euphietea · 4 months
Yakuza Reference List.
It's not perfect. I just stuck the articles I downloaded from my university into Mendeley :' ).
Nicaso, A., & Danesi, M. (2021). Organized crime : A cultural introduction. Taylor & Francis Group.
Adelstein, J. (2010). The Last Yakuza. World Policy Journal, Summer 2010, 63–71.
Alkemade, R. (n.d.). “Outsiders amongst outsiders”: A cultural criminological perspective on the sub-subcultural world of women in the yakuza underworld.
Art Museum Baltimore, W. (1912). 56 Other criminal organizations.
Baradel, M. (2021a). The rise of shaming paternalism in Japan: recent tendencies in the Japanese criminal justice system. Trends in Organized Crime, 24(1), 23–41. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12117-019-09357-8
Baradel, M. (2021b). Yakuza Grey: The Shrinking of the Il/legal Nexus and its Repercussions on Japanese Organised Crime. Global Crime, 22(1), 74–91. https://doi.org/10.1080/17440572.2020.1813114
Baradel, M., & Bortolussi, J. (2021). Under a setting sun: the spatial displacement of the yakuza and their longing for visibility. Trends in Organized Crime, 24(2), 209–226. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12117-020-09398-4
Bosmia, A., Griessenauer, C. J., & Tubbs, S. (2014). Yubitsume: ritualistic self-amputation of proximal digits Among the yakuza. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.5249/jivr.v6i2.489
DeMello, M. (2014). Tattoos. Inked Tattoos and Body Art, 325–336.
Hill, P. (2014). The Japanese Yakuza CHAPTER 11. https://www.ebsco.com/terms-of-use
Hoshino, T., & Kamada, T. (2021). Third-Party Policing Approaches Against Organized Crime: An Evaluation of the Yakuza Exclusion Ordinances. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 37(3), 791–811. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-020-09466-6
Japan’s_black_market_Yakuza,_. (n.d.).
Kaplan, D. E., & Dubro, Alec. (2012). Yakuza : Japan’s criminal underworld. University of California Press.
Kawasaki, T. (2010). Big Investment Fraud and “Yakuza Money” Crime - Two Perspectives of Financial Crime in Japan. Asian Journal of Criminology, 5(2), 89–98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-010-9091-6
kersten-1993-street-youths-bosozoku-and-yakuza-subculture-formation-and-societal-reactions-in-japan. (n.d.).
Méndez, C. F. (2020). Women’s Involvement in Organised Crime and Drug Trafficking: A Comparative Analysis of the Sinaloa and Yamaguchi-gumi Organisations. In The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women: Shifting the Needle (pp. 159–168). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83982-882-920200022
Nako, J. (1997a). Yakuza Bride. Amerasia Journal, 23(2), 177–180. https://doi.org/10.17953/amer.23.2.d238m624853q1154
Nako, J. (1997b). Yakuza Bride. Amerasia Journal, 23(2), 177–180. https://doi.org/10.17953/amer.23.2.d238m624853q1154
Neary, I. (2021). Corrupt practices? A comment on yakuza involvement. In Dōwa Policy and Japanese Politics (pp. 222–228). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003127994-9
Newsham, G. F. (2019). Japan’s Yakuza-still alive, and yes, they do matter. Journal of Financial Crime, 26(4). https://doi.org/10.11OSJFC-12-2018-0138
Organized Crime A Cultural Introduction 8 The Women. (n.d.).
Siniawer, E. M. (2012). Befitting bedfellows: Yakuza and the state in modern Japan. Journal of Social History, 45(3), 623–641. https://doi.org/10.1093/jsh/shr120
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gunnygazette-blog · 1 year
Who you play counts.  Well, this will set the rankings until the end of the year stuff…  If you see a *, just know I can’t explain to you the mental gymnastics that it took to get that number...most of the others I can...
Rnk Prev
 1    1  (SFG) Sorry-Ass Champs (10-0)
 2    2  (SFW) Waskily-Weasels (10-0)  
 3    3  (SFB) Angry Fairies (9-0)  
 4    5  (BCA) The Newest Comic-als (8-2)
 5    4  (DR) Du-vowel Raid (9-1)  
 6    7  (TSP) Pee-Rats (9-1)    
 7    6  (NGW) North Weasels (10-0)  
 8    8  (WCS) A.R.M.Y. (8-2)  
 9    9  (GC) Hooded Snakes (9-1)  
10  12  (BCB) Cow-Pups (6-3-1*)  
11  10  (SF) Chicken-hawks (6-3-1*)  
12  14  (DP) Du-vowel Kitties (6-3)
13  13  (MS) Otha Sparties (6-4)  
14  11  (BAR) D-League Champs (6-4)
15  15  (DCR) Mee-ah-Mee Raid  (5-5)  
16  16  (GG) Water-Lizzies (6-3-1*)
17  18  (SFJ) Southern Spotted Kitties (5-4-1)  
18  17  (GIG) Grizzled-ones (6-4)
19  19  (OA) A-meri-cant’s (4-6)        
20  21  (LJ) Jesters (4-6)    
21  20  (LCS) Bad Weather (5-4-1*)  
22  22  (ECS) Minners (4-5-1*)    
23  23  (WC) Raincoads (5-3)  
24  26  (EO) F-Criminals (4-5-1*)
25  25  (PSR) Rubber Snakes (4-4)  
26  24  (FJ) Tampa spotted Kitties (3-7)  
27  27  (PB) My lil’ Ponies (4-6)  
28  29  (GB) No-Sho Bruins (0-6)      
29  31  (SGP) Otha Kitties (2-7)        
30  30  (SB) Otha Bull-pups (1-9*)
31  28  (SFL) King Kitties (2-8)    
32  33  (CCL) Hybrid Kitties (1-6*)
33  32  (PBC) Concrete Shoes (3-7)
34  34  (SER) Reaps (2-6-1)      
35  35  (NO) N-Criminals (0-9)
36  37  (TT) Striped Kitties (0-10)          
37  36  (OP) Ghosts (2-4)
38  38  (JSH) Iron Chickens (0-9*-1*)
39  39  (MV) Corpse Munchers (0-10)  
40  40  (HCH) Feather Dusters (3-7)
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Digital Tools and Data Mining Woman’s History
I knew going into this topic that woman’s history is incredibly underserved.  My own research into Carrie Rossetter has shown that. But I had no idea that it was quite as bas as described here.  When looking at data mining various journals, only 6% were actually seen as substantially about woman’s history between 1985 and 2005, as shown by Sharon Block and David Newman in “What, Where, When and Sometimes Why: Data Mining Two Decades of Women’s History Abstracts[1]”.  The authors determined this through two main methods, one being word frequency counting, and the second being topic modeling as a data mining method. Further examination determined that much of this history being investigated was for North America, with about half of all abstracts relating back to the region[2].  
