#Its me; Frisk (ic)
thestrongestjewel · 6 months
too hot
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please help its too hort please i need some cold ice help
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chalkeater · 10 months
Istg every time POC try to bring up a concern on racism. People will call US racist for connecting the dots. Like. Im sorry youre oblivious?
“youre racist for thinking this is racist / for connecting this to racism” hello??
#‘people headcanon frisk as black too. also a lot of ppl hc frisk as white’#bro a lot of ppl headcanon frisk as asian to what is ur point#also im not saying people shouldnt fucking hc frisk/kris as asian ok!#if you HC frisk/kris as asian then you especially need to watch your ass#you are on thin ice with me#if i headcanond frisk as asian (which i do) i would not draw them yellow#also did i not say PREVIOUSLY that the humans being yellow in game normalizes people (especially young people) not caring??#so people will HC frisk as asian and then no one tells them its fucked up if theyre yellow AGH.#‘UM EXCUSE ME why are you fucking hc’ing frisk and kris as asian’ bc im fucking asian????#someone called me fucking racist??#im asian and what to reclaim this weird fucking design and i also changed their skin tones??#at least im not white who calls them asian and draws them yellow??#fine. fine dont listen to me. dont listen to other asian people and other POC who bring this up#live in your oblivious world where you get mad that POC tell you shit abt this#literally every time Asian people and ESP Asian Americans bring up this issue you all get so pissed#im sorry for swearing at you?? whoever is reading this???#weve been talking about this for literal years.#dont you fuckijng thing theres a reason it keeps getting brought up for the past almost 10 YEARS.#talking#sorry for bringing my im a poc card??#god reminds me of what Chara was talking about last night#we grew up with debate classes and the reason for a good Discussion is bc you have to avoid fallacies right#so that means KNOWING your opponent#but in the internet were all anonymous. which is fine! you SHOULD NOT be obligated to bring up your identity at all#but do you know why in any other discussion thats why ppl online say ‘i have a doctorate and-‘ ‘ive studied thsi for 4 years and’?#and so i just keep thinking. ok so my perspective is i am asian right.#my perspective is i have heard from my brothers and sisters who LIVE in the west and their histories of racism and discrimination and propag#so im just wondering. who are the -eople mad at me?? what is your story? youre an artist who cant take criticism??#ok logging off again to eat my fucking burger#(actually not having a hurger rn but i wish)
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sbtorms · 4 months
The amount and variety of importance of they/them rep in Undertale will always be really cool to me.
Like... there's Frisk, the main fuckin' character, those like Napstablook, a simple miniboss that also gets their own little calm interaction section in the halfway bit of the game, Monster Kid, being a pretty prominent side character in Waterfall, a couple random encounters have they/them monsters... and then there's Jimmy Hotpants (known as Ice Wolf throughout most of the game).
Of course, there's others, and those that aren't exclusively they/them (Chara is referred to with "its" at one point).
And they're all so cool.
Thank you, Toby :3
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distinctlywhumpthing · 3 months
This Time
(Unintentional 30)
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CW: BBU-adjacent (institutionalized slavery), brief references to past-beating, fear of noncon drugging. It's the boys' first time out in public together, we're being gentle, this is practically all fluff. Beta-read by @alittlewhump <3
When it’s seven o’clock and not a minute sooner, Leo says, “I’d feel better if you came with me.” He almost adds ‘this time’ and wonders if Aiden is also remembering the last time Leo left him alone while he ran into a store. 
Aiden’s eyes widen. “I…mmm…I…” He timidly raises a hand to the base of his throat, gaze falling as he does it. 
Leo tries not to read shame into his uncertainty. He clears his throat, wanting to sound as casual as possible. “I know. I looked it up and the law says you just need some form of identification on you. It doesn’t have to be…uh…” Nope, he can’t say it out loud. “But that’s really more if you’re on your own. If you’re accompanied…” 
He will also not be repeating the stipulation that in the absence of ‘wearable restraints’, anyone with a ‘plausible reason or concern’ may request that Leo ‘subdue’ Aiden or they are within their rights to do so themselves ‘by any means necessary’. Which unfortunately “explains” the bastards who tore him from the van that first night.
Leo runs a hand over his hair. “We’ll be in and out in five minutes, it’ll be fine.” 
Halfway to the door, Aiden loses his footing. Leo’s ready though, catching him with an arm threaded under his shoulders. 
“Mmm’sorry…” Aiden clutches Leo’s sleeve with his uninjured hand, leaning into him to steady himself. He doesn’t let go once he’s standing so Leo keeps an arm around him.
“No worries. It’s icy as hell and Converse aren’t exactly known for their traction.” They’re also not very warm so Leo ushers the wobbly kid on, making sure to steer him where there’s road salt or dry patches.
 They pause outside the door so he can pull Aiden’s hood off and make sure the scars on the back of his neck are covered by its fabric. “Hands out, right?” he reminds. Aiden nods. 
The last thing they need is some racist assistant manager on a power trip insisting on frisking him. Just the thought has Leo rethinking this whole stop. He’d never be able to stand aside and let that happen. The poor kid has already seen the worst at the hands of strangers; there’s no telling what reaction yet another pair might set off. Leo might be able to spare him the experience by outing him as a Companion but that isn’t exactly risk-free either. Leo doesn’t think he’d be able to make a passable demonstration of the “justice” he’d rain down later on his sticky-fingered Companion and even if he could, he’s pretty sure Aiden wouldn’t be play-acting terrified. After what he already had to put the kid through tonight, he doesn’t want to risk anything else testing the fragile trust between them. 
Aiden shifts from one foot to the other. Leo’s hesitance is making him even more nervous. The parking lot is still empty and Delia’s car has real locks and an alarm he’d hear from inside. Maybe there’s no need to take any risk—
“What-what…if…mmm’I…mmm…” Aiden looks over his shoulder to where he just slipped, furrowing his brow. 
There’s no way Leo can bring him back to the car now, not without confirming that he doesn’t trust him to manage his own two feet either. Sure, he’s not very stable on ice but it’s been weeks since he tripped in the house. Regardless, it’s one hypothetical Leo would happily handle.  
“You’ll be fine, you can do this.” 
Aiden drops his gaze. Leo can’t tell if it’s because he’s shy about the encouragement or if he thinks it’s just empty words. 
“I’ve got your back, kiddo,” he says, straightening Aiden’s beanie that doesn’t need straightening. “I’ll catch you if you trip again.” 
Aiden meets his eyes and only searches them for a second before nodding. 
Any remaining apprehension on Aiden’s part is eclipsed by a quiet overwhelm once they step through the door. His eyes widen and he looks even smaller surrounded by the full shelves, under fluorescent lights. He follows Leo closely, practically brushing against his side as though they’re jostling through a crowd and might get separated even though there’s no one else in sight. 
Leo steers his mind away from wondering too much about the last time Aiden was in a store. 
They walk along the even-brighter cosmetic aisle toward the prescription counter at the back. Aiden looks away from the little mirrors framed by bright red, pink, and coral lipsticks. His eyes trace the bottles on the other side instead, shampoos in colorful plastic, hairsprays in metallic spray cans, and gels in an array of containers all lined up in rows. He keeps his arms perfectly straight and pinned to his sides but his fingers twitch there. Like maybe he wants to touch something but he thinks he’s not allowed to. 
Leo pauses by the shower gel, earning a concerned if not startled stare from Aiden. “Easy, all good. Why don’t we pick one you like?” 
Aiden looks at him like he just suggested flying to Mars. 
Leo picks up the brightest red bottle, flips the cap open and sniffs. Nothing special, just a generic soap smell. He holds it out for Aiden who, slowly, eyes flicking up to Leo’s three times before he leans forward all the way, inhales too. 
He shrugs noncommittally, nervous now that Leo’s put him on the spot but Leo wants this to be light and fun, though that might be a leap. He goes for one that says ‘coconut-something island bliss’ in a yellow bottle. Smells nice enough. Aiden leans in a bit easier this time and, though barely discernible, wrinkles his nose. 
