lu Ding Ji) by Jin Yong would be Kangxi era, but I think the last adaptation of that available is from 2000. I don't think this blog even has a tag for this drama....
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zefile · 7 months
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Jade Palace Lock Heart EP01
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Man, Jade Palace Lock Heart would have never gotten the green light in 2023 (in fact it’s 1/2 of the reason for the transmigration ban) BUT THIS SCENE IS FOREVER
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Yes, that is basically the makeover scene from Boys Over Flowers and it’s great.
Also, the next episode, because he’s the dumbass that he is, he’s like “oh I know your objection is that I asked you to be my concubine I’ll ask my dad to make you my official wife”
I still kinda shipped her with 4 for a bit though. But I’ve always got a soft spot for Rui. Even a zither playing evil one.
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smittenskitten · 1 year
Finally finished it. Ngl did have to fast forward a lot. Thank you @dangermousie for the rec
I am so used to seeing Yang Mi in costume that when she showed up in shorts I really did go who dat? LMAO! Even Feng Shao Feng looks so different!
Things I always look forward to in my transmigration dramas:
- Main lead becomes a god/fairy as soon as they land in new era
- start a runway and fashion trend
- makes rollerblades for a consort so the said consort can skate her way into the emperor's bed
- makes every single prince fall in love with the ml
- lot of comedy
- obvious distortion of history
- rollerblading consort getting random dude to knock her up so she can baby trap the emperor. Which honestly happens more than you might think
- random dude was also at one point in love with ml. No surprise there
- family drama
- forgetting how many wives/children you have. Again very normal in this kind of drama
- plot twist ml and her mil are from the future
- double plot twist: actually has a happy ending. Which was actually surprising. I don't remember the last drama where you transmigrate and get a happy ending 🤯
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hiroshiii13 · 5 months
I need Bingge yuan harem. Concubine SY, especially if he was bride napped. I want Bingge jealous of his own harem bcus it feels like punching cotton the way SY’s well adjusted and unbothered.
I want all the hallmarks of palace intrigue!!
SY getting sick from a lack of firewood in his palace. ZZL, his servant, stopping BH’s palanquin at the risk of death. Bowing to the emperor to ask for an imperial physician.
And Bingge trying to be nonchalant, but follows after the physician, asks the royal kitchen to make the most precious nourishing soup. ((He eventually cooks it himself after being so worried)).
Bingge’s interest starts to build. Secretly going (peeping) in the royal gardens as SY spends his time observing the flowers in full bloom. Trying his best to casually make an entrance.
Bingge’s bday banquet comes along, with priceless gifts stacked as far as the eye can see.
SY (w/ no powerful backing) procuring a small jade charm and medicinal sachet with hand embroidered details. Bingge directly asking for where SY’s gift is and keeping it on his person.
And every time after they meet Bingge thinks SY would invite him to stay the night, but he doesn’t. Bingge doesn’t need to ask, he knows. Taking SY as a concubine was a joke. But now he was getting serious about wanting him, to want it. For wanting SY to ask for it.
So he pulls his wild nature back and pretends to be soft and harmless. He always flips his name plate but never stays the night. Sometimes SY plays the qin for him, or sings, sometimes it’s just sending gifts or conversations during meals. Bingge wants his company the most.
Hell, maybe I can introduce a common enemy which allows the northern and southern kingdoms to unite (and get my moshang fix).
SY decides to follow Bingge in war while the rest of the harem stays back. He says he isn’t as delicate and he would follow Bingge through this hardship
Bingge doesn’t allow this but SY sneaks out anyway. With only the clothes on his back, some food and a dagger he travels up north to be w/ Bingge.
(Angst) Of course he’s captured along the way. And forced to become a courtesan. They meet again with SY under a new identity as a gift in the name of diplomacy.
Bingge feels betrayed, all this time? Was it all for this? Was he meant to fall in love and give away his kingdom?
After months of not seeing each other, all the hurt, confusion and longing was surmised in Bingge’s “is he good in bed?”
And he didn’t mean to say that. Especially seeing SY’s eyes glisten and his lips upturned in a sad smile. But the diplomat said how well behaved he is, how good he is.
SY bowed down and answered “my services have always been top notch.”
They fuck. Not in the way he imagined; Nothing of that sort of slow and careful lovemaking w soft whispers and laughter. There was no tenderness at all.
As SY expertly swallowed his dick, rather than bliss there was a feeling of loss in his heart. His most precious treasure, how did he become like this?
‘Was this your plan, all along?’
‘You can think what you want.’
And with that there were no more words between them. Only heavy pants and bruising bites and lots of kisses.
There were time when Bingge thought SY loved him. Maybe it was when he tried pulling out and SY locked his ankles around his hips begging him to stay inside. Maybe it was when he willingly put his arms above his head as Bingge restrained him roughly or maybe it was how he looked at him, tears falling, back arched trying to accommodate all that Bingge could give.
But Bingge would not think of that anymore. The peace talks commenced, the world condemned this stupid emperor. Honey trapped!! By a male courtesan at that!!
Most changed their mind and thought that they would be better off being a vassal state, cursing the emperor.
What the world didn’t know was the rivaling kingdom never meant to let them off. As drought became worse and tithes more absurd, the people only suffered.
Of course SY has had been slowly feeding the North intel with the help of ZZL. 🤩 He used his unique position to learn their schemes but did not tell Bingge.