Block explains that while this work is ground breaking, it was also surprising for many reasons. They had to get explicit permission from the publisher to allow for so many charts, and she encountered many people who commented on the technical nature of their use being an obstacle[3].  It was also outdated by the time it was published as a result of the unusual nature of the topic and difficulties publishing.  All of this however created a fascinating result in showing how underserved this topic of history really is, despite decades of articulating the need to bring women into historical discussion.  Using such massive amounts of data, as over 30,000 abstracts were found to be about woman and analyzed furthur, the tables become necessary to easily understand the data.  Without them, and there are many to show the various aspects of Blocks research, all of the numbers would really be lacking in context.            
This particular article does not have much of an argument to it however.  While that is fairly common in digital history projects, especially those that work with public history, its argued that having an argument is necessary[4].  This engages with other historians and gives validity to the digital history field, while demonstrating the utility of digital tools.  In the case of data mining woman’s history though, it seems the argument is self-made after the analysis; there really isn’t as much scholarship as there should be.  While the project presented by Block does not start with this thesis, it certainly ends that way.  Having data like this in a cold factual manner gives credence and evidence for anecdotes for historians and still has its uses.  
But having a thesis demonstrated in a clear way using digital tools also creates a narrative that is more common to academic historians and the public alike.  For historians, it is something familiar that can be brought to question for further research and scrutiny.  For the public, this gives them a reason to interact with the project at all, and creates an interest in the argument and evidence used that otherwise many not be there.  While work examining woman’s history through abstracts has a place, an argument can be essential to a project’s utility and value for digital and academic historians a like.  This is a good reminder for places like Eatonville and the Hungerford School, that while their respective and intertwined narratives are important, giving an argument for them makes it impactful and garners public interest.  What that argument might be yet is unclear, but such projects should be created with a thesis in mind as a result.      
[1] Block, Sharon, and Newman, David J.. “What, Where, When and Sometimes Why: Data Mining Two Decades of Women’s History Abstracts,” Journal of Women's History 23, no. 1 (2011): 81–109, http://doi.org/10.1353/jowh.2011.0001.
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Robertson, Stephen, and Lincoln A. Mullen. “Arguing with Digital History: Patterns of Historical Interpretation,” Journal of Social History 54, no. 4 (2021): 1005–1022, https://doi.org/10.1093/jsh/shab015.
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thundergrace · 2 years
Police report
August 8, 2022
After several delays, “The Flash” is currently set to hit theaters on June 23, 2023.
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almajaimessoto · 4 years
De Orellana, Margarita, Jill Derais, Janet Long, Quentin Pope, José Francisco Román Gutiérrez, Leticia Ivonne Del Río Hernández, Paige Mitchell, Eduardo Merlo, Michelle Suderman, Clara Marín, Iván Pérez Téllez, Robert D. Bruce, Salvador Novo, and Paco Ignacio Taibo. "Chili Peppers: Ancient Fruits." Artes De México, no. 126 (2017): 73-88. Accessed November 30, 2020. doi:10.2307/45198997.
Earle, Rebecca. The Oxford Handbook of Food History. Edited by Jeffrey M. Pilcher. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. The Columbian Exchange
Edgar, Blake. “The Power of Chocolate.” Accessed November 30, 2020. https://archive.archaeology.org/1011/abstracts/chocolate.html
Leissle, Kristy. “Cosmopolitan Cocoa Farmers: Refashioning Africa in Divine Chocolate Advertisements.” Journal of African Cultural Studies 24, no. 2 (2012): 121–39. https://doi.org/10.1080/13696815.2012.736194
Loveman, Kate. “The Introduction of Chocolate into England: Retailers, Researchers, and Consumers, 1640-1730.” Journal of Social History 47, no. 1 (2013): 27–46. https://doi.org/10.1093/jsh/sht050
Norton, Marcy. “Tasting Empire: Chocolate and the European Internalization of Mesoamerican Aesthetics.” The American Historical Review 111, no. 3 (2006): 660–91. https://doi.org/10.1086/ahr.111.3.660
Prufer, Keith M., and W. Jeffrey Hurst. “Chocolate in the Underworld Space of Death: Cacao Seeds from an Early Classic Mortuary Cave.” Ethnohistory. Duke University Press, April 1, 2007. https://read.dukeupress.edu/ethnohistory/article-abstract/54/2/273/8684/Chocolate-in-the-Underworld-Space-of-Death-Cacao
Reents-Budet, Dorie. Chocolate in Mesoamerica: a Cultural History of Cacao. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009.