“I think not,” Leo offers. 
Aiden shakes his head. 
“Go on, pick another one.” 
He bites his lip and raises his good hand. Hesitates a few times as he scans the shelf before pausing in front of a teal bottle. His fingertips rub together absently as his gaze slides over to Leo, who gives him a reassuring nod. He carefully picks it up. Luckily, this one only needs to be pressed down to be opened and he gets it right away. He holds it out to Leo first—something floral this time—just shrugging once he smells it himself. 
But now he’s into it. 
Leo pulls a pink bottle off the shelf as Aiden chooses purple. Their arms cross in the air when they hold them out to each other and Aiden’s lips almost twitch into a smile. Leo wants to beam but he forces himself to play it cool. 
Aiden replaces his bottle and picks another red, ‘blood-orange orchid blossom’. It smells only of citrus because last time Leo checked, orchids don’t smell like anything so why even call it that except to fool people into paying more for something just because it sounds fancy?  
A black Axe bottle Leo is relieved Aiden also hates, Irish Spring, a classic Dove. Aiden only has trouble with one of the tops. Leo worries it’ll kill the moment but Aiden just passes it to him and finds another bottle. 
After a few more, Aiden goes back for the purple, or actually, ‘lavender fields in summer’, pulling it off the shelf again with about as much confidence as if he were playing Russian roulette. 
“Nice, good job.” 
Aiden huffs and tucks his chin against his chest, hiding a small smile that might just be relief but Leo hopes is something more. They feel different, this smile and the one in the car. Leo can’t put his finger on how they’re different but he finds himself willing to do just about anything to see one again. 
He has another internal debate about whether or not Aiden should be next to him at the prescription counter. In the end, he decides it can only help his case later if a neutral third party explains the medications to them both. 
The pharmacist is young and way too energetic for seven in the morning. Leo makes zero effort to match the vibe. He slides his license across the counter. “Hi, I’m here to pick up some prescriptions, please. Marshall.” 
“Marshall, Marshall, Marshall,” she repeats as she searches the system. “Leo?” she asks like it’s not on the license she’s holding. 
“Yep.” She passes it back and disappears behind the shelves. 
Aiden’s still as stone beside him. Leo smiles reassuringly but it’s no match for the basket of prescription bottles the pharmacist returns with. He should have read Noah’s notes to know exactly what they were getting into. 
A two-week course of—thankfully—liquid amoxicillin. High-dose naproxen for pain as needed. A refill of his paroxetine thanks to Delia. She’s good. He definitely would have skipped it to reduce the sheer volume of pills he would be picking up with Aiden. At least the pharmacist skips the instructions because she can see it’s a refill of a medication he’s been taking for years. 
The last is the worst. Alprazolam with an over-the-top warning that it “causes extreme drowsiness” and “do not operate heavy machinery”. Finally, the real nail in the coffin: “it’s a potent tranquilizer.” Five doses, no refills. He definitely should have read Noah’s notes first. 
Leo rushes to end the exchange and move on to damage control. He grabs a basket from the stack, sweeps the medications in, and resists the urge to rush Aiden out of the whole damn store. He walks them to the far right, along the cold cases of sodas and drinks and freezers filled with ice cream, bags of ice, and a smattering of frozen dinners, mostly for one. The opposite side of the aisle is lined with chips but Aiden’s eyes are glued to the pile of white paper bags in the red plastic basket. 
Christ, where to start? 
“Aiden, can you look at me?” He does, of course. Eyes shining and full of betrayal. “Hon, I know you heard some things back there—” 
Aiden swallows, wets his lips. He’s clutching the bottle of body wash like it’s keeping him upright. “I-I-I’ll…be…mmm…good.” His eyes flick to the basket and back to Leo’s, pleading. 
“Of course you will. You are good. You’re always good, I know that.” 
No dice. Leo’s reassurances mean nothing, not with what he’s holding. He drops the basket behind him, an arm’s length away. The gesture is met with open suspicion. 
“Hon, the only thing in there that you have to take are the antibiotics. To fight off the infection in your hand. The liquid one Delia talked about, right?” 
He nods once but his eyes narrow. He’s waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Delia and Noah only wrote the other prescriptions to give you options. The pain killers, the anxiety pills, they’re only if you want them.” 
Aiden’s expression crumples and he shakes his head. Distressed by the suggestion that he would ever choose to take anything? Or can he only see the whole thing as a trick, a mockery of his agency or lack thereof? 
Leo’s heart aches for him. There’s nothing he can say that will erase all of that history or make it any easier to carry. “Okay, okay. I know this is overwhelming but I wanted you to hear it for yourself. I mean, from someone other than me. That way when you… If you… You can decide…” Aiden looks at him miserably, eyes still burning with betrayal. Leo’s only digging himself deeper. “One of the prescriptions is for me anyway,” he flounders. “Let’s just—” He reaches for Aiden’s shoulder but he steps back, out of reach. 
For a moment they just stare at each other. 
Aiden takes another step back and his eyes widen, surprised to find himself where he’s just stepped. Surprised Leo hasn’t grabbed him yet. His gaze slides from Leo’s face to a point over his shoulder and Leo’s heart sinks. 
The door? Would he run? Aiden takes a step forward, eyes still locked over Leo’s shoulder. 
“Wait—” Leo can’t handle the thought of losing this kid for the third time tonight. His eyes film over with tears. “Ple—”
Instead of walking around him, Aiden steps right into his arms. 
And then the sound hits his ears and Leo turns, shuffling Aiden behind his back for the shelter he was seeking. He wasn’t trying to run, he heard people coming in. He leans into Leo’s back, free hand gripping a fistful of Leo’s jacket so tightly Leo can feel how hard he’s shaking. They don’t have much of a height difference but he’s ducked his head to try to hide better, Leo can feel his cheek against his shoulder blade. 
It’s no wonder why—though Leo is impressed by his hearing—the guys are similar enough to the group that beat the shit out of him that first day. They laugh and banter their way to the first case in the aisle like this is just one stop in a fun night that’s still going. They pull out a six-pack of Red Bull and head to the registers without so much as a glance Leo’s way. 
He doesn’t move until Aiden does and Aiden waits until they’ve picked out a scratch-off and multiple vape flavors, joking with the cashier. Leo doesn’t bother keeping the judgment off his face with Aiden tucked behind his back. They stay, frozen like that until the pair amble out of the store. 
Aiden straightens, releasing Leo’s coat as soon as the first set of automatic doors slides shut. Leo turns to find him staring ahead unseeing, bottle in one hand and the other still closed into a tight fist. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Leo keeps his voice a whisper, all too aware they’re still in public. “It’s all right, they’re gone.” 
Aiden nods but only reflexively. He squeezes his eyes shut once, twice, blinking away more tears each time he opens them. His fist trembles between them, arm still locked where it was holding Leo’s coat. 
Leo’s nervous to touch the poor kid considering the mental whiplash he must have—thinking Leo might drug him against his will only to be forced to depend on him for some semblance of safety—but if Aiden’s clenching his fist as tight as it looks, he’s putting too much strain on his stitches. 
“Can I give you a hand?” Leo holds his out, palm up. 
A few days ago, he’d spent a whole bathroom re-tile brainstorming a phrase to use during these moments when he didn’t know where to begin. Something neutral, not explicitly offering help but still open-ended enough that Aiden might get what he needed.  
Without even looking, Aiden drops his hand into Leo’s, uncurling his shaking fingers to grip him tightly. Leo’s momentarily dumbstruck that it worked. Has to be a fluke. 
“You’re doing great. We’re almost done.” He wraps his other arm around Aiden who shudders, finally exhaling. Leo wishes he could just hold him properly, until he stopped shaking, until he felt safe, no matter how long it took. “I just need to grab a few more things and then we’re outta here.” He gives Aiden one last squeeze before releasing him. 