At this time Bingge was essentially on house arrest, to ensure that they would push through with the treaty.
The Northern Consort schemed while his husband raised their joint army, readying to storm the rivaling kingdom.
They battle it out, and the forces of LBH and MBJ win decisively.
SY looks for Bingge, afraid of being left behind, of being disdained for the rest of his life.
In true palace intrigue fashion, he comes in time, just as someone was about to plunge a dagger into Bingge. He sacrifices himself instead.
There was no need I love yous or I’m sorrys. He knew he was loved. maybe it was a change of heart? Bingge thought.
But talking to MBJ, Bingge realized how wrong he had been. How painstakingly he helped, hiding in plain sight. And through it all, how he carried it all alone.
ZZL tended to his master choking back sobs. He could not help but feel aggrieved.
‘I should have stayed with him, this was all my fault. I should have never listened to him.’
‘What do you mean?’ Bingge arrived shortly after.
‘My master, told me to buy food in the city. I knew he was hiding something.
He left me a letter saying not to worry, that he’ll be running after the emperor’s envoy.’
‘I looked for him but only found his horse and drag marks in the soil. Later I heard he was taken by force.’
Bingge’s knees buckled from the weight of this revelation but he still crawled towards SY’s bed. How harsh had he treated him the first time they met again. How cruel were his words?
As Bingge grasped that gift SY painstakingly made for his birthday, he whispered, ‘SY, wake up, I will never wrong you again in this lifetime. Please wake up.’
But there was only a deafening silence in response.
SY woke up 5 days later, thank god that dagger was not poisoned or it would’ve been a different ending!!
Bingge tended to SY since then, practically a roundworm in his belly. The harem could NOT even visit him for long periods of time lest they draw the ire of a very jealous emperor!
Food was always prepared by Bingge. A truckload of new exquisite clothes was received. It was rumored that SY was so favoured that his palace was inlaid with gold, silver and precious stones.
But more than changes since then, they’ve decided to return to how they were. Bingge would visit him while SY played for him or sang. SY would frolic in the royal gardens, but this time Bingge would accompany him.
And when Bingge was invited to stay the night? They lay a white sheet on top of their bed rather quickly, yet spent the night in an almost torturous simmer. Getting reacquainted w e/o bodies between lots of hot kisses, bruising grips and soft laughter.
The outside world thought it was a truly ridiculous situation. A foolish emperor who surrendered it all for a male courtesan. And a male courtesan who was worth a whole kingdom, yet haphazardly threw his life for an impending puppet emperor.
But as the story was passed on, and the truth was revealed, the once absurd tale was changed to a story of an enduring love between the emperor and his favored male concubine.
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haechansdoll · 1 year
morning - lhc x reader
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Pairing : Lee Dongyuck x f!Reader
Description: morning fluff , cute and soft. (I am lately having this cute aggression towards haechan, I just wanna squish him, bite him and nom nom him AGHHHH STOPP skskks)
Warnings : none
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It was a frizzy autumn morning the first feeble ray of the rising sun peered through the window surpassing the light green curtains billowing softly in the wind, two lovebirds were still nestled in the soft bed placed against the wall of the room as the wind brushed over them they burrowed  better in the cocoon made of blankets of nay color.
He hugged her closer to his chest, his touch like a feather as he brushed aside a dark rebel lock covering her cheek he took his time admiring his princess the one and only woman who he has ever loved and who has ever showed anything but the deepest tender love she held only for him, he lost track of time as he stared in awe at her gorgeous features when her eyes fluttered open softly, sleep still clinging to them as she slowly focused her gaze on him, her eyes a bright shade of light green melting with light crinkles of golden he would have stared at all day never getting tired, affection and love dancing in them making them shine like fresh honey on a sunny day,  tenderness dripping over her smile as her hands curled on his heart leaping up with mirth at the soft intimate touch of her Queen taking her place on her throne that has always belonged to her alone, she was an irresistible temptation he felt drawn to like a bear to honey, he leaned closer disclosing his lips only to brush an achingly reverent kiss on her forehead .
“Good morning my princess.” his voice a soft murmur for her alone to ear
“Good morning my bear.” his fingers bolder as he brushed her dark locks in their proper place, his gaze full of promises as he melted his lips on hers.
She loved kisses of any kind for every time he disclosed a side of him for her alone to discover, precious treasure for them both was every kiss they shared, soft, deep and long, savored slowly like a spoonful of honey but way more sweeter.
It was a lovely kiss slow and unhurried as they took their time showing off their love to one another not caring about anything else, the world outside fading out, time slowed almost to a stop not bothering to disturb them in the slightest it would have been useless anyway to desire them to rush over, after a while, they desired to last longer, reluctantly they pulled away only to take breath, their gaze locked to one another mirroring nothing but lovestruck affection, bright green melting with chartreuse in a peculiar color that was only theirs, he hugged her closer to his chest leaving a kiss full of devotion on her hair making her smile even brighter, their voices murmuring sweet nothings to each other with light tender caress, the soft sound melting with the birds chirping outside.