Snyder, Rodney, Bradley Foliart Olsen, and Laura Pallas Brindle. “From Stone Metates to Steel Mills.” Chocolate, n.d., 611–23. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470411315.ch46
Walker, Timothy. “Cure or Confection?” Chocolate, n.d., 561–68. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470411315.ch41
Walker, Timothy. “Establishing Cacao Plantation Culture in the Atlantic World.” Chocolate, n.d., 543–58. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470411315.ch40
Westbrook, Nicholas. “Chocolate at the World's Fairs, 1851–1964.” Chocolate, n.d., 199–208. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470411315.ch16
Westbrook, Virginia. “Role of Trade Cards in Marketing Chocolate During the Late 19th Century.” Chocolate, n.d., 183–91. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470411315.ch14
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gunnygazette-blog · 1 year
Who you play counts.  Team rankings will soon give way to actual play-off games and we can settle this on the field...BUT...it does gives a hint as to who should beat who...or what would be an upset...  So enjoy the las week of the Regular season (for those still playing)
Rnk Prev
 1    1  (SFG) Sorry-Ass Champs (9-0)
 2    2  (SFW) Waskily-Weasels (9-0)  
 3    3  (SFB) Angry Fairies (8-0)  
 4    4  (DR) Du-vowel Raid (9-0)  
 5    5  (BCA) The Newest Comic-als (7-2)
 6    6  (NGW) North Weasels (9-0)  
 7    7  (TSP) Pee-Rats (8-1)    
 8    8  (WCS) A.R.M.Y. (7-2)  
 9  11  (GC) Hooded Snakes (8-1)  
10    9  (SF) Chicken-hawks (5-3)  
11  13  (BAR) D-League Champs (6-3)
12  12  (BCB) Cow-Pups (5-3)  
13  10  (MS) Otha Sparties (5-4)  
14  14  (DP) Du-vowel Kitties (5-3)
15  15  (DCR) Mee-ah-Mee Raid  (5-4)  
16  16  (GG) Water-Lizzies (6-2)
17  19  (GIG) Grizzled-ones (5-4)
18  17  (SFJ) Southern Spotted Kitties (4-4-1)  
19  18  (OA) A-meri-cant’s (4-5)        
20  21  (LCS) Bad Weather (5-3)  
21  20  (LJ) Jesters (3-6)    
22  22  (ECS) Minners (3-5)    
23  24  (WC) Raincoads (5-3)  
24  23  (FJ) Tampa spotted Kitties (3-6)  
25  25  (PSR) Rubber Snakes (4-4)  
26  26  (EO) F-Criminals (3-5)
27  27  (PB) My lil’ Ponies (4-5)  
28  28  (SFL) King Kitties (2-7)    
29  30  (GB) No-Sho Bruins (0-6)      
30  34  (SB) Otha Bull-pups (1-7)
31  31  (SGP) Otha Kitties (2-6)        
32  29  (PBC) Concrete Shoes (3-6)
33  33  (CCL) Hybrid Kitties (1-5)
34  32  (SER) Reaps (2-5-1)      
35  35  (NO) N-Criminals (0-9)
36  40  (OP) Ghosts (2-3)
37  36  (TT) Striped Kitties (0-9)          
38  39  (JSH) Iron Chickens (0-6)
39  38  (MV) Corpse Munchers (0-9)  
40  37  (HCH) Feather Dusters (3-6)
0 notes
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rnomics · 6 years
Long noncoding #RNA NKILA enhances the anti-#cancer effects of baicalein in hepatocellular carcinoma via the regulation of NF-κB signaling.