The list from Noah is actually in his sister’s handwriting, first the prescriptions with more specific instructions and then a bunch of other things. Before he attaches himself to that fucking depository of pills again, he grabs a bag of pretzels and another of popcorn off the shelf to add to the basket. It’s an obvious move but at least now the prescription bags aren’t staring at them.
“Sterile gauze and bandages,” he tells Aiden, who nods stiffly, falling in to shadow him as he weaves through the store. He could move faster but he can’t risk anything else going wrong just now. 
Aiden doesn’t react to anything else Leo adds to the basket. As much as Leo wants to involve him, give him some choice or context, he can see the kid is dead on his feet. He is too, has been all night. 
Clothing basics happen to be at the end of the last aisle on their way to the registers. Leo wonders how bad is it to get some for Aiden now. Probably not as bad as it was to let him go this long constantly borrowing Leo’s. A pack of t-shirts, a pack of boxers, a pack of socks. Black for sure to avoid his tendency to flat-out panic about stains. Evidently, even this strip mall CVS is influenced by the pretentiousness of the surrounding area: there’s a choice of organic cotton that costs about forty percent more. Leo wonders if that means he can permit himself to feel forty percent less shitty for not getting Aiden even one thing to call his own sooner. 
He’s not sure what to expect when they get to the register. The woman in her mid-forties has hoops in her ears and acrylic French tips tapping on the side of her lime green phone case. She unabashedly continues scrolling, even after Leo says hello until he finishes unloading the basket. 
“Morning,” she says offhandedly as she starts scanning and bagging. 
When Leo leans away stack away the empty basket, Aiden steps forward to soundlessly place the bottle of body wash on the counter. 
“And good morning to you too, darlin’,” the cashier says, winking theatrically. 
Leo is about to step in front of him, make some remark about the weather to pull focus, but Aiden flashes her a smile that is as dazzling as it is vacant. Leo finds it unsettling but the cashier laughs, joking about how Aiden should look her up when he’s ten years older. Leo forces a chuckle as he pays, shoving the receipt in his coat and telling her to have a nice day while he grabs the bags off the counter. 
She returns the pleasantries and waves at Aiden. Leo’s jaw almost hits the floor when Aiden wiggles his fingers back as they walk away. 
Outside, Leo shifts all the bags to one side, turning to offer Aiden his other arm. 
He holds on right away, glancing around nervously like he's a deer about to step into an open field. He can’t seem to decide if he should watch his footing or surroundings. The street lights cast harsh angles on his face, hollowing his cheeks and throat, deepening the weariness under his eyes. 
Night and day from the mask of a smile he’d pulled on inside and haunting in an entirely different way. Leo is struck again by how little he knows about Aiden, how much he may never know, and the fact that if he’s going to do right by him, he’ll have to be ready for it all.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
22 asks, Happy new years!! :DD🎉🎉
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:DD That's Kwazii! Thank you! I'm so glad you like my redesigns for all of them! :}}}
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Yesn't! Kwazii isn't Calico Jack's son- he's his grandson- but Kwazii is part Calico, part orange tabby! :}}
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Why thank you! :DD
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Well Bibi cant say no to some cookies! XXDD
(Also thank you! I'm glad you like him! :}}} )
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Although I don't know exactly how she would lose her AU.. Grillby and River lost their au becuase of a choice being undone. Think of it like this,
I was thinking that Grillby and Rivers timelines were the result of a humans (likely a Frisk's) decision. Then a reset was done and that decisions was changed. The thing that created that branching timeline was undone. Effectively erasing the timeline and everyone in it..
Because Frisk is the one with the resetting power.. how can her timeline be erased? If she's the one undoing things? The timeline just follows her path.. And since I don't want any of those world destroying sans' around, Like Error and nightmare.. I'm still thinking of ways that she could be left stranded.. :/
All of this said, its a little more complicated then that but that's a simple way to put it-
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Because my AU had already been fully re-written before the DLC came out. And she wasn't written into it :/ nor do I want to add her- she is a lore screw up n' a half- XDD
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Oh? You made a comic? :00 Neat! :DD
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The 1-ups grew out of what now-
(Also thank you! :DD And although I didn't intend for the 1-UPs to grow out of bodies.. it is an interesting/terrifying thought! :D
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Thank you so much! :DD As for facts about my little OCs.. hmm.. trying to remember <XD
Well I know that Bibi's favorite flavor of cake is Vanilla, (same dude)..
And uhh.....
..huh, my memory isn't doing me many favors today. That's about all I can remember- <XDD so sorry!
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Also thank you! :DD I'm glad it does! :}}
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XD No, I would just knock his hat off if I did
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Also! I think you're talking about this comic I made!(?) If so, you can find all the stuff about them under the "deltarune" tag on my blog :00
As for Bibi and my other critters, I'm glad you like them! You can find all of their stuff under either "bibi" or "factual fam" ..Man I really need to make a master post for them-
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No no, I just Googled "marsh rabbit" and drew what I saw :0
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Yes exactly! I believe that's the idea! :00
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XD Whelp Caine is dead-
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AWE! Thank you so much!! :DD
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Aww! Luigi was getting anxious while training with the ice power so Mario got some fire power and gave him a hug 🥺💖
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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angelbitezzz · 5 months
SO 👏
I been thinking really hard about how I'll be writing magic for whatever undertale related stuff I write.
If viewed as straightforward, we get an example of magic that could be reasonably tied to every human soul "trait" (more on that later) in undertale proper. Listed as follows:
Cyan magic: Tied to patience, requires targets to stop in order to avoid damage. Many monsters in Snowdin use it, though notably Papyrus, Sans and Asgore have used it
Orange magic: Tied to bravery, requires targets to move in order to avoid damage. Many monsters in Hotland use it, but a notable example would be Asgore as well
Green magic: Tied to kindness, could be reasonably tied to healing magic since healing is often associated with the color green, not to mention the game requires you to touch a green attack on some occasions (such as vegetoid's healing veggies). Plus Undyne and her turning you green, forcing you to stop moving but giving you the opportunity to protect yourself in the process
Blue magic: Tied to Integrity, likely something to do with gravity. Notable example is Papyrus and Sans, though Papyrus only uses it to weigh you down, versus Sans using it to throw you around (or maybe forcibly changing your direction of gravity?)
Yellow Magic: Tied to Justice, seems to be used strictly offensively? Notably, monsters don't use it against you, but Frisk is given the opportunity to use it during the Mettaton fights. However, I believe that the Karma poison damage from Sans's fight is because he's actively using Yellow magic at the time
Purple magic: Tied to perseverance. An oddball magic type, because the only Real example we get of it is during the Muffet fight. And since she's not technically part of the main cast despite having such a unique and notable boss fight, we don't get Much information on her personally to make any real guesses or judgements. And THIS is my sticking point, the thing I think about a lot
Muffet turns your soul purple, and you find yourself only able to move along the webbing that she strings up along the battle screen. You can't stray from the lines, you can only pass from line to line and move along them, until the magic wears off and you can move freely.
I have been thinking of how these magic types can be tied to elements as well, since we see a lot of certain kinds of monsters use certain types. I'll list my thoughts below
Cyan: Ice
Orange: Fire
Blue: Water/Or just straight up. Gravity. I know it's not traditional in a sense but we don't really get much on this one either bear with me
Green: Plant-life
Yellow: Electricity
Purple: And AGAIN I come up blank. Best I could figure? Earth. Rock. Or, conversely, the wind. Air. Something adaptable.
Purple stands out. It's a different sort of "trait" compared to the others, because all the others are straightforward. Anyone can define themselves by their Bravery, or their Kindness, or their sense of Justice, but who is defining themselves by how much they Persevere? Or Persist?
Soul Traits as I write them in TSoT or even Crossbones and Starstruck arent the end all be all of a person. It's simply tied to what chiefly motivates them. If they happen to be a mage, then the magic they use corresponds to that motivation, to that Color of magic. There's no right or wrong trait here, only intent.