His voice low and deep, sweet like honey as he professed his love unable to keep it hidden in his heart any longer
“I love you y/n.” her smile brightened her features, warming his whole heart with the scorching heat of her love
“I love you too Haechan.” it was unbelievable how these words always manage to make his heart melt completely, making him so happy as he never was unable to know what to do with himself, ready to obey her every order, doing everything and even more just to see that smile reward and precious treasure for his love, he so generously spoiled her with, unable to stay way from showering her with all his love.
They did not rush, nor hurried there was nothing to be anxious for anyway no one chiding him with duties, letting them savor each second of their married life away from the ruckus of the palace, who risked breaking them apart, nestled in a far away village in a cozy cottage hidden amidst the forest, their official duties was to strengthen the border, when needed, and keep an eye on the frontiers with Jade, cultivating in the meanwhile the good relationship between their countries.
Their heart beating in sync, filled with gratitude for that magical story they began to write since their childhood, their friendship nurturing the bud of that tender feeling bloomed to the fullest, a sweet continuation to his messy past, a balm and a reward to them both for sticking close no matter what, strengthening an unbreakable bond forged in blood and written in the stars like in a fairytale whose destiny they choose themselves, the beautiful and passionate tale of the bear and the princess written by their love.
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gildedcageif · 1 year
Gilded Cage
Nothing but ashes remain of your home. Your loved ones have all been taken from you overnight, leaving you all alone in the world. 
Fight, flee, cry, scream, rage. Seek revenge, find forgiveness, fall in love, break hearts. Poison, lie and sleep your way to the top of the imperial harem.
The golden chains wear down heavy on your pretty little neck. And they will do so until you break them.
You were still a child when the Zephyran hounds razed hell on your homeland. Overnight, everything and everyone you knew and loved withered before your eyes, claimed by the flame and the ashes.
You were fortunate enough -or unfortunate, depending on how you see it- to survive that fateful night. Instead, heavy chains were placed around your wrists and you were sent away to whoever would pay to own you.
Some masters were kinder than others. But captivity tastes just as bitter regardless of how opulent your cage is. 
And this is the most opulent cage you will ever be locked in. The Jade Palace is where you being shipped off to this time. The capital of the grand Zephyran Empire. The very same that ripped your childhood apart.
You have been selected to join the imperial harem of Sultan Ahmad, an honor bestowed only upon the most beautiful and worthy of servants.
Regardless of how you feel regarding this great 'honor', you are every bit as powerless to fight against it as you were to defend your homeland when the Zephyrans came for you.
Don't despair yet, child of the Ancients. There are many opportunities in the Jade Palace for those who wish to seek them. 
You may find yourself pulling the strings and changing the course of history, whispering in the ears of royalty, marching bravely into battle, even escaping and claiming your own freedom once and for all, away from this mess that was inflicted upon you. If you play your cards right, you may even one day become the parent of the next Sultan.
Beware however. There are many who will stand in your path. The worst enemies are hidden not in the shadows but amongst our closest of friends.
Gilded Cage is rated 18+ for explicit language, explicit sexual themes, graphic descriptions of violence and depictions of slavery. 
•Create your MC. Anything from what they look like to how they feel about their years of servitude and their arrival to the Jade Palace is for you to choose. Are you a conniving courtesan, set on claiming the crown for yourself? Do you merely wish for a life of peace after all these years of hardship? Do you have a single-minded focus on achieving your own freedom? If so, what are you willing to risk for it? 
•Define how others perceive you. You are no ordinary servant after all, you are a member of the Sultan's harem, and those around you are eager to watch your every move? The nobility, military and common folk will all form opinions based on what they hear of you, as will many important political figures like the Valide and the Grand Vizier. And of course it is better to be admired than mocked, ridiculed and despised...
•Engage in a world of intrigue and danger. The Zephyran Empire is deadly. The harem even more so. One wrong step and it will be off with your head, if the Sultan is feeling generous that day. Many plots and schemes are already in place by the time you arrive to the Palace. Some of which may or may not involve you. It is on you to uncover secrets, distinguish enemy from ally and keep yourself safe from the vipers of court. In these halls, few are truly innocent and you might be forced to get your own hands bloody.
•Climb the ranks of the imperial harem. How you achieve that is up to you! You may ally yourself to Valide Sultan, act as a mole for the Grand Vizier or even become a tutor for the young Prince! And of course, if you are willing to participate in some old fashioned seduction, the Sultan's bed -and his heart, if you are capable enough- is the road to unimaginable power and wealth, but also danger.
•Change the course of history. Raise the next Sultan, assassinate your enemies, encourage a military uprising, cause a shift in the religious establishment, become a general, an advisor, even a Haseki. If you are daring enough to bare the consequences of failure. Your actions will have farfetched consequences for the future of the Zephyran Empire and the wider world. So be wary. History has its eye on you.
Romantic Options
The Sultan of the Zephyran Empire: Ahmad
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You have heard of him only in hushed whispers and screams of terror. He rules en empire stretching far across the east and west. He is the master of the hounds that raided and destroyed your home. He took everything from you and now he owns you. Still, your very survival depends on his whims.
Yet, when you come face to face with the Lion of the East, he seems less monstrous than you had expected...
The Grand Vizier: Selim
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He has had an eye on you since you first entered the palace. And not for good reasons. He may very well be the second most powerful man in the empire-after the Sultan of course- and he seems to have decided you are a threat to his master.
Getting him on your side might just be the thing you need to propel yourself in the court. If you manage to do that anyway. Selim is known as a tough man to charm, but who knows what hides underneath.