Related Articles Long noncoding #RNA NKILA enhances the anti-#cancer effects of baicalein in hepatocellular carcinoma via the regulation of NF-κB signaling. Chem Biol Interact. 2018 Apr 01;285:48-58 Authors: Yu X, Tang W, Yang Y, Tang L, Dai R, Pu B, Feng C, Xia J Abstract Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common #cancer and leading cause of #cancer-related death worldwide. Baicalein, a principle flavonoid, has shown attractive anti-#cancer effects on HCC. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms and influencing factors contributing to the anti-#cancer effects of baicalein on HCC are still largely unknown. Long noncoding #RNAs (l#ncRNAs) have been revealed to be fascinating therapeutic targets for #cancers. The roles of NF-κB Interacting L#ncRNA (NKILA) are recently explored in several #cancers. However, the expressions, clinical significances, roles and action mechanisms of NKILA in the anti-#cancer effects of baicalein on HCC are unknown. In this study, we found that NKILA is down-regulated in HCC and reduced expression of NKILA indicts poor survival of HCC patients. Functional assays showed that overexpression of NKILA enhances the roles of baicalein on HCC cell proliferation inhibition, apoptosis induction, and migration inhibition in vitro and tumor growth suppression in vivo. Conversely, knockdown of NKILA suppresses the effects of baicalein. Mechanistically, we found that NKILA inhibits IκBα phosphorylation, NF-κB nuclear translocation, and NF-κB activity. NKILA also enhances the inhibitory effects of baicalein on NF-κB signaling. Furthermore, the effects of NKILA on baicalein-induced NF-κB activity inhibition, cell growth inhibition, apoptosis induction, and migration inhibition are reversed by NF-κB nuclear translocation inhibitor JSH-23. Collectively, our data demonstrated that NKILA enhances the anti-#cancer effects of baicalein on HCC in vitro and in vivo via the regulation of NF-κB signaling, and implied that the combination of NKILA and baicalein would be potential therapeutic strategies for HCC. PMID: 29481769 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] http://bit.ly/2GVgXpt #Pubmed
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lifeonaleaf · 8 years
Week 67:Christ is the Light of the World
We had another beautiful week. We taught Jeff again. He has a few struggles but desires to change.  He smokes 5 sticks a day and mapped out a way for him to gradually get rid of his smoking. His baptism will probably happen sometime in May, but hopefully sooner! He has such a great desire to get baptized, serve a mission, and get rid of his smoking. He came to Church again on Sunday and stayed for all 3 hours. He's the best. After Church on Sunday, we had Rowena's baptism. On Saturday morning, we dropped by Rowena's to visit with her about how she felt and to fill our her baptism & confirmation record. While we talked with Rowena, she kept saying, "I don't want to depend on you. I know that missionaries come and go. I'm doing this baptism for myself. I felt that it's true. I don't want to be plastik and go back to being who I was before, drinking and hiding things. Then when missionaries come, to say, 'Quick, hide! They're here! Put that away!' I want to do this for me. I pray that the Lord will guide me and teach me. At first I only wanted this for my boys, but I don't know how it happened...I suddenly wanted it for myself too." She was teary-eyed while expressing her feelings and my heart felt so warm. Before her baptism, she came to the Church dressed in a white shirt and white skirt ♥ We didn't even tell her to. I don't know how to adequately express what that means to me, but it means so much and makes me happy. Rowena's step-uncle, Tatay Anoche, baptized her. When she came up out of the water, she threw her arms around Tatay and had the biggest smile on her face. She could not have looked more beautiful or more happy. When she bore her testimony, she really thanked us. It was humbling. She said, "You are a blessing to me. I just pray that you continue to meet families like mine and that you don't give up on them. You've changed my family and you are such a blessing to me. I never entertained any other missionaries for the past 20 years, you two were the first...I will continue to be here, even after you both leave." Rowena is wonderful. Nothing replaces the joy of true missionary work. A small thing happened a few weeks ago, but it left a large impression on my mind that made me reflect on it again and again. A few weeks ago my companion and I walked home in the dark. We had forgotten our flashlight and were relying on the occasional passing trike to give us light. Our main source of light came from the moon and stars. Though the night was beautiful, I saw all of the limitations or remaining in the darkness without stronger light. Walking home on a once-familiar path but now made unknown by shadows and darkness. While walking, my mind was taken in deep reflection and has not ceased replaying that memory in my head since then. In the darkness, the question came to my mind, if the only light we ever had was from the moon and the stars, how dark would our world be? How much would we see and understand about the world around us? We live in two worlds simultaneously: the world around us (physical) and the world within us (spiritual). Both experience light and darkness. Light is dimmed in two ways: suddenly or gradually. Most often in both of our worlds, the presence of light is as subtle as a sunrise or sunset, barely noticeable until the light has vanished entirely. As we walked home that night, I realized the weaker the light, the stronger my confusion, the more easily I could be deceived or misled, the less details I saw in the path or the trees or my own self, the lack of color of everything becoming gray, my vision was blinded, everything turned into its shadow, and my eyes began to adjust to and accept the darkness. My mind recalled the account of the Nephits before the Savior came. When the Savior died, the earth fell apart around them. It is described in chapter 8 of 3 Nephi with these adjectives: great storm great and terrible tempest terrible thunder shake the whole earth as if it was about to divide asunder sink into the depths drowned great and terrible destruction tempest, whirlwinds, thunderings, lightnings, and exceedingly great quaking of the whole earth broken up broken fragments smooth places became rough sunk, burned, shaken, fallen, slain places were left desolate damaged deformed some were carried away in the whirlwind Then everything became dark, as told in verses 19-24: "And it came to pass that when the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the storm, and the tempest, and the quakings of the earth did cease...there was darkness upon the face of the land. And it came to pass that there was thick darkness upon all the face of the land, insomuch that the inhabitants thereof who had not fallen could feel the vapor of darkness; And there could be no light, because of the darkness, neither candles, neither torches; neither could there be fire kindled with their fine and exceedingly dry wood, so that there could not be any light at all; And there was not any light seen, neither fire, nor glimmer, neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the stars, for so great were the mists of darkness which were upon the face of the land. And it came to pass that it did last for the space of three days that there was no light seen; and there was great mourning and howling and weeping among all the people continually; yea, great were the groanings of the people, because of the darkness and the great destruction which had come upon them. And in one place they were heard to cry, saying: O that we had repented before this great and terrible day" A world without Christ falls apart. Not only a physical world can experience this kind of darkness. but He does not leave us in the darkness. Suddenly the voice of Christ is heard among the destruction, "O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they, will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you? Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me. Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God" (3 Nephi 9:13-15,18) In both of our worlds, the Sun is our greatest source of light. Christ is the Light of the World, the Son of God whose brightness exceeds "the brightness of the sun" (JSH 1:16). On this earth, we will pass through "a dark and dreary waste" (1 Nephi 8:7-8) and "mist of darkness" (1 Nephi 8:23-24). But we have the promise of the words of God, His gospel, to "lighten our minds with its rays" (Hymn 19) to know how to judge our course. To each man is given the Light of Christ (Moroni 7:13-19). However, this promise of light in darkness is only sure according to our commitment to cling to the Savior (1 Nephi 15:24-25). Christ is the light of all. "He is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also He is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through Him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon His throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things" (D&C 88:7-13). But we are the ones who must answer Samuel the Lamanite's question, "How long will ye suffer yourselves to be led by foolish and blind guides? Yea, how long will ye choose darkness rather than light?" (Helaman 13:29). How do we diminish our light? Sin. It's interesting how the only difference between "sun" and "sin" is the letter I. Sin is selfish and separates us from God--the Light of the World (2 Nephi 26:23 & Helaman 6:30).   How do we access the Light? Prayer. Like the experience of Lehi and Nephi in prison and all the people are overcome with darkness. The Lamanites asked, "What shall we do, that this cloud of darkness may be removed from overshadowing us?...You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ...and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you. And it came to pass that they all did begin to cry unto the voice of him who had shaken the earth; yea, they did cry even until the cloud of darkness was dispersed. And it came to pass that when they cast their eyes about, and saw that the cloud of darkness was dispersed from overshadowing them, behold, they saw that they were encircled about, yea every soul, by a pillar of fire" (Helaman 5:40-43). Also we need to continue in our conversion to God. "That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day" (D&C 50:24). President Eyring said, "We know from our own experience and from observing others that having a few great moments of spiritual power [or spiritual light] will not be enough...conversion will not be a single moment of something that will last for just one season of life but will be a continuing process. Life can become brighter until the perfect day, when we will see the Savior and find that we have become like Him." "Then shall ye know that ye have seen me, that I am, and that I am the true light that is in you, and that you are in me; otherwise ye could not abound" (D&C 88:50). When we are enlightened, then what do we do? Emulate the Savior. "Be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven...Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen Me do" (3 Nephi 12:14,16; 3 Nephi 18:24).   Sometimes sunshine isn't enough to scatter the darkness. Christ is the only light who surpasses all darkness, a light that never goes out. "The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended" (Isaiah 60:19-20). There is sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright than glows in any earthly sky, for Jesus is my light. I love being a missionary and know that this is all true--all of the gospel is true. Christ lives and can become the Light of our world if we let Him in. Mahal na mahal ko po kayo! xo Sister Murray
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Cordycepin suppresses the migration and invasion of human liver cancer cells by downregulating the expression of CXCR4.
PMID:  Int J Mol Med. 2020 Jan ;45(1):141-150. Epub 2019 Oct 31. PMID: 31746344 Abstract Title:  Cordycepin suppresses the migration and invasion of human liver cancer cells by downregulating the expression of CXCR4. Abstract:  Liver cancer is a worldwide threat to human health. High expression levels of C‑X‑C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) have been reported to promote the migration and invasion capacities of liver cancer cells. Cordycepin, extracted from Cordyceps militaris, has anti‑inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancerous properties. Therefore, in the present study, migration assays,western blotting, reverse transcription‑quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence analyses were conducted to determine whether cordycepin was able to suppress the migration and invasion abilities of liver cancer cells by inhibiting CXCR4 expression. The results suggested that cordycepin notably inhibited migration and invasion, and decreased the expression of CXCR4 in a dose‑dependent manner. Activation of phosphorylated (p‑) NF‑κB inhibitor α (IκBα) and p‑P65, the principal components of the NF‑κB signaling pathway, was also downregulated. In addition, cordycepin markedly suppressed the nuclear translocation of P65, but had no effect on the expression of total IκBα (t‑IκBα) and total P65 (t‑P65). JSH‑23, an inhibitor of the NF‑κB pathway, impaired the migration of liver cancer cells, and was found to act synergistically with cordycepin. Furthermore, cordycepin treatment reduced the chemotactic migration ability of liver cancer cells to stromal cell‑derived factor 1 (SDF1), which was significantly enhanced following treatment with JSH‑23. Collectively, the present results indicated that cordycepin inhibited the nuclear translocation of P65 by preventing p‑IκBα activation; this resulted in the downregulation of CXCR4 expression, and subsequently, in the impaired migration and invasion abilities of liver cancer cells and attenuated reactivity to SDF1. The current study revealed a novel mechanism for the antimetastatic activity of cordycepin and its potential to exert positive synergistic effects with other compounds for the treatment of liver cancer.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
Targeting Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor {gamma} to Increase Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis in Estrogen-Deprived Breast Cancer Cells
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) is an important transcription factor that modulates lipid metabolism and inflammation. However, it remains unclear whether PPAR is involved in modulation of estrogen (E2)-induced inflammation, thus affecting apoptosis of E2-deprived breast cancer cells, MCF-7:5C and MCF-7:2A. Here, we demonstrated that E2 treatment suppressed the function of PPAR in both cell lines, although the suppressive effect in MCF-7:2A cells was delayed owing to high PPAR expression. Activation of PPAR by a specific agonist, pioglitazone, selectively blocked the induction of TNFα expression by E2, but did not affect other adipose inflammatory genes, such as fatty acid desaturase 1 and IL6. This suppression of TNFα expression by pioglitazone was mainly mediated by transrepression of nuclear factor-B (NF-B) DNA-binding activity. A novel finding was that NF-B functions as an oxidative stress inducer in MCF-7:5C cells but an antioxidant in MCF-7:2A cells. Therefore, the NF-B inhibitor JSH-23 displayed effects equivalent to those of pioglitazone, with complete inhibition of apoptosis in MCF-7:5C cells, but it increased E2-induced apoptosis in MCF-7:2A cells. Depletion of PPAR by siRNA or the PPAR antagonist T0070907 accelerated E2-induced apoptosis, with activation of NF-B–dependent TNFα and oxidative stress. For the first time, we demonstrated that PPAR is a growth signal and has potential to modulate NF-B activity and oxidative stress in E2-deprived breast cancer cell lines. All of these findings suggest that anti-PPAR therapy is a novel strategy to improve the therapeutic effects of E2-induced apoptosis in E2-deprived breast cancer.