Intent is important, intent is what causes you to be able to clear the genocide route so easily! Because the game knows you're going out of your way to grind—in short, you do more damage because you want to do more damage. If you don't want to hurt someone, then it's reflected in your attack. That is why monsters were so vulnerable during the war, because human vitriol made it all the easier for monster populations to be decimated.
Swinging back around to Perseverance: I think this trait—this magic, is completely personal. I think it reflects the user more so than the others because the point is to persevere—to survive. To Get Through This Shit. It's adaptability at its core.
Muffet is in a position where her family is split by the cold of Snowdin, and it seems like her family is extremely important to her, all posturing and threat displays and money hungry persona is masking the fact that she is concerned with and takes care of her own. And they care for her in turn—they do everything she asks, assist in the fight with you and help run her bake sakes, and upon her death you are greeted with a solemn scene of one of them rushing up to drop a flower where she stood and then rushing off again.
Adaptability and survival is important, but the best way to adapt and survive is to lean on others. Find your people, build your village and so on. She's never doing this alone. She knows this and it strengthens her. Her fight wouldn't be nearly as tough if she didn't have her spiders helping with it.
And ideally, a user of purple magic gets that strength from their loved ones. How that magic manifests depends on the person, as I've said before.
Muffet is a spider. She traps you in a web. Subtextually, one could argue that your connections to others are like a web expanding outwards to those that you know.
Angel, my self insert, has the perseverance soul trait. In Crossbones and Starstruck, you've seen her use purple magic once—to force her health to stop depleting. In a physical sense, she stopped the bleeding entirely, if only briefly. Ensuring her continued survival until help arrived. What else she can do with her magic, if anything, remains yet to be seen. But I'll tell you what—
Connections are important. Acknowledging your love for others only strengthens you. Electing to pretend that someone isn't important to you out of misguided fear of being rejected or misunderstood only hurts you, and thus, your magic.
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ciagent8 · 9 months
part one here if you guys like my rambling
we're back! we must continue the journey after . killing a lot of people.
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this reminds me of that thing in undertale with the uhh. lesser dog snowmans. HONEYDEW RESORT ENTRANCE!!:
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interesting. i wonder who runs this place? it looks cozy
(will ruin the atmosphere via murder) oh my GOD WHY IS THE WIND BLOWING. thats horrifying!
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oh my god
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who the hell killed everyone LAST time???
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well. not for long. (slowly pulls out gun)
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you dont FUCKING say huh
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how is coffee better than ice.... oh . it isnt. nvm
so wait why would i use the coffee ammo??????? is there a reason or
oh man, im so happy i finished that puzzle!
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(realizes i have to do it again) fuck
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we are struggling YAY WE DID IT martlet fight(?):
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oh you poor poor soul
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girlie we are a Homicidal Child
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Killing you
unfortunately, yes martlet, we DO try to kill everyone
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oh my god
it took me 7 TRIES!!!! YAHOOOOO.
fuck. she retreated. is that supposed to happen?? i feel like maybe im on a neutral route now. im not sure if she was supposed to retreat or not, she also mentioned how like. shes glad we attacked early cause she would've told us where everyone else is. you know what i think im gonna retry the battle
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interesting... if i apologize multiple times i get new dialogue. is she gonna spare us?
nevermind it doesnt do anything special it just. skips her boss and puts on neutral i suppose?
im gonna try apologizing and getting to her LAST line of dialogue and just. shooting her . eheheh
update: almost gave myself spoilers trying to see if there were any strategys (specifically for the part with the falling objects. god i hate that part)
so i just wasted time repeating the bossfight AND almost gave myself spoilers!! ..uwahhh
so. since i wasted so much time on martlet. i'll give some personal insight onto how the attack is.
God awful
most of her attacks are easy, *especially* since if you look at the crosshairs, it shows you what direction the attacks will go in/come from.
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so all you need to do is just stand there.
with the boxes, you just have to stick to the ground. its safest, just make sure not to get crushed by objects/incoming boxes. the WORST attacks in my opinion would be the feathers exploding into 3 extra feathers attack, and the wind attack with falling objects.
the first of the two is easier, just stay away from the big red feathers and treat it all like a bullet hell.
i still havent figured out a strategy for the wind attack, i honestly just hope i dont get a bad combination of objects and usually heal right before the attack arrives.
but, yeah! i also noticed if you apologize and then attack right after, she seems to skip a line of dialogue and also maybe an attack? its hard to tell.
so yeah! apologies for rambling
moving on!
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i like the fact you can see flowey during this cutscene
too bad we. crash. the boat.
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i'd also like to ramble once more; i like how all of these locations and characters clover meet are kind of implied to exist at the same time as the other monsters?
like, the dark ruins: frisk wouldnt encounter it because she never falls into the dark ruins.
the other part of snowdin? it makes sense it exists; we took a different exit out of the ruins, and if you look at the base game, you can overlook a HUGE forest. who knows how many more monsters there are around?
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i think im gonna feel the worst about killing him. look at him. a little guy
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also for some reason they remind me of. binding of isaac enemies. i dont know why.
one mORE thing i'd like to wonder: where is mo????
is mo gonna like.. come back? im just curious cause like he got a whole intro, theme song, everything. so surely hes gonna come back right??
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you've gotta be kidding me
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this. this is just sad.
the singular tree in the desert
on a lighter note i love the sprite artwork though!!!
OH MY GOD MO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hes like. trying so hard to be cool. and its kind of cool in a way if that makes any sense at all
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hell yeah mo time
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wait does he know we killed everyone
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hell yeah mo
love how he doesnt care that he killed everyone he just wants money. i love mo. fuck i do NOT want to kill him
damn i just realized he leaves when you buy his stock. i wonder if maybe on a pacifist route that'd be how you befriend him?
too bad he's gonna. erm. probably die. damn i do not wanna kill him
i have one again reached my image limit so i am taking a break. thats all folks! hope you enjoy my ramblings
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Do you ever feel like you stumble upon the shared memory of a collective fever dream? I mean, this is it, isn’t it? I’m sure whoever wrote this scene probably have their entirely personal fount of inspiration for it, but it’s still hard to shake the thought of a person waking up in a cold sweat after being haunted by the mad ghost of Los Hombres de Paco and exclaiming to themselves; “I know what my script needs, more lesbian frisking in a parking lot!”.
Look, I know it’s not like it’s a super original concept, but there’s still that part of me that’s pleased as punch about the scene itself, but also its context in some kind of loose lesbian canon. Because it’s hard not to draw parallels to that scene with Pepa frisking Silvia, the hotness of that scene was almost as formative as Spanish lullabies turned traumatic. For a period of time that show was the shit and we shared the insanity among us across all kinds of borders. And I know it’s an imagined sense of progression, but there is something in me that comes alive at the idea of a lesbian cultural heritage. The idea that we carry these kernels with us, these scenes, and whenever we get the opportunity we throw them into the mix, intended to go over the head of most, but hitting the target audience with a burst of mirth and nostalgia. That loop of group specific influences. There’s something about having that language. The older I get the more I treasure it, almost as much or more than the representation itself. That we have a language and culture of our own, one that gets to grow, and inspire, and lift up, and fill people with equal parts nostalgia and inspiration. It’s fucking neat. And, like I said, this scene probably has some entirely different origin, the writer of it might never even have heard of LHDP, but still - every lesbian of a certain age will watch this scene and feel that pang of the past. That tickles me, knowing that out there across the world there are other gleeful gays who are hit as hard as I was with the ghost of lesbian pasts. All these tendrils of shared fictional experiences and references…I like them, I like them a lot. Stuff like that puts icing on a lot of other shitty shit that comes with being gay and trying to survive mainstream fiction.
 Also, did I mention this is fucking hot. Well done, Sin Huellas, very well done.
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andreabandrea · 11 months
So, I am absolutely not the smartest Undertale or Deltarune theory crafter out there, not by a long shot. But sometimes I think about how I called it with regards to the abilities of the red soul without really trying to.