The Valide Sultan: Nazli
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The Sultan may rule the world, but have no doubt his mother rules the harem and she does so with an iron fist. She controls everything. Who does the chores, how much gold each maid is afforded, who gets to enter the Sultan's chambers. She has her finger on the pulse of the harem. She wants things a certain way and she will have things a certain way. This Queen Dowager is every bit as much of a lion as her son.
She is distant, but not unkind. Most importantly, she can raise you to the highest of highs or doom you to the dungeons in less than a glance. You will have to earn her respect before she accepts you into the inner circle.
The Favourite (?): Meryem
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Meryem is the most beloved of the Sultan's concubines. Or rather she was. For unknown reason, it seems she has fallen out of his favour. Rumor is it has been a year since he asked for her.
Still, her position remains significant as the mother to the only son of the Sultan. Her son, Mustafa, in combination with the support she receives from the Grand Vizier has helped her hold onto her power.
But her position remains insecure while the Sultan's eyes wander. You could intergrate yourself amongst her closest companions. Or you could be the downfall she so fears.
The Artist: Emil De Angelis
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Emil is a... controversial presence at court to say the least. He was raised from a starving artist to the next big sensation by the Sultan overnight. He has been involved in several projects ever since, whether that be art, poetry, singing or architecture. Known around court for his -perhaps a bit too daring- wit and charming smirk, it is hard not to notice him.
He is also the closest to a friendly face you have at court. Emil has handpicked you as his next side project of sorts. The new thing he will concern himself with to fill up his time. You will have his support in whatever you strive for.
Be warned though. Emil acts with ulterior motives as much as anyone else at court.
The Childhood Friend (shouldn't they be dead?): Helena
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You thought you had lost them. They died in your arms. You held her body. You carried it. You buried it.
Now they are back. Somehow they have returned from beyond the grave.
The worst part?
They don't even remember you.
Asks: Open
Demo: https://href.li/?https://cookie-bun.itch.io/gilded-cage
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bloopitynoot · 16 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 7
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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A new day a new chapter! Today we get into the Water Prison. The real question: will Shen Qingqiu actually make it out?
No Charlie pics today, I have been abandoned at my reading/writing station, but I do have tea! Tea today is a blueberry jasmine.
Let's get into it!!!!
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What the fuck?! Is this an acid lake? p89
Dang it really is crazy how after two accusations with zero evidence or proof that Shen Qingqiu actually did anything, he get's locked up in maximum security prison. p89
Right now I'm having war flashbacks from MDZS -> another protagonist out here doing their best with the rest of the world just making shit up about them for fun. RE: Little Palace mistress and her delusions of what SQQ did. She literally even says- he didnt say you did anything but I have a vibe. Like what? p91
We are gathered here today to all witness how Shen Qingqiu is once again refusing to acknowledge that he is indeed the Love Interest. Honestly, does anyone ever tell him? I live for the day the system changes his classification from villain to Love interest and actually tells him this. Idk if it happens, but now I need it to happen. Re: "what fit even less was the fact, in the original work, the Little Palace Mistress's refined iron whip had only been used for attacking love rivals" p93
Luo Binghe to the rescue!! p94 just catching that whip
Okay but when SQQ states that something is wrong with the script- is he actually on the path to understanding? or still clueless? I hope he sort of realizes what's happening, because dang this guy has 0 idea Luo Binghe would kill for him p95
OOP. "There is no need for Shizun to be so wary. If I wished to do something to you, I wouldn't need to touch you at all" p96
Re: point above about "is he understanding?" *deep sigh * SQQ has not learned at all and refuses to actively listen. He is still trying to follow the old script p.97. Okay but I do love how this guy is accidentally getting himself (in a weird way) romanced.
I honestly am pretty sure this is a dating sim XD "*to the system* Do you think we're playing a dating sim?!" p99
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omg torture via demon blood is horrible. Like this is a worst nightmare, having little bugs in your organs NO THANKS. p101
I'm crying LOOOOOL two options; 1. the fake jade guanyin. 2. [Activate Small Scene Pusher] and gets his CLOTHES ripped off. Bro is now the lead in a period bodice ripper XD p102
*face palm* "Does it just take advantage of Luo Binghe's physiological disgust upon seeing a man's half-naked body?" p104. no my man, it is not disgust
oh no, giving him his outer robe made it more scandalous p104
RIP confirmed that that is the previous canon's sex robe p106
literally everyone has a feeling about what's up. Gongyi Xiao is eyeing SQQ, see's the robe and does indeed assume things about SQQ and Luo Binghe. How stupid is SQQ??? p107
Re: the note from Shang Qinghua to SQQ. Shang Qinghua is also an idiot, this guy had 1 job and that was to not fuck up the mushrooms. he goofed this exponentially. RIP those mushrooms. p109
Welp. Gongyi Xiao is realizing that Luo BInghe may not be as pure of heart as he thought p112
it's so much worse though- he really thinks that Luo Binghe assaulted SQQ and is now helping SQQ escape. p113
meanwhile SQQ is living in his own universe LOL no idea these are the assumptions. Also, IDK what's going to happen when Luo Binghe inevitably see's SQQ in Gongyi Xiao's robe. RIP GYX p115
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Okay but SQQ I too would freak the fuck out if I had a walking/wake dream. Meng Mo's realm is no joke. p120-121
Dang Luo Binghe has become so strong. This dreamscape is insane. pp 124-126
again with the clothes ripping. I hope one day they enjoy this consensually. p127 (blessed be this canon for the fanfics)
in which SQQ does not realize that the fight in the dreamscape is indeed not a fight- it is most definitely foreplay. p128
I fucking KNEW IT Luo Binghe was NOT pleased with SQQ wearing Gongyi Xiao's robe. LOOOL. p130
but also I don't know what became of GYX but let's take a moment to remember him, I am sure he did not make it.