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jaypakrhe · 6 years
You're Rude Because Your Boss Is Rude - Christine Porath and Christine Pearson - Harvard Business Review
You’re Rude Because Your Boss Is Rude – Christine Porath and Christine Pearson – Harvard Business Review
You’re Rude Because Your Boss Is Rude
by Christine Porath and Christine Pearson  |  11:00 AM January 18, 2013
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The 200-year-old conglomerate behind huge investment deals
VietNamNet Bridge – The huge investments in Thaco, Vinamilk, the Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) and Refrigeration Engineering Enterprise (REE) all have relations with Jardine Matheson.
The office building at No 63 Ly Thai To street
Platinum Victory investment fund last November caught special attention from the public when acquiring 5.5 percent of shares of Vinamilk divested by the State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC) in a deal worth $616.6 million. 
After that, it continued buying Vinamilk shares and increased its ownership ratio in Vietnam’s biggest dairy production company to over 10 percent.
Platinum Victory Pte Ltd is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is the developer of a series of huge real estate projects in Taman Melati, Danau Kota, Sentul and Jalan Sultan Ismail.
Platinum Victory is 100 percent owned by Jarrdine Cycle & Carriage (JC&C), a Singaporean leading company operating in the automobile distribution sector in South East Asia which has subsidiaries in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Before making investment in Vinamilk, JC&C had been present for nearly 10 years in Vietnam as the strategic shareholder of Thaco, an automobile manufacturer and REE.
JC&C is now holding 25.1 percent of shares in Thaco, and its subsidiary Platinum Victory Pte Lte is holding 23 percent of REE shares.
The investment in ACB is one of the most long lasting deals of JC&C. Connaught Investors, a link of its network, held 7 percent of ACB shares and has transferred the shares to other two companies of the same network.
The huge investments in Thaco, Vinamilk, the Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) and Refrigeration Engineering Enterprise (REE) all have relations with Jardine Matheson.
In early 2017, Siam City Cement, the company where JC&C holds a 25 percent stake,  spent $580 million to buy Holcim Vietnam from LafargeHolcim and renamed it Insee.
All roads lead to… Jardine Matheson
Established in 1899 from a grocery in Kuala Lumpur, the company sold everything from soap and screws to bicycles and cars. In 2011, JC&C was taken over by Jardine Matheson.
The two key corporations of Jardine Matheson are Jardine Matheson Holdings (JMH) và Jardine Strategic Holdings (JSH), both of which hold each other’s shares (82 percent and 55 percent). 
The two office buildings in Hanoi at No 63 Ly Thai To street and at the Hai Ba Trung – Ba Trieu intersection, which lease offices at sky high rents, belong to Hong Kong Land, a subsidiary of Jardine Matheson. 
After a period of silence, Hong Kong Land came back to Vietnam, joining hands with Son Kim Land to develop The Nassim project in HCMC. It is also the partner of CII in the project on developing Thu Thiem new urban area project.
Jardine Matheson has other investments in shopping centers and F&B chains. In the retail sector, it is a big player behind the well-known Crescent Mall in HCMC and the owner of Guardian chain.
Big foreign investors eye Vietnamese corporations
Vietnam’s stock market up in investors’ eyes
Thanh Mai
The post The 200-year-old conglomerate behind huge investment deals appeared first on Breaking News Top News & Latest News Headlines | Reuters.