In early 2018, I wrote a (too-edgy, really) story called 'Unname the Fallen' in which a post-No Mercy route Frisk learned magic when starting a new run through the Underground (in the interest of not rambling about my unfinished fic and making this post even longer, I'll leave it at that).
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(I later deleted it because I was embarrassed by the Ow The Edge factor.)
In the fic, Toriel was teaching Frisk how to use their newfound magic.
“I believe a stick is a wonderful idea! The ability to summon multiple will come in handy. Perhaps one day you will encounter multiple dogs who want to play fetch. You’ll need lots of sticks for that,” she said. It took a moment to resume her pedantic, teacherly front rather than her dorky mom side. “… Anyway.”
(Excerpt from Unname the Fallen.)
She taught them that every different soul color has a type of magic associated with it, and that magic can be projected onto other beings.
For example, blue souls could make others turn blue (like the way Papyrus could. Even though he had a monster soul, monsters could use magic associated with soul colors-- like Undyne turning you green, and Muffet turning you purple, and so on).
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Now, every soul color in Undertale has a sort of virtue associated with it, right? Cyan is patience, yellow is justice... we learn these from the 'ball game', but we never learn one for the red soul. Fan theories have gone around on the red soul's true nature. 'Hope'... 'Determination'...
And smarter people than me, again, have written about how it's unlikely that the red soul is 'determination', since all human souls have determination. So I interpreted the red soul as 'individuality'. "Try as you might, you continue to be yourself," the ball game says. "Despite everything, it's still you."
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"But Andrea," you're saying, "other theory crafters suggested that already! You didn't come up with that!"
You're right, I didn't. But what I did come up with is how 'individuality' could be projected onto another being.
You might think that turning another soul "red" would just give them freedom to move around the box however they want (and possibly to grow little legs and flee from combat). The way I interpreted it is that projecting red soul magic onto a monster is that it gives you control of them. You project your individuality- your will- onto them.
This time, red bathed the monster slowly, spreading like a disease. Its little arms became immobilized, and it tried to run, but then its legs followed suit. Something interesting: now they could feel everything it felt. The pounding in its chest. The wideness of its beady eyes. [...] They moved Ice Cap’s legs as if parts of their own body-- no magic words, no moving their own arms, they were simply able to turn it around and walk it toward them like a remote-controlled toy. Its face was frozen in fear at what was happening to it. They walked it around more, experimentally, even making it jump and crouch.
(Excerpt from 'Unname the Fallen'.)
Using the power of the red soul, Frisk was able to control monsters. It was a power unique to them-- unique to the soul. This, rather than the red soul being 'individuality', is what I think I predicted.
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Later that year, in 2018, Deltarune Chapter 1 was released. And we learned that Kris is possessed by the red soul, which is controlling them.
And in 2021, with Deltarune Chapter 2 and the weird route, we learned how the red soul can be used to manipulate monsters-- even when the host is down.
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Granted, the red soul didn't literally possess Noelle and make her walk around against her will, but it did command her nonetheless.
I'm sure I'm not the first one who came up with the idea. The Undertale community is full of extremely clever and creative people, and like I said, others had thought of the red soul as 'individuality' before me.
I'm not trying to claim to be the first one to come up with this idea, and I certainly don't think I came up with it before Toby himself or anything. I just remembered my old fic the other day and I thought it was funny, so I wanted to post about it.
"Why are you only posting this if you think it's funny?" Because it's my blog. You're at the circus, you might as well watch the clown dance.
“I am sure you are aware of auras. Most humans cannot see them. They are extensions of the soul. The auras of humans are quite powerful because you have physical forms,” she said.
^ Excerpt from Unname the Fallen, early 2018.
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^ Screenshot from Deltarune Chapter 1, late 2018.
The idea of Frisk using magic came from screenshots of early builds of Undertale in which Frisk could use a 'spell' command.
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'Talk' was later changed into 'Act', of course, and 'spell' was never implemented. We do know that humans can use magic in some capacity, since they sealed the monsters underground with "a magic spell".
With more chapters of Deltarune upcoming, and many questions still surrounding Hometown and the nature of magic in the light world, I'm excited to see more regarding magic and the red soul in the future.
This has been me rambling over a now-deleted fanfic, thanks for reading if you made it this far.
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charles-among-us · 5 months
Giving Twst characters Delta Pokémon from Pokémon Insurgence. I’m trying not to do duplicates. Some of these are on the nose, others *cough* Ace *cough* aren’t because I couldn’t decide on one that suits them the best in my eyes. Descriptions are short.
-What is a Delta Pokémon?
• Basically like a Convergence Pokémon from Scarlet and Violet, but keep their original name.
Cut for length just in case.
Pt 1 | Pt 2
Riddle - Delta Mawile
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• I couldn’t see a better fit for him. Also, it’s shiny is purple and black which is cute, but it’s also has seven weaknesses because it’s Grass/Dark.
Trey - Delta Dewbble (Cake Variant) -> Delta Crustle
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• Also a Pokémon that fit him. Look at it, it’s literally a cake. The hero of Unbirthday parties. It also uses the fork on its back to fend off thieves. It’s a Fairy/Normal type.
Cater - Delta Kirlia -> Delta Gardevoir
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• I know what some of you will say why am I giving Cater a very Vil coded Pokémon. Truth is, I have a different Pokémon in mind for Vil. Delta Gardevoir is the Nuzzle Pokémon, legit so cute for pictures and in Delta Kirlia’s dex entry, it says it loves dancing to swing music, and when it’s excitement goes up, it starts producing electric sparks and snow! Electric/Ice type!
• However, I don’t see him using Mega Evolution regardless of how cute it is.
Ace - Delta Petilil (Fairy) -> Delta Lilligant
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• …Where do I even start… Ace gave me trouble when deciding on which Delta to give him. And I had narrowed it down to Delta Petilil or Delta Pikachu. If any of you have a better Delta to give him, go for it. I give up on thinking. Regardless, both Delta choices are Fairy/Flying.
Deuce - Delta Buneary -> Delta Lopunny
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• Delta Buneary’s dex entry makes it more Ruggie coded, because it steals from people and either of its abilities literally Pickpocket or Frisk. But as a Lopunny, it would have found inner peace and fights when necessary. Like Deuce! It’s pure Fighting.
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The Concierge Plays Fetch - Sans (Part 10)
“So you are the reason for my sudden shortage of mustard.”
Sans raises his head from the pile of empty shot glasses and mustard bottles as you approach. “sweetheart,” he purrs in welcome, leering at you, bracing an elbow on the bar to turn to face you. “you’re a sight for sore eyes.”
Hmm, there seems to be a difference in his inflection as he speaks to you. Just like with Papyrus just a few minutes ago. How intriguing. 
The bar is empty, the Bartender having fled with a look of relief when he laid eyes on you. Reflexively, you go to stand behind the counter, taking Sans’ dirty glasses to begin rinsing them and putting them into the dishwasher. 
“Is there a particular brand of mustard that you prefer, Mister Sans?” You ask conversationally. Like Papyrus’ overloaded squat bar, you’re impressed at the variety of mustard and the sheer quantity of it messily arranged next to him. “Allow me to clear the empty bottles.”
You had barely waved your hand in the direction of the empty jars and bottles before it is seized in a gentle grip by ivory phalanges. The high quality cloth of your glove dulls the sensation of bone on skin. Teases at it. You find yourself wanting to...to...
“mustard-ing at the best kind,” Sans rumbles invitingly at you, his permanent grin taking on a...you think it’s a sultry look but you’re not sure. 
Your mind then processes his words. Was that a pun? You think it’s a pun. The d when he said mustard was fairly quiet...
Blinking slowly, you let a small smile crack your neutral expression slightly. “How charming, Mister Sans.” 
“why thank you.” He rubs the knuckles of his free hand on his chest, the red, high collared shirt showing signs of his afternoon binge. His black tailored jacket, luckily, hangs on the back of his bar stool. 