oh gosh more tragic SQQ backstory :( p132
I am glad I clocked it in the last chapter. Something was so fishy about the family that took him in and his "betrothal" my heart for SQQ :( :( :( p134
Okay get it Ning YinYing!!!! Re: her talking shit to and about Little Palace Mistress to her face! p138
yes she got slapped but still she did a pretty good job! and her sect siblings have her back.
That is it for today!!
Oh god. ofc we leave on a cliffhanger with a shady guy ready to super saiyan AND the next chapter is ominously titled "Death". I am not prepared for this!
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anxiescape · 1 month
I warned you >:3
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Gimme your latest snippets!!!!!
Aww, but I have so many!!! 😭😭😭
Hmm… you only get a maximum of 3 snippets per ask. (because I don’t want the post to get too long lol)
#1: Celestial Bodies
I know people were pretty excited about this fic (I am too tbh), so here’s a little snippet for the time being. This takes place after Macaque has fallen into a magical slumber, and he has been locked away in the highest room of Lao Tzu’s tower.
“Lao Tzu. Tell me what you have done.” The wise old god smiled, a proud gleam in his eye. “Oh, I have done much, Your Majesty. That ape won’t be waking, not even if a flock of roosters were to crow at the foot of his bed. No, not even if you were to set flame to his tail! No noise, no light, no pain will stir him from his slumber.” The god stroked his beard as he chuckled gleefully to himself. “Only the strongest of magic could have any chance of rousing him, and I can assure you that none other than you and me possess that power.” However, the Jade Emperor was not completely assured. “And what do you have in the way of his protection? What security do you have in place should Sun Wukong come for him?” Lao Tzu brushed away the emperor’s concern with a lazy wave of his hand. “Fear not. I am well prepared. I have guards patrolling the entirety of my palace, and a handful set aside specifically to guard his chamber. I then took two of the finest lightning dragons from the hatchery and set them to guard the doors of the tower. They will kill any that cross their path, except for me. Should they fail, however,” Lao Tzu scoffed incredulously at the very notion. “Then there is a seal on the door, that no measure of brute force can break through. It will respond only to my touch. And following that, I have cast a cocoon of vines to cover Macaque’s resting place. They are thorned and poisonous, with a toxin that would bring even the strongest celestial soldier to his knees in unbearable, paralyzing agony. Should any demon make it that far, they wouldn’t be able to so much as touch the hem of Macaque’s robes before becoming fully incapacitated.” Lao Tzu puffed up his chest, clearly rather proud of his work. “I worked hard developing that toxin. One drop is enough to stop the hearts of a whole pack of full grown tigers.” The Jade Emperor gave a small nod. Lao Tzu had gone above and beyond, as usual. Should any demons manage to breach Heaven’s gates again, then there was no chance they would reach the Six-Eared Macaque before they were dealt with. No, not even the Monkey King himself would succeed in rescuing the slumbering, star-speckled simian. Sun Wukong would never steal from the Jade Emperor again. “And as a final touch…” From the depths of his sleeve, Lao Tzu pulled out a single red flower petal. “Before I left, I placed a peony in Macaque’s hands.” The Jade Emperor tilted his head, confused. “And what purpose does it serve?” “Oh, nothing serious.” Lao Tzu turned the petal over in his hand, as if studying the fragile little thing. “Tell me, do you know what the red peony represents?” “No,” the Emperor admitted coolly, wondering where exactly the other was going with this. “I do not.” “It represents love. A deep passion and yearning for another person.” Lao Tzu’s smile turned somewhat wicked as he closed his fingers over the flower petal, crumbling it to dust in his palm. “That flower serves as nothing more than a bit of well placed irony. Wouldn’t you agree?”
#2: Stargaze
Next, how about another Stargaze snippet? I had originally picked a different snippet for this, but it was too spoiler-y and added a gore tag and I just figured: ehh, why not give a little bit of Mama Liu instead? Who doesn’t love Mama Liu?
This snippet is short, but that’s because its scene isn’t super planned out yet (even though it happens in the next couple of chapters 😬). It’s just Liu’er getting sick for the first time and his mama comforting him.
“Shhh…” Liu gave a few soft chirps, to which Liu’er responded instinctively, albeit weakly. Liu gently shushed him again, her cool fingers a relief against his burning skin. “Rest, my little star cub. You’ll feel better soon.”
#3: The Last of the Shadows
And lastly, hmm… how about a Last Shadows snippet? My current hyperfixation.