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Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Tesettür Büyük Beden Kap ve Pardesü Modelleri Bu senenin tesettür büyük beden kap ve pardesü modellerini sizler için derledik. Videodaki tesettür büyük beden kap ve pardesü modelleri hakkında daha detaylı bilgi almak için aşağıdaki bağlantıları kullanabilirsiniz. Model 1 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Tarçın - Esswaap Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js3 Model 2 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Lacivert - Selam Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js4 Model 3 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Mürdüm - Selam Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js5 Model 4 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Haki - Selam Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js6 Model 5 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Taba - Selam Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js7 Model 6 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - İndigo - TUĞBA Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js8 Model 7 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Camel - TUĞBA Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/js9 Model 8 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Vişne - TUĞBA Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsa Model 9 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Bej - TUĞBA Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsb Model 10 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Camel - TUĞBA Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsc Model 11 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Lacivert - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsd Model 12 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Vizon - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jse Model 13 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Haki - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsf Model 14 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - İndigo - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsg Model 15 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Vizon - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsh Model 16 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Lacivert - Kayra Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsi Model 17 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Siyah - Kayra Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsj Model 18 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Koyu Bej - Armine Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsk Model 19 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Lacivert - Armine Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsl Model 20 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Nil Yeşili - Armine Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsm Model 21 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Mint - Soydan Güner Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsn Model 22 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Bej - Soydan Güner Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jso Model 23 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Nefti - Soydan Güner Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsp Model 24 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Koyu Pudra - Soydan Güner Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsq Model 25 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Açık Haki - Soydan Güner Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsr Model 26 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Siyah - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jss Model 27 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - İndigo - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jst Model 28 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Haki - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsu Model 29 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Mürdüm - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsv Model 30 : Gizli Düğmeli Kap - Kiremit - Hanımsa Ürün Adresi : https://1v0.net/l/jsw
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gunnygazette-blog · 1 year
Who you play counts.  Two Games to go...and a lil’ bit a shufflin’ after the interstate game…  
Rnk Prev
 1    1  (SFG) Sorry-Ass Champs (8-0)
 2    2  (SFW) Waskily-Weasels (8-0)  
 3    3  (SFB) Angry Fairies (7-0)  
 4    5  (DR) Du-vowel Raid (8-0)  
 5  10  (BCA) The Newest Comic-als (6-2)
 6    6  (NGW) North Weasels (8-0)  
 7    7  (TSP) Pee-Rats (7-1)    
 8    4  (WCS) A.R.M.Y. (6-2)  
 9  14  (SF) Chicken-hawks (5-2)  
10    8  (MS) Otha Sparties (5-3)  
11  13  (GC) Hooded Snakes (7-1)  
12  12  (BCB) Cow-Pups (4-3)  
13  11  (BAR) D-League Champs (5-3)
14  15  (DP) Du-vowel Kitties (4-3)
15    9  (DCR) Mee-ah-Mee Raid  (4-4)  
16  16  (GG) Water-Lizzies (5-2)
17  17  (SFJ) Southern Spotted Kitties (4-3-1)  
18  19  (OA) A-meri-cant’s (4-4)        
19  20  (GIG) Grizzled-ones (4-4)
20  18  (LJ) Jesters (3-5)    
21  21 (LCS) Bad Weather (4-3)  
22  25  (ECS) Minners (3-4)    
23  23 (FJ) Tampa spotted Kitties (3-5)  
24  22 (WC) Raincoads (5-2)  
25  28  (PSR) Rubber Snakes (4-4)  
26  30  (EO) F-Criminals (3-4)
27  34  (PB) My lil’ Ponies (3-5)  
28  24  (SFL) King Kitties (2-6)    
29  26  (PBC) Concrete Shoes (3-5)
30  33  (GB) No-Sho Bruins (0-6)      
31  32  (SGP) Otha Kitties (2-5)        
32  27  (SER) Reaps (2-4-1)      
33  37  (CCL) Hybrid Kitties (1-5)
34  29  (SB) Otha Bull-pups (1-6)
35  39  (NO) N-Criminals (0-8)
36  35  (TT) Striped Kitties (0-8)          
37  36  (HCH) Feather Dusters (2-6)
38  31  (MV) Corpse Munchers (0-8)  
39  40  (JSH) Iron Chickens (0-5)
40  38  (OP) Ghosts (1-3)
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tunisialive · 7 years
باجة: السيطرة على ما يناهز كيلومترين من النيران بنفزة
09:28 03 أوت 2017
اليمن: مقتل ستة جنود بهجوم انتحاري
08:54 03 أوت 2017
باجة: السيطرة على ما يناهز كيلومترين من النيران بنفزة
08:48 03 أوت 2017
حفتر يوجه بقصف أي سفن حربية إيطالية طلبها السراج
08:36 03 أوت 2017
الشابي يدعو الغنوشي الى إعلان عدم ترشحه للرئاسيات القادمة حتى ‘تكون نصيحته للشاهد خالصة لوجه الله’
08:28 03 أوت 2017
”كعبة حلوى” يمثل تونس في المهرجان السينمائي الدولي بمدينة لوس أنجلس الأمريكية
00:31 03 أوت 2017
هاتفك الرقمي يمنعك من النوم!