All this while, he still has your hand in his. Technically, it’s loose enough that you can easily pull away, but you find yourself just...waiting. For what, you’re not quite sure, but at the same time you’re not inclined to break contact just yet. How intriguing.
Sans doesn’t make you wait long, luckily. Firm teeth press to the back of your gloved hand in a courtly gesture right over your scar, though Sans ruins it by winking up at you. “come on, have a drink with me.” He gestures with his head to the shelves of drinks behind you. 
Your answer is on the tip of your tongue. “The Manager has moved the meeting forward, Mister Sans. King Asgore, Captain Undyne, and Mx Frisk are waiting in the Lounge for you and Mister Papyrus.”
“augh, the meeting,” he groans, letting go of your hand to reach for a shot glass that he fills with yellow mustard. As if he wasn’t the one who made the meeting happen in the first place. “well, if they’ve been waiting, ain’t gonna hurt to make ‘em wait a little more.”
The smile on your face spreads a little more. Gutsy for a guy who seems to answer to the King. “One would think making royalty wait would be inadvisable,” you say evenly as you reach for a glass bottle of soda, pouring it into a glass filled with ice. You don’t mention that it’s equally as inadvisable to keep the Manager waiting. “Mister Papyrus has gone to refresh himself.” 
“i bath he’ll be a while,” Sans sneers into his mustard, throwing it back like a shot. Red pilot lights of eyes drift to the glass of soda, placed on the counter in front of you. “not a drinker?”
“No,” is your only answer as you lift it to your lips to drink. It doesn’t go unnoticed that Sans’ eyes remain on the glass, on your lips. No, you don’t miss it, but neither do you acknowledge it. 
“former drinker?” Sans pries with a sly look.
You try not to sigh, but admittedly you do catch an exhale on its way out. To refrain from making any further comment, you keep your hands busy by clearing some of the empty bottles next to Sans’s elbow. They go right into the bin; you refuse to deal with the smell of mustard for the rest of the night. Particularly if they get on your gloves.
That, however, seems to be enough for Sans. He nods understandingly, “sodas why.” 
You despise the fact that he seems to be reading your reactions. He’s far too perceptive for your liking, truly.
“ain’t throwing stones here, sweetheart.” His red tongue slips from between his serrated teeth, glowing and ghostly and cleaning the shot glass. 
As much as you try not to stare, it’s a little hard not to. A quick glance is all. But it’s enough for Sans. 
“‘s a little tongue in cheek, but i can give you a private demonstration if you want.” Sans wriggles his tongue at you, undulating between his two fingers that he brings up to his eternal grin. “maybe later tonight?”
Your expression doesn’t change. It’s difficult, but it doesn’t change. And yet you don’t discourage him. 
“If you would finish your drink, Mister Sans, I shall show you to the lounge.” Your glass did not contain much to begin with, but you finish it in a slow sip, eyes locked on his.
Despite the deflection, Sans only seems to be tickled by your lack of rejection. He laughs in a rolling rumble, snatching the sole glass of whiskey beside him to finish it in one gulp. “’s not a no,” he sings through his exhale, licking his teeth. 
Again, you do not react. There is no break in your movements as you rinse the glass you used, as you gather the glasses he used, as you put them all into the dishwasher. “Are you ready, Mister Sans?” 
The skeleton pauses then, just for a moment. Seemingly rolling your choice of words in his head. When you look at him expectantly, he lets a rumbling purr vibrate from his chest, hopping off from the stool and throwing his jacket over his shoulders. 
Like the Cheshire cat eyeing a choice bit of cake, he purrs, “Lead the way.”
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achillean-knight · 11 days
LETS GO!!!!!! MY BROTHER AND I BRAINSTORMED SOME IDEAS FOR MY FINAL FANTASY x UNDERTALE AU >:D We decided to call it FinalTale just bc Undertale AU's kinda retain Under or Tale in the title? And also, it just kinda reminds me of Final Fantasy with Tale's usually being fantasy :> (Oh and this is under the cut so casual scrollers don't get bombarded with a WHOLE ASS line of text)
The barrier between the humans and monsters extends to the hole that Frisk/Chara fall through. There have been no other instances of humans ever falling down as it is INSANELY rare to ever fall between both worlds
Each of the crystals are summons that Asgore wants, so he can use their powers to become an all-powerful god to take revenge on the humans (maybe they invaded the underground once and killed MANY monsters.)
Ruins gets Ramuh, just based on the fact that he is usually the first summon you get/considered the wise guide of sorts (plus I didn't know where TF an electric type would go but that doesn't seem to matter for some final fantasy games anyways so PSHHH)
Snowdin gets Shiva, bc obviously, ice elemental LMFAO
Waterfall gets Leviathan because... water
Hotland gets Ifrit bc- ok yes Fire.
Including the Wild East from UT Yellow bc I remembered Titan and I needed him in the story so the crystals would equate to 7 in total lol but yeah he's an earth elemental and that was the only idea that came to mind for him KLSDKJGHSD
Frisk somehow has the Bahamut summon with them (light element), which renders them able to go into trace! :D And was also the reason they fell into the underground and was able to bypass the barrier unlike other humans.
Asgore already has the shadow/dark crystal (Odin), which means all he needs is Frisks light crystal + the Thunder crystal to become an all powerful god cause' he has most definitely already taken every crystal in the underground save for the ruins bc NOBODY goes there.
Chara and Asriel are not present as enemies in this story-- aswell as Flowey not being a thing? I imagine they're sorta the angel that's sealed between the barrier and human realm. Maybe Chara was the ONLY human without a crystal that stumbled into the underground, and being human, Chara couldn't survive there, long term. Honestly, seeing as I've given Asgore Odin by default, and somehow Toriel has Ramuh in the ruins, I can see maybe Asriel had Phoenix as a crystal? And used some of its rebirth abilities for Chara, but he had to use his own soul to actually harness it due to Chara being human and not monster-- And in a last ditch effort, Asriel did the sorta-- Monster absorbs humans soul and turns into a god-like being sorta deal but using Phoenix's rebirth abilities instead and so they became a being in itself, rendering them far too dangerous to keep in the underground. Maybe Asgore seals them away, fearing what they can do and not knowing that whatever they turned into is an "Angel" of sorts. Absolutely 100% someone who can revive you if you completely die btw JJHSDGSD I can see you able to obtain them as a summon if you do a SPECIFIC side quest throughout the game, kinda like how you can get the Fierce Deity mask in Majora's Mask by doing certain side quests (yes, ik, totally different game series but it gets the idea around >:3) Aswell also sorta the snowgrave route but not messed up KJHGDSD just a... very long and convoluted side quest that gives you major benefits in the long run.
Due to this angel-like summon being sealed away, they're located between the barrier and human world. You WILL see them anyways, even if you don't earn them as a summon, just bc you'll see them after defeating Asgore and returning to the barrier to go home, but gaining them before then, would hypothetically give you an alternate scene-- maybe you can use the Angel summon to destroy the barrier in its entirety and let the humans and monsters finally live in harmony. So YEAH!
There's technically still a good and neutral route, but no geno bc-- idk how that'd work in a Final Fantasy sense UYGSDDSGHJDS
Oh yeah, more stuff I wanna add!
Each of your party members are the boss fights you actually fight throughout UT, so Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne & Mettaton with Alphys being another party member + being the sorta... spiritual successor of Cid bc she'd be that crazy mechanic that you see in EVERY Final Fantasy LMFAO And Sans is a secret party member that, like how the Summon is OP, Sans is a powerful ally you can only earn by doing an optional bossfight. That way, there doesn't have to be a geno route to get the sans fight >:0 Oh and Mad Mew Mew would also be an optional party member, but like, she's a sorta normal levelled party member like everyone that's not sans JHDGHDSJH I can see her having pretty frequent banter with Mettaton specifically if you have them both on a team LMFAOOOOO
This is sorta what I have right now! :D If I design the summons, I'll 100% make them more monster than human (Shiva for example would not be human like she usually is. More monster like Ifrit!)