In this snippet, Macaque is one of the monkeys that has been captured by the Demon King of Havoc. 🤭
The little ones were the first to die. The normal monkeys, who didn’t speak the common language or understand what orders were being given. Without an ounce of magic in their bodies, they were useless when it came to doing the back-breaking work that they were all given. Macaque had no idea why any of them had even been taken, other than the Havoc King and his goons must have been too stupid to tell the difference between a plain monkey and a yaoguai monkey. And when it became clear to their captors that the little ones would be of no use, they were taken away, slaughtered, and eaten. “You better be on your best behavior!” One minion sneered between the bars of their cages. “Our king has developed a taste for ape flesh.” Of course, most of them hadn’t taken the threat to heart. They were all hard workers. It wouldn’t make sense to butcher the workforce just for a simple meal. But then the first yaoguai monkey was taken. A female gibbon, with sand-colored fur and dark gray skin and a white face marking. Macaque wasn’t sure of her name—Yuxi, maybe? But he wished he had known more about her before her end. He wished he knew her story, so that he could pass it on, but all he could do was watch and yell in dismay as she was dragged out of the dungeon by a couple of guards, a look of pure terror in her eyes. She didn’t return. But the next morning, her bones were tossed onto the dungeon floor as a warning to the others: keep up with the work, or die.
And that’s it! If you want more, then send another ask for more snippets. 😤 (👉👈)
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ikeprinces-stuff · 3 months
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[𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐰]
Male OC x Reader [OC: Vernard Mürrisch(?)]
Starlight Prompt : Full moon 🌕
~ Fluff
Words : 480
I seem to like writing about my OC more ahaha...my bad 😅😅😅
Hosted by : @violettduchess & @lorei-writes
Content warning : none
Under the cloak of night, the full moon bathed the kingdom of roses in a soft, silver glow. Prince Vernard Mürrisch, a man known for his calm and balanced demeanor, stood atop the balcony of the palace, his piercing jade eyes locked onto the celestial body in the sky. His white hair, reminiscent of the fur of a white lynx, gleamed in the moonlight, adding to his aura of mystery and intrigue.
I had been tasked with choosing the next king for our beloved Rhodolite. But little did I know that the decision would be more complex than I had initially thought. For Prince Vernard, the full moon seemed to hold a special significance, something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. "Why do you always watch the moon in full, Verny?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as to not disturb the silence of the night. The prince turned to me, a soft smile playing on his lips. "It's a personal matter," he replied, his voice smooth and soothing like the gentle waves of the ocean. "Let's just say that the full moon calls out to me, and I am compelled to answer its call." I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I looked into his eyes, which seemed to hold a world of secrets. I had heard whispers of his obsession with protecting people, of how he called himself their guardian. But what did the full moon have to do with any of that? "The moon represents change," Vernard said, as if sensing my thoughts. "It's a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there's always light to be found. And as a guardian, I believe it's my duty to be that light for those in need." His words resonated within me, speaking to my guarded heart and reminding me of the importance of hope in the face of adversity. And as I watched the full moon with Prince Vernard by my side, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and understanding. For it was in that moment that I realized that being a guardian, a protector, wasn't just about physical strength or power, but about being a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness. "Thank you," Vernard said, his voice filled with gratitude and warmth. "For choosing me to be your guardian. I promise to uphold the trust you have placed in me." And with that, we turned our gaze back to the moon, as it disappeared behind the clouds, leaving us with nothing but the starlight to guide us on our journey. But even in the darkness, we knew that we were not alone. For the full moon had left its mark on us, a reminder that change was always possible, and that light would always triumph over darkness.
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dangermousie · 2 months
Honey, you are now out of jail/not executed because I agreed to become your brother's concubine. GOD I MISS OLD DRAMAS
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This was so angsty, so delicious!!!!
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I start sniffling EVERY TIME
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Dude, you are taking her from the husband she loves, this is gonna go SWIMMINGLY
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Honestly, this is my fave sequence in the drama! The way he echoes her...
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I want to roll in this! The whole set up reminds me a bit of Ruby putting up with Wallace so Kevin Yan would live in Glamorous Imperial Concubine (same vintage mmm. Maybe next on my rewatch?)
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Longing for the Love We Left - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Based upon the card for his upcoming birthday story event
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Prompt: Gilbert's second birthday
Tags: none
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The bell rang loudly, announcing the arrival of yet another customer. You put your quill down - you would have to finish transcribing the list of newly acquired books later. Looking up, you felt a stab of disappointment as you saw a woman and her young child enter the store.
One year.
It had been exactly one year since you had celebrated his birthday. One year since you parted as you finished your role as Belle. One year since you returned to your old life at the bookstore. 
One year since you had last seen him, touched him.
He had one year to find you. You knew he certainly could if he wanted to; he had eyes and ears everywhere in the palace. With one eye, he saw more than what most saw with two. 
He saw more in you than anyone ever before. 
You pushed those thoughts out of your head as you helped the customer select a fairy tale to read to her child at night. Soon after she left, you resumed your duties at the desk, your mind plagued by him. Sighing loudly, your breath puffed up a loose strand of your hair, memories of Gilbert seared in your head.
As time dragged on, more and more customers stopped in. An elderly couple. A teacher. A group of friends. With each new customer came another sharp stab of pain straight through your heart. 
“Are you going to be okay here alone?” your boss asked as he was getting ready to close the store. 
“Yeah,” you replied, your eyes glued to the parchment before you, your quill scratching softly on its surface. “I want to get this inventory finished. Christmas is in a few days; I expect things will be very busy the next few days.” No ulterior motives in staying late, you told yourself.