00:17 03 أوت 2017
والي تطاوين يقرر ايقاف اشغال مشروع تعبيد طريق.. لهذا السبب
00:00 03 أوت 2017
القلعة الخصبة: حريق بأحد عربات قطار الركاب
23:40 02 أوت 2017
المعبر الحدودي ذهيبة وازن: توقف الحركة التجارية بين تونس وليبيا لمدة 4 ايام‎
23:19 02 أوت 2017
القلعة الكبرى: افتتاح مهرجان مرايا الفنون
23:03 02 أوت 2017
راس الجبل: الحكم بالسجن على إمام جامع وصف اعوان الامن بـ”قطاع الطرق” في الخطبة
22:40 02 أوت 2017
دورة تبوك السعودية: فوز أول للنادي الصفاقسي‎
22:25 02 أوت 2017
الديوانة التونسية تطلق 3 تطبيقات ذكية جديدة لفائدة التونسيين بالخارج
22:16 02 أوت 2017
صفاقس: حجز سلحفاتين يحجّر صيدها وبيعها
22:05 02 أوت 2017
الاعلان عن آخر أجل لتقديم مطالب الإحالة على التقاعد قبل بلوغ السن القانونية
10:22 03 أوت 2017
أمريكا: مقتل امرأة وفقدان شخص و9 مصابين في انفجار وانهيار مبنى بمدرسة
10:13 03 أوت 2017
مشروع سكني بخدمات فندقية في الحمامات الشمالية
10:04 03 أوت 2017
درجات الحرارة تصل الى 43 و 45 درجة بين اليوم و غدا
09:52 03 أوت 2017
رسميا: الولايات المتحدة تحظر السفر إلى كوريا الشمالية
09:37 03 أوت 2017
بالصور.. تكريم مفتش الشرطة سالم سالم أنقذ فتاة من الانتحار بصفاقس
09:28 03 أوت 2017
اليمن: مقتل ستة جنود بهجوم انتحاري
فاطمة بن عبد الله الكراي
أهل ليبيــــا أدرى… «بشعابهــا»
أهل ليبيا أدرى بحلّ مشاكلهم… هذه الحقيقة أضحت اليوم ضرورة، لما لحق بأشقّائنا في ليبيا من عذاب وإرهاب وتدمير للدولة، باسم التدخّل الإنساني تارة وتحت مسمّى ترسيخ الديمقراطية طورا…
المزيد >>
الأخبار الأكثر قراءة
خاص:تهديدات مفبركة ضد الشاهد وقيادات أمنية متورطةتفاصيل الانفجار القوي بجبال نفزةالاحتفاظ بـ 22 موظفا بتهمة الاستيلاء على مبالغ هامّة…الغنوشي: الخوف أن يكون الشاهد يفكّر في انتخابات 2019 عبر…حقيقة “البراكاج” الذي اودى بحياة فرنسية واحال زوجها…جريدة الشروق ليوم الاربعاء 02 أوت 2017انفجار قوي بجبل “الديس” بنفزةهل من اللائق أن يتحدث الغنوشي عن خلافة السبسي؟
الشروق أون لاين
باجة: السيطرة على ما يناهز كيلومترين من النيران بنفزة
03 أوت 2017 | 08:54
تمت حوالي الساعة التاسعة من مساء امس الأربعاء، السيطرة على حوالي كلمترين من النيران المندلعة بجبل بالاحرش بالعواينية بنفزة من ولاية باجة، على الحدود مع ولاية بنزرت. ولم يتم بعد حصر الخسائر في الغطاء الغابي التي وصفتها مختلف الأطراف بالهامة والتي فاقت 40 هكتارا.
وقد بذلت وحدات الحماية المدنية جهودا كبيرة لمنع تضرر السكان والمساكن بالعواينية من النيران.
ووجدت صعوبة كبيرة فى إطفاء الحرائق، خاصة مع هبوب الرياح وقد تم استعمال تجهيزات وشاحنات الإطفاء بالجهة وبالمصالح المركزية للحماية المدنية، إضافة إلى استعمال تجهيزات مصالح الغابات والجيش الوطني.
   وقد أكد والي باجة، حسين الحامدي لوكالة تونس إفريقيا للأنباء أنه يمكن اعتبار الخطر قد زال على السكان وأنه تجري لغاية هذا المساء معالجة بؤر صغيرة من النيران والتأهب لبؤر قد تشتعل من جديد، مبينا أن الخسائر تعتبر هامة بالغطاء الغابي، لكن لم تسجل أية خسائر بشرية أو فى الثروة الحيوانية، بفضل ��لجهود الكبيرة لعناصر الحماية المدنية الذين استعملوا كل الوسائل لإطفاء النيران.
وكانت اللجنة الجهوية لمجابهة الكوارث بباجة قد اتخذت قرارا بإجلاء 15 عائلة بدوار العواينية وتم نقل ماشيتهم وحيواناتهم إلى مناطق آمنة، مع نصحهم بالإبتعاد عن منطقة الخطر وقد خصصت مراكز إيواء لفائدتهم.
يذكر أن مصالح الحماية المدنية والغابات والجيش الوطني فى حالة تأهب قصوى منذ صباح اليوم الأربعاء، بعد اشتعال النيران بجبل حدادة بسجنان من ولاية بنزرت، على الحدود مع معتمدية نفزة، غير أن النيران كانت قوية جدا وانتقلت إلى الضفة المقابلة بمعتمدية نفزة.
وقد تجاوزت الخسائر فى الغطاء الغابي بباجة خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية 140 هكتارا، بعد سلسلة الحرائق التى نشبت خاصة بنفزة وباجة الشمالية وباجة الجنوبية والتى فاق عددها 40 حريقا. .
وكانت ولاية باجة شهدت في الأيام القليلة الماضية، نشوب قرابة 40 حريقا أتت على أكثر من مائة هكتار من الأشجار الغابية.
باجة: السيطرة على ما يناهز كيلومترين من النيران بنفزة باجة: السيطرة على ما يناهز كيلومترين من النيران بنفزة باجة: السيطرة على ما يناهز كيلومترين من النيران بنفزة via أخبار تونس
from tunisia live news https://tunisialivenews.wordpress.com/2017/08/03/%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%ac%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%b7%d8%b1%d8%a9-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d9%85%d8%a7-%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d9%87%d8%b2-%d9%83%d9%8a%d9%84%d9%88%d9%85%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%8a%d9%86-%d9%85%d9%86-2/ via Tunisia live news
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