BUT YEAH! Final Fantasy 6 has given me alot of ideas so far >:3
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charaofthedead · 1 year
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now i know what your thinking ... wammie what in the ultimate grilled cheese are you talking about?! ok so ill explain the origins of this.
so one day i was watching an undertale cringe cop re-living the early days of the fandom with my boyfriend when i saw a woman sans and i had a brain blast and ran to ms paint and drew what isaw in my head and then i drew a chara n marph and then i drew a frisk then a papyrus then a flowey then an alphys but i decided to line, rework and color the first 4 but while i drew and lined i was listening to an old song from my childhood days .. lil johns get low and then i had an idea why not make the au about things i had when growing up and then listened to another song called oh oh oh sexy vampire and then transparent soul (the song) and more and more and i just let my imagination loose on this one! i really hope y'all enjoy what i have so far i really let my autistic obsessions came out on this one
plot summary
the aftermath of a world where everyone came together to fight off and end a genocide route a reward is given to those who fought a choice is given a choice is made to keep the underground safe it must be hidden.
so yes sans is a girl i wont explain in lore reasons why but just know it was cuz of sans fan girls potentially LMAO this sans is quite different from your typical sans she enjoys ice fishing she loves to tinker with things and is even a professional gunsmith shes also a bit of an artist doing graffiti so shes more MOTIVATED than a normal sans but their still lazy but lazy with a mischievous child to take care of aka chara yes in this world chara is sans'es kid this does have lore explanation but i wont say it for now abiltys:{redacted]
chara an marph
chara is strange to cuz im not sure what they are i mean i like to think their a bizarre vampire but also more of a devil this chara loves to cause may/ham cuz their a they/them who was revived 8 years ago and was taken in by sans the one who gave them life chara is of course and oddball creature of chaos but chara is also righteous and has a heart of gold their also a mega lameo dork
chara loves to spend time i with their best friend marph! they love to draw they think cars are super cool they also have a shared interest with sans and that's guns and art and they both love animation but chara hates ice fishing but still goes to spend time with their mamma
(also eyes may change color depending on mood idk)
now marph is marph he is a box who marphs around he is just a lil guy where he comes from no one really knows marph loves chara their best pals and they like to run around and mess with people marph loves pizza its their absolute favorite! marph can also store items he has infinite space within his box self
ok so frisk is also an oddball they LOVE vampires to quote their favorite son "Oh oh oh sexy vampire I'm falling in love ..So just bite me baby And drink all my blood (oh yeah) Sexy vampire I'm falling in love with you" as you can see frisk dresses a bit oddly well see i was trying to make them as 2009 internet fashion as possible while adhering to my own design philosophy they look fine but it may be remade but its fine for now but any way frisk is also a big dork nerding out about sonic or invader zim writing fanfics drawing ship art of their favorite ships they also love old technology and their really good at DDR their a total nerd who wont apologize for being them self and encourages others to be them self too well along as it doesn't hurt anyone this frisk is a pacifist to a point they will defend them self abiltys:metal hand
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snowed up town is like snowed inn but bigger more advanced more monsters more buildings some with sans'es graffiti on them and then you have the train on the save roof i just think its neat it shows how big this underground is
snowed undercity is a big downtown area of snowed up town its like an old 80s anime kinda city pop place lots going on never a dull moment there the light's, the music, the coziness the new have to get ridge leading to it it's the only way to get there and yes its by train and then below you have the void stream of hope and dreams (temp name maybe) it is bottomless and doesn't to feel like water and yet you can float if you have hope
the ruins of a long lost rail yard..? but why does it have a sky? how are the fields so long and unraveling how does it have life...truly a bizarre place as the train does not move and there are multiple cars filled with different items... monsters seem to live nicely here..why don't they just go through the door? the sense of hope hear is intoxicating the feeling of adventure is alive a sense of FUN is very alive here
sans's theme funny name cuz they a mamma who wanna protect their family
i would like to say that i used a melody from a song i like in the first half its from a klaatu song called were off you know and i used a zelda song too, song of storms too
extra art i did
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you may draw these characters if you wish there will be more designs soon i h o p e
im unsure if this should be a comic or not or maybe it should be something else im unsure i have alot of ideas for it!
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lilybug-02 · 2 years
Thank you for lettin me info dump! im going to start off with the theme and the most flushed out character i have!
In my au, everything is the opposite, mainly the theming of many of the characters. of course, to trully get this right, the characters have to be other characters. so instead of Noelle Holiday, we will have Jackie Hallow, whose themes have shifted from a scared christmas reindeer, to a brave/cocky halloween werewolf. instead of being smart and scholarly, they are on the school's sports team with berdly's replacement. in the dark world, she's switching from ice themed to ones of fire instead, with snowgrave being replaced by one that resembles a witches pyre, with a ring of fire obscuring anyone on the inside. also her outfit switches to a Red riding hood theme, to go along with the wolf aspect of Jackie. Please let me know if you want to hear more about the other characters!
O. M. G. I love this concept! It sounds like it has its own unique twists, while still keeping it close enough to the original theming!! (the names definitly keep it original tho 0w0 sounds like it could be its own fun game hah!) The prospect of the Christmas theming to Halloween theming is genius and I can only imagine the fun switches with the other characters! Kris could be Faris? Fara? and literally just have a similar color scheme to Frisk rather than Chara. Susie... could be more nice? Maybe fairy like to offset the dragon-like/sharptooth appearance? EEE this sounds like a very fun AU idea.
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apotelexma · 3 months
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✶⤷ ​ hi, i'm ramsey or just rams, for short. i use they / its pronouns, and i'm 30 years old. i have 2 cats, and they're both little bastards. i've been rping on and off for over 12 years now, honestly, and 7 of those weren't all spent rping on just tumblr. ive rped both on discord and in chatzy quite a few times, and i really enjoy chatzy because of how low maintenance it is and am absolutely open to threading over there and posting a big manuscript on my blog later.
✶⤷ ​anyway i didn't want to make an indie, but the dEMONS in me wanted me to make an indie... so yeah, after whatever possessed me into making an indie rp blog let me go a little bit, i suddenly remembered that since i've been out of ani rp for the past like 7 or so years that that meant i didn't have any of my ani icons anymore, just my real fcs. i started promptly punching and kicking the air in annoyance because i know DAMN well how hard it is to unearth any collection of grell or izaya icons ever at this point in time.
✶⤷ however!!! i did finally manage to find an icon template that i liked and i just made one set per muse for both their ani fc as well as for their real fcs because i just. cant be assed to make multiples. i'm descriptive, you figure it out LOL.
✶⤷ hoooooopefully it looks alright on a white background (i'm always on dark mode. my eyes are bad.), please please please let me know if it doesn't! i don't want to have my things inaccessible to others or cause major eye strain, bc ik the feeling.
✶⤷ i'm gonna have a couple of open starters thrown up next, so feel free to grab one once they go out if you'd like. hello to all the people that followed me as well, nice to meet you!! while i'm here i'm going to figure out my tags situation here so i have it handy and so that anyone cant take anything and blacklist it if they want.
✶⤷ seriously it's just an ungodly amount of tags below. jesus christ why am i like this. i'll definitely be putting them on a page for ease of access when it's not nearly 6:30 am kjdfhkjdf. and i'm posting a separate tag dump post so i can actually find this one again.