“Goodnight then. See you tomorrow.”
The bell rang again, this time announcing you were all alone. All alone with your thoughts of the worldwide disaster who refused to leave your mind.
“This is ridiculous,” you muttered aloud to no one, as you gazed sadly out the window. “He’s not coming.”
Your lids felt heavy as you continued to work; words blurred on the page as the sky turned from blue to black.
The ball rang again, loudly disrupting your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, we’re closed,” you said without looking up, mildly annoyed that your boss had neglected to lock the door.
“Even for me?” 
A delicious chill crept up your spine as you slowly lifted your head; your lips lifted into a small smile as your eyes met his. He came; he actually came. 
“You see, today is my birthday,” Gilbert said as he slowly approached you, his cane loudly tapping the wooden floor. “And I was looking for a certain book.”
He pulled the book on top of the pile of those remaining to be inventories. “This.” He handed you the book, its rich leather cover ornately engraved in gold leaf. “This is the one.”
“Bedtime Fairy Tales from the Kingdom of Jade,” you read aloud. Stifling a laugh, you returned the book to the pile. “I’m sure this is what brought you here.”
He stood there, clad in black, leaning on his slender cane; his gaze soft and tender as he stared straight into your soul, stirring up everything you had been feeling that day. 
Staring back in silence, your insides twisted. Gone was the fear you once felt when alone with this man.
But what was it replaced with?
He smiled at you wistfully as he turned on his heel and began to walk away. Just as I thought, you heard him mutter. 
Or did he say - just as I feared?
Letting out a shaky breath, your heart pounded as you pushed  aside the books. Rising out of your seat, you followed after the Obsidian prince. It took him a year, but he came back for you; you weren’t about to let him go now.
“Don’t...” You wrapped your arms around his waist, his cloak thick and cool. “Don’t go.” You pressed your cheek against his furry collar, holding his body close to yours. Sighing, you breathed in his familiar scent; how you longed for this, to be this close to him once more.
He turned his face, his rose-red eye glancing down at you, your small figure tight against his. He twined his gloved fingers in yours and pulled your arms tighter against him, enjoying your warmth.
“How will you celebrate this year?” he asked, his lips parted in a small smile “Of course, you won’t run away… ?”
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @atelieredux @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @devildomwritersposts @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @gilbertvonobsidian
He turned in your arms; cupping your cheek in his hand, you nuzzled against his cool touch. You looked up at him with a smile. No intentions of ever running away again, your mind now was only filled with thoughts of how to celebrate him this year and every year after.
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qserasera · 1 year
almost-autumnal weather has me in some kind of mood, so i'm looking for some harem cdrama recs, or at least ones that adjacent to that in a social intrigue/courtyard drama way
i know @tavina-writes Tried to help me with this previously (unsuccessfully :'')) seeing as i had seen like. most of them ; w ; but im just listing out most of the ones i Have seen so maybe someone has some other suggestions?? (*whispers* if @dangermousie has some recs i would love them)
harem/courtyard/social intrigue-related cdramas i have seen legend of zhen huan/empresses in the palace story of yanxi palace story of ming lan (my beloved!!) bu bu jing xin jade palace lock heart the sword and the brocade (went over halfway, dropped) chang feng du love like the galaxy unchained love the eternal love (watched s1 and s2 dropped later) the rebel princess aka monarch industry (watched like 60% of this, dropped)
bonus mention of not harem dramas, but extra dramas i've liked a lot twisted fate of love a dream of splendor new life begins (enjoyed this a reasonable amount) joy of life im not fond of super-tragic endings and prefer happier endings overall, so i've been avoiding legend of ruyi. also prefer competent heroines with all things considered so.....any help with any recommendations??
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A Definitive (See: Extremely Subjective) Ranking of (Not All) Yu Zheng Dramas
With the Double airing, it has occurred to me that despite all of my critiques of Yu Zheng, I have watched quite a number of Yu Zheng dramas. Two reasons: (1) I do love a palace makjang, and Yu Zheng wrote a lot of them before harem dramas got banned, and (2) Yu Zheng is a prolific producer.
Disclaimer: despite everything, I have not seen Female Prime Minister.
So a definitively, extremely subjective, rank of Yu Zheng dramas.
Gong 1 aka Jade Palace Lock Heart. A plot that is banned these days. Modern girl time travels back to Qing dynasty, specifically during the Kangxi era, and gets mixed up in the dynastic battle between the 4th prince and the 8th prince. Starring Yang Mi and Feng Shao Feng. Copious plagiarism from Hana Yori Dango/Meteor Shower, FL advises a Kangxi concubine to rollerblade her way into seduction, and the start of Yu Zeng's neon era. Does it have the cerebral gut punch that Bu Bu Jin Xin gave? Nope. But it remains an extremely fun watch. Only 35 episodes.
Scheme of Beauty/Beauties Rival in the Palace (the first one, I have not seen subsequent ones). An extremely fictional story about Empress Dou of Han, played by Ruby Lin, also featuring Yang Mi, Feng Shao Feng, and Luo Jin, back when he was still playing the second ML. There is some plagiarism scandal attached to it, but I will say that plot wise it's probably the most tightly written of all Yu Zheng works.