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⭔﹒▸ ooc: update ⭔﹒▸ ooc: vent ⭔﹒▸ ooc: reaction ⭔﹒▸ ooc: rambling ⭔﹒▸ ooc: tag dump
⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: percy ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: geal ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: alice ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: vael ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​oc: jaheem
⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: izaya ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: grell ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: dipper ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: frisk ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: hibari ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒​cc: izuku
⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: thread ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: thread
⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: percy ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: geal ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: alice ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: vael ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: jaheem ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: izaya ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: grell ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: dipper ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: frisk ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: hibari ⭔﹒▸ ani﹒⁘﹒​fc: izuku
⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: percy ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: geal ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: alice ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: vael ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: jaheem ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: izaya ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: grell ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: dipper ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: frisk ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: hibari ⭔﹒▸ rl﹒⁘﹒​fc: izuku
⭔﹒▸ ooc﹒⁘﹒rp: interest check ⭔﹒▸ ooc﹒⁘﹒rp: starter call ⭔﹒▸ ooc﹒⁘﹒rp: wanted connection
⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒rp: open starter ⭔﹒▸ ic﹒⁘﹒rp: closed starter
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: soundtrack
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: visage ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: visage
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: aesthetics
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: headcanons
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: dash commentary
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒musing: memory ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒musing: memory
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒verse: ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒verse:
⭔﹒▸ percy﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ geal﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ alice﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ vael﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ jaheem﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ izaya﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ grell﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ dipper﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ frisk﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ hibari﹒⁘﹒relationship: ⭔﹒▸ izuku﹒⁘﹒relationship:
ᗜ ⤷ more tba later!
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bigshotcirca1997 · 2 years
Okay people have been asking me to explains what stands out between snowgrave and no mercy/genocide . I struggle with reading and phrasing things so sorry if some of this sounds odd ,':3
how punishment works.
Snowgrave, albeit very dark and more blunt then no mercy, doesn't exactly punish you for putting berdly in a comatose state. THE most you get is noelle and susies relationship going back to susie thinking she's scared of her, and noelle also fearing her childhood friend but the player gets off scot-free. We haven't seen the whole game, but from what it looks like, you're going to be regarded as a murderer in that one fountain, where it doesn't even exist to the outside world. Nobody else is going to know how many you've really killed.
No mercy, on the other hand, everyone starts fleeing. People go from believing you can change, to trying to guard the barrier to stop you from getting out and doing it to your own people. Sans endangers a child, just to stop YOU from using this kid to hurt more people, which is why some people say his theme is the players theme (I don't believe this, because his theme belongs to another certain someone else too rendering this impossible?!).
The only person that believes you're capable of changing your ways is papyrus. His death leads to the rest of the bosses frantically wondering what happened, alphys especially.
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Both pap and alphys would be the two people to trust you right off the bat, and since you've broken that trust, they're doing everything they can to stop you where you stand, snowgrave doesn't do this! Nobody really evacuated, Nobody really got away before you decided to start hurting them. Infact, when you initiate this route its already far too late for them to start running.
Route play-out functions
I know ALOT of people have mentioned the dumpster countdown, and spamtons importance to how it functions, but this is what also interests me.
You do not know how many people are left, you have to be told by someone, guided by another monster, to know what you're supposed to be doing. No mercy lays everything out for you, down to the save points giving you exact amounts remaining in each area!
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Yes, they are direct copies supposed to mimic the way genocide functions, but the difference is an outer force is guiding you and giving you exact amounts to massacre entire areas of monsters that remain. Snowgrave gives you some puppet that suffered, and is using you and noelle as an outlet to get his revenge.
Youre being messed with WHILST youre manipulating kris's friend. You are just as vulnerable, you needed spamton for your next tool to ice berdly, whereas in genocide the only real roadblock is sans, but even his forces don't stop you if youre good at the game.
The tedious open spaces for snowgrave, the closed off areas that you can just pace around for no mercy!
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There is ALWAYS a save point nearby, so you can keep track of your kill streak. Snowgrave makes your journey far worse, once you've started you can't exactly stop. There's hardly save points, your items can only gather from junk you find laying around, and iced corpses will stay there for when you go back to get something.
Both have horrible amounts of work to stop you from marching foward, no mercy has stupidly high amounts of monsters for you to kill, snowgrave has a step-by-step plan for you to initiate it, and the further in you get the more ridiculous it is. Both games literally go "wtf??? You actually did it" each time you initiate the route. Snowgrave has jingles for each time you properly complete a part, no mercy has another person seeing you as a vile human each time you wipe out another area.
Human guidance (kris vs frisk)
Alot of people have spoken about this, but I think there's alot more people fail to mention. Kris is naturally a very quiet kid, but they aren't silent, or emotionless. Infact, they are way more expressive than the game is letting us know! For frisk, however, we only know that they were an outcasted child. YOU decide how frisk reacts to the monsters they've just met, your initial reaction helps them develop theirs, exactly the way a child learns from their parent how to react to someone you've just met.
Some people forget frisk is very young (for this, and MANY, MANY other things too. >:[), so the drastic difference is you're using an impressionable child to do your work, whereas in snowgrave you weaponise some poor teenagers friendships to re-traumatise all of them.
Both react very differently to what you're doing to them. Frisk has no choice but to listen to you, they're a kid, they wouldn't know it any different from an adult guiding them.
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They learn from your guidance that these monsters aren't worth the time, if you don't react they won't bother either. You turn them into a cold, careless killer. You teach this child to have the old views of humans, and in the process endanger humanity from it too. Alot of people turn both frisk and chara into the villains, but both of them are young children in a place they don't recognise, they're obviously going to rely on this nagging voice, this soul controlling them to help them get home. What happens during that process is out of their control, this is all on you.
Kris, on the other hand, is very clearly trying to let their friends know they aren't okay. Constant silence, barely any emotions, lashing out to let people know someone else is using their body to do harm on others. (Can't get images, mobile limit is WAY too small lul) you aren't even using kris, perse, you're using noelle. The impact of trapping berdly both hurts noelle and kris, yet kris will hold this guilt as long as you remain a constant force for them, and they hate you for it.
Using kris as a vessel to hurt noelle, and using frisk as a vessel to spread the old views of humans towards monsters. Noelle is more optimistic on things, shes not innocent at ALL despite what people say, but you use her close best friend to hurt her. Kris has to stand and take this all in, let you hurt her and their childhood friendship, because they aren't in control so long that soul keeps them in the backseat. Frisk has to go up to the surface with a warped view on regards to life, and who truly deserves to live.
Your impact on these kids stays with them, despite kris being very emotionally defensive, you still manage to hurt them. You manage to hurt noelle, too, despite not even having physical control over her. You use kris as the gearstick, making them the monster in noelles eyes. Kris constantly kindly tells you to fuck off, whereas frisk can't say or do much, because they haven't matured enough to know.
Other stuff :P
This one is something many people have pointed out, so I don't feel the need to say much more on it, but the way monsters die. Snowgrave is far more darker, you freeze them eternally, and leave them to die in a sealed fountain. Berdlys death is also horrible both in the way it plays out, and the way you torture noelle to get to it. No mercy is more "kill now, think about it later" kind of shtick. They aren't brutal, but it really makes you think on how it's so easy to do it, and then your actions come crawling back when you really are a danger.
Berdly and papyrus, the two people who strongly believed in frisk/kris, are violently dealt with and hurt for doing so. These two have parallels that are more complex, and I don't wanna fill this with MORE text, but you get the idea. You hurt "your" most trusting friends to get your way, and both deaths are a sign that you are now too far in to turn back.
Dialogue changes too, where it goes from chipper to regarding you as a force to not be reckoned with. Alot of people say chara is the narrator for undertale, I do think this too, but this also plays into you manipulating a child to get your way! Chara is already a very troubled kid, being raised in an environment that just wasn't made for them, so obviously they're going to be very upset in death for what you're doing, but they can't stop you aswell, so on and so forth, yadda yadda. You get it :P
Sans, noelle, kris and so on talking directly to YOU. I don't need to really talk about this, you can find alot of people mentioning it already. Everyone knows that you're to blame, not these kids you're forcing to hurt people. Don't need to mention that when it's been said enough XD
Spamton is a different case entirely, kind of based of him to use you to set his own plan into motion (KIDDINF OBVIOUSLY) but he's a different case that would need a different post and oh MAN do I have alot to say about him and his situation.
We've barely touched the surface for deltarune, so some of the stuff here could change! So far, though, this is what I've noticed.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on that . Thank you if you actually read my nonsense I don't really post my thoughts/analysis on stuff publicly :^]
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