Yanxi Palace. I admit, I am a Legend of Ruyi girl through and through, but upon re-watch, honestly Yanxi Palace is so fun. It is a later era Yu Zheng, when he's no longer as restrained by thing like "put less plot armor on your main characters," but it is probably the drama that plays best into Yu Zheng's strength, aka a fun makjang.
Gong 2. Was Yu Zheng trying to rip off Zhen Huan? Yes. BUT it's a fun watch with albeit VERY NEON outfits.
Legend of Haolan. The story about Qin Shi Huang's mother. Wu Jinyan playing a very Wei Yingluo character, so enjoyable watch, but also it felt very ... Yu Zheng madlibs.
Ban Shu Legend. The costumes were fugly. But I actually enjoyed the chemistry between Zhang Zhehan and Jing Tian. The plot is a mess though, I can't even describe it.
Untouchable Lovers. It was a mess! but! it's like a whose who of Yu Zheng's current talent roster.
Swordsman. Yes, I'm putting it below Untouchable Lovers because that drama was at least aesthestically pleasing. Swordsman was Yu Zheng's peak neon era and if there is one thing Yu Zheng should have no business touching, it is a classic wuxia.
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welshoot · 1 month
Genshin Impact Timeline: Analysis and Theory (Part 2: Mythic period)
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This is the second part of my theoretical timeline for Genshin Impact Lore. Part 1 (Ancient History) can be read here. I put the rest under-the-cut because it gets rather lengthy. I didn’t exactly know where this section falls, so I just put it here on its own since the so-called ‘Ancient Calamity most certainly happened quite some time ago, it is worth mentioning that this may have all occurred before the Second One Who Came since the only dating used for this period is Rex Lapis/Morax. There are definite spoilers below for pretty much all of the Genshin Impact storyline  and this is a VERY long post so please beware!
The Moon Sisters (named Aria, Sonnet, and Canon, respectively) are odd entities that may or may not be mythical and are mentioned in several in-game book collections and alluded to in many other sources from Mondstadt, Liyue, and Sumeru, respectively [Book: Heart’s Desire: Sapphire Volume 3]. Assuming they are real though, as has been implied a few times, then they were once some of the oldest beings in Teyvat alongside the Seelie, with the Seelie supposedly having been an ancient race that may have been part of the single, unified nation that spanned all of Teyvat {Artifact: Flower of Paradise Lost - Amethyst Crown]. Interestingly, the Moon Sisters are stated as being specifically older than Morax, but their deaths seem to have coincided with when he was young, though it is worth noting here that it's implied that two died and the third locked herself up in her palace [Book: Moonlit Bamboo Forest Volume 3, Artifact: Vermillion Hereafter - Solar Relic, Weapon: Moonpiercer]. The Moon sisters are described as rulers of the night sky who rode through the heavens in a silver carriage, taking turns regarding which one of them was the actual ruler of the night sky. These sisters were apparently in love with the morning stars, and that love was equal to the love the sisters held for each other. At some point these sisters were witnesses to a marriage between a Seelie ancestor and an outlander (also described as a traveler from afar who could possibly be the Second One Who Came) that took place at the Lunar Palace [Book: Records of Jueyun Volume 4, Nahida 2nd Story Quest]. Thirty days after this, ‘The Ancient Calamity’ that overturned the heavens and earth happened. The lovers (Seelie and outlander) attempted to flee, but the calamity caught up to them. As punishment, the two were separated for eternity and their memories wiped. The Seelie, as a group, were heartbroken, withered away and shed pieces of themselves, creating the Seelie we see in game [Book: Records of Jueyun Volume 4]. The Aranara's claim that the Seelie were cursed at birth to lose their form should they ever fall in love with a human, might refer to this [World Quest: Aranayaka]. The Ancient Calamity also overturned the sisters' carriage and ransacked ‘the palace of the stars’ with the sisters turning on each other, and some sources state that it ended in all three, or just two, dying [Artifact: Vermillion Hereafter - Solar Relic Weapon: Moonpiercer]. Notably, the moon in Teyvat and the moon in the spiral abyss are said to be the corpses of two of the sisters [Book: Moonlit Bamboo Forest Volume 3]. Notably, the presence of just two moons for two bodies, does support the idea that one sister did survive. Around this same time the Solar chariot, which was piloted by the morning stars, fell into the plains west of Liyue and created the Chasm and the place that would become Dunyu Ruins [Artifact: Vermillion Hereafter - Solar Relic, Book: Records of Jueyun Volume 6 - Hidden Jade]. Supposedly, the wolves remember the tragedy of the moon sisters and now refer to the morning stars as ‘the grievous stars’ implying they had a hand in the Ancient Calamity [Book: Moonlit Bamboo Forest Volume 3]. It is possible that this Ancient Calamity could be the war that occurred between the Primordial One and the Second One Who Came, and the calamity itself has something to do with the Forbidden Knowledge that was introduced to the world by King Nibelung [Nahida 2nd Story Quest]. If that is the case, then the war may have broken out if the Primordial One was against the marriage between the Seelie ancestor and the Second One Who Came. Interestingly, Nabu Malikata, a supposed descendant of the Seelie, is suggested to have been the one who gave King Deshret access to Forbidden Knowledge and the idea that Seelie are banned from loving humans lest they lose their forms [Artifact: Flower of Paradise Lost - Secret Keeper’s Magic Bottle, Book: The Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin].
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